OSTAPENKO vs OSAKA • US Open 2024 • LIVE Tennis Play by Play Stream

[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] all right what's going on everybody Welcome to the US Open welcome back weird match from shanc but she won that's all that matters now we've got uh C versus MC Donald and Peno just started against Osaka so it's already 1-1 after like 2 minutes uh aeno is a winner um so yeah we're going to be doing a double header with um I thought it would be Shon and and osaku oeno but uh yeah that fantic match went a little longer than I thought so uh here we go here we go by the way Cy B down two sets to one uh so he's in trouble uh School G School Kate and Daniel going to five love that for the Aussies mahat just beat forini um dra is demolishing uh triple Z what else going on um wasaki up five love Andrea 62 first set in her match all right Peno and Osaka possibly one of the greatest first round matches we could have asked for uh it is absolutely insane and uh let's hope it lives up to the hype dra yeah Draper's kicking ass all right love 15 as Osaka serves into the backand of to Peno Peno hits long and it's 15 all shon's next opponent uh it will be the winner of savil and uh shibahara right now they're in a final set tie break so we'll find out in about 20 minutes 10 minutes we'll know who the opponent is is as PCO smacks the ball into the corner unbelievable beautiful shot 30 1530 chance for a break for Peno here 1530 beautiful shot serving to the for of Peno Peno hits it long on the return 30 all 30 all sers coming out on court in a minute all right 30 all serving to the for of Peno return goes long great serving oosaku this match is going to fly if it's three sets it's going to be an hour match be over in two minutes 4030 this match of the last two hours i' be shocked all first Ser is a f second serve a herk at one his match is over right serving at the four of OST to Peno Osaka with the fouram winner 2-1 Osaka leads Peno just watches the ball go by this is two of the biggest hitters in the T in on the tour as well so it's going to be crazy you know I said wasaki would H would probably have a way better chance of the US Open this year Bagel first set yeah good start good start to that prediction all right yeah three sets in an hour uh do you think Carlos comments on cner will make rivalry more interesting and spicy no because he didn't say anything did he what' he say he didn't say anything like super like FR like he didn't like say anything bad he just was like it is what it is pretty much like he didn't call out sin or anything I mean this sinner versus uh krios is an interesting match that's that's something right cuz curios called out sin pretty much without saying his name but we know who what he was say we know what he was saying but no eles didn't say anything eles was just like yeah he was like Hey look he was he was not guilty and cool car St is fine but some C fans are angry that they that he didn't defend him to say he's innocent or something dumb why would elrees have to why does elrees have to say that it makes no sense that ELR would have to defend C I mean what they're not they're Rivals they're friends but they're friendlies Rivals but they're not ALR is why does ALR have no nobody has to defend C except for the people that are directly involved in his career you know Darren Cahill right algare doesn't have to defend anybody you know doesn't mean they're not friendly and they're not you know Rivals you know friendly Rivals but yeah I mean no no I mean if it happens to anybody I mean nobody the people that defended Simona helip were not the players except for Casta so like the Italians might defend C right you know MTI if I would be more interested in what he has to say and stuff but all right we're moving on we're moving on we're just talking about outs chat relax I'm answering a question give me like two one minute to reply damn it 15 the word sin is not banned in the chat all right let's let me answer one question about alas come on 15 all return goes into the forehand but it's out by Osaka bar team defended him there you go yeah that look if the Italians didn't defend him I'd be that'd be wild but alarz and C like come on if C fans are getting angry at alarz because he didn't say what they wanted him to say he ALR doesn't didn't have to say anything four to for rally as we to four down line from Osaka goes wide and it's 4015 405 Steno serves again as the return goes into the B so the serve goes in the back end it goes long from oosaka and it's 22 all right 2 aeno holds sin is a cheat needs to be banned I don't what look you'll probably have a better time of accepting that sinner is going to play um uh yeah that's my advice to you would be instead of getting angry and like being like sinner is the worst thing the sports ever had and blah just just accept the verdict and move on you make life much easier trust me it's not worth it why are you in a sinner stream if you hate him don't watch sinner either you'll just it'll make you it'll trigger you don't come into the sinner stream and start like spewing [ __ ] about sinner because that's not going to work just making yourself angry watch come and watch alrest tonight much much more fun trust me you'll have more fun watching like it's like if you hate Coldplay Don't Buy tickets to their concert and go to listen to their music if you don't like it like go change the channel or go somewhere else like you don't have to watch sin if you hate him you know anyways Osaka H 32 unless you're watching Osaka then that's fine then stay Osaka the panko call play are awesome no call play are fine I'm just that's the first thing I thought about right some people don't like call playay call play can some people don't like him um moving on uh can K Sky beat Osaka if they meet oh that'd be a great match maybe probably I mean depends on if K sky is healthy right uh we don't only watch the play as we like I can't stand Osaka or Peno but I'm still here campan oh no Josh I mean we're doing a double header so if you were here if you didn't like C McDonald Osaka aleno I would advise that you either can hang out just to hang out or like you know come back when someone you want to watch plays but when we're doing a double header I get like a lot of people are watching Osaka or watching C and you know um and look trust me I knew that the first match we're going to watch with yanic sin it was going to be the hardest match all right it was always going to be the hardest the hardest one because we haven't watched him since [ __ ] hit the fan so uh I understand but as I said uh we're not going to be talking about the semantics of siners case we're not going to be talking about we're not going to not talk about it we're not going to ignore it but we're not going to di dive deep into the sinner case go read the report they did it for us you don't have to like I don't have to talk about there's a 33 page document with a lot of detail go watch that go read that that's the best way for me to not do anything or go watch the video that Gil put out because that's exactly how if you asked my opinion Gil said everything that I would have said and more all 15 love as a return goes in the net from Penco 30 love all right yanika coming out on court against McDonald it's a shame that this match is dur in the day because there's not that many people there uh McDonald and American would have been better at night I don't know why alcarez and and two are tonight um considering that we've got like an American and uh and and the number one tonight could have been tonight um but yeah 30 love a Peno serves double F there and it's 3015 305 quit using foul language on your broadcast [ __ ] what are you talking about 315 87 405 Frosty reception for C no there's just no one there cuz the middle of the day on a Tuesday so it's just an empty stadium so uh 45 and an Ace from panko all right 3 three three all being a hot start for this Peno Osaka match as we expected very fun very fun Clash when the draw came out fire power is what I'd say this match is all about as we to serve out wide the forehand of Peno return goes into the for of Osaka down Line's a great shot Peno gets with the backand Osaka cross with the forehand peno's got it but over hits it 15 love how's oaka looking fashion wise she's wearing like a frilly skirt with a bow on it um yeah I she's definitely gone down the uh the Serena path of uh unique you know statement outfits right Sava lost cam yep thanks for that appreciate you bringing that up all right 30 love CER and McDonald are about to start that just warming up we'll get their match started in a second 30 love Yeah Ruffles it's like a Ruffles skirt that's it a back in backand rally P go down cross cour again and Osaka goes down the line L for 315 305 apparently US Open had a record yesterday of 70k 75k people you didn't it was like um through the doors in like the first I saw something it wasn't the whole day was it or was it 75k for the F the first day was the biggest crowd ever I thought it was more people than 75 Australian Open has like 100k every I think maybe I don't know well 200k in the first I don't know it's four to four rally but yeah I heard that too record record crowds at the US Open yesterday all 4015 oaka to stay in front feel we're flying towards a tie break here 405 87 Osaka leads 43 in the first set your language is totally acceptable and entertaining look I apologize if I swear but I'm Australian and it's part of our language it's like intertwined with our vocabulary it's just I can't help it also this isn't television this is you know this is not your uh this is not your uh you know ESPN it's a little bit less it's a little bit more relaxed this is like hanging out with a bunch of friends and I don't tell my friends to stop swearing because they swear more than me you should hear them actually no you shouldn't hear them we get demonetized in seconds it's just Australian it's just Australian chat do you censor yourself around your friends though like do you do you not do you try and like mind your p's and q's I guess in general some people do right I mean when I'm talking to my mates it's just like blah blah blah blah and they're like blah blah blah blah okay it's wild be shocked and appalled uh peppermint tea of course always always same in the UK we swear every sentence okay I don't have many friends that's all right you don't need that many friends you only need like a couple friends I swear like crazy just control myself around parents who actually taught me how to swear okay all right 43 43 Osaka Al soon is going to serve first in this McDonald match serve that wi the forehand of Osaka return goes into the for of Peno Peno puts it away 15 love Italian language is like god tier for swearing so the Italians swear more than Australians do they I listen to many sports shows on YouTube and yours is the cleanest broadcaster yeah I feel I listen to like heaps more like I listen to a lot more and I I feel like we're pretty tame like I listen to like bastal sports I mean they are feel like I'm we're pretty like I'm pretty tame compared to those guys 15 as Peno serves a fault second serve second serve to the back end of Osaka back up from Peno back end from Osaka again the for of Peno as Osaka the slice it a point again from Peno and slice goes in the net from Osaka 315 3015 Yanik is about to get things started against McDonald he will serve first all right 305 Peno trying to level up the set as we get a return of the net from Osaka and it's 415 by the way anyone else feel like C might just wreck McDonald I look I don't like if it wasn't McDonald I say it you know would he wreck someone else but does anyone else feel like yanic C now that like shit's gone like you know everything finished like you know it's over and done is he going to come out here to just wreck fools is he going to be like I'm good and just like start smacking people like he did in Australia do you reckon he will it's it's sin GNA just let loose and just start playing like the world number one he was at the start of the year like remember before all this stuff happened he was just insane anyways s's going to Ser first who God I've got C and Straits I'm hoping for a wreckage I would love that for cner he's already got 15 love I would love that for Yan sner just to have him see him just like not just because it's McDonald like there nothing not nothing against McDonald it's just he's got a play center C hits a four down the line for a winner 30 love there you go and nobody claps it's so quiet in there jeez did they forget to sell the tickets oh was that wide by I was out by C my bad all Peno by the way is in a bit of trouble here Deuce whoa hey what's Med doing here all right we get to Deuce where is the scoreboard fo there it is um first the fall from panko second serve oh 1530 Cinders in trouble already sorry second serve now from Peno the back end of Osaka Peno again to the back of Osaka in the for of Peno as Osaka's for and goes cross cor for a winner break point n Osaka take the first break of the day C gets uh puts himself in trouble what 1540 Center down two break points already all right break point for Osaka as Peno serves serves a fult second serve CER also serves a fult all right second serve the back of Osaka return the back of Peno Osaka forehand get to the back and Peno Peno in the net break oaka 53 also drop shot from McDonald no good s gets it puts it back in down the line one save 3040 all right Peno gives the break to Osaka Osaka is going to serve for the Set uh by the way winner of this Osaka Peno match plays Muka on Thursday that is a hell of a match Osaka Walks Like Serena dressed like Serena I mean she she uh definitely is inspired by Serena she has she has the Swagger can she get the wins though that is the question can she do what Serena couldn't do and that is win a grand slam as a mom unfortunately Serena couldn't do that not because of uh I would probably say mainly because of you know the age difference you know Osaka's got a much better chance as McDonald hits out in the return and s s gets toed you know s is what 27 Serena was 37 you know as soak to four win across court it's 30 love can you comment on two games uh I can try C servs fa second serve s is only 26 well even better second Ser Cent up into the for of McDonald return goes into the for of Cent up as McDonald's forehand again to the for of Center into the for of McDonald C again cross to the four McDonald as s's falling goes down the line now McDonald's there with the backand as C goes backand to backand with McDonald slic from McDonald as s foring goes again the for McDonald into the for Center s hits it out though and it's Advantage McDonald we' also got four set point Sorry three set points for o Saka to take the first set 40 love serve is a Saka serves again so just went for the Umpire to make so the Umpire to fix Hawkeye hawkey making some noise s by the way back to Deuce all right first Ser is going to come up again here for oosaka 40 love set point serving to the for of Peno return goes long 63 Osaka takes the first set against oeno this should this deserves to be a quarterfinal like that's what this is this's the first round that should have been a quarterfinal it's like when Sher POA came back and didn't Sher POA play like hop in a first round or some [ __ ] like when Shar POA came back and she had to play Serena in like a second round I was like this is not fair I'm pretty sure I just made that up or did I C by the way he's got uh save another break point I'm pretty sure that happened right didn't Sher POA come back and she was unseated and play some like crazy ass first round against helip or something come on where the sharova fans at by the way osaki hit zero on for Series in that set 10 from aeno zero zero none that's zero that's nothing yes you play arena in the first round of the US Open 2019 that's what I'm thinking of that's what I'm thinking of she also play B and ciny but yeah that's the one I'm thinking of when she play Serena here in the first round that's what this feels like this shouldn't be a first round this should be a final that's the one I'm thinking of anyways cers down break point but he voles it away and he saves another one back to Deuce yeah 2019 US Open first round Serena versus sharova never should have been a first round it's annoying because we actually started watching women's tennis that tournament but not in that match we should have watched that match we watched Osaka Goff but sherov Sera we never got to watch Sher PO on this channel and I'm so annoyed with that I wish we could have watched one Sher po match and if anyone it would have been that Serena Sher po match we missed it by like one day Osaka versus gof was the first ever WTO match we watch on the channel five years ago as s hit the smash but it's in the net Advantage McDonald man lot of lot of break points here the first set for C against C okay McDonald breakpoint again I want to say breakpoint number six NOP number five all right Advantage served out wide the backand of McDonald but it's called a fault from C second serve second serve into the forner McDonald great return winner there's the break McDonald breaks first game of the match it took a while but he got there one love [Applause] McDonald all right one love McDonald Peno trying to win the first game of this second set as Penco serves in the back of Osaka return goes the for of Peno Osaka with the forehand and then Peno smacks it down the line but it's wide 1530 1530 1530 is l p serves again a fult second serve ah triple Z retired Ah that's a shame I mean Draper was wrecking him so there must have been something else going on uh to have that happen back in the net from Osaka 30 oh City pass by the way he is uh hanging on the best way to explain what's going on there all right 30 all big Point here for Peno first Ser is a f second serve Peno there a bit of slce there in the net from Peno and 3040 break point for Osaka in the first game of the second Peno with the serve 3040 serve the back of Osaka great return Peno gets it but hits it along one love Osaka breaks first game of the second one love setting a break for n oaka i watch Asaka practice about 2 hours ago and they were working on returns of serve well that was a great return of serve just then by way 3015 McDonald trying to trying to consolidate his early break return goes deep into the for of McDonald Cent cross court goes the for of McDonald into the for of Center McDonald's backand again to the back of the Cent to the back of McDonald into the back of the CER McDonald's backhand to that Center forehand McDonald goes down the line Cent's there with a forand crosscourt it's in to the slice of McDonald then Center hits it in the net good change up from McDonald and it's 45 hey what's up Beverly how you doing all right 405 McDonald to consolidate the break I'm watching City Pass versus konakis very entertaining yeah it goes out by PCO and oaka 15 love and that goes out by Center and it's two love McDonald off to a great start Ace from oaka 30 love 30 loveer serves again fult second serve second serve and Peno smacks It Wide on the return 40 love 40 love even it's funny because even like Osaka's hair style today looks very Serena like Serena late in her career like with the diamonds in the like the diamonds in the hair it does have she definitely does is channeling Serena for sure she's got like I don't know what I can't tell what they are but they're like like she's got like these like like are they pearls in her hair definitely a sty like she is she has Style no one is no one is uh she's not looking like the everyone else but she doesn't have the that skirt is not being worn by other players who have Nike you know anyway P hit a win on 4030 also love 30 s about to go down a double break what is going on love 30 McDonald all right 4030 osaki to go up a setting a break and she does with a great serve okay to love to love um oaka in the second to love all right two love Peno throws her arms up as well she was like what the hell's going on you're playing s the US Open that's what's happening okay F to find rally as Osaka goes again the FR of Peno Peno hits it out love 15 Al cner is down break points again 1540 what in the hell is going on with cner the worst start ever that lady's got a carrot what the hell's going on the carrots AR working 5040 McDonald to go up a double break here in this first set the slowest start ever good serve there from Peno by the way 1 15 all SES an ace 3040 30 40 wasaki wins 6 love 61 jeez that's a that's a good win 30 40 still break point here for McDonald for a double break to start this match Ser to the for McDonald return the net we get to Deuce Sak to return long by the way and it's 3015 hey Wallace what's up by the way Wallace got your postcard I think it was from you your postcards came through thank you for those if you want to go check out read them out before Onex match I'm assuming they're yours the two Seattle postcards if not welcome to the stream anyway all right C gets to Advantage to take get his first game of the day as we to return now from Osaka that goes out 4015 for Peno right Advantage Center Advantage Center return return goes into the forner center Cent puts it away and it's 21 McDonald down a break already C but McDonald sorry C doesn't go down a double break which is uh a little better all right and 2-1 for oaka in the F second set isn't it common for C to drop the first set yeah look it's a slow start for sure I'm glad they made it two postcard yeah they're both I've got two postcards thank you for that they'll be going on the wall in the next uh week hopefully I get around to it um but appreciate that by the way chat uh City is trying to get to a fifth what do I what do I do if my sleep schedule's broken um I don't know just uh I just accept it and move on it is what it is tennis and sleep don't go together like there's no such thing as a healthy a healthy sleep schedule if you're a real tennis fan right if you're a tennis fan you're not going to sleep right that's just just the way it is you know you're going to lose your sleep all right what the hell happened to Garcia what's going on why is she getting her ass kicked what's happening Andre is winning setting a break yeah Garcia got bread stick first set what is going on anyone think Garcia is going to retire in the next year to have to have a family I think Caroline cuz I think she started a podcast I think she just got engaged or married I think um and I reckon she's she's what 31 32 um so I have a feeling that Garcia is probably going to she might come back after that like you know you know we saw Kerber right she had a baby at what 34 came back at 35 36 so she's not she might not retire but she might go and she might disappear for a couple of for a year uh start a family maybe I feel like that seems to be her I could see that happening in the next year right not that she's you know because she's playing you know she's bad or anything but like um I mean she had great results what two years ago she was on fire um last year was me this year not been great I feel like uh she's probably probably thinking that right thinking starting new projects off the court is always an interesting interesting topic when players start doing activities off the court and you're like H especially when they're you know over 30 and they're like you know starting to set up their post you know post tennis life 315 as C tries to break back here and McDonald hit a wide 30 o s looking for that break back also 3015 oosaka try to keep the break she serves an Ace and peno's like hawkey said no peno's like oh no no Hawkeye are you wrong it was out by this much and the crowd are making some noise like yeah right this much okay PCO was right 405 Ser wide it's another rce two Aces and Peno goes as if that was in that was not in Peno is like Hawkeye you're a liar you're a liar Hawkeye somebody test Hawkeye's eye vision all right this is [ __ ] and it's 31 Osaka in the second and C tries to break back back in back here McDonald into the for Center again the back of McDonald and S forehand into the forner McDonald to the forner center McDonald with another forehand down the line great shot C gets with the backand McDonald again with the backand the back in Center the back to McDonald down the line C gets there but I think McDonald Hit It Wide he did 3040 break back Point all right break back Point 340 3040 Center to get back the break 3040 McDonald with the serve into the back in the center for for McDonald great shot McDonald All right we get the deuce beautiful forand winner rips it crosscourt Ser see the back of Osaka here as Peno tries to stay close but eventually Peno sprays It Wide 1530 1530 can okay chat can we not compare sinner to a murderer that's a very extreme thing to say like that that's a can we let's not do that please 30 all by the way Advantage for McDonald here is McDonald tries to keep the break as McDonald hits a forehand Retreats C in control McDonald in trouble he hit a slice forehand C comes to the net now puts away the easy for and winner back to Deuce yeah let's not like let's not say like look I get the whole you know you can say sin I'm not going to be like no talking about Sinners stuff I'm not going to talk about it or at least not go into detail but let's not compare sinner to a murderer like Jesus what are we doing all right 4030 here why because that's like so so wrong like it's so different it's not a fair comparison at all like that is such a wild comparison like come on now 4030 first a fault from a Peno second serve double F Peno and we get the deuce all right center advantage to get back on to get back on serve how they treat him on the court fine nobody cares serve D here is a fault second serve I would be surprised if most of these people in the stadium know even what happened are you not commentating on the C and McDonald match no no I'm watching kak's City Pass C breaks back McDonald hits along and sin gets back the break he was almost down three love now it's to0 Asaka by the way she's trying to get the double break in the second set as well he should be banned rules are rules for everybody well he wasn't so I mean as far as I can tell get over it like we have to get over it we can't dwell on uh on the past as that goes long from panko back to Deuce he wasn't at I mean what I don't know what to tell you C breaks Back 2 two Steph just got broken oh no oh no C best got to lose what what that section of the draw sucks now Mev if he loses to C makes the final without even breaking a sweat except for like the first two games here Advantage panko by the way damn Steph just freaking out all right as we a find a find rally a winner there from Peno all right Peno takes her next game but it's still a break a set a break for Saka oh lovely shot from McDonald down the line this is going to be0 15 all all right 15 all is C serves again as with to serve out wide fault second serve second server to the for McDonald goes in the back in Center McDonald back hand again the back of Center into the for of McDonald as Center goes down the line McDonald with the forehand again to the back of Center Center in the net though 1530 all right 1530 1530 as C serves again so wide the back of McDonald return go got going puts it away 30 sorry yeah 30 30 30 all serve again for C 30 all C tries to get the lead I know what s is complaining about here is he complaining about something in the the roof don't know what's going on as he serves a fault second serve serve goes in the forehand of McDonald backing up from Center goes long McDonald with another break point a bad start by Yanik sinner 3040 28 minutes played it's been an ugly match yeah look Suzanne it's going to it's a first in a match we've watched so it's always going to be ugly so many people are sitting there just like with like most of the people in the chat I'm sure are just making jokes yeah like people are just like oh I've got some really funny things I want to say and it's okay and but then there's some really angry people too so like it's the first match we're watching hopefully it gets better if he doesn't lose today it's going to yeah it was it was going to happen I understand that that's why I'm like not going to uh start like ripping into too many people 3040 back in now from C goes a for of McDonald lovely drop shot C's got it though and puts a winner down the line we get to Deuce I get it there's been like 5 days of people just sitting around waiting to like you know voice their opinions um about this sin stuff but but I'm not going to respond to it so you can screaming to the void um all right Osaka by the way 4-2 42 in the second dominating this match love to see it we get to deuce on the Center Court he's just trying to take the lead here return from McDonald go short s with the forehand McDonald's got it again to the for C hit a drop shot McDonald's going to get there with a drop shot return winner on beautiful for McDonald he's playing some good tennis Advantage McDonald konak is about to win holy hell that's an upset Cy pass going down huge actually not that big it's he's actually not that good in America but um it definitely not that good here in New York he sucks here but um love that for kakas let's go great win for the Aussies all right Advantage McDonald four to four R Center goes down the middle McDonald's backand goes again the front of Cent into the front of McDonald and S hit backand crosscourt McDonald again to the backend C into the front of McDonald is s his backand on the stretch McDonald gets the point though and it's another break what is this ugly ugly dayon play terrible s's playing terrible City Pass just lost I mean what a ugly day why why is it so ugly why is everything why is it so bad why is it such a bad quality day of tennis and Peno hits that one wide love 30 um K sky is about to start by the way yeah C B Gone C bass sucks in New York like he he is not good here he is like runer like it it ain't pretty all right love 30 a Peno serves into the back and of Osaka Peno to the slice of Osaka as Peno for hanging is a winner 1530 yeah not an ugly day if you're uh oaka and Colin's another one right Colin's another one uh who who had a terrible uh terrible day today just been bad some players are just getting wrecked but I love that for cocking Aras let's go let's go cocky woo start singing The Anthem chat anyways get a return winner 1540 you know the words come on don't pretend like you don't 1540 oaka to get the double break and serve of the match I mean Thompson School Kate cocken arus we got demon or coming up soon as Osaka breaks again um the ladies aren't doing so well but on the men's side they're doing well and we still got some ladies in the draw so don't worry all right Osaka's kicking ass and this is very very easy I mean little surprising that oeno hasn't been able to fight harder but but then again Osaka is is playing phenomenal um Osaka looks sharp yeah Osaka M of a second round now that's going to be a match in a couple days time all right love that also Center down a break again 32 McDonald 15 LS with a for from Center cross go the for McDonald slice goes down the line s with a slic backand crosscourt another slice from McDonald and McDonald comes in net s with a backand flick and then the easy forand winner from C McDonald couldn't get the ball away uh yeah I heard the draws out for scheduled out for tomorrow so let me check what's up what are we watching tomorrow tomorrow is a [ __ ] day like it's Wednesday um uh every second day is going to be mid I I feel like so yeah I mean Senate caught tomorrow during the day keys and TFO which is fine you know Americans but it it's not like no Blockbuster Sabal Lan is on Louis Armstrong tomorrow afternoon ver I mean TFO and key great but also like on a on a Wednesday on the I don't know jovic at night tomorrow night night wow jovic is playing again at late late after golf wow no is playing night night what's going on bartini Fritz is tomorrow night night as well so it goes Bas verev sabalenka Louis Armstrong if you got a ticket it's probably cheaper better matches on the day session uh Andrea Eric Andrea taking on Jang rude M or grand might be where it's at kova xang Shelton Banger Rude versus Ma if you got a ticket to grand stand you might have won the day uh oh Stadium 17's not bad either rublev demitro Felina and Navaro other than that though there's not much going on Dasher versus [Music] Sterns a little worried leka MTI um yeah nothing else there's not like there is no other good matches like on on paper there might be but like in terms of names I mean we're talking like if once once Grand stands over you're like falls off but even like Arthur Ash tomorrow during the day is kind of mid like even tifo and keys are great but also Keys versus joint and tifo versus shevchenko like those matchups aren't even that good it should be straight set for both Shelton RBA is not on C that should be Arthur Ash that should have been Arthur Ash Shelton RBA that's got five sets written all over it anyway it's 4015 as C tries sorry McDonald tries to consolidate the break Peno tries to break back here by the way she's got break points is going to four now from McDonald down the line that's a good shot s and it goes long 42 McDonald in the first 1540 Peno to get back on serve no sorry to get one break back not even back on serve yet not yet not yet not yet Ser from oaka a f second serve yeah I don't know why they didn't put uh put Shelton on on Center Court and his return from Penco goes wide 3040 yeah gol's playing tomorrow night 30 40 which Grand Slam is the best caught layout in your opinion I haven't been to them all so I don't know Australian open's okay but it's so big that there just it takes forever to go from one side to the other uh wion's tiny so you kind of get lost in a maze uh from my experience when I went to both I've been to both but I don't know French open's apparently small like Wimbledon maybe the US Open might have the best layout that goes out from panko we get the deuce but I haven't been to the US Open to to to compare so I'm just going to have to go to the US Open tomorrow tomorrow I wish instant travel I need that just clicking my fingers and I can be in America in a minute all right Deuce serve wide Peno Shanks into the crowd Osaka's got Match Point what a win Naomi Osaka I I believe believe chat believe what a start Advantage Osaka as Osaka serves to take the easy win serving the for of Peno return goes in the back of Osaka Peno backand to the back of Osaka again to the back of Peno Osaka again to the back of O Peno just going cross with the back hands and then Osaka H to wide and we get back to Deuce by the way s's about to go down a double break love 30 this feels like the m match remember that in the French he lost the first set we're like wow and then it was like oh okay don't worry about it 1530 sin trying to avoid that fate I picked Osaka to win on one of your draw reaction videos I believe okay as we're backing to back end railing now to the for of Peno for from Osaka into the for of Peno down the line of the back of Osaka Peno backand goes wide Osaka with a match point number two to take the win against the number 10 in the world ADV vanage Osaka to take the win C can't get that one McDonald's got two more break points Advantage Osaka sering the back of Peno return goes into the back of Osaka p backand again to the back of Osaka is Peno with a forehand down the middle Osaka Get It Wide on her forehand and we're back to Deuce unbelievable unbelievable back to Deuce two match points saved back to dece also McDonald a chance to get the double break here 1540 1540 C hit a drop shot return and then the winner from McDonald what was that an underarm Serve by C no that wasn't an underarm serve was it no he hit a drop shot it was just terrible yeah hit a terrible drop shot anyway it's 5 to McDonald yeah this kind of feels like the M French Open match where where M was playing crazy and C just wasn't ready and then it was I mean it was against a local in a in a local place anyways serve now Osaka with a match point number three Advantage Osaka second serve second serve the back of OST Peno oaka forehand winner believe chat believe believe NE Saka destroys OA Peno and she has to play Muka but if she can beat Muka her draw is looking good Osaka just believe Chad believe believe in Osaka she can make a run who's in her draw let me check if she can beat mova oh palini but pini's got to play on Rescue putting sea Fernandez oh but also Osaka so believe believe ainger walks off the court does not look happy God AER I mean she made the quarters here last year Peno so that was a that was a tough draw for her sucks for her but somebody has to play everybody all right believe chat Osaka semis or maybe quarterfinals maybe I don't know it's a wide open section she's tearing up so happy yeah she's had such tough draws as well look at her draw over the last or her her her tournament this year right her grand slam draw has been a nightmare every time she never gets an easy first round or an easy second round right fiance second round of French um I can't remember who she played to wimon let me check uh Wimbledon she played Navaro second round again very you know very good player I mean she beat golf after that didn't she um Australian Open she played Garcia first round who was 16 in the world or 19 at the time in the world Pim Doha she played uh I mean Collins in Abu Dhabi you know she's had some she had Jung in uh in Rome Jang in Berlin as well Navaro wimon like I said Osa Peno here I mean it's she's at a brutal a brutal um Grand Slam draw and just draws in general because she's unseated she gets the tough off players but if she can win against them she will get seated at the next one and that means she won't have to play them works so hard yeah all right anyways 30 love we're going to merge the streams at the end of this game so get ready if you want to keep watching the uh the C match which is getting very interesting it's a very strange start to this match but then again C like somebody said c does lose sets randomly uh 40 love McDonald to take the first set here McDonald serves a fult second serve second serve into the for of C return the for McDonald Cent backand on the stretch goes out there it is first set to McKenzie McDonald against the world number one seen a scratch in his head trying to figure it out all right we're going to keep watching the Osaka sorry the the C match jump on over uh we have some weird things happening right now um it's been a lot of Carnage already today I mean this might be Ultimate Carnage uh K Sky broken the first game nice all right but aaka win she beat Peno great win very tough draw but uh she gets through the first one uh and pretty easily she beats oo St 3 and two she plays mukar on Thursday all right yes C with 14 errors McDonald played okay eight winners and six errors

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