Episode 90: Murdered: Heidi Broussard

Published: Jan 12, 2024 Duration: 01:04:50 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: heidi broussard
this episode is brought to you by Marvel Studios Echo all episode streaming January 9th only on Hulu and Disney plus radi tvmv viewer discretion advised my Lopez has betrayed her Mentor the notorious kingpen now on the run she returns to her hometown to prepare for the biggest fight of her life don't miss Marvel studios's hardest hitting series yet an epic 5 episode event Marvel Studios Echo all episodes streaming January 9th only on Hulu and Disney Plus listen to the 48 Hours podcast for shocking murder cases and compelling real life dramas from one of television's most watched True Crime shows go behind the scenes of each episode with award-winning CBS news correspondents and producers in postmortem a weekly Deep dive listen to 48 Hours wherever you get your podcasts this episode is brought to you by Bumble ladies Bumble is in your corner they remain dedicated and committed to supporting women providing a safer space to build kind and meaningful connections and the way they see it every day is international women's day so this year to show their ongoing support Bumble is investing in the next generation of women making moves for a better tomorrow make your move and join Bumble in supporting women visit bumble.com at Sea Cuisine our chefs expertly craft and Elevate our seafood and why do they do this so when this happens let's make something quick we have to be there by 6 or when this happens leave dinner to me tonight I'll make it something special you can make a restaurant quality meal in less than 30 minutes our Teriyaki Sesame salmon honey Chipotle salmon and garlic and herbs tilapia will help you step up dinner tonight see cuisine [Music] hey y'all I'm April and I'm Caroline and this is your bloody happy hour Caroline are you ready for this this is your newest guilty pleasure it's the bloodiest part of your week did we say something about it also being happy hour show did because we about to be sipping on some murder bloody happy hour [Music] hours hey y'all this is April oh this is Caroline this is your bloody happy hour and it is thirsty Thursday we have some guests in the studio today but first we're going to talk to you about our episode sponsors Caroline um where should they go if they are not groomed downstairs um manscaped obviously manscaped.com enter the the secret code bhh and you get 20% off how much super smooth balls and 20% off 20% off and free shipping anywhere you live doesn't matter where doesn't matter yeah so if you got a party coming up or just if you just want to be clean then order I mean St Patrick's Day is coming up yeah like in March yeah it's the next holiday you can shave a clover into the area that's very festive so great I bet that weed whacker 4.0 will do the job it will do it wow I'm impressed also if you know you don't care about how groomed you are you can go to formatic docomo you can't at all you can go to what is it you can go to go.for sigma.com Slappy hour happy hour and you get 30% off the mushroom based supplements that they have oh my God uh oh we have some guests in studios they got a little excited they eyebrow the mushrooms yes unfortunately I don't it's not those mushrooms it is lion's man and chaga and it's basically Aderall Plus in your coffee yeah plus um depression medicine cuz you're not stressed you're focused you have great mental Clarity fidget in your chair like our our friend over here I do a lot of wiggling it's okay we do too um so you get 30 % off with that and if you don't drink coffee you can get the protein if you don't drink protein you can get the snort version snort it cacao or Elixir there you go so you're welcome now on to our guests okay introduce them Caroline um we have Rachel and Christopher and they are the dangers ders we are yeah first of all tell us where that came from is that's what my mother called me when I popped out of her so okay oh there's a danger that's my name so yeah know that's actually his middle name so we and we got married and that's it yeah I took it we didn't want any basic names for our last name I love it love it love it um and then they have a podcast tell us about your podcast do yes don't you know what we do every other Tuesday or so um yeah so we have a podcast called bustles and bangers and we actually read um some of those like vintage romance novels that get a little smutty and sexy and we just rip them apart and make fun of them they don't get too smutty and sexy that's that's misleading through it's getting worse it's getting worse less and less with each book that's what you expect but most of the time there's a moral lesson on a religious example how it works or how it go like how do yall do it like you read a thing and do you actually missionary know sometimes you know anyway it's kind of boring well these books though I mean that's the thing too compared to what we're like in real life what we've experienced and stuff like that are I think the door just swung wide open it did it it's a nice little swing um swing so somebody so um actually we thought about bringing a pineapple to I yeah he had a great met last time but I almost fell out of my chair we passed the exit to get to the store and have you seen yeah have I'm not going no you go you can go as far as you want yeah we'll bring it next time um but yeah so so we I'll read the book and I get to know about the characters I kind of you know think about what would be good material to provide to him when kind of just giving him a rundown of what these you know last few chapters have been about and he just gets to respond he just gets to sit back hang out and respond and we just have the best job in the world she reads books for like eight hours a week yeah I just sit around play video games and jerk off while she does this all this work and then she [ __ ] comes in here I get to get ston they put a microphone on my face and I get a story read to me it's pretty cool already discovered how ADHD he was is so does he literally sit through the whole book and pay attention no well we break it down because I can't tell a story without redirecting my ADHD Cod we break it down we usually no he's great at asking questions yeah and so far so far we've we break it down about four episodes three four episodes a book okay no it really has been fun um know the books don't get like um you know quite as 50 Shades as some newer things do but that's what's so fun about them because they're so like classy and it's like oh her bosom was slightly showing she forgot to button it and it's like I will I will say some of these books take some really dramatic turns at the end that you will not see coming yeah they do get exciting there's been some excitement in a few that actually the one not necessarily sex wise but just some crazy [ __ ] and you're like okay did somebody ever die oh yeah okay did someone well and then yeah so um not the very first book we released which was one pink rose but the second book that's releasing is called the two timing man that was our very first book actually to record so sometimes you might hear jokes in one or the other that sound um backwards a bit but it it was the most interesting one I think so far that we read and right now right now we're recording one called a donut a day okay oh so donut a day I was I'm worried about the cover has a doctor with the little thing on his head and he's looking at something it's weird we're worried about her cholesterol um but yeah so anyway it's it's funny it's it's funny I I we're having fun with it it's basically date night and so it's been really cool cool how long have you been married we ask did we know that how long have you been married almost 10 years we're going on nine years next month yeah it's almost 10 years married but um we've been together longer we've actually known each other since like middle school and glad out yeah we're not letting it not he can't go anywhere he's not allowed I do have a divorce under my belt though hell yeah well you know you already have a divor okay so you're like right there he had to fix it and come find the right one there we go I know so you can find their podcast it's called bustles and bangers anywhere you get your podcast so you can go right now find it subscribe to it and download some of the episodes they've already pulled out but part of being our guest is you just have to go to a series of questions and you know this may be our most exciting guess that we've ever had yeah don't you flatter him ego going we've never had stoned ones so this y'all if this is your first time tuning in this is our happy hour Caroline's got some whiskey yeah I got a truly they got water but they chose they got cotton mouth they chose to partake in happy hour another way I mean to say why would you not I guess if there wasn't a fire hazard we could do yeah like you said how far can we take it be like joean I mean oh yeah I mean who's to say who's to say like that sounds good to me you just write the invitation out well um I first of all do y'all know we've talked about pineapples yeah y'all were the ones to bring that up actually I'll tell you we I really I'm not hip with the times I just do whatever comes up in my live what does that me not organized swingers I wouldn't say so everything's happened pretty organically throughout I mean we've by accident we well we have like yeah how do you we have swingers yeah how does it even hey like let me just join this community what not even we don't like Community yeah we're not people I don't even think I have any friends to be honest with you yes we do sure you have then we end up sleeping with them and then it's like that then we lose them that's happened a couple times it's because because they regret it the next they feel guilty well they can't can't tell somebody what they or is it a one person it's been both we've there's been it evolves there's been more than one there's one night stands and experiments and then long-term kind of like friendship connections that keep going for we call them our vacation friends yeah and um it just evolves and then sometimes it's just been a girl and then we got tired of her because we're kind of jerks so it just is like she's had she's had people walk out the door crying I pulled up homes before I like what the hell cuz I was tired so so like is it ever like you get one by yourself or not really like we Weir it's always a grp rules are there rules yeah we have rules I mean of course any relation rules tell us the rules of the life and you know what I'll tell you that there are swingers out there that would disagree with my number one top rule but typically we don't kiss another person on the mouth okay because I was like that's what connected us yeah I was like that's what connected us you know in marriage and it's the most intimate thing and that's when you really connect on a chemical level too I think um and so we just kind of unless we've had like a longer standing relationship and comfort drops down and you trust is built and you know maybe it's another married couple that you know is not going to falter so it's stuff like that yeah so so yeah no there's rules um but a lot of the rules have already gotten kicked out and so really that's like the Only Rule now sort of kind of followed What was what would the other rule was the other rule that didn't work well it started off with not in the butt but no if somebody else will take it in the butt and let me like you know Skip that one out great thanks so no but um for him it well for both of us at first it started out when we first started really experimenting and and getting out there because of course you know we weren't just immediately like this when we got married we had both both been you know in our own you know life and done our things and you know then it all comes up to the table and evolves but um it was not to be all the way not to have actual intercourse with the other person like orals on the table and you know all the touchy Fey stuff you know um so anyway that's evolved out too so y so every again I think it was a matter of us growing you know and learning and I think it's being secure with each other but is it like a certain like oh you said it switches it's like oh it's this group but there's not like a group no there's not a group no yeah people come in and out of life do you advertise somewhere like do you go to Tinder and we tried that before and we actually had a little bit of success yeah I mean it was fun when I was saying that she has somebody walking out of the house crying one time that was one of them was one of them what does that mean though like she I'll let her was too TI he was not at home it was she came by to visit she drove all the way out from wherever B she lived and man I'm a mom you know and we work and I was tired and also like sometimes I if in those situations like sometimes I just want you to like play with my hair and let me go to sleep like I don't know what you anyway she wanted to mess around well I was just really legitimately tired maybe I was tired of her I don't know but I just was like listen I got to I got to crash I'm tired and that meant she had to go home and so she really like I even tried to walk her out and I was like I'm really you know sorry that you know we didn't get to like hang out on I'm just tired and she's like slamming the door and he's like pulling up I'm like it was crazy I'm like pissed crazy so you know but you know that's part of dating before you get married you're dating all these crazy people you got all these weird stories and then when you get married and you decide to sort of date people then you get the same kind of crazy stories so whose idea was it to kind of like I think it was Mutual I think mut yeah I think we discovered oh friends for a long time before we started dating yeah lots of flirting um so I already knew that she like girls okay you know so it wasn't it wasn't like a big reveal or anything like that we went to high school together set across from each other in art and had all kinds of crazy conversations okay so yeah life never let us get away from each other um it was obvious the whole time but I didn't see it yeah she had have learned the hard way huh yeah yeah she had to pull her head out of her ass at one point was okay we all had to grow up we actually had that conversation and it happened you had to get married to some other weird person that was a convenience tell you that was awful but she did teach me a lot I learned a lot from that experience same as you do as you do um do you guys use toys yes but not as much as we used to really anymore so okay well I know we talked about earlier the well you mentioned bracelets and we talked about the pineapp we talked about the pineapples but then let me let me bring up have you heard about the lofas no not I think I actually look look I mean are we talking about oh is it a vibrating loofah no no wait we talk oh the loofah you have in your shower tells your people what you are yes but you put it on your on your car antenna what I know it's just it's just a it's I feel like that'd be super obvious that you're a weirdo putting a Loof on your antenna clearly all right something's wrong with you or like the you know on the back wait so which one so did you already go over which all we did last week we just did it so everybody just just heard it but apparently this is a thing that's happened at this place called the Florida Villages I don't know it's like an old person community I don't know but then they were like that's not true but then all the lofs are sold out so they're like well maybe it is true so we didn't know if if there's like some kind of signal and so okay so that's the lofas look over those you tell us about the bracelets a little bit while she's cuz she's going to tell us what color y'all would be on the loofah okay well the bracelets like when we were in high school people would always wear the little rubber bracelets around them they different color yeah kind of yeah but they have them like all the way up the wrist the uh the yellow ones for the back what's like thin like Hot Topic stuff sorry I guess that kind of stuff but uh not quite they were like a like a plastic almost and here's the deal you'd get two and then you'd like twist them together and that would make one bracelet so it looked like they were Lo together so you could wear multiple col but all the colors meant like different [ __ ] you had done sexually with people in high school yes dude we started I didn't know what the levels were but I knew so if you started your if you started your if you lost your virginity on Saturday so intrigued and you did it you lost your virginity in the butt what color is that I don't remember I don't remember what the color that probably be a yellow if you gave a blow job what color is that it was like blue or yellow or something I don't know I don't remember what the what the tears were I just remember that it was a game and who says we even had the right colors I'm sure it was a bad probably different everybody uh but wait so if is it if it's some of these colors are included though but I guess blue or black blue or black okay blue or black and you what did you say you colored Blues like so the normal blue the B the teal bisexual up here the comfortable lowest level of full swap those who play well with others okay yeah but I don't even know what that means what's the lowest level of full oh I have it in my notebook I know there's a lot more science behind this than I thought there was hotel with them what does that mean you know I got to my notebook all right I didn't know we were on an educational show great okay no I had to write notes last week because I needed to make sure I remembered we didn't prepare at all for this no we came no I just prepared for my not say cold turkey but which one what color was it we ask it was the blue I don't understand what lowest level means um there's gray area there's um you can be in the same room but you might like if if like y'all are doing it and me and my husband are doing it I might reach over and like grab your boob or we might have a k oh it goes way further than that though so she you're full you're probably full swap those who say what the hell and let it all go down that's it yeah yeah but so that means that's happened more times it's not happened I guess but you go you'll do things with girls but no hell no no my man's a like a man don't get me wrong like it's not thre sums it's switching right right well well no there's different levels um we've done different variations okay so we have had a three-way with one other girl and we have had a three-way with one other guy but both men are straight in the scenario every time so you get all the attention basically yeah yeah yeah but he's like you enjoy watching yeah but but when there's another female though of course he not even really B it really it's not even a watching thing like really it's just like a well if I'm allowed to do this you can do that type thing I try to keep my eyes away from it I'm not attracted to males at any time I don't look at it directly and oh girl and girl yeah no I always like even if she's like We're going to go hang out with this girl that I just met I'm like okay well whenever yeah perk up like uh you need to take your [ __ ] camera out this time remember cuz you always don't take your camera out I have before but that plan years been any jealousy like where you'all have had an argument yes there has no there there's been a rule break there's been a violation I would say some jealousy there was a violation of the rules well it was an accident people were intoxicated and you know St got called on it well people internally had certain emotions to and walked out of the room and then blah blah blah so but again that's the growth that goes with it like we love each other and we agreed to experiment so it's not going to long-term affect us we're going to work through it think we were over it in like 20 30 minutes is there ever a moment where you think you're you would be like we're going to stop stop swinging only because maybe we get tired of people like certain people well I was going to say take the effort to keep up kind of selfish someone else well I mean you know cuz it's like especially if if you try to go outside and get like another female you know that's usually a relationship developed cuz unless you just advertise your really hard to find girl that's like yeah I'm in a couples yeah unless they want to be serious and we don't want anybody to be serious now the vacation friend situation where we have friends who are committed and then they agree to play and go on vacations together and this and that is great but where it kind of I think got messed up for us is sometimes I would like to be alone with the other female and not everybody's comfortable with that because then they worry about their relationship status oh I gotcha yeah I have a thing for taking away not taking him away but getting with his it could be a single female she has a habit car okay that is is if they're if they're comfortable with the way that we're not overly committed yeah okay yeah just taking notes he was going to bring the pineapple I'm just saying so this was what came up last week when in my brain cuz I'm kind of visual and so I was picturing like what a party like we I met a swinger couple when I was in the most Christ Town ever of abene very red did you say abene abene one of my best friends got shot in abene a a nice story I say that cuz they have three like um College like three bers in there basically all different religions but anyways she said that the parties are real like they will host them there's a bowl on the table it's like a Russian Roulette like you pull out your keys whoever Keys you got you go home with um and they had their set of rules too I mean there's Club I feel like that's to we're shallow as [ __ ] dude that's hard that's really hard for us cuz if there's ugly people in there I don't want H you're Creasy and ugly now but how do you but look I'm a person that feels bad about being yeah she okay will take one for the team I have no you no do not need to do that well and so the deal is again that's why things have just kind of happened organically if it wasn't organic it was because we like got online and shared that we were looking for somebody and it was kind of more of like one of those times when you're dating you know you get to know different people and you go out on different dates and you see where it goes but we do not want to be permanently with someone else we have plans to leave this place and be in our camper for two years running around being basically Gypsies and going be homeless we don't need a gabby poto situ don't if they could maintain that we're not going to like feed and clothe them we don't want to live with another person but if there was another person that wanted to hang out with us on weekends go out and drink watch a movie get freaky be handsy be play footsy whatever I would love that but it has to be somebody that doesn't want to do the fighting because I mean again yeah like if if I don't want to hold your hand I don't want you to like fuss at me like yeah you know but I have to picture this so when the swap happens okay so you're going to take your penis out of her vagina and you're I love these technical terms is educational this is all educational purp juices or do you no we we go through a lot of questions yeah we don't okay okay so do they have to show up with the do you just like pray afterwards no we really try to get to know people and we we test you know and all that stuff you know but again when we've gotten a a good partner it's usually a friend we've had for a while it's usually people we already know like and they're usually in committed relationships to so you know it doesn't we don't have to worry about them straying off and going off and getting something most Time full swapping juices that's what I I wanted picture because I like what if you us to like change condoms because that juice don't want to go if I pull out of her and they don't want to go straight in we have some mouth action that can clean us all up so I mean there's there's more than one way to SK a cat this episode yeah our mothers don't listen to our episodes either yeah if they are they [ __ ] get the hell out of here yeah thank you'all for being so vulnerable and so open yeah we're open books we're pretty much like this all the time as long as we're not at work I love it I love it I love it okay we may randomly blurt out some [ __ ] in a little bit but let's get on the story because our true crime people are ready okay we are going damn it y'all I told y'all no you're you're living in you are living in Austin We're Going Austin the last like five stories she's done have been in Austin and no two I did two in Austin maybe three maybe maybe it's just a good it's not or maybe the last several have been in Texas not a bad thing I've stayed in Texas for the last couple weeks maybe after this I won't go to Texas this like murder stories this is hell yeah yeah he doesn't ever know what he's walking yeah never pay attention we do like True Crime so we'll talk about I mean last week we did a 13-year-old was stabbed by her 14-year-old classmate 114 times in the woods wow that's a lot of times 114 oh the adrenaline behind that and 14 yeah sorry and that was just because like no reason yeah oh man look brain and see and then they're like oh yeah no we're we're better than the dogs and animals and [ __ ] that we're walking around like come on man what crazy thought is just the only difference is we like we know that we're [ __ ] something up that's the only difference between us and them yeah I it's sometimes and this is yeah this 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there by 6 or when this happens leave dinner to me tonight I'll make you something special you can make a restaurant quality meal in less than 30 minutes our Teriyaki Sesame salmon honey Chipotle salmon and garlic and herb tilapia will help you step up dinner tonight see [Music] Cuisine oh yeah loud I am back baby wo hi I'm Trey Cooper I'm Solomon Cooper and we're the host of the kid stays in the podcast it's a cross generational discussion about movies uh two perspectives I'm the young one he's the old one and we have some fun arguments I don't think we need to say it that way you're old anyway whenever you tune in to listen to the kids STS in the podcast you can expect to hear a very very intelligent discussion of a film from me and a really uh imbecilic perspective from Solomon who hates anything that wasn't made after 2007 they're very rude to me we tried to watch a movie from 1985 once and he really hated it tune in to our show hear me Rose Solomon week after week fight us anywhere you get your podcast or on Rog median network.com [Music] hi this is Sarah and I'm Carter and this is p of our thoughts we're two Southern saloes and we want to share everything we love and know about wine we started hanging out during quarantine and cooking and drinking and listening to music and we just thought this would be a great way to bring everything we know to you guys we will make wine knowledge and food pairings easy and approachable so put on your favorite vinyl grab your favorite glass of wine tune in to our show and let's have some [Music] fun so check us out on Rog median network.com or wherever you get your favorite podcast we'll be talking about a a [Music] lot okay so we're going to Austin it's December 12th 2018 this girl's name is Heidi brousard she got up on this day and she got her son ready for school her son is six-year-old boy named silus she had just given birth to a baby girl 3 weeks ago named Margo so we got Salas and we got Margot mama's name is Heidi this was her first time leaving the house cuz she obviously still had birth coming out of her her mom had been yeah she still had the placenta her mom had been there eting that placenta just Dragon she do ate it all it's time that placenta so her mom had been visiting to help her out with the kids until she heals mom went home yester the day before and so now she's got to take little boy to school so she gets up she takes him to school and it's book fair day do y'all remember book book we still go to Book Fairs we need an adult book fair what a great idea well yeah we adult toys they do have book swap they have porn cons which I would like to go to we talking about going to one this year yeah you want to go to porn we have a third ticket yeah speak invitation VIP baby I feel like I got invited you did so this is a different kind of book fair Silas just wanted some cool books so she goes to the book fair with them buys them some some things she calls Baby Daddy Shane okay and she on her it's about 8:00 a.m and she tells Shane she's on her way home with Margot she had a good morning with the B with silus so that's baby daddy SL fiance say he gets off of work about 2:00 p.m. later that day he goes in about 6 and so he usually takes a nap for the first little bit when he gets off and he noticed that Heidi was not at home so but he saw her purse and he saw Margo's diaper bag and he just assumed she was probably close by they lived in apartment so probably went to go visit a friend just walked down there with the baby like no red flag he took a nap he was woken up by a phone call at 6:00 p.m. that evening it was the school silas's school nobody had picked up Silas from the after school program oh no so now Shane's a little bit more scared because she's like he's just like Heidi would have never not picked up her son so he leaves goes to pick up Silas and when he gets back he notices her car is parted where it's always parted but it's unlocked there's no keys in it he doesn't see the keys anywhere and the car seat for Margot is in there so he says she would have never been gone this long he called her and called her she did not answer and all of the things that she needs for her daughter that she would have needed during this time diaper diaper bag was all in the apartment so now he's worried and so he calls friends and is looking for her nobody has seen her well at least he's doing his due diligence and he calls the police well good for him yes is that something that doesn't happen very often least you could do yeah I mean that's what you should do what you should do but some people just in your in the stories y read to most people call the police pretty quick or does it usually take a while before they're like well they got to hide the gun or they got to hide the body then you know yeah I don't know just depends got to clthes you don't call till you cleaned up you don't they got to C I don't know sometimes they you know how long it takes to pry up a floorboard sometimes they use a butter knife like tailor ship business that's holy I'm wondering when you're doing that story W girl about to do it all right a butter knife oh this [ __ ] cut off a head she cut off the penis she put in a bucket what did he do to her i' have ADH all they shooting up trone and all this whole thing [ __ ] I have trone in my desk drawer right now don't be shooting it up no I don't shoot it up it's to help me sleep but every time I take it makes me feel like [ __ ] mess up we need little things I'm terrified now yeah I haven't taken that stuff in a while but I do have some so now it's spoiled so don't take it I'm not going to take that remind me to throw that away spold spold okay sell it so cluse the Poo grind it up snort it and so of course this hits the airwaves right because you got a missing white woman and you got a missing baby MW [ __ ] the baby's white too huh list anytime you got to miss a white woman straight to the top baby wasn't White news if the baby wasn't white then we would know Shane would be pissed right because Shane is white but the baby white would be incriminated immediately he's the one God so reporters are real about their job but they're really messy because who do you think that they interview first full body interview of Shane the husband the husband how dare he even do a report though like you should be shooking I me these are well these are news reporters and this just happened and they're like where's your wife I mean you go straight to the husband every time yes but so Shane is in the interview he's very red-faced he's red eyes you clearly upset you could tell he's been crying he's pleading for whoever has his wife to bring them back and America right now is real pissed at husbands because just a year ago Chris Watts killed sh watts and the two little girls and stuffed them down in oil tank in theil oh yeah I do remember that okay and he killed the pregnant wife shanan wife yeah and killed their kids because he had a side had sex with her then he killed her and then he killed the kids yes damn amville horror stuff yeah yeah it was real bad he did they did his interview and America watched it and you could see you you know we all think we know we study human behavior so you can see that husb been real uneasy right so immediately crucified Chris Watts well they did the same thing to Shane Carrie so he was automatically like guilty in the court of public opinion and I remember watching the interview and doing the same thing like deciphering like let me see is he nervous too much eye contact not enough eye contact she's basically FBI all right but he was hard that card in my pocket he was oh so hard to figure out I I don't have weed in my pocket usually I know and it was hard for him I did think his tears were genuine but it kind of looked like he did myth so then I was like a little his eyes you could just be dry yes um but he was hard to figure out so people come forward now with text messages with between them and Heidi saying that Shane baby daddyy Shane is mean kind of controlling oh hell here we go possibly abusive and that she could have been stressed and worried and took off and left thought about it okay which is what people think like like Nia yeah like Nia might have but everybody agrees too that she would not leave little boy the baby right yes yeah that's a big clue she left wouldn't leave their son Silas they had two kids together yeah especially since she had a clear path of getting him yeah so he was at the school EAS enough to get him we got Sher Pini who wasn't going to leave her kids ever easily but so they had three kids total but two of them were hers one was his that he had from a previous relationship so PR now they're talk the police are talking to neighbors they're getting on it pretty quick like they're not like standing around they're getting on it so they're talking to neighbors and they find out somebody has a camera in apartments oh and on this camera Heidi is seen getting into a silver Nissan Versa and what they saw on this video is that um a a shorter bigger white lady gets out of the passenger car Heidi comes out with Margot in her hands like this no car seat no bag no anything this lady opens up the back door and Heidi and Margot get in the back seat and this car pulls off M the lady gets back in the passenger seat oh no so to me that's telling me that somebody's driving yeah somebody's in the passenger seat Heidi's in the back seat okay they said that there's also no time for baby Margo to be strapped in the seat Bel and that would be unlike Heidi because she would not not strap in her kids so they wondered if she was under duress they show Shane that the video and they're like Shane who's this big woman that picked up your your wife and he's Shane is like oh that's her BFF best friend forever Megan fusa oh no sounds like a mafia last name to me does not sound like a good last name I knew it I knew this what do you owe her Farah mus Musa oh no best friend sounds like a Disney villain but this isn't like a this isn't like a best friend um that like they met two years ago that drives me crazy when like you meet somebody and there are to your best friend this is best friend from 11 years old they met I did have a best friend that I met like a month ago yeah well you know it happens yeah what we just work work besties work besties that happens well 11 years old so I was like that's a best friend they've been with you through your life yeah yeah yeah so Megan and Heidi were so close they even got pregnant at the same time Caroline they were pregnant Bes wow that sounds so similar to another story we told Taylor Parker wow except they weren't besties but this they got pregnant together well that was a red flag because Taylor just befriended a pregnant girl but they had been friends they were even du guess what oh is this going to be like a is this going to end up in a cult situation no it's going to end okay I was like what is happening these two bir time they both way worse than oh my God you never know man no it's even worse I've seen I've seen some movies I'm sure somebody got that idea from somewhere I'm very interested in this okay so they were such good friends that Megan was in the delivery room with Heidi when she just gave birth to Margot and that's pretty Sac she e the was did she part she took a bite she part she took a little ni same day placenta no she they were due within like two weeks of each other I not the same day but the same PR yeah so that night that that that Heidi was having Margo Shane and Heidi gave Megan a key to the apartment so that Megan Co can go and spend the night at the house while they're because she lives in Houston so they didn't want her to drive back they said just go spend the night at the house come see us tomorrow okay so then she did and Shane says they never got their key back but it was no big deal because they're best friends it's okay for your best friend to have a key to your house I mean key to my best friend's house same I don't have a key to my best friend's house they didn't think anything about it I mean we can't long far distance um about three weeks after Megan after 3 weeks after Heidi had Margot Megan had her baby wow nobody ever saw a picture of this baby but Megan just called them up and says hey I had baby her name is Luna May wow that's a beautiful beautiful they never saw her wonder why just so happy for her oh I'm so happy too did we well there's social media what's going on I don't know sounds a little suspicious this is also baby daddy tell the cop the story so maybe men don't think is stuff like that we're stupid yeah maybe you're dumb they're telling the whole story it's all obvious who took they don't see it I think I might be a man so Shane also tells the police that Megan lives in Houston with a guy named Chris Green and that Chris Green was her baby's daddy but they weren't together they had split up but they were still cohabitating they were just basically like roommates okay so meanwhile in Houston it's December 19th Chris comes home from a work trip so that's Megan's baby's daddy he comes home from a work trip and Megan's got baby girl Luna May and she's like I'm so sorry I didn't call you but I gave birth while you're at work okay and Chris was like wait what wait what and so Chris was like really and so he helped the baby and he was like this is my daughter like he was kind of happy and so but he looks around and he's like wait but we don't have any baby stuff wait did she did he know she was pregnant he yeah he said he knew she was pregnant she just fat I'm sorry well well that was a light bulb that went off this is don't fooling him guys don't think like we do do so be rude go to Target and he buys up a bunch of baby [ __ ] that's so great commit heed like this is a stray I found am I I think I'm secondhand ey are you you're welcome so he's at Target he's buying like all this baby stuff because he's like now my daughter's here he didn't know she was pregnant so she knew he's going to have a baby they just agreed they're going to be friends and they're going to go co-parent and cohabitate but they had two different rooms in the house okay I smell a motive if y'all don't yeah it's always weird so at Target he's shopping right yeah oh [ __ ] what I just do undo undo undo he changed the story I just deleted changed the whole story now we're never going to podcast over restart never know the end okay so now we're back in Austin okay while Chris is shopping we're over here in Austin and Megan is now a person of interest because she's the last known person that has been with Heidi right cuz they know that's her car now they know that was her in the video and um we know that's her baby we that's we seen was Megan breastfeeding not in public are you kidding because did she even have a baby it was a it was a baby doll watch this so she's under surveillance and so the police are kind of just like watching her at her Jersey Village residence in Houston and they get a warrant for her phone records and they get a warrant for Google to get her email address and her searches and when they get this they see that Megan has searched hide broussard's name 182 times in the past like six weeks okay I mean maybe she's like see if she had any new photos yeah um I mean she is her number one fan number one she she was 18 she she's really supportive she's a supportive friend yeah oh yeah or she could have been her friend was missing she could have been seeing if there's any updates oh yeah yeah I I feel like that's like Panic searching she was trying to figure out or she was Panic searching she also Googled the criter criteria for Amber Alerts oh oh that's to find out how maybe somebody else was missing and so she was like oh what's the ceria yeah just in case my daughter she she's preparing for being a good mother you know with all her baby stuff playing around in case my child goes missing what's the process I need to know these things that's important advate all explained explain all that away she even searched for dead body found in Austin I've done that before probably do that daily yeah actually yeah I did that too well it makes sense y'all yeah I'll be like you're just researching that's different it's it's literally for a project I'm call me Brian cober fine I'm making a vision board so they also checked the cell phone locations and her cell phone pinged in Austin on the day Heidi went missing and it ped at the apartments so they're like oh we could put her there at the time that Heidi mysteriously went missing Legally Blond moment so now you have more evidence to kind of back up that you know somebody's a little suspect you know who is also in town Tim Miller from EA search oh he's the one that find Vanessa Gan and he's always part of these when there's a missing person I was like what's eisch he's a guy who's he's an older guy but his daughter went missing years ago I I don't remember if it was the I45 killings or the Texas Killing Killing Fields but it took them so long like years and years and years to find her daughter's body his daughter's body so he developed this company and when somebody goes missing he goes and he has a team and they search and they find a lot of missing people and a lot of bodies he does that in honor of his daughter good that's awesome um so he was searching because now you may be looking for two bodies we don't know yet right Margot and Heidi so police are there they're watching her and they have now ruled out Shane he's not sketchy but us like I was in real time watching this go on and they haven't said anything they've been like quiet for like weeks and so we're like is it Shane where's this like where's she at is there a new suspect nothing right Shane's getting ridiculed back in Austin but they have a suspect that they're looking at but they haven't said anything so they go to Target cuz Chris is still at Target buying [ __ ] up for the baby for Baby Luna he's been at Target for like four days he love Target I mean you could live there the police follow him there he doesn't know anything about raising a kid he's in there freaking out like he just puts on one of the red shirts and tries to work there so they see him buying baby clothes and they're like wait who's he buying baby clothes for and then they don't know if he's in on it yet so they stop him and they ask him about Megan and they said are you sure do you have any evidence that Megan was actually pregnant and he says well I touched her belly and it was real hard oh because she's fat she had too much [ __ ] queso love queso belly yeah it's not hard it's not hard you need a little bit more beer but he did say that he never saw her with the shirt off because they have not been doing the dirty for a long time so he wasn't sure how did she get prant guys huh how did she get pregnant if they haven't been doing it they did it one time nine months ago no they used to do it they used to be together but they're broken up they the most they can't there's no dancing if you're Baptist so once every nine months that's it dancing you mons there's no nothing but that sh doesn't take it nine more months yeah just in case well he was like I'm really not sure so they tell him about Heidi going missing and they said her daughter is also missing and they show a picture of baby Margot and Chris is like what that's my daughter she she's at my house right now she told me her name is Luna May and the cops are like nope this is Margot and he was like well what the [ __ ] are you doing here go get that baby like he was like so upset so concerned go get the baby why are you here so police now I guess are confirmed that Margot is at the house so they go to the house and you have Texas Rangers you have FBI on the scene you have Houston PD you got everybody Dy one missing white kid for one missing white woman and a white kid that's a whole a whole lot of white I remember when this happened and it was like huge yeah and because shenan Watts had just happened and that was like humongous and we were like oh no not again oh no not again oh no not again so um he Chris probably went and took all his baby [ __ ] back cuz he's like oh I just spent $3,000 baby 9200 bucks back my receip you probably bought some be this you open all this [ __ ] supposed to do that now receipt just have a garage sale sale I'm leaving police are at Megan's house and they go to the door and they ask about the Baby Luna May and she goes like yeah this is my Baby Luna May um and they were like oh when did you have birth I gave birth on December 8th where at a birthing center in Houston which one I don't remember well what's the doctor's name I don't remember any other nurses I don't remember do you have any paperwork I threw it away was anybody with you nope I was by myself how'd you get home I drove by all these questions she had no [ __ ] had no answers like she had a lot of answers they're just the wrong ones wrong all the wrong all the right ones I don't know so they got baby Margot they read her Miranda rights and they arrested the baby dang and then as they're getting closer to the house they're not all the way inside yet they literally go in to get the baby and come back out they smelled an odor oh no it's not poop it's it's not baby poop it's a dead body it's not spit up it is the smell the of decomposition our favorite smell and it's coming from the silver Versa oh no that's the C but they don't have a search warrant so oh of course not they sit on it and smell they sit there and they're questioning her she she is still talking they get rid of her rights but she's still talking and she's trying to explain things away okay they finally get a search warrant at like 8:00 p.m. that night they got there at 1 8:00 p.m. that night they got a search warrant and they searched the trunk and they discovered Heidi's body lifeless body in a black duffel bag she had been dangled with the dog leash I know Caroline I never would I never would no use like the baby blanket or something I would never use the dog leash I got to get rid of all our dogs leashes got a little worried over here I would never use the dog leash that's for the dog I will use something else yeah that can't get taken into evidence I use that yeah like I mean I need to walk my dogs yeah so life goes on yeah no that sucks though this finally hits the airwaves because we're literally waiting refresh Heidi brousard refresh your Google refresh and then finally they go live and they have the helicopter flying over this house and yeah cuz they're like looking for the car they're looking for everything they're just like what is going on where is this person the next day the coroner did confirm that it was Heidi and that she died by homicide strangulation Megan was arrested and charged with two counts of kidnapping murder and tampering with the corpse this [ __ ] I'm going to show I'm going to find a picture and show you oh hell to see put it into more reality I keep my my brain keeps going back and forth reminding myself that yall are telling me a real story and I I'm all like oh my gosh that's a crazy story and then I'm like oh wait that's terrible like you know the things movies have done to my brain oh I know so they had and this December 23rd they had a candle light visual for Heidi in Austin one of the Austin Parks Margo had to be taken into like temporary like not CPS custody but something like it because they had to confirm through DNA that he she actually did belong to the bards in Shane and not Luna may like you just had to confirm it yeah she was indicted January 2020 for capital murder and her bond was 1.6 $ 6 million they did not want this girl getting out then Co hit oh hell and then they just let her out her fun and she tested for positive so they let her out because that's the craziest part of it like you test positive you get out like what no So Co hit and the trial was delayed and it was delayed and it was delayed so the family didn't get Justice in May of 2022 Megan's lawyer was seems like he's pretty badass he tried to have the trial dismissed like the whole case dismissed and it was pretty close what because he found out that the search warrant came at 8:00 p.m. and I told you that but they found baby Margot at 100 p.m. before they had the search warrant so anything that was found before and all that evidence it's a real thing you can look at it like oh but I'm sure leg in admissible in court MH so so I know luckily we're such an intelligent species aren't we oh dude stupid luckily it didn't work because the judge was like not B it thank you okay I'm glad and then they did prove that Margot was in danger she had jaundice when she was born her Billa ruin was high that she was imminent danger and that is a reason to kind of go in before the search War oh good so January 31st 2023 after Megan had been in jail for 754 days so just now January 31st she decided to plead guilty 2023 2023 wa a long yeah yesterday yeah yeah wow she had been in jail for two over two years the trial had just been delayed and delayed so they're just now getting to it they gave her a deal she pled guilty and the death of her best friend Heidi but they dropped the kidnapping charges okay okay but it's a deal it's a plea deal right the judge sentenced her to right to take that girl yeah yeah didn't matter it didn't count anyways it don't exist anymore they dropped those charges the judge sentenced her to 55 years in prison though and what when does she get parole 25 great and they are knocking off the two years that she's already served oh that's so sweet so she gets Parole in like 46 not her neighbor but why what what what do we know what like what she sounds like a bad case of never pregnant well yeah and definitely a mentalness I'm sure well never pregnant and that um people said that she wanted Heidi's life and couldn't have it because she had Shane she had her kids she had this new baby jealousy and had a her relation Nissan too she drove a Nissan you could ever want I think it's the Nissan that's that's what really set it off at least it wasn't a superar I mean I hope I hope you don't J super so okay so and then her relationship with Chris was over like Chris was Lee they weren't together anymore they weren't screwing anymore and so she's like maybe I if I have a kid he'll keep me so it's always it's always yeah behind a man jealousy in a man jealousy in a man is how it always is for women horrible tions those people who do that need to just they need to be in society ever because I I have a lot of reasons that I could have wanted to like kill a somebody's like a friend and to get their B like what no I have I'm saying I have a lot of I feel like there's so we have we have reasons that could justify it definitely like don't you dare blame me you don't know who have reasons to do all these things and then when we have the people who actually do them it's like oh just go to jail for yeah 50 years but really 20 and then you'll get released in five and actually you're just there for three days like what well and you know what this comes up in in an interesting time SW off the floor yeah well and there's I don't know if y'all have heard one of the new songs on the radio is literally talking about no it's I might kill my ex and then it's like I just killed my ex and I'm like it's they're not bleeping anything out I'm like I mean you watch the Grammys I mean everything it's everywhere well we kind of let go of a lot of that stuff we hly we're not keeping up with much of this we don't watch any other the you know typical shows we're very nontraditional very depressing I don't either I just look on because I post a lot on Instagram on so I have to you know know about all the things that are going on but and I look on Twitter well Twitter tells you everything that's true yeah oh yeah well um that's really it so do y'all think she planned this this whole time I mean not since 11 years old I don't maybe I don't know but that's really I think probably it led up and then the announcement of the announcement of the pregnancy pregnancy and then the purchasing of the Nissan was probably really what the Nissan was was Megan's Nissan oh it was Megan's Nissan oh so that was I think she should have been happy then yeah oh cuz Nissan B is a nice car no I'm just I mean I thought you were saying she should be pissed because she drives a Nissan like that's whatsa I thought I thought Heidi had the Nissan cost me way too much so the H boyfriend did say baby daddy did say that Heidi told girl Megan she was pregnant way back then when she found out and then immediately Megan goes me too yeah that was that was the moment it flipped well so that I think when unhealthy habits yeah that's usually it happens you should have been more prepared why Megan couldn't have K or we don't know they they and that's so weird most likely Meg couldn't get pregnant and Megan was like probably trying for a couple years and then it was like oh how just getting just popping out babies and now I'm pissing her because she's my best friend and now I'm not getting any attention because I have to go all her baby showers have to buy her all these yeah come on everybody get some emotional regulation maybe she's just like I'm going to take her out we're just going to hang out I don't feel any type of way I don't feel any type of way I'm going to ask her I can have this baby and then she can keep the next one but then she's like no you [ __ ] psycho and she killed her yeah so maybe it was just a Spur it was a negotiation went arai yeah maybe and that is it what a good story oh yes it's a great story we're all better people for having hard it we're at least more alert alert never trust anybody yeah we we're starting to get rid of some friends this why we don't have friends nobody can be mad at us okay y'all don't forget to go on rate review And subscribe send this episode to a friend whether they love true crime or whether they're a swinger either or and most importantly don't forget to stay aware stay alive and always be DTF bye y'all bye it means down to find the killer oh okay we were two sides of the life you dirty minders what the hell well cool thank You' [Music] great this has been a rogue media podcast

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