RADUCANU vs KENIN • US Open 2024 • LIVE Tennis Play by Play Stream

Aran medovic both inconsistent crazy players winner plays meev right 15 love as we get a double fult from two Oh you mean the one slam Wonder comment now see I've got a rule you can only be a one slam wonder if don't win a slam within your within 5 years of your first so if you win a slam and you don't win another slam for 5 years then you classify as a one slam wonder I give people a chance I give players a chance to try and win another one Kenan coming up next year will be one slam one territory on Rescue this year is one like this tournament she's one slam wonder if she doesn't win like I will be I will accept calling her that um because it's not a nice thing to call somebody it's basically just saying oh you you fluke you you're a fluke you know that's pretty much what it is you know one slam wonder is not a endearing term right but I give players five years to win a second one just you know respect you know how to respect as we a slic out to the four of two back in Al the net 415 all right welcome ruk Canan uh fans will watching that as well they will be getting started very very shortly the matches on their court has taken forever that's why this is taking being so late this was supposed to start I think like an hour and a half ago so uh if you've been waiting for Ruku and Kenan or Kenan they're both coming up now thank you for staying awake or staying live 415 as a return goes to the back into two four now from Al with a slice of two again to the for of ALR two with a slice Al comes in with the volley too good 4030 m doic is up at uh two one against Maran by the way palini Andress you just started so that's fun and also um vinka is down a break already but yeah 430 so from two down the te goes into the for of Al two with the forehand Al with the love oh goes oh goes out oh that was almost awesome anyways two's on the board 41 and the crowd are like yes go you no it's two go two all right 4-1 four to one all right uh what is the shortest men's match of the US Open of this US Open or in history probably like 2 minutes because someone may be retired or something all right here we go four one Gregs doubt this man at your own Peril chat # camns yep Yanda I hope sinner gets a coach to help him mentally with the negative backlash of this incident he needs it to help him move on and ignore the crap he needs to get off social media you're right my friends don't even know who sinner is keep up the good work I don't think sinner will be bothered he doesn't seem too bothered um I don't think sin reads reads he doesn't he seems very stoic and I don't think things bother him like that um it would be different if the crowd were against him but it's seemed like the crowd were fine today so I don't think sin's going to be I don't think sin's going to be too uh too bothered by things but you're right I mean it might help to get uh to get somebody to like talk him through it if he needs to but I don't know I feel like C s's pretty pretty stoic and he should he sounds like he could get through this pretty good Carlos New York Bagel Shop is open for business no not anymore blunted A's doing well so far G fantasy poy I see it thank you for the where I put my pen just lost my pen um oh here it is uh thank you for the donations appreciate that guys s isn't on socials he's smart yeah yeah I I wouldn't be like I wouldn't be too worried about sinner uh cu the crowd I think like the only people that are that are anti- sinner are the ones that don't like him or the ones that feel like he was given uh you know he was uh he got off gotot free right um most people I think sound uh most people are on you know either on sin side or they're not bothered by it they're like oh whatever it okay that's what happened Okay cool so I don't think the only people the only people that are against sin are the you know there's only a small of the tennis public it seems like who are against him and the crowds are definitely not against him we saw that today he played an American and that was pretty evenly spread so yeah I don't think uh I don't think he' be too bothered andru breaks Chad I could be the smartest man alive uh anyways 15 love 4 4and we back in from two into the for of Al who smacks it away 30 love 30 love Yeah s is very level-headed yeah yeah I think he'll uh look it's not fair that that he has to go through you know a lot of uh scrutiny but you know and even though things have already been found to be fine but you know it's just part of the game 30 love Ser to the back end of two that goes into the net 40 love US Open chat is chaos during the practice streams and the practice didn't even have to have C for everyone to spam yeah that's um that's because I don't moderate the chats and it's just uh that's what the chat would look like here if it was unmoderated as we return down of the for back in now from two into the back El two hits back in down the line but it's long 5-1 elz 51 alcarez they disable the chat for siners practices what did I tell you chat yesterday I said people that go into those chats and spew hate are going to ruin it for everybody who's just trying to be there and hang out you know people ruin we that's why we can't have nice things in tennis anyways uh two serve and volleys but it's a let 51 Oz see the back end two return goes into the smash of ALR that's not bad sorry that was a smash from two my bad is with a four now from alges two with a four crosscourt Al goes down the line two there with the backand is goes long though from two two's backand is good is good but it's just not able to handle alcarez alcarez game had J just won the second set six love [ __ ] all right love 15 first Ser is a fault second serve who are the famous people in the house tonight I have no idea anyone know who anyone is L goes up from Two and in comes ELR with a smash but it's more of a forehand he puts it away either way unbelievable love 30 does anybody know anybody who is famous at the place today how would you like the fight so hard in qualifying a first match on against elz or Main Court me I'm a psycho so I'd be like what a what a crazy opportunity love 30 I wouldn't look at it as like oh you know poor me I think and I think two would be like I think most players would be like it sucks but it's also like I get to play on Arthur Stadium against elarz like that's huge um it sucks like it sucks because you know you're probably not going to win but um I I know I I I would be like I'd be like damn all right I'd I'd embrace it I'd be like okay also not to mention you have an opportunity uh you know to to maybe cause one of the greatest upsets in the history of the US Open I mean that's something else right be like oh qualify beats number three me you could put you can make a name for yourself right huge drop shot from two into the font of Al two with the volley that's going to be a win now 30 Old yeah great experience for two um I think most players think like that anyway don't they like at first they might be like oh [ __ ] but I think most players kind of embrace the uh embrace the moment and and kind of go look this is a very unlucky draw but it's better than losing to someone you know 70 in the world on the 17th court right I'd rather lose to alz in straight sets on a Main Court then you know then lose to you know I don't know bloody I'm going to name a name uh I'd rather lose to him on Center Court than lose to like Maran on court six all right nice from two crowd loves an underdog 2 they're getting on on board 4030 4030 oh [ __ ] the ladies have started my bad well who's going to win I'm going to go with rodano in three but I could see kenon winning and ruining rodano's day night R car's G all got the Barbie pink bloody help he got the quarter pink going on anyways good serving from two 52 ALR St Open champ versus US Open champ has it been really been three years since ranu won the US Open that was felt like she won it last year all right drop shot from Kenan ranu nearly fell on her face ah slipped over on the Baseline but she's all right kon's like yep got that love 30 all money on Ru to the Moon okay Ro con serves love 30 R con with the serve so from ranu out wide of the for Kenan return is chipped into the for ranu up goes a love from Kennan but it goes long and it's 1530 1530 I was so sad that Fernandez lost earlier should a great wi c yeah Scott I it's a bummer isn't it it's a bad draw you poova was seated for most of the uh most of the slams this year but or at least most of the slams recently poo was like in the top 30 but first round that's awkward who do you want to win both US Open tournaments C and sabalenka sin sabalenka why do I want them to win so I can be right I need a win canon in the net 30 o 30 o first game of the match 30 as a return from two here as Al tries to win the first set two with the slice Al slic it back two slic it down the line alris with a forehand Crosscut as two goes into the net 15 love 15 love Ro con serves the 30o sered to the for Kenan back in now ranu down the line kenan's got it with the forehand into the for ranu again to the for of Kenan good shot ranu gets with the backand Kennan down the line again is a winner s Ken's got a break point 3040 kenan's it's so funny because Kenan and ranu are so similar in a way in the way they play like they play their best tennis when they just smacking the crap out of the ball for winners so this is going to be a fun it's kind of like what Peno and and Osaka was supposed to be how we like oh they're so similar but Peno just couldn't execute like this kind of feels like these two are the only difference is that like um uh that Kenan you know throws rackets and stuff 40 love but it does feel like style-wise they are very similar they're very fun to watch when they're playing the way they do ALG to win the first set he serves in the back end of two return goes in the back of ALR sliced to the slice of two now to the front of alres down the line two with the back end slice again as alris forand goes again to the back and a two into the front of alres two with a forand cross court alris gets it goes in the middle and two runs around hits a forehand another four from two inside out that's a great shot Al with a slice as two comes in with the swing volley but it's long and there it is Al take the first set 6-2 so we get the do's first game of the ladies match and Dr pal has been crazy already I can imagine I wouldn't expect anything less okay ronu to the for of Kenan great return ronu gets it into the back of Kenan there Ron's back in again to the back of Kenan and R Conor can't Vol that one Kenan too strong alers B way 11 winners two errors in the entire first set crazy Advantage Cannon Advantage Cannon are we covering re back in around two uh possibly today just there's been so many matches I wanted to watch today but because of scheduling it's just been a bit of a nightmare and I can't watch we can't do triple headers like City Pass cocken arus I wish we watched I would have loved to watch that on Rescue versus pal right now Ace out wide from Ro back the deuce even meev liveage I would have Lov to watch that uh that was on my my list of things to maybe watch um but yeah unfortunately the schedule was so so packed with good matches that and and not just good matches but also players we have to watch right there's must watch and then there's good matches and we have to balance the two we can't just watch all the big names and miss out on any what everyone else but we also have to compromise good job that you didn't choose Evans and kov yeah hasov Evans was a great match but also uh that would have just uh really hurt me like I would have lost I would have died inside uh on day two I don't need a match like that on day two maybe day seven give me a four five hour match on day four not day two it's too much it's too much for me on day two and if we watched [ __ ] arus I would have lost my voice so Advantage ranu ADV ranu take the first game of the match Ser for Kenan return for ranu as Kenan hits the four and again to the for ranu into the forner Kenan and kenon hits a winner back to Deuce how would you have handled isna versus mahoo at Wimbledon I wouldn't have watched it we wouldn't have watched that in the first place not nobody could say that oh yeah I was really looking forward to that like match not on day one you would have been like ah isn't the mahoo cool who's playing on CLE Roger oh I watch him it's only by day three that mahoo and is was like insane right or even like maybe halfway through day two everyone was like oh [ __ ] this match is crazy nobody would have watched that match from the start unless you're an ISU fan van ranu Jerry is losing that's all right he's playing Aussie so rip advantage ranu and she tries to win the first game here Ser to the forand of kenon Ken hits it out one love ranu that was a marathon to start the match one love I understand the respect to watching two Champions but Rod con matches are not exactly fun unless she's playing at Wimbledon in the and the British British fans or Australia I disagree I think R con is very fun to watch 4015 here two to get the first game of the second I like R of style I like the way she plays and I like the way Kenan plays too I like how both of them go about it you know I I don't find them boring at all all right two wins the first game of the second let's go let's go putting several on the first setting is no SC a tie break okay all right Kenan serves One Love ranu as Kenan serves a f second serve s in the back end of rodon Ron in the net 15 love Ashley the reason why we can't do the Halloween stuff is because uh when I upgraded my computer all that stuff got got deleted and it took forever to back and I forgot how made it I'm like how did I especially this the of ghost we only had the of ghost in 22 because um because of uh he was not playing the ghost of ver was there yeah unfortunately when I when I moved all my files that got lost so it was either not in the same place I thought it was or whatever um yeah the spider I might be able to get back but I don't think I can get like the ver of ghost thing is probably gone um but maybe the spider I could figure out how to get that back no I know people hated it too H 40 love Kenan very easily winning this game 40 love and with to serve again into the for ranu return goes out wow Kenan just straight away wins the game one one uh you like her not her play style will you tell me what I like now what are you talking about bro rodano's game's awesome what do you mean 315 as alcarez hits a forand in the open court two puts up a l goes in as Al hits the four again to the four of two now Al with the four to the back end of two to the four of alz two with the backend slice again into the for of V the four slice of two and two hits it out 4015 Ruku serves again I do like a play side not going to lie yeah hey Ben still is in the house it's baby raer that's why he's like I can't get the real raer I'll get the baby raer I'll hang out with the I'll talk to I'll watch the baby raer we're on to you Stiller anyways pen breaks back nice they keep Sean Ben Stiller and his wife who is also an actress cuz she was in The Brady Bunch or something and her name is I want to say Christine no well something I don't know I don't watch movies she was in DodgeBall anyway I start saying oh it's Christine Wait no that's she that was it it wasn't her name Christine in the sh movie wait hang God what was it what's her name what's name [ __ ] her name is John Cena no it's not no what's her real name Ben I I know who she is yeah Christine Taylor I got it right first time see I know I'm smart his backand the backand rally is Al at the for of the back and slice of two into the forehand of alres two with a slice a four again from Al in the net 15 love some some in the chat think you've got a crush on Emma although orbe it what that's called projection that's what that is and that's what happens when you're in like you know when you're like 8 years old it's like oh you like her because you talk to her and that's because your friend actually likes the person that you're talking to it's just like it's called projection you love ranu because you said she's she's good at tennis and then it's like no you no I don't all right Chad calm down we're not three all right Jesus 15 love we all know I love Dasher right shut up 30 Love by the way for two also Cannon's got two more break points here 1540 1540 chance for kada to break back grab y yep hey good serve volley from two there Ser the back Ken return goes in the forehand of ranu Ken with a slice ranu slices it down the line kenan's forehand goes Cross Court ranu gets it Kenan is to backand to the slice of ranu again to the back to Kenan as Ro for goes Cross Court can to the for of Kenan to the for ranu Kenan down the line goes long 340 yeah she played marer in The Brady Bunch that's who she is does Ken have a coach I think it's her dad right her dad was her coach right I know for a fact emmer is a subscriber here [ __ ] you know that I know for a fact yeah because you you're she she talks to you yeah yeah nice try 3040 who told you Novak jovic 3040 as R serves again two wins by the game by the way two1 3040 still break point for Kenan served down the T from roic was a double F Canon breaks Canon breaks all right Kenan gets the break and it's two1 in the first two's got two1 in the second why is Carl bernardes laughing his ass off what's going on he's talking to two two's just making him laugh is it Carlos Bernard's last grand slam event because he's retiring at the end of the year right uh let's go go Pini what are you talking about three all palini on Rescue that's I I love look we shouldn't have we should have ditched ELR we can't though I made a promise but I mean if we ever were going to ditch ELR would be this one uh andrescu palini and Kenan ranu those matches are fire this match is interesting as well hey okon's up a set in a break against Jerry let's go let us go all right 21 he is retiring yeah I thought so all right 212 that made that's 212 in the second it makes sense all right just it makes sense you spot kenan's dad or coach having a heart attack every match while she's winning yeah I mean yeah he's there uh she did her best work when he was coach as well so I'm glad that everything's back the way it is there a four now from R to the back and to Kenan Ken's got the break here 21 there a forand now from Kenan bit of a moon ball into the forehand of ranu is kenan's backand another Moon ball into the back and ranu get to the back and a Kennan another moonball ranu comes in with the back hand comes to the net now K with pass r with a lovely volley this is going to be beautiful volley I've noticed the media like to have Digs at Emma in the UK that's so crazy how do you turn on your own actually that's not crazy Australia do that to curios which is crazy because I don't I mean look kees makes mistakes but I mean why would people hate ranu what she do it's crazy that people don't like ranu even from I mean she should go back and play for Canada where she was born you know she should go play for Romania right go team up with the with the team with the Romanians should be uh she'll be love there don't you worry about that I mean you could team up with Jung and play play for team China right I mean she got she got a lot of options so I would be very careful if you're from the UK I wouldn't be like bashing her cuz she'll leave she can leave whenever she wants she's got three options and if she wants she can come to Australia as well and if she marries Carlos maybe she's Spanish I mean I don't even know they're not dating 1532 he's about to break here against elz 1530 1530 serve now the forehand of two for now from ALR the backend of two but two hits at long 30 all as Kenan tries to keep the break here and she's a lovely drop shot winner Kenan beautiful shot 30 all yeah Sam query does enough job on his podcast about Rodan wz so I don't need to do anything by the way has anyone listened to the nothing Maes podcast God it's funny so funny you should all listen to it it's hilarious if you like tennis but you also don't want to like get bogged down with stats and data and it's very light-hearted as another drop shot Ron gets this one Ken with a lob that's just too good this is going to be beautiful from kenon 4030 listen a couple episodes is good it is it's really funny yeah Canon's dad's in the house by the way looking as uh stressed as ever as Elis holds 2 two all right two games all 4030 is serve out wide the back end ranu four now from Kenan into the for ranu Kenan with a forand of the back and ranu get into the back and Kenan Kenan in the net and it's Deuce Ken's got good Drop shots yeah she usually she has like the drop shot returns as well which is sick now we get to Deuce I've always said that Emma did what no one has ever done through thought possible qualify winning Icing at no sets lost that alone should put her in the Hall of Fame yeah she I mean she is that achievement is so is probably one of the most under under one of the most underappreciated achievements in tennis right I mean it it happened 3 years ago maybe in like 10 years it'll be like oh wow like people will turn around to it but but at the moment I mean she gets so much hate for for no reason it seems uh but hopefully in as time goes on we'll realize how insane that achievement was because it was it was one of the greatest tennis achievements it was as it was like Goron winning wien as a wild card like that's how big of a deal it should be but maybe time just hasn't passed yet Ro hits a lovely Drive volley and it's Deuce like Goron winning Wimbledon as a wild card there wasn't as much buildup because of course Goran had had so many failures and he was you know you know blah blah blah um but in terms of like difficulty it was the same if not harder because she had to play more matches and she was unknown whereas he was known and he was you know a wasted talent to that point I guess right and she had to play three quality matches and he he got a wild card it was a fairy tale for him but it was I mean she deserves her fairy tale tribute as well but ha is going to hate all right Advantage Cannon serve out wide the fault second serve second serve so the for Ru return goes into the back of Kennan as ranu slices it to the backend of Kennan into the back of ranu and ranu hits it out 3-1 Kenan keeps the break Al ALR with a chance to break in the second here 1530 right 1530 chance for the break ELR serve from two there a fult second serve second Ser to the back and of ALR Al hits it wide 30 all 30 all Canon's defense is so good all right 30 all as we get a Ser down the back end of alas Slash from two is a drop shot alas gets it two with the volley too good and it's 4030 two to stay in front avanessian has failed us no from now on Chad don't mention avanessian until she wins you keep jinxing I don't want to hear about Evan essian one winning one set I wanted to tell me when she won the whole match cuz I feel like you keeps everyone's jinxing it everybody in the chat is jinxing it anyone who says hey by the way no no shut up don't tell me results until the end I don't want people thinking that chat jinxes everybody I know how it feels when people think you're jinxing something I don't want you to feel like that CH it's not a nice feeling there I don't want people to start saying there a chat curse you I'm doing it for your sake Deuce nothing beats cam curs nothing nothing is that's not even a thing you're on your own buddy it's not even a thing all right two trying to hold there's two serves he sub wide to the four of elrees two with a forehand goes long Advantage alrez Advantage oz to take the break in the second as two serves again out wide at the back of v two with the volley great shot all right back to deuce Kenan has the break here in the first set 3-1 as Ro hits that out and 30 all another chance for another chance for Kenan to get the double break here two is actually doing pretty well two is playing some great rallies he's just not consistent enough to uh to trouble alcarez overall but he's playing some good points ALR looking at a second serve here two hits it wide on the first first second serve Aussies can volley yeah we can we have volley kings and queens serve it wide great second serve El gets a back for from two in the open court but alus there with the backand two in the net with a forehand and it's Advantage alas ranu serves into the for of Kennan as ru's back hand goes the back and Kenan to the for ranu ranu hits it out ranu hting AR 3040 Kon to get the double break in this first set as a hit the forehand oh cross CAU and wide get back to Deuce camc is a mysterious thing it's not a thing Chad you got to lock in if I hear the word camur one more time and a ban everybody who laughs at it and the person who did it mods can you do that please backand goes to the sky from Kenan but it's too short Ro hits a smash away when we get to Deuce vage El by the way he a Break by the way start with nightbot get rid of him nightbot you're a disgrace get out of here don't you're terrible mod get out of here you're a disgrace get the hell out of here nightbot sick of you sick of your [ __ ] as's looking at a second serve Advantage alz Ser while the back of Al turn get the back end of two as Al hits the four hand again the back end of two into the front of ALR Al hits it long though and it's back to Deuce yeah night but you're done take the rest of the night off you're done had enough of you okay Ro an ace V ranu and two hits a great serve as well and advantage to advantage two Samson Over beats Wong by the way five years ago Wong made the quarters here I'm pretty sure I think she was getting coached by Pat cash as well don't know if that's all changed but underarm serve from two is in the net that's a horrible serve he been talking to curios even two's just like yuck what was that he had a he melted he's laughing everybody's laughing they're like even two is like I'm so sorry that was embarrassing that was oh man he he talked to curios and said I'm going to do your thing no no no is like what are you doing and two hit like in the net it was like what are you doing and the whole crowd was like that's embar everyone's embarrassed it's embarrassing situation to [Laughter] apologize four and of four and rally as two H it into the for of ales two is forehand goes to the forner again ALR into the forner two Al now with the backhand goes long two holds 32 in the second set yeah two forgot who he was he thought he was he thought he was curious he even said he's still apologizing he's still going sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Carlos please don't hurt me at least he's having a fun he's fun out there you know he's laughing it off he's just like I'm an idiot no mate you are a legend two Lee too we love you all right kenan's trying to get that double break let's we back in into the for of rodon rodano it's It Wide ranu hits it wide Advantage k for the double break two is a Vibe yeah he's having a good time out there he's having fun even if he did underarm serve him successfully I don't think it would have worked Carl is too quick Rodan serves Advantage Kenan first there a f from ranu second serve second serve ranu Ser to the forehand of Kennan back in from ranu in the net there's the break double break Cannon 4-1 first set all right ranu in trouble well marijan medovic are going five winner plays I think plays Mev if I can remember the draw um Jerry is down two sets of Love against oconnell vinker is trying to win the second uh oh did Duckworth retire no yes maybe did Duckworth retire what happened what happened to that match does anyone know did ducky retire the score unless they're having a break but 15 love they're still going oh okay scoreboard isn't updated put ser double break 4-1 second set nice first serve is AA second serve alz look at the level so to the back of a two back and alas goes down line wide they're playing a fourth okay I don't know why it's not updating um it says that it's over but obviously not fourth set it's 30 or 45 okay so it's not over yet and resue 43 by the way sorry 53 against Pini uh 15 10minute hold for andrescu that was brutal good serve down the te from alres Return goes in and alres just whips it crosscourt 35 why AR American crowd in the crowd cheering for Kenan that was a big break um I don't know 4-1 first Ser is a fault second serve cabal just won [ __ ] it's not my fault don't blame me alers puts away the smash 4015 hits that one in the net on the return yuck 15 love I thought Emma would win this easily I had a feeling Kenan was going to win I don't know why but I pick that's why I picked roon in 3 cuz I think Kenan she might not have played any good lately I can't remember the last time we watched Kenan but for some reason Kenan in this situation is so dangerous you know we saw that against golf last year at Wimbleton right I mean Kenan Kenan in a first round or a second round against somebody somebody that is known gets up for that you know uh 405 lovely winner there from Al three all yeah Kenan Kenan played good in Salem OH did she play a a challenger did she is it a back in now from Kenan goes long 1530 Ken Ken might beer in the second round Maybe nobody's on the phone all right 15:30 second time this week I've answered my phone nobody's answered all right 1540 Mar con of looking for the break back 1540 1 hour play in the OS match by the way sered in the te the back and R Conor return goes wide 3040 30 40 30 40 Kenan serves again Ser to the for RO return goes in the net we get to Deuce get to Deuce kir just said that he's come ready to come back I hope he is with a serve out wide the forehand of Ruku backing from Kenan goes long advantage ranu Advantage roanu Al by the way winning that ridiculous Point 1530 1530 1530 as so two servs again as he SS while the back of alres great return alres ridiculous this is going to be ridiculous as ranu gets oh comes to the net and gets ped okay lovely hitting from Canon she saves another break point back to Deuce um 1540 alus with a chance to get the break here in the thir in the second okay good serve from two he saves 1 3040 30 40 Advantage kenon by the way to go to 5-1 3040 serve again from two is a fault second serve double F from two all right alcarez gets a break in the second as Kenan serves a double fold as well all right she gets back to [Applause] Deuce all right 43 of the second as Kennan serves again out wide there's an ace great serve from sfia Kennan Advantage Kennan let's go to 5-1 as Kenan serves a fault and Dru serving for the first set against palini by the way hey Billy Jing King came in the house and that's why everyone's G nuts Billy Jean King in the house she just kind of like hi everyone what's up Kenan holds 5-1 51 all right Ro serving to stay in the set 5-1 as rodono serves a f second serve second serve back in from kenon to the back of Rodan Ron hits it out love 15 the RG lady is also around who's that love 15 is ranu serves again love 15 serve again into the for Ken good return the back of ranu kenon backhand is a winner all right love 30 did I have St Steph in my bracket I did and Felix so [Laughter] yay love 30 s the back of Kenan back in ranu into the back Kon as rodan's forand goes the for to Kenan into the for ranu kenon with the back on the stretch goes short ranu straight to kennan's back hand who hits a passing shot down the line what a shot unbelievable what a shot Kenan love 40 to take the first set here man kenon with a beautiful back init ranu I mean she's not greater than net butan that was a damn good pass Kenan didn't even put that much power on it she just used Em's power love 40 ranu serves to the back and of Kenan return the back of ranu Kenan with a forehand again to the back ranu into the for of Kennan as ranu with the for of the stretch Kennan gets the set goes wide by ranu 61 sfia Kennan okay 61 I had Felix in the quarterfinals or fudge I had meev but uh that whole section is so sketchy there's a whole sketchy sketchy show my worst pick so far was FAA in the fourth round I can't believe I fell for it again on the women's side my biggest upset was uh Stevens but of course it was Stevens in FA I mean it's not the first and it won't be the last like what are we doing what a shot from two okay unbelievable unbelievable 1540 two with a one-handed backand screamer down the line what a shot no dmy team retired but that was pretty good impression that's a pretty good that not bad wow break back points 1540 to get back on serve and return out the back of alarz for from Two and that goes wide by urz break Back 40 yeah from the underarm sered to that winner I mean what a turnaround didn't know he had it in him all right by the way Dello is up two sets of one Maran and mic are in a final set one all and's got another set point to take the first set against Pini okay two back on serve 44 Ser out wide the four and two H sorry Al slice from two in the back of alres two with the volley but oh alres hit the net got a little Lucky Love 15 cam who do you think is winning between Paul and Sono I think it's going to be Paul in five or maybe a close four but it's going to that might be epic that match that could be a late one that match could go forever okay love 15 so about wide to the slice of ALR for from two El put to a lob but it goes long 15 and0 bu kova just defeated lease yep 75 in the third so meire Samson over bu just won Puttin s is not far away from winning on the men's side um it's all happening stad try to with the second set against beluchi 50 oh no is about to lose yeah right serving to the FR of ALR two with the four hand down line backand drop shot two's going to get there Al's backhand pass two with the volley Al's backhand lob not high enough two puts it away 305 305 305 I got and straight you reckon okay all right 3015 L's second set just started there two serves of fault second serve second serve into the back of ELR two with a four in open Court El there though now two in trouble slice down the line to the back and of VC who Shanks It Wide 4015 two gets a little lucky 405 405 to get in the lead 4015 two servs again a fult second serve into the for of V return goes down the line the back end of two two it's a win down the line on the back hand unbelievable unbelievable all right two's in front he's starting to lift 54 Al is going to serve to stay in the second set nice work from two a couple of backhand rippers down the line love that now 1530 here rodano looking a break Ser wide the back and ranu backing up from Kennan is too good 30 Old back behind ranu Ro must be nervous CU having a big crowd against her this is not this crowd's not against her though this crowd is not pro Canon they're just sort of like I don't know I don't know why they're not pro kenon but they're just sort of they're neutral it's a neutral crowd you know rodono is so popular that and she won the US Open rodono so people probably know her better even though Kenna won the O open she didn't win in America so it's a little less she's probably a little less um known in America maybe which is weird to say CU she is American 3040 but yeah I would say the crowd's not I think they're kind of 50/50 if she was playing golf could be a different story but Kenan uh yeah Kenan Kenan isn't as popular in America as uh well isn't I mean ranu has got a lot of fans 3040 30 40 as the return goes in from ranu all right she breaks One Love in the second now to canu now serving to stay in the second set he Serv a fault second serve second serve is a double fault there love 15 love 15 love 15 serve again return goes in the for ofas back in from two sliced into the for of ELR two with the back hand again as ELR volleys into the net love 30 here we go love 30 two might steal this set love 30 two's won nine of the last 10 points that's insane right love 30 as Z serves again the for of two return goes back of v two with the backend slice in the middle to the for of alres two doing the running as ELR hits back in Cross Court beautiful shot two points of a lob but ELR there with the drop volley oh no it's not a winner two gets there but it's in the net ALR playing a little cheeky he gets away with it 1530 1530 still a chance for two to steal this set 1530 serve again from elz the backend of two for from elz again the backend of two into the for of ALR two with the forehand get the front of ALR down the line of the back and two with a slice ALR forand inside out in the net we got set points for two 1540 for two to steal the set 1540 crowd's going wild they know they realize 1540 alra serves ALR with a serve is a f second serve kenan's about to break back by the way second serve to the back of two but two charges the second ser and it missed alcarez saves one two went for the uh for the Federer he was going for a saber just not he's not that guy 30 40 still a set point here though 3040 as alra serves again 3040 serving to the forehand of two great return slice alcarez goes deep into the form of two there a back from Al the back in two sliced again AL fall inside out again two's there with the slice Al comes in with the volley and it's too good Deuce this is going to be onv very nice by alres Deuce are you following on Rescue palini as well I am watching that yes I'm see I'm I'm watching the scores andrescu had set point she got broken and now she's down Canon got set a break point here is ronu four to four with Kenan again to the four ranu Ken Kenan with the four line great shot ronu slices it back Canon backand drop shot roon gets with the L but it's long there's the break back 1-1 Kenan gets the break St back kenon looking a little tired as well all right 1-1 yeah Kenan looks uh she looks stuffed all right Al still in trouble here two a slice to the back end of ALR two comes in the net with the back hand Al there with the forand win up too easy and alus points to his ear he's like come on now come on oh this is his crowd Advantage elarz I wonder if elarz is doing this so if he plays noback he's going to have the crowd over him that would be interesting I reckon if alare plays jovic alare might have the crowd they might warm to him just because he is their sort of guy I mean the way that he plays is it's a very it's it's an Agy style I mean it's it's aesque advantage alarz to level up the second he serves out the one to two return goes to front of alz two with the forehand into the back of alz and ALR in the net yeah electrifying exactly alr's style and this crowd like I said at the start of the match it goes hand in hand this crowd is looking for a player like eles and he's there all right Deuce all right I said that before I said this before and I say it again rodon was a fluke and she won the US Open because she had a lucky run thank you very much ladies and gentlemen have a good life byebye uh guy who asked nobody asked you shut your face come on now how many Grand Slam you got bro double fold ALR myself Kenan holds by away 2-1 21 Kenan with the lead and set point number three 4 two all right here we go serve is a fult oo second serve second serve second serve into the back of two return goes deep into the front of ALR two with a forehand but it goes long algr hit the Baseline and it must have been back of the line cuz two thought it was long two thought he'd won the set but Al's shot hit the line and two is looking for the replay man it looked like it was going long by ELR but it landed now back to Dre elra saves three set points serve now the slice of two but it's a fault Tak serve second serve double F alcarez again what is happening why is everyone double fting alcarez jovic sin they've all got double fitis two with a fourth set point one caros looks unimpressed he's like a should have stayed at home advantage two get the second set here Ser the 4 of two return goes in the front of alz two with a forehand into the for of vrz two now slice it down the line with the four cross inside out two with the slice goes wide back to Deuce back to dece ro with a lovely volley winner by the way 15 love four set points saved by Carlos be hitting from ranu tie break for on Rescue okay longest rally of the match the last one between the ladies 15 shots all right alra serves another fault second serve second serve ALR down the t two with the return back and now alas goes down the line two with the four on the stretch alas gets with the back here but he sprays it wide and it's five a fifth set point for two to take the second advantage two advantage two to take the second ALR with a serve is a fault second Ser alz two's got a big chance here what's he going to do he going to attack second Ser the back in two slice goes in the back of ALR two with the back end down the line what a shot what a shot from two what a shot and he points to is here and he's like H what about me I just won the second set I qualified I I'm 180 in the world he's three you should be for me and two with a ridiculous backhand takes the second all right here we go we got a match remember where we thought it was going to be somebody said triple Bagel remember that me neither Kenan by the way she smokes a winner down the line as well 30 all 30 all great set to win by two I mean Al 18 errors in that set he only hit two in the first set God alcarez on a roller coaster here two hit five erors nine winners that is clean but alcarez that was sloppy super sloppy Ron serves a f second serve second serve into the forner Kenan return goes to for ranu Kennan again to the for ranu goes down the line beautiful shot Kenan gets it but over hits it 4030 4030 all right 4030 the car to level this set as the return goes long by genon all right two two all back to Kennan on serve what Al will that said he played like garbage but also uh two played some incredible shots at the key moments at the end there I mean algr was up 4-3 in the second with a break and 2-1 three games in a row with some beautiful back ends at clutch moments but also um alas played sloppy that was stinky all right Kennan she's winning 20 four to four rally Ron with a slice on the stretch as Kenan hit the slice Cross Court Ron gets with the backand slice drop shot there from Kenan is too good 15 love Dell's cramping no no no he's winning though so hopefully he can just win that match okay lovely shot from K 15 love as Kenan comes into the net with a forehand straight to Ran's back and who goes down the line for a winner beautiful shot ranu and it's 15 all Jerry won the third yeah I saw that I saw that from Jerry beautiful shot Rodan 15 and0 as we to serve Del to F second serve as what happened there wait what happened I was looking at the wrong match algr gets a little annoyed what happened so Al hit a back end two hit a back in the line and then forand from from two hit the h two hit the back the forehand and fell over he tripped over and I think it distracted elarz and elarz hit in the net bad Miss by elarz bad Miss maybe two uh two said sorry he thought maybe he he fell over by accident well kenon just smacked the net bloody hell watch out 1530 Kenan might be winning but she's not happy she's still scary but she serves into the back Ru back to Kennan down the line Ro gets it with the forehand is Kennan crosscourt winner beautiful beautiful shot clean strike 30 all Andress you won the tie break it's 40 stop lying you're out you're out no you're out wait I'm double checking chat is it 40 or am I behind I need confirmation by chat you better hope Chats on your side bro it's 40 you're out get out of here get out of here with that 30 minutes come back in 30 let's get out now it's 40 you're out of here crazy talk don't you come in here with that come in here and lie all right 30 40 break point ranu kennan's not happy with rodder Conor she just smacked the ball into the back of the fence 3040 Kenan serves down the for ranu backand return from Kenan now to the back ranu is kenan's backand goes again to the back ranu into the back of Kenan Kenan in the net there's the break 32 big shot from Rano after that point very loud all right 32 it's 51 in the tie break God come in here and be like Ro on Rescue on the tiebreak maybe she will but don't come in here and do that you should know better you've been here for you've been here longer than most you should know that you should know better than that you've also been timed out six times so be careful please don't be that guy all right all right we get to dece here first game of the third yeah I want my five cofes I don't need people lying in the chat I also did say the over so tiebreak makes out makes pretty good all right Deuce has two servs again and for hand from M goes wide advantage two holy [ __ ] how many earrings does Kenan have four and one here it's a lot all right advantage two advantage two to to win the first game of the third as with a back and slice from two down the line Al forand it's two H to forehand just wide and it's back to Deuce all right andru did win the first set okay there you go as rodu serves it 3-2 with a break and she here a back end winner beautiful shot rodico again huge hitting all right return from Al goes long two gets to Advantage advantage two a slice from Ro Conor here back in at kenon down the line is long 30 love 114 points played in that first set by andrescu and Pini I saw that it went for an hour 20 minutes as well crazy crazy two s the back of alz four two the back of alres is two hit to slice Al falling Cross Court who's on the stretch hits it wide and it's back to Deuce 40 love Rado 120 114 a lot yeah that's a that's a lot usually in a set it's probably between 50 and 70 I guess if you're talk about like a 6'4 or 65 or a 75 but for like over 100 points in a set is ridiculous that's crazy I'll give you some context Cy pass kaka's first set they played um 94 points or 96 points which was a tie break uh as well so that was you know again less points um where's another tiebreak that was sort of happening quarter versus m first set they played 79 points it was a tie break too so yeah over 100 points in a set is insane never happens 4 to 15 as kenon hits it out and rodon holds 4-2 Ro second set even Evans and hasov played a first set tiebreaker was only 80 84 points so 30 extra points and those guys played six in the tie break so yeah it's that's over 100 points in a set is is insanity trying to see if there's any other play any others that have gone even Gan tobillo didn't go over over 100 points in the first set it's crazy yeah hasov and uh Evans only played 84 points two holds first game of the third so yeah four over 100 points is insane Puttin s and Nosa played 81 points in their first set tie break anyways 15 love kenon trying to stay close she serves a fault second Ser two is 188 in the world Cruz hu is playing barley M15 right now nice maybe I should go to Barley as we get a double F from Kenan there 15 15 all let K again F second serve second serve the back end of Kenan back ranu the back end slice of Kenan sorry back end slice ranu and then Kenan puts that swing volley away and it's 35 all right 315 serve down the T the for ver return goes out 405 Aussies are having a great day 415 as Kenan serves again serves a fult second serve second serve the forehand of ranu Chip return the for of Kennan rodan's back hand goes again the for of Kennan back ranu Kenan with the forehand cross court goes wide 430 has two hits a lovely volley 315 did demon play yeah he played earli he won uh pretty easily lovely volley from two down the line 4030 Kenan serving to the for roor return goes the for Kenan Ro Conor on the stretch as Kenan forand goes long and it's Deuce you're making me tired way to hang tough why am I making you tired my bad anyways alcarez hits a winner 4015 Canon serves we get to Deuce she's already down a break here in the second first Ser is a f second serve as Kenan serves rodon returns it to the forner Kenan for ranu get the for Kennan into the for ranu Kenan with the forehand down the line ranu gets with the back hand as kenan's forand Cross Court Ron is a with to slice Kennan cross score for again Ron with slice again into the for of Kenan who hits it out and a big shot by ranu trying to get the double break advantage ruk kanu Advantage roanu as Kennan serves to the back end of rodon Ron the net saved all right back to deuce as Kenan serves again back in to back and rally Ro Conor to the back of Kennan Kenan hits a winner down the line it's Advantage Kennan Ro car just stares at the line not happy she wasn't convinced that was in love 30 by the way ALR is about to break in the third and Advantage Kenan as the return goes in from Ro to the forner Kenan Ken hit a winner easy 4-3 by the way Chad I I learned something new today yesterday Chad did you know did you know this legitimate like actually did you know did you know that Liza manell is Judy Garland's daughter I did not know that I was today years old when I found that out I don't know why I I mean I don't know how I could know that why would I know that I did not know that I did not know that everybody knew that though CH what did you did you know what did you find out lately I had no idea who I didn't know I had no idea I'm not into musical maybe that's why I didn't know I knew that I'm 21 well that's good for you you're smarter than me there are people who don't know this yeah me I had no idea that were related I live an hour away from Judy G's birthplace that's crazy maybe it's a maybe it's an Australian thing I had no idea no idea I don't know why I would know that cuz I've I've never seen any the only thing I've seen lman ellien is arrest of development and I've watched The Wizard of Oz like that's it like I did not put them together you don't know who both of them are okay well that's different okay if you don't know who any of them are than that would know that they related then you it's 4032 trying to stay in front I thought Australia was Oz Australia is Oz but like the second one when they returned eyes and it's full of like crazy [ __ ] and you know severed heads and rock people that's what Australia actually is not the first one where it's full of munchkins and lollipops I wish it's returned to Oz that Australia's like you know have you seen Mad Max that was filmed here 4030 there a back hand down the line from Kenan and she tries to break back and uh two holds two one Judy gin was tortured by hollyood yeah I know I've heard about that but I just didn't know that I had no idea that they were related I tell you why because their last names are nothing the same they're not they're like how would I know how the hell would I know why are you say seriously how would I know how the hell would I know that anyways 15 old good return there from Kon double F sorry double fault from ranu growing up I thought Australia was in Australia was like madmax it is it is it's literally the same place like they literally filmed it here that goes out by R that's not good shot 1530 1530 how did I find out uh a meme came up about uh was just a meme that came up about lellan it was hilarious and then I think I like why did I then I think like something else came up and like I think I read the comments of the meme and then it said like Judy G I was like you mean the Dorothy from The Wizard was they're related no idea I had no idea and nor should I how would I know I don't know anything why would I know that I don't watch I I watch Tennis right 530 or all 30 old as ranu so Kenan tries to break back suzan had no idea as well see look I'm not the only one see it's not common knowledge don't make me sound look silly from ACD to inexcess to Ray Gun hey don't you dare say that 4 to four rally as kenon hits a find short roono on the attack puts it away 4030 have ever seen the movie Arthur I've seen the one with um Russell Brand is that the movie the Remake seen that one right 4030 4030 R Cony keep the break clearly need to start a new channel musical talk with Williams no cuz I'm a stupid idiot why would I do that uh 4030 there's bit of four to four rally Kenan goes down the line but it's wide 53 ranu I start a tennis talk because I know what I'm talking about sometimes if we did something that I had no idea about that' be that' be the worst Channel ever okay 53 ranu keeps the break also alz trying to level but he pushes the forehand down the line wide 405 we would still watch fair enough to be honest I found out that Nicole Kidman was an Aussie I legit thought she was American yeah I mean yeah I can see that that's understandable all right ELR 405 he serves a f second serve Pini up a double break in the second okay and kenon double faults a comes to net with the volley two with the backand slice is just wide two second third set Canan serves another fault second serve second serve double fold again there right Kenan love 30 two double Fs in a row all right ranu serves sorry Kenan serves again to ranu double F in a row as we have served out wide the four RU for Kennon sliced as rodan's back in goes down the line for a winner love 40 ranu about to take this to a third and love 40 love 40 Kidman always marrying Americans like Keith Urban but maybe he's Aussie he is Aussie [ __ ] thought I mean he's got an American accent though but Keith Urban's Australian as well any 1540 one saved by Kenan but still two more set points as Kenan serves down see the back and ranu for from Kennan into the forehand of ranu get to the for of Kenan as rodan's for goes down the line for a winner there it is we're going three baby we're going three ranu takes the second 63 Keith Urban is Australian yeah all right we're going three let's see what happens in the third remind me not to pick cam for a general knowledge quiz okay well I mean fair enough uh cam use your influence and contact Colt tennis he needs to come back with a bang of videos um I mean I'm sure he's he's brewing something up Andrew's always Brewing something up um I think he's by the way and it's not a sponsor but he does do a lot of content on um off YouTube um so if you go to one of his videos I don't know what the play what it's called but there's like he does like a lot of um he does some content off YouTube that's worth a watch so you know he doesn't because the thing is chat um the type of videos that Andrew does or that the C tennis does are unfortunately not you like they can be not YouTube friendly so um you know the powers that be uh you know can can come after can can come after videos so um yeah so he does do other videos I'm pretty sure he does other videos off the platform but it is very hard to do the stuff that he does you know because of um because of uh copyright that happens it's a very blurry gray area chat so um but I'm sure uh I'm sure he's brewing something he's always working on something C tennis 3040 as o hits out in the net and it's Deuce but here's a sketchy uh it's not easy to not easy chat I mean even this channel I mean I've told you guys a bunch that 2019 we went through a lot of [ __ ] and we're not even doing anything like you we're not even showing anything so it's um yeah I mean it's a it's a whole thing tennis is a weird sport as we just serve now the back of Al the net advantage two advantage two stay in front here in the third as two serves of f second serve second serve as the return goes the back hand of Al but two hits wide back to Duce we get the deuce looking for that break imagine how good alarz can be if he could figure out how to convert break points yeah I mean he's always got there's still room for improvement you know with uh prell CR you know okay advantage two as he tries to stay in front in the third roduku serving first in the third here we go as rodano serves Jerry lost first round again in all four slams this year he's lost first round he hasn't lost yet but that's crazy Jerry's lost all first rounds in every slam this year that's wild and right kind of ser first in the final set stands down a break in the third he's or stands down two sets 11 a break that sucks no sin c stand two holds 32 in the Third Kind serves out while the for of Kenan great no no return goes over the baseline from Kenan it's 15 love donuts anybody for who probably Shelby rogers's last match of a career tonight that is true Ser T is's an Ace from ranu 30 love 30 love Al is 10 times more likable than cner okay why would that why would you say that 30 love as rodona serves to the backend of Kenan back ranu into the back of Kenan ru's back end goes into the back end slice of Kenan but kenan's in the net 40 love 40 love I'll tell you what if two wins the third here this would be really interesting very interesting match 40 love I lost the lid of my drink that when you drink on the job where'd it go hello of course it's right under my chair all right R Conor holds One Love in the third okay one love in the third as zra serves 3-2 two and it's 15 love good Ser outc kenon looks ready to explode yeah I mean she dominated that first set so she's got to be pissed stuff and how things are going all right 15 love slice return from two to the back end of V slice from two into the four of alz has two hit to find down the line El gets with the back end open court two slice in the net 30 love is your dog in the house now my dog has gone on holiday for the week so uh she is not around unfortunately but she's having the time of her life down at the beach all right 30 love serves again serving the back of two good return Al slice in the net 315 3015 315 as elra serves again out wide too strong 4 15 405 even your dog vacation is having a vacation but you can't yep exactly it's exactly right she is spoil she gets spoiled 415 is with four down line from alas the back in a two into the for of ALR who puts it away 3- three third set uh 30 love here is Kenan double folds 305 305 while the back in of R return deep into the for of Kennan rodicon on the stretch as Kenan goes down the line roon there with the back on the stretch kenan's in trouble now as ranu on the attack hits a four into the for of Kenan short ball goes in and ranu puts away the smash that was a great rally 30 oh Mia is the queen she is Mia is the princess of Melbourne okay as Al on the attack hits a for to the for of two back from Al the backend of two as El backand again down the line two's there with the four in crosscourt ALR goes down the line again two's backand again at the back of alz down line of the four to two Al with a slice on the stretch two on in control now as he the fall inside out for a winner great turnaround 30 love unbelievable unbelievable love that from Two and he points to his ear again and the crowd respond also 30 all as Ken says back ranu return the back of Kenan ranu back end again into the back of Kenan into the back of ranu as kenan's back hand goes in the net breakpoint ranu 3040 breakpoint ranu to start the third all right 30 unfor from Kennan yuck Kenan serves down the T rodon gets it back Kenan puts it away and we get the deuce now we get the deuce serve again the back of ranu for from Kenan into the for ranu ranu in the net Advantage Kennan Al on the attack again he gets the 30 all he wants that break Al Al broke this time in the second set and then lost the set anyway so by way don't forget to subscribe you haven't already we're trying to get to 20 something I don't know 220 by the end of the year Kenan holds 1-1 final set one all in the final set is this the first time we've ever seen or watch two in your life it is I didn't even know who he was before this week so uh I'm a fake fan of Australian tennis but um yeah I um yeah yeah I wasn't familiar with two's game he hasn't played them he's played like eight main draw matches 3040 but I'm glad we're going to watch him why are you watching Lee 2 and not Mev because meev is not playing right now what are you talking about Med's not here he finished already he finished like two hours ago what you talking about 3040 Al is to take the break in the third all two just got a warning they taking too much time between points car bernardes is very strict he likes to what look at the clock and watch the time he's I'm got to be out of here by midnight all right you better hurry the [ __ ] up 3040 sure he said in a nice way four now goes the back of vrz into the back in of two as El into the forehand Cross Court two with the four on the stretch alas inside out as two hits back in wide there it is alas breaks same time as the second set but can he get the job done in this [Applause] set 43 oz in the third Rod's got 40 love 40 love all right 40 love M with the serve again is a fault second serve second serve to the four of Kenan to the four ranu Ken with the forehand again to the for ranu Kenan slice drop shot rodano gets it Ken with the four pass too good rodano went the wrong way 4015 will you watch jovic jera yes yes we will 415 as rukan who looks to go to 21 in the third set as she serves now the back end of Kennan but it's a fault second serve second serve seven the back and kenon return goes long 21 21 R con final set Stan lost that sucks that sucks I wanted to see Stan versus CA 43 ELR as El H back in pass two with the volley elas gets it with the forand but it's down the line two was nowhere to be seen 15 love will you watch Paul Sono uh no beluchi is good to watch all right I wanted stand center but hey look beluchi is good we'll watch him too against s that's fine no problem there andrc into a third set come come on bian come on what the hell's going on with the uh why the light is it raining or is it just fog looks like it's raining maybe it's just like cold or humid maybe it's like Steam what's up 15 oh Dello just won thank God I need I needed him to win anyways 315 305 as Z serves a fault second serve second serve into the back in two and then Al whips a four down line 45 how do my predictions look so far uh I think I've only got one wrong and that was uh r NOA as a good quality I think everything else have been doing all right um yeah de Rod yova is the only one who's let me down so far everything else is going to plan 415 as Al serves and the back end down the line great volum from two but alkas are too strong and he puts away the forand winner and it's 53 alkas in the third yeah so I um everything's still going well only one of my predictions is not is is out I tell on Dru beats palini I look like a genius okay 15 Kon serves a fault second serve 15 or second serve from Kenan into the back of ranu Kenan with the back in pass to good R just doesn't have approach shots also she just grabbed her back is that Sam query it is that guy's funny as hell that guy is funny Sam query funny guy funny guy hilarious listen to his podcast funnyest funny 35 as to serve now from Kenan into the for of ranu for from kenon Cross Court Ru get on the stretch it's Kennan hits it out 30 o 30 all as OAS looks to win this set Bo goes in the net though from with 30 here as Kenan serves and while the for R returns chipped to the for of Kenan as Rod to for in the net 4030 4030 Canon level the third quer is watching uh watching kenon by the way I think they knew that they're on camera because he's just like don't do anything stupid now 4 to four rally as Kenan hits it in the net and we get to Deuce alus has cleaned up his game big time in this third set too he's 18 errors in the second he's only hit seven in this third set 1530 there with a fault from two second serve what do you mean by funny like funny haha not like a clown slice goes into the backand of ALR and then two hits in the ground 1540 Al got two set points for a two set to one lead Kenan also has the advantage to stay level in the in the second set third set as alas hit a return to the net 3040 3040 as two serves again still a break point for alz and a set point for Al take two sets one lead two serves a f second serve second set the back of alres return goes long and it's Deuce we get to deuce we get to Deuce as oz so alz R Conor hits it long and it's Advantage Kennan vage Kennan is she serves again down the for of R return goes into the for of Kenan Kon hits it out though we're back to Deuce also Advantage alres for another chance to win this third set lost by much lower ranked players still oh you talking about C pass maruna yeah disappointing right Advantage ALR serve into the forehand of ALR for from two Al back pass two with the volley in the net there's the set ALR two sets of one in the this match all right ALR lead two sets of one I was making a reference to the Good Fellas scene with where Joe pesi asked what do you mean by funny rukan gets back to Deuce at the start of the final set all right back to Deuce as Kenan serves the forehand of ranu hits a wide on the return Advantage Kennan to level up the final set what happened to the scoreboard nothing what you talking about s returning from R go short can for winner and it's 20 in the third okay two all in the third Ken's dad is stressing out somebody got give that guy a vape I mean a give that guy a uh give him uh all 20 uh two serve out wi from R con is a f second serve second serve second Ser the for of Kenan for ranu get the for of Kennan beautiful shot in the corner 15 love sorry love 15 love 15 love 15 as R con serves again so two went to the toilet so we're just waiting for him to come back as ranu serves again into the back kenon return goes into the front of ranu Ken with a forehand and then ranu hits it in the net love 30 love 30 hey thank you definitely not for becoming a member appreciate that thank you for the membership love 30 as we get a fult down the te from ranu second serve serve the back in the Canon with goes in the for ranu Ken with the forehand again to the slice of ranu but it's in the net love 40 Kenan looking for that SEC third set break love 40 love 40 hey Laura thank you for the 33 months appreciate that love 40 as R serves Slash from Kenan goes wide one saved 1540 Alo talking to his team lot of chat having a long chat okay 1540 serve is a f second serve second serve ranu double fult there's a break ranu gives the break over to Kenan to start the final [Applause] set all right two comes back and we're ready to take a third set um chasing that uh purple ball um yeah I think three years is purple and then black and then it's rainbow I think five years is Rainbow no one's close to five years I think an is the only one near five years if Kenan holds the match is over almost kenon looks like my cousin does that mean I have to go for her um I guess I mean if you want to or not is everyone asleep chat's dead uh yeah chat's chat's dead everyone's asleep uh 21 elarz with a lead here in in this match as Z smack the winner down the line fif day love beautiful shot oh God all right kenan's got the break in the third Kenan serves the back in of ranu kenon with the forehand winner 15 love who does Ken play next Keys no uh she'll play bagula or Rogers so um yeah been a tough day emotionally I'm stuffed it's been a we knew it was going to be a big day today lots happen winner there from alcarez two good 30 love as Kennan short ball comes to the net roon back in pass in the net 30 love do I have money on all on games I have money on um andrescue to beat palini over 21 games which has already happened so I just need andru to win and that will be uh money return goes in the form of Kennan down the line of the back of ranu but rodono can't get it 40 love let's go Dello thanks for the day yeah Dello has been a beast and he made me look well if he wins the next round he'll make me look really smart thank you Duty hi Cam let's go Dio Canada Canada thanks for today no worries thank you for the $2 all right 4 love on both courts Kevin are you counting my Ys 40 Love Ace down the te from kenon and it's 42 Kon in the final set she's two games away from winning this very high pro profile match Al wins the first game of the third of the fourth one love Al kicking up an not he's gotten better the second said he played trash but um he shook it off all right ranu serving 4-2 in the final set to Kenan is going it back in Ro con the for of Kenan Kenan hits along and it's 15 in love Al yeah kicking up a notch serve into the back end as a f from M second serve it's been a long day chat very long day right second serve second serve into the for of Kenan for nanu to that Kenan forehand and Rod comes in hits it straight to kenan's backand puts up a lob and then rodu hits a smash straight to Kenan but Kenan can't control it goes wide 30 love 30 love why is the crowd for Emma because she's very popular 30 love did I pull an all nighter for the open cam I that's all I [Laughter] do that is all I do is it starting to rain 30 love forand return goes the forehand of Kenan for ranu again to the for of Kenan sliced into the for ranu puts it away 40 love 40 love I don't even know what time we're doing stuff tomorrow tomorrow's matches a kind of crap chat what match you want to watch tomorrow give me give me ideas cuz I feel like tomorrow's kind of mid every second day is going to be every every other day is going to be boring lovely backhand winner there from ranu and it's 4-3 Ken with the break Al by the Way's got break points L 40 all the M like there's not too many good matches tomorrow well there are but there's not like there's like two three do you even get sleep cam why would I do that on Dr squand to the break opportunities no towns and Bosa I guess rude month bartini versus Fritz they're the only two good matches all right El breaks two love in the fourth yeah Fritz bartini is the only good and mon rud are the only two really good matches Keys versus joint I mean maybe Shelton RBA is actually pretty good too you're right jovic jera do we have to now that was good last year we watched that obviously am I supporting demon as a true BL Aussie hell no I'm from New Zealand bro demon can get stuffed what do you mean of course I'm of course I am two love is a back in now slce from two volley from Al is a winner 15 love Goff yeah she's playing tomorrow rude bartini Shelton they only three good matches TFO shenko could be epic so what are we doing tomorrow um nothing Dasher isn't even playing tomorrow I mean we could just watch Dasher for fun but she's not even playing wait no she is wait she is playing when she's playing Sterns down oh it's the last match on [ __ ] ah why couldn't it be on it the first match tomorrow stupid put Dasher on first well buddy watch it R Conor hits a lovely backhand pass and love 15 she is playing more she's playing Sterns um but it's playing late which is what everyone's playing like she'll be playing at the same time as mpy and rude or there's no matches to start the day tomorrow everything sucks at the start of the day towns and BOS maybe I don't know chat I don't know I feel like this this week's schedule's been terrible like they're just like oh by the way we're going to put all the good matches on at the same time and you're like why that's so annoying drop shot Kennan Ron slice comes to the net Kenan puts up a lob roon with a forehand long 15 oh 15 all Shelton's playing Batista Ru a conell takes out Jerry let's go oie's having a great day Al holds three love in the final set no fourth set fourth set that's what I meant 15 o kenit a 4 winner 315 andrescu is so tired no come on bian all right 315 Kenan six points away Bosa first round uh she won bad scheduling especially ESPN only shows one show Court yeah has back and return from Ro the for Kenan and hits it out 30 all and dru's cramping she got broken too H 30 all 30 all kenon serves Kenan serves a let serve again yeah no and Fritz's matches are at the same time so annoying Ser the back of Ron Ron with the net clutch from Kennan 4030 4030 Kenan to stay up the break in the final set 4030 all right Kenan serves down the T the for ran return long 5-3 Kenan final set Ruku serving to stay in the match is ver of Müller yeah that's happening too all right rodicon serving to stay in the match Kenan trying to take out a fellow Grand Slam Champion double headers are working out well yeah but they're so they they're very tiring trust me they're very double the matches double the energy it takes to concentrate on them 53 as ranu serves again into the back and of Kenan return goes into the back of ranu Kenan back in on the stretch into the forehand of ranu Kenan back in again the back ranu as Ken H another backand ranu on the stretch gets the slice Kenan comes in with the volley too good great volley love 15 love 15 andrescu is crying on a chair why what happened she heard us what happened what happened tell me right now you do them well yeah they're not easy glad I glad it's okay as they back in to back in rally Ricon down the line of the for of Kennan roon with the for of the stretch in the net love 30 love 30 andru is cramping up is she love 32 points away Canon from getting a very impressive win ha to shut up love 30 rodicon serves Ace 1530 with an ace 153 30 or by the way ALR looking for the double break and he hits back and wide and he doesn't get it 30 4030 two looking to get on the board here in the fourth as Ro con serves a fault second serve 1530 second serve ranu as Kenan hits a return wide 30 o 30 o again 30 as ricono serves an ace all right 4030 rodu hangs on has two hits out of the Dead Advantage alarz oh God damn it advantage alz to take a double break in the fourth Ro says at 430 she says a fault second serve as ELR gets the double Break for Love For Love ELR in the fourth R Conor serves again into the for of Kenan return goes in the for as Kenan goes down the line ronu there with the backhand kenon forand goes Cross Court ronu there with back with the for again kenan's now the slice of ranu get to that Kenan forehand cross into the slice of ranu Kenan down the middle ranu passing shot winner and it's 54 kenan's going to have to serve for this match great finish to this match though 54 Kenan serving in the match all right ELR by the way 15 love as he tries to get out of here in four sets when everyone and their neighbor picks ranu you sneak a bet on kenon I hope I didn't read that out at the wrong time 15 love good to 30 love 30 love zra servs again and two puts up a lob now puts away the easy smash 40 love 40 love to go to Five Love in the fourth and ALR hold unbelievable okay five love all right Kenan she is serving for the win Sophia Kennan to take out ranu Kenan servs and the players going the crowd's going nuts kenan's just waiting for them to shush shush Ola serve ow as we return now for M Conor the for of Ken great winner back behind ranu 15 love 15 love 15 Love kenon servs Again 15 love it's Kenan ser again down the te a f second serve second serve Kennan the back of ranu return is wide 30 love 30 love two serving to get on the board in the final set fourth set maybe I don't know both 30 love as kenon serves down the T it's on it's in the net on the return this is going to be okay sopia Kon 40 love to take out roduku and to maybe take on pagou in the second round that would be fun we might watch paga Rogers I don't know Chad do you want to watch paga Rogers first there's a fault from Kenan second serve Al's about to win by the way all right 40 love serving the backand of ranu for from Kennan into the for of ranu is Kenan into the for again ranu to the for of Kenan ranu back and Cross Court Kenan gets the point there's the match Sophia Kennan takes out emanu in a blockbuster first round and it did not disappoint Sophia Kennan always gets up for these sort of matches I don't know why she always seems to play great tennis when she's playing a blockbuster we even saw I mean she didn't she played Fon a couple of times over this year in Grand Slams but Sophia Kennan she is a big match player and alges gets match points at the same time how about that ranu tough first round very tough first round she didn't get any preparation to play here either anyway slice from two in comes alres and hits in the net match points saved 3040 still one to go 3040 still a match point for Oz one saved by two as we get a fault from two is we to return now from in the net all right Deuce we get to Deuce we get to deuce and the crowd go mild actually no they go wild um all right the next stream's going to be super chill all right ALR four to four is he goes down the line with the four hand beautiful shot Al Al I love from Two and Al hits in the net gross all right advantage two to get on the board in this fourth set advantage two all right advantage two as he serves again a fault second serve return goes in from Al the back of two for ALR crosscourt two hits it out and we're back to Deuce back to Deuce if you are leaving don't forget to subscribe before you leave don't forget to sub as Z returns two hit a four and winner though and it's Advantage two advantage two getting the board here in this fourth set make Al serve for the match a lot of people saying two like he's not playing jovic advantage oh brother this guy stinks I I didn't say that at loud I was supposed I was thinking that I wasn't supposed to say that sorry uh Advantage advantage two and two gets a point and the game he's on the board 5-1 sorry CH I didn't say that out loud did I I don't think I said no it's my inside that was my I wasn't um anyway it's 51 51 alar serve for the match serve W the for two return goes back into ALR two back in on the stretch alas volley a drop shot winner 15 love 15 love 15 love scoreboard is stuck sorry it's love 15 wait it's 15 love wait what's the score there we go 15 love that joke was too soon back return goes the forehand of alasas puts it away 30 love that was a good one 30 love 30 love as serves two big down the T all right 40 love 40 love ALG to take the win 10 p.m. by the way it's late joer is playing tomorrow by the way speaking of okay ALR to get it done serves an ace down the T alarz gets it done and like C today had to battle it was a battle four setup they hug it out of the net uh two had a good time I'm I'm happy for two that he had a he had fun out there he was doing some fun stuff in enjoying the moment despite it being one of the craziest matches and situations of his life love that for two good on him 28-year old Aussie battling it out in his career and bit of a journeyman love to see that for him and getting a big big round of applause on his way out as well he put on a show all right now we are going to watch one more match because we can and tomorrow is going to be kind of boring so we might as well watch any bangers that are happening and this is this could be a banger Shelby Rogers beat ashb here when ashb was on fire in 21 so uh this what's going to be interesting this going to be interesting so jump over there talk about yourselves I'll be back I'm just going to get a coffee and sorry a tea and we'll be back um to watch our final match of the day on drcu by the way still playing um but ranu sorry Kenan beats ranu 613 664 and alra has Beats two 62 46 63 61 um and they are both into the second round let's find out who kenan's going to play because we got Rogers taking up at Gan next [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] oh [Music]

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