Liberal Pundits LIE, Know They’re Lying, Jesse Lee Peterson BOOTS David Pakman From His Show

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:13:17 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: david peterson
so we have this clip of Jesse Lee Peterson and David Pacman is it is it here you know you'll be able to see be you can see very clearly where where the where the just fast forward it you could skim our only worth is for a vote uh I want to give it a little bit of I want to go on Jesse show here we go you are a um Progressive what does it mean to be a progressive what is that it's for progress and against stagnation and a return to values that are outdated and Irrelevant in modern society and what type of progress give me an example of progress H the reduction in incredibly damaging economic inequality the push for uh a basic level of health care for everybody regardless of ability to pay a push for an economy that is not going to allow the richest to become endlessly richer while the poor continue to be poor I mean there's a long list I mean I think you know the problem is that there's a lot I'm not a Democrat by the way I've never been a Democrat so if the idea is to get me Progressive so I'm asking about that so let me ask uh to I didn't even finish answering the question how long do we have because this is a very weird interview we didn't even you I was trying to get you to tell me exactly what Trump had done to achieve those so-called achievements and you moved on to the Democratic party it's a very strange interview I've never experienced anything like it well that's the first time life for everything changing a so-called sex reassignment surgery and our tax dollars are pay for even though we don't agree with that at all is that we being who uh the Conservative Christian people of this country that's just a fraction population right is that is that progress when men are confused about their um um gender and women are conf confused about theirs and now we're paying for it is that progress are you a fiscal conservative Jesse answer that question David is that progress well are you a fiscal conservative David answer that question are you is that progress it's not an example of something that is or isn't progress but the reason I'm asking whether you're a fiscal conservative is it's cheaper it's cheaper pay for those procedures then to discharge to find and discharge every transgender member of the military so if you're a fiscal conservative and I've heard you say that you are you should favor the cheaper op those procedures and not paying for what it would cost to find and discharge all those transgender milary members David you're not here to communicate I really appreciate you coming on I'm going to let you go it's a waste of time to talk to you you're not communicating you're acting like an ID because you're asking bizarre questions like an idiot and you're wasting my time I appreciate you coming all right thank you coming goodbye hold on leave it on leave let it go that's a progressive folks all men who are progressive or males who are progressive are weak people nice they are weak people and why have these people on it doesn't even make sense they don't come to communicate because they're too insecure and David Patman is a very insecure Progressive real m not Progressive I'm Progressive whatever they are yeah so uh I love Jesse you you haven't had him on have you oh he'd be so good he's so funny I see Think Progress they they I think I think he's asked me to go on his show but I rarely go on any why wouldn't you want him on your show I didn't say that I didn't say him oh Michael Michael um culture war is probably a better fit predictable that's that's one of the things for a late night like stick by but he's he's on YouTube so he obviously knows the rules of the game no he's very predictable you never see him break so so what David Pacman did there is is sophistry it's plain and simple yes ask a question about is this progress and then he he deflects to fiscal conservatives should support this because it saves money that's what okay so like arent throwing throwing a body into the ocean saves money on funeral costs we're not for that like we we want proper dis waste disposal what are you talking about progress is you can pro move that means move forward you can progress off the edge of a cliff you can progress into a fire and burn to death you don't always want to move forward for the sake of moving sometimes you want to regress and go backwards because backwards is where it's safer so or turn around and progress in a different direction so whole thing with progression for the it mean to turn is it transgress yeah I guess right yeah to move sideways yeah that's sometimes we want to S side step whatever is in front of us it might be like either uh maybe it's a a a um maybe it's a a pit trp and you're going to walk exactly you don't want to progress into a trap so that's the problem with people that claim I am a prog Rive and I will always move us forward if you're moving forward into the wrong thing you're doing the wrong thing get out of that mindset so this is this is this is the main issue for us especially is there's a small handful of people that are willing to come on the show and they're all the grifters so when I'm not talking about you the people well why did you look at my direction I'm talking to you you're the guest you got a man it looks gorgeous for anarchists Libertarians and conservatives easy to book they will come on and they will say yes no maybe I don't know let's argue Liberals are like uhoh if I actually come on and they pull up sources I'm screwed the best example and I will always give him the credit shout out to Hunter avalone who came on this show and we were talking and I said Joe Biden said if you don't fire the prosecutor you're not getting a billion and he smugly goes that never happened and I said yes it did here's the video and I played it and he was just like like he had he had no idea sure most of these people like like Pacman and uh even probably now kolinsky who's who like taking a turn I don't know what his deal is these liberal guys are just like if I go on the show I know what happens they're going to pull up the sources and and then what do I say I don't think that's it at all Tim I don't think they think some of them but I think for some of them it's also like it's like me going to a mosque it's like this isn't my house like I don't belong there and and I think you remember how during uh 2020 when Marian Williamson was supposed to go on Ruben report and he's hardly a hard ball he's not he's he's the softball that's his thing I do that the same thing I don't I want my guest to feel comfortable and she bowed out you see what happened when she came on this show what what was there more drama she she nearly cried when we showed her the whiteness contract from that children's book and I got her to inadvertently argue that Derrick shovin should should have never been convicted and and should be released from prison W and then she immediately backtracked and said no this is why they don't come on the show Marion Williamson comes on and she says Republicans want to ban books and I go what this one and it's the white it's the white-handed devil saying the whiteness contract will kill your friends and she almost she's in she was welling up in tears covering her face sh saying what it is this she had no idea then I showed her the graphic book oh she doesn't want to look at it she can't look at the books they're giving kids because they're shocking and offensive and then I asked her if a person couldn't get a fair trial should they go to prison she says no of course not so I said if there was a person who was accused of murder and he's in a state but the judge said there's no way you'll receive an a trial in this state without someone knowing and being biased should this person be put in trial she goes no of course not and I went like Derek chovin and she went oh my God and then after the show was over she was like this is why I can't come on shows like this something that something to that effect she goes because you ask these questions and the TVs don't do this but the thing is those aren't even gotcha questions no it's real conversation that's like think with those books like like that to me is the most egregious evil gaslighting because we' been back five years ago and I'm like you know I know you kind of are conservative in your morals but five years from now they're going to be showing like pornography to kids and then telling you it's not happening it's like why would they do that so disprovable and here we are they said this in 20 it's I mean the gaslighting is incessant in 2008 the argument against gay marriage was I think it was 2008 when they were doing was it Proposition 8 or whatever in California the AR the argument was it will lead to schools teaching children about gay sex and and the left was like oh shut up and I remember all my friends being like dude we're talking about two people just having a private life they're not going to be in your schools but the conservatives were correct they weren't arguing that arbitrarily they just start saying we're going to bring you know gay sex into schools they were saying if you have two adult men who are married and a and and he's a teacher the children are going to be exposed to this and they're going to have questions about why his husband is showing up and who is that because teachers spouses may show up and pick them up for a ride or something and it will result in the school making the argument literally where we are now is that Democrats are making the argument that they have to teach children about gay sex and I'm not even talking about like love I'm literally these books one of the books it's called um what's the uh we don't have them in we move the the one that explains scat to Children yes it explains it to children and can I say can I say one sent it's in the school libraries in the curriculum can I just say one sentence because I know there's one they were talking about oral I there was the one clip I bring this up all the time when there's a Canadian reporter and he went back to North Korea and North Korea when talk to the guides is always too because they watch each other and they're at the AAR trench there's an a tranch aside Pyongyang And the reporter goes to the the his guide is like an older man his 50s I'd say roughly and he goes last time I was here I asked you about gays and lesbians and and he goes yeah you guys said we don't have that here and he goes well our bisexuals and this Old North Korean just goes what so I like I was already at the point we're like okay they're just showing like oral and and now you're like I I thought i' caught up so my God these the this the argument the argument is children need to learn about this because the teachers are gay and so they're a part of society and kids are going to see it so now and and the conserves were completely correct about what this was going to lead to SC and in in the in the book it's got a glossery of terms and one of them explains that some people for gratification will eat human waste and it doesn't it doesn't say don't do this it doesn't say this is dangerous it doesn't say like there's no reason a child should be learning these things but this book is uh what was the name of that book trying to look it up is that the one about the the girl who no no no no that one that one's about the the uh gender queer book yeah gender queer we that's the one where she talks about how she was severely abused by her parents and made to defecate outside and then they made her wear a a used pad over and over again and she smelled so bad that the counselors brought her in and scolded her for for not taking care of her hygiene and she and this is clearly not in the book but anybody who reads it who has any kind of logic understands this poor young woman in this book gender queer was made to do her business outside by her parents when she went to school and was going through puberty they gave her used dirty old pads she draws pictures of them she complain she writes in the book how she smelled so bad the counselor brought her in and scolded her said you need to do something about this and she was embarrassed clearly what happens then is when when she's she's hairy she's unshaven and the other girls are like you're gross and you smell bad she says I wish I could be a boy because the boys don't get insulted by the other girls for being stinky and and Harry so she internalizes this this abuse from her parents that didn't properly teach her how to how to function in society and then says if only I was a boy then I could be Escape I could escape from this and then she seeks out to a sex change and this is what they're giving to kids to explain why these people believe these things and feel these ways feel feel this way without actually telling the children if your parents are making you wear three-day old crusted pads and you smell bad you are being abused and you need help but that's the book they're giving to kids Ian how are you going to sit down and give these people the benefit of doubt I'll tell you exactly this is what I'm thinking about because I think when people self-identify when they put themselves in a mental cage by saying I am a progressive I am an anarchist I am a Democrat I am a Republican that they've basically they're living in a sort of mental fear where they're like protecting themsel with this idea of what they think they are and so these people are vulnerable because that's why they're that's why they're identifying themselves as a protective field so if they feel like you're not on their side they're going to be they're going to be they're going to have a a fear of you you you think Michael is claiming to be an anarchist because he's he's afraid I think it protects him from having to to explain why he's not voting so for instance exactly like it's it's a thing like if you're truly an anarchist you wouldn't label yourself at all it that there would be no there would be no rules uh that's not what an anarchism means private rules it doesn't mean chaos literally without Authority yes yeah you wouldn't need to label yourself Anarchist play Monopoly and and you get the same amount of money at the beginning and and so on and so forth I identify with that I identify with your way of thinking quite a bit but I think that labeling yourself I don't know you think my way of thinking is though that authorities can become very dangerous very quickly so very legitimate thanks for watching this clip from timcast IRL make sure to check out the live show Monday through Friday at 8:00 p.m. on this channel subscribe and we'll see you all there

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