MEDVEDEV vs BORGES • US Open 2024 • LIVE Tennis Play by Play Stream

[Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah a [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right welcome back everybody to US Open we've got uh we got meev we have watch medy all week VOR I think we watched medy for like a couple of months and that's not my fault I I mean a little bit but not really but I don't want to take responsibility because it's not sorry when do we watch meev last I need to know we haven't watched me since Wimbledon um let's get the preview they played before all right so there's the draw you can see uh this was a pretty stack section of the draw Mev has not lost uh hasn't lost many sets only one only the one set lost that was in the first round and bores is coming off a five Setter against menik in the previous round save match points to do it too so uh he has battled but he also beat konak as well and uh and Coro newor bores just missed out on being seated 34 in the world 27 years old from uh Portugal he's 6'1 right-handed 21 wins 21 losses on the year he has a title this year he actually beat ra Nal to win that first title that was in uh in Sweden just before the Olympics uh part of raffle week actually we watched that was during raffle week and you can see there his form though hasn't been great on the hard courts until now and the hardcourt specialist Daniel Mev world number five he is 28 years old from Russia 6'6 right-handed 35 wins 13 losses on the year he has got uh no titles this year but 20 career titles actually hasn't want title in over a year which is kind of weird very strange uh that he hasn't won a title in a long long time and uh he's on a he was on a bad losing streak before this tournament all right they played twice both this year and both have been close Med's won both but the one in Australia meev really had to battle uh Bor I think was the fourth round there as well so let's see whether or not uh bores can keep the pressure on medy as he has done in the last couple of matches they've played now how we doing will you answer my question can you answer dra is just absolutely dominating so that's uh nothing nothing new there well nothing going on there only chance win a close slam is joer Joker out out okay maybe dra dial coming soon you sure you want that smir I don't know if you want that smoke do you want that smoke I don't know I don't know dper fans getting a little too excited are you sure you want that smoke I don't know I don't know I don't know if you want that do you really want that Draper fans you really want that I don't know don't know um not looking good for demon excuse me what are you talking about cam what's your prediction me of going to next going to make next wait your prediction is me of going to make it make it where win the title maybe winner this play C or Paul in the quarterfinals by the way we want that smoke okay you want to take on the demon I mean his his name is scary you want to take on the demon good luck I'd take demon over drapes any day drapes are curtains they're not going to you know it's not threatening at all curtains are not scary demon scary I'll take the demon um Bosa or Navaro Bosa uh how about Thompson winning his first slam that's that would be insane and I would love that but also I don't know um Paul will win because he is a new American sweetheart crowd will play dirty with sinner you think sin going to be worried about that come on you haven't watch Yan if you think the crowd's going to be a Factor come on now this is demon country over here ain't no drapes in the demon country okay here we go players on court this should be straightforward for Med I mean this the Bing says so it's been a very kind of chill day today it's been weird by the way after this match chat we got Shon taking on uh Shon taking on samsonova that's happening in a few hours so we got some time in fact five hours it's happening in five hours so this match goes five sets we'll still be we'll still have time to spare we'll still have time to spare all right uh M's time what time is it starting now it's starting now starting right now sinner will do his job in direct sets Okay sin's not bothered by the crowd exactly what if we have six hours five sets that's not going to happen Muka On The Rise she is back she is back that is a fact she is back many straight sets Okay can you commentate already can you say please man is afraid it hasn't started yet what am I going to commentate all the city skyline there's clouds and now there's the drawer and now there's the there's the outside and there's what do you want from me the players are drinking water like what are we doing we cannot see the score when you're zoomed in too much I'm sorry did everyone wake up and and choose complaining today like what happened did we all wake up on the wrong side of the bed and what are we doing let's uh let's let's not be like that let's be in a good mood apparently most people have the day off today so everyone should be happy chat CHS the chat CHS crying schedule out for tomorrow see Nat that's what I'm talking about that's constructive thank you Nat for the thank you for that I appreciate that I'm drinking I'm happy hey P DS you are living it mate schedule that for tomorrow apparently let's go what's tomorrow quarterfinals um I can't see it where's the schedule it's on their website is it who is a day off I don't know Labor Day all so tomorrow doesn't really matter we're watching everything but uh Bosa Navaro followed by Fritz verev tomorrow night Jang sabalenka followed by demitro tiao cool I'm getting up at midnight day wait 12 12:00 p.m. that's 2: a.m. yay I get a sleep in I can go to bed hour later I guess so what if I get up at 1 then I should be okay so if I get up at one I should be sweet hell yeah I get an extra hour sleep chat yay I only have to wake up at 1:30 in the morning what's the biggest achievement to Bor Borg's tennis uh beating raford to win beating raford to win his first title I would say beating raford to win his first title okay B is going to Ser first by the way hey cam what is the longest for Setter ever no idea probably 4 and a half hours probably a joov Nadal match we are just what demon will break dra if the hip holds up okay well Draper's uh kicking ass at the moment What's tomorrow Wednesday right Tuesday okay what's up Matthew how you doing well he Chad I think we hit 800 members this week which I think means we can have a new Emoji which is crazy Co looks fire cam appreciate it it's warm so that helps uh let me triple check so yeah apparently we have 800 members which is kind of nutty so we get a new Emoji yay we need some uh we need some need some uh we need to get stuff to mve I'm going to write these down I need some for a new Emoji what are we what are we thinking chat what do we want members what do you want what do you want a certain player do you want you want a quote what do you want what are you thinking get stuffed I can maybe make it today before the next stream what else pardon me what else what other one do we have a what what other players do we need um what other players some of you we got C we got El we got jovic Nadal Shon sabalenka Runa Ken Sky what about P osta Peno I feel like an osta Peno Emoji would be good because osta Peno comes up a lot even when she's not playing because of like Hawkeye all right love 15 many wins a first point I feel like a panko one would be good we got a med Emoji already Peno I I've got Peno makes so many fun faces that we could do uh a Peno one would be funny I think I think it' be great small cat Rebecca oh yeah rebecc we haven't got rebecc one Rebeca Goff all right double fult bores love 30 love 30 [Music] love 30 Mac and Rollo Emoji all right we got some ideas double fold again what is going on hello there why is this happening poppy cheating Emoji why don't we get like you're like why do you stop crying all love 40 so about why the back end of Mev into the for of bores as many hits a for on the line bores backhand into the back end of Mev bores with a forehand in the net there's the break medy starts us off with a break one love um double F or rain delay double F could work somehow um mods that would be funny actually mods Emoji would actually be pretty funny just one that has like mods just so people can scream in the chat mods that's funny what's up Graham how you doing Deuce Emoji all right we can put deuce no bathroom break Emoji how would I even do that I feel like a Peno Emoji is my I'm thinking Peno for line cuz Peno Emoji I think that that would be very well used feel like a lot of people would use that in many different matches so I'm thinking Peno I think that's the that's might be the winner cuz a Peno is always there a Peno is always there 30 love bit of fault from M second serve second serve the for of bores back in meev into the for of bores Med hand into the for of bores down the line the back of meev bores backand get the back of medy into the for of bores get the back of MV bores slice into the for of Mev get the for of bores Med with the four down the line bores backand the back medy the four bores Drop shots in the net though 40 love 40 love she's entertaining For Better or Worse yeah all right 40 love all right I'll uh I'll think about it I'll think about it serving the back end of bores medy goes to the back of bores who hits a winner down the line lovely shot from borous and it's 415 405 first serve is a fault second serve is a double fault open there 40 30 as we nice all right two uh two love to love me Draper is playing the tennis of his life best ten of his life he is winning he is winning right now favorite architect thank you lead I don't really have a favorite architect I have a favorite style like an architectural style but I don't have a favorite architect which I know I'm a fake F I'm a fake fan but I'm like I'm more into like oh I like certain like cuz every every artist every musician has good and bad songs right but it's like liking a genre you know you might like a certain artist like Taylor Swift but then you might like the genre of like country for example and you might like a lot of different country songs so yeah I'm I'm more of like I like a genre of or a style instead of specific architects as we to find now from Med in the net 15 yeah Le leab I can't even say his name leaber is pretty good Frank Lord writes like the obvious like that's the architect that everybody knows noran Foster is good too he has interesting stuff but I'm more like I said I'm more of like a see I'm more into like art art deco right so like that's not modern that's old old as old as old as old scoreboard broken n it's fine 15 like I like art deco style that's why I love New York right that's why I love New York I love that style um 1530 it's just so like I feel like it's just so such a time it's such a Timeless classic I wasn't going to say old as dirt I didn't say that it's like 100 years old right but but nobody makes art deco buildings because it's old it's not like it's not you know it's not cool I'd love to live in an art deco house with round windows and a cool cool stuff cool lights and stuff anyway Ser forhead on the line of the back end of B for from the for of B is with a back SL from Med in the net and a 30 Old what you mean is style I think genre relates to yeah I mean yes that's what I'm saying style I'm saying style I'm saying it's like you know I was confir you I was making a comparison of music you know you might like a lot certain type of music you know instead of just specific artists right as we get to return now to the for of bores back in now from meev into the back of bges off the tape many puts it away 3040 there are issues with poorly maintained things 100 years old why do why do why why do people in the chat do this why are you doing this what do you like why you why you like this oh but the thing that you like is actually uh could be dangerous and uh you know it's 100 years old and that's you know that doesn't mean you know probably is bad like what are you like just let me like what I like you don't need to critique what I like all right I like it if you don't like it shut up right you don't need to say why you don't like it all right this is not a discussion this is a I'm I'm telling you maning a goddamn question 3040 this is not a discussion whether or not I should like things I like chocolate but it's unhealthy I don't care it's delicious as that goes out by Mev and Sorry by bores three love me well I don't like what you like so I need to convince you to not like it I like it and I'm not changing I will never change never ever all right hang over all right I'm sick of this [ __ ] I'm not t up I like it I'm not going to tell you what to like you like what you like all right and we don't have to like the same things three love inative God damn it I'm awake now it's 4 in the morning I'm ready Art Deco is my the thing that I like and I would love to live in an art deco building in fact I did in the city I lived in a small apartment that was an art deco style I loved it it was beautiful and I would love to live in an art deco style building be it an apartment or a house unfortunately those houses are expensive and I am not I I am poor so I can't afford that [ __ ] but dream dream big all right three love 90% cocoa chocolate is good for you maybe got a double break here three love three love as a return goes into the back in M there back in now from bores the back of medy as bores hit the forehand into the for of medy bores down the line into the back of Mev bores with the back hand goes short may he gets it with the forehand bores down the line is a winner love 15 love 15 love 15 cabry chocolate is the best I agree I agree dra is about to win all right 15 love is with a four sorry love 15 is many hits in the net love 30 love 30 love 30 as medy serves again it's in trouble here as return goes the back end of Mev backing out from bers on the stretch medy back end slice from bores go short M with another back end down the line a beautiful shot bores gets there but it's in the net 1530 cab caramel cream eggs are good yeah they're all right I can't have I can't have too many of those cuz like after a while it just gets a little bit too much but every now and again yeah don't mind a Cream Egg who doesn't mind a cream egg every now again mix it up Kinder Surprise though yes let's go Kinder surprise I could eat unlimited amounts of those unlimited car Kinder Eggs unlimited never stop came we need a girlfriend man dude I'm married 1530 as back in in the net from bores and 30 Old my life my my I like me right and my wife likes me all right my wife does she she's asleep but she she like she's she she's asleep she's real I'm sure she's real she's definitely real she's still here she's here Drop Shop meev is a winner 4030 to go to four love 40 30 to go to four love in the first set by the way roof's open sun's out it's a warm day as the return goes into the for of medy Med hits a wide though we get to Deuce right we get the deuce all return goes into the for medy and Med hits in in the net Advantage Mev Serv of the four sorry Vantage bges medv in the net bges in the net [ __ ] bges in the net meev saves the breakpoint deu we get the deuce he out wide M get some sleep cam you look tired get some manners you look rude second a of the day for Edy hey Jill Simone in the house one of the worst matches we ever watched was involving him it took four hours and it was really boring but he was a great player as going to drop there from evev Love from B is not high enough medy puts it away for Love For Love Mev this is simple all right okay dra for the match by the way get some sleep cam you look exhausted are you friends with the other guy who said that are you or the the same person cuz I I'm sick of you if you don't like how I look just turn the turn the screen off and just don't look at the screen just listen to The Voice all right do I sound tired as with have four now down the line from me to the backand of bores medy backand again the back of bores into the for meev into the for of bores Drop shots good but Med's better with the backhand pass love 15 you look fine ignore the comments thank you Kevin I needed that all right love 15 hardcore specialist you right goddamn right love 15 B your service again 15 first a fault serve out wide the back and every turn goes into the forner bores into the forner M bores with a for in the net love 30 yeah look guy in the chat who's who's uh worried about my health don't you worry my doctor says I'm fine and the moment that he says hey man you should probably not stay up all night is the time that I consider his opinion but uh you don't worry my doctor says it's fine don't you don't you worry don't you lose sleep over my health my doctor's fine double F love 40 all right you don't stress all right don't you worry I got this all right love 40 first was a fault second serve second serve as a return goes short in the front of bores great drop shot me like no way I'm not getting that [ __ ] no thank you all right 1540 1540 serve that wide as a fault second serve second serve the return goes into the net 3040 30 40 most nurses in my Province work uh shift work nobody really bats an eye I'm surviving yeah don't worry I I got this right it's not my first rodeo back end to back end rally back end now from bores the back end of medy bores with a forehand get the back end of medy bores drop shot oh it's just wide five love medy cruy cruy you look great full of energy nothing to worry about I hope so all right bro chill by the way Chad my friend's having a baby this week apparently so that's cool cam you look great thank you Mom appreciate it I look handsome great I'm having Novak withdrawals really does medy have the best return in the tennis no jovic does have I been to Miami no commentate the birth you didn't think it before you type that you need you need to reassess that that that text all right you you need to stop that all right you need to definitely not say that out loud ever again do never say that that was come on you got to think what you just did not think about that before you that you were like oh that's funny it's not really funny it's kind of gross um by the way uh Draper won so there you go Draper versus uh an Aussie so uh rip to you not to the Aussie got win hope the birth is down the line yeah I'm hoping it's all good not cross quarter lob okay well yes let's just God damn why' I say I should have just left it alone um I'm missing the Carlos stunts yeah Will B just get a game I think he will I think he will I I think B didn't bores get wrecked in the first set of uh the Australian Open against medy and then came back and won right a set so good serving from meev 15 love Yeah dra is doing great love to see it love to see it i' I've I always say that it's great to have British and American uh doing well at slams because those are the founding tennis Nations right you know they are the Grand Slam Nations so you someone from the UK doing well is only going to make it better for the British and then plus not to mention they've also been a massive drought right on in British tennis for the most part Andy Murray and Rod con the exceptions as many in the net 15 and0 so it's great to see Brit doing well you look fresh as a daisy thank you I mean let's not push it you know but thank you 15 old sered in the T of f second serve second serve as a return goes in the forehand of bores backing into m to the slice of bores medy backand get the back bores down the line in the net though and it's 35 305 305 sering to the back end of bores fortive open court bores gets it with a slice goes in nice recovery as with a back in to back end rally medy down the line it's just too good 405 geez Mev is playing really well and uh yeah medy is playing very well Ice Six love all right ace from M to finish six love first set you must have wild temperature fluctuations down there some days short sleeve some days jackets I live in Australia bro of course there's this is the wild west mate if I'm not wearing a short sleeve I'm getting attacked by a kangaroo you know if I'm wearing a jacket you know I'm also battling a crocodile you you know that's not a knife this is a knife I mean you know welcome to the wild west down under um Cy exactly Cy could medit maybe when the US Open yeah yeah I mean he could beat C we know that and he's the threat so yes Med in the US Open for sure I live in tazy it's crazy yeah yeah Australia's crazy I might even go maybe I'll go to tazzy chat Tasmania is like not oh it's what's the weather like in tazzy Johnny is it freezing you freezing your ass off down there or what's up is tazzy cold maybe I won't go there are the Owens Australian Royals not really they are beloved you know but they are not Royals but Bindy and Rob Bob Robert irn they're uh they're on TV and stuff people know who they are they are they are relevant Singapore maybe go to Japan or Thailand okay maybe I will not go to I will not go to Tasmania then is medy the new alarz nope I've been to Tasmania went to Tasmania when I was in high school and they had a cabri factory and we were on a tour it's good so good so good Steve Owen was a legend he sure was he sure was he was Australia he was austral is uh National he still is a National Treasure he still is even you know decades later he will always be Australia's national National Tre treasure 4 line winner from bores 15 love go to Madagascar now it's a little too too far away what Rogers backand the greatest one hander of all time uh no one of them though I think verz is better but feder is definitely one of them return goes into the forehand of borgers B in the net 15 all who's going to win the Davis Cup for me it's Italy again I'm backing Australia back toback finals and this year arguably better uh you know with poin and you know winning and um and uh demon or doing the best season of his career and Thompson and the doubles great no no I said Cadbury Cadbury like the chocolate chocolate factory went to the Chocolate Factory 1530 double fa all right chance for M to break are you going to go to world and GS one day maybe I would love to I'd love to go to roll G I nearly went one year but I just uh plans got count canceled unfortunately the person I was going to go with had to had to work so we didn't leave we didn't go uh 15 30 s to the back end of medy medy hits it long 30 Old what's the next match on this court uh Shon in four hours they'll probably put a doubles match on maybe as that goes in the N from meev 4030 deimy has the best one hander yeah but he copied federa so 4030 return goes out B is on the board pity claps all around one love Chad we're never getting a triple bagel I mean come on there's never going to be a triple Bagel there never was and they never they never there always there was but they never will be cner Paul prediction C [Music] in um sin will win you must be proud of Australia plays this season oh yeah it's been a great year for Australian tennis finally finally all right Med hits a f to cons serve turn goes in the net from bores come back to us now 15 Love by the way medy did not serve a foot fold it's just the the hawkey is freaking out all right second serve as we're going to return out the back in of me back in of bers down the line goes long 30 love 30 love 30 love as we a fult from me second serve F 305 35 to fold again tiet serve as the return goes out by bores 405 405 D May wasaki prediction uh was nyaki in three that'll be a long match all right return goes in the N from B just one1 m of holds is medy the best tactician player on tour um maybe one of them one of them for sure ah for to four rally is that goes out from bores and it's 15 love 15 Med's very Tactical for sure as we return now into the forehand of bores back in back end as Med into the for of bores get in the back me is borous hits it out love 30 love 30 love 30 love 30 as m serves again so Bor serves again M hits it out this time and it's 1530 Novak first and then medy in my opinion yeah noack definitely alra is up there too I think elra is a good Tech tactician just doesn't execute as much as the other two guys you know he's a little less he's a little more aggressive which you know means more errors as it a back and return now to the forend of bores medy digs it out with the backand bores drop shot Med's going to get it B just rolles it away though 30 menic would be more res resistance for sure maybe okay 30 30 all as we get a fult second serve and the return goes into the forehand of bores M back end as bores in the net 3040 Med to break Med to break in the second rinka or Murray can tell me please and why nah I don't think I will good serve and then the smash put away by bores and we get to Deuce we get to deuce Ser again is a fult second serve second serve into the back of M forner from bores as medy goes again the forner bores medy backand bores with a four Cross Court medy gets it goes down the line bores backand as medy goes crosscourt the four into the for of bers who hits in the net Advantage Mev to take the break in the second Advantage bo uh m first serve is a fault second serve is a double fa two one m in the second rooting for demitro this year you want him to at least win one slam yeah why not um meev Zev demon or TFO yep they are four tennis players is this the first Portuguese player to slam no Christian Ronaldo played tennis when he was like two no there was um Joe sza he made like fourth round of wimon a couple years ago 2019 I think he made the fourth round of wimon do you watch WWE no I do not sorry yeah sza made the uh yeah sza was good for a long time how bores reached this far he he's looking clueless he's playing Dan M I mean come on now he's playing the hard called specialist Daniel M you got to give him a give him a break bores to be fair didn't beat any seeds but still he's playing d m i mean you got to give him a little bit of a break you know okay this isn't the match that you guys wanted but also D Mev he might have been he might have done the same to menic who knows probably not but who knows we never know doesn't matter why was rink's backand so good can you give me your opinion please nah I don't think so he got pass next question despite this match bores has had an amazing yearend yeah exactly he beat Rafer on Clay to win a title I mean give the man a little credit Mev with the winner 15 love 15 love do you watch cricket no yes sometimes may no not much sometimes only in December 30 love only when there's nothing else on that's that's not even a joke that's real B just too many mistakes [Music] true all right 30 love 30 love as a return from bores the back M bores back in wide 40 love 40 love um fault second serve no no mvan mvan and Paul are playing second tonight so they're playing later like late late 4 hours font starts more like 6 hour sin starts backand goes wide by bers 3-1 M menik did have three match points true um non indication of rest of matchups what do you mean how far can medy make it since Carls and O are not there uh the quarterfinals all right setting a break serve is a fult second serve into the backand of Mev bores into the for of medy medy in the net though and it's love 15 sorry 15 in love nor is Wallace me plays in two days if he wins Med will kill C I hope not because that would be illegal and You' go to jail that's that's an illegal thing to do and then we would lose C and Mev uh forever so let's not hope let's hope he doesn't do that as me hits a back can why 30 love that would be wild if that happened but and I that's terrible thing can me beat c yeah he can he won't but he can if C wrecks Paul tonight then then I think a lot of people will probably go well [ __ ] C like sner but it depends on tonight if C has a five Setter tonight then mei's got way more chance of winning maybe even the favorite I don't even know maybe he's the favorite to win if CA has a bad has a tough night so it really like ask me that question after tonight's match if C wins in three tonight C beats Mev but if C plays a five Setter tonight it's that we can talk about it okay 4015 What if Paul wins then C can't beat Mev because he will be out of the tournament he W the meod ever win because sin is gone that's how that's how it [Laughter] works sorry that's so easy any B Just Hits it in the net 4030 if Paul wins then that's did it's over wasaki andjm about to start by the way all right as do default from B second serve what if it's a draw that would be first all right double fult six double faults of ores okay serve again into the for me many hits it out Advantage bges why medy is so different on Clay than hardcore man um because hard courts clar you have to slide and B you have to it's a hard to balance hardcore to like your feet are stuck to the ground it's much easier to hold like to keep your balance and if you're 6'6 with long legs like me have you know balance is probably a well you know being being balancing on Clay is probably not as easy it's why is ver so good it's know seeing him play on Clay is kind of crazy part of the reason there's probably a million other reasons I can answer but I really don't want to uh Deuce not right now maybe next to you on the clay was D might just started for to for rally as Bo just goes to for meev into the back in of bores medy forehand get the back of bores bores hits it out Advantage medy for a double break Advantage Mev Advantage Mev Advantage Meep to go to 41 with a double break in the second all right four to four rally as bores to the back of meev get the back into bores M with a four hand as bores hit wide 41 in the second one day Med will win Roland gas the day that happens is the day that I am shocked and I love that I would love to be surprised I think jovic I I think that um I think since jovic is gone now M wins the title yeah I agree I agree jovic gone gives everyone a chance me definitely for sure one of those people um please tell me that Jung has a chance Jung has a chance you got rublev on the soundboard what ver don't count him out I don't think anyone should count out R versus meev final winner will be medy okay I still get bores some credit but he is needs to change course yeah look he made the fourth round that's not a bad thing it's fine no shame in making the fourth round Paul beat cner tonight God how many people don't want C to win it's crazy so many sinner sinner deniers four in a back end rally there borous in the net 15 love so many people that don't like a got like no like anyone actually want C to win is anyone actually wants C to win or has picked C to win I'm the only one who's picked C to win it sounds like is anybody actually going for C or not is everyone's like nah nah I'm going meev or Zev or somebody not named yanic not a c deny just a meod believer okay that's fair enough but some people are saying like oh sin's going to lose instead of being like meod is going to win there like a lot of PE like a few people are going like I just want C to lose I don't care who wins all right rooting for a drug sheet not being informed by reading stuff you I mean you're pretty funny too because he's a drug cheat yeah feel free to read stuff and then you know 15 oh I read the headlines it's I read the I read the I read the Twitter it's okay I know I know everything because I read I read the headlines he got busted twice that's enough for me all right read the article read the report 1530 chance for a break back for bers as been a for backand rally back in backand rally now the forehand of bores back into medy again the for of bores Med with the for crosscourt bores goes down the line medy back into backand as bores again goes with the back in to the back of Med Med goes down the line Bor falling on the stretch medy down the line again bores with the back in again to the back of medy as we to back in back in exchange bores again with the backhand medy goes to the slice of bores medy with a forehand as bores down line great shot me slice Cross Court is borous back in again medy slice again deep into the for of B Med with a four and Slice on the stretch goes long good Rally from bers 1540 1540 1540 28 shot rally by the way D meire has broken wasak in the first game okay that's good or bad that is something that's happening winner of this play C or Paul 1540 second serve return goes into the for me back in now from bores in the back Med as bores hit the slice MV for line great shot bores gets it MV forand again or just gets it but it's in the net 3040 3040 I'm always also looking ahead and would rather Paul play the have play Paul play the next round okay 340 great Ser medy deuce deuce deuce as Mev gets to Advantage with a good serve Advantage medy vage me as that goes out by m and it's back to dece back to Deuce as we got a f second serve seconds the for bges great return Med goes down the middle bores hits a for inside out but it's wide and it's Advantage Mev Vantage meev is Mev in good form as the score suggests Mev is so much better than bores today it's hard to judge because Borges is not like top 10 so it's an impressive win it's kind of like when s you know C beating oconnell it's like it was great for C but it's also like C playing Paul tonight is going to be a better indication MV hasn't played anyone anyone major yet that's that's the problem um but it doesn't mean he's not playing good today uh beating kabali was actually pretty impressive I take it back beating kabali was more impressive than this because this is just like the number 35 versus or number whatever number 40 versus number five and bores is just not up to the not up to the task he's not playing well at all bores serving a lot of double faults lot of Errors me just playing clean you know playing playing easy Advantage medy medy doesn't have to do much today Advantage medy first is a f second serve it's a double fult and it's back to deuce um back to Deuce first a f Tak serve second the for of bers back in MV into the for of bores it's medy goes again the for of bores into the for of me is bores for and down the line is wide and it's Advantage Mev Vantage Mev we a f second serve s the back in of bores back in MV getting the back in of bores as medy goes again to the back in bores Med with a four on the on the stretch we get a four to four rally and then Med hits a wide Borges back to Deuce back to deuce back to Deuce nice from me all right vage medy Advantage Mev good serve again return goes in back in a bores lob goes up M with a smash puts it away 5-1 meev 51 meddev in the second Now 51 okay B just serving to stand the set 51 medy as with a four a backend rally slice now from medy into the for of boures borers hit the wide love 15 love 15 first is a fault bores just yells at himself second serve as a return goes in the back of bores bores hits a beautiful winner down the line 15 all 15 all and that was out so that was in the corner sorry my bad it was in all 15 all is get a fult second serve double fold again 1530 TR trying to give him some hope 1530 as a return goes in the for of bourges Mev comes to the net bges with a lob M with the backhand volley winner the best volley he's ever done 1540 me with two set points the take a two sets to love lead 1540 I think Bor just Tred do under serve second serve double F There It Is Love meev yeah Med tried B just tried to do an underarm serve did not work did not work meev leads two sets to love okay all right how we doing CH what's going on it bges his wait what such an easy win from EDD yeah like I said me is playing well but Borges is playing terrible there was 20 errors in that set but it's so it's so hard to judge whether or not whether or not this match means anything for Mev versus cner if it happens cuz this is just almost a walkover bores this playing the worst tennis uh and me is playing well like he's playing well but not like me is not Wrecking bges in the rallies it's just the scoreboard so this might not be a good thing for MEF getting such a like he's not going to get this many Arrow from C like unless s has plays the worst match of his life um no meev is playing around right now C versus me quarter will be interesting yeah but like me is not playing well I mean he's not playing again like I said he is playing he's playing good but the stats show that bores is playing absolute garbage um but we'll we'll be able to judge it better when we watch C tonight C versus um C vers verus Paul we'll know a lot more cuz it does depend on how C plays s might play terrible and we go oh Mev played better than C did so but the way that Bor is playing is giving making meev look really good yeah he's playing good m not great mahat was garbage as well there you go today has been bad or blowouts true true but yesterday we had all epics so it it evens out chat look everything's Fair all right everything is fair and adjar and and wasaki played 20 minutes in two games I'm so glad we're not watching that when I saw that match up I thought I would rather uh I would rather uh eat a pineapple pizza then watch that match that match is that match is not it I'm sorry hadaj my fans I know you love her I'm not saying they're bad players I'm just saying that matchup is bad like that matchup makes me cry it's it's a it's a it's an FAA M it's a Murray versus demon or like I'm just like nope no thank you I'm so glad it's not the quarterfinals I couldn't watch that it's it's 20 minutes for two games and they're both being breaks of serve nope no thank you I will pass thank God it's not a quarterfinal cuz I have to watched the quarterfinals so I'm so glad it's not it it is not it was neaki versus D meire nope nope what's my prediction for C Paul C pretty harsh I mean look I'm being honest that is not my favorite match you might love that sort of match but that is my my least favorite type of match slow breaks boring like I don't want that in my life I don't need that in my life I want a fast I mean I want I want Jung versus veage that's what I want that's what I like all right big hitting hard hitting not many not many breaks that's what I want 20 minutes for two games and no winners I mean that hurts my soul like that's even worse if there's been two breaks no error like sorry no winners three double faults wasaki I'm looking at the stats gross gross gross gross what are you talking about there winners four winners apparently H but nah nah nah nah I'm good I'd rather watch this match going on all right bores is a clay CT specialist he even beat Nal I know he's just not playing he's playing hardcourt specialist though for to for rally as bores hits it wide M 15 love so we're going to have a break between this and the next one it's going to be a while have I watched the Roger documentary of course I'm a Fed fan of course I'm going to watch Federer stuff four to four rally as bores goes down line the back end slice of medy but Bor Just Hits it out 30 love 30 love 30 love first so a f second serve out wide the for of bores back in now from M the back of bores Med back in again goes in the for of bores B to the net 40 love 40 love 40 love or just trying to figure out how to hit a forehand 4 M serves again Ace all right Mev winning Mev winning um why couldn't Shon be at five or something what are you talking about Oh you mean her match is too late okay what happened to cityy pass man I don't know bro all right return goes in bers with the the smash in the net well that that that that's the day that's what's happened today that's what happened today I don't like the scheduling either I I'm not like yesterday in the day and the jovic day when we had the scheduling with two matches on Center Court it works because the two matches on Center Court was awesome but then you get the opposite which is this which is when you've got Center Court is super easy but they probably put a doubles match on after this just to make up for it so I don't mind this schedule overall it's just that yeah it's not great to have like such a gap but then what they going to put the night session on in the afternoon I mean they can't do that maybe they should have had one night maybe this is what they should do in future three day session one night session and it doubles at the end of the night like one and maybe like I don't know doesn't the French Open do that do we hate we hate that though we maybe we hate that anyways don't we do that French Open has one one night session don't they or one one match per night four in the net from medy and and it's 315 305 B again fult second serve out wide of the back in M back for from bers in the net 30 30 all one per night and it starts at 8 yeah I hate that boo let's do two night session starting at 6 let's bring It Forward an hour 6:00 have an early dinner I don't care but 6:00 start night sessions at 6:00 and then maybe start the the the day session at 11:00 a.m. maybe I don't know would it be that bad would it be that painful 4030 sering volley from bores he's running out of ideas unsuccessful ser and volley and it's Deuce it's 1:00 a.m. in Bangladesh yeah it's 5: a.m. in Australia 6 a.m. dinner no 6:00 p.m. all right Deuce Ser is it nice fifth Advantage Advantage Borgeous 6 is too early for people to go home after work true yeah seven kind of people finish work at five yeah I understand I get it have you had breakfast uh no no I have not backend to back end rally as medy goes down the middle B just drop shot in the net Deuce we get to deuce Ser see the back and M return goes in the for of bers medy forehand get the for of bores M with the backand volley bores medy backhand volley bores is a winner and it's Advantage bores he's hanging on he did win the third set against Mev when they played uh in Australia so just keep that in mind light matches nervous breakdown from Camp dude I've never had a nervous breakdown in my life first Ser is Fault second serve I thought Nuno is a well player because he beat mato in final and B B B in final but today I changed my mind yeah King Rafa you got to calm down one nobody cares two you're being a bit aggressive Advantage borous I eny you I'm a b a Bas case of anxiety no I I understand that people have those things I'm lucky enough I don't but that doesn't mean I won't as that goes in the net from bores I have I have friends that have anxiety and stuff and it's it sucks I feel very bad for them I I empathize all right first service alette dece again [Music] as we to serve is a Le again first Ser is a fault now second serve second serve as the return goes in the forehand of bores backing now medy to the back Borges Borges in the net Advantage Mev Advantage Mev advantage medy as B serves a f second serve as return goes into the forner bges forner from evev to the for of bges Med with Slice on the stretch goes the net bges back to deuce deuce all Deuce as a return from medy goes short oh B just Smashes in the net Advantage MV Advantage Mev do you agree that me is the best player at the US Open for The Last 5 Years yes yes Bor Serv a fault second serve um yes I was going to say jovic but he's only won one title same with me but me has been the finals three times yeah the last five years yes Med in the net I would say me's probably got the most wins at Us open in the last five years as well off the top of my head uh Dr didn't play one uh he also got defaulted one so I would say yes Mev well so his record is what Final in 2019 semi in 2020 one in 21 didn't he lose to cuos in 22 in like third round that was a bit weird and then last year final so I would say yeah me me is the best US Open player of the five last five years I mean if anyone's going to win back toback us opens you would think maybe it's meev based on his uh record fourth round yeah yeah because I remember I watched um I watched that in my friend's house cuz I had no power so I went to her house and uh we went on a vacation anyways bores bores hold serve and the crowd go wild 1 one fun fact chat that room might have been turned into a nursery I don't know I haven't been there for a while um Bor just celebrates yeah good I mean look he's it's a bad day so you got to it's got to celebrate the little things it's got to celebrate those small victories today right just one of those things anyways back in backend rally as medy to the for of bores for MV on the stretch a for again from MV bores with the slice M with the for again into the slice of bores midy backand again the back of of bores midy with a slice bores on the attack winner love 15 love 15 love 15 good serve Mev 15 all 15 all 15 all as we return down to the back end slice of bores and then meev hits it out and bges gets a 1530 crowd's getting into this one now 1530 good serve down the te medy gets a forehand hits it out oops that's the wrong one all right 1540 1540 to get the break bores in the third he did win the third against me in Australia four out goes into the back and S of bores medy pass bores voles Med forehand too good 341 saved hadaj cruising 4-1 jeez she is winning double break God nice break point 3040 first was a f second Ser s the four of bores medy backand bores with a four Inside Out Med with a slice lob goes long there's the break okay come back started now or something all right there was Carl I we'll see you later um Med and four medy will break back no worries okay does anyone know the most expensive finals tickets at a slam probably Wimbledon wasn't there like 30 grand or 20 something but some crazy [ __ ] right yeah Wimbledon this year right as a medy fan I almost quit watching tennis after thatr final against C well welcome back yeah D 4-1 the first set US Open is too expensive in general okay when me up when elections end huh score is so disappointing which one this score it's weird hey it's a weird score till now this is the worst match I've watch this year I had high expectations you got to watch more tennis Serena better be escorting me to my seat for 30 grand now I think you get a key ring like a keychain a Wimbledon keychain if you get if you buy the ticket it's made of like plastic but it's it's made maybe it's a silver one like silver plated but it's probably about it anyways uh 21 as we back in back end rally if you're lucky you might get a pen maybe you get a Wimbledon pen it's under the seat they don't tell you this because they don't want you to know you get a pen you get a pen everybody gets a pen I got a wimbl pen 30 grand well spent especially this week Year's final geez how bad last year's final worth it this year's final me love 15 backand slice in the back hand of medy as we a slice from bores the back of medy get the back of of bores as Med's back hand goes again the back of bores into the back of Mev as bores back in again just going crosscourt back in the backhead now bores with a slic forehead but he gets it back out B sliced again as Mev goes down the line bores there with the back hand cross courau M on the stretch gets it but it's in the net 15 all 15 all B just raised his level yeah I mean he was level was like down here and he raised it to here and it's a little bit better 15 all by the way chat we're going to open a pack of cards hey look me's on the front you can't tell Al M oh wow m is on the pack me is on the pack Med autograph card that'd be cool anyways 1530 that goes in the net 1530 so again sorry 35 uh 1530 second serve pack forev 1530 as it serve the return goes in VES comes in the net okay and then puts away the smash 30 all right nice rally 30 30 oh someone just went in the crowd that's crazy Voldemort's in the house apparently that's crazy holy [ __ ] did anyone else hear that okay not allow to say that in that's wait that's wild all right 30 all as bers hits in the net 3040 got a Harry Potter fan in the house 3040 as the return goes in the net from medy and it's Deuce we get to Deuce a bit of fult second serve 30 all as the return goes into the sorry Deuce was going back in a back end rally now bores in the net Advantage Mev Advantage Mev first serve is a fult second serve the return goes into the forehand of bores backing to meev get the back of bores medy backand goes to the for of bores medy cross score four and long back to Deuce back to deuce someone just did it again they just said the same thing Vore shut the hell up we're trying to watch some tennis God put your wand away it's not the time Harry's not here Deuce as we return now to the forehand of bores back in a med on the stretch as Borges to the net back to Deuce sorry Advantage back to Advantage God damn it vot I'm distracted advantage Advantage Advantage Mev Chad I might go see be just on Thursday wait what are we doing Thursday quarterfinals maybe after the quarterfinals I'll watch go watch Beetlejuice anyways return goes to the back end of bores back in medy into the for of bores Med with the size of the net bores back to Deuce Med's getting a little annoyed that he's not able to uh win this match right now Deuce that could be fire yeah another Beetle Juice no it's a it's a sequel not a remake it's a sequel all right serving volley Med's got it B just get the volley back head he do that M back on the rally in the rally is back in a backand rally and Med hits a wide Great Rally B is too good Advantage Bor is actually playing tennis now Advantage bores Advantage bores serve is a fault second serve God I'm hungry as with a for for rally Mev again the for bores is Mev down the line bores there with the backand as Med's backand goes down the line beautiful shot and it's back to Deuce lovely backhand winner for medy deuce get the deuce return goes into the for of bores drop shot is terrible me with the pass bores too good with the back end down the line winner Advantage bores all right he's playing good now would have been better in the second set but you know whatever just feeling the time between now and fonc so I mean that's fun okay all right advantage borous to go to 3-1 double F there all right back to deuce long game back to Deuce as with have fult from for just second serve return now deep in the back end but what happened Hawkeye fluffed up umpire's freaking out oh no umpai is going to get the tell the players what's up uh so the ball was out but Hawkeye didn't announce it what happened oh hog it's Haw guy broken Hawkeye is broken Hawkeye doesn't work bring out the lines people get the backup lines people where are they at awesome Hawkeye delay apparently so Hawkeye has uh broken apparently it's happened on all courts cuz all umpires are talking to all players so everything stopped because Hawkeye broke it's a apparently a systemwide problem apparently let me check check I'll double check the d Maya match cuz that seems to have stopped as well yes so all courts Hawkeye is out Hawkeye broken event wide everywhere fire alarm took out Hawker what are you saying fire alarm are you just kidding or you just saying that for fun this is crazy so we got a Hawkeye delay cuz Haw technology is broken just turn it on and turn off turn it off and on again it should be fine just re restart it so wait hang on fire alarm in the building where the Haye uh live operators are okay so the Hawkeye operators had to evacuate CU a fire alarm went off okay that's what happened so the the hawkey people to leave that's why they so that's why everything stopped because there's a fire in the booth someone should stop smoking in there I mean it's crazy you shouldn't be able to smoke inside anyway that's wild not in the booth that's incredible so there's an alarm so the yeah so there's no Hawkeye hasn't broken the people that are supposed to operate Hawkeye are not in the building they had to they had to evacuate because of fire alarm it's just protocol it might be a maybe a somebody might be an error anyway so we we yeah cool yeah fire sorry yeah I just read fire alarm call your own lines that's not that's not going to happen um cool so yeah H look it is what it is um system down yep imagine this during the men's final I mean that' be something so we're just waiting let the players call the in and out crazy could we get a match delay in on screen I mean maybe um for all right does this not reinforce a need for line judges I mean look it happens once every never so someone spilled ketchup on the Hawkeye unit no no no there was a apparently a fire alarm went off in the Hawkeye Booth so they all had to evacuate and there's no one to attend the Hawkeye system all right we're going to open a pack of cards oh they going to go back hang on wait wait wait all right I think we're ready no packets we're open at the end okay I all right they're back that's pretty good that was pretty quick all right cool it was panko yeah PCO flick the alarm all we're back all right what a time to have a delay SI deuce all right back to Deuce all right serve here A Fault second serve and the return goes in from me the for of bores medy forehand get the for of bores medy again the for bores in the for M on the stretch sorry bores on the stretch bores goes long and it's Advantage me to get back on serve to get back on serve first Ser is a fult second serve return goes into the for of bores for from the for of bores bores wide 22 two games all don't they still have line judges am I wrong no all the line judges have being dismissed all 20 me serves a f second serve second serve in the for of bers Betty hits it out I love 15 stive again here's a let all right first service a let as many serves a f second serve second the back of bores goes in for me is bores short of the for Med bores pass wide 15 15 all all right good Ser Mev 305 305 as M serves again to the for of bges great return M backand Cross Court bges gets it hits it down the line beautiful shot M gets it somehow as bores forehand medy back at pass long Great Rally unbelievable 30 all 30 all Ace down the te lovely serve meav 40 4030 4030 as medy serves a fault second serve second set the backing bores backing MV into the for of bores Med backand in the net we get to Deuce we get to Deuce we're not going to talk about wasaki losing the first set six two I mean that's probably not a surprise is it any preference with Thompson versus demon or it's an all oie Clash um uh maybe demon probably Damon would be he's got a better chance to win the whole thing so i' say demon demon will give us the best chance of the in in the finals I think because he's been to Big finals before and you know that kind of thing all right that goes out on the return from B just medy 3-2 third set they should have Democrats be the line judges they are very honest people I don't think you understood yesterday when we said no politics I I don't think you UND I know you're making a joke but also it's not funny um please don't do that just not we just don't need to like do that I know you're trying to be funny but try not to uh there's no point in using uh we don't need to use politics to make jokes there are a lot of streams on YouTube that discuss politics go there yeah we don't we don't we don't do that here we don't do that here we don't do that here is Po and bog no line judges are useless okay I've seen it live that hawy is not a point on point really all right fair enough Shannon uh 3-2 first the fault second serve as the back and return goes to the forehand of bores for now from medy to the back of bores medy backand into the four of bores is medy with a slice again short to the FR of bores bores puts away beautiful forand winner 15 love 15 love 15 love versus second first serve is a fault it made sense don't worry about it second second serve wait serve goes in the return also goes in and bores then hits back in down the line wide 15-0 15 all first Ser a f second set return goes back in the board just for now from medev into the four bers M with the 4 in the line is long and it's 1530 so 3015 it's 305 another good serve bores gets a backand cross got the slot back in medy as it back in bges again the back Mev Med in the net though 4015 405 first Ser is a fault second second serve and the return of the net from Mev all right yeah Carlo if I was on cough syrup mate I'd be uh slurring all my words all right three 0 all M with the backand pass that's a great shot 15 love the US Open match so far is stanimal versus jovic 2013 was it can't remember was that US Open can't remember you mean Australian Open by wa chat when do the US Open start using the blue Court does anyone know cuz it used to be all green like this round open which was so stupid who thought green on green was a good idea who thought that was a good idea um when did the they start using the blue Court footfall from medy second serve 2012 really was it that late so it's only been 10 years of this court that's crazy in the net from bores 40 love the green was nice no it wasn't it was impossible to look at this you couldn't see the ball ter terrible only on grass is green makes sense CU he had no choice 2005 they changed it really did they change it before Australian Open 2005 US Open let me check yeah so' 05 they had the court like that' 04 yeah it was 05 cuz GRE it was all green in uh in' 04 and then 05 they changed it and then Australian Open went from green to blue in 2008 it was a big deal anyways game meab yeah so 05 it was a blue with a green and that's I like I like it much better like this if you go watch matches from like the 90s in the US Open it's hard to see the ball not because it's like you know pixelated but also also because the color of the Court just did not help by way border is hitting underarm serves which is wild um blue courton 05 there you go confirmed and confirmed um Blue's better I agree um maybe nobody thought about that before it was it was a good idea I reckon and I don't know this for a fact but I could understand it was like a it was like a tribute to the to the grass so like maybe especially in Australia like changing the court from kuong to to melin park going from grass to hardcourt maybe keeping it green was like a a tribute to the grass or it felt like it was still grass even though it was hard quarts like that could be a reason I don't know if that's the reason I don't know if I don't know but it could be like it could be something like that where they were like hey look we've moved courts but it's still green even though like yeah on TV it looked terrible but maybe it was like to to kind of like you know to match the the color of what kuong was which was used to be a Grass Court I don't know if that's the truth maybe it is maybe it's not I don't know why the US Open to it but I don't know maybe that's a reason why they just wanted to keep the same feel and look of the Court even though they changed the venue I think that's right I mean I don't know I'm just guessing um and then after like 20 years they were like this is kind of [ __ ] let's uh let's change it let's change the blue we can't see the ball as we have four down line at the back end of Mev backing up from bores the back in of medy get the back in bores as Med hits forehand get the back bores Med with the forehand goes Cross Court bores again to the for of medy into the for of bores as medy with the backand but no bores hit it out US Open went from grass to Clay to hardcord yeah so I don't know why the US Open did it maybe the US Open did it because Australian Open did it or maybe the Australian Open did it because the US Open had green so they're like oh we just going do that I don't know but I'd much rather have a two-tone color Str open courts are awesome like Blue on Blue like every every Grand Slam has its like signature color now and I love that you know this is This Is Us open I mean you see any play on this court like this you watch anyone play and you know this is US Open you can see the color of the court is US Open you know as bores in the net 30 Old like every Grand Slam has its signature look and I like I think that looks good I like I like it makes it easy to distinguish who playing who's playing where and who's playing on what court all right first of was a fault second serve double fault oh no all right 30 40 3040 break point Mev serving the for medy volley from bges M with the pass too good Med's going to serve for the match um people complain they couldn't see the ball on green courts yeah that's what I would assume was the reason for changing that hardcore Grand Slam is better US Open Australian Open I'm biased so I'm going to say Australian Open Serv to the back of bores return the for me bores backand pass wide 15 love C play a little earlier no C's playing in way later Fon starts in 3 hours so there's so much time 30 love 30 love me have two points away serving the back in of bores for MV to the back in of bores Med backand into the for of bores bores in the net 40 love not too long ago bores had the break now it's Match Point medy 40 love to play the quarterfinals he serves the back in B just return goes out Med's in the quarters all right he's going to play Paul or C and that's what he needs medy an easy win bores just didn't play well enough early enough he played good in the third CH but it was not enough it was too too late it was way too late by the time that he got his [ __ ] together Med's into the quarterfinals again in New York I think four of the last five us opens he made the quarterfinals or better right 19 20 21 203 and now 25 five of the last six five of the last six he's made the quarterfinals or better I mean Med's the best US Open player of the last I mean I don't want to say the last decade but we're getting close to a decade now six is lot you know you know we're not too far off a decade so there we go what do we have to do as Community to get you into a commentary booth at the AO um I don't know pray now we got three hours until the night session so there's lots of time left to do nothing um medy versus possibly sin in the quarterfinals is just sad why is that sad yeah Bor just didn't play well at the start of the match he was he was a long way away from being anything near his best all right uh demon or Thompson demon what do you think a Paul's Chances Are Tonight slim medy versus C should be the final well yeah now it should be because jovic lost but that's not his fault it's not C uh demor and Thompson are playing in like a few hours so I don't think we'll it depends on wasak but I don't plan on watching it because otherwise we're going to collide with Shon why don't we watch demon demon Thomson because it's not starting for another hour or two if it was starting right now we'd probably watch it but it's not curios is intervie me nice uh we say he got Bagel in the first set did he get breadstick in the second and yeah that happened so you're saying there's a chance no that no there's not a chance love demitro to win at all demitro M would be a fun final that'd be a fun final no we're not watching the Waki match I told you I don't want to watch that I would rather watch that the match we just watched again like I don't want to watch that match I don't want to watch wasaki versus djar all right chat let's open this pack of cards and I'm getting out of here with 3 hours to the next one I'm going get some food and then we're going to come back and do it all again all right chat ready new pack new pack of cards let's see what we got here ready whoop we've got Genie Bard nice oh sfia Cannon it's a cool one I like these cards these are these are cool big fan o Kim kers love that oo that's fancy Monica CIS that's a fancy one that one look that one it's different color um this one says on the back nothing um that's a nice one look at that one Monica cers I don't know if it's a clay c one or what what's that it's just a different color cool I like these packs these ones are nice now they're not snack packs they're 10 they're card packs uh limited edition or something I don't know I have to do some research I'm not sure what the uh what the um what the Go is is with all the different cards there's a different like it's all different than what it was with the other pack we'll do one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more all right here we go ready wh um ah Jong diong diong diong it's a good one I like how they got these ones as well the horizont uh what is it the landscape landscape one who's that Haley Baptist Jacob menik oh nice that's a good one and last one oo okay Cy pass can't see it can't tell that's a cool one Aces I like those ones the back is all nice and fancy too the world number three cityy pass okay so this is old when when do they make these cards they made them two years ago no know they made at the start of the year maybe I don't know that's a nice one I like those one that's an ace aces one it looks like a uh a deck of cards it's cool nice one good stuff um all right now I'm going to send you guys over the next one I'm going to get the hell out of here but um thank you for hanging out low another at their best ranking rude Nisha Cori mon rublev um that's too confus I don't know mon uh month rude rude blish Cory I don't know that's a tough one I can't think um thank you for the five that was very generous um all right if you scratch the C pass card you get you get gives you excuses okay let's not make fun um mean all right I'll send you over to the fance match we got we got a three hour wait so um yeah jump on over here and we'll be back sh three hours will go like that it always does um but uh pretty cruy day so far I mean three matches all very straightforward love one and three mea of wins straight sets as easy as the scoreboard I mean he had a tough little tough third set but not really uh and he he wins in just under two hours and he's into the semi quarters we'll find out who he's going to play uh tonight either Paul or or C but um good win May through see you guys in a few hours [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music]

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