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BTC PRICE PREDICTION TODAY BULLISH ON BTC - hello guys welcome to my YouTube channel this is my BTC price prediction and and I'm currently bullish on BTC potentially going as high as 64,000 or even 66,000 this is because we can see the price breaking above the kinging as we can see the price b...
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CRYPTO MARKET CRASH - Bitcoin BTC Price Prediction | Crypto News Hindi Today | FOMO update in hindi - दोस्त इस वीडियो में हम बात करेंगे क्रिप्टो मार्केट के अपडेट का मार्केट में आपको अभी क्यासा मूवमेंट देखने को मिलता है मेजर हम बात करेंगे बिटकॉइन का बिटकॉइन में आपको अभी क्यासा फ्लकचुएशन देखने को मिलता है कहां आपकी बाइंग होगी क्या कुछ आपको यहां टारगेट ...
Sudden XRP & BTC Price Surge incoming - Explained: What is about to Happen? - when the daily candle just closed in the downside territory if I'm to tell you that I see a possibility that the price bouncing from here maybe to 62 maybe to 64 but why how will that affect altcoin Market especially take a look at xrp if Bitcoin sho...
BTC Price Prediction and Elliott Wave Analysis [ Bitcoin | Bullish | Bearish ] - h ك ما كان [موسيقى] next next next ك [موسيقى] ا ا point [موسيقى] 3 انترنت 4 س 5 س ك ك اش now ل ك [تصفيق] now ك س س [موسيقى] ك س ك ب ما ا [موسيقى] 3000 ا
Bitcoin BTC 90K BULLRUN PUMP COMING? or CRASH? BTC Price Prediction Technical Analysis Today 2024 - taking a look at Bitcoin we can see that Bitcoin is continuing to consolidate so what we have drawn here is a chart from the main Channel which I'll briefly highlight and basically what it says is once we enter this green box which is around the end ...
How emotions impact Bitcoin's price - Intro bitcoin's price is determined based on emotions like fear and greed most people are pretty much fearful or greedy at all times when it comes to any kind of savings or Investments or money in general and because of this we see how much bitcoin's...
We're BUYING Bitcoin Once This Happens! (+$11,000 Last Time!) | BTC Price Prediction - we saw a huge drop in the market yesterday that has only continued on today in Bitcoin and this was due to hundreds of millions of dollars being liquidated in Long trades guys this was a major drop but don't worry because this could present a much be...
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Bitcoin Price Dips to $59,500 as Nasdaq Index Options and CME - [Music] [Music] uh bitcoin price dips to $59,500 as NASDAQ index options and CME Futures stir Market uncertainty Bitcoin cryptocurrency last updated August 28th 2024 at 839 GMT 3 author Arsen but author but about author Arsen but is a professional li...
🚨 BTC Price Prediction Today - Bitcoin Short Pump Coming Next - Bitcoin News Today Hindi - अस्सलाम वालेकुम दोस्तों आज की वीडियो में हम बात करने जा रहे हैं बिटकॉइन के हवाले से आप लोगों ने बहुत ज्यादा वेट किया बिटकॉइन की किसी को भी समझ नहीं आ रही थी कि बिटकॉइन क्या करने जा रहा है लेकिन अब मैं आपको फाइनली बता रहा हूं कि बिटकॉइन क्या करने जा र...
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Will #Bitcoin Drop, Again? 💥 Analysis Update & Price Prediction #BTC / $BTC - hey everyone welcome back to cryptocash thank you again so much for joining me here hope you're having a great day let's take another look here at Bitcoin see what's going on wow what an interesting uh scenario here we got this descending type of tre...
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Bitcoin News Today! BTC Price Prediction - hello everyone and today we I'm talking about Bitcoin price prediction what's going on in the BTC and what's the price target of BTC in today video I will share the latest update but first of all I recommend to join my free signal group on telegram l...
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BTC price prediction up/down 4th September 2024 - सलाम वेलकम बक ू माय चैनल कप उमीद करता आपे और जिन लोग ने मेरा चैनल सब्सक्राइब नहीं किया व मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर बल आइकन को दबा ताक नोशन ली वडियो के म चलते वीडियो की तरफ स बीटीसी और यह बीटीसी में कल से अब तक काश आया बीटीसी ने अपना लो 55 621 लिया स...
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CRYPTO MARKET CRASHED - Bitcoin BTC Price prediction and News Today | BTC Possible Trade Setups !! - अस्सलाम वालेकुम दोस्तों आज की वीडियो जो है बहुत ही ज्यादा इंपॉर्टेंट होने वाली है क्योंकि हमारे पास जो है बिटकॉइन की प्राइस अपना 59 के 000 वाला जो इसका लोकल रेजिस्टेंस एरिया था उसको रिक्लेम करने के अंदर जो है फेल हुई और उसके बाद हमें पिछले दो दिनों क...
Prepare for a Bitcoin Price Dump! Analyzing the Key Levels and Bearish Signals - [Music] [Applause] all right guys so equities rocked today in the market FC still 14 days away and uh this is one of those emergency videos open mouth thumbnail and bitcoin's coming down into support again right and uh again if you're in the alpha cr...
Bitcoin News Today! BTC Price Prediction - hello everyone and today we I'm talking about Bitcoin price prediction what's going on in the BTC and what's the price target of BTC in today video I will share the latest update but first of all I recommend to join my free signal group on telegram l...
#Bitcoin Important Levels ☝️ Analysis Update & Price Prediction #BTC / $BTC - hey everyone welcome back to cryptocash thank you again so much for joining me here taking a look back again here at our old friend Bitcoin seeing what's going on again to preface we got a heavy amount of liquidation down to the downside here if we s...
Bitcoin Crypto 🚨 BTC Price Moving!!!🚨 - [Music] 50 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] FY [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on FY [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] oh [Mus...
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Crypto news on Tron !! - V2 made 10K in just one day trading on TR here's how you can find a convincing project firstly check the dev's percentage on their tokens if it's over 30% it's a red flag secondly check for the telegram group and if they have made a website third of ...
🚨BREAKING CRYPTO NEWS - NVIDIA EARNINGS WILL IMPACT CRYPTO! - okay everybody welcome back to the channel we've got breaking crypto news in this video let's get right into it it starts with Nvidia and you may be asking well Zach we're talking about crypto we're not talking about the stock market who cares about ...
Bitcoin & Alt Coins Analysis | Hamster Kombat Listing | Dogs big Update | Wazirx News | New Airdrop - नमस्कार दोस्तों मैं आपका दोस्त पुष्प सिंह आज की वीडियो में आपका स्वागत है आज की वीडियो में यहां पर बात करेंगे बिटकॉइन की बिटकॉइन का करेंगे एक एनालिसिस बात करेंगे यहां पर ऑल्ट कॉइन की बात करेंगे यहां पर वक्स की अपडेट की बात करेंगे यहां पर डॉग्स की टू ...
BITCOIN : ONE Moment That Will Totally Change the Game 🧨 Bitcoin News Today now & BTC Prediction - Daily Bitcoin Price Prediction: Today's Forecast & Analysis one moment that will totally change the game forever for Bitcoin guys so get ready and don't try to miss that moment please as you see guys the the daily candle here it finishes today Bitcoi...
SAYING GOODBYE? BREAKING CRYPTO NEWS!! THE SEC JUST DROPPED A BOMBSHELL! WARREN BUFFET DID THIS! - holy smokus it ain't no jok is the SEC just dropped a bombshell on the crypto Market sending shock waves through the ecosystem this could be a total game Cher and might be the nail in the coffin of a specific part of the crypto ecosystem for a while ...
BREAKING CRYPTO NEWS! IT'S OVER IF IT HAPPENS (LAWSUIT SOON) - what are they talking about man what's going on y'all we got major breaking news it pisses me off to be telling you this because it makes no sense it's unconstitutional baby like even the anchors are telling him we got the SEC issuing a Wells notice ...
Bitcoin - Die Gefahr einer großen Korrektur steigt! - ist es jetzt aktuell eine make or break Situation wie schlecht steht es um den Bitcoin wie ist die Indikatorenlage und wie wahrscheinlich sind die unterschiedlichen Szenarien einmal ein weiteres bullenmarktszenario in Richtung neuer altzeithochs oder...
MemeFi Reviews Users' Crypto Posts | MemeFi News - [Music] in the world of coins all sorts of wild stuff is going down here's a prime example for [Music] you looks like a page from my diary dude but things are more chill now I've learned to stash some money Wise Choice impulsiveness can backfire big ...
Bitcoin (BTC): One More Low Needed? Bullish and Bearish Elliott Wave Analysis - [Music] hello and welcome to another update video about Bitcoin so in this video I just want to cover the intraday um chart um if you're interested in the daily chart feel free to check out the previous video from earlier today you can see here that ...
🤑 Un nouveau narratif émerge et NVIDIA fait douter sur l'I.A ? - 29/08/2024 - intro bonjour C'est crypto j'espère que vous allez bien aujourd'hui on va parler de Nvidia forcément les résultats sont sortis a eu un impact sur la macroéconomie assez léger je vais vous expliquer pourquoi et surtout pourquoi ça montre vraiment que ...
WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU BUY BITCOIN & CRYPTO AFTER THE DROP! - good morning gurus welcome to another episode hope you're having a day Bitcoin still dropping since I warned everyone at 65 we've dropped we came down to 58 we're sitting at 59 a lot of people went long there on the on the Nvidia potential earnings b...
Ripple XRP & FLOKi NO TURNING BACK: Sony Just Made UNTHINKABLE Partnership!!! (BREAKING CRYPTO NEWS) - if you hold any crypto right now what I'm about to share with you in this video is going to completely change the game after this there is no turning back the past month we see all these projects down 25% 30% even upwards of 40 50 and yes over 70% ho...
Why Bitcoin’s Boring Price Action is a Good Sign - The Boring $58K Conundrum: Are We Stuck Forever? another day and once again Bitcoin is hovering around 58k are we destined to stay in this range forever if Bitcoin is boring you to death and you're ready to throw in the towel hang in there because in...
TOP Experts Reveal Why XRP Is About To Shock EVERYONE! - top experts all agree that xrp is about to shock the world and what you're going to find in today's video is the more analysis and the more research people do in fully understanding exactly what xrp is currently doing exactly what xrp is set out to d...
Crypto & Bitcoin Millionaires Are On The Rise | Floki Inu | Solana Big Buyings | Latest Updates - क्रिप्टो मार्केट में क्या चल रहा है क्या न्यूज़ क्या अपडेट्स आ रही हैं कुछ इंपॉर्टेंट न्यूज़ की बात करेंगे कुछ बड़ी हाईलाइट की बात करेंगे जो आपके लिए जानना बहुत जरूरी है अगर आप मार्केट में ट्रेडिंग कर रहे हैं इन्वेस्टमेंट कर रहे हैं तो सबसे पहले मार्...