Keith Urban Talks Cold Plunges, Supercars & John Hiatt + From Gutfeld Kat Timpf

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 02:09:30 Category: Comedy

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a man who whacks nostalgic meaning he beats off to 80s porn Adam Corolla yeah get it on got to get on a choice M get it on thanks for tuning in we love that about you cat Tim is in studio new book out soon that'll be September 10th but you should pre-order it now so it'll show up the day it comes out as I as I recall uh I used to like you and tell dot dot dot we talk about that uh tilt your mic down a little bit Kat I think that'll be good and slide it toward you a little bit that'll be good there there we go good to see you my dear great to see you too thanks for having me yeah congratulations on the baby and the success and know everything else I got a lot going on right now but it's very very exciting yeah I mean obviously Gutfeld turned into a juggernaut and it just sort of took along many the faces and names in its atmosphere it sort of pulled along you got you like got sucked up in the jet stream and now you're touring and selling out events and auditoriums and Arenas and uh probably something you weren't anticipating several years ago certainly not I used to live out in LA and I worked at Boston Market and I was like a waitress and I did a lot of open mics and stuff and I would watch Red eyee got F you know hosted red ey years ago and I wanted to be on the show so it's actually truly remarkable how things have kind of turned out and I think you and I share a lot of the same reasonable thoughts and that we're basically Libertarians um I'm basically an atheist who's kind of Live and Let Live I've never thought of myself as uptight but you get painted into this sort of conservative Maga something Ultra right-wing whatever thing which I always find amusing for like someone who's an atheist who doesn't own a gun or Bible it's just weird yes and weird to have that hung over you and that's kind of what this book is about right because I kind of get it from both sides right because I am not a religious person because I am on social issues extremely Live and Let Live Etc Sometimes some of the viewers at Fox not all of them obviously they're the ones coming out to my shows and all that but some of them will be like you're this this this you're disgusting and it's like okay but then people on the left will hear I work at Fox and they don't even want to talk to me at all they're like oh she works at Fox News that's all that I need to know about about her and they don't know anything about me at all and I think that we've gotten to this point where now we're letting a single difference in one Viewpoint or even a perceived Viewpoint or an association be enough to write off another person entirely also I I've explained this more than once on this program but people really need to understand this like as it pertains to uh Bobby Kennedy Jr and his whole family disavowed them well listen listen elitist a-holes known as the kennedies you understand he disagrees with you as well he didn't he didn't disown you like when people go I'm going to dis own you cuz you think this way it's like right I think the same way about you I think you're totally misguided and I think you're dangerous and I think you're hurting this country but I don't disavow our relationship so what a crazy narcissistic elitism and furthermore Kennedy shows up on Fox because CNN won't have him and they do this thing all the time it's like you go on Fox and you hang out with your Fox buddies I'll go on CNN Mark gagos is not allowed on CNN anymore because he thinks a little differently Dr Drew is not allowed on CNN I'm not allowed on CNN uh Robert Kennedy Jr's not allowed on CNN it's not that they're going to Fox because they prefer Fox they need an outlet for whatever it is they're talking about a book or an idea and see and MSNBC and ABC won't have them yeah Fox is not an idea it's a platform to share your ideas I don't understand people who get all angry about it but also going back to the kennedies what I write about in my book a lot which is it's really pathetic when you break down what it is which is how people kind of s for the politicians and they s for these candidates politics makes us or makes people fight with people they actually know in their lives on behalf of people who don't even know they exist let alone care about them so it really is pathetic when I see people sometimes you know I'll have like the Thirsty old men in my Instagram uh comments no no hate thank you for the support but someone will comment and be like you know hope she sees this bro that's where my head goes when I see the way some people talk about you know the the politicians that they support it's like he's not going to see this she's not going to see this and now you've just lost a friend who you know actually cares about you and loves you yeah my thing is is you this guy likes the Rams and that guy likes the Giants so he doesn't like he wishes you were Rams I wish you were Rams fan and you wish I was a Giants fan but you're not talking to me cuz I'm a Rams fan I don't have that with you I understand you like the Giants now what you've successfully done is convinced yourself that the Rams are evil yes and so I don't think the Giants are evil I think they're stupid and misguided and could possibly cause things that were evil but I don't think they're evil no one ever said they were evil but they say the Rams are evil and I like the Rams so thus that's why they don't need to talk to me a sports metaphor even I can follow thank you and we know it's just the Eagles that are evil that's right well because if the other side Patriots fans if the other side's evil and this is why people I think one main reason why people get so wrapped up into this is cuz if the other side's evil then you're automatically good just by not being on that side that's true and so people convince themselves just by being on the right side therefore I am better than the people on the evil bad side but when you break it down you're not actually doing anything to solve any problems I I agree and all I what what I always talk to Dr Drew about love Dr Drew and know you have a crush on him he's I so the funny thing is I actually was a big fan of Dr Drew and and you like I listen to love line I listen to every episode epode and now like my husband and I vacation with Dr Drew and his wife oh look at you it's very interesting how my life has turned out it's very interesting I saw Dr Drew last night at the Ice House in in Pasad but uh is Dr Drew and I sort of talk about this all the time which is just big picture of what we're looking for on the evil side which I reside on I just want less government I just want smaller government that's all I want that's all I want and I know you keep like attacking me like you want this and you want that it's like I want a smaller government that's less involved with my life and so on that point I don't like the name drop but Saturday night I went out to dinner with Allan Hamill Allan Hamill's the Canadian talk show host who married Suzanne Summers and it was her partner for like 60 years so basically she's writing the books and doing the Broadway reviews in Vegas and and everything else and he's just there designing the uh Thigh Master and arguing with Japanese guys about how to Market it and stuff like that he's so sort of the you know it's it's weird when a when a man does it with a woman we sort of frown on it as a society but when a woman does it with a man's career it's like inspirational you know she's the real brains behind this whatever but um it's a picture of me and Steve Garvey and Suzanne Summers shortly before she died recently um so he just kind of guided her and did the deals and made the deals and did all the smart stuff and then they made tons of money yeah uh but I met him in Malibu and he they love Malibu and they had a home in Malibu and they lived in Malibu for many years and and he they frequently would come back they're in Palm Springs now but they would come back to Malibu every couple of months and state the maliboo in or whatever when they were in town they would say oh we're in town would you like to get dinner and that's that's how it turned out so uh I picked him up and we're driving to the restaurant and I said now I know you lived in Malibu all those years and he said Suzanne and I had this 1900 ft house a modest size house for big Star right on the beach 200 ft beach front kind of double lot we loved it yeah we just it was our place and I think people that get the beach house Vibe I don't get the 7800 foot beach house I don't get the 13,000 foot Beach House the beach cottage is like so be you don't need to go over 2,000 ft with the beach house yeah I also don't get like the beach in general as much like it's it's fun for 20 minutes like well Allan and uh Suzanne Summers would beg to differ but sure I mean it's big I'm digressing I'm digressing let's not argue uh the merits of the beach no I mean I I it's big for them it's vast yes which is bigger than big be it's a big thing the beach the big they loved it and for years for years and years and decades they love this 1900 ft Cottage they had right on the ocean and then the came yeah and the fire jumped PCH which it never does it usually stays on the hillside but this time it jumped over and it got their house and it burned it down and he said we love that house we love that space and I said well you know you love Malibu so much Allan and Suzanne Summers love Malibu I mean Summers that's her last name um you loved it so much and then you end up moving to Palm Desert w and he said for 8 years I argued with the city and the coastal commission and the planning department and basically some 23-year-old chick who didn't live in Malibu and didn't like people who lived in Malibu just basically kept piling on regulations and at some point she said you guys need four garage parking or something and he said we only have two cars and is there an appeals process and the 23-year-old chick said is and it's me and it might take a year and so Alan Hamill and Suzanne Summers who have paid way more in taxes than the 23-year-old chick who's by the way pissed off at her stepdad who's looking at him like some rich old white guy basically told him to go pound sand pardon the pun and he just went I don't have you know at the time he's 73 years old like how many more years do I want to dedicate into building on my land after it was my house was destroyed by fire in a horrific I'm going to argue with a 23-year-old [ __ ] for for for the rest of time in memorium so he want [ __ ] it we're selling the land we're going to Palm Desert all I'm saying this is I want less of her that's all I'm saying and I I agree so much it it's it's really that simple for me too I want less government but people will the the the way people will spin that is remarkable like it'll be like you want less government so you don't care if people's kids die or you don't care if people start it's like when did I say that because not caring about so not thinking the government is the best way to solve a problem doesn't mean you don't care about the problem because I pay I pay also I mean not that I'm not that level of wealthy I mean I don't even think I don't own property at all let alone beach front property but the amount of money that I pay in of my money in taxes it's disgusting and it sickens me and where does it go like another country's war is what they spended I mean where does all this money go well as I was thinking about it when I was driving in the other day yelling at Drew on the phone that's what we do we yell at each other I thought it it's also a weird thing a to want more government B to have some sort of magical belief that once the government gets involved that's who handles it like all that all those payments that went out to co for people who are incarcerated you know what I mean like California wasted $28 billion giving money to to prisoners like so or feeding your kid or building the monil from Merced to Modesto or something like first off I'm not signed off on this notion of the government like they go you want to get rid of the Board of Education it's like yes I do no there was no school for nobody can read oh yes yes what do you what are you comparing it to people will say you want to get rid of the Board of Education therefore you don't you don't want kids to be educated it's like no where did you take that jump because you were the ones that decided that kids shouldn't be in school and now kids shockingly enough don't do as well when they're not learning things in school so it it's because you do care about the kids that you have this opinion right so that just the conceit that why would you want anyone to handle anything but the government I'm like I've not signed off on that because I think they're generally a lot of lethargy lot of fat and look I've said it once I've said it many times in in in a vacuum of competition we get a we get a weak ass product and could you imagine government Taco it's just there's no more tacos there's only the government issued Taco just imagine what that taco would taste like and then how long it would take you to get and how expensive it would be and so on and so forth okay so if you don't like that idea then good you're with me on the on my government idea but also I was thinking you know in terms of paying taxes like people don't realize that taking money from you is about the most intrusive yeah thing an entity can do to the whether it's your government or it was your neighbor like it's just like I'm going to need more of your money that you have worked for and I'm going to need unrealized capital gains or like whatever it is and I said look everyone understands when they see that Mafia movie from the 50s where the guy goes down to Brooklyn and the the guy with the thin tie goes into the dry cleaners and go you know it'd be a real shame if something happened to your business and then that guy pays him a vig yeah which is less than what the government gets for doing nothing well if you hate that idea you should also not like the idea of the government charging more and more right because if you don't pay your taxes PE people with guns can take you away well the thing yes the thing that's interesting about paying tax or not paying taxes is there is no debtor prison in in this modern era it's been gone for several hundred years and as I've learned if you were a landlord as I was emphasis on Lord MH be hilarious I just imagining you as my landlord but go on when I showed up I would put my I would put a robe on and hold a staff yeah sure and show up as the lord of the land sure I didn't do land lord I did Lord of the land no I had a I had a a warehouse in Burbank and I like rented it out to some guy for 6 months and he never paid rent and he owed me 50 Grand and the answer to everyone I talked to about this guy owing me 50 Grand was H there's nothing you can do you can you can chase him I like when they go you can chase I can chase him like is there some legal system in place where someone owes someone $50,000 and by the way I would say to everyone if he stole $50,000 from a bank right or we stolen from me it's just 50 Grand like we don't have things in place so everyone told me look government's doing nothing they're doing there's nothing you can do nothing you can do all right but if I owe the government money they can incarcerate me yes so how come there's only one group of people who can be incarcerated those are people who owe the government money EV owe your credit card money owe me money from the warehouse no incarceration there except for the government yeah and I again I truly don't understand it I mean people I it's and you think about it too the amount whatever percentage of income your income you pay in taxes that's the percentage of the year that you're working for free mhm I mean if you think about it like that I don't know how you don't get mad espe I mean it's not that I don't want to help people if I could give x amount of money and solve you know hunger I would I just I don't know how you could I would I just don't know how you can possibly think the money's going with the needs of the people in the mind at this point listen I'm with you that you know you pay money you have uh police and you have uh roads and you have infrastructure and have a military and like I get that I also get the part where every dollar for every dollar I spend $9 will go down the drain and be wasted and I get the part where we've figured out we spent $24 billion on homelessness in in California in the last two years and we have zero we have more homeless all right I get it I get it we're just they waste every [ __ ] penny on everything like I get it I just don't get the part in the side of the people that are cheering them on who want us to pay more that's the part that's confusing but it's the same group that wants bigger government I'm like why do you want more involvement with your life with these people I have no understanding for it and and I don't understand the moral High Ground for having a different idea about how problems get solved but that's another thing that I talk about in my book a lot it's that it's not just people think oh you don't think the you know this cuz you don't think the government can solve it doesn't mean that you don't care about this you don't care about that you want the it's very easy um I I did uh some re or some research I found that uh moral outrage is more often rooted in self-interest than altruism which makes the most sense in the world right people feel better when they direct that outrage also at another person they feel like they feel better about a problem and the less they feel like they can do about the problem the more they are motivated to do that because and think about covid right this was never more true than during covid where you could be one of the good people by very virtue of doing nothing by sitting at home on your ass but if somebody wants to open their business to feed their family that person is a a murderer not like they're going to kill your grandma and they don't you know that's a bad person but you're a good person just by virtue of sitting at home and doing nothing yeah what Co did is it exposed everybody's weaknesses in character and reverse converted a lot of people back to 9-year-olds yeah and so we have a thing built into us as human beings that are you know not flattering in nature of course so like like just a basic thing like a basic thing is you as a human being when your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you and you and you're devastated and then you hear 6 months later that she has a new boyfriend or he has a new girlfriend right and then your first so so someone goes well this new guy your ex is dating it's like a super successful guy runs his own auction house in Beverly Hills and then they show you a picture of the guy and you go he's got a little bald spot there doesn't he right and that that's just you being weak and and pathetic and that's just sort of humans that they worse like you should hope that she's with a good guy and that she has a good life and you should have enough dignity and security for that but you like the fact that he's got a little gut oh women will look and look and look until they find the bad thing if the bad thing isn't obvious he doesn't bleach his [ __ ] the bad thing's not obvious you will look and look into this new this new girl's life and find it so what I'm saying is it's a kind of kind and it's like when you find money on the ground and you kind of look around and you kind of go I guess I should ask some people if this is money they drop but on the other hand it's in my hand there's is a kind of a default human setting that's a little bit weak M and it's basically the the pumpkin sitting on the porch at Halloween the plastic pumpkin and it's filled with candy and this the note that says please take one take one and you walk up and there's nobody around and there's a whole thing full of Reese pieces down there and you're like I'm taking more yeah because it's me and all Co did was Expos that in everyone it turned adults into low character weak people that were like tattling on other people and doing virtue signaling on stuff that had nothing to do with you like it really just reverted everyone back to some 9-year-old version of them and what I never was able to understand is how people who worked in my industry were able to get on TV and judge other people for wanting to open their businesses cuz I would sit there and I'd say well listen I'm talking to everyone from work right now I'm at work right now other people can't go to so to sit there while you're from your perch of employment telling other people that they're bad because they want to continue to make money I don't understand that level of n is it narcissism is it a lack of self-awareness I'm not sure what well I think narcissism comes with a lack of self-awareness cuz you just start saying stuff out loud and people I mean it's it's a it's like I saw the ladies from the view tear apart a female salon owner like out of Texas cuz she reopened her business and I'm like ladies this is a lady who's running her own business and you're supposed to be cheering her on but you're attacking her from work from work you're making so much more money than this woman you know could ever hope and again I I my I I always say like I work really hard and I do I'm very hardworking I work every single day but work for me is what I'm talking I'm writing I'm getting my makeup done you know it's not so bad I'm very very lucky to be in that position oh you guys it's got a good especially over at Gutfeld it's great and the other thing too is you know going back to what we were talking about earlier when I do these live shows and they're awesome and I have so much fun doing my live shows and I'll go to these theaters and I'll be being treated different ly Away by the staff before and after they see my show they'll come in they're nice they're kind but the same thing when they see during my show every time they like she works at Fox News BEC because they have this idea of what Fox News is and I think they'd be shocked to know that a show like Gutfeld can be on there where we can have the guests um you know on there that are different or share different opinions I have many different opinions than Greg does and I'm on the show every single day people have this idea built up in their head of what that is and my experience of someone who's worked there almost 10 years couldn't be more different couldn't be more different as you've been on it same thing have you ever felt like oh better not say this on this like no no one of the things that's I think it's projection and now I start I'm starting to think everything's projection is what I'm thinking because the the thing with Fox is they go you have to follow the party line do you have to follow the script and the becomes when you do Stu there because I whether it's going on Gutfeld or it's going on Hannity or it's going on Jesse Waters or it's doing whatever at Fox I have never had a discussion about what to say no no you the discussion is here's the subjects we may want to talk about which sometimes you get to and sometimes you don't in no particular order the way I figure out what they don't get into is the time the most that I dedicate to a subject that's the one that's the one that gets us right but there is no talking points um there's a general I I would say um understanding that you're kind of think in a logical way and you know whereas I you know pragmatic people will sort of arrive in the same place without a pre discussion about it you know like Dr Drew and I are very different but we end up in a lot of the same places cuz we have sort of a pragmatic thinking but there is none of that versus ior mectin and hydroxy chloroquin where every single person on CNN knew exactly what that stuff was and they knew it was HSE paced and that feels to me like much more of a charted course than Fox there is no predetermined discussion on it but I think it's a lot of projection I think it really is and it's it's it's it's it's really obvious when it's people who would make a judgment about me or get mad at me before they know a single thing I've ever set on the air you like you don't know a single thing about me but it's that that Association is enough for some people and they have no idea what they're talking about is I have never been told I can't say something I've never been suggested that I say I mean ever even once it's not and also it's um it's a very relaxed atmosphere I mean people I mean you you don't have that much to compare it to probably but normally everyone needs to be there 3 hours early we need to have a writers meeting we need to have a round table everyone's got to figure out this and load up the teleprompter with that this is people wandering in 10 minutes before the show starts sometimes not sure what we're talking about yet I mean it doesn't it's it's casual look the Allure of the show is that it's casual that way but um I can I can tell you that I've done everything and that is the most casual and least here's your talking points uh position I've ever been in because I think that talking points eventually too just get boring from either side you know nobody wants to be like okay well this side thinks this this side thinks that and people just scream that at each other I'm I hate election years for that reason I mean it's it's always a problem but it gets worse in the election it's like if you're not voting for my well then therefore you're all this stuff and you're going to ruin the whole C and you're it's just like dude there's so much stuff going on in every at people's lives not that politics don't affect it but that we shouldn't let that affect it more than it has to I had this thought I was listening to uh Obama make a speech at the DNC and I think we have a clip of that and the reason uh I so I know we're in the word salad ear of life and people are just sort of talking in a circle and Obama is the most skilled at it and that it's like magic it is it's not real no one's a warlock no one's a sorceress there is it's not real but he's the best slide of hand at it he can make his word salad talk seem real Oprah is great mhm she's that Michelle Obama is great at it it's like it's a it's a real skill and I'll find myself can I add and again I I'm I'm sort of lean libertarian as well but like Trump's pretty good at it well he's funny well Trump but I mean he'll talk for two hours and you're like what did he really say and I disagree I don't he does a lot of side talk but he doesn't do the full Circle salad he he he what he does is he goes he goes a lot of people coming over the border and then he exaggerates he goes 20 20 million people all out of prison all out of mental institutes a lot of bad guys bad guys bad and so he he takes an 1 hour speech it could be condensed to 22 minutes yeah and fills it with things that are factually factually inaccurate inaccurate but he's still talking about corporate taxes in the borders not talking about Vibes whenever I have to weigh in on a trump speech I'm always like if he could have just focused on this thing on this part of it that was really good but he can't that's just who he is he's going to go he's going to take usually inv he's going to go off on this tangent and you know yeah I'm not my only defense of trump is at some point he gets to policy he's actually talking about corporate taxes or something like that he gets the tariffs or China or something which I don't mind like some parsley by the side of the speech plate you know little garnish on there a joke and ISM you know I don't mind my grandpappy used to tell me but I want to get back to Nato and why we're paying too big a percentage of NATO's bills you know what I mean like that kind of stuff and I've realized that just doesn't feel good to half the country at least includ but but my argument I'll show the Obama DNC speech and then I'll I'll tell my theory I had this morning that which just sort of transcends word salad talk we live in a time of such confusion and ranker with a culture that puts a premium on things that don't last money Fame status likes we chase the approval of strangers on our phones we build all manner of walls and fences around ourselves and then we wonder why we feel so alone we don't trust each other as much because we don't take the time to know each other and in that space between us politicians and algorithms teach us to caricature each other and troll each other and fear each other but here's the good news Chicago all across America in big cities and small towns away from all the noise the ties that bind us together are still there all right so I've no [ __ ] idea what he's talking about I would like to have money like to keep it for a long time I'll even kick a few shekels of my kids if they you know if the sun doesn't go gay but also doesn't he love all those things like he chasing the of strangers buddy that's what politics is yeah he's on his fourth Mansion you we saw your birthday party you clearly care about Fame like I like you know what I mean nobody hangs with Jay-Z more than you when you're when you're shooting Hoops with Jay-Z you enjoy it okay so yes all of those things you like fine B have no idea what it has to do with policy c not even sure what the point is I don't we're building walls around ourselves Fame and money is fleeting like not really everything's fleeting but nice to be rich while you're here and then later on maybe someone will build a library and put your name on it but here's my whole point so whatever he said he doesn't know he doesn't believe he doesn't care about um but also so the platitude Circle word salad talk him Oprah Michelle Obama I had this thought in my kitchen this morning it's these guys don't want to be thought of as politicians or personalities they're cult leaders essentially and cult leaders speak in super broad ways they don't get up there and go all right here's the assignment here here's who has to clean the bathroom Tammy you clean the bathroom Monday Wednesday and Friday Shelly you have it the other days now let's get to Kitchen detail who's prepping breakfast like that's all Nuts and Bolts for little people he could get up there and talk policy but that's kind of for little people he speaks broadly like like the Messiah that's how these people speak withian all what I took away is the Mastery of never looking straight because then it's like you're giving a speech he's only talking to the people in the wings you guys over here not these people but if he got out there and he just got out there and he went uh before I get into it I've been told there's a Ford Granada in the parking lot with the lights on and the license plate is like that's not what the Messiah would do like so he's not going to do nuts and bolts Oprah is not going to do nuts and bolts Melle because they've transcended nuts and bolts that's for like [ __ ] idiot politicians to talk about tariffs and corporate income tax and Border [ __ ] like that like that's not we've transcended like we are into the Messiah realm and that's why all they're speaking is that way and when it's done you go I I have no idea what he said but look at that guy he knows what he said but it's it you know and it seems like it would be easy but then just look at how bad kamla is at it I mean she's I mean they don't want her to really talk to people because she's she's not great at talking but what she has going for her is if I were ever interviewing her I would ask the question that no ever asks her which is what do you mean by that yes like she comes we'll have all these clips that we'll share of her talking about what the unburdened whatever or the passage of time and the other person's never like what are you saying I know what are you talking about what exact what did you what did you think you just said what are you talk no nobody will follow up and ask those questions is it because they're not listening or is it because they're just like I don't want to get into it I mean cuz she's like a media manufactured well look we're in a very troubling time in that she is not going to speak to anyone who's unfriendly right and so she will speak to Friendly people and if she speaks to Friendly people and Lester Holt starts asking her questions like what are you talking about nobody knows what you just said then Lester Holt will go from the friendly Camp to the unfriendly camp and once you get into that basket of deplorables there there shall be no more interviews with you so Lester Holt can't get in there and ask real questions because if she wins the presidency there's not going to be any sit Downs with Lester Holt now the only way to do this is sort of Prison Break style like suck ass reporters who are worried about uh their second date with Cala so you don't want to ask any questions on your first date if that you try to make a break in prison for the fence one at a time we're all just going to get shot in the back every 30 seconds we all have to make the break all the reporters just got to go you know what we're doing our job get the Fedora put the Press piece of paper in there and get back to the [ __ ] job and if you all do it then you can't be single-handedly blackballed and singled out like you would be done because we don't really know anything about her policy right I mean it's it's it's not well that's the beauty of it right a idea that IM like are after Obama's 8 years were we more hopeful I don't know like I don't know what how do you vote not for Hope like I like hope that's the thing about yeah Trump was like we're going to build a wall and now he's like we're going to I I need to be reelected to stop the Border I'm like but you were in there for four years what happened to the wall like where's the wall you know he he put himself in the in the snipers uh view because it's like you said you were going to do something and then you didn't quite do it so now you got to answer for it and they like to live in the immeasurables we're going to be hopeful things will change change they're running as the opposition which is so interesting to me it's like you you're you're the vice president now yeah you're like things aren't going to be like this anymore it's like well what who's in there now no that's always my favorite my favorite part is when Gavin Newsome shows up and there's train robberies and garbage ever and Amazon boxes and he just looks around he goes who's in charge around here what is going on he wants to know what's going on all right we got news I think we'll take a quick break and we'll come back and Joe will do some news right after this Simply Safe if you're like me you think about safety and you think about people and that's who you value the most cuz you can replace the watch or the necklace but the people and uh there's a lot of crime especially going on here in La I mean every time you turn on the radio some other celebrity got their home busted into and those are just the ones they're reporting on I've trusted Simply Safe to protect my home for over a decade now and have partnered with Simply Safe to offer my listeners 20% off ass system just visit simplysafe docomo you pick up your simplysafe system and you move with it it's not hardwired and they also have exclusive lifeguard protection Simply Safe agents can act within 5 Seconds of receiving your alarm and can even see and speak to The Intruders inside of your home named best home security system by US News and World Report 5 years running and best customer service by Newsweek it is simply safe right Dawson protect your home this summer with 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helps it makes a big difference so feel free by botanic tonics and try it and tell me if you don't feel the difference cuz I think you will Dawson make the switch to allnatural energy and get an extra little mood lift with this plant-based tonic go to botanic and use the code Adam and check out for $40 off of 12pack case again that's botanic code Adam Adam's been loving this tonic and he's sure you will too do you remember the Dove soap normal bodies campaign right the women in the ads were like we bodies normal in our Underwear by our soap right okay okay cool cool how is that supposed to make anyone feel any better right saying your body is normal is not a compliment the John Mayor song was like your body is normal normal body don't think it would have been as big of a hit right my husband told me I look normal [Music] once I cried so hard my fake eyelashes fell off cat Tim is on the Adam Corolla show the book I used to like you and tell dot dot dot is out September 10th but you can pre-order it now Amazon Barnes & Noble wherever you find finer books all right what do we got for the news Joe B Bruce called shot World Series Yankees Jersey sells for a record 24.12 million the highest price ever paid for a piece of sports memorabilia Heritage auctions director Chris Ivy said this is essentially the Mona Lisa when it comes to sports memorabilia $24 million well it is cuz I'm aware that that happened and I don't really F I'm not a big Sports gal and I've heard of it so I think that Mona Lisa is a fair assessment that's an insane I mean I guess for some people maybe not a lot of money but well the real the real power moov is to buy the jersey and then play softball in put your name on the back of it have it in your beer league yeah yeah well it's so funny cuz this I think I woke up to this on Sunday morning to this Babe Ruth news and I watched over and over the showy otana Otani 40 4040 baseball okay so you don't know but there's a club there's a club of called the 4040 club and that's stealing 40 bases and hitting 40 home runs in a year right and the reason it's pretty exclusive Club he's a six guy ever to enter that club is cuz Babe Ruth could hit home runs but he couldn't really steal bases you know the guys that are smaller and faster going to say they probably can't run as fast steal the bases but then they don't hit the home runs so the guys who are hitting the home runs and stealing the bases that's an overall athlete and so there's only six and Otani is huge here but he's even bigger in Japan it's everywhere in Japan um and so I'm watching him hit the 40th and he hits his 40th in the ninth inning and it's a gamewinner it's a walk-off win and it's in LA and it's a grand slam walkoff and it's a walk off Grand Slam walk off Grand Slam and we'll show you the we'll show you the clip here first pitch fly right CER field now really need to focus on the poor guy with the [Applause] 4040 there's a guy who brought a baseball M and he literally just was perch directly under the ball and the ball hit him in the mid oh he's got to still think about that like forever till the day you die landed in his M first off he's just standing there I mean canac corn did not have to move right or left or anything he just had to put his mid up and catch the ball oh man every time you in your life want to buy something but couldn't afford it you'd have to all over again you'd have to remember your little league coach going two hands two hands yeah that I think that this person probably needs like therapy I me like this is oh it's B on it's grief counseling it's more than therapy it's the death of the life you could have had had you C and you brought the glove you brought a glove and you you're an adult and you brought a glove people were probably making fun of you and you could have been like I'll show them and you like oh man I hope this person's okay but I don't there's no way they are everything went as planned until didn't yeah that wasn't a line drive either that thing spent a lot of time that was a moonshot and he settled right under it and he just it bounced off the heel the glove at went end of the glove it bounced back onto the [Applause] so then I heard that the right fielder tossed it back up into the stands now I don't know I don't know that the right fielder knew was the 4040 ball I don't know but he tossed it back up into the stands um you'd kind of think if he knew it was a 4040 ball he would have thrown it back in so that that Otani could have it right but he didn't he threw it back in the Sands and then I thought oh he threw it to the guy with the mitt who muffed it he he didn't somebody else who got it a person other than the guy with the Mt who muffed it the ball got like kicked around it was a I would have lost teeth diving on that ball yeah like I would have or just blowing the guy who got the ball so you could get the ball from him that's a lot of money you have a new life well I so that was you know Friday night or whatever it was and then then Sunday I woke up to babe Ru Jersey for 24 million which this guy woke up to too which didn't didn't help right and then you start going well all right it's a 4040 ball there's only six people on the planet now who do that and this guy pitches as well and he's a superstar but he's also the biggest player in Japan and Japan has Expendable income and guys are like Mega fans like ball should be auctioned in Japan like at sou bees but um I'm thinking so Joe Knows guys who do sports memorabilia I mean I feel like that thing's 500 Grand today and in 5 years from now it's going to be $2.7 million but but joy dies in a whatever train accident Japan here's what he's got to be hoping for he's got to be hoping for 10 more homers and 10 more Steel so he goes 50/50 and then no one cares about the 4040 here's the question do you think he ever brings a glove to a game again he should never go to a game you know what I mean like how I don't know that he can do that I don't know that after you fumble that literally I don't know if you can pack that glove with you to go to the game again I don't know that you could emotionally do that cuz if you drop that without a glove so you know man you're trying to catch show in a bare hand you bring the blue glove to the front row of Dodger Stadium and you dropped it m I'll lose an umbrella when it's raining right you that glove made it there with you you made sure you had the glove you got the shot it was in the ball was in the glove let me tell you my 100% wiring that I just came up with and I was a good outfielder so I would have caught it but 100% if you want to know my wiring this would be 100% of my wiring if that ball was hit to me and I had a glove on but I also had half a $14 molsen beer that I bought yeah I would not drop the beer I I would be like I pretty much can do this onehanded and I'm not spilling this beer I wouldn't I wouldn't like set it down because I'd knock it over with my foot or I drop I wouldn't drop it if I was holding the beer these $6 worth of beer that was in that plastic cup I would not be able to just jettison the beer I would I would make the catch I'd go with the one hand grab I would not spill the beer was a guy a couple years ago and and maybe the guys can find with the kid and the beer the guys my hearo he didn't drop the baby or the beer right that's right that I remember you're like how that guy would have he'd have caught that Otani ball in his hat be the do you have to change your like whole identity I mean that's g i i nobody in his life is going to see him the same I'll tell you what that guy doesn't want to see there used to be a a California Lottery commercial where they would hold the tape for a second where they would show like if you win the lottery here's what you can do and they showed this family renting out Dodger Stadium and like having a softball game and a picnic if he sees that commercial he's going to a hard tail spin uh the guy got the ball is the guy who made his first trip to Dodger Stadium never been there before didn't care probably didn't even know what it was well he knows what it is now now now yeah so now does he sell it back to Otani who's got a 700 the Dodgers are famous uh for the last few years offering very very little money to people who catch uh these these moments yeah so I if he's smart he hangs on to it and he goes straight to Otani himself leave the Dodgers out of this process yeah and leave his translator out of it cuz I feel like there's going to be a vig for that guy he got some debts you know you got to go to you got to go straight to Charlie Sheen yeah that guy that guy will pay top dollar for a baseball that's an interesting look Charlie I don't know what this Ball's worth nobody does 500k today it's yours now maybe more than what you want to spend but get a hold of me in five years and tell me what it is so I'm just giving you first ride of refusal Charlie whatever got 500k cuz I think Charlie Sheen had the Buckner ball for a while and then it was gone for a while like he's he's in moving Baseballs in and out of the the sheen uh collection so yeah get Charlie on the phone get him on the blower all right what else do we got inside the mysterious orgy Dome at Burning Man house rules to open for more area Burning Man is known as a very hippias Paradise where peace and love R the desert along with Festival goers in Black Rock City uh however this year the festival scheduled go off without a hitch um last year there was severe weather this year it's going without a hitch organizers of the orgy Dome claimed that there were 5,000 Festival goers that stopped by the tent last year when they had the bad weather the outlet interviewed two couples who had previously visited the Dome and G gave their firsthand experience of what it was like so there's a whole entry process to get into the orgy Dome and it's like a DM the DMV they said you get a number then you talk to one guy and take the test on the rules then you wait some more um so many people want to get in and have sex with you know a large group of people that there's a there's now a selection process so not only do you have to get to Burning Man and get into berning man and get a burning man ticket but now you've got to get through the process just to get into the orgy Dome feels like if you're going to burning man you should be able to I thought I thought it was yeah I didn't know that there would be a screening problem i' never been a burning man I Coachella you know it's like you think you're going to go and who do they how do they decide who does the screening that's what I want to know who's the person decides whether you're orgy worthy or not it's the uh it's the longtime orgy I mean the orgy Dome is not an official name but the the longtime uh burners as they're called who go in there and set up is involved with that pretty simple yeah they have a area like a welcome mat and they stand on it and you've got to fill out this they give you a clipboard but they don't really care about what's on the clipboard the questionnaire you're actually standing on a scale and we're doing the BMI calculating yeah we got the 7-Eleven height Thing by the door you know what I mean that's in the background and all that guy is doing is going make sure you initial all that meanwhile he's just looking down and he's going oh this heer too much yeah and then you give that person and he goes yeah I'm I'm have a seat over there right yeah and sit down down slowly we don't want you busting up the furniture so yeah it's really just based on weight and there's a couple there's a couple interesting tidbit and and you got to have a ratio right you always have to bring a woman you can't have you and your five buddies orgy Zone Step One is being determined whether or not you are sober enough to consent and understand all the rules all right which seems like you've probably done enough drugs in your life you're scale yeah you're at Burning Man not cuz you hate these are heavy weights these are heavy weights uh another a big uh a draw for the orgy Dome is that it's one of the few places at Burning Man that has air conditioning which is can anyone really consent because are you just sure people aren't going in they like H [ __ ] me that's fine I just want to AC yeah like how desperate might you be how hot are you well let Five Guys [ __ ] my wife while I watch that's how hot I am exactly dud lines form you know like like you know you know like when you're walking through the mall and there's the food court and you see see what's the most popular there's like Jersey mics and there's like 18 people lined up and then you see the manpa Chinese Walk Place like two doors down and nobody's there and you're like a like I I kind of feel bad that nobody wants your walk food you know and they're all lined up is there a hottie probably like guys taking Bakery tickets and standing in line and then there's some poor homely chick who's just sitting there like the May tag repair man just bored it's a reference some some uh descriptors of the uh orgid doome the lighting is low and nice there are nice drapes and comfy couches and pillows and they provide lube and condoms once they call your group name you remove your jackets and shoes and they're stored for you in a cubby outside of the orgy Dome the ground is made of those black rubberized puzzle piece floor tiles oh yeah you got to have that there are several mat mattresses each with fresh sheets yeah and attendant escorts you to your mattress entrance are also encouraged to use baby wipes and hand sanitizer encouraged ENC but not required not required this is it's not a Starbucks during Co it's an ory I'm confused by the fresh sheets like how fresh can they be you know they did come in the back of a burner's Toyota Tacoma through the desert yeah yeah I don't I'm not buying that they yeah well how do you figure out who you get to have sex with yeah I don't know Vibes bro I feel like do you have to ask do you have to ask like hello hello can I have sex with your wife I don't know I mean is that's probably all on the video I think it's like this the the ory doome is like the Thunderdome once you're inside anything goes you know Tina Turner singing in a yeah it's a great segue to the next story sure that everybody's you know very happy you know I think it's great you know if that makes you happy go for it I'm going to ask you this hypothetical both of you okay they got the hot chick posing in front of the orgy Dome thing but is she in the orgy Dome or she just yeah when you go to Vegas they have all the hot chicks for the strip club but that chick isn't in the strip club she's the shot girl of the or ride there yeah she's selling you hand San for at 11 bucks a bottle yeah so is would you rather have this okay for your unborn daughter well we don't know if it's a boy or a girl but let's just say it I'm making her a daughter okay all right all right and same with you Joe okay would you rather have this person as the model on the billboard for Spearmint Rhino off the five where they get like 200 million eyeballs a day or not on the billboard but actually working at the Spearmint Rhino in the city of Industry now on one hand she's working as a stripper but on the other hand everybody you went to high school with sees your daughter up on the Spearmint Rhino billboard there's a lot to weigh there though because and also what about the what about the money like why she what I was going to say yeah what was the day rate what was her sag after a day rate to be on the billboard versus what you could also explain that away you could the the billboard you could be like you think that I would but also those are the people that say something to you that there's going to be vast throngs of humanity who just kind of know that's your daughter who never she enjoy working at the strip club I don't know yeah I I don't know her yet it's more about you like what would you personally I don't know I mean it's tough ask it's really tough that's the be the most maybe she'll be like I want to do both yeah once you get a taste for the fame on the billboard she's like oh it's just a just a campaign and now well you know Joe Knows from sports like when you hear the well the Raiders are two and a half Point favorite over the Seahawks you go actually the worst is when someone goes well I like I like the Raiders but not by much and then you always get the sports line it's like two and a half points you're like oh man well that's what a good hypothetical stops people and makes them think about putting money down from the Seahawks like where they toggle back right because it's also how long is the Billboard up how long is she working at the strip club for you know how is she pursuing other things or is she only at the I'll move on to my next hypothetical for for school well I my time faor exactly that's a trick question Mar's my all-time favorite you ready okay I can't wait to hear what this is It's the hypothetical that I'm proudest of okay because people toggle back and forth and that's how you've known you've drawn a great when they go this way and then they think about for a little while and then they come back the other way all right cat here's your choice okay at the workplace I mean you happen to be at Gutfeld um you can either have had sex with the most disgusting person in that building that everyone's aware of uhhuh we I don't know kill me I'm just making a joke I like I like kill me no let's just pick out let's just say Tyrus not that he's disgusting but I'm just saying let's just say you know you're happily married woman yeah okay but you'd either have sex with Tyrus or you don't have sex with Tyrus and everyone everyone in the building knows you've had sex with tyus oh so they know it they're not even they don't even think it they know including Tyrus but okay CU for me that's easy to say just have everybody I I do not want to have sex with tyus not that he's disgusting but I just like would you like to go to a Christmas party where everybody thought you had sex with tyus or you just take it and you never no one never talks about it ever it doesn't exist once you do it I I I don't I I don't know that I physically would having sex with her go Greg let's go Greg no I that's no no no you say no it's easy to say no but then pict yourself showing up every day a regular guest is it offensive that I just started screaming Dr Drew shows up and looks at you and goes how you doing cat are you doing okay honestly are you okay feel like I don't care if people think I had sex with somebody that I didn't have sex with including gut so I feel like I don't care if people think I had sex with someone I didn't have SE everybody you work with thinks that that that's that's better than this hypothetical only works for the women right like cuz guys are just like oh just [ __ ] her and no guys just do this guys just go can I drink CU you go you pick the you pick the most hely woman that disgust everybody and they just go I can I can drink though right oh if I can drink yeah let's do it yeah just bang it get over with that'd be interesting well like what would I wonder what my husband would want me to do actually no but that's interesting I wonder what he would he say [ __ ] the guy cuz he or would he say let everybody have everybody think cuz that's interesting from his perspective right would I rather have my wife he showing up at the Christmas party with you exactly having be like everybody doesn't he doesn't even know that she had sex with and at some point Gutfeld walks over and hugs you you know everyone's watching you see yeah but the the Counterpoint is like after you're at home and you guys have a nice romantic evening he's wondering did I do it as good as Dr Drew that's right he is the Love Line guy I like how now it's become three or four guys I'm not Drew's not on the table cuz you give him a freebie I like how it's become like four men the hypothetical is everyone every woman has to pick the guy in their office that makes them cringe and then do you have one night with that man and by the way when you're done he doesn't know it either you're the only person who knows it versus everybody and him knows it so he doesn't know that I had sex with him so I'm AAP have sex you're Bill you're asking me would you either rape the host of the show that you work on or have everyone think that you had sex with him that's right question that's what you're asking all happens would you rapee listen it's it's a great hypothetical because you have to sit there really weigh it out like you really ask questions about alcohol consumption about what that person knew about how long how does he not know is he do I drug him you get you hit him with the in Black in my hypothetical world and that's the Bea of hypothetical he doesn't know you're the only one who knows versus the alternative which is everyone knows it's not rumoring in you it's like they know you I just happen to think there's another word for having sex with someone who doesn't know that you had sex with that you people it's called a hypothetical it's a hypothetical I think it's you're act you're acting like a real CNN correspondent right now I think it's it's horribly illegal and this the hypotheticals like would you rather own the Hope Diamond or 25 fabri eggs it does it's not a a real question a hypothetical question but he doesn't know yeah he doesn't know now that makes I don't I don't I'm not like yeah I I still I think the choice between rape and um it's not rap it's that's consensual it's just when we're done he doesn't sensual sex that he doesn't know he after you're done after you're done he loses memory of it but I live with the memory for the rest of my life you do you do but but think about the memories like we go oh God I hate that or I'm ashamed of that or whatever but really in a bubble of nobody ever witnessing what you did like everyone takes a solid dump every morning now doing that in the public well doing it in the Public Square was a bad memory doing it alone in your bathroom at 8: a.m. isn't a bad memory I mean it's really all the shame a lot of it comes from Witnesses you know what I mean yeah no I mean that's definitely true that's definitely true a lot of it comes from when although I I don't care as much I have people saying stuff about me all the time like who who just think of that Christmas party but yeah that's what I would ask my I would ask my husband I would say listen do you want me to [ __ ] this guy or not what would you rather I would I would I would say would you listen babe here's what's going to happen I'll be your husband yeah say cam listen I I I I you're this is going to sound crazy but I either have to have sex with him and no one will know or I don't have sex with him B babe and and everyone's going to think that your wife did have sex with him okay who's [ __ ] baby in you I want to know because I'm starting to ask questions myself is this a way of you telling me something right right right I listen all right let's get rid of the baby not get rid of it but let's put it aside let's carve it out no wait a minute let's just say no baby not pregnant in this situation if I'm cam I would also want need to talk to me yeah and because I'd need to have a consultation with me the maker of the hypothetical and he'd say Okay cat has come to me cat has presented your hypothetical would call you and and in your hypothetical either everyone knows my beautiful adoring wife slept with gfel but she didn't or she must do it but nobody knows including Gutfeld but no one will know but cat but does that include me CU if it includes me then she can sleep with him because I will not know about it either but she talked to me about it so did we preempt the knowledge part I would tell him i' have to think about it so would his mind also be erased or he would have to that's what I'm saying have to I I would just I I would Outsource the decision to him if his mind would also be erased then I think he would have to go with it yeah Joe knows what I'm talking about but if he's got to live with if it has to be both your secret shame then maybe not oh I I think a nice level of the hypothetical is like if she asks him about it then he knows about it but if she doesn't ask him about it then he like he's part of the KN knowing group and you have to make this decision on your own I like I like that even better oh I couldn't do that oh wow what a wife yeah but I like that you guys would sit down perhaps with a therapist yeah I I was just GNA say my now we can bring Dr Drew back I knew Dr Drew was getting in Dr you would not believe the predicament that your buddy Adam just put me into here but I'm going to need I think he can imagine he'd be like oh is it the thing again all right uh we got a showy Otani message on my board from 25 minutes ago that you can probably get rid of but we could put other stuff on there all right cat T um we got uh Keith Urban who's uh doing a one-on-one with waiting in the wings and Cat the uh book is called uh I used to like you and tell and it'll be available September 10th but you can pre-order it right now and you should it's you should it's a great book you I I'm I'm very proud of it it's better than the last book actually wow and the last book was very good and we can go where we can go to your website the real all right we'll be right back with Keith Urban right after this oh Riley Auto Parts they're in the business of keeping your car on the road O'Reilly offers friendly helpful service and the parts and knowledge you'll need for all your maintenance and repairs that's right it's not just about uh maintenance you got to repair it everywhere once in a while yourself I've been going to O'Reilly since uh wow knee high of B Weevil I don't 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Parts today or visit O'Reilly Adam that's O'Reilly Adam vior oh man having a planned trip with VOR is such a great experience because you want to see things yeah you want to travel but you want the experience Fior it's a tool to plan and book travel experiences around the world their app and website makes it easy to explore over 300,000 travel experiences discover what's out there no matter where you're traveling and what you're interested in plan better experiences with 24/7 customer service free cancellation and re traveler reviews so you get Insider information the stuff the people have done it can tell you download the VOR app now and use the code VOR 10 for 10% off your first bookings with the app find travel experiences for you do more with VOR it's time to check Adam's voicemail Adam been a while since I heard you talk about this kind of thing but I thought of you cuz I'm in a diner in a wealthy part of Connecticut 700 a.m. on a Wednesday morning all the other customers are minimum 65 years old and they're playing loud intense Clubby dance music man you can leave us a message at 888634 1744 Keith Urban has joined us new album high and uh it's not available just yet it'll be September 20th but you can pre-order it so that's how I would do it wherever you wherever you uh purchase finer music good to see you Keith you too Adam good to finally get to talk to you well that's an interesting um I'm glad you brought that up because uh if someone would have said to me Keith Urban I'd go sure does Keith Urban know who you are I'd go no why would he then they'd go course well you've done stuff and I'd go yeah but he's married to Nicole Kidman he's living in Nashville he's playing country music he doesn't know who I am so uh I'm but I'm glad to hear you say uh it's finally good to talk to you yes well because of Comedy Central back in the day man you dominated my television I saw you all the time uh Keith I've been uh reading up on you Keith a car guy which is exciting to me um Keith and I don't know you you can tell me you you wanted to play music from a very early age and it was kind of in you so I'm guessing you would just be playing music no matter what level you got to right now and probably be happy with it yeah yeah I'd be playing in a bar five nights a week you know that's what I was doing I quit school at 15 and was playing five nights a week 4 hours a night in a cover band and i' you know if I hadn't been uh acious and um you know made the track to America moved to Nashville in the early 90s and really sort of done it if I hadn't have put that time in I just would have I would have been in Australia probably playing in a pub tonight somewhere do you remember some of the songs you covered in your cover band all the standards you know so weam Alabama and you know whatever was on the charts at the time as well just a top 40 stuff yeah was was country big in Australia I mean American country big in Australia it was big in my house my my Dad loved American country music so all of the records I grew up listening to were all American country you know Johnny Cash was my first concert I went to S uh I think I was seven my brother was nine mom and dad took us to see him um and so yeah my dad just loved American my dad just loved americ everything he grew up in the 50s so the rock and roll bug hit him and he loved cars the music the movies everything yeah Australia has a real um speaking of cars they have their V8 cars over there and they have their racing series and for those who like racing it's some of the hairiest racing ever I mean it's it's almost kind of crazy racing you see where it what inspired the movie Mad Max I mean when you watch the V8 challenge in Australia it's it's sort of like NASCAR but on a road course but everyone's just going at it and there's tons of footage of it on YouTube and it's kind of crazy and it made me realize that they're real sort of Gearheads in Australia yes we're all're all psychos down there I mean it's like it's probably more like the origins of NASCAR when you think about all the Moonshine Runners and and the the the C czy stuff that was going on in the mountains back then you know out running the revenues and all the rest of it that's really the origins of it so I think Australia has that similar crazy um rev head mentality and love for for danger really you know just danger was it um were you not immediately accepted because you're doing country music and you look like a pop star and you're from Australia that just doesn't feel country to America no of course no it was a it was a it was rough as hell when I got here I get it you know I look back and I just go what the hell was I thinking you know but what a great thing kind of uh naivity and and blind belief and faith and all that stuff is because that's what carried me through I I wanted to be a national Phil ever since I was a little kid and I was willing to do whatever it took to stay the course and you know stay here did who are some of the beside Johnny Cash who are some of your influences from back in the day or Beyond country wise yeah country-wise it was you know all the standards Merl Haggard uh Charlie Pride Wan Jennings Dom Williams was a massive in our house so all American country um but then my brother who's two years older than me he turned me on to ELO and super tram Fleet with Mac Jackson Brown the Eagles all this other sort of stuff and then my mom loved Neil Diamond the edly brothers so there was a big big Melting Pot of Music in the house that that sort of um formed me um and so you move here what are you 26 25 26 when you moved I was I think I was yeah 20 yeah around around then 24 24 25 under and you get signed in Australia right yeah yeah I was signed in um in Australia first and then made an album and toured and had a band and did all that sort of stuff you know basically paid my dues in Australia working my way up to to get out of the the station wagon and the van and finally have a crew and a Truck and everything and then mve to Nashville and just start all over again and so what was that like when you landed Nashville and Nashville was very different in '92 than it is in 2024 for sure oh my God yeah it was a little town you know it was a town that thought it was a city um but it was I loved it and my very first trip I remember I remember walking around 16th 17th Avenue have you been to Nashville sure you have so you know Music Row 16th 17th Avenue just like two main streets bunch of old houses that are office you know that are office for record companies and Publishing places and I remember thinking this is it th this is the global meca of country music this tiny little place you know and I just thought I just thought gosh you know I just want to move in I want to get going and I I thought it was going to be a lot easier than than it was cuz I'm I'm young and stupid and you know have no idea how hard it's going to be and it it took it took years for anything to get going here for me and so you start playing you start making relationships you start collaborating like what's the beginning like yeah um it's a songwriting town so I was sort of put with songwriters to try and write songs for me uh and that was the first time I'd experienced this this thing of sort of factory s writing you know 9:00 a.m. 10: a.m. drive down Music Row meet this this person sit in a windowless room with a yellow legal pad and acoustic guitar and write a song with a complete stranger you know and I'd never I'd never written that way and it was really really difficult cuz I just I was out of my element I wasn't I had a lot of I just had so much to learn Adam you know and that was rough it was just rough but I did it you know I'd come over here for a few for a month at a time and I'd do it five days a week going down and writing and writing and writing and writing that was really how I got my start here did you feel and uh maybe this is cathartic but I always felt at the beginning of my career oh I have to write all the jokes I have to come these are my ideas I can't use other people's ideas I can't pay somebody for a a joke or premise or thought that's their thought that's their premise like I wasn't a snob about it I just thought it wasn't right like morally right to let somebody else create something for you and of course you you you figure it out you understand and you get over it a little bit at at at a point but for me I I hung on to that for a long time so you had written your own songs and created your own material and now you're doing a factory system in a in a sense did that how did that sit with you well I I co-written a lot of things in Australia you know so it wasn't all just my own song a lot of co-writes and I'd recorded outside songs as well and again I think I go back to someone like Glen Campbell who my Dad loved Charlie Pride those guys didn't write anything and when I discovered that I was like oh oh well where did they get the songs from my dad's like oh PE people write songs for him Frank and arre and I'm like oh okay so you can write but you don't have to this is quite this good you know and because coming from a cover band environment I'm already I'm already playing other people's songs that I didn't write so it wasn't it wasn't a real stretch to write with new people it was just a process it'd be literally like you walking into some you know uh comedy writer and meeting them for the first time and sitting down and writing in an atar show with this person you've never met and it's just it just really in I was intimidated ultimately I was just intimidated and I felt very in secure and out of my depth at the beginning that was the hard part can you feel a song like with a you you mentioned watching comedy central you know when we would do bits for the man show something was a good idea I it was a good idea I knew it earlier like oh this is going to be good it's not written I don't know what it is exactly yet but oh I hear it I can hear this is good and and and you're always right when you have that initial response of like oh there's something here versus I don't really I'm not feeling it I'm not sure what that is I don't know how that's going to work is it that way with the song I mean could you tell in the first sort of 30 seconds whether it was going to be something or not and have you been wrong yeah all the above I bet you've got the same answer sure you know a joke that you go this is going to kill tonight and you do it nothing yeah nothing crickets and it may it may not have been the thing it may have been the way it was delivered may have been you know some other factors but um I think it's the same in in what we do I but I will say with writing songs yeah I think if you feel something if I feel something like quite exhilarating that there's something magical in it then uh that's that's a great thing I've labored over songs that I just felt like I don't know if there's anything in here it feels it's quite smart but I don't feel it and those songs never go anywhere they never do anything and do you feel that if it's too difficult to write maybe it's not worth writing like I always felt like the good ideas flowed they just well when there was a good premise it was like oh I can't write fast enough because how good this premise is but when it's not a good premise it's just you struggle you struggle you struggle and then you think to yourself why am I fighting with this song or this premise maybe it's not worth it yeah to a te I mean I and then I got to ask myself am I just lazy am I just waiting for inspiration to do the work for me am I am I inherently lazy uh there's a bit of that for sure but I think there's a lot of Truth in what you say about the flow you it's all the flow right it's all the flow it it do I feel a flow if there's a flow then there's something happening if I have to push and craft the entire thing and there's no inspiration no flow that's never worked for me no matter how much time and elbow grease I put into it it's never added up to much of anything what do you you always uh you always seem to be fit you always seem to be upbeat um you know maybe that's just on Entertainment Tonight but I I know you've been I know you've been sober for a while you you seem positive and sort of healthy and strong and I'm always curious what everyone's regimen is do you do you do things do you do the cold dunk do you have a certain diet I did this morning you did yeah yeah I did that cold plunge this morning only three minutes though that's fine5 degrees that's all right minutes you got you have the tub yeah I got that the one called The Plunge yeah so it stays cold all the time yeah the thing about the thing about the cold Plunge I think which is kind of fascinating which is I do it as well um my tub is on the frz and I was moving and it's a long story so I'm a little out of sorts with it but I do it as well but I do realize that the cold plunge is really for health and wellness and mental health and physical health and immune system and everything else but at some point it'll turn into a competition like a guy will go oh you did 55 de at 3 minutes that's cute cuz I do 5 minutes at 44° and so then you start getting into this sort of wrestling match over who spends more time in a colder body of water and then it kind of defeats the purpose of the cold plunge which is so sort of wellness and getting in tune with your body I I am telling you 55 is on the warmer side of the cold tub but it's still [ __ ] freezing when you get into that into that water and 3 minutes is plenty of time to turn your body beat red yeah I never get caught up in that [ __ ] Adam I never have I'm not I'm not interested in what I'm actually not interested in what works for anybody else I'm trying to figure out what works for me that's all I'm looking for and someone else may do 40 degrees for 20 minutes I could care less um I'm just trying to figure out what works for me everything I do is based on what I need to do to live the life I want to live nothing more nothing less you know I don't go lift insane heavy weight so I can bulk up because I don't need to do that for my life but I do want to be flexible and I do want to have decent cardio uh I want to be um ground as grounded as I can be and sleep good try and get good sleep and minimize my stress I got a good therapist uh that helps massively and I just do the things I need to do to live the life I want to live that's it well you know uh good and uh I think you're I think you're correct because the other part sort of a Fool's airon there's always going to be somebody's doing longer and colder but also pH ically and you tell me what you think of this with the cold we'll use the cold plunge tub as a sort of instrument to convey a philosophy which is people go all right 55 for 3 minutes that's that's good that's a good start but let's see if we can work it up maybe we'll get to 50 and 4 minutes and then we'll get to 45 and 5 minutes and the next thing you know you're doing trying to do 8 minutes in 37° water right but what happens is is eventually you wake up on a Monday morning and you go I can't it's too much I'm not into it that it it's too painful the bar is too high so you skip a day and then you skip another day and eventually you're not doing it because you made it so difficult that you just couldn't do it so really that's right whether it's exercise or cold plunge or or or therapy or like or health food or any of the stuff you're trying to do you have to stop at a certain point because you will essentially dissuade yourself from doing it and and you can go 3 minutes at 55 I can handle that every day for the rest of my life we get to 5 minutes and 45 I might not be up for that every day and thus then you're doing Zero versus something so figure out where that space is where that limit is and then live there consistently I dad would say you'd have to do better than that to get an argument out of me uh is your dad I'm right there with you I'm right there with you I think um and to your point three minutes I can do three minutes every day that's not going to wreck my day that's that's something I can do without too much disruption and something I'll maintain it's like a diet it's like if the diet is too extreme I'm not gonna stick with it it's too hard I'm not gonna h um but I find something that's relatively sensible seems to work for me and something I feel like I can I can maintain that and again that's only me and my body and my schedule it's not you your body your schedule you got a whole different life to me so I this one size fits all [ __ ] is where everything goes pearshaped for me because we've all got different lives different things going on so we got to find what works for us now I was thinking about about uh your wife Nicole Kidman and I was thinking about um one of her I don't know underrated not underrated under scen movies maybe dead C which is a great movie and it kind of introduced me to her she worked a lot before that but not I didn't know her out here but uh I would I will give dead commom as a recommendation anyone's listening who may have missed it uh and I didn't know it was an Australian movie which I I found out M today um but here's interesting so your wife is is very Dynamic seems motivated and healthy and strong you know and then sometimes I think back on like Ben Affleck and JLo right and I picture her doing Pilates at 6:00 in the morning every day and him smoking and eating a dut out on the patio at 9:00 a.m. right you got to get out I do but this is what I think and I go well how could this work cuz she's this kind of person and he's that kind of person you know right so Nicole seems exquisitly nice but also sort of motivated like if if she saw you hanging around eating a doughnut and smoking and sleeping in until noon she might say something is that correct what's what's your point my point is is I think you guys are at an even amount of motivation Hustle and sort of uh self-care we find a middle ground yeah yeah I I think we balance each other out quite well um I would I would do way less than she does she would do way more than I do and somewhere in the middle is is a good sweet spot for us you know so um but it's sort of like um if if I was a guy that sat on the couch and did nothing all day and ate Cheetos it I would be a certain person to do that well that wouldn't have been very attractive to my wife period it just wouldn't have been her kind of guy so right you know I mean I'm already wired to be kind of like this anyway my mom is very she's 82 and she's fit as hell and rides bicycles and she's in great shape um so I feel very fortunate that I've got that genetic leg up you know because a lot of people don't get that so I'm very lucky and I just work on um not taking that for granted um I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up one of my favorite singer songwriters John hayatt who I know moved to Nashville who I was I was early money on John hayatt I used to listen to him in the late 70s when he was doing wow doing New Wave Music music he wasn't he John really I don't know anything about that period of him John hayatt got out of the gates like Elvis Costello or he was doing that kind of music yeah it's strange I don't think people know that about about him he he dressed it he looked it he sounded it and he was doing that kind of music I again like I would compare him to Elvis Castello in like 19 78 1979 and then as he got into the 80s turned into folky country you know sort of albums like Riding with the King and bring the family and stuff like that and then moved to Nashville and just went full you know songwriter over there but his Origins were sort of Joe like Joe Jackson early stuff would have been like New Wave if we would to call that that makes sense well I used to cover one his song is called child of the wild blue yonder Y and I love love that song but that that that's not too much of a stretch from that Elvis Costello type thing so I'm gonna have to do some digging around for that earlier stuff well I the first John Hyatt song I heard I heard on krock radio in Los Angeles who only played Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins but but they're back in the day they were playing Blondie and the sex pistols and stuff like that and they were playing playing John hayatt from like 1980 1979 and yeah like child of the wild blue yand is a great song but that came six albums after right you know that early stuff but you know it's funny even though it's he's playing a style of music that you're not really familiar with you still hear him in it like it's still smart the lyrics are smart the phraseology is is smart it there's some self-deprecation in it you know Y which uh I always like I don't like grandio lyrics iar I like it when they make fun of themselves yeah I heard Billy Joel say one time somebody was asking him about his lyrics and he said well when it comes to songs that I want to hear in the RA in the car he goes I'm less of a blowing in the wind guy and more of a hubcap diar Halo guy all right and I love that you know and I'm with him I'm which just a bit of whimsical and a bit of bit of fun you know Walo up bamb boom just a little bit of tongue and Shake is good too is uh when it comes to writing songs and I'll tell my producer Joe John Hy's first krock song was called secret life just so you we can hear what we're talking about you hear that it's all play of 30 seconds of it but when you write songs and I feel this way for writing jokes I feel like I'm always on the clock the there's no place you can be I don't mean that as a burden I just mean there's no place you can be where you can't scroll something down or have something pop in your head or for me driving along seeing something Tom it's a Tom petti chorus good I was in high school and I was like this is a great song who is this guy that's a great song and then I just with another dog and another another wife another dog and another wife oh the lyrics smart F address unknown so good wow I'm okay I'm gonna do a deep dive into early Hyatt thank you Adam oh early Hyatt has seven albums before you you got into the Nashville awesome World well I'll I'll send you uh off the air but I'll I'll send you a top 10 High songs to take a dive into cuz the lyricss EXC the lyrics that's the key um so do you feel like I feel which is like you're always on the clock and and not in a burdensome way but just in a like oh I got to write something down because I thought of something I thought of a lyric I thought of an idea um I I I wouldn't say I feel like I'm always on the clock I feel like if I'm fortunate I'm connected to the to the to the satellite dish of incoming like that's a great thing I don't ever want to be disconnected from that I feel very very lucky that anything comes in and uh and I'm I'm just trying to get better at capturing it in some form and not uttering those stupid words oh I'll remember that right I won't remember it I won't remember it do you have to do you write if you're driving you can't write down something so do you grab your phone and like voice mood or something what do you do I literally have uh what I will show you which is called a buck slip it's like a hard piece of cardboard and it's it's it's stiff and so you can write on it versus like writing on a sheet of paper it's like writing on tissue paper and if I go for walks I go out of town I go whatever I'll always have this Buck slip and you're just sort of sitting around like I was flying on a flight the other day I was coming from Vegas back to LA and I was just sitting there in my seat you know half in the B cuz I did a show late on Thursday night this was early Friday morning and I was just sitting there not paying attention and the stewardess started talking and she's going over the rules and she said no consumption of your own personal alcohol on this flight and I was just sitting there going I've heard this I've heard this 1500 times no drinking your own booze on the on the flight and then it popped into my head that oh I could solve this by trading flasks with the person sitting next to me I would be drinking their booze and they would be drinking my Boos and I was like exactly oh that's a joke and then I started looking around for a piece of paper to scroll it down now I'd heard the announcement a thousand times and never thought anything about it but one time she just kept saying your own alcohol and I thought what about drinking someone else's alcohol on this flight and it Bob's yeah Bob's alcohol I hope he had I hope his flask has wild turkey in it because that's what's in my flask so that was the concept and you know so who knows where you're going to be when in comedy when something pops in because it's not always you it's the outside it's the steward is giving the announcement in that case but if you hadn't written that down would you have remembered it no I'm bad at it and uh and uh Jay Leno shamed me once cuz I always would say I'd say James uh sorry jay don't you write stuff down he goes no if it's a good idea I won't forget it and I was like I I I feel like I forget a hundred good ideas a day if I don't if I don't scroll them down I don't agree I've heard that philosophy before too with songs if it's a good hook you remember it I'm like I got a lot of [ __ ] in my head and that might be a really good one and I'm glad I've recorded things just on my phone cuz I've long forgotten it I ReDiscover it and go that's a really good hook you know do you do so there's two forms like people that are authors they some some of them say look you just get up treat it like a job and you write every day at 9:00 a.m. or whenever it is I just get up treat like a job I just write that's my job and then others wait around for inspiration but do you have a schedule for like rehearsal writing playing that kind of stuff I I don't um I guess first I I probably would if I was if writing was my sole profession if if I was a writer yeah I I think I would probably get up and write every day regardless but it's one of the many many things that I get to do and I've definitely found that what I do is I in as inspiration comes and that's a real thing I always think of inspiration like a little Firefly so it appears and I go great and I capture it and put it in a little jar and I have all these jars full of fireflies then I will schedule a writing session for a certain day or a series of days and I'll take all my jars with me and if nothing shows up on the day that we're writing I can pull a jar out open it up and go what about this guy right does he spark something and then because it's real inspiration it just I've I have it at the ready on a day when it might not show up naturally that seems to work pretty good for me when you go do a residency I know you got one coming up at Fountain Blue in Vegas and uh that's going to be October 4th 5th 9th and then uh 11th through the and 12th um when you show up if I got that right um and then in February again but when you show up into do like a a residency or shsh residency what's the process like do you get there number of days in advance do you get the band you know do you rehearse for x amount of days how how does that work yeah this is a the shortest one we've ever done it's like five five dates in in October and then we don't play again until February so it's a strange minimal schedule uh that still requires a x amount of rehearsal time we're going to rehearse like we're doing 40 shows and we're just doing 10 but we've got a we've got about a week beforehand where we start putting it all together and build it pretty quickly yeah and does it vary from night to night uh I I love spontaneity I have to have spontaneity in what I do um so I've got an x amount of structure I mean we'll have the intro and certain amount of certain amount of structure but I I quarterback call a lot of moments throughout the show extend pieces shorten pieces maybe scrap a song completely um and then I'll Tinker with the show the day after you know I'll I mentally clock things that worked and didn't work that that I can maybe the next night move some things around edit it change it up a little bit for a bit better effect but a lot of it spontaneous do you get bored I shouldn't say the Bor but uh and again this is uh cathartic but sometimes when I'm doing standup I'm like I know the audience would like to hear this thing but I'm kind of bored with I've said it too many times I can't go that way with songs but do you ever have that feeling of like I know I they need to they want this I know this thing works well but I've just done it so many times I don't I'm not feeling it I I don't have that thank god um I feel really lucky that any song that I have to do from sort of a well you got to do this song and you got to do that song because they want to hear that song there isn't one song that I don't want to do um some of that's luck and some of it is I've passed on songs that my producer at the time was like I think this is a big hit song and I would listen to it and go I I don't I don't really want to do that song in a bunch of years I think I'm going to get really sick of that and I've passed on songs that I thought I would get sick of you never know right you don't know if you're going to get sick of a joke or a song or anything when you do it you have no idea but there's definitely been songs I've passed on that I've thought if that is a big hit and I'm stuck doing it for the next 10 years do I want to do that song I don't and I've passed on it but I'll also say um Billy Connelly was a great comedian I was an opening act for him on a tour in Australia in the 80s and I learned so much from him really uh Billy Connelly is an English standup or Scottish Scottish Scottish Scottish that's right yeah I learned so much about life and about performing reading a crowd navigating all kinds of things in a live situation and he obviously and you know this with comedy there you've got a certain thing that you're going to do your stories you're going to tell each night whether they be jokes or stories and you're figuring figuring it out and of course he's doing the same thing so how does he keep it fresh night after night and he would tell the exact same stories but they would get either shortened or lengthened from night to night they would get more embellished or they whatever whatever he was feeling if he was feeling that thing he could he could quarterback it as he's going and I think I do the exact same thing with my show if I can feel like I'm getting into a bit of a rut sometimes playing something but I'm aware of it and I'll say to myself why why are you in a r change it do something about it like just do anything go quieter go bigger go louder tell the band to just drop out for a second and just just do do anything but don't stand there being aware that you're going through the motions and not do anything about it that's the only thing that's changed for me over years were you going out and opening for Billy connley were you doing like a 20 minute were you with a band were you doing acoustic thing solo yeah AC guitar and were you doing like were you doing covers at that point yeah all covers I just got to get the crowd going I get them singing and cheering and get them you know get him going for when he comes out do you uh see how to phrase this uh I know you're a really good guitar player and U take a lot of pride in that on the other hand you look kind of like a Mata Idol and you you're your country star do you feel underappreciated sometimes as a pure musician no no um I I I I love playing and I think um I can can only do so much on the records that I do and the rest of it is playing live and I think that's where I get to really stretch out and and play yeah who do you like as a guitar player who have you liked oh my God so many influences I mean early on mark noler from D Straits was was a massive influence uh Lindsay Buckingham uh you know a lot of the lot of the typicals I mean from Clapton to Gilmore David Gilmore more to um Stevie uh Stevie Ron there's so many there just so many guitar players I love yeah when uh Mark noler I mean when you first heard Sultans of Swing you were like what is this cuz nothing there was no pop song that had that kind of guitar in it back in the day like I could remember hearing that being young going this is different than what I'm used to hearing and I yeah also I think he's a car guy yeah I think so you have a do you have the you still got your Bugatti Vyron no I had that for a few years and then I traded that in for a Pagani wira oh The Pagani wira which was amazing and I had that for about three years and then I sold it and I haven't replaced it with anything yet what what are you thinking about cuz I just got back from Monteray car week over there and I saw all those crazy supercars which are really kind of turning into jewelry at this at this point that's a great way to pH it I don't mean that as a pejorative there's just no part on the you know people should know that supercars back in the day back in the 60s 7s 80s Ferraris Lamborghinis and I've owned a fair number of Lamborghini muras and lots of old Lamborghinis and and old Ferraris and stuff like that so back in the day you would see a Ferrari and you'd go well that's an amazing Ferrari but the switches on the dash were from a Fiat and the door handles could have been from a Fiat and there was lots of like parts bin pieces on the car even you know if you take a look at a Ford GT40 from 1966 you're going to see a lot of Falcon and and Ford parts you know it's just sedan secretary cars Parts you know people go that's the marker light from a Ford Falcon and that's the switches from a Ford Pinto or something on supercars because they weren't going to make a brand new switch for every single thing on that car A new mirror a new marker a new everything so you could see that the old cars while the shape of the sheet metal was great and the V12 engine was great still had mirrors on it like from a Fiat or something the new cars now the new super cars every single piece and part is bespoke and it looks amazing I mean it's just breathtaking the time and energy they put into those things and the performances insane but I would almost be scared to sit in it at this point it's so amazing yeah um you know Horatio fani is one of the the last sort of uh all-encompassing guys along with um Kix egg some of these guys that aren't sort of currently beholden to the to the parent company so I'm interested in those guys uh but I also I'm interested in um matate as well because he's a fascinating young highly creative Innovative guy remac is the electric superar for those who are listening yeah well I just went I I um you should go down to car week in Monteray once in your life and go down to the go down to the quail and see every single one of those cars you just spoke about and there's not one Pagani there there's six Pagan there and yeah and there's three Remax there and it's it's kind of incredible and people go well well I'm not a car guy but you don't have to be a Car Guy this is what human beings can do is is really how you have to kind of look at it you know when when human beings you know I feel that way when I see a symphony or a musical I go this is what humans can do at their best you know when they when they work together when they collaborate when they have freedom when they're not searching for food or in a warn torn environment like when you when you turn on the news and you see what's going on in Gaza and you go oh my God what what Have We Become go look at one of these cars and go this is also what we can do whether you like cars or not no it's true it is remarkable you know what what we can do and I love all kinds of cars I grew up with my dad loving American cars so you know here we are in a tiny little town in Australia and my dad's got uh Chev Bair we had a uh a couple of Pontiacs like a 58 and a 59 um some Lincoln Mark fivs I think of Mark fours uh always had American cars so we were always the Oddball family with my my dad with these American cars but he always loved the style and just the just the the the Grandeur and the just Elegance of these beautiful beautiful cars you know they are so much more than just a transportation device they are way more encompassing of the personality and the Ingenuity and all of it styling particularly I just recently bought a uh a 61 Maserati 3500 GT fully restored and it is absolutely stunning and I love this car is it a c or convertible it's a coue it's a coue toor c hard top I I prefer that car I I agree they look better uh that car's got a twin plug straight six with Lucas injection there you go yeah yeah yeah it's an inline six and uh absolutely five-speed stick shift uh proper car oh nothing fancy on it underrated in the sense that it's beautiful it's ' 60s it's Italian and hasn't totally caught on in the marketplace like you can get you can get some deals on those cars they're not way out of out of bounds in the in the price category and uh yeah there the styling's beautiful uh Maserati had some cool stuff uh back in the day and I've always liked those cars a whole bunch I think uh Leno Leno got one uh recently if you've been to his yes I actually I yeah I called him when I was getting mine because I said what do I need to know about this car what quirks are there in this car and he was great cuz he said it's at air condition I said no he said you got to get that and he hooked me in with the people that can do it properly um few little bits and pieces little little things he was very helpful but he also loves that car yeah it's a good one he's a custodian of car knowledge that nobody really understands they mindboggling mindling I talked to him I don't know the other week and he took his a turbine Chrysler car your dad probably would have gone nuts for a turbine Chrysler car sounds like sounds like a jet fires up and he was explaining to me that the hund guys all in their 90s that originally built the engine for Chrysler in like 1963 all the guys that were still alive in their '90s rebuilt him a new engine and then they put the new turbine engine in the Chrysler and he took it to Woodward Woodward Dream Cruise and drove it up and down there and he he just could have been more excited uh he could have been more excited about it but as a guy who who knows cars uh I'm telling you Leno knows cars like there is no [ __ ] with that guy he he likes he likes the cars but I think he kind of likes being the custodian of all things with wheels on it yep and thank goodness you know as if if if you're lucky to know him like we are it's it's it's an amazing source of knowledge I mean who else am I going to call to go what should I know about this car what should I look for how do I know it's legit you know what issues am I waiting am I going to expect what's problematic with this and what's typical with this it's a 61 is it going to leak a little bit of oil is that is typical tell me you know it's great yeah he just got he got one of his uh Maserati 3500s like three or four years ago and went all the way through it did did everything on it so he yeah I think it was a bond fine he paid nothing for it so oh my God what he pays for those cars or doesn't pay for those cars I mean the very when you enter the shop where are the where the museum I shouldn't say the shop the museum the very first car you will see is a 69 Lamborghini Mira SRP I can't remember orange that's the very first car and then he will explain that that was Dean Martin's son's car and that Dean Martin's son would drove it to high school and went over a speed bump and cracked the oil pan and all the oil leaked out and the engine seized and at the time it was more money to rebuild the engine than the car was worth so that car was given to Jay Leno for free with a seized engine uh the auctions in monay just finished up about a week ago and there were a couple of Mira S's and Mira PS and miras that sold I think one sold for 2 million the other sold for like 21 and they weren't as nice as the one he for free that's typical that's a j story yeah multiplied by how many you want to go to amazing He's Got The Touch he probably had to pay nine grand to get the engine rebuilt so you know you got to back that out of the 2.1 million right yeah yeah yeah yeah poor thing so do you uh is your dad still alive no he passed away about six years ago from cancer but um he was also such a car Enthusiast that when we would watch mov movies he would love telling us that they overdubbed that door shutting that's not how a 63 skar that's not the sound of that door shutting I know that sound and that's not it that's something else you know you get very angry when it wasn't the right engine or the right car door sound shutting of the car that you would see you'd get very angry at that the hardcore guys know what starter sound like and they go that right that's a Ford starter on a b air give me a break and now they can't right now the rest of the movie's been ruined for them I I always ask but your dad was around long enough to see you have a lot of success which to me is always whether it's playing in the Super Bowl or winning a Grammy I I just like to know that they got to see that and experience that which is which is great yeah yeah I mean I I you know I had a complicated relationship with my dad most of my life he was alcoholic and I navigated that myself through my life so it's been a i he's he's been gone a long time but I'm still working on my relationship with him if that makes any sense sure yeah especially when you have kids of your own and then you start reliving your own childhood and your relationship with your parents and you think about how you think about your children and you start reliving and thinking about some of these interactions these snapshots from your youth you know and like one of the things that I Marvel at but you tell me if this Rings true for you I have twins they're 18 boy girl if they ever say to me hey I want to do something or I want to get something or I want to attend something I like pop up and start thinking about ways to make that happen sort of frantically you know and it's not even because I'm a good person I just go they want to do something and I always think to myself okay who can I how can we make this happen how can we do this and I remember all the times I would say to my parents hey could I have a mini Mike or could I get a go-kart or could I go Magic Mountain or something they just look at me and go no and they just go back to what they were doing and I thought yeah it made at the time it made sense but now I have kids and it doesn't make sense that there was never this attention or issue do you have those sorts of thoughts I try and find that middle ground because yes I have that thought and then I think is that the right thing is that the it seems like the most loving thing to do right now but it may not be so I try and find that middle ground of helping them where I can but also making sure they get some hootspa is so important some tenacity some almost like negotiating tenacity like I know you want that but you you can't have that and then see if that can work on working me well a little bit more you have to synthesize gravity for them you have to create gravity because that's a great way to put it they're living in a space station floating floating around they're living in a bouncy castle kids too there's no they don't have worries they don't have issues there's no problems I mean not in terms of what they want and what they can get so you have to artificially almost create it versus what you grew up in which is it was just there it was just gravity every day yes yes um I know that I find myself a lot of the times going oh [ __ ] my dad was winging it he was winging all of this see oh cuz I'm winging it I don't know what I'm doing half the time I got two girls you know 13 and 16 I grew up with a brother mother mother father but no girls like No Sisters I I'm clueless about girls and now I'm in a house with nothing but girls a it's a huge crash course for me and when it comes to Parenting especially boundaries guidance not not punishment but consequences and things like that I'm like I don't know I half the time I don't know what the right thing to do is um and I think back to my dad I'm like he didn't have a clue either he was just winging it you know doing his best so to to my point I'm working on my relationship with my dad continuing to see him differently um and and having more gratitude for what he did no matter how he did it I'm having having more and more gratitude for that he mostly kept it together because it's not easy to do well it's hard to argue with the results you know I mean your life and how it turned out for you which even if you're being modest you're in the top you know on Tenth of 1% of people on the planet I'm not talking about monetarily I just mean in terms of living your life doing what you want to do creating a life that you can flourish in and and that for your family as well but that's always that's a work in progress though too you know I mean you you have it I mean um it's never achieved it's just maintained right balance and uh achieving certain goals and accomplishing certain Ambitions it's like okay now what what now uh oh okay new Ambitions new goals new passions new interests new things to keep me moving forward I I feel fortunate that I've got enough Clarity and awakeness to keep moving forward with things that interest me and and have me curious but I'm a work in progress and to that degree I'm continually finding myself impressed by my dad and my mom is still alive and you know they both did a great a great job with the environment that they were thrust into because then I think about what with their parents how are they raised even you know even more complex so given the wacko families they came out of they did pretty good they did they did pretty good you know yeah well I mean you know the beginning part of all our families not going back very far at all was just survival I mean they just wanted to live you know eat and live they weren't worried about spirituality or thriving or cold dunks every day was cold dunk they got freaking cold life was a cold plunge uh Keith a a fun note to go out on the album is high it'll be uh available September 20th but you can pre-order it and uh I really enjoyed our conversation me too Adam I knew I would oh I had a feeling I would but I wasn't for certain but now I am so uh next time I get in uh Nashville maybe I'll come by and kick some of your tires oh I'd love you to come over to the house that'd be great and I will send you my top 10 John he well here's what I'm saying if if you play secret life for most people they kind of go like all right that's something but I could hear you hearing it through the ear of a musician and a songwriter oh yeah and you went oh that's interesting turn a phrase yeah his secret white dog and his secret wife the idea that he had dog was secret too so uh be prepared for some John Hyatt gems I will toss your way excellent uh that's excellent thank you so much for joining me I do appreciate it my pleasure Adam thanks for having me man we'll talk soon hi the name of the album I also want to thank cat Tim for coming in and I will be in Boise Idaho at the Egyptian Theater doing stand up September 6 at 700 p.m. and then off at Albany Oregon and that'll be September 7th you can go to Adam for all the live shows until next time Adam croll for Keith Urban and Cat Tim saying Mahala

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