When A Stranger Callz | EPISODE 11 | Howie Mandel & Harland Williams

Intro [Music] [ __ ] get that away from us choose a playing card what the heck not a stri CL you know what I mean bad Tinder twins bad Tinder twins bad what's the meaning of life when a Str hello hello well here we are at uh okay yeah I just I think I Swallowed a Fly okay those are really hard because it's the swallowing a fly is easy it's the it's the pants that sometimes get stuck oh the trousers I call them trousers okay cuz I'm just being more formal I have a question before we take calls from strangers um what is this all about like life do you have the answer you you're asking me for the meaning of life yeah just a question sometimes I think it's chocolate but then I feel like I don't really know cuz I'll have a chocolate bar right and it gets all over my fingers right and then I get fat and I go that can't be life messy fingers and fat so maybe they know find out I don't know I I was thinking well I don't want to say it out loud anyway let's talk to a stranger see if they know see if they know okay all right hello do we have a stranger everybody's got a stranger right that's the one thing everybody has some have a lot of oh we have one right there oh Stranger 1 what a good looking boy with a wall phone oh yeah you got to press the you have to press the you have to click on the microphone so that we can hear you he just hold I know you're holding that really close to your mouth but it's not I know I see that but you got to click on something that looks like a microphone so we can hear you it's not that you're far away from hello oh it's on actually I think okay now it is yeah just stay like that don't yell at why didn't you just phone us you have a wall phone right there like why did you use that thing what is that thing that I this is just a I mean it's I like uh okay well that answers that question what is the meaning of life well he's just a boy I don't know that he'd know how old are you young lad he's married I'm 40 years old I'm not a I'm not a young boy I don't think oh my I thought you were like he he doesn't know no you look but where are you where are you you're in here pardon me I'm here I'm in Bombay oh you're in Bombay wait on a second is this a call center what no because there aren't a lot of call centers we've outsourced our show Bom Bay that's my favorite Bay so I mean it's it's mine too so I'm from New York I live in Bombay um since 2009 so I'm from Queens pretty much why did you move to Bombay what do you do there so uh I moved here primarily for Spiritual reasons um that's why we're that's exact this is the right the meaning of life thank you oh you're the guy that oh perfect stranger you are the perfect stranger what's the meaning of life the meaning of life I think is glad acceptance of everything that comes our way pretty much um and to realize our true self and serve other no I think that's wrong that's not it what about we'll give you another shot at it coffee coffee is the meaning of life maybe okay and what is it to you what well it's just a what do you mean what is it to me that's no attitude to have as a what is it to youy ask a guy what's the meaning of life he goes what is it to you like none of your beeswax none of your business life sorry man keep it to yourself in Bombay how easy it's just a little boy it's a little boy he says he's 40 but he doesn't know numbers he's a kid look at him sorry poor little guy so um what do you do there for a living um so I do uh marketing for B2B companies primarily for what be oh pollination so you go from flower to flower sit on flowers and secrete juices out of the back end of yourself wow we call that dry humping where I come from not if there's juices well moist humping right right sorry what is happening right now um life okay wait wasn't his wall was it to you his walls Chang in color it's yeah I think it's the lighting no it was green and now it's it went white so that's a cabinet and it's green and what is in the cabinet uh just like cups and stuff cups and dishes and stuff and the phone on the wall you you can call that's the intercom that's the intercom to the gate downstairs to the gate you're the gatekeeper you got in touch with the gatekeeper wow if anyone should know the meaning of life it's the gatekeeper try again what's the meaning of life cuz the first one clearly to be happy oh to find happiness and where do we find happiness Bombay not Bombay it's inside us man it is where I think where what are you looking for I don't think it's a physical he's looking for happiness like I think it's in that area I think I just touched it really look at me wow dude will you touch mine you got to you have to find your own happiness okay you can't find somebody else's happiness selfish I'm allergic what to what uh shellfish shellfish you're selfish shellfish oh shellfish I'm allergic you are yes shrimp lobster crab wow oysters oh wow okay so what's your question for us today I don't what's the meaning of life no that was our question to you um what are you guys doing uh well in life in general I don't have any specific questions for you guys I have no idea what would happen if you picked up that intercom and asked to talk to God could you do that for us just reach behind you they would just think he has a weird accent because they would say like who's work who works at the gate right the god the security guard can I talk to the god I'd like to speak to the security guard that's what they're not going to think it's what you're asking right won't they think that that's what you mean yeah exactly but this guy has can we ask you to settle down a little bit there's no reason to be this excited about being on this uh show dial it down bring it way down are you living alone there uh no my family is uh with me they're asleep because it's uh midnight right now so the whole family is asleep uh can you my wife and my son can you go wake them up no we want to wake up the family wouldn't they be surprised that we that Harlen and I are they would be surprised um do you want do you want me to really wake up my son who's 11 years old and right now yeah he might he might know the meaning of life sometimes in a child eyes they see the world different I think if he can offer us why don't you just wake him up and ask let's see what he answers wake him up and ask him the question pose the question and let's see what he comes up with an 11-year-old child I'll try to bring I'll try to bring him yeah you'll try to bring him as in he's in his room sleeping so I'm just what are we on are we on a laptop or we on a yeah we're on a laptop so just carry with you yeah carry it with you okay okay here we go wow so we're about to find out the meaning of life as seen through a the sleeping child's eyes you don't want to wake up the wife um she's actually at parents house right now you w you lied about where your wife is you wake you wake up the wife that could be the she doing at her parents house at midnight yeah what did you say what did you do sleeping over Caleb Caleb Children of the Corn here we are Caleb here we go he yeah hi okay what's the meaning of life wait ask him what's the what's the meaning what's the meaning of life Caleb what's the meaning of life any answer Caleb oh I guess it's a good sleep he does doesn't want to answer it's important to rest yeah I guess that's what we've learned I might agree with them the meaning of life is a nice just a nice sleep well thanks for spending time with us hey thank you our pleasure bye you know I I didn't see an age difference between him and his son I think his son's also 40 just shorter oh okay okay yeah okay okay byebye happy Bombay what is this what is it that was just like confusion from the other side of the planet that boy the look on his face what I don't know you don't laugh at a job just like he just can you dropped your father wakes you up Mom's visiting the parents you're asking him what's the meaning of life that's a question today he just looked it almost like we ruined his life right there oh we gave him something to ponder he's going to wake up tomorrow and think it was all a dream yeah he will I think so it's happiness and chocolate hello stranger we have another stranger wow see another Stranger 2 stranger that was hilarious you think so yeah that kid's face you don't see it huh oh hello oh my God it's a soccer team seeing double we're gu H if you guys don't guess we're twins identical twins wait wait don't tell us let us guess yeah let us guess okay um brother and sister H how did you know wait what wait are you guys twins yeah we're identical twins yes we are are known for um creating mindbending pranks online so we decided to join and talk to you guys well you're not identical cuz one has a Nike hat and one has something else yeah that Arizona yeah we that's the only way to differentiate us that's see oh for yourself so you know you don't get mixed up yeah yeah it's for us too not for you guys do you guys ever we were we were just talking about dreaming do you guys ever dream hey as identical twins do you ever have the same dream like would you fall asleep and be in his dream or dream about him doing something or is that you know what that does come up actually when we W wake up right here got to wake up see see we're talking the same wavelength here but we do share the same dream sometimes so it's pretty weird give us an example yeah example well uh since our pranks we fees each other all the time so I wake up and I knew he's going to do something and it comes to life so like being a twin sucks because like we're always together so when we're out in the bar it's like drinking by yourself really looking I had a dream once you ever had this dream I had a dream where I I had to pee really bad and really bad and I was running trying to get to the building trying to get to the building trying to get to the building and I didn't get to the building and I peed myself in my dream really yeah but in my dream and then when I woke up my bed and the blankets and the duvet cover were all soaked no yes yes and and this is what is amazing dreams do come true they do I've had U the number two in my dream and luckily when I woke up it didn't come to fruition in my sheets cuz I would have to clean that up for you or you sleep together you guys yeah bunkeys yeah bunes still there's more room for activities for us is that pretty cool you two are sleep still sleeping bunkeys cool I don't know if it's cool but it's pretty cool right well I'm not going to comment no this Ro activities is that your opening line when you meet the ladies uh no come back and see our bunes we could do a lot of activities we got to first check my roommates aren't home first before our parents cuz we live with our roommates so make sure that they're not home and the ghost is clear then we use that routine that one two routine boom have you heard that thing how old are you guys yeah we're 30 so 60 technically actually that's true so we're 60 years old yeah 30y old living with your parents in your room with the bunkeys high which one is married if we're not married look at us mom me hey is it true that saying if one feels pain the other feels pain when you're a twin it's more like if I get hurt he's gonna get hurt somehow that's how it really work he usually does like when he rolls his ankle like the twin Gods make me roll ankle like three weeks later it's always in that first and within a month W so you don't hear that about twins so if somebody gets a sprained ankle Within a month or two or three you will get a sprain ankle and the weirdest way too like when you're not expecting it but like in the same situation if I see him sick I know it's done yeah he's taking work off do you guys finish each other's sentences yeah and me too and mine they finished each other's and mine yeah but not mine I I won't allow it you won't allow it right you'll never you'll never finish one of my s sentences [ __ ] how do we know we can read your mind New Brains evil I think they're evil twins is what I think one of them is the evil twin you want hear the funniest thing we've done as twins okay um me it's not what you think think but it is what you think it's called like twinder it's like Tinder prank where we call it the twinder prank where we kind of switch up he's the good boy routine and I'm the He's the bad boy yeah so we take one girl in a day and she gets to choose What She Likes more the bad guy or the nice guy don't we call that assault where I come from what does the bad guy do to the Tinder person well it's like basically just like all the mean comments telling her like you know she skip out on the carbs or she's paying the bill stuff like that that's a joke it's a joke it's not it's always a joke to tell a woman that that she should that she's fat I love those kind of jokes that's a horrible joke horrible joke you just said it was a funny joke no no that was a horrible joke we just did for a prank for a prank and she was in on it and after that it was was funny and this went horribly wrong the way explain exactly yeah this is horrible so this is a teachable moment isn't it yes what we learn you know what go to your buys yeah bad Tinder twins bad bad Tinder twins bad finish this sentence bad Tinder twins bad Tinder twins bad again bad bad Tinder twins bad one more time bad Tinder tind twins bad so are you on YouTube and stuff is that where you're pranking yeah we do like wholesome stuff it's all wholesome stuff day yes giving giving uh young ladies Eating Disorders it's wholesome you ever uh slap an angel in the face with a canoe paddle that kind of holes no of course not we do like the Matrix stuff like that we keep on reappearing back and forth in a real life situation and people actually feel like they're tripping out or dreaming the time Loop that's kind of thing we go after where like recurring recurring sentences and all that so hey we've all walked through a revolving door guys it's not that hard it's like yeah glitching The Matrix exactly well it's also just being in a revolving door at a hotel I get a holiday in go I guess you guys are from Toronto so yeah you guys know all that stuff where are you from and get your hands out of your armpits please all I just sweaty we're from uh outside Toronto Canada we're from London Ontario London I didn't detect the accent isn't that marvelous they're from London Harry isn't that wonderful would you like to come over some biscuits and tea boys profets of tea would the twins like to come over and jump around on my twins wait whoa whoa that got uncomfortable bad Tinder bad that's the bad twin I'm the good one right see we play the same games we're from Canada too we're like twins all of us hey do me a favor twins change hats and then I'll be able to tell you A Part just okay good call which one of you is older I am by I think he is as far as we know I'm three minutes older oh wait okay now I'm confused put them back I I can't tell who's who confused yeah like that I was totally mixed up there wow sorry who's older he is I am about like four minutes wow it went went from 3 minutes to 4 minutes it's it's just keeps going the spread between them keeps going and it's getting longer and longer the more you ask them yeah we're gonna stay on this call until it's a year and a half apart and they're not twins anymore who's older I am but how long minutes eight minutes we're up at eight now they're finishing each other's sentences wrongly you don't see that too often with twins yeah are there any other siblings in your family no just us they sto after us too they had enough yeah they're they only had one set of buys that's right in one room so that's yeah are you dating are you dating is anybody dating probably not right now we're single at the at the moment we're no you're double yeah yeah we got to find double two set of twins I understand what's going on with us have you ever dated a twin no no not I think twins are weird to be honest with you yeah we do too we do too I didn't but now I do totally agree yeah yeah yeah we I find twins a little bit odd so it's kind of funny so do we and maybe creepy even little creepy yeah and dangerous and smelly now I about the smelling part we did um that's the one thing he took defense to the smell the everything else he's okay with creepy doesn't want don't call him smelly no no creepy weird offensive yes smelly well not so much Bueno lift your shirt lift your arms up for a second he told you he's sweaty what do you wanted no yeah oh yeah smelly you guys in the desert back there huh what change the subject you guys in the desert that was crafty I like that see what he did there he got right out of smelly and right into the desert desert Arizona Texas what's going on wow you're in a game one of us in a gamer a Gamers chair you do D what kind of games do you play and it's like you can get into the diamond lane if your brother just sits beside you and get faster through the game yeah Lane that's pretty funny yeah no thank you I'll be here all week yeah oh would I use it for uh looking cool and editing that's it I don't game there's no and how come there aren't two chairs like why is there only one of those mom and dad didn't love me enough so can you blame them no smelly smelly smell hey howy can we try our twin can we try finishing each other sentences I went to the store yesterday and bought tampons well if you're going to laugh and this is probably not the right place for us oh this is a perfect place this is perfect we're at home awkward I can hear the cricket go did that is the worst Cricket imitation yeah that was more like a car alarm I think did it did it yeah where that Cricket did it it's like we're camping croquet cqu because we're English London yeah oh that's right they're from London London right cro isn't that a a a game do you want to hear an interesting uh fascinating story yeah yeah yeah Jesu Christina so just south of London Ontario there's a small town where the largest elephant in the world was hit by a train and they have a statue of it just outside of London what's the name of the town boys it couldn't be uh sto or uh straford straford is where they do The Shakespearean plays correct ker no kitchen is where they do October Fest but there's a little town just outside of London and there's a famous elephant it was the biggest elephant that ever existed it was a circus elephant and it got off the circus train and it was hit by the train and they made a giant statue of it oh my God he just finished my sentence yeah I just I never heard that I hope you're not lying cuz that's horrible not lying elephant yeah it's a huge statue it's famous the town's famous for it 10 seconds 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 you guys lost bye they lost was a good that was our only giveaway on today's episode and wait let them say you guys lost we lost we lost give yeah no we won they finished our I thought we won they finished our Stranger 3 call awkward what what town is it what's the name of the town I shot a movie there oh wait you didn't know the answer either no I forgot the name of the town so why would you pose it as a question cuz they should know they live right there it's like the only famous thing in the whole 100 m Square radius I come from the same place as you and I've never heard of that You' never heard of it what's the name of the town Google where is a where did a a circus elephant get hit in Ontario jumbo the the jumbo the elephant or my my father worked in Stratford I drove from Toronto to Stratford I went through Kitchener and London I never saw south of uh London this is going to be boring no what's the name of the elephant jumbo see Thomas Ontario huge jumbo the elephant yeah huge they have a statue of them he was oh look there he is wow that's I was I don't see what she get your finger off of me get your finger away from me take your finger off my face wao easy oh yeah what a [ __ ] yeah poke me can you hear me yeah could you hear me I can hear you okay so uh you ready to iron it out let's do it I see you got the iron ready behind you yeah I know um I'm at the ven Haven convention um ironing convention they do this I love V I used to be part of the press there okay really yeah and so um iring and we're just having had to iron my shirt pardon me I got iron my clothes and my shirt so we okay how's the convention going so far it's going great I met um gosh what's her name she was the Romania a girl from Romania you met the girl from Romania have you met anybody from like uh Cleveland or anything like that no I've not I've not done that okay the far wandered from my hotel is the subway down the road so she went on the subway she met somebody from Romania and she ironed her shirt so now that we're all up to date what is the meaning of life yeah the meaning of life is to be good to other people and um and just treat them well and to live in are you in a hotel yeah I'm in a hotel I'm at the holiday in you don't have to tell us location and do you think there's any sleeping children in other rooms down the hall cuz I'd love you to wake them up and find out what they think about the meaning of life um well I I don't know if there are any children in the other rooms we might not need her to do that cuz if you look at her shirt she's a lady in ventriloquism she might have something there do you have a ventriloquist doll oh gosh yes I have um uh Mr Mr dimple go ahead get Mr dimples he'll know the meaning of life go get him yeah and so but it's amazing that well like I don't know if I can tell you this Howe this can I tell you something before you go any further I can see your lips moving yeah me too there's no puppet here what how you do dude okay here we go are you ready for Mr di my God Mr dimples I love Mr nipples dimpl I was get nipples and dimples mixed up how you doing D what's up hey y'all how you doing this is good hey Howe how you doing wow I I can see his beak moving what happened I yeah I need some glasses like you how let's do it want some glasses like you okay want okay so um and do you do this professionally I know you're at the convention vquest convention do you do this professionally I Do I Do It professionally yeah um M also I'm a part-time cashier at the grocery store and and um yeah so that that's kind of like not my fun part yeah she doesn't like it dude she don't like it at all at all you know what I mean so yeah when you close your eyes and you hear the Mr dimples talking and her talking it's hard you say something ma'am say h hi how how are you doing today and now have Mr dimple say how you doing today how you doing today dude what's up same same voice oh it's the same voice yeah it's the same voice yeah there's not a difference between Mr Temple's voice and the cashier's voice yeah and just sort of visually there's not much of a different anyway so what have you work where do you work as a vilus where do you do that well we're working not talking to you I am talking to Mr dimples okay uh you know we do some like local clubs you know like the dirty bow which is a really good club now we do other places the dirty what doll dirty doll dirty what b o can I help them out no that's part of ventriloquism we have to figure out the words NY go I think it's easier for us to read his lips than yours if you keep the puppet away from the thing I could read your lips and figure out what what he's saying go ahead say it again dirty dirty gold Dirty Old Dirty Old dir old oh it's a club that puppet doesn't give a duck what's he saying oh so is it a comedy club or is it a strip club not a strip club you know what I mean it is it's a club you know it's like a uh you know place where people get drunk you know and and uh do you do interactive stuff with the audience yeah I do I do I do I do a lot of stuff you know that's what I do do a piece of your routine we'd like to see the opening what's the opening joke or act did you sing you sing at all no I don't sing I don't sing at all okay so just give us a piece of the ACT go ahead so M devil where you from Australia what part of Australia Tania in a nice little Street what are you listen to Sheila well you say you're from Australia but you don't have an Australian accent that's cuz you could do one Sheila it's because you can't do one Sheila are you Sheila yeah which one is Sheila Sheila you're Sheila on the left right right and that's I'm right here and that's Mr dimples would you would you do me a favor what's your name ma'am Sheila Sheila Sheila would you put Mr dimples down for a minute and bring and bring your other puppet over Mr iron the one sitting behind you Mr iron iron the iron iron how do say iron the iron irin you want the iron iron iron IR IR if you could bring Mr iron over what's the name of the club again the dirty iron do do do grab Mr iron I want to hear what Mr Iron's voice sounds like can you go put dimples down okay Mr diples we're gonna put you down okay and bring dirty what's what's the Mr iron's name can't wait to hear his voice oh here we go okay how does he sound hi Mr iron well I've never I've never worked with iron before I can see your lips H I'm talking to Mr iron hi Mr iron how you know dude good where are you from I'm s Francisco you know what I mean that's what I got to do hi Shea can you see me can you see me no I can't see you why can't can you see me now I see a thing that said scheduled meeting now have dedicated group chart blah blah blah that's me and now I can see you okay so hi hi Sheila oh my God you were so good I well I couldn't understand what you were saying want to see something show me something what oh oh okay that's quite interesting you're not the only one with a doll from Down Under what's life what's the meaning of life um I you know the meaning of life is to you know just enjoy every day that you got all right wellon have a nice day all right we've enjoyed you all of you all three of her yeah Mr iron you say iron iron iron you iron your you iron your clothes iron I iron my clothes I don't iron you iron you use the iron the iron what is yeah no what do you call it you're putting a you're putting an iron you want to do some ironing not ironing not Ira the band Iron Maiden you Maiden yeah how do you say it iron maen ah think that's wrong let's ask a stranger oh hello oh Stranger 4 stranger nice hat what's the logo on your hat there guy pennis looks like a pennis oh that's no it's um I just went to spring training this year to watch uh baseball so I was got a spring training hat no it's a penis a what it's a green P that's a green penis penis pennis pennis you got certified I see you're certified um yeah back here I'm a certified RSO uh radiation safety radiation safety officer he's a radiation safety officer that's why I feel safe now yeah so if there's ever a nuclear war you're the guy we should find officer keep us safe from all this radiation okay yeah I'll throw on my lead suit and come come help you out wow my God there's radiation go find the guy with the pennis hat on yeah there's there's lethal radiation go get the lead where are you y where are you in a minut I'm in uh Grand Junction Colorado point it out on the map on this map right here let's see here Grand Junction isn't that where the that's where the elephant got hit wasn't it at the Grand Jun right th Thomas Thomas Grand Junction Colorado so here's Denver over here yeah and there is Grand Junction oh it's fantastic well it's good to know where okay so what's the question what's the question question yeah uh my question is uh I got two Canadians here what what's the best maple syrup on Earth good question I think for me it's like pure maple syrup right out of a maple tree it's not a brand it's just like as Canadians what he's saying is right A lot of times like my mom used to make pancakes or french toast put it on a plate and send us out into the backyard and we would take a little a little cut of uh like a pancake and then suck a tree instead of instead of bottling it and pouring it on the thing so I have pancakes and suck a tree if you go through Canada you'll see children all over Canada sucking trees for breakfast tree suckers why you laughing now do those do those trees stop at the border we don't we're not allowed have those trees no it's a maple tree maple trees because maple syrup oh I need a hatchet in but it's tough because maple syrup is very sticky and so you would you would have little uh uh bark flexs on your on your lips you would be because you'd be sucking the maple out of the tree and the bark would adhere to the lips so you when you at school every morning after the national anthem the teacher would have us remove the bark from our lips like the old milk commercials no got milk with the mustache got got bark is what he's saying got bark yeah there's nothing like that nothing doesn't sound like it no it's not a good analogy it is a good a campaign though got bark I notic I noticed you have a bulletin board with uh is that your schedule for today back here yeah um no that's a contact list for all everybody I need to call if there is a radiation emergency but won't they all be dead uh you know what it just depends I guess it'll be fun let's call them and tell them there's a radiation emercy and see what happens you yeah you better have good speed dial skills buddy and there's a business card on there too what's the business card for probably a cleanup crew uh I mean after the bomb goes off You're Gonna Want You're Gonna Want a good cleanup Crow this is a uh this is a speed dial this is a speed dial see for what for I'm telling you telling you what numbers uh to push when you're in in an emergency yeah like if there's a mushroom Cloud outside the window that way you can call everyone faster how in the course of an average day like a Wednesday yeah how busy are you uh you know what I I do more emailing than anything but uh I'm pretty busy I'm pretty busy I so we do um non-destructive testing in this office and we send uh people out with uh radiation source and they go and do x-rays out in the oilfield in uh in all over the place so so you're sending people out to do stuff yeah I sent that's not the question how busy are you I'm busy because I've got to get the work I've gotta call I gotta make the phone calls I gotta email the guys and I got to get their certifications and all that kind got so much to do very busy okay so that brings up the question if you're so busy how the [ __ ] did you have time to call into this he has speed dial skills it's my lunch time it's 1 it's 1:30 it's lunchtime wait a minute did you say you send your guys out into the field with radiation yeah yeah we have a what do they got a box of like nuclear waste uh it's a it's a capsule that's a depleted uranium and inside of that we have idium 192 which we then crank out into into the atmosphere and let it Expos metal pipe to get uh x-rays do the words destroying the world ring of there uh n damaging non damaging show us the non damaging radiation you have a box of you have a box there uh I'm technically not allowed to show it yeah but technically technically you're GNA kill us anyways it's not like we're going to say anything make this a test make a test yeah can you show us the Box can you at least show us the box I can I can show you a little bit W I've never seen call your neighbors call your friends this is all the stuff they don't tell you about t- 4 seconds tus 3 seconds John who's that guy creeping around in the yard with the box of radiation what are you drunk oh my God you know what smile maybe we can see if we have cavities when he shows he doesn't have teeth Works near radiation Inspection area it says in the behind you what does it say behind that a beehive what does that that's that's my company that work oh we won't we won't give that away oh you own it so who cares you can throw all the radiation you around you want oh my gosh oh my gosh Come on [ __ ] whoa get that away from us isn't that where you put babies when they're born yeah it's like a little incubator no it's a it's a capsule full of depleted uranium wow and wow and uh so we carry uh your last name's not Oppenheimer is it that's my cousin yeah I figured you know what makes me feel good that someone's creeping around your neighborhood with a box full of radiation there are people testing because this could be the end of the world and all you have to do is say to a guy that works at these facilities can you show us it he tells you you're not allowed to see it I'm not allowed to show it and you say please and then you're you're in but he just showed us the Box we didn't see the actual it's like if you ordered a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken chicken and you showed me the bucket but you didn't show me the golden tender chicken inside but if you said to somebody there please just show us the golden nuggets and he opened it yeah it's kind of the same thing he didn't show us the Nuggets though we didn't see your nuggets now now if I opened it to show you the Nuggets then I would be in in real trouble because that's where the the bad stuff is so that that's just a box that holds it like you said that's just a box of bad stuff can I just ask one glaring question where the hell do you buy or get radioactive radiation zinc Knight 42 Z nood 5307 or whatever the hell you've got if the answer is Kentucky Fried Chicken I'm going to be upset me too but it is fing looking good oh popey's yeah Popeyes now where do you buy it no we uh we sent it away to um a company over in Nashville Tennessee and they uh they country music uranium yeah that's what they're known for Wow yep all right and they just sent us a big box with the with radiation in it wow you couldn't just buy Grand Old operation you can't just buy a microwave oven at uh at the local Home Depot or something cook up your own little different little different stuff here I'm gonna say bye to you I feel like uh we've been Overexposed I appreciate it thank you guys very much that was I don't yeah it was a lot of fun and please stay out of my neighborhood with all due respect can do can do can do unless you got that that can fix my uh fix my KN that you were talking about oh yeah my therapy hump dog oh I didn't know what he was talking about but thank you I might have swing by and let that guy help my leg a little bit but I love that people don't know what he's talking about but it's better ignorance is goodbye wow suddenly in the mood for a nice warm bowl of mushroom soup I got up I'll throw in the microwave think I'll have cold wow I'm not allowed to show you that can we see it okay it wasn't even like a thought yeah wow that's that's terrifying strangers are scary until this moment in my lifetime I did not know that there were people walking around in neighborhoods with radioactive material just to see if it works and that there was uh security radiation officers that are guarding it with their lives unless two idiots phone and say can we see it yeah okay scary it's a nice safe world isn't Stranger 5 it hello oh my God it's the first guy again oh with a new shirt what are you doing the boy hi hi boy Hi how are you pardon me I said wow okay oh you said it backwards so I didn't understand oh um what's uh the meaning of life um hi hello yes and there's your answer there's your answer wow oh I just said I see where are you I'm in Parkland Florida okay and uh you've got a lot of certificates you've won a lot of certificates uh a couple yeah so you're uh and what is your name how old are you my name is gry Jacobs and I'm 16 do you drive uh I Dr drove once so far okay well that's driving where'd you drive uh in an empty parking lot uh but I mainly just drifted oh okay oh like Fast and Furious gas too much did you do it like like like uh you're like the Vin Diesel of Parkland like yeah you know have you ever drift yeah you like the Tokyo Drift you like you swirl around and you did that once and you didn't want to do it again yeah that sounds like exciting and fun about uh less than a week ago I'd say wow wow and you still got the you still got the buzz from that yeah what kind of car was it player my dad's car what kind player doesn't matter it's his dad's car that's how you're a player yep oh yeah yeah who's your daddy my dad yeah good tinted windows no rear end py traction I don't know four on the floor three in the tree do you have a question uh should this kid be driving you have a question not about driving it's not about driving uh I'm a magician okay make something happen could you produce some words Maybe to do a trick for you yeah yeah that would be great I've opened for a couple comedians okay and you also I've open for Greg Morton a couple times and preacher Lawson oh wow you know Greg Morton he's Canadian he start he started the same time I did it yuck yuck yeah he does great voices and then preacher Lawson who also started in Florida is also from AGT yeah and you have an uncanny ability not only to do magic but to draw Flintstones right no those are drawn by Greg actually oh oh okay okay do a magic trick do a magic trick what he is all right's right in the middle of one oh so slow let's do it then right thought it was and I'm also funny too well let's not push a guy so this will be the closer to today's shows Today's show this will be the closer this will be the last stranger we talked to and we're going to close on this joke okay on this tell us number show show us obviously a word he's getting something from under the desk yeah okay you shouldn't be showing us it my leg your what I was itching my leg well but that's what you say it is and that was to distract us from what you were doing with your hand under the table right just go ahead and name it any card well wait so you were we want you to do a magic trick and this will be the closing of this episode okay we want to close on a magic trick name any card but we can't see your face can we see your face no you can't yeah there yeah stay like that so we can see it's you all right name any card me Gary name any card Gary no like a playing card well we could call it Gary yeah he's a player can't you call a card can't you give a card a name you said name it all right then uh choose a playing card oh oh okay Jack of clubs the Jack of clubs good choice how did you know how did he know he knew it's like he knew it somehow he just said Jack of club said Jack of Club I just saw he's looking for it okay check this look at the way he's got the dexterity with wait look at this wait a second that's Howe what that's the how of clubs and you said Jack of clubs check this out how is on the Jack of clubs what the heck yeah here I'll do one more card just for uh just since this is the closer you know yeah like probably probably close that' be pretty simple out of business closed forever probably could you just go ahead and say stop when when anytime you said you tell us when they say it and we will say it you can decide okay so wants us at a certain point he's going to want us to say the word and then we'll say the word yeah at a certain time but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet I don't feel this is the longest anyone's ever taken well we want to make sure we're doing this right to help you and especially because this is going to be a closer and as a closer you want it to be like true you want it to have you know like we almost want it to have arthritis you do it so much um strange when strange you call when a strange you call it all goes down on the line when a strange you call when a strange you call When a Stranger call it all goes down the L [Applause] [Music] yeah stop

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