Calvin Ridley and Will Levis highlight action-packed practice

welcome in a sports prime time on this Wednesday August the 7th thanks for hanging out with us here in the Zen Sports Studios we got a jamack loaded show to get in on all the new things Calvin Ridley will Levis you're gonna hear from tandre sweat you're gonna hear from quarterback qb1 and even quandre Diggs who spoke to the media today a a lot of different things happening at Titans practice as this team continues to get ready for its first preseason action of the year coming up on Saturday at Nissan stadium so we'll go through those things we'll talk a little bit about Ridley and Levis the growth and development uh you'll hear from Diggs because this was his first practice as a Titan and then we'll wrap things up with a little bit of rising and falling stock up stock down uh featuring tandre sweat today who has seen his consistently improve throughout the course of Camp always good to have you all in for another episode always good when you guys share this show around on Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch where Benjamin Buck demands what is that man doing we demand to be entertained well don't you worry I am here with my the only thing that I'm lacking as your source of entertainment is my clown nose which I should probably have as a prop set I've got a I've got what what do they call those things it's uh it's just just like a toy wooden wooden horse like a like a horse head on a stick you know what I'm talking about kids ride around on like the horse head on a stick and I'm doing a I'm doing a bad job describing it anyway we got props in the office I got a crown I got a horse head on a stick maybe I need a clown knows who's to say we can get crazy with it once the regular season begins anyway share this show around Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch now you're gonna make me get up and grab the the uh the horse and the crown aren't you I guess we got to do it I've also got a sword in the office as a matter fact that this new mic setup actually allows me to get up and keep talking while we do the prime time show so we got the crown see this is the horse set on a stick that I'm talking about the people at steeple chase gave me this so if you want to be entertained are you not entertained let's go ahead and do the prime time show after you share this show on Facebook YouTube Twitter and on Twitch wherever you are hanging out with us if you're hanging out on Twitter please retweet the show in the bottom right hand corner of your screen this thing sheds if you're on Facebook live you can share share not in public that's in the bottom left and if you're on YouTube or twitch please subscribe to the channel throw a like on the video tell a friend to do the same I wonder if the uh the the Nay function on this thing still works sure does all right we're cooking here on a Wednesday night you wanted to be entertained there you there you are there is your source of entertainment and I'll see if I can't keep pace for the rest of the even welcome into adz sports prime time from the Zen Sports Studios I'm your ho hobby horse Derek right says Derek Wright says it's called The Hobby Horse yes I was not aware that the hobby horse was an actual toy so shout out Steeple Chase for giving me my own hobby horse uh it just says Phillips Toy Mart I guess the the horse doesn't have a name maybe we'll call it Phillip anyway let's go ahead and get into it welcome into a toz sports prime time from the Zen Sports Studios I'm your host Buck Rising I am proud as always to be presented to you by the wonderful people at Zen Sports download the app plug in the promo code at o ZN get in on all the action we're betting just got better at zensports oncom Two Rivers Ford the South's most trusted Ford dealer where you go for your Ford Bronco headquarters Two Rivers for in Mount Juliet or online at T for more information and of course truma Fitness in The Gulch where you go for your first workout free as a middle Tennessee resident no workout ever recycled or repeated Trum MAV Fitness has you covered okay so we got uh William Jones's Philips Toy Mart is a toy store in belme SMH well that makes sense because this is from the uh the iroy steeple chase they give me all kinds of gifts when I host their VIP tailgate one of them is my very own hobby horse uh from Phillips uh Toy Store in Toy Mart rather excuse me I better get The Branding right Philips Toy Mart in belme but we're not here to talk hobby horses or steeple chase tonight we are here to talk about what has been going on in Titans practice and it was a jam packed loaded day so we had a lot of different things going on of course quandre Diggs was the uh the headline well there's a couple of different headlines as a matter of fact with everything that's going on because sadique Charles retired your starting Right Guard weal last night Diggs who was also signed to be your starting safy took part in his first practice it was the fifth session in a row that the Titans practiced in full pad so you had receivers and you had DBS working in one-on-one drills in the Red Zone you had offensive linemen and defensive linemen working on drills with the pass rush and specifically that was the emphasis right they had a uh unscripted period called move the ball with all three quarterbacks getting work and that is where we are going to start with the quarterback with the starting quarterback and Calvin Ridley because a part of the thing that we've been talking about right now oras we ramp up towards preseason regular season and all the other things that are going to take place is Will Levis Calvin Ridley and how uh they are going to how they are going to kind of vibe gel grow the connection find ways to be an e an efficient and effective quarterback wide receiver weapon Weaponry or uh or uh yeah just an effective an effective offensive unit featuring a legitimate star wide receiver and I do believe Calvin Ridley to be a legitimate star wide receiver so before we get into all the other things because there are some offensive line questions there are some defensive line questions with ardan Key's suspension still looming out there and of course uh everything that's going on with the uh DeAndre Hopkins injury as we await his return four to six weeks the timeline there's a lot of different things that you have to work with and a lot of things to keep your eye on and one of the things that we were keeping an eye on early in Camp was this idea that Levis it looked to us at least from an untrained eye it looked to us like Levan was Levis was overshooting a lot of the wide receivers on go routes and and kind of try to figure out his timing and his accuracy and throwing to a spot as opposed to throwing to the wide receiver right so it's it's not just with Ridley but Ridley is one that he's having to learn this year because he's a new player and also he's faster than any wide receiver will Lis has ever played with and there is a legitimate adjustment to how to get both cycling in the same motion right and that is something that will Levis and Calvin Ridley and the rest of the offense have been trying to work up towards so we talked to Brian Callahan today about it we had a uh a non-televised press conference which is a new thing this year for just like the writers and reporters like myself like PK like teron like rexroad um and then for the TV people we will also participate the print media I mean I guess I'm technically print media even though I'm I haven't done anything in print and God knows how long I can't tell you the maybe student newspaper is the last time anything that I wrote went out into actual print but um there is H there will be another press conference tomorrow with Brian Callahan but this session was no video on the record and a more relaxed setting for us to try and get more information which I'm really enjoying so far we've done two of them and I do think that they're productive a lot of different injury updates were included in this particular session that we had and one of the talking points was Amar says you write for a toz all the time Buck I know but a toz I mean a toz is technically print but a toz is digital right a toz does not have a physical publication that goes out uh like a uh like a flyer or something like that I do believe we have a newsletter a digital newsletter so I know you know print digital you know what I mean um so with with that being said the Calvin Ridley thing and how they're how they're trying to work through it with Will Levis is something that is has been a talking point right how are they going to get on the same page in a way that's efficient and effective as quarterback and wide receiver one so the question that I'm going to ask you is this on Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch what are you most excited about Calvin Ridley for heading into this season or what most excites you about Calvin Ridley heading into 2024 we'll talk about it together on Facebook YouTube Twitter and on Twitch right after I remind you that the prime time program and your Two Rivers Ford take is presented by the South's most trusted Ford dealer and your Ford Bronco headquarters Two Rivers Ford where they invite you to come try out the Ford Bronco whether it's the Ford Bronco or the smaller Ford Bronco sport there are so many great options for you to enjoy you don't even have to be in the market for a vehicle Two Rivers Ford and their non-commission sales team just want to educate you on the options that the Ford Bronco has at its disposal whether it's new or certified pre-owned You Know Two Rivers Ford always sells their new non-s specialty Fords below MSRP so go to Two Rivers for in Mount Juliet or online at Two Rivers for more information Bor says that I'm going to start the a toz Gazette uh well that would be moving backwards as opposed to forwards excuse me there's that pesky cof again and I think it's all the dust that's been on this damn hobby horse I don't think I've pulled it out of that corner in two and a half years since they gave it to me a couple steeple chases ago so I think that's what I'm currently breathing in and trying to get through but uh I think that there's a lot of different things to be excited about with Calvin Ridley he made a couple of highlight re catches today he is consistant done that throughout the course of Camp he is truly an excellent player he was the star of the show today at practice couple of big plays spinning catches on the sideline he managed to keep both of his feet in bounds he made a similar play later in practice on the opposite sideline away from the media uh he also caught a 50-yard bomb down the field from will Levis during Jim Wyatt of Tennessee had him tracked at five catches on the day it was his biggest one-day production in Camp thus far Calvin Ridley has been excellent so for will leves to have a Bonafide wide receiver one Hopkins is a Bonafide wide receiver one for certain but there is a substantial difference in the way that Ridley plays and operates versus the way that Hopkins plays and operates and I do think that you need both of them right to be the kind of offense that they want this unit to be and we'll see how much longer it takes hop to get back but to he will Levis talk about Calvin Ridley today thought it was pretty insightful look at the back shoulder you look at the Deep pass like what does a day like today with all these connections with with ridy like what does that do for the chemistry and Conference oh yeah those are just a couple types of connections we haven't really been able to hit too consistently here during Camp so that was definitely great for the confidence I'm getting more and more comfortable with him every single day today um hitting the the Deep one down the red line was uh was one we've been working on and to get it in sync getting in Rhythm I'm excited to watch the the tape and I think it's going to look exactly like we drew it up so uh that's what you love and you got to got to make plays like the back shoulder and and have a feel for that and so to get those reps are really valuable and I know that we're going to have to make plays like that if this team wants to be successful is there a chemistry with the offensive line specifically with kind of the two new guys now on the first group and the offensive line on the right side is is there a Chemistry Between the quarterback and the line the way that there is a Chemistry Between the quarterback and the pass catchers uh yes I'd say so uh to a certain extent uh it's knowing your strengths and weaknesses of your guys I think I could point to a couple things of just knowing maybe where it's more so based on the defense and what their moves are and the kind of pressures that we're expecting and uh pass rush moves as to where they potentially could get you know lose some leverage and that could affect where you know our Escape pattern is or where our movement in the pocket could be um but I I I I don't think that there's as much as a a technical chemistry uh as there is with the guys you have to have outside just with how precise a lot of those throws have to be but it's more of a feel thing you're not really looking at the guy obviously it's it's feeling where he is in space and being able to move off of that and have comfort comfortability to move in any direction regardless what happens that is Will Lis speaking earlier today sorry I was muted there about a couple of different things about the wide receivers about Ridley specifically and how they had missed some of those opportun opportunities early on in Camp uh I I'll let you know what Brian Callahan had to say about how they've been kind of working on that with both Ridley and Levis here in just a second right after I remind you that the prime time program is made possible by trumath Fitness in The Gulch go to trumath your first workout is Free as a middle Tennessee resident no workout ever recycled no workout ever repeated that is the true math Fitness promise they will always go above and beyond to put you in position to achieve your fitness goals no matter what your level of Fitness is trust and know that trumath Fitness has you covered go to trumath for more information today okay so looking at what Ridley and and uh Levis have been able to grow and develop on the Deep ball has been one of them and in particular the go routes that they're having Ridley run within the scope of the offense so what Brian Callahan told us today is that they've been showing them cups uh they've been showing them cups of the wide receivers that Brian Callahan has played has used in his previous offenses not just Jamar Chase and T Higgins guys like Emanuel Sanders and rest of in piece to Marius Thomas with pton Manning during Brian Callahan's time with the Denver Broncos uh Detroit Lions Matt Stafford and Marvin Jones who was a really really effective player in that offense while Brian Callahan was there they also mentioned CD lamb and a couple of other players Anquan Balden as well had a few where they found ways to kind of articulate the timing the accuracy required and how they want these routes specifically run so I thought that was cool note today from Brian Callahan and you've seen the dividends of it now today in practice specifically uh so let's move from will Levis and Calvin Ridley to quandre Diggs who also spoke to the media today and you will hear from him in just a moment the question that I'm going to ask you there on Facebook YouTube Twitter and on Twitch if you are so inclined to participate is this as you look at the Titans defense where does quandre Diggs fit how does quandre Diggs fit what is the best fit for quandre Diggs in this Titans defense we'll talk about it together on Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch like I said uh and we will hear from quandre Diggs here in just a moment but he is on a snap count he is he's going to be cycled up they have not made a determination it is unlikely I would not expect him to play too many if any snaps for the Titans in the preseason though you know they may they may feel comfortable enough with where he's at he's a veteran player dard Wilson uh is a very very Hands-On coach and certainly will do everything that he can to get him up to speed prior to Saturday but I don't know if they're going to be willing to toss him out there right away Brian Callahan mentioned that he would disclose more about pre-season playing time tomorrow at on Thursday uh when we uh when we meet with with him in a more formal setting so with all this where does quandre Diggs fit within the scope of the defense in the comments section you can respond we've got a few Devin Mills says Diggs at free safety and hooker at strong safety where he belongs Lamar Daniels uh says oh excuse me Vanessa is CH talking with Lamar Daniels in the comments section on Facebook I got a little confused there Valentine or Valentine says I think Adams gonna be down in the Box more due to ardan key suspension well neither of them well actually Ardon key is practicing Jamal Adams is not right now they they're calling it soreness uh and that's all well and good uh but Jamal Adams already on a management plan after having a couple of days of padded practice and now has missed three days with that soreness Alex says he keeps thinking that's his phone yeah I'm sorry I keep getting texts and I with the new laptop I need to just take time to to get in the settings and figure out how the hell to turn it off on my laptop and now I'm getting old because I don't know how to do that anymore seamlessly anyway so with all these different things that the Titans have at their disposal quandre Diggs is one of them this was quandre Diggs speaking at the press conference after practice today it's been a process you know what I mean it's been a couple month process of you know um dialogue you know um every week uh Rand dinard uh my agent myself um so it's been a process but I mean it was um definitely the best place for me you know um in the fact of just knowing you know the caliber of coach jard is you know what I mean um you hear it around the league you see it obviously I got friends that he's coached I spoke highly of him so um it's just one of those things where like it worked out and you know he really wanted me here and I wanted to be here also quandre Diggs speaking with the media earlier today so that does not necessarily describe how he fits so if we want more details where should we go we should go to the tape we should go to Greg coell of NFL films who is one of the foremost insights uh insiders and experts on the way the NFL schematics are run and aren't you just the luckiest people in the world because you know what I do every Wednesday I do a podcast with that gentleman Greg coell it's called the install and we talked about quandre Diggs and his fit in the defense as well as a lot of other stuff with Greg today he ahead and then they signed quandre Diggs uh to come in and play safety certainly they've been in need of safety help and we knew that the Jamal Adams signing would not be the solution ultimately if more a situational player quandre Diggs a really uh a really solid player going back to not just his his most recent stop in Seattle but where he was drafted in Detroit really like uh really liked talking to him for the first time today Greg but what does the player what stands out about the player really good player I mean he's he's essentially been for the last 40 years I don't think he's missed a game in four years if memory serves me correctly um but he's essentially been a post safety although he last year they played a lot more split safety so he did play that he also played down in the box at time so he's a multi-dimensional safety but he's really good playing on the back end um and they probably needed that because even though Amman hooker is a good player a real Savvy smart player he's not the highlevel athlete that you feel comfortable snap after snap with him being a post safety so um Diggs is a really good signing um he'll start for sure um and now they have a solid safety T him in Diggs and hooker um and you know the other key thing and you never know it's football but he's been a very durable player so uh hopefully that continues he's obviously getting a little older you know some might remember he came out of te Texas and he was a slot corner and he was a slot corner for his first couple of years in the league with the Detroit Lions before he made the move to Seattle became his safety and has been a very very good one yeah absolutely uh certainly has been Adept at finding uh helping create turnovers within that scheme obviously he reunites with Jamal Adams who he knows very well apparently they had been don't need to hear me ramble any more than you already get to hear me ramble but that was a portion of our conversation with Greg coell today in fact we just dropped the link to the latest episode of the install podcast for you to subscribe to on Spotify also available on Apple or the 1045 is on YouTube channel if you want to watch Greg and I chop it up uh by the way speaking of the install uh next week Greg coell is going to be in town for both days of Titans Seattle Seahawks joint training camp practice you're going to get two episodes of the install next week next week with Greg and you're going to get them live live on the radio show and on Thursday on the radio show not tomorrow though we will have a pretty big guest and what I mean pretty big I mean literally pretty big JC leam is on the radio show tomorrow but next Thursday leam tomorrow Levis next week after Seattle Seahawks joint training camp practices Greg coell will participate in the interview we'll get a bunch of good football insights from will with a smarter person like Greg to ask will football questions that I am not smart enough to ask him myself and I will just be there to facilitate and you know slap my name on the radio show and take all the credit and all the glory for all of these things right that's how this thing works looking forward to it make sure you check out the interview with leam tomorrow on 1045 The you're in fact going to hear a portion of my talk with dandre sweat that we did on the radio show today live from training camp practice because again aren't you so lucky that I get to give you all of these things and you can always him right here on the prime time show anyway so that is what diggs's fit looks like in this defense and frankly he immediately becomes the best safety on the defense Amman hooker is more versatile in what it is that he can do both playing in Big Nickel playing both safety roles he can be a kick returner and a punt returner as a matter of fact Amman hooker is a very versatile player but as far as the safety position goes Andre Diggs is a significantly more accomplished safety than is ammani hooker and now the two of them will get the opportunity to work together and they'll probably be some three safety looks right Elijah molden is still in the equation they've got guys like Matt Jackson who may not be the best player but can give you a little something and have experience now Shai Carter uh on the roster who has been not really discussed but you don't want to be a defensive back that's being talked about a lot because that usually means that something's wrong defensive backs offensive linemen if we're talking about you a lot it's probably a problem so with all of this quandre Diggs immediately upgrades the Titans defense because now they have two Topline safeties more in the mold of what they used to have when Kevin byard was at the peak of his powers and Amman hooker was on his rookie contract so all of these things very very interesting and worth keeping an eye on they will have another padded practice tomorrow I'll be out there doing the radio show obviously JC leam is the guest as I mentioned and uh we will prob here from a great deal uh many other players tomorrow because just will Levis and quandre Diggs uh spoke today in a press conference setting though I know a couple of people caught up with some other players coming off the field like Dylan Raiden for example um on you know the opportunity that lies ahead for him at Right Guard this is while while we are in the the thick of training camp this is still a pretty fluid situation with the roster which is going to be fascinating to see uh H hallo is it Halo or hallo either way says what time is JC coming on well the players always come on after practice uh and practice usually ends about 10:30 a.m central time so I would anticipate somewhere around 10:40 10:45 uh is typically when we've been getting them and if you miss them in the 10 o'clock hour we have been replaying uh portions of them at the very least if not the entire interview again in the noon hour because that's our biggest hour and we want the most amount of people to hear these interviews so uh we got two NFL games on tomorrow night as pylon points out that's exciting so happy to have NFL football back in our lives in fact I'll be working this Saturday I'll be working an NFL football game Niners and Titans gave away a couple of tickets actually we've given away four different tickets to Titans and Niners on the radio show yet another reason to listen to the radio show all week long because we always have tickets to home games to give away uh and that is well worth your time but we get now to the end of the prime time show with a little bit of rising little bit of falling whose stock Rose whose stock fell this week in sports Facebook YouTube Twitter and twitch you guys let me know and I will give you mine here in just a second uh Alex Blaine man says will you be at the game Saturday I'm always at the game baby that's my job the if there were no games I would have no job I uh I exist well I don't exist for Sundays I exist for you know all these different shows that they got me hosting to basically be an infomercial for you from game to game which I'm happy to do because they take really good care of me and it's the best gig in the world but the reason that I exist is for Sundays or in this case technically Saturdays but I cover all the games I travel with the team uh and uh do home away playoff preseason all of it I got you covered wherever the Titans are at so uh rising and falling who stock Rose whose stock fell this week in sports let me know while you do I will tell you that the prime time program is made possible by the Ashton real estate group of Remax Advantage go to Gary get your dream address without the stress the Intel Edge you need to succeed can only be found with the official real estate agent of the Nashville Predators and that is Gary I know we're getting towards the end of the show because Frank just came in here belly rolled next to the chair uh and is demanding dinner so I know that we are getting near the end perhaps Francis will make an appearance if everybody behaves uh Yogi says Buck hates attending Titans games he'd much rather be in a Cults game uh well here's here is the only reason fine yo yeah I'll fuel your conspiracy theories uh if you want the only reason that I would prefer to be at a Colts game than a Titans game in any situation is because they have the one thing that you do not they have a covered Stadium they have AC I don't like being outside and doing preseason football in August I do a pregame show outside of the stadium and listen there's a lot worse jobs in the world like I said than sitting outside of a stadium three hours before kickoff with two uh you know two incredibly talented former football players and Blaine bishop and Brad Hopkins doing a pregame show for an NFL game and then going in and covering an NFL game afterwards but Lucas Oil is a dome I like domes I don't like I'm not a fan of the elements I don't like the sweat I don't like Nashville in in August in the heat when I'm wearing a you know a jacket and a sports coat and slacks and all these other things so yeah prefer the Dome and you're getting one but not for a couple years prefer the Dome I well Lucas Oil is is by far a superior facility than Nissan Stadium but I don't even think the most uh the the the most staunch Titans fans wouldn't acknowledge that Nissan stadium is kind of falling apart at the SC I mean hell your team is acknowledging that that's why they're building it um but not all Dome stadiums are great there's a there's plenty of shitty Dome stadiums out there but fewer and fewer nowadays because they're all building new stadiums right now I don't know if you saw the Cleveland Browns uh new stadium announcement but I uh I think that that is uh you know it's all trending in the direction of can we build one of these facilities that can host events 365 days a year that are not going to be impacted by the elements including football so that is what it is uh so Bor says Buck hates sweat we heard it here first jokes on you because I already had tandre sweat on the radio show so you know that I don't hate him in fact I very much respect him um because uh because what he did to Beyond dominating Titans Camp he been kicking ass out there the football player tandre SWAT is as advertised this man is unblockable really in certain situations he's doing it to Veterans he's doing it to Rookies he's doing it to Lloyd cushenberry he's doing it to JC lean right nobody is safe from Big T sweat uh on the football field turns out Big Fella's a mama's boy and he is my Rising stock up candidate of the week this is courtesy of our conversation with tandre Swit today on the radio show because I I saw obviously uh the story that Jimmy Wyatt did on on you and the house that you bought for your mother and how important she is obviously in your life uh for people who may not have had the opportunity you can read it at Tennessee Jimmy did a great job of course documenting uh the situation what was what was that like what was the process like when did you know that you were going to do that for or has that always been kind of in the back of your head you know with the NFL dream crazy story um I've been to what I was going to do with my first check and that's give my mom a house her dream home and I'm a big mama's boy man you know that's part of the reason why I do it is because of my mom I wouldn't be here without my mom you know and all the situations I had in life and all the adversity I had in life without that woman like I said I want to be here and funny story um the hurricane happened in Houston the house she was looking at the one she got uh we told her uh somebody had got it that's Cru yeah he said no no no yeah cuz she went to go look at the website again cuz she really that's a dream home you know and it said pending she was like she text me she's like the house gone I was like yeah mom somebody got the house that's cold blooded man yeah so the whole time I had it she didn't know so that is tandre sweat on the radio show earlier today and that is going to do it for us tonight on The Prime Time program because uh as I said I have people waiting on me including sweet Frank who is not about the business this evening she is very unhappy with me because she has not yet had her dinner which is why she's crawled up into my lap and is sitting here waiting very very patiently so have a great rest of your night we'll talk to you tomorrow morning on the radio show we're back live at training camp look at that you got a crown you got a hobby horse you got Frank who said that you weren't going to be entertained tonight who dared to question the entertainment value of the prime time show I gave you Levis I gave you Ridley I gave you tees sweat I gave you quandre digs I gave you a cat a crown and a hobby horse baby what more can I do for you that's why you should tune into to the prime time show every night that's why you should tune in from 10: to one on 1045 The Zone JC leam the guest tomorrow have a great rest of your evening love you guys always appreciate you spending your time with us and allowing us to keep you entertained and we will get back to it at 10: a.m. tomorrow morning on 1045 theone go home go home go home you're embarrassing Nashville go home [Applause]

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[music] don't sl it don't sl it [music] [music] you [music] that's over here [music] that's a that's a Read more

53 Man Roster Set for Tennessee Titans  | A Major Trade for Ernest Jones  🏈 thumbnail
53 Man Roster Set for Tennessee Titans | A Major Trade for Ernest Jones 🏈

Category: Sports

The 53 man roster is officially done well you guys know it can change but the initial 53 to kick off the 2024 season is in the books we'll go over all that plus a major major major need filled on the defense because of a trade and we'll get into all that as well upload live coming at you on a tuesday... Read more