Denise Richards, Josh Flagg, Matt Friend Talk Donald Trump, OJ Simpson and Real Housewives

e it's not me this time hey Josh I'm sorry um so we're supposed to go live at 1045 it's uh 10:49 okay everyone in the chat was blaming me for not pushing the button okay um so we're live like literally yeah hello folks uh here I am on a podcast with just myself and uh oh gosh I have like a yeah no you're not with yourself I'm not a nobody just because I work in the back that's do you know Jeremy do you know where my dad and Jackie are should action anyway so here we are oh I can see the chat we're good this is our yes you were me and uh Denise Richard and how Mandel and it's just yes me oh you got to let's focus his camera we're ready to go today uh Jackie are you I think I see Jackie Jackie do you want to come in yeah she said only if I want her to I think you guys want her to as well how long have you I don't I don't work it my dad just he doesn't have a lot of terms that he uses so my dad calls me it but I'm not it where's your dad oh I got a Super Chat Jackie come on no she said no you did this to me last time because of what I did last time number one podcast CH yeah no this is um how uh we do things here very organized yeah Josh ask we got the main people exactly this doesn't happen if I'm not here anyway so really it's when Alex met oh you're right there screw you wait I can't hear you Jackie because I don't have these on hold on oh go for screw you I'm right here I'm ready I'm just G to let you sit there for a while like you did with me yeah I still don't know where D is but I'm going to let you sit there yeah and you just relax we'll be there in a second I'm not freaking out does Andrea want to come in no no okay that's fine um I I just figured they wanted something to look I don't know hell hello now we could just chat here until he comes here I love you too cork uh let him cook Jack I it's not going to cook this is I go live even on on Twitch for hours I I enjoy this but the thing is is my dad is not usually it's not that he is uh I don't need these it's not that he's usually on time he usually wants to go early I have no idea where he is not a clue did you see him when you walked in no no no okay might just be me today well and you keep you keep uh talking like I don't exist here well you exist I partially yeah I exist to make this happen and that's pretty much it see I have a place here that's oh I like that's cool we have new effects we got a new board we do everything so now now it's all part of uh my thing Jeremy and Kyle are back there Andrea is back there I don't have any topics for you guys but he actually might be on the toilet yes I could mod you see speaking of toilets I could be on that right now you could that now would be the best time for you to use the bathroom if you wanted to do that I don't know if my dad's even going to be mad that I started it without him because usually did we have a choice I didn't give him one I pushed live and then ran in just so that no one knew no one thought it was my fault I hear him I hear him no I started it because I didn't want I didn't want it to be late you were late it was 10:45 you said 10:45 it was you were supposed to go live at 10:45 so I started waiting for Denise Denise is here oh okay well I guess it's already started it's because he was uh bringing in the guest Denise is here now oh so I'll step out so they could go in here's your here's your hosts I kind this is so funny I'm just Josh was here before me hosting your show it's fine don't mind me don't mind me I'll just host your show wa and my daughter joins us sometimes hi it's just Josh's show now we're early we're not early we're late it was 10:45 it was yeah when why didn't anybody tell me we're technically live right now I don't look at my calendar I was here why live at 11 what was told it was live at 11: that's what I was told in your calendar it says 10 you know what happened I heard you called and asked for 10:45 I did yep so you changed the schedule and nobody told me you said to be here I changed the schedule of your podcast I thought it was supposed to be at 11: I thought it was supposed to be here at 10:45 to be on at 11: it doesn't matter it's okay it's okay what did you do you're already on live yeah oh how long have you guys been on hting your show for the last 15 minutes that's so funny welcome to how Mandel D did you start did you do the opening it's welcome to did the open but we could do it again I'm right now this is my show headsets okay you did the opening song and everything had you done this before yes so why are you doing it again why not I this is because of Josh the reason why this is all screwed up is because Josh called and said we need welcome to uh J Josh flag live with special Howe Mandel jacn Schultz and Denise Denise Richard do not blame this on me wait I had no idea back can manage your goddamn schedule you did though I made a request and I thought the powers that be would put this together you did yeah we here to manage your goddamn calendar you book the show you scheduled the show I'm a celebrity Booker don't forget but you did the show you booked the show you started the show I don't produce it I'm just the booker I wasn't here well that's not my fault we were out I was not told we were out there we didn't know you were here yet I didn't even know you were here yet that's good it's fine the radies just went way up without you here by the way they're saying happy third podcast anniversary I guess it's the third year what today what my phone yeah I didn't did you text me and tell me you were here no how did I how did I miss this I missed the beginning of my own show I hope you're enjoying it I hope it's going well Josh you're doing well I saw you just listed another $30 million house yesterday yes thank beautiful congratulations yeah it's a beautiful house yes is it a speck house it is actually a speck house so they built it for the was their house there before and they they tore it down they tore it down and we can go to uh where can they see that go to Josh Flags Instagram that's right yeah Josh flag on Instagram it's a beautiful spacious house for a a nice family uh it's it's beautiful are are you going to do a big open house uh t uh let's see uh next Tuesday yes for your show uh well we wrap the season so for next season maybe but that doesn't stop them you from doing it for your show no right cuz the way you do it for my show you could show up you could shoot it and then other cast members on your show could find out I didn't know there was another episode exactly but Josh showed up and did it exactly do you know that Denise and I have a little bit of a history did know we were neighbors we have more than that we did a pilot we did a pilot do you remember the pilot I don't remember the name of it but I remember the P it was a Mexican family that had a that they did a the grandmother or somebody did a a talk show it's based on an English format and who was the other guy um it was Che Marin was in it Marin was in it and it was really funny it didn't go I know it didn't go obviously it wasn't funny enough well that happen happens a lot out of all the St a lot that's business Show Business how many things have you done that haven't gone a lot she's here for my ego yeah I can tell have you been to Beeps pardon me that restaurant on the corner of what 1956 it's a little Burger Joint here the corner of here block away in Van a little sign it goes around it says from since 1956 last time when I left I went had a great pami sandwich he does Denny's look at this Josh flag is moving and getting very comfortable with the whole van eyes uh this is you wouldn't come bad for your reputation you know what I I he's expanding no it's good people are liking the valley more right the show or van eyes is really picking up the show too no but I know van eyes is picking up van is picking up really yeah oh wow you heard it invest yeah invest no it's it's true it is I think so no you don't live in the valley anymore I live in um Calabasas yeah oh you still do I thought you were in Malibu I thought you were in Malibu we were and then we're back in Calabasas but not in the oh and by the way we have the same publicist now um I don't okay oh do you know you have a publicist no I don't know I'm for me ignorance is bliss I've been with her for many years he didn't even know he had a show today I did not no there's a show starting at at 9 so you have a publicist she's wonderful you'll love her I can't wait to hear it would be important for a publicist for your publicist to tell you our publicist that your show starts at 10:45 is she doing a good job did she help you with your prolapse anus post what anus post prolapsed I have a prolapsed I don't have a prolapsed anus I posted a I talk about this incess what is a prolapsed anus right there see the picture up up above you don't know what a prolaps anus is no we are going to play this on every single episode okay so what it is I'll give you a little bit of History because it's good so I I posted that a couple of years ago that picture do you know who Ethan Klein is from H3 Ethan cly he's got very big uh podcast he he he he ran with it and he's also this is a part of his merch which is great it's not considered merch Teddy fresh is a clothing brand that um his wife created and this is the hila and this is the and the designs are done by a a man with autism right or yeah there's uh three different artists and because it's autism awareness and acceptance month they had three different people that are neurod Divergent that created designs and they picked their own um Charities so all the proceeds I don't think all but some of the proceeds go to those Charities so that's through ag3 right with ganus you're right I shouldn't I'm not good with seg wise but anyway it's not my anus um I posted a picture you see that picture that's red shorts do you know what it is no NE did I so I posted it it looks like a guy bending over and is I thought there Wasing something out I didn't think I didn't even think it was pooping was a cupcake I thought there was like a moist cupcake on the back of somebody and I posted is this covid related this a couple years ago and then my son Alex who was here at the beginning of the show uh my co-host oh there's the is that the guy that's that we're showing the picture of the guy that does the T-shirt we're all over the place he it's a different designer but yes he's one of the designers okay so anyway I posted that saying it is a covid related in the middle of the night my uh son uh woke me up and said dad what have you done which is never great to hear and I go what are you talking about he goes you're trending worldwide and I was trending worldwide and they said that it's because uh I posted this and I lost a couple of sponsors and networks got mad at me why hello so I didn't know I don't understand why so I took it down and then people talk about that I posted a PR a prolapse anus is the ability cuz AGT doesn't like it had nothing to do with AGT but how would you know that that's even an anus to begin with let alone a prolapsed anus see you're on the same wavelength as my dad he said that too and everyone yeah and everyone's like how do you not know so then he brought me on uh Ethan brought me on uh to his uh podcast and showed me there is a community of people that do that that post it I'll show you a post and I'm not going to I'm not I can't air it won't we're live you could react to it maybe they don't want to see it why are you sh every guest yeah I know Josh wants to see it no no okay so this is this is they showed me this and then I found out there's a whole Community you can watch it you at home can't watch it there oh love oh good God oh why you closing your eyes you guys are not putting it on the screen it's not on the screen this is not going out right I think I know him left or one on the left or the right oh my God possibly both now after seeing that I would not get that from this well these are professionals no I can't even look at it but the picture I want you to look at it you have to at it supposed to force people to look don't force people look just to get together sorry what's wrong no I can't look at this it's really bad it is really look at Josh can you believe they're looking at the same thing well he knows him it's a friend when you see a friend I'm telling you I know him his name is Fred well Fred is it Fred hunger defitely Fred I think that was Hunger FF it might be Fred I don't know we don't know what the FF stands for but anyway that Community got really mad at me me and so the sponsors got mad at me that Community I when I see that I don't even think of community I honestly I would have I would say yeah I could see that what you posted I can't I don't see it so I don't understand what you're saying to me did you change your hair a little bit oh I darkened it oh it looks good thank you yeah thank you so much um no I I what you posted I would not think that that's a whatever yeah and you're and yours was just a picture it wasn't like a video of no but there I'm showing you that it it's something that exists and something that is very they have a festival there a whole festival I mean that that means there's something wrong with with someone correct no oh see that now you're going to get letters you're going to get letters no I thought something means that something happened to them for that to happen a prolapse yeah I think by accident somebody but what I'm saying is if I get letters I apologize I'm not educated in this so I'm I'm very sorry well that's why you're here today we're educating we're educating you in the prun and I'm going to call now your publist and say well why didn't you let me know about this thing about why did you tell me to come on the show that's what she's gonna say no but the point that I'm making so please forgive me forgive me forgive me I did not know about this you're not judging I'm not judging at all no I know but what I'm saying is I wasn't judging either but what happened is when uh Ethan showed me that video I went oh like that and you're not supposed to react that way you're supposed to go well thank you for telling me after the fact well you didn't do that you didn't scream you just didn't want to look I just didn't want to look right yeah that's okay I think that's okay you we don't have to see everything right are we okay yeah they're just placing orders now for why is this show live what why does this show exist these are all really good questions and feel free to uh but there's Al always weird things that you see on video and TV and then people comment on them and then you realize like right like did you see that it was in TV um not on TV I think it was on TMZ that uh that girl Abby that got married and they showed a picture of her first dance are we just going to talk about all the same things we just talked about on it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter I want I didn't talk I didn't get their take on it I I I didn't see it show Abby aby's wedding video Abby dancing in aby's wedding video does he want me to never work again no no no no no no I'm not yes it's not like so that you can just have a podcast no don't I am here to protect you can we bring Lisa Rena in no this dance it's the first dance from the wedding you remember this did you see this no I I didn't see this the rits look this is their wedding this is their first the aby's the one on the left and they just got married what are your thoughts not money H not many thoughts you don't notice anything you don't have any questions watching that one more time are there two wait are there two of them no there's two abies no one's Abby one Abby and the other one is what's her sister's name I don't know oh they're attached they're conjoin she has two heads oh so when he [ __ ] Abby is he also [ __ ] there comes here's the questions these are the questions we don't we don't know they have one look at Denise's face are there two vaginas no one one vagina one vagina there are two vaginas in the world but not at this wedding they have two brains two nervous systems I and one of them and one of them operates one arm and the other operates the other arm but there's one vagina are two mouth what yeah two yeah Dance Again dance for us can we get more information about the sisters they had a they had a show now what if the other sister gets married that's another question another wedding that's what I'm saying she has to register she has so technically he can have a threesome anytime he wants a two and a half and then this husband has to be okay with his bride being in a bed with another man if her sister gets married just going to ask yeah huh hello I lost you on that one say that again he has to be okay with what so if the sister gets married yeah to a man or woman whatever her name is AB ab's sister oh Abby's sister right if she gets married whether it's a man or a woman then there's going to be four people in the bed or no maybe that first husand just doesn't two people and then Abby and her sister but I think this guy's got a great gegg but hope maybe hopefully she's the sister is gay marries another woman because then it's like two heads and two vaginas that's true I'd love to see what's under the dress no really I can tell you they've been very honest about what they it's very different I mean yeah it's unusual it's it's very unusual it is unusual and that's all they know from birth I think one of them is a country singer is it AB be a country singer does anybody know is anybody talking to me no they're looking it up they don't know we're looking up I think they're all packing their bags and getting out of here no this is this is the this is how this podcast goes have you watched our podcast before I'm kidding no yes I have anything goes I love that you can say this in front of your um kids what that you're so open I love it you and your daughter were on only fans not with her not together not together yes but was there was there a moment when you did it together never that was so that's hearsay that right people were saying so that we cleared that up we cleared that up never ever ever no and I've never even seen her page no that was you've never seen your daughter's page never cuz then she would had to pay I'm sure I would get a discount speaking of only fans can I ask you a question of course uh uh is reported and just tell me if it close that you're making up to $2 million a month on only that's not true I do do she's like it's unold that have you ever made $2 million a mon I want to talk about money but I will say I did not know I didn't know about only fans what it really was before you don't know it I well obviously I do now but I didn't know what it was before I don't we had a I know that might sound weird but I didn't know what the hell it was right but now so you're on it now I'm on it and I know it's an incredibly lucrative it yeah it can be yeah but it's also I most of the stuff that people like to see me do is more I think people would be surprised by it's not um they wanta stupid videos of me you know talking about whatever like it's like it's like a photo shoot right now and you know asking their opinions do you like this outfit or that or these Sho that's what people want on only no sorry for no I'm I'm for real like they they like feeling like they're it's very personal you know I love that you're saying this I I don't necessarily so it's like a more lucrative Cameo no but as a as a married guy that's great you've given me I said I said ask Denise Richards I you see my only found you see that I've show my boobies yeah but people have already at a photo shoot choosing outfits no no that's not true actually what not at a photo shoot choosing outfits I'm dressed and people are into that on only fans yes like I think you're an interesting person anyway and that's why you're here today but but I would think that people are not paying guys want to know too like if I'm doing something around the house like and ask them like what tool to use do I use this what paintbrush I'm not joking they love to feel needed and want to feel like I need their help do you know what I mean right so I just want to say as I it's true that's like the most requested stuff that's amazing because I want to say to the married guys out there if your wife sees a bill at the end of the month at the end of the month they see like a huge like you've spent $2 million that one month for that on only fans you could say it's not what you think honey I just didn't know what size rent should I use WD40 on that it's true they it is I'm I'm not kidding so that is true and why would they ask you for advice on to are you a hand can you log on right now need to ask for advice oh oh I can you log on right now they to me like what tool to use requests they they like they per for me doing videos and pictures where they feel like they're sitting right here where I'm not and actually they prefer me no makeup hair in a bun you know looking just at home so that's the stuff that they prefer to see if you there's a Super Chat people are super chatting now what do they they were asking you I'm not going on my only fans account here live not live but can we get a like is there is there recorded is there recorded things of you giving household doing this on live your show being live I'm not doing this no no no no no but I'm saying can I don't know a lot about only fans but I'm I'm oh my God no but can we pull up something that's already pre-recorded that you say is okay to show of you giving household tip you know what you can join it and you you can afford you can pay her the seven how much is it it's 20 don't [ __ ] know right now I know what it is I go on I'm not going to it's $25 25 yeah um so I want to just say that we got some answers to the questions that we were asking they answered it it's Abby and Britney are the name of the conjoined twins so is Britney in a relationship with anyone no but the answers are and their name is Britney and Abby Hensel because everyone is asking we're just going to tell you yes I have sex with my husband yes I go down on him yes my sister Britney is there obviously obviously does she have a choice but you know what while he's getting blown at least he has someone to talk to she could be sleeping yeah well she answers it yes my sister and I orgasm as one but when I sleep with my husband she's usually reading a book or listening to True Crime podcast so she just puts the pleasure out of her mind I never thought of that so when she has an orgasm I guess she's reading a book her sister no feels it too yeah there's one vagina right right wow but she can read a book well she's having an orgasm technically she tries to sometimes sometimes uh the sister has to uh one sister is having aby's having sex with her husband and her other uh sister and and what's her name Britney and Britney has to uh pee like she has to pee how that work well you don't know whether they're coming or going I got it there we go I got it before everyone else well no he did the sound guy Kyle Kyle got it um what were I'm curious how they met Britney and Abby I'm pretty sure it was at BIR her head was right there beside her how did they meet she's right there who are you I'm Britney that's a stupid question how did she meet her husband um I don't know if they answered that I think it was on a on a dating app can you imagine you get catfished because there's just like a picture and then but it's like two for the price of one I could see why they did a show this is very interesting oh they did a show yeah YouTube video that that was from TMZ but uh because of the marriage what's the name of the show let's find out my conjoin life two plus is that what it's called no I don't know I don't know because they do all those shows it would be a TLC show it's AA T it would be cuz they do all those the little people right my and they do uh my 600 lb life right they do that I'm trying to sell a show oh wow there's a lot I think it's called two heads are better than one no it's not no that's too long no I'm trying to sell a show right now with this girl from the San Fernando Valley that has eczema it's just called Abby and Britney eczema mean like itchy scalp yeah well she has a little bit on her arm do you think that'll sell I I don't think so I'm trying I just think that's what on What TLC what is it called TLC TLC is it unusual for conjoined twins to um what if they get a old yeah that's true like like I'm actually this is very fascinating that they're at the age that they are to get married is that enough do you know that for a fact no I don't they just look good for their age they could be 13 they're 22 they can't get married oh do you think they don't live that long that the lifespan of TN the Lipan of a conjoined twin is oldest conjoined twins are 62 the world's oldest conjoined twins are 62 years old so this show is only going to have eight more seasons oh my God no but you're going to get letters you're getting letters from the people with the prolapse Dan you're getting letters from G joyan twins I just uh uh but anyway I mean God bless these women that I mean to obviously it's all they know the whole life but I couldn't imagine that situation too what what part of it the entire part of it do you have siblings I do what do you have I have a sister there you go so do you think he just said like what if they get into a fight but just but I'm just saying you have a sister you if you are that curious about what this is like take some duct tape and put you guys together go down on someone and and have her read a book and see what happens that was funny no you don't like that did you wear the outfit Josh that I gave you it was too big as I told you you know I got I made it into the somebody said I'm a I'm a hype Beast with my fashion do you know that with that outfit do you know that so it's a it's a known outfit which outfit I'll show you play the video where the guy says I'm Teddy fresh like exact oh oh this outfit this I love that outfit yeah look listen to him one of the most surprising occurrences in the ramshackle Scrabble board that has been culture in 2024 was me finding out that one America's Got Talent judge howy Mandel is a hype Beast this man might be sharing a closet with Travis couny loves a matching set and I'm not mad at it this one's like the Miley Cyrus song flowers was an outfit but for real though this dude stays dripped he's out here looking like the long lost m of Migos and I do not hate music in the background to surprise in a way that doesn't involve races good on you sir good on you there you go and now you have you're a fashion icon no you are thank you thank you like like did you guys watch um because you guys are into fashion both of you are very fashionable me did you see that video of Lenny Kravitz working out mm no no let's show them that let's talk about that in leather pants why would he be in anything else though I feel like it would be weird if he were in anything other than leather pants if you saw Lenny Kravitz walking with kind of a mesh shirt and leather pants you go whoa you going to the gym well that's how he always is I'm actually amazed though this how much weight he's just I was just thinking that too forgot the leather pant that's very impressive oh he's in a crazy shape did you not see did you not where was he the people choice or he got inducted into something he's in crazy amazing shape for his age too how old is Lenny Krab how old is Lenny krain these are all good questions Dad I've got a lot of questions and no answers pardon me she's GNA find out no we have people we have I don't do anything I just sit here another 59 59 years old so he's 6 years old for to do that I don't think that's that old I thought he was older I'm old he's 20 years younger than than Howe more than 10 years younger I'm going to be 70 next year are you really yeah you look what are you going to do for your birthday that's a I'm to put on leather pants a mesh shirt and go exercise that's a big one you must have a plan already you're going to be 70 next year really yeah what are we doing what are we doing you want me to plan it yes I think you might be planning it I don't plan anything I don't like parties I don't like celebration with all those people I just don't like what did you do during Co I thought about you that's how we started this thing oh I didn't know that's how it started yeah because she wouldn't visit me because we were lock both locked in for two years so we got on the phone and then I started calling like friends and doing prank calls and and Terry my wife would walk in and go what are you guys doing and I go we just sit for a couple hours on the phone with my daughter and she go you should record it and that's what this became I didn't know that's how it started well we have Josh we didn't know we didn't have guests we couldn't book it we didn't know when to start things we I celebrity Booker you are the celebrity Booker guest Booker producer scheduler you asked I said three weeks ago I said Josh I did I I I I DMD him and I said Josh is there any chance you'll do the show and now I'm I'll not only do it I will schedule it I will book it I will show up and I'll broadcast I've already brought what six guests can I bring something up that may start drama I'm going to bring something up that may start drama oh no um last week wait wait wait wait wait if this are going to start drama uhhuh let's go to our commercial and then you're going to hear the drama uhuh after the commercial there may be drama you're the producer you're like a television producer well that's very TV yeah that's very TV we'll get are we even close to having that Comm right after this right oh that's deal deal deal or no deal right after this you would have been an AM all right we're in a commercial now and we're in a commercial for ziix I like the way she says it ziix ziix are um you know if uh you need your nicotine fix you know and they're nicotine toothpicks yeah so you can you don't have to go you can be inside a place that has no smoking and you're still getting there're satisfying they're convenient and they're great tasting we had a bunch of other flavors that we were trying right now I looked in the back and we only have two left um we have the mocha and we have the Spice Island Cove wa wa wait but they come in a lot we had we had tons of them Kenny where where all the ziix I ate them all I'm G to have those too when you're done with the ad too we had like 20 of them we have them for ads well I guess that's Kenny Kenny they send us these because we want to show our audience you ate them all which what was your favorite flavor cinnamon cool Min um ice cream they're all good they thank God we're doing the ad today because there's only two left and that's the there's there's many left if you uh if you go if you go buy them but not just the nicotine one ziix also offers caffeine and b12 infused toothpicks which I think um yeah but this one is we're just we're just selling these right now aren't we no the nicotine that's what it says here no but that's not what it says there okay go ahead so they come in everything you can get caffeine and I should also say that there this product contains this contains nicotine and nicotine is an addictive chemical I want to tell you that well you can ditch the cigarettes ditch The Vape and get some nicotine infused toothpicks at ziix toothpicks ccom today you can get 10% off your first order by using the code howy tenet checkout your lungs will be glad you did but you must be 21 or older to order warning nicotine is is an addictive chem chemical like you just said but you could zip more smoke less with ziix nicotine toothpicks that is a tongue twister and I would go get him now before Kenny gets everything Kenny back to the show out of the commercial and and and we were talking all through that commercial did you steal that sign yes a sign that says you don't know what it says Caesar's Palace is not responsible for any items left backstage or in the dressing room oh I used to play at Caesar's Palace and I took the sign I love that you took it because they're not responsible for it I took the booth I'll show you out there I have the center Booth so funny about it they tore down they tore down the uh circus Maximus which was the main showroom to build the the forum for Seline Deon and then nobody was like stadiums you know how people take Yankee Stadium seats nobody wanted the booth nobody wanted it's a really worn out Booth but I figured Sinatra and everybody anybody what they do with the rest of the booths I only took one I wasn't going to take the whole Tak the whole room and we would have sold could have built the room we could have sold it could have made some money out I took seats from the tonight that's the front row The Tonight Show right there Johnny car Ste sh this is what he does he steals [ __ ] don't let him don't invite him over to your house how did you get those uh they were they were gifted to me you stole [ __ ] from the White House too I got in trouble I got in trouble you steal from the White House or do you you no I did I got caught oh you got caught yeah I I was invited to a dinner uh the president for being Canadian they were they were uh dining with the Canadian Prime Minister and they invited Canadians that were known I'd never been to the White House before have you been to the White House no I Haven been yeah yeah you've been everywhere whatever everywhere where tell me that story it's not a real story I there when I was 12 oh oh to do a tour yeah yeah oh but you weren't like an invited guest no you asked me a question I gave you an answer you that's true you did ask him that you did you didn't say Were you invited by somebody door I was invited what did you steal so I got a that's they ask me on the white out well first of all I got in trouble because I got the invitation to this White House dinner with an RSVP and I called the RSVP back and it's this Secretary of events or whatever she was and I said my wife and I will be attending um tell us what to bring and she goes it's not necessary to bring anything I said you don't show up at somebody's house empty-handed I'm going to have my wife make a fruit salad and she said no that's not necessary sir and I go well listen Maybe the way you were brought up it's not necessary we are bringing a fruit salad she said please don't bring a fruit salad and then we went to the we went to the we actually went to the dinner and then it's really cool like everything has the the uh the emblem the eagle I always so so my thing did you bring the fruit salad no no good question but I did so what happened and there are pictures I don't know if we have do we have any pictures Rich of me with the I wore a nice I wore a nice Clinton who Clinton I think no Clinton was it Clinton I think it was Bush who was the president I want to say it was Clinton I can't remember but I started taking everything that was stamped so like I saw like the fork had the thing on so I put the fork and then and I didn't realize I you take a set of 12 no I just took whatever was in front of me I took a cup CU it had the logo on it had the presidential seal on it I took everything but I just kept putting things in my pocket and there's a picture of me it was in the it was in The Washington Post I don't know if you could find hoe Mandel look at Washington Post uh president uh White House White House but as I was leaving I didn't look you know my my coat was done up but you could see like the pocket it was like split cuz every pocket is so much stuff in there yeah so the I don't know if it's secret service or a guard on the way out when uh could you empty a pocket nice they did yeah and so I put a fork and I put a cup and I put a salt shaker down and I put a thing and he goes you can't take this stuff I go I just thought you'd had your logo cuz I think like when you go to like um there it is mom looks pretty where do you see it right there yeah oh look see that picture but look at my jacket at the bottom the shirt it's not even it's like I can't even close it that was me that was before dinner that was me I like a magician a bad mag don't I look like a bad magician because you can see that he's got the pigeons and [ __ ] in his pockets and that's why his jacket the pigeons what magician has pigeons in his you know a pigeon comes out of the I know what he's talking about doesn't doesn't a uh magician make a pigeon appear rabbit yeah yeah I got it sometimes we have a bad uh Magician on America's Got Talent and you can see they come out and they're even the way they're standing they're holding their arms to they have a whole bunch of sh go back to the story for a second did so you get in trouble did you empty everything or did you maybe leave one or two items in your they let me keep my invitation and my place card and my the stuff that I was allowed to keep you know like Mr and Mrs Mandel like you could the place card that the table card so I kept that a there was a lot napkins I kept the pen no they took back they took the pen they took the pen you didn't like try to what about in the bathroom did they have the presidential seal and all those you know the paper towel things well you could take as many of those as you want right no it wasn't p uh they took a lot of stuff away from me maybe I took a lot of stuff away whatever you did get to keep you framed there's a big framed everything I got a lot of I have a lot I have a big frame of me with a picture with my jacket like that and a lot of stained things cuz all the only things they let me keep were the things that I had stained like invited back no that's okay I feel like you could get why why are you bringing me down I'm not I'm just asking if you were you think I would be invited back get invited I do actually think you would really yeah I don't know that I'm I'm not a presidential guest I'm not the kind of guest like you could tell like you came here to my place and when we went to commercial the first thing you said are we going to get cancelled and I'm am I going to be here every day like Josh's we already have a Booker we have AER I'll find something you know I'm sitting the other day and I'm filming with with this guy uh Matt friend and and he goes he's gonna be here yeah he goes I'm coming on Hoy Mandel at XYZ time I go I'm coming on a show at that time too yeah he'll be here do you know Matt friend I don't I filmed with him the other day he's very funny he's really funny the kids blowing up he's like he's uh on uh he's got a new Netflix special that's going to come out he's got a uh um I saw him on Howard Stern I saw him at the Golden Globes I saw him they used him on the red carpet at our place he's a really good impressionist comedian did a impression of me of you yeah he came he filmed with me on my Instagram he did a great impression of me okay we're GNA we're going to see him do it to you you'll talk to him he'll be here he'll be here sure now what were you going to say before the break yeah oh start drama so I thought and I thought it might just be me but then I saw in the comments that people agreed with me oh my God was Heather McDonald like does she hate my dad was she mad was she did you talk to her after I feel like she legitimately was not happy with you know Heather McDonald he he called Heather McDonald when like she seemed legitimately I didn't I catch that no that's what people said I mean I come off as a [ __ ] I have like default [ __ ] face so I'm not want to we call her come off like a to judge huh maybe call her call her again and ask and say were you upset maybe you never know what goes on behind closed doors maybe she was having a bad day or something I didn't find her to be in a bad mood that day actually I thought she was in a better mood than normal people said people said that that she came off like she wasn't happy with me a lot of people aren't happy with me Bravo people aren't happy with me are you going back to the housewives not that I know of no I no no no I wasn't I haven't been asked they haven't figured figured out what they're doing did go back she did my show this year I did his show did you buy a house no I did a little video at his uh I have the biggest house in Pasadena on the market 30,000 foot house and it's amazing this house it's got it own art gallery a 20,000 foot Art Gallery I saw that yeah I saw that on Instagram yeah oh yeah so that that's the biggest house is it still for sale uhhuh how much 35 35 have you had any offers and have they been turned down no offers yet who owns it uh a guy from Tennessee a guy from Tennessee owns a 30,000 foot house what is his business they owned a [ __ ] ton of commercial real estate wow and they started in the mining business there's a great grandfather why does he have a house in Pasadena that's a very good question not quite sure so we just for the viewers there hasn't been an offer on it so it's a motivated seller right so in case any of you want to so they may be able to get it for viewers maybe in the in the uh Super Chat maybe somebody from the Super Chat can make offers on the biggest house in Pasadena so Heather was so we is he a real estate agent did he sell you your house no I did a video he did a video for Instagram for and for his show promotion of that house so they tell me the day before or the day of oh bring a bathing suit and so I was at the pool and then we did a little thing in the bar there the the owner has a tiki bar it looks like Trader vix it's like a Trader vix it looks so cool the house is incredible right they did such a it's so each room is so different right beautiful it yeah and to shouldn't it be it should be for 35 no no no but each but shouldn't each room be different uh well sometimes that there's like a cohesive flow to certain homes and and this one does have a good and everything but there's these very distinct theme rooms where like the Madonna in like the Welly bar that's a little different have you ever been to the Madonna in whiskey barrel room where's the Madonna in halfway up the co you need to go up to the m cross from Anderson split PE have you ever been in have you been in the men's room there I've pissed in the Ural it's not a Ural it's a waterfall do you remember that it's a waterfall I wasn't supposed to pee in that that wasn't a urinal oh [ __ ] that was the uh but but isn't every room supposed to regardless of it being a $30 million like you don't want a room to feel like the other room like you don't want but this you don't want to be in the in the [ __ ] going this is nothing like the kitchen well you wouldn't walk into this house and expect to see a bar that looks like Trader vix back in the day it was so it's so cool I miss Trader vix those poooo platters Trader vix was really cool that was Mur Griffin wasn't that where we oh yeah Mur Griffin own own that right no he owned the Hilton but they were wasn't that part of it well they were a tenant in the there was there was several Trader Vicks oh I'm talking about the one that was on will one that we all went to was that one scorpion bowl yeah that was a great bar Hollywood talk we're talking about Hollywood my mother stole a a salt and pepper shaker there cuz they had the little Tiki ones when she was 16 and my grandmother made her take it back the next day kind of like my White House story M isn't it isn't that exactly like my White House story well they just caught you at the door and said you can't take your grandmother's like the Secret Service yeah right it's the same thing that was good that your grandma did that you really taught her a lesson it did does your mother steal does your mother have a problem no she's actually very no she's very straight laed but she has she's a kleptomaniac well I for that one period of time in her life that you know of that we know of that's true no she might be stealing P that's true she could be your family reminds me of me your dad likes uh anchovies I I think he yeah I like anchovies too no but he orders extra anchovies I saw that on your Instagram I I always order extra an love an trophies yeah me too that's my thing can't Cesar talk this is great conversation how many people are calling your friends calling your neighbors going on acts going on Instagram going on every did you guys uh will you post that you're live now sure yeah you should yeah how do you what just take a video like what what are we posting huh St just put a post take a picture take a picture of your yourself and go I'm sitting now right now live on how Mandel does stuff and then you can have a right on the podcast right how would they do it you can go on Instagram stories and say that you're live right now on YouTube live on YouTube live on YouTube on Howe Mandel does there's a bunch of ways to do it there can you come and take a photo of all of us oh Lucy she's got an very loose show is it it's like yeah you know what that I think that's why it does so w yeah that's why are you doing a video right now yeah are you doing a video right now a video he's Live on YouTube we're live on YouTube right now and come and talk to us and he'll answer all your question I'm a celebrity Booker don't forget I just from OJ died okay what all right OJ died wait you didn't hear this you didn't know have you not been on social media o died this morning it was they posted it this morning what he die of I allegedly oh he allegedly died no he died I think he died he said he he die in jail is he in jail jail he was in jail but now he's out but he was out when he died but is he to get buried with the Heisman Trophy they said OJ died but he is and get than he didn't do it he's claiming he didn't do it he didn't die he's claiming he didn't die OJ is claiming he didn't die but he he did but he's claiming he didn't this is weekend a bernes I understand how can he claim he didn't die if he's dead just like he CLA he didn't kill a weekend at Bernie yes he's uh this is great this they found his body in they just found his body in two Gloves did he die he did die yeah for real he died yeah yes he died of what he had cancer I think really yeah yep oh seean set up he must be dead he is dead how old 76 he died of prostate cancer nobody ever heard about that did they prostate cancer wow wow yeah prostate cancer wait I want to go back and ask I think it's important to have your is prolapsed go ahead would you ever if they asked you would you go back on housewives um I would definitely consider it you're making appearances I see you yeah I did a few appearances because uh you they didn't tell you to leave you decided to leave on your own I did after my second season yeah but that was a neot that was a negotiation problem no no it was more Lisa Rena was a friend of mine for 20 years and I just thought I know I saw the barbecue I saw the barbecue I don't know I just felt like it for me I think that it's also good to show the women genuinely have fun too and it doesn't always have to be that doesn't but that doesn't make TV well it can it could not the fake fun with the little activities but like laughing and stuff like that like cuz women do still want to watch that and have an escape too or at least giving household hints on how to fix something people will pay big money for that no I don't give the [ __ ] hints someone else gives me the hints but anyway no it was uh I don't know I just felt like it got a little kind of nasty when Nast and your and your real friendship was over yeah it is over I know I saw her the other day in a restaurant she was eating with uh her lips dorit those two dor so I guess they're those two are we talking about the lips or oh her and dorit I would be pissed if I went to go do a show and I had a friend that was going to be on the show with me and that's the reason why I'm doing it this is going to be fun like a fun new experience and my friend is there and like We'll have each other's back cuz we've been friends for a long time and then [ __ ] hits the fan and you real fan and you realize like your friend doesn't necessar I have her back a lot and you know how they all have their receipts and stuff like that I never ever showed one thing that could have you know I have a Le story you have a what I have a Lisa run story what is it is it does it have to do with mom yeah she I asked her she said don't talk about it well now you have to talk about I asked her this morning she said don't bring it up why do what you want you have to live with her I asked why didn't it come up this morning we had you know we were going to talk about Lisa you remember my wife had a store in our neighborhood remember Magnolia yeah the restaurant no it was a a clothing store in fact it became uh Kim Kardashian was the biggest Customer because she was buying clothes I think she was bry's she was bry's stylist this before she became known she was Brandy stylist and and uh Paris Hilton Hilton right and she used to get a lot of the clothes at my wife's store was it next to Dash or was it in the Commons Way before Dash the the the little mall across from the commons it got notoriety because Jessica Simpson remember bought like spent something like $ thousand dollar on underwear on her show yeah we were there and then that that guy what's his name the guy that's a uh he was a designer but he ended up doing a a reality show I can't uh Isaac Mahi came and did a an episode of his show there and anyway it became pretty well known this is way before Dash way before they were on TV the the Kardashians were not on TV and then Lisa Reen Rena had a a store in in Ceno blue baby blue um I didn't know that blue uh B you know what I'm talking Bella blue b and then she opened up one in Calabasas yes in the coms the comments and then she went to every supplier and told them not to supply apply Magnolia I could see her doing that interesting how do you know that my because my wife was doing really well at Magnolia that's my wife's store and uh the uh suppliers would come in and said you know Lisa open up across street she's asking us not to supply you that's shame and that because she'll buy she would say cuz I have a store in and Ceno and have a store here so I will buy twice as much as Terry luckily mom is not watching right now that's good cuz she said she said not to bring that up okay was Magnolia next to where uh where the uh Color Me Mine was it that it was in there it was in there but it was not near Color Me Mine was that's where I go to it wasn't there I made a blue elephant um it wasn't there at the time but that it was that side yes okay I remember it yeah it was good like it was really good it was really good at the time my my wife's out of that business she's an agent now what kind of agent talent agent oh what what firm it's called abstract Talent if you have if you want to be represented I'm a Booker remember oh yeah yeah she doesn't but she doesn't she actors she has actors she has people on series oh on so you're saying my talent is not good enough for her oh you want it you need an agent no I'm saying I could help her I I bring Talent remember okay I'm a celebrity Booker so we she and I could do business together she can get another celebrity yeah yes she has I think she has cast members a bunch of cast members you know what show is kind of cool she showed me the other day have you ever seen PE Valley no P Valley M she has some people on that has anybody here seen PE Valley I just saw it for the first time she has people on that oh you know that no no nobody sees it well she books people well we're gonna see it now I think I think the I think the P stands for [ __ ] I think so it's about a scrip Club yeah it was based on an off Bradway was on an Off Broadway play and then they did the series I can't remember who does the series oh do you have it there P Valley what does it say is it a is it based on where where does it air on what network Roku Roku that's why it's on Roku you're so funny why she's funny your daughter yeah she's terrible I love your relationship it is great but you have a good one with your kids I can't believe I was reading yesterday your your daughter is 20 she turned 20 doesn't it freak you out it's like that yes I'm like I can't believe I have a 20-year-old it's crazy weird yeah she's going to be 40 I can't believe you're not yeah she is yeah he likes to say every single episode how do you look 20 oh thank you see thank you but you're old I am old she has two kids what are you gonna do for my 40th birthday I don't know I'm busy planning my 70th what you do for your 60th I didn't I don't think I did anything did I what did I do you went to Sofi Stadium didn't you I did but you know and I also found out I I I can't remember what concert I went to but I I found out that I got I got uh Bamboozled my friends Bamboozled what a funny word well if you were my age none none of your shenanigans I he's Bamboozled I like art and my friends when I turned 30 bought me a a piece of ab ract art which I thought was beautiful and uh they said it was uh an award-winning artist and I I had it framed and we put it in our house and every time I bought a another house and hired a designer or a decorator I would say I want to showcase this like in the living room or I want I want you to build like something that a case or a lights that go on it to the point where my wife ended up getting M she goes really we've had this for like 20 years enough with this art even if you go to a gallery they switch out art and we this is like the fourth house you put this in can we have one house where this is not and I said okay and I I ended up uh taking that piece of art and I donated it to a um an orphanage an orphanage an orphanage and they put it in the lobby of this orphanage and where they said and I took a tax right off but I yes and and it says from the collection from howy Mandel's collection and it's in the lobby of this orphanage at my 60th birthday my friends were there we were out for dinner and he hands me an envelope and I open up the envelope and it's a Polaroid picture of my friends all getting high and throwing [ __ ] paint on a piece of paper and it's that painting it was a [ __ ] up it was nothing wait what it was my friends at my 30th birthday 30 years ago oh they all got high and drunk and were throwing paint all over this did they wait 30 years to show this to you yes on my 60th birthday they gave me the envelope with a with a Polaroid picture of them all high throwing [ __ ] paint and they remembered to show this to you 30 years later you think they thought to themselves Well in 30 years we're going to one of them is do you know three Arts yeah you know Michael rotenberg yes one of them is Michael renberg he he owns three Arts you know he's my best friend in the world he that's one of the biggest production companies wide world yeah we've been friends best friends since we were 13 we both grew up in Toronto so why did it take 30 years though for them to show it to you isn't it funnier they probably forgot about it they probably did or maybe it's because after do you think you're going to get in trouble like how much of a tax write off did you take on that thing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] fck life this is why you have penalties and interest this is why I have to to point it out to the IRS who is not why would you bring that up it's okay why is it okay um DS man wanted me to ask you Denise about Scary Movie 3 I don't know what specifically he wants me to ask you about it but I'm supposed to ask you about it he paid for the it's not like only fans but we have Super Chat what do you think of the movie was that the one Tori was in no was that scary movie to it's no it's scary movie I don't know which one there's so many of them actually my are you in all of them no I just did a cameo Charlie was in that one right and so I did a little Cameo where I played his wife in it how did you the character I was working on it um actually our I don't know if this is too much information but our oldest daughter was conceived uh during that movie on set wower probably in the trailer was in the um uh yeah I think they did do it what I just brother I just had a small part in it right yeah how are people able to um tell us where the baby is conceived like how do you know is that the only time you guys uh yeah it was the only time one time they had sex SE what so it's very easy to find out is it is that the only time you had but I'm just saying no because I it was the first time uh uh where there was a little slip up you know he didn't pull out yeah so it was a happy accident a happy accident the best thing that came from that marriage right oh thanks are we dropping a lot of stuff no but now you guys get along and co-parent really well right yeah we get along good and you guys are friends yeah we're good friends that's good you are and and co-parenting that's good how's he doing he's doing good is he going back I thought he was going to do a show with isn't he doing a show with uh what's his name again the guy who did Two and a Half Men uh no uh he appeared in that in mancal yes in uh Sebastian's did like an appearance for but I mean he's back friendly again with what's what's his name Chuck Lori Chuck Lori that's what I was that's what I was getting at yeah no I I I was trying to talk to him about trying to a men that you know and so he listened to you eventually but they're friendly again I think they're friendly he doesn't say much about it do you know that my daughter at the time when it was going really bad my daughter went flew across the whole nation to go see his tour Atlantic City tiger Charlie's tour no you did I did I did what was the the tour go ahead um I think it was called Ood Tiger Blood Tiger Blood no he really did and he was performing what was what was the show though no nothing je honestly like he's not a comedian so Jeff Ross Jeff Ross came out Jeff Ross was the opening act yeah but no but he stayed he stayed the whole show but here's the thing this is what so you're saying that and I'm listen listen I'm not I mean come on for you like doing comedy and every all everything that you've done like I didn't understand [ __ ] did he do that's exactly right so my point was to my daughter to my child who H at the time you weren't married right were you married were you married oh me married no it was a date it it was a date so a date it was a date with my now husband but here's the point my he flew me to Atlantic City this is the point as a father my daughter comes to me and goes I'm going on a date on Saturday I go where are you going he's flying me to Atlantic City for the Tiger Blood tour I go what the [ __ ] are you doing no he's flying me to Atlantic City what is the Tiger Blood to it it's the Char going to last forever it's Charlie Sheen life we're going to see Charlie Sheen life in Atlantic City and this is the guy she married but that's what she did that was so what did he do when he was on stage um I think he just yelled out a lot of the phrases like tiger like all the phrases that were being picked up in the media he would just keep yelling those phrases out and then people would go crazy did he ever yelled that in bed no I wasn't with him at that time I think it was just not knowing what the show was going to what did he yell out when you were menstrating shut the [ __ ] up that's what he said to you you don't say that to a woman who's menting shut the [ __ ] up I heard that on the tig blood is it true on the tour well I heard they skipped out early though but halfway through the tour the goddesses left did he bring the goddesses were you there for that performance or were they already gone question in a second give him a la and let him sit in between give him a lav a la they okay good I forget if the goddesses I remember the goddesses were going to be there I for can you tell the story about Thanksgiving we talk about that story yeah I don't care go ahead shoot sorry there was a Thanksgiving dinner and um wait you want to hear the story we let Matt sitting Matt could sit in he can hear though hello hi it's Matt decided here between them okay okay Den Richard see I told you I'd be here oh my god I didn't even notice that was you I how are you great Richard how are you meet you see this is so great look at this I have the least impressive real estate portfolio in this whole room well you're calling the center of a couch not impressive real estate true that is true now hold on let me go back to the story she's going to tell a story and feel free to comment on her story you can comment on it no uh so I there was a uh Thanksgiving dinner hang on one second oh sure I can't hear anything thank you cuz you can't hear me no now I can you hear me now oh now I can hear you that's great now I can hear you wait till you hear the story Matt go ahead uh it was a group dinner for Thanksgiving and Charlie came and uh Charlie Charlie Sheen I think he figed that out winning um winning and but his guest was left in the car and she was um she was a a paid worker yeah we've had a Thanksgiving with a paid worker before you had a prostitute at Thanksgiving we have well we're we're very traditional that's so are we yes just there's there's only a certain kind of stuffing that we like so let her finish the story sorry sorry well I told Charlie I said don't leave her in the car like Thanksgiving she can it's Thanksgiving she deserves a Thanksgiving you too so you're so giving and he's like well the kids were there and he said are you are you cool are you sure she could come in I'm like well what are you going to do bring a freaking plate of food out there so why did he invite her to Thanksgiving why did he do a lot of things he did because it's by the hour I'm trying to teach my well she was at his house and I I don't know why she ended up in the car to my house from where he was living he could have just left her at his house but he brought her but left her in the car and in the driveway while there was like 15 people at dinner and so I I said why don't you bring her in and so she comes in and he's like I'll just tell the kids she's my assistant so my dad sat across from her and she was pissed because she was at the other end of the table from where Charlie was and my dad was talking to her and stuff and then my dad goes in the kitchen he's like there is something off with that woman I go what her panties what do you mean exactly I go what do you mean Dad he goes well I'm I'm trying to just talk and be nice and ask what she does where does she live I go she's a [ __ ] hooker dad oh my God he goes what I said she's a hooker he goes well she doesn't look like one I go what what she would look like like come in with fishnets and like high heels and [ __ ] Thanksgiving I go yeah for Christ's sake it's Thanksgiving she's at least dressed appropriately so I said stop asking questions just be nice and just forget about it he's like oh my God but didn't you end up bringing her a sandwich no that was a different story that's the one I'm talking about no this is the real story you have could when you tell the story do you do Charlie Sheen you do Matt friend is one of the best new Young comic on the scene who is an impressionist we see him everywhere I'm just telling they know you you you got a Netflix deal you're going to do a Netflix I'm doing the Netflix Festival you're GNA do the Netflix yes I can't wait I love and he does he does Howard Stern amazingly and uh Trump amazingly thank you well I appreciate that how he's always been a supporter of mine and there's a very nasty echo in my ear we can't hear a lot but uh Josh flag learned a lot of tricks for me in the real estate mark look at his da she's not even laughing at anything remember when you pissed on me which is really a nice thing like ianka over there not a supporter but did I pee on you remember you peed on me I did we had a golden shower we saw a house it was great um the Josh flag yeah but yes and I was doing you I was working on you yes I don't I don't do it Charlie I have to work at a Charlie I need more I need more cocaine for that yeah do you have any okay wait tell them about the H with with a sandwich okay so there was a an intervention set for for Charlie to do when he was still on Two and a Half Men and where these women were living in the house and uh I was asked to come to it and I brought stuff to make sandwiches and so I'm not joking that's always the problem when you're having an intervention you go who's going to bring the sandwich going bring the bris I did I made sandwiches if you're having Thanksgiving you're going who's going to bring the hooker right yeah exactly so they were there and this is very fun I'll never forget that John crier and John I'm sorry for I shouldn't have said your name but I did already and it's live sorry he was he was looking at me he's like you're going to give them a sandwich and I the hookers well yeah I said something what am I get I said they could use a square meal I know it's only a sandwich but what am I going to leave them out and say everyone gets a sandwich but not you three you guys can't have a sandwich so you got to suck on this oh my God why does the sandwich taste like ass but Josh couldn't believe I did that that I was making them food wait wasn't there a good Plaza story also wasn't there a good Plaza story amazing this is a good one too my grandmother brought polyester to America I don't know if you know that I love when he's telling his friends to reminisce about stories it's always based on the location wasn't there one at the plaza don't you have a from the belir Jason you never have a friend who was just like in a CVS right tell them the plaza story I think a lot of people knew that one oh Oh I thought it was well it was kind of public things just went sideways and he's not allowed at the I don't maybe say he's not allowed to any Fair mons anymore he can't go to the plaza anymore why well that Plaza isn't it still trumps the plaza The Plaza Hotel Ivanka got that it was his I didn't realize that oh I that's why Tommy hillfigure lives not anymore oh but wasn't the plaza his that's why Howard Stern got married there got in the divorce because it was oh is that true yeah yeah wow it was his he owned the plaza that's why in you know the movie Home Alone Trump is in the lobby in the lobby that's unbelievable I think they turned it into apartment okay yes they half of it half of it back with more real estate talk right after this um so tell what happened at the plaza what didn't happen at the plaza I I mean I wouldn't even know where to start except things went really sideways and uh I had to do Howard Stern actually that morning well do it again so let's talk about the plaza right okay talking about how much ass we talking about the drugs who were you [ __ ] in that sweet um I was at the Eloise Street with our kids and he was across the hall who and who are you talking about machine yes right he thought it would be a great idea was he exposed sexually naked I would assume the size of this microphone how what was the size of it I am not going to talk right that right well you ask me Howard these are the questions he would have no keep going keep going I want to hear the story I didn't see him naked right and Robin doesn't believe that was Josh is Robin in the situation yeah yeah you look different you right okay so go on with the story go on with the story well well there was a situation where uh security was called security was called I heard security outside the door and I opened my door and I'm like is there a problem and I could hear there being a problem in the room and just like well we've gotten a lot of complaints about this room um and I said uh it's Charlie's room because it was in another name and security had to go in and out in and out apparently the the prostitute locked herself in the bathroom called her dude to call the hotel to get security to get her out of the bathroom she was afraid of Charlie slightly and uh so then security I just see all these people cuz you know it's not a it's a fancy hotel right Josh yeah oh yeah so they're trying to be very discreet running down the hall this is now 3 or 4:00 in the morning proba no 2 or 3:00 in the morning and bringing robes because well the security kept going in and out and he's like there isn't a woman there I go oh no there's a woman in there because I heard him yell certain names I said I'm she's there and then he walked in and walked back out and he said I saw a pair of heels I said I told you she's [ __ ] in the room she's there so she was in the bathroom oh my God hiding so anyway I missed this they got her out and him and she left uh and they were going to decide between taking him to the hospital or arresting him and so I said okay well um whatever you decide just let me know because I want to prepare sandwiches will I'm going to be preparing sandwiches for everyone here and make sure we have a buffet room service available wow so uh he went to the hospital he's going to be thrilled I'm telling this story but whatever and then I the cop put me in his carart to go to the hospital and I said I just need to get back here by 4: cuz I didn't do hair makeup for Howard St was it was it all all over you look great new it was all over the news so Howard did Howard didn't know about it because I got there and after our interview I said to Howard I go I'm sorry if I was a little distracted I apologize and then later it was all over the news that he was there so he kind of figured out why and probably our kids were in the I was hoping no one would find out but it's a big hotel with a lot of people unbelievable yes Welcome to Hollywood Welcome to Hollywood yes do you know do you ever had inter David Whispers And DS man are saying that your Stern impression is amazing oh thank you it actually is oh thank you it's right on isn't it yeah yeah I I you know the plaza sweet the Matthew brck Sarah they got to edit that show and include these new scenes in there Sarah just Parker and Matthew broadrick should have a new new component to their live show what are you doing in Broadway what do you say car wants to make a cameo on Mandel I think Josh you have to go we have to go to What's it the TS what you a showing no TSA I thought we were going to get my Global Entry is your life just coming up with excuses to get out of things yeah that was my excuse I need to go to Global Entry a great say bye guys it was nice seeing you I can't believe commercial J yeah I know me too have to be somewhere by one is this the check your phone podcast yeah it's check your phone thank you you're welcome to stay see you Josh you wait Josh don't hey Josh here's a question for you started move over you before Josh goes I have a question for him you know I did a show a couple days ago and I I I learned that you had some personal problems did you have personal problems or were you you have a good time at the Beverly Hills Hotel the night before if you know what I mean little hangover Maybe every day that's what I'm talking about you don't have to use that mic anymore you can use oh this one yeah oh do you have to be somewhere I do I have to be that sounds great Matt what did you say Global Entry you have to be a global ENT not Global Entry I don't want to say I've never heard that as an excuse yeah that wasit I have another appointment another Global where you going I'm doing I have actually another podcast what podcast I don't know if I'm supposed to say because he's just now launching it so I can't it's not on the air yet we won't tell anyone okay I can't say I don't well it's not OJ's new podcast I'll tell you that much o died I know yeah he's dead do you do OJ um uh no okay wait I'm gonna I'm gonna go really nice to meet you can't wait to see your special because I'm a huge fan of standup so I can't well now I have a new story that'll go in there my night with Charlie Sheen in the plaza so see yeah see will you come back I have so many questions you bombarded this whole thing with your videos of [ __ ] dad I have so many questions I'll come back will you yeah I would love to anytime I was so excited this was her favorite she was so excited so excited I'm such a huge fan of yours you're so sweet I'll uh I'll give you my number and you text me when you want me to come back okay okay okay so nice to meet you it's so nice meeting you too Josh will be back every week pretty much right even if Josh isn't here I'll come you would come without Josh oh no way I love that I'll I'll give them uh I'll give your people my number okay okay Matt all right lovely to meet you it nice see you soon have Trump s goodbye to her you know you're one of the great beauties of the world and I will tell you you know I've never seen a woman Rock the overalls like you look fantastic like to do a lot of things cuz when you're a star they let you do anything right have you ever seen her on only fans I wish possibly in my dreams right she's a beautiful woman I love that purse YSL very cheap very very cheap right very cheap just like how's house very cheap and small right thank you how's tough to to make laugh get out of here by thank you wow bye Denise bye see you Denise bye nice meeting you go you can leave that leave for a minute she wants to give you her number leave do you want to tell me it over the air no no go go so she go talk to her and then it's just me and Matt I love and then there was two then there were two you have a shot of that my son that's my son by the way I know we just met that's not a great shot Alex Oh what is it be easier if he moves to that side now we're gonna get this's fine however he's comfortable I feel whatever you want oh there we are we're good should we reenact The Dana White moment are you ready to leave is this the young lady with you yeah no yeah we can go where if you want to stay in my yeah you're the publicist you know this is live are you worried she's not worried I feel great but she's standing in the room I know you can St in the room if you want it's up to you yeah but you can also see and and and have a seat and everything yeah over there if you want whatever wow everybody's publicist gets very nervous when they come on this show no no no OE you're a legend who cares who cares and speaking of about to launch uh a podcast you're about to launch a podcast on Bill Mars Network we're going to we're going to formally announce in a couple weeks oh [ __ ] this you know what we're it's fine was it is was it his podcast that she's going to be on we're we got some big stuff coming in the next couple of weeks and how are I'm so excited did I [ __ ] up no did I [ __ ] up you told your publicist to leave the room it's like it's like it's like improv yes an let's just roll with it who cares yeah I was kidding I was just kidding but you are one of the most talented the first time I I met you personally they had you on the uh on the I'm going to Center my myself they they had they had uh you on the red carpet at AGT doing me to me it was it was a little tough yeah I tried to do it I'm working on you when we opened for Diana Ross in the 80s that was a moment where I blacked out completely I didn't have the material it failed I wasn't right it's got a little better maybe is that me no oh you I was reading the comments I'm sorry ho Mandell hoe Mandell then you want to know something then it had to be a perfect it had to be a perfect rendition of me doing you right now you know why why because she wasn't listening to a word you were saying exactly how she is with her own father let's see what the viewers think let's see let's see what they think I love hie oh they're going to roast me no they won't do this we don't have we don't have a we don't have a roasting uh audience I don't think we uh I have to say to the viewers that I'm not just uh look look at them to the to the four viewers um I I'm kidding kind of I have to tell you that I've seen Howie a few times over the past few months and it was like working at The Ellen Show no I'm kidding it was he is so ni you were very nice and I see it like you're like a legendary figure in my mind and you're incredibly nice so it's the hips yeah it's the hips yeah yeah you just can't you can't breathe near him but he's great oh they're saying yes it was me oh it was you oxygen said good you thought was good okay you have a little bit of that kind of accent thing you do very ener you're Canadian I like it Deal or No Deal and there's a lot of hands you got the hands got a lot of hands a lot of hands I am I'm a very handsy guy for a guy who won't touch anything I keep my hands out there you constantly someone said tell him to do Jim Carrey do you do Jim Carrey not really you guys are you were at his birthday right recently yeah I love his set on Carson that first one he did was incredible he would do like leonette yes and like weird I see your your ey your yeah I can't really do how he did it he was incredible you're touring now yeah I'm doing an hour on the road uh I just did uh Minneapolis and St Louis I just did like 15 cities and you have some coming up I have a bunch coming up I'm doing this La show big La show for the Netflix Festival I have Fort Worth Texas if they want to know where you are is there it's at my website matf all my shows are mattf and we'll also put a link so you can click on the link look at that there you are it's Hollywood yeah that's you right there that's me man of many voices how many voices do you do I do like 250 roughly they're all on my phone yeah so that includes like my grandfather all the way people we don't know Hitler to my grandfather it's all Encompass I don't quite do a Hitler anymore he was on a list for some reason yeah I don't know why he's not he's not a favorite now he's not a favorite yeah for birthday parties for for bar mitzvah for children for Bar Mitzvah oh that's the killer impression people love Hitler at a bar mitzvah they do yes yeah quote Hoy Mandel on that absolutely they do they so you uh what is what is an obscure give us an obscure uh Chuck Grassley yeah senator of Iowa during the Brett kavana hearings just Senator Ley Senator Ley we're going to be motioning to the floor Senator Le that's very obscure I forgot my Mitch mcconell glasses but he's a very fun one i' love to do that you do you ever call into like radio stations where they think they're interviewing the person um no that's what you should do on your podcast because I'm 25 years old and nobody knows what the radio is but uh that's a possibly a thing right uh but uh yeah no yeah no I I love the radio but I love your chifferobe in your house where you put your nicker boers um next to your Chesterfield but um I no I love it who doesn't love uh radio yeah or call into a podcast whatever set it up like no I would call into a podcast Howard Stern's people are Howard who though that's the exception yes I just did him like a week ago no but I'm saying he's got all those Richard and all those guys that they always call in oh yeah we just prank called the local radio station in New York like a week ago yeah and I was doing I do this thing Howard or you did for Howard and I did it where I say the word right every time I talk so we just called this like some uh store I was like R what are you selling right right you have any pens right right I want to write with a pen right right Frank Lloyd writ is on my house right right we just kept incorporating that yours we should do a like a like a fake Robo call we can call somebody on the air we can do whatever you want we should do it like as As Trump right we can do that you should call like for the campaign we absolutely you want to just call a number we call sag as Paul gamat if you want okay Howe Mandel oh it's good to see you sir very well very well indeed you want to call SAG we can if you want to be revoked and removed from the union but why don't so if let me ask you a question Howe if I auditioned in front of you for AGT two years ago you think you would have hated me no I would have loved you really yeah oh great any I I'll be honest with you uh and and listen I do think you're very talented and I do and I do like it I have and and this is not a secret but I have a soft spot for comedy obviously and and and I also feel that uh the world doesn't understand what it takes and how hard it is and when they see a person like yourself or me standing there just talking or making a noise or making a sound they think it's nothing whereas if somebody's hanging upside down and they like themselves on fire and they're balancing their wife they go that's talent and I'm not taking anything away from that that that is talent but there is something to be said or and and the juxtaposition for me is a singer when a singer comes out and they can play the guitar and they can sing and a lot of people can sing I can't but a lot of people can sing you go to a raada Inn in the bar somebody's singing you go to a campfire and somebody's got a guitar and they're singing and especially when they're not singing their own song which I believe they should continue to do people love it and they Roar but somebody comes out and bears their soul and their sensibility and their sense of humor I don't think people appreciate it right so sometimes just because what you or somebody may say may not make me laugh doesn't make it any less of a talent any less efficient any less so if you have the wherewithal to stand in front of people and try to elicit a laugh first of all I think that you can do it and I've seen you on stage doing it and I saw you at the ice house a couple of weeks ago so I know you can do it so you would be In Like Flint you know and I and also believe at any level you should do it I I you know there's so many people that don't don't do it and where are you going to get you know last year we had three billion views Wild on on online to me it's not about it's not an amateur show it's a show to get exposure and anybody who's come on the show and there's a lot of people who have come on the show that have a career in music and in comedy they've only elevated themselves they've only gotten more exposure it's not about winning and I think that America's Got Talent I think of it like the US Open MH you know for US Open is a tennis tournament ju you have to be a professional tennis player from anywhere in the world to come and compete if you want to come and compete you're going to get exposure whether that room accepts it or not the people who are your so I think I if you can woof you might win that's true I had a bit I was like I I was at the finale of America's Got Talent and I see a dog musical act wins the whole season and I'm sitting there Furious and I'm like I'm a human being and I think I have some of talent and a dog wins a [ __ ] talent show and I'm thinking where's Tucker Carlson on this subject like he's upset about transgender swimmers but he's not talking about the dog that won the human talent show and I'm like and I was thinking about the voice and I'm thinking I I always ask crowds I'm like I was supposed to audition for The Voice which isn't true but I'm like can anyone name one winner of The Voice can anyone name one winner no one in any City I've been in can name one winner of The Voice and I'm like I think the reason is because the way the show is set up is terrible because the judges uh have to decide uh the contestant they're all their backs are turned and then they don't know what the contestant looks like and my theory is the voice is letting a lot of ugly ass people onto the show because they don't know what they're looking like so I think I want to see one episode where Adam Lavine is so grossed out by his decision he presses the button and tries to turn the chair back around and I wanted to show a new show called The Face where the contestant audition's in a giant glass cube and we can't hear them but we can see them and that's all that [ __ ] matters anyway as much as that's funny it's a better idea a good idea it's workshopping you know yeah yeah no but it is because part of making it is a whole package right people buy into people because of how unless you Susan boiled because she was one of the great Susan Bole was just a fantastic voice didn't look too great well some might say that see again that's a bit I do I didn't say that Trump said it so it's okay it's okay would Trump have sex with Susan Bo Trump would do a lot of things with anybody right but except for Rosio okay I would look her right in that fat ugly face of her no I didn't say though that's a direct Trump quote quot love Rosal I love her Rosie was on last week I love Rosie odonnell can you believe Trump said that [ __ ] about her no it's unbelievable are you're trying to backpedal no there's no backpedaling you're backpedaling look at the quot backpedaling cuz look at the quote he said it it's his I know he said it it's terrible I know I'm just hard time our audience is coming up with prank call ideas and Becky L Shar yeah says that we should call a flower shop and ask them to send flowers for OJ for his funeral right now and maybe you can be one of your voices flowers okay fine absolutely you want to do that we can do that who are you I can't do I can do that sure done a lot of him sure but I can do it AB could do Andy Cohen if you want yeah let's hear Andy Cohen okay hey guys I'm here with hoe mandelis and his beautiful daughter yeah she's amazingly cute yes so Howie here's my question before we do the prank call okay is it true that when you were hosting dealer no deal that several of the models tried to seduce you backstage yeah amazing he didn't leave the that's not true no I made that question up oh it is true yeah okay great which ones put them on blast which ones um I won't use names but I'll give you numbers oh [Laughter] boy oh my God I got hit on you did why why are you so surprised that some would hit on me what what why are you so surprised it was opening her how lucky is your mother how lucky is your mother wow I love this was it Megan Markle no I didn't remember I didn't remember Megan Markle no you know I'm not gonna give you names what a great podcast this is Claudia you just open fuing worms I love this was it Claudia why or a can of STDs not sure which one it is no I didn't I didn't reciprocate I did not I did not reciprocate or was it on the newest one one was it mahogany locks no she it's funny that she knows the name of every M mahogany locks that's the real one that is you know who her grandfather is my Alias that's Barry Gordy's granddaughter is that right yes wow yeah mahog lock she was number 13 on the newest not the newest iteration because the newest iteration wow is on now that's you know there's a Deal or No Deal Island right now yeah Joe manganelo right yes that's those conversation cuz how he had team Sophia so that could cause some problems right yeah I tell people I didn't even think about that yeah that you're on AGT with Sophia and now he's doing that so people go how come you're not hosting it I said because it's shot uh by the equator right near the equator on an island that is very very dangerous yes Epstein Island where you need shots and there's bacteria and there's snakes and there's scorpions and as a good friend of Sophia she said please send Joe wow see what I did wow I love that yeah that's what she did smart great bit can you do a Joe impression I got to figure that out can you dance in a 7-Eleven essentially I might need to I can do a wicked giselda joking sop's new show yeah that was her movie I think she's gonna win a Golden Globe you were at the Golden Globes I did yeah I was there was that fun it was a great gig I I was on the red carpet and I just kind of got to do my own thing and then you were wearing the wig you were I saw I didn't bring the wig to the gloves I would have been arrested but I uh where did I see you sitting at a table with was it Janelle Moreno who sorry sorry wait which one she's still she's still guessing who wanted it oh yeah who wanted to [ __ ] you yeah they're saying number 17 yeah I know I don't Janelle Moreno I don't I don't that'd be a great game show which model did how we [ __ ] on Deal or No Deal I didn't she said who is seducing oh you're trying to backtrack you're trying to backtrack okay deal no I didn't do anybody my kids work did any of them hit on Alex Alex Alex did any that's my son there too the guy uh did any of them hit on Alex Alex did you get hit on by a model uh I think I was like 16 at the time w we didn't ask you that beautiful did anybody hit the answer is yes that's amazing Alex was so maybe dealer no deal is really shot on Epstein's Island now it was Epstein's Island that was but and and Alex my son was a PA a production assistant who uh didn't do anything like he didn't he didn't really do anything okay but he figures out how to get away with [ __ ] so he would always just run from point A to point B wow and then nobody asks you to do things you notice if you're ever at work if you run from one direction to another people think you're busy so they never asked him to do anything he was always right Alex that's really funny I interned at the what I just did what that's what I just did I just ran here yeah I noticed that yeah right you thought Ian oh did it was it on camera here show them what you do like leave the mic and go to another place there's another good idea for a prank call by the way go see that that's what he's so if he runs over there to do that you're not going to go camera yeah you're not going to say Hey Oh see he looks like he's doing things but he's not I love this he knows how to look busy and look like he's an actor he's an actor he he method he he acts like there's something going on when there's nothing going on he's doing well to me he you want to hear another idea for a prank pleas people are let's hear it yeah go ahead have him do a trump prank call to a bank in asking for a loan we can do that want to do that let's do it let's do that can you give us a number send her a number to to text Jackie the number to uh I could look up the number to a b okay we're going to call a bank let's do it let's do it absolutely let's call A Bank how about our video we did together a couple weeks ago we did a video go check us out on on uh Instagram uh John Stamos and me and Matt my husband yeah your husband we did a um he calls me up he's also a neighbor he calls me up and and he goes uh M friend is here you want to want to do a want to come outside and play so and then we took the golf cart from John's house to your house right because we don't golf this is why actors are on strike anyways we're on strike yeah you know yeah they're striking and meanwhile Howie and John are taking golf carts to each other have golf oh well then I guess you should have been hosting dealer No Deal Island then could have afforded the golf cart I can't afford a golf cart oh I see just your just your own call to sack yeah can you keep it off of this mic when they answer with the name of the bank go into another room I can do Josh flag while we wait yeah do Josh flag while we wait I could go into another room no when the phone rings just don't put it on the mic until after she says she she can plug it in after oh plug it in after yeah I am yeah plug it in yeah so just so that we don't get in trouble and you know I don't want them to answer whatever want get in trouble we could do Trump calling Rosie she'll hang out but what if we like make up what if I say Ros you are one of the most beautiful women I have a lot of regrets about it I did it a nice Trump on stage I did if Trump was into wellness and gratitude that's here you know I do a lot of Transcendental Meditation it's a meditation not just for the trans I wake up twice a day I do that twice a day I do it's really important to have a gratitude Journal you have to be grateful for what you're doing in life you have to do that Howe if you're not grateful there's no point in doing anything daily affirmation set an intention for you have to set an intent you have to do that be intentional about the day you have to be intentional I love a green juice I love meditation you got to love meditation yoga is great we love yoga we love yoga I don't know I love the idea of a nice a nice Trump is a wild concept it really is has have you done besides me have you done an impression of somebody to that somebody that's my big thing on social media where I do it next to the person so I did Andy Cohen next to him I just did Bill Mars Show so I did Bill okay and I just started doing this couple weeks ago okay and he goes I just don't hear it I don't hear it look at you you're squinting you don't see it e new rule okay if you're going to try to do me make sure it sounds like me for oh hello is this uh the bank is this the bank this is East West Bank East and West Bank how are you don't say their name oh I'm sorry about let's hang up please let's do another one let's do another let's do another one please don't make them say the we can't say the name of the bank I wish I had a we can't say the name of the bank yeah I I haven't done a video with RFK Jr but I don't think that's gonna happen we did he was on the podcast yeah I think he was yeah yeah just what I want to do here RFK Jr on audio only for 45 minutes now you're knocking that episode of my podcast well a lot of people get this not only on YouTube Howie not the episode just the voice of laryngitis too mean Too mean no okay got it yeah I think it's from a virus is it from oh yeah they don't know what it's from yeah it's from a virus yeah RFK Jr might say the Jews caused that virus he might did he say that she's trying to okay so don't say is this the bank hello just start with who you are and what you want you got it and then we won't uh she's working really hard this is Joe manang for the former president hello this is Jo yeah so you'll say that and then we'll put him on great are you busy can you take a call from the former president Donald Trump and then we'll do that and then this will be fun we'll see if we can get a loan this would be great they're saying it would be what for the future president oh yeah for the future president could you you have a minute to talk to uh to uh Trump this will be great do you do do you do prank calls all the time I do I do prank calls all the time it's fun it really is okay so what's what are you are you on hold yeah automated so why wouldn't you let me get them to do it and then they you guys can do it you want to do it no it's okay we have people are you enjoying this pod I'm loving it I think it's [ __ ] great we don't have a uh we it's not you know this this podcast this episode yes started 15 minutes before I got here must be nice well we sometimes we invite a guest and they turn it on and they start Josh started it how's it how's it coming across so far is it good that's what they're saying they're loving you really yes they I love you guys um well they're saying Jackie really carries the you know guys it's an intimidating thing Howe you know the world we live in now I said this on Bill show like imagine if you were 25 and you got to just have long conversations with like Johnny Carson like just like like this just go to his place and just hang out that's what it feels like for me to you right now really yes oh well thank you speaking of Johnny Carson I did this earlier in the podcast that's the front row of The Tonight Show right there you see the blue the blue chairs oh my God that's from that is unbelievable everybody you ever saw on Johnny was in front of those chairs that is amazing and I have the Q cards I just gave Bill Maher I don't know if he got it yet if there's anybody here from uh Bill Mars company but I just gave him I I uh I worked in that studio and I have Johnny's Q cards I have the last Q card did I show you that that is very amazing I did not know that my first guess is a perform very young comedian very talented young comedian performing at the chuckle hunt in Farmville Mr Hoy Mandel so I'm a huge you know I did 22 I it's insane so I did but uh I have a lot of uh Johnny paraphernalia here the light right beside her you can't see I had no idea is the light that sha down on his desk no way yes that's unbelievable yeah I have a lot of like parap he's the best what do you can you imagine if you were actually banking there no this no how can you get we can't get anybody on the phone this this podcast is what taking Aderall must be like have you ever tried calling a bank before I've never called a bank I don't even use an you don't have servants for that to do that for you I have a daughter right yeah yes I could keep trying and call more how's bank is his house okay any business we want the president to call can you guys help us think of something we call I'm sure maybe like a loan service instead of a bank because A bank's going to be hard should we call yeah the Four Seasons Mexico the Four Seasons Mexico no we could call call why don't we call the RNC is they have a number why don't you why don't you call one of the Trump properties and ask them for weird accommodations oh should we call that's a that's we call maral Lago do they have a number we won't say which one it is because I don't want to get in trouble with them but what if he what if once they answer there's no way Mar Lago has a number do they no but there's a there's Trump Towers there's Trump the Trump Hotel in Vegas do that we could do we could go up randomly and we'll send it to Jackie we could go up pick one randomly and once they hey um will you guys call it no take Jackie's phone and call it on Jackie's phone and then just bring it in and you'll say will you guys hold for the president wait oh my God what you had Rosie on last week yeah so can I ask you a question what how did that all happen that Feud I don't even know what happened the feud how did they get started hating each other I think that she was uh bing him publicly and then he was speaking about it speaking of Carson like I was just watching an old monologue and he made Trump jokes like that's the crazy thing about how long he's been around he's been comedian's been making jokes about him for so long Carson had Trump jokes he did I was just talking about Bill more I have I I have all his Q cards so I have Johnny's monologues Q cards and I found yesterday they're going to give it to him and he'll probably he'll hang it in his Studio but I found the end of a monologue and then it says on tonight's show is BET Midler and Bill Maher so he read that so I just gave it to Bill yesterday so I've now been in contact with three Carson guests in the past couple of weeks three what John John Stamos uh I don't think I don't think did he go on there I don't know I'm just asking who the third is it was you and Richard Mars 198 Richard Mar legendary oh also in the neighborhood were you driving around on the ball on the golf cart meeting he was there yeah a separate time okay in the same neighborhood yes yeah Denise lives there too oh yeah which just this is just a neighborhood you move in now I I hope do you live on this Coast I live in New York but I'm thinking about moving here I mean I'm here all the time you when you say you're thinking I'm thinking about just doing something here like an apartment or something spending so you live in the city I live I live in the city is that where you're from born and from Chicago born and raised 5 minutes from Second City in Lincoln Park and and and how long when did you go to New York to college NYU you went to NYU where you study are you a film student I was in a program called Gallatin where you make your own major I joke like the Derek Zoolander Center for kids who can't read good Gallatin yeah you like design your own concentration it's insanely ridiculous um but I did what did you I I studied the hoe Mandel's role on the game show culture in America no I did uh let you know I think I'm the marjerie Taylor green to your pet Jack um no I um I did the role of satire in society that's what I studied whatever the [ __ ] that means right and what have we learned and how yeah how did that help you you know how we've learned that clowns how did it help me I mean I'm here doing this show so I guess I'm kind of applying some ofat what I did into my life was your intent to be in comedy I did like it was like a mixture of theater classes and writing and like there were weird NYU classes there was a class called the uh uh the history of American Comedy it's like wild the history of oh my son's here you tell tell them what they said what I I called them and I said please connect me to VIP Services they're muted and they asked me why and what the nature of the call is no and I said I have the president line he'd like to make some personal requests and they said oh okay one second who is this so it's on hold no we can't say don't say it's one of the it's one of the uh it's a it's a it's a trump property we can't say do we know that they're not say on they're going to be fooled very large they'll say the property when they yeah we hang on out he's coming on right now he so say you say he's coming on right now I I'll clear it let let me clear it let me clear it this is scary live doesn't matter if it's Trump you're not scary hi are you ready for him ask her what her name is and everything what's your name Kimberly okay I'll get him right now one second yeah don't say you can don't ask for a last name or anything okay hello is this Kimberly yes it is how are you f how are you I'm doing fantastically I'm just checking in with you please because we're looking into a number of we're doing a lot of different calls we have this great big election we have a camera crew filming because we're talking to great people in America and I just wanted to say thank you for everything you're doing well you're welcome uh will you be supporting me this election would you say you're going to beat me over sleepy Joe Biden would you prefer me over the alternative now you know as a employee of your establishment we're not allowed to talk politics absolutely well I will tell you that's totally not true and we have a different thing you know I know Steve wi who said the exact same thing but uh if you don't like politics maybe you should be as I used to say on my show fired like a dog what do you think about that that's nasty I think so too you have a good day I'm g go ahead and head I appre day thank thank you very much China China well guys I got to stay true to character I mean fire don't you love that so you call the Trump property we're not allowed to talk about politics on a trump property is that what it was I think she did not support you well I well then why is she working for him right well it's good you know you're find she didn't she didn't do that but she's taking money from right right it's interesting it's interesting yeah that was a that was uh could have been funnier right no you think it was good I think it was good don't you think it was solid it was interesting it was scary what do you think I think it was solid solid the only complaint they had was that my phone volume wasn't high enough it wasn't it wasn't going any higher I tried damn it was good damn it you in the art yeah like you mean paintings no sculpting uh I couldn't I think I have an appreciation for it I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're talking about well I don't know either what I'm talking about but I'm going to show a video of the of of a SK because I want to I want to add some class to this okay so I'm I'd like to think of your career as a sculpture hoe thank you yes I've molded myself into a legend okay here's this look at the sculpture the rotating mud art piece is just so .2 million to Anonymous buyer look how he presses his face and what is that Milton B's penis look at it look at the sculpture it needs sound with it what the [ __ ] he he did it with his face everything everything this is this is giving this this is giving head a different level this is he's an artist oh my God from my Google talk I mean imagine this guy eating eating somebody yeah she's so excited that this was from her Google this isn't right this this this imagine this on an audition on your AGT you would love this on AGT why I would we would love this on no not we you would love this on AGT you don't think that my fellow judges would love this maybe not no I think they would oh my God it's wild oh put a sound to this that's got to hurt right yeah who bought the like are they putting this 8.2 million Anonymous why why how does this occur to someone to do that uh how does it occur to somebody to do that or how does it occur to somebody that this my I I'll pay $8.2 million honestly both seem just as insane to me like what what's crazier the idea of buying this very point2 or making the whole thing with your face I don't think I don't think making it is that crazy if someone's going to pay him 8.2 m ion wouldn't you do that for absolutely I would do that for 8.1 million absolutely I would not that I'm putting that out there but if you want me to uh what are they saying do they like it why the long face we have a really good audience too like the piece makes the banana tape to the wall look like the Mona Lisa have you seen that the banana taped to the wall no no the banana tape to the wall yes maybe I have oh was this oh don't do that and if you're going to do it turn that way turn that way what are you doing this way do it that way you have a whole room had a tickle I I know big deal I have a problem I I use my cough pocket no but it doesn't matter I've taught you from the time you were little you don't face me you don't even use your cough pocket I know because nothing there's no term no you do this it's the dumbest thing I've ever seen do you cough like this no I always do it in my into my my elbow cough pocket into the elbow not to be confused with a Hot Pocket oh my my grandmother sneezes into her hands I would never do that my uh father-in-law uses a handkerchief you I hate that I would never do that you know what who still uses a handkerchief my father-in-law he blows his nose and then puts it back in his pocket a handkerchief I won't even go to their house now because of it I won't go to their house does he have a shoehorn that he uses too I use a shoehorn you use a shoehorn not anymore you know why because I wear Sketchers Sketchers slipon how old am I 25 2 oh you're young yeah okay it's every episode multiple times how Wild would that be imagine that wedding what I'm just joking he wants to marry you yeah I do you're you're beautiful thank you I'm married so is ho she's married with two kids how's beautiful as well she's old your son is great genetically impressive you marry my uh brother oh really what's the oldest he's too old for her what's the oldest girl you've ever gone out with um oh you have a Wiki feed too look at that look at your wi I don't have a wik feed yes you do yeah you do what there you are what you know bring my publes back into the room this is amazing there you are what do they say about that July rapid fire Poli let's see let's see what's your rating what's her what's his rating wow a 4 wow 43 4.3 does that mean I'm making it yeah how I wonder if you're like a deep faked PornHub person Howie if I I don't know we could find out you're all about AI would you be upset if someone did a deep fake of you it's so weird first video that pops up Hoy Mandell [ __ ] one of the dealer No Deal models without touching without touching without touching you freaking the whole thing what's your shoe size we can edit it my shoe size yeah we can edit at 12 yeah you can edit what oh my God this is unb wik feet you can it let us oh you have to log in oh my God why don't you log in do we not have a wik feet login not yet we should we can get you to 46 all we can get you to 4.6 what what's mine at now please do can you see what mine's at now I you want special effects do you like special effects why not absolutely okay here we go wow oh I added that to our Amazon this is Page by the way unb have two pictures I have a lower rating than you oh your feet are nicer than my daughter's oh thank you if I had a dollar for every time I say that yeah that was like yeah there we go what are we doing you just stopped the show just to show his feet no they did I'm just responding to what they're doing he's yawn did you just yawn yawn you yawn I yawn we just saw you yawning I yawned are you bored wow what a look people always ask what is it like to be a guest on the how we man do stuff did you see Matt did you see what Matt did can I be honest this thing just made me a little tired it's like Smokey in here now like it's not smoke it's it's to get rid of it's the bo I did yawn didn't I yeah on camera I really you know let's do one more it it feels like uh it makes you feel good as a host who check who who checked their watch during the debate once was that you're not going to deflect from this I'm not deflecting I'm leaning into it like Cheryl Sandberg I want to keep talking about the fact that I just yawn on your podcast you tired man are you tired of this I am tired yeah kep ya yes I kept yawning one time when we had a guest on and I couldn't stop I forget who it was but it was very rude of me um I did want to bring up something though I have a new segment idea okay okay okay so we are redoing our whole merch site which is still not up right we still don't have anything up on our merch right now I don't know if there's merch I know you could subscribe you know that we do are you subscribed to my podcast uh no nope that's no you just yawn you come on and yawn no he's not yes of course I'm you know if you subscribe and you press the button oh this is what I want you to do so go to YouTube Mandel does stuff absolutely and you see the Subscribe button ja with Jaclyn Schultz with ja schz okay you should tell people you're on live anyway okay you know and and the point and tell them to go to YouTube and do that you can do that in your stories but if you touch the Subscribe button and you hold it for uh like a what is it five second what is it Kyle how long you have to hold it down how long to hold it down the Subscribe button for no you don't hold it down well you go like that but your finger it's scratch and sniff it smell Yeah scratch and sniff you smell your finger I don't believe that oh go go ahead subscribe did you subscribe I'm not going to there we go I think you're 230,000 and second okay now smell your finger what does it smell like whates it smell like some personality works are really funny like I to my foot is that the intention to get your ad to play wait no what was that CU an advertisement of you just came up after I subscribed and you're oh no CD no CD serious ad that's not me I don't smell anything smell your finger liar did you really then you didn't subscribe I subscribed smell your finger smell your finger I don't know what to tell you howwi I S your finger smell like um it smells like uh a product made in Singapore then you did subscribe yeah go ahead anyways next guest is Phil Hartman's wife I'm just trying to say soon and not soon enough yeah really do you know about that you know Harman just trying to come with as many references as his wife his wife shot him and and herself it's really [ __ ] up Bill harman's a fun one to do that's old school that's great Troy McClure howy mandell's got a great show I yawned halfway through it yeah well you know what that shows me you're comfortable is that is that bad no that's good I mean I'm come on we haven't here yeah you said it's not oh are we allowed to announ no no no I just told you where is your publicist no it's okay show me the camera there show me the camera on that side it's fine there she is she's saying no she's saying no come here Miss ma'am what's her name Madison Madison are you Madison are you mad at us um not yet no but he's not allowed to mention it but he's being a rebel he is being a rebel we you know we mentioned it by accident earlier I know are we okay with that we'll have a cut you know no it's live it's live goes online afterwards yeah okay hoping that everyone just didn't turn down the volume for that part and then later it's fine I don't know that we can cut anything it's already up there anyways moving on moving pissing off Madison I'm going to yawn again Chris Chris is Chris there yeah oh where is he this is my friend Chris Chris runs a whole podcast Network I didn't know that it was an issue I was so excited that pretty soon we're going to hear from him he said we can't mention it yet oh is it okay no we're going we're live but don't say anything if you don't want to say anything is it okay coming coming soon coming soon the publer said I don't want to say but you got a this guy's a super Talent who deserves to be everywhere and my buddy Chris is gonna we're not announcing now we'll put him somewhere where the world is going to see him that is true that is true I don't want to get anybody in trouble wow the publicist is really mad though oh yes she is she's the best have him call team have him call a Biden campaign office to suggest winning strategies that's a funny idea I could do that who else who's an actor we could do an actor that we can call you who's we could do do Jeff Goldblum doing something that's a good Jeff my golly thank you very much what about Jeff gold Mr how Mandel Mr Howe Mandel of course why don't we call apartment apartment for rent let's call apartment apartment for rent no but call a real ad that is renting an apartment and have Jeff Goldblum try to rent an apartment from I love this idea Mr Mandel of course Mr Mandel your star continues to rise there may be trouble ahead you think so yes I think you should try to get gold GBL I think you should try to get free clothes from a store because he's a model now oh yeah you're a model absolutely as my acting teacher Sandy Meisner used to say if you're going to model do it well you're the same height as Jeff I know yeah Mi Hoy Me Howard and Jeff three tallest Jews in history what what what is your height 6'4 wow I think your husband's also 6'4 right 65 oh what what does he do he's tall for a living uh music oh great should I know who he is he like a famous musician or something yeah it's Kanye Kanye oh great that's that's great for you guys you don't look like Bianca Andor that's surprising way more clothes on way more clothes on yes you know like uh you when you see her out there in public you always think that this was uh predicated I mean before we see her she's going oh whoops but I forgot yeah that's a wild situation there bad for her I feel like she doesn't actually want to think it really well you think he's forcing her to go out there naked yeah oh my God should I wear this take it off that's my we're going out take it off we're going out he's very controlling and he controls her and he but but I'm just wearing seethrough uh he controls her like how Kanye thinks we control the media when you say we is that a Jewish reference yes Howie I'm a Jew you know that just check I do know you're a Jew yeah and I know I'm a Jew too yeah see everyone feels like that everyone feels like she's trapped really I do you think she's you think it's like a Britney Spears conservative ship situation I think it's like a DV kind of situation domestic violence situation oh God no now you're making a I'm making allegations quote unquote alleged but I don't know I just feel like she never talks she doesn't look like she's comfortable and he's parading her around he was a queef in here you've been with somebody who queefs with smoke that's a hot lady can have you ever seen anybody queef smoke I can't say I have Howe I cannot say that I have right can you imagine that it would be like like it would you know how switching over to Obama for a second do you think how I have never seen oh a woman ever queef smoke I appreciate the question yes she exhales vaginally will you like ever kned or whatever it is in Canada yes you you have that honor I am no not from anybody of any Authority I justed myself you get a lot of keys you have a lot of keys I got keys to city but you can't get in any doors with that wow I got a key to Niagara Falls Wow have you been to Niagara Falls I think I have yeah I have what do you mean you think no I I I was there it's not by acci like can't go I I think this is niagar Falls no that's a urinal which side uh you know the US yeah that one that one's not as good yeah I have no [ __ ] idea oh okay well the US side sucks in comparison to the Canadian side you know we have a lot of viewers from The niaga Falls New York area who hate you saying that in comparison I was really pissed one time when we went to the American side and we couldn't go play all this games and [ __ ] over on the Canada side right see what it's like growing up spoiled I love it she was so pissed about the American Falls versus the Canadian Falls it just wasn't fair there's a huge if you've been there you know you know how it can affect you and piss you off she's pissed off about one of the seventh Wonders of the World my daughter my daughter she I don't think it's natural is that a natural thing that you would be it is natural you that you would be pissed off is she naturally gets pissed off at everything that she doesn't think Rises to her level it's one of the seventh wonders of the world is it Niagara Falls yeah I think it is I don't think so I think it is it is is it it has to be new Seven Wonders of the World oh so what are the old ones it's like Testaments so new and an old Seven Wonders of the World the coliseum in Italy Petra in Jordan I don't know how to pronounce that in Mexico huh I did not know that chichin oh oh chich can someone else read these no you're a teacher anyways she's a teacher I know China TSH Mahal what do you teach read reading and literacy yes I was a teacher I'm not a teacher anymore she not she's retired yeah you could you think you ever could have teached how you think you could have ever teached I would I would if I was good at English taught good at English it's not it's not one of the seventh wonders Seven Wonders no it's not it is it's not they taught you wrong maybe in Canada problem is you're you're a kid now but one day you're gonna I think you're going to have a long and illustrious career and maybe you'll be in a a lucky position like me where you get to work with your child with your Offspring and I'm just warning you they will they live to prove you wrong yeah didd he worked with his child too yeah well he's getting in trouble I'm just joking yeah keep going though yes there's a liar yeah Diddy's in trouble that bad yeah can we talk Diddy oh yeah I was gonna it's bad yeah two things you don't hear in the same sentence Diddy and oi yeah I was going to do a corporate event at his house and I was like why are there so many crayons here bouncy Huts everywhere what's happening I left I don't think that's what he's it's it's trafficking it's bad not you go to one of his parties no it's I think it's pedophilia too no I think also no no you met him though alleged alleged I've never met him the amount of times that everyone has to say alleged alleged that did you see the video of him riding his bike in Miami like a week ago no there photos of Diddy riding his bicycle like in Miami I'm like I'm thinking it's the first bike he's ridden without training wheels anyways Howe's laughing I hope I am I am I am I just this is live it's live we're comedians baby can I say now what I was saying about um Amazon Amazon listen to this blaz so we don't have a storefront anymore which I didn't know cuz I was wearing our old merch which I think we're still going to be able to sell right we're still going to sell it at some point it's not available right now yeah making sure that says teached teached like when I didn't say taught back there yeah it is that what our merch is going to be it should be I teached you something there we go yeah um so we were trying to find a way to create she amazing to create new okay never mind you just do your thing no do it you do your you do your do your thing I was talking she's really add it to the Google do I tell no no tell them tell them we're here go ahead I was going to say that we are creating new merch and we decided to do it through Amazon because it's the easiest way to create your own merch and for everyone to go on and look how you look look it looked bad go ahead no I'm done no we're not done I'm done no do the Amazon thing I'm done I don't want to no you should I don't want to you should why are you telling me to sit up and I look back because there was a shot of you where was that shot of her with the mic right in front of her no then sit back sit back like the way you were that's what it was that's how you always are in all your shots you're always half out of every single shot we're not getting along do you feel were you ever over at somebody's house when the parents are having a fight with your friend um yeah absolutely Matt friend 100% that's inevitable right that's what's happening right now o o it's not parents it's a we're going to talk about Diddy again no we can tell the Amazon thing it's good business are you selling something on Amazon yeah what's happening with Amazon little hang with hang with Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez on a yacht somewhere no great okay should I continue okay what I was going to say is we are coming up with new merch and we started an Amazon storefront so that the merch could be sold through Amazon because it's the easiest best fastest way to get stuff so we have a new Amazon storefront and while I was going on there I found products that I think you would like oh wow and so I got you something beautiful it's kind of like a product of a week and if you want one too you can have one too cuz I got two of them and we can wear them together yes it's friendship socks please friendship socks oh my God and if you put them on you yawn again cuz they're so comfortable are you calling me boring no I'm call I'm talking about my yawn oh sorry I'm trying to make about my about myself as the guest it's okay no no you're doing good so what is friendship socks these are friendship socks they're not ours personally but they are available on Amazon when I saw Matt friendship sucks Matt friendship this could be your Matt friend Matt friendship sucks this is your thing yes I did it on purpose thank you very much how do they stick together oh it's a magnet it's a magnet so you can look a little clanny to me but that's okay right the eyes in the white sheet but that's okay you know what's actually funny you wear one you wear one on your left foot and then your friend Matt wears one on his right foot we can all do it together because I got I got more oh my God there's more if you want a black and a white it's the Kardashians of socks right if you if you want to be fancy who doesn't love that no but then you stand next to somebody and your socks your ankles are holding hands that's beautiful I love that we got to give those to John St but these aren't our merchandise okay this is what I'm saying is I want to find really cool [ __ ] that I like so that we're not only selling our merch but we also have this available in our storefront too so if anyone else wants friendship socks you can go to our storefront and buy friendship song I think it's great friendship bracelets are a big thing now I always see people handing those at at Taylor Swift's concerts friendship bracelets oh my God Hoy Swifty I put other stuff on there too I put your Walk Like a Man DVD on there your arm is doing a Ryan sirant impression no he loves bracelets too yeah you're a big bracelet guy no my granddaughter whatever she makes me on wait oh my God you have grandkids I have kids that's wild that you're a now she's calling oh she probably said my wife's probably mad at me oh my God hang on let's see hello hey I'm still in the uh I'm doing a I'm doing a podcast Matt friend Matt friend is here say hi Terry hi Terry I'm gonna say hi okay and Ma and Jackie said that you're gonna be mad at me because I told a story I wasn't supposed to tell all right goodbye I told the Lisa Rena story Le Serena wow anyways can we put the link to our Amazon storefront in the description and then when we have merch on there we'll let them know too yeah yeah absolutely okay but they can buy these they can buy these I also have our smoke machine on there what are you doing it's like a we're having like a [ __ ] garage I love these socks I want gloves I want a glove version I have you should sell cond on there too on my wife my wife is running a a no I'm your daughter I'm your daughter my God I'm say my wife cuz she's mad at me did you I was thinking every single week I could find the coolest [ __ ] on Amazon and bring it and show you and if you guys want to send me idea stuff that you find on Amazon I feel like we could just find cool [ __ ] what kind of service is this this is not a podcast I now I now I want you're going to yawn no I was going to just talk I wasn't going to yawn go ahead do you want this is just yeah I do which one I think every guest you have you should be like a little bag to give the guests no you got to go to Amazon what size is this okay oh it I think it's a one- siiz fits-all I love no it isn't [ __ ] I love this I need these it's not [ __ ] it is [ __ ] you wear it with me you know if you win America's Got Talent you can get those socks million bucks million bucks and those socks I like them I think I'll wear them with you we'll we'll post we with my kids I'll wear them with my kids it's fine my grandkids love it I just had my third grandkid is unbelievable what what why cuz he does he don't seem like a grandfather in a good way I mean like you know do I seem like tinted glasses you know you're wearing like a jumpsuit you know you're just a hip guy you know do I not seem like a guy you have a podcast a my grandfather doesn't have a podcast podcast I have a PO podcast very impressive spry young man you are what do you want to promote I just want to promote my gratitude for being here with the mandels you know well thank you Matt friend look for an announcement in the future and um go to mattf say hey on Instagram atthat friend that's and see us we work together on your Instagram yes yeah we got to do a video I will do another one with you any he didn't ask he didn't ask you it blew up he didn't ask to do another video oh my God maybe he doesn't want to oh that's awkward you're right I'm GNA get out of here I want to do it right now you could stay I'm GNA leave I want to do one right now a video yes okay while we're on the air no I think see okay we'll do one great you want me to finish the podcast absolutely you should you're the host okay remember subscribe make your finger stink and uh send me uh and they can go to Hoy and send us uh we we interact what else can I do oh and go to how do they do that how do they go to where you want to go he's put you didn't listen to me I don't he is putting the link in the because I watch this later and I don't want there to be any spoilers so I try not to listen while we're here what is it isn't it Amazon SL like ho man Del dusta I don't know I just want to show you how interesting this podcast is go to that camera Jeremy that your camera your camera your camera Jeremy yeah look how many people are there they're all talking nobody's facing the place nobody gives a [ __ ] this place's going by the way they're not unbelievable they're not they don't care oh and look at that he's got a new toy did you see that trans amazing I love that look that transition it's very cem it's like watching here look at that fading very cinematic and now we're fading to us it's like an inmemoriam segment it is you know what it oh oh God hi oh oh he's thinking about my daughter oh my gosh I love the when she showed me her socks I knew she was the one wow I wonder who Jackie's thinking about yes go the other way the other way yeah do it the other way the other way he just got this he doesn't know how to work it yet oh oh [Music] oh whoa It's like you remember Public Access TV I don't remember it but I know about it okay but this this is this is just bad it's just wow remember you know what you do do this with all the switching and everything and just put some put it to some music do we have that oh your nephew's music watch this we have a we have a band that plays the nephew song do we have that can we get it it'll take a minute and then play that and then we'll do a music oh that's Lenny krait's video yeah it's on the lenra just play the audio oh did you see it oh was amazing okay now use the the transition listen insane watch the video this is hoe Mandel does stuff live with jacyn Schultz podcast [Music] video [Music] [Laughter] that made me want to yawn okay and now good night everybody we'll see you bye bye e

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Duck Puppet Stranger | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Category: Entertainment

I was i don't see what she get your finger off of me get your finger away from me take your finger off my face whoa easy oh yeah what a [ __ ] yeah poke me can you hear me yeah can you hear me i can hear you okay so uh you ready to iron it out let's do it i see you got the iron behind you yeah i know... Read more

Magic Mindfreak Stranger | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams thumbnail
Magic Mindfreak Stranger | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Category: Entertainment

Oh my god it's the first guy again oh with a new shirt the boy hi hi boy hi how are you pardon me i said wow okay oh you said it backwards so i didn't understand oh um what's uh the meaning of life um hi hello yes and there's your answer there's your answer wow oh i just i where are you i'm in parkland... Read more

When A Stranger Callz | EPISODE 11 | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams thumbnail
When A Stranger Callz | EPISODE 11 | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Category: Entertainment

Intro [music] [ __ ] get that away from us choose a playing card what the heck not a stri cl you know what i mean bad tinder twins bad tinder twins bad what's the meaning of life when a str hello hello well here we are at uh okay yeah i just i think i swallowed a fly okay those are really hard because... Read more

Tinder Twin Strangers | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams thumbnail
Tinder Twin Strangers | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Category: Entertainment

Oh hello oh my god it's a soccer team seeing double we're get if you guys don't guess we're twins identical twins wait wait don't tell us let us guess yeah let us guess okay um brother and sister how did you know wait what wait are you guys twins yeah we're identical twins yes we uh are known for um... Read more

Nuclear Radiation Stranger | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams thumbnail
Nuclear Radiation Stranger | When A Stranger Callz | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Category: Entertainment

Oh hello oh stranger nice hat what's on logo on your hat there guy pennis looks like a pennis that's no it's um i just went to spring training this year to watch the baseball so i was got a spring training hat no that's a penis a what that's a green p that's a green penis pennis penis penis you got... Read more