Violet Affleck & Chet Hanks Are the Wolverine & Deadpool of Hollywood Kids

Published: Aug 06, 2024 Duration: 00:38:52 Category: Comedy

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ma'am what do you got going over there oh you know I got the news I got the news first up Jennifer Gardner gives a glimpse of her intense training to get Marvel fit for Deadpool and Wolverine Cameo she she did look pretty fit we got some footage right here kitchen oh it's her gym it's her gym yeah um it looks like you know I I watched the movie it was great it was nice to see her back in the Electra rooll uh she you know she did look really fit did she post this all on her Instagram yeah this is all on her Instagram this is a big set they had a big set piece with her doing like complicated fight sequence I got to tell you as a martial artist I have some respect for her for being 52 and putting in the work and you can see right here she really worked hard and it turned out really good the movie Her Cameo was badass yeah I okay couple things I I don't think you should make montages if you a lot it's a lot it's a lot and it's like it's showing off her big gym and all the equipment it's it's fine she feels good about herself yeah all but oh she got she does have a nice she does have a nice gym yeah she got a nice gym oh she's even doing the norch but you saw that that some uh recovery St you know you know what I don't really get what I don't really get with a lot of these movies is they they go look we're outnumbered and they whoever it is that that they're going to attack has all these magical wizard powers and they can turn everyone into Ash and dust and stuff and then at some point they go what's the plan because they go we're going to get slaughtered we're outnumbered and the plan is at noon we'll just drive through the front gate and then we'll get out of the [ __ ] van and there'll be six of us and there's 150 of them and then we'll just beat the [ __ ] out of all of them and it's like that doesn't feel like a kind of a plan for having way less people and them having way more thaten a lot Game of Thrones too which I just I know I'm late to the party but it was a lot of that like huge groups and then they three of them fight them off yeah with like well there's a strategy where like one of us dresses like an old lady and knocks on the door and they open the door and then we get in there and I set up a zip line and but they do a lot of like this is never going to work cuz we're outnumbered we're going to get slaughtered but they're plan in that movie is to just drive up the main road go right into the center of the fort get out of the minivan and then what and then every gun was trained on them but then they just beat the [ __ ] out of everyone which it just didn't feel like straty realistic the plat armor is very strong wait what was this movie called again Deadpool vers or Deadpool and Wolverine I can't watch those movies they're too violent for me good you're right too much blood too it's just all violence it is now here's the thing yeah also look Barry what's his name isn't in there BOS cakam that's not what I want to talk about he I knew you wanted to keep 50 years of work non stop okay Wolverine has the claws and then he stabs you in which case he he he stabs he's half wolf yeah Wolverine yeah the half Wolverine Wolverine so he he stabs you yeah with that and then Deadpool has a samurai sword and he stabs you with that yeah and then when they fight they both stab each other yeah too much maybe an average of 175 times but both of them rejuvenate and regenerate so it doesn't affect either one of them so I have no [ __ ] idea what's why are you guys fighting there's nothing they keep right bashing each other they stab him through the chest 30 times and then he always comes back to life then they're driving home the next day like that afternoon's nothing yeah it doesn't kill them it doesn't why are we riding this you have to figure it out like I I can't the I'll tell you the movies I'm always out on yeah I don't get what the rules are as to what kills this person yes because there's some part where it's like the evil guy yeah he like jumps up grabs a commercial airliner and throws it with one hand at the other guy but then at some point the guy breaks off like a parking meter and tries to Bonk him on the head with it but that can't do anything to him well is there like one thing that kills them they're weird because it's like they have superpowers but they also get hurt and then when they get stabbed they go like oh except for they they've been stabbed 200 million times why do they keep stabbing each other they can't be killed it doesn't do anything it's just a shitty piece of writing well that's like what I liked about Game of Thrones because they did have rules about what killed people yes you know like they like how did they kill the the the I have my comic book hat on okay oh yes okay the healing factor is is different with Wolverine as it is in Wade Wilson okay Deadpool got his healing factor from a series of experiments uh Wolverine got his from a natural mutation all right so now Deadpool can regenerate if you cut off a piece of whatever if you cut off his legs it takes a long time but he'll heal back okay in fact in the old uh issues Deadpool got chopped up into different bits and one lady saved him in a refrigerator different pieces of him and then made evil Deadpool while yeah uh Wolverine has adamantium inside his bones that keeps all his bones together so he doesn't never really deteriorate you understand and he's lived since the Revolutionary War and just like 200 300 years old he's still or Wolverine that's Wolverine now Deadpool is a more recent phenomenon and has just come up you know your [ __ ] com I didn't really study up for this but next time I'll give you a full report well I'm just saying if me stabbing you a 100 times has no effect on you maybe I shouldn't stab you 10 first time and if your sword has no effect on me then what are we right doing just working out how wait how long has this character Deadpool been around since the '90s I I used to read his comic books when I was a kid yeah and his name was Wade Wilson Wade Wilson yeah who was a quarterback for the Vikings oh really I didn't know that Wade Wilson was a NFL quarterback I'm looking at you Joe after in the 80s I wonder if they named it after 80s yeah the 9s no I mean I don't know I think Wade Wilson was an NFL quarterback would say probably played nine years in the league and he was on the Vikings at some point probably late 80s early '90s Vikings Falcons Saints Cowboys and Raiders played quite a did purpose or it was just an accident 17 years how many years have he play in the league 17 17 17 goddamn years in the NFL and you name your [ __ ] Wolverine after this guy 81 to 98 why don't you name him Tom Brady would have been less confusing no does okay so I'm the only person in the theater who's bumped because when they go Wade Wilson I go that's a quarterback who played in the NFL so you're the only one that knows that you think did you know who Barry Boswick was before you came in here not really see I'm always the only one who knows everything and that's my lot that's why that's why I'm tortured by everything can't enjoy these movies right so did they name Deadpool Wade Wilson after NFL Wade wil I mean you know how many guys on the planet play quarterback the NFL for over 15 years there like four people by the way there was a big uh football player at my show in Minnesota recently and all the guys were going wild and I had no idea I didn't know who he was until later George George uh he's in the 49ers George kibbit George um the the the kits no the hold on hold on the tight end the blond yeah yeah yeah you guys have the same color hair yeah he's a good looking guy k k you guys should had some blonde kids I know but he's married but he was cute he was but he yeah he was there and all the guys were like oh that's a big deal yeah he was at the show and all the guys were like oh can't believe he's here wonder why he was there he came with a friend or something yeah to see actually to see somebody else not me oh but he happened to see hold on first Deadpool 1990 yeah Wade Wilson already played nine years in the league oh wow what the [ __ ] nerds but the Creator was explanation there's an explanation for his name why you name him Fran Tarkington [ __ ] idiots uh writer gave Deadpool the real name Wade Wilson as an inside joke to being related to Slade Wilson the character death stroke oh my gosh it's even more no because when when somebody says we're going to name the character Wade Wilson I'll go you know who's starting this Sunday for the Atlanta Falcons Wade Wilson so don't do it give him a different name he probably didn't even know this guy I don't think crossover Marvel comic book writ and NFL F exactly yeah two it left it left this reviewer cold because I was bumped Tak out I could not enjoy the rest of the film 17 years in the league the man played they should have gone with Barry Boswick Barry Boswick right no one knows him alliteration I'm the only one who knows Barry Boswick not after this episode that's true household name 17 years Wade Wilson play in that League all right go ahead what else we moving on look uh VP Camala Harris picking Governor Tim Walls as running mate is met with media scorn such a weird Choice yeah w well they couldn't do Shapiro because they're there's an anti-semitic sort of faction of the democratic party there not there is I thought like go for that yeah I thought I don't know this guy my dad the Jews but but it's the it's the squad it's the Minnesota people that don't like them uh there's a there's a faction of the democratic party that are very anti-jewish I mean they don't say they're anti-jewish they just act everything is anti-jewish but then they go have great love you know anti- Israel so she couldn't pick Shapiro I've said this a million times Shapiro is a super common Jewish name right and the the the Jewish names are like Silverstein and silver bgs look got birds and stens and stuff like and Shapiro sounds like a Japanese beer yeah it does it's nowhere nearo you can kind of tell like Gutenberg and stuff like that you can tell sort of Jewish even weird names like bort and stuff like that you go a Jewish name it doesn't need a Steen or Stein my last name would have been Rosen Bloom my grandfather changed it Jewish sound yeah BL yeah right so there's that or Steen any Steen like gold steam right but then there's Shapiro yeah which doesn't have any Jewish anything except for it's a super popular Jewish name but it sounds Japanese I thought it was Italian or yeah I was going to say Italian shapir Shapiro no I think he said like shap hey want to get over here to make the spaghetti if I said you're the great Japanese gymnast Yuki Shapiro yeah that would sound right accurate Tony the great pizza maker Tony Shapiro I don't know it sounds Japanese well the the biggest Japanese beer in the world is called saporo yep yeah but that sounds Italian too you can't take all the Japanese stuff and say shap shap so anyway yeah I think Shapiro sounds sounds Japanese all right but the point is is it's Jew sound Jewish they can't have a Jew because there's a fringe of the democratic party that's pretty radical and pretty anti-jewish so that would have been a problem which I would argue is a problem anyway so he went with this guy who's not in a swing state that doesn't help she he doesn't help her and he's more Progressive than she is and here's what I want to say about politician with their [ __ ] with your [ __ ] policies she is in the position of having to walk back everything she said over the last five years um if you listen to me over the last five years I complained I complain about left turn traffic arrows that shouldn't never be read they should just be [ __ ] green and then they should just blink red and you should go all things Co I don't think 2-year-olds need to wear masks people driving too slow in the [ __ ] fast L ask me to walk back any of my [ __ ] and I'd go [ __ ] you give me a microphone let's get into it yeah so if you have to walk back all your ideas first off did you mean them in the first place and then secondly why are you walking them back like why this is your idea this is what you like this is what you stand for and everyone now has to get Kamal Harris and kind of go like well she's she's moderate she's not that she's not that so you're just admitting your ideas suck but she's not into the ideas that suck she's more toward she's a little closer to the right and it's like okay but why not just go over to the right then if that's where the better ideas are so there she's having to like disavow I've always I've always said it this way look uh Jay Leno told me yesterday he's going to Detroit for the wood Woodward Dream Cruise no Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Dream Cruise all right that's [ __ ] nuts okay it's in it's in it's in Detroit okay and it they they hold it the same time they hold the Pebble Beach race that I'm going to in the car weekend which is [ __ ] nuts it's nuts cuz the biggest car weekend in the world internationally is Pebble Beach and these [ __ ] [ __ ] kickers do this stupid thing in Detroit with their American Muscle and all this [ __ ] stuff [ __ ] who cares no one gives a [ __ ] there's no racing there's nothing any good just dumb guys driving Mopars fine but Leno's going there and he's bringing his turbine car and he's going to drive his turbine car which is a car that Chrysler made like 1963 that has a turbine and like a jet engine yeah sounds like a jet engine okay it's hooked up to the rear axles so it's not jet propulsion it's turning you know a drive sh I was imagining a Batman situation no I know I I was trying to get that image out of your head all right thank you now I know you're obsessed with comic books everything's so so the point is this uh they thought that was the the wave of the future was going to be turbine jet engines that's what they thought in 1963 turned out not to work at all it just it was too hot it was too expensive it was too loud it didn't work and so what we went back to is the tried and trude uh internal combustion piston engine which Henry Ford was using in you know 1902 but we like the idea of the future it just didn't [ __ ] work it didn't work at all and so what what I'm saying what Bernie Sanders does and Kamal Harris do is they go look I'm not saying I want a turbine car cuz that doesn't work but I want some kind of something like that like mine and I go we have an internal combustion engine over here [ __ ] works just do that they go no no no no we're not doing that we're doing some version of this but it never [ __ ] worked so he is probably more Progressive than her and then both of them are going to spend the next 85 days trying to get distance from every [ __ ] thing they said into a microphone for the last 10 years but my argument is why that's what you thought that's what you stand for this is who you are this is the left plank of your [ __ ] party [ __ ] own it and by the way you think radically different oh yeah back when I was 53 and a half yeah I had totally different thoughts you know fresh out of college you know I was probably only 37 years out of college you know you know but I was thinking like a young man you know what I mean my prostate was a little swollen and I had some salt and pepper in my hair but I was a different me yeah no it's not it's what you think and what you thought yeah why why are we why are you distancing yourself from all your ideas yeah but that's the plan they just want to win win yeah they do and they're also admitting their ideas are bat [ __ ] crazy and it's like well those your parties bat [ __ ] crazy ideas try [ __ ] owning them so they have to sell it to the normal populace and then when they get in right so they go all that [ __ ] I said about defunding the police and no borders and letting legals vote and stuff I said I was 53 a young woman's f a pandemic happening I wasn't thinking you know me I was riding my skateboard drinking a yooo and thinking about the Border you know but no no I don't want any of that stuff anymore that's you know back when I was in my mid-50s you I was a different young you know fresh year ago I was a dreamer you know like you are when you're 55 and a half I feel she should have gotten Pete Bud yeah hot number wasn't he I mean I felt like he was more wasn't he more moderate kind of but he's gay G I think the gay thing will scare a lot was a good pianist too oh well you musicians you classical musicians no that's what I want in the office he's classical musician he's very poised yeah he was and I don't know I thought he was well spoken yeah he is he's inter maybe maybe too much though but the really telling story about this is the guy who was in the swing state and a mod it was Shapiro but her left wing is so freaked out about Jews that they couldn't they couldn't she couldn't tap him for a running back next in the news little crime news Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson's La home burglarize in a SoCal string of break-ins oh man y victims of uh they're victims of ongoing home burglaries in Southern California law enforcements told ABC News they'll hit anybody man yeah I've known some guys in the joint they were like that was their whole strategy was to was to check on people's social media and when the celebrities would leave they would go and rob their house yeah yeah they they it would perfect I think Yasiel P got it a few years ago baseball player um cuz they knew they were doing a road trip and they were going to be playing three games in Milwaukee and then this guy's taking pictures with all his jewelry and everything so they go well that guy is definitely on a Char play playing to Milwaukee is going to be gone for 3 days so why don't I go by his house you'd think they'd have so much security you know the thing about security that I've really learned it was sort of like Trump getting shot in the ear the other week like it's not nothing we think we have security like everybody like that always do that thing where it's like Prince Henry woke up in the middle of the night there was a guy standing at the foot of his bed and it's like you have a palace and guards and a fence stuff it's like he was just standing in his room beating off with a machete and it's like but it's always like I guess the answer is is whether it's like taking a shot at the president or going into Tom hanks's house it's easier than do it like and there and once you just do it people don't really stop you like you go you have an alarm and security and a night Watchman and stuff like no just went to Tom hanks's house I guess there are blind spots anywhere I mean anywhere you go well like when you have like a security job like the thing about a security job is nothing happens nothing happens nothing happens and then something happens suddenly so a lot of people get complacent you know right CU nothing has happened in so long exactly and it's years of nothing happening yes and then when something does happen and you head it off at the past it's not that memorable because somebody's you know walking around the front gate and you go stop him and who knows what that guy that guy just says oh I didn't know I was jogging and then leaves yeah so complacency I I guess I don't know what it doesn't say what was stolen but apparently the house got hit and yeah that was that well you know Tom with all the jewelry right he's like a rapper that guy gold stud yeah his son well but he doesn't live Chad doesn't live in him oh he doesn't somebody said I look like him is this true I don't think so I'm I'm I'm in love with Chet Hanks you are yeah is he cool I don't know I've never met him he's no bar why like him because he got he was doing like a Rastafarian accent oh jeez and he sat down for an interview and somebody tried to do like a gotcha moment and I fall in love with anyone immediately who tells the person to [ __ ] off in the gotcha moment and I hate all the people that go oh I have black friends you know you you misunderstood I just like he just told this interviewer to [ __ ] off off and and I I love it I love any any gotcha moment that turns into a [ __ ] off oh here here it is right oh wow you found it hit me [ __ ] off are there any marginalized communities you want to apologize to I don't know maybe the PTO community no I don't feel like I've truly done anything offensive so you don't see it as cultural appropriation you see it as like a celebration of culture mhm and then it's like social justice Warriors can like go kick rocks yeah he's cool and then he takes a sip yeah yeah man no I'm a fan me too I love that yeah cuz you don't have to answer every question it's no fun being black anymore cuz Whitey woke up to the ruse you know it used to be they put the black person with the white person and then the white the [ __ ] black person did you see what you said about and everyone the white people was like I'm so sorry now it's like a [ __ ] off that's what Trump did at the you know National Urban spokesperson whatever like I'm giving I'm [ __ ] getting right out of the gate on your ass he's like you're so [ __ ] rude like it doesn't work it's great like that we took their magical powers away it's sort of like uh when a hot chick gets old and ugly it's sort of like oh yeah used to have all that [ __ ] power now now it's gone yeah Chad H yeah take that Stacy Stacy than sorry Stacy was cool that's right he was like yeah I liked him yeah slick with that well because she thought she was gonna get him with the cultural appropriation you know do you feel guilty no I didn't do anything she's like I'm a black woman and I'm going to [ __ ] take this white guy who's by the way a nepo baby he got super rich parents and I'm going to [ __ ] make him squirm for my Showtime show and he was like [ __ ] off which is the only answer for any of these people that's true it's like when they asked JLo um about Ben ack and the other guy in the huh you see that there was like right after watch we have to we have no idea what talking her co-star spoke up for her cuz someone asked like do you have a comment about um your breakup and then her co-star was like she's she's an empowered woman this she's here promoting her movie we were not talking about that like he spoke up for her oh really yeah it was kind of like a cool did she she was like yeah that we're not asking she's like we're not asking that right now oh man we're not going there I forget what the movie was it was recent jiggly no what was it what was it did movie where she was went to outer space Manhattan I think that broke up the Anaconda oh I don't know any that's a good one come on man it was the recent one was in Anaconda I think all right list here the reason they broke up yeah oh you know this yeah you know why yes cuz she's high maintenance no no he's he's miserable he's miserable he is miserable but he's an actual artist and she just makes bubble gum gum [ __ ] for 13-year-old girls and then gets up there and starts talking about her personal power and how she needs to get in touch with her personal power and all women and he has to be rolling his [ __ ] eyes well that I think that movie did it the one that she did that was all about her love story yeah yeah he has to know and he was like he was in it but he refused to be himself in it it's like she has to I don't know any of this JLo is outside of my perview he has to know that her stuff is lightweight junk that he would make fun of if he wasn't with her and she's always talking about she's a lightweight like she just does bubblegum [ __ ] her songs are [ __ ] her art is [ __ ] and it's it's very like self-rising too like me she really likes Fame I think and he does not like Fame he's like I don't want to be in the spotlight he hates everything about it she reel them back in that's my I don't know how she probably has another side to her when they're alone together that where she's like different maybe sex maybe I'm guessing some of that was sprinkled in yeah I I don't know know I just know like giving her the benefit of the doubt I it's like he's like a you know five-star Michelin rated chef and she's like they opened a Golden Corral and he's like yeah that's great they have uh popcorn shrimp and he's like that's that's great we're going to go there come on and yeah he's like but what do you want to say you're right I want to talk about popcorn shrimp and my ass I'm going to shake my ass you know but okay you're not an artist what do you mean yeah he's a Ted artist too he's like seems you know he's very tortured yeah uh oh this is me now is what yeah that's perfect for her yeah this is me now yeah yeah that's perfect make a film about me talking about me where come and think about me about her self growth and he's doing like Gone Girl you know and he's looking at this [ __ ] going this is [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah he can't tell he can't say anything but I think more like on a personal level like aside from the art part of it it just got to be a nightmare to deal with this woman who's like yeah I want this and I want that I want this I want that like she's doing a thing where she's like uh Maurice my Pilates guy is going to be here at 6:00 a.m. exactly that's what I mean and if you could not smell like cigarette smoke when you meet Maurice and not be drinking that would be awesome and she's down on a yoga ball at 6: a.m. he's stand he's having to [ __ ] walk outside of the mansion and Crouch down by the trash can so he can blow a butt and then like gargle with Listerine and come back into the bedroom and she's like you smell like mouthwash oh I just want to you know all he wants is a Dunkin Donut and a tall Frosty coffee cigarette famous at all she's working out all the time and you know and she's telling him what those donuts do to his skin and she can't have one and you know that's a pain in the ass yeah was like a fairy tale in the beginning maybe mhm and then but he's done this twice I hate to be stuck on this but I feel like Jennifer Garner was right for him they seemed like a good match well I agree they seemed like happy to well I I think she if if he if she could lead him toward the light yeah can never lead a man to the light no she was a she could have been a grounding force in his life yeah know what I mean and she probably still is because yeah don't they have kids together yeah oh yeah they kids together oh they have a miserable puke of a kid that's right oh is he not they have a girl well okay so favorite celebrity son Chad Hanks yeah least favorite celebrity daughter their daughter really why because about 3 weeks ago she addressed the LA City Council demanding that everyone wear masks again oh like [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] what I thought this [ __ ] was from 2021 she like 18 and she's going to go in front of the city council and demand people do something that doesn't work cuz we haven't [ __ ] had enough all right see wow that's nuts um hi Violet Affleck Los Angeles resident first time voter I'm 18 um I contracted a post trial condition in 2019 I'm okay now but I saw firstand that medicine does not always have answers to the quences of even minor viruses the covid-19 pandemic has thrown that into sharper relief one in 10 infections leads to Long Co which is a devastating neurological card ill that can take away people's ability to work even think to exacerbate our homelessness crisis as well as the suffering of many people in our city it hits communities of color disabl wom job crisis item and mask availability air filtration and far UVC light in government facilities including jails detention centers and mask mandates and County medical facilities we must expand the availability of highquality free test and treatment and most importantly the county must oppose mask banss for any reason they do not keep us saf they Les able to participate I can't get this out I told my kids listen I know the people at the LA County uh public affairs office and I got a sniper buddy I keep him up on the balcony I see your ass out there blowing hard about masks or vaccines or anything he's going to take the hat and turn it backwards and when he takes the Hat turns it backwards that means business in the sniper world you know what I'm saying when the Hat goes when the bill goes back is that what that means now means we're getting ready for a kill shot oh wow he spits his toothpick out toothpick out head goes backward that's sniper talk for do you think there was even anyone listening to that cuz it didn't look like anyone was there it looked like she was I I don't know but she wants she first off it's all narcissism she had something when she was 14 I don't I don't know 13 and it had nothing to do with Co right but we should all wear masks cuz she wants us to wear masks [ __ ] right all [ __ ] all right so least favorite celebrity sibling and then there's ched Hanks like a balls and I think you probably tell a lot about somebody by which one of those celebrities they responded to cuz if you're in love with Chad Hanks and hate this [ __ ] then we can have a beer but if you say you know she made a pretty good point [ __ ] that J Hanks we cannot hang that's how it works Mayhem I know where you're coming down on this one definitely all right uh next up Jeff basos lose 23 billion as Wall Street meltdown slams the world's richest people oh yeah 23 billion yeah and Elon Musk lost the bo boatload too it's stocks tanked and whatever he he lost 23 billion digitally but until you sell off you didn't really realize that loss you know so buy the dip baby by the dip by the dip he's fine yeah he'll be all right I'm not worried about him do you feel like Lauren sanchz dresses inappropriately for 56-year-old woman maybe a little well I don't know what do you think's appropriate for a 57 I she dresses like a 19-year-old Puerto Rican Prost I think I have to see a picture your tits are always out oh really yeah mid I need a picture an updated picture oh I if you have if you have but she works out she does work out a lot she looks like a bodybuilder actually you have fake tit should you be pushing them out so hard I feel like you got the fake tits now you got to quiet it down a little bit yeah it's a it's a lot it's a lot it is a lot I think she's more trying to show off her her stomach than her tits though like her like her ABS oh no she's showing off everything she's 56y old woman though I'm just I'm just saying you know but she doesn't look 56 she looks like she's in her 40s kind of right no I don't she looks like a lizard person she looks like she's had a little work might just not be the best it's probably not the most flattering phot it's not the best but what's around her weight what is she why is she wearing like a thing around her waist I I don't know but but the question remains okay I just feel like a slightly more appropriate wear than shoving the fake tits in front of everyone all all day feels it just feels a little like a little thirsty it is a lot emoji of a hot chick not exactly a hot chick you know what I'm saying yeah all right this is her looking a little more oh that looks that's a hot photo yeah yeah that's good yeah you're right that's better it's something that's hotter so she they caught her on a weird day with the other thing yeah I'm just saying you know you don't have to wear a frock you know but something is a little more appropriate that's all I don't know I don't know if she's 56 I don't know how old she is but it's a little more well and if you're a billionaire you could afford a stylist she could just get a stylist to kind of make her look maybe she is using a stylist you don't like the stylist Maybe needs a new stylist I think she needs a new stylist she is 54 I overshot by two years okay look the latest uh this one's a shocking one a Chinese made humanoid robots raise alarms in Congress a stealth Army on our land so Advanced chinese-made robots eerily lifelike capabilities are poised to enter the global market some us lawmakers are already demanding that they be banned in the US the post is learn it's all happening right we're not going to get away from this I don't know man from the Chinese from the robots like my I I'm just I I feel like my last words I'm just going to be negotiating with a Chinese robot going look just if you could just kill me I don't know why you have to [ __ ] me and then kill me can't you just kill me like please sir I'm I'm you know I'm pretty righteous I have a family and look you can [ __ ] me after you kill me but this whole thing we're going to [ __ ] me in then kill me like just kill me so you think the sex robots are going to be the same as the war robots there's going to be some crossover yeah some comingling they call it yeah because why why make separate War robots from sex robot no what here's here's what I'm saying here's what I'm saying you got the Ford Explorer right and then you got like the Lincoln Navigator right yeah they're big SUVs one of them's 100 Grand the other one's 50 Grand but they're both owned by the Ford Company one's Lincoln you know so they build the Lincoln on the same platform is the Ford the the Navigator or I should say the Explorer you know they're a lot of the same Parts same base and then they give you the nicer interior and the nicer sound system and all that but the Ford and the Lincoln midsize SUVs all built on the same platform it doesn't make sense to just open a new Factory and go bespoke on the platform right the sex robot and the Army robot are going to be on the same platform you know what I mean we're not going to make new knee joints in everything for the sex robot and the whatever they're going to be built some are going to have guns the others are going to have strap-ons but they're going to they're going to be the same platform and there's going to be comingling and crossover and confusion I'm probably going to get a sex robot that got reprogrammed to be an army robot but still has memories yes you know what I mean and so that's where I get pegged before I get the bullet literally yeah I'm saying okay is is starting to sound more like a fantasy than a a prediction I'm fired up this be a great Buri bosck film all right our next guests are waiting in the the waiting room I want to give my uh plugs to Jason Mayhem Miller where do we go where do we get your Manuka honey oh yeah Manuka oh I love maym I want some of that [ __ ] people were tweeting me I'm bringing I'm bringing something to you don't worry Erica rhs yeah bring me some of that shows coming up at the BR improv August 11th and then Stress Factory that's in Connecticut the Tempe Improv so go to Erica roads right yeah thank you

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Mark Zuckerberg Regrets Bowing to Biden + Oasis Announce Reunion Tour

Category: Comedy

Max is hanging in leah's going to do some news and we'll get to it leah let's do it number one mark zuckerberg says white house pressured facebook to censor covid-19 content the meta boss mark zuckerberg has said he regrets bowing to what he claims was pressure from the us government to censor posts... Read more

Legendary Actor Jon Voight on the KGB’s Plan for DismantlingAmerica and His New Role in Reagan thumbnail
Legendary Actor Jon Voight on the KGB’s Plan for DismantlingAmerica and His New Role in Reagan

Category: Comedy

All right john voit in studio a legend who doesn't seem to be slowing down reagan is the new film and uh it's got a lot of people in it you're you're going to recognize and we'll tell you about that in a second uh but also john i mean midnight cowboy and um deliverance forgot i forgot about you in deliverance... Read more

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Keith Urban Talks Cold Plunges, Supercars & John Hiatt + From Gutfeld Kat Timpf

Category: Comedy

A man who whacks nostalgic meaning he beats off to 80s porn adam corolla yeah get it on got to get on a choice m get it on thanks for tuning in we love that about you cat tim is in studio new book out soon that'll be september 10th but you should pre-order it now so it'll show up the day it comes out... Read more

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Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce’s “Relationship Contract” + Amazon’s Alexa Is Politically Bias

Category: Comedy

Man we got some news whenever you're ready bud you ready man travis kelce his pr firm calls lawyers as a document with exact date for taylor swift breakup goes viral so what is that well what happened was somebody made like a really clever document that looked like him and taylor swift was like in a... Read more

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Bill O’Reilly On the Debate & His All-Time Presidential Rankings

Category: Comedy

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Presidential Debate Watch Along HIGHLIGHTS w/ Godfrey & Dante Nero thumbnail
Presidential Debate Watch Along HIGHLIGHTS w/ Godfrey & Dante Nero

Category: Comedy

Now 2024 debate between vice president kla harris and former vice former president would happen they said it wouldn't happen because trump was trying to run away but now no audience though which i pr you donald trump said nop it probably wasn't going to get too rowdy yeah that's probably why i think... Read more

Tyreek Hill Arrest BODYCAM FOOTAGE thumbnail
Tyreek Hill Arrest BODYCAM FOOTAGE

Category: Comedy

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😂"They're Eating The Dogs!" -Donald Trump thumbnail
😂"They're Eating The Dogs!" -Donald Trump

Category: Comedy

In springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating the pets of the people that live there they're eating dogs and cats and hamsters i saw it on tv they took my dog cooked it barbecue i saw it they ate lassie rentin tin they've eaten benji they've eaten... Read more

Dax Shepard Does His Own Makeup for Armchair Expert and Cuts His Mother-in-Law's Hair thumbnail
Dax Shepard Does His Own Makeup for Armchair Expert and Cuts His Mother-in-Law's Hair

Category: People & Blogs

-we're back. dax shepard is here. congratulations. "armchair expert," a new deal with wondery. and how many episodes have you done now? -i think we're approaching 800. -okay. -which is wild. i'm sure -- how many? what number are you on? -we're at, like, i think 1,500. -aye yi yi. -aye yi yi. -do you... Read more

Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe Dedicated a Segment for Bickering on Their Podcast A Touch More thumbnail
Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe Dedicated a Segment for Bickering on Their Podcast A Touch More

Category: People & Blogs

-we're back with sue bird and megan rapinoe. you guys, i'm so happy to have you here. i'm so happy. you have your own podcast. this started on instagram live during the pandemic. -yes. -and whose idea was it first to start recording you guys having conversations? -i think that might have been yours,... Read more

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Joe Rogan EXPOSES CNN Anchor Kaitlin Collins Getting OWNED by Stephen Colbert

Category: Comedy

Let's get into it so not for sale podcast coach colin here we got joe rogan and adam ray finally on the podcast didn't know when that was going to happen it is about time and no he is not dressed like dr phil i'm sorry for all the kill tony fans out there he's dressed as himself but it's just as good... Read more

Joe Rogan Guest BLINDED by Trump Derangement thumbnail
Joe Rogan Guest BLINDED by Trump Derangement

Category: Comedy

Let's get into it i just want to let you guys know i'm going to have a meltdown may i have a meltdown in this episode of the jre that is how this gentleman right here starts the conversation so i'm just going to show you that clip really quick just cuz i thought it was funny but then we're going to... Read more