Democrat Media Says KAMALA WINS Debate, But Polls Show Trump WON On The Economy

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:12:05 Category: Entertainment

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so the big news right now is Kam Harris wins she won the debate but you got to ask yourself what it means to win the debate so of course you've got the Kamala cope that's what I call it the uh the anti-trumpers who are posting laughing emojis being like everybody knows Cameo won dude just because your friends of the New York Times said she won doesn't mean it's true the first thing I would say is on the surface everyone's going to claim their person one I think it's fair to say that kamalo was was better prepared than people thought I think it's fair to say that uh she goated Trump and actually got him off kilter on on many points but I'm not sure that in the end Kamala actually is the winner in terms of tangibles so you ask yourself what it means to win a debate Ian do you think Kamala won the debate no you don't think she won the debate no I don't think either of them won that debate they both look like idiots in my mind not idiots they both look like bitter people with no plan so are you going to vote for either of them no no that was disgusting to watch so here's here's pineapple what is it you wearing pineapples or Richie Jackson gave to me oh it's pretty cool thanks he's wor I don't know what that is some kind of trump won't tax your pineapples I hope not I think it's a lamp so the goal is something how you convince Ian Crossland to vote for Donald Trump and this is this is the point I think that that what Ian is saying is actually been reflected by many of the the surveys and the polls that were done New York Times all the people saying undecided I think I think they had a couple people said Harris but then most of the panel just said I don't know that anybody anybody won and I'm going to tell you this that means Trump won you want you and and I know all the Liberals and leftist are going to be like cope cope and see dude you can you can tell me whatever you want if you ignore the facts it'll be your detriment in 54 days the reason Trump won if that's the case is Trump didn't have to win so in the debate kamla gos Trump trump makes mistakes we get out of this with people saying I don't know who won that was ridiculous well Trump didn't need anything Kamala was already failing calling herself the underdog Kamala needed the opportunity to prove that she had something to change and she did not Trump could have gone up there and done the chicken dance for an hour for all anyone cares as long as kamla articulated her plan and helped people understand what she would do that was different she would have won she did not she answered her questions as insults to Donald Trump and Trump responded to the insults and all anyone saw that didn't know anything about politics was two people yelling at each other I think the problem is the media is looking at this like sports right they think if if KLA gets Donald Trump flustered she gets a point so she does it twice she gets two points if he doesn't do it to her then you know he doesn't get any points but both candidates went in with different objectives and I think her campaign really miscalculated by trying to make Trump look bad that's why they wanted the mics right they said no you know the American people deserve to hear what he's saying however deranged it is they they wanted him to be this caricature that they have created of him but Donald Trump is a known quality in American politics I mean he launched his campaign for presidency what the first SW eight years ago he's been on the scene for over a decade he's been a public figure for way longer than that and so if he looks Brash if he looks like he's getting angry it doesn't make a difference she had to prove that she was a a personality and B someone with policies who understood them and she did either I'll real quick I got I got to read this point just before so put a attack on that this is from the liberal patriot who writes there are clearly reasons for concern besides the data noted above and so I'm I'm jumping down mind you he says polling right after the debate found that Harris did little to improve voter confidence in her ability to handle the all important issue of the economy a CNN flash poll among debate Watchers found that before the debate voters trusted Trump over Harris on the economy by 16 points and after the debate they favored Trump by 20 points furthermore if you look at the cross tabs workingclass voters before the debate favored Trump over Harris to handle the economy by 29 Points an advantage for Trump which increased slightly to 32 points after the debate not exactly what the Harris campaign had in mind so if you want to talk about who won you can sit here and say Trump got mad and got flustered and KLA sounded better dance all the way to November for all I care because when it comes to the economy stupid Trump won I got like if if Harris acted like she acted at that on that I'm not even called to debate because they weren't debating anything I didn't even hear them debate any ideas they if she acted like that in the room with xiin ping she'd be laughed out of that room and just totally ignored in the well how about this she go goes to Ukraine to talk with zinski 3 Days Later Russia invades well and I I like what you're saying it wasn't really a debate it was sort of a parallel interview of both of them I mean occasionally they would be asked to comment on the other one's response they would you know they would want to but the moderators would be like Tim here's one question on this issue now Joel here's a different issue that we're going to Pivot to Daniel Turner talked about this last night we used to have dates multiple debates and they were thematic economy National Security whatever the next one was and this time it was sort of like we don't know if we'll see Cala Harris again so we might as well try and ask them a bunch of stuff you're you're both wrong it was clearly a debate it was the Trump um uh mure debate uh M got some good Jabs in against Trump but I think Trump countered pretty well and also kamalo Trump was like I thought that was one of your best Tweets they are invading our country over he said it like seven times I'm like oh my God enough already I get it yeah they are one or twice and that's it sorrya needed to make the case for herself on the debate stage and even even more important she needed to separate herself from Joe Biden because Joe Biden was already on the path to being destroyed 50 state loss against Donald Trump and I think the New York Times put out a piece where they said that undecided voters uh had said that kamla wasn't able to separate herself from Biden on issues like the economy and the military she she said I mean she straight up said that she was proud of the Bosch Afghanistan withdrawal she's proud of this record inflation and so if she wasn't able to defate differentiate herself from Joe Biden I think that's that's that's the biggest loss for her um because people know people people lived under a trump presidency they know what to expect with Donald Trump in the white house and I mean we kind of know what to expect with k Harris in the white house as well and so if you're I mean if you're just comparing those two I think Trump has the upper hand well I I it's it's important to know Harris is not Biden and and for Trump to even intimate that she is is ridiculous your vice president has no authority over what you do as the president they backup Biden says that she was the last one in the room after all the major decisions he's still making decision she doesn't make any of those decisions three years insisting that it was the Biden Harris Administration this is one of the I mean this was not true of the Obama Biden Administration they really just called it the Obama Administration also true of the Trump Pence Administration it was really just the Trump Administration but Biden's White House has gone out of their way time and time again to make sure her name is included on everything and I think that is partially on her Camp's insistence but also because Biden used her as this token hire to say I am promoting you know a diverse woman who's going to rise to the ranks and do whatever but that ultimately means that she asked to have uh responsibility for his legacy and on stage she's saying I'm not Joe Biden but then she will try and take credit by saying well we are really proud of what we were able to do this that and the other she is a we when convenient she's tied to Biden when she thinks she can win American voters but when they don't like Biden she's not a part of that at all that's that's disingenuous to me same thing on the southern border they named her the borders are immediately and now that the we've seen uh the the Border just totally destroyed under their Administration now all of a sudden she had no involvement the mainstream media saying she had no involvement I think this is the clip I could be totally wrong but I'm going to play it anyway so you know whatever good evening I'm William worm before we begin we have just received word of squiggly miggle will not be attending tonight's debate due to the fact he blew his head off with a 3D printed shotgun we want to remind the audience to please not uh talk out loud to not applaud you're just wasting time now our first question tonight goes to Mr Frog Mr Frog why are you so evil you have one second to respond hello I time's up plus you're wrong the next question is for our beloved and highly intelligent president why are you so amazing you have unlimited time to respond so everybody was sharing this clip being like this is what the debate is yeah it did feel like that at times I I felt like the fact checks on Trump many of which were incorrect uh were so obviously like it was so obviously against Trump and two kamala's benefit they did ask her the occasional tough questions which a lot of times she either avoided answering or stumbled through uh but it it is striking when you say the CNN moderators were better you know like I mean partially because everyone just watched Joe Biden self-destruct but they interrupted less than uh that that the ABC moderator the most shocking moment of the debate was when Trump was asked if he still thought he lost 2020 because he said I lost by a whisker and uh he was like no I was being sarcastic and mure goes well I didn't take it that way or something like this and it's like asked you well but but that was the moment where he like there was the facade was completely gone we're factchecking not anymore you're not now you're having now now you're giving your opinion as a random guy that no one asked yeah they fact checked him saying that babies could be terminated after birth they're like no they can't and he was like okay they fact checked uh that people weren't eating cats and dogs and he was that was that and but they didn't fact check KLA Harris when she kept saying that he was tied to 2025 project 2025 or the very fine people hoax they didn't fact that she told lie after lie the America yeah they the the fake news media they think that the American people are stupid when they try to do these fact checks against President Trump but K told lie after lie she falsely said that not one member of the United States military is in an active comat active uh Duty combat zone not true kamla Harris also said that she did not support a government takeover of healthc care she does she said she denied um support for fracking uh when it was brought up in the debate she does as well as mandatory gun confiscation uh she said that's not true when President Trump highlighted her support for defunding the police I mean the list goes on and on and they didn't they of course they're not going to bring any of this up yeah that's the whole point of the debate but that's why she wants another one now I mean it's so fascinating that before her team would not commit they acted like Trump asking for multile debates was kind of rude and crazy and now they're like we want another debate and he's being unreasonable I mean it's just such a like but Trump said Trump said let's debate on Fox News M he should definitely again why won't she do it he should debate her again he should talk policy he should just ignore the ban I don't know if he can do that that's my concern that's why as an independent voter and like an undetermined like watching him just get defensive about his people don't leave my rallies no one has ever left the Trump rally ever it's interesting what the they're still they leave from time to time the thing is you're it's interesting because that obviously made a huge impression on you but like I remember that I also remember him talking about a lot of his issues I remember getting more policy from him he talked about the Border he talked about you know gun control he talked about being pro fracking he talked about business stuff she would give these platitudes like well I'm for an opportunity economy and then she would never really explain it and the other part is that she spent a lot of time talking about Trump I mean really most of this like if you remember Trump was like you I put these tariffs in they were good it's going to help us on the world stage it's good for our economy whatever you guys left them in place even though you attack me over them that was one of the only times the moderators were then like yeah do you want to explain why they're still there she completely ignored that wouldn't talk about it at all I mean to me Trump has an established Legacy he's already been president his campaign has had policies out for a long time she just released her policies this is her first major media moment to explain them and she just didn't that's that's crazy to me thanks for watching this clip from timcast IRL make sure to check out the live show Monday through Friday at 8:00 p.m. on this channel subscribe and we'll see you all there

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