College Football 25 : Road to Glory : Registration to Penn State

Published: Jul 15, 2024 Duration: 01:53:52 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: penn state football score
[Music] [Music] welcome back everybody to the channel and today it's NCAA 2025 football Road the glory mode that's right we're going to we're starting off as a freshman and we're coming in here we're going to make career I think I don't know how it goes but I want to welcome you into NCAA 25 you know it's been 10 years since the last NCAA football game and that game was excellent I couldn't even believe it back then and it's even harder to believe now that we have another one I always ask about it every year and now we're here excellent so with uh Road to Glory one of the modes we're going to start own character and work our way through our career and our college and uh we'll see how it goes we have to create a character blah blah blah all that and uh I'm all for it let's get started we'll have to do all this know except boy Punky hey Punky Punky I'm glad that you rested a little better than yesterday me too woo pre-order rewards unlocked ultimate alumni pack Heisman hopeful pack early bird offer cover athlete pack choice of one to two oh Alma moer content pack don't know what that is 4600 college football Ultimate Team point now I don't normally play ultimate teams but it is what it is bring Glory home uniform all right we we have to take a look at that entering Manu narration popup do you want to disable menu narration no yes yes please here we go we're in college this is what exactly what it's like being at College as a football player oh they get yeah I got to pick a team is that uh oh they may not you may not be able to hear music they got Guns and Roses playing all right I don't know looks good oh it won't be copyrighted cuz it's a band playing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's going to break you down very good very good excellent favorite team oh boy okay this is going to take a minute uh I don't really have a favorite college team I mean I don't think they're going to have oh Jacksonville State look at that Houston Cougars W funky what's that one oh Hawaii Hawai E I do like the seals I have always liked them this big Gator Country where I'm at right here most people around me here like uh that I don't have do I have to these AR going to have my team here they better have my team if not I'll we'll figure it out the aaran Zips is Cyrax team oh Air Force yeah I've you know I went to the Air Force and army or what is it army versus Navy game that was Army Navy oh look at Western Michigan with the horse on there wow Wake Forest Virginia tank look at that all right if we have to this is what I'm going to do since it is college and there's like a million teams to Lane I never the Green Wave never even heard him look at that Troy Texas Tech Texas State Texas A&M Punky you got a lot of Team there's punky's team the Longhorns I don't know is it maybe Temple yeah you know Temple's in pennsylv I'm doing I'm not doing a floor to team unless we have to I'm going to do a um oh [ __ ] oh I see oh this is all oh my God that's a lot of okay wow look at San Diego States helmet whoa Aztec or the your Aggie land okay how about Sam Houston bearcast no rice Purdue yeah yeah yeah if I have to I'm going to play Penn State because I do like Penn State I like them growing up as a kid if they don't have I I'm looking for Lehi University M Dame what else is in I mean I don't think they're in Pennsylvania are they no are they I don't know and I don't know what league like Lea University would be in TPS I went to football camp in Maryland TP that was the Raging cun Liberty Flames let me see here this is I'm telling you this is going to okay so we we made a roundabout oh what is that Jacksonville Gamecocks oh yeah you know my growing up my buddy's older brother Adam had a hat that said [ __ ] on it maybe that's I don't think that was I think that was another team though so all right well what the hell um they don't have the my um wait let me go to L I think these are just like the how is that they better I hope well I'll put pen State because that's what we're going have to do it just in case let's go to pen state I'll be I'll be happy playing for Penn State yeah favorite team now normally that doesn't mean I'm playing for Penn State they said that they have most colleges in the country in here freshman Varsity allame Heisman revamp passing classic passing I don't know uh let's just just do classic o crossplay what I didn't think this was crossplay no is it entering accessibility screen you have 21 options menu narration option is set to office selected this is great or am I ready to rule the world of college football you're dang right we're playing all we're not doing High we'll do all America uh because we want to win some games we wait we we're going to lose you know there's a lot of games in college football I don't understand that like NFL's got like 20 games and college got like 60k I don't know how many many games college football has but let's go take a minute all right positive play at Electronic Arts We Believe In The Power of Positive play we don't tolerate racism sexism homophobia transphobia harassment or any form of abuse our commitment is to combat or combat discrimination and and promote healthier healthy Behavior Oh by creating positive interactions positive experiences and positive environments for all so we can all focus on what we came here to do have fun if you encounter harmful behavior in our games please report it thank you for being a part of the college football Community well thank you NCAA for that and EA Sports all Miss whoa all right here we are um now as far as I know Road I think that's the one we want game modes wait yeah let's Road to Glory that's where we want okay hey everyone this is Desmond Howard and welcome to Road to Glory before we get going have a look around and customize the most settings to your liking here is where you can also set up custom conferences thank you Desmond Howard uh a legend in the game itself let me see here Road to Glory settings now let's see what we got here uh quarter length what's the maximum you could probably do full Sim no 15 oh yeah you can 15 minute now all right so I'm not going to do full first but I'll do or should I do full yeah I'll do full we make it real accelerate the clock off no we're doing real games there like I do in hockey league advancement what do you mean uh set the manual to control week oh week advancement no I'll do that up manually the custom conferences customize conference rules and members no no thank you I don't need to do that all right let's get on to it tar hey what up girl par college football uh select my players architect yet let get started by choosing the caliber of recruit you want to be the higher your star rating the better your chances of seeing the field early plus you get some extra mental abilities to help boost what you can do on the field okay the baby will be here soon and I'll have to go but I wanted to kick uh kick that oh thank you thank you for kick uh to lick the like I know you meant lick I don't think you've ever kicked my like button Tara you've always licked it I don't understand so why wouldn't I contributor balanced prepared what do you mean oh I see so is this like I don't want to start maybe we'll do the third we said listen we did the All American let's start with the blue chip right or do we do Elite I don't understand this is weird how it has that we'll do Blue Chip cuz it's the first time to choose the position oh hell yeah half back aend or maybe a wide out B like myself half I always play you like Power caps as they change with each archetype here will'll customize your bioinfo gear and appearance you know what they say look good feel good play good Prince King look at that all right let's get this underway here do not put my last name do not put my last name do not put my last name okay I always do on sports games so but when I uh remember I always use Force halfback Jersey third uh well you know normally my f favorite number is 13 but that's my hockey jersey we're playing fullback we're not playing we're power back we're 44 Tom rth let's go or 39 for larer oh you kick in L well lucky Tom right-handed list home state Pennsylvania well I'm Florida obviously now but I'm doing what like all this is going to like that's why I'm playing for Penn State because that's where I was born and raised betham allent town I'll use Allentown they may have betham let's see they do Oho betham Pennsylvania baby that's where it's all that's where it all began okay appearance head and skin all right whooo look at that handsome devil whoa how do I do that oh that's a little hold on I'm testing I'm just testing out things here that's like all right I like that first one I you know I don't try to get too involved in the charact car I mean I will but not nor this guy look at that woo see it says right stick zoom in r i see you have to press up on it now he's a big fell that's not that's I'm thin but I'm powerful oh here look at that oh no what happened that's definitely not me no not too clean shaving I wonder if I can oh I can probably change that yeah PA Tera that's why I I'm I'm sticking to PA I like this first guy he's got some Scruff what's nice about it oh wait a minute I guess you got to select it your current modifications will be lost and this template will become your new head yeah I want a new head imagine if we could just like change or whatever we want uh let's see here oh oh he's got like a mean a Grimace o he looks I'll take the regular skin tails what do we got here uh none acne scar freckles little bit of sunburn that doesn't even matter I'll take that scar that scar is cool girls like scars uh let's see eyes shaped whoa he's very focused all right eye color blue nose doesn't matter cuz it's again you're hardly going to see me well you whoa look at the size of those ears I got to shrink them down M shap do I have a mean one is there a Mean One whoa liver lips all right we'll keep that one jaw shape chin brow that's all fine blah blah [Music] blah blah blah blah what about hair where's my hair no okay so do I have to how do I get out of here Boris was live oh really I haven't seen him in forever you're making some navy beans in the crockpot for dinner hopefully they turn out oh good Boris was live he said he's coming back to streaming fulltime okay good for you Boris you you come back full time buddy is that supposed to is that supposed to mean something who gives a [ __ ] wood forest does all right separation Providence I don't know what the hell that is okay so maybe I just go back equip what no yeah back let's go hair Let's Talk About Hair ladies and gentlemen we're going wait for the wild hair H you know I'll go for my hair that I have right now which is kind of like what was on there uh that's more like my hair Ah that's definitely more like my hair we'll pick that one for now unless we see something more affluent to my head I could put my old hair on oh I like that hair though that's kind of yeah all right good enough hair color brown that's fine facial hair let's go whoa hello Punky do you need a lumberjack in your life what about that one whoa look at that French cut you know I'm glad that I don't have one of those patchy beards oh it looks like a look I got a full beard you know I remember do they have a uh oh yeah they do it's a mix between me and Tom wrathman he used to have a handlebar on there thunder good morning what is that one ooh trim thebeard he looks very distinguished yeah I'm going to go I'm going with that one that's right look at those chops huh all right physique hi uh we're going to be a big boy we're going to be marked Terry and we're going to go 7 foot no Dam D his head not even in the light anymore it's like out of the D let's go uh let's go 63 is a good one and we'll put it at 225 my rear size whoa there you go ladies look at the size of that rear maximum rear for you all now we'll put we we'll put it there I really don't have an ass in real life so good boy that's a big difference in an inch look at that [ __ ] because yeah cuz [ __ ] are be tall and big in there I'm just going to run them over you know what I'm saying time for our gear you can't have an operation without having start start an operation without the gear and that makes sense too to have 44 oh good old Tom rat and welcome in everybody to the uh Road to Glory that's right we're just quickly editing our character real quick for the rest of the entire season head gear they're probably going to have a ton of helmets yet whoa cannot equip helmet yeah I know about that from hockey it's [ __ ] I mean it's not but whoa look at that one we take the kicker all I'm going um speed Flex yeah let's just the I mean that's what they gave us I like the speed Flex it's got a nice design but we are a different type of we want to be I like that second one too yeah but you know oh wait okay we can choose our face mask in the next one oh good yeah all the team is going to have that one so we'll pick this the we'll pick the old Ral axum all right now we want to we want to Bar down the middle as a fullback I always have mine I I do there we go you know when you're a nose guard that's normally a nose guard uh piece but the face C but I I don't care I don't think see if they there linebacker yeah is that a full a lot of times there's a full cage too oh I see what's happening okay all right all all right all right let's go back up well whatever I need to do for my where was that one I had you better be able to give me my I don't want to use that dumb helmet with the full bar I want the full bar oh there we go no that's not right chrisan J what's up girl that's not a bad one it's good for a fullback I could care less all right about quarterbacking whatever that's too many bars I like that one good Vision all right and if we're Penn State smoke what's the difference between oh that works because it's got blue no M oh yeah we did definitely we want a mouth piece all right and finally face uh Mark types uh F face face marks and tape tapes are great tapes great loock it all out yeah I want tucked give me tucked there we go yeah I like the old days in high school [ __ ] yeah oh hell yeah that's [ __ ] great if they have that what about our back plate oh shoulder pads we want large but not extra large do we want large neck pad of course we want a neck roll as a fullback you have to have a neck roll I don't I want I hope they have the roll though I don't want that that that's like you that doesn't do nothing there we go neck roll see hey it ain't pretty but that's what I used to wear FL jacket no undershirt whoa Jesus Christ God damn what the hell look got a sweatshirt under that it must be hot good enough like it arms left arm right yeah this won't take me long here I'm pretty good with I'm going to where's my um oh is that just the St oh no I don't want that that's going to be tape hold on where's the uh where's the brace yeah yeah we get the brace on that one left over and then I put the pad on the other it's the same thing as men really oh [ __ ] that stripe the bionic man that's how it is told the husband he needs to get it the stair climber or scaffolding he's starting to be a broad you love a good tight end those are brutal that's a brutal position I don't want the black where's the regular black that'll work I can you can always change this [ __ ] up oh and then here's what you do then you get the wrist where's the wrist thing not not on that one I'll I'll keep black because I want I want to stand out you know what I mean so it's easier for people uh nice okay here now we need some blue no this is crazy all right um jeez oh look at all these gloves all right um let's just go yeah straight black on that one same none I don't want nothing oh you know what let's just do nothing can I do um nothing okay give me the dang tape can I use tape it won't let me tape my hands what the hell's going on here oh hell no pants whoa no I don't think so my britches don't need to be that high Bor not broad oh oh yeah where's the middle or the uh the rear you get one like the yeah now we'll put it back here right-handed so I'll use it there hand warmer no don't need it thighs let's check out our thighs everybody we need to yeah I want them knes yeah left knee brace uh no right knee brace uh no all right feet you got to take care of them the old fees let's see if they give me the old three4 rep I think they will o Jordans okay now why is that when I choose it it's like a totally different color there it's weird like white right all right but like when you pick black they turn into blue I don't want blue what are you doing give me flat black where the hell is black what the what did they oh that may have to do it sock height let's take a look should we roll them all the way up ladies there we go look at that woo no that's fine [ __ ] yeah right spat left spat no spat what the heck [ __ ] is that the same one yeah that is Hey listen men it can be very stylish equip both let's go nice all right first of all I need another pair of shoes because these things are blue why can't they give me a flat black shoe look at that I picked black and it's blue what the heck is going on here I thought I saw one down online like just one pair of black shoes what the heck we'll find it come on where is it why why why are they turning blue it's probably because it's stupid team colors and everything well you know what screw it I'm not going to make you people sit here and wait forever oh here we go I just do that no I don't want that I would why oh my God why is it doing it it's like changing after I did pick it here what the actual oh here black oh look at what is happening here I'm reporting this bug okay white right even though it says it's black I don't understand what they're doing out here whatever that should be everything is it all right back time to choose your mental abilities these will help to separate you from other players they can be upgraded and you'll even have the opportunity to activate more later in your career well that's fantastic hey Marie good morning you don't need a kitten box for this one equip medal abilities now let's take a look at that winning time the Nal improved ability to resist weather impacts whoa team player improve ability to play on a position no increase composure in late uh late in closed uh close games all right well I think um I think winning time okay that'll help us one final look once you hit that confirm button your Road to Glory begins all right we're here finally nice that was pretty good for me because normally I'll sit here twice as long betham Pennsylvania that's right where the heck how do I move it all right here we go let's start our road to glory fresh out of High School freshman yeah here oh Donna Harper's on the phone hey Mike I'm a local reporter doing a story on your college decision I have a few questions for you which of these do you see uh as most important uh competing for a national title get any n opportunities becoming a starter early in my career improving my abilities quickly um I would say wonder what that all this means why not national title you got to go for it makeing a league and finally which of these is important to you State ofthe art athletic facilities and locker room coaching staff with Decades of experience um coaching staff right that'll work this article will publish in the uh coming week can't wait to watch your career block well I hope I get the choose High Hollywood or not good morning well welcome to national Signing Day once you selected your school your college football career begins yeah baby aspirations to see the field early pay close attention to the depth chart and even if you didn't get your dream scholarship you can be a walk- on at any school plus there's always the transfer portal if you need to change of scenery down the line okay uh uh okay we got to find Lehi University are these not in order oh I see the stupid Mountain Hawks they're not the mountain Hawks I don't care if I find if I don't find them they have Lehi they better if they don't I'll use pen State uh now I think these were I don't think Army Black Knights it'll just take me a few minutes here to find them I'll check I'll just check all the cuz I don't know what the hell conference her oh you know what let me look it up I'm going to look it up real quick uh okay not univer universe um ah the Patriot League let's take a look do they have it maybe maybe not those bastards what the hell hell is the Patriot League I never heard of that they don't have their Patriot League how is that independent what do you mean I don't understand that but like I said it's all right we can use Penn State cuz that's still my home area I just want to make sure well you know I'm very disappointed I don't think that this is every College in the country they were boasting like all this I don't see which is fine I'm not too upset about it yeah we're going to have to use pank what's up yeah these mothers Big 12 Big 10 wa all right I'm surprised at that though really Patriot League are you sure yeah they don't have Bucknell Holy Cross forom Lafayette do you even they don't even have they don't even have Temple they did have yeah they do so if what let me just do a mole over here this make sure I don't miss it I don't I don't think it's in it's not in here then why the hell and I'm not picking Tempo I know it's Philadelphia but I could care less about Tempo if I had to pick I would pick Ben State mhm that's probably what we're going to have to do but I'm happy with Penn State and you can always do multiple Seasons with different teams so it don't really matter yeah son of a I was really hoping they would have Lehi University but they don't have it folks so sorry um that it took a little longer than I wanted to get everything set up here it's been almost an hour but I expected it to be this long I mean to just set things up especially in a college game because it's it's just different look at the horse Boise wow well they're not doing so hot all right let's just go back up we'll pick uh I go to Big 10 for that am I sure the lower you start in a dep chart the longer it will take to earn playing time yeah well listen I'm a full back it's not going to what at the hell the Patriot Le get the hell out of here um yeah now it's time to pack your bags and head off to college good luck on your career I'll be rooting for you thank you I appreciate the rooting roing rooting all right interesting before I go welcome to your freshman year it's time to spend the skill points you have already earned to upgrade your player action additionally each week you will need to manage your workload activities like practice will earn you coach trust and as your coach trust increases you can improve your spot on the depth chart and gain more play calling flexibility I understand now let's get to work upgrade player bam let's get this done now ratings overview mentals physicals how you doing let go how many points we got four now oh I see head first improves truck moves yeah well we're going to need that Workhorse downhill break tackles at Max Speed balanced arm bar oh yeah oh ho I going to have to learn how to play it obviously first um but you know yeah we're going head first cuz we're a fullback one more point we'll save that for later risk of injury low good all right all right pre-season clueless oh man we got to keep a 3.0 great average how the hell are we going to do that [ __ ] that was hard enough in [ __ ] high school but listen we got to get our head in the game all right and get prepared risk injury low experience zero leadership zero low clue I'm absolutely clueless in academics but I'm a local hero because I'm from betham Pennsylvania and being from Pennsylvania they're going to consider me local I would think that's not really local but you know whatever and uh yeah oh another text this time it's Adam we offensive quarter welcome to Penn State Mike this entire coaching staff is glad to have you here whoa look at that hold on how do I I'm reaching for my phone I was [ __ ] up I couldn't even read it all oh hold on how do I get over that being a collision being a collision athlete isn't easy you have a lot to balance and a a finite amount of time so you won't be able to do everything how long you have depends on if you're short or on a short normal or bi-week you'll use any unspent energy resting quick pointer you can earn coach trust by your in game and in practice performance that's right we're going to do practice so because that gives us Point uh how you do win possession battles and the decisions you make oh and your academic advisor should be reaching out soon to help detail that side of things how are you feeling confident I'm feeling like you need to play me early so I can show what I can do oh [ __ ] that's a confident answer oh we got a bwig that's our what all right now let's see here nice so we can start the training good because we got to learn all right I'm going to go pee before we get this started and then uh that way I don't got to do it again and uh we'll get we'll get moving right now all right thank you and just bear with me and we'll try get this on the road what now wait a minute here now can I pick oh I can't pick that now all right I'll be right back well I didn't expect the byee the first week but you know hey we got to learn how to play anyway rushing attack rushing attack closed quarters rushing attack extra aggression I wonder if we can wow look at all that I see okay well let start of a rushing attack that's right I'm one of the best full PS ever to play the game but I got to learn this game yet the mechanic it's the same kind of as Madden but it's going to be a little different if a Defenders and score as many touchdowns as possible You' be rewarded all right good view controls yeah here is what we want okay uh what's truck four yeah good same stiff arm X good same spin same as Madden uh slide oh quarterback give up dive no hold we we'll only use dive on the on the line on the goal line is your internet acting stupid or is it uh or is it good no I don't see I'm going to lower my resolution just in case don't for you that will help uh I'm not getting any spikes here yet but it's it's definitely could be possible protect ball hurdle I got to remember it's going to take a minute hurdle left stick oh oh Jal the heck's a Jal all right either way and we're not going to have to worry about um that part of it okay so Sprint wait there is no res no just oh right to right to that's right it's the okay all right there it is just follow the old blocker all right and what a beautiful number guarding us yeah did some run in there EAS and you got to practice here look look at that right there cut that's right all American in the making let's go a pitch no problem we're on the goal line Dive In The End Zone bam make it dramatic opposite side no problem let's stiff arm him in the end zone is that in no [ __ ] you bastard Chuck him right through him oh I'm in fast for a 6 foot5 [ __ ] I tell you that get over there good blocking yeah yeah right on there Step F in the end zone yeah pull them over there that's what we talking about now I don't know how long each session is but I'm keep I'm just going until they stop me Cobra love it snake too easy guys come on defense pick up the pace here the defense coordinator is going to have you do an extra CS after practice go right on the inside gotta love the old cave left cave right you got to love the caves trust your blockers if they do and they don't always do the job but when they do oh what a move right on the outside of didn't know where the blocker was going but we're going to get in there anyway all right this should be easy oh here we go good 120,000 plus 500 I don't know what that is coach points coach chust oh oh all right excellent work Mike fors hopefully I don't say my docks myself during this whole thing and I know it's not a game folks but this is the first don't worry this is just the first live stream of it and you got to get theal training and practice all so we can only practice one thing a week I see hey Cy top stories Florida State versus Georgia Tech coming up here in the ACC conference unfortunately there's no Patriot league so I can't play Lehi University let's see what my weekly agenda is clueless absolutely clueless uh-oh study we got to study how do we do that let's go okay energy I see that up there exam 8 weeks oh I see so I got eight weeks to study for the exam to make oh [ __ ] but wait a minute now so oh man okay um let's socialize true studying leadership yeah now does this I hope that this doesn't take energy away from the game does it like like I don't know we Tera training um I think we'll go one in there passive impacts I don't want to Let's Wait cuz I want to oh I see they want me to finish it okay so we got to finish with the energy all right well you know study a little more you know let's get the boring stuff out of the way ah you know Cy I was trying to play I wanted to play as my home team Lehi University um but they didn't have it they said they would they had do have quite a bit they did do a good job with the teams but they don't have even close to all the colleges out there like they don't have all the leagues which I'm surprised they don't have the Patriots League like there's I read off some Nam very popular teams that like I don't understand why they're not in here so that I'm disappointed in that um but it is what it is so I'm not too I'm not going to complain about it um so Penn State being I'm from Pennsylvania border raised I did like Penn State growing up um uh you know that would be you know if you're going to root for him root for Penn State you know so I did and there could be a lot worse and then they do have Temple which is closer to actually Penn State campus is like was one of their sub campuses was like 7 minutes from me so all right um and then we'll do a leadership point do yeah good all right that should take care of the week agenda and it does and the top stories here in the league are Georgia versus Pence St we're ranked we're seated seventh here in our division or I guess or whatever and the whole oh and the whole thing wow that's pretty good all right Advance the week we get some pre-season game going I'm going to run over what am I on the bench uh-oh maybe that was the game that Nicholas Singleton has just texted me everybody and he says hey if you're up to it or have any qu why can I not any questions up for starters there's still adjusting room assignments because of their uh some transfers so it looks like we'll be rooming together just this wiek I tend to sleep over I tend to sleep over my alarm can you make sure I wake up tomorrow from practice uh I can o oh he's a halfback uh don't wake him up when he over sleeps risk oh that's great sabotage is alarm to make him like you don't even need to do that go buck guys yeah well we'll be playing we we be we will be playing some of these teams that you guys like I'm sure um but yeah I had to I I had to pick pen State I like the realism that his batter is not fully charged I don't like how it has five bars you can tell that's not real rebuff roommate uh I'm I'll help him of course man I'll help you out you're the starter so do you mind if I you know poke your brain on a few things until they uh you know pair me up with another freshman leer ship increased my team rates respect me a little more because I woke them up don't let them sleep in folks and you too could run a Point West Virginia wa all right West Virginia it is oh I got uh okay hold on looks like I have let's see if I'm right here uh one point no I was looking looking for the uh the uh other one wow that's a lot okay no I don't want to quit all right oh there's a practice right sorry we got to do oh we got to do cuz we had a by we we got to do all that again all right sorry and then we can get to the game rushing Close Quarters oh extra aggression we're doing that we wouldn't be very aggressive I'll wi against West Virginia I hope we evade The Defenders and score as many 30,000 okay very aggressive now yeah we got to get a touchdown here I don't know how many plays we got come on block out okay so we need 30,000 I believe inside yeah fight for it C there we go you cut right down the old line yeah get him up yeah it's a boy spider jumping spider it better be there's only one is the best type of spider spider I agree [Applause] spider look at these look at these pokes they can't keep up with the 6' five fullback from Penn State in there 44 that's my number what Jack Rabbit oh that's going to be up the middle I should have cut left almost done here this training Mission here we got a couple more touchdowns few more to do couple 29 Philly out run him boy he's slow as [ __ ] he should be on me man if he a middle linebacker that was easy practice [ __ ] you better try hard you better be better than that against our opponents here HGB has a soup and salad deal buy the soup get the salad for free oh nice but Punky I don't you know the last few times that you've gone to HB to get things for lunch they really screwed you over and I don't like it this is okay yeah this is what I looking for all right good let's uh study cost one only one we really want to get that uh and then one more Point Health High Health come on what why am I in hi I just what you talking about all right I'll do this one how about do you spend points in something and then it gives you a bigger chance to get hurt I don't know what happened I better be careful all right West Virginia it is here we go y'all I could just uh we're going to crush him I'll tell you what I really like the drum [ __ ] music that like the bands I've always loved the bands in football from I mean you guys loved them too back in high school I mean it was just awesome a whole other Vibe of music and uh just good [ __ ] um so this is going to be I wonder how the now I don't know what anything's I don't know let's see how it is now I will not be switching I'm in I play one position the whole season love their West Virginia known fors and pepperoni RS probably some liquid refresh the M faithful ready to go here in morgant what a game and what potential drama we have in store you've seen this script before top 10 team goes into a quadron of emotion on the road and just hopes to be able to get out and tell about it as we see number team in the good yeah ugly uh oh you don't like it where a tear imp I don't understand why that happened I just put a point in there you know what the hell well we'll have to so now I'm not going you won't see me in the game until they put me on the field and because I'm a freshman I may not get that much time especially in preseason well I mean I should get some time well we're winning 14 to 10 this is how it go but D trust the games will go this is the games are going to fly by end the third quarter oh my God West Virginia killer this 41 to 420 as disappointing as this is everything still in front of this team I mean think back to 1983 all right we'll spit we'll we'll go past this the graphics are great gar green got the talent was the of the game they got toe better they got to iron out some of these mistakes here on the field today I think team no I was benched well not I'm a I'm a freshman you know how like it's pretty realistic you have to yeah yeah it's pretty realistic you're not just going to hit they're not going to throw you out on the D but this is normal for these types of modes this is normal you see how much experience youn just from G and then I'll slowly see and my injury went down all right now I may play in this next game I don't know let's take a look box score Advance a week all right this is kind of like the grind stream of the of this series once we get it play one game and get it'll just start rolling and rolling and there won't be any of this stuff I'll be on the field most of the time you know what I mean Tyler Warren hey the team has a tradition where the freshmen drive around the the Juniors and seniors all weekend to where the tight end wants to join me uh Drive Upper classment no I'll drive him around no I'm going to do it oh Karen Jones academic adviser hello Mike I'll be your acemic why does it do it I want to be able to like why can't I scroll up I don't there's no way to scroll up uh spend time each week studying that won't always make you an a student immediately but studying also prepares you for midterms on week eight and finals on week 15 if you ignore studying your GPA will Blum it come exam week finally if you finish each of your first three years with at least a 3.7 you can graduate early and not have to worry about grades when you you're a senior question what I didn't know that about college Bo blue and gold yeah this is you know thank you why would I want to rebuff them like nope sounds good thank you bye-bye oh Chef Sporting Goods we own a local sporting goods Stu uh it's a twoe proposal for the qu take the deal oh yeah we'll take it sure I mean you Listen whoa 500 followers that's pretty good nil deal sign and this is what we people want this is what we wanted a national whatever you know all right so energy one we don't have any of that let's just get a quick practice in before the game here oh and this is a home game Bowling Green is coming here and we're both zero and one Let's uh more extra aggression yeah jum CW P yeah Philly combo what's Philly combo never heard of that a I should have gone to the outside I tried to cut in again come on come on come on come on but I like running up the middle that's my dilemma but we're not here to run that'll happen in the game I'm I'm going to just try to get the practice out of the way so we can get into the the actual games where I'm not on the bench but again it's normal to be on the bench this early until you establish easy you got that right easy oh I tried to Juke but then got right stuffed in the old pepper come on that's in oh come on how is that not a touchdown and I forgot to hit the I forgot to hit stiff arm there but I got a truck too I got to remember oh I like the Cobra play right in the old Corner huh I wonder if I got a ah I tried to spin I got to get this is where this is for though it's practice I got to get these controls down before actually on the field Hank Sr what's that o good oh a coach trust update nice all right what do we got here nothing okay now why do they want me to oh let me check okay I guess I should use the point how much does studing that's only one again all right let's play the game hopefully I'm not on the bench hey we're pretty good though we'll find out since thisable stadium was erected in the Pennsylvan Hills it has been the home to toughness to Passion to winning welcome to Happy Valley and Beaver Stadium home to the Penn State nit Lions today we have one of those games that test your focus top 25 team against an unranked opponent can you take care of business as we'll see a squad from the the Bowling Green FAL taking on the 19th rank team in the land the Penn State NY Lions all right sports college football Reese Davis with you alongside David Pollock and Jesse Palmer and guys can't wait to get this one [Applause] started all right it doesn't look like I'm I don't think I'm Ben all come on put me in the game coach there we go half time I'm on the field hey look at that now can I oh they put me on the field for a pass this is terrible oh yeah here we go half back off tackle we're do it what is it first down no it's third down uh oh I should third and seven wait what what's happening here wait I'm confused here why was that that did you see that hey Jason did you I gotta figure out these cameras here hey we won the game what the actual hell hey look at that there you go folks looks as if they didn't get it off in time it'll be a delay of game why what am I supposed to hike it oh guess so well doesn't matter they can't score and and slow there we go all right I got to get used to these control I don't know what the hell I'm going here so where the [Applause] hell well today's stream will be named a registration just get the job done and get the win I love when you describe my teams like that just thank you uh cff all I'm and that's what they and this is why practice is so important guys you can tell that this team was locked in way back earlier in the week they watched the film they got good looks in practice they knew what to anticipate they knew what looks they were going to see and when those looks presented themselves boy I don't know what happened I ran a play and hey oh but we're only six points away from the next level up here risk of injury increased what are you talking about what did I do I played one I did one play son of a boy we're not having any luck are we Bing green yeah or well at least we won all right I'm still on the bench but we'll figure it out what I what I'll do what do you mean to buwi how we have a buwi I do have energy though [ __ ] um skill oh yeah Holly like what I'm going to do Holly is I'm going to when I'm not streaming I'll take care of all the hubub you know so we're when we get on the line you know what I mean because it's only pre-season and all that and that's why oh this is going be easy what do I do here what is this oh what are they kicking it to me the hell oh oh there's points here right that's good did I do good what happened ah I'm very confused oh that was a pretty good practice Jesus Christ like it was more than a dang game and I didn't get injured all right oh they want me to do this oh then you know what I I should do that coach trust mother you know what see look you can see bench hold on what the hell do I got to do to get out of here level four what well where is the not the where is not the bench area coach trust where's that at can I upgrade that oh my God no all right Hey listen I'm not going to ignore studying listen coach studying is very important and I need to be prepared oh my God 5 weeks holy [ __ ] how has it been 3 weeks went I got to study again [ __ ] I'm not ready I'm unprepared all right uh Health okay risk of injury increase but it's going down though how the hell is it high I don't understand I spent points in there and then they give me the old 89er uh let's leadership Local Hero oh [ __ ] training I should have put one in there all right never mind all right Advance maybe coach me not so sour next week put me in the you line but this is what it's all about you got to you know but rest assured at least we see some football the next stream no yeah I've already gotten the No Deal defensive tackle yeah you know Devon probably [Laughter] life oh here's Karen Jones again you have one of your first big tests of the year in your marketing course coming up this week that Professor is known for difficult quizzes and tests we can uh help you prepare if you'd like uh how many points do I got what the heck three points we're going to be prepared three that's it energy two points all right uh Kent State energy and pra you have unused energy tokens and you oh I see okay damn didn't we just practice what happens Jesus Christ there's a lot of but we'll do a quick one then how about an elusiveness drill aha yeah we never did that one we what do I got to do get away from me oh I got to stay in the circle okay how the hell am I supposed to get over there wow all right oh come on oh oh you I got a hot spot bonus on that one folks Jammer rabbit 429 move it I wonder if I could just let me try stiff armor yeah stiff armor works but they push you out of the dang Zone practi results blah blah blah blah oh my God how the hell are you supposed to stay in there well I'm going to have to work on that but boy that sure gave me something there unprepared four weeks uhoh listen we got to do some studying y'all all right weekly agenda what if we only have two points so it doesn't matter I'm unprepared well there we go what the hell cost zero all right well that won't work um well why not you know throw it into leadership you can't go wrong with leadership right all right Kent State at pen State we're going to be [ __ ] benched again until we get high enough level I don't understand but you got to do it and I might as well get it done now we're already here you know what I mean we're just hanging out and we did get one play no we got two plays nestled in home of the Lions and one of the you anywhere in football I'm just not good enough there unranked battle coming up here you know how chaos can we have hit the field [Applause] officially oh that guy's got his jersey hike all the way up re Davis joined here in the by David P and Jessie Palmer and guys let's get this started such rhythmic style and grace and it's the NIT Lions let's take a look uh continue playing son I blister come on coach get me in there ooh I think we're in the play yes enable play calling that's what I want all right so oh we only have three choices holy well we got to run cuz double flares how wait a minute here now how come I can't why is this looking for it'san what is happening here I'm gonna have to figure this out here because we're not even why is it that's why is it um what the hell's the coach doing here screw you Kent State what the hell happened oh now wait a minute here am I am I am I losing it [Applause] here okay wait a minute now this is confusing where the hell am I not what happened I'm not even on there's no I can't control anything and why is the camera like that wait a minute here what a just like at a laer this is okay gun okay now this is now I understand this okay there's no where do am I what happened they'll direct there that's right give me the ball first down right there Holly yeah put me in the D game coach what are you doing counter Le let's go up the left tackle give me the dang ball it's weird because there's no lines it's different oh he got hammered can I flip the play where's the flip play but oh there it is the defense knows they're going to be loading the line of scage getting stops like what they just did interesting to see what the off does on what down is it it's fourth down oh my God we're up this is why I'm in the game it's 34 to nothing that's the only reason they put me today that's right that's another first down a PA double post yeah let's do that I go up and block we'll give it we'll give a play here first half ready we're going to come up on a line like an angry cheater fake the oh no you should have gave me the ball I would have had another first down I'll be a you see that though you put me in the dang game coach and stuff happens half back slam I'm still in the game you know this is what I mean you see how it's progressively getting more and more like I'll be in there all the time once I get rid of all this garbage where the hell is the counter play Oh 10 I got to see where all the stuff is here come out come out oh I was trying to getx five yard run there by uh fours I almost doxed myself I'm telling you I'm going to end up doxing myself to keep the defense off balance oh green 25 you give me that dang ball oh they BL yeah well I mean defens I hope we have a uh I got to figure out the this is different much different than M hece blocking get it out of there nice catch is going down and all right side to the 30 Y Line and he broke the tle down the and he's going to score for b i [Applause] scance what a shout out of the game here in Pennsylvania today Omari Evans wonderful pass off EV catches it at the 40 and he bust a move right past two Defenders I'd be embarrassed no wonder it's a 43 to zero C unbelievable and now State sucking more ass than ever and we're going to we're going to have to run the old inside Zone split this what we're going to have to do and we're going to go out the right side here hard here is in in motion and here we go we're going down the Ry oh what a flip I don't know what happened there but we got three hours on the play they had good they' be ready to attack and and limit some of the damage this offense has done they haven't done it today though they got to go back to the drawing board figure some things out because this wasn't a great day oh I saw the hole and I went for you oh a fumble my God than God how did I get a fumble I got to protect the ball but we got third and inches here give it to me oh what son of a what we got got that out of the way uh hell no halfback slam give me that [ __ ] thir in they're going to Blitz and this is going to be tough come on get up to the middle protect the ball oh I got to remember okay that's why I'm doing that you have to move your fingers up and have one finger over the they only get but I got get a knock back stop the running back's feet right there I couldn't do it he gets downhill just enough and he gets the first down it's a good job too there on third down by the offense because a major statistic in football in terms of winning and losing is how good are you at staying on the field keeping drives alive block him out of there get out of there oh that's a good play oh a slam 30 seconds left in the four I can run it up the gut or I can throw it and just spread me out def so many things you can they on theed quickly got the big first that's a nice spin he breaks the tackle and his go offensive guard gets in the way oh game stat zero fumbles folks but our risk of injury is very low fumble Miss I can't believe it fum know why though because I wasn't hit the oh they scored there we go we got on there obvious we saw just spectacular football no mental mistakes David you really can't play better than n it's it's really fun to do this come out and just dominate opponent start from Finish nothing to worry about you just know you're better you're going to do you put up a bunch of points and win by a lot of that's going to do it for us Palmer David our entire broadcast team it's weird H it's another of EA Sports college football I see what they're doing when you're not in the play but on but on the bench you see it a certain way um it was a different camera angle that's why I said earlier like where the hell's the camera angle like I was like what the heck's going on here boy that's is that are they two how did it say what did that say two and 10 no that plus okay good we need another oh we need we need the bench still on the bench but this is why you do practice yeah I know it's boring to watch practice and all that but it's going to have to happen that's the only way to get the to advance up onto the first line to Varsity line B yes that's right I remember being JV looking up to the varsity like bang I wish I was up there at Varsity I think I could do it I could well then I uh retired from football before that happened did you see your uh test grade that hard work paid off nice job oh [ __ ] oh and don't forget the midterms in a week eight I I have start oh my GPA increased this is interesting and and fun okay uhoh Del lady who's that hey Mike we're going to a party off campus this week want to join don't you have a the lab though skip the lab no decline no I'm going to stay in class but let me know how it goes it's right polite but responsible oh a fan favorite has been activated w right now it's time for Illinois at the pen State we're two and one here we're ranked 13 in the old division we're going to get the practice done weekly todoist let's did it over with there we love our I love training jump cut drill what the hell is that now you know what that other one ah yeah I'll do those offline so they're not well no I mean you can't really do that the training offline though really because extra aggression let's go we're very aggressive and we need to get up to that to to get off the bench what the heck man but give me how am I not even in the dang line like truck it spider yeah stuffed pick up the pace that's more like it we need to be efficient in the inside oh I got to yep I got to change my grip here hold on here we go you got to protect the ball and by protecting the ball you make touchdowns and not fumble we can't let that happen again and that'll that'll oh I tried to spin I hit the wrong button bam like that truck them once my stats raised and you're supposed to suck when you're a freshman like you know what I'm saying like but okay CRI man they're too slow I got to get that stuff in there though I got to get I got to get used to the no no no 27,000 we'll do it and that will end our practice for the week moving on up hello Sedusa welcome welcome to what I'm doing right now weekly agenda do we got anything I hope you're well today how about that training let's get it in there we got to get oh you know what we got to we got to study for the exam if we're don't study for the exam we're going to fail the old class get kied off the team no the same in 3 weeks now we really got to study two of them bam all of it okay basic okay now we really got to put in the effort listen academics are very important listen if I would to if I could take it all back I would study more Illinois the Penn State let's go let's see some deifying action okay bus I will address you as Seducer from now on I was wondering where the hell you were man I was worried about you [Music] s how's the cat you still have the kitten I know well it was a kitten back then okay we're going to still on the bench here s I'll try I'm going to use your welcome to Happy Valley Happy Valley that's right I hope you're doing well man today we have one of those games that test your focus top 25 team against an unranked [Applause] opponent illino we're still on the bench we're got to work our way off team in theate lions for EA Sports college football I'm Reavis Jo here in the booth as always by David poock and Jesse Palmer guys let's te this one up well I'd like to hear are they hopefully they're for the better Sedusa you know all the changes I I don't know why they're give me the old the old iron disease here with the old arm but let's see what we got going on here I'm sure coach will put us in at some point for a little while and let's see what they want me to do a tropical optic switch of pistol play enable play selection oh right double flare let's yeah you know let's let's let's switch it up here it's uh second down see back throw boy that's a first time that's a first time by Penn State and why do they do do that stop the cutting off the cut scene 21 to S well we're dominating Illinois at this point 28 to7 here at halftime or third period or quarter yeah you can tell I play hockey replay menu see I got to look at everything it'll be a run on Third and short and the defense had it hands full but they finally wrestle him down short of the first down all right Jesus oh okay good 37 yd touchdown by Illinois unbelievable quarterback Neil what do we got oh a minute and a half hell no we're going to run that [ __ ] give me that ball oh that's not me that's the other one okay you know yeah we got to get starter position here because we're we're freshman so we're not that's why oh an injury Nick Dawkins has suffered an injury here gonna run the he's gonna yeah they got to stop cutting that [ __ ] off super Sim play key moments you know well that will this will stop once I'm on the field most of the time 30 seconds just me as [ __ ] get it out of there three cats that's [Applause] awesome there we go a bad start here right do they they got the they had a little bit strg you knowning together momentum as the season closes and sometimes the good thing about losing games early is that you know you're not perfect you have to come out you've got to bring your aame theart each and every week and that's what we've seen from this team now recently they've got tremendous players they got an outstanding coaching staff when they put it all together and they play with great effort this team's tough to be do it for us from here for Jesse Palmer David I'm Reese Davis and this has thanks reys thanks Jesse who and then thank you Richard who is the other guy I don't remember oh we got some experience on that one though very good there we go Advan now we must get ready we need we need to maintain a 3.0 oh our fan favorite is is upgraded again who says silver good well then get me on the dang field coach what the hell you do and He will 38 to 19 is the score and Pen state will roll over Illinois boy wasn't that easy I didn't even need to do anything all right and we do still have two skill point I'm just kind of stacking them right now until I figure out I got to learn the system and everything what's that what does that say a coach trust update ah halfback three oh look at that chony carp Carpenter is halfback three I'm halfback four I see what you see this this is what we need to do and if you look up the line now this makes sense I didn't go up far enough there's halfback too for starting light oh my God I can't even get to have the first string K oh okay TR Allen and half back to that's kind of cool all right now that makes sense well you know I mean that's how it is you're a freshman you got to work your way up wow all right let's see here real quick before we uh before I shut it down it's been two hours you know I'm going to I know it was a lot of setup I will label it Reg rtion and practice uh and uh in the uh title experience sliders man this reminds me leaving football game like high school football games man you hear it when you're walking out of Stadium like oh oh I see ready to go all right very nice UCLA is next up on the list in the Big 10 against our own Penn State number nine in the old standing seed and that's some so what we'll do is we'll get this stuff out of the way real quick that's right earn to score score to earn right all right L I don't understand that the jump work one there and this one confused me as well let's take a look at that that was easy I just ran for a touchdown and I didn't get any points I I got to I got to f i was I never did the uh you know I mean mad collecting hot okay okay where is it back here where's the next where there it is no no no ah I see I understand now all right now I got it you know it's all about learning oh we have now passed chy Carpenter he's not going to happy camper coach trust update that's right you hear you seen it here first and heard it we the agenda where's that what do we got to do there energy oh Five Points of energy my Lord and take a look at this coach trust update we yeah that's right we have passed chy Carpenter I think right yeah but we're on our way let's take a look at this uh five we got to study oh my God two weeks holy macro oh yeah we are prepared for the test and I'll spend one point next week um yeah bam all right skill points yeah I got to figure that out what the hell I do with that uh upgrade player isn't that what it is yeah Power hands that's right power cuz that's the rot running positive impact of short route running and Route running sorry medium positive quickness yeah that's I mean but you know roote running 74 out of what the hell he doing mentals winning time that's what it is all about physicals oh yeah Workhorse head first ah right horse downhill balance arm bar damn right arm bar no questions asked we love our arm bar hey Karen good morning uh we no we're not going to advance the week what we're going to do Oh wait we're going to uh do this oh what the hell come on Space oh whatever this thing I swear is this bugged this game is not perfect they're going to need an update on it I'm going tell you right now well thank God the save Works after all that all right thank you everyone for coming in and watching registration here for our uh beginning here uh we're still in pre-season I think week six we're three in one not too bad we've had two buys how the hell you have two Buys in six weeks like I don't know what that's all about um but yeah uh we'll be back with the season and we'll uh go on from there I'll see if we can't I can work on stuff in the background I'd probably not because you have to advance you know what I mean each week and then do weekly to-do list as you see so yeah who's the top heartbreak in uh OT Arizona with the twoo win in the final the at the final overtime against Utah can you believe it I can't believe it is that good I don't know but thank you and we'll see you on the next one and hopefully we can get the we get the game's going here thank you and take care of yourselves

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