RFK TO ENDORSE TRUMP, Will Drop Out Friday, Expected To JOIN TRUMP In AZ w/Paul Dans | Timcast IRL

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 02:03:50 Category: News & Politics

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so yesterday it was uh just a little taste we heard from uh shenan RFK Jr's VP pick that they were considering dropping out to endorse Donald Trump but now the reporting says that sources working with the RFK Jr it's it's it's seemingly confirmed RFK is going to be dropping out of the race on Friday to endorse Donald Trump now again it's still a bit speculative so we'll we'll we'll see exactly how this develops but apparently RFK Jr is going to be in Arizona to address his supporters and uh so is Donald Trump so the expectation is that RFK Jr is going to appear with Donald Trump at a rally to formally endorse him for president this could be huge we're talking a couple uh uh points a huge bump so we we'll talk about that and that's pretty big the betting markets this is interesting now are uh tied in aggregate all the betting markets are now showing both uh Trump and kamla are tied and poly Market has Trump actually up so this is interesting and uh new data coming out for uh ballot requests mail and ballot requests are down among Democrats dramatically in certain swing States so it's looking pretty good for Donald Trump right now we'll see DNC uh night three is currently underway so there'll probably be some developments while we do this show before we get started my friends head over to Cas brew.com by cbw coffee it's good coffee Appalachian kns of course is everybody's favorite but hold on man you got to buy we got all the different flavors we got rise with Roberto Jr stand your grounds and Mr Bokus pumpkin spice experience while supplies last I don't know how many we have do we have we have 337 left and once they are gone they are gone forever so uh maybe you buy the uh last of the Mr Bokus pumpkin spice experience and you save the bag as a little Keepsake because it will never exist after this and of course we got Ian's graphine dream low as Hy coffee a lot of people have been writing to us saying it's been really great on their stomachs and they really do appreciate it so support us at Cas brew.com also head over to timcast.net to our Discord server where you can submit questions and actually call into the show to join us for these members only call in shows and you make it all possible members are how we run the company as a member you are making this show exist so if you do like the show please become a member but don't forget to also smash the like button subscribe to this channel share the show with your friends joining us tonight to talk about this and so much more is Paul Dan great to be with you Tim and crew I'm excited to be back who are you what do you do well I was the creator of project 2025 um you may have heard a little bit about it in the news um I am a lawyer by training uh New York Refugee 25 years in the big city um happy to be potted down in South Carolina now but uh really DieHard Trump guy at base uh you know I'm I'm I'm excited with this RFK announcement this is great news I I do think we have have to do some serious uh retooling of the campaign though to get on track we got a we got a serious 80 Days in front of us right on well it should be fun thanks for hanging out we got Ian hanging out hi everyone thanks Tim and yeah I checked out you're talking about organization and how people in the Republican party at least the criticisms I've been getting is that they have lack organization so the project 2025 is like a an actual stab at organizing like a legitimate organizational tool it's cool it got a lot of bad media coverage so I'm glad you're here to kind of talk about it and explain it Libby is here as well I'm here I'm Libby Emmons I'm with the post-millennial glad to be here and Raymond g Stanley Jr's back hey friend Raymond g Stanley Jr I am facilities manance here at timcast and if you have the power of graphine you can manifest uh me coming on the show like you did last night it's true also is that a manly cup it is very yes it's literally called manly and there's like Bowl on it yeah well it is also good ranchers they know it's up all right all right that was clever very clever uh all right well let's uh let's jump into the the show we got the story here from the post-millennial RFK Jr to drop out of presidential race by Friday and endorse Trump the news comes as Kennedy is scheduled to host an event in Phoenix Arizona on Friday afternoon to address the current historical moment and his path and we don't normally do this but a Super Chat just came in from Paul T tascos who says Nicole shanan just said in an interview with Dr Drew they'll be making one of the biggest announcements in American political history on Friday oh boy I'm excited it's exciting Trump's going to be in Phoenix on Friday as well it seems like uh it's all lining up and RFK has not announced where he's going to be making his announcement I think it's going to be on stage with Trump yeah well that's sort of you know what I'm indicating here that's what I'm hoping for yeah does does this I think that would be I I kind of feel and then uh so we do have this other story too because yesterday we heard they were considering it that was big news Trump was asked about it and he says he would consider appointing RFK Jr to a role in his administration and everyone's saying head of Health and Human Services or head of the CIA the CIA would be Poetic Justice yeah cuz the CIA like killed his his uncle sure and his dad dad but HHS might be the more appropriate position for him I kind of feel like this is Trump learning from his mistakes he must do this I was saying back in 2020 that if Trump appointed Tulsi gabber to a national security position of some sort adviser he would have won if he had brought in Andrew Yang and tulsy gab I know a lot of people say oh Andrew Yang he's a lefty he wants Ubi I'm like the point is you grab a huge percentage of Voters by saying you will bring them in as advisers if he brings in RFK Jr and says he will be in my Administration he's going to jump what Five Points yeah he then votes for him this isn't this is Trump being Trump which is the good news maybe the the campaign's letting him go back to the original Trump I can't tell you how many Maga people that I work with really the hardcore the most based who are huge RFK Jr fans and they kind of always were kind of talking about it but remember RFK Jr went and interviewed for a job in 2016 at Trump Tower so you know their their relationship goes back years and um you know obviously there a lot that that doesn't you know some of his positions aren't square with um kind of America First traditional America first but certainly there's no one better I think in the entire country to take on the administrative State particularly HHS so you see in in our movement so many medical Freedom people you count me right in with that group um and just the excitement to have some of the either of his caliber at at HHS or CDC FDA or of course going going into really clear house at the agency the pharmaceutical Lobby is legit like so powerful they've got 1,800 lobbyists I think and there's only 550 people in Congress so like it's like a 3 to1 ratio and I think it's just the pharmaceutic is that Lobby all lobbyists or is that just the fal I don't know I mean that's a lot of but there's a lot of pharmaceutical stuff and every time I hear Joe Biden say you know we took on the Pharmaceuticals companies and we beat them I'm like you paid them billions of dollars for vaccines that nobody wanted we we do have this clip that I just pulled this up let's uh let's play this clip from ask Dr Drew let me ask one one direct question yeah uh should we have our ear to the ground is something going to come soon yeah absolutely I think that Friday is going to be one of the biggest events in American uh election history um what time where should I tune in I the details will be shared where uh go to Bobby's X account and um Team Kennedy will be releasing a press release as well okay you heard that so let's all let me ask I wonder when I wonder when um Let me let me actually pull up the let's see if we can get the current polling where uh let's see where where the where we're currently at so we've got the latest polls here 538 and uh let's see what we got right now Kennedy he's yugov has him at 3% we've got uh big village with Kennedy at 5% that's huge we have another yugov poll that has Kennedy at 2% interesting Redfield and Wilton strategies has Kennedy at three outward intelligence has Kennedy at seven so I think it's fair to say it's around a five five percentage Point uh uh uh that's currently where he's sitting at it's down from where he was I'm wondering if he will get every single one of his supporters those who say they're voting for RFK how many of them will actually vote for Trump 90% you think so yeah that's a high number are you going to oh yeah I don't I don't need to disclose who I'm voting for see come on I really align with those guys compared to like the other KLA Harris Ian said yesterday if if RFK Jr endorsed Trump that he that's the only way he voting but I I spent last night in the sauna thinking about like secret ballots and the whole reason that we have secret ballots in the United States so you don't have to implicate yourself to your friends and neighbors so you don't get lynched you know by stupid mobs and stuff so I don't feel like uh compelled to talk about it right when when Ian walks out of the room sticker I voted Trump stick on his back noticing now before we get really get into this I watch the theovon interview with Trump highly highly recommend one hour interview excellent hilarious and Theo just kept pressing him on the lobbies and you could tell Trump was like oh God I don't want to talk about this but I will and acknowledging that the lawyer Lobby is the most powerful Lobby in the country and the pharmaceutical Lobby is insanely powerful and lawyer Lobby lawyer Lobby Trump kept saying that's the most powerful Lobby like the lobby it's like laware this guy right here no I've been against them actually um you know that's in in the main they talk about PL of lawyers in the in traditional the obviously the big um kind of uh but the big PL of floors but now you have to say it's a lot of the big corporate too with the am law 100 are you know the largest law firms in the US is what we call Big law but um it's one of the most um not only do they all net over hundred million dollar up to the billions really these firms but they highly regiment um the thinking of the very tiar of corporate Society so um a lot of this uh the the real um way people think in terms of uh Dei all this is that's the lawyer Lobby yeah it's built out of the lawyer Lobby and then infused through the entire uh corporate how long how long have they had power and control you know the the thing with the lawyers is that it used to always be a percentage of a corporate deal right so in in these big mergers and Acquisitions they put off the transaction cost maybe 2% so um as these as we had a big inflation in the economy that 2% became bigger bigger you're having two billion mergers now so you take 2% of that and you slide that off to the lawyers so it's no longer it's it's arguably small transaction price but a lot to go to lawyers so I think it really took off in the 90s 80s and 90s um lawyering as a profession um was really kind of a profession literally that but it became a business right um and they chart that actually with the American lawyer when they started talking about the profits per partner and that's where they started angling for higher and higher profits one of the things Trump kept kept mentioning is that the um litigation law fair is like if you Sue and you lose you don't have to pay the costs of the person you're suing but in in like Europe you do so they don't Sue because if they sue and they don't win they have to pay for it all but in America because of the lobby it's not how it works so they're in cenv to sue no you just it's it's another suit so if uh if someone Su you and they lose you can then file to have them pay and you might lose yep and more lawyers make more money in the refiling and all that but if you if you win that so so basically if someone sues you on totally bunk reasons and and corre I'm wrong you're the lawyer right if someone sues you for what is clearly bunk you can you can basically file to have them pay your legal fees yeah okay this is what's called the English rule which is a fee shifting sometimes in contracts you'll see a fee shifting if there's a dispute Clause they'll say that the loser is going to pay the prevailing party's fees but in England like you're right that is the general law without putting it in the actual contract here this grows up because in the old days plth lawyers would be the only ones who could sue right you can't um they the wealthy lawyers would get together and decide to sue to sue cost a lot of money you have to front the money um over time though we've had this velopment what they call litigation Finance which is allowing people investors to to support the litigation Freight at the at the beginning of the of the litigation so now you have a wealthy company defending but now you have a wealthy plff who's getting his or her money from from a banker so with the Advent of litigation funding it's kind of lessen the need for this fee shifting um myself personally I kind of still prefer the amican American rule um that it does lower the level of litigiousness in the society but I am in favor and what is that that you pay your own bills that you pay you pay your own bills but um because uh you know there's still all this other aspects with with bringing suit but it right now there's no question that I think the the um the complex nature of litigation is stacked in favor of large corporations and less so more plain of so I you know I'm I'm just not you know it's it's difficult right now to say but bottom line is the lawyer class as a whole is very liberal and very wealthy and conservatives have been systematically cut out of these big firms yeah I I like the idea of RFK bringing in um I'm sorry RFK joining Trump and then maybe Trump might go to tulsy Gabbert I like the idea some of the big Mega fans might not be really happy about that but I like the idea of a bigger tent a bigger Force if we're really going to go stop the Democrats and these communists you need more people the the the Trump fans are going to cheer for whatever Trump says if if Trump you know so as we already heard he was asked a question would you bring him in the administration he says I've never been asked him like that but probably yeah I like the guy and so you're instantly going to have now now you're going to see Trump's die hards being like Oh What a genius oh that was always the good idea even though Trump himself was calling RFK nuts and Trump surrogates were calling RFK nuts not that long ago and now I do find this funny Trump put out a statement a while ago several months ago where he's like r FK could be worse than Biden we don't like the guy he's not very good and now he's like I've always liked him and you know yeah I probably got a place for him but but I don't really care about that that's politics when when the primary happens everybody's Cutthroat and then they say okay okay you win you win let's let's come back together you know there's a lot of people who will never like Nikki Haley but she's got she's behind Donald Trump and so no one like now it's like no one's attacking Nikki Haley anymore because she's not in the position to attack Trump and push ideas we don't like like she's pro war or whatever and so we're just like yeah sure okay fine Trump called uh uh Ted Cruz lying Ted lying Ted that's what he called him and then as soon as the primary was over and Ted Cruz got behind Trump his fans called him lion like Roar like Lion Ted they were Li there you go well and now Ted Cruz is very Pro Trump yeah he talks about it on his podcast all the time he's like very in favor I I think there's something um impressive about a a leader that's willing to surround himself closely with people that he disagrees with and that disagree with him and that there so there's a constant push back because that's resistance is like the Inception of growth you need people that are going to tell you when they think you're wrong and and I'm really I'm really excited one of the things I like about Trump in his his 78 years old the Democrats of course trying to go like he's too old to be president I'm like well Joe Biden was stumbling bumbling Joe he had serious problems with communicating and muttering and his teeth falling up Trump doesn't seem to have those problems but there is a benefit to an old candidate who is still with it Donald Trump is is very with it he's sharp he's quick witted he's funny and he doesn't care yeah that's the benefit of someone in this position now don't get me wrong I would preferred if we didn't have all of these old people just everybody's 80 everybody's 65 and up it's like come on we need some young people here but at least I'll say this Trump is pretty good he's he's with it and I do respect that he's at that point where he's just like I don't care like shut up been there done that seen it whatever we're over it you know that that uh uh that reporter yelled at him when he was in where was he in Howell or whatever Michigan Howell Michigan that was a great that was a great moment and this is exactly what I'm talking about she's like K Harris attacked you for coming here because the town is associated with white supremacy and he goes excuse me excuse me who is here in 2021 and she goes Joe Biden thank you and then he just walks away just walks away from the mic and I'm like that's what I'm talking about that's the I'm done with this doesn't seem like he's trying to impress anybody right now he's just doing what he wants to do good I like it good I appreciate it he doesn't need to impress people won the B let's well he he he he he does just at least need to convince people and and and be as convinc as possible and the theovon uh interview was interesting because I saw some commentary where uh so he was in um where was he Asheville today North Carolina was he oh yeah he was in North Carolina and a woman fainted yeah and he stepped out from behind the we should pull that up we should pull that up protector did you guys have that on post millennial yeah we have I'm going to pull that one up we just talking about on Von's interview that's wild about people having heart attacks at like the the and he stepped he he assed his own protection to see how this woman was doing we're going to pull it up we got the story here real guy here we go here's the story from the post-millennial breaking president Trump leaves protection of bulletproof glass to check on wom suffering Health Emergency at North Carolina rally the president was met with cheers from the crowd as he walked off the stage in what Individuals described in social media as a great Act of bravery and humility he hugged the woman you you had this and then you had the theovon interview and the commentary that I'm I'm hearing is that advisers told Trump someone did you've got to soften on the edges and show some humility you've got to show empathy and compassion and not be so angry all the time and so with a theovon interview he's calm relaxed down to earth talking about these issues like he's a dude hanging out with you and then you have this moment where he walks out of the the bulletproof glass which is brilliant in so many ways it's a great opportunity for him reminding people of the assassination attempt on his life showing that he's not going to be held back by it and then showing empathy for a woman uh so I I think I I think he knows what he's doing and I think this is a tremendous Improvement for his campaign so this is I think overall just great news and and smart strategy I'm nervous about the stepping out behind the bulletproof glass thing oh yeah I don't I don't know if I want that from my military commander right now we need him safe this was also his first outdoor rally since Butler but this is Trump this is intuitive Trump this is ultimately Trump being Trump and I think that's a mark change even last week we we had Cory lowski come on onto the campaign and it you can already see the effects it's smart this is this is the OG of the ogs right he is the Original Gangster he's the number one Trump employee the first guy Trump ever hired so we have Corey to thank for president Trump in the first place really um but you know what his book is essentially is let Trump be Trump and if you knew Trump like I lived in New York for 20 years my whole family's from New York this is what this guy does like he he would write Anonymous checks to well not Anonymous checks but send off checks anonymously to people he'd read about in the newspapers and always kind of be like checking in on people you you listen to so many stories about people he personally meets and then just stays with him like even like a Bob Craft he's like calling the guy continuously um but you know that the nature of the man take a look at this tweet from Newsweek which is getting everybody all riled up Donald Trump suddenly stops rally and asks for quote a doctor please I was wondering how they're going to twist us yeah isn't that amazing is it Newsweek Newsweek seems a little schizophrenic sometimes they're like in favor of trump and sometimes they have this ridiculous spin this is not a negative story this is this is schizophrenic clickbait yeah it's weird it's weird Donald Trump stopped his rally and asked for a doctor because a woman fainted and he walked out to help her but they're trying to trick people they want to trick people into thinking Trump collapsed and said my heart they're lying but anyway after we now that we've roasted Newsweek here's a story from Newsweek weapons found at Donald Trump Ashboro rally person arrested so is Ashboro North Carolina did I get the city wrong ashbo North Carolina I said Asheville it was wrong it was a weapons were found there and apparently somebody was arrested uh police arrested a man at the rally location at 4:30 p.m. after Trump and his running m j Vance had already wrapped and uh there have been no reports of injuries okay I mean the woman fainted I guess she's okay though but look I mean this is crazy that Donald Trump he steps out from behind his glass to check on some woman here's my here's my fear the people who want to hurt him show up disguised as as rally attendees jeez and then a woman goes and falls over when Trump comes out that's when the bad guy and they're in it together yeah especially after after this now they know that he's willing to step out from behind the bulletproof glass they might be able to to incentivize him to do that yeah well you know we do have to keep the national discourse on on the assassination attempt and that's it's kind of scary that the campaign was able you know ineptly to let the attention be drawn away from it like it's a it's a month now later and um you know essentially he's he's even or underwater in some of the polls so uh what happened with with um the Secret Service Congress really needs to dig in on this this and the campaign needs to say look don't don't go on break let's let's actually have the hearings and get get to the bottom of this because you're right we all have the same concern about about his Health and Welfare his whole family you know my my little kids we have little kids at home every night we say prayer for uh his security and health and um and for that of his family but uh as someone who's been in a lot of these environments um I've always been alarmed by really what seems to me to be a little bit laps lack of security when when you're there and and uh you know it's ultimately the Secret Service is a government agency right and nothing government does is going to be the way you want it you have to stay on government so it's question is really for the campaign like what are you doing to ensure his security and being securing his security means keeping it in as a frontal issue for the American people you know I'm most concerned about drone a drone attack from directly above cuz everybody's got their eyes out but who's looking straight up and I mean these things can just come right down at their target now I I mean we're in Modern Warfare age and we're at War basically the country is supporting a war in Israel uh with the Israeli stuff and the Ukraine stuff so we're like in and with open borders like the ability for people to come across the border maybe from an enemy country not that we're Technic we're not technically at War but we're supporting Wars I mean it's been politicized here's a great uh linkage with RFK Jr how could they not give him uh you know uh Secret Service protection and Trump spoke out about that to get to make sure that that uh RFK Jr was getting that security protection but you know that yes there's a myriad threat Matrix going on I don't even want to spend time giving good you know like ideas to to uh to anybody but you know the the point is that uh we have to be extremely Vigilant in what's going on and and it's real and and unfortunately they'll keep coming what do you do do you hide the guy away in a bunker for his entire presidency that's what they want they want to put Trump in the basement so that he can't campaign yeah and they want to scare him so he gives up I mean I think somebody wanted to kill him and so it's not it wasn't like they accidentally it wasn't like they intentionally missed just to scare him no I think the preference for some of these people would be that Trump not survived and that's terrifying what what was up with the Reagan assassination attempt I know that Hy Jr is the dude yeah he was trying to impress what jod Foster or whatever the story is some random guy wanted to impress an actress there was no government collusion technically ever found or any of that but was like and then he made she was 12 too wasn't she what that's the story fost yeah Jody Foster was like 12 years old she was in taxi driver driver um and then was that before he had George Bush Senior as his VP or was it after the Assassin no he he was president at the time and and I remember it I was a little kid in in grade school and and they they wheeled in the TV and brought us there um the the Hinkley thing and this is probably the case with all these sort of big events we never get the full truth right we get versions of it and um maybe we you know put RFK Jr at the head of the CIA we'll get we'll get the real truth but um you know the Hinkley thing was weird too because um he didn't just come from any family he came from a very wealthy family in Colorado who was very connected did with some of the Republican families even um so it's very bizarre the way way it happened but um you know you just saw the Valor of of the secret service at that time and the way these guys snaap too um but the also the the incredible equinity and Poise of Ronald Reagan in that in that moment and you saw the same instinctual thing with Trump in the moment like he gets up and says fight fight fight you know he he wants to assure everyone at the rally that he's okay and um Reagan you know he didn't even realize he had been that he had really been shot until they got in the car and they started fumbling around and it was more as I understand like the internal injuries um that were really threatening at the time so um there's great parallels in it but um look these these threats come from all different direction so the Secret Service does an amazing job but although the secret service agent the the head of secret service after the Reagan assassination did resign yeah I mean we in the old days people would resign whether or not they were ultimately um to to blame for it because that was a matter of just allowing you know nothing is as big as one person and so but I I I I think this is not an issue of incompetence or something that we need to be concerned about with resignations this is criminal investigation and arrests of secret service members we're we're now learning the other day what was it that it was local law enforcement that shot uh uh crooks on the rooftop it was not Secret Service that's right it was a local law enforcement shot first and then Secret Service shot after so now we know added to the story is that local law enforcement were freaking out on more than one occasion because they had warned Secret Service repeatedly to put someone on the roof and Secret Service did not do it and it was actually local law enforcement that took out the shooter only after the fact so you mean to tell me what they how many sniper teams they had four there were four counter sniper teams yeah something like that something like that and they just did nothing they just did nothing and the local law enforcement were pre warned them 4 days in advance and then do we really have to go through this again 3 hours before an hour before 26 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes and the Secret Service did nothing nothing yeah there's no way this is an accident no way you'd have to be psychotic to believe it you don't think it's just that level of incompetence that's that's an impossibility now we're learning that the secret was staring at the shooter and they didn't shoot back like look if you want to make the argument we we are talking about degrees of psychosis okay you make the argument that first the story was people were screaming he's got a gun and Secret Service didn't react and it goes well you know they must have not realized and Secret Service might not they might have thought that was one of their guys or local so they know what to do then it was actually 10 minutes before they saw the guy and he's walking around with an AR-15 or some kind of long gun and they're like well I mean you know maybe they didn't realize this guy wasn't supposed to I just it could be incompetence every step of the way no I'm done we're at the point now where we've learned that secret service saw a man shooting at people in the stands and did not return fire at all do you think Donald Trump should have private security at this point like if you were I don't know I don't I I'm not going to advise Trump on what what he should or shouldn't do with security private security otherwise but let me just stress okay the story now is that secret service did not with counter snipers did not even take out Crooks that is to imply that they let Trump out of the holding Zone with an active threat with a man walking around an AR-15 there's photos of crooks walking around with a I don't know if it was actually actually an a15 it was a long gun of some sort there's photos of him walking around with it we kept asking how did he get the gun how did he get on the roof and now we see photos of just walking around with it we have text messages from I think it was local law enforcement saying like hey this guy just snuck in law the local law enforcement saying we warned them 4 days in advance all of those things together and we get people going I mean honestly it just sounds like gross incompetence to me now we're at the point where a guy's on a rooftop shooting into a crowd of people in Secret Service is like what do we do not incompetence that was a standown no question a guy opens fire into the crowd Trump hits the ground and the Secret Service are just going like hm I wonder what no BS they were going wait do you think Congress is going to actually be able to get to the bottom of that cuz they're investigating it maybe in 50 years what'll happen is the documents will be will be thrown in the furnace no one will talk about it Trump survived so it won't be nearly as big a deal as JFK maybe in 50 years you'll get some like it'll be some uh uh I don't know someone who was there who was in their 20s or 30s going to be like oh yeah that was definitely the Secret Service that did it you're going to be like and there's going to be some young guy going whoa you're saying it was the Secret Service that actually tried to kill Trump and then it'll be like everybody agrees we're at the point now where everyone basically agrees the CIA killed JFK I mean it's kind of wild RFK JR says it Ron Paul's saying it yeah and they won't release the documents which kind of just makes it worse again I want to stress this to everybody listening Secret Service saw a man shooting into a crowd killing a one man critically injuring two and striking the president on the side of the head through his ear and they did not return fire not incompetence if you stand down if that's your secret police force the SS which is crazy like the German Nazis had the SS too that's wild but it's the USS s SS is a little different it's the SS usss uh it's a secret service secret police force and if they failed at this level then I think yeah he should have private security like Eric Prince get on board if he hasn't already contact the big guns you need fullon 100% bulletproof I mean I don't know how you trust anyone you shouldn't have to you should have some sort of mechanical defense but yeah I I I wouldn't trust the system that failed yeah that seems kind of wacky and now that's the system that is keeping him safe at additional outdoor rallies right I think two two things the you know this is the campaign's job to get done one is ensure his physical safety that's that's your real primary Mission actually and and like I said you can't just rely on any government agency you have to be double-checking them and keeping them to account that's what we do in life but there there are some people in the chat saying that actually local law enforcement shot first but didn't put him down and then Secret Service fired after the fact that's what happened secret the local law enforcement hit the rifle either coiled back and then once he was down not shooting anymore they they took him out that sounds to me like they were like The Jig Is up I don't I don't buy it for for for a second every when when the photos came out sounds like they didn't have to kill him well either way when the photo came out showing him walking on the grounds near the present with a with a rifle I'm just like n that that's not incompetence that is not incompetence they let him do it well Congress should be at work right now they should not be un recessed should be digging into this because every day is he's in danger and we have to get to the bottom of it and that's you know again like we need the pressure to say to I mean we're supposed to be in charge of the house here no Republicans aren't going to do anything they have to I mean this is this is the sort of thing right now you know you have to make a case why you want to keep control of the house and get control of the Senate well they they won't well let's jump to this story this is huge news uh it looks like the B Administration was cooking a book this is crazy 88,000 jobs vanish from jobs report so this is fascinating when we get people like Don Lemon going out the street and being like who are you going to vote for and they go I'm voting for Trump he goes why and they say the economy was better and he goes actually that's not true the economy is better now oh turns out they were lying the whole time this is the largest Revision in 15 years they accidentally added 88,000 jobs to the reports that have been coming out it was fake and this is this is this is huge the numbers are fake they're they're saying that the Biden admo was cooking the books to make it look like the economy was good and what's fascinating is I'm gonna you know what let me just pull this up from Civics civic.com stateof the current economy let's find it here econ economy current condition and uh 38% very bad 28% fairly good 22% fairly bad 9% very good okay so uh let's just say we got 60% saying it's bad to to some degree let's take a look at independent voters independent voters overwhelmingly think the economy is bad 44% say very bad 22% I'm sorry 25% say fairly bad Republicans even more so think the economy is bad but for some reason Democrats it inverts for some reason Democrats think the economy is good now that makes literally no sense at all unless you realize the these are people who think the economy is based off of Government numbers and Republicans and Independence Independence especially let's let's do this let's say Republicans are just partisan they're like ah the Democrats are in charge the economy is bad fine I'll take it Independents are saying the economy is bad and these are people who are nonpartisan saying I don't care for either party my bills are too expensive my groceries are too expensive the economy is not good Democrats think the the economy is good because they've been cooking the books and putting out fake numbers and now they've been rescinded right at the last minute well Democrats think that the economy is good because they have been told to believe what they are told not to believe their senses and their eyes and ears so that's what they do they're told that the economy is good and they think oh I'm just struggling a little bit right now it's not actually an indicator of economic problems it's just me right now I'm just having some issues and they blame themselves this is true of my family members who are Lefty and struggling and they're like oh I'm just having a tough time I'm working three jobs you know I the new said the econom was good and I'm like but the econom is not good like that's why you have three jobs right now that's what going on Trump accused the Biden Harris administration of being caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the economic ruin they have inflicted upon America this is crazy take a look at uh we have this uh CNN I I haven't seen this clip I saw this posted by Tom Elliott so we'll watch this breaking news in the CNN right now uh the job growth has been far weaker in the US than originally reported that is according to new data just coming in this morning let's get right to Matt Ean what's the headline Matt Jim 88,000 fewer jobs were added uh During the period between April 2023 and March of this year we were bracing for these revisions to come out and show that job growth was weaker and that is what we got um this is probably on the high end of the expectations uh some of the forecasters highend probably around few hundred thousand jobs uh Goldman Sachs had said maybe let me let me show you this clip this is Biden Harris Commerce Secretary this this one's got everybody freaking out when you hear that do you potentially think that this new numbers could be a liability for this campaign no when I hear that first of all I don't believe it because I've never heard Donald Trump say anything truthful it is though from the Bureau of Labor I don't I I'm not familiar with that when you hear that so A lot of people are saying she's not familiar with the Bureau of Labor no no no she's talking about the report this is the schizophrenic derangement and this is the biggest this woman represents exemplifies so well the danger this country faces I was hanging out several months ago playing a game of poker and some guy lost his mind at the poker table when someone asked me who I was voting for and I was like Trump of course and the guy said Trump has never said has never said anything truthful in his life and then some other random guy who does not seem very political went are you kidding me come on the guy talked about sports before that's stupid the idea that you would genuinely say something like genuinely believe Trump has never told the truth before is derangement it proves This Woman's got a fractured psyche where her brain her FR prefrontal cortex has ceased to function Donald Trump has talked about reality TV before even if you think he's lying about politics it you it's impossible to say the guys never told the truth about anything ever they are insane and they're ignoring the fact that apparently they were cooking the books well she's also using a very sophisticated deflection technique right we know the Bureau of Labor Statistics is the one that put this number out it has nothing to do with Donald Trump he's just repeating what the government actually put out but she manages in the very first part of the sentence to One um say she doesn't think it's true well the government just said it and you know nominally she's in charge of that the bureau through her department but then two it's like the fact that Donald Trump said anything or whatever has nothing is completely immaterial so the the majority of the people not the majority but a large swath of people will come away from that thinking oh I heard enough it's not true um and it's just pure deflection but the fascinating thing is that you you don't need a jobs report to know the economy is not going well I went to the grocery store and a can of whipped cream was $6 and you know in in here true you know like it's like don't believe you're lying eyes uh we all I don't know if half of these people ever go to the grocery store but like $100 you know my estimation used to fill up the back of a station wagon now it's two bags worth it's ridiculous you go out there and just like how I can't go to the grocery store for under 60 bucks it's like what's going on um but you know there they're saying that the numbers are from uh I think April 23 to or August 23 to March April is April March yeah like we're we're not even talking about the the up to present so um you know I think it's a little dog bites man kind of thing when you say that the the numbers coming out of the Biden Administration are cooked I always assume they are and and they're always going to revise them after the fact but in this particular case the fact that they had the courage to do it during the pendency of the DNC is interesting the revision yeah they wanted to just hide it everybody is paying attention they're like singing and dancing and they're having Joy and they're having Vibes the bid Administration even has what they're calling a vibran did you guys see this A vibe a Vib brarian uhhuh who their job it's like a jenzy person in the White House and her entire job is checking social media to see axios had it we covered it as well but her whole job is to check the socials and see what people are feeling and then let the administration know so that they can counter the feels you know you know I like that word because it sounds a lot like viar and I would argue the Democrats have a functional political vivarium as well and that's basically how they keep their voter base living in this broken fake world what's vivarium it's like a like a like a fish tank it's it's it's like you know it's like a little tank where you put the animals in it and then they live in their fake little little world where they you know they don't they don't know I thought you said virium and it was like I said vibranium yeah vibranium no but they're saying like the The Vibes librarian that's funky is the Aran don't call him that at least just call him like an analyst or something right yeah it's Molly opinsky we should just be like Democrats are disqualified from that wouldn't be true democracy I don't care they don't have it there we don't have a true democracy right now where you can justall a person from the top down and then declare that that person has Grassroots support it's such lies and it's such obvious lies and I can tell that it's it's getting dicey over there because my mom stopped talking to me about about politics she's like super Lefty and she always wants to argue with me about politics and I recently spent a very tense week hanging out with her where she couldn't figure out what to talk to me about but she definitely would not bring up politics and I wasn't going to bring it up because she hates my job she hates my job started telling everybody like that she could find that she wished I went into accounting and I was like Mom that was never on the table I went to art school I was never going into accounting where did you get this don't you just don't you just win every debate no I don't want to debate with my mom she gets grouchy and she cries and then she's very stressed out and ruins dinner I don't need a ruin dinner i i i r i have ruined dinner econom and now it's not worth it anymore I completely disagree I think the reason that people persist in these delusions is because people don't want to ruin she doesn't debate she walks away and she gets angry and then she like talks to me about how I'm a terrible person and blames me for things and it's just like and then and then ask her next time that happens you guys not have weird moms who like don't make any sense and it's just try and like no your mom's great that's right teer and she's terrific um my mom is great in her own totally different way that doesn't I got to figure out my the tone when I talk to my mom cuz if I if my tone gets out of control or out of whack she'll shut down but if I can stay calm the shut down yes my mom does the I haven't chatted with my parents yet since Kamala became the nominee whatever cuz and I'm I I've been fantasizing about being like so what do you guys think about protecting our democracy by installing a candidate without being voted for and like what they're going to say like they haven't talked to me about it they haven't brought it up at all it's broken brains man I think they're there's nothing there anymore it's you know you know what's really crazy is this will probably shock a lot of people ask if if you haven't talked to a loved one a friend a family member in a long time ask them if Donald Trump called Nazis very fine people they believe it they still do Joe just said it again at the DNC they still think it's true I and I it's it's remarkable to me that anyone still thinks that true even Snopes debunked it years later it's part of their catechism it is it's not reality it's part of their actual Rel to you know it's scripture to them yep yeah yeah so we all have um besides Tim um I don't know about yourself there Paul but we all have Elders that are on the the left spectrum that we have to fight with and kind of convince the reality is real and they don't want to go with the reality yeah yeah I don't fight with them anymore they're willing to though if it's blatant they'll accept it fortunately like I watched this video of zalinski saying the Americans are not funding the war in Ukraine and I to watched it with my dad and then I was like he said we're not funding he said no he said we're not fighting the war in Ukraine I was like no no he said funding let's rewind it and watch so he did begrudgingly but then when we watched he was like you're right I'll eat that one you were right funding we're not funding he said zinsky blly lied and said that right after we sent them 61 billion he went on like MSNBC and said no the Americans are not funding the war in Ukraine and I was like uh yeah we just sent 61 billion what you got to do is you got to put parental controls when you go visit them so they can't watch MSNBC or CNN anymore when they're not in the room just s the code yeah can I watch this I'm a little older than you guys but um you know both of my parents passed right um my mom was uh a treasur right she she was a a public school teacher genius right she was a chemist my parents met they were government scientists right they both first in their families to go to college but um you know politics maybe now you guys talk politics with your parents it wasn't a thing really when I when I was growing up and we weren't at this level of division in the country you certainly would not have um kind of fights over Thanksgiving about politics there was a little bit of weirdness but this really came into being I think maybe 10 15 years ago and certainly really coalesced under the the it's before this it's generational okay so people uh people need to understand that we are our culture is basically an organism unto itself that ages it is not that one day political polarization existed it is that 20 30 years ago political polarization was injected into Millennials and two different World Views were being taught to Children yeah so now as those children age the division ages along with it when Millennials enter the workforce the existing political division enters the workforce with the Millennials I saw it was 2006 is when I noticed it was the shattering of the um the the the the narrative that we were the good guys and the the war in Iraq was just when social media appeared in Internet news when independent journalism came out and they're like actually there were no weapons of mass destruction because before that in the 90s we all believed what we were told on NBC like we would sit around the news would be on but no one questioned it and then we went to war in Iraq and it was like okay hit the breaks what in the hell is going on and then the people that learned about the liberal International order started to really wake up really quickly and the others that haven't really delved into it are still kind of in that Paradigm yeah well it's it it look it it's it's cultural it's internet-based when we looked at the polls uh uh discussing whether or not someone thought a Civil War was likely in this country the silent generation overwhelmingly says no it's like 10 10 or 12% says there there will be when you go to Boomers it jumps up to like 20 something per when you go to Gen X it jumps up to like 30 some OD per when you go to Millennials it jumps up to like 40 some OD perc and then gen Z it's over 50 the polarization is generational that's why you know you're saying Paul like you didn't have this it wasn't there and we are saying it happens with our own families um yeah I went to MIT underground uh undergrad and grad and so um this was before Al Gore invented the internet right they actually had it at MIT believe it or not and that's what we were beginning to use we go to our locker and download things and and go to the mainframe computers and actually work on the internet I went into law school and then um right when the late 90s when I was going to practice in New York to use the internet You' have to go to the IT department and actually um you know like phone in basically that was the very beginning of it but I I went to work at a big New York firm and that represent a lot of the traditional media companies and I think the real break point where that narrative the control the Walter kronite control got broken if memory serves is with Monica and the dress and and drudge and getting out and basically saying you know this led to the bill p Clinton impeachment but they they you know other mainstream media had that story and they colluded and they decided they weren't going to run it but then Matt drudge ran it and it changed the world so here's the here's the question for your parents if you did not eat breakfast yesterday how would you have felt wouldn't they just say hungry the the the point of the question is that people of low IQ can't comprehend conditional hypotheticals yeah yeah yeah so when you say if you did not have breakfast yesterday how would you have felt it's a meme they go but I did have breakfast and you no no no but if you didn't how would you felt what what do you mean I had breakfast and you're like let me open the box so you can think outside of it a little easier here's here's the here's the challenge and I think this question should actually be asked of many Democrats if you cannot understand hypotheticals you cannot build a machine if we are to ask ourselves how do we form government a government how do we make sure the government works and there's Justice accountability and it keeps working okay well you need to ask yourself hypothetical questions uh what happens if in our government an election is rigged like let's just say hypothetically someone rigs an election what would the mechanism be by which we resolve that problem I know simple idea we you file a lawsuit okay if so so if your state believes that your election was rigged or improperly handled you file a lawsuit to challenge the results so that a court can actually go through the documents and the arguments to determine whether or not the election was held properly we got a problem then the problem is the federal government has expectations and deadlines the federal government is a separate entity from the state government so if you're in the state of State Illinois and you believe the election was not properly handled well the federal government still requires the paperwork be submitted and filed because your dispute has nothing to do with them okay if you and your brother arguing over who should pay for the concert tickets Ticket Master does not care at all they're like look give me the money for the tickets you guys sorted out after the fact okay so what you'd need to do is you would need to have your electors file the paperwork submit them to the federal government conditionally stating we're waiting for adjudication on these results should they change we'll let you know should the judge ruling come in we'll let you know but we're making sure we're getting our paperwork in before the deadline for the federal government a separate jurisdic ition then the court rules maybe a month later and says you know what actually this election was improperly handled and we're going to certify the other slate which have been submitted to the federal government then they send word and legal uh documents from the governor saying yep we we took care of it and you know what where this process come from came from Hawaii in 1960 because it literally happened Kennedy and Nixon and so what happened in 2020 with Donald Trump and all these states literally the same thing just more States and except now they're locking up the the elector that's right because they're psychotic fascistic electors and they're locking up these grandmas who were just available in case there was a recount and the election went the other way but if you can't understand a hypothetical situation and you say to someone we did not properly adjudicate these claims so we don't know the response from someone who can't mentally understand is just but it but it was certified yes I understand but we did not review evidence we we we we have to look at the arguments the arguments are not in most cases that someone made a fake ballot and mailed it in the arguments were that the governors and the judges did not have the authority under the Constitution to alter the rules of the election only the state state legislature did therefore any changes that were made make the election improper and are up for challenge but we never actually got proper adjudication yeah it's very irritating to to see this whole um the the narrative that spread from 2020 forward belies 200 years of History the ACT United States statutes and the Constitution this electoral count act this was how it was always done and anybody who who cracked open an actual history book in high school and took American history would understand there were disputed elections this very process was put in place to weigh various slates of electors and and there were some traditional fights involved in it so this was just the next iteration of American History I want to we'll jump to this story here we had this tweet from Rolling Stone they say that's the genius work of this one small bit of the Harris Waltz merch the camouflage hat reclaims the Rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored Dems are finally embracing country music fans that's all they needed this whole time one hat was the camouflage hat and uh you know just the other day we're out here in uh in Appalachia I saw an old man wearing a camouflage Harris walet and I said sir sir you're reporting Harris walson goes well I just got to tell you once I saw that hat I knew it was for me I don't see Trump wearing a camo hat and I'm like that's it they've won they've won the south over just kidding that's insane these people are morons is it jungle camo I I don't know no just yeah jungle space old school old school camo oh space camo is the same thing because it's not like just all black you know they need they need invisible space camo so you get a where's yeah Emma is her name Emma mhof is that her name Ella Ella mhof Ella mhof where where do she where she from like New York well she lives in Brooklyn yeah Brooklyn yeah and they put a camo hat on her and that's it you've convinced Southern conservatives like she looks like she's you know headed to Williamsburg for a nice Coke bench and a bunch of Electro Clash or something but even with the camo hat she still looks like she's headed to Williams with the camo hat I'm saying with the camo hat yeah she looks like she's headed for Williamsburg I mean if she takes the will the the camo hat off she could pass in Park Slope but Democrats don't understand that they're just doing what hipsters do yes they're not actually endearing themselves appropriating bits of Americana cultural modification exactly what it is they're appropriating bits of Americana and saying that that makes them American I mean you see how excited they get when they're like look I'm American too look I have the accessories I have the bangal they're they're chanting USA at the at the convention waving American flags and outside they're burning American flags they're burning them yeah yeah they yeah we have a reporter out there I think you guys had a reporter out there too I think it lot's there yeah and it's just it's Madness what's going on outside and if you were at the D the RNC like there weren't mad protests in the street it was like there was there was a protest there were like a couple there was like a little bit but there was nothing like this nothing like you know screaming that Joe Biden is going to have plenty of time on his hands screaming about KLA Harris screaming about Foreign Wars I mean it's it's absolutely ludicrous too the thing that they're most upset about because you have a lot of conservatives who are upset about Israel and they basically are like we don't want to fund Foreign Wars we don't think America has any place in this war okay that makes some sense you have Democrats out there screaming about this war saying we want to fund the terrorists more it's like who what's going on that's just insane it says oh no go ahead it says a lot about them they're very shallow very materialistic they'll wear a hat um pardon language but they wear hats like that and they will they wear this and just just virtual signaling they think that's going to get them across because for them a little tiny bit like that means a lot and they're also like screaming about you know abortion rights is rights for Gaza and it's like abortion is very illegal in Gaza I'm sorry but this is a Simpson's joke this is literally a Simpsons joke when Kang and cotos took over Bob DOL twirling twirling twirling towards freedom I thinking Bob Dole and Bill Clinton got taken over by aliens their bodies were taken over by aliens and I can't remember I think it was like alien Bill Clinton or whatever was like no abortions for any or not like abortions for all and they go boo and he goes abortions for everyone Boo and then he goes abortions for some tiny American flags for everyone else and they go yay and they cheer this is what Democrats think they're like just put a put a camo hat on and now the Southern Pro lifers are going to vote for you it normally goes in my mind the camo hat uh hand and glove with 2A rights so I think it's very weird Weir to try to take one from the rest and certainly if you're looking at the at the Democrats this is the gun grab um mandatory I mean Kamala has been very clear um Kamala rather uh been very clear about um mandatory gun buybacks I mean this is this is this is no different than uh blackface if you ask me oh yeah that's I am offended as West Virginia living here now it's right everyone agrees that um you know this is they they're you actually I'm kidding but what's funny is they're going to Chicago and getting Urban liberals like brooklynite Ella to wear this camo hat to like make it seem like they're Southern conservative or something are they going to buy back the guns in Chicago instead of actually getting I don't know some Southern conservatives also the the other thing with gun buybacks is you buy back somebody's gun like Gang This was happening I think in New York if I recall gang members were earning in their guns getting money and then go buying going to buy better guns well there was one funny story where they did like a gun buyback so a guy 3D printed a bunch of guns and then sold them to the government he made he made he made like a lot of money he made a couple Grand like 5 yeah is that what it was he was 3D printing them and they were like all right a gun's a gun he's like man I can make these things for like $3 and there you go I don't I I don't know if the Democrats have any actual strategy I I mean we know they have no campaign positions and now they're now rolling stone is just being like well they're wearing camouflage hat is are are they are they planning to lose is this it like is is Trump really just going to win I don't know I mean it depends on if all the vibe people Vibe their way right over to The Ballot Box and actually vote I mean that's really going to be the most telling moment how compelled are these people going to feel you know I I do I do have that emotional reaction in me just wanting the economy to collapse so I can rub their faces in it but you know unlike Bill Mah I won't call for a recession to win an election right yeah well I think it is to be fair I don't want to cut I mean nobody wants to believe more than Trump's going to win than I do but uh you know the reality is that the last seven weeks have been a marked change really you know we came came out from obviously almost five weeks ago the president being shot to you know the the trend lines crossing right now and certainly and you know she leads in the popular vote um Tally's on Real uh C politics so um you know you have to step back and say how do we get here in the first place like why is kamla even the candidate and there have been some serious miscues with the Trump campaign so um like he seem he seems to be approving though it it's it's improved in the last week I think but you know we we have to be real that there was no plan in place here to meet up with her and there has been a lot of ground loss what do you think are the miscues some of the miscues anyway I think the fundamental one one is is um kind of overplaying the the uh Biden and pushing him off the stage yeah it's like they've taken they took the Democrat bait the campaign did and you know like anytime anywhere you know throw down a debate it's like no actually you debate after he's locked in as the candidate and the campaign was arrogant you know you look at this you know there's an article in the Atlantic right the campaign apparently did 6 months uh letting the Atlantic behind um behind backstage now the Atlantic is owned by Steve Jobs's Widow right she gives like a hundred million do to the Democrats so it's very odd when you're working with with the left to um uh you know write stories about you and kind of give them let your hair down with the Atlantic but if if you go back and read that article um Tim Alberta on on July 10th the the campaigns B basically saying no no no we're we're very confident Joe is going to be sticking in this in fact there's $250 million that's impossible for for them to shift well Democrats figure out how to shift out in an afternoon right so that was just a gross miscalculation yeah I've been thinking about that too like it was really a mistake to go through with that debate well you know people advised to do it and and you know people didn't put breaks on it and and if you don't have a plan in place then it's a major mistake but then you kind of to move on to like how did we dissipate all this Goodwill about the um you know essentially the concern about the assassination how did that get moved off the front page well that got moved off the front page because as soon as Trump got almost assassinated they kicked Biden off the ticket and inserted Kamala so the Democrats just grabbed the news cycle as soon as that happened they grabbed the news cycle almost as though they had been planning to grab it all along in that moment you know what I mean one one mistake triggers the next basically but I mean Trump also and his campaign like they launched their campaign so early that it almost it felt like the right time to have a debate in June all of the other candidates were off the table you know everybody had been cleared out the Democrats refused to allow anybody to challenge Biden even though there were good reasons to you know they locked out basically Dean Phillips and RFK Jr so it's it's like the whole thing got so accelerated that it was easy I think to forget about the actual electoral timeline which you know you could say was yeah sometimes I think you just have to be silent and stand back and let your your opponent collapse and that's what Joe Biden was doing if you remember there was a period there well it happened post debate but like there was kind of a countdown to see whether he would even be be the candidate and you know instead of just letting that happen they stepped in with other news I mean one they took a shot of the project 2025 um that kind of gets the base going because that you know again they're taking the uh kind of the Trap that the left has set for them they with with project 2025 90% of that's misinformation from the left the stuff they say is in Project 2025 is not in Project 2025 but to um kind of denigrate that and knock it um kind of shows you know a a political misjudgment well they certainly count on people not not reviewing it and not looking at it themselves and also the way that the left presents their information like you know they're involved with the center for American progress and we were talking about it before the show the center for American progress didn't publish 900 pages of policy they have a website that's really hard to navigate in terms of like trying if you're trying to easy to navigate but it's if if you're trying to find actual information it's very difficult to find it yeah we call that project Special K yeah very effective they're going to ban zen I love that cial yeah I mean Tim Walton Minnesota's got a 95% tax on Zen oh yeah is that right yep on on uh it's on all nicotine products so Zen is taxed at 95% well there like there's tobacco cigarettes are really expensive in so many parts of the country like Chicago you know I was reading an article about that and uh in New York of course they're very expensive San Francisco yeah I mean to get back to what you're saying about the the center for American progress why is Project 2025 different why are we operating in the light and they're operating in the darkness I mean you have to kind of step back and say how do we even get to a place where men are using women's bathrooms and playing in sports I can tell you exactly how we got there cuz I watched it happen over 50 years but it was is basically allowing a permanent government class to operate in Washington and not bring the rest of the country into this government so shows like this tell people what's actually going on but we're not going to change it until people listening to the show come and work in Washington so that was really the whole Pro of project 2025 is to recruit an entire Cadre of people to come and make change in Washington who aren't part of this permanent government class and you can't do a big recruiting effort without talking about it now the ideas you know why to be fair like Heritage foundation's put out a book for the last 50 years almost like this is not anything new what is new to Ian's point is that it's actually organized this point this is 110 groups coming together and sympatico rowing in the same direction thousands of volunteers and it's threatening what what what's in that book what's what these folks have been learning about is really the deconstruction of the administrative State this is the anecdote uh antidote to really the Deep State and uh you know really that is the threaten the threat of the whole thing so you know in in in the point is that a lot of these ideas should be embraced not everything in there this is a you know kind of a a wish list but it was it was a coming together of conservatives way in advance of the presidential election in 20122 for that matter and um certainly it allowed various candidates to figure out if they wanted to go to conservative route this is where you should be and that was that was the promise of the book but the book also serves as the whole project does to teach people about the government our side's never systematically focused on how we can take control of the administrative State and unless people learn and commit to coming to serve nothing's going to change let's jump to this post from Cliff Maloney panic mode for kamla Democrat mail-in requests on this date in 2020 versus 2024 it's down 28.5% in Philadelphia in alagen which is Pittsburgh it's down 17.4% a major blow to Democrat strategy of running up the score if we take a look at the betting odds it is now even dead even when you aggregate them all together it is Trump 49 uh 49.3 to Harris 49.3 poly Market actually has Donald Trump up above Harris and uh Newsweek has it Donald Trump's odds of winning election rise after DNC start the more Democrats talk about what they want to do why they're angry the more they lose people this is why kamla is not giving interviews it's why they want to run the basement campaign they do better when they shut up and hide but they can't it would be too strange and eventually it would stop working I doubt K's going to do any real real interviews she's going to do the one debate we'll see how that goes I got a feeling Trump is going to obliterate her yeah well she doesn't have much to say and she doesn't know how to use words in a way that actually delivers information she's gonna she's going to say look I'm going to get in there and fix the economy and Trump's going to go you're in there now and she has no answer right and she's also just going to keep repeating the same phrases she might even talk about you know unburdening herself from What Might Have Been which of course means Joe Biden and her entire record to date not from what might have been un buring yourself from what has been what has been yeah what has been um but yeah I mean when you look at when you look at what's going on with the DNC and with K's allies and you realize that the DNC put out a platform that was for Joe Biden they haven't put out a platform that includes any of KLA Harris's ideas uh that was very intentional they said so that that's intentional you have Democrat congressmen coming out and saying that um it's better that there's no platform that's specifically for comma comma because it allows her to stay vague CNN said the same thing you have allies and advisers telling her not to do interviews not to do debates you have Pete Budaj saying you know don't give an interview on Fox don't give a debate on Fox you know he said that directly to the New York Times that he doesn't want her to do that so she's getting the advice that she should you know not speak to press the most press She's Taken good advice is like a couple of questions when she's outside of her airplane or something like that you know and they' not gone well for her and they have not gone well for her that's correct yeah cuz she doesn't have any answers she doesn't have any policies she doesn't have any plans she just has a camo hat she likes ven diagrams she's very good at ven diagramming right do like a nice little like yeah when when she launched one first fora into talking about po uh policy she she did the price controls thing and even the left um the left destroyed that concept and um and the housing plans which are really disastrous what are those oh yeah the tax credit got a bunch of financial influencers political there there's a few people that I you know watch periodically on various social media and they talk about Finance investment property values and they don't talk politics ever as soon as Kamala was like we're going to do $25,000 grant for first-time home buyers they were just like no ter it's going to instantly Spike the price of home it's going it'll drive prices up it'll reduce yeah reduce um Supply like everything will go badly yep there's no way a communist is going to make it to the the president of the United States not anytime soon I can't see that happening it's not about them being a communist it's about them saying whatever they have to say to win power and you know KLA may not intentionally try to invoke communism yeah but she's going to be doing things like vote for me and I'll give you money well I'm I've said it before and I'm super concerned with electronic voting machines flipping vote tallies behind the scenes I don't know how to comat that in real time like it's like the definition of insanity according to Einstein was you do the same thing over and over and you expect a different result like if you're just GNA put your head down and think more voting is Virginia got Virginia switched to all paper belts good yeah that was really smart that's a great start everybody should do that probably every every red State Should executive action paper belts you know that that let them sue you over it and then you can run them through the courts like they did to the Trump supporters and just say no standing you can't sue me chain of custody you got to be able to look at every vote man but even then like you hand it to somebody who takes it to somebody else who takes it to somebody else like what's the chain of custody you trust the people that's not a good system because those people can betray you the concerns me greatly the other issue is what if there's one person used who who votes in multiple different counties they're not going to look like you know a county in Northern Illinois is not going to check a county in Southern Illinois Southern Illinois John Smith votes same social security number votes the same time in Northern they added both numbers get added to the count to total count and no one's going to grab the bouts from up there and bring them down there no one's going to run the names through the system to check to make sure they only voted one time when you guys built 20 project 2025 is it focused on like the administrative not that it's colluding to flip votes behind the scenes but if it were is there some sort of maneuver to investigate you know our ours was really uh examination of the executive branch so the only only Department there is the Federal Election Commission there's a chapter about that but it in the main our project didn't look into election integrity and and security because as you were saying earlier that's that's essentially a state's issue now um I don't me to cut off the Era of Good Feeling and the Comfort level here but like the reality is that this is the sort of work that needed to be blocked and tackled over the last three four years like learning from 2020 and preventing it and who does that that's the RNC right the the um that's the the group that is fundamentally charged with ensuring um the election now if you if you were following the RNC Ron McDaniels got her fourth term and she was supported by you know people within the campaign to do that the you know as a lawyer I've worked on Election Integrity you know for almost 30 years and um kind of in and out of it I what what happened post 2020 it was it was a wreckage okay that the work just hadn't been done but one thing the RNC did was tell us they had this taken care of they were telling you in October 2020 we got this and you know now they're telling you they got this so um do they have this that's the big question and you know president Trump's like hey I can get the voters you guys take care of this hasn't been taken care of you know a lot of people on the ground a lot of the few things that have been done are being done at the Grassroots level by volunteers and I don't think the resources have been moved out to really tackle this we have not you know filed 200 cases there is no counterpart to Mark Elias on our side and um you know Mark Elias is the Democrat Mastermind who came up with he's he's a lawyer from Perkins kui out on his own but basically is their their Chief guy he among other things he was also involved in the project 2025 misinformation campaign but this guy is you know a very formidable adversary very smart and um he managed to really o break open and rig the 2020 election systematically so um you know I think that we need to put all forces in into ensuring here at this 11th Hour that we can have some election Integrity yeah yeah it's it's by no means um you know I wouldn't get too comfy about it right no I'm not comfortable at all that a foreign corporation is overseeing our elections and and talling votes behind the scenes with proprietary software like that's insane insane the very suggestion that you know the algorithms the way they count votes could be proprietary is is to me one of the most offensive of all legal Concepts but they managed to do that in the various case laws because we we've never mounted an adequate challenge to that and uh this this kind of goes back to what we were earlier talking about there's a a huge imbalance in in big law of of conservatives and and capable attorneys um certainly you know there are a lot of good conservative attorneys but they don't have the resources behind them so we as a movement really need to get those folks engaged if we were going to do that which we are would we then do it at the state level with Attorneys General that's where some of the best work comes from obviously you you look at a superhero like Ken Paxton right that guy he did more for the movement than many um across but like those folks need to be empowered but um look a lot of the people who are the electors the attorneys who brought these suits they're they're they're getting disbarred they're facing Financial ruin uh a lot of these people some people are even imprison they have like four members of the RNC I think who are under indictment what are we doing to protect our in Arizona there's that's going this is the party has to come and support these people and like because a lot of this is fear what they want you to do is every good lawyer stand down they don't want you to pipe up because they're going to strip you of of your career if you go to fight and that's really what the next generation of of election in interference is is to dissuade anyone from from getting out that's like what's going on in the UK right now with the free speech problems it's like um I saw a report from the National Review I think today uh that was talking about how there are Judges who will sentence people to like you know years months in prison for Facebook comments but they'll let off people who are convicted of having like you know a bunch of horrible child exploitation images and these judges will say like oh you just you just need to go outside and meet people to the child exploiters um and then to the person who makes a Facebook post like there was this 53 y- old woman she's the sole caretaker for her disabled husband she said like you know she said something very un unlike you know that you wouldn't like to say on Facebook um but she's getting 15 months in prison for what she said on Facebook which seems insane no matter what you say you know she wasn't making direct threats she doesn't have any out of her but it's not just her they're doing it multiple to multiple people locking them up for spee similar stories where they're they actually announced they're going to be letting people out of the UK prison exctly they're going to be letting people out to lock up people who said things online yeah or they're putting into place this early release program but it is true I think what you say about the it has been shocking to see like um all of the lawyers who were indicted in the Georgia RICO case you know those people are having their lives ruined a bunch of people pled out so that they wouldn't have to like face ruin from it well you know in Arizona I think a lot of the electors are are getting um indicted they got indicted there Wisconsin I think and some other places and it does seem like a real fear tactic so that it it's like the the codification of the whole you know kind of like um me too anti-racist era where if you say something you get canceled and lose your job now it's in the legal system yeah no we as a movement we have to support and indemnify these people and and you know also what they've done here in you know Fanny will that prosecution fell apart because these good lawyers were defending themselves they're the ones who uncovered her elicit yeah one of the guys who she indicted was the one who uncovered her her misdeeds there exactly so you know the these these folks are are warriors in the movement and that's really part of what you know project 2025 is we we used to call ourselves a coalition of the cancelled but these are the True Believers these are the people who've really laid it on the line and um we what the left wants to do is extinguish that that um that need that uh feeling for for really giving and it's dangerous because um we we're are outnumbered out there go going back to what Tim was talking about what he showed up there that the less Democrats are um doing mail in ballots voting and whatnot but just remember Pennsylvania came out on the August 8th that they let everyone know by the way the Pennsylvania state department are letting everyone know that it might take days they were very count the election like let so you know might take us a minute it's a lie it's it's it's a lie well Ronda Sant called them out on that too many other countries just do it what happens is you've got a voting station the votes come in there's not that many they count them and then report the vote count to the higher ups you have a decentralized network of people counting ballot that's why they all these other countries do it in a day yeah that night they're like we got the full numbers yeah it's in you you need to do that well at least it seems like you need to do that because if you let them give you numbers in segments then you know how many you need to circumvent the outcome you don't want ahead of time if all the results are decentralized and come in at the same time and you report once they're in you can't control the outcome if you say give us a few days to go through it now you know where votes are needed to be added it's the number one state too that's why that's why pa you know I don't know shadiness I'm not saying they're doing anything wrong but they're letting people know that it might take days so they might just come in with the old uh fortification I spent the last uh three election Cycles in alagan county in Pennsylvania right that's um Pittsburg and um and it was interesting for many many reasons um one I obviously that's an old school Democratic area right um Pennsylvania they talk about it forming a tea um with essentially all the states read except for uh Philly and Pittsburgh in kind of this axis in between um Harrisburg and kind down um the T being the red the blue now um what what was interesting there is you know when we were in 16 you could feel this kind of um ground swell these were traditional Democrats who were like I want Trump you know they were feeling it right and it was breaking out all over you could just if you talk to the waitress if you talk to the to the cop on the street this is the feeling 2020 middle middle I went out there again kind of knocking on doors helping the organization in 16 I was working in the legal war room for uh the Trump campaign um but in in 2020 um totally different thing you know people were cloistered because of uh of um covid not not as big a thing you know fast forward to 2022 um we were staying at a hotel and there was a group of kind of uh Republican door knockers and and organizers and there was one small set M of of Democrats there at oddly at the same Hotel well we're planning election day is the big thing right we're all moving out make sure these people got out uh running up to it by election day the two people who were there were packed up and left they their work had been done like they had already sewed up the election by the morning of and they had it all calculated so it's very clear that we were playing checkers out there and they were playing chess and and and to think that Pennsylvania I I see the numbers now but that doesn't give me the hopium right now because they are very good at innovating at the next level you're saying that the people that were collecting votes they they had basically done the a vote collection scheme and we were doing the door knocking vote vote day of thing like we were actually going around to oh this is a hard are you know we just need to make sure that they get out to vote and you'd go you'd go maybe talk ballot harvesting they were ballot harvesting they had done their harvesting um you know oddly enough I I was kind of riding the circuit um for legal reasons you kind of go around and see where something's developing at a Precinct or whatnot and uh you know I was like I want to go to steel mill I want to actually see like you know the Flash Dance kind of thing where like people the actual thing still going on so we got to this town you believe it or not it's it's fetterman's town right we're driving through fetterman's town he's the tiniest little town right up to a Precinct and there was a woman there basically with a clipboard who could tell you whether everybody in town had come or not they basically were vacuuming up the votes wow and so if if you see that level of organization um and and that was just a little anecdote you know that I personally witnessed um I I I would be very worryed about Pennsylvania I mean I I went out to Butler Pennsylvania where the president was shot that was was the most amazing rally in 2020 it was so awesome the uh Ury helicopters came in there at Twilight very surreal experience they're playing um fortunate sun and it was just these Choppers coming in across the Setting Sun president Trump gave a a really a barnraiser of a uh of a speech that night and um barn burner of a speech and uh just great enthusiasm right like we we got this and sure enough you know we didn't have it um what do what do you what do you think the plan what do you think Democrats Shadow campaign plan is this time I think it's the illegal aliens I think that the 20 million or whoever you know the the last election was decided by 70 80,000 among certain States um think about just this the numbers that could get registered through the uh Motor Voter law passed out signed up for ballots Harvest did uh my former colleague Mike how at the uh Heritage Foundation oversight project has done great work on this but they they showed a you know a real estate uh condominium apartment complex in in uh Suburban Atlanta basically filled with illegals you know I think they they measured about 18% of the people were registered to vote and what happens then is the election is called for Kamala several months later investigators start pointing out on various podcasts and social media that they've uncovered another batch of 736 votes that came from illegal aliens and the courts don't care they say you have no standing the election's over do it next time next time file the suit what's the Motor Voter laws that was one of the one of the seminal things I believe it was under Clinton but um basically when you go to get your driver's license um under federal law the various States have to make it available for you to register a vote at the same time so it's it's check a box now in some cases the box is already checked for you but this was a great way of like in in theory like getting more people to register to vote but um you know that there's no there's no one way to see whether someone's a citizen and has the right to vote and and that's that's the problem so like you now you hear these anecdotal stories about clerks at the DMV basically signing up everybody right now if you go to Pennsylvania and you're illegal you can get a a a driving permit and you can Avail yourself of this law there's illegal immigrants register to vote in Texas I mean it's not just a blue State issue yes it's a it's across the board it's a problem this is the real threat right now to like clearing out the voting roles because you know uh North Carolina the absentee ballots get mailed out um two weeks from now September 6th well and you have also have all of these cases where there's um illegal immigrants who are likely scheduled to vote but anytime there's an investigation or anytime like Ken Paxton is trying to bring it up right or you have another great attorney general in um Missouri Andrew Bailey right so anytime it gets brought up you have the big Democrat foundations going in and suing everybody and they just bring suit after suit and these injunctions go in um and it's it's very difficult to get past that we see that with the stuff you know like the lawsuits are just rampant and that's something a passion of mine that I may turn to is really standing up uh you know a public interest firm for the right that is going to really take on a lot of this litigation you'll have to be the right Wings maras then hey I'm ready to go to work I you know my my big case was Chevron Ecuador which if you don't know about that that was uh you know a decades long Saga but it was with New York City uh lawyers plth lawyers progressives who sued Chevron which was had acquired Texico for environmental damage down in Ecuador but essentially what it was was a faked up lawsuit where they planned to ultimately bring a$ 27 billion judgment against Chevron and extort them into a settlement they went to the court down in Ecuador and Soup To Nuts made up um uh they hired the judge they wrote his opinion in bowler Colorado in English they translated into Spanish they passed it off on the Zip drive in the middle of the Jungle and wanted to basically enforce this against Chevron I came into the case they had brought along a documentary film crew to basically film this whole thing and put pressure develop like a Michael Moore type documentary that would put pressure on Chevron to settle and what happened was they filmed 600 hours over 2 years for a 2-hour movie I came in with with a crew and basically we sued for those outtakes the 598 hours where they filmed themselves doing all kinds of Nefarious things we were able to basically unravel this massive fraud but at every juncture it's it was such a great Learning lesson because one they were extremely um Wy and hard to pin down um very resourceful and they knew at some point the truth would catch up with them but that was never their game their game was to outrun to as long as possible that's what the Democrats are doing now that's exactly their their modus operandi and uh in the chevron case that you had a company that was committed to lawsuit which had very Deep Pockets um but it was not an easy legal case for us to bring um but the reality is that we don't have that compliment right now we do not have the mark allias of the right and we need that and when and until we get serious like we don't need another TV ad we need actual competent lawyers being you know remunerated for their time and also told that they're going to be indemnified and be taken care of you know so we're not having electors dragged off to prison and so you know basically again this is why the left has has lost their minds about project 2025 because we organized it we actually got together and got rowing in the same direction we have to do that on the legal front yeah what uh what got a lot of these electors hauled off to prison exactly you know it's it's it's left-wing uh attorney general is getting elected with concocted legal theories I think um and and just the basic you know it's look it's it's really really it's actually really simple the left uses the threat of violence and goes and and kidnaps people and locks them in boxes there's nothing else to it you the idea that's a legal Theory I think is just a bit too sympathetic to what they're doing when they when they tell cops to go to someone's house and lock them in a box and the cops go you got it and don't care and there's no law behind it it's effectively just gang Warfare what Donald Trump didn't break any laws Donald Trump didn't abuse or assault anybody he didn't defraud any businesses New York just ordered men with guns to go and drag them into a box but what's the argument that they made that's my question more specifically like what was their argument yeah well they first they start with the with the rhetoric they frame it as fake F electors right this is fake this is a you know false certification but like Tim was saying earlier no no this is what they did in Hawaii in 1960 this is what they did in I forget like 1870s you know the disputed um6 that ended reconstruction 76 I mean like this is all the way through American history and how you process there's no other way to do it yeah exactly but um you know we we have American history deficit here and uh you know that's the thing with with malicious prosecution you bring a case that does like all these Trump cases are fake right they don't actually have a legal basis underneath them but just just the Machinery of dragging somebody into court going through that um not only wears them down psychologically and financially but also gives uh some Credence to the fake allegation in the first place that you're you're you're abiding by this process so that this is why I gave the example of Ticket Master if you and I are a single a single purchaser of tickets and Ticket Master is a company Ticket Master does not care at all what our dispute is between us over who owes whose money that makes no sense to them so when Georgia for instance has Democrat and Republican electors the Democrats win the election Governor certifies them sends them to the federal government the Republicans then say whoaa who we're in a dispute here the federal government says don't care if you don't submit your paperwork by the 14th you did not submit your paperwork there there's no coordination and negotiation between two separate legal jurisdictions so what happens is the Republicans say Okay fill out the paperwork and submit it then if the judge rules in our favor we inform the government that the actual certification will be the Republicans not the Democrats that's what did in Hawaii in 196 mhm that's the only way you can do it if the Republicans do not submit the paperwork then when the court rules actually the Republicans win the federal government says too bad you didn't submit your paperwork by the deadline so you didn't submit your paperwork so when the Republicans do submit the paperwork pending adjudication the Democrats in the state then order police officers to go and with the threat of force and violence against these people arrest them and the paperwork was to say hold up like the paperwork was filing filing the filing saying uh Michigan delegates go for Trump you're they're supposed to do that but then State Attorneys went and arrested them for doing what they were supposed to do right because the idea is that so here's what happened so you had um elector you had electors so let's okay let's just pick a state I don't know what the states are but let's just pick a state like Pennsylvania so I don't think they did a an electors an alternate electors there but let's say Pennsylvania so Pennsylvania was called for Biden Trump says and this is hypothetical IAL Trump says let's do a recount right so as the recount request is going through the courts the Trump campaign says if we get a recount and we are successful and it turns out we won we're going to need to uh tell the Electoral College that Pennsylvania goes for Trump so we're going to need to have electors to say hey Electoral College we're the electors we go for Trump Pennsylvania goes for Trump so essentially what happened was there were two sets of electors one for Biden one for Trump and whoever uh whichever candidate was declared the winner of Pennsylvania after the the this hypothetical recount those electors would have said you know it's us it's our candidate the governor certified the Democrats MH the Republicans submit the paperwork because they were in active lawsuits yes if the judges said wow the Democrats actually didn't win they would then inform the federal government that this state is here by certifying the Republican and disqualifying the Democrat cuz they would still have to get it in by the deadline if the Republicans don't submit the electors by the deadline which I think was December 14th or 16th or something like this then the federal government says you didn't submit your paperwork so by we already got our electors this is exactly what happed in 1960 both sets were submitted the Jud the judge ruled the Democrat actually won not the Republicans and so Nixon as VP decided without certification he would just choose to count the votes for a JFK instead and so this happened in a state there were two sets of electors decided and the the police or the the the lawyer the law went after one of the electors that's happening right now in a bunch of States they're arresting lawyers too Arizona Michigan you know and and that's it also leads into what happened on j6 because that was the constitutionally ordained process to basically sort through these alternate slates of electors there's that's a process where the when there is descent that they break into the by Camal uh houses and actually have I think it was like two hours of debate so they were set to be basically arguing about the election you know presenting two and two and and of fro basically for the next 18 hours or something that day and but for the intrusion into the capital that shut that whole process down um we might have seen a different result in the election so that begs the question of who had who had the motive to shut shut that down and that that's really the important the the the elemental aspect of the FED surrection that that transpired that day and to the credit of Darren Bey there at revolver news that's really broken a lot of this but you know it's coming to the Consciousness that why why was there such an impetus to shut down the events that were going on in Congress that so they they potentially conspirator potentially inited their own the their own thing so they didn't have to go through the votes yeah day and even more than yeah exactly the uh I think the reporting came out this week that the pipe bombs you know the supposed pipe bombs that were placed at the DNC and the RNC were ultimate fallbacks for um you know also disrupting the process you can pull that word yeah yeah so um yeah it's there was a good reason a lot of people had a lot of interest in in in stopping um you know the the process that day and it was not magga to what happened though after that happened after the whatever the the intrusion into the capital then did they just like declare a martial law across the country and give Authority the opportunity to go arrest random electors against no each attorney general did it themselves there's no authority to do it there's zero authority to do it there's zero authority to have arrested Trump in any one of these cases zero Authority it is it is in it is is crazy world Donald Trump was arrested H uh without without due process he was charged for a crime that lists in the charging documents quote another crime there's literally no crime by which Trump was charged for and then they convicted him for nothing in New York so this literally means that police officers and the government under threat of of force against Trump said come here or else and when Trump goes there it's the guys in uniform with guns that are illegally holding him there they should all be in prison and I hope and I pray that each and every one of them goes to prison I hope Donald Trump is the is the psycho dictator that Democrats claim he's going to be and as soon as he's president he says each and every one of these law enforcement officers that arrested the electors and lawyers you will be indicted on criminal charges for violations of constitutional rights which is a crime and the federal at the federal level and we will send FPS we will send law enforcement to your homes and drag you out in front of your children to watch because you are the scumbags burning this country down it was against constitutional law uh but they was it okay state law there is no law allowing them to do this none they are making it up Donald Trump's charging documents in the 34 counts say quote another crime there's nothing listed they never listed the other crime the particularly the electors okay so the electors the attorney generals what are they saying fraud and obstruction they say fraud they say you know forging documents and stuff like that they they've made up a whole bunch of charges I was at the very end when the judge I believe was giving the jury instructions he kind of gave this smorgasborg Oh you mean in the New York Cas New York case yeah in New York casting political public officials racketeering forgery State crimes fraudulent effort to reverse election results it's all fake these are these are so you vote for an elector these are electoral slates these are people running to be the elector of the state they are candidates they are nominees whatever when the votes come in the governor certifies which slate will be sent to cast their votes and then the votes are cast what sometime in December then the votes are sent to the to Congress to count the vice president comes in and counts them and the only thing that should have happened is that Pence should have said I'm going to count the ones that were certified by the governors and in my opinion if the if the state legislators filed a dispute and send a letter to the VP saying we are in dispute and we we reject the certification by the governor then the VP has no choice but to say I can't count either of these because there's a dispute between the branches of the state but in this regard let's just say Mike Pence says we're going to count the certified electors I'm not going to be involved in whatever else is going on end of story all he has then is paperwork filed administratively that means nothing and then you ignore it but which was the appropriate thing to do they arrested Trump's lawyers they there is no Authority there is none and I will stress again we can look at racketeering fraud whatever garbled nonsense ridiculous official but they are officials they're not well they're running for to be the electors and they're saying I hereby swear that I am the elector for the Republican we will voting for Trump and it's all because we're waiting for a judge to issue a ruling and all you have to do in in that capacity is just say no look the the judge ruled against you so these are now disqualified these are void but thank you for filing that's it that's all that happened that's all that happened why did they arrest Trump lawyers and in Wisconsin I think they arrested two of them in Georgia they arrested several Jenna Ellis I'm not a fan of hers why was she criminally charged under Rico in in these cases uh not Wisconsin uh real quick says here that it's only in um Arizona Georgia Michigan and Nevada no no no no the Trump's lawyers were recently charged I'm sorry the lectors I'm I'm saying they charged Trump's lawyers yeah oh when they when they start arresting Trump's lawyers for literally providing constitutionally protected legal service you are well outside the realm of any kind of legal jurisdiction or authority and I will stress this again when it came to the 34 counts in stormy Daniel's case they said falsification of business records quote another crime when the jury was W was was uh given instructions the judge said you don't need to be unanimous on what another crime means which is unconstitutional unquestionably now they're saying that they're going to send sentence Trump to prison on the 18th of September the theory is that they're going to stay his imprisonment pend on bail pending appeal but that way they will say Donald Trump is a convicted felon sentenced to prison and it's fake charges it's completely fake there is zero Authority and and why aren't we seeing any red States doing the same thing if the Democrats make up fake authorities and and and use non-existent statute to charge Trump where is anyone else to do it to Kamala right now probably hoping that we reverse course rather than jump on the bandwagon but I think with the tactic would be with Trump it's it's too much of a hot button issue emotionally tooo much of a hot button issue to try and reverse that right now although it might get reversed reverse reverse what reverse course of trying to imprison him for these 34 false counts but with the electors that were doing their Duty and then they got hit with false impersonation of a government official when that was their their purpose was to be that alternate slate just like Hawaii did in 1960 yes sir that should be overturned that should be at least investigated and potentially overturned bro you're asking people who are beating you mercilessly to play fair well I'm asking the entire world to take a look at it and make a decision what what's the entire world going to do invade the United States no no just listen and make noise about it and explain well here you know with with New York coming up this is a you know the the electors that's a great Injustice that is going to have to get rectified um and we need to provide them the resources to defend themselves right now and and talk out against it and state attorney generals have to have to intervene um as well as any other interest part but the RNC obviously should indemnify these folks because many of them actually were campaign workers you know these are 70-year-old grandmas and stuff you know it's outrageous but with with the 18th and the sentencing that's the quintessence of election interference the very fact that you're having a sentencing hearing and basically making the the the vote for president a referendum on whether or not Donald Trump goes to prison is is is quintessential election and you know but to to to basically get in front of that that uh you know we need we need to go into New York state law and and to the higher circuit courts and get a you know a RIT of of prohibition against against the trial court for doing that it's not going to happen well the Supreme Court and the federal government is going to have to intervene as their purpose is when the state goes Rogue Bailey is suing New York for interference Supreme Court I imagine will do nothing but the the issue is actually right before our eyes Donald Trump has been falsely sued on on sexual assault claims which are nonsensical from 30 years ago Carol one even it's and and they and they passed a law that allowed her to reopen up statute of limitation so she could do it it makes no sense the story makes no sense they claimed business fraud even though the people he defrauded said he never defrauded us he gave us full disclosure said too bad we're going to say he did anyway and they're charging him $367 million Y and he's had to pay 100 million now then they criminally charge him for quote another crime this is this is insanity and it was quarterbacked by the Biden doj and who who quit his job in the doj to go work for a local prosecutor's office it's the number three in the Biden doj who left his job to go and do this suit he took a he he took one of the biggest demotions we've ever seen in the legal system it's and and and it's staring you in the face the Democrats win you get an installed Comm Harris no one voted for maybe they vote for her in the in the general she has no campaign positions the Democrats in New York are using made up fake charges and fake law that doesn't exist to try and arrest their political rival and what are the Republicans doing well that's what I'm asking arguing Paul like you're saying you go into New York state law and then you to investigate what exactly well there there's mechanisms that they can be appealing right now they um in in at common law you have in actually in the New York State Statute what what they call article 78 proceeding which says that the higher Court can basically stop the lower court say that they're acting outside of the law and then join them from doing anything further and that's that's pretty much a slam dunk now you could say like Tim saying look the whole New York court system is filled with partisans and they're going to not they're not going to step in front of this but at least you can go and you can give it a shot because look New York is the of the world right this is where people come to have their um econom their economic trade done but they their fall back is because there's a rule of law there people make billions of dollars on that and the rest of the world is watching this and and New York is going to suffer enormous harm economically if the court system doesn't work we're going to go to Super Chat so smash the like button subscribe to the channel share the show with your friends and head over to timcast.net to support the show and you'll get access to that members only Callin show coming up in just a few minutes actually cuz we went very long and I think it was important because this stuff matters the the the degree to which this country has fallen as to what's going on with Trump we're at the point where a bullet struck the man in the side of the head so if you want to talk about how crazy things are getting it's getting crazy but let's read your super chats token black guy says howdy people Tim did you see that o'keef is in Disguise the DNC I didn't see it love it I didn't see it not having a picture not having a picture of it oh ke I was thinking of Matt Walsh oh no no Matt Walsh we saw okay they're all getting down nice the Brian Madigan says hey Tim did you know down under was found guilty of plagiarism Aussie here and he says wasn't badmouthing just pointing out a fact wrong uhoh sure you're correct they were found guilty of plagiarism but it's clearly BS the argument was the song Down under's flute riff sounds too much like some classical song cabur children's BS it's nonsensical and it it be smch is the good name of men at work and I reject it outright uh it's nonsense it's utter nonsense uh Tim is the number one uh Men at Work fan in the world I believe we've got a lot of Men at Work playing in this office men and work is the greatest band of this fascinatingly awesome I'm kidding by the way they're actually really great I told it to Richie who's Australian and uh he was like they may be the greatest band and I was like I'm actually just kidding they're really good and he goes oh that's blast he wanted it yeah he wanted you to mean it well in Australia they are can like oh they're so good yeah because they got big in Australia but became International Sensations it's a big deal for Australia they really they really andet work is actually really really good they got great stuff who could it be now come on who could it be now all right we'll grab some more K wble says just watched Phil rocket out here in Austin Texas so I'll catch the show later love y'all love you too shout out Phil shout out to Phil leonti Shane par says the Trump team needs a TV ad campaign targeting Boomer Democrats featuring RFK Jr and Tulsi to talk about how this is no longer the party of JFK agreed I love that yeah vote Republican not vote Trump vote Republican that's an interesting concept yeah David glass says I knew you would return to the keto family after a few months of carbs I recommend guest Dr kenberry and Homestead how PhD healing Humanity indeed yeah I just you know you know what really got me is I went out to eat and we got tableside guacamole and a big old bowl of sour cream and I was like honestly I just really enjoy olive oil we went to uh uh Barcelona in Reston Virginia it's one of my favorite restaurants you guys shout out if you're in the area go to Barcelona uh I think it's Wine Bar it's a topest restaurant and I'm just like olive oil avocados sour cream I don't care for the sugar why am I eating carbs at all I'm happy doing the ketogenic stuff so I'm just today I had a bunch of uh uh chicken and AV and guacamole so good that's good they want to buy a bunch of avocados now avocados are based bed I shared I don't know if I'm to say this but I shared um a a super chat for myself from October 25th 2021 it was after the first uh membership Mee him the only time and uh a lot of comments I got cuz you were looking you know you're you were not thick little thick but yeah yeah it it was fun it was 2021 you know but now you're not see that's the thing I was skating and I was just like I don't know I didn't care I didn't think about it and then uh after Co I was like I'll do keto and then just boom 30 lbs gone like within a couple months it was crazy I wasn't even thinking about it and uh I just feel better doing doing keto to be fair at the time when I started doing keto I was eating a lot of just like salami and cheese dip very unhealthy now I'm having eggs with avocado olive oil and you know spinach whatever cutting out the vegetable oils too that is incred yeah the seed o are gone I think we're going to end up having a doctor on culture War the head leading seed oil oh nice expert on Earth Kate Kate shanan I think yeah are we doing that yeah we should definitely yeah uh and we're getting protein bars made because uh Mark liner was here that's going through oh he he sent me a picture already he's like these are awesome it's they're they're protein peanut butter uh keto low sugar so amp peanut butter and he said they taste super good just the peanut butter bars themselves and I'm like that's what I'm talking about but then we're going to have our own protein bars and I told them I was like I don't know I mean we could sell them but honestly I would just love to have hundreds of them here that we could eat cuz we're skating all the time and he was like bro we're going to get it done is he going to call it the Tim bar like he said or or Timar no T like a tree Timar right right Todd B says going to say the dirty word Civil War Tim I pity the person in this country if said person was to attack Trump while he stepped away from bulletproof glass to check and help on someone I mean that would be nuts but there was someone there with weapons that they Newsweek reported it that could be anything that could be just a right-wing dude who has weapons in his vehicle some any person it's true OMG puppy says bogus job numbers next you'll be telling me that crime has gotten worse this again I'll stress this because budy Jed was on Fox and Friends and he was like crime went up under Donald Trump I mean I don't think your viewers know that and I'm like yeah he's the president of the federal you know federal government so uh what were your Governors doing yeah the crime was in red was in and he was like well what about Mississippi and it's like dude yes fine and we criticize all of them but what about New York Chicago La San Francisco Portland Seattle come on don't give me that Minnesota or I should say Minneapolis that's like my dad he was so mad that Trump did not call in the National Guard during the summer of Love yeah he's a Democrat he's like why didn't he do that because the world's burn down he's like Ray what's up with Trump why didn't he do it I'm like Dad you know amendment 10 10th Amendment you can't do it you just can't do what you want in States yep or a republic you can invoke the uh Insurrection act and calling the National Guard to enforce the law when the law is not being enforced by uh by the local jurisdictions so is that Pete bu P booty jud's argument crime went up under Trump it's like sure Trump should have sent in the National Guard to the the Democrat states that refuse is that what you're arguing cuz I'm more than happy to entertain that argument the next time Trump gets in he man me too all right corag says gen Z has been fighting this job market even the last two years of Trump's Administration the way they report jobs and unemployment is inaccurate why we need an overhaul of the reports and the government that we will uh for never get yeah because they remove you from the stats if you stop looking for work I believe right so unemployment numbers go down if people give up after a certain period of time yeah okay mhm yep what they do on the sine yeah because if you drop off the unemployment roles then you no longer count as unemployed Ryan Mikel says we can use Ian's weather control Vibes to sway votes that might be possible I get be the librarian I I'm like I don't know if I want to manipulate nature too much cuz like the Earth kind of knows what it needs but humans I'm just imagining Luke and Ian standing outside and Ian's doing this weird pose and and Luke's going whoa and everyone else is like those guys are he's like the Avatar you know you don't even need to move you just focus I love it let's grab a couple more Super chats here let's see what we got going on kabo Bandit says the most genius play the Dems could do is submit around 1 million fake bouts for Trump and then actually do a full audit and realize Trump stole the election then install Kamala 5D chess that was actually one of our members last night on the members only show who who mentioned that her fear was the shadow campaign will be they actually stuff bouts forum Trump that way when Trump wins cuz so they expect Trump to win they're going to catch a certain number of fake votes then when Trump wins they can say whoa we just found a whole bunch of fraudulent votes from Trump and then in Congress the Democrats refus to certify saying the amount of fraudulent votes for Trump that have been found may not overturn the results entirely but there's enough of them to indicate it may be the case this election is not correct and therefore we will not certify but Grant haven't Democrats rejected every Republican certification going back 30 years yeah so they rejected the Trump certification in 2016 yeah like Jamie Rasin freaked out about it cuz he's an insurrectionist yeah and a white supremacist both of those things you know how he's you know that he's a white supremacist is because he's white well he celebrates it yeah yeah I watched uh Matt Walsh's movie the other day I got a screener oh yeah and uh I really enjoyed it it's good yeah I thought it was great I I think they got something with the this Matt Walsh s like mockumentary style thing I think it's really fun for two he's going to be two for two I think I mean they what what did they make like a hundred million do off the first one and this one's going to be like a real theatrical release which is cool yeah yeah yeah yeah what's it called amist am racist yeah dude it's about how he's doing the work I mean he's going on the journey man he's like really doing it wow he was even with Maya May Maya Angela right he was like uh not Angel Angel's musician she's awesome yeah but he like she fooled him he fooled her it's going to be great yeah and there's there's a clip where she's like we got to be careful cuz you never know and he's like right never be careful I can't believe he pulled it off these people are so dumb didn't even know who he was he's wearing like a manb he just normally he wears like a flannel and some jeans right he's wearing like a man bun wig and a tweed jacket and skinny jeans and they don't recognize them because and what you can tell from that is they're just so surface yep they look at your appearance and they assume they know everything about you and that's why they're research how do they not know who Matt Matt Walsh has got 3 million followers on X and he goes in there with his real name I mean they get he gives his proper name yeah it's crazy that's how bad they are that's how bad they are all right kcb says Ian you said you would vote for RFK just not to not upset anyone that is what is wrong with this whole world be brave with your voice no I said I would vote for RFK cuz I believe in him um at least that's why I would have voted for him but I I said that I wouldn't vote for Trump in the past because I didn't want to upset half of my friends and family and because I feel like I can bring they're not your friends that's kind of the truth people that refuse to talk to you because of politics are pretty much lost or at least just because someone's lost doesn't mean they're never going to find their way again but at this moment they tend to be seem to be lost well the weird thing is that people can decide that they hate you because they disagree with you about some stuff politics didn't used to be such such the huge deal that it is now and now it like divides families it breaks up relationships you know it pits parents Against Child it kills friendships and it doesn't make any sense that's not what politics should be you should be able to have different opinions from your friends and still be chill think a lot about Ben Franklin who basically lost connection with his son because his son remained a loyalist to the king when after oh yeah that's right freaking red coat sorry Tim let's go Michelle Campbell says Tim crazy folks have got to stop going so hard on moderates we need them also Tim the officers should face charges said with love what's what's wrong with what I said at all how are those in any way contradictory going after moderates these are regular people who are sitting around watching sporting events and then you've got Trump supporters insulting and attacking them and they're like why am I being attacked by Trump supporters these people are crazy I'm talking about police officers who arrested people illegally and unconstitutionally being criminally charged for committing crimes are are you saying like the cops are all the moderates we're trying to get I don't I thought she agreed with you no she's saying I said crazy folks have got to stop going after after moderates we need them and I also then said officers should face charges maybe she's saying the way you were saying it was angry and that will put people off if they're not political I don't want to be part of that angry guys crowd that's a totally different point the first point is when Trump's die hards start attacking Joe Rogan Joe Rogan then on his show says Ah it's all tribalism I don't want to be involved in anymore and they've just made sure to push away one of the biggest podcast if not the biggest with moderates and then and then and the response from these guys on X was to gloat over doing it can we can we call them Trump diey hards or just like online personality some people are just they're themselves paid you know by the campaign too and they're just systematically going through it like are these employes no I think there some of them might be on the Trump campaign that they're attacking you even like um goes out and and and just kind of goes through and and and find people if if Trump loses it's going to be for this reason yeah it's lose it has to be additive that you you base plus you add people you have to build a coalition and if and it's exactly the people at the margin that you're working for that's why I think it's we all can have a a great sense of optimism with Friday's announcement I like it I like that so someone in the chat said Ben says who cares about Rogan I think about 10 million viewers per episode and are mostly moderate some left leaning libertarian types who support RFK Jr how about you throw them all away and tell them to go vot for Kamala and then you lose and then you're going to go why did I lose okay well you know there you go and then whoever they talk to like they 10 million they talk to other people they all talk about it all get around it's more than 10 million it's like Joe Rogan is hanging out on your front porch and he's like I don't know what they're doing in the back they're making a lot of noise something about Trump you should be going like hey man come on man come hang out with us dud we're we got beers we got we got drinks we're watching UFC instead they're like get him out of here he's a loser and then he's like okay I'll stay out yeah and he's got 10 million viewers and he's got his 10 friends that are going to come over to watch the game but like oh wait apparently he's a bad person so not coming no he's going to go into Madison Square Garden for a sold out event to you know what 10 20,000 people and he's going to say Democrats are nuts now he's going to go up and say Republicans and Democrats are nuts congratulations you you've just sabotaged yourself with moderates nice job card we're gonna go to the members only show so smash the like button subscribe to this channel head over to timcast.net Paul danusa on Twitter I'm new to new to the platform um so learning how to uh to talk to talk after after having walked the walk so appreciate it and uh I will be being more active in the future come uh join me walking the walk is huge my friend so I'm very happy to be here Ian Crossland follow me all over the Internet and um focus that positive energy you'll see immense changes in your surroundings bye I'm Libby Emmons you can find me on Twitter at Libby Emmons and of course you can check out everything we're doing at the post millennial.age you'd want to do that but if you want to I have a newsletter which you can find at the poost millennial.age we'll see you all over at timcast.net

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