The Hardest Job in the World is Making Trump Look Human | Bulwark Takes

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:15:22 Category: News & Politics

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hey folks will salatan here from The bullwark Today I want to talk to you about the hardest job in the world coaching Donald Trump to act like a normal human being as you all know Trump is running for president so he needs to persuade a lot of Voters Beyond his hardcore supporters that he's a good person or at least that he has some sense of decency that is a real challenge because when Trump goes off script when he expresses what's in his heart instead of what's written for him on a teleprompter he tends to reveal the sort of person he really is which is spiteful malicious and mean here's an example of how Trump acts when he's expressing his true self this is from a rally in Ashboro North Carolina on August 21st remember that's a full month after Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race but Trump decided to go after him anyway where's Biden what happened to Biden where is he he's on a beach he's on a beach you know he's got somebody that thinks he looks great in a bathing suit he likes to go to a beach how do you hell how do you leave here and go on a beach you can't do it there are things you just don't do people don't want to see you in a bathing suit walks badly it's hard to walk in the sand you know he has a hard time lifting his feet through through the sand and then he grabs he grabs a chair the chair is meant for old people to lift and young kids to lift like you know four-year-old kids right and he can't lift it he needs a little help that's Trump he's not interested in doing anything to help Ordinary People he's not even interested in Biden's policies what he wants to talk about is how Biden looks in a bathing suit so that's the challenge take this deeply unpleasant person Donald Trump and somehow persuade him to stop being a jerk and start being nice a lot of Republican politicians and Republican advisers want Trump to make that shift and many of them have said so to reporters the reporters then convey that message to Trump but Trump is not interested listen to this from a press conference Trump gave on August 15th at his Golf Club in New New Jersey a reporter is shouting a question at the former president many of your allies who want you to win in November say your current strategy isn't working that you need to stop with the personal attacks on kamla Harris and deliver a more disciplined message do you agree and here's how Trump responded as far as the personal attacks uh I'm very angry at her because of what she's done to the country I'm very angry at her that she'd weaponized the justice system against me and other people people very angry at her uh I think I'm entitled to personal attacks I don't have a lot of respect for her I don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence you got to give Trump credit he's not hiding who he is all these Republican politicians are begging him to pretend that he's emotionally mature and that he cares about serving the country but Trump's response is nope I'm in this for my own revenge and I'm fully entitled to focus on personally insulting my enemies now some Republican politicians have the tarity to suggest out loud sometimes even on TV that Trump might want to consider changing his ways one of those politicians is Trump's former un Ambassador Nikki Haley who ran against him in this year's primaries here's what happened at Trump's press conference in New Jersey when a reporter asked Trump about Haley's latest advice Nikki Haley told our Brett Bear that Republicans need to stop whining about kamla Harris focus on porting those Independents those Suburban women the moderates out there what do you think of that strategy and here's what Trump said in response to that question uh you know I I fought Nikki very hard I beat her in her own state by legendary numbers that's how Trump reacts to advice he doesn't like Haley has actually endorsed Trump for president the primaries are over and she's on his side she wants him to unite the Republican Party against Harris but Trump can't let go of the joy he feels at having crushed Haley he insists on gloating publicly that he beat her in his own state by legendary numbers in fact according to the reporter Haley didn't even name Trump as the target of her advice was asking Republicans to focus on appealing to moderates and Suburban women but Trump decided to take Haley's advice as a personal attack on him because that's the kind of guy he is let's skip forward a couple of days from that press conference on August 17th Trump held a rally in wilbury Pennsylvania again he went after Harris with insults but this time he added a keyw sir watch this we're not going to let this socialist lunatic and she's a socialist lunatic that's the other thing please sir please don't call her a lunatic I said but that's what she is she's a lunatic she's a lunatic did you catch that please sir don't call her a lunatic that's Trump mocking his advice ERS and political allies like Haley for asking him to lay off the insults he's not listening to their advice he's incorporating it into his rallies as an additional Target of his mockery he's still ridiculing Harris and Biden but now he's also ridiculing anyone who asks him to stop ridiculing people two days after that rally on August 19th Trump gave an interview to Caitlyn huy Burns a reporter for CBS News here's what he said when she asked him about advice from Lindsey Graham Trump's most devoted Ally in the Senate to focus more on policy and less on insults Lindsey Graham said that Trump the showman will not win this election look I like Lindsay I I don't care what he says okay Lindsay wouldn't have been elected if I didn't endorse him Graham gets the same treatment Haley got all Graham did was politely suggest that Trump could help himself by being just a little bit less arrogant and hostile and Trump's response to Graham is you're nothing without me piss off then came the Democratic Convention that really annoyed Trump and he decided to double down on the insults here's Trump at that rally in North Carolina on August 21st talking about some of the speeches at the convention did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night take little shots he was taking shots at your president and so was Michelle you know they always say sir please stick to policy don't get personal and yet they're getting personal all night long these people do I still have to stick to policy you see what's going on there Trump's advisers have asked him to focus on policy and instead of taking their advice Trump is reporting that advice to the only people he really cares about the people at his rallies he's asking the crowd whether he should follow the advice and of course the crowd says no they love the personal attacks and so does Trump so he keeps going here's another clip from that rally about 3 minutes later This calamity is on comrade kamla Harris's shoulders I think her name will become rad because I think that's the most accurate name you I've been looking for a name people were saying sir don't do it you know all my names they've all worked they've all been very successful and I really didn't find one with her sir she's a woman I said so is Hillary Clinton I called her crooked Hillary so nobody nobody complained about that right right Mr Governor nobody complained about that no I called her crooked Hillary I call people names I call crazy Nancy Pelosi crazy cuz she is she's nuts by this point Trump is going after everybody Harris Biden Obama Michelle Obama Hillary Clinton Nancy Pelosi and none of it is about policy or helping the country Trump is literally talking about how he loves to come up with insults and he's openly mocking people who ask him to lay off the misogyny sir she's a woman sir she's a woman he loves the misogyny but to be fair Trump doesn't just Target women he loves to attack people of all genders races and religions as long as they don't belong to his favorite religion which of course is worshiping Donald Trump here he is at the same North Carolina rally responding to Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic Convention it could have been Barack Hussein Obama perhaps we should ask him now he was very nasty last night I try and be nice to people you know but it's a little tough when they get personal please again remember please sir don't get personal talk about policy let me ask you about that we're going to do a free poll here are the two questions should I get personal should I not get personal ready should I get personal should I not get personal I don't know of my advisers are fired there you go the people have decided Trump's advisers want him to talk about policy but the magae heads at his rally don't so he's going to listen to the magae heads not the advisers in fact the advisers are now part of the shtick Trump does at his rallies listen to this excerpt from Trump's rally in Glendale Arizona on August 23rd the video is a little wonky but but you'll be able to hear the gist of what Trump is saying now they really were nasty and then they say to me sir please stick to policy don't stick to personality you should be nice to people sir you have to be nice I go I call them up my Geniuses they get paid a fortune actually not that much but I call up my people I say they're knocking the hell out of me and you say I shouldn't get personal I have to get personal don't I I have to get personal I have to get did you hear that dig about Geniuses that's Trump deriding his advisers he doesn't mean they're Geniuses of course he means they're idiots and in particular he means they're idiots for asking him to stop getting personal the Real Genius is Trump who's making it clear to everyone as loudly as possible that he's not the decent human being his advisers want him to pretend to be in fact Trump's behavior is actually getting worse the more he falls behind in the polls the lower he goes watch this clip from a rally he did in Johnstown Pennsylvania just a week ago on August 30th and you look at what she's done to every place she's touched has turned to every single place she's touched after every place she's touched you know I you might have heard this Franklin Graham is wonderful and he wrote me a letter and he said sir I love your stories and I love listening to your rallies but could you please don't use foul language your speeches would be even better if you didn't use foul language but there's an example it's not really that bad but how can you top that word for what I'm talking about right what word look it should be obvious by now that Trump is just a terrible person he's not into helping anyone he's just into mocking and humiliating people even most Republican politicians know this but they tell themselves and often they tell reporters that Trump's defects as a human being don't really matter they argue that his obsession with insulting people and bragging about how great he is is just a bunch of Mean Tweets but they're wrong it's a lot more serious than that and I want to show you one example it's from a town hall Trump did last week in Lacrosse Wisconsin he's talking about the 2020 election which he still claims was rigged and stolen from him we had a bad election I'll be very nice I'm supposed to be nice when I talk about the election CU everybody's afraid to talk oh please sir don't talk about the election please you know if you can't if you can't talk about a bad election you really don't have a democracy if you think about it right that is not just a petty personal insult that is an attack on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and the legitimacy of American democracy itself when Trump says that he has been asked to be nice about that election please sir don't talk about the election and when he openly scorns that advice and says that the truth is we don't really have a democracy he is telling you bluntly that he will never accept that he lost an election he is telling you that all these Republicans who pretend that Trump has gotten over it and that we can trust him to respect basic Norms if we reelect him are full of you know what he's telling you that he cannot be coached reformed or civilized he's a hater and a predator and he's out for Revenge he is what he is take it or leave it see you next time

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