600 Miles In My Self Built, 1997 Japanese Mini Truck Camper | Full Road Trip

Published: Aug 19, 2024 Duration: 02:31:20 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: twomey
a year ago I had the crazy idea to take a Japanese mini truck and turn it into a travel camper so last winter I did exactly that I had one imported into the states and with the help of some friends I designed and built my new mini truck rig while the project proved to be way more challenging than I thought it would be the build is finally finished and it's ready to go on its maiden voyage up the California coast along the infamous and scenic route one I truly couldn't have done something like this with the the help and support of you guys so as always I truly appreciate it and I really hope you enjoy and thank you so much for watching okay [Music] all right so it's currently uh 11:59 cops ging kick both me and uh Allan it's over there out of our spots [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beautiful all right so I had to close the door because it's a little bit uh a little bit noisy out there with the highway but today is the inaugural trip of the Japanese mini truck camper so I've got everything mostly finished there's still a few small things that I have to get done but since last time you guys saw me we got some new tires on this thing look at the tread on those bad boys nice not dry rotted I'm not worried about them exploding so that's good and then second since the back of this camper weighs a bit more than just the truck bed weighs the uh back end was sagging so I had some custom leaf springs made to lift this thing back up give them some Arch and a little bit more spring so I'm not swaying as much while I'm driving around and they've been absolutely amazing I drove this thing around for like 3 hours the other day I drove like a champ but other than that she's pretty much the same on the outside the inside got some new upgrades we got a plant up there and then these are just velcroed up so it's just a blackout curtain that I cut out and then velcroed to the wall to cover up my windows and the door over here so I got some privacy tonight these are just temporary they actually don't look too bad and then we've got our Lagoon table all finished up I'll step in it's quite a big step to get in here though because uh the leaf spring raised it about 4 in so it's like waist high so it's quite step to get in here but got a lagoon table can't really tell but I etched a topographic map of the Brooks range in Alaska on there should have etched it a little deeper but still looks good I didn't finish the couch cushions either so uh I'm going to get these wrapped in a a nice kind of fabric but for now this is just a sheet that's draped around them and then for the STP we've just got the essentials Ork spoon plate and then a uh cook top some other cooking utenti and then some pots and pans down there and I got some other stuff stored in these little Cubbies down here but other than that that is pretty much it for what has changed since I last saw you guys and if you're wondering where I'm at right now what this shop is it's my new shop about not entirely my new shop because I'm sharing it if you remember when I was building the mini truck and on my road trip I had a friend named Kyle who uh was starting a YouTube channel have arriv so this is Kyle and Nick and then I have decided to help him start his own YouTube channel so we got this shop space here for him and for me to build on his new Channel The Chop Shop where we're going to be building the craziest coolest campers kind of like this one and Kyle's going to be the one primarily building them all and whenever I'm around not traveling in whatever crazy camper I've built I will be here helping him so we just moved in a few days ago but a bunch of cool stuff is going to be happening here and I'm super excited about it so make sure you guys subscribe to them if you want to see those and occasionally me on another the channel I'll link their stuff down in the description but I think it's time to get out of here she has been itching for a trip for the last 6 months since I've been building her I think it's finally time to go go ahead and get this turned off and this is also hooked up to solar so it's at turn it back on it's at 64% right now so we'll see this is the first drive run of everything to see what works what doesn't work what I want to add back here for when I go on my big trip what I want to take out and then what I want to do differently so just kind of a test run today but we'll see how much solar we get in to this battery bank here oh and that's the wrong side I just forget this thing is right-and Drive yeah not the most spacious driver seat my knees are pretty much up against the steering wheel if I get an accident I'm pretty much dead there is no safety features in this thing no airbags I don't even think this is safety glass I'm pretty sure this just shatters into sharp shards at least I think they don't use safety glass at least on these older vehicles in Japan so I might get that changed soon first off I think we got to go pick up some [Music] groceries apologize for the beat [Applause] this thing is so sick and this thing actually goes decently fast even with all the weight on it if I'm on flat ground if I'm on a hill though it's a completely different story Ma I'm going is 20 M hour but I can make it up at low and slow right now we are going just about 60 km per hour We're slowing down now there a big belt but 60 km per hour is roughly this I don't know the exact calculation for it and also when I put in my GPS I have to type the option to uh avoid highways cuz even though this thing technically can go on highways there is no chance I would feel safe in any way driving this death trap at 60 MPH down the highway and the turn signal is on the opposite side so I always accidentally turn on the windshield wipers when I'm trying to turn it also does have a radio [Applause] but I've tried to T it to every station oh and it doesn't really pick up much no music for now until I get a radio installed also I'll show you guys once this light turns green but when you press on the gas it legitimately sounds like you're turning on a lawn mower [Music] and the funny thing about these doors I think it was a safety mechanism so you didn't lock your keys in your cars but if you push this down and then close the door it pops back up so the only way to lock it is from the outside I also want to make sure my back door is locked there we go and even though this thing does have uh some pretty decent pickup even with all that weight on the back it still takes about two business days to go 0 to 60 in it so today in honor the first day of camping in the Japanese mini truck I figured we would cook a Japanese dish and since I recently cooked Ramen not doing that and instead we're going to do gon which is a pretty simple dish gu means beef and Don means Rice Bowl so we're making a beef Rice Bowl she's so beautiful I don't know if the camera does any justice for how small this thing looks in person it's so crazy to see it one thing I do have to figure out though in a long term is how I'm going to store my food cuz I don't have a fridge so I'll definitely need to figure that out but for now I've actually never seen it before this place had uh dry ice I don't know why but it'll keep my sakiz and cold until we cook it tonight oh it's so cold that's my portable refrigerator and the rest of this dry ice I'm just going to use to keep my drinks cold so I'm hoping I can find a spot to what I'll call stealth camping I'll be it it's very difficult to call anything in this vehicle stealth camping down on the bag and I'm just kind of hoping we find a spot but I think we will oh top this thing does have AC I've actually never used it I've kind of been scared to use it while driving because I don't want to overheat the engine but wow that is actually nice and cold who would have felt it AC heat I don't know what this little econ button does maybe that's economy AC anyways get that off cuz the window's down is enough I also need a backup camera cuz I cannot see anything when I'm backing up in this [Music] thing just barely reaches but it reaches do want get one ah Japan Jaan taking it out for a test drive that is making cool appreciate it that is uh one thing that always happens with that fil when I'm driving this every time I stop it someone says something it's pretty cool wo she's cruising look at that beautiful day definitely going slower than the other cars but we're going pretty fast over 80 almost over 80 and she's got more we pass 80 almost going 90 km an hour which is this all right so we're pulling down on this little island to uh looking for a spot hopefully to stealth C tonight so ideally I'm looking for a spot like one of those but it looks like most of them are taken all right I think we're getting lucky though we might have found a spot now mostly these other Lots over here have no overnight parking signs the only sign here is 3our parking from 3:00 to 600 and is almost 600 p.m. already so this is going to be camping the night right on the water I brought some fishing gear too to do some fishing tonight get some practice in oh god oh it's dark in here there we go oh it's so cozy in here pop the fan get some air flow going and then these just kind of okay pull down with velcro to let some light in open up these windows get some air coming through well I'm going to come up with a more permanent solution for these windows but honestly for now those uh those covers honestly work pretty good might use these for a little while and honestly despite the tiny size in here it doesn't really feel too crimped I mean I can stand sand fully straight up pretty much from here until here so about 2 ft of sanding straight up right where I'm going to be cooking tonight which is perfect but everywhere else I do kind of have to crouch but it's not really too bad I'm actually very surprised I got away with keeping it as tall as I did I really thought it was going to be overly ambitious to want to be able to stand back here but honestly makes it so much easier for hanging out and I'm really excited to test this bed out see how it works tonight but this table is perfect it slides out right here for me to be able to have dinner on and I can tuck it away over on this side or I can swing it around and tuck it away kind of over there even more out of the way the fact that it's so small makes it feel for some reason so cozy it's nice but now that we've got our spot we're all settled in we got this uh Camp store for cooking tonight I actually bought this one cuz it's much more compact so this was the uh cooker I was originally going to use CU it fits in this drawer it's nice and small it's got two burners but it didn't come with the propane attachment hose so I can't hook it up to any tanks so sadly I have to return this and uh order another one so I can't use it for this trick but this will be uh what I use for cooking in here I bought this one tempor rarily it's much bigger and kind of a lot harder to find a place where it fits but it's good for this uh first temporary trip but brought some of my fishing gear so before we cook some dinner we see if we can catch something oh and also in case you're wondering the battery bank is at 82% 82% down here we're still getting power in though so we're actually getting more power in so it's still charging right now with uh with a little bit of sun we have left but we'll turn these lights off to not waste any power while we're outside I also move the mini truck back one spot cuz I want that back spot over there so I can open my back door and not have anyone behind me so every time my spot opens I'm just going to back up into it we'll go down here and cast a few spit the dust on that one fishing went uh exactly as he usually does didn't catch uh didn't catch anything was out there for about 45 minutes to an hour I didn't really expect to catch anything but there was a little mini mart right around the corner over there like a deli for the marina so I picked up some uh chips of a little snack Pap towels and another Diet Coke because guess I didn't realize how cold dry ice really is but it froze my other Pepsi completely solid and started to freeze my steak so I had to take that out when I was walking back I want to give you guys a little bit of perspective on the size of the mini truck cuz it was almost comical looking at it from across the road and how much how much space my car takes up in a parking spot versus a uh normaliz car those are normal siiz cars and that's how much space they take up and then there's mine you probably Park three of them in that parking space it just looks so goofy sitting there the sun is probably going to start sitting here soon so I'm going to get started cooking dinner and I don't know what happened while I was out there fishing but there are quite honestly a million sailboats all over the place out there I don't know what's going on today but there's so many of them out there but I'm getting hungry so let's cook some [Music] gon there she is our cooktop for the night definitely way too big for the space but I think for now we set that to the side while we get everything prepped up so get snowed in here all right got ourselves a bit more organized over here so the only thing we have to prep for this meal is an onion and some ginger you can also use berock root I couldn't find any obviously at the store if you go to an Asian specialty store you might be able to find it but Ginger is a good Subs too and the whole purpose of this trip is kind of to figure out what's the best way to go about laying out all of the stuff in the back of the uh the mini truck cuz there's a million things that I didn't think about while I was building it that I'll probably realize tonight and or in the next few days so this is a good trial run to kind of figure out what works what doesn't work and how to best do and this onion will not [Music] peel oh wow I've always seen uh people do this but I've never done it myself peeling Ginger with a spoon it's much faster than it is with a peeler wow who would have thought and that is pretty much it for the prep of the veggies still got to prep the meat and if you are going to do this yourself you do want to make sure it's pretty thin because it's going to be cooking in kind of a broth so you don't want it to take too long to cook some dude just walked by and said I like that K truck better than the Porsche there we go that should be enough I really do wish I was able to use my other Grill but nonetheless here we are first thing we got to do before we can do anything else with this dish is get this rice cooking cuz that is going to take the longest I'm going to get that going normally you'd want to wash your rice but I'm not going to worry about that in the truck eyeball in the water there looks about right a little bit more there we go we'll bring that to a boil and we'll let that cook for right around 10 minutes I also am just now realizing that I forgot to bring a lid for my pot so we're just going to have to do the best that we can on cooking this fries so that a lid to make sure it's lid out of my other pot also we wait for that to boil I forgot a bunch of cool stuff you can do with dry ice as long as you don't hold it for too long at a time I remember if you like put it in a spoon if I can find where my spoon is it'll [Music] Sizzle science Sky will die the science sky rice is done supposedly all right so that Rice definitely was not cooked all the way so add a little more water got it back in there but I'll show you guys how much of a cross draft this window has blown in so much air and that's what the fan off just with both windows open a lot of air flow coming through there we go that looks like a little bit better cooked price first things first we're going to get the sauce and I'm just going to do that directly in this pan before we do that I'm going to get this rice scraped out into the bowl because I need this pot again for cooking an egg up get that boiling but we work on the sauce and for that we need about 1/2 cup of water so about A3 of a cup of mirin or sweet cooking sake and a little bit over A3 of a cup of soy sauce and then finally I don't have any measuring spoons about 2 tbspoon of brown sugar and then the final ingredient is optional I just had some leftover from the ramen I cooked but this is just Dashi powder which is basically just combo water AKA kelp water so since I had it we'll add it in there but you don't have to just sprinkle a little bit of that in there which gives it that nice Umami flavor and then we'll mix that up and get it all nice and Incorporated and bring that to a boil and it looks like our water is boiling so we can go ahead and throw our egg into there we're going for a soft boil so right around 7 minutes and then we can go ahead and add our vegetables into our sauce and this smells absolutely Heavenly we're going to go ahead and add in our meat and I'm going to try to lay this in here as evenly as I possibly can just throw that in there and we can go ahead and let that stew for right around 5ish minutes until the meat Cooks thoroughly through and that egg has got another 2 minutes on it here goes the timer for our egg you're supposed to take this egg out and put it right in a bowl of uh ice cold water I don't have that but I do have dry ice so I'm just try to set that on top of the air for like 3 or 4 minutes let it cool down and this has about another maybe 1 to 2 minutes and it looks can't really see it cuz it's so steamy but it looks so good there we go that is pretty much it get the fire turned off we plate up some dinner egg is still in its little ice bath cooling down a little bit this looks so good take that and top our rice look at that beautiful and we have the final piece or hopefully softboiled egg not going to lie being in here does make me miss having the uh van in a 30-gallon water tank and not a foot pump I have to press to get water to come out Moment of Truth H it's like almost softboiled I think I cooked it a little bit too long last time it was a lot better Wow first time having this and this is definitely going in the bank as a meal I will be cooking again this is really good honestly I could have used a little bit of kick to it like if I added a little bit of spice I think that would have made it a lot better but I think overall I'd probably give it a uh .4 out of 10 but I'm not going to lie the mini truck is handled way better than I thought it would I'm very excited for all of the adventures I'm going to take this thing on I think since I can't take this thing on highways first place I'm going to do or the first road trip I'm going to do I haven't really planned it out yet is I'm going to drive this thing up Route One in California just drive it up the coast since it's not really a highway just kind of like a byway speeds aren't too high and I can kind of cruise along and not really have to worry about someone hitting me going 80 and completely crushing the entire truck but when I finish dinner I will check in with you guys when I'm finished honestly overall first experience definitely a lot smaller definitely a lot more uh work to cook something and find places for everything and put stuff away but honestly not as bad as I thought it was going to be it's actually pretty convenient cooking in here despite how small this space is and once I get it kind of better organized and figure out exactly where I want to put everything and kind of how I'm going to make this work as seamlessly as possible I don't think it'll be too bad if I'm going to be honest the only major thing that I have left to add to my camping setup here is a gaming setup with my Xbox which I think I'm going to mount a TV to that wall right there and then kind of have this table and have the TV right there so I can also watch it when I'm landing whoa someone just drove by at like 100 miles hour anyways G me monitor there Xbox under the table I'll be able to play here and watch while I'm l in bed but in the meantime do have my new gaming laptop so I figured I'd give the mini truck its first test and all facets cooking sleeping and gaming and I also kind of wanted to see how much power I used up in a normal night I don't know if you guys can see that still 70% battery left and I've had the lights and fan on for the last I don't know 4 hours but I will uh leave that on all night let my laptop charge once I'm done playing some video games and we'll see how much uh how much we have left I'm just going to connect to my phone 's Hotpot cuz I don't have any Wi-Fi in this rig yet and for some reason all my stuff from my Xbox won't load over into my uh laptop so I'm going just start over with this count but like the van I like to have two lighting modes one is for maximum light when I'm trying to do stuff in the van and then one for night mode so that is my night mode light but I'm kind of winding down in the van that I don't want the bright lights on on top I can just leave that one on and it's more than enough light for doing whatever I'm going to do AKA complete my ranked matches and rocket [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] League all right we're done playing video games everything's kind of cleaned up it's time to test out the slide out bed I'll turn on my lights so you can see a little better test out the sliding bed see how well that works and see if uh we get a comfortable night's sleep I will say one thing laying on this without it pulled out is just a little bit too skinny like my arm kind of hangs off so when I'm trying to sit here and look at my phone it's like a lot of work to keep it up other than that it's not too bad this is one thing I swore I would never have in a vehicle is a bed that you have to build and make every single night but there was just really no other option with the mini truck I had to do something I'm really glad I didn't go with the build-a bed up here cuz that would been so much work but yeah got a nice little compact comforter this thing is Tiny there we go that's the bread I just got to Hope none of these planks break as I go to sit on it cuz I already broke two of them I honestly wish I could have done a little bit thicker foam but anything thicker and I wouldn't be able to sit on it um when it was set up as a couch definitely have to get a bigger blanket than this one it's a little too tiny but it's it is pretty comfortable but it is getting late so I will catch you guys in the [Music] morning good morning I didn't get the best night sleep last night but it definitely could have been worse it's not because of the mini truck there was just people outside and cars driving by that were super loud but the bed was definitely comfortable enough wasn't the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in but oh my back overall great first night nice still morning a little bit of overcast keeping it kind of cooler back here just like that we're back in day mode so far over all though I'm really happy with how the truck camper came out how everything's working how everything fits back here I just need to get myself a little bit kind of more organized and figure out the best way to do everything cuz I'm so used to having everything at my fingertips with living in the van and not really having to worry about it but here I got to be a little bit more creative so we still have power we didn't run out lights still come on uh 31% we used a decent amount keeping the fan on all night last night maybe I will upgrade that power bank to something bigger but I think that's it for this video I'm going to be getting out of here taking this thing back to the shop and maybe making some changes from the things that I learned on this trip before I take it up the coast uh on that big trip up to however far north I make it but I'll catch you guys next time I like appreciate it [Music] new trick I learned from the comments push that down and you hold the handle up it'll stay locked need to get a uh charger for the front of my truck so I can charge my phone up there cuz I don't have any way to charge it but today is the day that we're starting our uh 600 mile hopefully road trip up to San Francisco down Route One in the back of my Japanese mini truck and as you guys can see since the last video we've made some upgrades to the exterior in the form of these paint lines and this was inspired by another Mitsubishi Delica delis delisia I don't know other Mitsubishi uh Japanese camper that inspired these lines in these colors I still need to add some more to the back but the lines came out pretty good for doing them myself I spent the last 4 days doing them I've also made some some upgrades to the interior which I'll kind of get into later but we have a fridge working fridge back here and then some bungee nting that you might not be able to see holding the stuff in down there but I'm currently at a uh Walmart get some supplies some food then we're heading [Music] north thank you [Music] all right that should be everything we got some Essentials too like some drinking water but I wanted to make this first trip kind of light cuz I just don't know how much space I'm realistically going to have but should be able to fit all of this back in there somewhere look at her so beautiful so overall for this trip majority of it is going to be spent on Route One which is technically a highway but it's not like a multi-lane highway it's kind of like Scenic byway historic Route 1 in California is going to be pretty much the road that I'm staying on the entire trip but between here and where I'm camping tonight there is one stretch of highway that I will have to drive on in order to get onto the rest of Route One between Oceanside and S Clemente so I'm a little bit nervous for that but other than that route one should be pretty easy other than the hills we'll just have to go on low and slow but our challenge today with this 500c uh 50 HSE power. how to high jet is going to be that stretch of highway so this is the upgrade I'm most excited about in here this fridge I got locked way back here so since I just turned my power station on it is not cooled down yet but it should be cooled down by the time I get there but we've got a fridge and a freezer section freezer is down to zero fridge is down to 39° or it will get down there so really not a lot can fit in there to be honest but it is better than nothing got a nice pad cuz this is the most uncomfortable seat in the world and there are no cup holders I forgot and I actually have no idea if this cigarette lighter even works I would assume it does cuz there's still the old charger that the guy from Japan had in here before me this one it goes up to this charger that was I'm guessing for some sort of GPS unit and we're charging so we got a 30-minute drive off Highway until we get to that 20 M stretch that we got to drive let's H the road [Music] all right we are coming up on the end of our back roads up here got about another mile till we got to get on the highway it's only about 20 minutes on the highway well 20 minutes in a normal car is 20 mies it'll probably take me around around 35 minutes at 45 to 50 mph to get through this stretch of highway but this should be the only stretch of major highway that we have to take for this entire trip so at least I'm getting it over with in the beginning first time taking this thing on the Interstate All right so we're going about 90 km an hour cruising along pretty easily I think that's right around 55 maybe 60 but we're keeping up with traffic every time one of these big trck passes me I can feel it pulling me in and pushing me out as it passes so that right there is why there's no way around this highway is because on both sides you have Camp Pendleton and a bunch of military bases and training facilities so there's no way through this area unless you go all the way around those mountains over there if I had driven around those mountains it would have added another 3 hours to my trip we made it the car is doing fine so it seems engine's not too hot and we're still driving so call that a wind that was probably the part of the drive that I was the most stressed about so glad to be through that so now that we're done with that we got about another hour of uh side roads until we get to where we're camping tonight and it would be a 20-minute drive if I could ride on the highway which technically I can I just honestly personal preference don't really feel like I need to if I I don't have to I'd rather take a little bit longer and get there a little bit later than have to drive on the highway just cuz it it's just cuz it scares the out of me but got about an hour left till we get to our [Music] [Applause] spot all right so we're about 5 minutes from where we're camping tonight and I'm looking for a spot somewhere on the street up here but it is so packed this weekend that I don't know if I'm going to be able to find one to be honest so many people all right so we're hopefully looking for a spot up here somewhere cuz I know that you can stay in these spots overnight dude that's sick appreciate it never seen that before that's so cool all right it says motorcycle and golf cart parking only but I feel like I could qualify as a golf cart I don't know if they vet these spots whether it's a motorcycle or a golf cart I think this would probably qualify as a golf cart the only metric has pleas Park between the lines my little car definitely fits between the lines and that's not a golf cart so there we go this is home for the night beautiful spot right here on the beach go check out that Park in a second see how much power we got so we've had the fridge running the whole time we're still at 99% because we've also had solar coming in so let's good let's see if the fridge has cooled down oh beautiful freezer is at zero fridge is at 39 Oh and everything's nice and cold I would have thought and this thing is super efficient it only drills like 50 WTS at full power and it's a chest style fridge which these styles of fridge are more efficient cuz it keeps the cool air in when you open the door like if you have a front loading fridge all the cold air flows out this stays in there so it's a little bit more efficient but first campsite of the trip not bad beautiful day out nice spot too right next to all these million dooll houses you got my little mini truck look at this I mean this is beautiful cannot beat this it's like good Tropical Paradise so that spot that I'm parked in is paid until 8:00 p.m. and then tomorrow morning when I wake up at 6:00 I'll just pay the meter for like another 2 hours and I'll get out of here so I don't have to leave at 6:00 a.m. but I'm pretty sure after the paid hours you can stay there overnight completely free but I guess we'll find out if I get a ticket a lot of people but I will say this is nothing compared to uh East Coast beaches East Coast beaches are packed to the brim with people but this is why I hate traveling on uh holiday weekends it was the 4th on Wednesday so this is like the uh 4th of July crowd all out on the beach just makes it tough to find parking driving but it does make things a little bit more [Music] [Music] lively can I just do a single scoop of vanilla and a con thank you thank you very much there we go I'm a simple man just eat some Vanilla some good ice cream [Music] ice part about stealth camping in City areas too is that there's stuff to do when you get there like when I'm camp out in a spot in the middle of nowhere I pull up and I'm in the desert or I'm in wherever I'm at there's not really much to do I can't walk around get an ice cream cone or whatever else I want to do I feel like this town is exactly what people imagine when they think California if they've never been here doesn't really get more California beach sound than this doing good so far no tickets but I definitely didn't lock the back of my camper when I went on my walk oh gosh it's so just stepped e in here sure left these windows open when I left to be honest it is hot but I'm hungry I might wait for it to uh cool down in here a little B before I get started cooking but I did get the propane attachment for my compact Grill [Music] so I don't have to use that big one anymore we can use a SN small one and it came with this little Grill part that's pretty cool so I'm going use that to grill some chicken tonight so it's cool to off in here a little bit now that I got the fan going for a little while and the windows open and the sun is set so it's like not as uh beaten down on the top of the truck I'm going to get my uh window shade put up on this side though cuz there's so many people walking by but for dinner tonight I'm going to do kind of a modified bourbon chicken and rice so we're going to keep it pretty simple and I got some Minute Rice I feel like waiting for regular rice [Music] those these and I think in this mini truck I'm going to have to keep the meals a little bit more simple just because I don't have as much access to utensils seasonings Foods so we're going to keep it somewhat simple tonight first things first let's get our chicken seasoned left my Japanese chef knife at home so let's get our chicken had it dry I'm going to season it in this bag just to keep it easy get seasoning stuff everywhere but we're basically just going to put some allpurpose seasoning along with some garlic powder and then some salt we'll get that nice and coated seasoned up so I've never used this stove before I'm kind of just hoping that it works okay why this is the second an issue I've run into with this stove doesn't even fit I guess this is meant for those smaller propane canisters but in the picture online it showed it hooking up to a propane canister like this I guess we won't be doing bourbon chicken tonight we'll be doing it tomorrow when I can figure out how to get a propane attachment that fits the stove it's a good thing we're in the town because I'm just going to go pick up something for dinner I'm going to go walk around and see what I can find run back real quick all right dinner secure honestly not even too upset that I uh didn't get to cook dinner tonight cuz pizza sounds so good we got some I I don't know what this is like a Hawaiian with some tomato on it and then just standard meat lovers some ranch I also ran into my buddy Carter and his wife Maggie they're out here just so happen to Water by them getting dinner with one of their friends so he might combine a little bit and we might go uh hang out in town tonight also these three slices of pizza $30 dinner complete didn't go the way I wanted it to go but my friend just texted me that he uh finished eating dinner so I'm going to walk down back to the main street hang out with them for a little bit before we close up shopping here tonight go to bed up and we're back and I bought this Garfield drawing from some lady at the restaurant we went to I don't know why I put it up somewhere as a decoration in the mini truck but it is late so we got to get ready for [Music] bed cuz I do have to be up kind of early tomorrow to get out of here before those parking meters start so I don't get a ticket but guys all set up I don't really think I'll need much more than a sheet tonight definitely not hot out but it is definitely not a comforter Kind of Night morning it's a little cloudy out today but it was surprisingly really quiet on the street last night it's up pretty decent we'll say though between this bed and the paper thin seat cushions up uh up in the front of the truck that I have to sit in when I'm driving my back it's definitely not going to be feeling very well at the end of this trip the night no ticket's see I think there's a bathroom right there too which is something that I didn't think about in my mini truck well I did think about but there's just not enough space for a bathroom so it's going to be a jug and wherever I can find somewhere in public to go all right technically this campsite has cost me $6 I think maybe $9 but since my cook toop is not working let going to go find somewhere to get some breakfast I figured I should walk back over here buy breakfast sandwich at the beach I think I'm going to finish this and we'll to my coffee and then get out of here and continue my journey in the mini truck up north as always truly appreciate you guys watching if you haven't already please take a like cck subscribe button it really does help out the channel and I will catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] a little bit loud of a campsite last night because although it is uh pretty beautiful at this side at the ocean on this side we we got the Pacific Coast Highway so there's cars constantly driving by night but honestly it wasn't too bad until the motorcycle drove by it was like a jump scare would wake me up out of my sleep so since my last video we have kind of made our way up the Pacific Coast Highway just passed La so we you can kind of see La in the distance back there but we passed La drove up here and then just camped on this spot on the side of the road I also just so happened to run into my friend last night Allan who I know from Instagram who was camped up behind me but he went out early this morning to go for a run and to go surfing but I think he's going to meet us back here before we uh get out of here for the day also new information I figured out that my stove does not take those little green Coleman propane tanks it takes the butane blend mixture so I went to the store yesterday got some gas cans and hopefully this time we should be be able to cook some breakfast nice finally I have a working stove in the van so I can cook myself some breakfast see what are we going to have just do a simple breakfast sandwich I heard the gas coming out but the igniter was not going okay I guess the igniter doesn't work but the grill [Music] does I will say this is really slippery I don't know if I really trust that here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] I think the plan for today is I don't have a plan but I know which direction I'm heading and I know what road I'm staying on Route One yeah yeah appreciate it have a good one yeah so once we finish up breakfast here my friend Allan gets back from his uh run probably going to head out of here and go wherever we're going today like this and the guy down here he's got a box truck that he cut the side out of it's also something new of how you used to this thing every time left Dr on the road at least five or six people pull up next to me and ask me about what this is how I got it where it's from if it's a camper I love it I love talking to people about it it was also crazy last night these waves got so big that it felt like it shook the entire uh truck it might have just been cars driving by but when they when they curl up like that and they slam into the Rocks sometimes they they crash perfectly on the edge of the Rock Bo and splash up it sounds like a grenade going off but anyways just sitting around till my friend gets back I'll check in when he gets here I do miss having an automatic water pump in my other Vin though using this foot pump is kind of a pain especially when I'm Barefoot it kind of hurts but I will say I have been pleasantly surprised with how comfortable it is to camp in this thing being able to stand up lay down I think when I first stood this build I thought it was going to be super impractical and I kind of second guessed myself a lot and thought I kind of should have done something more like a like a popup something more lightweight something that's a little bit more practical for a vehicle of this size at the end of the day that's been done before something this big on the back of a mini truck has never been done before and I would have never known if it would have worked if I hadn't just done it so I'm glad that I built it this way and I'm not going to lie I did get in my head a little bit reading the comments when I was building it with people saying this is never going to work that's way too much weight on the back of that truck and for a while I really did think that those comments were right but after being in here for the past 3 days I don't know it's pretty yo yo what's up what's up dud what's up P what's up P how you doing how you doing how's it breakfast dude it was good hell yeah this is my buddy Allan what's up met him from uh Instagram literally yesterday yeah but he left this morning to go uh surfing you went for a did you go surfing or no no iend never going for a run okay did the pup go with you nah she stood in the car it was a little bit flat when I got there in the morning front run but it was looking nice now when I got back but yeah this is Alan's van he lives in here he's been doing it for how long 2 years 2 years 2 years yes sir so this is his van it's a sprinter van a little bit nicer than the uh proas is it four-wheel drive I wish is yours four-wheel drive no I wish I mean this thing is the mini truck is Drive yeah but I haven't tested it out yet such a good dog such a good dog sit that's a good girl other part that's a very good girl up stay a s girl good girl yeah go into the City and then get some stuff what oh yeah good all right I'll see you [Music] there so I think before we head to our uh Camp spot tonight we're going to go check out Malibu so let's get on the road [Music] all right so the Pier parking lot was uh was full and Allan said he knows a spot where we can park in town so we're just going to park in town and maybe walk around there's a uh farmers market going on so there's actually not a lot of parking we got lucky and someone was pulling out and this thing is so easy to park I don't even have to back into parallel park I can just pull straight in it's so tiny like look how tiny it is you can fit two of them in this parking spot so many of these small beach towns in California are so beautiful I've never been to Hawaii but like when I come here this is what I imagine Hawaii would be like yeah I figured when we pulled up here you didn't expect there to be a farmers market I'm like wait that's actually kind of sick maybe I'll find some new uh decorations for the mini truck or something find some decorations for the mini truck selling knives or you just sharpening them you both it's pretty sick it's like a mobile knife sharpening van got myself a new sh awesome thank you very much we have look at that now I can cook with something it's crazy a little Bronco little Bronco golf cart I wonder if I can turn that thing into a camper [Music] oh godp got myself some new clothes walked by the uh kid store figured I uh use a little wardrobe update from the typical t-shirts and shorts I wear so I got some shirts and I love wearing hats got myself a new hat too but we are getting out of here we're going to make one more pit stop before we get to our uh Camp spot for the night I'm hoping to get out into nature at least a little bit go to this spot up in the Canyons to camp tonight but before we head there we're going to head to the spot that supposedly has this cool sea cave that we're going to check out so many nice cars out here too two McLarens one after the other and then right after that a Porsche and then there's me and my $5,000 Japanese mini truck I also don't have a radio in here so I got my speaker breathing in this is a cool little beach though BR water is so blue I don't know if we're going to be able to access the um C cave though it is low tide right now but it's not a very low low tide and you can only access it during low tide I actually think that might be it right there but there's also an arch there that looks pretty sick well yeah right more light oh yeah it does connect yeah it goes all the way through oh that's so sick Bro wow beautiful this is so sick there's a little spot over here too how incredible this is pretty cool Dam that's a sick like Photo SP with the cave in the top all right we're going to go check out the uh Camp spot now see what it's looking like and he really wants to come back down here and go surf and I don't have a board so he might come back un surf but we're going to go get set up at camp this is going to be the mini truck's first real test on a big hill I think I think this is a Steep Canyon Hill see how she does driving up it jeez my pedal is on the floor we are going 43 km/ hour low and slow baby low and slow look at that view though beautiful oh we're cooking now we're going 60 km hour I think this is it right here this is what we're going to call home look at this look at that definitely not the flatus but I know it's not too bad do you see that there was a bunch of surfers up at that one spot yeah I was only like a mile down the road might go back there okay I'll be up here here yeah see you later see you all right this looks like it' probably be the flattest spot down here I might use some of these rocks to level her out look at these views look at that I mean if my mini truck can handle this hill I feel like she can handle anything honestly this thing is performed in every way I could possibly imagine better than I expected her to driving handling sleeping comfortability everything so far exceeds what I expected look where she's taking me I wonder if I can get her leveled out though just lift up this side a little bit I think these pieces of asphalt might be perfect actually [Music] beautiful but I think before I do anything else or cook any dinner I'm going to take a quick shower I think I have one portable shower left I one shower left but I should be making it into a uh Beach town tomorrow and I'll just take a beach shower there because every time you get to a small Beach town they have showers out on the beaches that you can take advantage of which is the nice part about traveling down Route One is there's a plethora of showers because there is not a plethora of PL Fitness is where I can shower at but these dude wipes are kind of a good in between just to get that base level of grime off make me feel a little bit cleaner that feels better I also do need to get a welcome out for here because I am tracking an aggressive amount of dirt in I've tried to keep my shoes and all the dirt to this little corner of the van and I put some socks on to keep most of the grime off my feet so I don't have to wipe them off before I go to bed tonight since I do wear birken socks everywhere all right so I was just about to get started cooking dinner and then I noticed this low fog rolling in just over the ocean it's so low to the ground very eerie I don't know how well the camera's picking it up but you can see it's like clear over there and then there's [Applause] just there's a layer of clouds covering the ground is this yours yeah dude it's so tight appreciate it is it for sale no I just built it this is my first trip in it actually really I swear you would think I'm driving a superar with how many people come up to me or honk when I'm driving or pull up next to me and have try to have a conversation with me this thing gets so many looks that it's getting a bit ridiculous driving down the road but I'm not going to lie I kind of love it I'm proud of this thing but I'm also hungry and now that I have a working stove I can finally make my bourbon chicken and thankfully this recipe is super simple so it shouldn't take too long to cook so I did season some chicken yesterday in preparation for this recipe but I accidentally put the seasoned chicken in the freezer and the unseasoned chicken not in the freezer so season up some more chicken just with some pretty standard allpurpose seasoning and I'm hopefully going to be able to get a good Char on these uh chicken thighs with this uh grill that I have cuz this little propane uh cooked out that I'm using cooked dinner came with this little little attachment who and one thing I've kind of noticed with using this grill for the last two days is that there's one fatal flaw you can't see the flame when the Grill's on there and it kind of sounds the same when it's just gas coming out versus when it actually has a flame so it's kind of a little bit sketchy honestly using this I don't know if I fully like it I might try to get a different one for future trips some butter down on there and got our chicken to grill [Music] it we'll cook that for right around 4 to 5 minutes on each side I don't know why it's smoking so much never had my chicken smoke like that but well that is cooking I'm going to get started on some rice over on this side and yes we're going to be using his some rice [Music] put some water in the pot and then bring that to a boil beautiful that chicken looks so good water's boiling for the rice and then the final thing I'm going to have to do once this chicken is done is get the uh bourbon sauce going but I going wait till we get this chicken cooked and start that all right so I think it was user error maybe on my end because uh I put the grill up I think the grill was just too close to the flame so it was getting too hot that's why it was smoking so much but I moved the grill up it's not smoking as much anymore our water is almost boiling and it's working a little better all right I think this chicken is done R is over there finishing off now we can get started on the final step making this bourbon sauce for our bourbon chicken so for our sauce we're going to add some butter into the pan let that get all nice and melted up and throw in some garlic some hoison some soy sauce and a little bit of brown sugar and you can kind of add just as much as you want of the brown sugar just depends on how sweet you want your chicken to be and if you wanted to add a little spice you can add a little spice it's really up to you I just don't have anything that I could add to make it spicy right now actually I do have some chili powder throw that in there take that mix all that together a nice sauce and we'll let that cook down and thicken up for like maybe 3 or 4 minutes and actually while I wait for that to thicken up I'm going to get this chicken all cut up using my new uh Japanese chef knife I bought today it's not the nicest but it'll cut beautiful and now that our sauce has thickened up a little bit we can go ahead and throw our chicken back in there get it nice and covered look at that looks so good now all the St to do get this PL it up and now we can eat and look who got back just in time what's up pup what's up pup how you doing and for asking I did offer to cook for Allan but he's a vegetarian so didn't have any options that kind of appealed to him oh man I'm starving cheers look at that beautiful oh this is so good actually and such a simple recipe did you see these clouds roll in while you were down there not at all dude it was so crazy when it when these when they first rolled in yeah they rolled in from right to left and just covered the entire beach sounds sick dude but yeah make sure you guys follow Allan on Instagram as well he's a nature photographer he takes some sick photos I'll put his stuff in the description below there goes the Drone oh wow it's like perfect Sunset yeah yeah it looks insane is bourbon chicken top tier up there with one of my favorite dinners I think I've made in the van so far only because of how simple it was and how flavorful it is the sunset on the Drone shots taken looks so epic you can't see it from this side but it's just cresting over the next Mountain over looks so cool with these clouds and this road isn't very heavily traffic so it will be a much better sleep than last night on Route One Look at that sheesh there clouds the sun doesn't get much better than that for a sunset too beautiful dude he's moving his van to uh hopefully find a More Level spot but we were talking and we were saying sometimes you just can't get a level spot no matter what you do even if you have leveling blocks or or whatnot and we were saying we prefer to sleep with our feet down as opposed to any other way cuz if you sleep with your head down your feet are above your head you won't get a good night's sleep and if you sleep rolled to either side it just kind of feels like you're being pulled all night but if you sleep feet down it it's really not that bad such a long day dude then I'm going to sleep even even if it was like completely sideways you know I mean that's fair yeah I feel like I'm going to sleep really well tonight finally no noise in the van yeah you got a chair I'm done to sit outside for a little bit yeah I miss having all my supplies in the van tables and all the unnecessary stuff oh beautiful let's see your uh all right your your snack creation that's your favorite snack I got you dude so it's cheese Jam tood mhm all right that was thank you look at that yes sir take such a nice combination of fls between the Crunch and the sweetness you know what I mean oh it's like so much going on wow that is really good it's like takes you takes you places like sweet Sal good exactly dude it's like that scene from Ratatouille he's the cheese and the fruit and there's all those like sparkles going off in his mouth what a great movie dude second video I ever did on YouTube was cooking Ratatouille oh for real mhm nice how' it come out I've actually never never yeah was it was it difficult to cook no it was just a horrible video don't watch that video [Music] morning a little bit of a foggy morning out today but it was pretty nice and quiet last night I really do need a shower today a proper shower I think uh probably get out of here pretty soon and um head down to a beach town maybe we can find a beach shower ready to get out of here mhm find the next spot let's do it but anyways I think that is it for this video get out of here and find myself a shower somewh to get myself [Music] clean morning so last night this is where we slept just kind of like in this small town in California and just what happens that there is a uh campsite right next door and when I got here yesterday I walked over there and I found out that they have hot showers and I accidentally bought too many coins for the shower yesterday so going to go use those this morning cuz I try to take advantage of any opportunity I can to get a hot shower when I'm camping on the road especially in this thing I know what you guys are thinking thinking there's a camper on right there why didn't I just get a spot in there the answer is that spot was free and two why would I pay for a campsite surrounded by a million other people when I can sleep out here and relative peace on the street honestly I feel like even if I did want a campground I don't think I would have got one this place is jam packed with people so today we are uh continuing our journey North up Route One on our way to San Francisco and I just realized last night while I was looking up and planing my route that part of route one is still closed I thought it opened thought there was mudslides or something like that and the road is still closed so I think we're going to be able to get as far north as Big Sir or just south of big sir before the road closure and then we might have to backtrack and turn around and uh find another way to San Francisco I'm not too worried about it I didn't really have a plan kind of going into this trip other than my in destination so I'm kind of keeping an open mind with where I'm going to go but before we do anything today make it's [Music] breakfast I also might need to get it from pan at some point cuz this one it's just too slippery I just just can't it like slides around too much there's no grip my other pans are fine it's just this one [Music] specifically so I've also been getting a lot of comments that the truck is a is a downgrade from the van it's not as spacious there's not as many amenities that's not the reason that I built it I didn't built it to be an upgrade from the mini truck I just built it cuz I thought it would be a cool project and I kind of just wanted to see if it was possible I've always like mini trucks always wanted one I figured why not try to build a super cool camper on the back of one I just thought it'd be fun for me it be fun for you guys to watch and overall just kind of be somewhat of a uh newer experience but very happy with how it's going so far I'm sure my OCD followers will appreciate this but I don't have the luxury of uh just leaving my dishes in the sink anymore because of how small this space is so I have got to wash them I also only have like two forks and three pans so I don't have as many pans as I'm used to and this foot pump water pump I'm not going to lie it's kind of hard depress and it hurts my foot when I'm bare flip if you watched my last few videos I still am traveling with my friend Allan um he slept here last night I don't know what happened but he was sleeping just on uh the other side of the road here in those spots and he texted me at like 10:45 saying but he got kicked out by a cop coming to knock on his door but for some reason I don't know why because I'm in the most obvious camper you could probably be in they didn't kick me out and he just had to move into the neighborhood over over there so he didn't have to move too far but we're going to meet up with him before we uh hit the road again and continue on North before we head out I am going to make a uh quick run to the grocery store grab some stuff because since we're traveling with Allen kind of in a new realm of cooking he's a vegetarian so I want to get something that I can cook tonight as vegetarian so we both can eat so I'm going to stop by the uh groc show real quick [Music] [Music] so I think I'm going to do some sort of like a roasted chickpea Greek salad for dinner tonight so run real quick and get everything we need for [Music] that definitely going to have to get my fridge organized real quick there we go I mean that's good enough I had to rip the egg carton in half but it all here to go again no radio got to use a speaker for tunes on the drive roll [Music] spoke not you do you think about me now and then do you think about me now and then what up [Music] Spain takes it get out of here I'll send you the PIN for that spot we're going to first all right so we're uh heading up to the spot about an hour and a half north of here on Pismo Beach where we can hopefully camp at uh outside of some sand dunes get back into the Wilderness a little bit and I have two options one I could take Route One which is technically Highway a little bit faster speeds get there quicker and just ride in the slow lane or I can take backwards the whole way there and add an extra hour I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet but honestly the way she's performed so far I might just take the highway but yeah it is time to hit the road once more [Music] hey you got this transporting over here yeah I got a shi over here that I'm driving it up from uh San [Music] Diego all right so I'm coming up on the spot where I think you can pull out onto the beach and Camp those things are sick and I'm hoping we can find a campsite out here uh we'll see asess it depends on how uh packed it is how's it going good do you uh can you camp on the beach here not on this part of the beach a mile south of here in the dunes in order to uh camp on this beach you have to drive all the way down at about a mile and a half through a Creek in order to get to the spots where you can actually Camp I don't know if I trust the mini truck enough I don't have a pump to air down my tires I don't know if I feel like risking it but I don't know I got a camping patch just in case but we'll see I'm going to pull down to the beach Wait for Allan to get here and then we can kind of make a decision all right so we got four-wheel drive engaged don't know if I'll necessarily need it the sand is pretty compact but since I didn't air down my tires this looks like pretty nice sand at least in the beginning and I've also never used the four-wheel drive so I just want to use it how epic dude this is sick but I should have grabbed an air compressor on the way here so we get air down we probably could have made it there honestly either way not worth the risk we still get to hang out on the beach for the day we just can't Camp here I decided to make that trip instead of taking the uh back roads I took the highway I didn't did you take the highway on the way here I'm guessing yeah yeah yeah that mountain pass I had no idea how steep it was oh so steep yeah I was going like actually when I was going through I was like damn thank God R was like cuz I remember you telling me like oh I'm not going to go through the mountains I ended up just sending it and I was driving up that mountain pass I was going like 30 mph I've never put like my like P yeah like my foot was pressed down as hard as it could be on that gas ala likes the water oh yeah so excited yeah I had this thing screaming for 45 minutes driving up over that mountain pass on Route One Foot was pressed all the way down to the floor and we were only going like maybe 35 40 mph she made it and that's all that matters but I will not be taking the highway through that section on the way back and we're allowed to stay here till 10 p.m. with our day passes so we're probably just going to hang out here until we uh go find somewhere nearby to Camp making sure you're nice and Sandy before you get back in the van oh yeah you might be getting yelled at here he's getting yelled at I think we're not having the dog on the leash yeah I got some stuff to make uh vegetarian dinner too so I'll I'll probably cook outside tonight on your uh on your table too it doesn't get much better than this though only thing that would make this better is if we could camp here I almost kind of do want to risk driving over that Creek but with the engine being under the vehicle I just don't want to drive it through water and mess anything up I don't know if you can see on the camera but there is a a legitimate wall of clouds maybe 2 3 mil could be 15 I actually have no idea but that that that mountain range over there is like holding it off so the clouds are blowing down this way sticking off the coast for about another 5 or 10 miles down that way so we're in like a little pocket of sun right in this little beach and alila had to get put in a doggy prison cuz dogs aren't allowed off the leash here I'm sorry dude 14th Now in America stha game on hey go baby alila don't shake anymore you're going to get me all sandy dude yeah ala where's the game come on now yeah [Music] there you go Argentina 1 moving on to the final but I'm getting hungry Alan moved his van over there so his doors opening towards this side as opposed to opening that way but oh let's make some dinner we're cooking outside tonight all right first things first we've got to get all of our ingredients prepped up ready to go ran wait what are you about to Chef up bro some uh taziki K uh what's it called suziki chickpea Bowl oh fire there we go beautiful now we've got all that done we can start prepping up cooking our chickpeas so we got our pan nice and H there some olive oil we can go ahead and drain those and we can go ahead and add our chickpeas in it's my first time ever making chickpeas I love chickpeas I eat them all the time but I've never like uh cooked them and then to that we can to add just some of this Italian style seasoning and then just a little bit of allpurpose seasoning keeping it really simple with that and get those nice and mixed together and then we're going to cook these for right around 7 minutes or until they get nice and crispy now there water's B we can go ahead and add our rice get that all SED in there and then we'll uh turn the heat off on that one and get it covered up and that's pretty much it oh he smells so good look at that Sunset after like 5 or 7 minutes that's pretty much it it's all we got to cook up for this meal super simple Beach meal let's get it plated up yes let's do rice on the bottom and then little bit of the salad pack got some red onions in each do this tomatoes [Music] cucumbers a little bit of cilantro on the top oo that looks delicious top it off with the chickpeas woo yes sir wow I wanted to do I wanted to do like a taziki so Al on the top but they didn't have any at the store so I got fat Food Ranch that'll do hard to beat this one bro yes sir dinner is served let's get it I almost forgot there is one final ingredient feta cheese you like Feta cheese actually don't dude really okay perfect come some of that on there and before we just getting a little chilly out look at that beautiful Bowl dude couldn't be better hell yeah dude every time I cook for someone on my channel I have them right at 1 out of 10 you got to be brutally honest like if you were to get this at a restaurant what would you R up dude on this one bite honest with me 92 92 you know what I I mean that's a pretty I think it might I don't know if that's the high I think that might be the highest score what the camper it's a Japanese mini truck I built the camper on the back of it I don't know if I'd feel good selling other people I feel I feel unsafe driving this thing appreciate it thanks have a good one does kind of suck we can only stay out here till uh 10: but I was looking on I Overlander a little bit earlier there's a spot like right in town that we can camp at probably I think it's the on the street it's just something like what we've been doing pretty much the entire time just right on the street work now we don't have to fight for a spot too cuz I don't know you guys can't see it on camera but down there where you can see the camping like right on the edge there a legitimate billion RVs there's no no Community yeah there's no space to walk around down there but dinner was delicious I might have to cook some more vegetarian meals more often honestly that's what I always tell people on my channel when they like ask what I eat when I'm not like cooking for a video MH it's pretty much just rice bowls mini truck makes cooking a little bit harder cuz there's not as much space but it's not too bad oh look at those birds it's paid actors stars are hopefully going to be spectacular that Sunset is so beautiful unreal but anyways we're going to eat dinner enjoy the sunset checking with you guys a little bit later [Music] all right the uh tide is coming in a little bit a little bit higher Sun is setting so we're starting to clean up and kind of get out of here go find somewhere where we can uh camp for the night we get everything cleaned up sunset tonight was spectacular couldn't have asked for a better Sunset best beach sunsets are when there's a uh thin layer of clouds high in the atmosphere for the sun to reflect off of the only time a beach sunset is ever better than a uh Mountain Sunset is when there's some clouds in the sky I've also never seen I don't know you guys can't see much but I've never seen this thing at night with the lights on so I want to see how it looks that is crazy cool oh that looks so sick I've never seen these lights at night not do my own horn but it looks professional looks good but anyways let's get out of here about four-wheel drive on again definitely no need four-wheel drive but makes me feel kind of cool putting it on our spot for the night right on the side of the road it ain't pretty but it'll work I'll see you in the morning we'll move out there and then I got you on breakfast what are you making tomorrow you're making Aras Aras hell yeah dude all right I'll I'll find out what that is tomorrow I B I bought some some ham just for you appreciate it got you do appreciate it all right I'll see you in the morning morning all righty oh my gosh so the one bad thing about the beach and beach camping is sand on your feet so I'm going to do my best to keep the sand over here but at the end of the day there's only so much you can do like when you can't take a full shower or rinse off your feet like my old manand and I'll just try to keep it all consolidated to the front of the truck at least I can walk around without getting new sand on my feet and the best thing about California beaches in the summer is they get so cool at night so like anywhere else in the summer like if I was in Arizona there's a heat wave going on right now it's like 115° I'd be baking alive back here but I'm comfortable back here with all my windows closed and a hoodie on so that's why beaches are ideal for Van life in this summer get these windows open oh I already sleep so good tonight I'm to get the bed set up and hit the head cuz I'm trying to get back to that beach early tomorrow morning if I can just take a day off hang out there so I will catch you guys in the morning all right so it's currently uh 11:59 cops came and kicked both me and uh Allan he's over there out of our spots and uh apparently we were 500 ft past the city limit where they have a no overnight camping ordinance and they said if we came back to this parking lot at this restaurant we shouldn't get bothered and there's no apparently overnight camping ordinance here but we're going to try to Camp here hopefully it works morning we didn't get kicked out but since we're just parked out at some local restaurant in their parking lot I figure we should get up kind of early get out of here that way no harm no foul restaurant doesn't open till 11:00 we're out here by 7:15 so maybe I'll take a nap on the beach later since we didn't get a full night sleep last night and Allan just texted me he's up morning [Applause] morning howd you sleep good yeah and turns out this was better we're like right by the beach yeah you can just run in right there so you're heading up there to see if the bathroom's open uh yeah over there okay cuz those over there we lock still all right I'll meet you up there okay I didn't even realize there's a beach entrance here this one's different from the one one that we went in on uh yesterday yeah I'm excited cuz this morning Alan said he's making us some sort of breakfast and he said he got ham just for me since he's a vegetarian so let's get back to the beach get some breakfast wrong side four-wheel drive mode [Music] engaged is there anyone out there who wants to go fast I want to go fast all right and I guess this spot is uh as good as I to pull up into [Music] beautiful morning out here on the beach so I was uh getting stuff out of the camper and Allan pulled up and got stuck here for like 20 minutes we just had to dig him out now he's parked over there unstuck but alila when the cops came last night you left something oh so what's going in this Venezuelan breakfast dude I'm going to make it with pero which is like a staple for us what we e with atas it's pretty much eggs scrambled eggs with chopped onions and diced tomatoes okay salt and pepper fire fireo I'm excited someone else is cooking for me on the channel so that that we'll have that and then Thea traditionally it's stuffed with whatever you want to stuff it with whether it's like the bico itself or like ham turkey cheese I mean get creative fill it with like anything so that's why I got ham and cheese so you can try one with ham and cheese cuz that's like a classic one sweet um yeah I'll try whatever one you recommend you're going to e good bro I want the chef's Chef's Chef special [Music] [Music] there we go so we got Thea and then what is this justo Pico which is pretty much a scrambled eggs tomato and onions and then what is this and then that's Nat which is heavy whipping cream with salt Just Whipped until it becomes that texture look so good thank you you want to getat it outside huh you want to getat it outside yeah yeah appreciate you cooking oh that is so good that cream right bro so good I would have never thought to put that on my eggs all right try the Hey that's pretty good wow it's like a is kind of like a tamale but it's like thick yeah I think has a better like consistency than bread yeah I didn't B over bread all day oh it's good it's like perfectly crispy it's chewy in the middle this meal is definitely going in my um in my breakfast rotation and this is so different too cuz I usually only have to put um ketchup on my eggs having like a a heavy whipping cream with salt I never would have thought that this would be good on the sandwich too going throw some on there oh hell yeah whenever I want to put it in the adepa I usually kind of like dip it cuz once this gets warm it goes back to oh really yeah it's almost like the consistency of like a perfectly cooked sugar cookie but not sweet damn bro crazy crispy on the outside but chewy in the middle one of those things your parents always used to make yeah yeah yeah Sundays we're eating this like for sure that's so sick I don't think I ever had a like family breakfast one for seconds with a parico inside with some cheese some cream on the top nice little to- Go breakfast pocket but I think we're probably just going to HST up here on the beach hang out enjoy the sun maybe go swimming or surfing a little bit later and I will catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] go [Music] I don't want to [Music] scare de sting R just hanging out here right in front of uh Camp Out Boy little guy looks like it's fresh from like yesterday too feels good to get on bro [Applause] I decided to pull back down into this little spot on the beach for one more day and get a run in because uh feel like I'm done making excuses for why I can't stay active I'm living in a vehicle I always come up with excuses like I don't have a shower there's no place for me to run or a million other things and Allan and for those guys who haven't watched my videos was a guy that I was traveling with for the last 3 days he goes out for a run almost every morning and he kind of inspired me to go today so feels good but now I feel gross and I have no way to feel UNG gross actually I do I have one more dude shower left and it is so nice to be able to come out right here on the beach it's going to be kind of hard to leave this place but we must continue our journey North as far as this little tank will take us I think it's time to leave this little beach Paradise though get back on the [Music] road I also accumulated uh quite a few back the trash that need to get thrown out this has kind of become my temporary trash bin make sure we press our fun mode button turn on four-wheel drive again not that I need it just makes me feel cool to use so for the first few days of uh living in the back of this thing I was just throwing my laundry up there cuz it was kind of wasted space but I didn't like having it up there and I remember that this is just basically empty [Music] so now this is where my laundry goes and I really didn't pack a lot of clothes because of how small this car is so I only have about a week and a half sth of laundry before I need to do it each time so I will probably be making a lot more stops at laundry mats this trip than I normally would I also don't have laundry bag so while I was waiting for this stuff to dry I was looking at places I can go and I think for today we're going to go check out Moro Bay which is about 45 minutes there are a few mountains I have to drive through in order to get there but I don't think they're too Steep and I can also avoid highways so it shouldn't be too bad but we'll go explore there and then uh probably find a place to stealth camp tonight I don't know if we're going to be able to find anything where we can get some wilderness camping but I'll do my best when I get there see what we can find and then for the rest of the trip I just found out from Googling at the part of Route One is closed and pretty much the only way around it are through mountain passes there's one mountain pass on the highway called Gusto pass or custo pass that has like 8 miles of 7% grade which I don't feel comfortable doing in this mini truck and then there's one other option that has I think steeper grades but it's not a highway that I also don't really feel comfortable doing in the mini truck so I'm not sure we're going to be able to make it all the way up to San Francisco on this trip might just have to be another one once route one is open again it closed because of landslides I thought that it opened cuz I read an article that it had but I guess it was out of date It Go a few hours north of here it is closed but we're still going to drive all the way up there and then turn around just wherever the road closes and I only brought one hoodie for this trip cuz I didn't expect it to be super cold but it's actually been quite chilly for the last 3 or 4 days so we pretty much have two options for our route up to Morrow Bay there's one that goes kind of through the mountains but I don't think the grades are too Steep and then there's one that's on the highway and I think I'm going to take the one that avoids the highway with potentially steeper grades because then I'll feel less pressure to go super fast and basically put my foot to the floor for 30 minutes so we're taking back roads all right so this is our first Hill my pedal is all the way to the floor we're going 28 according to that sign my foot is pressed all the way down this is why I don't like driving this thing on highways when there's Hills [Music] [Music] I don't know why this is squeaking so much now whatever so I Googled what restaurant can you not leave Moro Bay without trying and the answer online said tazin dox sign so we're going to go there grab some lunch right across from Moro Rock which I didn't know was even here I didn't know Morrow had a big rock which you can't really see right now you can kind of see the outline of it over there over the ocean there's clouds covering it but that's a big rock we're going to go check that out too I'm walking down here this place really reminds me of Maine when I went up to Bar Harbor with all these fishing boats in the bay and the cool rock all right I think this is it right here there we go tog tog naini dock side I should a table for one you already know I can't come to a fishing town and not get the clam Sher at that I can tell by look this is already going to be very good it's very thick tell is a lot in there oh that looks so good take those off of there don't like avocados and she said this sauce doesn't normally come with it but it's like a Chipotle oie so I'm excited to try it oh look at that so good not going to lie might be one of the best c videos I've ever had but yeah I will say I don't normally say that about food that is the best that I've had but that borderline was one of the best seafood quesadillas or even quesadillas in general everything about it was perfect the cheese The Buttery Seafood the tortilla was crispy definitely got to try it if you come through here clouds are giving a real mysterious vibe to the Bay right now too such a creepy Mist kind of covering everything there's so many of them always chasing that's where we're going next that's a big run those clouds rolling in look so cool look at that there's a couple sea otters out there laying on their backs and I can't get over how clear this water is look at them just rolling around in the seaweeds so some fun facts about this big rock is it's actually a volcanic plug which I didn't even know was a thing until I read that online but according to what I've read online it's 23 million years old or at least it formed 23 million years ago as the plug of a volcano whatever that means so it's mostly made of volcanic rock it's 581 ft tall and it is the remnant of a now extinct volcano and now I get to walk around and read facts that I just looked up 5 minutes ago over on this side there's just some beaches and I think the rock is actually what's holding off these clouds at least right on the other side of it it's like parting them since they're so low to the ground I guess technically it's fog either way it's like parting the uh the clouds so right on the other side of this rock it's sunny but then everywhere else it's super foggy but yeah that's moral Rock for you you can almost see the clouds coming around that side and then the clouds coming around that side Mr big rock splitting them in the middle oh look at that there's even a jellyfish right there moon jelly maybe I don't know correct me in the comments All right look at that Majestic shot of the mini truck but I don't know if there's anywhere that I can uh camp nearby these small beach towns have given me nothing but trouble on this trip with getting kicked out so I think I might drive a bit Inland and find somewhere to Camp all right I think this is where we're going to try to stay tonight right in front of this dirt lot where hopefully no one will bother us I ended up driving to the next Beach town over like 15 minutes it's a little bit smaller hopefully we don't get kicked out tonight there's no signs though so should be okay correction this is not the spot we can stay that is where we were looking for in front of that dirt lot I think all of the spots over there might be full but we're going to go check it out what does this say no parking between the signs Friday mornings 8: to 12:30 tomorrow is Friday but worst case I can honestly just get out of here before 8:00 a.m. and I'm sure before the night end someone will leave this parking lot and I can just take their spot which it actually looks like people might be leaving right there so absolutely impeccable timing b e a useful now we get to wake up to a Farm's Market nice well baring we kicked out on our spot kind of like right on the Main Street of this small town I forget the name of it I actually don't know how to say it Kos Kos Kos Kos I don't know but we're on the main street of that town a liquor store brown butter cookie company Main Street some Eerie fog rolling through it and I think we're right on the beach too just a great spot yeah we are only one street away from the beach can't really tell cuz it's so foggy there's a pier that goes all the way out there yeah not bad so I'm not going to lie I'm probably going to get to bed pretty early tonight cuz it's been a long last couple days I just got a real simple meal to make for dinner tonight I was going to cook something up but honestly that Seafood quesadilla was a lot more than I thought it was going to be so still pretty full from that so for dinner tonight we're just doing a little chopped salad I think the rest of the night just going to hang out in here finish my salad maybe watch that new episode of Game of Thrones that came out not bad so super light dressing so it's not like very overpowering but it actually is pretty good 10 out of 10 though great sh all right turn my light off so people can't see it as easily outside cuz these uh curtains kind of have a little space in between them when the wind's coming in but the sun is almost fully set proba going to use headphones tonight to watch my movie cuz keep my windows open and don't need people hearing it but what I was talking about with my bed earlier is if I pull it out just like 3 or 4 instead of the full weight the slats stay more like solid so they're not as like spread apart like where where I'd be sleeping on them so I can't feel them as much and this bed is so much more comfortable like this and it's still more than wide enough for me to sleep on this table actually doubles I found this out the other day as a perfect little St to put it up on and watch movies we made it no one bothered us all night I heard them setting up the farmers market this morning slept great super quiet spot and now I get to go check out the farmers market I also hate having to get out of the truck when there's a bunch of people around makes me feel like I'm like a little Gremlin crawling out of his cave has to be done at some point it's not like my van like in my van I could crawl up to the front seat and get out and act kind of normal but here I just have to like come out of the back door it's whatever something smells delicious pretty small farmers market these your spices yeah it makes hamburger tastes like like steak hamburger tastes like steak mhm Oho that's pretty good this one here Santa Maria but the one you get in the stores is really salty this isn't this is prime rib seasoning Santa sty that's pretty good too yeah I'll take one of I'll take one of the cow ones definitely there you go thank you very much thank you very much you take care now have a good one all right we didn't leave empty-handed guy was selling some seasonings I figured I always cook things in the van no name spice is cow seasoning [Music] [Music] so we did a little backtracking back to marrow Bay because this is the only gym in the area and I called ahead and they offer guest passes so I'm going to get a quick workout in and a nice shower here at this uh Anytime Fitness [Music] there we go since that was a small gym was actually pretty nice the shower was like real private actually one of the nicer gym showers that I've been able to get clean up but today we are continuing up on our last little stretch of highway one I don't think we're going to finish it out today before we hit the closure the closure is near lime Kil State Park or something like that it's about 3 and 1/2 hours north of here so I don't think we're going to make it all the way there today but make it about halfway find some camp and cook up some nice Seafood for dinner so I'm going to go down to the fish market here Mor o Bay see what they [Music] have they got a bunch of stuff I think honestly I'm going to do some of this some of this uh thresher Shar cuz I've never had it before thank you very much have a day have a good one fresh shark excited to see how this tastes but I'm going have to look up how to cook this cuz I've never made it before nice and tucked away in the fridge so I just got to run to the uh grocery store on my way out of here grab a few more things for cooking with that shark and to cook that shark and we're hitting the road continuing North hopefully find a find a cool campsite on some Cliffs somewhere just downward one probably on the uh side of the road or something but onward all right didn't really need to get a bunch honesty for this recipe I had a lot of the stuff which is what I'm trying to do with a lot of these things cuz I don't have a lot of storage obviously in the back of the mini truck so I'm trying to keep these recipes as minimalistic as I can while also still trying to make good food so from here we are hopping on in my opinion the most beautiful section of Route One from uh I think it goes down from Baja all the way up to the Olympic Peninsula up in Washington and this section from where we're at in Morrow Bay up until Big Sir in San Francisco is one of the most beautiful stretches of this highway and I love driving it there are some hills though that I'm kind of worried about but it shouldn't be uh it shouldn't be too much of a problem but we'll see here we go this is pretty much it there is no other Road pretty much for the rest of the entire drive if you're sticking along the coast in California rout one is kind of it so this is the road that we will be on for the rest of our trip so the construction of this highway started in 1919 and they estimated that it was only going to cost $1.5 million to build which is absolutely crazy that a road this long through this ruged of terrain can be built for 1.5 million but I guess money was a lot different back then today it would be over a billion dollars and it would take 40 years but the federal funds were appropriated to it in 1921 and San Quinton prison camp set up three temporary prison camps along this road to provide all the labor for it and those prisoners were paid 35 cents a day and their sentences were reduced for the labor that they provided for the road and it's pretty amazing cuz once you get up here on this road it's all mountains and it's all hilly and it's right along the coast just kind of hugging these mountains driving through them and this stretch of road that we're driving on was some of the heaviest construction that went on because of how rugged the terrain is they Ed 70,000 lb of dynamite to blast through the marble sandstone and granite and more than 10 million cubic yards of rock was uh Blown Away there are 33 Bridges along this road and it is by far one of the most beautiful road trips that you can take in America it's a little bit cloudy today but on days where it's sunny it is so beautiful and I'm getting past by so many cars I feel so bad [Music] we are coming up on the hill just before camp this is the biggest hill of the ship so far I [Music] think we are cruising look at that view though beautiful so we have got the pedal to the floor going just about 40 km an hour come on you can do it but we should be pulling up on a spot that we can hopefully Camp here pretty soon I hope it's not too much in the clouds so we can get some of the view but looks like we might be in the clouds which sucks it's all good though I think this is it right here this is where we're going to try to stay tonight SC it all right and we got the nice flat spot up here in the corner beautiful now if there wasn't clouds you'd be able to See For Miles in that direction oh you can kind of see it I'll get out so on a nice sunny day you're parked up here wow look at that you can see pretty much all the way down the coastline and then the sunsets here I mean are spectacular but it's a little bit too cloudy right now so you can't really see too far oh wow that's really steep it's kind of scary yeah we really up here still beautiful though and what a place to cook some fresh shark too hopefully it clears up in the morning so I can show you guys more of the view but I'm going to try to find the most level spot to park this bad [Music] boy all right so I think right here feels pretty level on that way when I open my back door that's my view I don't know though there is a ton of space up here so and no one's up here because the Highway's closed so I can pretty much move it wherever I want to later if I need to but this is good for now all right it is pretty chilly up here too wow so I think before I do anything else um from what I was reading online with cooking this uh thresher shark is that it is a very lean cut of meat and um it's recommended to soak it in milk and it's not just for fun or for any kind of flavor it's just because since it's so lean uh it gets pretty dry so if you soak it in milk before it helps to keep it moist so the things that are right online said to soak it for at least an hour so I'm going to go ahead and get that started before I do anything else look at that beautiful and the view has cleared up a little bit since we got here hang on I'll show you guys after I get this covered in milk set that up in a safe place but you can kind of see more of the view now out of the back get some cinematic shots with the flowers I will say it does suck the route one is closed up the ways from here but that just means we're going to have to come back and do it again whenever it opens up whether it's this summer this winter and finish out the rest of this trip all the way up route one cuz I just don't think I'm going to be able to make it through those mountains I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it up to uh San Francisco just cuz just a little much not being able to drive on Route One this mini trick to handle I also have no service up in this spot I have an hour to kill on that steak and I have no idea what to do with myself o look at that little feather it's kind of cool I've collected so many trinkets on this trip actually I've only collected two my sand dollar and my feather and then I also have that Garfield painting somewhere I don't know where I put it but buing get much better than this so a lot of the times when I'm on the road by myself I try to avoid spots that don't have service especially when I don't have my starlink which I kind of wish I had here but I will say it is kind of nice to just sit in places sometimes without music without anyone being able to reach me and just kind of be by myself and be a little bit more present than I usually am cuz I'm so consumed by social media in all facets of my life my job is social media when I'm not doing my job I'm sitting on Tik Tok or Instagram or playing video games feel like a lot of the times I forget to kind of slow down and take in what I'm doing and kind of be a little bit more thankful for this life that I get to live sitting up here on the coast of California by myself and I'll let you guys kind of join me in it for next 30 seconds or so [Music] that was nice but it's been about an hour so this little fillet of shark should be ready to go and I think I'm going to do a broccoli kind of side with it so let's get the cooking cuz I am starving so there is much prep that goes into the shark over there but one thing I do have to prep is the broccoli and I think that's the only thing that I have to prep actually so we'll get that out we'll get that sorted so it really does kind of suck not having an oven not being able to just bake stuff so I kind of have to just pansier everything guess it's not the worst there we go honestly pretty simple for the broccoli take our shark take it out of it little milk bath and then we'll just rinse that off under some water Pat that dry and we'll get it into another fresh Bowl then we can go ahead and get this bad boy nice and seasoned and for that we need some lemon juice you can use fresh lemon juice or like me just use this bottle some soy sauce going right in on the top a little bit of uh rice vinegar going on top not tooo much of that let get with some ginger some ground ginger just a little bit of this allpurpose seasoning make sure to get that on both sides and then for a little bit of spice just a touch of red pepper flakes there we go that is pretty much it for our shark seasoning and now that we've got that we can kind of just get started cooking I'm going to try to cook both of them at the same time don't know how well that's going to work but we'll see and I think tonight we're breaking out the uh big boy pan cook up that broccoli so first thing I do before I get started cooking either of these is I got these pine nuts to add into my broccoli it's kind of like a little garnish but I got to cook these up real quick before I do anything else we a little bit of oil in this pan get the fire on on that oh that get nice and hot thr the pine nuts in there and cook them for just about 2 to 3 minutes basically until they start to get some color and then pull them out just get them nice and toasted there we go just kind of like that a little bit of color on them take those off set them aside in this bowl and we can get started on the rest of this so put some more oil on both of these pans just a little bit and since this pan is already pretty hot I'm just going to go ahead and throw my broccoli in there now we kind of want to cook those until they turn nice and bright green I think this other pen is nice and up to Temp we can go ahead and throw our shark on there and according to the directions I read online I'll let that cook for roughly 5 minutes is on each side well we wait to put that we're going to get our broccoli seasoned up just simply with this all purpose again this thing is a lifesaver it's gr on pretty much everything that seasoned tossed in there nicely and then now that that broccoli is kind of cooked in nice and bright green add in some of our garlic let that get nice and fragrant for about 2 to 3 minutes and I think I might have left this cooking for too long this fire is super hot a little bit crispy but we'll cook that for right around maybe 3 to 4 minutes on the other side but the final thing we got to do with this broccoli is add some chicken stock but I didn't feel like buying big old box of chicken stock so I've just cut some water and then a cube of uh buong get some water in the pan a little bit of this buong mix that all in there make it a little bit of broth basically and then we'll just let that kind of cook and tenderize and get that c this is this pan is too slippery I got to get rid of this pan and get a new one I'm going to lose something one day I almost just lost my my whole steak now we can get this out of the pan and then just let it rest while we wait for a broccoli to finish there we go it's pry good nice and tender broccoli get that out top our broccoli with those pine nuts and then some grated Parmesan now we can eat and The View with dinner ain't that bad either nicer if it wasn't cloudy but oh that is so good I've never cooked broccoli this way oh I've always like just got it nice and crispy wow I also got mixed in with the juice of the fish so I don't know if it's actually just a broccoli or some of shark but there we go you're not supposed to eat a lot of a shark since it is a predatory fish there's a lot of mercury in it so shouldn't be eating it all the time but it's so dense it's not not quite like steak dense but very meaty but very good beautiful you can still kind of see the water it's not as much as it [Music] could delicious so now that dinner's done I'm not really too sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my night considering I didn't really plan for a night without service don't have a book don't have a downloaded movie don't really have anything to do if I'm going to be quite honest might end up uh getting to bed pretty early tonight but when I was out earlier waiting for the shark to be done in the milk I did find this other point out here that had a pretty cool Lookout don't know if we're going to be able to see anything but I'll take you guys out there real quick it's a little bit more exposed of a lookout but walked over here earlier pretty crazy I don't know how far out I want to step cuz I don't know how solid this is below but look at that it's absolutely stunning beautiful night for some shark on a cliff [Music] [Music] so the sun has uh fully set it's already 9:00 I have so many little hitchhikers from outside in my socks and I have no service so not really much else to do but I do have this little uh Abraham Lincoln book that I haven't opened or read in a while so might as well dig into that tonight best pres of all time I've read so many books on this man if you ever get the chance read his autobiography it's really good one of my favorite quotes from him that I have memorized by heart and I'll leave you with before I go to bed is the great mass of men were utterly unconscious that their minds or conditions were capable of improvement which basically says no matter what you got going on in your physical life going on around you or in your head it's something that can always improve but that is just a quote that I remember from one of the books that I read on him anyways I never use this light my little fan light I forgot I had it for a while I'm going to use that as my reading light read some of this and get to bed good morning s pretty well last night wasn't a lot of traffic on route one obviously because the uh roads closed so nobody was really passing through at night time oh wow it's a lot clearer today it was yesterday looks like there's a wall of clouds pushing in but beautiful and it looks like we ended up getting some um neighbors last night but today is the first day that I have actually the foresight pick up some coffee it's not regular coffee it's just some folders instant coffee but it's nice to be able to wake up and have some get the inverter turned on actually haven't used the uh 120 volt plugs on this very much of this trip and actually don't even know if this power station is powerful enough to kick this thing on to heat me up some hot water but we're about to find out and about right now guess it is it's on it's warming up this thing is kicking into overdrive though [Music] jeez I don't even know if I have enough battery left to uh do this it's going down the percentages are going down by the second or at 14 13 12 I don't know if my water's going to heat up before the battery dies 9 8 7 come on and the battery died so close to Boiling too oh you know what might not be boiling but that water's pretty hot so I think today once I finish this coffee I'm going to right outside I'm going to take you guys up that last little stretch of um route one that we have left to drive and then turn back around and start heading back uh South towards home I don't really know what else there is on Route One before it closes closes about 30 Mi up the road hopefully something cool bad yeah definitely not bad to wake up to what a cool little rig you got there appreciate it it's a Japanese mini truck I take a look yeah no problem yeah go ahead no problem what was your name kale kale Ryan hey nice to meet you enjoy the rest of your trip thanks you as well so that's kale from Canada they were going up Route One heading back to Canada and didn't realize it was closed it's another backt tracking back and around onto the uh highway but yeah not a bad spot for some morning coffee b e a beautiful I got to say this inst coffee isn't really that bad but it does leave a uh kind of bad aftertaste in your mouth I was going to cook breakfast here but I don't think I'm going to because kind of want to see if there's a small business along the one that I can go into and get some food because with it being closed for as long as it has I'm sure they appreciate it so hopefully we can find some little small shop to get some breakfast or get some snacks but anyways let's get out of here so I still have no service so I can't look anything up so I don't know if there's anywhere where I can get food that way down the one I should have asked that guy but that is Mission Number One find food I wasn't so glad you'd be able to see the ocean off this Cliff over here but unfortunately it is going higher and higher yeah I guess we're not going to be able to check out the views as much as I thought we would be able to because the higher we go and it's just been constant uphill for the last 10 minutes the more we're getting into these clouds and the less we're able to see so kind of sucks and I did drive by a restaurant backways but it was it was pretty close to where I camp last night so I didn't feel like stopping right there um but worst case once we get to the end we'll just stop there on the way back I got a lot of comments on uh my last video and of the post I've been making on my Instagram account that people think they could push this over or roll over and any kind of wind I drove through a few serious wind storms when I was close to the beach on the way here and honestly I didn't even think about it for a second that this thing would blow over and I'm going around these Cur turns kind of fast and this thing is pretty stable I'm very surprised with how well this little mini truck is handled this entire trip it's been very very impressive but I'm not going to lie even before this trip and when I was building this mini truck I thought I was getting it in over my head uh the comments were kind of getting to me saying this would never work this is a stupid idea why would you do this it's so much smaller than your van it's such a downgrade which knew I never built this to be an upgrade for my van I just thought it was going to be cool but it started to get to me that maybe this isn't going to work maybe it is too much weight maybe the mini truck can't handle it but I guess it's just a testament so you don't know until you try and we are just crawling along at just under 40 km an hour going up these Hills so glad there's no one else on this road there we go we're finally getting back out of that cloud layer you can see the uh ocean now so off to our left there nice downhill stretch or another uphill stretch it looks like across this uh little way here but this is what I was talking about with this road going through rugged terrain I mean it's just hanging off the side of cliffs for the next like 70 M if it wasn't closed which is crazy black sand beaches down there kind of reminds me of uh the roads up in in Alaska but I am going to be honest the road is closed about 10 Mi up that way and I think we're just going to be driving uphill back into the uh clouds again so I think this is where I'm going to call it and this is going to be my turnar around point cuz I'm also getting kind of low on gas I mean I have like 34 of a tank but it's been chipping away every time I drive up a hill I lose like a quarter tank turn around up here head back get some breakfast at that place start my journey Southward [Music] this is the end of our journey northward we already started our way back south and uh I'm going to check out a few places on my way back but I think that is it for today so if you watch all my videos coming up here I truly appreciate you guys I would not be able to do this kind of stuff build out this mini truck or do these travels without you so thank you once I finish this I'm getting out of here heading south so I'll catch you guys next time today I have one last trial that I'm putting in the K truck C for through and that is its final mountain pass before we uh kind of get back over the Coastal Range and uh onto the right side of the coast where the roads as long as you hug the coast are relatively flat and even and essentially for getting back over this coastal range I have uh I have two options one of which I took on the way here on the main Highway that was absolutely terrifying with cars driving around me going 60 MPH and me going 2530 up mountain passes on the highway so I don't think I want to do that one again so instead of taking that route down Route One through goia we're going to take back roads down the range here Past Lake kachima up through the range here and then we're back down in Santa Barbara I do think I might try to find a spot on top of the mountain to camp tonight and cook up some Japanese aachi cuz that's something I haven't done since we're in Japanese key truck I thought it might be fun to cook some Bachi in the back so I might try to find a spot tonight on top of the mountain camp before we can get started with any of that we are kind of back in a city now so there's more amenities and I think I might go take advantage of just playing of Fitness as a few minutes away get a workout get a shower get my day started right also yesterday when I was uh driving down the road I drove past this stand that was selling uh Japanese bonai trees so I picked them up I haven't found a spot in the back of the camper so it's kind of just sitting up here in the front for now but I couldn't just drive by it in my Japanese K truck and not get it so got a little shotgun rer [Music] now beautiful all nice and clean I got my new shirt on feeling good also did have my first mishap with the truck yesterday I had uh I had two black zip ties on here now one's white because I left the lights on and the battery died so I had to get uh someone to come out and give me a jump but luckily I was um in town so it only took like 15 minutes got to remember to make sure I turn my lights off CU something you take for granted in newer cars they automatically turn off but even in my old car that I had that was an ' 04 uh Mustang before I had the van if I would leave my lights on it would beeping me remind me to turn them off this car doesn't do anything it doesn't tell you if your lights on on and during the day it's kind of hard to tell see how we're doing on power too started off the day at zero it died this morning my fan just turned off at like 8:00 a.m. but it's been Sunny so we're back up to 37% got 135 Watts coming in from solar and only 95 Watts coming out from fridge and lights and when I turn the lights off it'll be a lot less it'll charge faster fridge only drills about 50 when it's on when the compressor's on and the compressor's not always on once it's cooled to Temp the compressor will kick off this is only the second time that I've run out of power on this trip the first time is cuz I ran my Kettle and it went from like 17 to Z in 3 seconds other than that it's been more than enough power for me to uh live on anyways let's get to the store and get some stuff for our Deluxe Habachi dinner tonight in the back of my K truck and I think since this is one of the last nights that I'm going to have on this trip before I uh make my way back home I'm going to kind of try to go all out and make a big Habachi dish have a good one it's the coolest thing about this manyi truck is doesn't matter what age you are I've had 5year olds and I've had 80y olds it doesn't matter what race you are what sex you are I've had girls guys every single Walk of Life come up to me and it's just I think this thing is universally cool to everyone there's no subset of people that think this is cooler than other people I almost don't even feel bad when I'm driving slow on the roads cuz the people behind me whenever they drive by they're always smiling looking out the window honking it's pretty cool to be able to just drive a car down the road and and put smiles on people's faces just for the basic fact that they saw it and it makes me kind of proud cuz I built it with help obviously shout out Trevor and Kyle and Nick but nonetheless still cool but I do really have to find a place to put this Bonsai probably figure that out tonight before I get to cooking beautiful view from this Walmart parking lot you can see the ocean up in the distance just in case I don't run out tonight [Music] should have everything we need now let get it all packed away all righty let's hit the road [Music] [Music] e [Music] all right this is it this is the final test of this mini truck and I know this mountain pass I've driven it before and before I left I Googled the flattest route back home and it said this was it and I guess it's because it was mostly flat all the way up to here but I know that this mountain pass is anything but flat so I'm not going to lie I'm kind of nervous about it but hopefully the little tank can do it and we're only doing half today and half tomorrow which I think should make it a little bit better but I think pretty much from here on it's all uphill it is beautiful though but this is it we're climbing from here luckily there is nobody behind us cuz we are going we're going pretty fast we're going almost 80 km an hour going I get a running start going down this hill for this uh next uphill section going almost 100 km an hour right now which feels faster than mini truck but it's really not that fast all right I officially have my pedal to the floor we are slowing extremely rapidly now my foot could not be pressed any harder on this pedal going 60 and slowing we are crawling up this hill this little mini truck makes it over this mountain I swear to God the first thing I'm doing is taking it into the shop and getting it tuned up oh this engine sounds like it's about to explode luckily we were only4 mile away or half mile away from the spot that we're camping on the top up here not the top of the pass but at least we'll give her a little break before she has to finish this out tomorrow little guy made it at least made it to Camp whether he will finish now tomorrow we will find out but he is getting a much deserved break wow I'm sweating this is uh definitely been the most stressful part of the drive that I've had to do so far but he's killing it give him a little rest wow I don't know how much more of this uh mountain is left we've made a decent amount of progress up here pretty high elevation such of cool signs yeah yeah I built it myself I'm just taking a little break cuz going up this pass is like it's crazy in this thing are you guys traveling from Florida well so I bought this in Seattle um this is cool too I met it online or I found it online we flew out on um this thing is crazy cool I've always wanted one of these too brick Ryan hey Ryan nice to meet you go to Daisy I do uh I do YouTube videos traveling this thing so that's why I'm that's why I'm filming everything but yeah so uh y does the top pop up it does yeah I got a little kitchen up there is this like storage back here yeah the storage is pretty minimal I can tell by the suitcases yeah we are wish we hadn't brought them but to fly so I just oh yeah it's really small in there there's tons of room for the two of us we we slept in here every night even when we had the choice of staying with friends at their house that's what I always do with my old van I always I always stayed in the van when I even when I had a bedroom available to me cuz it feels like it's like uh at least for me it felt like the van was home so I'm not sure how many gallons you got in the tank but it's got a little Sansa that tells you where you're at we about half that's cool so you own you own kiwi's Pub and Grill I do you're ever in uh elonte Springs Florida Al yeah how do you say it alante alamonte call alamont kiwi Pub and Grill have a good [Music] one they're so cool looking but anyways before uh he pulled in I was over here reading these signs and I'll kind of show you what I'm talking about with there's there's no other option than to go through these mountains there's no way around them so you've got uh kosha pass which is the one I took on the way here so I came down Route One went up through here and then kind of went out this way this time I drove around down through here Past Lake kachima and then we're just about like right right here maybe and then the top of the pass is 3 Mi uphill down that road so I might try to get out of here early tomorrow morning to avoid the traffic and kind of get out of here when there's not as many people driving on the road but definitely can't beat the views up here this is spectacular beautiful but I'm getting ow I getting hungry so I'm going to get started cooking and see if we can find a place to put this little Bonsai so cute I actually think I'm going to back into this spot so I can open my door and not have it open up to parking lot was kind of hoping it would fit up there but it just barely doesn't I just have to keep it on the floor for now and then uh build something to put it in once I get back home but it'll sit there for now it's pretty hot up here definitely not as cool as it's been by the ocean I'm going to sit down and cool off a little bit and then get started on cooking some hiachi all right you I'm giv myself enough time to cool off the very least to get my rice started so that's cooked and ready to go whenever we're ready to cook the rest of the meal and then once that's boiling we set it aside I'll get started on cooking the rest of the stuff which shouldn't take too long honestly it's not very complex of a recipe but I'm starving so I hope this rice Cooks quick all right take this off set that to the side let that finish cooking and now we can get started on prepping the rest this stuff first I want to mess up my new shirt so throwing it on the apron [Music] beautiful we're going to start off with prepping these veggies just about half of that onion fine dice for a fried rice and the other half we're going to cut into kind of big chunks but before we do that I'm actually going to cut a sliver off for something I want to try out later there we go big chunk fine dice now we're going to pee that with the carrots and then we're just going to big chunk these bad boys I also don't have a peeler but when it doubt you can always just use a spoon now the same process we're going to find dice one of these and leave the other one nice and big pieces there you have it everything nice and prepped up ready to go and our rice is coming along beautifully it's just about finished so now that we got the vegetables out of the way prep the meat beautiful so now we can take our freshly cut up sections of meat get those into a bowl get some soy sauce on those bad boys and I'm cheating a little bit we're going to throw some of this Japanese barbecue sauce on there go ahead and get those mixed together nicely there we go beautiful looking meat and with that all done I think we're just about ready to get started cooking so I think I'm going to start with the fried rice and then do the meat after yeah we're going to do that get just a little bit of oil in the pan then we can crack an egg in there get that nice and scrambled up and then it's kind of just as simple as throwing the rest of the fried rice ingredients in there so we'll throw some of this onion put that in there some of this carrot that in there beautiful as well as some peas now to this mixture we're going to add some butter nice healthy knob of it get that started melting throw in our cooked rice and then just hit that with some soy sauce and let that fry up for like five minutes 5ish minutes I had to open the door again CU it was getting too hot in here this cooking but that's just about it that is our fried rice finished up and I made a little bit too much of this so I'm going to uh have to put it into two bowls I think maybe it'll fit in one it'll definitely fit in one and then for the rest of the stuff I'm essentially just going to stir fry it so it'll be super easy and for seasoning you can either use soy sauce in my case I'm going to use since I have it Japanese barbecue sauce store some of that on everything as well as some salt and we'll just let this cook up for right around 10 minutes this smells so good it also almost feels better to sit down and cook cuz I get the the cool air blond on the back of my neck as opposed to standing over it and getting blasted by the heat from the stove and I can still see in there so it's nice but this is just about done there we go I think that is it oh this looks so good so now we just got to Plate everything look at that it's my little volcano now you just have to imagine me pushing it around with flames coming out of it choo choo choo choo now that my friends is a proper plate of aachi and you can't have aachi without y sauce oh this SMS so good cheers oh I have not had aachi in so long let alone one of my favorite sauces in the whole world which is yum yum sauce and I'm so in the mood for exactly this I couldn't have picked a better meal for tonight I've never had that Japanese barbecue sauce before I don't know if that's what's making the steak so good I will say though I am a little bit worried because Habachi does always give me a stomach ache maybe because I always eat too much when I go to Habachi but there's no bathroom up here hopefully that stomach ache holds off till tomorrow morning when we get down the other side of this mountain absolutely wonderful dinner very good way to end a day of stressful driving it is nice that it is uh finally back to the easy stuff tomorrow there is this little trail that kind of goes up around the corner that I want to check out so I will take you guys with me looks like the might be a lovely sunset going on over here look at that so bright it's perfect weather too look at that see the lake off in the distance such a nice night out wow not a cloud in the sky if you look closely you can of kind of even see the the sunset like glistening off that River and the cameras never do it justice when you come up to a place like this but it is absolutely spectacular looking out over this but anyways finally cooled off a little bit feeling good in here belly is full I don't have service up here though which kind of sucks so I won't be able to really do much of anything for the rest of the night but I probably will be getting out of here very early in the morning one because I want to get back to service and two because I want to beat a lot of the traffic and be able to just kind of slowly get my way up there without the pressure of having someone behind me on the mountain but it is starting to get to that time of night put up the window shades getting ready for bed we are running kind of low on power r 25% going get this big main light off just use my nightlight for the rest of the night while I get ready for bed I will see you guys in the [Music] morning good morning it is currently 7:30 Watch is wrong I think it's time to get out of here send it up the rest of that mountain Jesus just fell out of the truck but I'm going to get the car started real quick get it warming up I still do it go to the wrong side of the car not a bad view to wake up to tucked in here we go she's doing it there's probably some very upset people behind me right now but that's okay they'll get over it once we get to the top and I pull over and let them pass come on good people in normal cars downhill sign we're almost at the top that might be it right there come on I think we made it mountains can't hold him back we made it to the top now we just got a 70% grade for the next 8 Miles downward so that'll be fun woohoo we made absolutely beautiful back to the beach this truck has been so much fun to drive around and it's definitely been one of the coolest travel experiences that I've had in a long time very excited to have successfully made this journey well I guess not fully yet cuz I still got to drive a little bit of way back but we're at the beach again it's right there and I think I'm just going to stay here for the day hang out and go grab myself a uh coffee and get some work done so I think that is going to be it for this video truly appreciate you guys uh coming on this trip with me and allowing me to do crazy stuff like build out this Japanese mini truck into a camper and drive it up the California coast I would not be able to do it without you guys and I do not say it enough I know I say it every video but I truly truly appreciate you guys for watching clicking liking subscribing leaving positive comments I read through most of them I don't get to reply to all of them but I really do appreciate you guys and I will catch you guys next time

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