Category: Entertainment
On to the next story from cnbc harris will beat trump says election prediction legend alan lickman and uh this is interesting ladies and gentlemen nate silver currently has it for trump that could change litman currently has it for kamla harris this doesn't make sense now liman predicted accurately... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We have the poly market numbers kamla harris has a 75% chance to win the election according to poly market and it looks like they've got around 207 or 28 million on the line right here actually i don't know what is this $200 million bet on popular vote winner is that what that means i don't i don't... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let's jump to this story from the silver bulletin nate silver has got his new forecast and he's basically saying rfk jr actually may be boosting donald trump after all he says that her kam harris's lead peaked at 4.3 points on the national average the day kennedy dropped out now it's down to 3.5 in... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I think the problem with the bill is that it it created an a provision the provision increased the amount of illegal immigrants that they were going to allow in every day the number should be zero if you come to this country you got to come in legally that means you come to our borders you come to our... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Let's jump to the story from the post-millennial kamala's campaign demands seated debate with notes for september 10th abc event report okay i i didn't believe it when i heard the news because this was one of those when when trump was going to debate biden they were like biden's claiming he wants to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Looking at nate silver's model i wonder how it is that you know this alen lickman guy is is is going the other way and this guy's only been wrong one time and it was gore v bush which is a weird election this could be a weird election don't get me wrong i mean joe biden flipp like winning the primary... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So yesterday it was uh just a little taste we heard from uh shenan rfk jr's vp pick that they were considering dropping out to endorse donald trump but now the reporting says that sources working with the rfk jr it's it's it's seemingly confirmed rfk is going to be dropping out of the race on friday... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So if you've been following the brazilian supreme court they've been overrun by radical leftists by the way this is what they want to do in america they want to have judicial activists on the court people who will interpret the law and do a bunch of things so they this they've been this has been coming... Read more
Category: Entertainment
From kctv 5 first human case of of bird fu bird flu bird fu uh bird flu confirmed in missouri so there you go ladies and gentlemen as as of today jefferson city missouri the first human case of bird flu has been detected in missouri on friday the cdc confirmed a human case of aven influenza ah5 h5 bird... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So the big news right now is kam harris wins she won the debate but you got to ask yourself what it means to win the debate so of course you've got the kamala cope that's what i call it the uh the anti-trumpers who are posting laughing emojis being like everybody knows cameo won dude just because your... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Donald trump has announced a new policy position no tax on overtime it's brilliant i support it every single libertarian in the country is probably clapping and they support it because they're getting rid of taxes so donald trump says no tax on tips now i says no tax on overtime i'm a big fan it's a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Libertarians are probably uh screaming in defense of hunter biden because he's been charged on gun rights and taxes and of course libertarians are are very much on the other side of these things but libby you had a good point as to why he took this plea deal and why it's going down so uh what up yeah... Read more