Alabama Basement (w/ Danae Hays) | Net Positive with John Crist

I get down in the basement and uh this guy this is so bizarre he pulls a gun out that's the LIE he pulls a gun out takes a gun out of his pocket takes the magazine out of the gun okay safe and hands me hands me the magazine yeah and says do you realize how easy that was for me to get you down in a vulnerable situation it's a positive [Music] episode 104 baby get into it let's go where do you think people are listening from there I would what do you want what do you want the somebody texted me this week or they sent an email they said we we drive an hour back and forth to church ah every week they're pregaming church with net positive uhhuh is that good I think so I think that's good I like that yeah it's a fun way to start the i' like imagine everybody listening as like a truck driver or like maybe but I I guess you couldn't be a mom and listen to the podcast why not I mean you got you're doing stuff other stuff yeah waiting throw it on yeah I just imagine wait we're coming into everybody's environment where are we coming into yeah head probably mostly headphones I would guess yeah you think so at work at work maybe people were listening to the Pod at work when I was a 9 to-5 guy dude I was crushing podcast baby either way wherever you're at welcome in ladies and gentlemen John Christ in the studio Alex Legos is here hello what up brother uh coming up Dayton Ohio this weekend Thursday Friday and Saturday and Lexington Kentucky month of May we only got three shows Lincoln Nebraska G see de Mo Iowa Grand Forks North Dakota June we in Williamsport PA that's a new show that's added uh Baltimore Maryland Newark New Jersey New Haven Connecticut what is this the Northeast then we're going to the Northwest Portland Tacoma and Spokane Washington baby I don't think we we can't announce those shows yet they're on your website are they Yep they're on the website uh we announced we're doing a new tour in the fall before we're doing we got to have new material because this tour is done right so we're going to three comedy clubs in September so whole new act all new nice and this is where the Comedy Club is where you work it out nice and these shows are unlike any these are we're just shooting from the hill cuz you're just playing around with stuff and they're the most fun by far the most fun we're coming to three comedy clubs one the Blue Room in Springfield Missouri two I could believe you found these I checked them out man they're onite two the helium in Philly which is my favorite one of my favorite comedy clubs anywhere and then uh Appleton Wisconsin we are back and then October we're doing two shows in ship Shiana obvious viously let's go baby uh this week's episode brought to you by Blue land um very nice listen Alex I'm all for self-reflection and rethinking how I can make an impact right are you I definitely am blue lands podcas are not just about tidying things up but also cleaner Greener Lifestyle by reducing plastic use I got these things all over my house same uh each you do you yeah I got them everywhere they look good too they're they look great on the who is this uh nobody really comes over at my house except my girlfriend but no we had some guests we did last were impressed yeah each year Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Year's wow this year let's turn New Year's resolutions into actions Make a Difference by switching to Blue land baby did you know that oh shoot I did it did you know that estimated five billion plastic hand soap and cleaning bottles are thrown away each year that's more than people five billion with a B that's wild and if that's not bad enough most cleaning formulas are 90% water which is heavy to ship leading to excessive carbon emissions to like Taylor Swift in her airplane come on that's not part of the copy current event slam plus those products are often uh filled with nasty ingredients like chlorine ammonia that's a lose lose situation for you and the planet baby uh blue land is on a mission to eliminate single-use Plastics that's what they're all about by Reinventing cleaning Essentials to better you better for you and the planet with the same powerful clean you're used to the idea is simple they offer refillable cleaning products with a beautiful cohesive design that's true they look great on your counter I got one in my bathroom my kitchen and uh my bathroom I got two I got you have the laundry room one I got three bathrooms I I'm going to brag do have that one too yeah the tablets y I'll be out of here this this shirt was probably cleaned by Blue land wow from cleaning sprays to hand soap toilet bowl cleaner laundry tablets and blue L products Meg it with clean ingredients you can feel good about baby blueland has a special offer for listeners right now get 15% send off your first order by going to netp positive don't miss it netp positive for 15% off or uh click the link in the episode description below we out here ladies and gentlemen good week for me bro yeah big week tell me about it well I had okay I got um the shows were wild of course as they always are right there's always a lot of you've been to a couple shows yeah always asking people in the in the crowd different types of things and you never know what you're going to get back right that's how you know it's a live show because I I don't know these people I'm like do I know you no and then I usually get people to tell us about um their experience with the uh a purity pledge did I do that show you went to yeah at the Ryman I saw you do that one yeah yeah yeah so because people if you didn't grw up like me you're if I say we all took this Purity pledge like people are like what yeah so I go did anyone take one everybody raises their I go tell me about it yep what we don't know each other right and then they just go into it's it's all it's all usually about to from 11 to 14 and it's something at their church and everybody commits to be a virgin until marriage and it is a it is man it's awesome what do you think is the part of the show what do you think is the success rate on that oh more or less than half that graduated that that leg the show did you graduate you drop out that's good did you get the degree or yeah well it seems like it's just like a uh there's more by like it's like telling a kid like you can have anything in the kitchen except the cookies and you're like what what them cookies like though yeah what's going on they're like I don't know you can have a fruit rollups and ice cream you're like yeah but I there's a hyper fixation on that it's almost like I wish there was a Bible story that was kind of like that that we could relate this I thought the same thing dude I thought the same thing I can't think of any can you yeah no I can't just can't I don't know especially from the start at the beginning of the story maybe just start at the beginning see if we can find one I don't think I'd find it yeah I skipped through I skipped through the first couple chapters to see if I look for I read the rest of it nothing yeah yeah uh that's always good part of the show we went to reading uh California which is the home of like uh bethl Church nice is one of the biggest Evangelical Christian I don't know movements or whatever you call Great worship music coming out of there great worship I always to my agents that they live in California I'm always telling them about like these pockets of either like of like my type people yeah and I go if we're going out to the California I go send us up to reic yeah sure enough we sold place out nice which is wild yeah we're going to Indiana I go hey send us to ship Shana and I think we're trying to get one in um we're trying to out a show in U Lynchburg Virginia nice where Liberty is I go let me come through you're doing their job for him let me come through there bro hey put me in Liberty let me come through yeah and they're debt free so they got money SP Deb free baby uh we did the we had a show with Brad Paisley yes I saw the clips two nights ago tell me more so Brad is obviously big Brad PA fan we we talk about inless podcast a little bit they reached out about us helping with their fundraiser at zany which is hilarious so Brad I do my set it was great Brad comes on sings some songs it's great we do this thing on stage together and this video will never be released will never be seen by the public not the one I we posted we collabed on one so Brad um I would say it's probably fair to say it got in some hot water right after Co he did a he did a song with the Ukrainian president oh zalinsky yeah okay remember that who's a comedian he was a comedian right yeah he did a is like the the the I think the song was like same same like got it were neighbors you're that was the basic we the world type thing yeah sure I could I might be speaking out of turn there but I knew that song came out and when that when you see someone else do that you go I'm going to the comments yeah because that's you go what and so I knew that's about all I knew of that I knew that that existed okay and when when you're performing on your home territory you do whatever you want when you're on someone else you're a guest on someone else's and so these are his fans in the building his fans so I'm thinking through my act and what how do they how would they feel about Co how would they feel about I'm trying to I'm a guest so I want to be fit in so he so we come on stage together and we're talking to everybody right and this girl up front says something about something she has an accent and he goes where are you from and she goes Russia and we were like this could not be planned yeah and and and you just go Russia and we both kind of like it was it's I'll show the video it we just we ah and then everybody started to kind of G get it and this is like that's a moment that's why this is the greatest advertisement for live standup comedy ever because you you got to go to it live yeah and I go oh I have so many thoughts I got I go so many because the part of my Jo show is I got these thoughts up here and sometimes I just say them I go I got so many things up here and then I go this there was the there was a guy whispering to another guy and I was like and he's explaining it and then everybody died and then I was like and I was like yeah Brad's friends with the Ukrainian president and everybody this the roof came off the place and he he has this joke about uh when you don't know what to talk about you just go it's one of his like parody songs it's go sport Sports so it it was quiet for a second everybody's going nuts all goes quiet he goes Sports it was one of the most unbelievable live moments I've ever experienced I go I cannot believe that that's incredible so he's a funny guy hilarious and like we get into the episode too about him kind of great there's some comedy to his music gosh was so I didn't realize it until we discussed it I didn't even think about that either but very it's comedy there's a lot of humor in it yeah there's a you said like there's a lot of like he's kind of setting it up setting up and then there's the punch in the hook there's like there's like punch lines like misdirections yeah sweet uh yeah we got into it with d Hayes great episode great episode yeah hilarious DA's a friend of mine she uh she we kind of came up the same way making videos and making if when you if you're watching the episode you can be like I recognize her because youve seen her on the internet her she got popular I think we talk about a little bit in 2021 during Co making prank calls yeah she the one that put her on the map was she made the prank call to the uh taxidermist nice about her dog and she's from Alabama she made it a Southern accent which was hilarious we played uh softball together in a in a charity thing uh last year and that's how we became friends we talk about some softball too because she's a stud stud and then she's of course to touring which is awesome yeah yeah uh check her out we got into a lot of stuff and then we got into as as we should do a uh a uh countdown to Faith talk with John like we're just timing it you're like all right about 45 minutes like X minutes since we've discuss Faith no because you say in especially sometimes in the Pod when we're doing a solo episode it it goes there oh yeah dude it's I me it's the foundation of all it yeah of course it's it's about it's about 45 minutes yeah about there but that it's always about there yep and I don't do it on purpose but sometimes it just goes there hey the spirit moves man the spirit moves let it lead you yeah you guys enjoy the episode it's a positive ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show net positive we out here the Hayes is in the is in the building clap it up clap it up we're here we're here let's go Riley green my myself and you all three laed Alabama Collegiate athletes wait wait and who are you being disrespectful to uh Raleigh green thank you okay yeah yeah yeah wait John did you really play I played tennis at Sanford stop so you're smarty pants let's go oh yeah see that's the reputation we have in Alabama you went to Alabama yeah played softball Riley green went to Jacksonville State play football play football I went to Sanford play tennis so got that education we're all kind of the is that our reputation Rich Kids Rich smart kids one or the other some I don't care about nothing but the tide you know that guy yeah what is it I don't give a piss about nothing but the ti yeah gosh Alabama well you got a lot of Alabama listeners uh well you you played you like to talk about that or no is that part of your past oh no I I'll talk about that part of your past that we don't like to discuss no won a national championship brother I gotta talk about it I was gonna wear my ring but no you can wear a ring look Alex I got mine thought that'd be too much y'all let me think when would you wear a ring when would you wear at the ceremony my coach said you would wear it in every job interview but I haven't had a job since so that's a terrible idea advice so I don't wear it you know are they big dude they're they're big they're Clunkers yeah yeah was it your senior you have to go back to get it or no no it was my freshman year oh yeah that's nice dude you had a ceremony what's it like being on campus after winning a Natty in softball not very different really you still got to go to economics in softball they're like uh good job we'll see you in uh biology class Tom you know who cares is uh the athletic department 100 the athletic department cares deeply yeah and like about championships yeah I think that year it was us men's golf women's golf and football I don't care about nothing but the tide yeah we started calling it tile town oh I like that that's that's tough winning it at Bama too because everybody else is kind of winning two yeah it's like couldn't y'all just let us have our Spotlight for one year because that was the first we were the first SEC National Championship in softball and of course everybody had to do it let's go that's why we had you in today we just we wanted you to get this off I appreciate it guys guys well listen Oklahoma's coming Oklahoma's been coming those those girls are they're coming to the SEC oh that's right yeah and and Texas right who's good who's good in the SEC and softball now D know care Florida's pretty good yeah Alabama's having a tough year I think they're like two and seven in conference play oh yeah yeah that's what happens when let's get I I went back to uh Sanford last year because our our maybe two years ago our basketball team's good and they I gave a speech I go y'all don't this is a terrible idea like y'all want me in here you ever go back or no I go back sometimes I it's one of those things where it's like it was my life same with you you know it was my life forever so I was like well it's time to start a new chapter I like that I still get comments though and it's like been watching you you know since you played softball and I'm like that was a decade ago so don't say that yeah that was a decade ago what context in somebody's comments is that okay to say been watching you since 14 I don't know how deep you want to go on this but I had this weird stalker and I can honestly I had to get the police involved okay this guy you know on Facebook Messengers where it's um it's like message requests so you don't actually see it any story that starts out you know Facebook messages I'm here for dude let's get into it popcorn ready so you know Facebook messages yeah do dude and you don't need to say anything out here like you know what those are I got it I got it well this was message hidden request oh man and this guy Facebook was like Hey if you got to search for we're not going to put this one to you right if you want to dig around it's technically here but we're not for your safety and I'm glad I didn't find it until years later I was a real estate agent at the time but this guy had sent me 150 messages and then asked me to go look at this house with him and I was like I didn't know these messages were there so I go look at this house he had to see it 7:00 p.m. cuz he was driving in and once we're standing in the middle of this house he then says I've been watching you since you're freshman year at Alabama and I was like bro why do you have to do that accent for him uh well it was pretty spot on is what it was I've been watching you since 2012 I maybe that speaks to uh how successful or unsuccessful you were at real estate at the time that you're like I got to we got to this is a lead hey this is a lead you were you were unaware of the 150 messages he had already sent you yes and it was oh okay that's fair that's fair no no no no I get there I don't know who this guy is I don't know he's a fan he gets out of his car and he's got this animated like cartoon woman in a bikini sitting on a Harley on his T-shirt and I was like problem with that no problem I was like bro I really don't want to go in this house by myself and so I get in there and then he says you look like you could have played gymnastics and I was like oh no I'm too tall for gymnastics and then after he guesses what sport I play about 10 minutes later he then says I've been watching you since you're freshman you're at Alabama so I go home check to see if this guy's ever sent me any messages and then uncover yeah you're lucky he let you go home I'm very lucky dude yeah wild you know that druski uh that drusy Meme is what do you mean by that yeah like what that you look like you did gymnastics what do you mean by that that's probably the weirdest sport you could presume on somebody right I'm 5'9 and I look like I shop at Home Depot on a day-to-day basis like I beam balance beam for sure if you're listening and not watching yeah there you go yeah what do you mean by that did he buy the house no no okay no no he um I mean again I don't know how deep you want to go on this but we are down in the basement at this point never go in the basement with this guy but I go in the basement again real estate was not that successful so I well I didn't know you didn't see the 150 m I thought you you're like hey this guy's crazy but I don't have any leads so I got to go try no but you actually spot on I I was taking all the leads I could get I get down in the basement and uh this guy this is so bizarre he pulls a gun out that's the lie I told you I had to get the police involved he pulls a gun out takes a gun out of his pocket takes the magazine out of the gun oh okay safe and hands me hands me the magazine yeah and says do you realize how easy that was for me to get you down in a vulnerable situation and I was like that's terrifying I was like what is I'm sorry we're starting with this I was like what is going on are you okay like no I I ended up making it out of there fine I was absolutely terrified get back upstairs still holding this man's magazine and then get in my car but it was dude it was crazy how fast it happened I literally just show up this guy's got a naked lady on his chest I end up in the basement with this guy he tells me how easy it is to get a gun out and then boom I was just like I'm done with real estate like it was that's by the Lord that was the Lord yeah the Lord was watching over me that day well the he gets the commission on that hey I I mean I feel like yeah you get all the that's like you didn't know that like that when my my Facebook got hacked and you look not to like you look back on it and you go oh there was so many red flags throughout this process that led now that you know you go oh and then you tell the story back with like the shirt and you sound stupid the basement the gun and you go yeah I know it sounds but in the moment in the moment I was just this young agent I wanted a commission I was willing to do whatever I had well not whatever but I was willing to go into this basement with this guy and then it got really serious but uh back to this whole Facebook situation I was watching that unfold and I knew it wasn't you at all like any like I just KN I was like this guy's not posting this at all but I was having the time of my life watching it that's my most excitement for the year I think yeah that was a peak lost a about a half million followers but insane no it was wild it because like somebody emailed us and said we want you to be you know it's like a podcast fishing thing it's like we want you to be on Candace Cameron's podcast and that's a we know her and it's like we've had that conversation with her about her pod and it was like sounds good they were like we're going to pay we got on a zoom and it was they didn't have a face which and me that person and my publicist because they were prepping for the podcast and we were like I was like this is weird and they're like we're gonna it was a Indian guy yeah and again I was like 2024 Candace Cameron is like a Christian like podcast I I wouldn't want to be like hey this doesn't sound like the guy that would like it wasn't broke in English but I go huh right I just said huh and then he goes we're thank you so much Candace really wants to talk to you about uh your life and your career and your accomplishments which I was like like nothing specific to me totally and then he goes and we're going to pay you a a total sum of $3,000 oh that was weird and but but in the moment but in the moment this is back to the gun you're like that's weird you're like well we were just down there and he like brought it was I know it moves so quickly it's so fast and I that's why I was like I can't believe I actually just told y all that story because coming out of my mouth it sounds like I'm an absolute that's I know so did mine it makes me feel so stupid because you're like dude you went to a house with no electricity or water because it's a vacant house okay let's add that one in you go to this house at 7 o'clock because this guy says that's the only time he can meet you a.m. or p.m. p.m. did I just say it's getting dark no you yeah serial killers aren't up at 7:00 a.m. yeah you're just like what am I doing yeah and what's what city here no it's fondale Alabama yeah bro it just keeps getting worse I was living in Alabama okay Alabama is wild no and this I was like I wonder if you were trying to do some nefarious activities would be a good spot to do it yeah and what kind of house what do you probably no electricity in the basement with no windows that'd probably be a good start no ring cameras for sure yeah and a man that's got a promis woman on his front T-shirt with a cartoon character woman that's a word my mom would use promiscuous promiscuous woman can we can we double back to the the the real estate the real the the failed at something to real estate pipeline yeah yeah and I love real I my real estate agent's great go ahead there some insurance on this no no the real estate agent pipeline it it leads from nobody nobody goes straight in that's fair that's 100% nobody goes stra straight into it yeah at least residential real estate somebody something else doesn't work out and I'm going to get crushed for this probably no this is a part of my set IAL I mean sorry yeah no no no but everybody everybody knows a realtor that didn't graduate from high school named Craig that's but I'm sorry he's put it on me he's busting his butt out there and honestly he's probably bringing in some pretty good money but you're like Craig yeah you worked at the gas station two months ago and like you had a landscaping business before that and now you're like doing really well in real estate Craig you know and I was one of the few that got my license straight out of college and went right into it did yeah I did my my mom was in real EST or my mom is in real estate my dad's in real estate it's passed down it was like I'll just do real estate so we can go to the Bahamas once a year you know like set your sights high that was it yeah and then they it it's like a uh CU it's a it seems cool real estate seems the the only it's the only profession where your photos on your license or your photos on your business card sorry yeah amen my my photo um you got to have the photo on the business card yeah my photo looked as if conversion therapy worked I had lipstick and long eyelashes and long hair oh yeah yeah that's you look at that person you go I'll buy a house from them yeah so did the guy I guess yeah yeah yeah the guy had a lot of thoughts off that photo I think the photo I'm pretty sure it was the photo snag I read that you were I thought it was a a fitness instructor I did that for a minute I'm telling you I am Craig oh after real estate yeah I am Craig I bounced around a whole bunch I did too but you know we got in common we're both uh messed up wow off the top uh journalism major oh yeah I was that too yeah he we got a lot in I didn't go to conversion therap oh well yeah well your parents religious yes yeah you're from Alabama what am I talking about my well they're both religious but my mom is like very religious my dad's very spiritual he's a he's a very spiritual man he's less about like organized religion and my mom's more about organized religion what denomination a southern baptist oh yeah you already knew that one John you have to ask Southern Baptist in Alabama fale or no uh we grew up in a little town called Morris he moved to fendale to purs real estate fale is like 20 minutes okay all right okay I'm gonna hey guys Hometown I'm out of here where you going D fondale I was willing to travel 20 minutes that was my cat oh fondale oh yeah yeah that was my cat they had a Chick-fil-A there so and F down yeah so it was nice to get the Lord's chicken every once in a while yeah they they is that what they do at conversion therapy just feed you Chick-fil-A I shouldn't have ask that spicy chicken spicy chicken sandwich with uh pepperjack cheese on it oh yeah literally went from shopping at Home Depot to eating Chick-fil-A that'll convert you I think yeah that's the plan isn't wasn't there a documentary about that I think there's like a thousand documentaries on convert Jesus Camp is the one I well no that wasn't about conversion but it was about yeah like uh yeah getting like the with the indoctrination of like the parents into the kids yeah I haven't seen that one I lived that one brother sorry I lived that one brother I like the the church the I thought you say I like conversion therapy I was like you know what I've had a great time today oh yeah I we performed down there up Ton Alabama yeah you been back to perform there I did Birmingham and Huntsville oh yeah yeah I think we're going to go back to the Alabama Theater this year oh yeah that's where I was the same spot yeah dude that's such a cool venue isn't it awesome yeah I haven't performed there but I I grew up going to like they do these Christmas movies oh yeah yeah it was pretty sick you been oh listen we didn't even discuss that we said she was an Alabama softball player in real estate uh D hay is a comedian oh God why don't we say that earlier I don't know yeah stand a comedi softball player we met at the folds of Honor softball game with Riley green shirtless that's right and uh but you were the MVP defense and we we stood beside each other at the national anthem I think we shook can and that was as far as that went good good to meet you but okay I was yeah they say how you doing but then I think I whispered to somebody like go this might be offensive or sexist or a lot of things I go yeah that girl can that girl can hit but I didn't I didn't think you couldn't I I just said that girl can hit well I mean and play that girl is good thank you I take it very serious yeah you should like I don't know what it is but when it comes to sports like I want to beat some some butt you know like if we're playing checkers yeah you can't turn it off yeah if we're playing checkers at Cracker Barrel like I'll flip the table over yeah like Jesus in the temple exactly I I was about to use that same reference yeah I you beat me to it what's what is your live show my live show is kind of like a I call it like a onew woman show it's characters I do a lot of sketch comedy so there's characters in it um there's also music it's all comedy music um writing the country comedy album right now so yeah we'll do a little storytelling a little songs some characters in there and I'll tell you to get the hell out then we'll go home get out of here well you know the you ever heard that story about um um Larry the Cable Guy which one he his name is Dan Whitney he's com so he was touring in the comedy club have I told this on before he was touring in the comedy clubs and he would call this the local TV the local radio stations as Larry the Cable Guy that was his character yeah he like what's going on man get her done I'mma come down there what and so like he but he was Dan Whitney on stage he would just call and then so he was marginally successful and then he would uh one time I think he would the story is he's wasn't doing well on stage he goes I got this guy backstage that's going to come out he's I think you guys know him because that's why all day were there this guy Larry the Cable Guy and he went back put it on a flannel sleeveless came back out get her done and he couldn't follow it yeah he couldn't get out of the character and come back out as D Whitney and then two weeks later he was at the comedy club and it said Larry the K guy that's incredible and that was it my dad bought me his DVD when I was 10 which is a really I mean my dad was I don't know what his deal was but but he bought me Dave Chappelle the spiritual dad and then which the spiritual D yeah he said he was spiritual not religious oh yeah he's very spiritual yes but Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle Cable Guy this might be too much on this but I I told my dad when I was like 10 after he bought me this DVD we're driving to softball practice and I looked at my dad and I said get her done and he goes and I go flip her over do her again cuz that's what l c gu said and dad goes don't ever say that again and I was like but Dad that's what that that man says on that DVD and he's like please don't say that again and now that I'm old I'm like that was so cringe buying your daughter a Larry the Cable Guy DVD is a different kind of conversion therapy that's he dad was taking me down this road mom was trying to get me down this road some somewhere we ended up here Vine Larry the Cable Guy is crazy dude but it is it is pretty Alabama like it is that those DVDs are so funny isn't he from Nebraska from Nebraska yeah which is so funny CU like my wife's family is from Nebraska and like none of them have a Southern accent but it was cool to see Larry like lean into that southern right as well yeah yeah well is there is there one character that uh that is the fan favorite Sharon Jean yeah yeah she's like I guess she could say she's kind of like a female version of Larry the Cable Guy so I don't know if do you remember this guy that's the one with the the mullet with the yeah yeah do you remember uh that comedian he did prank phone calls back in the 90s Roy D Mercer yeah of course yeah so Roy D he had this hypothetical wife named Sharon Jean she never had a face okay so my first time ever going viral was through a prank phone call as Sharon Jean with the to the about the dog about the Taxidermy yeah Taxidermy dog I remember that during Co yeah so when that popped off I was like well Sharon jeene needs a face just like Roy D had one so seems fair before the internet yes before the yeah but funny enough he sold at the time he was signed to Warner for prank phone calls he sold the most records in war what a job isn't that crazy now that would be a wild no one would ever do no would have a record deal because of that because of prank calls you do it on Tik Tok that's like bananas that's crazy the fact that he's out selling like I don't know at the time maybe like Brooks and dun but he's doing prank phone calls was like a phenomenon it was crazy to buy a prank phone call because then would he listen to it again hell I've listened to so many of those it's on repeat I literally listened to to Roy D like at least thousand times yeah I was bummed out when I heard that uh that War of the Roses was fake is it yeah somebody on Tik Tok is like this is a it was like one of those you know what war the Roses is like on the radio station when they call somebody that thinks they're cheating yeah and then they go we you won a dozen roses that's F who would you like to give them to and then the the husband or wife is on the line yeah and then she's like let me give him to so and so at work and just say oh heck no it's like a whole it's fake that's fake yeah oh that's sad and my whole child is ruined sorry no that's upsetting like God those were good yeah gosh dude but then I started thinking like dang everybody's cheating yeah and yeah it's so they're like voice actors but obviously you how were you going to orchestrate that and who would ever that no one would do that you're just throwing grenades in their relationships and then running away yeah and they're like the strapping Katie in the morning see you another hour hits coming up right now we got to go to commercial by I guess when you think about it because it takes me like I do live prank phone calls and it takes me a couple sometimes like eight calls until I finally get somebody that's like actually not just click hang up so yeah I guess yeah it is f oh God yeah that would make for bad radio if just get H up on for an hour and then finally get one I'll go live on Tik Tok and like just do prank calls for two hours and like the first you know you might go through eight really bad ones I've seen these yeah I think I've seen one of those yeah so I gu okay now I I guess I understand that everything in life like hey do you want to cook dinner I'm live on Tik Tok doing prank calls baby shut up I don't know why I did you in a country accent wait how did you know how that goes down that wasn't that was disrespectful I I Vibe with it hey what are you doing tonight not tonight prank calls you got do that during the day um it does better during the day cuz businesses are open you know when I'm out here harassing the hard working people of America they typically answer before 5:00 p.m. I don't know what businesses are open I got time for this well it used to be Crank Yankers yeah I've I've actually never seen their stuff people comment and say oh this reminds me of the crank callers or whatever it was is it crank or prank I think it was crank why is it crank I don't know I don't know I've never I've never seen their stuff but I heard there it's a crank call really no they were Crank Yankers yeah but would you prank call someone prank yank prank yank prank calls is with a p yeah crank what are you doing I'm doing prank yeah prank calls but Crank Yankers with all right got it yeah yeah yeah yeah and that makes me nervous prank calling yeah oh God I love it dude I addicted to it I just it's you just never know and it's improv which is my favorite it's as long as I don't have it resolved in my mind before I call it goes so much better if I have an idea of what I want to say it usually plummets goes bad like this is gonna kill no it's not yeah never start with this is gonna kill no never It Never Kills we had a show we did a show uh on Monday night with Brad Paisley yeah I had all these like jokes in my we're gonna do something on stage together I had all these like lines written I was like and like they all bombed yeah hard and then the stuff we just did like off the cuff killed yeah it's how it always is it's so much you're you get in that flow State oh yeah which is better than that unb yeah for a live show especially yeah how did that come up with Paisley I mean he they asked me to do it because I think Nate had done it last year and then he does like a a charity thing at zy every year nice yeah he's his music is got a lot of comedic undertones to it oh yeah like I like to check you for tck oh yeah that's funny yeah he was actually and then um well going and I'm Still A Guy oh that's funny yeah I didn't think about that he's out there fishing and his wife says well you better come home he's like well I'm going to miss her you know yeah I me like it's all funny stuff he goes I'm going to miss her that was iconic cuz you're like she's got she's asking me to come home we've been together for so long it's getting late baby come home coming home and then he gets you I'm going to miss her oh looky there s it boy another B that's what I did last you other words today that was it oh gosh that song we were like how's he doing it cuz it feel like it was kind of like at the time like kind of like disrespectful to his wife it did cuz we grew up at Southern where you don't you're like no brother you got to go home you got to go homeoint you got to go home brother he's like no she I do this every week she'll still be at the house when I get home we were that was like to here in the was it the '90s probably yeah probably was was ahead of its time yeah no I'm seriously I I said something to somebody here in Nashville like yeah I'm writing country comedy and she was like oh like Brad Paisley and I was like at at the time I was like no not like Brad basley no I'm not trying to be Brad basley and then I went home and started listening to more of his stuff and I was like wait she knew exactly what I was trying to do wow you know like the um like alcohol it was like I'll help you talk to your friends I'll help you and then it's like I cuz they didn't know what the song was about I'll help you uh you made some poor decisions get kicked it or like what is he talking about then he goes ow C that's like a setup punch line well if you think about it um who was it that sang This Big and Rich this was a country Rich this was a legit country radio hit save a horse ride a cowboy huge hilarious song but like how do you get that on the radio back then yeah like that was wild but that's a country comy boy no there's a couple that have not aged well right a couple a lot of them yeah or um A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash that was hilarious yeah so what about the um uh what's the one a pretty lady won't you give me a sign like a buy I got to buy a woman at the auction block remember that is that how it is isn't that weird and I said give me one give me that one right there or something like that just everyday life just buying women for money call yeah I can't do that one legal Las Vegas hey like uh yeah you can do it out there still yeah I did it last yeah there's a couple of them that were like uh but there was but then at the hip-hop was the same oh hip-hop's still very much like the things that Eminem was saying when we were growing up and then God I saw him on a commercial with Roger Goodell for the NFL draft I go what what it's what bananas like he was saying uh oh my my gosh he was saying like terms terrible that would get you cancelled in a heartbeat yeah today not not just terms like descriptions of vile actions that were like bro what are you doing yes then we were and I was like going to my like private Christian High School and a Honda Civic like yeah I relate to this this speaks to me this guy gets me I'm mad at the world too man what are you mad at dude my parents making me new geography homework before I out of his mom too I'm going bike cide dude this week's episode of the podcast brought to you by Miracle M speaking of Miracles speaking of I don't know how far we are in the in the episode but speaking of Miracles baby did you know the temperature at night can have one of the greatest impacts on your Sleep Quality it's true do you wake up hot 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the code net positive uh for 20% off and free shipping I would say my experience with the cancle culture and I I think that's even like a lame topic to even discuss it because it's like but what people don't like is the hypocrisy because like Eminem's like yeah I always been this and like people that are like yeah like forward- facing now that are like yeah well I don't I'm not trying to be a pastor like I this is who I right and everybody goes yeah like some I would say there's some celebrities that if they got in trouble for doing X Y and Z we'd be like yeah yeah we figured he was doing that that was the whole Johnny Depp thing yeah it was like oh you're just real life Jack Sparrow right okay yeah yeah take take the domestic abuse out of it obviously but like all the alcohol and the drugs it's like bro that's on brand for you well what's so funny about cancel culture is at first when it started happening it was like oh this is like a death sentence and now you know it's so it's like there's you're really never getting can like you know what I mean you're never getting it's just like this um I don't know it just feels like it's a massive slap on the wrist and then I don't know what good it really does other than the sense of like they send you away for three months and then you come back and sell more tickets and it it it changes so much it changes when you're having to work in these invisible lines it's because of the fear of something bad happening to you it changes so much well I think it's like uh yeah you don't want to I feel like I just don't want to live like too like you're like I don't know he we've you've been like anybody that's open about whatever they're going through like they you're like yeah we like with if you got like a well like at Morgan yeah you're like yeah we knew he was like Rowdy guy yeah I got I mean no one was surprised by the the chair story yeah maybe that was like okay all right yeah I mean sure glad nobody got hurt glad he didn't get convicted for manslaughter of accidentally hitting somebody in the head with a chair but yeah when that news broke I was like did we expect anything different yeah they gave him a bar downtown I mean did we expect anything different they like we're pulling the logo up on those bar right now oh pull it back pull it back down pull it back down yeah never never mind never mind yeah it's not like he's going to have to go into real estate be fine imagine Morgan wall Morgan Wallen realy selling homes yeah I don't think anybody I think uh anybody's really particularly like scared of it got pretty hot and heavy there for a minute though in like 2018 2019 it's getting a little it's a hot time yeah it was a hot time John now it's a n yeah yeah it's what what's interesting looking back but it's like you know a lot of people there's that revisionist history that goes on on the internet all the time they're like I can't we're like dude if you were all these eras of time like people discuss like in in certain eras of civil rights you're like I would have been the one yeah like if that's what the culture was and even back to rap music and lyrics and like yeah but this was the you understand like this was the 90s or this is the two TH or we didn't isn't it wild that can be an excuse like dude it was the 90s or it was the 80s like it it was like with the revisionist history like going back to like cancel like who like uh people that are dead like Christopher Columbus you're like you're applying today's ethics and morals to another time right is is going back and saying I can't believe this now this is like a I mean it's the same it's the same process when you think about like I can't believe I did that when I was 18 well there's a reason you did it when you 18 you were 18 your brain isn't where it needs to be so trying to like you talking about going three for four and hitting two home runs I was not going into the I was not a with a guy in b not a heavy Slugger I was great def sorry sorry I didn't go that deeping on that point you you weren't back and cleanup no I was like seven eight hitter yeah I was like I was like a 260 hitter but I had you know I'm just going to go I'm just going to go and say it y'all yeah I had four ESP in top 10 plays so come on give it up thank you for allowing me on today's podcast I'm going to leave after that four can we find them or no we can yeah you can Google Google I mean I'm not going to sit here and tell you to gole to probably the top it's probably the top research there's definitely on YouTube Sports Center top 10 yeah and you played shortstop let me guess what this was I well I played my freshman year at second base yeah and then shortstop the next three years is it uh does uh does somebody come into your living room as a senior in high school coach come into your living room sit you down with your parents just like it it was no Nick sabines is that it right there I it I was about 40 lb give me that let's go dude yeah had a big old set of thighs on me back in stud that's you that's me brother no it's not I'm tell I watch that again yeah the braids yeah I um college softball they like go that looks oh I can see it they like really I mean you were doing like powerlifting and like these heavy now if I tried to work out like that I would break myself that looks like a good time that was a good time my gosh this college sports was awesome yeah that's like so fun it looks just like so fun are you really you're pulling one yeah this is another one give me that yeah dude go get it what was college softball culture like uh a lot of Subarus no I'm kidding um nice there was a it it was fun I mean at that level though like Alabama at that time was so good like there was no messing around it was like yeah yeah it was really structured um I kind of got called out constantly for being immature and Dam I just like I I can't play if I'm if I'm welled up like I can't play if I'm tight you know relax like it's it just was not I don't know I needed to just have fun and cut loose and then when I am on the field then it's kind of like I get into like a Zone but yeah I would always kind of get you know lectured about being too too Goofy too immature which now yeah play the best yeah yeah the culture was very serious though because it was uh who did those braids I think my teammate cie did those that was like a lot of work it more work than stretching before the game kept all the kept all the Loose Ends out of your face though yeah what and what do they have now they got the they have different uh like they have different uh helmets and stuff now than they used to didn't play in the 40s John so the helmets are still very similar they didn't have them back when I played we didn't have helmets they were leather you're like no it was last year I play we caught with our hand yeah uh no it I the bats have definitely changed I think they've gotten better yeah they were considering moving the fences back cuz I mean think about it these chicks are they're big they're strong and the fence is only 220 whereas in baseball it's like 410 so the bats have gotten better the balls you know 70 mph pitch so it's you know a 220 fence isn't much yeah wind it up yeah but you couldn't hit him I thought you couldn't hit him not me bro I'm trying to pimp this out for the other players let's go for the other hitters I'm trying to make a case for them what do you um what are your thoughts on Caitlyn Clark I think she's a beast I think why is everybody like dumping on Caitlyn Clark right now I don't understand that's what we said she's good for the game that's what we said I think what it is okay there's some great players in the WNBA yeah look at the camera not me I don't know their names okay I don't know their names all I know is that there's some great players from what I've heard yeah um I will now watch WNBA I have never watched the WNBA I don't even I couldn't name a single team and that listen this is coming from a lesbian woman yeah listen I couldn't name a single and this is a I'm a fanatic so like like I'm a sports fanatic but I think Caitlyn's about to bring get to the next level you know this is exactly what we said two weeks ago why why are we hating on it's like I don't know you get one good car salesman at the at the at the lot and he's bringing an influx of good people in and now you're like oh yeah what are you doing Adam you're like bro he's he's helping us all out like we're all say we're all selling more cars now as my daddy would say high tide raises All Ships yeah I'm I'm tuning in the games this year no question we got a new coffee machine in the break room because Doug is selling more C out here and more people are coming here thank you Doug it's a win for everybody what is it the Indiana Fever is that right yeah I guess yeah I I'd go to a game I would too yeah I thought it was well we said in here that it was it was maybe I mean we were glued to those games in the uh in the NCA tournament I watched all of them and I was like oh maybe and you've seen it in other women's sports in volleyball and there's like oh maybe it's not that nobody likes women's sports that isn't it wasn't a sex thing at all it was just is it like are the the characters compelling MH right well and she was so compelling I would go I would I thought the end I thought the men's tournament was boring yeah I I couldn't I have no idea who's in the men's tournament this year but see equal opportunity she doesn't know the WNBA or the men's yeah well you're consistent consistently ignorant to the sports if it makes you feel any better I feel like you look at like uh you look at college softball in the early 2000s and when the leather back when they were catching with their hand you know and and you really didn't know much about it and then all of a sudden the athletes got better the athletes got more competitive so of course you're going to watch a more competitive sport that's why I think the exposure for you know women's college softball it it's all for the past I think like five years it's outranked the men's World Series so now I think Kate we're starting to see this turn with Clark but yeah I don't know why she's getting so much hate I think it I hate to say it I think it really is just like a jealousy like we've already been playing good how come you haven't tuned in yet and it's like well I'm sorry but Caitlyn's gonna help me tune in I think the WNBA needs a reality show I think if you started to shut because I guarantee you there's story lines going on there that are just as compelling golf for the F1 on as anything in other sports yeah you get into that it's like oh all of a sudden I'm I'm invested because I know the people because I don't know the players involved so why would I care about the sport that's a good Point man cuz full swing on Netflix has really helped me to watch more PGA yeah before then I didn't know who Scotty shuffler was yeah now I'm rooting for Good Old Scotty have you seen that uh that Theo Von clip about softball about the women jumping up doesn't he has we don't have to look it up Tik Tok or something what I I've been watching softball that's what I said to him in person and it was so awkward you should have led with that softball I was like Theo you know when you say that those girls jump up and bang chess oh yeah I kind of vibe with that he kind of looked at me like well yeah I think I think the kayin Clark I I mean I think I'd be stoked but if a if a young comic comes in that's selling more tickets than what we're selling we all there's a sense of but but the thing is I would say that privately to my buddies right I don't mind the WBA girls goes I mean that the same with Lonzo ball remember when those Ball Brothers came they were like we're going to foul him we hate and he's coming in cocky gold chains his dad's shoes that's You're Gonna Hate That Guy the establishment of whatever it is that's not sports that's probably everything somebody somebody's podcast pops off we we probably to our each other we go but publicly we that's the crazy cuz on those n NCAA tournament games there was was Al the WNBA girls were watching him live yeah Crusher publicly I think it also which crazy it rubs it in their face too because I felt like this you know we didn't have the name image likeness still when I was in college oh yeah and um social media was around you know like I was actively posting on social media so I think about prank calls no not that but I do think about like there is a jealousy Factor like dude this sucks like I could have picked up an extra six figures in college oh yeah and and she's making I think the last I had read she had made just in name image and likeness by the playoffs by the playoffs was like 3 million so you look at these WNBA players and they're like bro I'm not even making 1% of that as a professional player and this chick is bringing a bag of three Millie so yeah I'm sure there's some jealousy there just because they they didn't get to be a part of that that game that's when you say it like that that's tough yeah but you know what though like with the comedian example too it's going to make you right better yeah it's G to make you better you know like it makes the whole thing makes the game better I mean what if you're Kaylin Clark and you the for training camp what kind of car are you pulling up in dud I'm pulling up in a Camry I don't want no haters yeah quiet you gotta be quiet I want I'm going all the way I'm going Camry I'm going a cyber truck dude citn Clark cyber truck for sure yeah you don't want your teammates to hit you I forgot about that yeah you got you got to get that camaraderie going you know I was in I went to I threw out the first pitch of the Braves game like a year and a half ago and I was so my buddy Colin McHugh he went into high school together he pitched for the Braves at the time so I go they go do you want to see anything the locker room I go I want to go to the the parking garage take me out the parking garage they're like the player lot yeah and like so like Ronald aunia has like a Lamborghini I think uh Ozuna had a goldplated mayback or something and I go where's Colin M he's probably going to get mad that I said this I go where's Colin M and it was like a it's like a minivan or like a like a 2004 Camry I go dude what are you doing yeah represent our high school better than you're rich dude we know I know how much money you make in the contract what is this I feel you know I feel like the difference there is that they're all making Millies oh yeah these chicks are making 60 Grand a year can't cyber truck cber just really rub it in their face yeah yeah yeah that's what she signed for right 8 $80,000 a year for like five years but but with the other she's not worried about that no it's Endor because yeah so what you've nence done is you go oh well I did it and then I would I would understand why other people would be mad yeah they're like well we don't there's no shoe deals in the WNBA she goes yeah there is now WNBA there are whoops I mean I I I I whatever the first game is I'm in yeah I'd love to go see her play so would I she's like draining it from like half court I would just constantly be saying like every time I drain one just be like where the big boat's dock that's just that would be my that' be my go-to right there where the big boats do that's it they be like Caitlyn shut up sounds like a Rick Ross hook I feel like they tried to make it about they make it about like sexism and then they and then with they tried to make race also an argument in that and we were like I don't know she just good I'm just tring to watch the game turn out we just want to watch what you want to watch and when somebody says like you have to support so you're like no I don't I'll tell you it the first time in my life that I left the golf course early to go home and watch a freaking women's basketball game and that was when I was like she's got me like locked in right now CU I love watching her play I mean she just good how are you shooting though 97 I think that day so it's kind of worth leaving you were like I might I might hit par I'm going stay around I might watch my phone that's true that's true we should play yeah do you play yeah I play a lot let's go yeah I would love to play with you I mean I I can make it fun I'm not like out there you know like constantly digging around in the pond like I won't I won't drag us down too much and what and we have when's our game July June June June 3 oh yeah if you live in Nashville come out are we gonna be on the same team again I hope so oh yeah it's be nice to have one funny team again so let's go I was like man that girl could hit what about left-handed this year want to even it out a little bit well because there was there was other yeah we should get your comments on this we there is a lot of softball my barber shop has a softball team and they they have to have three women on the team not about it brother you're not with it no I hate intermural softball because they have to have the because of those rules no it's just uh I sound like a prude say not about it brother not about it brother it's just like I feel like I'm going to get hurt I've had so many concussions and I there nobody's calling the ball everybody's going after it full speed it's just it's an injury I don't need yeah I'm on the up and up right now I need to stay on the up and up not back into the ER and there's nothing worse than being an adult in a walking boot yeah it's like why you doing why did I do that yeah you really don't have any excuse no I was trying to yeah stop right there yeah I've never gotten hurt on the golf course so I'll stick to that yeah you get hurt in softball all the time yeah we saw the play yeah a lot of concussions are weird like I've never torn any thing but I I managed to hit my head constantly I don't care about nothing but the ti T what is uh are you do you listen to the new Taylor Swift album no of all the things she has no comment on it's Taylor Swift real quiet over there you didn't like it you don't listen to it I haven't listened to it you know um not your thing I just like country music you're looking for a feature on that comedy album that's what you're you're keeping this tight she already has it she go answer I answer it like that no joke because it is the most opinion she is the not she everybody around her is the most opinionated so I it's just no I haven't listened to it yeah everybody everybody has a thought on it everybody has a thought on it yeah that's probably a good way to say it just like no haven't heard it yet we do have speaking of injuries and sports and uh we do have one clip to show want to get your thoughts on it this is a I saw this on Tik Tok this is a guy uh basketball player I don't know what country this in but a basketball player no audio we'll just watch it bro what oh my man said this wait wait is he being for real he's I'm like he's actually pretty good he said he hit him with yeah no he's so he's actually really good I like that he's putting on for the camera too like he knows he knows he's got it wild yball yball said he out there playing yball Stell he's actually pretty good that's an unbelievable clip yeah was that you John I could wow dude didn't they play Queen of the Court I don't know where I don't even know what country that would be in Queen of the Court oh it's it's the yeah for me it's the The Waiting after he throws it up and he goes like let's see I like hit him with the hit him with the uh yeah this is um that's an unbeliev man where I don't know where this is I would love to be there that would add up yeah nobody's gardening though where's the D nobody's getting up in his space yeah yeah nobody's guarding him like you know these guys invited their wives to the court they're like babe we have a legit basketball game tonight and then they're watching this guy the wives are like so that one guy he put up 32 on you what's that about they're jealous of him yeah he's good they're jealous of he's getting nil deals hey everybody's watching our league Now in America why we got this guy literally honey this is what you practice four times a week for he's now he's now starting he's starting for sure the Pistons that is unbelievable yeah that was B that was good yeah I mean we didn't so I I didn't play a ton yeah basketball no tennis oh but I W I walked on wait wait wait wait what do you mean you didn't oh you didn't play a ton I thought you you didn't play a ton and then all of a sudden you went and played no no I played all all in juniors that's all I ever Goa okay but I W I wanted to play I walked on and then I got on scholarship like a sophomore year barely right on but then like with but then the I wonder if it's the same tennis there's a lot of uh foreigners yeah from like Sweden Brazil Portugal like I was like these guys have been living their whole lives playing tennis this softball not like that no we're like rough necks like we're from like the hollers of Kentucky every no I mean every everybody's usually from the US softball's not really I mean my wife played uh Pro after college in Switzerland oh but it's not competitive over there it's it was more like for the experience but yeah it's mostly us players more like that yeah they're doing a lot of Ying over there they're like yes yeah no it's it's definitely a US based sport oh we I met my girlfriend we have that in common too journalism Alabama wait did she go to Alabama no I met my girlfriend uh in the DMS and you did too that's how it goes down yeah except my girlfriend didn't follow me back I had to pretty much I I I stalked her now it' be a good time to tell you I was the man in the basement she she didn't I followed her and that man was me yeah it was me um no I followed her didn't follow me back so I hit that start watching her stories no bro once she didn't follow me back I unfollowed her how long did you give her uh before you were like okay I'm not getting that follow back was that a days or a weeks probably about four days yikes I didn't know four days that's a tough four days I didn't know her and I was like okay she probably thinks I'm a creep at this time we we didn't really have a large everybody you follow has to follow you back no but I needed this follow back like this is something I needed not all follows weigh the same time I've been there I've been exactly yeah you got to have that follow back yeah so then what she finally I followed her back like two weeks later followed her and followed her back like 3 weeks later I hit her with the creep I did I'm not going to lie like I this is a red flag you wanted this one dude I manifested this all right she's locked up in the basement at home right now your mom wouldn't agree with manifesting I'll tell you that but yeah I tried to tell my mother one time that prayer was like manifesting she didn't want to hear that but when you think about it when you think about it it actually is there are some similarities except the exact opposite but there is some similarities well when you when you think about prayer you're typically asking for something through thoughts and energy you are which is a lot of what manifesting is you know yeah and you if you are I feel like prayer if you are constantly asking for so you are more prone to act in a way that would manifest that yeah I mean I get put feet to prayers yeah you would say it was your manifestation versus God but in going in the same direction I suppose I I could go down this rabbit hole for hours I just spoke to a friend who's really religious about this or really religious but we spoke about this and um I was like you know God knew that we have a really hard time with the spiritual way things work without physically being able to see things yeah so he put his son in physical form so that we would have an easier time understanding what this what this meant of him dying for us and so he put him in physical form send him down to earth so that we can understand it better but in reality he's now in a spiritual form an energetic form and so it is a lot of energy work that's all it is really is is Just Energy work because there is no physical form to it other than when you go and do fellowship with people in church or have a casserole yeah have a casserole but we we've we've had this conversation on the Pod a couple times where we've had like the um the guys from uh blurry creatur which is a podcast and they talk about uh like other Realms or other so what so what is if you are there is the Physical Realm and then there's a supernatural so you are praying or asking for there's other there's other factors at work so he said I felt God or I felt a the Holy Spirit maybe speaking to me or I felt this sense of go talk to that person or reach out to that person and send a text and they were like I can't believe you just sent me this text I was and you're like well what what is I call those like I'm really like I love learning about this stuff but there's these things from what I've learned that are like threads so like my dad for instance him and I we share a thread and it's you can't see it but it's that feeling of like I know my dad is having a really bad day yeah and I'm sending that energy to him or he's sending energy to me and I'll call him and I'll be like what's up Dad and he's like God it's a bad day and we never told each other about that but it's those energetic threads and um that if you're if you were a Christian you would call that the Holy Spirit but if you're if you're not you would you would call that yeah a thread yeah well I mean I am a I am a Christian but I also think just through my experience of uh just my my life and I think a lot of times we can use God's and that's what I believe when God says don't take my name in vain I don't think it has anything to do with saying GD yeah there's no GD in the Bible I think when God's saying don't take my name in vain he's saying don't use my name to justify your agenda and that's what I I perceive that to be is God saying don't take my name in vain don't use me trying to preach right now yeah well don't don't use me and my and my love for people to justify your agenda and sometimes that agenda is for good but sometimes that agenda is for bad and that's what I perceived to be don't take my name in vain I think there's truth in that yeah it's not like God God says in the Bible don't say GD but we somehow have managed that's what taking God's name I don't think I never thought about it like that yeah if you have like a you do have a uh we come back to this a bunch and you have a pastor with a with a private jet and he saying I need to reach more people for the gospel that's why I need this jet so you're saying you're you're using my name to justify your your agenda that could be an I think that's an example Tak that's taking my what I was that's not really what I was about that's not really why I came to Earth yeah I think that's a good way of saying it I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to reach more people but if you're you know overwhelming love for materialistic things is at the Forefront and you justify that by saying you're going to reach more people for God I think that's where you're taking God's name in vain agreed yeah I do you think there I feel um I was going to ask you this I didn't know if the conversation was going to go in this direction but if it did that I was going to ask you is there seemed to be um a lot of like obviously you grew up in Alabama your parents are religious you still what I gather to have to have a lot of and and your fans I'm sure a lot of love for those people yeah and I like I used to perform in churches all the time and I feel like in some ways the Christian Community we we might they I thought at one time they had turned their backs on me but I go and I'll always I go man I love those people when I I love the the way I like you don't I don't take you for someone that has is trying to I see so many Comics that have gone the other direction and they're pointing their fingers back at their childhood or the way they grew up or like I can't believe I don't gather that from you yeah I I just think you I just really think you catch more bees with honey you know and um I'm sure like there's no joke there's there's there's been a lot of turning backs um like I haven't talked to my mom in six years because there's this relationship between her and I that just has reached the end of the road because she can no longer see past um my relationship with my wife so if I've ever had a reason to go that direction that would be the reason but I also I have to check myself when I when I want to live in a state of bitterness or a state of um being mad I have to ask myself like at the end of the day that's not hurting anybody but me and it it poisons my well it it makes me feel like very empty at the end of the day so I choose to just I I really try to just see the good in all people and even if there is a group of people say like a highly religious group of people that can't get past my relationship at the end of the day I believe that we're all entitled to our own opinion and our own belief system and our own religion that's what makes the world operate in the way that it does so I'm like I I would feel very contradictory if I wanted people to accept me for how I am but I can't accept them for they live I just don't welcome those people into my personal space I can still have a wonderful time with them and great conversation but it's not people I'm going to go hang out with and that's just how I I live my life is just be open-minded to other people if you want them to be open openminded to you otherwise they're going to be in the Facebook other messages inbox 100% they're going to be over I ain't G to see you they're going to be over in that one I think I think I in in a lot of ways in my own Journey that you do and I feel like in comedy I think I was telling a comic this yesterday I go you have one joke about every com you have one joke about the left or about the right or about Jesus or about your parents or about um Latinos or about gay people or about what whatever you start to have like three or four or five in your show some people are like I think he might have a problem right and it and it to your point it it hurts what you're trying to do like your own your own I guess the way I'm trying to say it is your own your own baggage your own anger your own resentments it's my job and no one else's to cut those off of my pack so I can deliver better art right 100% I look at I sometimes I look at the way I think the government is being run and I am so angry at it and I go I'll take a shot every now and then but if I keep yeah then people go hey I think he's got an agenda yeah he has a and I don't care what I don't care if your agenda is left right yeah gay straight Christian atheist if you go into making art or or living or being a an employee or being a family member or being a friend you go yeah he's carrying this yeah and that's on no one else but you and me and you to to whether it's it's conversation or education or therapy or your own work to rid yourself rid yourself of it it's still going to exist in the world the comments are still going to come my way and your way and that it's your job to I I we've seen people that come through this podcast that they come something has done has been done wrong to them yeah and I go yeah but you that person hasn't thought about that since that day you put it on totally every day you put it on one of my favorite quotes is I believe it goes something like you're not living your life yeah you're living the life that you put energy behind and I think that I like what you said we've gotten so far away from us being in charge of our own feelings us being in charge of our own baggage and we need that baggage because it the the one thing we hate as humans is to look Inward and so it's easier to place that baggage on somebody else for me with my comedy you know comedy is very new to me in the sense of like it being an art or being what I'm doing um but I've had to be very particular to make sure that I'm not just perceived as a gay comic I see so many people that they wear that as their entire personality it's it's who I am it's I'm sorry let me rephrase that it's a piece of who I am just like you guys just like us what yeah tell us well just like you guys well seriously just like y'all wouldn't make your entire sexuality about the women you're dating your whole personality be weird I have it would be weird there's a lot of um stereotypes that I can you know joke about like I look like I shop at Home Depot yeah it's funny you know I mean like I have a hat on and I look like I'm from Wayne's World so it's funny but it's you know what I mean uh but it doesn't have to be like the entire personality and so if I ever move in that direction I'm very conscious of it because I want to make sure that I can stand on my own two feet without always having to have a cane of it being gay forward or something like that but that's like it would be similar with me with Christianity yeah absolutely like he's a Christian comic I go I talk a lot about my Christianity my faith in the show cuz that's a part of who you yeah but if somebody wasn't a Christian they would love the show just as much as anyone else cuz they're like yeah he that's that's the lens that you see the world through but that's not if you were like he's just a Christian I would be like that's kind of disrespectful not disrespectful but that's a small box right yeah does your fan base reflect that um it's funny they don't care about nothing but the it's funny because like I'll you know you'll be up on stage and you're like starting to make eye contact with people and uh they'll be like a a guy that looks just like Larry the Cable Guy sitting next to a girl that you know has like a Butch haircut and you're just like so and that's what I want that's cool that's what I want I I I want my my audience to be colorful I don't I don't want it to just be one person yeah well I think I think that so my I would say the majority of the demographic the majority of the ticket buyers at my show are female yeah yeah and that's but that's in a lot of entertainment where the women will or the ticket buyers yeah the men will come with them I don't think there's a lot of I mean at my meet and greet there's actually this weekend there's like four Dudes yeah I go y'all just this is new I never all right there's a lot of girls nights or a lot of but I feel like and you I bet the same with you is the guys come they're like this is my wife always watching this guy's videos he's in town whatever I'll go and then yeah they start to be like oh that's hilarious and then they're into it totally I had this guy messaged me uh he was tickled pink the whole show I was down in da beach in Florida and great Club yeah great club and he um he was like uh he kept smiling the whole time and I kept like focusing on him because his energy was so good you know I was like pulling from me and then he messaged me uh like a week later and he was like bro that was the best show I've been to like my wife brought me to the show he said brother to you oh dude I get dude bro and I dig it brother I get dabbed up dab when a guy dabs me up it turns me on I've never been so close to being straight like when a guy dabs me up it's like bro I got to go change like I like literally I freaking love it or when I brother like that's not even close that's dirty talk what was aw the other day I was talking to this guy he was he was giving me a quote from my house and when we got off the phone I was like all right man I was like well just shoot me a text with that quote if you don't mind and he's like of course I was like all right bro I appreciate you he goes yes sir and I went that's I said I liked it not this far that's the line anyway I'm so sorry yes ma'am yes ma'am I'm so sorry and but it's that Comfort like I don't think guys are used to just feeling comfortable with a girl that's like willing to bro it up you know but yeah that's hilarious enjoy getting that message from him like going on brother made my world yeah but you don't I you don't as like there's no there's no particular agenda to your where and what I've seen of I mean you except I mean I guess you do have that you do on a truck but hell yeah dude it's only been in the shop four times last month for transmission problems but really I can't yeah a girl pulling up and I dated a girl that drove a truck one time how' it make you feel big I thought it was awesome what's her wife like now is she sweet or I don't think so she cute was she cute oh man all right where can people find you uh Instagram yeah Instagram Tik Tok uh my wife and I have a podcast as well refined and Rowdy and those are probably the big three and the uh First Horizon Park oh yeah June 3 is it we gonna be playing we GNA playing soft we're playing softball not baseball yes softball athletes all together uh D Hayes thank you for coming by appr it a little weird but on the it was a positive a positive you cannot be serious on the net it's a positive [Music]

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