SABALENKA vs PEGULA ● US Open 2024 Final ● LIVE Tennis Play by Play Stream

Intro [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] nah [Music] [Music] [Music] nah [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right what's going on everybody Welcome to the US Open final for the Preview ladies and we got a rematch rematch of the final in Cincinnati a couple weeks ago Pula taken on sabalenka Pula has had an amazing summer post Olympic summer she's been in the final of the three big biggest events going uh going through this U series US Open Series sabalan has not done too much worse I mean she didn't do as well in Canada but she has done well over the last couple weeks but let's get the preview because these two ladies have played a lot more than just two weeks ago Arena saena versus Jesse Mula is a final for the open for the ladies for 2024 both players have had different roads to get to this Stage B of the tournament as the number six seed we take on Rogers in the first round there's no problem getting through in straights 64 63 in the second round should take on Kennan who just beat ranu in three sets in the first round and of a close first set would get through in straights 7663 third round she take on mono but again no problem for Pula getting through in straights 63 63 in the fourth round she take on Schneider the 18th seed who's been playing really good over the last few months but again no problem for pagla getting through in straights 64 62 to advance to the quarterfinals in the quarterfinals Pula would take on fianc the number one seed and the champion from two years ago and after a fast start Pula would get through in straights 6264 to advance to the semi-finals in the semi-finals Pula would take on Muka who was unseeded for the tournament but did make last year's semi-final of the US Open and also hadn't lost a set for the week and after going down to setting a break B would fight back to win 166 462 to advance to her first Grand Slam final sabalan into the tournament as a number two seed and would take on Han in the first round there is no problem getting through in straights 63 63 in the second round should take on bronzetti but again no problems getting through in straights 63 361 in the third round she take on the 29 seed alexand drover a player who had beaten her a few times before in previous meetings and this was a battle after dropping the first set she would fight back to win 2661 62 in the fourth range we take on Mertens who just beat Madison Keys in the previous rounds no problem for svinka getting through in Straits 6264 to advance to the quarterfinals in the quarterfinals sabinka would take on Jung the seventh seed who just won the Olympic gold medal a couple of months ago there no problem for sabinka getting through in Straits 61 62 to advance the semi-finals in the semi-finals sealink would take on Navaro the 13th seed who' beaten Goff and boser along the way and after a close second set Seena would win in Straits 6376 to advance to the final again these two have played seven times a four with sealink leading 5-2 in their head-to-head including a match in Cincinnati a couple of weeks ago where sabinka destroyed paga it was a close straight set but Saban was almost Untouchable on serve so Pula really didn't have much chance once she got broken so let's see on the slower courts they're not super slow but they are slower than ciny let's see if Bea can actually do something here on the sink serve and returns if B is going to win this one she needs to get the serves back course were much quicker of course in ciny so there was a bit of an excuse I guess because sabinka was just absolutely smashing the ball but this time around she should be able to get the ball back more and she needs to do that a lot hustle as well just like we saw against Muka she's going to have to do that a lot and defend like crazy if she's going to be a chance sa going win this one she needs to serve well and limit the errors there was a lot of Errors towards the end of the second set which allowed Navaro back into the match so she needs to eliminate those if she's going to win her third Grand Slam so here we go here's the rematch of Cincinnati Pula Sabal Lano this is in front of the New York crowd pula's home crowd but I think sabinka is going to get it done in three sets M had a great tournament first Grand Slam final she deserves it but I think Sabal is going to win her third slam she just looks so good this week she's looked so good in the last couple of weeks but let me know down the comments below who's winning the title okay so there it is that's the lineup we've had we've only had one three set up which was that Muka paga match in the uh in the semis sabinka avoided playing three sets against Navaro and also Navaro nearly played a three set against Bosa but uh let's see if it's going to be closer than the last match because the last match being ciny very quick match a couple weeks ago so let's see whether or not Pula has learn from that and what she can change all right Jessica Bola world number six she is 30 years old from the USA 5'7 right-handed 29 wins 10 losses on the is has two titles this year including the Canadian open title huge uh huge winner a huge title I should say from uh for her back to back by the way for the first time I think someone's gone back to back in Canada for like ever I don't even I mean not not in two different venues usually they do the same venue because uh you know they switch every every year uh six titles including guar as well she's had a couple of big wins and you can see their performance been great over the last couple weeks and Arena saena world number two she is 26 years old from Bou she is 5' 11 right-handed 39 wins 11 losses she has two titles this year uh including the Australian Open of course and the Cincinnati Master a few weeks ago 15 career titles and her form has been amazing and of course made the final here last year 52 the head-to head as we said in the preview uh but look over the last couple of years it's been it's been even you know obviously ciny a couple weeks ago was one-sided well mostly but the WT finals last year was you know paga had a chance there and she she got the win in straight so you got to give paga a chance you know being at home you know sabinka also maybe thinking about last year's final and what happened you know could play A Part all right how are we chat are we ready for the second last match of the tournament by the way the Aussies won the doubles let's go Australia's Davis Cup team is insane Thompson pcel and then you've got Ebon as well if you want to put him in as well Po and Demon or Australia Davis Cup watch out Spain alarz and Spain good luck all right you you I mean I know you're at the home crowd but get get stuffed all right the Aussies win I love it I woke up halfway through the first set and I was like oh it's on and then I uh I watched the second set and it was just great it was as good it was almost as good as the Olympic uh doubles wi I mean those Edon and Piers won the Olympic doubles I mean Australian doubles we are kicking everyone's ass all right that's it start singing the song that's it uh I'll be back when paga wins in straight sets I'm out okay that's confident uh Kiros is the go hey look put him in the mix and we're Unstoppable konakis is there I mean we just got the craziest team does pagor serve a lot of Aces not really not really Aussie doubles op for Spain that's it we're g Third Time Lucky chat we lost the last two Davis Cup finals we're not losing a third uh have there these two played before they've played a bunch they have played a bunch let me go through some stats for you chat uh so uh there are some interesting things SP actually created a little bit of history today as well becoming the I think let me check I think it's the first the first time finalist what is it the first time American over 30 final uh finalists I think or something first time over 30 finalist is that what she did she did something she's done something that no one ever's done Pula has become the oldest American in the open era to reach a maiden women's singles final at a grand slam event so she is the oldest player to make her first Grand Slam event in the open era uh final of grandl event in the open era for oldest American lady to do that there you go she's only like just turned 30 I think but still that's a stat uh Cirus has been chatty chaty on Twitter today has he fair enough got money on SE Linka okay not a bad St yeah it's probably not ideal she probably would have loved to have got to a first final at like 25 but still she's uh she's got to it but these two have played yes seven times before including twice in the last two years or last 12 months about time P at least makes a final happy for yeah I I think look I said this yesterday Fritz and paga making the finals feels right you know and there were some people like I saw a couple of comments here and there you know on the internet that like people are like oh you know tennis has gone backwards blah and you go well yeah because Serena and feder and and jovic and Nadal put the bar this high like we're always going to have like you know we're never like there's no goats anymore they're gone so we're never going to have Serena come out of retirement make the final but it's like it feels like American tennis especially American tennis is now getting a chance to actually do what it can do right because the goats not only stopped the Americans but stopped a lot of players so it's great to see you know Fritz in the final because he's been like the big you know he's been the face of American men's tennis p in the final you know obviously Gman the been the face of American tennis over the last you know four years but boul has been sort of the most consistent American player probably in overall because you know on the men's side they're up and down up and down so it's great to see Fritz and pag in the finals because it feels like yeah if they hadn't made a final in their career we would have been like man they probably were good enough you know and yeah okay they didn't have to beat Serena to do it or they didn't have to beat jovic to do it but I mean what you know joish lost it's too bad too bad uh Shan sabinka are great for w oh yeah 100% Shan and sabalenka are I mean if paga beat Shon and Sab to win this title I know I hate using the big three because I think it's just such a silly thing to say and we change the big three every week it seems but P has got to be she is the third best player on the planet if she wins today but also you would have to put her behind those two as you know as a serious top three player in the world you know over the last couple years not just this year you know put her maybe ahead of her backinger probably probably even with those two and maybe G just behind those two consistently consistency wise but or maybe even maybe you put p 3 and G and and Rebecca a equal fourth I don't know but yeah I I you know I think people if she wins this final set I think people are going to take Pig a lot more serious as like a one of the greats of this this era that we've got with this Sabal Len fiance era uh yeah people are saying the thumbnail is wrong I don't know why that would be because it's not it says pager on my side so I don't know what's going on I don't know what's going on I don't know if it's just like your phone or something but it should update it's uh it's definitely I can't I fixed it on my side so I don't know what's going on it's fine on my side uh she'll have to up a I mean yeah if she I mean beating Sabal laner is going to be is the ultimate test this you know in this event or this this post Olympics you beating fiance on on this court is okay that it's happened right people have done that but beating sabalenka who's been on fire over the last couple of weeks that's that's going to be interesting it's good now okay good good uh What event will Rebecca play next I think she's playing in two weeks in most players are taking next week off and they're coming back and playing in South Korea which is happening yeah so you Pula reak Navaro kazakina muku all playing in Soul in two in a week so next week Chad just for a heads up Davis Cup that's about it guadara but guadara is pretty I mean AAR Peno is the top seed Zachary and Jung are pulled out so it's not a massive event next week anymore well it's being downgraded anyway uh and then we've got soul uh in in two weeks and then we've got La cup as well so a bit of a Laver cup and and South Korea Asian swing starting so we get a week off chat next week is a week off except for some Davis Cup that we might tune into there's a 90% chance that Shon won't play Soul well look I think uh if she doesn't play it's still competitive I mean pag we're back in the top seeds I don't think it's a bad event without Shon you know I think it's still pretty good alth also I think has to played a bunch she hasn't played enough 500 so I think she has to play uh I don't think Osaka is playing at least oh unless she's on the entry list but she's not on she's not seated so she actually she might play um hang on let me check she might maybe she is playing um she'll be unseated she doesn't need a protected rank or anything anymore so uh let me check no apparently she's not on the entry list so uh but then after that we've got two massive events in China so um she'll definitely be playing those and then after that there's a couple of tournaments in Japan which I'm sure she'll play uh she'll probably finish the season off with the Japan open which is the final event for most players I think but yeah so she's not she's on at this stage not playing is a Thailand open [ __ ] chat should I go to Thailand I'll just go to Thailand in uh two weeks for the for work I'm going for work I'm going to watch work I'm working it's a working holiday Chad it's not a vacation all right um AIS swing finally going to be my time zones finally finally finally finally H by the way chat some more stats before we uh wait for these players to come out on court they should be out in the next 10 minutes so uh talking about beating the best two players on the planet uh the last time that somebody beat one and two in the world so p is trying to do that right now the last player to beat uh one and two in the world uh at a grand slam was actually in 2009 back uh where KET over took out Safina and Serena to get the title uh the last time happened to the US Open was back in 06 where sharova beat enan and mesmo last time an American beat the one two to win a slam uh was actually Venus back in ' 05 she took out Hingis and Davenport to win the 05 Wimbledon which uh the last American at the US Open uh for the lady at the US Open to win uh it was Venus as well 2000 so it's pagul is trying to do something that hasn't happened for 15 years 15 years at any slam 25 years at by an American at this tournament I mean she's trying to like there's a lot of it's not easy Bea the two best players on the plan on the WTA and winning the titles so she that's what she's trying to do Seena wins the grunt crown and Pula will win the US Open Crown okay uh sing straight sets you reckon okay will sinka be number one if she wins no So speaking of rankings because they are very important so paga wins she's number three so that means oh sorry if she win or lose pagul is three win she's three by a th000 points lose and she's a she's three number three by 400 points if sabalenka wins she is still number two if she loses number two so that doesn't change but she does close the gap to Shan unfortunately Shan is still 2,000 points ahead so even though if SAA wins this tournament Shan get still a whole Grand Slam ahead of sabalenka which is a lot you know so sabala would have to win Wimbledon to to just and that's just a level so can you imagine if if SAA had won Wimbledon and she wins the US Open three slams in year and she's number two still by a couple hundred points that would be insane that just shows how good Shian is outside of slams because remember she won in Doha th000 points she won in Indian Wales th000 points royan madri MD th000 Points each so the thous she is the Thousand Queen Shante that's why her ranking is so high even though she doesn't do she doesn't want every slam um you know like when you look on the men's side right she's got more points than Yanik C now if C wins tomorrow then he'll have more points but he's won two slams you know alra has won two slams and only on 6,700 points which if you put him in the WTA rankings would put him uh third possibly fourth if Pula wins today so I mean alcarez is points uh I mean trion's points are so much outside of grand slams you know it's just so spread out uh and she is the Thousand Queen also she does have points to the drop and also she won the W finals last year so that helps uh but look SAA could be number one in the world by the end of the year if uh she does win this title and then the WT finals it could come down to that like it did last year which would be kind of cool to have like like the end of the year it's like Shon and sabinka trying to be world number one like it was last year um that was really fun it adds it adds a little bit of extra to the WTF finals all right Chad let's get the preview one more time while the people who have just joined us players about to come out on court in about 5 minutes time but uh This Is How They got here Arena saena versus Jesse boua is a final for the US Open for the ladies for 2024 both players have had different roads to get to this stage bua ented the tournament as the number six seed we take on Rogers in the first round there's no problem getting through in Straits 64 63 in the second round should take on Kennan who just been ranu in three sets in the first first round and of a close first set would get through in straights 7663 third round she take on Monero but again no problem for Pula getting through in straights 63 63 in the fourth R you take on Schneider the 18th seed who's been playing really good over the last few months but again no problem for paga getting through in straights 6462 to advance to the quarterfinals in the quarterfinals Pula would take on fanc the number one seed and the champion from two years ago and after a fast start Pula would get through in straights 6264 to advance to the semi-finals in the semi-finals pagul would take on Muka who was unseeded for the tournament but did make last year semi-final of the US Open and also hadn't lost a set for the week and after going down to set a break B would fight back to win 166 462 to advance to her first Grand SL final sabalan into the tournament as a number two seed and we take on Han in the first round there is no problem getting through in straights 63 63 in the second round should take on bronzetti but again no problems getting through in straights 6361 in the third round she Tak on the 29 seed Alex drover a player who had beaten her a few times before in previous meetings and this was a battle after droing the first set she would fight back to win 26 61 62 in the fourth round she take on Mertens who had just beaten mad some keys in the previous rounds no problem for sabinka getting in Straits 62 64 to advance to the quarterfinals in the quarterfinals SAA would take on Jung the seventh seed who just won the Olympic gold medal a couple of months ago there no problem for Seena getting through in Straits 6162 to advance the semi-finals in the semi-finals Seena would take on Navaro the 13th seed who' beaten gof and boser along the way and after a close second set Seena would win in straights 6376 to advance to the final again these two have played seven times before with saalan leading 5-2 in their head-to-head including a match in Cincinnati a couple coup weeks ago where sabinka destroyed paga it was a close straight set but sabinka was almost Untouchable on serve so paga really didn't have much chance once she got broken so let's see on the slower courts they're not super slow but they are slower than ciny let's see if Bea can actually do something here on the sinka ser and returns if B is going to win this one she needs to get the serves back the course were much quicker of course in ciny so there was a bit of an excuse I guess because saan was just absolutely smashing the ball but this time around she should be able to get the ball back more and she needs to do that a lot hustle as well just like we saw against Muka she's going to have to do that a lot defend like crazy if she's going to be a chance sa in this one she needs to serve well and limit the errors there was a lot of Errors towards the end of the second set which allowed Navaro back into the match so she needs to eliminate those if she's going to win her third Grand Slam so here we go here's the rematch of Cincinnati Pula sabalenka this is in front of the New York crowd mul's home crowd but I think sabinka is going to get it done in three sets Mula had a great tournament first Grand Slam final she deserves it but I think Sabin is going to win a third slam she just looks so good this week she looked so good in the last couple of weeks but let me know down the comments below who's winning the title all right so there it is 13 set since the quarterfinals it's been a great event the WT the WT US Open it's been it's been great we've had some familiar names some returning names uh obviously a lot of top players winning uh totally different to the men's side which fell apart kind of in 24 hours when alcarez and jovic lost uh that that changed everything whereas this this tournament's been even looking back at the fourth round you had players like Pini you had had obviously G in the fourth round veage was there you know Mertens who's been there before you had wasaki uh Schneider who's been really good so even the fourth round onwards it's been it hasn't been random it it doesn't feel like it's been random like it has on the men's side uh for the most part we'll talk about that tomorrow though all right number six in the world Jess she'll be number three in the world no matter what happens back in the top three despite having a less than uh less than ideal year because of the injuries that she's had uh 30 years old from the USA she is 5'7 right-handed 29 wins 10 losses on the year she has two titles this year including the one in Canada a few weeks ago six career titles their form has been insane making three finals in a row now and Arena saena world number two 26 years old from Bou she is 511 right-handed 39 wins and 11 losses on the year two titles including the Australian Open title and of course Cincy a couple of weeks ago 15 career titles and her form has been outstanding she's on a nine match win streak or 10 match win streak I think now and 5-2 is the head-to-head in favor of Sabal laner of course that ciny match the one that we were all talking about because that was the most relevant that happened a couple weeks ago but remember Cincinnati was so fast it was super super fast so let's see if the indoor because they've closed the roof because it's raining the indoor conditions help paga we will will be having an indoor final I don't know what the stat on that is I don't know how many indoor us EV finals we've had but this is one of them it might be the first I don't know we had an indoor Wimbledon final last year so we're used to having indoor finals uh for some reason the world is uh it's raining everywhere all right how we doing chat what's up it's going to be a tough atmosphere for saalan yeah I mean battling the Demons of last year against golf but also the crowd of last year because the golf crowd last year is going to be there today it's going to be as loud as last year but uh yeah it's going to be it's let's see what Sab lincol can do 12 months later hey Bryce thanks for the 28 months appreciate that happy uh Happy channel versary uh sabinka beat Olympic champion she did she sure did when does grunting become a hindrance when the grunting extends into the other players uh shots that's the rule so if you grunt and the ball you hit it you grunt and the ball passes the net and you're still grunting when the other person's about to hit that's hindrance because you're hindering their you're you're trying to just like you know you're distracting them from hitting the ball whereas if you hit the ball and Grunt and then you stop and then they go they wind up their shots to hit that's not a hindrance cuz he didn't distract them that's the that's the rule so I've heard a few people complaining sa has been grunting her whole career I don't know why people right today are like oh she grunts she's been grunting forever I don't know why you should just maybe move on like if it was a problem she would have got a she would have got in trouble so you should just maybe move on or don't listen to you know mute the screen mute the mute it I don't know well don't watch Ze but I don't know the grunding is for sure a hindrance how is seing getting away with it I don't know write it right to the managers I don't know I don't have a direct line to the uh WTA so just call them leave a message and I'm sure they'll get back to you when they feel like it write an angry email write an like you know get on the dear WTA why is sabalenka getting away with grunting it annoys me to the point of coming to a live stream of a random guy that I have to complain about it every goddamn match sincerely chat um I don't know who's coming out to are they singing the National Anthem I think they are now doesn't does America have the greatest national anthem I feel like they do their national anthem is is awesome I'm going to listen to it because it's uh I'm not even American and it fires me up I'm not going to sing it but I don't know the words um French is a French naal Anthem is a banger as well is it um SE run is nothing compar to share prob yeah it is what it is that's why we listen yeah look mute the CH you can always that's why you can hang out here I don't grunt it's not that kind of Channel I'll sing it for you go Brent go take it away you got this um I like Canada's Anthem Simplicity okay the Italian national anthem is much better okay how do you so nice in Australia nice you say it just normally I like the New Zealand national yeah New Zealand's all right what is this lady singing I don't know what the song is Hey Steph Curry's there he uh does uh he is a he he's a plays of basketball see I know people he's a basketball player he's one of the is he one of the greatest of all time he's not he's not a goat but is he one of the best point guards of all time better than magic nah maybe more successful no Lakers in the ' 80s were pretty crazy he is the shooting goat he's the threo greatest three-pointer of all time right greatest three-point shooter right of all time that's confirmed I think or is that Larry Bird God I don't know he's second behind magic okay clutch machine yeah did you not see him at the Olympics of course I did I'm just asking like what is the like I don't know I'm not in basketball as much as so I don't know what's he considered like what's where is he stand in the in the H in the NBA landscape is he he's definitely not the greatest of all time I don't think that's the thing he is but he's what is he he's at least top 10 all time yeah okay best P shooter of all time okay LeBron is also a basketball player true but he's not there so Michael's the goat I agree P for this one okay best three-point shooter of all time we'll go with that God I hope no American will win [Laughter] why I don't want to know why uh may be waiting for the storm to pass too no I don't think so I think they're going to play with the roof shut they're not going to risk having a rain delayer in the final does Pula have a chance yes she does it just depends on two things one how does sabalenka serve and and two how does the crowd affect the match uh and maybe three pula's returns because you know she could serve well but paga gets a back then game on no storm just rain yeah so I don't think they I don't think they'll open the roof if there's a chance of rain like if it's on and off they're going to leave the roof shut they they don't want to have a rain delay and all that [ __ ] too bad that the men's have to compete with the NFL final tomorrow no look NFL tomorrow yeah I mean it is what it is US Open could start a week early I guess not really but they could if they want want to avoid the NFL who does the roof favor I don't think it makes a difference I don't think it makes that much of a difference like unless the humidity goes up when the roof shut here but that's only a Wimbledon so I don't know I I I don't think it matters I don't think it matters maybe it makes it louder um oh yeah the yeah of like okay that's a good good point the elements being like wind and stuff that doesn't affect anyone so that probably helps that banka means that she doesn't have to wor like you know deal with any sort of wind or sun or anything like that um that helps her because that means she doesn't have to you know when she serves she's getting you know she's hitting the same shot every time because she doesn't have any wind to deal with but I don't know I don't think it makes a massive difference like with the roof shut it's not like oh uh Advantage poua like I don't think it matters I don't think it changes things it might help Sabal Linker a fraction but maybe also more humid so the ball travel is a little different yeah but I don't think it's that is it that humid with the roof shut is that confirmed or is that just Wimbledon cuz Wimbledon there is a humidity factor for sure but it would have been humid anyway right because it was it's humid always at the US Open the roof being shut does that change it I don't think it changes it I'll tell you what though the crowd will be louder because it will Echo so it sound even probably crazier than last year if the crowd get crazy so that could be interesting uh what is the crowd like inside Ash uh I'm sure they'll be going nuts by the way us been haven't a back-to-back American champion since the William sisters in the in the early 2000s so having back-to-back American Champions different American Champions so two different Champions poua and golf trying to go back to back as for America hasn't happened since the William sister did back in like 0102 so that's well 20 years ago I mean they're trying to everything's 20 years ago besides like Serena winning slams most stuff has been 20 years ago the first time in 20 years since blah blah blah blah just started raining in New York where I am okay well they got the roof shut so that's that's a good thing and remember if they they start the match with the roof shut they will they will not uh open the roof the roof will stay shut for the entire the entire match here we go Chad oh they're pumping the crowd up paga out first go God is this the be like this entrance is insane did they do this like I don't think they do this anywhere else like I don't think the Australian Open have this much like craziness I still reckon we should take a take a page out of boxing and UFC turn the lights off and like do a whole intro like that's what we need to do right we need to do that even if it's just like walking out to a song just like turn the lights down and then like Spotlight like do like some C cool like that just to Hype it up even more just for the final just the final just for the final I tell you what the WTA finals in Saudi they did that really well last year in exhibitions I think WTA Saudi finals are going to probably do that where they turn the lights down and they like introduce the players as like a as like a like a boxing entrance and uh we might look at that and go hang on we should do that more often like that's really cool or we might hate it so we'll see we'll find out yeah like the Netflix slam yeah exactly do those entrances that would be insane so obviously the crowd were much louder when paga came out God this is such an atmosphere though like it's so different like this is so because like when you come out to wimon everyone's like yay and then everyone just stops talking and everyone like Whispers to themselves and then like French Open it's like hey and then they stop opens the same but here it's like everyone's like let's go and then they just like start keep yelling and it's like the constant Rumble it feels like the start of like the the Super Bowl like an NFL game like it's just got this like rumbling and the and the Umpire is like yelling at the Players cuz he's like I can't hear anything it's good it's it has a different different vibe for sure hey it's Kim kers she won this tournament as a mom all right here we go I don't know who's serving but I wish they put that on the screen oh here we go we're finding it now okay here we go here we go umpire's yelling at the Players cuz he trying to hear here we go chat Pula Co heads all right saing's going to serve the first ball of the final all right paga by the way Chad I would also wouldn't mind if we like came out here they C they they you know did the to what is it the coin toss and as soon as it was done they walk back and they start playing that would be like the warm- Up's like okay yeah yeah yeah but like I would love it if they just like they did that and then we started playing like that it just eliminate that thre minute like wait I I think that would be interesting I think that' be interesting I don't know if be good but I think it'd be interesting if they were just like all right s's going to serve and they walk to the B and as they're walking to the Baseline the crowd start getting crazy because they know it's about to start I would I would I would that would be interesting to see if that would work all right so Zing is going to serve the first ball of the US Open final and uh they warming up as we speak or maybe like do the warm up and then toss the coin and then do the everything I don't know no that wouldn't work then you'd be sweaty in the photo um the crowd be so loud tomorrow oh the crowd's going to be loud today and tomorrow I mean the crowds is going to be crazy Americans in the finals is is is going to be crazy doesn't happen you know who would be more nervous Cam's just yapping now my name's on the channel and also it's called tennis talk what do you want want me to do sit here and mime sit me here and and meditate what do you want from me yapping is part of the Channel's name it's just called Talk yapping is just the rude way of saying it great coverage during the tournament no worries so thank you for that wholesome comment um sorry what was that real question that somebody asked uh with auto line calls couldn't the crowd cheer through the rallies they could but I mean I mean the players get distracted I guess the roof close help Seena maybe have I made a prediction yep singrin 3 Pula won't get much help today she will from the crowd but I don't know if it will make any difference I've been to many US opens a lot of crowds is drunk okay all right here we go it's warming up the serves and we're going to get this going sabinka will shut whole crowd from screen so that's we've watched the because Americans have done so well here we've seen so many different players play Americans and we've kind of see how how to take the crowd out of it poin did it really well against TFO soon as poppy started winning that second set it was just dead silent and that's what sabalenka should try and is going to try to achieve right is just try and like get to three love in like five minutes and the crowd are just going to be like oh okay like try to eliminate the crowd as quickly as possible that is how um that's what you know most of the players that have played Americans this week have have done some successfully some not but but yeah that is something that she definitely needs to do because it did affect her last year I think you know once the third set and the crowd was gone crazy and golf was coming back I think that was you know that affected her Pula upset would be great but unlikely we'll see it's a grand SL final let's see what happens I mean I didn't have paga beating Fon can straight sets on my bingo card earlier in the week nobody thought alarz was going to win a lose to VZ anel jovic going down was a c i mean Chad I mean we've had some crazy things happen this week you know so who knows it's a final who knows there's no guarantees yeah option I'm going to say this one more time mate because I've timed you out three times already uh uh let's let's just ease up on referring to sabalenka as a dude because I don't think the sabala fans appreciate it I don't appreciate it and you're not taking the hint so just just don't or it will just ban you forever and you won't be back you know just if you don't like step could just shut up and don't talk about it CU it's annoying and you're annoying me and I've timed out three times and you still come back and be like I don't understand what's going on I just said nobody cares mate so please just stop talk about paga all right here we go Sabal is going to serve first sabinka serves first can paga deal with a serve now Cincinnati was quick so that was a different speed of of ball coming at at Pula this will be slightly slower but still it's going to be it's going to be still Sab leer hitting the ball who you got Chad give me some predictions who you got who have you got I've got sing and three first point com onways with a 4 Set 1 now from paga that's a great shot Pula first point love 15 first point Luck first point Pula and the crowd go wild love 15 love 15 lot of people going with pager and three SE Straits all right love 15 first point to boua in the final serves saena to the slice of b s like a forehand goes long love 30 love 30 my sounds have stopped working love 30 it's an indoor match by the way love 30 as a return goes in the N from paga love 40 sorry 1530 got excited there hang on all right 1530 I don't have the Panic sound I'm panicking because I can't do the sounds sounds are broken 1530 A7 from from Sabal Lan up just have to make your own sounds chat 30 all 30 all and sabinka serves again the for the return goes wide and it's 4030 good fight back here from Sabal Leno 4030 4030 serve again to get the first game of the match D here the for on the net okay sabala first game of the final goes to her from love 40 from love what is it love 30 down love 30 down she gets the first point first game all right all right pouring rain outside by the way okay Pula to serve see if we can reset this soundboard here we go fixed it nearly not yet fixed it all right one love we need you to make the sounds and do close-ups when you do no we take this is a final we got to take it seriously as we to Ser in the back end of sabalan return goes in the for of paga sabala back end down the line pula's got it Cross Court the for of sabinka it's Pula in the net love 15 sabinka by the way he's been wearing the black dress all week and uh it feels like most of the week CU she's played most night matches today she is wearing the pink dress will that make a difference probably not love 15 first serve from puler is alette Ser as alette as Pula serves into the back of the Saban slice paga get to the slice Sab slice in the ground 15 all Crow go wild 15 all 15 all serve again is a nice 305 305 first Ace of the day for Pula 315 Ser to the back of Sabal Lanka return goes long 405 405 G serves again down to the slice of sabalenka return goes long from paga sorry from sabalenka 1-1 Pula holds and the crowd cheer like it was a break one all nice hold from boua settle those nerves all right sainger to serve serve sabalenka Ace okay 15 love big Ace out wide from sabalenka 15 love sing serves again now wi the back of Pula slice go short in comes sabang with a volley from saena in the net good pick up by Pula and the crowd go nuts 1 15-0 they love that 15 oh this crowd are cheering everything paga does all right 15 all there with a fult from sabalan second Serve by we're almost at 500 likes can we get there by the end of the end of the match or set as we return now the for of Seena Pula down the line se's got back hand cross courau Pula gets it with a slice sabalenka cross courau again Pula gets it again to the back of sabalenka into the back of Pula to the back of sabalenka who hits it in the net it's 1530 another half chance here for pagul to break early in this match 1530 sabinka serves again 1530 down the T goes into the for of paga backing a sabalan paga with a slice for again seaner on the attack hits it wide and it's break point for Gula break points for Gula 1540 to take the first break of the final the crowd going absolutely crazy 1540 sabala serves a fault down the te goes wide on the first serve second serve second serve out wide great second serve oh for G with a great return straight to the feet of Sabal langr she just has to put it into the net just defending her toes pretty much all right break Pula first part of the match good start much better than in ciny when it took Pula like the best part of an hour and a half to get a break and that was right at the end when sabalan was getting nervous serving for the title perfect start for bagula and this crowd are electrified crowd reaction's insane they're going nuts they are having a party sabinka will win in straight sets all right well okay Pula will some with some great returns yeah yes saala serve is not as fast at the moment as ciny not as uncontrolled as Cincy hey leis Hamilton in the house I don't know who that is he's a he drives cars and he's very good at it in fact some would say he's the greatest at it of all time I don't know is he he's the goat right is is Hamilton the goat uh if aula wins maybe the bills will win win the Super Bowl it'd be kind of funny the memes would be like paga wins US Open before bills wins Super Bowl but it might be inspirational Ben Stiller I don't know if he's there haven't seen him sinka just stay calm there's definitely some nerves for Seena to start this final as expected by the way CH p is winning uh pagou has become the fourth player in the open era uh to make to win Cincinnati sorry to make the finals of Cincinnati Canada and the US Open in the same calendar year so she is the fourth play in the open era Rosemary castles did it back in 1970 uh Ivon gulong did it back in 1973 and Serena in 2013 so she joins those three players as the only player to make those three massive finals in the same season on the women's side so she's only the only uh what second American to do it or the third American last play to do it was Serena and she was I mean Serena's you know she's all right she's pretty good it's pretty good company love 15 4 to four r as p in the net love 30 uhoh uhoh sabalenka love 30 Sabal Lena's 11 minutes in and she starting to settle love 30 Pula with a serve Ace out wide great serve Pula is holding our own with uh with these Aces I mean how many we got level on Aces yeah two old in the Ace Department all right boua serves again down the middle to the back and SAA bit of a shank goes into the for of Pula SAA backand goes cross in the net and 30 oh sabalan is just not finding finding a ground strokes here 30 all boua serves again her first test of the T of the final serve to the back and seink return goes deep into the paga backand now SAA down the line pagul has got a cross forehand and SAA slices it long on the stretch B's got 4030 to get to 31 to start this final the perfect start for Pula in a first Grand Slam final I mean she' never been here sabinka has been here three times four to four rally a sabinka crosscourt winner and a big shot from sabinka and the crowd give her a light Round of Applause still louder than most crowds but that's because there's a billion people there that was a great shot all right Deuce serves out wide at the for of sabalan return into the for of paga sabalenka cross caught into that back in paga slice now sabalenka deep into the for of paga over hits it it's Advantage sabalenka to get the break and to level this match Advantage sabalenka sabala's coach has got texture all over his head Sharpie all over his head they try to draw a hairline they did him dirty I know it's tradition like she signs his head or something it's like a some kind of a ritual or something which I think is great I love it Advantage Seena second Seer into the back and Seena turned down the middle and B hits it long too strong for balanka and it's too old break straight back oh there's a oh it's a tiger tattoo sorry I couldn't see it before it's a tiger tattoo on his head it's not real it's fake that's he's got a tiger tattoo right right here chat right here that's so funny I love that as the return goes in to the back of sabinka pagul on the stretch sabinka in control hit the back into down the line Pula love Sab with the smash puts it away 15 love that's so funny 15 love sabalan is saaler and her team have just got the best Vibes like you want to be part of that team don't you 15 love sabinka serves a fault second serve second serve serve out wi the back in poua back in a sinka down the line is long 15 all nice return again Pula P's returning well to start this match sabinka serve is not as intense as it was in ciny again different conditions different Court slower Court indoor you know humidity and since it wasn't it was hot and fast so p is able to get the racket to it a little more as with a four cross go that's just too good from sa not getting record to that 315 so yeah chat I'll I'll give you a little bit of a what happened last time when they played in uh in ciny as we a f from sabinka second serve second serve double fault that didn't happen in Cincy not that much there so in ciny sabling hit 10 Aces one double fault was only an hour and 15 minutes long she won 91% of first serve points only losing three points on her first serve uh and six points on her second serve she got broken once one break point that was when she was serving for the championship got a little nervous uh but she was 67% of first serves in as well and paga only won 18% of the return points total nine points on return to serve sabalenka was crazy that day 30 all here and that's a smash from sabalenka 4030 so to put that in context nine points for the match when they played in ciny Sabal Lanka right now has already lost on serve has already lost six points I think hang on let me triple check I think let me triple check all right good serve from sabalenka paga goes deep into the forner sabalenka now back in to back in paga runs right to for inside out it's wide sabala leads two uh 32 in the first so yeah so sabala's already lost on serve she's already lost six points so sorry uh yeah six points so actually no she's lost eight points already on serve so nine points for the match when they played last time eight points already in the first 15 minutes so this isn't ciny at the moment it's not ciny unless sabinka starts to get that serve working like ciny this is going to be maybe a little more competitive paga plays uh like she did in Cincy pagul played well in Cincy as well I think we you know we we were over she got overshadowed by sabalenka but Pula played really well she got broken I think once or twice in one one set once in the first set twice in the second but there was nothing she could do on return so her pressure on her serve was so high every time she served it was half to win this game because Sabal link is not not getting broken she played a pretty good final paga cons All Things Considered uh Pula got to take some risk and go crosscourt I like the aggression yeah she's been more aggressive hitting the ball deep too why is the final at 2 p.m. tomorrow I don't know the US Open is really the best place for paga to try and win a slam of course uh has sinka won any Grand Slams or is she so far yet she's near yet so far no she won two Australian opens she won the australi open this year in fact Sabal Lena is trying to become let me try and find this stat where did I find the stat so Sab is trying to become the fifth player in the open era to win the Australian Open and US Open in the same calendar year only the fifth player Monica celis did it 9192 sorry yeah fifth player Stephie did in 8889 Kerber did it in 2016 and 97 hingus did it so only the fifth player to win the US Open Australian Open in the same season Serena never did it which is interesting because remember Serena did almost have the calendar slam but she didn't win the US a the Tula 1550 so only the fifth player now I'm surprised that Serena didn't win us and Australia in the same year that shocks me how did that not happen how did Serena not win the Australian and the us at the same time but she never did apparently according to his people's paper okay 30 so yeah the fifth player to win both hardcore slams now that's since it's been a hardcourt slam because back in the day players have won it but it wasn't a hardcore slam back in the day so since it turned to hard court the US Open and the Australian Open 88 was when they both became hardcore slams The hardt Double which is not a thing but we just made it a thing it's only been done four times four to four rally 1530 here sa hits it deep into the for pagul SAA down the line now paga slice l in comes sabalenka forand cross winner that is too strong 1540 Sab link has found a Groove 1540 trouble for poua 1540 1540 saalan to take the break we go 42 up in this first set Ser to the back of Sabal Lanka second Ser it was back in backand as paga goes getting the back into sabalenka now to the for of paga sabalenka gets the break paga over hits it too much pressure and all of a sudden after a two 2-1 and a break and a 2-1 and a game point Sabal Lena is now 42 up so things change very quickly when you play sabinka all right here we go back to Sabal Lanka she's on a roll serve out wide from saan is a fult second serve second serve as a return goes into the forehand of sabalenka back in nagul to the slice of sabalenka as pagul hit slice forand into the sabalenka back in neul with slice for again sabalenka with a drop shot Pula gets it but sabinka is all over the net with the volley jeez that's how good sabinka is 15 love like Chad sabalenka is I mean when she's on unbeatable she's unbeatable she can drop shot now she's always had volleys cuz she remember she was a doubles player I mean she is just and she's tall so you know you can't pass her very easily because you know she's very tall you can't really lob her or you know or hit a passing shot cuz she's got longer arms than than most of the players in the WTA I mean she is she is uh is crazy 15 love when she's on exactly when when she's on that's the only problem in her career is that she's had double fault problems and she's also had consistency issues but when she's on sabalan is unbeatable 15 all like she overpowers everybody she can she out hits anyone and uh and that's half the battle Steph Curry in the house he is very nicely dressed very fashionably dressed good serve down T 315 yeah she's near six foot which is on the WTA is uh I mean Sab Sabal lener you got reako I think PKA was taller but so she's one of the tallest players on the WTA for sure Thompson and pel won let's go 7 is a fult second serve now remember last year chat she won the first set 6-2 against Goff and then gof came back to win so I don't think Sabal is going to celebrate this first set too loud back and return from paga goes the back in SAA if she gets it because pula's got 30 all here saena over hits it chance for a break back here boua 30 o 30 o Singa serves again trying to get this 52 lead here remember pag was up 21 with a break to start this match SAA serves out wide P returns it into the for sabalenka and then sabalenka smacks the forand down the line that's just too strong too strong 4030 4030 10 winners already from sabalenka serving to the back and paga return into the back and sabala who hits it down the line but wide on the back hand this time all right Deuce sabalan just over hitting that one all right dece we get the deuce serve again is a fault second serve second serve second serve down the T paga returns it deep into the back of the saalan paga with a slice on the stretch sabalenka in control as Pula standing so far behind the Baseline Sab comes to the net Pula pass Pula is going to get there with a four pass but it's in the net Pula was standing so far back that any short volley was going to be tough to get back sabala too good again Advantage I mean Sabal that's the thing Sab is not afraid of the net she comes to the net short volley didn't even have to be a drop volley it just had to be in the in the service box Pula was standing so far back that she would have had to be I mean maybe palini would have got that back cuz she's quick but was not slow and still couldn't get it serve at wide from s is a fault 113 second serve second serve second serve to the back andag return the back of saer saer in the net though this is P's chance to get back in the set this is it this feels it Deuce watch out almost at 500 likes appreciate that roof is closed for this final by the way gems six Aces or less for arena for the love of tennis all right thank you for the $2 all right Deuce is going to serve again savinga serves to the back in paga back in at sabala Cross cor pagul is there with the slice sabalenka comes the net again lob goes up from Pula sea let a bounce and puts it away Advantage sabalenka advantage sabalenka to take the 5-2 lead in this first set and what a set it's been very quick set we knew this match wouldn't be a a slow match not expecting a three-hour match here s t that's an ace sabalenka 52 she's won four games in a row all right chat let's talk about uh some more stats here because I got plenty of I did a lot of research because uh it's my job so Sabal Langer is coming in here with an 11 match win streak after winning Cincinnati but Pula is coming in with the best form recently 15 wins one loss over the last three event played so she's in better form or she's had better results but Sabal lener obviously on the streak so make of that which what you will this is actually the fourth time in the open era that number two and number six are playing each other in a final of a women's Grand Slam uh at the US Open so first time it happened was 1969 Margaret Court took out Nancy Richie who was number two Margaret cour was number two in the world at the time beating the number six Richie in the final 1991 sers beat never Salis was two n was six in that final then last year number two sabalenka played number six GF and the number six one for the first time so when it's two versus six the head-to-head right now in that overall US Open finals rivalry is two wins to number two one win to the number six so there's and it's funny that last year we had the exact same numbers play each other which is crazy I thought golf was a little high ranked last year Billy jeene King in the house of course absolute Legend also pagola if she does somehow win this match she will be uh she will join the 30 plus Club As Americans who have won the US Open she's already in the 30 plus American uh US Open Americans finals Club joining Serena and Martina but if she wins the title she'll also join the 30 Americans that are 30 and over to win a US Open uh joining Serena and Martina who also won the titles when they made the finals she's going to have to come back from this though it's only one break though it's only one break but it's Sabal Lena serve so that's you know one break of one of the biggest serves of the game all right sabala back in Cross score winner jeez that's just a I didn't even see that ball love 15 I couldn't even see that one all love 15 cam stats two versus St very important two versus six yeah I mean that I thought so I mean that's probably the most important stat of all time you know Grand Slams are irrelevant but two versus six that stat is um possibly the most important start ever 15 Oh I thought Billy Jean King had like a like a like a cane and she was like I'm like that is awesome she's just not great if she's hurt but I thought she was holding like a she just looks badass but she doesn't have a cane she was holding her hands like this Ace number four Pula is out acing Sab that's weird 35 I know sabala won't be number one after this she's still far behind Shon but she would definitely be number two at least will stay number two that won't change 3015 paga serves out wi the back in saake returning the net 4015 and now the good thing about pagola is that she's not looking stressed she seems to be handling this okay by the way her service games are only 2 minutes long sabalan is a three and a half that's kind of crazy pul is going much quicker on the serves for now crosscourt is a winner that's a great game for Pula well there three break points three breaks of serve I mean it's it's been it's been good serving overall can sabinka close out the set though 53 four game win streak or the four games in a row of have been stopped here we go back to sabala to serve the first set here serving to the for paga return is into the for sabalan paga gets the first point sabalenka in the net love 15 sabalenka with a 4 she hit 12 er sabalenka only four by by Pula let's see if any of which Wing is uh is making the errors sab's backhand is a problem Seven unforced Arrows on the backhand side that's a problem Pula she's hit three forehand errors but overall pretty clean on the on the ground stroke sabalenka though bad backhands serve out while the back and paga four out from sabalenka in the form pag on the stretch sabalenka forand inside that winner so that's that's fine that works her backand though that's a problem and I don't know if Pula knows that but avoid the forehand pagul is playing well though yeah this is just like Cincy I mean this is not this is just sabinka playing better than paga but paga is not playing bad serve and when I say better I mean Sabal lanker is just controlling the game right right with her with her power really her power is controlling this you know Pulu just has to react serve as goes in the forner Pula for sainger down the line Pula backand and S comes in with the volley Pula puts up a l sabalenka lets a bounce hits a forehand from the Baseline cross CAU sabalenka now back in the rally pul also back in it and sabala hits it in the net eventually good hustle Pula 1530 good hustle that's that doubles play from Pula just getting the back the lob you know getting it back 1530 serve again verab Lenka Pula looking for a break back 1530 sabinka serves to the for pag return into the back of sabalenka pagul is there with the backand cross course seena's backhand again to the back end of Pula deep into the back of Seena paga keeping it deep now a little bit short on the forehand from sealen the back into of paga again back into backhand Pula in the net with a backhand gosh he was in that rally too 30 all it's a good rally chat we're watching two of the best players on the planet here playing a final this is a this is good now we're watching two versus three come Monday this is 2v3 I know people are going to make fun of this uh where's you know but Serena's not here she retired two years ago get over it I have to get over it I love Serena too all right but two versus three is not a bad final and they're playing like it this is close 30 all second serve first Ser is a fought by sabalenka stepping in second serve double okay that's a gift Sabal Lanka shakes her head 30 40 and the crowd go wild because they realize it's a break back point this crowd are going nuts one day I will go to that Stadium it is humongous 3040 sabala serves again down the T Bol the chips it back deep into the for Seena pul on the stretch what a shot Seena what power going to be wow that forehand was harder than the serve wow just a rocket crosscourt sabalenka I think has I don't know if this is confirmed but has the fastest forand speed on average out of anybody anybody man or woman anybody sa hits that one in the net though Advantage so we can literally say she has the biggest forehand of the tournament not the biggest we can no big not the biggest WTA like she has the biggest forehand she hits it in the net though and it's Advantage poua we talk we call her lady Thor for a reason she throws that hammer that forehand is a hammer that serve is a fault second serve crowd go wild here we go now we got the crowd there's the crowd now all right we hear you New York welcome welcome to the tennis Advantage Pula second serve second serve to the back in pag good return sabinka forehand that goes out we're back on serve and pag is like come on come on here we go the crowd don't need that much encouragement they're on their feet they're down three beers they've had a few they're ready it's Sunday Saturday they're drinking their face off they don't give a [ __ ] I'm sure there's people pass down the parking lot all right then they'll go to the NFL later how we doing chat will you answer my question can you answer my question please who's playing today chat what's NFL doing tonight what are we doing anything in New York the Bills playing what's up what's happening later nothing I don't know what's happening where are we at the Giants they're playing tomorrow oh there's no one playing now oh no one plays right oh the Pack's already played no games today oh that's weird all right well they's getting [ __ ] faced anyway college football okay mentally will be a Hu mentally will be a huge factor for sure you should be having a beard now no no no no I'm working I've got work to do I can't be can't be drinking on the job uh Saturdays are for college football Saturdays are for Sports in general it's 7 in the morning I'm not having a beer Jesus Christ hey C have a beer it's 7 a.m. I'm not having breakfast beers it's not that sort of a day it's 7:00 a.m. on a Sunday I'm not having a beer no I'm not having a beer at 7:00 a.m. on a Sunday that is insane I'm not having a breakfast beer it's not that sort of a day all right pag serving she's not back yet she's leveled she's on serve though and it's in the net from Sabal laner on the backhand side remember that back hand's been a problem 15 love it's 5:00 P p.m. somewhere yeah not in Australia though it's 7 a.m. and I'm not I ain't drinking a beer on 7 a.m. in the morning that's insane especially when I have no other plans like I'm going to go I'm going to go shopping today I have to go to the shops today because I have to go pick up stuff not going to drink a beer and then go shopping 30 love good serve go to the grocery store yeah I'm going to get [ __ ] face and I'm going to go pick up some oranges like what do you mean come on now it's Sunday 30 love it's Sunday jeez B serve second serve second serve now the four to sub Lan four now from paga for seaner pag again with the four down the line the back in seaner SE get that back hand long 40 love sabala's backhand another error let me tell you how many errors on the backhand side eight she's also starting for forand errors as well she's hits six on the forand side now so se's ground strokes are going off in not in a good way in a bad way 40 love goul won 12 of the last 15 points Pula to take the third game in a row and level this first set first Ser is just wide second serve second serve into the back and sabalenka return to the back and Pula Sabal laner again with the back end crosscourt great shot and it's 4015 lovely back in that time sanker it's been one winner for four errors at the moment on the sabinka backand not a great ratio this is turning out to be a real final now this ain't no Cincinnati 4015 return goes in the forehand of Pula oh hit the tape goes wide by Pula 4030 it's Saturday cam not in my world it's Sunday morning in my world remember I'm from Australia we're from I'm from the future 4030 still a game point here for for boua but first serve is a f second serve second serve the back and sabinka return goes to the back and Pula sabinka goes down the line in the net with the backand Pula levels 55 first set here we go this is what we came to watch chat 55 we have a real match here 42 minutes played 55 in the final serve down to the back and a paga back in a sa crosscourt goes wide 15 love sorry love 15 love 15 sabala serves again into the back end slce poua good shot to the back and the sa smacks that down the line and then Roars cuz a back end's been terrible F0 that was a beautiful backhand finally for sabalenka beautiful back end down the line all right 1 15 all served and in the net great serve 10 no 112 down the T huge serve 305 305 Ser a fault yeah DJ M I know Carlton lost try being an EST fan at least you made finals 305 3015 Serv to the 400 Pula that's a return winner 30 all 30 all true yeah I want a c to win too but you went to Brisbane I mean they're bloody good Brisbane and brisbane's a tough ask I mean you should know that from last year sorry that was too soon all right 30 all serve is a fault has a level pretty I mean it's not quality-wise not great from sabalenka but in terms of uh finals I mean this is a this is a final this feels like a final this is serious double fault sabalenka smacks a record on the ground four times 3040 three double fold sabalenka pressure is on this is a very pressure filled match you're just joining us sabalenka was down two 2-1 with a break or down a break she then won four games in a row she was up 5-2 and now pag is about to win four games in a row and go to 65 3040 sea serves to the back and paga return goes in the back of Seena that's a backand winner Sab this is going to be jeez all right Deuce good save it kind of feels like Pula needs his first set especially the way that sabalan is reacting this first set's crucial for both but it feels like pagul if she wins this first set sabalenka might implode in the second as we get a four and winner Sabal Lanka Advantage like P like this pagola could win this match by winning this first set is what I'm getting at cuz Sabal link is clearly unsettled and if SE wins this set she might relax in the second and and play much better but B needs to take advantage of this serve again down the for p return is into the back and SL tanka that goes wide great shot from Pula on the return first of return forehand we get the deuce all right we get to Deuce serve here A Fault cam Freo supporter so I can relate to ESS and supporters yeah yeah all of us we should have all been in the top four Colton included serve into the back and is Pula for7 down the line p back and slice is a drop shot sa comes in passing shot Pula but it's not high enough or or it's too close sa puts away the easy Vol and she goes come on be on my side and they're kind of like no not really I like that was a good shot but also like you know she's American you're not so sorry we'll cheer for your shots that was a good shot but also don't ask us to cheer for you because we're gone for the American good effort though for saena I think she forgot who she was playing for a second or where she was Advantage Chapa that works in Australia when you play Jang you know now they're clapping her faults I mean that's America you're in New York cheer for me we will when your fault double fault will make it will cheer really loud Advantage Seena second serve double fold and the crowd go wild there you go let's go D four double FS for S L by the way Billy Jin King in the house as always all right Deuce this is this feels like a crucial game this one serve down the te a f second serve second serve can Pula win her fourth game in a row here second serve goes into that Pula forehand sabalenka goes cross with the forehand pagul is there with the slice down the line sabalenka cross backand winner this is going to be huge backhand winner the backand has been a problem like I said so many errors Advantage sabalenka she's hitting nine unforced arrows on the backand side but she's starting to hit five she's got five winners on the back end now as well Advantage sabalenka server to the back and B return goes the back of sabalenka paga down the line what a shot from pagao unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable what a backand back to Deuce this game this is the game this is the game it feels this is the game Deuce this is such a fast like paced final as well so good it just feels like pagul is like hanging on Hurricane Sabal Laker is in the house she's just like winners and errors everywhere for sabica but P's just hanging on first a fault the crowd go mild second serve P steps in classic Serena move second set the back of Pula backing up from Sabal lanker as we get a backand backand rally now down the line to the for of Pula but paga hits it out and saaler smacks it into the ground because she's like forget this Advantage sabalenka who's just trying to hang on four and a half minute service games for sabalenka only two and a half for Pula it just shows how hard sabl got to work here to win these games when in ciny she could barely she could barely lose points on serve like I said nine points in the match in ciny she lost on serve sabalan she lost nine point of this game anyways that goes out by paga and sabalan stays in front 65 now pag is going to serve to get this tie break okay how we doing chat how are we question the question from 52 if you just joining us it was 21 Pula then 5-2 sabalenka and now 65 Saban all right uh when was the last time I of Americans both W better we were singles um 03 no 02 I think it was 02 wasn't it 2002 we got a great tennis is a great final and Chad I look as much as I love you know promoting the WTA for free I should be I should be getting paid by them um do better job than they do uh but we've haven't had a good final of the Grand Slam this year on the women's side yeah okay Wimbledon was good because it was you know it was random but we haven't had a good final between two top players like two of the top players in the world uh this year in fact last year's US Open final probably the last time we had a a great grand slam final right St open Final easy win FR German final easy win uh Wilton final for the ladies was hey look um it was four three sets but first set 62 second set 2 six we didn't have that like th we didn't have this five all in the like you know 65 in the first like this feels this is what we want right from a grand slam final right this is a grand slam final this is what we two two versus three when the ranking comes out on Monday two versus three playing a tiebreak in the first set of of a final that's that's what we came to see 15 love 15 love as pagul serves a f seconds serve second serve the four of sabala that's a massive return sabalenka she punishes that serve 1 15 oh 15 oh 15 all first Ser is a f second serve Pula second s to the back in of sabalenka backing up pag down the middle Saban's got a four hand Cross Court pag in trouble sabalenka again to the for of paga PAG in the net 1530 uh oh pag has got a yeah she just said I keep hitting in the service box yeah she's got to hit it deeper than that otherwise saen is going to control and win the points 1530 serve D the T to the for SAA return deep into the front of Pula sabalenka backhand cross CAU Pula gets a backhand into the back of sabalenka Pula hits it in the net we got set points pula's racket's gone flying I think she just broke it I think Pula just broke her racket she should have made a count she's pissed 1540 yeah Pula bounced the Racket and it just didn't break that badly but it would have just maybe cracked the racket she's got a new one now 1540 Saban's got the set points pag serves F second serve down the tap the back end of Seena paga forehand seinger on the attack again to the for of Pula Seena now with the forand crosscourt in the four to four exchange as Pula goes down the middle again saer in control Pula back in on the stretch SAA slice goes in pula's back in again back Seena into the for paga Seena back in again paga backand cross to the Seena backand just going backand to backand se get down the line goes long what a rally 3040 they were hitting so hard in that rally such a fast rally and Pula holds on 3040 like Sab was hitting the ball like as hard as she could and pul was just like and then Sab tries to hit the winner but over hits the backhand 19 that was the longest rally of the match by the way 19 shots and pretty much every shot was was aggressive still set point return goes out from sabalenka we get to do sagula throws the ball away she's like I get that out of here get that out of here great tennis deuce all right paga trying to get to This Ti break we get to Deuce Pula serves to the for of sabala return deep into the for of paga down the line's a great shot Sab gets a slice short ball Pula in the net though with the back end she had the easy back end she knows that oh she's laughing It Off she knows she shouldn't have missed that one just too easy it was too easy it was too easy maybe she was scared of the sabalenka forehand before she hit the backand ADV vanage sabalenka three set third set point serve the back in sabalenka back in aula down the middle SE like a forehead in the net oh that's a lucky shot that's a lucky error for Z's forehand has been scary back to Deuce Pula serves again serve to the forehand is a fult second serve Pula second serve to the back and sabalenka pagola on the stretch gets it sabalenka drops shot that's a great drop shot paga gets it sound like a passing shot down the line though as a winner this is going to be on B ridiculous unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable Advantage P sabalenka what a shot the drop shot was great somehow P got it I mean she's quick and Sabal Lanka just one two bang down the line Advantage sabalenka for at Point Pula serves to the back and the SAA that goes in the net and the return Deuce these last two games chat these last two games back to Deuce here we go back to Deuce serve is a first Ser is elette as we to serve again down the T sa slices the back and goes long all right P's got advantage to level the to level and get to the tie break Advantage B Gula Crow go wild she saved four set points P serves a f second serve out wide the back sabalenka return to the for of Pula sabalenka on the attack is we get to back in out deep into the for of Seena pagul now with a four cross caught Seena gets his paga again with a four hand to the back and of Seena paga defense as with a volum from seeno it's a drop shot winner this is going to be on TV BR nice from SA ler again and we get back to Deuce lovely drop volley Seena it was not really a drop it was more of a short volley it kind of Hit the service line but it was good enough no look that was that was a drop volley we'll call that a drop volley and mulu was going the other way back to Deuce holy [ __ ] seing has won 12 out of 13 points at the net jeez Sab lanker all over the net Deuce P serves they oh double fold second serve went off the tape and long all right sabinka has got a fifth set point one hour played what a match it's a first double fold of the day for paga too that's a bummer all right advantage sabinka first Ser is a fault for paga second serve second serve to the sabala back end paga with a slice on the stretch sabalenka with a drop shot Pula gets it but it's in the Nets first set goes to Sabal lener and she looks relieved no celebration just a sigh of relief like oh God think we go with that one first set incredible 75 this is Grand Slam Tennis chat all right I wouldn't call I wouldn't say's out of this though maybe sabinka might feel a little better in the second but I wouldn't I wouldn't be counting out paga just yet remember Sabal Linka won the first at 6'2 last year and gof came back so the pressure is going to be still on first set though five set points it took 25 winners 23 errors from Sabal Lanka nine winners 11 errors from Pula a lot of break points saved more break points saved than broken actually but five breaks in that set including the break to win the set for sabalenka all right long way to go but to yeah for Jessica I agree yeah she's got to I mean look saval Linka could could start just unloading here and it could get really dangerous for paga but we could be three love down very quickly right but uh if Pula can just get those returns and if Sab link is still hitting those errors then uh I wouldn't be counting it out just yet all right this felt freaking unreal what a level of tennis in this set I'm either drunk or this is next level stuff then look the level the quality of tennis is not as good as they could be like these two ladies play much have played much better before but the intensity and the and the the whole match in general taking away the errors is it's a high level match it's a high it's high level is maybe not the word It's a grand slam final like this is a worthy match of I mean it's two versus three on Monday right p is going to be three on Monday back to number three saing number two I mean this is the top tier tennis right this is top level um or Top This is the the best players in the world battling it out and yeah there's going to be a lot more errors cuz they have to do they have to risk a lot more right you know sabala has to play like this because beul is such a great defender you know and the double faults happen because there's so much pressure on sabala because she's playing paga if she was playing someone who was you know if she was playing number 30 in the world she probably wouldn't be feeling the same amount of pressure same with pagla if she was playing someone lesser than Sabal Lanka maybe she'd feel a little better about it but because they're both playing a fellow top five player or tell fellow top three player I mean this is the intensity will produce the errors SAA Serv an ace to start the second let's see if sabinka relaxes a little here because she has a set in her pocket 15 love it is an EP that was an epic Set 2 set also Pula leveling with the aces with savena that's wild Ser the back return is a lob but it's long 30 love all right 30 love serve again here's a fault second serve second serve to the back and of bagula return goes into the back of sabalan bagula backand again to the four Sanger and saer pushes push pushes no she smacks that away 40 love 40 love saan to take to take the first game of the second this is one of the easiest games of the match for sabalenka first is a fault second serve server to the back P return goes to for SE Lena to the for again that goes in the net on the slice and it's 4015 now chat I know what you're going to ask me and I'm going to answer the question don't you worry got the answers got the answers Chad my internet works I got the answers my internet doesn't work I don't have the answers off the top of my head I don't have the answers but I can find the answers 4015 turn goes into the back end of sabalenka Sab in the net with the backand that that's a problem 4030 oh interesting interesting fact interesting okay good serve return goes out Piper guler and sabalan one love the second so the burning question how many many times this year has sabalenka lost from a set up the answer is not many 38 wins three losses can anybody tell me the last time Sabal Lena lost a match from a set up it was a big match and that's all I'll say does anyone know the answer it was a big quarter final match that happened not against Coco we're talking this year it was against Andrea at the French Open she won the first in of tiebreak lots the match uh four and four she also was down against voni oh sorry she was upet against voni at stook lost that in three and also against veic her boogie woman she was up a set and lost in three so only Andrea vrus and vich the three to beat her from a setup she's won 38 matches though out of 41 that's pretty good beula though promising signs she's come back from a set down uh seven out of 14 times so when she lose the first SE go she's 50/50 coming back that's a big that's massive a lot of players are like one and one and 10 or something you know two and three sorry two and 13 but uh Pula has a 50% record after losing the first set this year that's pretty bloody good great backend winner Seena unbelievable last time she did it was two days ago when she did it against Muka she was down a set came back to win she's actually done it twice against Muka Ken sky as well on the grass back in uh back in Berlin so she's done it and in isova as well so some big hitters there you know especially in isova being similar to a sabalenka Type M twice and uh Sab gets back in winner 1530 so if you're a paga fan there is hope she just needs to hold here 1530 yeah oh look there is maybe there's a little asterisk because Andrea did beat sabalenka who was not 100% she was Ill but still a couple of players have beaten sabalenka from a set down so that's you know it has happened if it was 31 and one or 38 and one and the one was the sickness I'd say ah that doesn't matter but you know vony did come back from a set down s to vage twice or both of them once each but pag is going to have to do it and I don't think pag has ever done it against Seena 1540 chance for the break straight away sabalenka and this was the fear of sabala winning that first set it was a relieving first set win all right great serve down the te 3040 I got other stats though Chad don't you worry I've got some other stats one of those stats is uh the winner of the first set of this rivalry wins the match in every match they played every match they played the first set the winner of the first set wins the match and there's only been one time that there's been a three Setter that was Cincinnati back in 2020 when it in this venue double fold there's the break to love so the last six times they're played when the winner wins a first whoever wins the first set wins the match in straights including Cincinnati of course that was a double fault that's man pula's double Faults Are I mean they hurt her in the last game and hurt her in that game so the first set can she break the first set curse Pula she's going to have to do something crazy though two love in the second sabalan is not going to she's not going to give that break up willingly she's six four games away from the US Open back end goes in at the back and of Bola to the back and sabalenka Pula backand again to the back and sabalenka who hits it down the line Pula four on the stretch sabalenka down the line again the back of Pula Pula hits it wide and it's 15 love 15 love 15 love Ser to the back andou return goes in the net from her 30 love hey that's um she's in that uh Homeland movie show I want to say her name is [Music] Claire Claire Danes 30 love wasn't she Juliet and Romeo and Juliet as well as that goes out by Pula 40 love 40 love 40 love you look tired I'm always tired 40 love 40 love a72 like that sabala 3 love 111 down the te the US Open is three games away for s Lanka all right all right uh would Ash part style slices help AA maybe maybe slowing it downward but I don't know when seink is rolling it's it's scary uh now chat let's talk about um some more stats because we might be over in about 20 minutes so just um only Jasmine palini this year has had more Grand Slam wins than sabalenka if she wins today Sabal lener won her 17th match and that's without playing Wimbledon 17th Grand Slam match without playing Wimbledon pini's won 18 total this year and that's plus Wimbledon so sabalenka ridiculous in Grand Slams also she is trying to get on the board as the Cincinnati US Open Champion the same as KOCO last year but also the same as Serena and kers did back in the day so she's trying to become the fourth player to win the Cincy New York double which has only been done because Cincinnati didn't have ladies play they didn't have um I think for a while there they didn't have the WTA so uh it's only been Cincinnati's only adopted the WTA recently that's why you don't have like Martina doing it or way back in the day um so yeah I think since like 2009 Cincinnati was a thing for the ladies so only four she she'll be the fourth player to do that if if she does get this uh get this win all right she'll also as active players she'll be the fourth most grand slams active players uh ahead of all those players of w two by way KET over on this list is she still active I haven't seen KET over play for like five years all right three love Pula serves a fault she needs some sort of am Miracle here she probably needs she needs a play well but then she also needs seink to maybe maybe double fold or something get nervous maybe first point goes to 15 love kinova has retired has she officially though because she's on this list so Venus actively has the most slam seven Shon five Osaka four and then there's a bunch of players on two kova halip kavida aara cin it's over in sabalenka so sabalan will be outright fourth most grand slams among active players only one behind osaku I mean that's kind of wild chat I mean remember back in like 2021 we're like four is a lot sabalan is about to get to three with four could be happening in ji in January I mean that's crazy like four like Sabal Lanka and Osaka on the same level I mean that's that just shows how good sabinka has gotten over the last few years 315 305 nice backand there from Pula serve is a let yeah four is a lot and last year I mean look she could we know how many saingers should could have had but to get three possibly four maybe even this time next year she's on five right Wimbledon would be kind of incredible I mean that' be kind of sick to see sabinka win the Australian Open in Wimbledon Shon win the French again and then to have Shon on six saaler on five Osaka on four I mean that would feel especially if Osaka gets back to where we hope she will be you know top 10 that would be I would love to see a Sabaka like semifinal next year in Australia Australian Open semi or something or or even quarterfinals I take a quart final great return sabalenka 3040 get the double break here and really just finish this match off once paga gets some sort of a comeback or again sab's got to drop that level saing has won six games in a row if she wins this point four to four rally as poua down the line sa is there with the slice Pula forand cross sorry down the line into the slice again of sabalan Sabal in the net Pula hangs on Deuce paga serving for to stay just to stay in the final here really all right Deuce serve again into the slice of sabalan Sab in the net and vage Pula to get on the board all right Advantage Pula as she serves a fault second serve second Ser in the back of sabalan return to the back and of paga sabalenka backand again at the back of bagula down the middle to the for of sabalenka bagula cross SC again SA the slice but it's long 3-1 Pula on the board it was a must-win game crowd get up on their feet okay 31 Tina I know who that is T she was on show TV 3-1 31 back to Sabal Lanka 31 and new balls as well that's uh not ideal for paga in this set by the way second set uh Sabal lanker has cleaned her game up big time only two errors on the ground strokes pagul has already hit three errors and only one winner so far in this second set first set stats were uh very much Pula was playing much better but Sabal lanker obviously serving her way to the first set all right 15 love good hitting from sabalan yeah pula's levels dropped which is not good because she needs she needs to be better than she was in the first set and she she wasn't bad in the first set 15 love SAA serves a f second serve second serve to the back of paga good return and sabala's backand goes long nice return there from Pula 15 all 15 all sabinka serves again first serve is a fa second serve second serve to the backand of Pula sabinka backand deep into the back of of paga sabinka goes down the line to the for of paga into the back of sabala sabinka in the net though 1530 hour and 20 minutes played 1530 now Pula does get a break chance here she's got to take it it's going to be almost like you got one chance one opportunity mum spaghetti 1530 as sabinka serves a fult second serve second serve to the back in of paga good return sa a forand goes again the back of paga SE with the four cross court goes long two break points for Pula to get back in this set she was almost down for love the final was almost over 1540 two break chances if I'm P I'm trying to hit this return for a winner I'm just don't chip this return just hit it and then the second one play safe play aggressive on this one if you can get a rord to this serve serve into the for of paga return goes into the for of sabalan paga back on the stretch goes wide just too strong she hit a good good return but it was just straight to saer went thank you down the line bang all right one save 3040 Pula still got a break point here to get back on serve in the second 340 SAA serves to the back and bagula that's a good return sabga slice goes long pigola breaks back game on you thought we done not yet not yet Pula breaks back a little bit of a slip from sabalan and it's 3-2 paga back on serve second set Scott has any women won a grand slam with every match going to three sets oh maybe I don't know it's a good question no idea thank you for the uh five bucks appreciate that okay this has been been this has been a really fun final in the way that no one's been able to run away from the other you know first couple of games pagul was in control of the first set then Sabal Linka got to 5-2 she started running and then paga you know came back and sabala wins a set sabala three Love Now paga 3-2 it just nobody's able to get away and keep running you know it's such a good Final in that way all right everyone saying the match was over I mean it felt like it was it was slipping away for sure it definitely felt like it was slipping away and that four love if it was four love we probably would have said Sabal Lanka congratulations but paga held that tough game and then gets the break back and here we are okay back to Pula can she level though because it's not a break unless you hold cliche I know but it's true serve is a let for Ser alette Ser see the backend slice SAA short ball paga hits a back and crosscourt sainger in trouble with the slice again paga drop shot too good bit of sabang medicine there all right 15 love I like that it's a good shot good change up from Pula 15 love serve to the back and sa return goes into the back and paga drop shot again but SAA gets this one but over hits it 30 love another good drop shot to an AOW for Pula 30 love 30 love as paga serves the for sa return the for paga that's a winner down the line 40 love paga lovely forehand shot down the line just got the power of sabalenka down the line and Seena is all the way out no nowhere she's out of nowhere Chad she's over there so far away kind even see it first Ser is a fault second serve second serve double F all right 40 15 405 as Pula serves again my fault again second serve second serve back of return goes in the back and paga pag in the net saena power too strong 4030 P's been up 40 love a few times in this match and had to play Deuce points so let's see what happens 4030 crowd getting wild they know that this is a massive Point tell you that look you can't you can't say that the New York crowd don't know what's going on they understand when they need to be loud as with a four to for rally sabalenka again to the for of paga sabalenka goes down the middle again paga goes down the line Sab back on the stretch Pula again with the back end now sea takes over a slice from paga deep into the back end of ler Pula back in on the stretch again Seer again with the back hand as Pula goes down the line what a shot Seer gets it Pula back on inside out seinger gets it with a slice deep into the for of paga again with sainger falling crosscourt Pula in the net ah this is going to be on what a great hustle from sabalenka that time just two four hands I mean she's so sneaky quick she shouldn't be that quick she wouldn't be able to get those 20 shot rally longest rally the the match Deuce I tell you what Andy rodic and Tracey Austin are like best friends they're always next to each other they always just hanging out all the time they're best friends and I'm I love it get her on the damn podcast young is a US Open champion of all time right 16year old I think she won it 16 right Tracy Austin back in now from B oh no straight to saena but SAA misses oh sa no she's like oh I could have hit that winner she could have hit that winner Advantage Pula God Pula hit it straight to se aner and SE oh down the line missed just wide Advantage for goul at a level serve is a fault second serve second serve sabalenka she's on the Baseline second serve now the back of sa sa sprays it along three all great fight back from boua again in this match she is hanging on I'll tell you what you can you can't say that Jessica B is a quitter she doesn't give up three all back to sabalenka now Pula hangs tough Ser into the for of paga return is shanked wide 15 love 15 love 15 love singer serves again down see the for of paga return goes in the for of sabalan paga backand into the back end of Sabal laner is pag in the stretch goes in Sab down the line P puts up a lob sabalenka smash puts it away God that sounded like a sound like a bullet coming out of a gun just that just that was not sounded better than that 30 love 30 love that was an aggressive Ash which is the they're the good [Music] types serve to the back end of paga sa Get Down the Line paga pass beautiful shot beautiful shot paga beautiful back and passing shot all right 3015 who's the guy in The Pink Suit in the Hat 305 great backhand passing shot that's a that's a great shot that's a great shot considering how good sabinka has been to the net this today hell of a shot 315 sering the back of return goes down the line sa Cross Court off the tape goes in to the for of paga sa trouble with the backand paga down the line sa F pass Pula volleys a winner up here chat we're watching tennis up here chat 30 all this is two versus three lock in great volley Pula so solid 30 Old s Lea serving can she be clutch 30 all Ser one return goes deep into the for of sabalenka as pula's backand crosscourt into the back of sabalenka now down the line into the for of paga sabala forehand now paga down the line again sea can't get there 3040 pagou has just played three great points in a row hey that guy owns the does he own the Patriots 3040 I don't know what his name is but I've seen him before all the Super Bowl team owners are in the house 3040 I don't know if her dad's there but 3040 break point p g to go a four three and win four games in a row Robert Craft is that his name first Ser as a fault for Sabal lanker and the crowd's like yes do it again 30 40 second serve second serve into the back and of bagula return is into the back and of sabalan bagula with a slice down the line sabalan slice the forand in the Nets four games in a row for Jessica Bola from three love and almost four love down she leads the second now this is intense chat this is an intense match 43 B the crowd go wild momentum all right oh I love this match this is a great match chat this is a great match compared to all the other finals we've watched in slams over the last couple of years they one of the better ones so good told you C going to break did you I'll believe you this match is so fire we're g three nobody's been able to run away with anything just yet bills a winning tomorrow okay is it my favorite WTF Final in a couple years look the the final of the year No Doubt was Madrid right Madrid was the greatest final of the year that's not going to be beaten unless this has Championship points or something like that but we're a long way from that Madrid between one and two was the best final of the Year hands down Olympic final for the men's best men's final of the Year hands down um maybe you could say you know maybe you could say the the grand slams you know French or or Australian Open were better but I mean the Olympic final best three set final of the year right but um this match is up there as one of the best finals of the Year probably top three it's got to be top three if we go three if we go three if we go to a third it it's got to be top three finals of the year I can't think of any I mean finals underrated that was a pretty good final just trying to think of other ones chat any other finals chat you got in mind back and slice return goes into the for of sabalan from paga paga puts that away man paga is on fire 15 love 15 love what other finals have been good I mean the Wimbledon final was good I guess right what was a good final this year though this year this year this year for love as we a forand return now to the backand of Pula SAA backand again at the back of paga down the line now to the for of Sabal lanker hits another one in the net 30 love ciny final well this year that wasn't very good no I'm saying women's Final in 2024 men's wi final this year was terrible what are you talking about that final wasn't good we're talking about women's finals in 2024 so about wi the for sabala return is very strong somehow paga gets it Sab comes there with a drop shot paga with the pass SAA Drive voling oh Pula can't get the racket to it he went straight through it Sab is like I'm going through you too bad 315 305 yeah Madrid is number one just trying to think of other finals that have been good on the women's side Olympic final no Washington was close but not as memorable maybe the Canadian Open final but the third set was pretty one-sided forand in the net from boua 30 y like this has a different level of intensity than most of the finals will watch this year oh you know what we forgot the Berlin final where Pula beat Ken Sky remember that was like five Championship Point save that is up there as well that's going to be top Three French Open final was trash Rome was me stutgart was me wimbl was me no no Australian was me back in to backing rally in the net from saal Lanka 4030 Indian Wells was nothing Miami was interesting but not really Dubai I forgot about Dubai Ken Sky palini Dubai so Ken sky but palini Ken sky paga and then um Madrid they're the three best finals of the year if this goes three we're get we're getting into that territory if we go three here might be the best Grand Slam final of the year if we go three 4030 there Pula double faults does she oh paga thought it was a second first serve oh no what a mistake by paga she thought she hit a first serve let I guess and she hit a second serve in the net thinking it was a first serve and was standing there like why is everyone making noise and she double fold she hit a second first her serve on her second serve thinking it was a first serve that's a bad error and sa Hit It Wide luckily advantage God that's a bad that was a bad mental mistake but she might get away with it advantage that would have that would have I mean that's B that would be bad hey it's Courtney Cox she's in the house she was in friends Advantage paga serving the back of SE return goes in to the paga back end Seena on the stretch Pula down the line SE is able to slice four hand it's in the net though 5-3 don't worry about it doesn't matter doesn't matter chat she wins the game anyway pagor won five games in a row Steph Curry's clapping how much money he's got on this match Anna winter is sitting next to Lewis Hamilton Steph Curry's got at least 100K on something 53 anyone call Drake did Drake curse this match hopefully not he hopefully he stays away from the tennis ah 53 SAA serving to stay in the set now five games in a row for Jessica Bish was down three love almost four love this kind of like the M of a match somebody said and that goes out by Sab link on the approach remember how um M was up a set in a break and almost double break in the second and Pula came back to win the set and then third we're in that territory okay love 15 Ser SE lers an ice that was an angry serve 15 all 10 and9 out wide serve down the T paga gets a rord to this one it's into the sky SE gets a smash straight to paga but oh paga in the net that was such a chance just to make sabinka hit another shot 35 just hit the net 305 huge serve down the te from sabala though 115 miles down the T as with a fult from sabala second serve second serve Ser to the back end of Pula return goes to for sa p on the stretch in the net 4015 p is going to have to serve this out if she wants a third set okay 405 405 Ser to the back and Pula great return sa try to serve in volley non not successful ah 4030 4030 to make Pula serve for the set 4030 s there's a fault and someone goes woo happy for that fault second serve second Ser the back of paga return go is long and it's going to be pagul serving for the set sabalenka breaks the five game win streak and now it's pagul going to serve to make it a three Setter Great final chat this is a great final give me a give me a score out of 10 chat what do you think of this final give me a score out of 10 for this final I've got to put it up there as a probably an eight 88 8.8 it's not it's not the best final ever because it's the quality's been you know but I'd put it up there as like a high eight maybe a low nine 8.5 is seven okay that's a bit low 9.6 that's that's extreme remember 10 10 out of 10 is the best final you've ever seen remember that that's a scale right if it's 10 out of 10 it's your it's the best final you've ever seen so is this the greatest final you've ever seen maybe I don't know I do you how much ten have you got I'd put it as an 8.5 sorry an 8.8 uh n yeah all Craig rookie scores all around someone put 8 point 9.14 32 that's extreme you don't need to do that much just just a point one something 0.1 or point two you you don't have to don't have you don't have to recite pi um all right 9 out of 10 3.14 okay see that's what I was saying three if if you think this is a three then you're insane I'm sorry but if you think this is a three out of 10 You've Lost Your you've lost your mind n out of 10 8.4 8.9 7.5 6.5 God you guys are harsh all right return go are back into paga serving for the set slice seaner in the for of pagul Pula now into that for of sabalan paga just defending seaner on the attack throwing the hammer and now she has the back hand Cross Court pag is back in control drop shot is good but Sab is there paga with the pass sabala volley open court it's too good what a rally this is going to be great Rally from both the backhand volley by savena just a little bit of a fancy pirouette what a rally and again great defense Pula but sabalenka just with that extra shot that's a great that's an insane rally that's a what a volley that was a no look back high backand volley for a twoand backhander that is tough it's not an easy shot for anybody but bloody hell that was that was just too good love 15 first of the F second serve the back of of sabalenka return the back of paga sabalenka down the line pagul is there on the forehand stretched and long love 15 love 30 love 30 all right love 30 crowded trying to get pag Over The Line in this second set serve again the back end of sabinka for Pula down the middle sabinka back end crosscourt into the sa Pula back end now for Seena going for to forehand is Seena again the for pan now backhand for Seena as p crosscourt slices it up B goes down the line now with the backham but it's long love 40 no one can get away from the other love 40 and it's break back points for Sabal Lanka they both had three break points in this set se's got three more pagul ser into the for sea for paga Cross Court sea with the slice paga comes in but lets the ball go long 1540 one saved one saved Bo thank you sebie for the 14 months thank you la for the 23 months appreciate that as we back and return now to the for of Pula for from sabala still break point Sabal lener for again from sabinka paga goes down the line sabinka back and L is high oh it goes in paga back on the Baseline sa down line with the back hand goes long paga saves two 3040 go Zan's backand just missed the Baseline too down the line but long just missed it all right 3040 still break point for sabalan to get back on serve here serving to the back end of sabalenka paga back end down the line sab's got on the stretch Pula Cross C again sabinka down the line is a winner five all five all sabala breaks back 55 in the second all right five five back to sabalenka God this deserves three sets I want another set this mat C finishing straights s down say the back end of Pula SAA puts it away 15 love at least give us a tie break at least give us a tie break 15 love but I look this match has been so much fun chat we've had like it's almost like groups of games where somebody's taking control you know at the start of the match it was Pula winning and then you know SAA took over for a period of time and then Pula come back and Sabal Lena took over and then Pula came back and now Sabal Lena's got her moment again I mean it's been such an in like like it's almost like in four game blocks you know pula's in control for four games then sabalenka then paga then sabalenka then it's been crazy that nobody's been able to run away double F from sabalenka though 15 all and right now Sabal lank is in her four game block which won of the first set she was was exactly where she was just getting the momentum right at the right time has only the first double fault for Sabal Linker in this set by the way second serve second serve to the for paga return goes into the for of sabala paga back in crosscourt sa's got it to the slice of paga as sabala's fall goes crosscourt P's got it again to the for of saalan Pula down the line oh just wide 305 305 random unrelated question when will the aw finals starting in 2026 terin's last year is next year so where will they be for the next 5 years Saudi Arabia I'm guessing Saudi Arabia I'm going to guess it's going to be in Saudi just because WTA is there now and I'm sure the finals will all be in the same place I don't know anything you don't know but I'm just saying just expect it maybe to be saudy they've already bought the rankings remember the ATP have to play ball with Saudi otherwise they'll make their own tour as we serve now the backhand of paga return goes long 4015 and if they're not going to give him a 1,000 event you might as well give him the ad finals 405 sabalan to win three games in a row and take the lead again serve is massive massive serve massive serve Sabal lanker in the grunt to match I'll tell you this much chat love or hate the grunt it matches the game she doesn't grunt a slice it's a 120 mph serve with a grunt I mean the grunt and this and the shot they're the same thing it it doesn't it's not weird she doesn't hit a drop shot and go ah it's always power all right same same okay p is going to have to serve the say in this set again well actually no for the first time but again at 56 can she get to the tie break all right can we yeah can we at least get a tie break in this set come on all right let's see if Arena can finish the business let's hope so for sabinka sake by the way Chad let me know in the chat where you're watching from I haven't asked that yet where you watching from I'm in Australia it's 8 in the morning and the sun's out it's burning my curtains I can see the sun where are you guys watching from let me know we got someone from Gotham City Batman in the house love your work uh Philippines Hong Kong Ethiopia Kenya England Ireland Venice Moscow uh we've got Italy Vancouver Naples we've got uh London Australia in the house what's up we got New York City Edinburgh Norway Caribbean Washington Indonesia Romania Brazil here we go serve goes in from Pula in comes back and volley now P sabinka sorry with a l goes long 15 love we got Canada rainy New York City yeah roof is shut for this one Pennsylvania Nigeria Poland Hawaii Michigan Florida Sweden as we to serve now from pagul is in the net second serve Cape Town Mexico we've got New Jersey we've got Russia sing Singapore Berlin second serve the backand of sabinka backing out from B down the line sabinka falling Cross Court is a winner three points away from a US Open title and a third Grand Slam 15-0 we got Melbourne in the house what's up we got Paris Serbia Houston as we to sered now from Pula three points away sabalenka from the title return goes in again from sabalenka this is going to be on 1530 she's two points away two massive forehand from sabalenka she's at 40 winners in this match Pula serves a fult second serve second serve to the back and sabala returning down the line to the front of paga sabala Cross Court paga gets it but hits it long Championship points for arena sabalenka two championship points to win her third Grand Slam to avenge the loss from last year against an American and the crowd Pula serves 1540 serving to the back of the SAA return goes in the front of Baga sabalenka goes into the back and of Baga again to the back and of sabalenka as p is backing down the line Sab with a slice forehand in the net one saved one saved 3040 3040 Championship Board number two Pula with a serve into the back of sea return goes into Championship Point the back of paga as Seena Cross C off the tape Pula puts up a l sabinka forehand straight to paga paga it's along sabinka is the US Open Champion she falls to the ground and she won wins her third Grand Slam after last year's heartbreak chat what a 12 months she's won two slams in the year and she is now three grand slams chat that is huge considering that only three players ahead of her have more that are actively playing three grand slams and the US opens hers 7575 great run by Pula by the way she's had a great summer three finals in a row the only person to beat paga in North American on North American soil has been Sabal lener over the last month pagul is back in the top three she's had a great week Sabal Lena's had a better one she's won Cincy she's won 12 matches in a row she's won a third Grand Slam she avenges the lost to Coco and she is a US Open champion and God she is looking scary I I wouldn't want to play sabalenka in the next couple of months the Asian swing she dominated that before she became sabalenka the Great great I wouldn't want to play her in on on a quick Court in Beijing watch out all right great work by the way if Questions you're leaving don't to sub on the way out we have uh we're just going to chill out for a bit SAA goes up to a coach's box and gives everybody hugs man great match great match even though it was straight sets it was still a great match Pula showed fight that was a great fighting effort cuz Sabal Lanka was was at points in that match Untouchable on on her ground strokes and serves great hustle from paga at times just couldn't get that that that set I mean she served the second and just couldn't couldn't hold when it mattered but man what a final what a intense final very intense final also chat we're almost at th000 likes so thank you for that don't forget to sub on the way out if you're leaving we're going to chill out for a bit and then uh and then I'm going to get ready for tomorrow's final men's final thanks for doing this no television uh and I've enjoyed listening to the matches for you Hey Kevin thank you mate appreciate it thanks for the nice words God sabalan is so scary though chat I mean she is the she's probably the the the scariest player at her best I mean Shon at her best is crazy good but no she's not intimidating not as intimidating as Sabal Lanka like Sabal Lena intimidates at her best she's like she is scary fonc is just very good like very like the way she plays at her best is Untouchable but it's not intimidating it's just probably frustrating more than anything right for for players but when Sabal Lanka plays like that and plays at her best God it's it's nothing you could do you just got to sit there and hope she starts to miss intensity level is greater than tennis level yeah the quality this match was not the best quality we can all I mean the erors speak for themselves uh but you can't like you know the us7 final of 2020 of the men's was one of the worst quality matches but it doesn't mean it wasn't intense intensity is always there if even if as long as the quality of the players is the same but man um all right uh can't get ESPN in the states okay uh won't be in the streams tomorrow be at the baseball all right enjoy charging I want to be part of that se Linka team yeah they're a great team can't stand the noise Seena makes then mute the SC mute the mute the uh TV you have the power hon not intimidating at her best no no sorry when I say intimidation I mean intimidation physically intimidating fiance is not as physically intimidating so when sabalan is hitting those like massive serves and and huge forehands like physically is just scary like she's in she's a she is scary fiance again it doesn't have that same again she is intimidating in a different way but not like that not like that that physical intimidation that sabinka brings right uh yeah yes Shan doesn't have that I mean the only person that's had it recently is Serena like I mean it's that Serena type of in intimidation right it's that intimidation of like if I hit the ball short it's going to get killed if I if I serve a second serve that's not good it's going to get killed like that constant pressure whereas Shon when you hit a second serve it's not as scary yeah okay she can hit winners often but it's not like I'm not going to see the ball P me it's going to just like with sa just like it goes past me before I even finish the serve and again that's like that's Serena stuff you know that's Serena cuz it's also constant as well sabinka you know she doesn't just hit one return winner and then miss five she every everything she hits when she's at that on that level is just you know she can hit five hard shots in a row and they're all in the corners and it's like bloody hell yeah if you if you get hit by one of those shots you are in danger I mean she has the fastest average first uh what is it forehand power this this week amongst anybody including the guys L I am so happy for sabalenka I also bet her to win 2 to zero I was never nervous smile yes I was let's go all right thank you for the uh P for the five how lucky is seing is POS partner jealous okay Jesus um it's in it's insulting to compare sabinka to Serena all right well fight me like what do you want I'm a Serena I'm a Serena Fanboy all right insulting dude it would be insulting if I said she's if sabalan is next goat all right don't get insulted I'm don't say s man I'm a Serena fan and this is the closest thing we've got to Serena so if you're a Serena fan you should be a sabalenka fan because she's as close as we're going to get to Serena at least for now in insulted I'm insulted by your comment I'm not going to cry but um sabinka said to Pula what a final it was a hell of a final and look we we got to give pul massive props right first Grand Slam final she was in that final like that was not a one-sided match like it was in cin Cincinnati was was a blowout it was a good uh it was a competitive f from the start poua was in that match you know seing just too good in the end but what a great run makes her first Grand C final deservedly so I mean pager is a grand like you know 12 months ago we would have said you know man pager is a grand slam finalist at worst right she's at worst of grand slam finalist and now she's made that so anything beyond this you know would be uh would be incredible you know she's got 1,000 titles she's got a grand s final to her name now she gets a I don't know what you get for the US Open but probably it's a meat tray or some metal frisbee um so she gets that you know and then you get you know you Grand Slam finalist is a different type of career Milestone right even if you lose the final it's still something like we remember those players a lot more than we remember the semi-final losers right when I say semi losers I mean players that have lost not losers in like they're bad like you know I'm saying people that lose that lost not robot sabalenka has matured she has nerves of Steel and her Net game is lethal great showing by Pula Drop shots in Net game was so underrated for seink I mean that was she was so Unstoppable the net as well Unstoppable which is just even scarier I mean she's already hitting the ball so hard on the serve and the and the Baseline then she comes to the net and you can't beat her there either I mean Sabal lanker is slowly becoming a a Flawless player the only flaw is that she double faults maybe still a little too much and um she can get a little um you know she can get a little angry you know but and little you know a little sidetracked by by by you know anger but other than that I mean her shot what's her weakness chat chat give me your what's sabala's weakness at her best what's Saban's weakness cuz fiance's weakness is obviously cons serves that's a problem against certain players sabalenka I don't think has a weakness besides herself things that are you know within her control mental yeah herself like her second serve is not a vulnerability unless she misses right but like what yeah mental it's a mental and double faults which we could probably put mental in I movement I don't I think she moves well for somebody who's nearly 6 foot cons compare her to Reina she moves way better than Rebeca she's got got she got she moves well she's not faster than Pini but that's because pal is probably the fastest player on tour her emotional yeah emotions yeah mental mentality and emotions are probably the two things that let her down but again that's within her control so like outside of her control nothing really can I mean nothing really can stop her if she's playing well shot variety but she's starting to do a problem solving I feel like sapal Leno and I mean she wouldn't have won three grand slams in two years if she hadn't figured out how to problem solve she used to be just a ball Basher right where she just us know cracked the ball for winners and you know it's either in or out sort of like osta Peno but I think she's way more the last two years she's gotten she's obviously not of volley from the doubles but her she was doing Drop today you know she's great at that and um I don't think she's just like hit it hard anymore I think she's got variety she can slice the backand if she needs to you know she can defend is Fritz going to get set tomorrow uh sure yes why not got agree with seing touch of the net was fantastic yeah that backhand volley where she kind of like did like a 360 that was crazy that was such a good volley the high backhand volley that was a that was probably the point of the match is B the fast player on Tu no she's up there but I would say I would say palini is palini is probably the fastest player on Tu that I can think up there's probably other names but top 10 I think she's the fastest I think beula should be top five in the rankings now she's number three top three top three now so pagul is back in that top three great time listening hey tasty appreciate it thank you for joining us put s is quick yeah she's quick too true true true all right all right what does Pula need to do to get a grand slam um I mean today what what did pagul I mean the only thing that Pula didn't do today was when she had the break convert the set that's the only thing I think that I mean she was in this final she should have won the second right she probably should have won the she could have won the first um I think just like her serve just let her down at those key moments and the big difference today between her and Seer is that se's been here three times she's won two of them she knows how to win Grand Slams where Pula first time being here the second time she's here maybe she plays someone like I don't know maybe she plays someone who doesn't have a slam maybe she plays someone who's never been to a final and then she'll have the upper hand experience- wise but she was right in this final for I mean a couple of points here and there and she could have won this 7575 herself right so I just say the only thing she needs to do next time is you know close it out if she has the chance easier said than done but she played against a better close of today really you know sabalenka closed out the uh you know she served well she she finished the sets also P served to get to a tie break twice and lost 75 so you know try and close those games to get to the tie breaks because in the tie breaks you know you just never know but yeah B's had a hell of a hell of a run um she took out Muka who was trouble who was normally travels sabalenka Jang took out veic Navara took out Koko sabalan was destined to win all the all this time yeah but sainger also had to play a three set against alexandrova I mean pag today wasn't easy it was close straight sets you know I don't think I mean look yeah sabinka avoided some of the killers but I wouldn't I wouldn't be saying that saena doesn't I mean J people were so hot on Jang and they should be because she came off winning the Olympics you know and and a lot of people were thinking well if you can Beaton on Clay you can beat Sabal lanker and obviously that wasn't true but you know Jung in the quarters wasn't an easy match considering what Jung's been doing lately uh before the match started I know hindsight you know we're all we're all Geniuses in hindsight but what on P congrats for sabalan you know obviously disappointing for paga but I wouldn't be you know I wouldn't say that this was uh you know a bad day for paga like pula's been great uh all week and this is just uh you know a final that didn't go away but doesn't mean she won't get another chance or it won't mean that this isn't a great a great career highlight you know like I said Grand s finals are still uh still big deals um need those fre points with power serve Serena made the blueprint I mean Serena s again Sabal lanker is as close to Serena as we're going to get right now um consistently good powerful you know aggressive intense fired up I mean I I watched a lot of Serena and I see a lot of Sabal Serena and sabalenka and it's a it's fun to watch sabinka when she has those Serena moments you know the good ones you owe apology I the good ones uh what will Koko's new ranking be she'll be she falls down number six Osaka's game can't be ignored yeah I agree Osaka the best has Serena qualities too but I would say that SA L's got especially it feels like sabalenka doesn't hit the ball as flat which means she can control she's got more control whereas Osaka on her day I mean she just flattens it out which is why I want to see Osaka sabalenka in even either in the next for the one time this year make it in Beijing or something or um in the Australian Open next year like that would be a great third like quarterfinal like sabalenka give Osaka to the quarters gets a couple of wins confidence sabalenka two time champ that's I want to see that because Osaka on her game against sabalenka on hers is fireworks like that's going to be so they're going to be hitting the ball so hard you won't even see it it's going to be crazy so that would be I would love to see that but I'll get a thre Setter at the start of like you know over the Asian swing if they meet there because that's the only time they're going to meet because that's the only tourament left for them Osaka was on fire I mean she wasn't she was on she was on fire in 21 22 what 21 22 she wasn't playing great but I still think Osaka comes back and does some Grand Slam damage Osaka still on comeback Trail yeah exactly but I would love to see her play Sabal Linka right now like in the next couple of months just to get an idea of like what that looks like it's like okay you know sabalan is obviously flying high Osaka is you know it's a comeback season she played fiance before that's that was fun I would love to see it before next year and then next year go be able to figure out how Osaka can well I mean Osaka might beat SE I don't know but if she loses like then figure out okay well what's the and then then you know get a little preview into what that could look like next year am I making sense I'm calling it out right now Australian sabinka will not three Pat the AO she literally just won the US Open you're like but she won't win the next one who cares I'm sure sabinka fans don't give a [ __ ] about Australia next year yet like who cares let her celebrate her third third Grand Slam like who cares about next year I'm sure saena is not thinking right now holding that trophy with with the you know $4 million check going oh I got to win the Australian Open three times now I'm sure she's just not doesn't give a [ __ ] about Australia she's not even thinking about that who cares sabala will win a Wimbleton she's only played every second Wimbleton for the last like six years she missed this one she played last year she probably should have won last year she missed the one before that she played the one before that and lost to in to pker in the semis should have won that and then she lost didn't play 2020 so the last two win she's Play She made the semis was up was a three Setter loss uh so she's going to win a wimon she just hasn't played enough she's only played two of the last five wimon sabalenka and that's probably the one that we expect her to win you know out of everything what do they earn I think the winner gets 3.6 mil something like that I hope Muka is back for good yeah Muk I I Lov watching Muk this week love seeing Muk this week that was a hell of a you know a hell of a hell of a time um Chad what have been your favorite part of the uh the women's side of the of the US Open what's been your highlight of the of the women's side this week I've love seeing Muk back I love seeing pagou in the final love seen sabinka win cuz she wins but also I picked her Chad did I not say sabinka summer I'm just saying I'm pretty sure I did like right at the start of the summer just saying just saying chat feel free to you know you know give me some credit um Osaka's bow okay sabinka win okay Navar rising at the top okay nice yeah two slams in a year for Sab sabinka is the best Grand Slam player I think I heard Gil Gil gross say that which is totally true she is the best Grand Slam player right now Shion is the best player CU she plays well outside of slams but sabba lanker is the best Grand Slam player over the last couple of years if you look at her record semi-finals everywhere finals and winners you know wins the last two years it's sabalo is the best Grand Slam player uh I want to see jabur back next year okay but what about this this year's US Open what what has been your favorite part of this year's US Open uh pag is number three in the world now my highlight was Eva jovic great future Pro yeah she's what 16y old came through the a couple of matches want to watch for sure Jang vage match that was epic that was epic Americans been in the final love that Navar will be a grand slam winner once one time she's she's not far off either though I mean she did um she's not going to be uh too too far off she's only 23 to naar I want to see Australian Open surface slower than the U they made the US faster no Australian Open surface needs to be as fast as it used to be slow back in like the 2000s that's [ __ ] we don't want that the LA like the Australian Open like no I don't want to see that cool I want to see the open as fast as it is right now more importantly Aussie's won the doubles yes we did you're goddamn right Shon a barely a top 10 player off off the Clay that's a wild statement that's a wild statement also factually incorrect shon's won Indian Wells she's won OHA she's made it to the quarterfinals of the US she's actually won the US before you know she's won Miami which is fast yeah she doesn't do well after Wimbledon on the hardcourts you know season's long blah blah blah um she's made a semi of Australia before so she's also won Beijing she won the W finals last year that's on Hardcore I mean there's a lot of examples that prove you are wrong top she's not even a top 10 I mean she is but I mean you could say she seink is better than her on C courts maybe that could be a statement that would be more accurate but I don't know about not a top 10 player on hardore off the Clay she's top 10 Not Top 10 it's wild it's crazy barely top five off clay not even close I just proved that she's clearly either one or two off the Clay wild statement all actually no I want to know who's better on Hardcore then who's ahead of fianc if she's not even top five on on on off clay cuz I don't want to know what are you where did you get how do you get to that number how' you get to how' you get to that I'm like did you do the I mean what do you mean who would you put ahead of shon on like off the Clay what pagul is ahead of her like Rebeca maybe Goff Pelini like who do you put ahead besides sabalenka off the Clay who do you put ahead of shon who only Sabal laner is better than Shon on Clay on hardart I agree I would we could have a discussion about whether or not fan and sabalenka is better on hardcourts and I'd probably say yeah sabalenka wins the hardcore matches against each other when they play but also you look at the record and look at the titles one yeah Sab is probably a better hardcore player than sa than Shon but I couldn't put Shon below two it's wild rakina maybe yeah maybe reaka but that would be a ginch fance but if you put them up against each other like career-wise shon's got much better career on Hardcore since reaka reak not doesn't stick around long enough kova okay that's a good kova is a good answer but again I'm we got to think there's two different conversations we're going to have because remember top five means rankings mean you don't just play one person and you know if you beat them you're number one you got to have a good record over everything so kov has got a good record against fance right so she might be like head-to-head she can beat fance but overall kik's record like Korea versus font's career on hardcourts it's fantech right kov doesn't have the record of shon on hard courts you can't like the 1,000 titles alone give Shon an advantage only sabalenka and maybe look Osaka you know we can talk about her but I would say sabalenka right now is the only player that could go on a hardcourt career-wise would have a similar record as Fon with slam she's got three to Fon one WTA finals are 1 to zero I don't know what the 1,000 titles are but you would say probably probably Fon holds that maybe over but seen has won a lot late I don't know that's a better conversation than being like she's top barely top five off clay that's ridiculous saying that with no evidence that's wild top 10 was I mean that was a worst comment top barely top 10 you just didn't even think K has got asraa and toai asraa is not 1,000 though toai is though you're right she's got to buy doesn't have uh orra is at 500 Nadal Is Not Top 10 on Clay all right now we're just like saying stupid things what what do you want okay we just we're just saying ridiculous stupid things now cool does anyone have a an actual serious like you know is can we stop trolling people just trying to get ridiculous uh that match was super exciting kept me on the edge of my seat several times Lily that was a great match such a great match it yeah it was edge of the seat edge of the seat stuff for sure just when you thought you knew who was going to take the set then the other person comes back it was it was great great final it was much better than the Australian Open and the French Open finals not the high not a high bar but still much much better why do people not talk about Stephie graph as much her stats seem so good uh just recency bias I'm and I'm and I'm a I admit that I don't talk about her enough but I I didn't watch her so the problem is I can't um problem is I can't comment on Stephie because I didn't watch it but you're right Stephie needs to be spoken about more doesn't help that stephie's in I mean we get talk about Martina more because she's in the Limelight too right she's on TV Stephie is not in the spotlight I mean that's the same as SAS right we should be talking about SAS more than we probably do what makes you the authority I mean I'm not the authority in tennis but but I mean tennis talk maybe I'm not I don't think I'm the I don't think I'm the the CEO of tennis but I mean I created this channel six years ago so I mean maybe here but then again people in the chat also have a say so I don't know um I don't think you can be understood that how um what Monica achieved just she was just a kid yeah true again I wasn't around so that's I can't really be like because people say like Salis as well she's got to be talked about but I can't comment on things that I didn't see you know I can only comment on stats you know and stats are you know it's not probably not you know just reading out the numbers is not doing it doesn't do it justice you know tennis made me come back to tennis nice well I'm glad I'm glad I could hopefully get people into tennis that's my job I'm the authority of getting people excited about tennis is that that's my job I try anyway stop great job on the prediction go Sabby what a great match emotional roller coaster cold sweat smile hey thank you for the 10 appreciate that um Vander is talking about Sabal Lena being the best player in the world no she's not she's number two yeah you you're right best player on hardcourts I think we could maybe establish that ah heish Fon on hardcourts but we have to see them play on hardcourts again let's see them play in in Asia let's see them play in the they won't play in the WCF finals or the final or semis if things work out that way but let's see him play on hard cords a couple more times this year and and see if Shon can recover you know where did sabinka lack this year um after the ASR open Win she had a bit of a bit of a slide and then she just didn't get she just couldn't beat fiance G clay but that's pretty much everybody didn't play Wimbledon that hurt a lot you know if she played Wimbledon who knows right cuz considering what we know now so I scared my dog more than once fun fun final yeah shout to uh to your dogs oh man that's funny um h only the big two now I think so I think Fon and sanker on their own everyone else is playing catchup in the live race of the finals Sabal lanker is only 400 points behind Shon yeah so Shon so so I'm just trying to think what SAA have to so sabinka doesn't have many points left to for the rest of the year she's got the W final semi does she have a one more event in in Asia somewhere where F's got Beijing and the WTA finals she can't gain any points from there but remember wuhan's back so that's worth a th000 points so that's going to be an extra thousand like I said my my I would love and I said this at the start of the match I would love um I would love to see going into the WTA finals Shon Sabal Lanka locked on points or or like 100 points between them that would be so fun to get like the WCF finals and the number one ranking out for grabs for those two players like that would be that would that would make sense it was like last year right last year we had the same situation I would love that that would make the W finals even more exciting also W finals are not at the same time as Paris this year so that means we got a whole week of just WCA finals we don't have to bother with men's tennis we don't have to watch Paris Paris is before and then we get a week of WT and then the men's ATB finals so good I'm so excited like finally the WTA got the schedule right like they avoided what we've been playing at the same time as Paris years and it's so [ __ ] watching Paris and then watching WTA it's like oh it's just now it's like cool we're going to watch the best F women on the world and not give a stuff about anybody else it's so good so yeah I would love that we might get that it just depends on how s's Asian swing goes um never seen a complete player like Margaret Court I didn't watch it so I have no idea finals will be indoors yes so it's going to be in I think it's indoors in Saudi definitely in Saudi but it's indoors like pretty sure pretty sure WT is much more fun than ATP they're fun for different reasons like the ADB is not bad you know it's obviously going through a going through a um a different you know a different era like a you know a new era period but you know post goat apocalypse but but yeah I I think I think there's WTA is great I mean it's it's in the in 3 years or maybe even two years that's where the ATP will be right where the WTA is right now you've got you know a few players that stand out and you've got a bunch of competitive players and then you've got a bunch of new players that could you know it keeps it fresh right there's not just like the same old Champions that winning everything because even though that's fun when we start getting to 25 you know 20 slams and stuff you know between 10 and 20 slams it's just like oh they won again they won again you know we've we did the counting game for like 10 years let's you know it's going to be fun to have like upsets feel crazy like this I mean even on the men's side though I mean the crazy upsets we had women's side was way more stable I mean what was the biggest upset of the tournament chat who do you who was the biggest upset of the of like who in your opinion because I think bagula beating fonc wasn't that crazy like was the upset of the tournament maybe we're back in a withdrawing that doesn't count kova losing second round maybe I mean did did people expect her to do well maybe she was the biggest upset but I think people forgot about her as soon as she left Peno lost to Osaka that's not an upset gof going down Navaro but that just happened so maybe that's that doesn't feel super upset I don't know what what was the upset of the tournament chat Pini losing to Muka maybe but then again I mean maybe Coco maybe I don't know I feel like there wasn't that many upsets like ones that were like like there was no elarz jovic level upset obviously those guys are you know those guys losing is going to be crazy no matter if it's in the semis or anything but but didn't Collins yeah maybe Collins Collins losing was probably a big bit of a shock to every to the whole thing she lost first round didn't she I don't know I feel I don't think there was any like Earth shattering upsets yeah there was there's nothing here that yeah Collins in the first round was maybe it but it didn't feel like any major upsets that that we didn't that we couldn't look back and go oh you know we saw that coming whereas I still can't explain how alra lost like it's been week late I'm like I don't get that it's so it's it's it's confusing still have elros and TFO peaked has elros peaked hell no TFO I think he's in his Peak right now I think tifo last couple years this is where TFO tiao in semi-finals of slams is where he's he is peing like I don't think tiao is going to he's not going to be in in a year or two's time I mean he's he's at that stage I guess where it's like is this his height is this his ceiling you know yeah on the men's side but there's a lot more upsets obviously this year no worries Carly we'll see you later Colin's first round definitely okay yeah Ser are out of the Davis Cup SAA at her best reminds me m caught sheer dominance I don't know what that was like but fair enough Muk was a semi-finals last year and the better player true yeah see Muk beating palini considering how Muk was here last year I mean yeah we just didn't realize that Muk is ranking maybe we got fooled by the ranking and she fooled all of us right she made the semis at 50 in the world I like what the hell didn't Coco win another slam yes she's only 20 Carlos Lo L I'm like huh yeah yeah uh yeah that confuses the hell out of me it still does even poin beating jovic is a little bit like like obviously poppy less of an upset because Poppy had had pushed jovic twice this year but even that was kind of like huh but yeah the alcr one just caught completely completely random I mean it's why it's one of the upsets of the of the not even just a year I mean one of the upsets of all time right possibly alr's big biggest upset of his career so it's it's isman it's you know it's soding it's Dustin Brown levels right like we're talking about you know uh one of the biggest upsets considering what had just happened with alas going to back-to-back finals winning backtack slams Olympic final I mean it just completely caught us all off guard and this will go down in history as one of the biggest upsets ever because of those like of because of that how good alaras has been you know it it it's crazy and okay we we're not bashing alarz we're just we're just saying that that how we're talking about the history of it don't get don't get triggered alcaras fans we're just talking about the historic of it all right it was historic we're not saying elas sucks or El bad we're just talking about the significance of that in in his career right it's a big moment for tennis it's a big tennis moment all right I'm talking like I said talking Dustin Brown Nick curios beating bloody Rafer at wimon right we're talking jovic losing isman I mean that kind of that shock that will be felt for uh for a long time and it'll be remembered you know and upset to be remembered yeah poppy beating jovic not as big of a surprise but still jovic losing in the third round of a slam is ridiculous that's the shock maybe poppy beating him is not a big shock to some Cs on thoughts on Curious controversy today I have no thoughts I don't know what's going on I've been watching the women's game what's going on what did curious do what did he do what' he do oh okay he's talking about K Sky okay I don't want to know about that I don't want to know about that um he's coming back to play well that's good he should I mean it'd be fun to have him back on tour who doesn't want to see him play Yan oh he was bashing Ruku randomly as well um I haven't seen any of that it's just like yeah I don't know I can't see anything that he's done so yeah but alcarez is uh is uh congratulated sabalenka love that for Carlos he's out there in the middle of probably on a yacht somewhere in the middle of a beach but still has the time to put the beer down and write a tweet love that for for Carlos so it's a women's game sabil Lanka and eager and all the rest I would yes yes there obviously are players behind them that are you know that are probably just behind them but I wouldn't be like two players and then everybody else I'd probably say two players and then like there's a group under that and then everybody else [Music] um do I like her's commentator I haven't heard him enough but from what I've the little I've heard of him doing it I it's I think it's good I think it's refreshing his commentary it's a it's a cool style it's a new style like it's a fresh style which uh which I like but I I mean yeah I think he's a good I mean the thing is I'm worried though because he is doing a good job and people are giving him credit for it he probably makes more money than busting his ass on a tennis court you know but he's also going to be careful because the problem that he's going to have by you know being outspoken which is part of the reason why people want to hear him but being outspoken to be outspoken I'm a little worried that he's going to you know piss the wrong people off and he's not going to get the gigs to do it you know like he you know being outspoken is fine for him you know he can get away with a lot because of who he is but also like if he start you know if he's just like making fun and and you know poking people for for for no reason you know they might be like you're you're too much trouble like you're causing too much trouble you know and I hope he doesn't I hope that doesn't come to that you know but they might be like ah he's too he's he's doing too much like they you know it's funny it's now but then after a while it's like oh man you know you wonder you hope that they don't get tired of or you hope he doesn't take it too far right it doesn't take it too far you know the cner thing kind of was interesting because there was that like you know it created a bit of a buzz of like oh will he interview them oh you know NE SP like oh you know people are you know talking about us but we just hope he doesn't take too far right and I think what what I saw just then just the Ken sky like just don't get don't start commenting on Ken sky doing that like that gets a little weird you deleted that tweet yeah good idea like that's that's the line don't start talking about like that gets a weird that gets in a weird situation and I don't think that's you know you don't need to you got you're happy over here you're doing don't worry about what's going on with that yeah um silly and nasty yeah yeah it just does yeah yeah there's a yeah he you know there's a line you know I hope he doesn't uh yeah you know cuz he is good he's good for the sport you know as a commentator he's great for the sport he brings an energy he brings you know he brings people to want to listen to tennis and watch Tennis so that's always he's always been like that he's always been somebody that people want to watch so he's good for tennis so I just hope that he doesn't take things too far that he ruins that for himself but then also for all of us who want to listen to him people screenshot it of course of course they did because um he's uh a lot of people follow him so someone was going to get a screenshot of it for sure talking about someone's partner is off limits especially when you're ex yeah that's that's where I'm like like ah and he deleted it if he deleted it then obviously he knew that ah that was a bit much you know because yeah I mean you can't really it doesn't really make you can't it doesn't make him look good at all doesn't it like if you if he's commented about and we all we all look we all joke people joke about it you know joke about in the chat blah blah blah people make fun it's fine but when he starts getting in on the jokes and trying to do like that's when you go it's different when you know Joe was talking about like oh he his girlfriend's now his ex is now his girlfriend like but when the person people involved start talking you're like get a little too real you know you just all right car thank you for uh hanging out we're going to sign off soon because I'm going to go have some food I'm starving um does ego need to win the tournament in Japan after next week to maintain number one no she just has to do well at the WTA finals the WTA finals will be where her ranking her ranking might be at stake makes s look way more classic yeah well sin sin is a Class Act anyway you know um so you know I mean curious doesn't have to say anything to make C look s already looks great after what's happened you know he's very respectable and I know people are going to have their you know comments about Sin you know you know make make jokes but um I think what house has handled things is crazy like the way like he's handled it better than anybody I mean he's handled the best way that anybody could handle handle this um you know handle this a situation like this he's not blamed anyone he's not you know called anyone out he's he's just been he's been exactly how anybody he's been a great example of how people should you know he hasn't said oh poor me you know he hasn't he hasn't pied him pied himself you know he hasn't he hasn't put you know he's been like I've been hard but he hasn't he hasn't blamed his results on it like he you know I mean sin has been just a class actor around imagine if he was good at tennis who um C I mean he's been the final tomorrow I mean I don't know if he's he's pretty good he's number one in the world I don't know if that's he's pretty good sa can't cash fiance until the WCA finals yeah oh no maybe I guess if oh you talking about curios okay k is great at tennis what are you talking about just doesn't play enough cuz he's injured um yeah I don't know the exact math behind it but I think sabala could overtake fiance before the WT finals she just have to win everything Beijing Wuhan like all of that and sa and fan would have to lose badly in all of that you know even with the Wuhan points over grabs yeah I mean that's the thing minus 1,000 for Shon I think saan is only a th000 behind so then Beijing Wuhan are worth 2,000 points combined that's enough so I think I think she could get there but you're probably be right I mean if we if we you know if we don't give sapal lener the two wins and we don't give Shon like bad losses at those events we expect her to do well realistically the WTF finals is when they it could happen um which is so exciting I mean the last one the year and the the world number one rankings off the grabs I love it what time tomorrow you locally uh 2 p.m. so not ideal but what it is what it is ah chat I'm getting out of here because I need to go uh I get ready for tomorrow but um great match by the way chat UFC Vegas is on right now so I'm going to send you guys over to the MMA holes who are commentating that uh Burns and Brady is the is the head so if you like UFC our friends over at the MMA holes are are watching watching that the moment so I'll send you over there um if you don't want to watch it then you can always leave but say hi tell them we sent you let me have a look what's uh are they at the where they at they're almost at 100K as well Subs so if you go Chuck them and subscribe over there as well that's um they're really fun if you like if you like what I'm doing here I mean they were they were doing UFC before I started doing tennis so where are they at what they 91,000 they're so close chat they're great fun you like jokes you like them they're very fun I'll probably hang out there for a little bit too all right um 7575 sabinka wins the US Open she takes out uh pagul in the final and she is a three-time grand slam Champion Sabal Lanka two slams in the season the most of anybody else on the women's side in fact equal to Carlos and equal to maybe Yan tomorrow that's what we're going to watch tomorrow I'll see you guys uh see you guys then for the final of the men's Fritz versus sinner Leon cam your predictions were great this time Sparkles at least my my my winner prediction was great um but thank you for joining us see you guys tomorrow sa win 7575 Beach P third Grand Slam men's final tomorrow [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music]

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