First Human Case Of Bird Flu In Missouri CONFIRMED

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:12:02 Category: Entertainment

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from KCTV 5 first human case of of bird Fu bird flu bird Fu uh bird flu confirmed in Missouri so there you go ladies and gentlemen as as of today Jefferson City Missouri the first human case of bird flu has been detected in Missouri on Friday the CDC confirmed a human case of Aven influenza ah5 H5 bird flu was found by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services the DHS has said the risk of sustained transmission of infection among the general public remains low the organization said a patient was hospitalized on August 22nd an additional testing showed a showed a tested specimen for the individual was confirmed as bird flu so what's what is bird flu it's like 40 or what what's the mortality it's like is it 60% I was looking it up and I couldn't find any real stats on it I know that I kept looking bird flu mortality is massive it's like 50% it's up there yeah they say uh the disease is primarily found in wild birds and poultry and has recently SE been seen in dairy cows and other animals the first case in Missouri and the fif is the 15th case of bird flu report in the US in 2022 and the 14th in the country this year 60 among humans 60% that's what I thought so here's a question for you bird flu really let's say bird flu starts breaking out like a human strain yeah it's in a human so the possibility it's already jumped to other humans is it exists you know it's like they they catch the one person and they're immediately going to be like who who are you with friends and family and they're going to monitor them for symptoms let's say we actually end up with several hundred thousand people having this which means the the the virality factor is going to be exponentially growing with visually you will be seeing people who are dying would you stay home to do what well let's say let's say no no like let's say let's first question government comes out and says we're not going to mandit anybody stay home here's a news report on what's currently going outside you decide for yourself would you to go out or would you stay inside and just lock the door and wear a mask or something oh I got to feed myself so I have to go to work and do things so unless they're paying me money then I will stay home but uh that's what I'm saying like have to eat like they they start doing all of the covid funding stuff but they say go outside do whatever you want open your business have fun 60% mortality yeah I mean this is this this is a question that Ian brought up during the lockdowns or or you know during the lockdown period he was like you know we were saying the lockdowns are wrong the government should allowed to do this and he was just like unless it's an Airborne Ebola and I'm like ah it's actually an interesting point the severity of disease matters in whether or not we are willing to tolerate something now a lot of people would still say no and this is the consensus a lot of people said no no mandates choice if you want to go out during an ebola pandemic in your own country like you make that choice to do it you're going to get sick but we're talking like 60% 60% mortality means you know what kind of um penetration are we going to see of the virus and if it's 10 million people you see Six Million Dead yeah and that's just 10 million people who catch it I think a lot of people aren't going to argue about lockdowns they're going to stay home they hadn't pulled this C during Co right I mean Co was not on the same level as bird flu and people lost trust in these institutions that's the biggest thing like I found 60 through Google but if you heard a news report that was like actually 655 if there's any kind of discrepancy then people are going to start to be like you guys don't give us any information and this is just your repita before and that had devastating consequences like hopefully you would make a decision that's safe based on accurate information you know maybe you would stay home Ebola for sure that one sounds real bad but the problem is that like we went into severe lockdown and got very very inaccurate reporting on on all of this stuff I mean even years later there was just all kinds of data that they were combing through to try and categorize correctly uh and I just think that like that is a deep scar that Americans are not going to get over even Americans who were compliant initially I know I think it's become like the boy who cried wolf where I'm like I don't really I don't want to listen to you anymore I don't I don't trust you anymore so this yeah I'm screw lockdowns I'm not I'm not doing that I I don't I don't I don't I don't I think I think a lot of people might say something like yeah that they shouldn't be able to mandate it but if you're literally witnessing actual bird flu with 60% of people dying people are going to stay home yeah if you see in your everyday life right someone you know someone you know you know I mean besides the news or who telling your tit trying to tell you who it is you're definitely definitely staying home or you're you're going to see people collapsing in the street at that rate if it's visually yourself do you remember the travel restrictions like there were states that are like if you're coming from the state don't come in here I wonder if that would actually be the first step if people would be open they would want to be able to move in their communities if the infection rate was low but they would be like New York has high rates of bird flu get out of here you cannot come in and you would actually see more serious checks on that because I think there are people that don't like you can see the logic if it's really dangerous they don't want to risk getting infected on the other hand they don't want to have to live in fear if actually their state is okay and it's just if it's that contagious and everyone's dying like how you're just going to sit in your house forever and you're just going to like you have to get out you have to get food you have to do something you have to be lucky you got to move out to uh hopefully be living out in the rural areas when this happens yeah if you're not you're put good luck I feel like everybody in the major city we already saw them accept lockdowns yeah you you give them a bird flu and they're going to demand it twice over and then I think a lot of conservatives and Libertarians will complain about the government mandates but they're still going to abide by it for their own sake there's a big difference between covid which I mean what was the mortality was like 0.2 to 6 or something tiny or less than that it might have been like beginning they didn't know that's what that's what I thought 02 3 four yeah it's like dou that of the flu right now which means most people probably you know when I had it it was extremely bad that is worryingly bad and uh I was going to I tried to go to the hospital bird fluid 60% mortality holy crap well thank you it's gonna that I mean it understand what 60% mortality means too that means 99% for people over a certain age and under a certain age yeah wasn't there bir bird flu a while back like 10 something years ago whatever what longer than that there was like a big outbreak of Aven back in the day yeah but not with humans and this is our the first case um they have H5 without a known occupational exposure of sick or infected animals so this is like they're not with animals they're not there infected people somehow this person got it so that's a little scary too hey and also at least Social Security will be saved in the future if this thing happens terrifying yeah i' want to know where the 60% comes from too yeah but like I said I just that was the first that came on Google don't use it as like a complete resource so this this and and and wish you clarification they're saying the first case in Missouri oh and I think they they titled this a little poorly first human case of bird flu in Missouri confirmed that's what it should say because the way they wrote it makes it seem like it's the first time someone in the US has gotten it but we have this from the CDC 13 total reported human cases in the US I don't I don't know what would be accomplished by the I guess if bird flu happens it happens I don't know how someone makes bird flu happen the thing is I'm actually more concerned about the leria outbreak that's been found in Deli yeah which is something a lot of people consume there have been deaths from it it affects Americans across the country why do we need to whip up a pandemic out of bird flu why can't we talk about like our food safety in in this country but for some reason like Mysteria outbreaks aren't as interesting to the mainstream media I haven heard heard about it I mean it's big it's a really big deal Bor head has recalled tons of food I love Bor head and I did not know see that's that's not the big deal you want to know that like when you're in the grocery store I don't there is a higher risk right now that you would get leria than you would get bird flu and everyone goes to the grocery store yeah check this out first wrongful death lawsuit filed in bores head leria outbreak 57 victims in 18 states have tested positive for leria poisoning so what does what does that do when you get leria 8 88-year-old good morganstein bought Boris head liver worst after eating it became ill then he died after 10 days in the hospital from a brain infection caused by leria bacteria an illness that was confirmed to be linked to the contaminated bores head products the AP reported y That's crazy so far what uh 57 at least 57 people in 18 states have become sick and nine have died from this mhm I always heard when I was pregnant not to eat deli meat because of leria yeah and so I wonder if it's not always super bad but you I think it comes often bad I think it's like that is one of the food products that's most prone to it but like there's a confirmed outbreak in the US right now that seems really bad and like the symptoms are fever vomiting like all sorts of gastrological stuff but you know that comes with the risk of like severe dehydration if you have any other medical inuries if you're imuno compromised like the stuff that they talked about with Co but also worse because it could be in your sandwich that seems rough to me why don't we talk about this more I used to write a lot about recalls for for scanner like when when products would get recalled uh because I just think it's really something that impacts people daytoday but also for some reason just never gets the coverage we'd rather talk about you know empo which only affects a certain you know uh group of people right now whereas anybody could potentially be exposed to contaminated food it's the vibe this Vibe isn't as a it's not look it it's not sexy leria does so it's not very brat so uh we actually Jason Hudson Super chated a good point says that 60% mortality would burn out too fast the the severity yeah this is the issue with why Ebola doesn't spread as crazily as you as people might fear the disease is so brutal that people get terrified it it debilitate it disables the individual so they can't spread it and the most successful viruses are like the common cold which is actually a whole bunch of different ones but it's because because the symptoms are super mild and people might be like I don't know I've got the sniffles I don't want to stay home and they go out and they infect everybody but if you're seriously ill and throwing up and can't move you can't leave your house you're not infecting anybody that doesn't make sense Jason Hutson it's a good point that could be another reason why covid was more widespread aside from being novel it was serious with uh it's more immortality was I think twice that of the flu but enough to wear people might be like it's just a cough I'm fine and then wasn't it like your asymptomatic for a while when you were spreading it or something it didn't hit you right away yep you carried it around and then you passed it on to your buddies yeah that's crazy I don't know man this these are I just what is happening to the world is is the simulation breaking down are we done because too many weird things are happening all at once I it's just like slow down Planet gez we're moving on Arc two or like Arc three you know different Arc system the season finales yeah because we had the you know the nothing industrial revolution technology and see what's going to happen oh that's the October surprise the October surprise is that like a giant face appears in the sky and it's just like it was a game the whole time bye-bye and then that's it we just blink out of existence we're gone thanks for watching this clip from timcast IRL make sure to check out the live show Monday through Friday at 8:00 pm on this channel subscribe and we'll see you all there

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