Seminole Headlines recaps FSU-Clemson | Florida State Football | FSU-N.C. State | Mike Norvell

clark your weekly dose of all things fsu pistols and pies starts right now here's jeff cameron and away we go welcome in civil headlines 93 3 real talk radio warchant tv it is always a great pleasure to be with you i'm jeff there you see corey waving his hands and his braves cap never known a man to wear a hat so poorly oh my god it's unreal we'll talk about it i'm gonna talk about the hat i'm talking about your head i don't know why it doesn't work it doesn't work and there's of course our good friend belle and you guys are you and you're watching and we appreciate that you're also listening and we appreciate our friends at register sausage yay sausage tell em ira so uh last night actually we're at the house kim and i were debating whether or not to go to the store or pick up some things i was out of town for the weekend a little low on the supplies okay and uh she's like you know i've got some of that uh that pre-packaged jambalaya we can throw some registers in there so we planned on that she started making it then realized we were out of register no oh no so i was like well i'll run to the store and kim's like no no no i've got another pack of a different brand man that yeah i let her sleep in the house last night good but it was smart it was dicey for her even she i wasn't going to say anything cause i'm eating this baked sausage this non-registered sauce i'm not going to name the brand not going to name the brand it's the name brand oh so you still let her do it well because i i was like all right and we'll give it a shot i see i thought maybe you'd run this to the store and that's the real deal and then uh and then about probably about halfway through her eating and she looks at me she's like that was a mistake right i was like yeah yeah he's trying to tell you he said here's my plate so yeah that's right anyway uh i won't step out again register sausages uh not only is it uh ben a knoll who runs the company uh big florida state fans and supporters but also the best sausage you can find at your grocery stores in the northeast florida frozen all set for you you're good to go yep the website's and they'll ship it to you and you don't want to miss out there's only four more weeks of the regular season get your registered sausage where has the ear gone i'm telling you sweet jesus all right so how do we feel today i uh usually a little time removed from a game like that that uh certainly i think took our emotions for a bit of a ride looked like rather improbably late florida state was actually gonna win the game even though the play on the field suggested they had no business winning the game but they had a chance and it almost happened typically when that happens fans get really pissed and it stays with you for a while i don't know that i had that reaction i did initially like any other knoll i wanted to win and when we didn't uh it hurt but at the same time there were some positives to take away and some real negatives to take away too and some sober reminders of just how dominant clemson's defensive line is compared to florida state's offensive line in fact upon watching the game yet again the re-watch really you can explore that more in depth and there are some some tough moments to watch there where you realize that certain things aren't possible for a lot of reasons the offensive line jordan travis has limitations as a passer big time and the receivers aren't good that's a deadly combination going against a good defense of the of the yes of the three elements there i'm not sure that jordan needed to be the big time because i think the other two are pretty big time also uh especially the offensive line i mean they're not bad but they just got exposed and that's where i was kind of kicking myself a little bit after the game that i didn't realize how big of a issue that was going to be i mean clemson's clemson obviously has not had the season that they expected to have the defense he hasn't even played probably to the level it should at least not consistently but when you look at a player for player you look at those matchups and it's like man they're missing one of the guys yeah easy guy they're missing him and he was like the one player in the country coming out of high school i mean all those guys every guy out there was like the number one player of their position yeah i mean i thought you know you know they got a touchdown defensively but i thought 20 points was about what they were going to score you needed to hold them to 17 and you didn't um but i thought overall i also think we'll we'll get into like i i was encouraged mostly with what what we saw on saturday but this is probably the last game right where you're like encouraged by a loss like in the hit in mike norvell's tenure probably i mean when you think about the rest of this season and then going into next season you can't have hey that was an encouraging loss anymore no there will be we'll be two and a half year two and a half next season well i don't know that i would label it yeah encourage isn't the word i thought i would agree with you i don't know that i was i'm okay i'm okay with encouraged i'm probably more encouraged than i am discouraged but i think there's a middle there too yeah like i don't know that if they lose to florida you're going to be like oh what the hell you know i have no idea what florida team is going to show up they are in shambles if they choose to show up they'll do something similar to florida state that clemson just did i think uh but i don't know that they're going to choose well their defense isn't clemson though no but their defensive lineman are all better than our offensive lineman and i would suggest that uh yeah man i i if they care to play that's not a good matchup for florida state uh but that's we're we're miles from there you still have to beat nc state which is a matchup problem and you still have to beat miami who's now decided to play really well and they also got vinnie testaveria quarterback so yeah that was cool so that's a nice development for them but my point would be you could lose all those games and ain't nobody could be encouraged then right that's what i'm saying i feel like this is the last time we can come in because i do i feel i feel as good about this program as i did when we were doing the show last week all right you say this all the time and you're right about this they're better this year yeah but they are extremely limited with a long ways to go and you have to recruit your way out yeah so but they don't feel like they're close they're almost close to their ceiling roster like what what could you do with this roster right you can't get much more well the problem is against clemson i'm talking about like you were in a close game against all those five stars you you could have won the game in the fourth quarter maybe you could say you should have won the game once you got the ball back with the lead um i i last year they would have lost to that clemson team by 24 31 whatever yeah well they would have lost the 2020 clemson team by a thousand yeah but we're talking about this but yes even last year's team would have lost to that clemson team you see real growth but i i don't i don't know that you can keep we can keep emphasizing growth and losses anymore so here's what i would tell you if you're maximizing a very limited roster that's what you can do as coaches and that's encouraging that is encouraging you're maximizing what you have but then to turn around and expect them to beat teams who have better players than them and have more cohesiveness over the last several years is highly unlikely so if you encounter and incur more laws i mean excuse me losses over the next few games are you now going to retroactively say well this they didn't do a good job because we think they're maximizing the roster the roster is extremely limited yeah so i listen 46 underdog against nc state at home for a good reason they're gonna be an underdog against miami they're gonna be an underdog against florida yeah they'll be favored against bc because bc lost their quarterback and they're devastatingly bad on offense but other than that they're gonna be underdogs in these next games if they lose those games now how you lose batteries yeah if you get your ass 37 to 7 on saturday we got a problem yes but i mean losing the games themselves that's not going to be surprising the problem we say that and i agree with you 100 the problem is the losses as they add up because you know look last year in all off season everybody said last year was year zero or or if they wouldn't say it was year zero they would say yeah man you got to take all of the covet stuff into place but as you get further away from that all you see is the three and six yeah and you count those winning okay now he's three and eleven yeah what if he you know said that but it's a silly exercise would you do that but i just ignore that but but it becomes tougher and tougher for him to dig out of that if you well if you can get wins man you gotta get that's why that that would have been such a monumental win it really felt like a lost opportunity because you had a chance you had you would kind of lock yourself into a crazy touchdown offensively being a crazy touchdown defense i don't want to say looked into it but those were playing those were crazy plays you had a lead and we're getting the ball back with six minutes to go against the wounded team and you couldn't yeah finish it off but we know why you couldn't finish it off right you're not going to move the ball against that team you have to make a couple of special plays yeah we're going to happen and you missed the block so i yeah but you lose is going to matter if you lose uh yes you have some winnable games here i'm not saying nc state is it's you know you can't win the game certainly you could win the game i do think you're an underdog for a good reason and i do think depending if miami's gonna continue to play like this you're gonna be an underdog in that game too because they get better players and then obviously we know we're still debating what the what the hell is going on at the university of florida because they shut it down for the week now nobody's allowed to talk to anybody it's going crazy over there i mean our boy over there has lost his money is he trying to get fired i think so well you know what's funny is like you and aslan were saying that uh you don't want to i think amazon said you want to make fun of uh their program because they're better when they're better they're better than you are and it's like wait i don't know man i mean yes over the last several years for sure but if you pick where they are right now which ways they're trending i think i'd mike norvel's got a better chance of being good in a year or two than yeah if you're a 16 year old 17 year old kid i would think you look at florida state a little more uh positively than you do florida right now yeah that seems like a ship a sinking ship well the oddity too is if you're such an odd dude well he's a weird strange unlikable person he says really dumb things all the time and he continues to say that but i would tell you this that if you're a florida fan and i know several of them i'm sure we all do we probably have a bunch of florida fan watchers well listeners i would just we do but i would tell you that they should be rightfully incensed because what an opportunity is being blown miami's not any good florida state isn't any good you should own the entire state you should be dominant you should be running away and recruiting yeah and they're not at all like if they had ron zuck right right they would have the number two class in the country yeah it's crazy so i mean no in that sense i feel better uh i guess it's right now it's hard to define feelings emotions centered around this four to state team on the one hand they really have found a way to get blood from a stone yeah the limitations that they have on this offense and and that is coaching that's good coaching i mean scheming up big plays and opportunities for big plays even when a quarterback doesn't hit him i mean that's really amazing that's long hours it's been sitting there around the film going how am i going to get this guy wide open against a look that i know blatantly disrespects my offensive line they're not i mean they're in a position to do whatever they want to me and yet they still do it on the other hand uh you know the frustrations of losing a jacksonville state game is very real it's even more real now than before because you realize they're in this position where what if they don't get another win or just one more win it's tough to rationalize three wins season no matter how you thought during the three-week winning streak yeah i really think the key this week is they're going to lean heavily in on the defense and you know adam fuller talked about it yesterday look all these circumstances the penalties bad situation field position different things that worked against them the end of the day they had a lead with three or four minutes to go and they defense did not win the game so they're asking the defense to step up to me this week is all about the defense because i do not expect i mean this of the of the reigning teams on the schedule i think nc state's probably the best defense uh of the of the of the three of the four and uh and i think because of what just happened and because of how physical that game was i think they're gonna have a hard time scoring points this weekend where's their head where's their head i mean can you be well better professional and bounce back and play a football game now that is imminently winnable but you are an underdog so you gotta be locked in and so to me this is a game if i'm if i'm florida state st you know if i'm on that defense you have to they for them to win this game the defense got to play really really gonna play great and it's going to be hard to play great because they're going to get this good quarterback yeah you know the other problem is uh and we can talk about that little slot guy yeah they hurt them last year yeah they got several good players on that side i i actually vote there or something yeah i i'm i'm really worried about the game i actually don't like florida state to win this game i'm the we'll see if i change my opinions the week goes on but i'm nervous about the game i would say this you know they gave up over 250 yards in the first half to clemson yeah that was the that was the issue i had with the defense well so now look that's happened a lot this year yeah um i think there are some guys probably coaching for their job probably i don't know that for sure i'm not in the head of mike grenvel i don't know but i would guess these games are very very important by the way very very important what was funny is i thought was funny was that dillingham and norvell both mentioned the nc state defensive coordinator because they've worked with them before i don't know where their their paths are worked against them almost as if like man this guy knows what he's doing over there this dude is a great defensive coordinator and i'm like all right well if you're thinking about making a switch i think you could get the defensive coordinator from nc state and i think they're maybe i'm not i'm not saying that that's what they were doing but it did catch my ear that they both mentioned the nc state defensive coordinator what a great job he does and they have a history with him so i'm like hey and he's apparently really good like he's got them playing well this year he does i yeah man well but you're right adam fuller is absolutely coaching for his job these last years and it's always an uncomfortable conversation especially if you like a guy i think all three of us like him a lot but it's also uh you know what it might be objective and have the conversation my concern i brought this up on wake up board champ too the defense is absolutely better than it was last year we might get into the top 60. we might be able to throw that up there they're they're getting there they're much better than they were last year they couldn't be worse but how much of that is number 11 and number four and when they leave what happens to this defense if you don't have elite defensive end oh they're going to be worse on defense next year i don't know if they will can't get somebody but man what a year it was a whole rose it was a branch it's very rare yeah that's what transfers like i think we look at the offense like okay they're gonna grow cause they're all young and they're gonna get better they will get better and they will be lines yeah and you're gonna get some receivers in here that can really play well you hope if the recruiting stays the way it's going but on defense i i just wonder how much of the the improvement on defense is just what you've done up front and what happens with i'm not buying that because look at that upfront last year i mean when those guys played they weren't good that defense wasn't good i mean marvin played like half the year dirt and played like halfway no i'm talking about the edge like they didn't have anybody on the edge of anything i mean that's a big deal to have a guy guys well yeah i mean they were productive i'm with you i'm just saying you can't just dismiss what they've done this year i'm not dismissing i'm saying is that if i'm norvelle or in my job right now a concern i have is how much of the improvement is those two transfer guys and how much of it hold on hold on you can even go further and say they're gonna lose baby and love it in all likelihood yeah they're not going to lose kiera thomas they're going to lose but they're losing they're going to be worse so but the strength of the team this year is a defensive line that probably won't be back next year at least certainly not a couple of them and then you wonder okay are they still going to keep making these strides and i don't know i don't know the answer to that but again that would be a concern but even but again it's like what is that being held against them i mean they're they're they he they didn't build this roster i mean those guys only been here for 18 months so it's not like adam fuller's responsibility or blame no i'm saying when you when you i understand what you're saying but i'm just saying you can't like you can't say well you wouldn't have been good if you didn't have good defense well that's every position the offense would have scored a point this year without jordan travis right yeah i would say that no you're assessing big picture all of this right yeah there are elements that come and go you're what you're talking about is personnel issues heading into next year because of what's vacating and whether or not can they get guys in and how does that reflect on adam four if they have another bad year on defense let's say you're talking about obvious growth which is a testament to coaching that we've seen this year right i agree i agree with that as well but i would not say you think about the defense we've seen for the last three or four years and this isn't like i'm not the president of the fan club i'm just saying you look at the problems they've had on defense last three or four years those aren't there anymore you don't have guys running free yeah they fixed they fixed the bus for the second half of this season and that's all that's all alex atkins has really done i mean for the most part i mean he's secured it to where it's not a disaster right yeah it's not an embarrassment that's yeah i i yes but in the first half of the season the defense was an embarrassment yeah but they were awful they were awful yeah but they've improved now uh and they they are better again just moving forward if you're addressing your coaching staff and you're saying okay is this that right guy you do that's the calculus you have to do right you have to be okay he he did better they're top 70 now in defense we're still we're not doing cartwheels but they're better yeah but i'm not advocating we're talking about the importance of the remaining games made that pretty clear that they're very important if nc state comes in and drops 30 plus and so does miami well i mean again you better hope miami only drops like 34. because that kid is bernie kozar but jim kelly all of them rolled in where did this come from stop my point would be if that happens then yeah i think there is a change in the yeah probably i think in all likelihood just a weird conversation the monday after that or the tuesday after that game well i think to be talking about defensive staff's future don't call us weird just saying it's those strengths well but i would also suggest that that was the best offensive performance clemson sat all year long so that's a little frustrating yeah but they i mean they played well they played fine they they they weren't bad they're not an embarrassment they didn't play well in the first night they were an embarrassment there's like last two or three possessions they they they they're they were not they weren't great and they you know clemson makes field goals they give up 30 points but it's fine they're fi they're better than they were well nobody's arguing that they're better than they were we could have a more nuanced conversation than to say they're better than they were i think that's fair that's what we're doing they are better than they were they're not good right they're just better so these games i'll tell you what's more important mines are on dillingham too now i'm just kidding i'm they're all atkins what are you doing you can't block those guys but yeah headlines 93 3 real talk radio warchief tv continues in a moment your business a facelift with a modern consistent creative brand overhaul from curiosity marketing group these days it's not enough for your 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the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron irish chofal and corey clark here's something we can talk about and i think all agree on whatever they're doing on special teams i thought we're going to talk about toa feely's play man that's a great play and then without that play the yards per play are disastrous for the whole office yeah they did nothing outside of that play yeah uh but again that that i don't understand i i i continually you you've been banging this gong for a long time man um capuchin's done a great job with the defensive ends he's got good players to work with so tom was right to bring that up when i was bitching about papooches this week uh or yesterday but i don't understand man you're throwing your hands up well i'm tired i've really been weird exhausting the return stuff to me it's just you know i don't know you know again they've tried four different returners through eight games so there's a process problem well but it tells you that they don't have any i mean they don't have any options i mean treyshawn's been working there so in practice but i mean you know he just was while somebody got somebody can catch the ball somebody has to somebody can catch how about your man park herself he'd go catch the ball yeah but um why why in that game do you throw out a kid that hasn't returned a punt i don't know in five years desperation i guess but i mean that's not that he's the guy that can break one but he's not comfortable enough to catch the ball i'll do without uh breaking one how about catching the punt as soon as you snap the ball to the punter like as the ball is in the air going to the punter can you call for a fair catch when is the the ball has to be uh left the foot and you know that for sure yes okay so as soon as the ball leaves the foot your your arm's in the air as these guys a lot of times they're not even in a position to catch it what the hell is that but i feel like maybe because if he knows he's not going to get hit they're not scared they're just not good at it i i guarantee they're not scared i think it's entirely just fear of eternal fear of getting there and and not catching not catching attorney i can't believe we don't have a single athlete on this team that can't feels like they can't catch a punch but how about how they can the problem is nobody ever punts it the right way and now the thing about that like well how about having master motto in practice kick him like oh he does he does kick line drives to him make him go catch it like that's for six periods there have been opportunities to catch points yeah yeah and papua said that today that two of them definitely shouldn't hit the ground he didn't have a problem with the last one right off the game like the first one of the game just let it drop just let it drop the last one i'm going to forgive it was a line drive off to the side although i'll say this on the last one you don't have to let it roll 40 yards well that's what popular said it's like and you got to go stop hit the ball to stop the clock but go catch the darn thing what happened if you've you're you've lost the game yeah yeah you're not gonna you have a better chance of breaking a punt return in that spot than you do of going 80 yards and 26 22 seconds but even so i wouldn't have had a problem if he'd have fumbled that one i get being worried with the lead on a twenty seven every week exactly you don't get the benefit of the doubt and it was a catchable punt and if you go catch it on the run you you you save yourself 20 yards even if you just catch it stand and still you save yourself i can only fathom i imagine if i'm this frustrated watching them not ever catch punts can you imagine what the head coach has to feel like given that it's been his mantra since he got here yeah about the importance of special teams how it reveals your team's character yeah all this stuff that he has said publicly well hey man that has got to drive him batting yeah because all the other stuff he preached i feel like we are seeing it all late yeah the foundation they play hard for one another they put in the work during the week they're likeable they're a fun team to watch because they do play hard even though they're not they're kind of talented i'm not taking a personal shot at them but if this is just about you i don't know how you go this long without catching a punt they're 94th in the nation in special teams efficiency 94th which is 93 spots below where his last memphis team was right that's crazy some of it just seems like it would be easy pickings too like okay we just got to adjust this uh by the way guys we do have to catch it i mean first let's just catch the damn thing uh and not let it go another 20 30 yards we did but if people uh we don't need to spend an hour on special teams but if you did want to know more about desire to dictate what we need to do or not do if you want to know more about it uh corey actually wrote a story about it um john papa just everything he said about because there were other issues as well they'd feel uh extra point block kick the ball out of bounds anyway there's a video you can watch just talk for almost nine ten minutes about all of this and then query wrote a story as well it's not working i gotta imagine he's frustrated he knows it's a bad look yeah yeah not a great 100 yeah i mean good lord i mean if you're good at special teams you win that game probably because i've always felt like they spend an inordinate amount of time on special teams in practice they're not getting there they're not getting a lot of bang for their buck in that regard yeah but that's what they do that's what he wants and it would i mean when you're not a good team being really good at special teams can steal you a win or two each year but it also can lose you games when you're 94th in the country well now you turn your attention this week to nc state and again there were positive things that came out of the clemson game they were highly competitive against a team that has better players at almost every position so i will grant them that and i was encouraged in that sense i do think um that now you're in a dangerous place because i got to imagine the kids and they've they've been resilient but i got to imagine the kids are pretty heartbroken to have a lead on the road against that team with under five to play probably you know i set you up for some real heartbreak uh to lose in that manner uh and now you gotta put it you gotta wash it away you gotta move on you got cause this is a winnable game and if you were to win it you know you have an outfit all of a sudden of being a bull team but imagine what kind of sign that would be because nc state's a good team they're both a very good team um they're better than 40. if you came back from you had a three-game winning streak you lost on the road to arrival and you had to lead in the fourth quarter a rival that has just embarrassed you each year of the last three or four years and then to come back after a heartbreaking loss and beat another good beat a good team at home i don't care it would be a big damn deal yeah really it'd be a really and this coaching staff is building and what these players are buying into and we do think they have bought in that way that it's possible yeah you know so to win that game would be massive i feel like this is a huge game because if you win this game then it's on the table that you win another couple well that's the only thing that's unfortunate to me about the way the games play out is i do feel like they're going to come back i do feel like just just changing just gauging the way they were after the game and everything i mean i do feel like it didn't feel like the end of the season now we're just going to try this out i felt like this is they're going in the right direction so i think they are going to play well kind of wish they were playing miami and uh you know don't name it at the quarterback whoever cory's anointed him but um i do think uh but i just worry about playing a team with that good of a defense i think he's a is it comedy you remember steve walsh back in the early early 90s miami he's a combination of him and montana okay yeah big arm big arm but the kid i mean his numbers are outrageous this is crazy he wasn't gonna play at all and now he's i mean he's my number two pick for the heisman right now just saying uh guys could he win it corey if they went out yeah well on the other the other issue you know nc state and i just i just and i haven't watched them play this much that this year but when you look at their quarterbacks stats it just reminds me a lot of when they had that finley kid yeah he's got 21 touchdowns two interceptions he's a good player he's that but he you know he's not throwing the ball down the field they're just going to take these long good times they're going to go to there they're so that to me be good in the red zone yeah because they're going to have the 100 simple headlines 93 3 real talk radio war chance tv your local news now on sunday the wakulla county school district and the wacolla county sheriff's department were made aware of a threat against the school district the suspect was quickly identified as a student and law enforcement officers made contact with the student and their parents the wcsd determined that the post was not a credible threat and classes would be able to resume as scheduled according to a post on the wakulla school board student safety information facebook page there will be a strengthened law enforcement presence at the school as precaution the incident is still under investigation by law enforcement and the wakulla county school board administration the community redevelopment agency made up of tallahassee city commissioners has voted to allocate 250 000 for the design of sidewalk improvements on monroe street downtown the improvements will be on both sides of monroe street from at least park avenue to jefferson street if funding allows the board also voted to extend the changes one block further north to call street this is rachel nay with your world talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by macklemore systems tallahassee's go-to mac store check them out online at [Music] this is meteorologist paul probley with your real talk 93.3 weather update bright sunshine expected this afternoon with highs around 76. winds out of the north five to 10 miles per hour clear skies tonight lows around 54. clear skies and quiet tomorrow high of 75. low 70s thursday with a chance for scattered showers much cooler friday with highs in the low 60s showers continue this report is brought to you by the lawn johns for all your landscaping and lawn care needs visit right now 74. did you know metal roofs survivability far exceeds that of traditional shingle roofs it's time to consider a metal roof from metal roofing sales of tallahassee we provide the best quality least expensive material and 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leave us on local that it shouldn't be it's like hey i'm running for this local do you understand i heard a statistic that like half of our population reads it like an eighth grade level and what is the other two third three that means almost half does not all right the greg kiss show monday through friday 6 to 9 a.m only on real talk 93.3 seminole headlines is brought to you by register sausage serving the florida panhandle and lower alabama for over 75 years to find a store near you or to buy directly from registers head to that's seminal headlines returns now head to youtube and search for war chant tv today to catch the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron irish chauffel and corey clark as to the world of recruiting that um ford's coach doesn't want to talk about until it's recruiting season guys he's not going to worry about this as to recruiting i think that's where a lot of our eyes turn we can talk about the on-field stuff and we can debate uh with nuance you know this coach that coach and where they're at but also the reality is they have to have better players at a lot of positions yeah we talk about the transfer portal but we also talk about building with a stable solid recruiting class and they have one on the hook here i don't know this you guys talk to michael langston more frequently than i do certainly i should go and tonight further educate myself on about where we stand with a lot of these guys still feeling good still feeling good on the whole about that class i know we're gonna lose a couple guys that's normal but yeah there's there's one or two more guys that they're still that are taking visits and kind of actively talking other schools but yeah no i think they do um and uh you know i think it's big that they have played better these last few weeks even though they don't have the wins to show for it last week um but yeah no i think they're in pretty good shape and i'm curious to see what they do from a numbers standpoint though because there is that new legislation yeah extra seven years so you can bring in 32 guys right now it doesn't really work that way exactly but you're there's two different 25 limits there's the the 25 in that in a class and there's another one like 25 players can start within a count of a year and that's the one that that sometimes they get bit by like this past class they had more scholarships to give but they couldn't bring in more than 25 in that year well now you're going to have some more leeway in that area so so they're you know so i'm just curious to see how more how many more high school guys are going after i obviously love to get marvin jones junior you'd love to get yeah or julian armella there's you know some players they'd love to get but then there's you know how much room are you going to save on the transfer portal um a chunk yeah you're thinking a sizeable chunk i would think and that's the thing man like you look at you know you look at that game and no i mean the coaches call a perfect game no did the players play a perfect game no and they but but there are such huge limitations that really decrease your margin for error don't you think too in recruiting there is there's a level of nuance when you're when you're recruiting a player and his parents and i don't think it's just well you guys were three and six last year you're 4-8 this year i don't see the i feel like norvell and his staff better have a great package to show these people about look how much better we are than we were three years ago two years ago like literally i brought it up on wake up board chant by the way guys listen to that show um did last the last time in 2018 clemson was up 59 to three and throwing fades to dabo's kid after two kids got pun left ejected for punching um and then and then last year he was clowning your team and saying you were scared to play two years ago they were up 42 to nothing with nine minutes to go in the third quarter like just show them like yeah you lost to clemson again we get it but look at the gap look how much better they've got now this week yeah you might lose to nc state but if it's 27 to 23 last year you were down 28 to three like you i think though wouldn't that matter to a recruit more than i think that there are wins and losses there's certainly empirical data to show you're better we know that so that's the selling job you can do even with a foreign team that's the seller i don't know the kids look at all those things though and i'm not sure that a kid is going to be overly impressed when you show them that data and then they go yeah but you won three games this year well a lot of it depends on who each kid and who else they're getting right you know like the the aluba the offensive lineman who was committed since the summer he was committed to florida state until georgia decided hey yeah we really want you if george or alabama decides they want one of your kids you're pretty well screwed you now the difference here is you know there are a couple kids that everybody does want that have been holding firm yeah being the name yeah in in in sam mccall and you're gonna have to fight off those big boys or you know some of these other guys they want marvin jr and somebody but i guess say so like in travis hunter's camp i don't know all big time guys right like you have a camp oh yeah um when you know your your worry was that you were being sold a bill of goods you're not really improving you were three and six last year then you started off oh and four okay maybe we don't believe in this coach i think now after eight games there's enough like you said empirical data forget the record this program is getting better it's in a better place yes it is so travis hunter won't feel foolish for believing that mike morbell is turning this into a winning program have even if they go four and eight or five and seven or even three and nine well and if travis hunter was willing to commit to florida state and have this be that in shambles program that it has been over the last three years then i think he was pretty unshakeable i mean it would take an awful lot now maybe georgia offers an awful lot certainly they have to win the recruiting battle against everybody else and put together arguably the greatest defense we've ever seen they have been willing to offer all that's necessary to make sure georgia brings in the best players on defense uh i don't know but if you were going to lose that battle because of that because you weren't willing to to meet that standard we'll see then you probably would have already lost him yeah wouldn't you think he would have already lost him yeah i feel like he's i mean you don't go out and do something stupid and get beat 45 to nothing sure which could shake the foundations of that trust yes but on the whole i feel like that kid's committed i do yeah yeah no 100 and uh you know again man i think when you look at the offensive line and when we look at the future because you know there's four games left so especially after a game like that against clemson where you feel like okay it was so close you could have won it but what would it what's gonna look like next year does that mean you're getting closer or was this the one chance you were going to have i feel like you're getting closer i i do feel like you're closer and i think especially when you look at on the offensive line those and they're all going to be back and that group should be better they will be better and you're now you're not asking registered freshmen to play those guys would have been three years into the program two years with the weight and strength program you know non-coveted years and now they've got experience with them so that should be a solid group you wouldn't expect they're going to get overwhelmed by probably anybody they play yeah my fear i agree with you my fear is i think they are going to be better on offense i think that is without question true i think they need to add on right now they've found a way to kind of piecemeal it together and that's good but they're i mean against good teams they're going to stop jordan travis from running and then you've got a problem but they'll be better that line will get better hopefully you add some off excuse me some wide receivers to this group and you're more diversified there uh i would i would find if i could somebody to challenge jordan travis for the job not saying he couldn't win it how dare you what about the kid at lsu i just went in the portal not the guy you want i want max johnson but anyhow i'm still holding out hopes i'm still recruiting mike johnson but didn't that hurt chances are the other kids hurt my heart a little bit yeah but going back to the thing corey was bringing up earlier about losing those guys on the defensive front all i would say though is a year ago at the end of last season i remember saying i said a few times how are you how is the defense going to be better next year when you don't have marvin wilson when you don't have genaros roberts when you don't you know but then they went out and did it in the pool yeah they just had to do it again it's also a good selling point two guys in the portal like look jermaine johnson was on the he was he left jordan made money let's hope he's healthy fully recovered you get dennis briggs back and he was in the middle of having a good season and really showed progress and i like what you're seeing out of my mind has been better he's been better yeah without question i think there's some room there uh maybe even question four they're getting better there now that said again losing what you're going to lose on the edges and losing in the middle i mean fabian love is a really good player if he goes so i it could be tough hopefully they hit home runs it's not impossible right they also brought in some guys that were not home runs it is it's it's rare that you do as well as you did with in particular jermaine johnson who is a beast i think keir thomas man i mean he's not jermaine johnson but he is a good college football player in my opinion yeah he's real good yeah i like it i like that front floor is the best part about the florida state football team it is without question they're coming cooper pretty good walkable like he just moves dudes out of the way you know and love it's been good yeah good up front the other thing i'd say is if you could find and it may be possible given what lsu is losing and the problems you have in florida and we'll see if you were having at miami um i get some linebackers in here guys yeah they they really there's a lot around the country you know get some guys go find the fourth guy in georgia's rotation that linebacker well like man you can play all the time george's fourth ring it's hilarious we did it everybody's done it fort has got a guy from georgia miami doesn't know everybody's gotten a guy from georgia and they're instantly that team's best yeah it's insane what kirby yeah he was barely johnson was in like the top 18 on their defense they are committed to georgia cory come on man come on come on guys 93 real talk radio horchat tv [Music] [Music] we understand that the decision to get a new roof is a big investment it's an investment in building equity an investment in your future and an investment in the safety of you and your family in the event of a major storm at parker brothers we make it easy with free estimates affordable financing and professional installation every time since 1995 visit today [Music] applications onboarding payroll termination business owners and managers you know these are the processes that take away too much time from what you do best but what if there was a locally owned responsive solution that would charge you a fraction of the big national payroll companies sound too good to be true it's not north florida payroll services is tallahassee owned for nearly 15 years and in that time their prices have never changed 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radio show tune in every sunday at 11 30 a.m where i provide clear answers to all your questions about medicare many orthodontists in tallahassee can straighten a smile but at birch orthodontics they're dedicated to providing the finest care possible the experienced and friendly staff is trained in all of the lane's techniques so whether you need standard treatment like braces or invisalign or you have a more complicated case requiring extra attention birch orthodontics is here for you set up your free consultation today by visiting birch orthodontics dot com b-u-r-c-h orthodontics dot com or call 850-877-1692 at birch orthodontics they create beautiful smiles that last a lifetime seminal headlines returns now head to youtube and search for warchant tv today to catch the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron irish chopal and corey clark next hour don't forget we get the headliner questions i'm sure there will be uh a bevy of them and uh you're hanging in there yeah yeah i'm here it's the build-up towards uh tonight and if you lose tonight i know you don't believe you can win game seven i don't believe they can win either one of these games no that's actually not true i actually do feel weirdly confident about tonight which i've been in this yeah i just think i think freed uh you know the astros the last time they were in the world series they lost all four games at home they lost one of their two games here at home so they've lost five of six at home it's not this den you can't win it matters it's also baseball typically max freeze due to pitch well he's pitched horribly his last two games i'd have pitched him in game five once i got a four nothing lead i'd be like max i know you're get warmed up buddy you're pitching we're winning tonight on the way back from clemson we're in the car aslan and i are in the front seat cory's in the back seat and the game is on the braves are playing yeah listen we wanted to put on the radio of course he wouldn't let us right well you guys are so we listened to state louisville instead so we listened to some quality nc and then uh then i guess the braves he'll follow the braves account because it's only good news it's only sunshine they never tell you they'd never be like oh and that's a grand slam there's a six four three double play despite the fact the bases were loaded with one yeah yeah yeah so he's like yeah they just tied it up because i know that and then they had actually taken the lead so then aslan's texting me he's texting me that and uh not that i'm driving and texting but it was it was sitting there so i could see it but um anyway it's just yeah i don't know put your fingers in your ears but yeah so what was funny about that though is literally i would update i would probably uh refresh every 20 25 minutes in literally no braves updates for two and a half hours at that point it must be 11 to nothing and then finally they showed kyle wright's stat line and i'm like okay well he only gave up a run so they might they must only be down one or two to nothing and then i saw dance being solaire are you going to watch tonight no yeah no you're not gonna watch the game tonight no if i feel like if we're good friends we would stage an intervention and make him watch it oh yeah like clockwork yes just peel my eyes i'm terribly confused that's just not fun it's not enjoyable i enjoyed the most enjoyable game i've had other than the ones i was at was when they rap they beat the dodgers in game six to go to the world series old daddy didn't watch a second of that game but daddy still celebrated when i saw the uh i don't feel like you've earned it you don't even get to celebrate the championship you didn't earn it you didn't go out there i didn't do anything through it i mean i didn't handle it you didn't i was covering your emotions i went to two of the games i feel like i've earned it i spent a little bit of money on those games so it's fine but hey just give me room for me please root for me the braves deserve it i feel good about tonight i never feel good i feel like i feel like freed's gonna get it done and i feel like ozzy alves might actually get a hit so if you uh if it doesn't happen tonight though you're not gonna be bereft of hope as i like to say you're gonna feel good even about game seven because you just said no you feel like they'll still get it done oh no i'm not i don't it doesn't matter what you're not gonna watch i'm not watching yeah i'll know on thursday when i wake up if they're if they're if i need to go get a world series champ shirt i think i care more about whether the braves win this thing and am willing to watch it play out then you do well here's the thing if they do win this world series i will never do this but i'll never do this again i'll i'll have flushed all this out of my system and saw none of it i saw a third of it and i'll have my championship and i'll be i'll be cool with everything else like when the hawks are in the finals against the lakers i'll be able to watch every second i won't be nervous again ever in your life no this is it i just got to get one more i got to get one more title up in me one more championship up in me and that'll that'll carry me for my life all right there's not a single team that you root for that you feel this way about this no even like the last couple times the orioles got into the stupid wild card game i was like late 90s right the edge of my couch jeffrey mayer no man they've been the wild card since then but like just sitting there just you know you could wait twice that's the reward for having gutted it out well like i told you though postseason baseball is almost unwatchable it is difficult especially when there's no starting pitching it's really hard to watch uh but it's also edgy your seat stuff and that's why you get too nervous to watch it yeah don't need it the beautiful yeah well hell i i don't know how you weren't emboldened after the grand slam i was very emboldened i don't know you and then tucker davidson strolled back out and i'm like well let's see how this goes against the best lineup of baseball i don't know man i i can't have one of my team like i watched every second of that four to state game i wasn't gonna turn away when they took the lead late even though clemson had the ball and was driving i didn't i didn't decide like oh i can't watch this even though i felt a little bit like it might be inevitable that clemson is going to score i'm not here arguing that what i'm doing is rational and logical it makes any sense or it makes me a good sports fan it's all stupid i'll be in therapy for years after all this but just know this is how this is my plan this is my game plan are you going to have a little victory sausage waiting though of course of course or penny sauces either way there's going to be some stuff uh so you guys after the happy hour on friday evening you guys going to make it over to the tuck see the next exhibition game so i am uh my son's my oldest son's birthday is on thursday and all he wants to do for his birthday weekend is to go see basketball there you go oh yeah he's a hoop head he's gonna be trying out for his middle school or for his high school team come on his middle school team this year brady tried out and did not make it which was not a surprise yeah um but uh bryce is going to try out and uh i've got a hoop being built now like a professional one at my house as we speak oh all right look at you really nice but uh there's a dunk no he can't dunk it but he he can jump i know he's tall he's 5 11. yeah um but he's uh he's getting there and i really emphasize working on your handles at this point i mean because that's going to separate you he's athletic enough in the other ways he can run and jump he can shoot but i'm like man kids that play seriously don't get ganked yeah like they don't just have people roll up on them take the ball you're gonna have to be able to dribble do you remember michael jenkins he played ohio state his kid goes to brady's middle school oh he's you can imagine he's a pretty good player he made the team yeah so he's in the seventh grade he's the same age brady but brady's an eighth grader he's the seventh grader and brady said the first they're literally the first drill in tryouts was brady got the ball and he's like yeah and of course bryce is guarding me and i go oh no i thought he'd even trying out for the team he's like oh no they're all trying out meeting all the really good players and uh you know i'm like how'd that go not well it wasn't cool like why did he have to guard me the first one i was like brady that's that's basketball man that's why you gotta work on your handles [Music] yeah yeah no i'm interested to see how bryce does but the point is he's a hoop head he watches the nba every night he knows every team every player he'll ask me the scores the next morning like he'll have there he goes he'll ask scores about nonsense he'll be like did you see whether or not uh you know whoever the clippers came back last night in that game against oklahoma city yeah i'll be like no i didn't catch up with the bed why don't we pull that up and see yeah you know the clippers did come back they did i saw george at a bunch of threes but i but it's funny he's asking about it this morning while we're getting ready for school and how about scotty brown uh but the point is he loves leonard hamilton he went to just like brady did hamilton's basketball camp and all he wants to do is go to every florida state basketball yeah they're fun man they're fun that first exhibition was pretty cool i was i was i was i mean i expect them to be good but i was even more pleasantly surprised well rayquan evans younger guys mostly the younger guys okay i mean he didn't have a nice game play as well i just i think i feel like we know what we're going to get out of rayquan evans well he's got i want the rayquan evans from two years ago that wasn't afraid to shoot and make things the one who played last year he played with confidence in this we'll see how he does and i didn't help that his backup was the number four pick in the draft so he knew anytime he didn't do well it's like i bet they want scotty on the floor i wonder um so caleb mills was fun right yeah yeah i mean he's he's really smooth um i i wonder uh what ends up happening for malik osborne is he is he gonna have to play more in the middle is he gonna have to be more that guy i think they'll play him at the five o'clock guys a lot are there their big guys are very well now wait a minute how's your boy he's fine man he's fine he's gonna be he's gonna be just fine he gets 10 and eight something like that a couple turnovers maybe a few turnovers you turn over him look real fluid it wasn't really a good matchup for him he's gonna be fine and uh but no i really like warley i really like him a lot obviously cleveland um it's it's gonna be an interesting thing the middles they say is gonna be every night the quickest player on the floor he's uh and what it is man he's so smooth like he just has everything like you every time you see him attack or decide what he's gonna do like there's no there's no debate of whether or not he can do what he's planning to do in a national school what's he gonna do yeah what about matthew cleveland really good man just every like stat stuffer six seven long very long yeah yeah he's a better shooter now than man was when he got here but the kind of similar attributes uh probably a more natural score than terrance just you know steals rebounds looks the past they all that was the coolest thing to me was you have some new guys who have big reputations and are probably trying to figure things out but they all really played to each other which you expect from under hamilton's teams but it's just cool to see it as freshmen um it's gonna be fun man looking forward to watching me too i'm looking forward to uh basketball i probably won't go over there that night but i'm gonna read the updates and also don't just because brady didn't make it just because brady didn't make his middle school team i don't want that to be a negative for the leonard hamilton basketball camp but still a good experience it's a great experience even if you know that brady's got some things to overcome at this stage of this he's also at a huge school in atlanta with yeah with really talented players really good players yeah and he's still shorter he's short yeah he's short for his uh for his grades [Music] 93.3 wvft grand tallahassee [Music] breaking news this hour from i'm john scott virginia congressman rob whitman says the virginia gubernatorial race lays bare the key issues facing america education the economy public safety all those issues are incredibly important and i believe that as we see the results of today's election that's going to be a bellwether for what people want to see happen across our nation republican glenn younkin and democrat terry mcauliffe vying for the governorship in what has been seen as a close race house democratic caucus chairman hakeem jeffrey says junkin is too closely aligned with former president trump terry mccollum's track record speaks for itself and we don't need trump light in virginia both campaigns working to drive up turnout in the high-stakes battle that will be scrutinized as a bellwether ahead of next year's midterm elections also at the defund the police movement is on the ballot today in minneapolis and its outcome could guide other cities considering similar change voters are deciding whether to replace the police department with a new department of public safety this comes more than a year after george floyd's death by an officer launched a movement to abolish or defund police across the country mayor jacob fry is also in a tough fight for a second term he opposes the policing amendment and faces a bevy of opponents who attacked his leadership after floyd's death and support the proposal results from the ballot question are expected tonight but the mayoral race is a question mark because minneapolis uses ranked choice voting i'm julie walker in scotland president biden announcing key steps at the u.n climate summit to stop methane leaks and invest in infrastructure abroad to limit global warming they're among the few major policies he can implement that do not require congress to approve more on these stories at buy our cash out refinances such a big deal right now uncle ryan tries to teach me something i really feel like right now might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity i've been doing this for 18 years now and i've just never seen a market where the rates are so low and values across the country have skyrocketed as much as they have that combination um i remember one couple in particular they were looking to do some home improvements at the house but they were worried about their payments going up well with rates being so low and then 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license cac 1816-186 live and living color and totally free subscribe to warchant tv on youtube from the practice field to pre-game and the phone calls afterwards more chance youtube channel is home to live programming like seminal headlines wake up war chant the jeff cameron show as well as trench talk a live q a with noel's offensive lineman davonte love taylor just search war chant on youtube and click or tap the subscribe button that's it it's totally free or chant tv on youtube just another reason we're the ultimate seminal sports source seminole headlines is brought to you by register sausage serving the florida panhandle and lower alabama for over 75 years to find a store near you or to buy directly from registers head to that's it's time for seminole headlines featuring's jeff cameron managing editor ira shafal and senior writer corey clark your weekly dose of all things fsu pistols and pies starts right now here's jeff cameron hour number two civil headlines 93 3 real talk radio 4chan tv it's time to get the headliner questions before we do let's say hello to our good friend dr birch birch orthodontics sponsoring the hour of the ride and die orthodontist that she is heather is doing dr birch i should say i'm so comfortable with her right so yeah and you will be too yeah um doing such a good job that uh my oldest who does turn 14 on thursday uh doesn't even complain about the braces nice doesn't even complain about that's how good and how solid the work has been i you know every now and then when he gets adjusted he's kind of like uh less than 24 hours later silence he's perfectly pleased so my point is don't be afraid get in there and get the work done yeah it's gonna be all right your kids will thank you for it don't be a baby right don't be a won't put up with babies yeah don't tell her that you won't watch the second of your favorite team in the world series that's correct birch orthodontics is the real time the website they have free consultations uh tremendous work and also difficult cases uh free consultations payment plans everything you could ask for and more and tremendous football knowledge yeah yeah good conversations yeah good conversations to have there uh all right so i would have thought by the way i think she could help in the portal i feel like don't you think that an orthodontist could could maybe throw out a few bones to a uh care well like if you south florida state i give some braces that's something or just money money from the business to advertise tony wants to know first question on facebook hey guys what do you sell recruits to get them to consider fsu when apparently playing time doesn't seem to work for a lot of players going to stack teams already like georgia alabama or ohio state they probably won't see the field for a year or two i think stacks was the cree uh the key word in that sense yeah but uh i mean i don't know how you say that four states got a top 10 recruiting class i mean they're doing well in in you know in the 90s in the 90s it was different because you know spurrier would always say i don't understand how florida state keeps getting all these kids to commit when they always they have all these usa today all americans anyway players want to go play at places that produce nfl guys and win games but they also want to play and so yeah okay you might lose somebody to georgia for a year and then when they see i don't know that i'm ever going to play here i mean the whole landscape is different the transfer portal has changed things the other thing though the reason that you could improve the way that it did in the 90s three years in a row was because there were only so many high-profile teams that got the bulk of the media potential so if you went to boise because you could play right away well good luck nobody's ever going to see you now every team is on tv every week and every game can be found rather easily with a couple clicks yeah so that changed the landscape as well uh mike wright's reflected on my sixth trip to clemson and has become clear to me why that area was chosen for the cinematic masterpiece deliverance if clemson ever changes their fight song to dueling banjos that will be the toughest road environment in the country cory when we took the late league did it ever cross your mind that you might be rolling down that cold wet hill yeah it did i was wondering um what the security i didn't even look after the game there was i don't think there's anybody up there we were on the field to do our we could have just walked up that hill so i it did occur damage ira yeah we could i didn't know if i was going to roll or just run down it um how that would have happened so it's probably better well i shouldn't say that but yes i was thinking once they got the three and out i'm like man they haven't they could because i really did i thought you know what this is the moment where jordan travis is going to bust something he's going to bust something but there was no evidence prior to that jess that was about to happen much like max freed tonight not a lot of evidence he's going to pitch well here the last couple starts but you just think it's going to happen i felt it in my bones yeah deep down in my plums i guess max is in trouble tonight yeah it did work out well but i just thought they would ham around a couple first downs um and then that would be that they would they'd be able to close out the game and the old 1.9 yards per carry prior to that led you to believe they're going to hammer out to you first it didn't happen well look if malik mclean gets a hand on a cornerback i think you get some yards on that first play or the sec whatever that was what he meant to the fall start yeah in the fall start man that's a toughy that's tough but you know a lot of that does have to do directly with getting your ass kicked well in the in by the way just one verify get an early start deliverance was filmed in raven county georgia it's a point of pride for us georgia a lot of people point that out it was the chat river matt writes with all the money in college football can the ncaa do anything with the referees in this sport you don't see near the same amount of blown calls on sundays that you see on saturdays conferences really need to either pay these guys to be better or start training them year round yeah it's funny you know in norwell brought it up yesterday because nobody talks about it because it was at a kind of inconsequential time i guess although when you play the way fluorescent did offensively and you only have as many snaps yeah yeah everything's consequential but that play where they mark jordan travis going out of bounds when he threw it when he threw it yeah didn't make any sense norvell even said yesterday he wanted to challenge it we were watching him because when it happened you could see yeah and uh he actually started going over towards the referee that was on the sideline but then they snapped the ball and he he decided not to do it but but they um you know the past interference i knew i knew for sure they were going to call it somebody was going to call it just because of where it was yeah because i mean because clemson was at home and i just felt like they were going to make that call for the for the for the fans if nothing else well and it's frustrating because you do feel like emotion does play a big part a lot of times in the way officials call games and and i know they're trying not to do that but look at any play on the sidelines yeah it's it's a direct reaction to coaches throwing their headset and fans freaking especially depending but i will say this the uh the johnson one um jerry and johnson one was interference the the knowledge one was not uh jones the the knowles one was not but unfortunately i know there's no face guarding in college football he was slightly beat so he has to come back he does time it perfectly but i had a bad feeling because he doesn't get his head at all around that they were gonna throw it yeah in in on the the dj lundy hit um you know they're just gonna call they're always gonna call that but that was my point to ira is that it whether he's in bounds or close to inbounds they're always gonna call it when it's on that sideline and it's a quarterback but you know what awards but the problem with that is treyshawn ward's next kickoff return after they scored on that drive yeah it's the almost the exact same thing but it was on clemson's sideline the other the other thing though it didn't count the other and it drives me nuts too because they're doing so much to protect players on the opposing team sideline but that's exactly how syracuse got screwed i mean if you think about it from their perspective jordan travis is running out of bounds and he's like oh you're going to stop all right well i'm an athlete i'll step on a dime too and run another 20 yards and and defensive players don't have a chance anymore right i also think lundy was gassed and then you when you watch it when you watch it man he's just kind of like gasped and just kind of lunges at the guy but like fuller said yesterday like you got to know quarterback sideline take it easy don't don't give him an excuse to throw a flag even if you don't agree with it daniel writes i don't have a question today guys just request that the university of florida keeps dan mullen forever yeah he's fun uh he's fun to listen i don't think you're gonna get your wish i don't think so either but i so long is that they don't go in the tank here in these next three games and they shouldn't because south carolina's terrible and then they've got some other like sisters of the poor and something i don't think they're gonna fire him no i think i think grantham's gone well and he might leave on his own man it's not a good situation and they don't like him and i'm sure he doesn't like them well right now there's evidence to suggest he's doing everything he can to get fired yeah but uh i don't think they would fire him if they don't have to uh she's such a weird dude man just such a weird understatement yeah yes corey braves and six writes dustin hope you all enjoyed the cigars don't forget to share with jeff ira and aslan love the show guys question is the program still headed in the right direction if we lose the last four games yeah that's a tough one is for retained if that happens and what other coaching changes would you make if any rights dustin well here's the thing um we said before the year started no matter the record they're they're not firing mike robel is there a chance that you make changes on the staff yeah i think there's a chance and i think right now that's what's up in the air here i think we have questions about a couple of guys but um there are games still to be played if they play well and they continue to show growth then those guys keep their job and we have continuity i think it's important if you can have continuity do so there's still maybe a couple of changes but uh it would be huge for them for all of them to win two of these four games yeah it'd be really i think they can win two of these four games they won three great the only one won it'd be dicey if you lose all of them yeah that's going to be yeah if you only win one i would say and it would be you know it depends on which one i mean if you beat miami that's a big one to win beat florida that's a big one to win uh if the one is just bc doesn't feel as good yeah because i could live with just one more win i don't want that i'd love to win three four more games hell but i could live with one more win if it's a good win if it's just that you beat bc and then you get beat by the other three good teams that remain on the schedule that's a toughy it would have you really lamenting once again the jacksonville state game because at that point you'd say well they went five and seven and that's kind of what we thought was possible yeah i think almost you have to as a fan maybe if they go and eight just go ahead and chalk up that jacksonville state when it's a win and say you know what we're not worried about that that was just a goofy final minute well they're five and seven but if you're assessing for that minute well that was totally upon absolutely that receiver now after eight or nine maybe nine games he's up to like 170 yards of receiving this year oh good so that was happening eight games since then he's uh yeah that was his toe of feeling moment by the way good for towa feely i think that could that better give him some confidence and that gave him confidence in him because he was out there when it mattered after that play and he played well last year yeah so that's that's good to see but last week i mean um if they finished four and eight let's just go ahead and say they finished five and seven let's assume that let's go ahead and give them the jacksonville state game but yeah again that one counts sure but but like that's what goes into assessment but oh assessment of but his question was would you feel still feel like they're going in the right direction if they only won i feel like you do as long as these games aren't reminiscent of last year if you still you know you you've lost basically three games on the final play you've lost three of them but i mean you have you also won one on the final play but last year every loss was an embarrassment this year at least you're close again we'll reiterate they're better yeah but it doesn't mean they're anywhere near where you want them to be just yet and there have been mistakes made sure but i feel like you would still say they're they're incrementally they're getting better the program is still heading in the right right direction i think but then also if you go three and nine if you don't win another game that's tough to make that sell it's distinctly possible uh i was encouraged on saturday right stuart we are finally getting better and it's a lot of fun to watch are you as worried as i am about the miami game now yeah uh they have not quit like i thought they would corey the astros burn their pitchers to stay alive and force game six our fresh pitchers will take it home tonight uh so should we see yeah i'm worried about miami yes but i you know yes i'm worried about i am more concerned about i think nc state's the worst matchup i think defenses travel better than offenses i don't think that quarterback's going to play as well doke as he has played so far and i think florida state's offense will play much better against miami's defense than we saw them against clemson i don't know how well the offense is going to play against nc state so that to me at home i'd rather play a worse defense and trust my defense against their quarterback behind that quarterback yeah man again i think miami's i think miami is a better matchup for florida state than nc state i personally he's got a little mahomes in them oh here we go well the the current version of my homes is pretty accurate well yeah what's going on with these shoes nuts to watch right they should have lost last night yeah that's crazy they got bailed out with an interception and they called the guy outside he wasn't well close yeah he did he did get jumped into somebody i mean he jumped near the neutral zone yeah but it's also not why he threw that path no of course he got bailed out yeah but uh he just looks off everything about him i think he's probably trying to do an awful lot typically they have one of the worst defenses in football yeah they didn't last night but they typically do so who knows yeah well peyton and i'm sure they talked to their coordinators and coaches he was saying it's just he won't take the simple throw he's just trying to make oh yeah and and it happened last night twice uh the touchdown pass to hill what he's got a wide open kelsey standing there looking at him three feet away like my man that's the throw but that would have required him to not look further into the end zone it's just kind of weird similar headlines 93 3 real talk radio war chant tv continues in a moment you know how i feel about supporting local you also know that i love dad jokes so it really bugs me when somebody i know calls anyone other than paul's termite and pest control this year marks 50 years that paul's has been servicing our community as a family-owned business that really means something all treatment decisions are made right here not some corporate headquarters 100 miles away but right here local knowledge means they know exactly when and how to beat certain issues that are unique to our region all decisions about north florida made by north floridians and being local doesn't always mean small paul's is the largest locally owned termite pest and lawn company in the region but you'll always get the small town treatment and quick service also polls offers a same-day treatment guarantee if you call by noon if you see something in the morning 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register's difference you can too to find a store that carries registers near you or to buy directly head to that's register sausage yay sausage seminal headlines returns now head to youtube and search for war chant tv today to catch the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron ira shofal and corey clark this isn't surprising we have several uh questions in this vein brett writes i think corey could do a better job of fielding punts than our guys at least do that better than he does hour number two and yeah there are several i want to combine some of those facebook questions that are all asking about what gives i agree it is it's exacerbating it's difficult to watch yeah but who just even said because the umass kid you remember those punts those were incredible yeah he's like i've never in my life had three returners back because we knew the punts were going to be sprayed everywhere because we didn't catch any of them either it's like so what what gives i don't know can we ban of all the things that have hurt sports that analytics and other things have brought the sports can we ban those kicks because think of like we would never peter work never would have done anything in terms of as a return guy yeah you don't have to have a pocket like in the quarterback like if you roll outside the pocket as a punter you have to run at that point i don't know man if i was kicking to peter work i would have avoided him you would have tried nothing i would have said i don't want to kick it peter warrick what am i going to do is they get to run around forever the coverage gets down there kick a line drive you can't hit him no i'm saying if if he's running around with the ball absolutely him i'm saying that okay yeah if the punter rolls outside the pocket outside you're allowed to hit them no but as he kicks it after he kicks it i don't care you lose the protection you lose your protection as a punter if you're outside the pocket you can get destroyed so do it in your own it do that yes no you can still get called for roughing the punch no no no if he's outside right you can hit him you can have he's got the ball in his hand and he's running no he hasn't kicked yet he's outside no you can hit him i'm saying as he's kicking it and you don't hit the ball you still should be able to knock him on his butt double check it i think you can hit him as he's kicking it i haven't seen anybody do it because nobody ever gets there nobody tries to play anymore that's what they need to do they just need to make these guys because punters aren't probably no offense to our man keith punters probably aren't the toughest guys on the field and if they get drilled a couple of times maybe they'll stop wanting to go out coach can i just catch it and punt one step and punt like ray guy double check it i think that if they're outside the if you're describing a pocket if they're running to do a rugby kick and they have the ball and you get to him in time you can absolutely lie to them my point is though it stinks because that was a fun part of sports yeah like pump returns were cool yeah yeah were kick returns well but kick returns they got rid of for safety reasons don't care well i know you don't care that's why they did that but still it was the yeah part returns were awesome they're a lot of fun to watch or they used to be more yeah well especially if you like punt returns don't watch port state yeah they don't even they don't even catch rules they don't catch the people at all rush 11 rush 11 what are you doing you're not going to catch it anyway rush 11 you might be able to knock that rolling ponder on his butt uh michael wants to know seems like we can't win the big one yet see notre dame and clemson removing emotions how do we realistically look at that miami and florida game i mean just won two big games in a row clemson's anemic offense just scored their most points of the year versus us and florida will be in the swamp yeah we we've talked about some of this already yeah for i don't know where florida's head will be at if florida cares to play and try real hard uh they'll beat florida state um as far as the nc state game we we all already admitted we're all very nervous about that game just from a matchup standpoint uh i i want to see how they play i think fort state should go beat boston college that offense now has taken such a dreadful step back after the injuries if they don't go bpc that is problematic i will have a lot to say about that if that doesn't happen um in in terms of these games coming up they'll be underdogs so how do you play yeah i mean do you lose 27 to 20 as you alluded to earlier or do you get b 34 to 10. yeah that's a different thing about these five opponents you didn't play them all but if you'd have played all these five opponents last year you had no chance against any of them maybe bc but i i did they didn't play bc did they but they got worked by nc state miami destroyed them yeah florida and clemson could have both scored 100 if they wanted to and bc would have beaten them yeah that team a year ago was closer to a one-win team than a three or a zero-win team they had to they had to beg duke to come right after a month of not playing football and that was that was what it was they beat jacksonville state for their win so the point being i feel like they're going to be underdogs in most of these games but just like the game on saturday they had i think they'll have they have a chance going into this week just like in the florida week they have a chance to win if they play well or if florida plays poor whatever last year wouldn't matter we'll worry about i guess so you know what i mean like i do feel like i know that's not what we do here what we're doing we're not but we're covering a and eight five and seven type football but also there were so many mitigating factors from a year ago i i don't even really look at that and compare the two seasons i yes they're a better team but i like that they're better objectively better for a lot of different reasons we knew they couldn't beat nc state last year like i went up there it was pointless we knew what was going to happen this time you actually got a shot and i do i am very interested to see like they can say let's take brent venable's plan let's do exactly to jordan travis what brett venables did okay we'll see if you can do it if you have the guys that can do it not everybody no clemson has a top three defense in the country that what happened up there is what i thought would happen yeah that doesn't make me a mensa anybody could have kind of looked at that and said problematic try to block them yeah but i do think it's problematic to try to block nc state too uh not quite the same way it is with clemson this is ira's right this is not a good matchup no this is i if i had to bet i'd bet on nc state to win this game and i'm not gonna bet on it and i'm not saying it's not winnable but i am i'm very concerned about it and i'm concerned we'll see where is their head at they have proven that they're a resilient punch though the one place where the defense has played so much better than it's played in years is situationally they're much better in the red zone they're much better in just different situations um than they have been in the past and that's yeah they were really good on third down the other night um yeah so that's a plus they have to do that again because nc state's going to move the ball yeah man and you're not going to intercept them you're probably not going to sack them that just doesn't happen to that guy yeah um it's interesting looking at that team of course i'm trying to find like teams that you know we have faced obviously they beat clemson in overtime 27-21 uh and then of course they played louisville and they beat them 2013 last week um so you know they come off um yeah leery is just good i'm looking at those numbers over and over again he's a good player it's a lot of good quarterbacks in the acc man really there are yeah larry's good uh well he's not as good as the miami guy but he's he's close you've really made this a bit no i'm not but i i mean the guys come out of nowhere it's just nuts nancy wants to know what comcast ever get the acc network no allegedly no i don't believe are we hearing that it's going to happen anytime soon we've been here for a while but yeah i mean because it's all part of the comcast disney negotiations which is a much bigger big issue than just the ac network but they're going to be in there whenever that happens gator kirk said hey we played poor on offense still had a chance to win frustrating what would be the impact on the program if we finished three and nine with fsu being competitive in each game i said that's what i that's kind of my overriding point is i i think it's minimal whether you're five and seven or three and nine you're still a losing football team but if you show that you're competitive and you made strides i would think that nuance would matter to most of the people you're recruiting i would think but hey man go get you a couple more wins let's not even have that conversation yeah yeah i don't think we went with games it wouldn't help to go three and nine miles rides fellas our special teams unit has brought me to the point where i physically will be able to una i will physically be unable to have children on punt returns let's line up all 11 men yeah in five yard increments that way maybe one of them before the ball hits the ground like diagonally like a zigzag i agree and sometimes you move the zigzag before we punt so it really confuses them that's not a that's a great idea actually max johnson is uh referenced here by the way okay uh michael writes if throwing your balls in the air is wrong i don't want to be right that's the jermaine johnson play hashtag save us max johnson i've started a movement yeah but like i've started a movie nobody could blame that game on jordan travis i thought he played pretty poor bright but who does who plays pretty well against that defense and with those receivers yeah i was going to say pickett played well but again very different team yeah yeah better offensive line yeah listen we're not going to do this thing i mean we're allowed to criticize jordan travis but it's hard to gauge it's hard to like is it what he did against syracuse and north carolina more indicative of how you would grade him and in notre dame which he didn't play all that well either no um isn't that more indicative than that defense oh i mean they were let's see what these next four games look like before we start clamoring for max johnson because i know you have that i'm going to go yeah with you but i you know i just i saw that on twitter like people blaming jordan travis like yeah no he didn't play well who does good luck okay the only thing that i think is fair so this is nuance because i think you're right expect him to have a good game against that defense with the limitations this offense has sure i agree it'd be pretty hard if you go back and i don't know maybe tom will do it well he's got to look ahead on third and lane for but if you go back man i can show these to you if you want me to there are a lot of plays where it's still i think it's maybe a little bit nervous from the fact that his offensive line is getting cable early in the game a little bit i think so but man they did this is a critic to me this is a credit to dillingham and norvell there are plenty of plays there for the taking that he doesn't make you come out with his arm or with his arm okay that he doesn't even bother to look at yeah look man he's got to grow you the quarterbacks grow and i think what what gets lost in the criticism of travis is if you put a mere mortal running back a more a mere mortal at quarterback we already saw it we already saw what happened so that milton was there they couldn't run the ball so he's good enough for right now he might not be good enough to win a champion oh without question he's the player the guy they have to play i'm not arguing that but it's a place like this that doesn't do a city going around that drive me nuts i can do this like seven different screenshots for you where there are people why the hell open within a second of the snap and he makes the wrong he doesn't see it quickly yet he might not ever see it quickly but what he gives you is what you need right now until you get better around them like max johnson if if they had max johnson you'd make that throw i just showed you but they wouldn't win that game and what would they write i don't know that they wouldn't win that game they nearly won the game but what would their record be like you don't know how how does venables guard how does venables well he'd have to guard the whole whole you have to do more than what he did he'd have to defend everything i you know i guess i i think i think his his running his running ability creates some things that max johnson wouldn't create i i don't disagree with that in the run though it's hard to know what the what the uh well what the production looks like that's all that's all i don't know you know again ma i know max johnson's great loved his dad here for the four starts max johnson doesn't i'm not necessarily saying they have to go get max johnson you get what i'm going with yeah you would like a guy that you can trust sees it and gets it out of his hand well i'd like a guy that's more balanced certainly sure and throws the ball more accurately for right now with with the limitations this whole we've never had we've never had an argument about that yeah that's all so but yeah so bringing somebody to compete with them they're going to lose to jordan travis too and we're going to keep mowing we're going to keep rolling along similar headlines 93 three real talk radio warchief tv continues to vote your local news now sileon county government filed a petition for formal administrative proceedings monday afternoon in an attempt to fight the fines imposed by the florida department of public health the more than three and a half million dollar covered vaccine related fines were announced in october the fines were for 714 counts violating coveted vaccine mandates florida statutes and ultimately firing 14 employees each fine is equal to 5 000 per person the 23 page petition outlines leon county's belief that it did not violate the state statutes and ask that the fine be withdrawn if that does not happen the county is asking that orders be entered to show that the fine amount is incorrect a man was seriously injured in the shooting on dixie drive monday afternoon tbd said that the shooting happened in the 100 block of dixie drive just after 2 pm tbt also added that this is an active and open investigation with updates being provided as more information becomes available this is rachel nay with your rolltalk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mcamore systems tallahassee's to mac store check them out online at this is meteorologist paul probably with your real talk 93.3 weather update bright sunshine expected this afternoon with highs around 76. winds out of the north five to 10 miles per hour clear skies tonight lows around 54. clear skies and quiet tomorrow high of 75. low 70s thursday with a chance for scattered showers much cooler friday with highs in the low 60s showers continue this report is brought to you by the lawn johns for all your landscaping and lawn care needs visit right now 76. hi this is rowdy lawson from lawson and lawson electric let's talk about your 2021 hurricane preparedness plan are you prepared do you have a plan for when the power goes out a cummins home standby generator is more affordable than you think at lawson and lawson electorate we can help you with your home and your business there's no job too big or too small we stand by every job we do and consider it a privilege to be recognized as the best in tallahassee give us a call at 562-4111 or online at ll life is stressful dinner shouldn't be that motto is why register sausage has been doing business in the florida panhandle and lower alabama for over 75 years a proud sponsor of seminole headlines register sausage always provides the best southern smoked sausage to over 140 grocery stores and restaurants throughout the southeast headliners have discovered the register's difference you can too to find a store that carries registers near you or to buy directly head to that's register sausage yay sausage [Music] [Applause] catch the gators in action all season long here's hill jumping back down he goes [Music] this is real talk 93.3 seminole headlines is brought to you by register sausage serving the florida panhandle and lower alabama for over 75 years to find a store near you or to buy directly from registers head to that's seminal headlines returns now head to youtube and search for war chant tv today to catch the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron ira shofal and corey clark hey fellers i found registered sausage in my publix all the way down here in port charlotte right scott all right okay yeah takeover continues yeah yay sausage he writes i think i have a problem guys i too am a sporting guy like old jeffy i had a pretty good year heading into the weekend but i better bet with my heart on fsu you you handicapped it perfectly that's just that last play is a debacle it's a disaster towafili got banged up on it it was just a dumb dumb play you deserve to win that game probably deserve to win that bet you could argue some other ways like whenever you get a bad beat like you have to look at the totality of the game well it was like fortunate to be in it they gave us three field goals or so we of course they didn't do anything on offense except for the one drive so i mean the one big play so yeah i don't know uh i did think as it played out in slow motion because i've been on the wrong end of those i didn't bet the game but as i watched that i was like holy moly because that also by the way it's also a great it's going to be over it's a great win if you're a cl if you bet on clemson like people aren't talking about the bad beats what about the great wins that's a great moment gambling history yeah yeah um crazy it didn't work out it's amazing as you're watching it you're like okay i see i know what's going to happen here you can just see slow motion it does happen a lot yeah and every time the team tries to do that oh no if you're aware of the line one way or the other you're immediately thinking oh good god sean writes after a gritty performance by our knowles i felt the end of the game was a disaster in coaching on the punt you've got to return or at least go after it not let the ball go go well i wouldn't i don't think sean first of all i'm going to interrupt this first part of the question here wherever this is going that's not coaching nobody taught him to do that nobody said don't oh i think i feel like he's talking about the last punch yeah right he is so popular talked about that today and said that um they they wanted to act like they were going to block a kick and then um they set up a return left and the kid they had never seen clemson roll to the right and pump back to the left like they did and so that's why treyshawn didn't go get it because they were expecting a punt to the right and they had a they were going to have a return set up to the left and i don't know that he could have got any i i give him i don't give him any hell for that it's all the other punches they don't feel that bother me uh when we have the ball when we're down and we have the ball to take you have to take what the d gives you there quick outs to the sidelines all that stuff to try to set up the hail mary i honestly don't even know what the last play was just a bad look the end of the game felt like it was completely mismanaged well i think they're limited um when the other team knows that jordan has to throw the ball and it's a drop back pass game yeah but he's talking about it in the water what what's the point number one of a i mean i guess if you if you catch the hail mary you're at the four yard line you can come spike the ball up with two seconds left you got a shot to throw in the end zone but then what's the point of the last play what what what possible what what outcome is that practice like keyshawn helton catches it and starts running back ran backwards uh you're taught to run to the space runs out before you get rid of the ball though it just didn't it so it's not how you lost the game it would appear they hadn't practiced it's yeah you may be trying to get a ball in the middle of desperation and i that's fine i don't worry about plays in which the clock is run dry and you're out of time you're just running around crazy i can live with that uh it's the other stuff that typically that you know i think is worth complaining about uh and i don't know that that last play changes anything about the way you feel about the game i guess if you had money on it yes it does but if you didn't i didn't walk i didn't turn off my tv because of that last play and say oh well my god this really became an unmitigated disaster except a lot of fans don't want to be embarrassed so when then that that play gets tweeted out by the barstool guy and all these other people that people are laughing at your school and also you got a running back hurt but pointlessly but that's the thing he's trying to recover i've never seen somebody get hurt on a hail mary guys get lit up except travis said wake forest yeah guys but about the wide receivers like they i mean you just there was no point in it what what what are you trying to do my point is clemson will let you go back there and do all that stuff for 20 minutes they got eight guys at the 50 and beyond you can do all you want to do back there it's not doing anything but there was no good answer that's my point that's why i don't understand 20 minutes yeah there's no good answer there i would also say though and just in terms of again having those feelings if you watch the end of games in which teams have the ball deep in their own territory and they're desperate you see the kind of buffoonish stuff we saw there with every team in the country has it ever worked so yes the the famous play with stanford and cal that's why everybody does it they pitched it and it worked for miami the dolphins against the patriots it does work it's not because you don't have five offensive linemen on the field on a kick return no it's it's it's pointless it's stupid it's never work when you try to throw a laterally laterally dude i mean you're going to throw an 80 yard hail mary yeah i mean that's worked more than this and you might get a pass interference who do they have on the thing that could throw them about 80 yards yeah well nobody that's the problem rademaker i bet rodney could he's an athlete no but my point is if you're a fan feeling embarrassed by that yeah yeah yeah every time you played well you played hard you played hard yeah i think uh i noticed today's depth charge still has him as a backup rights nathaniel uh but has there been any definitive word on toe of philly's injury i'm hoping he's okay because that certainly looked bad as for nc state how would you attack them defensively i know they're down an excellent linebacker fagin's also out but do you think we can control their defensive line enough to employ our usual ground attack well i don't think you have a choice this was my point going into the clemson game of why you're going to lose the game because you have to lean into what you are with yeah with this team okay i won't just say jordan travis i don't want to isolate him but you have to lean into what that is which is him in in the read option game uh you create angles atkins does a great job with that uh your receivers are extremely limited they're not likely to beat a lot of people and any sort of press man they're not going to get open you know jordan's threat of his running does allow defense does allow you to open up other elements of your running game that's kind of why that works yeah we saw it doesn't work when mackenzie milton's in there so this this idea that well could you do something different and throw the ball around no no you cannot i think they did isn't that what dillingham said our that like yesterday that the only bright spot they had was what they did on base downs like first down passing because they were pretty good he did he did sit in the pocket because he knew they weren't going to rush they were they were going to get a run look so they they didn't have to worry about the rush but obviously third and 12. yeah you're dead got no chance you got no chance if the rpo against that defense yeah the run pass often allows you the opportunity to pull and throw but that's that that's why we say going into these games that the fact that they engineer any kind of offense and they had previous to the clemson game and clemson's got a top five defense but that's really kind of a minor miracle that's why i give dillingham and norvell a ton of credit and atkins a ton of credit and i mean because by rights you ought not be able to do anything and everybody in the world knows what you're going to do i really think man i know it was one play but if trey sean doesn't fumble i think that's a no i think that's one of those treyshawn wards we runs we're accustomed to it's probably a 15 18 20 yard run now all of a sudden you're on there they're there at 40 with the lead i think with the lead maybe not with the lead but in the game and you feel good like okay we're in their zone again you've never got past the 50. this year we've had a ball handed to us and on the next play a back put it back on the floor yeah i mean you think back and he didn't even get before he just fumbled out of his hands man yeah he went down his elbow his wrist hit it's frustrating because he tripped himself you get the opportunity and you're like okay there it is and then and he's awesome he's been a really good football player that's the same thing when corbin did it you're like well he's a good player i mean what am i supposed to do yeah he's had a couple of bad fumbles in his career just it's football that's it for the facebook questions boys i went through them all through twitter let's go over to twitter here we go um is it possible right jared we had a better chance to beat clemson this year rather than next we have a ways to go and they may get back on track next year the talent gap is still going to be great it's possible yes uh if if dj ever figures it out and they are able to shore up their offensive line in the middle clemson will be better next year than florida state i think conceivably could be worse on defense next year yeah could be a problem ira you shut down i don't understand what's going on i'm good i'm good i i think uh yeah i mean i think it could be but i think when you look at uh dj i don't think he's gonna be the answer i mean i watched his interview uh after the game and i just i don't think he thinks i think he thinks he's playing great just watching his interview and the way he answered questions dabo or dj dj oh um so i don't know that he's the guy that's going to get a whole lot better with felipe pranks did that too in florida he's like he's like you guys don't know what you're talking about you got mad at the fans when he got back his own fans he also told the media like you guys just don't understand football and what what what i'm trying to do so yeah uh i don't yeah i think clemson will certainly probably be better next year but it's hard to know with the portal the portal changes everything and i don't think he likes the portal dabo no he's not into the portal but florida state you might have six or seven completely different players out there that can really change the game and um you'll be at home so i that's what gives you i mean i don't i don't think it's going to go back to 18 where you have no chance i think you're you're you're trending up an interesting offseason i mean it's hard to project that far out i think they've made some progress here and they i just think that when you're rebuilding it's tough because you'll take some steps forward but you'll take a step back in other areas i'm less worried about clemson and more worried about florida state i want to see like i alluded to earlier what they do in the portal um that gives you a better chance of kind of answering that question it is possible though to answer his question that this year was a much better chance to beat a struggling clemson team than next it's possible yeah you might not have the ball in the lead yeah in the fourth quarter it's very realistic in fact to say that um this guy's mad that i used to say that or i was saying prior to it changing the last two weeks uh about miami quitting he says can we get jeff to stop saying miami's about to quit that team will not quit on manny diaz well i would say that's true i wouldn't say that's true at all they kind of had but they found something uh and don't mutter florida quitting on mullen uh he may be quitting on them yeah well and look my again i it's sort of tongue-in-cheek but not really like miami's still giving up a ton of points in yards their defense isn't exactly playing flying around playing well but when you got a quarterback now that can put up 35 or 38 points that does give you a little juice on the sidelines and i always feel like you can tell better you get a better sense of where a team is psychologically and mentally in terms of culture and all that on defense because that's more of an unselfish side of the ball offensive guys are always going to want to score yeah receivers are going to want to score running backs are going to score quarterbacks going to make big classes but if if the defensive players won't play for each other then it gets exposed and that's where i think miami's got some trouble chris writes what many have so far is that uh is there anything more frustrating than just giving up a hundred yards of field position every week because you refuse to catch a punt people have hit their wits in on the punts guys they they're they're so the timing on was really good for your article yeah well we got people want to answer yeah they do want answers i don't know if they'll love all those answers but they they do get answers um and uh yeah it's a it's a big problem when you're not good as iris says well iron doesn't even like to call it hidden yardage it's out there in the open yeah you get to see how the yard's going everybody calls the hidden yard and it doesn't hurt anymore so look at this the ball is rolling down there still rolling how many yards the ball hit us at 33 25 we're up to 37. i can see it i can count those yards it's not hidden at all it would have been caught at the 38 instead they got it at the two that's 36 yards everybody this is a problem some of the headlines comes back wrap it up in a moment hi chris craft for the craft brothers dealerships the craft nissan we've been amazed at the number of toyota and honda people trading up nissan's new family of suvs the changes are stunning and don't just take my word for it motor trend tagged rogue as the 2021 suv of the year finalist heading that rogue can go toe to toe-to-toe with honda and toyota well guess what tallahassee we can't keep the new rogues on the showroom floor seriously you haven't seen one for yourself come take a test drive and you'll see the new road sells itself in the 2022 nissan pathfinder it's roomier quicker and better equipped plus the second row seats easily slide and flip forward to allow access to the third row even with a child seat installed and finally car and driver says savvy shoppers will be surprised by the new armadas luxuriousness so i 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orthodontics they create beautiful smiles that last a lifetime seminal headlines returns now head to youtube and search for warchant tv today to catch the show live or on demand now here's jeff cameron irish chofal and corey clark now walter writes there you go did ira or corey get any feeling from the ipta faithful that dabo was two fsu first downs away from the hot seat how shaky is the uh sweeney kingdom are they about to implode i don't know that he would have been in any jeopardy of losing his job but uh how crazy would that have been like this is a rap dab but we've seen enough of you that would send the message no i wouldn't say that but that but but going back to what you guys mentioned the last the question in the last segment about was this a better chance than next year it could be but it also could be trending in the wrong direction for them um and why didn't you answer that question when it was asked what was going on over busy uh i just get bored of the jordan travis talk i mean the jordan travis thing just is so boring to me because he's all they've got so what are we we're arguing about whether or not he could have played better yeah he could have played better but he's the best they've got so we just go in circles so that's well i think it's relevant because i want to bring in another quarterback but i don't think anybody would argue against that i mean well he is well i mean he thinks the best player i'm going to say he's you brought an old hot shot from ucf i did well we they did didn't work out why did they do that well right right anyhow yeah no i mean so that's that's why i'm just like all right we can do this for another two hours i'm part of that debate well you can answer this one yeah i i think that i don't think that they're he's on the hot seat or close to it but i do think they could be trending in the wrong direction and i think that to me is an interesting development to watch you know because florida state's got to catch up to the other programs that are their top rivals clemson may be coming back to them pretty quickly florida really seems to be coming back to them pretty quickly and i don't know that this miami i don't think miami the quarterback is good he might be really good he might be nearly as good as corey thinks but i don't think that's going to be the solution they've got other problems in that program so i think the window i think of opportunity is still open how are they recruiting what's going on great oh clemson you know good i mean i don't know that i know they got a big time quarterback coming in i think always always yeah but i mean you know we'll see if you can win the job dj was a big time quarterback too you know it's kind of disheartening about that game so they had a big prospect there maybe the number one tight end in the 2023 class deuce robinson oh if you guys have heard of old deuce robinson dominic robinson's son oh and uh he early on you know he's out in arizona and early on he was talking about florida state but he hasn't mentioned florida's taking a good hmm and what is look florida state's got 11 tied in so well yeah there's a better opportunity to play a club did we reach out to him oh yeah yeah no i just it's just it's interesting that he's like he used to talk about floor state and the fact that dominic played a four state and dominic's a good guy and like he's always been good to the program even after he left um when some guys in that area would take turns crapping on florida state he never did um but but his son does not seem to have any interest he was actually at the clemson game and uh maybe he liked what he saw i mean jordan wilson i think him had one before he got hurt i do owe it to jordan wilson to say job well done you do yeah because he's been terrible all year and then made a couple plays this game i got to give him credit that's right that was a nice play on the sideline it was like a 21-yard catcher oh it was it was good to see uh and and because ken mcdonald went down he was important and he played well yeah i gotta give jordan credit uh i've arch manning was there too hard uh sir stuart wallace writes i vote that we immediately put mccall and hunter both back as dual punt returners the minute they step onto campus something tells me they both have the type of hutzpah that won't tolerate backing away from the football as if it's a bouncing grenade [Laughter] is that every like are all punks in the nfl like that now what other way looking at college now no i don't think so but they kick them off 51 yards when they kick them up they kick them straight into the air they go as corey said a good 50 to 60 yards it's insane how good punters aren't your pros like you the chance you're going to get a good return is pretty much for me it's like now it's like watching all the knuckleballers it's like a league full of phil negros yeah you get a 51-yard punt and 22 yards of it was a roll uh which is how like why don't they ever roll backwards they like you remember back in the day i feel like punts went backwards as much as they went forward now with this newfangled let's just kick it end over in they just roll and roll and roll fellas first and foremost yay sausage right chris now with us getting closer to the end of the season and the extra eligibility last year from kovy do you think many underclassmen will leave or will the majority decide to come back it's a concern i mean you guys were talking about it in the first hour about the guys are going to lose on defense i mean fabian loves love it's key yes example of a guy who's been in college three years now uh he's had a good year he's had a really good year he's got a kid he may want to bounce and then you look at guys on you know the secondary they've got some good there there's a lot of guys on this team that have made progress and could you amari gainer you can see i know you don't think he's a great player but oh yeah he's got his best game and he's going to test extremely well so there's they've got guys that got to make decisions so that's going to be an issue everybody sees that extra covey gear and assumes those guys are going to be here five or six years they may not yeah amari had a good first half a really good first half uh and in one of his better games i just think he's a little bit more limited than you look at him he looks like he's an all-american so yeah that's some of the frustration there hey guys love the show i feel torn i want us to win and go to a bowl but i also feel like fuller isn't the right dc for us how do you all feel do you see a scenario in which we go to a bowl and still get a top-notch defense coordinator well if we go to a bowl unless they're winning 58-51 every week then fuller did something right here in the second half of the season and there'd be no reason to get rid of it but i also i don't think they're totally mutually exclusive i think you could go to a bowl as a five and seven team and still think you might need to make a change sure sure like i said i mean you could win some games 37 31 or something like that it's just it's so hard to evaluate man and that's where i mean i just think it's hard to have a strong opinion because they do have some limitations on defense in terms of personnel like early in the year they never had guys available in the secondary when they were playing poorly in the secondary they had a lot of guys that were in and out last year you can't really judge much of anything after last year this clemson game i thought man i thought he brought pressure sometimes when he didn't he didn't bring pressure sometimes i thought he had dj confused i thought they did a nice job defensively in that game i thought that they were adjusting in the second half that's where i'll go he adjusted well in the second half i thought their plan in the first half was poor he gave up more yards in the first half than clemson's had all year long and that's problematic outside of the one game the 48th century so that that is a but the second half clemson did jack squat and they kept getting the ball and it really was good it was the last couple drives of the first half because when they got the ball we were thinking oh clemson's going to score here well it's crazy at the end of the first half clemson decided to shut it down what was dabo doing yeah he did don't trust that quarterback at all i don't trust him at all and that's what's so frustrating and maddening about those two 30-yard penalties i don't think that kid was going to lead him down the field if if the ref slash you don't give them those 30 yards i just don't i mean that that throw he made knowles is beat a good throw is his feet he makes a terrible throw and gets rewarded for it and i that that's i don't think that kid was going to do it back to my point about dj though and this is why i don't think he's going to get a whole lot better so he's getting interviewed after the game about his interception that uh marion cooper duke cooper had which was nice to see he um they're like so on that play were you supposed to throw it there he's like yeah that was the play call and they're like yeah but even with the safety there that's where you're supposed to because yeah yeah that's my guy that's what i was supposed to personally oh no and it was like they're like oh but but he really even with the gu and he's like he goes yeah finally he goes uh you know i probably could have put a little more air on him right to the fourth thing i don't give it right to him good job matthew for corey and ira i'm jeff thanks for listening everybody we'll talk to you next time [Music]

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