WORST Surrogate Ever? RFK Jr. Can't Defend Trump's Debate Performance! | Bulwark Takes

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:21:04 Category: News & Politics

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on the Russians are routing them on every front and uh and and you know it becomes more much more difficult to to end the war sorry I'm sorry hey y'all it's Tim Miller from the bwork I'm here with my buddy Sam Stein and you know we had to reprise our analysis of Robert F Kennedy Jun Jr's videos because Bobby Jr he's been out there as a surrogate for Donald Trump Bobby I saw him in the spin room didn't get a chance to get to go talk to him like I did some of some of the other surrogates but uh he was there and he's been doing interviews and Sam as a close Bobby Kennedy Watcher has been watching his uh interviews and and Sam is determined he he told me today that this is the worst surrogate in the history of political surrogates and that I need to watch his efforts as an expert on the matters does that sound about right Sam yeah I genuinely well first of all I'm treating Bobby Kennedy's political Venture as almost like an anthropological exercise I find it like to be an interesting species of surrogate here uh also yeah I I I genuinely think that uh the the role he has played in the last uh 24 hours since the debate may be one of the worst jobs I've ever seen a campaign s get play he systematically undermine Trump on various media platforms and uh and done so in a way that like completely blows up uh the Trump campaign talking points and I just don't think I've ever seen a campaign sures and maybe he's not used to it right like this is not him it's authenticity I think it's all authenticity it could be the brain warm also I'm excited people we ke people waiting too long I'm excited to see could be the bra yeah let's let's do the first clip let's do the first clip I want to set up this is him so he did two he did he did an interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox Business uh and it's just one-onone and he's asked by Neil yeah what is going what he feels about the debate let's play that clip uh vice president Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery her polish uh her organization and and her preparation I think UNS substance uh president Trump wins in terms of his his governance um and but he didn't tell that story and in fact the first question was an extraordinary lost opport because there's a question that I think dor pointed out that she never answered okay yeah so on substance Donald Trump won but in terms of his presidency because because the substan of things that he would have won on he didn't mention is that basically what what where he lands there well I just think that starting off by being like the opponent won the debate is not like the first foot you want to put forward usually you're like no no no no my guy won the debate like did she get in a few Jabs here and there sure but no no my gu but he's just like no let's just be clear won this thing she won then it's like on style he start listing all the ways what she won on style unpreparedness she was better she looked better she look so much better um you know attitude yeah oh yeah and then he's like well Trump run on substance and that's just like you know code word for like he got clocked and like it's like you know but there was like a few exchanges here or there where I I thought he came out okay so I thought that was that was not great but then it got kind of like um funnier because Cavuto who's not like a fan of trump he's a critical of trump but Cavuto was trying to like get Kennedy back kind of on track and he mentions well you know there's all this Trump's out there and he he's Point all this PO yeah he's out there's po this like Newsmax poll that says he did so well and he's poed this other stuff and he asked he asked Kennedy like it doesn't that show that that Trump actually did win and and Kennedy can't even take the hint let's play that clip he says and he commented a couple of times today that he he won the debate and all the polls show that he won the debate I haven't seen a single one to show that what did you think of that reaction well I have seen those polls you know they're not uh they're they're polls that uh you see on uh you know on the on the internet and um and a lot of them probably have uh have statistical problem I mean sorry I I do appreciate the honesty though he's right about theer this is why he was bringing in 12% you know for a minute because of his authenticity um and his falconry skills I do like the um like just as a as somebody who's coached people to go on cable news before you know if there's a question asked where like you don't have a good answer for it you know there there's some there's some tricks you know that you can get taught like things like well you know I I haven't seen in the polls exactly Donald Trump's talking about but I know that there are a lot of Americans out there that thought he did a great job and then boom pivot into message a lot of tricks you're a guest host on shows on kind of weird hours on cable news so you know you know you've seen the tricks that's he doesn't do it the TR he's just like the polls are [ __ ] no no you I think I understand what you're saying you just don't address the question then you talk about something you want to talk about but uh when you're the campaign ciruit it's different here though for him because as he was literally saying no those polls are garbage um the Trump campaign was like blasting them out into the ether they're like oh look at this Newsmax pole 93 to7 we trounced her like oh you idiots who think that she won news and and Kenny to his you know credit is like actually that thing's not statistically or methodologically sound you know it's like who hired this guy take him back U on those polls you know we got a little bit of a hint of that on debate night in the spin room and uh and you might I don't know if you've seen this clip or but on Fox News is playing live when the defeated Trump shows up to the spin room and he starts shouting out these numbers and uh and I want you to I want you to listen as he's talking you hear a voice that might sound familiar sh trolling him back as well so let let's actually take a listen to that clip was the best ever personally that I've had getting calls show speak louder 88 to 11 we're having a lot of great calls just came out his phone calls and lots of other BS but you see the balls a very important debate now she wants to do another one cuz she got beaten tonight but I don't know we're why wouldn't you look at her okay yeah so that's me shouting over the den going why wouldn't you look at her and uh and then you hear a female reporter to my right shout what are these numbers what are these numbers just like 66 92 84 and uh you know Kennedy Kennedy's out there on the side of me and the and the woman shout shouting uh that just shows you that Kennedy knew yeah but doesn't that just show you Kennedy knew that those were the numbers he was supposed to agree were legit and he just couldn't bring him yeah he he he he didn't need to get talking points he was there you saw Trump you know direct him into like citing these polls and he just you know fell on his face got to do better Bobby gota do better than that um there was a uh there was a second uh Kennedy appearance that um that happened um I guess you know kind of let's pause for a second because they're putting him on it's kind of interesting what he's going on he went on Cavuto I'm try to understand and then he went on Piers Morgan but they're not like putting him on like uh I don't know what do you what do you take from the fact that he he's going on those places do you think he's just freelancing uh maybe uh but I I look I mean Pier draws kind of a heterodox audience I got into a a shouting match with PE recently we did not have a peaceful transfer of power we did not have a ceremonial transfer of Power with a former president like a man goes and stands on the stage and greets the next incoming president where he helps the incoming team with a transition where the where the vice president's team meets with the other that didn't happen last time because Donald Trump attempted a coup and he had a temper tantum and he flew home to maralago just to go golfing cougars on the to be clear all of which that's what happened that's why they haven't met he tried to C well to be clear at the time I heavily criticized him for all the things you've just said uh but that doesn't explain why sure but Cory comes on your show and he's like oh Donald Trump and K haven't met hang oh my goodness that's so interesting they met and then Cory's over there saying it's because combo is ineffective as a senator no it's because Donald Trump who was supposed to be a dealmaker didn't meet with any of the democratic cers he said he was going to be the art of the deal man but he didn't try to actually do any deals all he did was insult people on Twitter and then after he lost to KLA Harris fa and square and Joe Biden he didn't have the dignity have a transfer of power for the first time in in American history do you only shout with do you only shout at people do you have a problem that we need to address here that you're just shouting at people on TV I've got a lot of anger inside Sam I've got a lot of anger nine we're in year nine of Donald Trump you know it's just been building but I I I I glanced at the comments on Pierce's page I was kind of curious like what kind of crowd draws they were very negative towards me I do have to say uh not positive feedback about my temperament um and so that leads me to believe he's growing more of a conservative or kind of like a heterodox weirdo audience and um and so I think that Kennedy's they're probably trying to put him in those venues on weird podcasts and stuff because like that's where his appeal is you don't you don't want to put him on Jake Tapper and let Jake Tapper you know kind of just run him over the coals like that that's doesn't add a whole lot I would I would I would welcome viewing that but um yeah I think that's smart to keep him off of that one anyway so on peers the question gets into what should be ostensibly uh Kennedy's wheelhouse which is dead animals um and yet um he you like that one and yet decapitating whales did he get asked about decapitating whale you know that's a good point maybe the maybe it's a specific dead animal that he's more expert at if it was like a roadkill bear or a headless whale he would have been like really on point but this was about abducted abducted docks I cannot believe this is like we're not making this [ __ ] up like this is the stuff that's happening in real life any he's asked about abductor for people who don't know this is obviously if you're living on a rock this is like the new campaign storyline dogs have allegedly but not been abducted in by Haitian migrants in Springfield Ohio Trump brought it up at the debate Kenny's asked by peers like was that smart more or less let's let's take a listen to that one let me play a clip from last night involving Donald Trump and pets what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there he lost a lot of opportunities to you know to talk to uh to to vice president Harris about the failed record of this Administration and uh she was able to to you know as I said if you look at his record and Franklin said this as well the previous person you interviewed if you look at his record people want that record people want to go back to inflation they want to go back to 15 million Americans not being below the poverty line which has happened during the Biden Administration they want to go back to where the suicide rate and the drug over doses were low and all of these other issues where life was affordable where we weren't out War but president Trump is not was not Adept at defending his record and I you know I think he lost an opportunity and I think it's a I think it's sad yeah again that was probably the more charitable one too cuz he he he just was like kind of weired out I felt like by Trump bringing that up so uh I know what you some level I don't know I watched that clip and I'm like maybe Bobby should have been debating kamla I mean like that was that little segment there was better than anything we saw from Trump the entire debate right I'm trying to think like was there did Trump have a moment during the debate that was as cogent as what Bobby just said I don't believe he did that's a good point like in a way Kennedy is set the standard for Trump and and Trump like what was his debate response when he wasn't even the thing about the thing the weird thing about Trump and the in the animals uh the pets at the debate was like he wasn't even asked about it he just brought it up like they didn't say no it was it was in the same answer as where he where he responded to taking the bait about the fact that people leave his leave his events early and so then he starts ranting about how no no no people love my events they stay till the end I don't even have an instrument up there nobody goes to your events and then he pivots back the CR cuz the topic was immigration and then he pivots back he's like the immigration stuff it's a nightmare and then it's like they're eating dogs they're eating cats and it's like he didn't he didn't lay the ground for so if you are not a super weirdo who was online cuz now everybody knows because you mentioned at the debate but like before that this was kind of relegated to a niche corner of the internet and so if you didn't understand the reference must have been like yeah you're like what is he talking about who's eating dog who's eating dogs who's eating cats like he it wasn't he didn't even explain it it's not like he was like now there's a story in Springfield and there are these Haitians that are coming through and now it's caused you know unrest in the town and now like he just dropped B blurting [ __ ] out have you have you seen any of the musical mashups of his uh answer uh I have the trombone um one I liked uh I liked the trombone mashup and then on you know on T Tik Tok I liked kind of like the remixed the remix yes a good remixed one there like a SCA version of it exactly there's a Scot version of it I liked it I thought I thought they were clever um yeah I think uh by by broaching the subject in that manner Trump may have given uh awful weird vibe uh and people might have thought this man is kind of losing it a little bit your point I guess Kennedy sort of did a better job there I'm sorry we played that clip I'm sorry that we played that clip in the context of making fun of Kennedy because typ I do again it does show his weak I mean it shows his weak like the tag is weak it's tough to surrogate for Trump and Kennedy you know is like framing that answer as a criticism of him which is not what you're supposed to lowski out there and you're just doing the well Piers I'm sorry it's a serious problem the migrants are eating people and now yeah I also think you should talk about this other thing like you know I'm not saying that's morally correct but just on the on the points if you're Donald Trump and you're sitting at home and you've got Piers Morgan on your Super T and you see RFK up there like first you're kind of annoyed by his voice and then after that you're like why is he criticizing me I I thought he I suppose I yeah and that's the thing he did he did have a subtle crit not a subtle fairly upfront criticism about Trump being unable to kind of talk uh in a in a politically potent way about it I guess part of me was wondering if if I don't want even say but did RFK look at the the cat eating dog eating story and say hm I I'm I got stories you know it do seems so crazy I thought you were going to say maybe he was weing as a vulnerability for himself but you're thinking maybe he was like what's wrong with eating dog exactly where are we where we where are we going with this how do certainly know that how did they season it how did they season it was it sauteed or barbecued like what because what you're seeing out there on the mega web today is like there's this picture of this black guy carrying a goose it's like who the hell knows if it's a Haitian person if it's even in Springfield whatever but it's like it's being tweeted by Congress people and it's like I it's crazy yeah and it's and but my thing is if you're RFK and you're looking at that video you're like number one okay I'm a man of integrity here and if the poll is not a real poll I'm going to tell you and I have to note that that goose is not a duck or a cat that is not a pet okay that's a goose and number two I have to mention is RFK I've I've nabbed some geese out of the park you know I've skinned them I've thrown them in my car I've got a I got a freezer full of geese like why are we why are we fingering the Asian migrants on this I know I know there is a bit of irony in the campaign that's trying to make political hay out of people eating pets and stuff deploying the surate most famous for picking up roadkill and then placing it in Central Park like th I guess he has some fluency in discussing this stuff but like come on you got you have people with cleaner hands literally and figuratively here literally cleaner hands I don't want to go down I don't want to go down that road I I can't relive that video too I I probably could relive it but let's let's end on let's end on a funnier note um there was a moment and this also pertains to geese in a weird way there was a mo there's a moment in this second Goose moment in the there was this moment in the piers interview that was almost too perfect and I did a double take and um I had to listen to it again and I was like yeah I think that is what I heard and it's brief and it's fleeting and it's beautiful um and it just brings it all home this was a brief interruption in the Piers Morgan interview uh let's just play that clip if we can I'm excited the Russians are devastating the ukrainians the ukrainians have lost the war and the Russians are routing them on every front and uh and and you know it becomes more much more difficult to to end the war sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I I hav't actually seen that yet I do have to say just really quick because it's a serious politics show on the substance the Russians are not routing the ukrainians actually the Ukrainian are defending themselves very aily and have killed a lot of Russians I do have to say a [ __ ] about the substance come on uh was that he said it's quacking you've listened to it sever so his phone his phone ring is phone started quacking yes Russians are devastating the ukrainians ukrainians have lost the war and the Russians are routing them on every front and uh and that and you know it becomes more how does Cheryl live like this difficult how does his like live like this his phone every time he gets a [ __ ] text or a phone call his phone quacks can you imagine having that as your as like your background noise honey change the [ __ ] ringer on your phone enough with the [ __ ] duck ringer I mean honestly that's just Madness and the fact that like a maybe it's like a Haitian migrant call too soon the fact that Piers Morgan is just sitting there and doesn't even comment on it I mean he's what a pro what a [ __ ] Pro that guy is he's like I'm not GNA let distract me pi is having me back on I think I heard Pi having me back on the show even even yeah if you do if you do I want you to set your phone to a duck ring let me know the time I'm call you I'm not g to quack I'm not letting my phone quack on Piers Morgan Sam this has been good uh it's RFK is just the gift that keeps on giving we we'll keep checking in with it Sam is on it I'm not watching his interviews as religiously as Sam i' you know I've got a lot on my plate uh and it's not dog cat or all I do yeah it's not dog it's not cat it's not Goose it's not bear on my plate it's you know it's other content creation for you the viewer so I hope you enjoyed this tell your friends we have a little series me and Sam watching these things giggling I hope you enjoy it subscribe to the feed give us a little thumbs up there and uh we'll be seeing you soon

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