Trump Announces NO TAXES ON OVERTIME, Says NO MORE Debates With Kamala w/Joel Valdez | Timcast IRL

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 02:04:05 Category: Entertainment

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Donald Trump has announced a new policy position no tax on overtime it's brilliant I support it every single libertarian in the country is probably clapping and they support it because they're getting rid of taxes so Donald Trump says no tax on tips now I says no tax on overtime I'm a big fan it's a big move I wonder how long until Kamala Harris adopts the same position but interestingly while the political class does keep pushing that conis won the debate I don't think they're asking themselves what it means to win the debate because they're looking at decorum they're looking at Behavior they're looking at Trump's attitude and certainly I would agree if that's the metric however CNN ran a flash pole that found when it came to issues of the economy people who favored Trump lightly favored him more afterwards on the economy now Kam Harris wants more debates and Trump said no interesting question does Kamala want more debates because she did so well she wants to keep battering Trump or does she want another debate because she missed her opportunity to articulate an e economic position and Trump realizes he can't give her that opportunity so we're going to talk about that the betting markets wow poly markets got a 74% chance for Kamala but Nate silver has got 60% for Donald Trump yo we're in the uh the final stretches 50 4 days to go until the election and then I got to give a shout out to Matt Walsh he is doing the Lord's work several prominent Dei personalities have disabled their X accounts following the trailers for am icist and now we have a statement from Robin D'Angelo this Dei writer I got to tell you it kind of looks like she's trying to gear up for some kind of fraud claim but let's be real if she were to sue Matt Walsh the daily wire it would make them more famous and it make them more money so we'll talk about all of that but before before we do my friends head over to Cas we got great coffee we got appalachin nights and we're officially sold out of all of the Mr Bokus pumpkin spice experience to all of our fans who bought the final batch just know uh keep the bag once you're done with that coffee you know fold the bag up and keep it as a souvenir because this one will never exist again the next bag will only ever be the inmemoriam focus with Mr Bokus and so uh the the original press of the Mr Bokus pumpkin spice bags were when he was a living mascot and in his memory we are creating a special blend for him for espresso and this bag will never exist so also head over to uh uh uh go but I want to make sure you know that we have not stopped our efforts there if you'd like to support us Trump Maga operative in Washington DC uh for the past four and a half years uh I served as communications director for the great congressman mat Gates of Florida and as of this week I'm starting as senior adviser for congresswoman Lauren bobert so glad to be back on timcast thank you guys for having me if you want to follow me at real Joel Valdez and uh happy to be back in the show yeah man congrats on the promotion dude that's fantastic I am Ian Crossland internet video gamer streamer uh also musician actor social media developer I'm really happy to be back good to be here too yeah it's fun to have you Joel uh we had your new boss on earlier this week she watched she got watched the pre-show for the debate with us so uh I'm glad you could join us in our new studio I'm Hannah Clair brimo I'm a writer for that's scanner news check out all of their work at timcast news on the internet let's get started here's the big story from Trump says he will end all taxes on overtime I love where we're going Trump says no taxes on tips I agree K Harris comes out and says oh yeah no taxes on tips too so Trump tries to undercut her by saying oh yeah no taxes on overtime she's going to have to come out and entertain the same policy Trump's then going to come out and say 20% off taxes we are we are looking at Market competition towards the end of Taxation is he gonna I wonder if he's going to keep one uping kamla or she's trying to copy him so he keeps one uping her until he gets to the point where he goes okay fine flat tax s flat sales tax no income tax that's where we're going I love the where this is going it's eventually going to have to get to that point where abolish the federal income tax or abolish the IRS I think these sounds these sound like great ideas and I think we're on that path at a rally he said quote as part of our additional tax cuts we will end all taxes on overtime your overtime hours will be taxfree uh that's the right move it is that's incredible but do you think Kamal Harris will will now rip this policy off yep I think that's her signature move right now and it's interesting because she in no way is ever setting uh the trend he is always leading she is always following that should tell you right now for someone who took forever to release her policies she should really just admit that she's she will do whatever Donald Trump tells her to yeah also he's he wants to get rid of tax on social security too right that was another I see I saw Super Chat already he's talked about that before I think so these are I would while you're pulling that up I imagine this is overtime this is just income tax no more income tax on your overtime not that the company doesn't have to pay yeah payroll tax or anything this this is true this from a few days ago actually Trump also promised to end taxes on Social Security I knew I'd saw SE seen that somewhere gez and it makes sense it it's insane to tax Social Security doesn't make any sense at all unemployment too you pay taxes to make sure that you get to receive unemployment and then when you receive your unemployment you're supposed to pay taxes on that again on something you've already paid taxes on to get doesn't make sense it's a double dip agreed it makes no sense so uh Trump is leading the charge on getting rid of people's taxes and uh I think it's fairly obvious when you cut taxes the economy improves generally speaking Yeah and I think it's what voters need to hear right now that there is a potential for Relief to come because so many people are struggling economically struggling to keep up with inflation and also uh to keep up with the demoralization right if you feel like you're being told by the government oh but buying power is up but you're saying well I am still paying a ton for everything and it seems to only be getting worse hearing that someone actually wants to make your life easier is what you need I think this would cost the government a bunch of money because they're not going to be taking in income tax on overtime but it would save the citizens a lot of money which then could incentivize them to spend in other Realms where they're going to be putting the money back into the government through other forms of Taxation I guess that's the plan I don't know what his numbers are and how he how much he intends for the government to lose in the in the immediate and then recoup in the long run I can just tell you this that uh I used to have to work overtime all the time so uh working out of O'Hare you had what's called mandatory overtime so part as part of the the union contracts if you're working the there there was the morning shift and the night shift so uh this is ramp this is loading planes pushing back planes things like that you get in at 1:30 you're out by 10: but if your plane is delayed you have no choice you are required by your contract to stay we call mandatory overtime and some people like it we me most people hated it and that's why we hated working the night shift but the morning shift was 5:30 until 1 so for a lot of people it's like it's pretty brutal to have to choose 5:30 in the morning if you want to work 1:30 and then work tonight you're going to get hit with overtime I got to tell you if I had been working and they and and Trump came out and said this I'd have been like he that that right there nothing else matters that got my vote yeah I mean Trump is consistently proving that he's the change candidate in this race absolutely and it also I think uh reaffirms that he is the leader of the Republican party because you know Trump comes out with a brilliant policy followed by members of Congress introducing legislation almost immediately I think when uh president Trump first said no tax on tips Congressman Matt Gates introduced legislation that followed it immediately um with the Social Security uh was Congressman Thomas Massie introduced the um the senior citizens uh tax elimination act so it could so that there is an elimination of the unjust double tax which congresswoman bobert's also um a co-sponsor on and so it's it's great to see that President Trump leads the charge we have members of Congress backing them up and you know neocons and and shambles I got a question about this is it uh no tax on on the just because overtime time and a half it's basically what you're getting time and a half so you get paid 10 bucks an hour you're going to be getting paid 15 for your overtime time hours is this just taxfree on those extra $5 on that extra 50% or is this taxe 15 wow yeah because he said overtime hours he didn't say overtime pay so imagine this you're making you're it's it's at this point now I think if you're if actually I'd be interested to check in with uh my old jobs and see how much they're paying now because when I was there it was like 10 bucks an hour you were loading planes you're getting 10 bucks an hour you do overtime you get 15 but who cares because they're like but you're getting taxed on a percentage so it's just everybody rolls their eyes like thank you for the extra $10 to make it so I can't get home and go to bed and I got to wake up in the morning and uh you know what I would add is when I worked at the airport I like to uh do four shifts in two days get in at 5:30 leave by 10 be there the whole day because then you get all your you get all you can get as many hours as you can in and then you have the rest of the week for whatever the projects you're working on whatever you want to do but you always get hit with that mandatory overtime if we're if if you're getting 10 bucks an hour and then you're only taking home eight but now they say but don't worry if you work overtime you're going to be getting basically double your pay because now the whole 15 is not going to be it's not going to be taxed at all people are going be begging for overtime it's it's a good point because Trump says the people who work overtime some of our hardest workers but this is going to incentivize overtime that's great for the economy people can be working more now there is alternatively it could be bad you know why it could be bad because now there there are going to be companies that say why Why Pay why hire another staffer if maybe it's so okay it's 10 bucks an hour for for employee a but I need someone who can who can work a few hours at the end of the day I got to hire another employee 10 bucks an hour whoa whoa whoa I just have one employee work extra overtime and he's going to make more money than if I paid him anyway so it could have a perverse incentive where companies actually want to hire less because people are willing to work even longer yeah yeah you I think you really want to incentivize more employees is what you want and a lot of companies from what know are having trouble hiring one of the reasons they have to ask for extra overtime right now from current workers is that they they do not have people applying to fill openings that they have so while it could incentivize them to just continue to extend overtime hours for already overtime workers uh I think you might see people who are not that interested in in going to the job market right now start applying with more Vigor because you know if you are able to to say okay I'm going to work this many hours a week but all of my overtime is actually going to be taxfree you ultimately earn a lot more in the long term over the course of a year and I think people want that right now also I'm wondering about people now that are on salaries and if they're going to end up feeling like they're getting screwed now they're like it would be interesting if people start calculating it's better to work hourly than to earn you know whatever the salary wage is because there are I mean I know a lot of hourly workers who earn more than you know than other friends who have salary jobs just because the hourly offers more benefits and and the overtime like you don't get overtime overtime Flex time you can sometimes pick up more shifts like with your salary this is what you're earning and that's it yeah I want to see this this proposal somehow incentivize more workers as well so like the company although the re the the income is going to be no income tax on overtime the company maybe has less payroll tax if they have more employees or like a um a diminishing return on their payroll taxes the more employees that they bring in and keep under the overtime threshold because the government be like well we're going to receive more money from your company if you have two employees working 40 hours than if you have one employee working 80 so we're going to incentivize you through tax reduction to hire more employees interesting it's possible I mean that's this is a challenge with any kind of uh announcement of a policy like this uh the details are not yet clear and part of that is because you know uh unless it's done through executive action it's going to have to be done through Congress and that's always sort of a deal making process I feel like Joel can attest to this if if there were a that said we don't want to tax overtime anymore you know somebody would tack on some kind of irrelevant proposal had it worked the last time when they you said that they were doing the social they didn't want tax Social Security or they what was it they wanted well as of as of now it's just a bill that's been introduced by by Thomas Massie so I'm not sure what if it's gone through um a committee Vote or if it goes uh straight to the house floor there's a few different procedures but I know that as of now it's just a bill that's been introduced a single issue Bill yep okay so they could do that with something like this as well yeah I'm not sure sure what what what appropriate committee it would have to go through um but you know it when you introduce a bill and then put it through committee that alone um puts the members uh on their heels on how they're going to vote publicly and so sometimes they don't want to do that sometimes uh they they do some funny business to make sure that that bill doesn't see the light of the day or you know they they make some technicalities could you imagine being whatever Committee Member and then having to go back to your district and be like Oh Well we I'm on the committee for this thing and we got sent a bill that that meant that overtime worker overtime hours wouldn't have been taxed and I voted against it I I didn't want it to reach reach the rest of the chamber like that doesn't seem like it would bode well I can't think of a district in America where people would be like we don't care about that issue at all I think most Americans would be impacted by this yeah well I'd love to see you put up for a vote we we'll have to we'll have to stay watching them closely it's just hard like how would you message on the opposite of that it would just be like I I did I could have I could have helped uh overtime workers and instead I chose not to yep well that's why love their poison pills the argument would be like we're it's going to bankrupt this government program which is going to end up costing seniors their social security because we're not taking enough income tax now because we're losing it to this this free money secur is going to die anyway so that that one doesn't uh inspire me at least uh I'll never get so I mean probably jol to will never get Social Security so it's a dying Institution for most Americans current seniors I feel awful for them right they shouldn't be double taxed on Social Security but it's not an institution that's sustainable so I think if you tell younger voters oh well it could potentially harm Social Security they'd be like well what's new well if there's a if there's another presidential debate I'd love to see how commo would respond to that there's got to be another debate this is Trump what is he doing he's got to go for it and he's got to chill out and just relax and talk about stuff like this like this is the kind of stuff he should have brought up in the debate no tax on overtime like control the debate with the comment with the statement I'd love to that's that's a good point I'd love to be in a presidential debate so I can just be like I want to abolish Social Security just that just there you go I I will touch it and I will take from it and I will shut it down so you would you just like scale it out just phase it out over the next 20 years or something yep it's a it was it was a bad idea and we can clearly see why it was a bad idea it takes four workers to sustain one recipient and so what we're basically saying is we should sacrifice the young for the sake of the old that is that is a ridiculous thing for society yeah on it face it's like I'm going to pay in taxes and insurance or whatever into this insurance program and then when I retire I'm going to recollect all that as my but they don't account for the inflation and the reduction of value of the money well the common man doesn't understand if I put 10,000 in over the course of 40 years in 40 years that's probably going worth about $2,000 it was a game where they decided look population's expanding right so let's just instead of having to save for retirement or have a family to take care of us let's just make the expanding Generations pay for it sooner or later you they must have been assuming at the time like look people are going to keep keep having kids so long as they have three kids we got nothing to worry about and now they're having having 1.6 kids and now they're like okay it's going to implode and all these politicians are like I will not touch your Social Security because I don't want to lose the senior vote in the most important voting Block it's okay so old older people are going to keep voting to take from The Young while young people struggle to buy homes and get and and get off the ground and the older voters are going to be like don't no don't care I want it it's mine and I'm going to keep voting for it and The Simpsons made the joke in like 1992 when Abe Simpson is making fun of people I think he's making fun of young people being like good for nothing you just want everything for free then he runs into Social Security office and goes I'm old give me it I deserve it it's mine it's like that that's how I that's how I feel about it it's sad to think about elderly people going bankrupt and living on the street like because they don't have any income at all but and this is a perverse system that told people don't have a family don't have kids don't worry you'll be fine government will pay for it we will by force make young people pay the bills of people who didn't have families that's insane I love this idea of seeing you on the presidential debate stage if we ever saw a potential president pool who would be your running mate uh that you wouldn't see a president if I ever had a campaign it would be intentionally just to say things that are unpopular but I think people need to hear yeah but that's that Warren batty movie and he won what was that movie called I don't remember I get I get I get the whole youth vote they're like how much money do we get back I'll be like well I guess if we eliminate Social Security you're going to get back what seven 7even to 12% you wouldn't have a VP uh have to be AOC dude he's got to vet a bunch of candidates you don't know who's trendy at the time I don't I don't want to be president at all so I can't even think of who a VP would escap the best well if if the whole point is just sending messages that are disruptive Michael malice is always the go-to as someone we need in a position of like press Authority you know so press secretary was great for the libertarian party it crossed my mind when I was watching that debate that if you were I told telling you this before the show if you had been on stage in Trump's position instead of him and you were just able to actually explain some of the problems like when commo was like they were like Trump why didn't you vote for her border bill that put all these extra border agents on the border and and he ended up just defending his rallies and being like people don't leave my rallies I don't even want hold on people don't ever leave my like dude she got him she go let's let's literally talk about why you voted against or why you pushed to get this vote shot down to get all these border agents in there because it was going to let more illegal immigrants come across every day or every month or whatever here's my answer well um with all due respect it's not that I control Congress or the Senate I simply made a few phone calls to members of Congress and asked them what they had thought about I gave them my opinion and my opinion was that this bill actually codified an increase in unchecked unvetted border crossings and I and I made phone calls to members of Congress and asked them why are they calling it a border security Bill if it's going to bring more people in I mean if it's bringing more people in kamla's we we you know the Biden Administration we should we shouldn't be supporting this that's that's that's simple the American people want a border security bill that's going to restrict and reduce the amount of illegal immigrants and that that's that's that's it you guys remember off the top of your head how many more immigrants it was going to allow in every month it was like thousands per day or something it it was 5,000 illegals every day and it was going up that was that many more people were just going to be allowed it was an amnesty bill it wasn't a security bill it was a total amnesty Bill and and the problem is politicians and I think you know look Trump can do whatever he wants there's a you guys can insult me and tell me I'm wrong all day next I ain't never going to run for office in my opinion however which I am entitled to I think the problem with a lot of politicians is they'd say something like that was an amnesty bill that would have granted instead of just saying well uh I wouldn't characterize it as me shutting the bill down I mean I'm a private citizen I was I was calling a few people and asking them their their thoughts but I think the problem with the bill is that it it created an a provision the provision increased the amount of illegal immigrants that they were going to allow in every day the number should be zero if you come to this country you got to come in Legally that means you come to our borders you come to our embassies you come to our consulates you f out the paperwork their border security bill is what they called it but it allowed up to 5,000 legal immigrants to cross the border without being vetted at all and they called that a reduction so let me just put it this way well also Comm Harris said on the debate stage that he killed the bill because of politics they didn't want to give him a win but it was it wasn't because of politics it was because of policy if we want zero people crossing our border illegally and we have 10,000 people crossing and you come to me and say let's set the number at 5,000 I'm going to say no the number is zero and kala's Bill was was 5,000 K was basically asking America like if you were a city to say we're okay with you know 15% violent crime every year like that's that's the strangest thing it was saying a certain amount is okay and I don't think that's uh what any American would want that's why the bill is bad you can call it a border security bill every single day but the reality is it was okaying a certain amount of crime in America at a time when Americans one of their top issues is crime there there there was a lot wrong with that bill is 5,000 illegals every day increasing green cards by 50,000 a year work permits for adult children of H1B holders immediate work permits to every illegal alien released from custody like that's just crazy that that is a total amnesty bill it was work border security illegal immigrants that were being released they were going to give workit and then they they uh what's the right word for this they B they dissolve the Asylum claims so there's no enforcement action against these people now which is effective amnesty they say come here here's a work permit you have a court in one month a week goes by and they say your court date's been dismissed have a nice day which basically means they're here with a work permit with and they can't be deported they're basically giving them amnesty no it's not border security it's literally literally an authorized invasion of the country let's let's talk about the latest forecasts so the big news right now is Kam Harris wins she won the debate but you got to ask yourself what it means to win the debate so of course you've got the kamla cope that's what I call it the uh uh the the anti-trumpers who are posting laughing emojis being like everybody knows Cameo one dude just because your friends of the New York Times said she won doesn't mean it's true the first thing I would say is on the surface everyone's going to claim their person won I think it's fair to say that Kamala was was better prepared than people thought I think it's fair to say that uh she goated Trump and actually got him off kilter on on many points but I'm not sure that in the end Kamala actually is the winner in terms of tangibles so you ask yourself what it means to win the debate Ian do you think kamla won the debate no you don't think she won the debate no I don't think either of them won that debate they both look like idiots in my mind not idiots they both look like bitter people with no plan so are you going to vote for either of them no no that was disgusting to watch so here's here's pineapple what is you wearing pineapples or Richie Jackson gave this to me oh it's pretty cool thanks he's wearing I don't know what that is I'm kind of trump won't tax your pineapples I hope not I think it's a lamp so the goal is how you convince Ian Crossland to vote for Donald Trump and this is this is the point I think that that what Ian is saying is actually been reflected by many of the the surveys and the polls that were done New York Times all the people saying undecided I think I think they had a couple people said Harris but then most of the panel just said I don't know that anybody anybody won and I'm going to tell you this that means Trump won you you and and I know all the Liberals and leftists are going to be like cope cop and see dude you can you can tell me whatever you want if you ignore the facts it'll be your detriment in 54 days the reason Trump won if that's the case is Trump didn't have to win so in the debate Kamala goess Trump trump makes mistakes we get out of this with people saying I don't know who won that was ridiculous well Trump didn't need anything kamalo was already failing calling herself the underdog Kamala needed the opportunity to prove that she had something to change and she did not Trump could have gone up there and done the chicken dance for an hour for all anyone cares as long as Kamala articulated her plan and helped people understand what she would do that was she would have won she did not she answered her questions as insults to Donald Trump and Trump responded to the insults and all anyone saw that didn't know anything about politics was two people yelling at each other I think the problem is the media is looking at this like sports right they think if if KLA gets Donald Trump flustered she gets a point so if she does it twice she gets two points if he doesn't do it to her then you know he doesn't get any points but both candidates went in with different objectives and I think her campaign really miscalculated by trying to make Trump look bad that's why they wanted the mics right they said no you know the American people deserve to hear what he's saying however deranged it is they they wanted him to be this caricature that they have created of him but Donald Trump is a known quality in American politics I mean he launched his campaign for presidency what the first one eight years ago he's been on the scene for over a decade he's been a public figure for way longer than that and so if he looks Brash if he looks like he's getting angry it doesn't make a difference she had to prove that she was a person it and be someone with policies who understood them and she did either real quick I got I got to read this point just before so put a attack on that this is from the liberal patriot who writes there are clearly reasons for concern besides the data noted above and so I'm I'm jumping down mind you he says polling right after the debate found that Harris did little to improve voter confidence in her ability to handle the all-important issue of the economy a CNN flash poll among debate Watchers found that before the debate voters trusted Trump over Harris on the economy by 16 points and after the debate they favored Trump by 20 points furthermore if you look at the cross tabs workingclass voters before the debate favored Trump over Harris to handle the economy by 29 Points an advantage for Trump which increased slightly to 32 points after the debate not exactly what the Harris campaign had in mind so if you want to talk about who won you can sit here and say Trump got mad and got flustered and comma sounded better dance all the way to November for all I care because when it comes to the economy stupid Trump won I got like if if Harris acted like she acted at that on that I'm not even called to debate because they weren't debating anything I didn't even hear them debate any ideas they if she acted like that in the room with xiin ping she'd be laughed out of that room and just totally ignored in the how about this she goes to Ukraine to talk with zinski three days later Russia invades well and I I like what you're saying it wasn't really a debate it was sort of a parallel interview of both of them I mean occasionally they would be asked to comment on the other ones resp response they would you know they would want to but the moderators would be like Tim here's one question on this issue now Joel here's a different issue that we're going to Pivot to Daniel Turner talked about this last night we used to have dates multiple debates and they were thematic economy National Security whatever the next one was and this time it was sort of like we don't know if we'll see Camala Harris again so we might as well try and ask them a bunch of stuff you're you're both wrong it was clearly a debate it was the Trump um uh mure debate mure got some good Jabs in against Trump but I think Trump countered pretty well and alos Trump was like I thought that was one of your best tweet they are invading our country over he said it like seven times I'm like oh my God enough already I get it yeah they are one or twice and that's it sorry KLA needed to make the case for herself on the debate stage and even even more important she needed to separate herself from Joe Biden because Joe Biden was already on the path to being destroyed 50 state loss against Donald Trump and I think the New York Times put out a piece where they said that undecided voters uh had said that kamla wasn't able to separate herself from Biden on issues like the economy and the military she she said I mean she straight up said that she was proud of the Bosch Afghanistan withdrawal she's proud of this record inflation and so if she wasn't able to differ differentiate herself from Joe Biden I think that's that's that's the biggest loss for her um because people know people people lived under a trump presidency they know what to expect with Donald Trump in the white house and I mean we kind of know what to expect with k Harris in the white house as well and so if you're I mean if you're just comparing those two I think Trump has the upper hand well I I it's it's important to note Harris is not Biden and and for Trump to even intimate that she is is ridiculous your vice president has no authority over what you do as the president their backup Biden says that she was a last one in the room after all the major decisions but he's still making every decision she doesn't make any of those decisions three years insisting that it was the Biden Harris Administration this is one of the I mean this was not true of the Obama Biden Administration they really just called it the Obama Administration also true of the Trump Pence Administration it was really just the Trump Administration but Biden's White House has gone out of their way time and time again to make sure her name is included on everything and I think that is partially on her Camp's insistence but also because Biden used her as this token higher to say I am promoting you know a diverse woman who's going to rise to the ranks and do whatever but that ultimately means that she asked to have uh responsibility for his legacy and on stage she's saying I'm not Joe Biden but then she will try and take credit by saying well we are really proud of what we we were able to do this that and the other she is a we when convenient she's tied to Biden when she thinks she can win American voters but when they don't like Biden she's not a part of that at all that's that's disingenuous to me same thing on the southern border they named her the borders are immediately and now that the we've seen uh the Border just totally destroyed under their Administration now all of a sudden she had no involvement in the mainstream media saying she had no involvement I think this is the clip I could be totally wrong but I'm going to play it anyway so you know whatever good evening I'm William worm before we begin we have just received word that squiggly miggle will not be attending tonight's debate due to the fact he blew his head off with a 3D printed shotgun we want to remind the audience to please not uh talk out loud to not applaud you're just wasting time now our first question tonight goes to Mr Frog Mr Frog why are you so evil you have one second to respond hello I time's up plus you're wrong the next question is for our beloved and highly intelligent president why are you so amazing you have unlimited time to respond so everybody was sharing this clip being like this is what the debate is yeah it did feel like that at times I I felt like the fact checks on Trump many of which were incorrect uh were so obviously like it was so obviously against Trump and to kamala's benefit they did ask her the occasional tough questions which a lot of times she either avoided answering or stumbled through uh but it it is striking when you say the CNN moderators were better you know like I mean par because everyone just watched Joe Biden self-destruct but they interrupted less than uh the the ABC moderator the most shocking moment of the debate was when Trump was asked if he still thought he lost 2020 because he said I lost by a whisker and uh he was like no I was being sarcastic and mure goes well I didn't take it that way or something like this and it's like that asked you well but but that was the moment where he like there was the facade was completely gone yep we're fact checking not anymore you're not now you're having now now you're giving your opinion as a randomy guy that no one asked yeah they fact checked him saying that babies could be terminated after birth they're like no they can't and he was like okay they fact checked uh that people weren't eating cats and dogs and he was that was that and but they didn't fact check KLA Harris when she kept saying that he was tied to 2025 project 2025 or not or they very fine people hoax they didn't fact check that she told lie after lie the America yeah they the the fake news media they think that the American people are stupid when they try to do these fact checks against President Trump but Comm told lie after lie she falsely said that not one member of the United States military is in an active comat active uh Duty combat zone not true KLA Harris also said that she did not support a government takeover of healthcare she does she said she denied um support for fracking uh when it was brought up in the debate she does as well as mandatory gun confiscation uh she said that's not true when President Trump highlighted her support for defunding the police I mean the list goes on and on and they didn't they of course they're not going to bring any of this up yeah that's the whole point of the debate but that's why she wants another one now I mean it's so fascinating that before her team would not commit they acted like Trump asking for multip debates was kind of rude and crazy and now they're like we want another debate and he's being unreasonable I mean it's just such a like well Trump said Trump said let's debate on Fox News he should definitely again why won't she do it he should debate her again he should talk policy he should just ignore the ban I don't know if he can do that that's my concern that's why as an independent voter and like an undetermined like watching him just get defensive about his people don't leave my rallies no one has ever left the Trump rally ever it's interesting what the they're still course they leave from time to time the thing is you're it's interesting cuz that obviously made a huge impression on you but like I remember that I also remember him talking about a lot of his issues I remember getting more policy from him he talked about the Border he talked about you know gun control he talked about being pro fracking he talked about business stuff she would give these platitudes like well I'm for an opportunity economy and then she would never really explain it and the other part is that she spent a lot of time talking about about Trump I mean really most of this like if you remember Trump was like you I put these tariffs in they were good it's going to help us on the world stage it's good for our economy whatever you guys left them in place even though you attack me over them that was one of the only times the moderators were then like yeah do you want to explain why they're still there she completely ignored that wouldn't talk about it at all I mean to me Trump has an established Legacy he's already been president his campaign has had policies out for a long time she just released her policies this is her first major media moment to explain them and she just didn't that's that's crazy to me so uh let me let me jump to this right here we have the poly Market numbers KLA Harris has a 75% chance to win the election according to poly market and it looks like they've got around 207 or 28 million on the line right here actually I don't know what is this $200 million bet on popular vote winner is that what that means I don't I don't know yeah looks like 200 million has been on this oh because of the no side well that seems I don't know how this stuff works but I'll tell you this if you believe poly Market you can make that wager if you believe Nate silver there's free money waiting for you I am not telling you to make bets I am not giving you advice I'm just saying this is what we would refer I mean if Nate silver is correct as an individual expert using a forecasting model and he says Trump today is at 60% chance to win uh you're EV positive 60% chance to win 75% uh uh or you know four four times your money all he's got to do to win is look like a good guy Trump he's got to look like a good guy that doesn't get upset if he gets freaked out and angry he's going to lose I disagree he can get angry if it's for the right reason maybe you're right get the behind me Satan if you use anger to propel you forward yeah but if you're getting taunted by the person across from you know that that's right but but if his anger is and he had this at the debate he I don't know if I think he had a good amount if his anger was let's say she says Trump's rallies leav leaving early and and then Trump got angry Wayne and went excuse me how dare you bring up something so inconsequential when the American people are suffering right now the cost of gas is through the roof eggs are through the roof milk is through the roof and you're talking about rallies insults this is insulting yeah and then immediately offer the solutions to the people suffering that anger lights people up I also think he could have gotten angry about the fact that she's being flippant about his rallies when a trump supporter died at one of his rallies in Pennsylvania I mean she is pretending like that didn't happen which is amazing and frankly the ABC moderators let her he was the only one to reference the assassination attempt which I think is a major issue I mean she is protected by the Secret Service doesn't she care that they failed apparently not and that should be telling do you think that on the economy Trump is better than kamla Ian yeah I don't really see any plan that she has at all he at least is talking about some like at the debate he didn't really get specific I want specifics but I've heard him talk to Elon Musk about bringing him in to fix a lot of bureaucracy which on that Elon Musk call which was pretty promising um I know he did put the tariffs on he he really stuck it to a lot of foreign countries with he's talked a lot about NATO paying their fair share things like that are those good things I mean they'll they'll bring money in in the short term so they look like they're they're at least stemming the bleeding of our economy but if you really want to fix the economy you need a new fuel system I haven't heard him mention hydrogen fuel once that's it you're never going to get Ian to vote for you unless you bring up no if you're going to talk about doing the that we did the last 150 years and it's going to work you're wrong we need something new the American the American people aren't listening for numbers and statistics and debate Trump dominates on the economy issue you go to the G you go to the grocery store you go to the Gas Pump and you see that everything is expensive and it's this is the worst time to be making good money in America and they had great times under President Trump and that's all people need to hear or that's all people need to remember I don't maybe if it's an emotional thing but like when he's just like everything is horrible like his he wanted the he wanted the he won the coin toss so he wanted I'm like I'm going to take the last word his last word was everything sucks and everything's bad and she's horrible really that's the energy you want to leave everybody with give me a hopeful vision of the future incorrect that's why you take the last word closing message which he repeated three times and I'm saying that he repeated it three times because what he could have clearly articulated it better was why isn't she doing it now his closing statement was not about what you're saying he said she offers you this she offers you that it all sounds nice but she believes in things that the American people do not yeah his closing statement was about her it should have been about him and his vision not about compl government accountability she's currently in the executive branch and she's saying everything is fine when American people know it's not left even leftwing analyst afterwards saying of the sen are you nuts that's it sorry Hanah CL all the bills that are going through she's the one stamping two of them yeah she's in two parts of she stamping more than you realize that you're saying she's part of the executive and the legislative branch and she still is telling Americans that we wrong somebody she did she did take a tiebreaking vote the inflation reduction act that screwed our country and she was the tiebreaker on it I'm sorry to interrupt what you were saying Oh no you're fine I'm just saying that like even leftwing analysts in mainstream media afterwards were saying you know obviously they're praising her everything that they can but I watched three different networks talk about this and every single one was like but when we got to closing arguments and he said why she's already there why hasn't she done anything about it it's difficult to refute that point I mean I think a lot of Americans and of course you know everyone has different perspective I'm not trying to tell you that you know you know obviously I respect your opinion but I I think that a lot of Americans have that question when it comes to cala Harris you can't be both a vice president and also say well I have nothing to do with this uh Administration and so therefore I'm going to be a fresh fact check 33 tiebreaking votes as of September of 2024 you take the last statement in a it's not to leave a poison pill for everyone about your enemy it's about to give people hope about you that's the reason you speak last is to get them remembering you when they walk out remembering the things you said when they walk out not to be thinking about her he his big boy politics D come on I mean well I'll concede a point to end I I definitely would have liked to hear about you know the future in his closing remarks but I think everything that he said he completely nailed it on the head and I think that his closing statement wanton him to debate no I I think oh I totally disagree Ian you got his closing statement wrong you mischaracterized pull it up we should watch it it's disgusting it's pointless it's just he just argues and complains I'm getting like an 80 I'm getting like an 80% quote he said you believe things you believe in things the American people do not things like stopping fracking and you know she talks about this and that thing and this thing and it sounds good but why haven't you done it now that was the the message that he was sending now what he needed to add to it and I would agree with this is he should have said he he he could have been more artic he could have Saida Harris keeps promising all of these beautiful things she say going to do this for you that for you the question is why hasn't she already done it if she can she could have she won't here's what I'll do I will unleash American Energy I will produce so much energy in this country your gasoline costs will go down your heat will go down your bills they will go down your phone bill your health insurance will all follow suit your groceries will go down your wages will go up and we start with energy should have said that yeah he should have start he should have for sure ended the debate with a positive message about what he's going to do it was Zero of that unfortunate but but asking for Trump to give a perfect performance does not mean that he didn't perform well I mean I would have taken a 40% ending his his closing statement was a zero it was a b to disagree I don't think you no he he didn't make any statements he complained about the girl that was a terrible move he said under me we'll do all kinds of stuff but what has she been doing I mean I think this is the thing like if if the objective of the debate for Trump was to stay cool talk about the policy like maybe he could have done better he did talk about some stuff he landed some some funny blows on kamla KLA had a bigger burden she needed to Define who she was she needed to show that she understood policy and she had a plan for the country she did not do that and that's why I like the closing statement I like that he was like she's already in the White House and she's not doing anything if she has all of these promises which she has failed to tell us right now why hasn't she carried them out I think that is something voters are really considering when they look at Kamal Harris they already know Trump and he's promised optimism he's promised hope for years and years and years and in this case I think it makes sense to hold her to the why didn't he drain the swamp you want to talk about people not doing what they say they're going to do I mean that's why he said I need more time there's actually an answer to why he didn't drain the swamp I just don't think you want to accept it well the answer is he didn't know how the that's half the answer it is he brought on people that he didn't realize were bad made mistake he totally failed in that regard so hold on would you consider failure experience yeah sure K Harris has a lot more experience from failing that's a good point I also don't think she's going to drain the swamp right she never said she was going to that's the thing though like if you want someone who said I'm going to try and do these things versus the person who's like I think everything in Washington is perfect the way it is I would still want the guy who my point is on draining the swamp Donald Trump brought in bad people and regretted it later and fired a bunch of them and so many people would would jokingly refer to this as he drained a lot of the swamp but the swamp monsters were still there the water came down we saw the swamp monsters and he didn't get rid of them hopefully now that he's learned from this the next time he will but voting for kamla Harris is a guarantee that that never happens well I do agree with that actually she's very tied in with the bureaucratic Empire and and I'm I'm letting you guys know I I really want some positive change in this country and I would really love to see someone Empower our industrial base but I'm just calling this objectively as I saw it what about RFK Jr I love the guy would you would you support RK J J I do support RFK Jun you do he said to vote for Trump I know and he said a trump Victory is an RFK Victory he says you vote for Trump and we're going to make America healthy again so I got to tell you bro I don't think I I understand you have a social argument concerns about the divisive nature of where this country is but I feel like mathematically you can you can you can call Trump every name in the book but RFK Jr has asked for your help I know got to do it Joel what do you think of our phase endorsement of of trump I know it's a couple weeks ago I think it's great got a I think it it I was kind of worried um about RFK remaining on the ballot to split up the vote in some way but I mean I I think his movement and our movement align very much and I'm glad to see we're on the same team I think Ian really didn't like the presidential debate because they didn't bring up graphine enough they didn't bring it up at all didn't bring up graphing at all if Donald Trump's calling you out if if the whole no no listen listen if the debate went exactly identically in every way but right at the end as as he's saying why isn't she done it why isn't she done it and why w't you talk about graphine thank you everybody goodbye Ian would be like it was the greatest won the debate yeah yeah it wouldn't great if he talked about industry I I that yeah I mean obviously that's a bit silly if he just said the word graphine but I mean I would have lit up if he had uh just to make that noise known by the populace I I I propose this to you uh sir Crossland you should continue to criticize Donald Trump in the exact way that you are and then vote for him because RFK Jr has made the public statement and has asked for your help and outside of the statement I genuinely believe RFK Jr is the guy he is like when we talk about seed oils when we talk about environmental toxins when we talk about radiation all this garbage him being a part of the Trump team is one of the most important things of Our Generation yeah there's other people too that are are very behind um toy gabard Robert Malone the doctor abely BR Brett Weinstein like these brilliant people but I highly respect are in support they're doing that rally on the 29th I didn't know about that yeah the save the Republic rally so I'm just saying if you don't like Trump that's totally fine and I I understand a lot of people don't like the guy but vote for those that are around him and and I I got to say like RFK Jr for the most because he's a he's a he's a liberal guy and he's called it the censorship the war machine the the pharmaceutical industrial complex and the you know when he talks about the environmental uh diseases and chronic illness he's not pointing to a you know a guy that we're mad at he's talking to a a state of emergence in this country where we became negligent and allowed phalates pcbs plastic all this garbage in our surroundings and our food that's poisoned people and he wants to solve that problem and it's it's one of the only times we've actually gotten a real chance at having someone come in to deal with this then you got to throw in Elon musk's Department of government uh uh what is it um Doge yeah Doge efficiency efficiency that's right Doge it's like be mad at Trump get mad that he didn't he was too flustered or he got easily goated but the people around him is a gift yeah this is what we're at we're we're we're altering our the world order into a new world order of some sort we're creating a new world order and we got to talk I could feel like we could do an entire episode on how we can craft a better world order than what we've got that's better than bricks because if we don't brics is going to take over I I agree I think Trump's Coalition right now is one of the most epic things you could have ever asked for you've got talk about coalitions if Joe Biden can put on a Maga hat I think Ian oh dude was he thinking I'll get you that campaigning for Trump he kept the Hat he did keep it he he can't stand his his VP or something so so check it out there's speculation that uh so he he releases a letter on Twitter that he's dropping out let's let's let's let's dedicate some time to this okay so so Joe Biden wears a trump hat keeps the Trump hat and everyone's and and the White House says it's because he's trying to uh uh show Unity or build Unity but there's some speculation and I think it's wishful thinking but speculation so when Joe Biden drops out of the race initially it was through a Twitter letter and the conspiracy theory was Biden did not release that letter he had been saying the whole time up to that point I will not drop out no matter what then all of a sudden without a video or a public statement a letter appears the conspiracy theory was that staffers uploaded that to his account without his permission or knowledge to force him because now you can't go back what are you going to do come out and claim that Cameo or or the Obamas secretly did this nope you're out it was a coup and he went on to say later that he was upset about it he didn't want to drop out he thought he could win there's speculation now that he put the Trump hat on because he's he's out he knows he's out he has no reason to benefit any of these people he's been on the beach now for how long people are keep posting these photos of him on vacation and they're like this guy's checked out mm he's no longer president he like he is but he's just basically in his mind saying you pushed me out you shut me down I just don't care anymore right he must feel a certain level of betrayal from the Democrats and these Democrats that he have he has uh considered his friends and allies for years I mean I was listening to uh uh a New York Times analysts talk about this afterwards and she said that there was uh actually it was a it was a New York Times interview with a senior executive with for the DNC and she said that she saw uh Biden's letter go out on on July 21st and she was like oh my goodness it's happening and then there was like a hour 30 minute delay before he released a statement endorsing Kamala and she said before during that time she was actually kind of nervous because it was like he hasn't endorsed Kamala this is throwing us into chaos and you know I could understand where if the drafted letter was written by someone who didn't have authority and they they kind of forced his hand by releasing it uh why there would be a delay and then a separate endorsement of comma why because it could have all been one statement I well there there is a known history of the bidens hating kamla Harris going back to the 2020 elections when Kamala first went for the jugular at Joe Biden on the debate stage pretty much calling him a racist she did and I think I remember reading after that how Jill after that Jill Biden just totally was on the war path against kamla Harris and these are you know these are the top politicians in the country there is no optic that will go unnoticed or unthought about so putting Joe Biden putting on a Maga hat is a significant stab to KLA Harris is it it really is Charlemagne the God called him the Donkey of the Day for for doing it Democrats were pissed off about it they scrambled to try and claim that it's no big deal it's no big he say Unity no I think I think that was it was a screw you yeah I think it I don't I wouldn't call it an endorsement I think it was a I'm done I'm done with this could you imagine something people were tweeting and I know it's wishful thinking the October surprise is actually Biden coming out saying vote Trump that would be hilarious or if he withdraws his endorsement from then they might then they might say that what if he's like you know I yep I I too old wouldn't that be funny though if they're like actually he's scile we must remove him right now yeah yeah 25th Amendment right now what if he just like says actually I've been thinking about it you know this process wasn't right you know she didn't win the primary I can't in good faith continue to endorse Cala Harris who otherwise is a lovely lady I'm sure you know what if he just sort of turns tides and starts starts just not being pro Trump but being subtly anti-a it'd be funny if he comes out and he just says if you take a look at my political positions from the 90s you know some 30 some odd years ago into the 80s I mean we're going almost 40 years ago I kind of agree with Donald Trump on most of these things the only reason Joe B like Joe Biden's politics now are what he's being told to say all this Progressive stuff yeah now if you go you go look at Joe Biden in when he was when he was half this age or whatever there's no he he should be endorsing Trump he's hardcore he was Hardcore in the 90s like he was real anti-drugs I mean he signed that Drug law kind of dumb Drug law U the 92 I think it was or something 94 um is it is it common Joel for staffers to control candidates Twitter accounts tell us Mr comm's guy uh I mean it depends on the dynamic of your um just how you have your um Communications strategy set up I know when I was on the gates team um I managed his I primarily managed his um official at repm AES account that was where we put all of our you know Congressional news out um the atmad at mate's account that he controls I he totally controls that I don't I don't have any passwords or anything so everything you see from that account is him um same with goes with the Lauren bobert I primarily am um controlling the at rep bobert account which is you know where we push out that news and she controls her own account it could be different for other people I think it should be federally mandated that it says on the account if it's controlled by staffers firstly so that you can't run a coup against the candidate some of them do say that in the bio some of them will say like this is yeah some of them do you have a um I forget who has this I think chip Roy has like a chip Roy press office title uh I think it'd be helpful to know that some staff are putting up but but ultimately when you know if a congressman is signing off on a tweet that's you know that's voice too yeah but Ian's right it should be a law that any material representation must be like if if if the account is run by multiple people then you should not you should not be able to as a politician say that it's you when it's someone else especially like what we're looking with Biden like someone if that truly is the administrative state was in there and I'm just saying his staffers might have been contacted by like deep deep deep State been like you're going to be putting this stuff out now and Biden's no longer with us anymore and they're like okay we're going to do what we're told because that's why we're here we're learning and we're with you who knows but I don't want someone to run a a social media coup on my candidate basically so I need to know that someone else has access to that account it's the point and I think that's what they did is they ran a social media coup on Biden I don't know I can't prove it because I can't tell if he controlled that account or someone else did but the stuff that was coming out of that did not sound like the words coming out of his mouth oh I don't think he runs His official his his accounts at all I mean Trump I think Trump 100% runs his accounts I think it would be even difficult replicate like his random capitalization like he is making it so that he is a unique voice only on his platform uh but but that was not the case with Biden at all I think there was even a case where Karin jeanpierre tweeted clearly tweeted like something she meant to be from her account that was actually delivered from the Biden account uh you know the day and age of social media is fascinating and it is also interesting to sort of contrast the presidency with uh especially Congress because there are so many young people coming up who are aware of how influential social media could be I mean this one of aoc's big wins that she established a voice on social media that people really felt resonated with who she was I think other staffers are able to do this but not all of them have have the same uh tenacity for it it would be great if there were visible short-term consequences to being stupid and being wrong so you know Karine jeanpierre says insane things every day and I don't even know anyone bothers to pay attention and then you get poor duy over there asking real questions and then she just gives a nonsense answer and the all the other corporate press just clap and I'm like in governance the problem is someone will propose a policy and we don't know what the ramifications are going to be just sounds right if there was a way to actually run a simulation before doing it that would be great and then I started thinking like what if that's the real purpose of the simulation that we're in it's the most one of the most inconsequential things ever it's a session of Congress and they're like I've got a bill proposing a a tax on imported cheeses from Europe well we need to see what it's going to do before we uh vote Yes on it so the entire Universal span of our existence right now is actually just a three minute AI button press in Congress where they're trying to see what happens with this one particular tariff I've actually thought that when your body dies that you get to time speeds up and you get to see the rest of reality play out as if it it was programmed by your behavior up to that point so like depending on what you do in your life you're going to see the result of it play out really quickly afterwards and you be oh well that I didn't like how all that turned out I'm going to try that again kind of thing I don't know if that has to do r or anything but my statement sort like you are the supercomputer witnessing your own I don't know if I trust the AI that much right we should have alman's ai or elon's I'm just saying the issue with Congress is they say hey we want to we want to ban this thing and they don't actually know what that's going to do so uh perverse incentives is is the best example of these mistakes that government often make uh shout out to Chris rufo who offered five grand for evidence of people eating cats in Springfield Ohio to which I pointed out all that's going to happen is some Haitian dude's going to be like dude quit get a cat we're going to get Grand like they don't care about the news you're a good point uh you make a good point about Ai and and a useful uh function for AI would be to run simulations on outcomes of policy like superc computations and stuff like that on quantum computers that'd be great to be able to watch like 7,000 potential outcomes of one vote if members of Congress could just read the bill what a crazy concept or not be paid by taking lobbyist money to they make decisions on their behalf or they weren't allowed to sneak unrelated uh um itions into any yeah let the bills be single subject bills and uh pertain to the actual germanity of what they're talking about you guys ever with the with the gates office did you I don't want you can't speak for Matt obviously but did you guys ever like regret pushing McCarthy out absolutely not absolutely not he was he was a liar um there was nothing that could be trusted out of his mouth because he was owned by the special interest in the lobbyists and he had repeatedly made these promises that were broken and we weren't going to tolerate it if we had something to do about it was it where his hands tied and he just had no he's like a cog and a machine of and it's like you're in that position now you're going to do what you're told kind of thing McCarthy yeah and The New Guy what's the new guy Mike Johnson well I I think if you're in government you have a responsibility to do what you said you were going to do when you got elected and if I don't remember him going up on a campaign stage and said I'm going to do the bidding of the lobbyist from now until forever wouldn't it be funny if he had though he was just like I'm here for the LOB obious what was the Fallout afterwards I mean you know were you guys were were the congressman who who really pushed against uh the speaker ostracized in any way did you see that the movement had some support were oh I mean they they were calling for gates to be kicked out of the Republican party some even throwing but that's obviously died away I mean like today as it stands like immediately after we kicked him out um I mean lots of people were calling for him to even be expelled Matt Gates he I mean he wasn't so what what were the consequences today like there is a new speaker now do they do this is this something that comes up a lot are people unwilling to work with certain congressmen because of this tie to trying to ask the last speaker no I think it's it's kind of exposed this Wizard of Oz mentality that these past speakers have been going through you know like Paul Ryan had no heart then you got Kevin McCarthy who has no brain and we have Mike Johnson who has no courage and it is frustrating to when you don't have the votes to get a genuine person who will be a change agent in those positions to just have you know someone who kind of turns out to just be another disappointment but you know at the end of the day we were facing an option between keeping this you know lobbyist puppet in office and not fighting our battles or could try something new and we decided to try something new because we told our constituents that we were going to be fighting for the promises that we had told them that we got from the January fight which were single subject spending bills um and a lot more and they didn't live up to that and they thought that they could you know push us around and um you know keep pushing the deadline for or I'm sorry keep moving the goalpost for things that needed to be done up until you know the end of the year when they should have been working on it all year and uh you know we weren't going to have it so you mentioned before the show about the continuing resol resolution bill that had the uh there was something attached about that Massie was talking about what was that uh yeah there's a a bill called the save act um that was attached to the CR or was supposed to be attached to the CR um which actually was passed a few months ago I think over you know 221 members of Congress voted in favor of it um including I think five Democrats I can be might be wrong on that but there were definitely Democrats who joined in on the bill um and that was kind of like the shiny object for people to vote for the CR um and the save act's good but it you know it it wasn't going to be implemented in time for November and you know like President Trump said on true social if there weren't absolute assurances that we were going to get election security you should vote no on it and we you know it did it looked like eventually both sides um said that they weren't going to vote for it let's jump to this next story ladies and gentlemen it was an effort to insult Donald Trump instead it turned into a based meme you guys ready for this one oh yeah here we go in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country and it's a [Music] shame they're eating the [Laughter] dogs they're eating the dogs [Music] and this is [Music] what all right I think we made our point with this oh that's so brilant work redheaded libertarian says the guy who originally mixed is having a meltdown because it's not pro Trump and he's literally a socialist well it's our song now comrade and so uh this guy he changed his name to Benny Johnson can eat is and he says I updated my display name I it's stuck like this now and it won't let me change it back WTF if you're reading this F Trump I'm literally a socialist this is not a pro Trump song and uh he locked his account megaphonic music I got to say dude you are super talented regardless of all that you're great rce it they don't get it they they they don't understand them like it's funny yeah it's it's a it's a it's okay I don't a good beat I don't understand why they think this is supposed to be like haha look we're making fun of trump they don't they fundamentally do not understand Trump or his supporters I know this is I was thinking this I was trying to find out a good way to put it in writing I figured I just say on the show if you make fun of me but you do it in a really great way I'm going to love you if you do it in a really terrible way you're forgotten that's it this guy did it in a great way and everyone loves him for it that's all yeah but it's Trump supporters who like it he doesn't like Trump because they they see reality and not all not all Trump supporters see reality but a lot of the reason people are supporting Trump is because he was redpilling the world in real time in like 2016 and 17 talking about the administrative State and what these midwit don't understand is that your run-of-the-mill average person collects information peripherally this means that with a song like this going viral this this post on redit libertarian's Ax account has a nearly a million views no one's going to run a fact check on this there's going to be some random guy hanging out with his buddies and someone's going to play it and he's going to hear in the background while he's watching a football game they're eating the dogs whoa they're eating the dogs and then he's going to be like later on he's going to be like I heard that they were eating dogs that's it and people are going to be like yeah I heard the same thing what's this Trump eating the dogs and then people will look into it well that's that's also they also that's also a win of Trumps from the debate like he he was driving the narrative and continues to drive the narrative after the debate because you know some of the the commentary world the news pundants are talking about you know the in the Minor Details of who won the debate meanwhile you know regular folks that I talk to they're talking about psycho migrants eating dogs in Springfield Fields they're talking about illegal gang illegal Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in parts of Aurora Colorado so you know definitely drove more attention to Springfield Ohio I think the news media was just about ready to smother that one and now you know at least I know number of reporters who have been like I'm headed there immediately which for better or worse in the town but you know it makes it so this is a conversation of like that's a crazy thing for Trump to say but why would he say it and I think the impact of crime by illegal immigrant country is actually undeniable and a concern for for a lot of Americans this uh this doesn't even make Hassan look bad right so someone most watchable Hassan clip right somebody who doesn't know politics just sees a dude cheering yeah like I I could I could send this clip to someone and say look how excited Hassan was that Trump brought up this serious problem in Springfield Ohio and he's going yo and you could argue that that was complimentary that he's cheering Trump on I just read this from ABC news that Ohio is sending Troopers and $2.5 million to Springfield govern the governor was on Fox News today being like there are very serious problems and he said well you know like I think he was differential on the pets thing but he said they can't drive cars the the driving laws in in Haiti are are way different and so these people come here there's 15,000 of them and the law says if you're 18 you can get a driver's license but they don't know how to drive and they're crashing their cars dude the the problems are massive and the media is going like I got to point this out he put Pepe in it too it's like what did you think was going to happen anyway a dancing frog dude come on a couple of them and uh anyway the governor is like we we've got to send in all the Troopers and this money because these problems the crazy thing to me is that when Trump says they're eating the dogs the media just says well we asked a bureaucrat he denies this and they don't even look into the city at all which is which is Laden with crisis so they're it's it's I'm so wondering what's happening in Springfield what's happening in Spring sounds like a Simpsons episode they're eating the dog there's a video of a woman crying saying that she found a decapitated dog we don't know like where these people are from or how she's crying being like y'all are making fun of it you're making jokes about it and we're suffering we're scared yeah there's there's a bunch of videos of locals being like I've seen it they're rounding up cats and the biggest thing is like 15,000 Haitian migrants have arrived in Springfield pretty rapidly Springfield is what less than 55,000 people so it's it's a big wow it's a big boost on their population and I think about 3 years they have temporary protected status under the Biden Administration there are uh local resources now being diverted to support them like there's a a a Haiti Community Center that's specifically to help the refugees which you know I don't know if they are technically refugees or what their claim was when they arrived uh but it's causing this relationship with the town where the people are struggling and I do not think the the claim that all immigrants assimilate apply here it seems like there is a divide between this growing population of people who come from a different culture and who are maybe not uh aware or abiding by all of the laws of the area and then the locals who feel as though this is not something that benefits them I mean dwine the governor of Ohio just ask for additional support from the federal government because of this this this uh result you know I know it the idea that like we would say oh they're eating the dogs freaks people out it's the flashiest way to do it but in some ways I'm glad that's how Trump put it because I don't think you can just say that immigration has no effect only has a positive effect on America it can have a negative effect when there's no cultural assimilation and there's no real uh investment in the nation if you're if you're a population living somewhere but lawlessly that's not great yeah and you also have residents who are going to town meetings on camera voicing that they've seen firsthand uh the of these migrants you know taking geese out of ponds seeing you know people's pets going missing and then there's a weird barbecue happening in the alley uh so you you have people that are just totally not connected to politics now coming to their you know representatives and saying what the hell's going on and the people have have amnesty all the immigrants that are doing this are like they have temporary protected status they're allowed to be here so they're not illegal on the other hand I don't think that's exactly the immigration system we want for for the president to say well these people now are are granted an ability to stay here this is small town Ohio I'm from a town of 50,000 people in Ohio this is like exactly what I grew up in or Kai hoga Falls 25 years saying Springfield is just outside of Dayton okay so it's West Northwest Ohio I grew up in a Koga Falls 45,000 people it was the exact same size apparently as Springfield I don't know a square square kilometer or whatever but in importing 15,000 people from another country that have a different culture in like three years that would have completely disrupted our city mhm no one's no one was eating your pets under President Trump in just walking around I could go to the park leave our back door open ride my bike alone at 10:00 at 9:00 at night if there were dudes walking around from a foreign country that didn't speak my language it would have changed everything crashing crashing cars too so even if we get if even if we want to say fine I don't care drop the dog thing the governor is talking about this the locals are talking about this they don't know how to drive cars and but he says they don't have driver education so there's crazy videos of them crashing because they just don't know how to drive man it's it's hard I think for people outside of it to visualize what what how that can change a society when when a a fourth of your people are don't speak the language are from outside of the country not that they all don't speak the language but within a three-year period how how a lot of theb yeah a lot of the residents are talking about the weight times at hospitals and for medical services I mean separate from the more like spicy headline making topics it's a very difficult thing to uh drop on a small town in America they might be already strug struggling economically and that's what the Biden Administration did because they do not care about Middle America he said I'm going to grant them status and and that's it you guys have to deal with it and the town I assume did the best they could but it's not as easy as just saying well you live here now and so everything is fine it's it's sort of the opposite of that thinking about them driving and crashing that's you thinking about voting for Trump what's the traffic what's the TR yeah did you hear him talking about deportation I wish they went deeper on that in the debate a little bit he said local police but once again I I agree with you that Kamala goated Trump and Trump started getting too involved in these like talking about the election was a mistake he did correct that and said that's old news we need to talk that was good that was a good move to to but he he did roast a little too long on it yeah he he he needed he had a great opportunity I think I think he missed a great opportunity but it was his to it was it was it was kamala's Kamala needed the opportunity Trump didn't and Kamala did not you bring it home so I think she's talking to people in this instance about immigration and deportation she seems to be talking to people that don't understand what's happening or they're just hearing about it in the news and he's talking to the people that are directly being impacted or involved with people in their neighborhood that are creating gangs or new weird not weird but new cultures of like strange you call it whatever weird strange just different cultures it's it's a bigger deal than it seems especially for little kids man I mean people people are posting videos from Haiti where they're eating cats and and these are all over the Internet and so the assumption is I'll tell you this how are you supposed to find evidence that they're eating cats they ate the cat like what what is the evidence you find a cat skeleton buried somewhere I guess maybe I don't know it's in the garbage they threw in the garbage the garbage taken out so I don't know what these people are are going to expect to find we know that there there are videos out of hati where they eat cats you put 15,000 Haitians in this town it seems like it may it reasonable to assume it may have happened I don't know is it just a common food there they eat them like we eat pigs kind of thing but it depends on what you read but if you Google search and you set the time frame for only before August you'll see a lot of stories about how it's it's it's a rarity it's like a traditional thing um some people do it because they're desperate but usually it's not the reason it's like they might cook a cat for a holiday I don't know how much of that's true though but on if if you before the controversy you can find tons of stories about Haitian man in the United States it's like taboy dogs and cats you just don't do it here yeah cuz they're our friends well the thing is there are reports that they're stealing pets right of people in those towns well but but here's here's what I would say I think that's where it gets confusing to people and sounds crazy right cats are L outside you have a cat you open the door the cat goes off so what if here's the reasonable assumption if Haitians do eat cats uh you know from Haiti not not like somebody who's born in America and is Haitian okay there's a woman who made a video where she says she's Haitian but her she's from America and she's like her dad like talked about this stuff it's crazy so let's say there's a cat walking on the street they walk up to it they catch it and they snap its neck and they go hey we got a cat they eat it that was someone's pet they didn't go and steal it from someone's house it was a cat walking around the neighborhood that they just thought was an animal wild animal so when we see uh uh complaints from locals about ducks and geese being taken there's a video there's a photo it's not from Ohio but it's a guy carrying a goose we don't know exactly what the context is but if it is reasonable to assume that they do take ducks and geese then what's the difference of them grabbing a cat off the street or not even the street like a tree like you're they're walking through the park and they see a duck and they see a cat and they're like here you go meet I I think if you've got people who grew up in a society where they hunt for food and they eat whatever food they can get or they have different Traditions I don't understand why the media wants to play this well I do get it they're lying because they're trying to cover things up but it's silly it is it is not unreasonable to say foreign culture that has a has reports of eating cats comes to the United States and doesn't understand our Norms our laws whatever eats cats yeah and three years without I mean indoctrination takes decades to learn to really it's not like they come here and start watching the news and start to immediately all learn everything about American culture you get here and you're like where's Little Haiti I need to go hang out with people that speak my language let's get started the governor the governor of Ohio said this they first bring in Haitians and then when other Haitians come they say I want to go where I fit in and so they move to this area that that is a problem and it and it inhibits assimilation and it makes the lives of the migrants a worse off but let's jump to this next story this is a big one the telegraph says the conservative Michael Moore taking on the crazy diversity industry I'd like to give a shout out to Matt Walsh he is doing the Lord's work I'd like to give give a shout out to the Daily wire crew and everyone who worked on what is a woman as well as am icist it is some of the greatest and most important activism some of the most effective and Brilliant activism and met Walsh deserves some kind of like I don't know Independent Media Emy equivalent or whatever check this out Riley gain says several interviewees from Matt Walsh's new film M my racist have deactivated their ex accounts since the trailer went public as always sunlight is the best disinfectant and he says folks you're welcome but now we have a statement from Robin D'Angelo PhD PhD she basically wastes time explaining what happened we don't need to hear it but here's where gets interesting it seems like she may be lining up a fraud claim and I noticed this right away reading her statement she makes reference to receiving money $155,000 to participate in a film called Shades of Justice about efforts to address racism in the United States they plan to interview anti-racist activists authors and thought leaders in service of supporting the cause of racial uh Equity they offered between 10 and 20,000 for an interview I said let's meet in the middle with 15 and agreed to participate when she arrived she says a few things felt off the grips did not make eye contact with me and the interview interviewer who was introduced as Matt appeared to be wearing an ill-fitting wig Matt presented himself as someone new to anti-racist work and seemed Earnest and his questions did not come across his adversarial by the end however things got weird she basically goes on to explain the scene that everybody's seen already where she pays reparations to the Black producer Ben she tries to make it seem like Ben is a victim when the producer of the film is clearly in on it with Matt here's what gets interesting though she she does go into criticize Matt but she brings up how she was it was misrepresented it was a different film and I wonder if she's trying to present some kind of fraud claim now so i' I I I've had some conversations in the behind the scenes asking uh some friends of mine wh lawyers what they thought none of this is by means legal expertise or anything just some I'm curious and I want to say something I want to I want to opine on there when you when you get those boret style mockumentaries my understanding is he doesn't pay anybody but I don't for sure my understanding was that he just goes and says oh we're filming a video about this wacky guy who who moves to America you want to be in it General release and we'll film you what Robin is claiming is that it was a different film name and they materially misrepresented what was being uh requested from her and what would and and and for and the reason why they were giving her money so I'll I'll I'll totally break I'll phrase this another way imagine you were offered a role in a movie and they said Ian we want you to be in a commercial uh for the Super Bowl where you are going to uh I don't know cut your nose hair or something using someone's scissors or something like this let's say you agree to be in that commercial you film a bunch of different scenes they pay you money and then the commercial that airs says that you have AIDS you have HIV and it shows you sitting in a chair and it's playing sad music this actually happened once there was a woman and she was a model this is a famous story and it uh uh they asked her they asked her to take a picture and what they didn't what she didn't know was that they ran it as an advertisement where it was her and a husband and there were little kids who were disgustingly ugly and they were advertising plastic surgery basically using her image without her without her knowing to make claims that she was actually an ugly person who got surgery to sell plastic surgery it destroyed her career she sued so I'm wondering if they went to her and they said we're doing a it's a film called Shades of Justice we're going to pay you $115,000 in exchange for your interview which is legal consideration but misrepresenting it the first thing I I thought when I when I read this was I'm I wonder if she wants to sue for fraud or she's trying to make make that the claim as an as an actor in that situation I would feel defrauded for sure if they if they paid me and used me and to promote some message that I didn't agree to yeah hopefully there would be a legal system in place to to help me against a company that would do that kind of thing I'll say a couple things on top of that though if she did Sue the daily wire they'd make substantially more money they may be counting on these people suing but also it may actually just be that they never misrepresented anything she said everything she said was her own words and so she may not have any claims at all and I have to imagine the daily wire had strong legal go through everything I'm just saying it sounds like she wants to take the angle that she was that they committed fraud against S I wonder if they actually created a company the sh what's it called Shades of shades of Justice was the film that film so they didn't actually put out a film called Shades of justice but if they like created an entity that then paid her and so it was on the table like that they had a a company made just for the purpose of owning this movie that that or if it was actually daily wire saying that they were a different company misrepresenting the company and they pay her that would have been a different story I gotta be honest though uh if they reached out if the daily reached out to uh Robin D'Angelo and said we're working on a documentary film called am icist where we explore racism we talk to academics she that that name is not bad she would have said okay it's a good point yeah she would have been like oh yeah wow and it was like asking the question of like what is racism are are people actually racist and we want the academics to explain what that is because a lot of people don't think they are that would have worked out just fine yeah I'm sure they wanted her to have that guard down I think that she was talking some kind of I was say as long as it wasn't the daily wire that reached out she would have not said yes that am I racist a film title she might have or if she said yes then she would have been very defensive against the daily wire would have had you know wouldn't have done some the ridiculous things on camera but Matt Walsh literally walks in the room and she doesn't know who he is when she says ill-fitting wig I'm like you thought that later you didn't know it was that's the vibe I'm getting too and I think it's interesting that she is like he did appear to be in Earnest like you know I think he was in Earnest I think Matt Walsh is someone who is intellectually curious like I I think he really did want her genuine take and response uh which is which is also interesting like you asked questions that someone really did want the answer to it wasn't like a gotcha prank and then he like I mean I guess she had to pay the producer but it's not like he it it was humiliating if these are your values I would assume I don't know I I just got to say as well though Matt Walsh is a master of deadpan so she may be maybe thinks it's in Earnest because he's just so like dead Bann you just can't read him at yeah he's just like so am icist and it's just like you don't get to read he's just Matt Matt should Le Matt do you play poker Matt would be a great poker player he'd be sitting there Stone Face and they'd be like I have no idea what he's a really unique guy cuz at first I'm like ah he's just like you're a normal average guy but that's what's unique about him is he's so almost like Blends in to the background and I think he does that maybe by choice that's kind of his I just can only imagine the things that Matt Walsh has seen that has brought him to a point where he is unfazed by all of these things before him yeah what was his young his childhood like I don't know anything about him I want to hang out with them and know he saw great combat conflict and War and now it's like nothing nothing gets him going he's just like okay was he just on Reddit for like eight years when he was younger and now he's like nothing can phas me I just found out recently is younger than me oh yeah I'm older than Matt Walsh by three months really he's very adult it's it's it's the beard and the kids I'll never I'll never I'll never have a Matt Walsh beard yeah yeah I'm excited this is coming out to oh did it come out today we got to watch this this week right I think today is a Thursday previews and then tomorrow is the movie so I can't comment too much on it until I see the movie yeah I you can already tell it's going to be massive I'm like they're running TV commercials for it it's in theaters I'm super excited for this one we're going to go Korean barbecue and then watch the movie that sounds like a good idea it's going to make her way more famous that's for sure Robin D'Angelo I think a lot of people didn't know who she was this I am so proud of the daily wire I can't this is exactly what I've been talking about the whole time about how you win a culture War you pres so far what I've seen from the trailers they have just presented them as they are but with an authoritative tone of how silly are they because you want to you want people you want to create an atmosphere where everyone thinks oh of course I'm not stupid like they are but you don't accomplish that by being so over like you see the that show the new Norm we we roasted several times where they they they try and do these shows that are just on the nose actually Dy wire was accused of this with the um Mr burum or whatever that show was called they said all of or or lady ballers they say all of the jokes are too on the notes it's like you're literally just saying this is a bad thing this is masterfully done in that Matt Walsh in Earnest asking them questions makes them look stupid and and and it makes them the butt of the joke without directly saying they're stupid I'm we're just wondering am I racist genuine question I wonder about that what is white supremacy have you given have you given Serge reparations no I never did he's African-American but I do want I want to repair his microphone that'd be a nice place to start it's not broken Serge made a choice that haircut man Serge made a creative decision is it even cut that hair is just like afut Bush just a wild South African bush growing wild I think you're bullying our only African-American room no he's beautiful that's that's called positive discrimination Ian so you're racist you're right I was discriminating about how awesome his hair is that actually is to these people this is the crazy thing like you that's considered a bad racist thing no you can't even you can't say Asians are good at math it's a compliment but it's a racial stereotype and it's wrong not all Asians are good at math yeah when people are like oh I love black women that's like a racist technically it is a racist comment like if you're like I like this particular race of women or Creed of women or whatever like quit being so racist why uh sometimes you're just chemically drawn to things I'm good at math well that goes without saying I don't know you know I don't know that's how that's how the business works I got maybe you guys this what is white supremacy well in the literal sense of what most human rational human beings think it means it's people who believe that white racial genetics and ethnicities are superior to other races of course to these people it literally just means western civilization that's what I'm wondering and so I got to I got to ask someone that's in this state of mind this weird thing what is it okay well let's break it down I don't think Robin's taking questions now though seems like she might be uh let's break down the reality of it everybody knows what white supremacy is and the quote unquote anti-racist authors know exactly what white supremacy is they decided to use the phrase white supremacy different to how it normally is used in an effort to manipulate people of weak will so the technique is take a phrase that is obviously a bad thing that everyone hates apply something else to it and then you can demonize that thing so for instance what they're what they're talking about is Western Civilization they say being on time is white supremacy they see they say saving for the future and not exaggerating they say saving for the future is white supremacy anything that is a component meritocracy is white supremacy so basically white supremacy means bad thing I can guarantee meritocracy is not if they said that they're wrong because gask Khan was all about meritocracy I know and they're and they're racist and and this I I've told the story many times the guy in uh North Dakota who said that uh he said um scheduling is white supremacy it's Colonial thinking to me and I was like what what cuz I had a meeting I I have a meeting in 3 days I got to leave and he goes that's that's Colonial thinking the white Colonial settlers brought schedules to the United States Native Americans just woke up when they needed to and I was like Asians had time like I'm I'm I'm part Korean like my people had a sense of time and set schedules well before the white people came and he goes well but we all know the white settlers went to Asia and gave those ideas and I was like China invented the compass 1,000 years before you dude you are nuts and I and I said I I got I sorry I was like somewhat jokingly but like somewhat seriously and I said I will not sit here cuz I was at a table full of bunch people and have a white supremacist tell me that he is better than my my people and my ancestry or whatever but this is the funny thing the they're literally just white supremacists and I mean that literal sense they are white people who think they are superior and they're guilty about it I'm not exaggerating it's not meant to be cute when people like Robin D'Angelo give money to a black man she's literally saying it's because I'm better off than you are so you need this that is the mentality they possess instead of being like I don't know Will Smith's what worth hundreds of hundreds of millions of dollars he doesn't need anything from me I don't care about his race he's a very smart talented and and and uh wealthy individual they don't they say nope nope skin color that's white supremacy it's them there you go yeah racial Supremacy in general just like thinking you're I got to tell you Koreans are very racist in what way they lit Lally believe they're the Supreme race correct now it's yeah and uh at the younger Generations don't hold these views but uh there's there's there's actually a deep historical reason for it so uh you know Japan of course just brutalizes and and rapes the Koreans quite a bit uh I'm 5% Japanese by the way ask me how that happened that's awesome and uh not in that context gezan calm down so anyway um basically the Japanese are very uh uh uh ethnonationalist and racially uh supremacist they believe Japanese people are superior blah blah blah or at least they did to a great degree hundreds of years ago so when they enslave and Conquer parts of Korea and and and basically control Korea the Korean response was no no no we're actually the superior race they needed they needed morale to counter the you know the the conquest of the Japanese and so they built within their own culture that they were actually Superior and so now they very much think they're superior but again the the younger Generations don't hold those views the older Generations tend to so white supremacy is probably an extension of Roman Supremacy because the Romans were a lot like that too they were brutalized by their neighbors until they decided they're going to stop being brutalized and now they're going to become the great the great ones the conquerors I would have believed Korean Supremacy when gangdam style dominated the world in 2012 yeah but that was orchestrated intentionally by who um what was that guy's name scoot or something yeah he he publicly talks about this Taylor Swift guy uh was it scoter Bron it might have been um I think I met him maybe it wasn't him all I know is I was at like Google world or whatever it was called and they talked about how they intentionally gang them s was a s up is what you're saying uh it was a marketing campaign by International Outlets that they wanted to they wanted to isolate a song that they they saw like Macarena that could be a b like a Bop and so they worked a big marketing campaign to make it a meme and I mean they nailed it yeah they did it was great nailed it uh like I must talk to them and see how they i f for it yeah yeah seriously I F the story the story was that they they were looking for us so I I I could be wrong about this it's been a decade plus since I heard the story but I was at a Google event and the guy there I thought it was that scooter guy I could be wrong maybe it's not it was the guy who found Justin Bieber was that him yeah scoter Bron oh I think this was him I again Public Enemy of Taylor Swift totally totally could be wrong but the I'm pretty sure he told us this story where it was um they had found this song they KN he was big they knew he was very popular in um uh uh Korea and they felt like it could be like a Macarena and so they said they wanted to do a big campaign to push it and Sai said something like if you can make me big in America you can keep all the money and they were like no no no no no no we can't do that we can't do that you're going to get paid but we're going to make this huge and and we're going to make a lot of money off it and so the long story short of it is it was a big marketing campaign it was totally inorganic it was intentionally made to go viral like Justin Bieber right they found him on YouTube or whatever oh you know and like I I don't know much about that story with Justin Bieber but I'm pretty sure it was like he was already assigned talent and they just pretended like they found some kid on YouTube is that what it was do you know anything about it I I've heard the that he was discovered on YouTube but actually he was already in talks with talent agencies and stuff I I've never really known for sure with the origin story he basically got like adopted by Usher and then was suddenly you know on his way to pop star and P Diddy s just saying yeah I don't know why I'm allowed to talk about pop culture over here it's it's great stories so uh you know Gnam Style appears on Reddit and then makes it to the front page of Reddit and then they it just keeps popping up on social media and it goes viral and you're ruining Joel's uh faith in pop culture seriously no no the problem is not Paul baji is the best Sai song and they didn't promote it so Americans don't even know it and it's way better than Gangnam Style I'm not kidding not Paul baji look it up it's a way better song and then what did they promote they they promoted what like Daddy and gentlemen and those are those are good like Sai is good but Napal baji is his best song I I I defy anyone to to challenge me on that and it's just that it wasn't a big promotion for them so it never really got big yeah they the the singles they lined up they were like size back with the new song you know I got it from my daddy or whatever and then gentlemen and I was like they need they needed to do Napo baji I got to we're going to go to super chats almost immediately but Joel I got to ask you about your big promotion here because you've just changed kind of roles you're going from Matt Gates's office to Lauren Boer office what's the what's happening man and what what's the plan what's going on yeah I mean Lauren Boward is already a star in Congress I'm hoping to make her Superstar um you know I I've I've had is that how you pitched yourself you're like look you could be a superstar stop talking no no I U was more humbl than that I've uh I've known um congresswoman Boer now for I think about two years now I mean I see I see her all over the place when I'm traveling with Matt or um Matt Gates or with them in the uh in the capital building um and you know I think we've we in serving in Matt's office I think we made huge strides from where he was in 2020 when I joined to uh 2024 and you know I kind of felt you know four and a half years I thought it was graduation time um and Matt obviously is a he's he's a friend of mine uh I'm always going to be a loyal soldier of his so if he ever needs anything I told him when I was departing you know anything you need I'll still be there still be in the fight um but I've always been inspired by Matt and Lauren and I wanted to join her fight and we'd always been having some conversations about um what her goals were for Colorado she's obviously switching districts from uh Colorado's third to the fourth um so she has these big plans to make sure we end the year strong representing the uh the Third District um and moving on to represent the fourth and you know I just uh I'm very driven by being inspired by people's vision and I was really excited by her do you get focused more on like the federal promotion of her in the federal role or on state tactics what do you mean like you really it's or what is you focus most on like promote like making her famous is that really what it's about is like more coverage on what she's doing holistically no I think she she she does that all by herself naturally um I think some of these uh some of these newcomers in Congress who shot to start them immediately that's just their um their natural Charisma I'm there to help maximize their message and their vision um and I've done that in many ways with Matt on the federal level and in the local level but I actually when I was meeting with um Lauren these past few months I wasn't totally aware of these major um accomplishments she had been doing locally um and she know she had been without a um without proper you know coms Professionals for a while and you know I thought this would be a great time to jump in and you know a lot of people like to disparage her a lot of the mainstream media a lot of these losers on social media um but I thought you know if you had someone like me on your team we could push out the great things that you're doing on the ground but at the same time let's take advantage of the uh the things that people care about nationally um let's figure out a way to get your voice in there because she's an important one that all right we're gonna go to we're gonna go to Super Chat so smash that like button subscribe to this channel share the show with all your friends head over to we're going to have an amazing culture War episode for you tomorrow so go to timcast Josh CER will be here with Alex Stein this is going to be one of the weirdest podcasts I've ever done and I I imagine it will be quite enjoyable so uh that's timcast but we'll grab your super chats now t-bomb says members only seven days to die server starting up this weekend info and discussion in the Discord are you kidding me have you played seven days dude no it's awesome it's Minecraft but it's zombies fight fighting zombies building defenses it's amazing it's great did I ever tell you my video game idea no we got to make it which one so the idea is every week you you build defenses you collect materials and it's like kind of like GTA and then we we we pick a day like Friday maybe Sunday at like 700 p.m. a disaster happens and you never know what the disaster is going to be so it's like the whole week you're collecting ammo you're getting food you're getting money you're buying stuff you're driving around and then Saturday we give you like a hint and it's like get prepared and then Sunday that's a countdown and then right at 7 it could be a flash flood it could be an alien invasion it could be zombies it could be you like the military imagine this you're playing and then all of a sudden the countdown starts and it says half the players will be government half the players will be revolutionary B and then just boom everyone just switches and now it's like survive every time you told me this a few times it makes me think of seven days because every seven days there's a blood moon and the zombies go psychotic so you should check check it out cuz it might give you more inspiration I've had this idea for a decade plus and it came from the corrupted blood incident in World of Warcraft where uh a plague spread Accidentally In the game and virologists TR epidemiologists or whatever tracked the data from it because it it mimicked real world pandemics and so I was like what if we made a game that simulates a disaster every week and then you track the data on how people respond to say a flash flood an earthquake a volcanic eruption a meteor strike a imagine you're playing and you build this big fortress and you're like dude I am so ready and then the meteor hits right into your base and you're dead instantly and you're like oh man I get to play it's like you died you know so I pitched as Vice was interested one of their Executives was like we could probably do that and we started we worked on it a little bit and then every went went anywhere someone else should make it or maybe that's close enough to what seven days uh you could mod it that you could mod the server and make it do crazy crazy uh every seven days some crazy just goes down that'd be wild and and then basically released the data on how players responded the goal is survive and then it would be like 37% of players became Mass murderers and started stealing and looting I tell you man people think about zombie apocalypse but the zombie dogs are no joke cuz they are fast and small and hard to hit don't tell the Haitians all right John enyard says first uh first Super Chat longtime viewer no tax on overtime would be amazing since I work 10 to 30 hours of overtime weekly that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying Ben Hixon says Australia is putting for uh putting for a misinformation Bill where the news media is excluded and harm includes efficacy of preventative health measures in Australia in Australia search misinformation Bill Australia 2024 wow that's crazy all right kalishnikov says this sounds like early steps in a negotiation process if the comma campaign really wants a debate Trump will appear like he's not interested until they get desperate enough to accept on his terms imagine hosted by Fox they would never do it yep let's go we'll grab some more Super chats Kyle lipka says Trump not wanting another debate seems like bait for an overconfident Kamala campaign to finally agree to a fox debate with Trump bias a trump biased moderators where he can maybe Hammer her on economics unhindered Trump made a good point he says when a when a fighter loses the championship match he immediately demands a rematch the winner says I won and so K immediately coming out being like I want another one I think suggests they know she didn't get the economy stuff and that's what she really needed and so while she may have goed Trump trump may have slipped up he's like well she missed where it mattered don't give her and now he knows they're going to correct for this and he doesn't need to give her the opportunity he can say he did the the debate and he can go oh yeah you know I guess she she did well didn't she but I'm better on the economy and she will never get a rebuttal yep let's go Jason Dixon says Tim will you please play the eating the cats song I'd also like to see you dance to it in your chair well I was head bobin that was great he mentions cat but it's mostly about dogs yeah it's mostly dogs I think it's funny that he was like I'm I'm making this so that Trump looks bad like did you not watch it back afterwards it's so funny so good all right Nicosia connection says rip Fay the swan Fay was the mascot of the town of Manila New York outside of Syracuse she lost her life and was eaten by bur by burmes migrants her babies were fortunately recovered Syracuse New York is a is David M's Hometown you can't make this stuff up wow that's crazy Tyler Breton says at the lp convention Trump promised to end the income tax and replace it with tariffs did he I don't know I don't remember that that's a that's a big deal I still want to know which uh libertarian he would name to his cabinet I can understand why he's not you know declaring who right now but it would be interesting like which cabinet position he thinks would be best suited for a libertarian what if he what if he said Dave Smith would would you vote for him would you vote for him if Dave Smith was like yeah I'm I'm 100% yeah Dave Smith deserves to be I want him in office so if if Donald Trump said he's gonna bring Dave Smith into his cabinet you'd vote for Trump if Dave Smith was like yes I'm doing right yeah 100% if Dave walked up they shook hands and Dave was like I'll do what I can oh yeah you're voting for a coalition at that point I mean you're still voting for a coalition I I actually think it's reasonable that Trump that could that could actually happen like in in terms of things that are in the within the realm of possibility that is one of them granted it's probably a long shot but I don't like I'll put it this way if prominent Trump personality forces were like Dave Smith's popular prominent he's friends with Rogan he's he's got moderates he's not a big Trump guy but if you promised to bring him in and he agreed you're going to win several more percentage points for moderates easily I I mean yes it's more I think it's more question of would Dave do it yeah it is that's the question he could have had the lp nomination for sure it's easy for Trump to promise a cabinet position to anybody I mean what about someone like Rand Paul oh oh like the Libertarians all said the convention if Trump brought Rand Paul in they all vote for him they were just like if he brings in Rand Paul then we're voting for him rand's great yeah he is he is yeah get him as close to the White House as possible yeah all right Common Sense fishing says being a fellow business owner Tim I'd I'd thought of uh i' I'd have thought you'd have known that company pays the same amount no matter what the taxes come out of employees pay so no way that companies can abuse this for overtime what do you mean no I was the one that was asking that question you know you didn't say anything about I was wondering if the company's payroll taxes are going to change if they're well I I was saying that a boss is going to be like oh that must have been you because what I was saying was if I have 12 hours that need to be filled in one work like day or whatever and I can get one person to work the whole time why hire two people because it cost you more to have two people doesn't it and just in general it depends on how you're scheduling them if you're paying overtime you're paying $5 more per hour however you could arguably pay less because it's taxfree so instead of paying two people at 10 bucks an hour you tell the one guy I'll give you n bucks an hour but the overtime work you're going to get is time and a half taxfree and so you figure out the mathematical equation to where you're actually getting one guy to work more for for Less there it is but I don't know if that timately checks out in the end so Roger Johnson says oil field automation worker here you are not an admin if you are not an admin ornament is that you're saying or uh or management oh okay I see it's a typo and actually go out and do physical or computer programming your employer is required to pay you straight overtime H well there you go seductive Rue says requesting prayers for my cat Archie vet diagnosed him with kid disease says he only has a few months left he's only 4 years old no idea the cause they'll tell you that man uh healthy diet get him on some organic foods I I looked into stem cells it's not cheap it was like $4,000 or $5,000 for the operation yeah stem cells worked wonders it's hard to tell cuz we changed his diet right at the time but I tell you man you get him on some really good organic Meats you'd be shocked at how healthy that cat can become there there's also uh kidney transplants so a cat that is um on death row you know these cats that that are in shelters that are kill shelters or whatever they will say if you take this cat they will put one of his kidneys in the other cat but you have to adopt the other cat so it saves two lives that's the deal so that's an opportunity also Archie if Archie wants to live he's going to live so give him the love and do not take him to Springfield Ohio all right Roger says on indeed it says a ramp agent in Rockford makes $19 an hour that sounds about right but uh uh Rockford's pretty far from O'Hare I'd imagine that the uh the wages cuz this was 20 years ago when I was working at O'Hare being paid $10 an hour i' have to imagine it's 20 today you know let's go SD says Tim and crew I absolutely appreciate your work godp speed in the coffee shops I live in Baltimore but we'll definitely make it a point to uh to get to the coffee shop weekly to be with individuals that have free thought again thank you the real thing that we're excited for and maybe you I've been saying this but it's it's it's I I'm you know I'm trying to manage too much the second floor of the building we want to be a private club the problem we have right now is the way the city and the state view the building is that there's only one floor there's three floors but they're all considered one open structure so if you have stairs and it's open and it's a public accommodation you have to have a way for handicapped people to get up those stairs the elevator we have is from the 1900s one of the oldest elevators in the country we don't want to replace it to custom Mill all the parts to get it up to code would be absolutely insane we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars or we can do a $50,000 replacement and get rid of a historic elevator in one of the oldest buildings we don't want to do that either so we were like let's just call the second floor private and the first floor and they said actually the way the building's designed the second and the first floor are one unit and the second and third floor aren't even separated by a wall it's just stairs so it's all one unit and we're like what there's a door the first floor there's a door you have to open like does the door doesn't mean anything you actually have to close it off and create it it's so we're like so we wanted to open the private club first while we're waiting for the coffee shop but it's a historic building it's hard to change and it's just been you know it's funny because contractors are like look it's the city and the city's like no it's not it's not us and we're like okay whatever have you looked into those uh stair elevator things can you use those yeah but uh the the there's yeah it's like a a track to install and but then we're modifying a historic building once again and we run into the same problems so we're like then how do we just get this going and they're like you're almost there and we're like go okay yeah I I I can't believe it dude but now I can probably make assumptions as to why the previous owner sold the building I think they just don't I think I think they don't want the building to change the historic building they're like use it as I don't know I don't trust them I am kind of pissed off because I I keep saying like dude we could rent a strip mall storefront for a couple Grand and have the coffee shop open in a month that's a good point so I'm like whatever but it's it's the work is happening that's all I can say the work is happening it's like no one's it's not like people aren't just sitting around it's just annoying and uh the building is there it's right next to Mamba collectibles in Martinsburg shout out to Mamba play uh Commander Magic the Gathering on Saturdays in the meantime go to C and get a bag of graphine Dream It's really good easy on the stomach yeah we need to actually uh we never really we never you know what we never formally launched the competition well I'm winning regardless you are actually me vers oh yeah hard to beat graine dream I wrote a song about it actually it's on my YouTube channel well because people people bought the graphine dream and then reported it's actually one of the best Blends that we have flavor-wise excellent and so it started to sell more and more and more like I I I always mention this when we first launched rise with robberto Jr was going to be our flag the flagship product and that's why we put the rooster on it Appalachia knights was just my choice I like dark roast and I thought appalachin kns sounded cool and then once PE everyone started buying Roberto junr and they get a little bit of Appalachia kns but then once they bought it they were like this is the best coffee I've ever had and then Appalachia nights became number one no matter what we promoted something similar happened with graphine dream where we were like Ian's got coffee and people like oh I'll try it and now it's selling a lot because people are like actually this is delicious this is super good excellent I'm going to go I'm going to Pivot into Appalachian nights for my next couple weeks I think do you guys make them with like K Cups yep yeah we got K Cups we got whole bean we got ground and uh we are going to be launching protein bars cool I've got one right here and they're based so uh like where are the ingredients I don't know there's like says time pool on it there's a misprint that's F they're all this one is vanilla coconut yeah I I only really like the uh sweet and salty phenomenal so I told Mark lobliner I was like I want a protein bar and I want nothing in it I was like give me whey protein peanut butter and coconut oil and he was like you're going to need a little bit more than that but we could do that and so Mark got the formulating sent me a package and my mind was blown I got to say the the sweet and salty one melts when you have a sip of coffee with it it is is so good with coffee we should sell them at the coffee shop for sure they go great with the coffee are these still in production or are you guys these These are the these are the these are production samples we have some more coming but the ingredients so there's one it's like double chocolate and it's got a lot of ingredients there's like arrol sweetened chocolate I'm not a big fan of that but some people are are down with it and it tastes really good sweet and salty is the best it's it's the ingredients are peanut butter whey coconut oil fiber and like peanuts we we got to get it RFK approved funny we we'll sell them in little glass you know little glass cases that way there's no plastic oh yeah I'm kidding by the way we can't do that are you going to launch with like a a one flavor or do a limited like a a small I think we have four or five flavors cuz the only one I've tried is cake is it cake batter or birthday cake yeah birthday cake it tastes like birthday cake but I'm I don't like that stuff I think I got one of those here too try the sweet and salty when you get a chance get like a hundred of them or like 200 of them something the reason why I think the sweet and salty is the best live off them so good dude so the the chocolate and the sweet and salty are the best and it's because it's the flavors are are normal the vanilla coconut is good but it's coconut flavor I like that there's bits of Co it seems like there's bits of coconut in it actually I don't think it's coconut flavor I think it's actually coconut the birthday cake one is birthday cake flavored and that's why it's like well it tastes like you're eating a protein bar but the sweet and salty one tastes like you're eating peanut butter yeah like peanut butter with peanuts in it and I'm like oh they got alos in them too alos is a uh it's a sugar that your body does not use deriv from monk fruit is that correct uh uh allulose is the sugar of monk fruit okay I don't know that we're using monk fruit monk fruit derivative UL yeah all right let's grab a little bit more here Steven shal says if you're making less than 85k a year you're probably being ripped off if you're on salary man I know a lot of people that are frustrated with being on salary that work 80 hours 100 hour you never know when you're going to be asked to stay another couple hours and it's like just depends on the job I guess cuz if the job just needs to get done then it doesn't really matter how long you work then salary makes sense let's go Michael Kavanaugh says my small town Perkins Georgia has a community well that has failed and we are trying to raise funds to get drinking water back to about a 100 people any donations are appreciated go fund me search Perkins Community well holy crap dude I hope I hope it works out that's crazy how I'll take a look at it try and figure out the is it a gofam said Perkins Community well and go is it it's GoFundMe Perkins Community well let's get this thing built we're gonna we're gonna we got to call Mr Beast yes Perkins Community well give s go it does not want to show me the results no it's GoFundMe not give send go GoFundMe I don't like GoFundMe they're racist go they're anti trucker too I'll have to search for because it doesn't come up on Google yeah I don't see it yeah they're anti-tr trucker and they're racist I found it it's on g go I'll send you a link oh it is GI send go uh GoFundMe sorry why do you guys keep saying that because it's the one we all like and prefer so it's our default I got to tell you guys people keep saying like you know go fund me and all that and I'm just like I don't want to promote gofund me they they they they've done a bunch of things where they've backstabbed and sabotaged people and it's not not okay all right as the world crumble says how do you win a debate if you're in office now was she arguing with herself yes indeed do you think they will come a point in the next six weeks or how many how however much time we have before the election where she just already is like Joe Biden did a bad job or do you think she's always going to attack to a like trying to avoid talking to about him position avoid I think if the numbers start to dramatically move far apart I feel like they're you know I've been seeing consistently they seem neck and neck but you know she's on a clear downward spiral Maybe maybe or if he comes out against her in any way maybe it would make her look kind of hypocritical because she did Praise Him in her sort of eulogy at the DNC on the other hand uh maybe that's what the crowd wants maybe Democrats want Joe Biden to be the bad guy now I don't know sometimes they eat their own Ron says my town is full of Kamala signs the town over the town I visit every other week all Kamala all she had to do was not look like an idiot and Google the media social media feds will get her over the line someone tweeted at me I I love when people are doing this now someone tweeted at me uh because I like the signs that are they were Biden Harris and they just cut off the name someone sent me one where it was like they cut but kept the e in Biden so it's like a little red symbol and then so it's like this triple equal side and then Harris like the time that it took to just go around this one thing is so funny uh so please send me pictures from your town only if they are forly Biden Harris signs those are the best ones all right let's go juice says if the tax is changed so there are no tax on overtime this non this non- tax share would go in the investment fund this money would always be yours not State I don't know what that means Barrett says you you need to be pressing on Israel Palestine it's an issue that carries far down ballot and if argued properly will pull tons of votes from Dems in indeed it will yep but the average voter is it's a fair point to the other guy they might just be thinking like I don't know Trump looks dumbb they might they're not going to think a lot but I think anger plays better than condescension when it comes to a bad economy so the average person just being pissed off and frustrated because they can't pay their rent sees Kamala Going H well and they're just like she's just smug right now while we're suffering and she's holding the keys Trump's yelling at her give me Trump anger plays better no matter what the anger is about all right what do we got what is this Stephanie Hull says okay she did great that one time but if that's normal why was the debate first time we've seen it and how long did she have to prepare to be that good you know I don't know maybe she's good in all the debates does doesn't matter Trump needs to do better you know but I think he he did well Austin Patterson says why do most GOP people cheer when celebrities endorse Trump and then boo when celebrities endorse Democrats like the Taylor Swift thing I don't understand why you ask that question it is kind of an assumption that most of them do that but some people just are in a cult why do people cheer when celebrities endorse Trump and Boo and they don't because they like Trump it's like uh it works the other way too they make fun of Kid Rock and uh um Hulk Hogan when they were at the at the RNC and then you know when when they have the rumor of Beyonce they're thrilled I mean I think the media is over is overstating how freaked out quote unquote I've seen these headlines like magga is melting down because Taylor Swiff endorsed Trump she's endorsed democrats for years people aren't that surprised it's not it's not groundbreaking I thought it was really annoying when everyone was like fjb Joe Biden's terrible forget Joe Biden screw Joe and then KLA Harris is now the Nom and they're like f KLA Harris screw Kam it's like they just took the chip out and put in the KLA Harris chip like NPC alert you got to be careful you don't become that no matter what side feel like that's not true and you're just saying that to it happened overnight when Kamala got the nomination it was disgusting Kamala cast 33 tiebreaking votes and if not for her Biden could not sign no even mentioned her name until she was the candidate it was gross that people like immediately just all this Focus went and was like now I must hate this thing uh like obviously the political Sphere for which I occupy and the people I follow had been talking about Kamala Joe Biden as the president and the front runner of the campaign was Central focused but kamla got a lot of attention we made fun of the way she spoke all the time kamla Harris got like no media attention until about 3 months ago she got got more attention as the as the front for the Democratic party that is true but to make the argument that she wasn't she wasn't getting apt criticism from the right is is silly it was just the same criticism for Biden just got they unplugged Biden and plugged in Kamala it was really obvious that it's like NPC alert it can happen to anybody watch out I feel like we talked about Kamala a lot because there was always this debate of if Biden was going to make it and then the next thing was well do they give it to Kamala no they don't like Cala and she's bad on a lot of issues I mean she was like she didn't pursue interviews she wasn't putting herself out there which seemed to be the Biden Harris campaign or White House strategy right very they were actually very inaccessible to the Press both of them but but people were critical of her before because they always thought possibility she had dominated news Cycles as the borders are as when she went down and said do not come do not come and then Trump goes I'm gonna come like she's said tons of viral memes roasting her and mocking her I think you just don't pay attention of what's going on so when she takes when she takes front front and Stage as the Democratic nominee you're like why is everybody mad it's like dude we've been we've been making fun of her and criticizing her on these things the entire time she's the VP barely she she would had like no weight and then all of a sudden now I mean obviously she's a nominee so there's a new Spotlight shined on her so like but it's just it's you can see the whole like I'm supposed to dislike the opposing candidate mentality and it's it can become very disturbing you are you are just so out of touchy in no well not really I think very aare she just sucks it's easy to go from Biden sucks to Comm sucks cuz they both suck but like the idea that kamla isn't casting the tiebreaking votes on the inflation reduction act which was a huge deal the the argue that when she was when she was named bordar and then was doing these interviews where she was like well I've never been to Europe and was constantly in the press as a source of ridicule but you aren't paying attention so all of a sudden when the media starts talking about her because she's a front runner for the Democrats you're like why is everybody mad bro people have been criticizing her for things the whole time she everybody deserves legitimate criticism it's when people just turn the V I dislike the opposing candidate criticism on the new candidate yeah she the she was going to be the VP again for Biden's second term F into the distance no one cared no one was going to talk about her that's not true they talked about her non-stop no no one talked about KLA Harris non-stop three years ago Dude no one cared about KLA Harris two years ago it was only until like three months ago that she's got any obsessive Med how much you want to put on that how much money well I'm not okay that's hyperbolic of course some people talked about her once in a while maybe every three or four weeks she'd get like an article that we' see and and so now you're conceding the point and now people are like talking about her like she's been bad the whole time like okay maybe she has but where was that criticism a year and a half ago it was everywhere it was not how much how much you want to put on that that it was everywhere you lose instantly it's not everywhere I will I will do Google searches and I will select month by month and I can do this and I can pull up all the news Cycles she's down I'm talking about Twitter I'm talking about commentators on Twitter that I know personally that are like now I must dislike this one I said who's it going to be so you're you're talking about a handful of people that you personally follow but you're criticizing literally every people that listen to this show people that all a sudden it's like now we'll slip out that name and put like dude critical critical for for specific reasons yes but don't just criticize someone because you want them to lose I remember the cycle when she said Russia is a big country and Ukraine is a small country and that was wrong to invade like she had so many news cycles that we criticized her over that she was in the Press now that she's running for the president she's dominating that news coverage sure but the criticism people have over her is the legitimate criticism and it's worse than Biden for the obvious reason of Biden could not sign these bills without her Casting the tiebreaking vote she's in the Senate and in the executive branch she was giving a layup to Biden that he would not have gotten wor she not the tiebreaker but we're going to go to the members only show so smash that like button subscribe to this channel share the show with your friends head over to timcast once again smash that like button Joel do you want to shout anything out well thanks for having me back on the show I've been looking forward to this for a long time uh I know personally from having put Matt Gates and Lauren bowt on to timcast that the timcast audience is super loyal everyone in the chat they're dedicated Patriots and uh they have a lot of the powerful insight to say so it's interesting to learn from the audience and to come on the show and feel its impact it's great so if you want to follow me I'll be posting uh behind the scenes stuff of what's happening on Capitol Hill uh at real Joel Valdez but yeah just thanks for having me back on I will corroborate what you say the people in the chat are brilliant a lot of the people that watch this show are really tuned into what's happening and I appreciate you all in the chat putting up with my dissonance that is a big part of what I enjoy to do is shake you up shake myself up in the process um yo I've been streaming like a madman the last two weeks I've been going eight hours a day it's epic so come join me on my YouTube channel X and twitch where we'll will be playing video games non-stop dude I'm just pouring myself into it it's great dude it's really nice it's actually very very good it's very fun uh other than that I've been playing a lot of music so check out my music stuff on Instagram and x and I'll catch you later Ian crosson Joel I'm so glad you were here it's so fun to see you again and you are uh a very interesting person to talk to about their professional career so I'm glad you tell us a little about what you're doing these days I'm Hannah Clair brimo I'm a writer for that's scanner newws check out all of our work at timcast newws on the internet follow us on uh Twitter and Instagram if you want to follow me on Twitter I'm Hannah Clair B on Instagram Hanah clare. B uh again thanks for everything you guys do Joel's right you guys are an amazing crowd so we're lucky to have you have a good night we will see you all over at for

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Timcast IRL - How The Illegal Immigration Crisis Should Be Handled #shorts

Category: Entertainment

I think the problem with the bill is that it it created an a provision the provision increased the amount of illegal immigrants that they were going to allow in every day the number should be zero if you come to this country you got to come in legally that means you come to our borders you come to our... Read more