Latest Earthquake Activity update for Saturday Night. 8/17/2024

Published: Aug 17, 2024 Duration: 00:18:59 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: recent earthquakes
hey how's it going there folks welcome back here to a Saturday night it is the earthmaster here about 10:49 p.m. here in California August 17 2024 latest activity here on the globe shows a 2.2 into Hawaii underneath Hawaii there around the kilway volcano let's go ahead and check out see what's going on here of course we did have that big earthquake out around the uh Kam chatka area earlier today going to be a 7 .0 uh that stirred up a volcano shortly thereafter uh one of the volcanoes out here went into eruption stage uh originally that earthquake coming in as a 7.4 triggered a local tsunami threat I don't believe we've seen any tsunami uh produced from that uh earthquake maybe a little minor fluctuations there in the tide but uh overall uh no Pacific wide tsunami this occurred about 18 miles deep into the northern edge here of the curl cam chatka trench of course this area very capable of producing a 9.0 earthquake we've seen it back in 1952 and uh a little bit of time has passed since then so as always want to keep an eye on these Aftershock sequences following any big Quake like this uh so far we got two 51s and a couple fours in there as well I'm sure there may be uh a little bit of smaller activity as well but uh really not seeing too much there on the globe maybe another four in there couple more fours from the emsc showing that Aftershock sequence here so we'll continue to keep an eye on that area um maybe for some larger movement it's been a while since we've seen any major large scale activity so a seven pointer is actually a very minimum earthquake that can take place here across this major subduction zone which is again very capable producing a 9.0 so what's happened since then well far as uh the larger magnitudes go out here um let's see we got a little bit of newer activity across the ISU trench here 4.8 and um of course movement up and down the area right around Japan recently uh it's probably putting a strain on uh some subduction zones out here of course around the uh this little subduction zone where the Japanese folks are uh put out that Mega Quake warning here a few days is back following the activity over here on the western side of that subduction zone it's been over a week now I can't believe that uh this area right here they put out a uh warning here for a mega Quake potential across this region so we'll continue to keep an eye on that area obviously if they're putting out a little warning like that that's uh interesting couple fives as well Fiji islands and the uh looks like Indonesia islands area seeing some adjustment following that big movement of up north uh far as the West Coast goes see if we got anything stirring up out here a lot of had a couple questions there asking me if this has relieved the California pressure out here and most of the time it needs to be the big Quakes um that uh relieved some of the strain out here in California just like we seen in 2011 that big n-p pointer off the coast there of Japan that triggered that tsunami uh a couple articles put out that that big earthquake shifted the land so much over here relieved stress out against the West Coast but I don't know about these seven pointers I don't know if that's going to relieve anything out here or not far as earthquake activity even generally uh before the seven pointer struck there in the uh Russia area uh things were a little on the quiet side and they remain um fairly quiet far as 2.5 and above goes we do have a handful of smaller Quakes out here micro Quake activity uh just off the San Andreas fault with a 1.6 uh here in the last hour and a couple other smaller Quakes really no intense swarming just uh are areas that have seen recent earthquake activity uh with a couple smaller microquakes in each location out here so we'll continue to keep an eye on it I don't think we completely uh relieve the strain out here uh Washington not a whole lot going on up there for now let me uh see what we got here for the trimmer Department Cascadia trimmer that is wow that's a pretty decent uptick here 715 epicenters of trimmer uh towards the Northern end of course the Northern end will extend up here past the uh Vancouver Island range to about the Queen Charlotte Sound area um that's a lot 715 that's getting up there in fact that's probably our highest level that we' seen for a on day tally since uh well I don't know how many is that that's 294 probably back in the end of uh 2022 when we last seen our big number even uh earlier this year uh and last month I think in July we've seen a decent amount of trimmer but uh today's count is up there that's 715 so that tells me right there that the um the plates here are gaining some steam obviously the trimmer activity occurs down into the subduction zone of the Cascadia and uh that's got to be adding a little bit of steam up or a little bit of strain up here across the area so uh minimal amount here in Northern California and Southern Oregon still a little bit there showing up so we'll continue to keep an eye on the Cascadia uh not much in terms of earthquake activity up there for now uh further out let me check out Yellowstone here real quick we'll go over here and uh that is not a localized earthquake here I think everyone knows what that is that is the seven-point there on the ccom chatka trench look at that beautiful P wave showing up along with surface waves following that earthquake uh it's a beautiful quake in terms of the signature right here I do like to observe uh what these earthquakes do uh to a seismograph station thousands of miles away it's interesting to see that and it showed up across numerous seismograph stations here in Yellowstone National Park Wyoming so uh yeah crazy but far as earthquake activity goes not a whole lot in terms of local seismic activity there's Yellowstone is H sleeping and probably in a a long sleep hopefully uh let's see a little bit of adjustment going on here across the chili rise area southeast of Easter Island this is a uh little fracture zone out here uh Valia fracture zone out in the uh Southeastern Pacific here aside from that let me see what else we have on the globe New Zealand got a couple threes stirring up down there 4.8 is the latest Quake just coming in right now um that potentially could stir things up here across the South America area so we'll have to keep an eye there on the prili trench has been quite active actually from about the Peru area Southward with a bunch of fours out there uh the Atlantic Ocean not much going on there uh Mediterranean area this is all older Quake activity looks like things have really calmed down here in this area following um following the event out there in Russia not a whole lot of newer activity out here uh for now let's see what we got up in Iceland real quick and then we'll check out space weather activity uh let's see here so last 12 hours about 143 earthquakes here in various locations of Iceland across the rift boundaries here uh when I include all these little small microquakes here uh showing the area of concern um and that includes underneath gvic this area is quite pressurized here in terms of the volume of magma that has been accumulating underneath this area since the last eruption Let's uh bring up the run times here I want to see what we got for the gvic area in terms of GPS measurements here vertical displacement let going to be let's see here right here this is going to be the uh gvic station here there's our last eruption back in the uh May time period of this year lost a lot of volume now we've been steadily going up in fact we're well above the previous level scene so this is going to be interesting here to see how much longer we're going to be able to accumulate magma below the surface I noticed a little bit of leveling off here in the last couple days so we may be at a point where things are just about ready to pop so to speak there uh in the uh Iceland area hopefully it stays away from grenic but still there's always a little concern there that it could be within or just outside that location um let me check Hawaii here real quick because I kind of jumped over it out there in the middle of the Pacific still got a little bit of activity from the summit off to the uh Middle East Rift Zone here see see what we got this activity fairly shallow and is kind of stretching up towards the summit region still always a possibility here we could see an eruption up here across this region of the Lava Lake Area uh so let me pop this back up here I don't really care about the news right now too chaotic so we'll go over here to the USGS program and check out uh the USGS uh volcano here and the reason why I go over here to Hawaii or uh to the uh edge browser is because for some reason it just doesn't want to work here on trying to get rid of all these don't need that many up it doesn't work appropriately on Chrome for some reason sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't but goodness I just I think what I need to do is just book Mark the Kila wh volcano site here right that way I don't have to go through all of this that's a brilliant idea like right here right so let me take this here real quick and we'll we'll do it before I forget Tada there we go so the volcano still sitting out of yellow and advisory earthquake activity leading up to the summit past 12 hours here uh a little increasing earthquake activity event here this afternoon Hawaii time uh since then things have died off a little bit but I I I don't know I don't know if we're going to see this thing um maybe shoot off here to the lower east roof zone or maybe just continue to build around the summit area it's it's hard to tell what's going on at the moment uh and where we're going to see our next eruption here fairly steady across the Tilt board in this location the overall deformation data shows a wow it shows a pretty steep in uh up Cline here up climb uh indicating inflation so higher level inflation rapidly increasing there's our magma displacement event back in the end of July the summit was quite pressurized that got displaced to the Upper East Rift zone now we're coming way back up here uh to the summit area in terms of inflation and it looks like we're just above that previous level so similar to Iceland we're at a uh a Breaking Point here here continue to keep an eye on that report back on any ma major changes uh let's see here so space weather activity on this Saturday night a little bit of flaring kicking off here some SEF flare C 3.5 coming in right now from let's see where this is popping off from uh looks like maybe this area right here there's a little bit of brightness showing up could even be this region but nothing big minimal flaring activity right now uh I mean we do have quite a few sunspots that are currently uh capable of producing some flares uh Stronger Than C flare activity but uh they're not wanting to do it they're not wanting to put on a show this massive region here will be drifting further and further out on the western limb here in the coming days so that will be out of sight out of mind still a decent flare threat from that area and we have a couple different regions coming around the Eastern Lim that will watch mainly right here this area looks like a uh a decent region for some flare activity but uh also within this area it looks like a little bit of close proximity of the magnetic structure far as any auroras go uh let's see here this was uh this morning when we seen the KP index up around the 7 or so at a G3 class storm that has since died down a little bit uh but the conditions were not favorable for uh Aurora activity we had the bz component there pointing North tilted North uh and that suppressed the auroras out here so even even though we had the uh you know the KP index way up there uh things were just being suppressed so um it doesn't look like things are going to play out in terms of any significant auroras tonight looks uh really calm detailed forecast out here did show uh yeah this is tonight looks like they revised it here a little bit um but yeah don't I'm really not expecting much there in terms of the rewards flare threat 20% chance for XF flare CF flare 99% and M flare around 70% chance or so and we'll just see what happens here over the next couple nights potentially might be elevated but depends on a number of factors out there they all have to go in line with one another to get the auroras being uh Amplified out there all right uh what else we got let's check out uh hurricane activity anything major going on out here Pacific wise there's a couple different potentials uh all the way from Land currently so really no concern uh we do have Ernesto out there that uh past the Bermuda area now looks like maximum sustained winds of about 70 mph uh which puts it at a uh that would put it at a um tropical storm yeah excuse me tropical storm Ernesto I was going to say there that should be not a hurricane tropical storm moving off to the Northeast here at about 8 mph is expected to intensify a little bit back to the hurricane status before tracking way to the north and Northeast ways away from Land up here so um yeah see you later there Ernesto after that um I don't really see anything out there in development stage in terms of any suspicious tropical development for now uh man got a lot of thunderstorm activity up there in Washington and Oregon today I think they're still having it let me check out the uh windy map got a little bit of activity around reading today uh just north of me but eh either way the cooler weather is coming in look at all this activity goodness you're getting a lot of lightning up here Seattle seing a lot this is all pushing to the north uh just a massive amount of thunderstorm activity up there in Washington which it happens on occasion but not all that often uh so those guys getting quite a soaking going on there hopefully it put puts out any fires and doesn't start any new fires out there let's check out the fire map here see what we got for uh latest activity here Park fire uh is what are we at here we are at 429,000 Acres 50% containment that is the fire perimeter burned a whole bunch of land and a whole bunch of houses out here uh looks like the main area of concern I don't see any hotspots out there that's good news but uh looks like main mainly a couple areas still burning within the perimeter here but uh they're getting a handle on it 50% containment there uh Boise fire up there looks like it's still burning 11,000 Acres 7% containment uh let's see what we got a bunch of fires up in Oregon hopefully that uh thunderstorm activity contributed to putting some of the fires out far as the rainfall goes there was a lot of rain with the storm so that's good Washington's got a couple fires up there as well and um well I mean we we still got a couple months here before we get our rainy season down here in Northern California doesn't really start up until about November so we got September October couple more months of some heavy fire potential out here in the west coast so hopefully hopefully nothing starts up just uh got to be vigilant about any fire hazards out here not really much left to burn out here in Northern California but there is some areas so all right I think that's about it folks uh seismograph stations here show uh not a whole lot of activity right now so we'll continue to keep an eye on things of course that was a pretty big Quake out there today in the uh Russia area we'll continue to watch that see if any further development pops off there's a couple smaller earthquakes here in the Gulf of Alaska uh there in the last hour but really nothing of any major concern a couple threes popping up here at the Northern end of the Pacific Plate of course got to remember when things adjust here uh other areas will adjust accordingly so and uh we'll just we'll check it out see what it looks like in the morning report back then enjoy your Saturday evening have a good one folks stay safe out there

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