Arizona Cardinals vs. Denver Broncos | Madden NFL 25 Simulation #madden24

it's the NFL on EA Sports and if it's in the game it's in the game Hold On Tight we're in for an exciting one next on Madden NFL [Applause] 25 in a few months time snow will blanket the great Peaks just to our West but for now summer still in full swing and EMP power Field at Mile High alongside my broadcast partner Charles Davis I'm brand garden and as we look at this matchup every time there's something different to focus on so I'll just ask you what do you see here in this one well R Brandt you've given me a pretty blank canvas to focus on haven't you where do you think I'm going to go with this oh secondary you know me you know me well right in a game like this it's always about the secondary can they handle the passing attack and make a few plays [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and off we go from Denver and he takes this near the 25 just a little pass there call it the 26 the Cardinals making their way out and it's the number one overall pick in 2019 Kyler Murray at the H and now that he's back at full health they're expecting Kyler to get back to being the Superstar playmaker that they drafted make no mistake about it when he's fully healthy there are't many quarterbacks are as dynamic as he is and if he's able to stay on the field this team has a real chance to make some noise first play and a first pass for Murray finding his Target it's Trey McBride and he goes out of bounds just shy of the 45 an early statement on the game's first play 18 yds and a first down nice grab by McBride and he's someone who took a massive leap a season ago not only did he leave the Cardinals in receiving but he did so by more than 250 yards and he expects to even have better output this season and they'll let the quarterback keep it here first and 10 six yds there on the keeper it's second down oh man that wasn't far from breaking in a big way into the secondary read option quarterback kept it and while he didn't get a first down he did get a nice chunk of yardage only a nice tackle prevented it from maybe going all the way here now second and four here's Murray from Midfield and they will not get the connection there it's incomplete we talk talk all the time about Playmakers on offense but let's face it there are plenty of Playmakers on defense too I think we just saw an example of one didn't we not force that incompletion yeah he's a great Corner they got a couple of them on that side of the football now they face a third down and four after that incompletion on second down they'll fake it to Conor now Murray and the Broncos get there and takeen down looks like a 9yd loss and it also brings up fourth you know it's never easy to get Kyler Murray down to the ground and to do it with a sack on their first drive what a great tone Setter defensively oh and no one's celebrating more than the defensive coordinator cuz that's all he's preached all week long keep him hemmed in don't let him get into the open field and create big plays with his feet to get him down in the pocket early that's got to feel great for them Blake gilin on the punt now on fourth down Marvin Mims deep for Denver he'll send this one into the mile high air and it's a good one this is taken around the 12 a seven yd return following a punt of 45 yds and the Broncos take over first down and 10 so now here the Broncos to take over on offense Led Out by their rookie quarterback draft drafted 12th overall Bo Knicks out of Oregon and he really established himself as one of the best quarterbacks in the country a season ago 45 touchdown passes and only three interceptions a Dynamic Athlete processes a lot of information a short amount of time and puts his team in a great position to win on each and every down you don't break the NCA record for highest completion percentage without having all those attributes and I think that he'll translate very well in Denver and and he'll get this up past the 25 before he's out of bounds and his play caller does a nice job of giving him an easy throw to start this drive and he takes advantage of it the completion sets up a manageable second down second down and a little more than a yard here now it's Nicks he'll let this go deep for Sutton and he bats it away and it falls down incomplete I like the fact that he took the shot deep down field even if you don't get the catch maybe you get a defensive penalty and pick up the yardage that way they tried the throw on second down unsuccessful now it's third and one to throw is Nicks that is caught and he'll be taken down but he does have first down down yardage they get six on the pickup there as the drive will continue well they kept it simple there CD only needing the short gain to move the chain so they didn't want to go with a deep throw they just go with that safer shorter throw and able to convert nothing wrong with that at all partner check the box right make sure you pick up the first down offense is getting established you're moving the ball you're not turning it over check check check they like what they're doing early in the game and he'll protect himself at the end here as winds up getting pretty decent yardage he'll wind up getting nine after tucking it and running so it'll leave him with second and a yard this early in the game it's all about making steady progress down field hoping to lead to early points and you can do it with your actual play calls or sometimes something a little more improvised as we just saw there they'll run it for the first time with Williams and the second wave of tacklers is going to get him as they stop him behind the line he winds up giving a yard back there and now it's third and two we all have habits we can be somewhat predictable and you know me pretty well on second down and short what I like to see play action yeah without a doubt I thought that was a great spot to call it instead didn't go their way did it now defense sold out for the Run worked out well and he's got the first down yardage as he brings this up to the 47 just four yds on the pickup but that's good enough to extend the drive that's how you get right up off of the M because on the last play they stoned him in the back field and dropped him for a loss but he's the type of guy that scared me a little bit because he's not daunted just got right back up showed some confidence and picked up a first down with his very next run throwing Nicks that's caught it's Marvin Mims and they'll wind up getting this one all the way down inside the 20 the rookie from Oregon on target with that one and leads to a first down well partner that's how you make a long drive suddenly not so long anymore one big play and they're already in field goal range with designs I'm getting more than [Music] that so the big play means just like that they'll operate from the red zone now on first down they'll go play action with Nicks he'll get this one to Patrick and the Broncos are going to have a first and goal as he'll be taken down at the seven yd line how about the way they're moving the ball down the field they had a big play a moment ago followed it up with another nice one here and before you know it they're already looking at first and goal here we go now on first and goal Nicks from the shotgun and they're going to get to him a sack sacked back at the 9 yd line the sack will push him back only a couple yards but certainly not what they were hoping for on first and goal well there's still time to rectify this situation because the Silver Lining they took a sack on first and goal but that close to the goal line that still definitely hurts now from the nine here's second and goal to throw here's Nicks throwing middle and it's complete and he was able to shed one tackle but could not get away from there that time the completion goes for four yds and we're set up with a third and goal [Music] [Applause] they'll try and throw here's Nicks open man and again it's Sutton able to hold him to just two yards and now it's Fourth and goal well we hear so often how tackling has become almost a lost start in the NFL game but it's so important to tackle well on these receivers especially in a play like this one third down they gave the underneath stuff you got to go up and make the tackle right away for the field 21 yd attempt the kick by Lutz is good so a long drive gets him down inside the five but ultimately they settle for just the field goal and I have to think that if maybe they were a yard closer that would have made their decision tougher and I think they likely would have gone for it but in this situation they just decided to take the three and I think it was a smart move [Applause] following the made field goal Luts to kick it away and they'll get him down inside the 30 at the 27 so the Cardinals offense back onto the field here for their second Drive of the game over on the sideline hoping to hit that reset button between possessions last time out they had to punt it away this time hoping to finish this thing off in the end [Applause] zone First Carry for James Conor and nothing much materializing there on the first down run he'll get a couple and that's it they suspected it it was a power play up the middle coming at them and boy were they right that defense got downhill in a hurry and limited them to just a couple on first down got it here at the 29 on second and eight again it's Conor and only able to get two here stopped at the 30 in order to play really good run defense when you're playing a 3 four those three guys up front the nose tackle and the guys they call the defensive ends they're usually big big people cuz they're going to have to eat up a lot of blockers that's usually five on three and when they do their job well guys who play on the inside those inside linebackers they will just Roam and hit he finds some open field here and they're going to have this across Midfield and inside the 45 big yardage there on the scramble it him a first down he's a talented Runner and that means he's always looking for bigger and bigger gains when he takes off certainly found some bonus yards there beyond the first down marker and this early Drive will continue with that extra jolt from his [Applause] legs so a first and 10 now in Denver territory at the 44 yd line Murray a give this is Conor and he he got blown up losing yardage on the play back at the 44 officially it's a one yd loss that's going to bring up second and 11 with his size he's a tough man to bring down but they do a nice job there stopping his progress and not allowing him to get back to the line of scrimmage so after the loss of a yard they'll look to push forward here on second down and 11 out of the gun here's Murr throw on the right side complete to Harrison and to the 36 yd line take down there after getting eight yds and the hitch route has run really well that jab step off the line of scrimmage by the receiver which is designed to back up the defender and give him a little bit of space all you want there get that space catch the football and then make a move and pick up extra yardage that's exactly what he got done there three nothing after one on EA Sports Cardinal football here to start quter number two as they've got it with a third down coming up they'll come to the line needing only two yds to gain the first here they'll try and run for it with Conor and he gets this one inside the 15 just a yard or two shy of the 10 good yardage as he rumbles for 24 and a first well partner what do you think might have been four down territory if they didn't pick it up but yeah it's a moot point now I was curious though if they didn't get it there would they have gone for it I guess we'll never know yeah we didn't have to make that call but I have a feeling both of us would have said go for it and his throw is going to be incomplete one of the best routes one of the favorite routes of any play caller he just ran that one nice little angle route that's supposed to be a catch and usually it is in running back drop it yeah I mean he's a running back but he's got hands he should have caught it second and 10 they run behind center with Conor down to the 6yd line on a pickup of six as he gets halfway to the goal line that was a good run and it got to the second level and what I mean by that is that's where the linebackers usually play first level being the defensive front last level being the secondary but the strong safety position end up making the tackle and often times we call them a hybrid combination defensive bat combination linebacker we saw the linebacker make the Stop and this pass broken up the contact well timed there and now fourth down once you get into the Red Zone spaces at a premium for receivers to try and operate and Shake themselves free that one's incomplete fourth down Murray off and the cards field goal unit and Matt Prader out there now from the right hash and this one just a chippy Trader kick is good and that will tie us at 33 that drive took him inside the 10 good job defensively to hold him to three yeah I like how you did that give a little tip of the cap to the stop troops there because they didn't give up a touchdown that situation right made them kick the field goal and yeah points went against them but that feels a whole lot better running off the field field goals are we've had so far 33 now as the kick is away and able to take it past the 25 and up to the 28 yd line so now the second Drive offensively coming up for the Denver Broncos and last time they got three points but it was a chip shot field goal and when you go to the sideline after a chip shot field goal maybe the offense not too happy it's a balancing act isn't it because you're exactly right they're none too pleased that they didn't punch it in for six points but they also have to remember they did put points on the board three points is three points and in this league you take points when you can get them not easily done here's Nicks that's going to be caught by Josh Reynolds and they'll get it up just short of the 45 at the 44 that play going for 16 yds to start the drive first down of course the catch was nice but how about what happened after able to stay on his feet and gain all that additional yardage so many of these slot guys I think have running back in their background now a first down carry it's Williams and he'll manage to pick up about four it's second down and that was a quality play to start a new set of downs that was simply an offensive line winning the battle up front and winning in a big way and giving their guy in the back field a nice Lane to hit ball on the 47 yd line here's second and six they'll stay on the ground with Williams looking for a scene but finding none he'll get back to the line of scrimmage and that's it and after that play we've got an injury and it appears to be to courland Sutton we'll step aside and get a report when we come back to [Applause] [Applause] Denver the Broncos on third down they've been okay two for three thus far this will be third and six and he will find his man on the outside and he is out of bounds inside the 35 second catch for him today and it'll wind up a first down well it appears that they read man defense and went to the out route and what you have to do on that one is a receiver's got to make sure he works a Defender towards the middle of the field to give himself space to cut to the outside and have that ball delivered with good timing and they got it done so into Cardinal territory now it's first and 10 down at the 33 from the gun it's a run for Williams and not much Running Room down to the 32 Bal Nicholls there on the stop oh there's plenty of traffic waiting for him up the middle but give him cred he tried barreling through anyway they're fortunate to get a yard out of that one second and [Applause] nine Nick to the air throw left side to Reynolds and just three yds on the catch there he couldn't get away and now third down and six to go many teams as soon as they spot man defense if they haven't called a hitch they'll get to it as fast as they can they want to put the ball in the hands of one of their best Playmakers and hope that he can break a tackle on the outside and go for big yardage from the gun on third down it's Nicks able to find the open man that's complete touchdown Broncos Tim Patrick 29 yds and the Broncos have taken the lead great Corner route there not only able to catch it turn it up field and get into the End Zone it usually involves a little bit of an extra move doesn't it you got to get them thinking that you're moving to the middle of the field and you're breaking away to that corner boy that was well executed will Lots on for the point [Applause] after and it is up and it's good that'll make our score 10 to three now so this drive spans seven plays and it ends with a Denver touchdown [Applause] [Music] after the touchdown Luts to kick it off and out a little across the 25 to the 27 here's the Arizona offense now as they get set to take over just a lone field goal for him so far trailing 103 as they come up first and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 10 here's Murray a short one here caught by McBride give him a gain of five on the completion and it'll be second down such a tough position to defend near the line even when you add a second Defender but the big man Shrugged off the extra body and made the play call a success now second and five to throw is Murray got his man it's dorge and they get him down but not before he takes it across the 40 yd line his first catch of the game good for 11 and a first down and that's a more than acceptable read right there because it's Zone coverage so timing is everything this time he waits for his man to come open puts it right on him and they pick up a first down on play action it's Murray now a quick throw there but it's going to be incomplete [Applause] now a second and 10 Murray now to throw and this one incomplete too much contact to hold on to that one and it's third down as his old brain remembers when I see five receivers on the field as a Defender I know the ball's coming out high they expected it and got there and popped it free now they face a third and 10 after back-to- back incompletions shotgun now for Murray he finds his man complete that's Harrison and he'll take this to the 47 but no further as they get him down well short of the line to gain it'll be a gain of five and that's going to make it fourth down so much about this game is Just understanding situations and then having to execute isn't it guard the first down sticks don't let them get there and theyve rallied and made the tackle Broncos coming hard and it's blocked and there Charles the pressure wasn't coming off the edge that block came straight up to shoot up the middle and that's when you're going to ask the personal protector what happened because that position is often called the search light and you start that light right up the middle middle before you scan to the sides that's where your immediate threat is and it's your quickest threat why he didn't see that and pick it up that's going to be a big question they'll have to [Applause] ask so first and 10 now from the 30 off the play fake Nicks finds doich out left side touchdown Greg doich 30 yds and the Broncos take the block Punt and converted into six points so the quarterback drops to throw looks over and boom a guy that wide open he has to be thinking wait a minute and this is some kind of a dream this is too easy yeah a great dream one you don't want to wake up from but for the defense almost feels like there was a busting coverage [Applause] [Music] Lutz will look to add the extra [Applause] point it's up and good and that makes it 173 well they got the ball in great field position One play later boom in zone [Applause] after the touchdown Lut to kick it [Applause] off and he's up across the 25 and down the 28 Arizona's offense back out and ready to go it's been very much a slow start for them three drives and just the three points CD yeah if you're into the points per Drive ratio that answer is one and that's not going to get it done in a ball game they've got to find a way to finish these drives in end zones not having balls go through goal posts Murray and the Cardinals with a first and 10 at their own 28 yd line he'll start the drive with a give to Conor he'll get a yard that's all as they get him down at the 28 I if they want to start getting back into this game it behooves them to get better on first down yeah certainly not what they were looking for there out of the opening play of this drive now second and nine throwing now is Murray a short one here caught by McBride and they'll get it up just short of the 45 at the 44 third catch of this first half for him and this one is a first down and a nice job by the two of them to not only connect on the pitch and the catch but to carry over their practice work to the game field they saw the adjustment by the defense made an adjustment themselves and picked up the first down here's Murray and his throw here is incomplete certainly looked like someone was very confident his ability to fit that one in I would say it was overconfident because there wasn't a whole lot of Separation there had that one covered pretty well down field and knocked it away here's second and 10 from the gun again to Conor and some solid footwork there as he'll take this down to about the 38 52 yds now on the ground on just seven carries and we've hit the two-minute Mark in this first half of action this offense finding its legs now here's another first and 10 from the gun Murray man open here is Jones and he's got this down almost to the 20 before he's dropped another good gain that's now 35 yds combined on those last two plays well these guys have definitely been outplayed in the first half but I like their countenance I like the way that they having panicked out there the way they're carrying themselves theyve starting to move the ball and what you have to do maintain your Poise and start oh he tried to fit it in on the slant and it's intercepted and the Broncos are going to get the football back at their own s before we came up to the booth last thing he said as we were walking off the field want to play mistake-free football well that just went out the window there with a pick Andy you remember what you said to me when we were walking up to the booth after he said that you like oh fatal Last Words every time we hear that things tend to fall apart a little bit and that's what we saw there didn't get enough on that throw and it turned into an interception the football going back over to the Denver Broncos well partner you know coaches always say that every play is designed to score a touchdown sometimes that's not really true but last drive that was the case one play to get into the end zone and now they'll try to duplicate that success here and it's rare for those moments to happen incredible when they do and you saw the celebration pure unbridled Joy after that [Applause] one operating from the gun here's Nicks finding his big receiver Patrick over the middle and he works it across the 25 before being tackled a gain of 11 to kick off the drive and it's a quick first down any questions of how they'd approach this drive we're answered right there they come out throwing and they get a nice pick up here toward the end of the first half now it's Nicks got his man it's Williams now the Broncos are going to call the first of their timeouts as they'll stop it with ex a minute to go before [Applause] halftime backto back good plays have them on the move on first down growing Nicks finding the open man and that's Tim Patrick and he takes this one down almost all the way to the 30 that one goes for 24 yds I know that no game in the NFL is ever easy but they're making it look that way everything is being done with such Precision just on this drive alone three plays three first downs if you're on defense you're scrambling looking at each other trying to figure out how are we going to slow these guys down [Applause] [Music] from the 32 now here's first and 10 to throw is Knicks and this is caught inside the five and all the way home for a bronos score ctland suon 32 yards and the Broncos will extend their lead in the final minute of the half well partner I mean if anybody was still questioning whether not he had an NFL caliber arm I think you can toss that right out the window that was a heck of a throw right there I would agree totally question it no more this rookie Big Time throw right there great Poise stepped up trusted he could lay it in there perfectly and he knew that his guy was going to make the catch on the other end nice collaboration lots to try to add the Pat and the lead now to three touchdowns at 21 points just a Fourplay drive that time and cland Sutton able to finish things off with the touchdown reception after the touchdown Luts to kick it [Applause] off oh a dangerous Return Man showing it here and a good return able to get out across the 35 to the 36 here's James Conor now as he trots back onto the field and I'm wondering if maybe they don't go away from him on this drive a little bit he's he's been great but they haven't scored a lot of points I think they still have to show him as a threat make sure he touches it a few times but as you pointed out use him as a decoy a little bit and get the ball in the hands of some other people in order to put more points on the board but he's done a really nice job of establishing them with his running yeah he's established himself well now can they put more points on as a defensive back you have some weapons at your disposal that we don't often talk about you can read the receiver's eyes you can read his hands and you know that the arrival of the ball is imminent and that allows you to make a play on it and often times knock it away here's Murray as he sets to throw it that pass completed to dorge and he'll go out of bounds it appears right at the 45 nine yds not quite enough and they'll be left now with third and one [Applause] Murray now work in the middle of the field and he's got a man complete the Cardinals going to use the first of their timeouts as they'll stop it with 13 seconds to play in half number one [Applause] now [Applause] Murray and he'll go down but not before getting this inside the 30 and they'll burn the timeout with five seconds left a chance to try to add three points before heading to the locker room [Applause] now with 5 seconds left not really enough time to run another play and then stop it so on comes the field goal unit he hit his first now this from 43 Prader kick is good and the deficit drops now from 21 down to 18 well not the best first half facing this deficit but at least they did put three on the board before half yeah it's a little bit like that stormy cloudy day and the Sun Peaks through just for a second they saw the sun there they're hoping to see a little bit more of it in the second [Applause] [Music] half so barring a Touchback this likely the Final Act of the half as the kick is away and not wanting to risk anything here late in the half he'll just take a knee and they'll bring the football out to the [Music] 25 the slot Man in Motion right they'll fake the Jet Sweep and instead to give up the middle to Williams and he's going to be taken down here as that will lead us to the end of the first half of play so we reach half time in what's been a fairly one-sided game so far as now we send you out to Orlando and hook back up with Jonathan Coachman for our EA Sports halime report it was a terrific first half for the rookie first round pick bonick he lit up the skies with three first half touchdown passes as his guys were rolling in the early part of this football game all right coach thank you and we welcome everyone back for quarter number three Broncos with a lead and they will be receiving this kickoff here as quarter three is underway and up to about the 26 yd line just across the 25 the Broncos offense and B Knicks getting set for this next possession [Music] the Broncos on to the field ready to start their next drive as this offense takes the field to begin the opening drive of the second half Charles remember in that first half good through the air and really all around an outstanding offense performance absolutely they reached the end zone several times the passing game working awfully well and most importantly partner yeah they went to the tunnel with a lead they come back out with that lead absolutely NFL coaches we know their perfectionist in a lot of ways but they had to like what they saw in that first half here's a second and five to throw here's Nicks his throw incomplete to give you an idea of how accurate he's been throwing the football we're in the second half that's just his second incompletion well if he's not locked in that means everyone's locked in because to me it's like throwing a no hitter in baseball the pitcher may get the credit a lot of people making plays behind him in the [Applause] field here's Nicks oh a first mistake for him in the ball game as it's intercepted jayen Thompson picks it and they will finally get him but not until he's all the way down inside the 15 yd line pretty much everything went their way offensively in the first half but now an interception on the opening drive of the third quarter as we know the key to everything here don't get careless with the football the problem is you've got to stay aggressive as well so where's the line between being aggressive and attacking and being overly aggressive I think they just crossed it on that one the Cardinals offense now ready to get their first opportunity here in the second half they take over here with good field position thanks to that nice return after the interception as they're already in the Red Zone first and 10 from the 13 now they work on First and 10 after the turn turn over here's Murray over the middle it's complete and the result here a pick up of eight leaves him with two to go on second down nothing fancy on first down but a very consistent type of a play hit that slant a lot of people call it an extension of the running game and it can be if that pass is completed cuz you hit a guy on the run like that he often can go for big yardage sets him up nicely for second down staying ahead of schedule and he is in for six touchdown Cardinals James Conor a 5yd touchdown run and the Cardinals take the interception on defense and convert it into six points and they can thank their defense for this one they were set up with a short field following the turnover but they took care of business as well working their way down and finishing with a strong run into the end zone for their first touchdown of the game Now Matt Prader for the point [Applause] after and it is good that cuts the lead now to 11 24 13h our score they had the short field and they made quick work of it just two plays to get into the end zone after the touchdown out is Prader to kick and a good return as he'll be stopped just shy of the 30 yd line [Music] Denver offense at the line ready to go their lead down to two scores after the touchdown a moment ago as they start with a first and 10 he'll get a nice chunk there on the first down run and it's second and four and they struggled to get him rolling on the ground in the first half and that's sort of continuing here in the third quarter yeah but I don't think it's time to abandon the running game I would say keep feeding the horse and I believe he'll eventually reward them especially as we get deeper in the game game from the 35 back to work on second and four Knicks to the air and Sutton hauls it in over the middle and tackled down after a gain of three leaves him with one yard to go on third down well if you do read man coverage Brandon the drag route's a pretty good one to run against it because you're running away from people on it here now third and a yard [Applause] they'll try and run for it here's Williams and he's got the first down as he's up to the 45 yd line call it a gain of seven and it gets him a new set of downs most of their damage has been done through the air I mean they've rung the Bell three times with passing touchdowns but guess what ground game has not been neglected nice little burst right there [Applause] they stick to the ground game on first down it's Williams and he'll take this ahead for about four second down coming up Well you certainly have to give a little credit here because they are playing this game now at their Pace this is ball control football sustained runs taking their time and making it work now a second and six again it's Williams and be brought down at the 45 yd line 44 yds rushing for him now as he's run it 11 times and that's a nice pick up of a first down on that second down run and at that yardage gained they can run that play on any down so into Cardinal territory now it's first and 10 at the 45 yd line they'll go playaction with Nicks he'll get this one to Patrick and he gets this inside the 35 yd line 12 yds that time for number 12 as they move the chains oh I like that play call there after a run for good yards you get a defense thinking they'll go back to the well so that's a great time to call play action and give your receivers a little extra Edge and they complete the pass there for another first down back to throw now on first down and he knocks the ball away and it falls incomplete nice progress down down the field was halted by that incompletion they could try for some safe yards here to get things moving again or keep throwing it and pushing it down field to try and pick up bigger yardage second and 10 now third quarter action in Denver they go back to the ground with Williams and he's out of bounds almost gets to the 10 holding off so they accept the penalty of course and push the offense backwards a bit temporarily out of field goal range now as they come up on a second and long after the holding call now they'll throw here out of the gun and that falls to the ground incomplete a nice job of bodying him up defensively and now it brings up third down that incomp certainly makes this upcoming third down a little bit more crucial they need to find the right play to convert here and maybe start to Tamp down a little bit of the momentum the other side is starting to [Applause] gain now on Third and long they'll look to throw pass taken in by his big tight end and they're going to have another first down as the tackle made here at the Cardinals 18 a real let down defensively that was third and a bundle but the they allow the conversion and that's well executed there on third down and I love the confidence that they had to let their tight end try and find some space in the middle of the field right in their quarterback's line of vision and QBs love to make that easy throw and they hooked up there for a first [Applause] down Nicks from the shotgun oh he was hit as he threw it there and that one winds up incomplete and a smart play there he's probably saying I wish I would have done that in the last Drive instead of throwing the interception after the incomplete pass here now is second and 10 they'll stick with the passing game as he looks to throw and that is caught touchdown Denver Marvin Mims and 18yd touchdown grab and the Broncos had six to their lead well to put it mildly he's been able to dice up this secondary all game long and this time that was a missile that he threw into the end zone and adding another touchdown to his Ledger and I think we see these youngsters develop a lot quicker than we ever have because when they get started in this game they're not just throwing passes around they're reading coverages early so now they're like season Pros earlier in their career how about this one here if they win this ball game a game ball definitely coming from his head coach Lutz with the extra point and the lead is up to 18 now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thought you [Music] were after the touchdown Lutz to kick it off and a decent return out to the 27 yd line the football going back over to Arizona now I kind of feel like they've reached a Do or Die point in this game Charles if they're going to try to pull off an impressive comeback it has to start right here right now yeah now they've got a final chance to get out of this situation but they also understand they've got to move the ball and move it fast in addition they need to save as much time so they can get two more possessions Murray and the Cardinals with a first and 10 at their own 27 they begin on the ground here with Conor and a good stiff arm there before he's brought down on a nice little gain 63 yds rushing for him now to this point Brandon All Things Considered they have to feel pretty good about getting that type of a gain considering the blitz that they just had against them from the 32 yd line now here's a second and [Applause] four to throw it's Murray oh he tries to force it in and it's intercepted picked off by Alex Singleton and his guys are going to take over at the 34 yd line well he had to fit that into a pretty tight window over the middle and Charles I think they were in zone defensively weren't they they certainly were a nice read on your part and sometimes the quarterback isn't fooled between Zone and man sometimes just fooled by the type of Zone that he sees because often times those linebackers will vacate and run downfield with receivers in this case he played a pure Zone and was in the wrong spot for the QB [Applause] from the 34 now here's first and [Applause] 10 up the middle it's Williams and the big boys up front they're going to stop him right at the line no gain on the play it'll be second down and the big fell stuffed that one up in a big way I think doubling him has to be a priority because you can't move up to the next level if you don't take care of him first so after the run for No Gain here's second working out of the gun is Nicks this one swung out to Williams and he takes this just a few yards shy of the r Zone before going out that one going for a gain of 11 and a Bronco first down and while we may be looking at the scoreboard this offense certainly is not because they're showing no signs of backing down even with a three-score lead here in the third quarter I think they keep taking their shots they've seen blown leads happen throughout this league they don't want to fall victim to it themselves and he's going to get a solid gain of nine before being brought down second and right at the yard and good yardage there on first down because sometimes all you need to do on the screen is get one key block that might set your man free and that was pretty good pursuit to the football defensively or it could have gone for more second down and a yard looking to throw Nicks and his throw is incomplete well the secondary's really struggled today but that's a little bit of a measure of Revenge isn't it and it just follow the basic rules see ball knock ball away turned into a nice play they tried the throw on second down unsuccessful now it's third and one now a give up the middle to Williams and he'll be taken down at the 2yd line they're able to convert on third down and that sets up a first and goal we use the word Relentless a lot with guys who are aggressive on the field in this case it really fits doesn't it how about his ability to break tackles and his feet never stop moving back to throw Nicks and this is caught by Sutton touchdown Broncos a great effort there his second touchdown of the afternoon and the Broncos will add on to their lead here in the final minute of the Third [Applause] there was a lot of zip on that pass and baseball might have called that a frozen rope I like it when you bring the diamond into the game I'm going back to the grid iron had some heat on that bad boy sometimes you throw a touchdown pass and sometimes you throw what a touchdown strike there you go that's my man in [Applause] concert let's good on the extra point and they open the lead up now to 25 that time a six-play drive and cland Sutton able to finish things off with the touchdown [Music] [Music] [Music] reception after the touchdown Lut to kick it off [Applause] bronos and they'll get him down inside the 30 at the 27 the Cardinals offense and Kyler Murray headed back out onto the field and it's been a struggle for him all afternoon this defense has really done a nice job of making him earn everything he gets and it's prevented him from getting into any kind of Rhythm here today [Applause] Arizona's offense at the line ready to get their Drive started it's a game that they would rather probably forget about at least to this point Charles and one reason is turnover is a turnover on the last Drive they had the issue in the first half as well and that's really unfortunately for them helped to put this game Out Of Reach and you know they wanted admit it to themselves but we know that winning the game is pretty much out of the picture now so their bottom line is how do they play a clean game the rest of this one right take care of the football no more turnovers and see how that [Applause] works Conor up the middle and he'll push forward for a couple to the 34 [Applause] so they'll get a little extra time to come up with this third down play as we've played three quarters we'll return with more after this this is the NFL and it's on EA Sports welcome back now to Denver a lot of happy faces in the crowd at this point as their guys have a big lead here to start quarter number four here's Murray and it's going to be incomplete he was able to catch it there on the right sideline but out of bounds says the line judge and it's going to bring up fourth down and that's another play that's painted the picture of this game overall it's been a blowout it's been ually fueled by big turnovers and stops for one side and an inability to advance the ball from the other now Murray's got to have this one that is caught and he'll be taken down but not before he gets into enemy territory no reason not to try it there and they do indeed convert on fourth with this game well in hand perhaps we are seeing the coverage lighten up a little bit as they got burned there a bit for a first down but we certainly know the coach isn't happy along the sideline cuz he certainly wants him to finish this one out the way they started it he doesn't want to give up any soft completions no late points he wants this lead to stay right where it is and they'll get him down as he's inside the 40 right back to him for 10 more and a first well this game was decided a while ago and that completion there it's going to artificially inflate his passing numbers so right now the only one really applauding probably his agent as he thinks about angling for a new contract again they'll throw with Murray a short one here caught by McBride and he gets this down inside the 35 before going out of bounds obviously this has not been a banner game throwing the football so what you got to do you got to kind of down Focus don't you think find the tight end take some easier completions interception last drive there he hits the reliable Target line of scrimmage the 24 this is second and six to throw is Murray got his man it's George you got the big lead defensively willing to give him that underneath stuff right and this is why you work on your tackling tackle him after the catch inbounds keep the clock running just go ahead and bleed the game out that way they're trying to keep the drive going this will be play number eight it's third and [Applause] two out of the shotgun they'll run with Conor and he's able to work his way down inside the Red Zone to the 19 yd line 77 yds rushing now for Conor and a first down well partner I know this type of running back I mean this size this intensity usually gets better as the game goes on I just tell you from experience the first few quarters oh you're eager you come running up there I'm going to tackle this guy by the fourth quarter you're coming up and thinking about it and dine wearing down fourth quarter yeah that's not a guy they want to see consistently five yds is the tally on first down that brings up second and five not too many offenses want to turn down long drives but when you're down what they are they've got to pay it off with some points second and [Applause] five again a run with Conor and he is met in his tracks behind the line of scrimmage call that a loss of a yard and things get a little more difficult here third and five I think sometimes we you're trying to get after the quarterback maybe it's better to be lucky than great because I think on that one he's just trying to get up field and rush to passer Instead The Tackle for the loss landed right in his lap here's Murray and it's intercepted at the goal line picked off by pater Dan and the Broncos forc the turnover they'll take over at the 10 but here in the fourth quarter defensively you know that you're just going to blanket the field with defensive back saying okay take your best shot and that time it's intercepted and we've often seen teams go to the prent early way too early and sometimes they get too soft in their coverages but not in this case they understood the situation and played it with the proper aggression Denver's offense ready to go again and after the interception they are sitting in an even better spot with the ball and a comfortable fourth quarter lead [Music] [Applause] they begin the drive with Williams and he'll manage to pick up about four it's second down well on every play call you realize it's not going to go for a touchdown so a lot of your calls are setting things up for maybe later in the game trying to establish was the inside run run with toughness now hopefully get to the perimeter later and let's face it you could do worse than a four- yd run on first [Applause] down Williams going to get it again on second down and just not a ton of room to work with he'll get it to the 15 for a gain of two that's it that's what you want Straight Ahead positive gain just keep that clock [Applause] ticking the Broncos on third third down can't fault these numbers seven for nine thus far this will be third and five operating from the gun here's Nicks able to find the open man that's complete and he will have a Broncos first down as they're able to get the third down conversion there's a beautiful throw there and he's been Sensational the entire game moving it around spreading it hitting the right guys and look under normal situations partner I would expect him to come out of the game now they've got it in hand but you and I have been around in this league a long time and every time we ask head coaches about it hey why don't you take your quarterback out when the game's in hand they just kind of give us that look like that's what he's paid to do so it's a very unusual situation i' want him out they tend to leave him in officially no gain on the play and it's second down [Applause] they'll try and run down some clock with Williams and he's coralled at the 40 but not before picking up eight and after that type of a run there's some talking going on down on the field but it's not trash talking the guy who just carried the ball he's going back and telling his offensive line great job keep it up and we'll break that one soon just two minutes remaining here in the fourth quarter of what has been a onesided affair here so it's Bronco football as we get you reset here they've got a third down now as they look for one more first down to help salt this one away and he brings this up to the 46 good enough for the first they get six on the pickup there as the drive continues and Carries like that that's how they're going to continue to Salt this thing away here Charles in the fourth quarter yeah how about that a new set of downs clock continues to move no better way to close out a game than to tap those mastadons you have up front and say guys keep pounding them let's keep the ball keep their offense on the sidelines and let's close this one out he'll be taken down at the 48 for a pick up of two yards well big man with ball met bigger man on the other side of the line a really nice play for the defense second down and eight [Applause] now a man who's been busy this afternoon it's Williams and he'll get it across Midfield and down into Cardinal territory three yds on the pickup that's going to set up an interesting third and about four to go not a big run not an explosive run but they've held the ball for plenty of plays on this drive they're just trying to impose their will on the defense right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this one will wind up a Denver Victory and when you break it down you know this was just a thoroughly dominating performance and I truly thought that we'd have a tight game coming into this one I think you felt the same way based on our conversation after the production meeting but obviously not the case and how about just how it broke open you know you just all of a sudden whoosh there it is this thing is pretty much done and the crowd stayed with it to celebrate because they're like let's enjoy watching our team play this well this is fun that'll do it for us for Charles Davis and all our hardworking crew I'm Brandon Gard you've been watching the NFL on EA Sports for more

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