So I ask for your understanding, we have agreed on confidential discussions with the CDU CSU, we already exchanged ideas about this last week, we have now found ways and means for effective rejection, we would like to introduce them to the CDU CSU confidentially tomorrow. Hey people, pay attention, the election is coming up at the door and like every time before the big day, she would throw out her well-known phrases but be honest, who else do you believe? Her promises sound hard and determined but we all know what will happen after the election. She talks about more security and control But how long will this really last? We already know this pattern. Stay tuned because I'll show you why fiber only produces hot air and why you shouldn't trust it blindly. Spoilers after the election everything will be canceled again. Video from yes, ladies and gentlemen, me I would also like to warmly welcome you here in the Federal Ministry of the Interior We are strengthening our internal security through concrete action and we are continuing our campaign against irregular migration We have presented a comprehensive security package after the Islamist terrorist attack in Soling, only in a quasi-textual formulation our security package looks, among other things Consistent expulsion of violent criminals It provides for knife bans Expansion of weapon ban zones Facial recognition of criminals Thesa use of the Federal Police and suspicion Independent checks by the Federal Police Today the Federal Cabinet approved our draft laws to implement the security package. They have already been available to the government factions since the weekend and can now be quickly translated into German The Bundestag will be discussed in addition, we are taking further measures that I would like to talk about now. We want to further reduce irregular migration. We are now taking further steps that go beyond the comprehensive ongoing measures until we achieve strong protection of the EU's external borders with the new common European asylum system We will have to control our national borders even more closely. These controls also enable effective rejection. We have already had more than 30,000 rejections at the German external borders since last October. We will therefore extend our temporary internal border controls to all German land borders . I have ordered this today and have already done so notified to the EU that serves to further limit irregular migration and that serves to protect against the acute dangers posed by Islamist terror and serious crime. We are doing everything we can to better protect the people in our country, including the far-reaching measures that I am now taking When I meet the federal police officers, I would like to thank them extremely for their great commitment at the German borders but also, of course, at the airports and train stations and I think the coalition has that with the 1000 additional positions that the federal police are getting as a unique selling point in this budget There is no other job budget, also, I would say, rewarded. In the future, it will also be very important for us to act in close coordination with our neighboring states and to keep the impact on commuters and everyday life in the border regions as low as possible, of course. The Federal Police will also do this We continue to pay attention and we have now developed a model for effective rejection that complies with European law. They would go beyond the rejection that has already taken place, I remind you again, 30,000 since last October. The intensive examination by the federal government has shown legal and actual options for this and I have that today CDU CSU Bundestag faction and confidential discussions with the largest opposition party in the German Bundestag were also offered very promptly. We are ready to discuss and talk about these further questions together. Thank you for your attention, Ms. Seiram has the first question. Micro is here at the front. Thank you very much You might explain it again in detail, who would you check at the border and who would you send back and where and Could you tell us very briefly whether you could tell us what this legal examination has revealed, that a so-called emergency situation may be declared as the Union demands, so I ask for your understanding, we have agreed to confidential discussions with the CDU CSU, we already met last week We have now found ways and means for effective rejection. We would like to introduce them to the CDU CSU confidentially tomorrow and then hopefully come to a consensus together. By the way, not only CDU CSU, we also urgently need the states for these measures, which is why tomorrow Then the states also sit at the table in the form of the chairmanship of the state of Hesse and the deputy state of Lower Saxony and I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity that we can do that. I said confidential discussions. I will only say something about the legal options when I tell the others Oh, which we have now presented, these are the same measures that we are now doing in the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Switzerland, we will then also do it in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark, so that will be an expansion, which means we will also reject there, that means the number of rejections will go up due to the measure alone, we already have 30,000 since the border controls 2 23 and that is now being expanded, only they say back, so we are already turning back at the external borders those who say no asylum go straight back to the neighboring states Mr. Buchsteiner here two questions in front if you allow me, you said that the whole thing has been notified, it has also been coordinated bilaterally with the countries that are now again, let me say new, they were there in the summer during the European Championships and the Olympics It has been coordinated with the governments in France, among other things, and can you say to what extent the numbers could increase in terms of rejections? You have experience from the time in the summer, so Dr Romann always gave the numbers, you know that these are great successes were in particular to France Belgium Netherlands I don't have them in mind right now Mr. Buchsteiner, but we can send them to you later in order to have an approximate guideline. We vote is perhaps saying too much. We always inform you that we want to take such measures and we always do that beforehand That means my working level has clarified this with the neighboring countries beforehand, Mr. Decker, third row, have you already received signals as to whether the Union will be present for the discussion tomorrow, which was actually already agreed upon and the second question you are actually assuming that they are from These border controls, which have increased more and more in the last few months and years, will they ever come down from them again or is this now a situation where one has to assume that the new normality will be the new one , so to speak, until the situation takes hold, Mr. Decker, I I've always said we do n't accept that the numbers have gone up, we didn't accept it last year, that's why we ordered extensive border controls in October, took further measures, we've also brought about significant legal changes in deportation and repatriation, that's by no means that we accept it, on the contrary We are making full use of all the measures we have and we are happy that we can now talk to the states about further options with the CDU CSU. Regarding your second question, I had a very good conversation today with Mr. Frei, very trusting, very good, so I can say that I assume that we can also discuss the details tomorrow, then Ms. Kasmann, the proposal that you want to discuss confidentially with Mr. Frei tomorrow is designed in such a way that physical or personnel changes would have to be made at the borders or not, um, I said that earlier We have said confidential discussions, we will first discuss this with the states and the CDU CSU tomorrow. Then we will be happy to inform you about the details. It is about being able to carry out further rejection Colleague asked with a cautious nod when it came to rejecting people at the border who expressed a request for asylum - that is a demand of the Union. Can you say something about whether the rejection will also extend to this group of people and if you allow a second question, you are already in contact with the Greens in their traffic light government and what reactions are there? Of course, I was in contact with my coalition partners, we exchanged ideas about it at the weekend and last week too for the coalition, we developed the model together and I told them that it was about a massive expansion of rejection and, as I said, I will inform you about the details after the confidential conversation tomorrow, so the next question was from Julia here in addition to Ms. Jäger sa Deutsche Welle Madam Minister, nothing will change at the borders where the controls were already there, more will happen, there will be more controls, there will be more police on the move and the Interior Minister of Austria has already said they will not be rejected migrants from Germany they said they have spoken to the neighboring countries but there is unrest with the neighboring countries, thank you very much, so on the one hand of course something will change otherwise we wouldn't be talking about massive expansion of rejection. The second is caution. I was asked whether I have now discussed the expansion of border controls with the B, that is to say with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark, we have done that, I have not yet spoken to neighboring states about other models, because I said we will only discuss this with the CDU, CSU and the countries
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Es ist traurig ja zum heulen dass er drei menschen sterben mussten getötet von dem abgelehnten syrischen asylbewerber isa alhassan einem islamisten ehe in diesem land unter dieser regierung eine ernsthafte debatte über die migration und die daraus resultierenden nicht mehr von der hand zuweisenden folgen... Read more
Meine damen und herren liebe lieber marko buschmann liebe anja heiduck vielen dank für die möglichkeit dass wir heute gemeinsam etwas verkünden können was wir die letzten tage erarbeitet haben meine damen und herren der anschlag von solingen hat uns zutiefst erschüttert und wir haben immer gesagt dass... Read more
I can say that here in the bundestag and before history, we were right with all our warnings and all our demands on migration. this also makes it clear that the afd was never radical, never inhumane, never extremist in its migration policy , but simply just thoroughly civil and sensible ladies and gentlemen,... Read more
Schön sie zu sehen herr gg wie geht's ihnen erstmal die frage ja also eigentlich für mein alter geht's mir gut und äh ich bin 84 und äh komme nicht nur zu ihnen sondern gehe unter die leute und bin mit meinem letzten buch zugange oder auf einladungen von verschiedenen institutionen unterwegs und wir... Read more
Herr brandner wenn aussteiger die radikalisierung beklagen gibt es punkte wo sie sagen das ist eigentlich schade dass wir die verloren hätten die hätte ich gern wieder die die die afd verlassen haben ja ein punkt ist noch mal gerade dass sie auch hier lügengeschichten aufsetzen dieses zitat geistert... Read more
Können und müssen ihnen berichten dass wir bei den gesprächen zwischen regierung und cdu csu und auch den ländern nicht zu einem gemeinsamen ergebnis gekommen sind ich hatte ja vor der sitzung ihnen gesagt dass wir als eine wesentliche voraussetzung für weitere gespräche sehen dass man den zustrom nach... Read more
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Good keyword cdu is a wonderful keyword. we're now looking at dorothea schupelius on the set. now a politician who may also have an initial analysis of his party's performance. that 's absolutly correct. the general secretary of the cdu, carsten linnemann, is here with me. on the day of the european... Read more
Wke hat gesagt wenn ich nicht erster bin wenn die afd erster wird dann bin ich weg liebe leute da hat er wenigstens mal ein gutes gesagt das ist ein versprechen das nehmen wir doch gerne an wir schicken wutke am 22 september in die rente das ist ein versprechen Read more
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Intro bei der masse an ausreisepflichtigen ausländern die überhaupt kein aufenthaltsrecht haben ist doch eine abschiebeinitiative wir müssen in unserem land konsolidieren und diese massenmigration diesen massenzustrom rückgängig machen ja kobiki ist jemand der immer vorgeschickt wird für irgendwie so... Read more