Daily Wire TROLLS Democrats With Fake Project 2025 Website That Promotes Matt Walsh Movie

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:19:28 Category: Entertainment

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I want to jump to this uh this shocking website project 2025. comom I I got to tell you daily wire got this yeah I didn't think these guys had in them cuz this is such a beautiful hipster throwback it's something out it's a Tim and Eric it looks like geoc City do it's just I'm impressed let's let's slow down okay so this is the project 2025 website dailywire bought the URL from Heritage Foundation that's the only explanation I suppose because when we were when we were reporting on the the story we went to project 2025. and pulled up their their website now it redirects to this fake website where it says it's it looks this is just it's a fake website promoting look at this it's broken the counter is just going crazy it's a promotion for the movie Amir purpose yeah the counter they going crazy no I thought yesterday it was counting yeah oh this is broken I thought this is just like like a gift and now there you go the actual websites. org that's what Paul was saying yesterday yeah oh so so they bought this and was actually org then yeah well that's what website he shouted out last night at the end of the show project 202.org is their website you're right that's what it is so they bought the but Democrat voters who were like what is this project 2025 thing and by the way if Christopher Cuomo wants to buy christopher.com I'll take any offers you have it and joh O brandon.com you've got christopher.com and John O brandon.com can we do something with it what do you want to do I don't know we sell hot dogs online or something that sounds great hot dogs I think we do better than hot dogs new uh these new prot oh how about ssris did you see him on the floor of the DNC talking crap about all the the seats up top the hundred the million dollar box seats he's like these people looking down on you that are voting for to take your country back they're sitting up there watching you from above right now a man of the people clearly it's a cool video so so any look this website I guess when you click anything it just links you to their donate to the cause beautiful it links you to shocked that they had it in them I'm shocked I know I got I'm I'm very impressed especially with amiris like this this mockumentary style wait so is that really Matt on the floor of the DNC that was him I thought that was a joke whoever is coming up with their guerilla marketing campaign is a genius like this is fun and I got to say this is the some of the most effective activism and I'm surprised like you said the daily wire has it in them what a what is a woman was great this next degree they're doing this it's basically a sequel of sorts it's it's round two am icist where they actually got him with uh was it Robin D'Angelo is that her name yes holy crap and she didn't know who he was and she she leans over in the trailer and she's like we got to be careful you never know who these people people are he's like yeah yeah of course actually he also had Sarah REO who's the greatest person I love her and they got in these meetings this is this is the like the 2016 energy of the memes that were helping Trump daily wies actually hit the nail on the head with this stuff and this is the kind of edgy funny comedy a lot of people have criticized daily wire because they did uh Mr burum I think it was and Lady ball said wasn't really funny they didn't do a good job of it but with all the stuff they've attempted this one what do a woman and am i-cistarget [Music] yes yeah it's it's it doesn't need to be political he's what's what's masterful about this is if I were going to strategize a political campaign to diminish actually I'll give you an example uh YouTube brought me in 10 years ago I brought a bunch of YouTubers in to talk about the problem of Isis extremism and recruitment on on on YouTube and they said what's happening in the UK is that Isis is making these videos where they're basically attacking the the ideology of these young men who believe in Islam and then lying to them to trick them into coming to join Isis what do we do to counter it because when we censor these videos they're not actually what YouTube said was they don't break the rules they just say doesn't the Quran say this then shouldn't you do something like this wink wink they're like how do we deal with that how do we counter it and you got a bunch of surface level garbage where people are like well you know what you should do is make a video where you explain hey that video is not real or put a flag on the video my response was why don't you make a show comedy bits with people who are not extremists and make sure you're propping up people who don't espouse that ideology so you're countering speech with more speech then these young men who believe in this ideology and want to do good go towards where they see success this is the point about yeah I'm am I racist instead of what people criticized lady Ballers for was that it was too on the nose they were too preachy this is just insulting these people the whole thing is Matt Walsh going undercover to do the journey do the work and it's it's putting these people in the in the light of them being creepy weirdo crazy people when I when when we had that what was that uh garbage show that went viral new Norm did you see the new Norm thing no what was you didn't see the new Norm Dave rubin's in it oh I did see that it was on X they called it the the the South Park of X South Park of X and I saw one episode it was pretty bad there's no it was a pilot short where do I got to pull up the new Norm for for Michael this is worth watching Is It Michael he did do a he he did do a dence my whiteness online he sat down with some people and they they figured out who he was and they called the cops on him and they were worried that they told the cops that they were going to break the window down because they were scared that part of hurt so so this is the show the new Norm with 34 million views everyone hates it I'll just play a little bit of [Music] it what's that progress It's the new Norm newm as are are they are I'm the old Norm I want normal beer morning War per reached it's your fault I got house arrest you're the one who threatened the school board I gently suggested they stop brainwashing my daughter that girls aren't girls and men aren't men sometimes there neither okay we don't need to watch Anymore Michael gets it thank you the the the point he's falling asleep look at his face I'm not I'm just I'm livid so the point I made two genders right and wrong the point I made about this is that the real way to do a show like that is to not have the wokeness be the crazy enemy it's not to just rehash news stories I said make a normal family a normal family sitcom where their neighbor is woke and is the butt of jokes that's it the woke Neighbor comes over they're friends with the woke neighbor and the woke neighbor says you've got to come help me the new movie theater opened and they're playing a movie that's racist and they Landers exactly exactly the neighbor is annoying overly preachy and is the butt of a joke a Caren also as an acting tip don't emphasize the pronouns when you're talking it's your fault you say it's your fault it's you don't emphasize the pronoun it in took issue with the acting right I also I get that they're parodying the laugh track shows but it's still painful to hear a laugh track that wasn't parodying laugh track shows they're trying to make one everybody roast that it's pretty literal it's really you got to see it dude it's it's worth being meta strange it's not meta they're they're they're literally making a sitcom show with a laugh track it it it's painfully it's you know it's meta because they're making fun of Archie Bunker that part they're not making fun of Archie Bunker that's Archie Bunker though I understand I understand that but they were serious like they put it out there because they want to promote it I feel like that quot how many levels are you on man like I I I I can't wrap my head around this at Facebook it's got 34 million views maybe you're on to something so that was if you're correct on this it's a leftist making fun of the right with Dave ruin well yes getting Dave Rubin to do it clearly the main character is supposed to be regarded factiously to some extent he's not looked at as the voice of sany he's Archie Bunker Archie Bunker was the punchline I I I well perhaps it's one big troll I'm not saying it's a big troll but I'm saying you don't look at that character and think he's the voice of reason you're encouraged to laugh at him I agree with you that it's poorly made you're telling me that character the main the dad is supposed to be looked at presented as the voice of reason if this is one of if if if you're correct on this one and you maybe then it's either someone who knows nothing of the culture War trying to Pander to the right to make money and this is what they think they want to watch or it's a leftist insulting the right by making a very very awful show and then mocking them for making an awful show I think a lot of times people want to be like and this only happens on the right I'm making fun of both sides like and the thing is it it's also so ridiculous because when people say I'm making fun of both sides like I'll call you annoying and you call me a rapist it's like it's not really the same Larry I think pretty sure Larry Al do it too right yeah there a lot of big names though yeah yeah so I'm I don't think I think it's quite literally conservatives tried making a show and it's miserable unless it's jiu-jitsu man I don't know now I'm wondering hold on hold on hold on always make F of the dads if the show is called the new Norm right isn't the premise that this old-fashioned guy is trying his best to adapt to what's the new Norm so the new Norm is the norm and he's the Fish Out of Water except that the new Norm is is ridiculous he's the pun of the jokes then he's also the he's the punchline yeah it didn't make a lot of sense he he can't convey he can't be he can't be progress he's just stuck in his old Norm ways so his his friend shows up it's I think it's Larry Elder who voices him and then the woke guy goes but you're black and he's like oh here we go and it's it's presented from this lens of the norm the normal guy and his black friend and he's wearing shirt are surprised at the woke and then the woke guy gets a phone call from Rachel LaVine and uh really Rachel LaVine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh a guy in the dog the guy the mil low hanging fruit good Lord exactly that's why everyone's roasting it so anyway to get to get away from all that the point is doing these mockumentaries where it's boret style insulting to the woke and the left without preaching for what you actually think you know who else does this perfectly who does it Alex Stein oh yeah exact exactly and I ow Alex a big apology cuz I had in my show not that long ago and I'm like dude Why'd You Come so hard for Destiny and then you know the assassination happened Destiny came oh attemp the assassination attempt yeah I was I was kind of spun out over that when he when he approached Destiny on stage at that mindes event yeah I was I was very upset Ste not very upset I was like dude come on what did he do like Destiny was on stage Alex just crashed the stage and started screaming at him and and he was asking all these questions Destiny couldn't even respond and I'm like what are you doing but the argument then is if if Alex just explain to my show if Alex hadn't done that Sten might not have spun out real real quick uh Comm is going to be speaking at 10: Eastern then interesting they were reporting 9: this morning that's 9 Central they pushed her to 10 said Eastern this morning but I could because NBC 5 Chicago says uh 9:00 P p.m. hour we could keep the show going a little longer but you know they're going to start late Destiny handled kind of well he put his feet up didn't really care what Alex was saying so Destiny didn't care he put his hand he put his feet up on the table didn't really care he did care cuz it because he played it off I guess yeah but what are you supposed to do yeah but again get mad and fight but it's it's also like it's really effed up that you're stage someone crashes and give it a mic it's it's you know it's like what the hell's what am I supposed to No One pulled him off yeah stopped him but I so I'm not familiar he was basically it was it was not a bit he was actually just going after him in his Alex way he was had a smile in his face he wasn't like you know going like going to hurt him but it was still like what are you doing it was very off yeah very off where where was it at Austin at the Vulcan and and Alex was like your wife and and Stephen's like oh my God again is this all you people and then he kind of lumped in this weird conservative people thing and it's like just reinforcing his stereotype of crazy people on the right which is not good for his brain and people on the left so like I didn't I didn't personally I don't know man I'm not much of a of a social Jammer I think Honesty and kindness is the better path but there is a place for for Alex to style comedy for sure and Alex explained on my show and made a lot of sense cool yeah yeah but I do think Ian you often take this approach where you cons consistently give the benefit of the doubt and tried to empathize with evil people yeah turn them to the light I'm like uh Obi-Wan you think Destiny's evil I'm not talking about Destiny Okay I mean I think Destiny is a bad guy for sure um you know if we get into the the depth of his being maybe we come to the conclusion that he's evil we have to have a conversation about it but I just mean Ian often says things like pardon Hillary Clinton you know what I mean but that's kind of like a utilitarian hostage negotiation type of thing like pardon everyone get it over with the move forward you insane no no I want the laware to end and I feel like if you can end it across the aisle at all once you could end it Michael is uh uh governor for gitmo yes think about the Sith if you if you strike one down another one just pops up somewhere else in the universe so you got to build another lamp post you got to turn them to the light that's the way to defeat you're going to turn Hillary Clinton to the light yeah little bit Kumbaya goes the long way that's the way so anyway to the point of Destiny in in many of these circumstances you have these as I was explaining with the cinste I'm triggered I know I know as as I explained with the kenin I've taught you nothing you've got these individuals know they're lying I I I Destiny knows he's lying I have what about most of his positions like uh there he he he he tries baiting me to so I we were talking on the show about why someone asked me if I would have him on the show after he gloated over the death of Cory compor sure and I said no because we anybody who gloats any anybody who intentionally Breaks the Rules of the social media platforms by glorifying gloating or encouraging violence harm and death would just get us banned I I Destiny I could not wrap my head around that Destiny coming on the show would be an instaband for us so it's not a question of I said I don't need personal beef it's just if we brought him on the show so he could articulate his position on why he wanted to glorify the death of someone who was murdered by a psychopath you would just delete the episode it's crazy so then he starts making up lies lying about me lying about my positions it's it's it's it's been a couple a month or two so I can't remember the the specific things he posted but uh one example I can give you is he says oh yeah well Tim had Laura ler on and Laura lommer called for the death penalty and I was like and we pulled that show off the air instantly but he doesn't tell his audience that he says why is Tim P having Laura lomer who says this and then he doesn't clarify that actually we told her not to say those things don't glorify death even in that circumstance and we pulled the show cuz we don't we we we say no to that he might not have known that the show got pulled he's of course he does and it doesn't matter to him anyway when he was doing that episode he played the clip that literally showed the episode getting pulled down that was part of the commentary saying why did Tim pull the episode he's lying these people are lying you don't spend your life on the internet reading all of the context and then going oops I made a mistake again oops I made a mistake again this is what I'm saying about David Pacman the example I always give is when he played a clip of Ted Cruz on Meet the Press and Ted they asked Ted Cruz do you really believe that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton win and Ted Cruz respond something to the effect of the New York Times reported it and then you hear a producer start laughing and then David Pacman starts laughing and says these something to the effect of like wow how stupid is he to believe this there's no way David Pacman sourced the Meet the Press clip in and did not see Politico and the New York Times reporting it as fact he had to intentionally not read those stories so when I see him do something like that I'm like what cuz I've known I've known Pac-Man for like 12 Years or or we're going on yeah I can't 2008 I've been watching his met him met him during like the Occupy era like I don't know I remember when he had 700 subscribers on YouTube I was like so a suit it's not like I'm friends with them or anything I've known him for a long time we've talked periodically we've been at different events and so I'm like there's no way when you Google search this Ukrainian thing and Politico pops up and it says and I'm going to pull it up because I always do Ukraine uh Politico uh Ukraine it's it's it's saved in this computer because of how often I pull this up Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire January 11th 2017 Donald Trump wasn't the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials from a S former Soviet block this this is Ken uh Kenneth P vogle and David Stern who reported this this this report was massive and Ted Cruz was like saw in the news and then he runs a clip mocking Ted Cruz and I'm like he's he's intentionally lying anybody who reads the news for a living saw this story knew that Ukraine did this Paul maniford went to prison over it it was huge news and he pretends like he doesn't know these people are lying because that's why I show the graph of the kenin and I gave him a 200 IQ because I'm nice when he's when his IQ his IQ is either very high and he's completely dishonest or he's really stupid and genuinely believes what he's saying but I don't believe for a second that somebody who reads the news all day is is just like it would be like imagine someone stretched a a Swiss a a sheet of 20in thick swiss cheese over the Grand Canyon and they're covering their eyes and spinning across it and dancing and missing every single hole not falling to their death did you ever see when Jesse Lee Peterson praise be unto him had Pac-Man on his show and kicked him off no no he kicked him off why why cuz he's like uh you're you're not you didn't come here to tell the truth you're a liar and you're one of the children of the LIE thank you thank you your time goodbye go find find the clip it's hilarious Jesse Peterson kicks off Pacman what were they talking about at the time he goes is having a military pay for transgender surgeries progress and David was just kind of like well Jesse you were for like less spending less money in on Healthcare and goes okay thank you like like he like kind of dodging giving a direct answer to the question I can't find it in the immediate I can only find the hourong reason I well it'll be at the very end you could just it's I'm I'm telling you like you'll see where he kicks him off it's not hard to find the reason I give these people benefit it's really worth watching I'm telling you for the audience it doesn't it doesn't come up when I search for it I'll find it I'll find it the reason I'll give people benefit of the doubt often is because I'm like all right it depends on the person though does and the situation and the time because sometimes I will sometimes I won't secretly I'll have feelings and beliefs that I don't necessarily espouse publicly because I feel like as Americans we're kind of on the same team whether we want to be or not I don't always like my teammates so crazy but dude there's a lot of people in the world that are really not on our team and these people and there's a lot of people in our country that really are on our team how can you know this atast at least we can communicate with them through English like at least we can May that is such a nonse Michael I have a question yeah are you voting for Trump I don't vote you don't vote you I don't vote I'm an anarchist yeah but still I mean no but what do you mean what part of that's unclear yeah I don't believe in voting I believe in representation thanks for checking out this clip from timcast IRL make sure to watch the show live Monday through Friday at 800 PM subscribe to this Channel and we will see you all there

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