A Huge Severe Storm is Forecast to bring Snowfall and Severe Weather to Victoria and New South Wales

Intro good morning my name is Josh from Cyclone o and today we've got two big parts to this video the first off is going to be the New South Wales Victoria and Tasmania intense cold snap that we're going to be covering in detail first and then we're going to head over West where we've got two significant cold fronts lined up for Western Australia all of that plus more coming up in today's weather update we get stuck straight into the new South WTH weather event right now if you are new to the Channel please to consider subscribing and also leave a like on the video while you're at it your support is greatly appreciated you can see the Low Pressure System Update center of the low pressure area now moving very close to Tasmania it's got a central pressure of 984 MB it's really starting to get quite intense now and it's blowing up some very strong winds around the center of the system as well and uh off towards the West in fact there's been multiple report reportings of wind gusts in excess of 100 kilm an hour throughout Tasmania and the bass straight you can already see out here Wilson's prominent getting up towards 75 km hour winds right now gusting to 95 and a lot of other wind observations around Tasmania also starting to get up quite high as well including mounts that cyer island and some of the hills outside the Ben lman ranges those winds will continue to pick up today but we're also going to be seeing the rainfall pick up throughout the course of today you can already start to see the rainfall starting to band ashore throughout Hobart and the southern parts of Tasmania and some showers also extending through Victoria and the southern parts of the gibsland region and through the temperature observations as well you can already start to see those temperatures are very low I do understand that it is the morning hours but already throughout Tasmania there's no locations above 10° C right now on the most part for the most part of Tasmania and some of the Highlands already starting to get very close to zero and also for Victoria 2 those temperatures really starting to cool down Mount bull outside of um omo minus 3° right now and it's not going to get much warmer there and then Kilmore Gap North of Melbourne at 4° so it is already starting to get really cold and that is all being powered by the backside of this low pressure system and I'm going to explain that right now in detail this is a center of the low pressure here and you can see all of the cloud rotating around it very much like a think of this like the eye of the Cyclone here but on the back side here you can see the clouds are moving out of the South and that's dragging up the Antarctic airpool that is driving these incredibly cold temperatures and will be continuing to drive those bitterly cold temperatures for the next 24 to 48 hours at least for Tasmania and then for the next 72 hours into Victoria and New South Wales that's kind of the gist on the now for this weather event we're going to jump over to the forecast right now the rainfall forecast at least and just take a look at what's expected throughout the course of today you can see initialized with the pressure of 987 mbars of some heavy Falls currently falling around the center of this storm and those heavy Falls throughout the course of today not so much until about tonight into early tomorrow morning are going to be extending over the south coast of Tasmania into the highlands of Tasmania and then the couple of showers ahead of this uh frontal system will be heading up towards Victoria uh colliding with the coastline and providing a couple of Mills of rain for the uh at least especially the west and the central Coastline of Victoria but the majority of the heavy rainfall is going to be Tasmanian focused in fact up to 50 mm for some locations expected today especially around bruny Island and locations Inland from Rooney Island North of Mount cyer Island Mount Wellington could also see up to 50 mm on some sides of the mountain Hobart expecting a healthy 30 mm of rainfall and then rainfall also extending up the West CO the east coast of Tasmania uh which will continue throughout the next 24 hours the rainfall will not be easing off for most of Tasmania not at least until tomorrow morning when it should start to clear out tomorrow morning into tomorrow afternoon as this low pressure area moves over the Ferno islands and up into towards Victoria now in the wake of the system it's going to be dragging that cold air pool with rain and moisture up into Victoria and New South Wales and that means that the snow for New South Wales and Victoria is going to start from sometime early tomorrow morning blizzard conditions are actually expected to extend across parts of the Victorian Highlands especially for elevations above 1300 M from about Monday at around 5 or 6 p.m. around dinner time those blizzard conditions will get stuck in there so if you are on the roads in around that time just make sure you are taking it extra safe and once those white out conditions extend across this part of Victoria New South Wells at around 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. just make sure you are inside and ready to hunker down from this weather event because it is just not worth driving around in such a severe storm you can see on the little temperature icons here for the uh locations in the towns outside of on the windy map you can see a lot of temperatures getting into the low single digits by Monday afternoon and evening orange at 2° with some wet snow currently falling out the side of it um from in New South Wales and this is tomorrow afternoon but New South Wales kind of doesn't get the worst of the snow until about Monday evening and into early Tuesday morning still though those blizzard conditions will continue for the tops around threadb parisher Valley right through Monday evening and into early Tuesday morning and the Heavy Rain also for the gibsland region and the mountains around the Victorian East um but the rain in the snow doesn't really extend into New South Wales until about Monday evening and early Tuesday Snowfall Forecast morning and like we have been discussing none of this rainfall is expected to be heavy not for New South Wales at least so it's best that we switch it over now to the snow map or at least the precipitation type map and see where the snow is going to be falling we'll be pulling that back to around uh this afternoon and evening we'll see where this snow is expected to extend across so a couple of light showers are expected to move across New South Wales tonight and into early tomorrow morning and for the highest tops around New South Wales especially in the south of New South Wales around threadb and for the mountains outside of Kumba and B there is going to be a couple of flowers of snow there throughout the course of tonight barington tops expected to develop a few showers of mixed snow and rain throughout the course of tonight into early tomorrow morning as well but the real Snow doesn't start for the barington tops of the mountains around katumba until tomorrow evening Monday evening and then into early Tuesday morning and then the snow does become very widespread through new southwes Tuesday morning it's going to be absolutely awfully cold for these locations with a windshield that could be descending temperatures or the feels like temperature at least well below zero um so yeah just make sure you are really rocked up on Tuesday morning because it's going to be bitterly cold and that snow extending as far north as the barington tops the mountains outside of Tamworth and Armadale it shouldn't make it as far north no it actually does make it as far north as Clen inis but that should be the furtherest north that the snow does make it it's certainly not going to get itself into Queensland uh just isn't going to be cold enough for that but yeah C you know once in a year or for some of these locations or once in 5year weather event with some snow expected down towards 1300 M on the tops outside of the barington tops um armadel and Tamworth and Glenn inis and then down towards kumra and BST uh snowfall is expected for locations above 900 M or 1,000 M the exception being orange orang is expected to get a few flows of mixed snow with up to 5 cm of snow now on their forecast uh so uh that's kind of a bit of an outline but they are wedged between little valleys so uh valleys can also pick up some pretty good snowfall accumulation so if you do live nestled between two large Hills just be warned you could receive a good dumping of snowfall like I said the with the snowfall remaining in Victoria and New South Wales and continuing into about Tuesday Morning the snowfall there will add up in fact up towards 40 cm of the stuff is expected For Thread booat we did say 50 cm yesterday but still 40 cm a very healthy dumping that's about a third of a out of an annual total snowfall so certainly a very significant amount of snowfall is on the way for the ski resorts around threadb parisher Valley and then down towards Mount Buller and mount hotam so that is very good news for them however for roads and so forth it isn't exact the best news now the proximity of this low pressure system especially Monday evening and into early Tuesday morning road is offshore from the new South Wes Coastline in fact north of the line of uh maluda means that Victoria is going to be comparatively mild to the conditions they are experiencing today and tomorrow in fact melbour a very warm 11° but locations in New South Wales which are to the North and the um uh west of the low pressure system where they're going to be getting that Antarctic airpol they going to be very cold in fact you can see a lot of locations very close to Z orange at 1° and this is uh early Tuesday morning and into Tuesday afternoon orange not getting warmer at all and that is just a testament to how powerful this cold air pool is it is going to be very strong indeed and it's going to be bringing those bitterly cold conditions now the snow does more or less completely ease off of these mountains Tuesday night into Wednesday morning with a couple of wet flows still expected to continue for the highest of elevations through Tuesday and into very early Wednesday morning but rain and snow will certainly be easing off by Wednesday and the temperatures should start to warm a little bit more as this low pressure system moves further into the tasmin sea now there is a little bit of talk of this coming back for round two but it really doesn't look like it these low pressure systems just seem to kick themselves up further into the Tasman SE and head on their way towards New Zealand and then they get Swept Away by a strong cold front sometime next Friday or Saturday that's going to be impacting Western Australia more on that later on in the video but if I do pull this forecast back just a little bit further we'll talk about rainfall accumulation Total Rainfall and Snowfall and then we'll talk about snowfall accumulation and over the next 5 days we'll start off with Tasmania you you can see some decent rainfall accumulations like I said outside of Mount Wellington up to 100 mm expected there and then for other locations on the south and the East Coast expecting between 40 and 80 mm the wetest of locations should get towards 100 millim throughout the course of today so they're certainly is the chance of some flooding especially in the northeastern corner of Tasmania in the Southeastern corner of Tasmania so just make sure you are staying safe and staying aware around those river banks mbour expecting a healthy 25 mm over the next 48 hours it's going to be the mountains in gibin region though that get up towards 50 or 60 mm maluda expecting a healthy 45 and then some locations on the southern coast around the gibsland and benale region expecting up towards 25 mm however into New South WS the rainfall accumulation becomes a lot more disappointing it'll be very hit and miss a couple of spots of drizzle expected into Inland New South Wales over the next 24 hours that'll amount to just a couple of millimeters here and there shouldn't be any more than 10 and then a few millimeters on the Eastern on the western side rather of the Great Dividing Range Orange expecting 30 mm um out towards Duo expecting about 15 mm and then down towards CRA it'll be between 10 and 20 mm for a lot of locations Tamworth should miss out in the worst of the rainfall but the barington tops probably could get up towards 40 or 50 mm there again over a 3-day weather event it's nothing crazy and certainly not something to be U making a big fuss over flooding is not a concern in New South Wales at all in terms of total snowfall accumulation over the next 5 days we'll start things off in Tasmania they're not actually expecting too much snowfall there the majority of it falling tonight into early tomorrow morning just a couple of centimet up towards 10 around lewe and then the mountains into Victoria as well also expecting a very good helping of snowfall some locations getting up towards 25 cm uh that's a great accumulation there certainly something that the ski resorts will be rubbing their hands for and then for threadb Parish Valley up towards 35 40 cm there like I did say earlier some very heavy snows expected locations around katumba BST and orange expecting up towards uh 10 to 15 cm orange expecting up towards 10 cm and then for locations outside 10 to 15 cm like I said um snowfall will be occurring above 900 M to 1,000 M it will be heavy above 1300 M and possible blizard conditions above 14 or 1500 M as well throughout new South WS so stay safe if you do live in a really high uh elevation or if you're currently traveling through a very high elevation the tops outside of Tamworth and the barington tops expecting up towards 10 cm of Stow as well and a couple of centimet also expected outside of Glenn in a so there is some pretty widespread snow here certainly very far north and it certainly is a very interesting weather event those in the Eastern the western suburbs of Sydney and in the hills of Sydney or outside of Sydney you can't be expecting any snow you're just too low and too close to the coastline there won't be any snow on the forecast there and that is basically a wrap on this weather system temperature forecasts go without saying they're going to be about 10 to 12° C above average and that feels like it's going to be far below zero for a lot of locations and make sure you do rug up that certainly does go without saying for a weather event like this if I've left anything uned please do ask me in the comments section down below I'll get back to as many people as I can in a weather event like this stay safe and make sure you do stay up to date on all weather warnings and notifications from the Bure of mology and your local shy and police officers it's time now to Western Australia Weather Forecast head over West and take a look at what the weather forecast is for the Western of the uh Nation you can actually see on the satellite imagery right now and the radar loop there's a bit of an interesting low pressure system just offshore from the Perth area and the Perth Coastal plane that's going to be providing us some showers and maybe the odd storm here and there throughout the course of today and as we load this radar loop and satellite Loop through which might take a while apparently you can actually see that it is a very defined low pressure system just towards the offshore parts of the coast and it's firing up some pretty uh heavy rainfall around its Center and sending some light showers across the Perth Coastline winds aren't all that strong there are a couple of stronger gusts especially around the hills up towards 20 km an hour or so but again nothing too concerning there it certainly isn't a strong low pressure system but it just could be providing one or two drops of rain throughout the course of today right now so far hardly an location has picked up significant accumulations but rot Ness could expect up towards 5 mm today for the Perth metro area a couple of drops uh to go uh throughout the course of today but they should be easing off by later this evening and certainly by tomorrow morning it's not so much the weather system that uh is happening today that's caught my eye it's the one that's going to be happening later on this week you can see come Wednesday afternoon with we've got a big cold front lined up just offshore with a very thick band of moderate to heavy rainfall and it looks like it's also going to house some damaging wind gusts in fact wind gusts could be as high as 70 or 80 km an hour for the Southwest capes so certainly might be worthy of a severe weather warning or two uh from this weather event but the heavy rainfall does uh enter uh the West Australian Coastline sometime Wednesday evening at around 7 or 8 p.m. and then gets up towards Perth at around 9 or 10 p.m. and engulfs the Perth metr area for basically the entirety of the night it seems like it's going to be a night of rain for Wednesday and Thursday uh before we wake up Thursday morning to probably a lot of Puddles and some flash flooding here and there and maybe 30 or 40 mm in the gauge because that does look like a lot of rainfall that has just moved through uh it doesn't look like there's going to be an awful lot of shower activity behind it but it does look like another cold front does sweep up from the south Thursday and into Friday and uh brings a couple of showers to the Perth area in the southwest capes as well throughout the course of Thursday and Friday could be a typical winter pattern by the looks of it um on Thursday and Friday with some cold winds out to the South and temperatures significantly far further below average uh and some heavy rainfall here and there in fact the bology has highlighted the chance of up to 30 mm but they are very much uncertain with this weather event as well they've also highlighted that the rainfall could be as low as 5 mm so I don't think that they're 100% sure what's going on with this weather front right now which is totally unbeliev which is totally believable considering it is a couple of days away at this time um however I do expect there to be isolated periods of heavy rainfall throughout the Perth metro area the northern suburbs should pick up the majority of the rainfall by the looks of it uh this certainly does look like it's going to be driving in some good rainfall into the Northern parts of the wheat belt and into the gascoin and the merchon as well looks like some very heavy rainfall moving there and as you can see on the 5day rainfall accumulation map the majority of the rainfall is between Geraldton and Perth with some heavy Falls up towards jurian Bay and lamp slin 50 mm there with the Perth met area like I said expecting up towards 40 mm from this weather event so I do think that there is a high chance of between 20 and 40 mm of rainfall the northern suburbs might pick up slightly more in terms of rainfall but it still looks like a very solid and robust weather event that's going to be coming through uh so that is very interesting indeed um as we pull this through towards next weekend it looks like we're going to get a bit of a return to the Fine conditions maybe temporarily maybe a little bit of rainfall here and there Saturday and Sunday before another cold front sweeps up from the south at the end of next weekend into Monday the 22nd of July brings a couple of showers here and there to the Perth metro area but again that is a long way out in the for and it's not totally supported by the other forecast models they do have it but they've got relatively uh different situations on their forecasts at this time so we're going to have to wait and see on this one however the cold front that's going to be coming through Wednesday Thursday and into Friday that does look very certain at this time and very widespread rainfall as well into the wheat belt uh and even into the goldfields as well a couple of drops expected there you can see 10day rainfall accumulations is looking pretty healthy for locations in the goldfields up towards 15 maybe 20 mm for some locations and then the wheat Bel as well receiving widespread 20 to 40 mm um of rainfall it kind of stops as you get out towards uh Raven Thorp and so forth it doesn't make it much further towards norsman or esperence uh but still a couple of drops expected out there then the Northern parts of the wheat Bel around El Wen up towards paint find also expecting 15 to 20 mm here and there it also looks like the Perth Coastal plane expecting some very good rainfall as well in fact Perth itself expecting 80 mm over the next 10 days 40 of which will come on Wednesday and Thursday and probably another 40 or so coming uh from those showers and rainfall that's going to be falling after this cold front so overall it does look to be quite a wet one the south coast of course picking up the majority of the rainf up towards 130 mm down there for locations Alban a healthy 50 mm Augusta picking up 80 mm Margaret River 80 mm as well but then locations around the Perth widespread 70 to 90 mm so that is some very healthy accumulations and as far north is lanin and jurian Bay up towards 70 or 80 mm there San is a healthy 80 mm too so widespread very good and very healthy rainall accumulations this does look like something that Western Australia does badly need on its forecast that's a pretty uh simple forecast for the West Australian Coastline if I have left anything unanswered then please do leave it in the comment section down below I will get back to you in terms of a general weather outlook for the remainder of Australia I guess the only place that we have truly neglected this video is South Australia once again uh the cold front that's going to be sweeping through Western Australia on um Thursday will be impacting South Australia's air Peninsula and maybe the mount lofty Rangers outside of Adelaide with some healthy rainfall accumulations on Friday and Saturday uh later next week however I don't think that there's going to be too much in the way of rainfall there they're in a bit of a dry phase at the moment Queensland remaining high and dry over the next 10 days the Northern Territory as well not a drop of rainfall over the state and the tropical parts of Western Australia as well looking fairly dry at this time too so overall it looks like we're definitely in a bit of a dry phase at this time apart from the nation South especially Western Australia which is interestingly the wetest corner of the nation at this time so that's some very good news for uh farmers in the agricultural regions in Western Australia some much needed rainfall that certainly wasn't on the long-term Winter forecast um and some good rainfall as well for locations in Victoria and Tasmania for Farmers there be good if New South Wes could get a little bit of a top up but that doesn't look like it is anywhere on the cards at this time Outro it's a long winded forecast video if you have enjoyed it then please do leave a like on the video as well and comment down below uh if you've got any questions or comments or a weather report for your location subscribe if you haven't already support is greatly appreciated and a special shout out to the channel sponsors their names are on screen right now and I could not run this show without them their support is greatly appreciated but that is all for me this morning and I'll catch you all in the next storm goodbye

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