Oklahoma State vs South Dakota State Top Matchups & Hudson Kaak Time

hopefully yesterday we put a little overconfident Jack Rabbit country on a notice but today we definitely take notice of the fact that SDSU has more than enough dudes to make this a difficult game worthy of all national [Music] views you are a locked on Oklahoma State your daily podcast on the Oklahoma State Cowboys part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day how do yall and hello all welcome back to lockdown Oklahoma State your daily stop for all things cowboy and cowgirl related my name is Cody stoval I want to thank you kindly for stopping by to make this your first listen we're available on all of your podcasting platforms visually as well on YouTube find me personally on X all Dayo state today we partially brought to you by 5H Hour Energy it fixes tired fast with zero sugar it is convenient portable size drink that gives you the Instant pickme up you need go to 5our energy.com make sure you use a promo code lock onc FB to receive 20% off your order this offer is only valid through September 30th on one order and cannot be used with other promotions but make sure you go to 5 Hour energy.com to get started today meanwhile we get started in the conversation of the South Dakota State University jack rabbits coming to St Oklahoma again I think it's commendable admirable respectable that they feel so confidently in their abilities they should they do have a winning way they haven't lost a game in over two years but if you go back back to the last time they faced somebody like olly Gordon you do have to go back to 0607 that's not even taken into consideration what cesi vahi or Trent Howen bring to the fold but nonetheless they do have more than enough dudes to make this an interesting not going to be a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination I do think they're as good as South Alabama but I don't think that we're going to deal with the South Alabama situation because the locker room is entirely different between this season and last season last season at this time we had maybe two leaders that were trying to guide a a young group to some degree now we have the exact opposite we have what SDSU had last year which is 55 57 whatever upper classmen that are all going to be leaving or graduating or moving on Oklahoma State's in that position this year South Dakota state was in that position last year which is why they brought in 36 new players including 31 of them being freshmen so if you're talking about depth and relying on 31 freshman or 36 new guys to walk into Stiller Oklahoma and have a wonderful day I I just don't see it happening but another thing that I want to pay attention to is some of the matchups one of the biggest individuals that they've talked about more often than not this season who's also on the Remington award watch list is their Center 6 foot3 295 pound Gus Miller he's a bad mama jama I get that or else he wouldn't be on the Remington award watch list but he's not going to be able to shut down Justin Kirkland 6'4 350 lbs the dude that can bench a house and move a mountain is the guy that is unfortunately going to be lined up directly across from their Center and even if you wanted to go to a four down look if you wanted to talk about calling clay 6'3 230 pounds I don't think that they're going to have an easy time with him either they had discussed on their Jack Rabbit Illustrated that this is a big moment for Gus Miller if he's going to put on some NFL film for the the scouts and the executives who better to do it then against Justin Kirkland who is 6'4 350 who is a member of power for football who is a member of the top 20 ball Club who's a member of a returning Big 12 title you know playing team did we get it done no that is this year so that's one of the biggest matchups I'm going to be paying attention to is they're all American Gus Miller against the New Age Justin Kirkland Andor Colin clay and if you wanted to get really feisty I do think that even Aiden Kelly or Iman oats would have a pretty good day against Gus Miller here another big matchup that we need to pay attention to is they love their tight ends again this is a somewhat Iowa State esque ball Club when it comes to their offensive approach but whenever you're you're talking about the approach offensively it's going to be catered more towards the tight ends than anything I do think Amir Johnson is a good back I do think that they have a couple wide receivers that we need to pay attention to but their tight ends are something that they're going to utilize quite often and their offensive coordinator was a oine coach and a tight end guy before getting elevated to the offensive coordinator role therefore they're going to try to utilize them the difference that I see it being is there's not very many Nick Martins and Colin Olivers and kennel Daniels in the country not not the big 12 not the big 10 not the SEC in the United States of America again this linebacker core was voted top five in the country by multiple Publications before Kendall Daniels was thrown into this group so again if we talk about side yes we had a 6'4 245 pound safety that was so big that we had to kind of move him to linebacker but he does still play safety he still will rotate back in in in the back end of the defense so if you want to test it feel free to do so another big matchup that I'm paying attention to is primarily dejon stribling versus their top Corner Dallas beanum but I think again you can go another layer here how are they going to be able to stop iio Shide King there's nobody nobody whatsoever in the FCS that is likely 6'5 220 pounds with a 39 inch vertical and a 107 broad jump I don't see it happening therefore I want to watch deson stribbling and iio show to M King against their top corners let's flip to the other side of the field I like our Corners especially Cory black this season in this situation they're very high on their wide receiver Griffin wiy or as they call him gfw Griffin Flippin wiy I dig it I think it's a phenomenal nickname I'm here for it but I'm also here for Cory black putting on the seat belt and strapping that dude in for a very long day if this isn't the biggest I don't I don't know what it is but their quarterback Mark granowski the Heisman winner for the FCS level is one of the best in the game he would start at several division one schools including some big 12 schools I'm with that I I get it so I'm excited to see him verse you ready father time every quarterback has an internal clock you know that typically within three to four seconds if you don't get the ball out of your hand or make a decision you're setting yourself up for failure Oklahoma state is very well aware of this and with our 335 425 that we're going to mix in here I do not see Mark granowski being able to key off of a defensive end a linebacker or a safety if you can't key it's really hard to call audibles if you can't call audibles it's going to be really difficult to catch Oklahoma State in an opportune defense will it happen occasionally because he's that good yes but by and large I don't see him passing for a bunch of yards so I'm less concerned about a specific matchup and more concerned about is he gonna have more than three seconds to distribute the football I don't believe so so that's going to be a matchup worth watching and then the final one before we uh shift over here a little bit is this defense that everyone in the country even Oklahoma State fans are reluctant to give praise to very reluctant to say that it's anywhere near the 2021 Squad Cody might be crazy is very possible but I don't think so I think this is the best defense we have likely ever seen at Oklahoma State just people need to see it on the field they have the talent to do so and they have more depth than 2021 so it'll be exciting to see what Brian Nardo can do verse Ryan Olsson and Ryan Olsson is an offensive line guy y'all remember the the Wisconsin Whitewater and the Mount Union matchups and the D3 national titles almost every single year growing up he was a part of those matchups he was a tackle for Wisconsin Whitewater when they were winning back to back to back to back to back whatever national titles in division three including winning 45 games in a row he just recently made the transition from offensive line to tight ends to now being an offensive coordinator this 335 is something they feel like they can exploit I'm excited to see them try to exploit it because as much as the the statistics indicated last season that are back in could leak like a Civ to me that's just an invitation for anybody in the country who wants to get testy with our secondary Corey black and particular Brian Nardo what people seem to not remember is although we did give up Bunches of yards for the first three quarters Brian Nardo's defense won US several games in the fourth quarter whether whether it be turnovers or fumbles or shifts or picks or sacks Brian Nardo made adjustments in the fourth quarter that equal W's if he can carry that over this season this 335 that everybody thinks is easily exploitable should have a very fine day now some of the SDSU fan base did bring up that special teams is typically one of the biggest barometers for Success whenever you have a matchup between an FBS and an FCS ball Club I don't necessarily disagree with them there so we're going to hit on that but before we do that I have to remind the fine folks out here that 5 Hour Energy is the best pickme up in the game whether you're just trying to get through your day you've got a a bunch of chores that you got to get knocked out or if you're like me and you do a lot of traveling and you go from state to state to state and you just need a little bit extra here and there fire energy is your ticket I'm about to hit the road to head to a baseball tournament in Kansas City so I know I'm going to be stocking up on some 5H Hour Energy for my trip if you are too you're not alone in fact research shows 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cannot be used for other promotions the code is not good on certain sub subscription orders as well make sure you go to 5our energy.com today to get squared away and add some excitement to your day if you're starting to wander off a little bit speaking of wandering off a little bit I know special teams isn't the fun sexy pick for people to have a conversation about but Jack Rabbit Illustrated did make a good point here that there's a decent amount of time when an FBS team especially a top 20 FBS team underestimates an FBS school and traditionally speaking sometimes it's not about the main 11 dudes against the other 11 dudes sometimes it's not even about depth because you don't you know you don't get enough sustained drives that equal you bringing in death or getting them tired enough for them to use their de but special teams always comes into play and the more you think about it the more it makes sense most every upset regardless of whether it's the FBS or FCS distinction special teams play is a big part and if you look back as an Oklahoma State fan one of the things that made us so competitive in the less miles days was the fact that he was a Riverboat Gambler that was willing to take risk so you as a coordinator whether it be a special teams coordinator defense coordinator you had to prepare a little bit extra for the fact that Oklahoma State might do a fake punt might do a fake field goal might do some triple reverse off of some special team's play well we went years with just playing more fundamentally sound football and not doing the quote unquote cutesy Tootsie stuff but now we have Sean snid so I pity the fool who thinks that they're going to be able to uh you know out chess match Sean Snider who's one of the greatest teams guys in the game his dad Sean Snider even was at Kansas State and that's one of the things that made Kansas State so difficult to deal with if you go back to the Darren sprouls days is their special teams they were going to be aggressive they were going to look to BL block kicks they were going to look to do some fake stuff they were going to have a lot of fun on returns they were going to be willing to take a lot of chances I don't think Oklahoma State's going to need to take an overabundance of of chances here but there will be opportunities for the jack rabbits to find out where we sit on special team team they may be under the the assumption that because we've had to bring in four kickers to compete with Logan Ward that that may be a dire situation and it very well may have been to some degree before Shan Snyder was brought on board and this is partially why Shan Snyder was brought on board the other factor is of course Hudson CL Hudson CLK athletically can do things that no other punter in the country can we just haven't had uh the rest of the nation be able to see it yet so I kind of secretly hope that one of the returners does go streaking down the field because my money is on Hudson C find me another punter out here that is 6'2 220 lbs and run a 4540 find it and then also find one that played rugby it was an All-American level dude in rugby that loves contact he doesn't want somebody to break through but I can promise you he will be licking his chops Pat Mack ify style when that day does come so I hope we get it out of the way now and people realize that you're not going to be able to run because if you do get past some of the Defenders then you have to deal with him because we knew Logan Warden had a big leg we knew that Logan from 50 out was our guy he was our guy from 50 out basically last season two his difficulty is the closer you get the more difficult it gets okay so extra points could become problematic very well likely that if we not had hired Sean Snyder that would be the case we could be looking at a situation where we roll the dice a little bit more often on two twoo conversions as opposed to extra points but this is the difference between the the depth and the talent a South Dakota State and Oklahoma State I'm not doubting that they have very good ball players I'm definitely not doubting that they are the most fundamentally sound well- coached team in the FCS but we're just glossing over the fact that they lost everybody that has been a main part of the the two national title run other than the quarterback and then they have you the backup running back Amar Johnson who I think is going to be very good but they lost their defensive line and they expect to go up against our offensive line that has 172 starts between the Five Guys over 223 starts when you combine the rest of the guys but they replaced pretty much their entire D line it's just I don't I don't see it this is not a conversation of oh they're just an FCS school so we're going to have an easy game I don't think that at all what I think is that we have way too much in the department of Weaponry including special teams it is important in any FCS school or any lower level school that has the opportunity to beat one of the one of the top 25 teams in America their special teams is going to have to do some things that is what special my argument is our special team is is more special than theirs could ever be do they have big 12 level linebackers yes do they have big 12 level quarterback yes do they likely have a big 12 level wide receiver mixed in the bunch absolutely but they don't have a plethora of these guys because after Blake Peterson on their defensive line who's he who's he gonna go against Dalton Cooper the guy who allowed zero sacks and 1,368 snaps sure put your best player on our future NFL tackle that's fine my statement is still the same a very good ball club that is very well coached is just not going to have enough for this Oklahoma State Squad if if we were starting last season with this game it would have been a loss guaranteed because again we limped into the season and reverted back to some old school tendencies that we didn't necessarily even work on a whole lot during the Spring and it caused chaos South Dakota state is not going to be a team that gets to benefit from the chaos going on at Oklahoma State last year was chaotic the year before that was actually very chaotic as well the ending of last season was proof that my Gundy turned the ship around the fact that everybody decided to stay is even further proof that my gun has turned this thing around this is a different animal we are a different team and this is a level of competition that you're not used to so please keep doubting this Oklahoma State ball club and please keep acting like special teams is somewhat even it's not Hudson Clark is going to prove that and we also have a big leg guy if we need to bring in West Fall to boot a 70 yard 60 yard that's his role Hudson Clark can go both ways he's ambidextrious he can kick left he can kick right he can throw left he can throw right it's just it's a completely different ball game they had discussed how some a couple years back they played Illinois or a few years back I don't know and the biggest difference wasn't the 11 dudes versus the 11 dudes it was on special teams their conversation was about the fact that Illinois special team unit was bigger than their starting defense I understand they've gotten bigger I understand you have you know 10 tight ends and 10 linebackers you're goingon to need all of them that's all I'm saying and there's nobody out on that team that is bigger stronger and faster than our punter especially at a a spe specialty position our punter would absolutely dominate at that level again not being disrespectful to call a spade a spade this is the deepest Oklahoma State State team we've ever had so you have a 100 plus years where historically speaking yes this game could be problematic South Dakota State just happened to fall on the most loaded senior Laden cowboy team of all time I don't understand how that's controversial nor do I understand why there's a decent number of Oklahoma State fans that have any trepidation about this game I understand what the past is but this is the new cowboy team this is the new Cowboy future being ahead of the Big 12 should be the objective I think it is it's going to be and unfortunately South Dakota State isn't going to be much of a road bump here all right um we're not completely out of here we got some pics to break down and we also have to talk a little bit about uh I don't know some fun stuff I guess you could call it it's fun for somebody any booo it's fun for you to make a d money honey and FanDuel is is likely the best thing out there for you to bring home the W and the dollar bills you've heard me talk about FanDuel a lot because it's the number one sports book in America and right now they're doing something a little bit different through September 22nd all FanDuel customers can bet five bucks and get a three-week free trial of NFL Sunday Ticket from YouTube and YouTube TV then when you have the YouTube TV base plan 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simplistic game for them but nonetheless they do still have to get past um the warhawks the southern Utah warhawks or something something Hawks dagnabit did I say it wrong I may have the Thunderbirds warhawks Thunderbirds my apologies I just disrespected you so hopefully Utah just takes care of business so I don't have to turn around and have some of that wonderful Crow we also have to talk about rock talk Jayhawk taking care of a lyen wood shouldn't be much of an issue should be a fairly simplistic game and a somewhat simplistic W UCF takes on New Hampshire another opportunity for UCF to showcase the team that was pretty good last season but just not consistent I'm not a big believer in KJ Jefferson this would be a good time for him to start to prove me wrong then we do have to talk about Colorado at North Dakota State this is yet another one of those times where it's an FCS opponent that definitely should not be underestimated but I also view this from the lens of the the talent level that they're going to be going up against Colorado I do not think has a lot of depth right but I do think they have a lot of talent therefore I think they find a way to get it done but it's not going to be an easy task then we have TCU vers Stanford locked on college football Spencer he picked TCU but he only picked TCU by seven I find that slightly disrespectful because Stanford is trash so TCU by a mile then you've got Oklahoma State South Dakota state you already know my opinion there 4121 Cincinnati talson Cincinnati of course get the W Iowa State North Dakota since we're picking on the Dakota schools today give me the Iowa State Cyclones UT Martin vers Kansas State of course the purple Power kiddies get it done here Tarlton State vers Baylor I'm not a big believer in Baylor I feel bad for Coach David Randa I feel bad for their team because their fan base is so atrocious so although uh tson State might make it fun and I kind of hope they do just for S's and Giggles Baylor gets it done Houston UNLV this is actually going to be a very good ball game this is a good Odum Odum Le ball Club from UNLV that took over from Marcus a Royo he had a lot of talent and he was able to Showcase that in the previous season they did get beat by KU in the bowl game but as they proved to in that bowl game they can put up points they can play ball they are bringing in a new quarterback and for that reason alone I do have Houston if it was the same quarterback same everything same system from last season might be a different tune but I got the Houston cougs in this one abene Christian and Texas Tech Red Raiders Red Raiders going to carry Southern Illinois Saluki pretty good in basketball not so much in football so I have BYU over the Salukis New Mexico versus Arizona Arizona gets to begin their big 12 slate against a decent ball Club not decent enough to beat the Wildcats give me Arizona and then Wyoming Arizona State um guys I really want to jump on this big 12 undefeated train but if there's going to be a loss from a big 12 school over the weekend I kind of feel like it's it's going to be that one I just I have a gut feeling that Arizona State Kenny Dillingham really cool coach I like the idea of them building kind of a Gundy style tree and I think they have had some talent but they get hit by the portal harder than almost anybody in the conference which is kind of crappy for them they're not going to be able able to be good if they can't hang on to their players but again that's another reason we should all be thankful here in Oklahoma State country because our roster retention was phenomenal staff retention is even better and this is uh this is the new age nil era transfer market era version of Mike Gundy that South Dakota state is not going to be ready for so that's all we're going to have for this one

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