Matthew McConaughey Returns | Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 01:43:19 Category: Comedy

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did I do this last time oh maybe but it's bound to happen Mr D Mr D hold on let me just let me get my B you f no I was just getting my body oh you know he gets his body kind of right he does a lot of the work with his body oh you notice that right the way he moves yeah Hees yeah he gets himself like he likes to be like this welcome welcome welcome to armchair expert with Mr Dax Mrs is Monica oh so I guess you know what guests we have on today Dax Mr Dax GNA swing by the Matthew mccon show don't worry guys don't worry this comes up I ask Matthew how he feels about my imprison of him so don't worry don't you worry don't you worry this will be very satisfying in the end Matthew mccon has an Inc incredible event he's putting on it's free it's a free event called The Art of Living with Matthew MCC and special guests and he's putting it on with eight other folks and it's going to be a big Bo Tony Robbins is involved T robs yep it's incredible so we get to have him back again and it delivered once again go down a a fun rabbit hole with Mr MCC he takes me on a spiritual ride when he's talking I noticed it was happening to you too getting sucked into the I saw you like rolling on the river of what he was saying cuz I was on it too yeah he'll take you places in fact he was taking me places and I was expecting to look over at you and see you skeptically not in it and I looked over and you were grooving and it was so clear you were like nodding your head like in places I knew you might question otherwise like yes yes I get it yes totally oh my God what a fun ride he took us on please enjoy boy Matthew [Music] MCC hello yeah yeah uhhuh take it in how we doing do y'all play wle occasionally yes same I kind of dropped off but I was really into it I have not dropped off of word or Candy Crush oh Candy Crush have you [ __ ] with the math one there's one that's math equations i' read Bill Gates loves it so I'm like I got to check this out and it's similar to wle you got to come up with the equation that would give you the answer you get five it's called like CLE or something my kids trying to get me on foodel what's that it's like food five letter you know uh pasta oh where are you at I love this room it's wood Florida ceiling gorgeous wood Florida ceiling my office SL media room you get a little background Peaks and to don't have it on portrait mode and that kind of thing do you have a pool back there I see a little blue I see some water or something blue out the sliding door that's actually a pot potted pot for a potted plant oh oh can I just say you look gorgeous oh thank you man what what do you have for breakfast uh shrooms Boomers yes had your apertures open get them pupils wide don't miss a thing hey I love it but you do your [ __ ] skin looks so hydrated and lovely and I was going to ask you this later in the interview but I am dying to know a how's aging going what do you notice do you have a game plan what do you do good question and I hear you man seems to me this aging thing right it's like how do you do it gracefully but how do you deny it and there's some awkward ways to deny it we've all seen it you're like going oh you shouldn't have take two of those yep like Putin's face you look at Putin's face and you're like woo there's a jug there's a jug of filler in there yeah for instance I blew both my knees out a couple years ago and my son's 12 good athlete so obviously beaten me in sports right and so I get surgery they're better but I'm not back to where I was and he's still kind of beating me in a lot of things but I chose to go I'm not ready to accept that fact yet so I went into hardcore rehab and really worked on my knees got him back and now it's arguable yeah at least I'm back competing he's better than some but I'm I'm still whooping him some I wasn't ready to concede look my hair we've talked about that before 1999 I didn't have any of this and I had a silver dollar bald on top and I went like go gracefully be all face all out all that big be all be all face that's a great but I remember going wait a minute I'm not ready to go quietly into the night on this you know I considered like hair plugs I was like I don't want to do that I hav none of those look that good so I found this topical treatment I've talked about it many times regenx and I started working on it topically and son of a [ __ ] I have a better hairline now than I did 99 so I still use it daily I'm not going to quit and see if it's all going to stick and then what am I fight do I wish I had more energy in the afternoon do I wish I didn't have that little lull I'm trying to get off coffee even though it's the best in the morning it steals energy from your afternoon the other thing I do which I'm told is specific that is helpful that I've always done is I average a nine and a half hour sleep a night okay you're able to go a full nine and a half you're not waking up non-stop to pee and stuff one whiz in the night and that's it and you drop right back into your Slumber when you hit the rack yeah okay that might be a mental disposition you don't get anxiety in the middle of the night do you wake up ruminating on ID ideas or concerns I do get ideas which is why I like to have a drink at night too just to slow the thoughts down you know like whoa let's get those in half because that's what will keep me up is ideas or right now I got this freaking song stuck on my head so every thought and every dream is going to the beat of that song Lay it back I'm like I love the song but that's enough yeah yeah slow it down and get a little orchestral thought I'm on testosterone okay how's that going I love it I started five years ago and I gotta say five years ago I was sincerely thinking that was a good time I liked show business I think it might be time for me to relax and do my hobbies for the rest of my life how much money do I have how do I make this work and harder to keep muscle on all that kind of stuff so I have a couple friends on it I tried it and honestly 3 months later this this podcast was started I was in two different TV shows I'm hungry let's devour let's conquer I love the physical benefits but yeah I [ __ ] love it so energy went up engagement what else the fire you know remember when you were 14 and you get your friend on the phone and be like let's meet in this field I'll bring matches you bring WD40 that hunger to get out and explore returned get down how's your hairline hair Line's great so listen to this I was on propia forever like you about 20 years ago I'm doing the pilot for punk I'm in a hotel room in Vegas I've never seen the back of my head there's mirrors everywhere I'm taking a [ __ ] right before I go on camera first time in my life on camera and I go uhoh what is that it's dicey back there was on propa for I guess 20 years then I had huberman I had him on he's like stop taking that it's a DHD testosterone blocker use it topically just get off that and put a topical Blocker on which I've switched to and that's working because that's what that prop will do it'll hold what you got and those little thin blondies will start to get a little darker root and become thicker yes so I've been off the propa for like a year and a half and then I got all the DHT I want which is the best testosterone it doesn't convert to estrogen it's what you want so your DHT obviously for five years the residuals have been good for it you didn't go into the debit section anywhere and you're not buying credit from the future with it now in your opinion no but I'm open to the notion there will be some longevity concerns and I just really had to talk with myself do I want 30 years I enjoy or 35 I kind of want to be retired like how am I evaluating life no I hear you because we're kind of hardwired to just think like you got to go as far as you can but I don't know this quantity race I got real questions about it man we're all drinking the Kool-Aid on Mo's better I've Got a Theory I'm working on now called the other 359 meaning there's 360 degrees right and the one lane is straight up that's the vertical Lane where all the traffic is quantities king that's the definition of more and all these other lanes there's not near as much traffic but they can give you much more quality you can scale outward you can dig your deeper Roots downward if the quantity we're chasing doesn't give us more quality of life then we're using the wrong calculat but we're told highest number tallest tower that's it look man I'm not in a rush get out of here I'm not looking forward to death I'd like to be around but this obsession with the highest number my buddy Dan buttin who does blue zones is study the people who live the longest and the people that live the longest don't try to live longer they just forget to die right right right right right yeah my mom who's 91 and absolutely kicking ass just has zero stress and that's part of her deal she gets on me all the time why are you considering that why are you been so considerate I'm like why you kind of T me that and she's not a shallow person but she's not even thinking about living longer she's just like I haven't considered that what are you talking about I don't know I haven't thought about yeah that's fascinating well this kind of dob tailes into what we're going to talk about which is the story you're telling yourself about your life is very powerful right way more powerful than we'd ever want to actually admit to ourselves cuz when you have a story you only see evidence that confirms your story right you can't see the evidence that denies your story true and there is a great value to denial if you truly commit to it I was raised by that woman I was talking about to be resilient you fall down get up D yourself off move on I mean come on it's not broken it's a bruised got everything I would say that's one of my top three values is resilience at the same time if you only are getting up and dusting yourself off and denying anything else that gets away You're a repeat offender you step in the same pile of [ __ ] every time around the corner and you get up and dust yourself off and say I gotta keep winning the race when the ideal thing to do is go hang on a second I'm gonna stop I'm take a pause look over my shoulder and see why I keep stepping in that same pile of [ __ ] so my next time around the bin I can sidest step it there's some Evolution right yes and we do have to slow down in the race what I call a yellow light to get into that Evolution to make a different choice I love what you're saying because it's the difference between being defeated by things you don't want your child to be defeated by things you don't want to be defeated by things but you also want to learn from the thing and avoid the thing not just learn to ignore the thing right we all suffer from both sides of that I love the term yellow light because it's the real life light Choice what do you do it's saying caution slow down do you heed its caution and like oh I'm going to tap the brakes gear down down because I need to take pause and look over my shoulder do some inventory or which we also need to do is sometimes to go yellow light caution [ __ ] that pedal to the metal I'm not giving it no credit man if you're running every yellow light you're not evolving but if you're slowing down to stop at every yellow light it can be mental paralysis you can sit there and be immobilized by your objectivity and your context and your over consideration and all of a sudden you're not the subject I love help and educ ation and counsel and I have a lot of people that are in therapy and I see it do well for them but too much we can become so hyper aware of wait what am I doing how will it land is it being perceived as I hope it intend it to be all of a sudden you're like dude just do it it can lead to massive self-consciousness and I think we'd all aspire to be really what you are to me is comfortable in our bodies and comfortably moving self-consciously through the world trying to be did you watch stuts stuts no oh my God I'd love for you to watch it it's a documentary on Netflix that Jonah Hill made about his therapist Phil stuts this very famous psychiatrist but he has some incredible takes on a lot of what you're saying his point is you have a shadow we all do it's maybe the most interesting part of ourselves and that shadow is there telling us don't try cuz you'll fail and get laughed at and and that all a human's real job in life is to nurture that shadow and keep stepping forward and keep creating knowing it'll be imperfect knowing there'll be failure just moving moving moving in the face of that shadow it's a great documentary on a lot of levels not just because of stuts but because Jonah tries to make this about stuts originally and then it just is failing and he acknowledges it's failing and he recognizes it's going to have to be about him and we're going to have to see stuts work on him it's brilliant the honesty and so Jonah talks about his shadow and he's got a picture of his shadow basically see when he was his most overweight 12-year-old self so insecure thought the world hated him and Phil stut says that little boy is the voice that's telling you not to do everything right and Jonah comes to recognize he's looking at the picture and he says man I went and made it I did it all and I didn't bring him along for the ride I didn't invite him to join me at the party and I'm like oh isn't that what we all do reservation for one please yes so it's like encouraging you to nurture that little whatever Matthews whatever day he got embarrassed and ashamed and got insecure it's like invite that little boy hold his hand and bring him with you on this ride and keep him yeah when I take these little solo trips off with myself the first 10 days are [ __ ] hell dialogue is just oh I'm like sick of myself and then about day 11 or 12 12 I usually have some sort of spiritual and physical Purge that just happens and I guess it's when I just get fed up and I realize oh well you're the only [ __ ] I'm stuck with the only some I can't choose to bring along or not so we better [ __ ] figure out how to get along man what are we gonna forgive and what are we gonna say the buck stops here I'm tired of that [ __ ] but we're going for together so let's shake on it you son of a bit and then all of a sudden I'm like hey come on bro go let's do this and then all of a sudden life becomes clear again or clearer at least when we start giggling at the right stuff what's happening in the 10 days like what are the pieces that you don't like can I guess yeah I think for those first 10 days you're like you're so full of [ __ ] fraud non-deserving [ __ ] impostor cheater liar yeah talk a big game [ __ ] look at you man yeah oh that's nice sounded real clever there mccon from the neck up what about the man yeah you got them all fooled don't you all that stuff and then symbols oh what are these symbols this ring means this to me this ring means this to me you were here before you had these symbols what are you doing man strip them all off get back down to the old birthday suit mammal that was born and go for me I call a child of God that's it man bam mammal here we go I guess now I can go back and redefine why did I put on that wedding ring why does that M from MCC that my dad gave me as a ring what does that mean what does that American flag on my cat mean what do these things mean well because you were kind of relying on them you know they were my proverbial red sports car of identity the 300 ZX baby t-tops quit leaning against it like the guy at the dance against the wall smoking cigarettes instead of being on the dance Court get the [ __ ] off the wall bro so that's what that first 10 days is just getting the ego in check and seeing what's full of this full that and I am not for getting rid of ego I don't think that's the right path I think we got to have judgment for identity but check it sometimes insecurities failures regrets shame embarrassment and then something happens day 11 12 13 the thing that made me go oh [ __ ] on day three now made me go right right right giggle at myself a little bit at the end of the day you kind of extend yourself the grace you would to any other human being right you know stress is a word that has such a bad name right now and I think it's getting a bad name kind of unfairly having a little bit of stress means you give a [ __ ] and what we're labeling stress we're labeling everything stress these days there's this child psychologist that talked with all these young men and women and were like what's your your biggest problem not they're like stress I'm like Stress For What and they were like well I don't have as good a grad as Joe I don't have the shoes that Jane has I don't you know look as good as son he goes That's not stress that's envy and soon soon as he relabeled it Envy for the child the child was like oh I can deal with that I just didn't know how to deal with stress yeah the guilt I've done it it sound like it maybe similar you don't offer yourself the gracious hand that you offer others is actually arrogance oh sure yeah that's great and we gotta watch that you know yeah because I guess in this inflated self-esteem and inflated ego comes with it I should know better like maybe this other guy I can extend the grace to say yeah you didn't know better or these situations LED you to hear but now you know but for me I am so arrogant that I'm like you [ __ ] know better every time right this was no accident you've never been involved in an accident and here's the other thing you do right right that's day 11 that's day 12 you're like yes I do and that's also human and I bogeyed again okay who are you jealous of cuz you're very self-aware I have a a good hunch you know exactly how I see you I talk about you on this podcast all the time by the way Letterman was our guest yesterday Letterman happens to say oh my favorite part of having mat Damon on was I would make him do his MCC impersonation all the time so then I say oh would you like to hear mine I do one as well so then I get some mileage out of that and then we're just kind of expounding upon you and I'm saying and I believe it I'm like he is an enigma to me this man looks so comfortable in his own skin he seems to enjoy exactly where he's Ling landed in a way that seems so healthy I'm jealous of it there's just a comfort so knowing that you know how I look at you and you know how a lot of people in America look at you it would be hard for us to imagine that you are jealous of some people and I want to know who those people are I'm probably not as jealous as I am capable of being and I know it started as intellectual exercise of just when any jealousy or one or Envy popped up I squash it called it mortal hogwash well it's a weakness right you and I are on the same path I'm like anytime I evaluate that I'm being weak that's my full attention so for me jealousy represents a weakness and I won't have it I don't remember the last person that I was jealous of I am jealous of people with traits of what I'm chasing to get to the man I'm trying to become look I'm jealous of my mom's lack of consideration and context and her absolute Free Will and just moving forward and being like I don't understand what you're hung up about why you're feeling bad about guilty about that come on they'll get over it and she's usually right I'm jealous of people that don't seem to need a complishment an achievement as much as I do to feel significant I am jealous of myself when I don't need that achievement accomplishment to feel significant because I'm in touch with my past I have respect for what I've built to get here when I'm spiritually sound when I'm connected to my past I don't have those bouts of insignificance I'm midlife crisis and I'm may be going through one right now but I think so many of midlife crisises are about when we don't respect what we've actually built to this point because for me I know when things are going well I have such a tendency to be like well that's the mean that's how it ought to be that should be the line which is false no when it's going well you should be like [ __ ] yeah man we're rolling now green lights are to running downhill let's compound these assets because it ain't goingon to be like this all the time but I have go like no that should be the norm so if something doesn't come away all of a sudden like oh man and all of a sudden I have to realize welcome to life pod this is where most of the mean is so I'll have bouts of insignificance if I don't get what I want or pull off what I want or maybe don't feel I'm relevant in the right way I get jealous of people that have the full belief in themselves even in those times they're playing the long game man they're like no this is a blip let self-confidence go down now because you win 0 for two you know that kind of thinking just to remember I get jealous of that of people that can live that way that you don't know if they've had the freaking worst day you don't know if they just lost their ass financially or you don't know if they just had their best day in the biggest acquisition that I really respect and can lean into jealousy I recently read the Washington biography by Ron chernau could not recommend it enough it's phenomenal I didn't know [ __ ] about Washington other than the obvious stuff but during the Continental Congress he's there with all the fathers right and they're spouting off all their genius wisdom and they're talking Non-Stop and what made everyone so obsessed with Washington is he never opened his mouth and they were like this guy must be the smartest guy in the room he's the only one not trying to prove how smart he is and people just imbued onto him this quality of leadership in stalwart knowledge he is so forign to me I'm like I got to win you over you're getting the Platinum package when you meet me I need the approval I need you to think I'm smart and I look at his character and I go like my God I could definitely stand to have a little more of that Washington yeah I know I'm guilty of that too let's give ourselves a little credit to the old best foot forward full package for instance I'm told that sometimes people think I'm over trusting in my heart I'm like I'll go down on the sword for that one then I believe that's mortal value mortally I get it you better be wise bro don't be a fool and I've built enough stuff that I don't want to be a fool with stuff I've built and just let someone come pick my pocket I get that but I have seen when I give more trust to someone it will create a like response and all of a sudden they will give me more trust did you learn that from someone or are you innately like that no that's been an innate feeling and it can work for trust it can work with respect it can work with fairness it can work with being cool and I see it and I'm around big business and in politics as well I've seen politicians and major business corporate CEOs get completely screwed over written about or Hoodwinked or pencil whipped by someone they had Christmas with man their families hung out together and I'm like don't you just want to get that son of a [ __ ] in the dark alley and you're like no it's just business or no it's just politics I'm not ready to shake hands with Ah that's just the way it is Ah that's okay no no no I'd rather just be aware of you and not do business business with you this is what I like to say I'm working a lot of us are working our ass off to win the fair fights the fair fights are hard enough to win if nobody cheats raising the best family you can being the best spouse having a career that you work hard at and you become competent at it you become good at a skill those are fair fights that are hard to win and man these ones that come with I've already spiked the punch on Howdy you now if you want to tell me hey this is the ring we're getting in and no Bard that's a different game I can click into that but come on it's hard enough to win the fair ones and if I'm trying to win the fair ones and I want to fight it fair and you're trying to fight them fair if we're going to get together we're going to do each other a service by not [ __ ] over each other well you can kind of live with the results of that people sleep well yeah you can live with best man one I can but I don't think people are embarrassed like I wish some of us would be I think people sleep just fine with the screw over I see it catch a lot of people towards the end of their life when they do get some new perspective or they're looking back on their most affluent mobile years I do see regret come in and all of a sudden this sort of Bend to knee ask for forgiveness or whatever that is but I've also seen people go all the way through and be like that was a game I played I won I didn't care about the rules yeah I wonder because what gives me kind of peace of mind a lot of times is I'm not carrying a list of people who have [ __ ] me over when I go to sleep at night that's actually doesn't really enter my mind what enters my mind all the time is people I have [ __ ] over people who I have lied to people who I have wronged that is in me like a tattoo right and that's why I make amends or whatever but I don't live with anyone else's mistakes I live with mine and actually gives me Comfort when I'm seeing someone who's [ __ ] me over I have the presence of mind a lot of times just go like yeah man and I don't have to live with that that's going to keep that dude up for life that's the punishment that's the immortal thinking right there and I believe you're right I don't think you can ever go wrong with that that's longterm call it karma call it spiritual whatever you want to you're right on the amount of places they have to go in this world and look over their shoulder because they've screwed so many people over that's stress and anxiety in their life that's lack of Freedom lack of green lights in their life sorry you can have that yeah yeah yeah yeah if that's what comes with the victory it's all yours stay tuned for more armchair expert if you dare what are we doing with acting Matthew where are we at what are we doing with acting what are we doing well the last few years I had a really wonderful time getting rid of a lot of those filters that come with acting for it's enough to get a job we're playing another character someone else's script directed by someone else lensed in the camera by someone else edited by someone else before our all expression is shared the writing of the book got rid of four of those filters for me is a written word so there's still one filter I've really been working on checking in with wool in the ultimate big picture the big movie that's being made which we are all the subject and the main character in then action was called once when we were born and cut will be called once when we leave this life what are we doing we're being recorded at least in the hands of time what am I doing that's the challenge I've been putting on myself for the last few years which has had me question a lot of new things about my own usefulness about leadership about Legacy about my kids about fatherhood about characters I am now becoming more interested in actually going to play another character in a here TV show because all the last four years of culminating and writing and getting these things together and getting more into some public service now that I'm starting to dispatch those and get them organized and put them in front of me freed me up to go the idea of going to act in the right role in the right kind of movie film or Series right now sounds like an awesome vacation I've been on the same Journey which is for The Last 5 Years I do this really curious that I directed movies it took me two years my whole goal was I could let you in on my point of view oh wow I sit down in here and I do it real time and then it's out one second later like if what I want to do is let you in on my point of view this is certainly a quicker more concise version of it without all those filters too yes and without the confinements of structure in three acts in 90 minutes and all these things so liberating so fulfilling that I go like I don't even want to do that thing anymore yet weirdly so five years of myself and it sounds like for you three years of yourself playing yourself kind of like oh yeah I wouldn't mind playing someone else I might be sick of myself like it might actually be time to go be someone else I know none of this time at all has been in vain I would dare be arrogant enough to think any of it has I'll be a different or improved actor in my own right after this last three years I deliberately chose to go focus on on some of the things I was talking about and I have different perspectives do you think maybe you could reenter it for processing that outcome in a way that you've never really entered it where I have is so much respect for the vocation of acting I think I have a healthier relationship I'm not looking at for my survival and my thrival I think good acting emulates life real life is where the stuff comes from I think I've experienced some real good life in this last few years in ways that I hadn't in while I've been more introverted to write a book is introversion the three years of covid sort of was a force monasticism on everybody in some version I write my journal 247 it's whenever something comes up bam right and then I trust that okay I'm gonna go look at this in a few years and I'm gonna trust there's going to be some themes in there and I'm finding that out now they like oh yeah you wrote what you wanted but there's about eight different themes that you're trying out in life that you're trying to experiment with and see if they pay you back and how do they work doing that as free me up to go play a role that really turns me on in a sort of structured that's what been so tough about the last few years for everybody we evolved in limbo to go have some structure we like got a call time I got lines I got scenes I got a character and I know if I lay this down dayto day hopefully I can put together performance and hopefully it'll be in something that'll be its own external piece of art with me as a character that sounds like a vacation right now to me well the reason I wondered if it would be more about process than outcome is that for me a it's not my identity anymore that was wild like really kind of unbuckling that as an identity was Stronger Than I guess I would have guessed almost like I feel like I left a cult in some weird way secondly I don't need it at all if I did it it'd be because I wanted to which means it's because I enjoyed the process and hanging with other folks I liked playing and [ __ ] off in front of a camera I don't give a [ __ ] if it comes out I don't care if it makes money I don't care if it leads to another job that's a freedom I've never done the thing with and that's certainly a freedom you have right now 15 years ago I didn't have the courage to believe that I didn't trust myself I thought oh if I think I don't need this then I'm gonna have ass it and I've learned even if you say no this doesn't Define me it's not my top priority I'm not going to work any less hard to get it done for my own self so now I trust myself with that you know cool story on process after it took a couple years off after doing nothing but romcoms and getting offered nothing but romcoms I got all these dramas I wanted to do and I was like [ __ ] the results man I'm going for the experience but look at the results I got more results yeah I love the metaphor of like you play golf I've avoided an intentionally because I'm an addict so no well me too I because five hours a day that's not going to be good for my relation my wife's not having that yeah but golfers right every golf knows if you're having a good round don't look at the scorecard to see how many under over you are on the 16th T box that's asking for a double bogey your best rounds when you walk off the 18th green like you're going to the next T box and you have to be reminded oh the round's over the work that Jared Leto and I got to do in Dallas SPS Club people think this is weird but it was so much fun and you'll know this is an actor Jared Leto and I met actually met each other on the last day of shooting they called rap and looked over jarto who had been playing rayon who I'd been treating like rayon this whole time and I went hey M of out he goes there man that was fun we were so into the process right yeah yeah yeah oh that's great had to go hey it's over went oh okay it was so much fun there's a vacation in loving the process there's a vacation in Behaving within the process being the subject in the process and not necessarily sometimes going at being so objective to go wait let me see how am I doing is what I'm doing Landing right I'm I don't know man hadn't looked up just being the dude yeah flow for three months yeah all right well on behalf of America I'm ready for a like a 10p parter I can sink my teeth into all right I think we're all ready could you have po no before I ask you that how do you feel about psychedelics I know they can be useful I've seen them open up the aperture for people that needed apertures open up I've seen people say it in ways where they're like all the tentacles in my brain were like this until I did them and everything connected for the first time that was an Australian saying that yeah I liked it took me back to your vacation there yeah M remember he had the weird live weird house with you're like study abro or whatever that was [ __ ] weirdest story ever that was a psychedelic in itself oh my God they're not for everybody for everyone all the time I don't think they're not for every Pisces they're already fish they already swim four dimensionally they need a little structure well what are you what are you I'm Scorpio so one could argue that the right psychedelic for me could be useful because I love a structure and a plan and like to be in control right can say oh you know what oh over the walls and be able to Swerve on the BMS a little bit more what can be great about any drug and if you're going to talk about we're talking about a natural psychedelic is so many of these things they're not a problem when you're on them they're a problem when you're off them the freedom of a valume on Friday night you're so relaxed because you're having half as many thoughts you have twice as much energy the freedom that can come with someone that is dealing with some anxiety for that can be great on Friday night but when it's not good is when you start to get a little Twitchy on Tuesday afternoon because you're overcompensating you're like now I'm having one and a half more thoughts than I had before it's like with the coffee thing if can buy energy from your afternoon if it's buying energy from your future that's when it can become a problem so then you go well instead of your Friday night give me one Tuesday and it's Thursday then it's Friday then all of a sudden sobriety is like I can't function and all of a sudden you know you've seen it you're lining up with things the drink the this that and the other and so the psychedelics I've seen them be good for the right people I've seen weed be very useful for some people I know someone very close to me that if they don't have a TOA THC in the morning by 9:30 a.m. they have a sweat mark from their elbow to their bottom rib yeah their nervous system is just yeah I've also seen people overdo it yeah I've seen some lazy [ __ ] come on bro no this is reality right in front of us man that's it they'll make a straight line crooked water is wet pour it in the glass drink it that's it everything's not a bright idea we don't need too many bright ideas okay were you shocked with how incredibly well green lights did like we talked to you I think October 2020 so the book was just coming out and then it spent 65 weeks on the bestseller list it sold three million copies it's the bestselling celebrity Memoir in 10 years were even you like oh damn that's interesting oh hell yeah like oh did I hit a nerve how do you make sense of that kind of Victory I know it's like it's its own process when you do a movie that works because it's so freaky why they work or they don't it's such a magic trick and so I'd imagine entering a whole new medium and then having this great success it might take a while to understand why it worked I'm still understanding still trying to understand why it worked and I'm going into which we'll chat about later with this art of living thing doubling down on the next sort of crystallization of what was taken and suggested and and appreciated from the book where green lights was an approach book interested now in getting down to more the process how do you make it tangible and transformational for individuals to really go oh I can measure that oh I see that science to satisfaction and that science can lead to an art of living I've had so many people around the world come up to me and you know is someone can come up and be a fan of some work you do and they go hey man Lov you and so and so and you can be like cool high five appreciate it and then there's people that you're like yeah cool and they go they grab you by both shoulders and they Square you up and they go no no [ __ ] listen to me yeah did this for me and you go cool wow you got to fight the fraudulent feeling first right here's where I'm now about eight months ago I went ahe and shook hands with fraud I'm like look man the more I read the more I'm seeing I'm plagiarizing the more I read I'm like oh I'm just reporting things that I think I Inuit it that are absolutely original I'll go read I go that's been around for 2,000 years I'll be like okay fine you're messaging in a different way and good on you m go forward on that so I've gotten over that fraudulent thing or at least shaking hands with going and if it's fra so what it's communicating it's being understood in a different way I gotta tell you something really quick I flew into Houston four months ago I have a bus it was being fixed in neosia so I fly into Houston and my man picks me up from Ford travel he works at the motor home company he picks me up in Houston that's a long drive to nacadas so I'm getting to know this guy Tyle and out of nowhere he just goes you do a show right you interview people I go yeah he goes you ever interview MCC and I go yeah he goes that book green lights oh my God I never read a book like that Matthew he went on for 40 minutes about this book this hit this [ __ ] between the eyes it was awesome it was just out of absolute nowhere it opened up his chest and [ __ ] went right in well thank you Tyle I've gotten a bunch of those run-ins people going I saw myself in your stories or bringing up a certain prescribe or something they go man I really been working on that one's really helped me take a risk here's what I've done the last six months and I believe I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your book A lot of people saying they' taken risk they never took before and then a lot of people still questioning which is why I want to follow up on this and I'm working on another book now it's not it's not a green lights to but it is a crystallization of some of the ideas and it's also what we're going to do in this Art of Living event is people going so I'm catching green lights but how can I trust that it's the right green light I'll say like you don't want battery pow green lights you want solar powdered green lights right ones that give you residuals and then people going yeah but this yellow light man it's the most like life do I put the pedal to the metal and blow it or when do I slow down and again there that's an individual art right and then this red light thing man what do you mean you know I tell the story about my dad dying it was a major red light but had the major green light gift of me to cease acting like the man he taught me to be and start becoming the man in his absence because I didn't have him as a crutch some people go but dude that's callous man you know what do you mean you're like brushing over it you're denying the pain of your dad's death like no I didn't shed any less tears I don't feel any less of a gaping hole it was no less of a crisis and Pain by realizing that gift feel like I'm honoring him more so I'm actually giving more Credence to the life he lived and Credence to his longer being here and so I'm not for delusional optimism but I'm also not for cynics either I'm for Skeptics and I think true optimism is true realism what the hell else are we gonna do and so there is a gift in those red lights part of it trusting that they're there without being a fool again and brushing over and go no there is no crisis no this is not a problem and that's the questions that most people still have when we interviewed you you know you tell this story that's very comical but your mom and dad fighting and chucking a [ __ ] bottle of ketchup or something and then there's a knife and then there's love making and mon are both were like like that's trauma it's trauma so it's what you're already talking about it's like the Nuance of life I'm caught between processing understanding what you've been through also being the hero in your story and not being a victim and being grateful ultimately for the things that have led to you being where you're at assuming you like where you're at so learning to do that but yeah that was one of my first things I'm like yeah it's a fun story but I don't know another kid in the same situation is pretty [ __ ] up by that experience and I hear you let's unpack that and have some fun unpacking that for a second one thing that I think we all need to check in on more so and I know I do is appropriate expectations and this non-consideration land Roman hell no it wasn't man there was blood drawn and my mom at 91 right now is the first one to pick up her middle finger that goes like this from being broke a few times AG go it's exactly what I needed to communicate I instigated every one of them now I can look at her and go well you're out of your mind but that's not my place I can't tell her she was a victim if she's like no I was not yeah when I say appropriate expectations it's all love stories right our relationship with ourselves the world person sitting to the right of you your parents your past your future it's all a love story it's all a relationship well love stories are tragic love stories have pain and loss real love stories do my mom Endeavor divorced twice married three times I don't know am I being Shallow by saying oh well love one three to two that's the math yeah yeah so that gives me something to believe in and I don't judge my parents and how they treated each other because they were madly in love with each other people have appetites and indigestions man and they're allowed to enter into any contract they want I support it and they did and they wouldn't do it at different not one moment is it how I want my relationship to be with my wife no thank you no I like a little bit more of a slow moving River I'm not looking for the title wave at every freaking turn like my mom and dad were yeah yeah Victoria Falls one morning [ __ ] man I'm like gosh damn you know but to this day if I'm in there and we're sitting there last night having a conver around the table and everybody's just getting along great agreeing on stuff and my mom can put up with this for about 15 minutes and all a sudden she's like everyone quit just you know rubbing each other off come on come on get static here she'll just throw a wrench in just to get everyone going hey she's got to see some cont attention yeah yeah she wants some action it doesn't hurt her either she's the person that you say I'm sorry to she's like sorry for what these civil disagreements without personally attacking someone is something we can all work on admitting I think that we're not as evolved as species as we like to think we are I love that we're aspiring to be but when we come down and mortally judge and condemn each other for Being Human trying to work this riddle out trying to learn how to do right sometimes by screwing up first without any forgiveness or without any repentance sometime on the person when I say I think we need more embarrassment we also need people that screw up to go my bogey man my bad and we as the person who we're perpetrating us have to make that choice is this just a character trait of this person because if it is welome I'm not hanging out with them anymore or do I really believe that they repent that action and they want to go forward newly if we choose the second now we got a deeper cooler connection with that person going forward and we've built it up and we've evolved so I didn't judge my mom and dad now mind you it's what I knew did they tell some white lives along the way did I know that when I was living in trailer park with my dad that Mom and Dad were in the second divorce no I thought Mom was on extended vacation in Florida they didn't think I was old enough to understand they were in a divorced I don't sit there and go what didn't you tell me to this day I'm like I guess I'm glad I didn't really know how you synthesize your past a lot of the times I think is determined by how much you like your present and let's talk about Art of Living because I do imagine if you can get people to a spot in life that they like that they're grateful for that they're proud of it can reverse engineer how they feel emotionally about all the stuff that preceded it now if you're somewhere you absolutely hate you don't know why the [ __ ] this happened and why you landed here and why you're hopeless then yeah everything before you is an explanation of why you're in that spot but again if you like where you're at then the explanation is a good one if you can get people to where they want to be I think it can be a domino effect of how they feel about everything I haven't ever thought of deconstructing it back from if you're happy where you're at you deal with your past better but I like that I'm free to speak on uh April 24th come on come on the more popular narrative would be if you're okay with your past you're better with your present and I I think both those are true I'm going to go to a baseline thing where people are GNA go there's nothing inspiring or transformative about that but I do think it's where we all need to start and you'll know about this I think it's part of what AA teaches we got to start admitting more truth as I said I think we need to admit we're not as evolved a species as we like to think we are I think we need to admit that we lie that we are lied to and we are selective about which lies we choose to believe because how do they serve us I think we need to admit some of this [ __ ] without judging not admit it and then look in the mirror and go oh I'm [ __ ] horrible man no no just admit it and go yep guilty yep I've been drinking the Kool-Aid over there because it gave me a little identity and I needed an echo chamber of people that I could feel like were right next to me but I know it's kind of [ __ ] having Buy's remorse doesn't really add up I think we just admit these things without judging without a condemnation of ourselves or others and then we can look at each other and go certain things that we maybe brushed off and said oh that doesn't matter like those people we were talking about that maybe it sleep well at night by lying and cheat and stealing maybe they will be a little bit more embarrassing going I can admit I have been disc callous and I don't really give a [ __ ] about how I win and I have screws with people God damn it all right I admit that and if fact and I can only admit it if I know you're not going to come at me and go soon as you admit it I'm getting you yes yes yes yes admit it first and we can clean the Slate a little bit and start calling things like they are we're sold every day that more is purely and only quantifiable and that's the ticket that's success that's what you need to get if you want to be a winner if you want to be more you but that's not true does someone out there say yeah but if I'm having trouble paying my rent it's really easy for you to say MC hey sitting there in your wooden office with the nice Zoom I hear you I'm not I'm not saying that there are ways to fill our bank account and our souls account there ultimately ways to deal with ourselves and each other that will always pay us back that actually are truly the more selfish choice if we can just grab a little bit more onto delayed gratification about making some choices today that will pay us back more tomorrow just make that little 5% more investment I'm not saying quit partying I am saying if this world's full of milk Drinkers and beer drinkers if us beer drinkers get introduced to a glass of milk or a glass of water between beers sometimes we'll learn how to party with more people and party better for longer yeah yeah yeah yeah and that's an investment that's buying ourselves more pleasure there are investments we can make ourselves we Define what is it more we really want yeah I think finding the line of when something is giving and when it's taking you got to straddle that [ __ ] line party for me it took more than it gave you admitted somewhere along line that the debit in the proverbial hangover was hurting you worse than the you were gaining from the pleasure it was a big net loss you're incapable of drinking the milk you literally had a limitation where you could not drink milk I got no time for milk but you admitted it yes yes yes yes but how did you admit it when you said this morning sucks more than last night was awesome right well in a true admission that they'll all be like this that's really it cuz for a long time you think that was an anomaly yeah I really [ __ ] up yeah I've been asked not to drink at my friend Scott's house anymore huh oh I really shouldn't driven that car the door says so but I'm not going to in the future the real admission is I'm always going to in the future forget yesterday it's just like every time we do this it's going to be Russian Roulette we don't know if we're coming home in 12 hours or four days did that uncertainty bug you enough or that certainty that it was going to be be an uncertain mess of some form make you go uhuh I want more certainty yeah for me it was if you drink you will find cocaine within an hour and when you find cocaine you will not come home for 3 days so connecting the result with the first beer cuz the first beer anyone can talk themselves into but I had to fully admit and weld together that for me the first beer is 3 days of snorting coke and [ __ ] a stranger and getting a [ __ ] the MRI DNA [ __ ] STD test before I came home that's what one beer is in dax's life period end of story that's what a beer is where did that beer cost it 7-Eleven yeah I could get the 22 highl life for like a do30 wow somewhere there you admitted that yeah accepted it I will never do this right heard that's why I've always watched you with just such Fascination first time I met you I was like I mean I am so fascinated I'm not envious of someone who can have a drink like some people in AA are envious of like I wish I could have a glass of wine I don't I wish I could [ __ ] rage and then shut her down at 3 and be at work in the morning and not do Coke and from the outside it appears that that is the version you have like if I go to the store and shop for a version it'd be yours I told you that when I met you I ain't making a pluses on that I live with a bee I can say I've gotten better at picking my spots knowing my zone I'm pretty good if we're going to go off and it's going to be you know a big group of our friends and we're going to go to the ranch and it's going to be like take the lid off pretty good about going well let's not just clear Monday how about let's clear Tuesday till 4 pm I'll get back on Sunday night so I'll check out my back sure also on that proverbial Monday morning we're going to have to Bulldog it today buddy but I'm going to be there I'm gonna be sweating and I'm not gonna say those stupid words of oh I'm never gonna drink again yes you are show up Bulldog it because you'll feel better about that than sleeping through the appointment I think for you that is the back stop so if you were to blow by that that's the moment you would go I got a problem yes and even when we talked by that Lake my words were you have some Constitution you could do on Monday morning what I couldn't do which is tough [ __ ] this sucks but we're going jogging and then we're going to be at work and that's just the bed you made and you woke up in so here we go that's a certain Constitution hard yeah okay let's talk about the Art of Living live event which is April 24th you can get tickets at Art of liven living no G you know it keep on living tell me about this event why did you decide to do it and let me just finish with one thought I had about green lights and you trying to figure out why it was successful my guess is you're probably learning from the people who love it why it's important I wouldn't have been able to tell you why people like this show start doing live shows take audience questions see how they're talking to us they're leading with their vulnerability they're leading with their failures they're leading with their insecurities I had to hear that 100 times ago like oh oh duh I guess that's why they like us I don't know I thought maybe it was the guess it could have been it's funny no here it is they're telling you it's vulnerability and flaws they feel safe and seen you had to have learned a bit about your book from the people who it impacted 100% people comeing to me and say oh man I got the courage to understand that I'm writing my story here my hands are on the wheel and while fate is a fact in waiting I have something to do with where I end up I can have two hands on my wheel and it doesn't guarantee that you have a bottomless tank of gas you can be in the left lane cruising the whole time no it doesn't guarantee that you're going to be able to Swerve you're going to need to exit you're going to need to refill the tank you're going to need to do maintenance along the way you make get a flat tire all these are part of it right now we're coming out of the last four years of the disruption of covid where we were all forced into a limbo and right now we seem to be coming out where the fog's kind of lifting a little bit we have a further side of projection line of sight people were wondering what's my next solid step going forward can I trust a step that after one step there might be a second solid footing I heard a lot of that from people saying that's what they got from green lights but that's also I heard that's what they wanted more of talk to me about the steps show me the tools I see you in it I saw me in your story but can you give me a day-to-day actionable steps yeah man yeah so that's what Dean and Tony Robbins came to me going look we really appreciate green lights and what you were storying and selling and preaching here we think it's really good you interested MCC in getting under the hood of this and talking about the process where people can go oh that's an acable tool and I was like yes please so that's what we're going to do on the 24th is we're gonna get into the practicalities the construction of green lights and how you can really utilize them in your life daily we have a new day of renegotiating how we go forward what are the things that we can take from our past before Co years and stuff what are the things we can take from P that are tried true and tested that we're going like no don't forgive those those need to stick with you what are the things that we learned in the last few years of limbo when we couldn't trust a plan to follow through more than three days out if that well now that we can make a plan out there and we're being asked to trust others a little more we're also being asked to trust oursel a little bit more and that's scary I think life's 16 Lanes with room to Swerve we just got to pick out our general direction there's many ways many paths to that same destination so I believe in writing headlines first and living a story towards that headline very rarely does the headline stay the same once I get there but I do like it as a general North Star we can engineer satisfaction in our life and then also the art comes in which is different from the science and that that's kind of like knowledge to wisdom the Arts individual but you got to have the science to the satis action before you get to the art of our living and that comes after let's go over some things that work some habits and some choices that works admit some things that we just know are true and we know are lies let's call it what it is and start going forward yeah and AA that step you know is the fourth step of personal Fearless moral inventory and the analogy and why it's called an inventory which is great is like you're a business a business cannot be run if we don't know what's in stock what's in stock what do we got on the shelves what are we selling what can we commit to selling go in the warehouse [ __ ] clipboard and find out what we got what's rotten what do we got to throw out to do that inventory is hard it is it is what we see we don't like seeing what we're out of stock with we don't like seeing what our shelves are filled with that ain't sold and ain't paid us back anything for years we're like why am I letting that take up all that shelf space still and I'm Unworthy of love because of all this and so I got to hide all this and deny all this and we're so lovable when people say oh man half that shelf is rotten as [ __ ] you should have seen the condition of these products when I took a peak we love that and we're afraid to admit it because we're told the world will go boo boo and what do we learn that those people that do that they're on the sidelines hooting and holl for a reason but the real Bros the real sisters are the ones me too no [ __ ] let's clean this up yeah yeah here's a mop this worked great with my thing who's Dean I know Tony Robbins I love that doc I'm not your Guru that's kind of my only exposure to him who's Dean Dean gzz is his business partner oh okay so they work together yeah they work together and it'll be us three Trent Shelton Mary fleo are they on Tony's team or are they separate kind of social scientist see people separate okay so it's a 4our event and it's free free just tune in work out some of this damn riddle we're all in so you guys will be somewhere live and it's going to be telecast over the web are there people there that will be assisting in workshopping some of the principles in front of us I don't know how many people are going to be workshopping other than the five of us I mean there's obviously going to be dispatch where they're going to be calling in questions from viewers and things like that to be going over things oh cool it's interactive with the people watching it yeah so I've never done one of these before are you nervous nervous no actually I'm freaking excited man I will be nervous on the day I got some smart people there with me that want to be there for the right reasons and dig what I was able to put out in green lights and so you and I could go for hours you know so be there four hours is going to be easy one day you and I are going to find ourselves in a canoe just mark my words we'll have all the answers when we get off that River all out I want to be on I want to be on that Cano I'll be there if you'll be there man oh absolutely and day of the week oh I have one quick question before we go I really want people to check this out if you love Dude 3 million people read green lights it's so impressive obviously as we talked about you stumbled upon a truth and it really spoke to a bunch of people and I think it likely spoke to a lot of people that needed speaking to that maybe weren't in the market for that that weren't in search of this it came in a nice candy coating and they found something that had some protein in it and I think that's the coolest thing about the book I bet a lot of people just picked it up to hear some fun stories from you and all of a sudden we're thinking a week later huh that's stuck with me so I love that and I think it's cool that you're building on it and I hope a lot of people go to Art of livan and figure out how to watch this live on April 24th 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time 4 hours it's going to be a party I hope everyone checks it out how do you feel about all the people that do impersonations of you I posted an Instagram video and I tagged you and I my thought was he's not gonna see this and then another part of me's like he might see this how does he feel about people doing impersonations of him I like the good ones okay great so who does the good ones obviously I don't think I've seen them all there's a couple guys that I keep getting my friends send me this stuff they go oh check this out this guy does a good like that's pretty [ __ ] good D does do a good some have the Lil right but they nip it a little short I don't think that mine ably is all that spot on that's not what I think I can do but I do think I can get on your wavelength come on this is really indulgent but here we go yes I was in Sedona and I climbed up into this Vortex and I felt you and then I just started talking the camera as if I were you and I just really felt like you know what I've got the Rhythm right here I know what would be coming out of his mouth it wasn't really about how the impression sounded well God damn look who it is what's going not there I'm just up here in Sedona the center of this Vortex just getting all that energy getting it gobbling it all up what is it what is that energy I'll tell you what it is CA the Big Bang CUA your daddy phone know with your mama make you all right that power is supreme well I'm out here concentrating it funneling it focusing it fuel my tank so I get to that next explain okay make the big guy shake his hand say how you doing thanks for having me I was very proud of that you know where so much this comes from my middle brother I'll call him and he'll go hey what's up little brother and I go not much he goes man who man we need some rain man oh man a oh I mean no man you walk outside and it's like the St Augustine's like walking on on stale stale Pringles man he'll just go for like 25 minutes on our monologue and then go all right talk to you later buddy and hang up and I'm calling back go dude I called you we have the same older brother when and doubt spell it out you there be in the middle of talking and he'll say you know because it really what it it is about the W you you know and then like you spell you oh that's great well anyways I want to run that by it cuz I hope you know you ever stumble across it it is me absolutely adoring you and enjoying when I can channel the spiritual energy that you have at your fingertips I love it love it man thank you that's a good one and I appreciate it I feel I don't know complimented or something you should you absolutely should I've not taken it as well when people do an impersonation of me and I'm like whoa that's what I sound like I feel made fun of so I don't ever feel honored so I wanted to make it crystal clear I am honoring and flattering you CU you're radical well MCC good luck I hope everyone checks out the Art of Living April 24th go check it out Art of Living and we'll talk again you're gonna write another book anytime appreciate it keep on you got it you know that keep on keeping on all right brother we'll talk again stay tuned for more armchair expert if you [Music] dare and now my favorite part of the show The fact check with my soulmate Monica padman welcome home welcome home yourself you were on a much bigger Voyage than me you crossed the Pacific I did tell me tell me where did you go I went to in your travels Hawaii Hawaii yeah with the Pod minus some crucial members you Kristen Laura Matt were missing which was sad of course I posted and of course someone's like I don't mean to start rumors but I think something's going on Dax and Kristen aren't there well I can tell everyone exactly what's going on there the Pod vacations are so fun they're there's so much fun they're particularly fun for the kids and the adults cuz the kids are all playing together and then the adults are getting to play Spades and do whatever and [ __ ] off those were so fun but then Kristen and I both had a moment last year where we're like they're so fun but we're not with the kids enough and you've got however many family vacations before they're out of the house totally and so we got to mix it up pod one not just the four of us and so on so that was really that's that was the big Scandal that was going on is that we wanted to be around our kids a lot of FaceTime which was a little you know sounds great on paper but then once you get there yeah it's a lot of days with and I really isolated it being with either of them for indefinitely is fine yeah what gets to you is when they fight yeah that's what really takes it down a notch yes unlike you in Hawaii open air spread out fresh breezes Ocean Spray we were in a snowy environment inside of a house yeah interesting choice yeah it was just kind of the opposite I did think about you because we've had a horrible Los Angeles winter I mean despicable yeah probably the worst on record yeah snow actual snow here yeah Los Angeles snow hail storms hailes rain 60 of the last 90 days so I I did think oh no they're going to not get like a respit from that right they're doubling down on the snow we did double down and the kids wanted snow that's what drove it sure and that was fun for a couple days yeah yeah yeah and snowballs yep there was some rolling big clumps of snow there was some sledding oh that fun it was fun but also some complaining cuz they were at elevation and they why can't I breathe they were like annoyed couldn't breathe their miniature La did you give them elect oh yeah so many okay yeah okay so what were the highlights of Hawaii it was just very chill it was it was relaxing very relaxing we're at one of our favorite hotels yeah I love that hotel that hotel is Magic Shout It Out Four Seasons Seasons aahu yeah quanan coalina coalina coalina it and your K okay we figured it out oh you did the mystery was solved yes it's kakua and your Mahalo or something like that not Papua or Pui no but Ryan was there and he too heard it he's the one that said it's kakua in your Mahalo oh he in your Mahalo so he I don't know if it's in your Mahalo but it's the the words are kakua and Mahalo okay and we know Mahalo I think the whole thing was like thank you for your patience or something oh that makes sense cuz it was at the airport yes and that's a place you need great patience yes he clarified that so when we were Googling koui in your p p that was never going to find any results they should add it though yes it's such a nice hotel it is it it's I I did just say this about the Commodore Perry and Austin which I love so much and is one of my favorites so I feel like I can't say this is also one of my favorites but it is yeah I don't know about capping favorites yeah in fact true he you would love this Lincoln was taking the Slytherin the house selection test oh yeah we have to take it every year so to check in to double check well she was taking it and then she she started asking us questions there was a lot of like what's your favorite movie genre documentary action you know blah blah blah blah and I was like I don't like these questions because you like them what do you mean what I do I like Pulp Fiction more or fog a I like them both and then I was just thinking we're so inclined to try to rank everything are and I think it's probably like an outgrowth of our own status Obsession oh yeah so we are obsessed with our own personal status so then anything in our world viw we start ranking as well into status yeah but it's just pointless like I like documentaries and I love yeah the wire but it's kind of good to know favorites in some ways because it gets you excited like I know that that's a favorite so I'm already excited for next year to go back to a favorite Hotel oh right right right right yes yes but I'm just saying I'm arguing for like multiple favorites the the tear system as we talked about as Mindy says yes yes she says best friend is a tier not a person yeah it's really clever she was in Hawaii no not at our Hawaii oh but um I saw on Instagram yeah no there couldn't have been but she was um I saw on Instagram she was in Hawaii and then I kept looking around for her I was trying to figure out where she was based on the pictures I thought maybe Turtle Bay but no Kawai or Maui or by the end she posted a picture and it had a location tag Maui oh okay it had a little she just put a descriptor up top okay okay right right so she was probably at the original um Four Season well the original White Lotus location yeah for Seas yeah one of the pictures she had a wristband and she was with her kids I think okay so I didn't know if she went to Four Seasons cuz she might have gone to more kid-friendly place right sure of course I had to do a lot of thinking about it you know and did you have the the Matt Damon thing where you thought you were going to bump into her all the time until you found out Maui I was hoping you were hoping you were looking around yeah yeah um wait Maui Mindy Mindy Maui uh it's like um Barb a Barbie doll Mindy Maui Mindy Maui oh my God the new Barbie forgot I'll remember but yeah it was just very lovely any gossip from the PO I missed I saw Eric and Molly yesterday oh you did yeah Lincoln desperately wanted to see dollia that was another thing oh you know they wanted to I know after a few days they wanted to play I understand yeah I don't I haven't cracked this code yet I don't know what the ratio is for family time and then party time but at any rate yeah Lincoln very much want to see Dolly and do really want to see Lincoln anyways I was trying to get gossip out of them and what happened in this week I missed anyone get too drunk and fall over into a table no no there was nothing to like we were walking out Eric and I in the airport and it was like no drama no drama there's not even like mini drama probably cuz I wasn't there I probably call all the drama that is not it that's not it at all it just was like rela it was just relaxed what was your sleep schedule while you're were there were you getting tons of Z's medium Z's Z not t Z's do you get tons of Z's or a z I did okay I didn't do great I mean time change in Hawaii is so it's on your side I do I I love it yeah cuz I like West Coast versus East Coast you know sure you're yeah and this is that times three yes so it was really exciting one yeah well 3 hours yeah yeah yeah it was like 11 a.m. and it was 2 but it was 11: I had so many hours left yeah and if you sleep until until 10: yeah you're up at 700 a.m. I know so the first couple nights are mornings are so nice cuz you wake up so early I worked out two times in the gym did weights treadmill treadmill and then a little weights you did what exercises oh no kidding yeah that's what I do if I'm going to do weights I didn't know that yeah you can I ask is that enough questions about the squats no you can ask more I don't do very many do you have a bar on your back or there just are you just doing body weight squads I use a dumbbell okay and then I squat and then I lift the drop it on the floor no I like you know I'm fall hands what you just mind was that you then let it fall on yourself no okay two hands I just don't want to do it right now but I like lift it you know oh so you Squat and then you come up and then you do a military press above your head full body yeah wow I'm just going to check that we're still recording yeah of course we are oh no problem for okay so while you were in the gym working out just two days okay this reminds me this is I remembered what I was going to say oh oh wonderful Molly our for Molly yeah she knows every like she will always run into to someone she knows it's crazy yeah she's a connector yeah super connector super connector sorry she remember she went to the Taylor Swift concert in Vegas and saw someone she knew but right behind her like that's crazy same seats virtually yeah yeah this is her life so we get off the air immediately like upon Landing she sees somebody she knows oh my God and then multiple times throughout the trip what I know not the same just kept bumping into people yes and at first I was fully like something's crazy this stinks but then I remembered oh yeah if you live in LA yeah and you're and you are of means spr it's spring break and if you're of means in your circle is of of means yes you're going to run in it's like if you're Michigan you be in Florida yes exactly was like one of those things where it's like everything the puzzle pieces come together right beautiful mind cuz I never been to Hawaii before living here of course that's not East Coast ridiculous yeah it's ridiculous P dream that's something from an episode of Brady Bunch I know so that was interesting and then I thought yeah I guess this is the Panama City but not Panama City cuz Panama City is so shitty sorry we love it I mean I had the best spring breaks ever there yo sure did you do multiple yeah in college we did multiple oh my God but everyone in like in the Summers I would go with my friends only with my my family didn't do beaches right yeah but you'd see people you knew because of course that's where everyone went yes yes High School in high school people went but I didn't I went skiing you went skiing right and you also took a trip to the Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg that was Gatlinburg oh my God ding ding ding yeah I said apparently I flippantly said something about Gatlinburg being maybe boring or something oh sure and a lot of people the comments were upset so first and foremost my apologies to Gatlinburg I've not been there then someone suggested I think he was thinking of Gettysburg and guess what I think they might be right you were I don't know it all sounds civil warry doesn't it Gatlinburg Gettysburg Gettysburg Address that's a thing we learned in school y that's that's a Lincoln thing yeah no I think you were thinking of gallur it is boring okay I well I've never been there was all kinds of fun things that were listed that you could do there and it turns out it's a really fun place so if you've got the time and you got the extra cash go to Gatlinburg I was wrong and Confused beautiful place okay yeah so Florida Florida dot dot East Coast dot dot dot dot Hawaii dot do West Coast what are you talking about time changes still are the dots time change time zones analogies oh oh oh oh okay okay okay dot dot is not correct I guess I should have said is to as uhuh Panama City is to Atlanta as Hawaii is to west side of Los Angeles let's be honest yeah exactly wow wow okay oh I saw a post that your romantic massage therapist is visiting yes wow he's going to have a res Y is it a popup or a residency doing a residency no he's doing a popup okay where at in your apartment I wish um in Ino oh interesting okay I think he got like a he's doing like a home share or like okay airb oh a swap house swap he'll be here in all of September and like a week into October but he might add dates because he's already booked yeah oh my God you think arm cherries yeah very thankful oh good you're going to get a very special thank you massage yeah umow he said of course he'll make time for us yeah I'm sure it'll well was evenings he needs are you going to get one yeah totally okay good yeah yeah yeah we were discussing this Molly and I we were like who of the boys are going to get it obviously Dax I said Charlie yes right and I said I think that's it yes so interesting can you walk me through yeah yeah well you for a million reasons but first and foremost the story oh oh that's good point like you need to go cuz you need to understand I need to have an opinion when he comes up yeah yeah yeah Charly I felt was a no-brainer because I just think he's not this is weird I just like don't think he'd be uncomfortable at all maybe it's just like because he's so comfortable with his body his body's so nice that he oh I got it so it's kind of like anyone that would be appreciating it great maybe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe there's something like that yeah and then mine was I'm just a perve right like whatever yeah you just want to like what's going to happen yeah like scared and titilated but I was thinking like what if he starts massaging my lower stomach he might cuz that's part of his thing right I don't know how he is with that's the that's the whole thing we have to figure out cuz he only takes Men by appointment I mean like by like well how does that different he takes Walkins from women no you're right no but I mean he or by request or something oh okay you got to go you got to know somebody yeah okay yeah okay he I think he prefers women well it sounds pretty yeah I'm pretty sure that's the preference well also I think he prefers women because he's so intuitive intuitive right he's just tuned in I think maybe he thinks men will be more reluctant and I think that's right sure sure sure yeah men some some percentage of men are very nervous if men are touching them right exactly yeah yeah so that trans so it's funny I've had a barrage of experiences so first and foremost I've had a massage by men a bunch of times probably a dozen times I'm totally fine with it and often when it's happening I think well this is the way to go they're so much heavier and stronger let's just say in General yeah so they can really [ __ ] you up in a good way but I also can acknowledge I was one time at Burke Williams in there was a man M and he was huge he was like a big Burly man yeah and he had so much arm hair oh and when he was doing my back and using his forearms I could just feel so much man hair and I didn't like that that was for me I was like I don't line I don't want to feel a man's hairy arms on my back I get that what I really don't like in a massage is when like they're doing something with one hand and the other hand's just like accidentally touching you oh okay haphazardly touching yeah like it's not supposed it's just it's not thoughtful yeah I don't like don't like that i' always move my leg a little bit if it's if it if it's getting brushed on accident I don't like that right makes you com like hair on arms is to Dax as limp unintentional hand is to dot dot dot yeah Monica that's right yeah so I got a massage on on this trip it was nice but from a boy or girl it was for it was a girl it was for a girl it was for a Girl by a girl for a Girl by a girl so I guess guys keep your eyes peeled for the next round if he decides to stay yes CU sounds like it might be a permanent popup with the amount of of clientele I'm excited and nervous for him because I think people will be coming with the expectation of making love oh my God you know a little bit he doesn't want to you know like he takes it really seriously know I'm sorry I even brought that up but I have to imagine some people you can want to guys but you're not gonna cuz he takes it seriously it's his art yeah Charlie made a good point about it he said he can't cross a line because it is so censal like that's part of it and really like oh you know if even the tiniest line was crossed it would immediately well it's like a big trust exercise yes yes it would make it bad and nasty so no no need to worry about that or sorry to disappoint you either way or it might happen congratulations no it's not going to happen it's not going to happen anyway so when you were talking about deciding what movies were your favorite categories documentary I watched a really interesting dock which one MH370 have you watched it yet no what's that oh is that the airplane one yes okay I started it and I you didn't like it I must have been distracted it starts a little slow right maybe I got my phone out whatever I didn't stick with it oh no I didn't dislike it but you love it well I just it's crazy I mean of course I knew this plane vanished yeah but this was 2014 we don't know what happened really no they didn't find pieces or anything there's one piece that they found sort of recently uhhuh but there's some controversy about whether it is part of that I mean I think it is because other planes would have they would have known but it's a small piece this is a Boeing 77777 this is a Boeing 7,777 cool they kept saying on the dock cuz these are all people who know they kept calling it a Boeing trip 7 I don't think I'm cool enough for that I think you are okay so Boeing trip 7 oh nice so it's was a big boy and that's the whole it's this huge ass plane 239 people and nothing come on it's weird the ocean's big and unforgiving I know but they they felt like they could locate is where potentially it would have depending on these different theories uhhuh and they you know they scoured they didn't see anything it's a big ocean that big full plane that's never happened it it's never happened think besides Amelia aart oh my gosh I know maybe they're in the same place it was sad all these family members uhhuh and I I mean this kindly they start believing in stuff that I think is implausible and I understand that like this one guy his wife and children o I mean you have no choice but to go crazy yeah yep if you have no answers and it's your family like oh so sad yeah but I want you to watch it CU there's three theories okay and you want me to vote on cuz you believe in one well there's two that I think are absolutely one that I think is so ridiculous okay another is a little more plausible okay and then the third is very plausible which is the captain went crazy yeah yeah I think someone who had seen it told me that they thought the captain went crazy yeah was it Eric yep yeah yeah someone because we all watch well sort of so Charlie watched it on the plane what a gangster that is that's bold so bold even if you're fine with watching it you got to imagine that the people next to you don't want to see that exactly he was watching on the plane to Hawaii then Eric watched it while in Hawaii okay where were you watching it during your massage no I watched it when I got home thank God I I'm so glad I didn't watch it right before cuz you would have hated that flight home across the big ocean and we had a weird moment on the plane right when we were about to land it like went back up o yeah I did not like it you had to come back around again for another Landing yes you did yeah oh yeah that's spooky and the had to circle and I was staring out the window and I thought cuz I was in first class yeah of course I know that and everyone else was not no one else was yeah of course so then I thought what do I do do I go back there and tell one of them to come up like I didn't know what to do uhhuh and I didn't know what they were thinking back there if they could even see cuz they're in COD [Music] like I don't know what you can see in coach and then I thought what would happen would it be Ryan and Eric because Charlie wasn't on the plane oh cuz he they had left earlier they left later so I thought I guess Ryan and Eric will come together like cuz in my head it was he's going crazy the captain oh right cuz Okay so I guess I need Ryan to like restrain and then I Eric knows how to fly planes bless you Ma it's not me bless your heart not me bless you though thank you did it cross your mind oh what if this crashes and only the people in first are saved or vice versa or you're penalized for your opulence and only coach lives I hadn't thought about that at all I would have I would have gone probably straight there really really you know I thought wow if we all die that will probably be sad for Dax and Kristen a lot of a step oh my God it would the most devastating thing in the world got to go to eight funerals yeah it's a lot of like scheduling yeah yeah we it would be like a page one rewrite we'd have to start completely from scratch yeah well you'd have Charlie and Erica wouldn't have a podcast anymore that's yeah that's true make unfortunate call to Spotify or you could do another a spin-off on um grieving and Y loss exactly be huge armchair depression oh wow yeah well anyway that didn't happen thank God but it was weird I did not like it and if I had watched that thing absolutely not a mess yeah so I got home and I was on Hawaii time so I I had time to watch TV uhhuh yeah I turned it on and 4 minutes in I was like this was a horrible idea by the way I kind of regret picking this time CU for you it was probably so early did you have a hard time waking up at by 10: no I had therapy at 9: oh wow okay was it hard to wake up yeah it was okay are you sweepy but I had to do it for her yeah for her cuz I rescheduled a few times so I don't think I gave it my all your therapy yeah oh he kind of phoned it in like I would forget words like i' you know I'd start talking and then halfway through I wouldn't really did she say at any point are you feeling okay okay good it was so then it wasn't bad I did say at the beginning I'm a little on I'm still on Hawaii T I'm on Hawaii T I'm on island time yeah exactly it was still good it's even if you're like half checked out therapy is still good yeah still good it's better than not uhhuh so three theories so you should watch I'll watch for sure but like I also felt if the captain didn't go crazy everyone thinks that and he's dead and it's so sad he's got a family presumably yeah I don't like it and he seems normal but you never know people snap don't you don't know but if you got to end it let's just keep it to yourself right that's the part I don't that's really diabolical especially because the theory around him going nuts is not a it's not like a terrorist act right it's just like a Mur suicide thing yes which I don't understand that because what's the point obviously terrorism's horrible but in their head there's like a point they're making a statement okay here's a crazy thing maybe this was addressed in the program yeah did he get an insurance policy if he died at work because what I was going to say is if I want to kill myself the last thing I want to do is go to work before I kill myself yeah but I think it's like oh just let me just do this yard work and then I'll do it or let me just do this 8 hour job I don't want to do that seems weird unless you death on the job paid out better to your family oh they didn't talk about that so my guess they should have introduced that is it too late for an fourth episode let go back let's go back I'll watch it but I'm also going to make a fourth episode oh I can I tell you one thing that's kind of I think fun yeah so on this trip to Big Bear very little to do uhhuh we decided to show the Parenthood oh my God which I have not watched in 13 years it's such a good show I as soon as they showed Craig T Nelson I was inconsolably sobbing you were oh like couldn't handle it yeah you missed it so much yes I missed him so much I thought I was thinking about how beautiful and special he is and how lucky I was and then they show that stupid little BB's face a May with her chubby little young face yeah and crying all over again a then the show itself a I was so inside of it I couldn't really view it in a way of you would so a the time so I forgot everything that happen so I don't know what's going to happen maybe I vaguely remember what I did yeah and then also I didn't have children when that show was on yeah oh yeah so I I was the first three episodes I was crying completely uncontrollably for like a full hour at a time I felt so much gratitude that's like just the um Floodgate of gratitude yeah so lucky I don't have regret cuz like I was aware of it while it was happening you know a lot of people say they miss things like I heard Seinfeld on Stern saying like he basically missed the experience of Seinfeld cuz he was so concentrated on it being good or the ratings or this or that yeah so I was very present for it yeah even with that I think the amount of gratitude and what a sweet period of time it was that's gone yeah but boy did I and by the way this sounds so gross to say I think cuz I'm on the show I love it the show is so good Monica I know relate to you I know it's incredible the pilot is so it's so hard to make a good pilot especially when you're introducing 13 characters and it's a [ __ ] the first episode a banger Tommy schamy great job and then straight into Larry trilling oh man I was a mess so now we're I think we're on episode like 12 or something we watch it at night now and it's so fun for me to watch oh my God my hair is so out of control on that show it's insane I can't believe no one's I'm sure they tried to tell me nuh it's just long it's so long and like it needs to be styled just a big sheet of hair it looks it it I feel like it's ski for the character this is a Easter egg oh it is oh it is it is by the way that was part of I think why it was on front of mine as you say yeah at front of mine top top of mine okay and they'll never get it Triple 7 big boy in the sky Triple 7 Ritter oh my God the first yes oh yeah oh my God holy [ __ ] so Charming the most when he's looking at her I'm like Kiss Me Jason kiss me Monir what's your not Aaron you're your massage therapist oh lauron lauron kiss me lauron yeah oh my God I just couldn't believe the amount of charm that Jason Ritter has everyone in that show is very charming and Peter's so great and the girls love they love Lauren's character and may that whole storyline what a show yeah all right m f yeah now the math Wordle oh right yeah what's that called nerle nerle yeah okay have you played that one no I like it it's good I'll be bad at that it's not that hard really but you have to be fast not no not at all you same thing you get like seven guesses or whatever the premise of it's equation yep doesn't sound like my strong suit but Bill Gates loves it I know it is his strong suit we have to get good at it if we want to hang out with him okay fine that's enough I'll do it okay does Putin have filler oh I can answer that well yeah you said it yeah he's got about a gallon yeah um upwards of a gallon a Sydney cosmetic doctor has called out Putin for having quote too much filler quote too like that's a medical diagnosis yeah they said botched cosmetic work okay well look he's it's hard to be sympathetic to Putin but he's this aging man who is is trading on oh yeah oh wow it's bigger than I thought the face has got twice the width it's really big he's this aging man who's trying to project a image of virility and strength he's ruling with an iron fist y but he's like everyone El myself included he's just withing away and getting old and decrepit he occasionally does these workout videos you ever seen his workout video I anytime I see one I send it to Charlie he works out extra fast like and I think what he's trying to show the people is like this is not there isn't enough weight for me so his reps are way too fast it looks absurd like it's in Fast Forward oh my God and the filler bouncing around and The Jug oh mhm he's trying his hardest to seem you know know potent even monsters have have filler that's right that's a children's book is it I mean it could be it should be even monsters have filler okay so he says he's a Scorpio uh Putin calls himself no no no I'm sorry Matthew MCC I've moved on oh okay he's a Scorpio yes when I wanted to read some traits about Scorpio oh let's find out let's see if this tracks okay Scorpio traits and personality explained water element along with Cancer and Pisces okay Scorpios are strong enigmatic independent characters who crackle with an intensity and Charisma that makes them unignorable that's on brand really good y for all of that power though they often remain unknowable to others because they guard themselves in their private lives fiercely M huh okay ooh you can bet there's something juicy going on under the wraps though because Scorpios like extremes challenges danger and darkness that sounds really un point it does and actually you know he is both an open book and he's guarded Scorpios are loyal smart shrewd and stoic they stand by their beliefs and they don't crave anyone else's approval oh wow what a state of being right okay now that's from Cosmo hold on I'm gonna go to co-star okay our favorite to cross check yeah and let's just check in on ours you know sure the newest one this was from a day ago breaking the rules okay breaking the rules for you Capricorn starts a business selling their old college essays to students fine fine it's not like a it's not a bulls ey didn't send a Shivers up my spine no pqs Virgo breaking the rules accidentally cut in line one time and will never forget it a Little Closer Closer Closer okay Kristen cancer oh breaking the rules says I love you on the first date oh pretty good that's good okay Matthew Scorpio Peaks at people's Diaries when left alone in their rooms whoa I know predatorial um okay here's another oh okay this is this one's good okay okay ready mhm desperately wants you to notice oh no I'm afraid of this one no yours is I think yours is right and good okay desperately wants you to notice Capricorn how God damn hard they're trying oh okay yeah yeah okay but get ready for this okay Virgo V the silent invisible work they do to keep everyone around them afloat oh yes yes yes so spot on that's a good one okay cancer desper wants you to notice the subtext beneath what they're actually saying fine fine is fine um desperately wants you to notice Scorpio literally nothing oh again back to the doesn't need approval apparently okay well I can't recommend co-star enough yeah I like it it's gotten me to believe in astrology it hooked you yeah that was it that was it okay it wasn't a very fact heavy one no no it wasn't but he's a hoot he delivers yeah I love him such a character he is I want to watch him and Russell Brand have a conversation what would be fun about that is they have opposite tempos yes Russell br's talking so fast and mcc's taking his sweet time so much time yes time's on your side shake hands with it invited in have a glass of lemonade with it as your friend sit down snuggle time oh you got all day it's a Lazy Afternoon time oh my god well anyways he's so fun that was so fun welcome home I'm so excited to be back me too back at it I really miss our job when we're not doing it me too I mean like insanely amount do you think if I did die in that plane crash and then in 10 years you listened back like you did for Parenthood you cried like you cried probably kill myself yeah okay that's good yeah for sure absolutely cuz I'm a little jealous of that story you know oh you are I mean not I mean I'm really I get it cuz it's the best show ever so I imagine that the experience was so good yeah but like it's identical to this one which is like you and I know this is the gift of all gifts and we do experience it I don't think we ever take it for granted and I think we're very present in our gratitude for it yeah yet in 15 years yeah it's going to be like 10x mind-blowing yeah I just know it will just like Parenthood was it's like oh you just don't end up on a show like that or you not you don't like everyone you work with like you're in love with everyone you work with yeah it's so nice yeah well so we have that too okay we're you're going to find yourself looking at a picture of wobby wob and you're going to [ __ ] start choking sobbing and you're going to go he was the sweetest little raso that anyone ever was well I hope he's still with us yeah but this is whatever post retir this is 50 years from now yeah yeah yeah exactly I'm 100 I guess it won't be quite a 100 yet 98 yeah and by then we'll be living to 200 so oh yeah to get back at it can't wait all right I love love you [Music]

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