Trump WON Debate Among Undecided Voters, Kamala FAILED, Looked SNOOTY w/Daniel Turner | Timcast IRL

well the debate was last night I thought it was entertaining and uh Trump got in a bunch of great zingers but the political analysts started hooting and banging their heads on the table screaming Kam La Harris won they all high-fived each other they formed a circle of jerks and petted each other on the back that's that's how we keep it familyfriendly here uh well here's the news in a couple different panels actually it's either undecided or Donald Trump won among undecided voters in fact we have one viral clip from CNN where an undecided voter says I just don't know if I can I can afford the risk of another kamla Harris Administration she did not explain what she's going to do this was kamla Harris's to lose Trump was was was already gaining in the polls he's already winning in the in Nate Silver's forecast model and in the prediction markets and K Harris needed an opportunity to tell the American people why she's different and she didn't do it while she may have appeared more collected and more prepared and that's what political an analysts like she didn't actually articulate anything so we're going to get into that we'll talk all about the debate and oh man Springfield Ohio you poor poor small town I mean you're poor uh in the sense that we we we empathize with all of the migrants that are coming causing problems but now you're going to have 10,000 journalists and I don't know what's worse 10,000 corporate press journalists ascending on my city or you know illegal immigrants who who aren't you know who are hunting pets it's it's a tough decision it's a it's it's hard to say so we're going to talk about all that my friends before we get started head over to C and buy C Brew Coffee we've got Alex Stein's Prime Time gr we got Ian's graphine dream Appalachian Knights rise of the brto Jr and of course Mr Bokus ground coffee is gone but we still have 45 bags left of the Mr bcus pumpkin spice experience whole bean that that's it once these are sold they will never exist again we retired this because Mr Bokus passed and we didn't feel right but we are going to make a a focus with Mr Bokus espresso blend in his memory it's new and it and the bag will actually you know be in remembrance of Mr basarat so uh also head over to wrong about this I wish I could tell him well now you can become a member and we we do it two ways first you be a member for 10 bucks a month for at least six months and then you get instantly upgraded we do this because we have weirdos and creeps trying to come in and disrupt the community and make it hard for us to do the show but if you don't want to wait you sign up at 25 bucks a month you you jump the line we had to have some kind of barrier for entry because we were having like I mentioned weirdos they're trying to come in make it harder for us to to find good callers and talk with the community so that's something you can do and I encourage it we love when you guys come on the members only and you have good debate questions so it it it makes for a good show smash the like button subscribe to this channel share the show with your friends joining us tonight to talk about this and so much more is Daniel Turner yeah it's great to be here Daniel Turner power of the future uh all things energy climate fossil fuels Etc and uh to debate and pets so I'm looking forward to talking about all those things dude the stuff coming out of Ohio is nuts there's pictures of dead pigs the media keep saying it's false we have locals on the ground who like I live here and I see cats getting eaten and it's just okay so we'll talk about that Libby's hanging out I'm hanging out I'm Libby emons I'm with the post millenial and human glad to be here and you you made it your it's your birthday it's my birthday so I made cupcakes but everyone is too health conscious to eat cupcakes I had one I may have a second really good very good really good good cupcakes I'm going to have one uh they look amazing they look like they came from a professional Bakery so well it's a it's a it's a Nutella buttercream over a um vanilla maple cupcake this is feeling very tra I'm getting lots of TRD Vibes right now I really I just really like I like baking what can I say I like cook can you do you want to tell that joke real quick that was so good to your son I I can tell you guys my son's knock-knock joke so he and his dad they'll like sit around making jokes so I'll I'll I'll ask you then right go for it knock knock wait wait are are you supposed to say knock knock yes you do you want to do the punch line or do you want me to do you do the punch line so what do I say so knock knock who's there KLA Harris Tom Harris who I'm sorry we're not taking questions right now that's a good one I like that yeah your son how old's your son he's 14 came with that that was a good one I was laughing I like good joke I like that you said now he's just applying that punch line to everything though comic genius then he was like Mom how many people from the comma Harris campaign does it take to screw in a light bulb and I said I don't know how many and he said I'm sorry we're not taking right now it's like every joke that's the punchline you're about to get an angry letter from the Wall's campaign dude that ceon assist yes exactly well then they should take some questions and we wouldn't joke about it it is crazy we have a full debate she still hasn't taken questions anyway I'm Hannah CL rmo I'm a writer for uh we have probably talked more on this era than Cala has ever talked in her life it's crazy all right let's uh let's get into it we've got this from the post millennial undecided voters support Trump after the debate say Harris was vague on policy plans according to a Reuters survey this fascinating quote I still don't know what she is for said 61-year-old Mark kades an entrepreneur from Florida there was no real meat and bones for her plans in the aftermath of Tuesday Tuesday night's uh Prime Time debate reuter spoke with 10 undecided voters with six saying after debate that they would vote for Trump or were leaning towards supporting him three set the same for Harris and one remained unsure so we also have this story from the New York Times saying pundits have said Harris won the debate undecided voters weren't so sure I love this I'll tell you my assessment right I I did I did a Morning Show breakdown of of you know where I thought we were going to be in this and my point there's this great article where NYU gender swapped Trump and Hillary and then had a mock debate where they had had the characters uh the actors read lines and then ask the audience who they thought won and everybody thought Trump won the argument was that people were sexist that's why they wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton if you made Trump the woman then people would vote for the man and wrong the audience hated the smarmy snoody know-it-all attitude of Hillary Clinton and that's all kamla Harris brought Frank Lun even pointed out that Kamala was winning on points but she was losing on Optics I'm going to do it exactly the weird chin thing what was that when she's like this she's like the very intense pursing of the lips and shaking her head very difficult I'm going to I'm going I'm going to tell you exactly what I think most undecided people heard the whole debate Kam going and Trump going and I'm explaining this to my friends because they're like what happened with the debate who won and I was like look man the if someone is undecided right now they are not paying attention to politics so when K Harris goes Donald Trump's project 2025 is going to invert the polarity on our on on our tax system and I'm going to go optimistic when I invert and go to the Federal Reserve and it's just like I'm hearing words I don't know what that what that means or what you're offering what so what do they say see KLA Harris comes off as condescending snoody and indifferent her attitude did not convey urgency or passion Donald Trump was angry at times it's not good for him but he conveyed someone who was frustrated and upset with the state of this country now imagine you're a run-ofthe-mill dude undecided you don't care about politics you just want to watch the game with your buddies and you you couldn't get the wings this time around because you're or or better yet it's Monday Night Football and the Buddy your your buddies are like hey are we going to come over watch the game it's like dude I got to do OT uh man I've been I've been putting in extra hours cuz I got to make ends meet and it's getting tough out there I'm like oh come on man now this guy's frustrated he's pissed off he worked over the weekend his wife came to him and said we're not going to be able to pay the phone bill and he's like I'll I'll I'll ask for OT shift I'll see if I can pick something up and now he's pissed off now he's like I just wanted to hang out with my buddies once this week once what does he see K Harris going well and then he sees Trump angry saying this country is being destroyed and he's just sitting there with his beer squeezing it going yeah so I I think Trump's I think emotions matter more the the pundits and the politicians these are midwit and that doesn't mean they're stupid it means they're slightly above average they're sitting there going that's right K Kamala had a great line of attack oh she got Trump angry and we're talking about undecided voters people who aren't in politics and how they react to the emotion of the night yeah inside the Beltway crew uh crowd loved kamla last night but but the debate is not for them right they were going to be in the tank for Kamala regardless because they they skewed the left but but I agree with you in the sense that your average American has to be frustrated with the status quo and they are frustrated with it and so what she presented which were just platitudes right I have a vision for an opportunity economy so that when we invest in the American Dreams that just it doesn't really of this motion yeah it doesn't really fly so people are are frustrated like why is everything so why is water so damn expensive right why is my bill so expensive I was at the movies the other day and I spent I paid $7.25 for a bottle of Dan water those are movie theaters yeah but $7 that's more than you pay like at a from a Central Park vendor that's that's twice a gallon of gas it's ridiculous it made me mad get anything else it's eggs and and and I think Trump made these points he said uh I think two or three times why haven't you done it now that was his closing statement which was great and he had the inflation might be up several points but for some for for for some areas of the economy it's it's 20% it's 30% it's 40% rent is up something like what is it do you guys know what the rent is up there rent up car insurance is up I mean but they're they're up they're up 20 to 50% 26% kamla Harris's plan to fix all of this is to Institute price controls on all of these things which would create its own problems for you know the entire Supply in demand industry we'd end up with more supply chain problems we'd end up with you know if you if you jack up um if you tell people that they can't charge market rate for rents why are they going to invest in more properties yeah you can't say we have a housing crisis and then also not offer a reasonable solution I think the Harris walls campaign missed the mark on what the objective of the uh of the debate was for them you know they they maybe wanted to get under Trump's skin because think if Trump looks like he's you know aggressive or you know if they they feel the criticism of the media always gives him as he Rambles right if they felt like they got one of those moments than they felt Victorious but actually all the pollsters indicated that undecided voters repeatedly said well I don't really know what her policies are I don't really know her that well I don't really know what she's stand Standing for I don't know what she's promising I mean fair enough considering she just sort of announced her policies on her website so yes there are times when maybe she uh you know baited Trump with a crowd siize comment but ultimately Camala Harris if she was serious about winning undecided voters would have gone into detail on her policies and she just didn't Kamala Kamala okay have you noticed how they get really angry about that in in the New York Times Sienna poll It said c m ma a comma l in huge caps like they're really M they have the fonetic spelling out there that's fascinating one thing that I loved was that Jake Tapper actually pointed this out and he said um vice president Harris began the debate by punting the first question on the economy on the border another vulnerable issue for Harris she also dodged when asked how she would break through the Israel Hamas War stalemate okay but how you know and that's Jake Tapper she's going to do it by by doing it because when we work together to work together historically presidental by what has been yeah I know nothing is normal anymore um and I think Americans are longing for a sense of normaly um presidential debates there's normally been three and they were always thematic there was a foreign policy one there was good point there was an economics one last night or the last two debates have been hodg Podge everything abortion the Border foreign policy and it is too many topics for one debate but if if there was a debate on the economy as as you were saying Libby when she talking about her plan her plan every one of her plans is money my small business plan $50,000 my housing plan $25,000 my family plan $66,000 my student loan plan free student loan forgiveness an economic debate would say where the hell are we getting all this money from right it's not a plan to give out money and it's like why why are we giving away all of this money like what happened to working hard and figuring your stuff out so that you could take care of things like you know people in my family uh you know my cousins who are extremely intelligent they went to schools that they could afford and then you know they they didn't want to take out a bunch of student loans so they figured it out you know you save a lot of money for years and years and years to get a down payment on a house you know I mean you work really hard for that when I was a kid my dad and my stepmom were trying to buy a home and so she went back to work for a long time and like I remember distinctly all her money was going to the down payment right you know and some dad like you save money you work hard to get what you want and if you have everything given to you you don't really it and this is something that the Lefty billionaires know and it's why they don't leave any money their kids we need to uh address the most important element of last nights debate the zingers Donald Trump won all of them kamla Harris got none and that's the only thing that matters in my opinion now I'm being a bit factious obviously there's sound bites that will come out of this debate that people will prop up but when it comes to the short attention span internet economy do you think someone is going to have success to get millions of views of on a video of K Harris going well let me let me answer that question but first an opportunity economy it's like next or are they going to play the clip of trump going I'm talking please remember that one they're eating your pets they're eating your pets that's Spot Run four lines Trump in three seconds gets a hilarious clip that is easy to go viral that makes Kamala look like she got beat I'm I'm I'm gonna tell you man if the average person doesn't get politics and doesn't like the snoody condescending elitist attitude of someone like KLA Harris then they're going to want a roast and Donald Trump delivered to to to a young guy let's say he's 26 27 doesn't care for politics he's going to see a clip on Instagram and Tik Tok of trump being saying she's got no PL no no my favorite one is maybe you can go wake up Joe bid he's probably sleeping maybe spending time on the beach saying things like that you know that meme where it's all the black dudes and they're going oh and the guy's grabbing his face I like that that makes me laugh every that Meme was applicable to Trump like five to seven times last night kamla did not have one of those yeah well she won the inside the Beltway crowd right because it was the dignified it was the uh uh uh you know she looked prepared she looked rehearsed Etc but that's not who the voters are that's definitely not the undecided voters and at this point of a campaign and I've worked on a couple of campaigns including presidentials at this point the only purpose of the debate is to get people to vote why do I want why am I going to get off my couch I think Jack bobic was the one who said and I love this quote right the biggest problem of the the biggest uh threat to the right is the couch and I thought like absolutely right why am I getting up to go even despite early voting and all that why am I going to get up so kamala's problem right now is not Trump voters they're not flip-flopping right no Trump voter is leaving Trump to go vote for her her problem is why do I want to vote for you Kamala why do I want to get off the couch and vote for you we know know the enthusiasm behind Obama right and that was legit there people wanted to go vote for him we saw that in 2016 I think a lot of people wanted to vote against Hillary as well but there was enthusiasm to go vote why do I want to vote in 2024 life sucks everything is expensive the country is divided I'm tired you know you just mentioned rent and car prices I can't afford anything why the hell am I going to vote so the people that are saying it is a cope to say that Trump uh didn't win I I I will stress especially if you watch my full Morning Show Kamala seemed more prepared Trump was thrown off base and got angry in in in several moments but we're talking about what matters most and it's predicated upon why is it that when undecided voters are panel they either say no one or they say Trump that's the question so I'll tell you this the cope is when you go no kamla won Kamala actually won well look if you're a Politico and you're watching and you expect a you expect some kind of decorum sure maybe kamla won but Kamala won the same way Hillary Clinton won and I can pull all these up here you go let's see if I can pull these up Politico Hillary Clinton won the second debate October 2016 I wonder how that worked out for her 538 Clinton won the debate which means she'll likely gain in the polls if she doesn't Trump could be tough to beat Nate silver said that in 2016 she clearly didn't win the debate she lost the election miserably to a guy they all predicted could not win and so what happens is I think it's fair to give KLA Harris and I said this even before the debate started she's going to do better than a lot of people think and so I'm saying that now for the sound bites because everybody's coming out saying he's going to he's going to mop the floor with her but I think she'll do better Trump had an opportunity I do think he missed it I don't think he got a clear and decisive Victory but I think he wins out overall for a variety of reasons Kamala won political points she lost on the image Frank Lun said that if we're talking about the outcome the outcome is clear undecided voters are leaning towards Trump after this let let me see if I can pull up the uh the CNN clip actually we're on that for the next segment where the woman says I don't know I she didn't articulate her positions I just can't risk that that right there this is the thing that she had to do like she had to Define who she was in more than just platitudes and she failed I mean all of the so 538 which I know you referenced before uh has a podcast talking about the election and all of the analysts pointed out that Hillary Clinton gained in the polls after every single one of the debates but I don't remember anything she said from the6 cycle I do remember what Trump said I mean famously you'd be in jail right like those were clear long uh those were clear memories from the debate that voters carried forward and I think again I don't think this was his best performance of all time I think that there were obviously some Myst steps but generally uh he was able to land more specific criticisms than she was and then she also missed the opportunity to find herself and Sid stepped specific questions like when she was asked about why didn't the Biden Administration repealed the tariffs that Trump you're critical of them why didn't you do anything about it she just completely ignored the questions and voters want specifics let's pull this up we've got this post from Charlie Kirk undecided voter on CNN panel Let's uh let's play the video here we go I think it's important to remember that we are voting for the leader of our country and not who we like the most or who we want in our wedding party but who is actually going to make our country better and we're in an incredibly unique situation where we've had both of the candid that's in office before and we've gotten to see what they would do and when facts come to facts my life was better when Trump was in office the economy was higher inflation was lower things were better overall and now with um kamala's Administration things haven't been so fantastic and she's saying she can fix the problems that her Administration has caused but I just don't know if I can afford to take that risk were you leaning towards the former president coming in tonight probably and did you vote for him in 2016 or 2020 I did I think it's important to now I want to make sure we play that we show this as well a tweet from Frank Lun where he says the same panel said by an 8 to4 margin that K Harris won tonight's debate now I've got questions about this I got no problem with uh criticizing Donald Trump's performance he got flustered he got angry and it's funny because I put that on Twitter and I get people saying stop riding the fence Tim it's either Trump is good or Trump is bad Shut up Donald Trump did some things that were good I think he won with emotion I don't think that he won the politics of it uh so here's my question with this panel and the sentiment obviously conservatives are going to share this CNN uh undecided voter saying you know what I don't know Kamala hasn't proven that she can she could do this what does it mean to win a debate when I watch this and I as someone who's leaning towards Trump say I think Kamala did well in terms of what decorum should be um I understand why the pits are saying they think she won that's their attitude towards it does that mean my vote has changed no when these people say Kam won won the debate does it mean that they will now vote for her or is it fair to say I think Kamala won the debate because Trump got too angry and didn't give good answers that being said Kamala also didn't explain any of her position so I don't know who I'm supposed to vote for when New York Times runs an article saying our panelists are undecided they couldn't figure it out when Reuters runs a panel and says actually six out of 10 said Donald Trump it does not seem fair to say that the end result the material VI the material uh uh Victory is in winning what a debate should be but in whether or not you've convinced them to vote for you and saying Kamala one is not the same thing as saying I will not vote for her that woman's I was going to say that woman's voice is very shaky and it's probably because she's on TV but she's also probably very nervous to state that position because that's not the cool position right the cool position is I like kamla right and so she's probably petrified to say I can't believe I'm going to say this I'm probably going to get beat up for it but but life was better under President Trump so kudos to her for being brave enough to do it and I think the average American I think a lot of Americans or maybe the majority of Americans are going to express that same sentiment yeah I probably would rather have k at my bridal party but life was better under Trump and and I just have to go that way I never I would rather have Trump in my absolutely that's what she's saying that's what she's saying you know that was her line was who would you seems like the same kind of girl that would push you into the locker you know well KLA does drink though and Trump doesn't so I mean if you want to have a party I would I would rather might be Trump have a party he doesn't need a drink to have a party he's a good time anyway you know what I mean like I get the sentiment of like I like this sentiment of like we are not actually voting for someone that we are going to hang out with we're voting for someone who's representing the country I think the myth of the he seems like a person I could have a beer with is actually a disservice to voters um there are lots of people who do jobs that I don't want to hang out with but they're very good at what they do I'd be happy like you know think of like a very intense defense attorney they might be really aggressive you may not want to invite them over for game night but if you're in court you want the person who's going to do the best job and I think that this uh this fear that that the candidate has to be someone everyone's I mean Camala haris says this all the time I'm from the middle class I'm from the middle class because she's trying so desperately to connect with voters but you saw where she grew up in Montreal like in West Mount it's this beautiful well and also you're relatable by your personality right Donald Trump does resonate with people even though he you know grew up fairly wealthy he obviously built this career people still feel like he is someone that they relate to connect with I mean look at all of the times that his uh poll numbers have surged after he has been elected people feel an emotional connection to him that the the Harris walls campaign cannot create and they they're never going to be able to yeah the Trump is a known quantity right there's no one who doesn't know who he is doesn't have strong opinions on him he's not going to move the needle on his own likability favorability electability that's set in stone I agree with with with what Tim was saying that onus is on the vice president to drive up her electability how much did she do that she probably did it a little bit but she did do did she do it enough to overcome for the fact that eggs are $4 a dozen and that meat is 8.95 a pound and that my car insurance has gone up 25% so that the onus is on her I do think if to simplistic terms is it trumps to lose I think has more responsibility and that was the advantage he had when it was Biden cuz Biden was a known quantity and and people rejected him categorically so um one of the things I think president Trump missed was I think he should have hit that a little more right the the the woman who calls me a threat to democracy who who viciously calls me a threat to democracy um is standing here and not one person voted for her how'd you get here kamla is there a is the threat to democracy that the Democrat Party threw away way the votes of millions of people who voted for Joe Biden right I'm the threat to democ I just think it's he should have almost made it like comical I just think it's fascinating that I'm standing next to you because no one voted for you and yet here you are well the other thing too is the moderators really did not do them any favor do Trump any favors no they fact checked Trump uh falsely on an abortion thing there are eight states that have absolutely no limits on abortion the uh they didn't fact check any of Kam's lies they didn't fact check any of her lies and she had so many lies the project 2025 lie the bloodbath lie the Charlottesville lie she lied about January 6th she lied about his uh affiliation with project 2025 she lied about immigration she lied about you know Trump's plans for the economy at every step of the way she lied they didn't fact check her on that they didn't say anything about that and when they did fact check Trump they were wrong the bill that's that Chuck Schumer keeps trying to bring up to make you know abortion uh ferally legislated has no limits on abortion it's it's in there under I you know at any point in the pregnancy for the life of the mother including mental health which could be anything you know you know what I'd have done when KLA said she said officers died on January 6 any any one of these lies was a perfect opportunity for Donald Trump when they say Mr Trump response I just look at David and I'd say uh do you want to fact check that and then I'd wait and he'd be like what and to be like you you said you were factchecking in real time so I don't want to interrupt you as you fact check her because she's lying yeah so would you lied repeated would you mind and and also you know and you could do that every time she says the bloodbath thing Trump could have just went are you guys are going to fact check that you're you're not fact checking that is there a reason why you're not fact checking that okay do you want do you want me to say okay the bloodbath thing was economics I was talking about the Auto industry next question Trump I I if they want if if if David how do you pronounce the guy's name m [Music] M like de okay very nobody knows very confident in what I'm saying if he wanted to be in the debate then Trump should have welcomed him back in the debate every step of the way I think he should have I think the greatest bias that David mure showed last night was that if the roles had been reversed of the assassination attempt and God hope would never happens to anybody if it had been the vice president or Joe Biden who almost got killed at at an event the opening line to Mr Trump would have been president Trump 6 weeks ago your opponent was almost killed the political violence in this country nearly cost her her life is there something you would like to say to her right now that she survived this assassin Ag attemp and do you agree that we have reached a level of political violence that is unattainable and do you hold some responsibility that would have been the opening damn question 100% to Trump and they didn't they BL he had to bring it up himself he was the one who had to bring up his own assassination temp is crazy because the Joe Biden Administration the the Biden Harris Administration I know she wants to have her name attached or at least she used to they talked about gun violence all the time and then suddenly they're sort of like well we're not going to talk about suddenly Kamala Harris is a gun owner did you hear that one yeah what guns do big twist what guns do you own right I didn't know you were a gun very non-specific answer that would have been my trumpism also the the vice president you're a gun owner wow what guns do you own when did did you buy them which one's your favorite which one yeah exactly how many magazine Clips how many magazine Clips do you have you know just use fake terms that she be and catch her because they use fake terms Joe bid would always say this magazine clip has 45 rounds people like what what the hell is he talking about right so we just got so used to him not fully semi-automatic fully semi AR style 15 what you mean it was long right AR style AR-15 style gun yeah oh what what does that mean a semi-automatic are you saying it's a 556 I don't know what you're trying to say with that I think voters knew Trump might get you know AG he might make some bold claims it's it's not surprising to them that he did that Camala Harris sort of did nothing she did not Define herself well enough and that's why so much of the media coverage afterward is actually like well she got Trump to do this oh well well she said this thing to Trump and here is how Trump reacted they're acting like she won but she didn't Define herself she did not set herself apart we don't really know what her policies are other than in Fun Some Fun labels the opportunity economy whatever uh and I think long term that will hurt her no matter what the polls say like I like I point out before Hillary Clinton supposedly won all the debates and searched in the polls and somehow lost the election so well let's jump to this story during last night's debate Donald Trump said that Joe Biden hates Kamala and then a day later Joe Biden did this he put on a trump hat it's a real photo CBS off says Biden wears Trump 2024 hat at Pennsylvania fire station to promote Unity he didn't he literally just was handed a hat and put it on on it's the it's this this is why I hate the machine State okay yeah that's a disgusting headline and it's a complete lie it's it's it's it's was doing what he was and he's also just like he's like oh I'm folksy all they give me a hat I'll just put it on right and so this is what the media does Joe Biden will be up on stage and'll and he'll he looking around and he'll go you know the economy we got to you know get dead my economy and then you're just going what but then the media writes in an impassioned speech Joe Biden said the economy was Central focus of his administration it's like no he didn't he said but then instead of quoting him he has a they write they paraphrase and give you the idea of what they think he was saying Joe Biden put on a trump hat that's the news there's nothing else I can tell you nothing else Joe Biden went to an event he was at a fire station someone handed him a trump hat he put it on make up for your mind why he did it or what it means for the media to now run this and all these laughters are saying it's because he believes in National Unity he's a good guy no he who handed had he put it on he maybe he didn't even know it said Trump on it he always calls Trump supporters Maga extremist he obviously does not care about Unity it's so much funnier to me that he didn't really if you watch the video he looks a little bit lost he puts it on and somewhere in the periphery of this video you know one of his handlers is like no don't do this like I'm going to because we're allowed to do it um Biden wears Trump 2024 hat in endorsement of uh Trump's re-election wow he endorsed Trump that's great I mean look at that if they can say to promote Unity then I can say to endorse Trump why not anything is game anything is game I don't think he you know you look he's confused I don't think he knew what he was doing but as a politician never wear a hat after he did it what happened was don't e never wear White House Press Secretary said he's promoting bipartisan Unity oh the media then says okay thank you for our talking point we'll say that yeah I mean but why hasn't he been doing this for the past three years right like he doesn't care about bipartisan unisy at all I actually do feel like there is a little bit of resentment not even a little bit I think there's a a ton of resentment towards Kamala Harris uh in this moment I am he just looks so bewildered and Confused that there is a chance he didn't know what he was putting on but I didn't I think he didn't know where he was yeah of course he never does but I think he actually does not like Kamal Harris I mean she let Donald Trump trash him on stage which twofold works for Donald Trump because she cannot separate herself from the Biden Administration you notice that she doesn't say Biden's name she avoided as much as possible but she would say well we accomplished this when it was the Biden Harris Administration uh in this case I I can only imagine that Joe Biden in a lucid moment is wondering when he sees these clips why this lady that she gave a huge platform to this nice lady who's been following him around for the past couple years isn't saying anything in his defense yeah I think it's hysterical that she was trying to uh promote her foreign policy bonafides by saying a couple days before the Ukraine Invasion she was was over there and you want to think you're definitely smart you're talented you've made it thus far you've been vice president for a hot minute you were a senator for about two years you're in this room in in with NATO leaders you don't know what the hell is going on you have no idea why you're there you don't know anything about the military you know probably nothing about foreign policy and to give this idea that like on my fourth day in office I went over to to to to keev and and convene these world leaders I would have loved to have been in that room as she was sitting down with these world leaders being like what the hell is oh I I didn't know France was going to be here yeah Madam vice president France is going to be here they gave her the table and they're like okay just listen it's cool uh and like Trump pointed out you know great job Russia still invaded so you said that KL Harris didn't mention Biden last night and that is substantially true she mentioned him to say that she is not Joe Biden to say that you know Trump is not running against Joe Biden and she mentioned him when talking about the Afghanistan withdrawal which killed 13 servicemen and women those are the only times those were the only times that she mentioned him I just i' I've been scanning through I pulled up the uh transcript of the debate um just to see you know some different things and um yeah it's absolutely ridiculous she laid Joe Biden to rest at the DNC he went first he talked about uh that she would continue on the work that he has done with his administration and then several days later she came on stage said goodbye to Joe and basically only talked about herself from then on she does not want to be associated with Joe Biden and at the same time is sort of recycling policies I mean didn't Rahe Kasam on Monday point out that like her policies on the website just a quick correction uh Biden did ask for that hat he knew exactly what it was oh he did yeah that's even funnier he does hate her uh that's the that's that's way better uh R kasan pointed out on Monday that that if you go to the code section of her uh policy page it's actually lifted off of Biden's I mean she is 100% just another another re re reiteration of the Biden machine no matter how hard she fights it you have to remember too there's no Biden machine this is the kamla Harris would be the continuation of the Obama era and that's sort of part of the goal it's always a Reb it was Obama now it's Biden then we wanted to be Harris I just don't think I don't think that that was going to work as well as I think well this is what she had to accomplish last night and as well as she did and she was prepared and the media saying she won one of the things that she had to do was she had to explain one of two things you're either a brilliant vice president and this Administration is great but everyone knows that's false right because the because the economy is in terrible shape the world has broken out into Warfare so it's either that or you are This brilliant mind independent of the administration and I just sat there for 3 and a half years as a coward I hid the fact that Biden is mentally incapacitated and I had no ability to put any of my agenda or all these great policy ideas into play so you have to elect me and then I will do great things but I haven't been able to do it thus far it's one of those two and I don't think the the the the the the audience believes that it's the ladder that you're this gifted mind with these wonderful policies and you just haven't been able to get them through the Biden Administration people don't believe she's an independent actor separate from Joe Biden well because she's not an independent actor separate from Joe Biden she is intrinsically linked to him she is the te yeah she is the Dei vice president and you know if she wins she would be the Dei president and there's no getting around that yeah um and if I were her I would find that to be kind of humiliating and I would go really crazy to make sure that I was differentiating myself but with actual policy positions and she hasn't done that instead when she did that you know one interview and now she's done one debate what she said said in that interview was that her values hadn't changed but She's continually backtracking on things that she previously said were core values so if her values hadn't changed then she is lying to the American people now she is lying to voters now and even Bernie Sanders when asked about it said she's saying what she has to say to get elected and I don't know if you guys remember this back in 2008 but you had um you had Obama who was then what he was a Senator right two years yeah and he was going around saying something different to everyone he was saying yes gay marriage to some people no gay marriage to other people he was going around he always had a different answer he was talking out of both sides of his mouth and I remember talking to you know my big Lefty friends about it at the time and being like but he said this and he said this he said he's going to bring more troops into Afghanistan and they were like no he's not going to do that everybody was able to assume that Obama was speaking in code and that he actually stood for exactly what they wanted him to stand for and that's something that Harris is trying to do but I don't think it's going to be effective because we've all seen this already and we were lied to by Obama everyone thought he was going to be anti-war even though he said he was going to go into Afghanistan and we just got out of Afghanistan and now no women in Afghanistan can speak in public or get an education and we lost 13 guys trying to get out of there and the Taliban had a military parade with all our equipment it's uh Obama was the reverse dog whistle mhm he would say something excuse me and the four things a great a great point because Obama had talked about pulling out of Iraq but surging in Afghanistan and that's what he ended up doing but it was all code he would say something and then people would say no no no no he's just saying that it's it's he's actually wink wink you know and then with Donald Trump Trump's like I want civil rights for everybody yeah but he doesn't mean that he's actually saying what we want these people live in some kind of like it's like they're wearing drunk goggles you know those beer goggles that make everything look warped and twisted it doesn't matter what Trump says it doesn't matter what Kamala says when they look at kamla rose-colored glasses might be a nicer way to put it kamla Just Smiles at the camera and says I'm gonna help you and Trump's going well those are different glasses those are the glasses it was there was a moment last night um that David mure asked her Madame vice president you once believe this unracking you now say the opposite you once believe this on the EV mandates on Universal Health car to the opposite and she said I'm going to get to all three of those I'm going to get to all three of those but let me talk about violence against women and and she went on for 5 minutes on for violence against women and then they were like Mr Mr Trump trump should have been like what the hell was that like is she going to answer the question like she just completely completely dismissed it and they she knew she was going to dismiss it they knew about that one high school friend who apparently got raped or whatever which was a tragic story but but that's where president Trump should have said I'm sorry she didn't answer the question on Frid there were a couple times like that I remember did you not answer the question on fracking right when when he was asked about do you want Ukraine to win the war which by the way I just think that question is kind of gross this was a misstep with the CNN Town Hall they tried to push him on this and he said which he basically said again last night I don't want people to die I think we should stop the life the loss of human life and they followed up with I'm going to repeat the question you know do you want Ukraine to win the war he said the same thing uh they turn to Camala Harris and whenever they ask her a question that she avoids she they there's no followup there's no push back I I I I'd have just said define winning the war because that's an important distinction go and then when they're like uh what are they going to say I don't know uh do you want Ukraine to restore all of its borders to its original state before the Russian invasion to which my response would then be I don't know if I would prioritize the borders of the country over the dead people so long as people are dying priority number one is end the loss of life we can talk about borders after the fact yeah I feel like he should should have been like winning is for sports we're talk about people dying I think you're you're losing perspective on how critical this crisis is did anyone notice when they were talking about Ukraine and kamala's passion about the internationally recognized sovereignty of a nation's border and I thought is anyone going to mention this she know about ours I just oh and that was a missed one I love you Mr President but that's where I was hoping he'd be like I'm sorry did you just talk about s you made a really good point and I had forgotten that we used to have debates that were about specific issues and that was a big deal but this this time around the Biden Trump debate was on all topics because they knew they weren't going to get another one this one's the this one is the only scheduled one so they had to try and hit everything and I don't think it's fair to voters to try and do that so that you try and have to try and get like you know millions of different policy positions in one spot and I also don't think that it's fair to candidates because what you had were the moderators going up there saying you know Mr Trump like why are you just absolutely the worst guy in the history and he's going I'm really not that bad and then the the question of kamla is why you know what what's your response to him saying he's not that bad I don't know what this is from but there's a cartoon someone posted a day before the debate and they said is this how the debate's going to go and it's a frog and a disgusting looking guy and then the debate the debate moderator goes Mr Frog why are you so evil you have 1 second and he goes hello and they go out of time and you're wrong and Mr President why are you so awesome all the time you need so that that's basically how it ended up going down we're going to jump into this next story but before we do smash that like button subscribe to the channel share the show with your friends become a member at what he repeated the bizarre and false claim in his presidential debate against CA Harris there is no better example of what the corporate press is then we called a bureaucrat who said it wasn't happening therefore it's confirmed cuz I got a video for you guys from Nick sorder Justin a resident of Springfield Ohio told a reporter he witnessed Haitians in a van capturing cats claiming they were going to eat them here you go now I'm going to say this right away I I am not saying this is true I don't know if I believe this guy's story okay I actually I'll put it this way I am neutral as to whether this guy's telling the truth I don't know I'm not going to impune his honor it's a guy who got interviewed and said he saw it happen there are numerous interviews from people saying they see pigs getting decapitated chickens birds being uh uh Ducks being taken and there were reports of people saying they've heard about pets being taken as well whether or not that's true I don't know but you you decide city manager corporate press or local resident you'll have to pick for yourself we've lost a whole bunch of cats uh there was a van load of van pulled over that had over 100 cats in it with the Haans they said they was eating them actually yeah not fake news not fake news so a van was ing cats and eating them I watched it happen yeah watched them get pulled over with the cats and admit to the police that they was eating them you're not joshing with me no I'm almost 50 years old buddy I don't no you don't mess around no we've so so I don't I don't know if I believe that it's it's I don't believe that he's almost 50 cuz I'm almost 15 I look better than that guy but we do have this it's not about looks it's about Poli there's more there's more from the post millennial asan migrants capture geese in Springfield Ohio police report I'm sitting here I'm riding on the trail I'm going to my orientation for my job today and I see a group of Haitian people there's about four of them they all had geese in their hands it it appears that there is a component of Truth to the story that there are with with 15 to 20,000 Haitian migrants that they're capturing animals we have a police report here post millennial reporting who did David reported this David Kaden that there's a police report obtained by the Federalist of someone saying they're capturing geese we're now seeing on on X these liberal pundits being like uh what's wrong with hunting geese and I love this cons conservatives response is we finally got liberals okay with hunting right I mean I think part of the issue with this whole you know cat pet Haitians thing is that it really is um like a cultural cognitive dissonance so you have leftists saying they can't possibly be eating pets because eating pets is bad and they're immigrants and immigrants are good and they would never come in and eat our pets but for people who do eat cats which as we were discussing pre-show is a thing in plenty of places eating you know cats or dogs or pigeons or whatever else um the people who do those kinds of things and and that's part of their Cuisine don't think that there's anything wrong with them for the fact that they're doing that they don't think that this is a bad thing what we have here is probably a situation where we have a lot of illegal immigrants and in this case you know refugees from Biden's Refugee program with his like very specific countries what Cuba Nicaragua Venezuela and Haiti where you could just come in yeah and there's no incentive for them to assimilate and there's no incentive for them to you know become part of American adop cure or American adopt American values you may be wondering my friends do Haitians eat cats it seems like a crazy story here's what you do take a look at this you go to Google I asked the question do Haitians eat cats now I want to stress this I am not meaning to disparage Haiti if it is that they eat cats in Haiti I don't know different cultures eat different kind of animals I don't think we're fans of that but okay we uh we recognize other countries can do whatever we're America We Do America stuff all right I went to Google I clicked tools and set a custom range I only want to see search results from before August 1st 2024 that gives us a month lead time before this story became prominent I could probably say September what's the first from two years ago Haitian girl crashing at my house talked about eating cats just below that August 18th 2015 I went to Haiti and was served stewed cat here's one from 201 do Haitians eat cats and dogs this one says no they don't right this one BL also says they don't no hater report says they they uh contrary to sorry right it says it says they don't eat cats because they're poor they eat cats because it's tradition so this is from March 27th 2019 from Haitian report do they eat cats in Haiti they say it's a practive exclusively known to a select grou of Haitians found mostly in some Countryside Villages and it's part of what did it say it's part of a a celebration or something what is say contrary to popular belief they don't eat cats because they're poor they eat because of tradition the practice of eating cats in Haiti is not a new habit but an old tradition started at the time of slavery for instance when runaway slaves hunted killed and ate wild cats deep in ha's forest and treacherous mountains many years before Haiti became a nation so the practice of eating cat cats is just as old as Haiti itself they say Haitians eat cows goats sheep chicken pork but cat meat is a delicacy that many people from the many from the country can't resist having a revon without a cat is like celebrating Thanksgiving without a turkey I don't know what this is I don't know if it's true maybe the website's fake I guess but I'll tell you this I did a a search several different ways and several different times and I found numerous posts verifiably I mean this one right here this is from three years ago Haitian girls talks about eating cats in Haiti right here what is this one 12 years ago I went to Haiti and was served stewed cat I can confirm the meat is really delicious so this is the this is the crazy thing the media is saying it's false Haitian migrants are not eating cats it's like okay well I went on Reddit and found 10-year-old posts of people saying they eat cats in Haiti there are now 20,000 Haitians here in Ohio so if you were to come to tell me Well two things one there are reports of them eating cats and two they're now here in Ohio if you then said it's possible and probable that they eat cats in Ohio I'd say okay I think part of the the the uh problem the liberal mainstream media is having is they don't want to go with the well it's a cultural thing in that culture it's okay because we would say but it's not a part of our our culture and if you're going to be in America we don't treat them that way and we can acknowledge that people's attitudes towards pets even in America have shifted right I've saw this video of this like really nice old like lady you know she's holding someone's new kitten she's like that's so cute you know I was a kid we used to drown kittens cuz there were just so many of them right like our our culture supports pets in a way that I think maybe other especially impoverished countries doesn't uh but also some these things are no go ahead I was going uh but I don't think that the the the problem that I have with all of this is that they keep going like the debate the last night they're like well we talk to the city manager and he says no uh we are also America is the culture that had to have the if you see something say something report I mean there are a lot of people who might see people capturing pets and dogs or geese or whatever and be like I don't really want to get involved with this situation uh I just know that it'll end badly for me or no one will believe me uh I I don't think that one city manager saying we haven't had any reports is actually as reliable I actually think this is one where you have to ask the town's people have there been big changes since this influx of people from you could ask a lot of those people who were at the city council meeting in August where clips from that city council meeting were going viral like the guy saying that they were just picking up geese out of the parks and cutting their heads off but the thing too about like this eating you know pets or dogs or cats or whatever it was just a couple years ago at the post millennial we broke a store St about um you know an animal rights activist calling for the minister of infrastructure and communities in Canada cuz you have that Katherine McKenna to apologize because there were videos showing that she was eating a dog in Indonesia in the 90s and bribing her way into a fight so it's not like an unusual thing it's What's Happening Here is that Americans who believe themselves to be relativists are looking at this story saying this couldn't possibly be true because I think it's horrifying and the people who are perhaps doing this thing don't think it's horrifying and if it is true there's now a cultural hierarchy and that's a huge problem for the left our culture even though that is what they keep advocating for with this you know this incinerated border yeah our culture eats cats as part of this Voodoo tradition and and that's our culture and we can't say that no that can't be your culture CU all culturals is is all cultures are equally good and I find that repugnant so therefore you're not possibly doing it so therefore they don't eat and if they are eating cats well then we're acknowledging some cultures are better than other cultures right there were cultures that used to bind women's feet I was going to talk about there were a bunch of laws came out u in Michigan where they had to specifically go out and ban female genital M mutilation and I remember reading one report that was like this is anti-trans and then actually no one talked about it anymore because it was about the imig The Immigrant communities that had you know for whatever reason whether it's through legal or illegal immigration arrived in that in that Country and had different practices that in America we don't believe in the west doesn't support these things but that doesn't deny that other countries might have different value systems that say this is actually okay and traditional yeah and the new culture of Afghanistan now that we have evacuated so precipitously doesn't allow women to talk in public leave the house in public that's their culture and if you're going to say well all cultures are equally beautiful well then we have to accept it that's that's totally fine and then we're going to start importing that and on mass which we are doing um so so there's a huge problem with cultural relativism here because the left has to push that we're all equally good and quite frankly not all cultures are equally good and it no it is a cultural relativist thing and I've talked to feminists from the Middle East and Indonesia who are saying where are the American feminists where are the feminists of the West who are you know going to stand up for us as we're forced to wear certain kinds of restrictive clothing as we're forced to not be educated as we're forced to have to cover our hair if we don't want to you know you had all these protests in Iran a couple of years ago where were the American feminists standing up for these women they were nowhere to be found because they say oh that's just their culture we're going to be okay with their culture it's a relativist situation you know and then that's how women in the culture like we don't like this we don't like this please help us and that's how you end up with a situation where you have trans activists for Hamas claiming that you know in pales at in Palestine in Gaza you know whatever you want to call it um being trans is part part of Liberation and it's like no being Trans in Gaza will get you killed having an abortion in Gaza is completely illegal the husband has to be aware of it you know it has to be like this whole thing it's super um restricted it's not really a possible thing so they make up all of this stuff so you have a left that makes up values to apply to other cultures because they want it to be true you guys want to eat snapping turtle no we got some you won't eat a cupcake but you you you least no I can't eat that either because it's got uh it's got soy sauce and sugar and stuff in it oh yeah so we got kangaroo alligator um what else is in there is that that big stack of jerkies out there I didn't even get a chance to look at I have a problem with the Haitians eating culturally I have a problem with the Haitians eating goose now because goose is a Christmas meal right like you should you should not be eating goose in the summer and so culturally look if you're going to live here in America you should wait until at least winter to have Goose sure of course that's right the Christmas goose right there's a proper way to do it or you wait until they're in season and you're allowed to hunt them because otherwise they're protected federally and the issue is that uh like the the old passenger pigeon they'll go extinct if everyone just hunts them they'll they'll disappear yeah there's this great book by kenbro OA I think it's kinbor OA um called the changeling and it has a very detailed um very detailed description of making turtle soup and it's a brutal process and it's apparently very greasy and kind of disgusting but he does it anyway Let's uh let's jump to the story from ABC News this one flies in the face of damid mure M we just can't do it we've been trying to pronounce this name for m m so he says Trump is wrong about what's going on in Haiti I wonder if he knew that at 700 p.m. yesterday ABC News reported Ohio was sending Troopers and $2.5 million to a city that has seen an influx of Haitian migrants the governor of Ohio will say law enforcement and millions of dollarss in healthcare resources to the City of Springfield as it faces a surge in temporary Haitian migrants something is going on in this town that warrants a massive police presence and millions of dollars now whether or not Donald Trump is right or not if someone came to me frantic saying they're eating dogs in Springfield I'd say slow down what are you talking about if I heard that it wasn't true I'd say what is tell me what you're hearing about what's going on in Springfield I've heard they're not eating dogs is something else happening what do you uncover Trump may be meing this conservatives maybe meing the cats and all that stuff but it sounds like violent gangs are ruling the streets it literally says thousands what is thousands of temporary hian migrants have landed in the city in recent years as long standing unrest in their home country has given way to Violent gangs R in the streets in Haiti so now they're coming here is there reason to believe that perhaps they don't know our laws our social norms and it's causing is issues I'm not look I got to be honest if I'm out in the middle let's let's say me and a Haitian guy fall off a plane we have no idea where we are nothing but trees in every direction and then I watch him going grab a goose I'm going to be like okay well I don't know right I don't know where we are I don't the rules are the Norms or the laws I'm not going to fault a human being for hunting the problem is they're brought here they don't know our laws they break the laws there's numerous reports of ducks and geese going missing and being hunted being eaten and that's illegal and so these people are coming here thinking they're doing something normal but they're not allowed to do police and money are being sent in and the corporate price is going fake news is not happening you're wrong yeah I think it's the same with a lot of the the the gangs that we see from South America um I did a lot of missionary work um in in Mexico and in South America a lot of those countries are completely fallen and and might is right right the the the the police force is is corrupt the military is corrupt um and so Whoever has the most guns is the safest um that is kind of the culture of a lot of the countries and then these folks are brought here by the Biden Administration and they just carry that with them so you see them taking over hotels taking over apartment complexes with just arms because that is their culture but now we're back to cultural relativism is their culture we see it in Colorado we see it in Texas we see this you know I think James O'Keefe put out a report recently that there are at least 400 gang members operating in the United States all across the country there's a bunch in New York um and there hasn't been any checks on this and these are people who are able to get in using Biden's Refugee program yeah because you apply as a refugee you come to the United States you claim that your life is in danger at home and if you're a violent gang member you're just going to lie um you come here you hang out until your Refugee cases heard and as we reported at the post M I think Savannah Hernandez figured this out a couple of years ago um under the Biden Administration like after he had said everybody come on in and you had my orcus saying we're not saying don't come we're saying don't come now and everybody poured across the border court dates were being given out five years in advance or more and so a big part of what kamla Harris is touting as her border security bill is actually getting more judges and more border agents to push more paper to get people processed faster and we've already seen also that once somebody loses Asylum case it's not like they're kicked out of the country they just still hang out for more no one goes to get them we have um you know criminals who commit violent crimes like the guys who uh attacked the officers in Times Square and I think they got off two of them got off on $1,000 Bond that's it they're illegal immigrants they're being processed for crimes they're suspects and crimes they don't have any documentation or reason to be here um why are they why are they that was like lak Riley's uh accused killer I mean and a couple of that guy's relatives are part of this trend araga gang yeah his brother his cousin whatever else he came in under Biden he was uh uh arrested and convicted of crimes I believe in multiple States including New York ended up in Georgia and is now on I mean obviously he hasn't been tried yet but it's not looking great and I just think that this is a problem that we could solve as a country if we prioritize the safety of American citizens we would treat the Border like it's an active crisis and secure it in a week Obama gave us Mara salvatrucha MS13 right that was the beginning of enough Americans said like why is there a a Salvadorian El Salvadorian gang problem in America how the hell did this happen right um well they they they were brought here during the Obama Administration and now Biden is giving us this trend araga uh uh gang problem which is Venezuelan and and the reason why they're here is because we're inviting them in um and and so again that was an issue that I think Trump hammered a lot last night and that going back to what you said earlier Tim is that if you're just the angry guy Trump is angry about that and he should be Americans should be angry about that are they angry enough I don't know because this is her responsibility the B borders are should have been the response to every question borders are you're the borders are you're the borders are you're the borders are I think there's going to be a lot of people who are who are going to say I don't know a whole lot about what 2020 project 2025 is just seemed like KLA didn't really care she she seemed like she was just smug and Che of herself and when you come off that way at a time of Crisis for somebody let me just put it this way you ever get to an argument with someone and it's a it's you're in a heated moment where someone made a mistake and they're not engaging with you on the issue they have their arms crossed and they're going why you so mad why are you mad is something wrong it's it called having siblings yeah yeah and it makes you angrier and angrier you want you want to know that they feel your anger and that they're they're in the same game as you so it drives people nuts when you get into a fight and they keep acting like I'm unaffected it's actually a tactic for antagonizing to you know trying to be snoody and what's wrong you're getting really mad why are you so angry like when do they say the fastest way to make someone angry is say calm down yeah that's effective I hate that yep exactly it pisses people off because they'll be like why are you saying that I'm not angry no but calm down calm that's what kamalo was doing or even more it's like you're not listening to what I'm saying yeah Trump trump definitely has capitalized his anger capitalized on the fact that he sees America in crisis I think a lot of Americans see America in crisis economic crime even David mure tried to chime in well the FBI does say that crime is statistically down no American believes that no American believes crime is down right that was one of his best moments when he was like if you go to that study a bunch of cities that have major crime problems just didn't report their numbers because that's how the FBI rolls uh and so you cannot treat that like it's accurate because we can't have cities that everyone knows have crime problems just left off the list and then you get these results that seems like it's okay yeah uh so I think Trump definitely capitalized on the anger that a lot of Americans feel in crisis moment the greatest crisis of all um the the existential crisis that even Joe Biden said is the number one threat to our military the number one threat it is the number one issue was was is of course climate change and it got the closing minute and just to to to talk about that because obviously this is my wheelhouse um kamla Harris and this campaign has ended forever this idea that climate change is an existential threat because existential threats do not stop becoming existential when they pull poorly right and so I am sure if you went back to the 1944 debates for FDR was was talking about Nazi Germany right Reagan and and and and Carter talked about the the Soviet threat right because they were existential they talked about nuclear threat because it's exist ential we were told for years the number one threat facing this nation is climate change and even K was like oh yeah 30 seconds uh big threat uh we spent a trillion dollars so climate change is dead if it even exists the existentiality of climate change is over and the Democrat Party killed it I I completely agree and and to stress your point it wasn't even a topic of debate nope it it it was a blip on on the radar the bigger issue was democracy they didn't care about climate change yeah the other thing too is if you remember back during the 2020 election season after KL Harris was selected as the vice president she and Joe Biden had sort of this campaign platform of uh four big existential crises that they were going to good memory yeah that they were going to use to essentially coerce the American people into doing things climate racism the economy and Co that's what they were um they screwed up covid they really screwed up on Race I mean they made things so much worse between people um the economy they tanked and climate as you just said KLA Harris basically debunked the whole climate change thing because for her in that debate her whole thing when she was asked about climate change as an existential threat she started talking about um you know home insurance and creating jobs in the climate change industry for them it's an industry and that's why they had the you know infrastructure reduction act which Joe Biden admitted should have been called you know massive climate spending bill they talk about you know EV cars and charging stations and uh she said we have created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs while I've been vice president we've invested in clean energy to the point that opening up factories around the world so she's talking about it as though it's an industry ripe for monetization not an existential threat and even Greta tberg has changed her whole tun now she just hates Jews now she just hates Jews and wanders around in a cfia and she doesn't even notice about the climate anymore she's probably just going to take one of tayor Swift's private jets to the next climate um or Palestinian rally thing she doesn't even care about she doesn't even care about climate anymore ruined her whole education for no she she has no education for no reason if you go back five years and it's hard to remember like a preco right pre George Floyd pre- Russia invasion pre- October 7th pre- January 6th 2019 when when the world was relatively calm and peaceful and Trump was inevitably going to win the economy was great nothing else was really happening CNN did a 7-hour town hall on climate change and every candidate that's back when Amy clob Bashar was running right Cory Booker was running 20 people they had 20 Democrats were trying to get that spot and the whole thing was about climate change because they had to create an existential crisis they had to find that thing that is so ethereal and intellectual that someone like Trump is just too Brash to understand right we understand the threat cuz we're the smart intellectual Democrats 7 hours to climate change and now it was uh we have 30 seconds left and before we go you want to say something about the climate he also had Trump had a great response to that which was have you seen a solar field where they you know you destroy all of this land for these solar panels and he talks about you know wind turbines which I don't know what the stats are on cancer caused by wind turbines or if that's even a thing I have no idea but I do know that there that putting wind turbines in communities really screws things up and also the um wind turbines themselves when they break down they're not recyclable no so they just land these giant massive things just ma land in landfills and you can't do anything with them and you just have to create more to replace those ones and the way that they use them when they put them out in the ocean or whatever they get corroded really quickly so it creates more problems than it actually solves meanwhile if the climate activists were actually interested in Saving the planet they would go for the most clean and you know safe energy which is nuclear power I I just like to point convenient I want to point this out real quick because I recently was in Newport Rhode Island and it is a Democrat stronghold Democrat Democrat Democrat all across the board and uh you guys ever been there yeah I did the Mansion I did the Mansion Tour when I was a kid it's gorgeous recently good life yeah did you see all the signs everywhere that say uh to keep the keep it wild keep the wind out oh it's pictures of wind turbines with circles and lines through them they don't want to screw up their view same thing happens in Jersey off The Jersey Shore they don't want that stuff nobody wants to see I I don't I don't mind wind turbines I don't know but people don't like them well they have a cost that when initially people were promoting things like solar and wind they're like it's fine just planted everything's okay but it's always it's always climate when convenient it's always environment when convenient I remember when Doug Ducey the the former governor of Arizona was putting up um shipping containers to fill fill in gaps in the border wall uh he got sued by the federal government for a bunch of stuff but eventually they settled on well you're on Federal Land and also these are hurting the migration patterns of some sort of I don't know some sort of creature ilal it doesn't matter yeah no no this time it was an animal and not not human humans running across the border um have you seen a solar field do you think a deer is going to cross that do you think anything is going to survive there like at what to what end are you saying you're preserving the environment well you're preserving the environment but not for people is the thing you're not you're not actually for the companies that are benefiting and she admitted yeah she admitted they have spent a a trillion dollars on on the climate agenda and how are we doing right have you seen a study that our emissions are down that our air is cleaner that our water is cleaner we know one thing for certain our utility bills are 30% higher our gas is higher water is expensive so trillion dollars water at the movie theater is very expensive so the trillion dollars went some where and I hear defensive of my industry all the time Big Oil Big Oil Big Oil big green is a really real thing if you have a trillion dollars to spend someone is getting very very rich and those people are invested in in electing Harris we're going to jump to this next story so smash that like button and here we go The Washington Post Taylor Swift endorses kamla Harris for president I'm going to say right off the bat I think this means they thought Kamala bombed yes I thought this was my my as soon as I saw it I was like made her do it yeah this is the biggest win and they immediately started selling friendship bracelets they're posting on social media with references to her which the Friendship racel things makes me think it was pre-planned because if you already have a product photo shot you must be pretty prepared do you think they got these is going to come out too it's that's irrelevant she's not Bigg they've got they've got cartridges lined up for emergencies and this debate performance it is no question the media is going to come out and say kamla won as long as she doesn't pull a Joe Biden they're going to say she won they wanted to but also don't forget they wanted Joe Biden to fail as well they were worried about down ticket so they wanted him out and this gave them their excuse almost immediately after the debate Taylor Swift shuts down the news cycle and takes over for KLA Harris that says to me that they looked at what happened and they said we don't think she did well enough launch Taylor Swift I 100% agree she also disabled comments on this post right all of her posts are disabled though not always sometimes they're they're not and so it's interesting because she has this post like she turns her comments on and off and she turned them off for this uh post which I find fascinating I think part of it is when you read her endorsement of Cala Harris she says she she Champions values and issues that are important to me but does not name a specific issue she's more specific about Tim waltz's accomplishment she mentions women's right rights to their body she mentions she disabled all comments yeah she goes back and forth on it but I'm saying there's no post with any available all all of her posts right now every single one comments are disabled yeah I'm telling you for her account she goes up back and forth on it right so what so what so Point rather do them one by point then would be sometimes you can comment on all of her posts or what sometimes you can comment our post sometimes you can't all of them or some of them uh from what I remember like when she announced an album people are commenting underneath it okay well she disabled all comments on her entire page comment because they would just jump to the next post and comment the same thing exactly she made the endorsement they knew comments had to be disabled because it was going to be backlash yeah and you know who also is really good at spamming comments on social media when they there's something they don't like people who are uh intensely Pro Palestine who think that if you're endorsing candidate who has not backed that movement entirely uh that you are actually you know involved in genocide that's happened to a couple different people on social media but uh I won't Grant stand on the Taylor show thing I think this is fascinating I think it's so interesting that she could name uh basically abortion IVF for and and whatever for Tim Waltz could not give you a specific detail of what Kamala Kamala supported to me that means this was pre-written because it came it was decided before she released her policies that's interesting I I think she shows a great level of disrespect to her fans I'm I can't say I'm a fan or not a fan of Taylor Swift I'm I'm not a fan not just because I I'm just I'm too old right I don't I don't care about Taylor Swift but I do think she shows a great level of disrespect to her fans because um she had a can a series of concerts in Vienna because of threats of Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism is funded by Iran Iran is bankrolled right now because of oil and gas money because the Biden Administration the Biden Harris Administration lifted every single sanction on Iran and now you've endorsed Kamala Harris so so your very fans who lost the opportunity to see you and they pledged to kill tens of thousands of people in Vienna at that concert where where do the money where did the terrorist plot came from it claim it came from the fact that this Administration has made Iran very very rich and so to endorse this Administration which is targeting you know visavi Hamas your fans don't tell me you love your fans go up there and sing your songs and do your thing with with Travis Kelce and all that but but your fans lives were at risk because of kamla Harris and Joe Biden and this is the way you thank them for for risking their lives to go to one of your stupid concerts so shame on you well look I mean Taylor Swift uh developed a worldview when she was being trained at Langley that suggests abortion and I'm kidding by the way but the the the conspiracy the of course is that she is a scop I don't think that's the case but why does Taylor Swift need to endorse anybody she's wealthy and well off and she could just be like I don't care you want to hear my theory on this I think it's uh because she's hanging out with Britney Mahomes and Britney Mahomes got in trouble for liking a Donald Trump post they were at the US Open last weekend together and then this like Pro lgbtq uh Outlet ran this article that her queer fans are deeply troubled that she hugged Britney Mahomes who is anti- whatever and supports Trump she also Britney Mahomes is also Maha make America healthy again but Taylor Swift is just sabotaging her right leaning fans and she has them she doesn't care about them that much she just works in an industry where it is socially mandated that you are your voting Democrat and that's why she can't say why she supports Camala Harris I I she she if anyone could say whatever wanted it's Taylor Swift but she doesn't really care about this I mean this is the thing she's a default Democrat she talked about you know she inv she endorsed Joe Biden last time she's talked about regretting not publicly endorsing Hillary Clinton like she's all for the third time she's picked the Democrat it's not that surprising is she friends with Mahomes yeah they hang out all the time and she's not a default lib she's just a shi cell or people have friends who are not necessarily of the political Spectrum just a sh'll sellout you know I don't know that at this point you can be like look at shayene Woodley is that her name she like that aine isn't she married to Aaron Rogers they were engaged at one point and they broke up oh they broke up that said but she actually defended uh Melania when Melania said you know she put up the thing saying my husband was attacked he's a father he's a grandfather and she retweeted that and then she was like look everybody knows like my my politics here I just thought it was nice and it's like no I think she's just scared and she's actually probably based you I don't I don't know how you're with someone like Aaron Rogers and you don't agree with like you got to agree on some things you know what I mean AAR Rogers is base you know I think you can agree on something but I have friends that are Democrat we're going to vote differently they're still my friends like I I don't think I think that there is a tremendous amount of pressure on public especially pop stars to uh be Democrats and the Cala Harris campaign depends on Illusions to pop stars to seem cool and relevant remember brat summer I think we' talked about the fact that her like camo and orange hatan right was that the thing her her camo and orange hat is essentially what Chapel Rowan has been using for her merch I mean they really really think that if they can get enough pop power behind them that they will just be the default decisions for all they got to go ahead to use all the Beyonce stuff I think it's I think it's amazing that these gay activists were so angry that she shook hands or hugged Patrick mahomes's wife that they demand a response and they get one um that anger always comes from the left right you see your left his friends are this one saying if you're going to vote for Donald Trump my my better half Andrew was just saying that on his Facebook page people laughed at the debate last night if you're still going to vote for Donald Trump then just unfriend me right now I've never seen anyone on the right have that reaction to the left I've never seen anyone on the right say go you're going to be friends with a Democrat then we can't I've never seen anyone go after Chris Pratt and say if you don't come out right now and we are never going to watch another one of your dinosaur films right it's in it's always been fascinating to me how the left is so hatefully intolerant but it's because they don't have policies the only thing they have is get in line or else yeah on the right it's I'll convince you trust me yeah they would have been great Nazis they really were I mean they were great Nazis the left was I mean but just the left their their Conformity or we will kill you it's it's fascinating and Everyone Falls for it what you were leaning towards and I and I agree with you if anyone is uncan salable you would think it would be Taylor Swift she sets the trend but maybe she's not maybe she's not anyone uncan Joe Rogan probably I don't think it's a question of cancel I think it's a right now she's in the final she's about to start the final leg of her erist tour and so she doesn't want the end of this big peak career moment to be marred by oh I I wasn't on the right side with my Hollywood friends uh you know it's it's always interesting because there was this big Swifty for swifties for Trump movement that that uh surged I think conservative people that are interested in pop culture kind of know like you could meet Swift she's not going to want to talk to you about these things uh and and you're used to it whereas if you're left leaning you really feel like you must have the same values there everyone around you and so there's a difference in in the emotional pandering people who are conservative who listen to Taylor shth are still going to listen to her yeah uh you know the most backlash she got this year was in her new album there were some uh religious Illusions and there were a couple like you know Christian evangelicals who were like that's not appropriate I'm not going to listen to her anymore but it wasn't about you know economic policy or anything else also you know so Donald Trump was asked about this on Fox and Friends uh and uh he said you know I prefer Mrs momes which is kind of funny uh but he also said you know she's she's a she's always voting left it's not that big of a deal and I think you know it just kind of is what it is I I find that you know the idea that like Taylor Swift is going to win Kamal Harris the election laughable yeah well Beyonce was supposed to do it in 2016 remember the night before the election Hillary Clinton had that concert in in um State College Pennsylvania with Beyonce Katie Perry Bruce Springsteen uh Bon Joy I mean she had the greatest lineup and they said it was the biggest rally of the election cycle but yeah it was at State College Pennsylvania if you're if you're or Happy Valley if you go to Penn State and you have a Beyonce Bruce Springsteen Bon Joy concert I'm gonna go to that concert too even if I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton so they they need the celebrity the celebrity factor I just wish they would follow the Michael Jordan mantra which is well you know Republicans buy sneakers too why would it have been so hard for Taylor Swift to say you know what I write music and I love that my fans are all over the Spectrum and music brings people together I'm not going to get involved in why doesn't anyone ever able to just we do this for a living right I mean of course we have to give our opinions we're opinion opinion people but why do why do any of these folks feel like they have to alienate folks and she wasn't willing to do it for Biden that's the other interesting thing I mean she wasn't she it looked like she might stay out of endorsing anyone when it was Biden but then Cala needed her and she was summoned and that's kind of fasc that's that's the real reason they had to get Biden out they went to Taylor Swift and they said will you endorse Biden she said absolutely not well what if we got rid of him well if it was ki do it and they were like we we got to get him out what was the time what was the time stamp between her posting that and the debate ending was it I'm I'm curious to see how quickly she wrote that it was very very close like I said I think it's a it was really quick yeah it was really quick so we're supposed to assume that she was watching it and as soon as debate was done she was like boom boom boom boom Instagram hit Instagram is that where she uploaded it i' I'd be curious to see the the time stamp of when she posted it to the debate ending 22 hours ago and Gavin Nome in the spin room was like did you see that Taylor Swift endorsement now he could be on X you know seeing it or on the other hand he could have known it was coming and known that if asked any questions about how Kamala Harris did you divert to fact that this uh big fun pop Star has endorsed her yeah so it just shows that kamla Harris is completely manufactured mhm right she's just a she's a product and as a product she doesn't have positions she doesn't have policy she doesn't have a position on her website she doesn't have a website she just're there now but it's just Biden's it's just Biden's right right she's so good for her she got them up yeah good for her finally getting around to giving us some policies yay we're a big girl I mean when are we getting our our one-on-one interview when is she doing the 60 Minute this is Kamal Harris not Taylor but when are we getting the the 60-minute sitdown that you know Clinton did that Trump did like I I just don't understand why she is this wonderful amazing speaker I mean Taylor Swift called her like a a a calm leader or whatever I don't remember uh why doesn't she Harris want to talk to the Press if she's so great and everyone in the media loves her and every pop celebrity is lining up to endorse her and her ideas are so good share them with us tell us yeah um the disqualifying factor and I wish president Trump hit on this more and maybe he will in the next debate if there is a next debate oh go ahead the disqualifying factor is that for three and a half years she hid Joe Biden's cognitive abilities and she did not do it for the benefit of the country she didn't do it for the benefit of Joe Biden himself who even though I am not a fan is a human being and is worthy of dignity she didn't do it for Joe Biden's sake she didn't do it for the country's sake she did it for her own power and that is a disqualifying position for her she hid the fact that the nation is in Peril because she wanted the job and that alone should should qualify her I wish president Trump would hit that and that's the answer to every question you stood by silently while this country was going to hell knowing he was scile cuz you want his job yeah that disqualifies you from anything if you were an assistant coach and you watched the team fail and you're like well I'm going to watch the team fail because I know that I'm going to get if I watch timcast fail and I'm like but I because I'm going to get the job eventually that is disqualifying for you and that is why she she's Unworthy of the job maybe I should take a picture of the cat and say I saw the debate and I'm gonna endorse Donald Trump I'm a childless cat lady I'm I'm not goingon to vote for Kamal Harris I'll tell you that oh yeah she called herself a childless cat lady in that thing too yeah Taylor did she like signed it like a letter and said Taylor Swift childless cat lady oh this is who they're targeting yeah I but the crazy thing is how many childless cat ladies are there in the US I think childless cat lady has to start at a certain age though Taylor Swift is and I won't presume to ask your age5 Taylor Swift is like young I think cat lady status doesn't really come in until like your late' 40s I right well because you have to be like the bias modern you know decidedly no kids yeah think the door has a close for Taylor Swift on kids um how old is she that's true though I think she's 34 yeah she's too young to be I'm deep in the the pop culture knowledge over here there's one thing I know about sadly it is uh white girl pop music well why not look I am who I am there's nothing comtable that I think you should be thanks I do some quick math for you while you guys talk uh there are 56 million single women in the United States so Adrien Curry posted childless cat lady for Trump the um also her cat looks so cool looks like she's got a great cat do you think there will be a second debate um I kind of hope there is I wish there would be a second and a third and a fourth and a fifth I think I think the American people should get the chance to have these questions as often as they should there should be a town hall there should be a town hall where kamla Harris has to answer questions unscripted unscripted actual voters absolutely but I I think the next one should be on Fox or Newsmax or something not whatever like with the first one on CNN you know it made strategic sense for for them to see stuff I think ABC proved that they are in the Biden's Pockets I mean the CNN moderators interjected left did less factchecking than the ABC moderator well you have to know that the uh the exec who's in charge of ABC from the Disney side is actually one of K Harris's best friends who introduced her to Doug mhof on a on a blind day in the first place leading to their marriage about 10 years ago so that already is so that's just so much bias there 18 to 21 million single women in the US who likely own cats according to basic estimates interesting 18 to 21 uh and Vance's comments from several years ago apparently he's goingon to dry them all into the arms of Camala Harris how many of them are over 40 kamla Harris who's going to let ref to eat your cats 33% so estimat about 6 to 7 million single and over 40 likely own cats so that means 66% of them are still of childbearing years and just haven't had kids yet they haven't you know well I think I wouldn't call them single 35 is geriatric pregnancy I think so I think I think after 35 is like a 40-year-old woman can have kids but Cameron Diaz just had a baby and she's 51 really oh via surrogate I thought she had her had her baby by I'm pretty confident it was via surrogate I could be wrong she may fro eggs a long time ago and I thought she had I thought she had a baby on her own but I could have been wrong she may have frozen eggs at 30 and then they find do the little yeah mixture in the tube and it's it was surate surate I hate that wait she's carrying someone else's baby no no somebody else carry her what it is is that is actually the it's the hand she's the handmade you know she's the she's the wife in the handmaid's tail you know how the handmaid's tail it'll have like um the story is so that the men will like pretend to have sex with their wives or whatever but they'll actually impregnate somebody else and that's like what happens here except there's no pretend sex it's just IVF which is very expensive wasn't the premise of that like the human population was devastated by disease and humans are on the verge of going extinct yeah and there's only all kinds of environmental issues that have caused infertility and their birth rate is collapsing and the rich I don't know if anyone and the rich people can't have children and the the women of the rich couples aren't they all just really old to do it on their own what should a civilization do if that happens um what should a civilization do if they're suggesting taale is right or correct I'm saying like if we got to the point where fertility dropped to like people were infertile and population that direction I don't know what should a civilization do I mean humans will cease to exist yeah well humans don't really care that much about humans they care more about the planet without humans on it well no that's liberals yeah there's a lot of them right now I mean I kind of feel like conservatives their the the replacement rate is is it's below replacement fertility even for conservatives but as long as I see these videos of people with like six kids that live on the on the farm or whatever I'm not too worried about it that's Elon musk's position right is doesn't he have like a ton of kids we have to reproduce yeah we have to his whole Jam you his response tolor doing it it's a little weird but the idea that we need to reproduce it's a little mus tweeted at her okay fine Taylor I'll I'll give you a child and defend your cats with my life and now the media is freaking out and they're like that was such a creepy thing to say but I have said for a long time Elon Musk loves tall blonde women at the top of their career and so the of course the the the offer to have children with Taylor Swift was inevitable we all knew this was coming well I mean look Taylor's got uh a few more months until it's geriatric pregnancy I and and it's funny because I know a bunch of like Lefty single men are going to be like oh that's so creepy that you'd bring that I don't care you can call me whatever you want it's it's the truth though I mean when I was like 34 my doctor was like if you want to have kids like Now's the Time you better do it now the other thing about handmaid's tail is remember once the inauguration of President Trump happened in 17 you would always see the women in red robes everywhere another effort that the Kamala is trying to do is to scare people like if Trump is elected all these bad things are going to happen and they did that with handmaid's tail but nothing really happened right like the world didn't end women weren't all locked up in so so Kam has to push this agenda that like scary things are going to happen if this guy gets power they tried that in 17 and it didn't really work and fizzled out which is why they talked about climate change well and people were able to pay for things under Trump you know like you could buy eggs and groceries I'll never forget that moment when it just when my grocery bill just kept doubling every week when whenever that was was it like 2021 maybe something around there but it was like ridiculous bacon and I stopped buying bacon and I stopped buying meat and I was like my why are my groceries still going up sto buying all this stuff that's expensive oh I'll tell you what offended me is I went we I was at a hotel at the RNC and they put out vegan sausage without telling anybody oh that's disgusting oh at the RNC yeah I guess it was the hotel's fault but it's one of the hotels and uh I was I was getting breakfast and I was having sausage and eggs right I'm I'm trying to cut the carbs and and I grabbed the sausage I sat down I looked at it and I was like uh what is this and then I cut into it and it was like a sponge and I was like I don't think this is sausage this is vegan so I complained and the lady was like no it's good it's sausage and I was like if if I'm allergic to this and it's not sausage I'll go check and then she comes back and she's like it's not sausage I'm sorry they tried they tried sneaking out vegan sausages hoping nobody would notice that's because the beyond meat stuff has no shelf life and they're selling it at huge preserva so they're selling cont exactly just get off it was disgusting it was like chewing on a sponge I'm not kidding I took a bite and I was like what this is not food food should not be made in Labs should be made by Critters yes and farms and grown and harvested that's why I think it's funny when there's a picture of the of the dude carrying the goose and everyone's all mad about it and it's like I can understand the anger over violating our laws and protecting migratory Birds violating our social customs and Norms but it is kind of funny to me that a dude eating a goose is weird to people and they go to the grocery store and get frozen dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets and then dip them in high fructose corn syrup yeah un like the goose is better for you what's weird if you've never processed the chicken if anyone wants to do it it is it is gross processing smells bad too yeah it's just a it's a nasty process and we did it for a long time because it is very coste efficient but it's just it's easier to go to Costco and get the two pack Frozen for $4.95 but but processing chickens is is pretty brutal yeah but there's a there's here's the crazy thing if if you guys went out into not even out not even a rural area but just maybe just the far suburbs where you're allowed to have backyard chickens you just drive five minutes to the farmer and drop the chickens off and then he says you know come back in a little bit and then you come back and he's got the fresh prepared chicken for you and he says could like a normal chicken like you got from the grocery store but this is your fresh grown raised chicken I got to tell you it's easy it's fun first of all all you got to do is you put up you put some wood planks on the ground do you do this you put the Planks on the ground with the Rope you walk up in the morning you lift them up and the chickens run eat the bugs free food no I don't do that we we just Freer range our chickens we let them we let them there you go out and figure it out yeah yeah yeah it's uh they eat everything they eat grass they like they like eating clovers and whatever and then they make more of themselves if you leave them alone and then you bring the extra ones over to the dude who does it for you y now I don't get me wrong eat each other too yeah chick chicken chickens are are carnivores and they're they're cannibals you know they have no qualms about any kind of incest no gross yep is not like ours their genetics are different so they're not a superior culture yeah they their genetics are different so uh there's less of a problem of mutations and deformities with in with uh inbreeding so they actually call it line breeding with chickens do you ever do this lime breeding is the nice way of saying inbreeding right if it's inbreeding it's a mistake if it's deliberate it's lime breeding and they'll do that with horses with cows with you do sheep lime bread yeah I mean we don't but yeah it is done okay it is done and you know a lot of people do it with pigs if you're going to eat the kids you really shouldn't have a boy pig and a and a brother sister pig mate and and have them reproduce in Generations but if they're going to mate and have eight little piglets and you're going to raise them fat and kill them and eat them brother and sister can mate it's a little weird but but you wouldn't want those to intermate to intermate to intermate because that's how you get the apocalypse so yeah that's is the the end state is the apocal I me being backward chickens are so stupid they don't know to drink water when it's hot out what yeah it's a it's a big problem have you ever experienced that um it get it gets it gets really hot out and chickens won't drink water and and so there there's a trick what you do is you put seeds in in water with ice and when they try to eat the seeds they get water otherwise they don't drink and you know chickens are not very smart but they're very funny they are and they're cute love love the love the farm life yep um Farmers didn't get any mention in the debate right I mean we could go through a list of and this is what frustrates frustrates me about not having the three debates that are thematic right if we wanted to talk foreign policy yes of course Israel Palestine yes of course Russia uh uh ukra but we could talk about NATO we could talk about South America we could talk we didn't mention China right hello big red elephant in the room didn't mention China right if we talked about domestic policy Farm policy egg policy uh land policy right gun policy there are so many things that the president has power over our lives and that's wrong it's not the role of the president but that is the way it's con exactly that's the way it is now the president's way too powerful but if we're going to give this person all this power Kamala as you were saying earlier Hanah Clair her answer can't be I don't want to talk to the Press like you've got all these great ideas well what are they I don't want to say you know what knock knock there yes right and that's the frustrating thing is there are so many things I'd like to ask the president and the vice president not on gotcha just honest conversation about really important issues that affect our lives and and we just ignore over them and we talk about oh my gosh we talk about abortion for hours on end and that is an important issue but there are so many issues that deserve time and we it's important but it's not the major issue that affects everyone's lives like food production yeah we're going to go to Super Chat so smash that like button subscribe to this channel share the show with your friends head over to members only uncensored show which will be coming up in about a half an hour you don't want to miss it not so familyfriendly but always fun and funny and you as members get to call in and join us for the show and that's when you can tell us we're wrong and I know you're just dying to tell me how wrong I am and everyone else so uh you got to you be a member and you can super chat or you can you can get in the member and say I want to ask a question about why Tim is so wrong and then you're on the show all right Tim Jake says sad day had to say goodbye to one of our cats he was 13 and diabetic the last several days were really tough so it was time to let him go sad to hear it my friend sad to hear it I I know all too well Mr Bokus you know there's only a few bags left of the Mr bcus pumpkin spice experience and that'll be the end but we're going to make a in memorium espresso blend called focus with Mr bcus and uh you know we'll always remember now we have Sheamus the cat but I don't call him Sheamus anymore I call him James because I don't respect the Irish ouch ouch as an Irishman I I'm Irish too it was funny because uh I said uh on I I posted on on X in response to the Russia story you can eat my Irish ass and uh to the journalists and the people like you're Irish now and I'm like I've always been Irish just because like I'm more Irish than I am Korean come on guys anyway it's a joke because uh we jokingly named the cat Sheamus because we were hanging out with Sheamus we caught the cat and then I made the joke that we should name the cat Sheamus one and the cartoonist Sheamus 2 and Sheamus was like you guys are bad friends but then uh now I call him James because you know that's the Anglo version we don't we don't respect that Shamus get out of here with James just like Cromwell good job don't let the Irish speak their own language James that's right he's James now that's what I call him that's how my cat named became James the cat all right Stone bed says how many Harris campaign staffers to take to scre a light bulb but wrong they use gaslighting oh very good very good all right a lad who ate four dozen egg says we did it Tim we got Joe Biden to wear a mega hat there goes kamla's momentum from yesterday I can't believe he did that it's very funny Optics man people aren't going to know or care why very odd it's it's it is in a sense an endorsement yeah run look the Trump eating the dogs thing I've been saying this since yesterday I said it this morning I guarantee you come this weekend I'll be at the poker table and some guys going to go you hear they're eating dogs in Ohio yeah I heard that what's that about I don't know people are saying that migrants are eating dogs they're not going to dissect Donald Trump's statement they're not going to follow up with a fact check they're going to have heard from their buddy who was smoking a cigarette or drinking that some guy yeah Trump here's gonna happen they're going to be at work and the guy's gonna go and Trump's saying they're eating dogs now what's going on then he's going to go to the poker table and it's GNA purple monkey dishwash and to say I heard they're eating dogs another guy's going to hear that and go what then he's going to go back to another guy and say yeah they're eating dogs now and that's all that happens so I I explain it like this imagine you got three people you go to one in the morning and you say uh migrants are eating dogs and they're going to go that's crazy what are you talking about you go to guy B they're eating dogs he says you're crazy you go to guy C say the same thing they all say you're crazy but then when guy a meets guy B up for lunch and he goes are you hearing this they're saying they're eating dogs I heard that yeah did you heard that too I heard that yeah what and then guy sew walks up and goes hey are you talking about them meating dogs I heard the same thing and they're going whoa now they think it must be happening because they're hearing it from two two other people when in fact there was one source of information yep triangulated yep Jackie Octavius says was driving through Wisconsin and saw an anti-criminal immigration billboard paid for by De paid for by democrats for Trump what feel a lot better about Wisconsin but we must keep fighting wow that's huge that's actually a really good strategy if you're a former Democrat don't abandon being a Democrat but vote for Trump and then say you're a Democrat for Trump a lot of these Democrats are like I'm a republican now I no go go be a Democrat and vote for Trump and send that message all right what's next Ginger mcak says I put my finger on why by comrade kamla bugs me so she talks like that spoiled cheerleader whose poop isn't stinky yeah stinky after all I just girl mean girl I think Heathers but not not wiona Rider I think both Kamala and Trump had uh uh their behavior wasn't so good but Trump had the better version of it that is if Trump did what he did with Biden where he remained calm Kamala says you people leave your rallies early Trump could have just smirked and said are we here to talk about my rallies can we can we get back to the economy I'd like to help the American people boom she would have been like but he took the bait debate that being said Trump being angry is better than being snoody so K Harris coming off as condescending and indifferent is not not going to play well that's why the undecideds according to reuter said Trump all right let's grab some more p p says kamla came off like a high school mean girl very offputting to women yeah Mean Girl Again mhm all right Kyle says anyone notice if you ask jet GPT who shot trump it will say no one ever shot at Trump nor has there ever been an attempt on his life yeah that was a big story yeah it was weird it's still that way like chat TP T will still say that some people are still reporting that yeah let's go chaos for armony says funniest Zinger of the debate that no one seemed to catch quote I don't care about her race I'm just saying there were reports that said she's black she puts out yeah I'll say that and then she's in full Indian dress is that the quote what he said I don't remember he puts out I don't remember him that part but I was like I don't care I don't care she's she says she's black I don't care I just think it's funny that now she's black she he didn't say Indian that doesn't appear in the transcript no I don't remember that part but he that he did have the indifference like I don't care I don't care what she is right it's just funny that where she wants to be he said I don't know I don't know all I can say is I read where she was not black that she put out and I'll say that and then I read that she was black that's okay either one was okay with me to her her no not that she right yes that she put out that she's not black which she probably didn't do but she I thought her response body language was weird on that question that was one of the time she looked the furthest down and then was just sort of waggling her head uh and you know I think it would have been e it would she has supped teed up for this really easy response to being like my father is black and my mother is Indian you know I am fortunate to be in whatever position that allows me to give some sort of diversity speech but she she sort of like it makes her uncomfortable to talk about her race which I find funny because everyone wants to be Irish I want to read this uh from the regular chat Vanguard says I'm Tim P bald fool please buy my coffee well I do say that so you know thanks for the chat Vanguard uh stevenh D Parker Jr says fun fact Haitian Voodoo is practiced widely in Haiti and like most if not all afro Caribbean religions include ritual animal sacrifices a Sacrament you can Google search this right now about animal sacrifice in New York the story is from like a day ago oh yeah it's crazy I have photos that my mom sent me it was her neighborhood really I can I can send them to Serge and we can put them on that that Mom and her church was part of the cleanup after they were done with the animal sacrifice how disgusting yeah very disgusting some pigs got out and were running around the neighborhood but they were brought to a shelter all right mesta says timcast should offer to host and moderate the next debate yes that would be fantastic that'll never happen kamla's only going to go to a debate where she won't go to the fox debate she only goes where it's rigged where they're going to everything set it's totally not fair because I I really would like to see someone ask kamla Harris what a woman is and I know it seems like you know a lot of people are just like it's dumb but it would let us know what her relationship to reality actually is we will know for a fact if kamla is nervous if she insists the next debate moderator is George Stephanopoulos yeah and because that means she's desperate because George always in a pinch bails out the Democrat I want to see a debate moderated by Alex Jones that would be great too but but I think it was be it's because Alex would just snap and go off on Kamala and it would like break down to him being like he would just go on this prolonged rant about the Deep State the things KLA was involved in he'd start naming people specifically like just imagine him being like uh vice president uh Harris the question for you is on uh foreign Invasion and and and US involvement in Ukraine do you think we should uh uh send put more money in and then we start answering he will snap back in fact check and then within like a minute he's going to be running off General Millie said this and you and and when you had you know Hillary Clinton come in that room and the visors were coming and it would just be it would be great see him like just explode on this rant in front of front of K I also think very quickly um they were anticipating she would do poorly and that's why they chose September 10th because they knew that today a huge percentage of the coverage would be on September 11th and they could say whoa whoa whoa look today is not a day to talk politics we are remembering the lives lost or if Trump gloats it's like you know what how shameful that he is talking about this on the day deliberately why they chose the 10th it's not just 911 it's Taylor Swift 2o this morning when I woke up and I turned on Fox it was 911 memorial and they were running the footage of 9911 from 23 years ago as they always do right yeah so the whole the the debate stuff was just not in the Morning News no czy they because they thought she was going to do poorly well and Camala Harris on stage like it is interesting I think you're right the the proximity 911 is part of it I'll also point out the VMAs are tonight so there are a lot of people who are not interested in politics who are not paying attention to any of that I am planning to go home and check all the yeah all the VMA outfits but she also said on stage that January 6th was the biggest attack on Democracy since the Civil War which do you not know what the next day is my friend do you not know that you're about to go to New York and appear with everybody else that was crazy wasn't there Fox brought that up and and I think it was Laura Ingram and she was just like 911 is today like wasn't there a debate that they did the day before the Super Bowl or the morning there was or the kickoff of NFL there was a presidential debate recently maybe it was 2020 maybe a g chat will come in or Super Chat will come in there was a presidential debate that they did deliberately that coincided with with the NFL and and maybe it was Trump Biden and I can't remember so they choose the date specifically if they think they're going to do poorly and that's why they chose September 10th I just love that they were like some guy was sitting in an office and he watched the debate and he picks up his phone and he goes execute Taylor Swift's plan and then she like Taylor Swift looks around and then she like hits the button it's to go you know they had that post probably drafted and set up and ready to go yeah I think they added the line uh as I watched the debate tonight afterwards everything else written and then they were like it needs to be today and she was like okay yeah all right it was uh order 23 was that her album what was that album 20 1989 89 yeah Execute Order 89 that's what it would have said order 89 and then Taylor Swift hits the button all right let's have another Super Chat here Ted Thorton says KLA is in over her head she craves power is suffering from impostor syndrome and truly incompetent her positions are not clear because she is the epitome of an empty suit she also needs to fire whoever's uh picking her pants suits they're just not they're not stepping up here what was she she was wearing like Chloe on at the VMAs it was like that beige one yeah I mean she's not uh she's just picking really weird dark neutral colors do did you guys see that clip that went viral where Kamala said that she wants to ban guns and David mure is like you said that you want to sign an executive order to start to to ban assault weapons uh but such a power doesn't exist and then Joe Biden's like it's unconstitutional you can't do that and she goes Joe instead of saying we can't how about we say yes we can and he goes it's unconstitutional we covered that today that was ridiculous just say yes we can kind of a lot that was a lot of her response to Trump yesterday like I'm not trying to be negative let's be positive and that's the response to everything you're not allowed to forgive student loans let's do it anyway right like yes we can I can do of Joy do it oh Mark Clancy says after 90 minutes of hearing kamla's whiny screeching voice my head still hurts this is a this is another thing too that I don't think the left wants to admit they love to talk about sexism but when you bring up that people likely would not want to vote for a woman because of the sound of her voice they say you're sexist I'm like well no no no no I'm agreeing with you so I I mentioned this before that I think kamla Harris is going to struggle because it actually was about a when AOC did that rally where she was pumping and hooting it's talking like this I'm like there's a big difference from a deep voiced tall man banging on a table and talking in a deep voice and people go like whoa and a woman with a high-pitch raspy voice that sounds frail and uh that the left attacked me as sexist they said Tim pool's sexist for saying this and I'm like no I'm literally saying that other people are sexists and would not vote for wi because of that I I believe that's true I believe the left is correct people are sexists so when they see kamla Harris talking like this there's a lot of people are just going to be like no no no no I don't care what you're saying yeah there are gender differences right isn't that amazing right like genders sound different and act different and people respond to the differences differently uh um you know as you was just saying as KLA what is a woman right it would be a great conversation well it would that's never going to if she would respond like Maya Wy did when she was asked in Congress about that just sometime earlier this summer when she said a woman is someone who says she is oh it's beautiful you know it's like beautiful yeah it's it's almost poetic right but I want to know if kamla Harris thinks a woman is someone who says she is or if she thinks a woman is an adult human female because on the one hand you're you know writing poetry to craft policy and on the other hand you know what reality is the the appropriate question in debate is not what is a woman it's how would you define woman because I I'll tell you what happens if Trump said Madame vice president what is a woman she'd say wow Donald can't say I'm surprised you don't know what a woman is and they'd go and they'll start clapping she like I can't you know every woman in the room knows that Donald Trump can't figure out what a woman is she won't answer the question she'll turn it to a Zinger the question is like if I was Trump I'd say something like you know we're hearing a lot about this gender gender stuff in schools and they're saying that little boys can be girls and little girls can be boys and Tim Waltz they call him tampon Tim because he he put tampons for little boys in the in the bathrooms so you know Madame vice president this is your your proposed Administration how would you define the word woman no answer yeah she would be able she wouldn't be able to say no zingers no answers no responses she might try and say you don't know what a woman is but like I can tell you it's an adult human female or that's another thing you might want to say a woman is an adult human female but what would you say it is and then she can't answer it it it it's the the attack Vector for Trump should be uh I can't remember who brought this up in the show bring up Israel every opportunity Trump should have brought up Israel that was you right it's a good point Trump should bring up Israel as a wedge issue because it shatters the left uh the leftists and the and the and the liberal default liberals yeah well according to last night kamla Harris loves Israel knows it as a right to exist and wants to defend it she loves guns right she she she has limits on abortion she's not in favor of unlimited abortion right she loves oil and gas she was praising about our our oil production numbers so it's just funny that this is the new Kamala Harris right Trump should have said they call her killer Kamala that's what they're saying outside the protesting say she's killer CA because Israel and you know and then let her stew on it yeah how did she respond to that have you heard some of the interviews from the protest that was last night in Philadelphia they're saying like I won't vote for Trump or Harris which they were probably the PE these Progressive activists were probably never going to vote for Trump so his campaigner knows that whereas they might have voted for a candidate they typically would have voted Democrat it's it's an issue that Republicans don't have in the way that the Kamal Harris camp does and that's why they made sure it wasn't Shapiro cuz they were hoping that these people would would default if it was not the Jew oh man the debate would have been brutal if she picked Josh airo because the protests would be twice as loud twice as angry social media would be on fire she'd have no support that the Democrats have a real anti-Semitism problem yep and she she threw that back at Trump and this is another missed opportunity she said the Charlottesville hoax to Trump yep anti-Semitism and Trump said that was debunked everyone knows it's debunked Trump didn't articulate the responses well enough he because he he did say it was debunked but he should have said that the full context was I did condemn the neo-nazis however Madame vice president right now outside they're calling you killer Kamala and your supporters are anti-semites yeah why didn't he mention that because there were protests out there and we didn't hear a lot about it no but he he needed to flip the antisemitism thing back on her it's he could easily said the Republican party doesn't have a problem with anti-Semitism it's the Democrats it's the people outside right now screaming and demanding that kamla Harris stop supporting Israel it's the college students across the nation who are shutting down the quads right right who who are all the academic leftists uh and their professors and their and their University administrators who they're the ones who were who were the anti-semites missed opportunity unfortunately Mr President missed opportunity which is why we need a second debate James C says I work on the port of tampon we are gearing up for the Ila strike this will cause some shorts on imported items strike start first of the month really what's going on out with that I didn't hear about that Ila as in the initials Ila that's what it says says Ila Ila strike International labor I don't know what ILS Association yeah huh haven't heard about it Port of Tamp is a big one that one gets shut down bad things will happen yep yeah new Ila doubles down on stri strike threat is shippers break brace for Port chaos yeah International long shoreman's Association shut them down oh I remember I went to school with somebody who was in The Long shman Union oh Bo I read this thing that said back in the day long Shan contracts on the East Coast said you couldn't feed them Lobster more than twice a week that was in the old days yeah that was true in Maine as well like people who had servants weren't allowed to speak feed their servants Lobster more than twice a week that's crazy part I mean because there's like Hannah Nightingale who at the post-millennial she's from Maine and she hates Lobster she's like there's just too much of it I'm just done I don't even like it anymore that's crazy to me I could eat steak forever I could also I could eat lobster and steak forever and never be unhappy that's what I'm saying I so I went to Maine and got fresh Lobster and we were just eating it was awesome I was just in Newport and I got a full Lobster and they bring it on a plate and it it's the full thing but the shell just pops right off and then you got all the meat right there it's delicious I could eat it forever yeah and then uh uh here's the thing like I understand they grow up around it all the time like no I don't want anymore there's steak everywhere I will eat steak for every meal of the day if I could I grew up with I grew up around a lot of pasta I will I still will eat a lot of it I'm happy about it I'm going to go to the restaurant this weekend and I'm going to get a fet m with a lobster tail you're making me want to like you know some nice fillet I kind of want to eat right now actually I'm getting a little hungry I'm not going to lie and I'm and I'm a damn good cook I should have you guys over for dinner sometime I'm really good cook I believe you I will come hang out with how far away TimeWise how far away are you 35 minutes that's not far at all yeah yeah can we cook one of your animals or something I have a ton of lamb in I don't always make lamb from my guests cuz people who dislike lamb really dislike lamb I love lamb I have a ton of lamb like uh like Osos I thought you were going to say because you can see them from our dining room window weird about it no and when the the few that we bring to slaughter we uh mix up and we don't know who's who and then they're just in the freezer our sheep have as Andrew says they have a wonderful life in one bad afternoon as long as it's food I'll eat it there's a a few animals that I won't eat are the American Social Norm animals so you know dogs cats whales horses you don't eat horse I won't eat I won't eat horse yeah um but so there's if I'm starving to death and you know we're out hunting and like the world is ended I'll I'm going to eat sure tree leaves I'm going to eat whatever I can like you know what I mean but uh I would likely only eat horse in a rare occasion but I'm not as off like horse is not as off limit I say like a dog or cat I'll tell you the one real reason why I would never eat dog the the the the principal reason is man's best friend strong social connection to our culture and it's just it feels immoral to do so but there's a practical reason it's that they say if you eat dog dogs can smell it forever ah interesting so you know you know how dogs can uh like detect cancers and tumors a dog can smell when you're about to have a seizure like crazy stuff I've heard that if you eat dog dogs can smell that you've eaten dog and it will create strained relationships with future dogs yeah so I'm I'm very much in the mind of like I'd like to be friends with all dogs even the bad ones if I can try and be friends with them and they're willing to be friends I see someone's dog and golden retriever is all happy and doofy you want to be friends but uh they say that if you've ever eaten dog the dog's going to know yeah the dog will look at you that's why I wonder cuz I see some people and the dogs growl at him just for no reason and you're like I wonder if the dog's like oh you ate dog before dog can send something you're not a friend of mine yeah that's interesting yeah well that that'd be I mean in addition to that just being a horrifying things to do specifically from the culture that we're in um yeah you don't eat dog that's wrong yeah I don't I would never want dogs to not like me I'm always so happy when there's dogs yeah dogs are good people eventually when I travel less I would really like to have a dog you know as much as people rag on cats cats are actually pretty good people too and I think that's why dog and cats are like the top pet mhm you know so like James our cat now he's he's a good dude he's silly um and he's he can be annoying but he's he's a good dude you know he'll like he's friends he's he's friends with you I like that in America rabbits are on the fence like some people have pet rabbits but then also you could get a nice rabbit at a restaurant we got rabbit jerky in the other room yeah I wouldn't mind eating rabbit I don't that that's a great Point what animals are on the cusp there people who have pet rabbits there I know people who raise rabbits turt for for for food yeah um Turtles are pets and food yeah Turtles too I mean chickens are kind of pets and pigs lots of lots of house pigs people will have fish uh in their like there are tropical fish that are pets but there are fish that you catch while you're fishing and those ones you eat well I'll tell you this there's a story of this dude who was at a party and uh they were all drinking and then someone found a slug and they dared him to put in his beer and drink it and then he died yeah don't don't joke with slugs what whatever bacteria they have I I remember I remember that exact same report yeah as like a dare you know cuz idiot 15y old 25y old kids who mentioned tampon Tim uh you did right I was thinking about having been a 12-year-old boy at one time I can't imagine the 12-year-old boys bathrooms with the they destroyed it they and they're they're doing Martian ears and like I would love to have seen these 12-year-olds with like did you did you see the story though they ripped it down they they ripped the tampon dispenser down and destroyed it there you go cuz why do boys want stuff I I um I used to have this playwriting professor in college and she had this play that was about part of the play was two guys having a fight in a women's bathroom in a bar like they ended up in there and what you one of them ends up bleeding and the other one says uh you know I don't have any bandages but here use this and pulls a pulls a like pad out of a dispenser this happens in um that Amanda bind movie She's the Man and it seems like that would just never happen well they she's like pretending to be her brother she can play on the socer team or whatever uh and her roommate finds a box of tampons and she says oh well they're for nose beds they're really absorbent you never do this I mean look I'm sure they could find a use for them but that's not helping the girl the female students who actually need the product all right everybody we're going to go to the members only show so smash that like button subscribe to the channel share the show with your friends head over right now to because this show is made possible because of viewers like you and you'll get access to the Discord server you can submit questions and then actually join in the next hour of the show which will be on shoot me an email Daniel powerthe if you want to talk about energy environment fossil fuels all those fun things and if you love sheep and Farm Life um Bristol Farm Virginia on Instagram we are Virginia's Premier sheep farm Bristol Farm Virginia on Instagram follow us and you'll see some cute dogs and sheep and all the animals thanks for having me on you did a crazy thing with the with the wool and you like spread it all out you follow used yes I see almost all of your we put it along in the path in the woods to try to keep down we know to we have so much damn wool we have so much we didn't know what to do with it you have like a spinning wheel we've been trying to give it away if anyone wants wolf for free you just have to come get it we've been trying to I would love to like know how to do that I want someone to make me Bristol Farm sweater like I want I want a product from your wol because don't have a purpose for a baby lamb but you know a sweater would be cool timcast is always looking for Content we can find someone who knows how to have a spindle and wool and there's a show I feel like I what's the what's the Instagram for figure that out Bristol Farm Virginia it's a it's actually a good Instagram I'm Libby Emmons I'm with the post millennial you can check out what we're doing at the post millennial.age and also you can follow me on Twitter liby Emmons I'm also on Instagram as you just discovered and you can follow me there but I think there's a period in the middle libby. ens maybe um you could also apparently I have this newsletter um and uh I not apparently I wake up early and write it every day and you could follow that too it's the poost millennial.age in the break happy birthday to you here's these cupcakes I'm very happy with them they came out good I thanks for uh spending yeah this will be my like third cupcake today yeah I'm excited to try mine uh thanks for spending your birthday with us Daniel thanks for coming to do some post debate breakdown I'm Hannah Clair brimo I'm a writer forc scanner news follow all of scanner news's work at timcast news on the internet especially a lot was on the ground at the protest yesterday that's his favorite thing in the world I'm sure uh you guys would be interested in his content uh I'm on Instagram at Hannah CL .b I'm on Twitter at Hanah Clair B thanks for everything you do have a great night we will see you all over at clir will take over the uncensored show but uh we'll see you all there in a couple minutes thanks for hanging out e

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