600 Miles, Solo In My DIY Japanese Mini Truck Camper

Published: Jul 29, 2024 Duration: 00:23:00 Category: Entertainment

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Intro [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I don't want to scare [Music] de stingr just hanging out here right in front of uh from camp out poy little guy looks like it's fresh from like yesterday too feels good to get on BR I decided to pull back down into this little spot on the beach for one more day and get a running because uh feel like I'm done making excuses for why I can't stay active I'm living in a vehicle I always come up with excuses like I don't have a shower there's no place for me to run or a million other things and Allan and for those guys who haven't watched my videos was a guy that I was traveling with for the last 3 days he goes out for a run almost every morning and he kind of inspired me to go today so feels good but now I feel gross and I have no way to feel UNG gross actually yes I do I have one more dude shower left there is some nice to be able to come out right here on the beach it's going to be kind of hard to leave this place but we must continue our journey northward as far as this little tank will take us but it has been just about a week that I've been uh living in this mini truck and laundry and other things are starting to mount up in here so before we head out and find a campsite or where we're going to go today cuz on these trips I typically have no plan I kind of just look on the map and pick where I'm going to go each day going have to go into town and uh get some chores done but first we're make a breakfast Breakfast [Music] beautiful day for some breakfast b beach so last night I ended up getting a way better sleep than I normally have in the back of the truck cuz I figured out if I don't pull my bed Beach out and for those of you guys who if this is your first video this bed pulls out if I don't pull it out all the way I don't feel the slats as much and it's like 10 times more comfortable so from now on hopefully I'll get better night sleeps but one thing about being at the beach and not having a rug which I need to get at some point is I track in so much sand so it's constantly all over everything and while I'm here there's not really much I can do to get rid of it since every time I get out I just track more in the only thing I can really do is manage it keep it all towards the front and then sweep it out when I leave I think it's time to leave this little beach Paradise though get back on the [Music] Trash road also accumulated uh quite a few bags of trash that need to get thrown out this has kind of become my temporary trash bin make sure we press our fun mode button turn on four-wheel drive again not that I need it just makes me feel cool to use take care of this trash real quick onward Laundry so for the first few days of uh Liv in the back of this thing I was just throwing my laundry up there cuz it was kind of wasted space but I didn't like having it up there and I remember that this is just basically empty [Music] so now this is where my laundry goes and I really didn't pack a lot of clothes because of how small this car is so I only have about a week and a half s of laundry before I need to do it each time so I will probably be making a lot more stops at laundry mats this trip than I normally would I also don't have laundry bag [Music] there we go 22 minutes also look at this laundry M it's so nice this nicest laundry B think I've ever been through I didn't realize how much running on the sand was going to tear up my toes but let's tackle [Music] this now we just wait for to finish [Music] washing so while I was waiting for this stuff to dry I was looking at places I can go and I think for today we're going to go check out Morrow Bay which is about 45 minutes there are a few mountains I have to drive through in order to get there but I don't think they're too Steep and I can also avoid highways so it shouldn't be too bad but we'll go explore there and then uh probably find a place to stealth camp tonight I don't know if we're going to be able to find anything where we can get some wilderness camping but I'll do my best when I get there see what we can find and then for the rest of the trip I just found out from Googling that the part of Route One is closed and pretty much the only way around it are through mountain passes there's one mountain pass on the highway called Gusto's pass or Gusto's pass that has like 8 mil of 7% grade which I don't feel comfortable doing in this mini truck and then there's one other option that has I think steeper grades but it's not a highway that I also don't really feel comfortable doing in the mini truck so I'm not sure we're going to be able to make it all the way up to San Francisco on this trip might just have to be another one once route one is open again it closed because of landslides I thought that it opened cuz I read an article that it had but I guess it was out of date a few hours North here it is closed but we're still going to drive all the way up there and then turn around just wherever the road closes and I only brought one hoodie for this trip cuz I didn't expect it to be super cold but it's actually been quite chilly for the last 3 or 4 days so we pretty much have two options First Hill for our route up to Morrow Bay there's one that goes kind of through the mountains but I don't think the grades are too Steep and then there's one that's on the highway and I think I'm going to take the one that avoids the highway with potentially steeper grades because then I'll feel less pressure to go super fast and basically put my foot to the floor for 30 minutes so we're taking back roads all right so this is our first Hill my pedal is all the way to the floor we're going 28 according to that sign my foot is pressed all the way down this is why I don't like driving this thing on highways when there's Hills [Music] [Music] I don't know why this is squeaking so much now whatever so I Googled what restaurant Lunch can you not leave tomorrow Bay without trying and the answer online said tazin do sign so we're going to go there grab some lunch right across from Moro Rock which I didn't know was even here I didn't know Morrow had a big rock which you can't really see right now you can kind of see the outline of it over there over the ocean there's clouds covering it but it's a big rock we're going to go check that out too I'm walking down here this place really reminds me of Maine when I went up to Bar Harbor with all these fishing boats in the bay and the cool rock all right I think this is it right here there we go tog T naini dock side is should a table for one you already know I can't come to a fishing town and knock get the clam chower at that I can tell by look this is already going to be very good very thick tells a lot in there oh that looks so good it's not dinner for take those off of there don't like avocados and she said this sauce doesn't normally come with it but it's like a Chipotle oie so I'm excited to try it oh look at that so good not going to lie might be one of the best C other I've ever had but yeah I will say I don't normally Big Rock say that about food that is the best that I've had but that borderline was one of the best seafood quesadillas or even quesadillas in general everything about it was perfect the cheese The Buttery Seafood the tortilla was crispy definitely got to Tred it if you come through here clouds are giving a real mysterious vibe to the Bay right now too such a creepy Mist kind of covering everything there's so many of them oh he's chasing that's where we're going next that's a big rock those clouds rolling in look so cool look at that there's a couple sea otters out there laying on their backs and I can't get over how clear this water is look at them just rolling around in the seaweed so some fun facts about this big rock is it's actually a volcanic plug which I didn't even know was a thing until I read that online but according to what I've read online it's 23 million years old or at least it Formed 23 million years ago as the plug of a volcano whatever that means so it's mostly made of volcanic rock it's 581 ft tall and it is the remnant of a now extinct volcano but now I get to walk around and read facts that I just looked up 5 minutes ago over on this side there's just some beaches and I think the rock is actually what's holding off these clouds at least right on the other side of it it's like parting them since they're so low to the ground I guess technically it's fog either way it's like parting the uh the clouds so right on the other side of this rock it's sunny but then everywhere else it's super foggy but yeah that's moral Rock for you you can almost see the Cloud's coming around that side and then the Cloud's coming around that side Mr big rock splitting them in the middle oh look at that there's even a jellyfish right there moon jelly maybe I don't know correct me in the comments All right so get that Majestic shot of the mini truck but I don't know if there's anywhere that I can uh camp nearby these small beach towns have given me nothing but trouble on this trip with getting kicked out so I think I might drive a bit Inland grab some groceries for dinner and find somewhere to Camp so I'll check in with you guys when we get Beach Town there all right I think this is where we're going to try to stay tonight right in front of this dirt lot where hopefully no one will bother us I ended up driving to the next Beach town over like 15 minutes it's a little bit smaller hopefully we don't get kicked out tonight there's no signs though so should be okay correction this is not the spot we can stay that is where we're looking for in front of that dirt lot I think all of the spots over there might be full but we're going to go check it out what does this say no parking between the signs Friday mornings 8: to 12:30 tomorrow is Friday but worst case I can honestly just get out of here before 8:00 a.m. and I'm sure before the I had someone will leave this parking lot and I can just take their spot which it actually looks like people might be leaving right there so absolutely impeccable timing Bea useful and now we get to wake up to a farmer's market nice well baring we kicked out car spot so on the way here I did stop by the market and know I didn't get a box full of Tios he just gave me my groceries but I got some stuff to uh cook some dinner tonight in the van but I want to go check out the spot see where we uh are standing kind of like right on the Main Street of this small town I forget the name of it I actually don't know how to say it Kos Kos Kos Kos I don't know over on the main street of that town a liquor store brown butter cookie company Main Street some Eerie fog rolling through it and I think we're right on the beach too just a great spot yeah we are only one street away from the beach can't really tell cuz it's so foggy there's a pier that goes all the way out there yeah not bad so I'm not going to Dinner lie I'm probably going to get to bed pretty early tonight cuz it's been a long last couple days I just got to simple meal to make for dinner tonight I was going to cook something up but honestly that Seafood quesadilla was a lot more than I thought it was going to be so still pretty full from that so for dinner tonight we're just doing a little chopped salad a nice like lemony kind of dressing I don't know I also didn't bring a bowl on this trip so I need to get one eventually I could have swore I did but I only have my plate somehow I actually really like this knife and it is unbelievably sharp and a good way to test if your knife is sharp is if you put it on the back of your fingernail and it catches it's a good way to tell you have a pretty sharp knife first things first let slice up some of these almonds so we got some almonds some Tomatoes What A vibe with that [Music] music and then the last thing is one of these remaine Hearts just chopped up into little bits and then for the dressing on the salad I want it to keep it super light just a little bit of olive oil some lemon juice a little bit of Honey some salt and some black pepper and also just because I have it I'm going throw a little bit of garlic in there too put that all mixed together beautiful now all we want to do is cook up some bacon [Music] ah oh ah [Music] sh there we go time to assemble our salad starting with our lettuce going in with our Tomatoes Get it with our almonds bacon bits get some croutons on there little bit of shredded cheddar and then the lemony dressing we'll just throw that on top all right then I went ahead and uh cleaned up the truck cuz in my opinion eating when it's messy just stresses me out I think the rest of the night just going to hang out in here finish my salad maybe watch that new episode of Game of Thrones that came out not bad so super light dressing so it's not like very overpowering but it actually is pretty good so hard to eat a salad on a plate everything so spread out 10 out of 10 though great salad all right turn my light off so people can't see it as easily outside cuz these uh curtains kind of have a little space in between them when the winds coming in but the sun is almost fully set probably going to use headphones tonight to watch my movie cuz I'm keep my windows open and don't need people hearing it and what I was talking about with my bed earlier is if I pull it out just like 3 or 4 in instead of the full we the slats stay more like solid so they're not as like spread apart like where where I'd be sleeping on them so I can't feel them as much in this bed is so much more comfortable like this and it's still more than wide enough for me to sleep on this table actually doubles I found this out the other day is a perfect little stand to put it up on and watch movies we made it no one bothered us all night I heard them setting up the farmers market this morning slept great super quiet spot and now I get to go check out that farmers's market I also hate having to get out of the truck when there's a bunch of people around makes me feel like I'm like a little Gremlin crawling out of his cave has to be done at some point it's not like my van like in my van I could crawl up to the front seat and get out and act kind of normal but here I just have to like come out of the back door it's whatever some smells delicious pretty small farmers market these your spices yeah it makes hamburger taste like like steak hamburger tastes like steak mhm oh that's pretty good this one here Santa Maria but the one you get in the stores is really salty this isn't this is prime rib seasoning Sant pretty good too yeah I'll take one of I'll take one of the cow ones definitely there you go thank you very much thank you very much you take care now have a good one all right we didn't leave empty-hand UPS I was selling some seasonings I figured I always cook things in the van no name spice is cow seasoning I think I might hang out in town in front another like 20 or 30 minutes and I'm going to get out of here head back to Maro Bay for uh quick hot shower and then we're continuing northward look at this place it's got some character but I think that's the end of this video so as always truly appreciate you guys watching if you haven't already think about clicking that subscribe button and I will catch you guys next time

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