Oklahoma State 1st Depth Chart vs South Dakota State & Basketball BIG Man

week one is finally here basketball gets their big man and football has the first official depth chart with a couple surprises just like I would be surprised to hear that not every single Oklahoma State fans out here hammering the [Music] over you are a locked on Oklahoma State your daily podcast on the Oklahoma State Cowboys part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day how do y'all and hello all welcome back to lockdown Oklahoma State your daily stop for all things cowboy and cowgirl related my name is Cody Stovall I want to thank you kindly for stopping by to make this your first listen we're available on all of your podcasting platforms visually as well on YouTube find me personally on X at allo state today we're partly brought to you by ultimate GM ultimate college football HC is a brand new mobile game that is completely free and there's no ads it's 100% play offline use the promo code locked on CFB all caps inside the game store to receive a boost to your program begin your coaching Legacy today Steve L began his his legacy a little while back I think this new addition is going to help that but it's football season week one is officially here as we get primed and ready for T South Dakota State University as we discussed at times of course this is a very good ball Club I don't think we're going to have to have any complacency concerns I don't think we're going to need to be worried about of us overlooking them we did already go over the dep chart and there's been a couple surprises that have popped up on the dep chart since we have done that so figure it's it's fair to take a gander at the depth chart as you look across this Cowboy roster in comparison to what we were able to put out a little bit earlier on in in last week the biggest difference is that running back I mean of course cesie valah has been you know climbing up the depth chart and last season we saw the explosion out of a cannon running capabilities that he had against Texas in the Big 12 title game we were a little bit banged up at running backs we had to lean on him more than I think was anticipated going into that big 12 title game but nonetheless it gave us a Flash and then we bring in Trent Howen to 6 fo three turned 42 pound running back from Indiana that led the hooers in the Big 10 conference and rushing naturally whenever you have an olly Gordon and Trent Howen next to each other two massive bruising style of guys even though that Tren Hallen significantly bigger that's a thunder and another Thunder package so of course cessie vah has definitely earned the rb2 slot but I don't think this means we're not going to see a whole lot of trenen I just mean I think it means there's an emphasis on that duality of the thunder and lightning packaging and plus he does add a layer of Versatility that maybe we didn't have previously one of the most devastating injuries throughout the course of the spring was AJ Green because AJ Green was proving to be a valuable asset at that position but not only that he was also a valuable asset in the return game so obviously you lose a little bit of that whenever you you know lose somebody like an AJ Green CES aah has been able to continue to tick up the the dep chart regardless of whether AJ Green's in it or not so this is a testament to John wnc Rob glass and obviously the offensive line and sessi improving his vision size was you know seemingly the thing that he needed to work on the most but he's even talked about how seeing theit the holes cut a little bit quicker is a big deal and being able to find daylight even when there doesn't appear to be any see that's what's something cesi has said about Oly that is mesmerizing to him is that all he does find gaps and creases and holes where no other running back thought that there was a hole there no other running back thought that that was an exploitable area Oli Gordon just finds creases and finds seams and finds holes and sometimes they're not there and he makes them there that obviously is something that cess has been able to to learn from and now put on the field so that was a big deal I think cesi being above fren hen here but I do think Trent hen's still GNA be uh somebody that we lean on quite often because he is very comparable to Oi Gordon he doesn't have the Breakaway speed I would say that all he has so that was a big one another big one was definitely the fact that you've got Dylan Smith starting above L rolls at one of the safety spots L is still coming back to some degree right coming back from the injury off of last season but we also saw a lot out of Dylan Smith last year he did play and it wasn't one of those situations where you needed him to play so he was a warm body he got out there he made some plays he had a pick he he was involved in several other you know big-time situations that allowed Brian Nardo's defense to come up with stops in the fourth quarter to win ball games so he was a part of all of that and then you have L RS kind of nursing things back but I do believe that once LC is 100% which he should be within the next few weeks then I do see a little bit of a shift here another surprise it definitely had to be to some degree defensive end Cody Walter shy does make sense there as that is Xavier Ross having Jalil Johnson and DeShaun Brown rotating obviously is going to spell disastrously for a lot of the tackles they go up against I will caveat that having jul Johnson and DeShaun Brown on the field at the same time probably is going to be something that we see a lot moving forward so even if this is a you know the Main Stays that are going to be up front I would be surprised if we didn't see some packaging will there be a NASCAR pack package with J Johnson and DeShaun Brown on the field at the same time because they do provide much of the same thing so if you had them in opposite sides of the field and plus a tackle or a running back or a fullback or somebody had to take in account what Colin Oliver Obi zbo are going to do that adds another layer that uh I think is going to be easily exploitable if we do that another necessarily big one but one that is worth a topic conversation is the backup returner this was another role that was designated for AJ Green and we saw in the springtime AJ was able to capitalize and do a lot with that well Gavin Freeman did it OD to you but of course one of the reasons that we love Gavin Freeman as I know you sooner is of course because of the block the sorry dropped punt that helped Oklahoma State secure one of those bhum victories so with that in mind would it be a big surprise to see him there absolutely not just like it's not a big surprise in my opinion to see Kyler Pearson there guys Tyler Pearson has earned his stripes he earned him at KU and he earned him in the spring he was that that Gadget guy he was the guy who took the arand BR words are hard for me I know arand Bruce style packaging and then Dewan Lofton was able to take it and Gavin Freeman obviously was able to take it but Kyler Pearson did have that role he was very good in that role and even you know some of the starting Defenders said that he was very very diff difficult to tackle as they were running back not a wide receiver just he was slithery and smooth and he would find creases too and then as soon as you thought you had him he would bust out of a hole and he was gone so Kyler Pearson being here is not a charity situation this is a scenario that I do expect to see Kyler Pearson on the field at some point in time if it's going to be at returner that's going to be massively beneficial for all of our eyes in the audience to watch that I will uh say this I I read a little article is on pistols firing I think it was by Marshall Scott if I correctly but it was it was about a poll and it was in regards to like the and the over and under and 41% of Cowboys had Oklahoma state only winning eight and a half games and I found that very very surprising now let me know down comment sex for everybody out there on the YouTube country why do you think that may be of course I have some you know ideas right could it be just the fact of that Oklahoma State does have a propensity at times to get in their own way and and lose a game you know whenever were picked to be this good I could see that maybe a game or two okay but 41% of of cowboys think that we'll finish like eight and fiveish on the record I I find that crazy and if you're an Oklahoma State fan and you just have so many years in the past where we've been let been let down I completely get it but I I would say that how many other times have we had this many people returning how many other times have we had this excitement level in the roster that equaled all of the retention not just the players also with the staff the addition of Paul Randolph the addition of Sean Snyder the fact that uh you know we we go through deep at virtually every single position on the field maybe not catcher maybe not returner but by and large everywhere else those are some of the the basic reasons that I think a lot of should be more confident regardless of what happens with South Dakota State University I do have a prediction on that we'll get to that in a minute we also got to talk about some big news in basketball thank goodness this one has happened because we absolutely needed this just like you absolutely need to get uh your your head coaching game on maybe not always on the field maybe you don't need to walk around Sidelines with a clipboard when you have ultimate football head coach at your disposal lock down Oklahoma State fans you need to take this opportunity to get sored away with the ultimate college football head coach this is your opportunity it's an amazing game and a simulation lets you step into the shoes of being a head coach and you get to kind of track your college football program and help them get to Glory from the recruiting of the players and the hiring of the coaching staff we just talked about retention obviously it's massively beneficial if you can retain your staff over and over the overseeing of the day-to-day operations it'll all be in your hands and the pressure will all be on you it is completely free has no ads and is 100% playable offline you can go wherever you want and continue to play the game of course we have a special offer for you the lockdown Oklahoma State family you get to use this promo code lockon CFB all capital letters inside the game store to receive a free boost to your program make sure that you take advantage of this perk as it will get your team the strong start that it needs you just need to get your strong start by downloading of this game today visit ultimate dcfb docomomo ultimate college football HC begin your head coaching Journey today so you can uh play for something big like mik Gundy for this upcoming season Cowboy basketball it's possible that we could play for something big we did get a pretty big time get out of Canada no unfortunately it wasn't the you know all NBA number one player greatest thing since last Brad it wasn't quite that guy but we did get it a big guy that is going to be massively beneficial with Mikey Kelvin II he's a 66 Wing out of uh Canada he also did hit almost 40% % of his three-pointers this previous season so he's somebody that can stretch the floor a little bit more now up until him we've been virtually basically leaning toward small ball and this was another indication of that this 6 foot6 isn't going to get you out of the small ball Club but he comes in almost 11 points a game five and a half rebounds over a block of game and again he can step back and hit it from three pretty dagl well he's going to be a big time Edition here he's going to Style guy in here so we needed something else or we were going to be stuck to just strictly small ball well thankfully that did in fact happen as the Cowboys had got in on a big time get out of different country out of Serbia and a lot of us you know just recently watched Serbia play in the Olympics and you you've got some some guys like the the dude over the Nuggets right he's from Serbia the Thunder were very well aware that they drafted a Serbian dude this year they also drafted another Serbian the previous season which is I don't know a big deal for this Cowboy Squad because we cannot be stuck playing you know just small ball all right the Serbian Andrea V vukovich see probably am not getting that name right but he's 6 foot1 and he did just previously play for the team Serbia and you know that at a 6'1 frame you got to have one of those big guys he's going to be the last guy to come into this basketball class he played for u19 Junior ABA League he averaged 177 points a game seven and a half rebounds a game while shooting 65% from the floor against playing playing against people that were significantly older than him he does have the ability as most people do and kind of the the Euro Style game to hit it from three points as he scored a season High 24 points in a game where he went three three from Deep so we can talk about the small ball game finally coming down a little bit and how we may not have to lean on a completely small roster he is going to be able to report and play as a freshman right away obviously huge because we don't have a big now we are still going to have to go small quite often but another layer to this that I think is is a big thing is coming from overseas I would imagine that the old school philosophy and the way that you know Steve Lutz orchestrates his teams his practices the effort the intensity the attitude and the the dedication to shooting these are things that probably are not going to be a big concern to him or at least it's not going to be super surprising to him being as though you're coming from another country where you're training at a completely different clip and you're playing professional ball significantly early so you're playing against grown dudes even if you're young you still got to go out there you still got to be ultra competitive and you still have to be able to have the talent to not only put up big numbers like he obviously has been able to do but make it translate to the game here as well the college game in America is going to be a little bit different we have had players in the past that have come over from different countries that were somewhat experimental that didn't quite work out this is one of those that's not exactly experimental you just talked about averaging 17 points a game the ability to step back and hit it from three be pretty smooth on the dribble could be somebody that you know we utilize in a multitude of areas not just a five spot he could be somebody that could stretch as a four so he adds another layer of Versatility that this Cowboy ball Club clearly did not now have a true big man before this we didn't have a true big man we were kind of just you know making some stuff work and getting by pretty well but it's it's not the same right having a BCU style lineup is cool if you can play full court pressure 247 but at the same time you're gonna play teams in the Big 12 with seven Footers so if you don't have anybody that can even get close then it's going to make those games so relying on the outside shot that if you're missing threes at in any capacity probably G to have a hard time winning those are the games you have to have the big time threes to crawl you out of a hole that becomes much more difficult if you don't have a big guy down there to help in those scenarios so this is huge for Steve Lotz I think we'll be able to adapt to the gain that Steve Lotz is wanting the guys to play right that style of game you know it's it's something that's adapted whether you're tired or hurt or sick sometimes you just got to find a way to jump in there and do something special just like sometimes you got to find a way through the day and sometimes it's it's got to be in the energy Department which is why 5H Hour Energy is here for you guys you know sometimes I'll travel on the road and I'll hit Texas and Georgia Oklahoma cover some Oklahoma State stuff I got to do some pitch and stuff matter of fact we're hitting the road for baseball tournament this weekend and we just got back from doing a couple rounds of lessons and baseball workouts it can get tiring so I have to use 5H Hour Energy every now and again whenever you're crashing and you need to get stuff done fast five energy is the ticket if you got a bunch of stuff on your to-do list sometimes you need a little bit of a pickme up this is this is the one right this is the one the only the best in the game it's going to allow you to stay alert for all your favorite activities games work pitching lessons travel doesn't matter they've got you covered with zero sugar a convenient portable size is the perfect pickme up when you're trying to get all your stuff done the 5 Energy website has flavors out the Wazoo 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time wide receiver come over from Colorado State they had some some more uh big time wide receivers that put up big numbers that maybe were at smaller schools but they've also got a quarterback gronowski coming back that was able to be the top quarterback back in the league last season after going undefeated winning a national title and they've got a very talented running back out of shamad and oalen Missouri that I think is going to be a little bowling ball style of back that we do have a difficult time containing and slowing down but with the depth the end of the day I do see this a w but I also think this is going to be an opportunity to get a decent amount of the backups in again we've been having a lot of rotations not just to keep people healthy not just to kind of sift out the depth chart but I think a good portion of it is because they're going to want to see a decent amount of these backups in starter scenario situations and and see how they react so if the game could get ugly that mitigating Factor may keep the score a little too crazy so I'll say uh 40 4121 I think was the non crazy answer and I know I feel like 21's actually a little high okay because I do believe in this defense but if we're going to have dudes rotate on the defensive side of the ball this may be one of the few games of the year where you actually get to the third team so hopefully that's what this is hopefully the first ring just opens a can ofe very very early on it allows the backups to get a look and then also allows some of those guys that are in fact competing for a three deep spot including several freshmen to get some live in game play against you know what is going to be a technically sound fundamentally squared away ball club they're not going to do an overabundance of things that that you know give them opportunities to lose the game but at the same time it does come down to size and skill and speed and ability to you know open the field up open the Playbook and hit mismanage or hit mismatches in the open field with that being a case I do think we put up a 40 Burger 41 21 because of the fact that we're going to be putting uh a decent amount of defenders in the end could be a reasoning again this is a very good ball Club but I also think that this Cowboy defense is the most underrated in the conference by a solid Country Mile and as a lot of you know I've been the hollering at the Moon 10 and two 10 and two till the cows come home but I think it's only fair up the Sandy here right we we got to up this thing to 11 and one talked about it the other day with Justin southwell if I believe in everything that I've said then we should have that style of season and if I believe that the buyin and the camaraderie and the leadership in the locker room is of such a style of fabric that it's not going to tear and fall apart then we should be able to not have that big let me down game at the end of the year looking at you somebody like TCU so we do have an 11 to1 if I were to pick a l Lo probably intelligence wise should be Utah but I'm not going to give them that satisfaction playing Kansas State on the road in Manhattan not going to be easy I'm gonna pick that as the loss so that's my sdu SDSU prediction as well as a little bit of a change to the season prediction 10 and two is just too easy okay yes in this conference I'm saying 10 and two is too easy let's up the Annie here to 11 one 10 and two should be it 10 and two is likely you know a a fair proposition for people to make but I just don't know how we have this amount of dep and don't end up that's an 11-1 ball Club going into Arlington all right y'all and yes I have us winning the Big 12 title again this is the year where we get the monkey off our back right Gundy exercises the Demons of only having one big 12 title Victory this has got to be that season for another one the reason being is because if we have some injuries on the o line we're okay if we have some injuries at wide receiver from Talent perspective we're okay dline yes we're okay quarterback yes we're okay so if I believe it I gotta say it and I can't wait till we all get to see it all right y'all that's all we're going to have for this one R here as always you know I love you God bless let's go fkks thank you for tuning in to make this your first listen here in lock on Oklahoma State you could be anywhere so happy you choose to be here like it if you lik it I on H dislike if you don't that's okay too more importantly share comment and subscribe the road to 2K before the season starts is we got a lot we got a lot to do in a week all right all right y'all you know the drill later my ters

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