Tim Walz's Trump Supporting Relatives are Weird & Terrible at Grammar

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:17:49 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: tim walz abortion
let's get into it what a week on Tuesday vice president kamla Harris kicked off a Reproductive Rights bus tour which will make stops across the country to win over voters in swing States if the bus ever slows below 50 mes per hour a National Abortion ban immediately goes into effect what are you gonna do hot shot her first stop was Palm Beach Florida which is just a Stones Throw from Mar Lago a Stones Throw also the potential punishment for having an abort in Florida Seven States including Arizona Nevada and Florida will vote on abortion measures in November Trump dug himself into a Hole by overturning row but we can't rely on the hole to do all the work we have to point at the hole yell about the hole shine a light on the hole we have to bring the hole home for people we can't just tell hole we must show hole but the vice president is speaking to more than Reproductive Rights during a rally in New Hampshire on Wednesday Harris outlined her economic agenda and address gun violence after yet another mass shooting this time in Georgia this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way or does it said a man who has no idea why he's angry and sad all the time even though he's tried everything like ignoring it or driving really fast for no reason Harris has reached at least one Republican voter Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney announced Wednesday that she'll be voting for kamla Harris in November saying this during an event at Duke University as a conservative as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution uh I have thought deeply about this and because of the danger that that Donald Trump poses uh not only am I not voting for Donald Trump but I will be voting for KLA Harris yeah this is pretty huge I have to double check the population of Wyoming but I think we just won Wyoming there's like a uh there's like a quantum theory of bush Republican which is you can't predict their location and trajectory at the same time like Liz Cheney is now voting for KLA Harris Lindsey Graham will drop flowers on John McCain's grave before campaigning for Trump like sure at the scale of the meter Republicans look like particles that hold specific views and values but zoom into the nanosphere and what you'll find is a dazzling and uncertain world that defies logic and expectations I thought that would do a little better speaking of people but we're leaving it in speaking of people I don't care Pearls Before Swine not you speaking of people going against the family Tim Wall's magga older brother Jeff walls suggested in a recent Facebook post that he didn't consider Tim fit for office writing the stories I could tell not the type of character you want making decisions about your future those stories mostly things Jeff considered gay at the time that are now just things we consider wearing pink or tucking in your shirt that that sounds like an exaggeration but this is this is real when a news Nation reporter reached out this was the story that Jeff told I'll give you one example my little brother when we were younger we would go on family trips in a station wagon and the thing was nobody wanted to sit with him because he had car sickness and would always throw up on us that sort of thing [Laughter] no it's important this country cannot survive having a vice president who has to stare at the Horizon while he's on a boat get me to the window KLA get me to the window no meanwhile a photo circulating online shows a smiling family of very distant relatives of Tim Walls dressed in matching t-shirts that say Nebraska walls is for Trump all right yeah so I I believe they're related to like a great uncle's brother or something it's not the worst thing about these shirts okay uh there's no apostrophe in plurals it's walles w LZ s if you want to know how we got to the point where Trump is President and people are filming and shouting at each other on airplanes it's because first we let go of the little things and then we let go of the big things [ __ ] people walls is think about it for two [ __ ] seconds speaking of Letting Go a federal judge has ordered the Trump campaign to temporarily stop using the song hold on I'm coming by the late soul singer Isaac Hayes said the judge this court finds it highly implausible that Donald Trump has ever warned anybody that he was coming speaking of awful surprises we have some more ghosts from Joan dudy and Vance's horrible and quite recent past Joan dudan you know again you're missing some [ __ ] that was good that was good Joan dudan I I'll I swear if you don't laugh at these I'll stop doing them and we got a long [ __ ] list of these and yeah yeah the lwh hanging fruit that's gone Jeffrey dmer Vance that's gone but we're still going to keep doing it the New York Times reports that the VP pick wrote the introduction to a 2017 Heritage Foundation collection of right-wing essays opposing fertility treatments and abortion access and that included one essay describing the threat of an empty stomach as a great motivator for finding work no big deal I can still fix this said Vance taking a steadying breath before his next round of ordering Donuts practice in the mirror got to get your 10,000 hours whatever makes sense no no JD that's not how you Donuts they all make sense you [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't go wrong speaking of trying to fix it when Trump was asked last Thursday how he'd vote on a Florida referendum that would overturn the state's six week abortion ban Trump refused to say he'd vote no and seemed to imply kind of that he'd vote Yes the state that you are a resident of there's an abortion related Amendment on the ballot to overturn the six we fan in Florida how are you going to vote on that well I think the six week is too short uh has to be more time and so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks it's an age-old political Dilemma on the one hand your real position is toxically unpopular on the other hand your brain has holes in it this led to a whole bunch of ageta from the Christian right Albert Mohler Jr president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary wrote on X that Trump's comments seemed almost calculated to alienate pro-life voters hey man sorry having a rough one if it helps not a single word out of Trump's mouth is calculated Jason reper or perhaps repair he's the president of the National Association of Christian lawmakers told reporters God saved Trump from an Assassin's bullet he did not save him to Pivot on the issue of abortion and support a policy that leads to killing unborn children in the United States of America in other words if you weren't going to be politically useful to me you should have just [ __ ] died another absolute Banger from the prolife community also shut up Jason nobody named Jason knows God's will then on Friday it's just a [ __ ] fact then on Friday right before his Pennsylvania rally Trump said he would vote no on the referendum protecting abortion access before ranting about how Democrats want to execute babies once they're born are you voting yes or no on Amendment four in Florida so I think 6 weeks you need more time than 6 weeks I've disagreed with that right from the early primaries when I heard about it I disagreed with it at the same time the Democrats are radical because because the 9 months is just a ridiculous situation that where you can do an abortion in the ninth month and you know some of the states like Minnesota and other states have it where you could actually execute the baby after birth and all of that stuff is unacceptable so I'll be voting no for that [Laughter] reason so just yeah man so he's voting to keep a six- we abortion ban he's voting in favor of a six-week abortion ban which he knows is totally unpopular so he makes up this [ __ ] about uh you know the you could do abortion up till the bar mitzvah uh abortion up to the age of haor all right Donald Trump is after all a man of conviction and his conviction is Donald Trump popular and everybody loved Donald Trump and then because he knows how bad his abortion position is politically he tried to swing over to the left on IVF saying he's not only in favor of it but that if elected he'd make the process free to families in need who would end up paying for this policy between the insurance companies or the government you ask and what we're doing and we're doing this because we just think it's great and we need great children beautiful children in our country we actually need them and we are going to be uh under the Trump Administration we are going to be paying for that treatment so we are paying for that treatment want it all for all Americans that get it all Americans that need it so we're going to be paying for that Tren uh or we're going to be mandating that the insurance company pay that clears it up uh when asked if he knew what IVF was Trump responded I think it's where you pop the uterus out and blow on it and put it back in if you've tried everything else Trump is also to be clear against Obamacare he famously only failed to repeal Obamacare in 2017 because John mcain gave it a dramatic thumbs down so Trump is voting against allowing access to reproductive Healthcare in Florida he's for throwing tens of millions of people off their health insurance against coverage for pre-existing conditions but for Universal free IVF coverage which will also be a felony pretty neat tide in Pennsylvania uh make it make sense on Wednesday Trump and her finally locked in the rules for their presidential debate next week with Harris's team reluctantly agreeing that microphones will be muted when it's not the candidates turn to speak here's my pitch both mics muted no moderators no one is in the room comma isn't there the room is small it has bars it's a prison cell incredible that the Trump campaign insisted on this on the muting of the mics our candidate is a walking bellowing ID with zero self-control and we demand that ABC fix it it's also incredible what side we're on now if we remember just to a few weeks ago we thought the muted mics would be good because our candidat spoke in a whisper and even the slightest Breeze could turn a sentence upside down now it's like muted microphone what like for just hours later during a Fox News Town Hall that was actually just a Sean Hannity interview in front of a live audience Trump basically questioned the fairness of the upcoming debate her best friend is the head of the network her husband's best friend is married to the head of the network and they're going to get the questions I've already heard they're going to get the questions in advance sounds like somebody's worried but that's life sometimes you're in a debate with the faltering old man sometimes you're in a debate as the faltering old man listen they knew I no we didn't talk about it but they're annoyed they know that I I'm sorry you have no idea how much time was spent getting that right it was the to try to find the right rhythm of it and you'd [ __ ] just B minused right through the room and I'm sure the original formulation would have done fine which is what everybody said to me because they wanted to go [Applause] home Trump also in this conversation with Shan Hannity seemed to have trouble remembering who he was actually running against I can't imagine New Hampshire voting for him anybody in New Hampshire cuz they're watching right now but anybody in New Hampshire that votes for Biden and and camela but don't worry Trump may seem old but he said this week he'll put Elon Musk in charge of making the government run better so if you don't like what's coming from derang Grandpa you can get a second opinion from the ketamine kid it's like putting the weasel from Roger Rabbit in charge of judicial reform on Wednesday Baron Trump started his first day at College uh at NYU and we he loveed her leave it wish and well really none of this is his fault yet yet none of [Laughter] this we'll just leave it it's fine let the people know also this week CBS announced the full cast for the upcoming season of Survivor one contestant John levette said he joined the show because at its rote it's an experiment in democracy it ends in a vote and the players decide what it means to earn that vote I wanted to be part of that experiment so make sure to watch and see if I was 2020 Joe Biden or 2024 Joe Biden [Applause] [Laughter] I feel like I'm standing on train tracks all the time and finally it's time for a segment we call America's Least Wanted this week we're headed to New Hampshire to talk about the Craven Republican lady dangerously close to becoming its next Governor Kelly iote ah New Hampshire New England's libertarian Uncle with several DUIs okay that's not fair the granite state is home to all manner of Republicans from Libertarians who of all the age of consent laws committed to memory to magga culture Warriors to uppercross Mitt Romney types who think all taxes are theft and you can't be racist because they've always been so generous with their Christmas tips speaking of Mitt Romney what's with all the New England states and their Republican Governors you guys are always bragging about how you're so liberal but it seems like you secretly want a big Republican man with a strong jaw to come in and be mean Daddy don't you you sick [ __ ] okay sorry if that was too much I didn't I didn't have therapy this year it's hard fitting it in this year anyway back in 2016 when she was serving as Senator Kelly iote publicly withdrew her support from then candidate Donald Trump after the Access Hollywood tape leaked and she said she would not vote for him aot said she made the decision because she wanted her daughter to know where she stood but boy that backbone disintegrated quickly in 2024 she endorsed Trump again so Senator iot's daughter can take comfort in knowing exactly where her mother stands in the garbage in this governor's race iot is saying that if voters elect her the granite state could become more like the worst place she can imagine Massachusetts We Are One election away from becoming Massachusetts in New Hampshire and I'm not going to let that happen uh like Reagan once said where's one generation away from becoming Massachusetts her official campaign slogan is don't Mass up New Hampshire first of all cool it lady second of all face face down Mass up was right there and what's wrong with Massachusetts besides the people Healthcare and public schools too good a city with more than 100,000 residents a cool lesbian governor and this is just a personal aside but why are people in New Hampshire constantly bragging about how they have no seat belt laws like ooh the law says you don't have to wear a seat belt cool so edgy do you also drink beer in the shower congratulations on all the preventable deaths I guess you stealth Hillbillies if you're a New Hampshire listener this was not about you and you are perfect Kelly iote has repeatedly called for a National Abortion ban and voted to to fund plann Parenthood four times a senator despite the fact that she looks like an unassuming woman you would see in a Cold Water Creek catalog she's proven herself ready to fully rubber stamp the Trump agenda on Tuesday New Hampshire will hold its primary to decide which Democrat will face iote but we already know that iote would be a terrible governor and this election will be Incredibly Close so if you want to help flip New Hampshire's Governor's Mansion go to votesaveamerica.com to get involved and that has been America's Least Wanted I remember what it's called [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it or leave it

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