Trails in the Sky Episode 111: Erbe Scenic Route Chest Hunt - [Music] greetings and salutations everyone I'm EAC this is let's play Legend of Heroes trails in the sky in the last episode we spend a lot of time wandering around the city I finally found where I can crash the economy with apple ice cream and in th...
YapJack712 plays Trails in the sky SC playthrough part 1 - I didn't watch the configuration tool after I think I can beat this game it beats me again okay um don't have it on such a low ass resolution man oh my God oh my God I'm using my Xbox um I think we're good I didn't even launch the game I'm [ __ ] I'm...
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st (REMAKE) announced for Switch - yeah this game the reason I did not buy or the the rest of these games is because I heard there's a remaster remake coming so I was going to but then I heard there was going to be a remake for this game so the Legends uh Legend of Heroes Trails of th...
THE CURTAIN RISES - The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - 18 - previously on the legend of Heroes trails in the sky I'm the only one who knows how to operate the device so I'm going with you but we just got to press this one button here okay never mind you should probably handle it and now back to rapidly approa...
Trails Into The Sky Remake HONEST Thoughts as a newbie to the series! - so what's going on guys it is Cali Q here and I am still recovering from the plethora of jrpg news that came out during today's Nintendo Direct and I couldn't help but think it was a perfect time for me to address this trails in the sky remake news a...
Trails in the Sky Episode 110: Shopping in Grancel - greetings and salutations everyone I'm EAC this is let's play Legend of Heroes trails in the sky in the last episode we caught up with Zin we met someone who might be a spy dressed up as a sister of the church mind you she's not a very combat capable...
Remake of Trails in the Sky | 08.27.24 - good morning friends and welcome to Tuesday so there was a Nintendo Direct it was like a partner uh partner display as well as Indie world the Indie Games looked fun and the uh partner showcase was great I only watched part of it and the reason why i...
My Reaction to Trails in the Sky the 1st - oh oh my gosh it's getting a remake I was just playing SC yesterday oh my gosh okay yeah Joshua just looks really good and Estelle obviously looks good I'm looking for the oh that's like the tower that you first got to okay it is like action combat I...
The Trails in the Sky Remake Needs BIG QUESTIONS Answered - well we've had a day to gather our thoughts it was pretty insane yesterday uh but in case you're not aware trails in the sky first chapter is getting what appears to be a full-on remake releasing in 2025 and it looks also to be a simultaneous worldwi...
Trails in the Sky Remake was Unexpected - I I didn't expect I didn't expect this to you know happen I when the uh Nintendo Direct happened I kind of regret that but I didn't want to I like 12 like 10 to 11 p.m. I like doing those rard da early but one thing I didn't expect and I don't expect...
Trails In The Sky FC Remake?! - and I got to tell you it was perfect perfect everything down to the last minute details just like her yes yes yes yes yes
THEY REMAKE IT!? || Trails in the Sky 1st Remake Reaction - eh sky sky sky the sky sk sk yes yes the sky 2025 ah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] terasa the sky udah 3D Man Holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god th in the sky W sama gen Holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] God oh no berarti second SC ada bisa bisa di dong oh my wh...
Asal Usul Seri Trails: Trails in the Sky Remake hadir 2025 di SWITCH! - Hello everyone, welcome back to the nkddy channel. Today, I have exciting news for all the JRPG fans out there. Last night's Nintendo Direct gave us something to really look forward to in 2025— a complete remake of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the...
Êtes-Vous Comme Moi ? The Legend of Heroes: Trails in The Sky REMAKE - je trouve l'éclairage dégueulasse l'éclairage est dégueulasse c'est mieux comme ça Gard la PE qui P c'est mieux comme ça bonjour à toutes bonjour à tous t tofur comment allez-vous j'espère que vous dansez que vous chanter la vie oui je je me raconte ...
Trails in the Sky Remake Trailer First Glance - okay we're going to look at the full trailer of the sky trails in the sky remake s [Music] [Music] [Music] OE has different clothes oh I know [Music] I love how there's random aeps just flying around because it makes sense first thing I want to look ...
Trails In The Sky REMAKE Confirmed: Trailer Breakdown And Comparison - TRS fans we have some news an announcement no one saw coming in the partner showcase trolls in the sky has a remake and an amazing looking one at there it's now the perfect time to become a tros fan whether you started with cold steel or the crossbow...
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