Self Built Japanese Kei Truck Camper | Car Camping & Cooking Hibachi

Published: Aug 12, 2024 Duration: 00:22:42 Category: Entertainment

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all right I think this is where we're turning off the camp tonight thank God I'm getting off this road cuz there is people behind me now wow I'm sweating this is a definitely been the most stressful part of the drive that I've had to do so far [Music] [Music] morning trying to conserve some energy here turn the lights off get this window open last night I kind of ran through my power I was charging my laptop and uh drained my battery Bank to zero so we got a nice sunny day today we should get most of it back but we're just camped out at this parking ride on the side of the highway kind of loud last night for uh sleeping cuz we're right next to the highway but at this point in my life I'm kind of used to it doesn't even really face anymore usually when I make an omelette I I put one slice of cheese in but today I wanted to be a little adventurous and try two slices of cheese I think it was too much cheese but today I have one last trial that I'm putting the K truck camper through and that is its final mountain pass before we uh kind of get back over the Coastal Range and uh onto the right side of the coast where the roads as long as you hug the coast are relatively flat and even and essentially for getting back over this coaster range I have uh I have two options one of which I took on the way here on the main Highway that was at absolutely terrifying with cars driving around me going 60 MPH and me going 2530 up mountain passes on the highway so I don't think I want to do that one again so instead of taking that route down Route One through goia we're going to take back roads down the range here Past Lake kachima up through the range here and then we're back down in Santa Barbara I do think I might try to find a spot on top of the mountain to camp tonight and cook up some Japanese iachi cuz that's something I haven't done since we're in Japanese key truck I thought it might be fun to cook some iachi in the back so I might try to find a spot tonight on top of that mountain C before we can get started with any of that we are kind of back in the city now so there's more amenities and I think I might go take advantage of this plan of Fitness is a few minutes away get a workout get a shower get my day started right also yesterday when I was uh driving down the road I drove past this stand that was selling uh Japanese Buton ey trees so I picked her up I haven't found a spot in the back of the camper so it's kind of just sitting up here in the front for now but I couldn't just drive by it in my Japanese K truck and not get it so got a little shotgun rer now [Music] beautiful all nice and clean I got my new shirt on feeling good also did have my first mishap with the truck yesterday I had uh I had two blackies zip ties on here now one's white because I left the lights on and the battery died so I had to get uh some of to come out and give me a jump but luckily I was um in town so it only took like 15 minutes just got to remember to make sure I turn my lights off cuz you take for granted newer cars they automatically turn off but even in my old car that I had that was an ' 04 uh Mustang before I had the van if I would leave my lights on it would beeper me to remind me to turn them off but this car doesn't do anything it doesn't tell you if your lights are on and during the day it's kind of hard to tell see how we're doing on power too started off today at zero it died this morning my fan just turned off at like 8:00 a.m. but it's been Sunny so we're back up to 37% got 135 Watts coming in from solar and 95 Watts coming out from fridge and lights and when I turn the lights off it'll be a lot less it'll charge faster fridge only drills about 50 when it's on when the compressor's on and the compressor is not always on once it's cooled to Temp the compressor will kick off that is only the second time that I've run out of power on this trip the first time is cuz I ran my Kettle and it went from like 17 to Z in 3 seconds other than that it's been more than enough power for me to uh live on anyways let's get to the store and get some stuff for our Deluxe Habachi dinner tonight in the back of my K truck and I think since this is this is one of the last nights that I'm going to have on this trip before I uh make my way back home I'm going to kind of try to go all out make a big Habachi dish have a good one it's coolest thing about this mini truck is doesn't matter what age you are I've had 5year olds and I've had 80 year olds it doesn't matter what race you are what sex you are I've had girls guys every single Walk of Life come up to me and it's just I think this thing is universally cool to everyone there's no subset of people that think this is cooler than other people I almost don't even feel bad when I'm driving slow on the roads cuz the people behind me whenever they drive by they're always smiling looking out the window honking it's pretty cool to be able to just drive a car down the road and and put smiles on people's faces just for the basic fact that they saw it and it makes me kind of proud cuz I built it with help obviously shout out Trevor and Kyle and Nick but nonetheless still cool but I do really have to find a place to put this Bonsai probably figure that out tonight before I get to cooking beautiful view from this Walmart parking lot you can see the ocean up in the distance just in case I don't run out [Music] tonight should have everything we need now get it all packed away all righty let's hit the road [Music] [Music] all right this is it this is the final test of this mini truck and I know this mountain pass I've driven it before and before I left I Googled the flattest route back home and it said this was it and I guess it's because it was mostly flat all the way up to here but I know that this mountain pass is anything but flat so I'm not going to lie I'm kind of nervous about it but hopefully the little tank can do it and we're only doing half today and half tomorrow which I think should make it a little bit better but I think pretty much from here on it's all uphill it is beautiful though but this is it we're climbing from here luckily there is nobody behind us cuz we are going we're going pretty fast we're going almost 80 km an hour going to get a run running start going down this hill for this uh next uphill section going almost 100 km an hour right now which feels fast in the mini truck but it's really not that fast all right I officially have my pedal to the floor we are slowing extremely rapidly now my foot could not be pressed any harder on this pedal R 60 and slowing we are crawling up this hill this little mini truck makes it over the Mountain I swear to God the first thing I'm doing is taking it into the shop and getting it tuned up oh this engine sounds like it's about to explode luckily we were only4 mile away or half mile away from the spot that we're camping at the top up here not the top of the pass but at least we'll give her a little break before she has to finish this out tomorrow little guy made it at least made it to Camp whether he will finish out tomorrow we will find out but he is getting a much deserved break wow I'm sweating this is uh definitely been the most stressful part of the drive that I've had to do so far but he's killing it give him a little rest wow I don't know how much more of this uh mountain is left we made a decent amount of progress up here pretty high elevation of cool signs yeah yeah I built it myself I'm just taking a little break cuz going up this pass is like it's crazy in this thing are you guys traveling from Florida well so I bought this in Seattle um this thing is cool too I met it online or I found it online we flew out on um this thing is crazy cool I've always wanted one of these too Rick Ryan hey Ryan to meet you my daughter Daisy I do uh I do YouTube videos traveling this thing so that's why that's why I'm filming everything but yeah so uh does the top pop up it does yeah I got a little kitchen up there what is this like storage back here yeah the storage is pretty minimal I tell by the suitcases yeah we are wish we hadn't bought them but to fly so I just oh yeah it's really small in there there's tons of room for the two of us we we slept in here every night even when we had the choice of staying with friends at their house that's what I always do with my old van I always I always stayed in the van when I even when I had a bedroom available to me cuz it feels like it's like uh at least for me it felt like the van was home so I'm not sure how many gallons you got in the tank but it's got a little s that tells you where you're at about that's cool so you own you own kiwi's Pub and Grill I do you ever in uh elonte Springs Florida Al yeah how do you say it alante alamonte call alamont kiwi Pub and Grill have a good [Music] one they're so cool looking but anyways before uh he pulled in I was over here reading these signs and I'll kind of show you what I'm talking about with there's there's no other option than to go through these mountains there's no way around them so you've got uh kosha pass which is the one I took on the way here so I came down Route One went up through here and then kind of went out this way this time I drove around down through here Past Lake kachima and then we're just about like right here maybe and then the top of the pass is 3 Mi uphill down that road so I might try to get out of here early tomorrow morning to avoid the traffic and kind of get out of here when there's not as many people driving on the road but definitely can't beat the views up here this is spectacular beautiful but I'm getting I'm getting hungry so I'm going to get started cooking and see if we can find a place to put this little Bonsai so cute I actually think I'm going to back into this spot so I can open my door and not have it open up to the parking lot just kind of hoping it would fit up there but it just barely doesn't I just have to keep it on the floor for now and then uh build something to put it in once I get back back home but it'll sit there for now it's pretty hot up here definitely not as cool as it's been by the ocean I'm going to sit down and cool off a little bit and then get started on cooking some hiachi all right I'm giving myself enough time to cool off very least to get my rice started so that's cooked and ready to go whenever we're ready to cook the rest of the meal and then once that's boiling we set it aside I'll get started on cooking the rest of the stuff which shouldn't take too long honestly it's not very complex of a recipe but I'm starving so I hope this rice Cooks quick all right take this off set that to the side let that finish cooking and now we can get started on prepping the rest of the stuff first I want to mess up my new shirt so throwing on the apron [Music] beautiful we're going to start off with prepping these veggies just about half of that onion fine dice for a fried rice and the other half we're going to cut into kind of big chunks but before we do that I'm actually going to cut a sliver off for something I want to try out later there we go big chunk fine dice now we're going to pee that with the carrots and then we're just going to big chunk these bad boys I also don't have a peeler but when it doubt you can always just use a spoon so now the same process we're going to find dice one of these and leave the other one nice and big pieces I want so bad there you have it everything nice and prepped up ready to go and our rice is coming along beautifully it's just about finished so now that we got the vegetables out of the way prep the meat beautiful so now we can take our freshly cut up sections of meat get those into a bowl get some soy sauce on those bad boys and I'm cheating a little bit we're going to throw some of this Japanese barbecue sauce on there go ahead and get those mixed together nicely there we go beautiful looking meat and with that all done I think we're just about ready to get started cooking so I think going to start with the fried rice and then do the meat after yeah we're going to do that get just a little bit of oil in the pan then we can crack an egg in there get that nice and scrambled up and then it's kind of just as simple as throwing the rest of the fried rice ingredients in there so we throw some of this onion that in there some of this carrot that in there beautiful as well as some peas now to this mixture we're going to add some butter nice healthy knob of it get that started melting throw in our cooked rice and then just hit that with some soy sauce and let that fry up for like 5 minutes 5ish minutes I had to open the door again cuz it was getting too hot in here it's cooking but that's just about it that is our fried rice finished up and I made a little bit too much of this so I'm going to uh have to putut it into two bowls like okay oh maybe it'll fit in one it'll definitely fit in one and then for the rest of the stuff I'm essentially just going to stir fry it so it'll be super easy and for seasoning you can either use soy sauce in my case I'm going to use since I have it Japanese barbecue sauce start some of that on everything as well as some salt and we'll just let this cook up for right around 10 minutes this smells so good it also almost feels better to sit down and cook cuz I get the the cool air blown on the back of my neck as opposed to standing over it and getting blasted by the heat from the stove and I can still see in there so it's nice but this is just about done there we go I think that is it oh this looks so good so now we just got to Plate everything look at that it's my little volcano now you just have to imagine me pushing it around with flames coming out of it choo choo choo choo now that my friends is a proper plate of aachi and you can't have aachi without Ying sauce oh this SMS so good cheers oh I have not had a Bachi in so long let alone one of my favorite sauces in the whole world which is yum yum sauce and I'm so in the mood for exactly this I couldn't have picked a better meal for tonight I've never had that Japanese barbecue sauce before I don't know if that's what's making the steak so good I will say though I a little bit worried because Habachi does always give me a stomach ache maybe because I always eat too much when I go to Habachi but there's no bathroom up here hopefully that stomach ache holds off till tomorrow morning when we get down the other side of this mountain absolutely wonderful dinner very good way to end a uh day of stressful driving it is nice that it is uh finally back to the easy stuff tomorrow there is this little trail that kind of goes up around the corner that I want to check out so I will take you guys with me looks like there might be a lovely sunset going on over here look at that so bright it's perfect weather too look at that see the lake off in the distance such a nice right down wow not a cloud in the sky if you look closely you can kind of even see the the sunset like glistening off that River and the camera's never do it justice when you come up to a place like this but it is absolutely spectacular looking out over this but anyways finally cooled off a little bit feeling good in here belly is full I don't have service up here though which kind of sucks so I won't be able to really do much of anything for the rest of the night but I probably will be getting out of here very early in the morning one because I want to get back to service and two because I want to beat a lot of the traffic and be able to just kind of slowly get my way up there without the pressure of having someone behind me on the mountain but it is starting to get to that time of night the window shades start getting ready for bed we are running kind of low on power we're at 25% I'm going to get this big main light off just use my nightlight for the rest of the night while I get ready for bed I will see you guys in the morning [Music] good morning it is currently 7:30 Watch is wrong I think it's time to get out of here send it up the rest of that [Music] mountain Jesus just fell out of the truck but let me get the car started real quick get it warming up I I still do it go to the wrong side of the c not a bad view to wake up to tucked in here we go she's doing it there's probably some very upset people behind me right now but that's okay they'll get over it once we get to the top and I pull over and let them pass come on good people in normal cars downhill sign we're almost at the top that might be it right there on I think we made it mountains can't hold him back we made it to the top now we just got a 7% grade for the next 8 Miles downward so that'll be fun woohoo we made it absolutely beautiful back to the beach this truck has been so much fun to drive around and it's definitely been one of the coolest travel experiences that I've had in a long time very excited to have success L made this journey well I guess not fully yet cuz I still got to drive a little bit of way back but we're at the beach again it's right there and I think I'm just going to stay here for the day hang out and go grab myself a uh coffee and get some work done so I think that is going to be it for this video truly appreciate you guys uh coming on this trip with me and allowing me to do crazy stuff like build out this Japanese mini truck into a camper and drive it up the California coast I would not be able to do it without you guys and I do not say it enough I I know I say it every video but I truly truly appreciate you guys for watching clicking liking subscribing leaving positive comments I read through most of them I don't get to reply to all of them but I really do appreciate you guys and I will catch you guys next time

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