Trump is FRIGHTENED by a 3rd Debate | Hasanabi Reacts

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 01:14:56 Category: Entertainment

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it's crazy to me that the idea that that the ABC debate was actually not neutral and they were very Pro Comm haris is like kind of stupid CU it's like yeah one side was just regularly lying I'm saying it all right but let's get to it Donald Trump says he is a coward okay Donald Trump says he's a little baby coward what is this hey on please read this there's a new story about came out about a black man who said to be executed for a crime he didn't commit can you shed some light on it maybe you can give people get people to give signatures his name is marcelis Williams we'll look into it okay all right let's continue on the race for the White House Donald Trump says he will not debate KLA Harris again as both candidates hit the campaign Trail on the Battleground States Mary Bruce is tracking the race good morning Mary good morning Georgia both campaigns are out blitzing the Battlegrounds hitting those key swing States after that critical debate as Donald Trump now says it will be their only one on the campaign Trail for the first time since her face off with Donald Trump kamla Harris in North Carolina challenging him to another debate two nights ago Donald Trump and I had our first debate and I believe we owe it to the voters to have another debate even as his AIDS and allies admit he was on defense almost the whole debate Trump still claiming he was the winner as everyone saw two nights ago we had a Monumental Victory but also saying he's done with debates so because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate I think this is some cowardly [ __ ] okay if he was dropping 10 points on Harris right now that's valid I mean even then it's not necessarily valid because like I think his his people do demand blood okay it's one thing to just say I'm not going to do any debates in the Republican primaries cuz like my closest opponent is not even 35 points near me that's fine that's one thing right that was probably a smart and calculated decision but when the when the race is this [ __ ] close okay when it's a ass hair like this especially in key States you know you don't want to do another debate cuz you got dumped on okay you got absolutely gutted you got cered and dumpstered and you don't want to do that again because it was embarrassing and it was embarrassing in the worst possible way for you because you came in you thought you could make light work of comma Harris because you saw what we saw she's not very charismatic and also on top of that she doesn't handle herself at least in Prior conditions in a contested environment like Dana Bash if she came in if she came in with the same energy that she brought to the table in the uh not so adversarial Dana Bash interview she would have gotten destroyed it would have looked terrible for her but she came in she came in hot she was a little nervous in the beginning she was a little nervous in the beginning and then she she was very smooth okay beyond that and this is a problem for Trump why is this a problem for Trump because a lot of people want something positive out of the democratic party they're like begging they're like listen I want to vote against Donald Trump well you got to give me a crumb okay you got to give me a goddamn crumb of anything okay and the entry point to that crumb is obviously humiliating Donald Trump which she did expertly there's more that she needed to do with this debate and I talked about it immediately in the aftermath the debate as well in terms of like offering people things offering people things that will improve their lives openly communicating that you're going to help people that's kind of the fundamental principle behind a democratic process where the votes are earned and not uh you know they're not expected right obviously we've completely lost the plot on that front but she did the thing she did the thing and she looked very good at this debate and Trump looked very bad at this debate so this helps her and I think a second debate would probably help her as well that's precisely the reason why Trump doesn't want to do it okay Trump doesn't want to do it now I I don't even know if Donald Trump is is capable of of going into that debate stage and just having the old Charisma and the juice that he once had he doesn't have that same same uh is it pep in your step she did the thing you're Millennial is showing right now wait what how was that what are you saying yeah she he does not have the same stamina and he does not have the same pep in his step okay Trump saying he doesn't want to debate his a negotiating tactic to get the next debate on Fox there's no way he doesn't do another one the fox debate will look so insane it has to be on neutral ground okay people like Trump acts like ABC was not neutral ground it was dog you just don't you just can't get away with lying like it's crazy to me that the idea that that the ABC debate was actually not neutral and they were very Pro Harris is like kind of stupid cuz it's like yeah one side was just regularly lying like that's the expectation from anyone okay if we're living in a normal Planet if we're living in a normal universe and not the United States of America in 2024 the expectation should be yeah of course you're going to fact check how the would any journalist or any commentator or any host of a television show let one of the two candidates get away with saying insane blood liel about like immigrants dude of course you got to fact check they didn't really fact check comma because there was not that much to fact check what are they going to fact check her on the Hamas rape situation like they're not going to do that they're never going to do that that's equal opportunity okay the media is bipartisan on that front they will lie at the beest of the state of Israel regardless so like beyond that beyond that what could they have fact check KLA Harris on the one thing that they could have fact check KLA Harris on was when she said oh you use the term bloodbath okay I don't know why the Democratic party still goes along with that okay I don't know why they still go along with that the most that they could have done if they were if they wanted to be a little bit more like needling on KLA Harris's front is not let her get away with deflecting on Direct questions like do you feel better like do you think Americans are better off now than they were four years ago that is a very biased question Trump received a lot of biased questions and that was a biased question in the direction of kamla Harris the problem is kamla Harris expertly deflected Away by needling Trump and then Trump took the bait and then everyone and then the conversation devolved that I mean it it just exploded in that situation the moderator could have St stood on that that question and been like please explain your please give us an answer uh you know Madam vice president but they didn't do that right but if your opponent this is kind of like here's what it is okay with the CNN thing with the CNN thing I was frustrated they didn't fact check with CNN obviously but my expectation was that you know Joe Biden would at least do something about it right and he didn't he was objectively bad and and so bad that he had to you know no longer run for president right but one thing you have to remember one thing you have to remember in this process is that beyond the actual uh candidates talking to one another okay beyond the actual candidates that are talking to one another like if one side is doing a fire hose of lies and the other side is just like massaging the truth a little bit in terms of like you know uh misappropriating what Donald Trump was saying and that is a lie still but that's nowhere near as big as a lie in the effort to continue the conversation you're just kind of let certain things go they let a lot of [ __ ] that Trump was saying go technically they just only fact check the most glaringly obvious insanities okay and in terms of like October 7 like I said if you think that they're ever going to fact check anything that you say in defense of Israel you must not be living in this country okay like Donald Trump said a [ __ ] ton he said Venezuelan gangs are overtaking Aurora Apartments that's a lie too that's also a lie why didn't they fact check that okay Donald Trump said uh that you know migrants are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths he said it all he said his regular [ __ ] the only thing that they fact checked was basically the only thing that they fact checked was basically the most egregious lies that he was telling which is you know Haitians are eating your cats your dogs and your pets in general so also he said they were doing like genital surgery or trans or whatever that one wasn't even false by the way I mean Trump is an idiot and he's lost his he's lost his he's lost his two-step he's lost he doesn't have his he doesn't have his mid-range anymore okay he used to be able to he used to be able to dunk drive to the goddamn paint and he had a pretty solid midi he doesn't have none of that [ __ ] no more he doesn't have it okay he could have just straight up talked about like that that thing that he brought up was obvious ly um far too specific and far too new to uh like far too new in the in the media cycle it's an old story uh about how under KLA Harris like when she was attorney general I think they were like I think she allowed like trans prisoners to get surgery or something that's basically what it was about I don't even know the exact details but it was K file did the uh K file did another investigative uh piece on it here we'll look at it but technically what he what Donald Trump was trying to explain okay here this is it Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ice funding and providing gender transition surgery to detain migrants so like so like it's not wrong but he it up because he didn't even he couldn't even get away with like saying what he was trying to say okay he was just like you're doing illegal aliens are forcibly being transed in prisons or whatever the and it was like like at that point at that point you're you're bidening okay you're bidening out you got like a point that you're trying to push and you're having a you're having a hard time because people are going to listen to that um people are going to listen to that and go what the are you saying dude but once again this is a very reverse Biden situation for Donald Trump why because Biden was so bad at the debate that people didn't pay attention to how bad Trump was I talked about how bad Trump was if you recall Felix also brought this up as well if you remember Trump was dog [ __ ] at that debate but it didn't matter because Biden was so bad he imploded so catastrophically that nobody even cared about what Trump was saying okay this time Trump was so bad that people didn't even like pay attention to uh certain lack of policy from the comma camp like they're still going on The Vibes based [ __ ] okay do you understand because Trump is so unimaginably crazy right now on the timeline up and down like he is so extremely online and so invested in pumping out Q andon grandparent talking points that he saw on Facebook headlines with articles riddle to the brim with AI art that it's virtually impossible to pay attention to like kamla Harris's weaknesses okay because KLA Harris has weaknesses she did a great job needling Trump but there's a [ __ ] ton there is a [ __ ] ton of weaknesses that she has not addressed a lot of the same questions that people have for KLA Harris I'm certain they still have for KLA Harris I don't have answers I don't know and I pay pretty close attention to to it no way she's perfect no she's not she's not perfect you guys are insane um K Harris is doing a Solo TV interview with keeping at the local news she's participating in a taped interview with Brian Taff of Action News 6 ABC a local station in Philadelphia the interview will air on the station 6 PM broadcast good stuff we'll see I do hate that I do hate that the the post Trump era of America American politics have unironically caused people's expectations to be even lower from whichever party that they're voting for and it's unimaginably frustrating to sit here and think about that every day think about the conversations that we were having on the left in terms of like advancing certain policies when Bernie Sanders was running against Hillary Clinton Medicare for all okay okay like significantly better labor protections free college okay um eviscerating gutting student loan debt okay doing massive student loan debt relief all of these things were tangible raising the minimum wage these were all like real policies that American people were talking about okay Criminal Justice Reform voting rights Restorations these are all things that even like the residual impact of this carried on into the 2020 cycle as well where Joe Biden was like I'm going to do the public option bubb you know it's all gone it's all gone there is nothing there is nothing we have devolved and the reason why oh moving away from fossil fuels yes a green economy a focus on renewable energy these were like things that at least the Democrats would like run on and we just got none of that dude none of that drill baby drill whether you're blue or red doesn't matter we're drilling okay and you can't do a godd dang thing about it okay it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy that like on on immigration we have just wo we are bouldering towards Adolf Hitler straight up telling you watch the' 04 and 08 presidential debates it feels surreal yeah and Trump definitely collapsed the expectations for sure because he ran on Vibes too he ran on a lot of Vibes big time so now because of his incompetence and because of how much of a like entertainment magnet he is okay ultimately the Democrats can kind of get away with just also not really doing anything in terms of like launching any kind of progressive policies Solutions prescriptions whatsoever and just like looking to carve out 10,000 votes in Georgia and maybe 20,000 votes that might be like Trump Republicans but are in the margins in Pennsylvania and hope that like this race will swing in their favor oh is really crazy CNN Harris campaign internals PA looking rough Michigan and Wisconsin look best internally Pennsylvania look rough looks rough though very possible North Carolina's feeling uh better to them this time around than Arizona Nevada and Georgia both seem possible though challenging Michigan and Wisconsin are looking the best that's a crazy take there has been a huge amount of environmental progress in the last four years probably more so than any other four years in the US the administrative winds have been huge and Ira SLB are the largest climate Investments of any country in the world okay I wouldn't say of any country in the world China's Right There Brother come on now no he's not Fango lives is not wrong no he's not wrong guys guys guys he's not wrong he's not wrong he's not wrong he's not wrong he's stop just because we don't hyperfocus on the Brandon accomplishments does not change the reality that like yes there have been there have been achievements under the Biden Administration in terms of climate policy the issue on the other hand is like we're burning the candle on we're burning the candle on both ends he will understand and admit to this as well what do I mean by this on the one hand we're making renewable energy Investments I agree and that's a good thing okay not necessarily campaigning on it which I think is a major flub but we're not going to talk about that okay you got like battery plants uh opening up in like the middle of the country those are good things okay and they're unionizing too okay but on the other hand and he's right us is becoming the largest oil exporter and on top of that the Supreme Court gutted the regulatory agency's mechanism for regulation like so on the one hand we moved two steps in the positive direction and moved 11 steps in the negative Direction so it's really up it's really really really bad it is really bad I'm just talking in terms of like America's future prospects in being a renewable energy provider on this planet or even being remotely competitive with China in terms of renewable energy Investments I think we're we are so far uh we are left behind on that front it's terrible it's terrible and when the Harris campaign is not touting the legislative accomplishments of uh Ira for example or like even from the even from the perspective of like opening up new manufacturing fronts in the United States of America and just simply talking about all the new jobs that were created under the Biden Administration which is good you could say that yes there's a postco recovery bump but like beyond that if you don't talk about like new manufacturing plants opening up the fact that they're unionized as well on top of that and and like and and how much investments into the Renewables is actually good for the future of the country and only and on the issue of energy on the issue of energy the only thing you say is drill baby drill and I'm never going to stop fracking that's the takeaway for people and that is going to have even worse more significant consequences in terms of political discourse in this country because it's the same principle behind the immigration stuff right the same principle behind the immigration stuff where it's literally you're saying I'm hyperfocusing on fracking and I'm Pro fracking that's the only position that you need to hear from me in terms of like what I believe we must do for energy I you have no interest in pushing and defending your agenda even if it's beneficial okay you have no interest in advocating for the good things that you've done that's why I'm so frustrated with the Biden Administration and that's why I'm so frustrated with the kamla Harris campaign these guys on the Republican side do such a phenomenal job by exposing their messaging weakness okay their messaging weakness on this front is mindboggling okay mindboggling like Republicans for the past four years have been crying about 85,000 IRS agents okay 85,000 IRS agents they're all they all got guns they're coming to your house and they're going to take your trailer park away okay that's how they're presenting it meanwhile the IRS has been able to collect billions of dollars in taxable revenue from avoiders okay from people who have not only through legal mechanisms which there's plenty of uh avoided taxes harder than the top- ofth hour avoiders that avoid the top-of the hour AB Break by subscribing for $6 even though it's uh September right now so it's 30% off or for free with a twitch Prime okay yeah they got those from millionaires okay from millionaires the IRS took back billions of dollars from millionaires not regular working-class people the IRS is also Prosecuting cocacola for being a tax Dodger to the tune of $16 billion and you're out here not making not putting that as like the top like not not using that every goddamn day talking about how the FDC is going after Amazon like these are things that you should be messaging but the Democrats don't because they're terrified that corporations are going to get mad at them their corporate subsidiaries their real donors the actual constituency they care about is going to get mad at them and they're going to pull support okay that's why it's that's why they don't run on that [ __ ] and it's genuinely upsetting this Administration Beyond being uh you know very obviously permanent genocide in Gaza Pro permanent genocide in Gaza which by the way I'm running the three minut outbreak right now by the way um but but outside of that this Administration has been significantly more Progressive than the Obama Administration even okay this is something that I have openly recognized pulling out of Afghanistan was phenomenal okay it was the right thing to do and the Biden Administration did that it requires a lot of Bravery it requires burning a lot of goddamn social and political Capital to do so and they did that [ __ ] okay they never defended it insane they never defended it you just completely completely capitulated to the right-wing framing from the media and the Republican party on that front 13 of our best soldiers 13 of our best soldiers died 13 of our best soldiers died now the Taliban is doing tricks on it they got they're doing trick shots with the Blackhawks that they got from us ridiculous ridiculous it's right there it's right there just say 67 of our best soldiers died in Afghanistan under the Trump Administration 13 died when we were withdrawing out of Afghanistan of course it was going to be a complicated process of course it was going to be bloody not a single veteran needs to die and that's precisely why we did the right thing because when you don't have true presence in an active war zone They Don't Die okay that's it that's all you got to [ __ ] say shut them the up Trump did not have The Bravery to actually pull out he negotiated the terms Biden actually followed through on it that's leadership that's bravery okay leaders have to make bold decisions sometimes okay Brave decisions sometimes but then they also have to defend it and if you don't defend it if you don't message around it then no one gives a take accountability for the false information you've shared damn this communist with the Gucci bag is straight yapping bro has a Gucci bag he literally financed Ultra capitalist company that flies Chinese workers to pay them below minimum wage says he's a communist what a joke what I have no idea what the you're talking about dude but yes I do have a Gucci bag what is this communist opinion I fly Chinese workers what to pay them below minimum wage is this a new talking point what are your thoughts on Trump not doing uh future debates uh he's a [ __ ] he's a coward why would corporations be mad that they're messaging on going after them but not be mad at actually having the government go after them I think in an election cycle you're making assurances to corporations by not messaging actively against them I've seen you do it Hassan's Gamba support group thank you for the 521 gift to Subs as one of his H's Chinese workers I can tell you he treats us very well the Chinese workers who assemble designer bags in Tuscany many companies are fixing uh are using inexpensive labor to manufactur handbags that bar the coveted Maiden Italy labeled is this what it is this is from 2018 I doubt this guy has ever read anything let alone a New Yorker article but I do want to know how he tied it together this guy would be hard rightwing if we were living in turkey and support these Grey Wolves or whatever they're called leau he only pretends to be a leftist because he hates white man yeah I am a famous famous defender of the ultra nationalist farri right greywolves famously so brother just say you don't know anything okay and you're just hallucinating positions and move on anyway bro heard like three talking points you can't remember I know where are the coming from yeah bet this is the first time grey wolves are even mentioned here wait you're joking right this says all no you idiot I have regularly covered Ultra nationalist movements in Turkey including but not limited to the grey wolves or meah and how damaging that is I've also even talked about why I hate NATO and directly tied it back to the fact that NATO and the CIA basically created the ultra nationalist Turkish movement that funded and facilitated these right-wing paramilitaries that ended up killing Kurdish Communists in Turkey you would know you wouldn't know any of that though because you're an idiot you're just imagining my positions and it doesn't even matter for you because it's not about like actually figuring out what my world view is it's about trying to okay why are there no clips of that I see clips of everything else possible from you do you think it's my fault that you haven't actually done your research on this subject matter you think you've watched every single uh ounce of coverage that I've put to this I am currently there are first of all yes there are clips of that there are YouTube videos entirely dedicated to this but what is really funny about this is like this is your fault you should have put the keywords in and searched it up it's deliberate but keep pretending otherwise to sa face before your chat why do Turks subscribe to R fascism at Euro 2024 player flashes grey wolf symbol this is a 19-minute video uh specifically covering how Ultra nationalism in Turkey is a genuine problem okay hassabi turkey right-wing is ultra nationalism rising in Turkey hassabi reacts what's happening and turkey there are a [ __ ] ton of videos the problem is you don't care the problem is you don't actually give a [ __ ] now you're now you're trying to double down and be like you're just trying to save face where's that chatter what was his username I like that I like that this guy I like that this guy basically came in and straight up said I'm sorry I have not done my research and that is entirely your uh your fault and I'm also making up positions I've hallucinated 49k views from a random Channel not your channel who was talking in the YouTube video that you just watched that was me that was my words those were the words that were coming out of my mouth it was me talking about this issue you yourself don't promote this content this has to be the dumbest person on the planet right he's going to tweak h on it's okay you're being ever since we we covered that one guy yesterday who came in and was like you're lying about Springfield you're lying about Springfield and it immediately uh doubled down and was like okay maybe I was wrong but it's good that you like maybe I was wrong but it's good that you actually showed the proof officially denounced the greywolves make a video about it I want to see at least 100K okay dude suck my [ __ ] you little baboon shut the up oh my God oh my God I'm sorry that like the the videos did not reach your metric of success uh like who the do you think you are who the absolute do you think you are you said I never talked about it I showed you a bunch of videos where I have and now you're like well they didn't actually get enough views my bad that people don't give a [ __ ] about it as much you know it's not my fault I think the reality yeah and also I talked about the Grey Wolves here as well for the record uh and this one has 200,000 views so you know we've already we've already hit that it's crazy those brand these brand new accounts are all professional trolls dude stop raging at them okay we're gonna we're going to move on I just I do think I do think it's kind of funny because he he's going to be like well it's only 200,000 views and it's not directly a video of you being like I denounced the greywolves and then he's going to be like oh it sucks it's not even 100,000 views you know yeah you can make an argument about that directly on any issue you could be like Hassan um you haven't I haven't seen a single video of you covering uh you know how pro-abortion you are you know you need to make a video just straight to the camera and being like I believe that women should have a right to choose and then that short video that you make straight to the camera has to get a million views or else I will not believe it you need to yeah you need to go and facilitate an abortion they actually don't care about what they're talking about they just sit in Discord and attempt to sunlock the stream so they can live with their buddies I know but that's like really sad don't you think like that's a really really sad thing to do with your like we all have a finite amount of time on this planet okay we have a limited amount of time on this planet we're all going to die every day we are closer and closer to death one must ask the question is this truly how you want to spend that finite amount of time you have is that what you want to do with your time do you think this is a valuable use of your time a better troll could have easily found if they cared enough and they wanted to actually troll they could have easily just like found a video of me making jokes about the grey wolves and then acted like I wasn't being sarcastic and totally said I was serious they don't even do that anymore they just have given up trolls have completely given up at this point okay let's continue Trump is taking questions at the LA Press defends uh defends Laura lumer dude I think Trump is definitely lower lumer by the way um I mean he's not I think he's Ace so I still believe that but I think it's really funny to say he is all right we're going to get to the we're going to get to the Laura lomer stuff in a second let's the debate had the candidates roughly tied now a new Reuters ipsos poll has Harris leading Trump 47 to 42 the Harris campaign reporting they raised 47 million in the 24 hours after the debate their biggest Hall since the day she joined the race good evening greens B that reuter's ipsos poll also showing that 53% of Voters who heard anything about the debate said Harris was the winner only 24% said the same about former president Trump on the trail Harris arguing the debate shows Trump is a man of the past without a plan for the future signaling out the issue of Health Care at the debate Lindsay Davis asking him if he has an actual plan to replace the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare Obama care was lousy Health Care always was it's not very good today and what I said that if we come up with something and we are working on things we're going to do it and we're going to replace it so just yes or no you still do not have a plan I have concepts of a plan that [ __ ] was so funny it is very simpsonian it was very Homer I have concepts of a plan I'm not so just to yes or no you still do not have a plan I have concepts of a plan I'm not president right now haris I have concepts of a plan I'm not president right now when you're president you start making plans that's how it works he used to do this [ __ ] all the time it's pretty funny um he would do this all the time where he would go um I'm going to deal with Afghanistan and then they'd be like what are you going to do he's like I can't tell you because then the enemy will know [Laughter] I can't tell you what I'm going to do I don't want to let the enemy know an actual child take I know but like here's the problem here's the problem what do you mean he used to do it he literally did that last week with leg Yeah he used to do it he still does it but he used to too okay that's my point like he did this when he was running for president uh in 2016 and then successfully became president he did this during his administration and he never really stopped doing it now the one thing you have to understand yeah Mitch Hedberg shouts out rest in power Mitch so what you have to understand what you have to understand is in this time frame in this time frame okay over the course of the past eight years nine years I genuinely believe that the broader elect it and their demands have gotten Dumber as well both on the Democratic party side and certainly on the Republican Party side on the Republican Party side I think that the electorate has gotten way more like insane hysterical uh and primed to believe like whatever kind of psychotic thing that Donald Trump says is real especially if it corresponds to their personal biases that they already had like immigrants are bad so like you can say anything about immigrants and they'll believe it and they'll just like advance that it be like no it's definitely true right no matter how insane and I think Co greatly uh accelerated this process as well but beyond that beyond that like he the number of people that also aren't really looking for any seriousness from either either candidate has grown I think or maybe they always were like this and I'm just like more annoyed by it as years go by you know because I feel like I feel like there is just no interest whatsoever there is no interest whatsoever from the Republican base for Donald Trump to be like here's what I'm going to do okay praying you stop stuttering I will never stop stuttering it'll happen it's the Brandon it's the Brandon isation of the hassabi broadcast just like the Brandon isation of Donald Trump I think it's funny how the voters get Dumber along with our elections makes it aesthetic yeah oh that is what's going on though that is what's going on on the one hand on the one hand okay hold on one second are you going to get Trump affair with Lum and Laura yeah we're going to talk about that he's piping he's lit he's he's piping that [ __ ] dude he's hitting that that's right he's hitting that sometimes you take [ __ ] Chatter's comments and stries so well I don't know how you do it and always don't always flip the out I'm in a good mood cuz I hit 320 for three so I'm in a I'm in a fairly good mood right [Music] now it's now mocking that answer he said concepts of a plan Concepts Concepts no actual plan Concepts still the Harris campaign maintains she is the underdog launching a more aggressive phase to build off her debate momentum now KLA Harris will be back in must-win Pennsylvania today Donald Trump is in Nevada and out in California where he's supposed to be holding a press conference later this morning as the final Sprint to election day now ramps up George also marry the president former president been traveling the last few days with this woman Laura lumer social media dude I do love this I look I said it as soon as I saw Laura lumer on the as soon as I saw this demon on the plane I was like how is the media not covering this remember like she is such a Target Rich environment she is such a Target Rich environment it makes no sense for Donald Trump to be close to her she is an insane person okay she is an insane person which is hilarious because she has no base she's an insane person with no constituency okay no constituency whatsoever didn't you call that one Sor gate Lindsey Graham yes there is no reason for Laura lumer there is no reason for Laura lumer to ever be anywhere near any campaign whatsoever very much unless there's a different reason for why she's there here is Laura lumer saying I just ate dog food it's human grade which means you and your dog can share a tasty nutrient dense treat together order yours today Roger Stone said it's gross that's how bad it is please stop showing her my kid are in the room and they're sobbing says the DUI Champion Friend Of The Show Ken benzinger wrote about her for the Times uh the former activist decision to elevate Laura lomer a far-right activist known for racist and homophobic Post online has stunned even some Trump allies yeah it makes no s like it's one of those things where it's like who is this for who is this for really like who are you who did you who did you make this decision for because I am once again saying I do not support all women some of them are Ugo it's for me I think it could be for me cuz I think it's funny that he's doing it but like like what what is the political calculation to having someone like Laura lumer by your side because now you have to inevitably defend her which is weird which is weird because you already have this issue with JD Vans and she is somehow objectively worse than JD Vans like she literally is both uglier than JD Vans like hard to look at okay JD Vans also looks kind of weird and creepy and gross but like she has no she has no benefit like she's there's no added value to the campaign to bring Laura lumer around there's got to be something there's got to be something she's horrifying to look at she literally has tried to Nazis she herself has had a lot of gped up far right Nazi takes tell Andrew I'm going to ban him you know those two are making the humidity on the Trump Force One rise the 70% pure stank he's going to give her little leather football baby that comes out already with fillers and Botox bloat to distract us with her good looks and rock and body yaza h h h oh baby like Trump is already not doing great okay he was smooth cruising when he was going up against Biden and then obviously the race changed and it was already a difficult one for him to win from this point on but then he just like keeps adding it seems New Game Plus difficulty for no reason he's just like nope I'm going to make this as difficult as possible for me I don't care I will win again but this time even harder also is that Van Cleave chat is Jason the ween is Jason the we hanging out with Laura lommer every time I see van CLE now I'm assuming that Jason the wean has been there yam que has Jason the we this is like a like a baby grank was rizing up the baby grank was fighting the rizzler to Riz up the uh Lily liy dun has Jason the ween of fazeclan actually been hanging out with Laura lomer Jason the ween of fazeclan is known for giving everybody van Clea bracelet that a lot of people are saying he got from Teemu and many people are wondering since Laura lumer the alt-right Neo-Nazi has been hanging out with Donald Trump a lot and she's been prominently featuring van CLE van CLE bracelets and and Van Clea necklaces which which has led a lot of people on Tik Tok to speculate that baby grank and Jason the ween have probably been hanging out with Laura lomer I just alienated 98% of people over the age of 30 in the the audience right now that have absolutely zero idea what I'm talking about I just it's one of those jokes that's like funny for eight total people in this chat that actually watched me collaborate with watched me collaborate with Jason the wean bro you just made me realize I'm turning 30 in two months I appreciate it yeah what the is a Jason wanu are very controversial for racist comments about KLA Harris suggesting the past the 9/11 was an inside job and that's drawing fire even from why is that the only thing that you guys talk about that's like a defensible position dude holy [ __ ] she has done way worse [ __ ] she is banned from virtually every application like not just social media in the past like when she was banned from Twitter she literally chained herself to the door of Twitter headquarters okay she started Isis Club in college because she thought liberals would join it I don't know if that's real or not but I'm going to go on I'm going to go on with it anyway because it's funny but the Twitter thing is real she got banned from every application Uber lift every single one because of her Relentless islamophobia there is so many there are so many things I don't believe that Twitter is okay here here she got banned from like uber e and [ __ ] bro she is like like just look at her goddamn look at her background Laura Elizabeth lomer born May 21st 1993 is an American far-right political activist internet personal The Conspiracy Theory she was the Republican nominee to represent Florida's 21st congressional district in 2020 uh House of Representatives uh primary she also ran to the Republican primary in FL Florida's 11th congressional district losing to incumbent Daniel Webster she has described self as pro-white nationalism and a proud islamophobe lomer has worked as an activist for several organizations including project Veritas the Geller report which is Pamela Geller uh who is a far-right terrorist herself I think her daughters were like memers on Instagram and they got cancelled too because her mom is like a rabbit islamophobe um she worked for Rebel news and Infowars lumer game notoriety as a result of being banned from numerous social media platforms including Facebook Instagram Twitter payment processors vehicles for hire and food delivery mobile apps bro she doesn't even have the weather app on her phone okay she turns on her phone it's a brick she can't she got banned for the weather app how do you even do [Laughter] that anyway I'm joking about the weather app thing all right for various reasons including violating policies on hate speech and posting misinformation lummer has also been banned and removed from events and had her press credentials revoked for harassment and causing disturbances in April 2023 it was reported that Donald Trump wanted to hire lumer for a campaign role however the idea was said to have been met with heavy resistance from Trump's team as well as warnings from margerie Taylor green over hiring a documented liar since 2023 lummer was written and posted false claims about the Israel Hamas war lummer and her two brothers were raised in Arizona yada y doesn't matter um oh here here it is here it is here it is between 2015 and 2017 lumer used a concealed video camera to record a conversation bar University officials discussing the idea of starting a club called sympathetic students in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria the school apparently asked only that the club's name be changed to students in support of the Middle East James o'keef of project Veritas a right-wing organization known for producing secretly recorded deceptively edited undercover audio and video investigations by media organizations left leaning groups released the video to encounter alleging that it captured a university official unfazed by the idea of an on-campus organization to support Isis shortly thereafter the university suspended lumer for violating the student code of conduct and a professor shown in the video filed criminal charge against her for recording him without his knowledge at the time lummer was an honor student in her senior year and the president of Barry University's Young young Republicans Club according to a Hillary campaign official lomer and two other women posing as Clinton supporters attempted to ENT trp campaign workers into accepting illegal cash donations in July 2015 the official said the campaign had complied with the law these guys are some these guys are the some of the most insane freaks out there okay remember James o'keef that freak who used to run project Veritas but obviously people that uh were donating to project veritos were like what the are you doing when they found out that he was embezzling funds to fly project Veritas members to go and watch him do Oklahoma the Broadway musical like he is such a musical fan just like Donald Trump by the way that that he was like yeah I'm going to take all this money that you guys gave me and I'm going to literally I'm going to make everybody fly out and watch me do Oklahoma so they fired him wait Donald Trump loves musicals what do you know about that wait you didn't know that Donald Trump is a musical head are you kidding me how the do you guys not know this have you guys never heard Donald Trump talk about like Phantom of the Opera why do you guys think I always say he's my zesty King like he he loves musicals bro are you kidding me Donald Trump Phantom of the Opera the only time when you see a spark in his His Eye Is when he's talking about this beautiful letter I get from Andrew lyd Weber who was big before Phantom but nothing like Phantom and he did Jesus Christ Superstar which was another great one he did a lot of great things but he said because he lived in the building a Trump Tower he knew me a little bit and he said I'd love to have you as my guest I'm opening up a musical called The Phantom of the Opera and I said oh so let's go so I say you're on the letter okay I'll go and anyway we went and it opens with the chandelier and the this you've been there right you've seen you first time I saw a shock sh when the chandelier dropped you guys didn't know this I mean this is like sometimes I forget that there's people in here that just like are are unfamiliar with like all of my commentary but this is like this is a classic dude Donald Trump is a very very zesty man okay okay very zesty man also he's literally like I think he also tried to produce um a Broadway musical and it failed and it like altered the trajectory of his life dramatically Donald Trump's one show career as a Broadway producer if paris's out had been a had been a smash we might be living in a different if paris's out had been a smash we might be living in a different America I've watched you for years I swear to God you've never talked about this no I've definitely talked about Donald Trump uh love loving the Arts bro he blew a kiss at Hulk Hogan like what are you talking about he loves his little boys and girls he loves his he loves he loves a good performance okay he loves a good performance why do you think he always talks about how hot his generals used to be or how hot his military men were he loves a man in uniform okay what the you're the biggest you're the biggest Trump stand in the universe I mean yeah I've definitely brought up the Donald Trump I've definitely brought up Donald Trump's uh I probably I never brought this one up but I definitely brought up Trump's love for musicals the whole magnificent it was a great great musical he said but I'm opening a musical called Phantom of the Opera and I'm saying to myself all right now I get many letters like that I still get letters like that except it's a little hard when they make you put masks on and do this thing I mean you know I think Broadway you still it's brutal it's brutal I mean if you had a Brut with theat right right now it just is just well plus the city what's happened to the city Plus what's happened to the city it just closed after what 40 years this letter is from one from inviting you to opening night the reason I want to start with that it just closed last week yeah no it did it did it was very sad because of what's happened to the city I think I know why it close beyond that but I think it's you know you got to have you got to have a lot of things going right and they get so uh politically correct but it did close and I would think it's very hard to open on Broadway have anything on Bradway but fom was one of the greatest of all so I go in and I see this music I said this thing is unbelievable it didn't take long cuz the music is so Good by the time we had intermission it was like I said this thing is incredible and by the end you know with the whole thing with the gondolas and the candles and the whole thing coming out and the great music and we play a lot of that music I mean I dude dude this one I didn't know either uh shouts out to the chatter who who brought this up Trump calls oio Cortez Vita in new book American Carnage president interviewed for book on Republican Civil War compar comparison to Eva Peron indicates respect for Democrat Donald Trump has compared Alexandri oazi Cortez to Eva pero saying that though he first saw the New York Congressman ranting and raving like a lunatic on a street corner and thinks she knows nothing she has a certain Talent that's aita he said on Sunday Osio Cortez seemed to welcome to comparison I know that like every woman of the people I have more strength than I appear to have Aid Peron he is legitimately yeah oh Trump had cats and Phantom of the Opera played to soothe him a new book claims Trump has long loved Andrew Lloyd Weber his staff members used that to their advantage many of you will also remember he had a pen shot for drag as well here is Donald Trump participating he's not in drag but Rudy Giuliani is [Music] you know you're really beautiful and a woman that looks like that has to have her own special scent oh thank you maybe maybe you could tell me what you think of this scent I like that this this may be the best of all oh you dirty boy you oh oh Donald I thought you were a gentleman you can't say I didn't try like like what do we forget all this stuff like what's going on I feel like a lot of people just like memory hold this [ __ ] which this one makes sense to memory hole because it's so bad like that one is like it gives you psychic damage when you watch it I said man's a rapist even in his commercials true anyway Ruby Giuliani not Rudy H anyway so yeah he loves he loves Broadway dude Trump has not previously made the comparison but he did write a 2004 book that his favorite Broadway show is aita by Andrew Lloyd Weber starring Patty Leone I saw it six times mostly with Iana he Lo dude dude dude he loves he likes Elton John too remember how remember how Elton John was like oh yeah I heard he likes me or uh you know he's like Elton John was like being cancelled by people which is so funny you can't cancel Elton John you're out of your mind but uh like people were upset at Elton John for uh not immediately dismissing Donald Trump saying he likes him a lot and he loves the Village People Too this is a zest man I go to places when we want background music that's beautiful it's great everybody likes it but you go there and it's opening night for one of the most successful Place musicals ever I would say maybe the most but certainly one of the most and it was sort of cool to see a letter where I'm opening a show on Broadway a show on Broadway remember musicals folks Chinese Corona virus took that away from us we used to listen to Musical but we no longer can listen we can't even watch this is why I say Trump is Ace biromantic okay he is a biromantic asexual man okay that's why he that's why he says he he likes to kiss the boys and the girls I'll kiss the boys too honestly it's kind of sad this pathetic man can't enjoy the thingss he likes publicly because the culture he fosters no no he don't give a [ __ ] what are you talking about he's talking to Steve Bannon about how much he loves Andrew Lloyd Weber no he doesn't care at all he openly does say he likes those things the funniest part about it is the funniest part about it is that's why when when he has this like cult likee uh following he goes up on his rallies and he talks about that [ __ ] Gren Carter okay ain't nobody in Michigan gives a [ __ ] about Gren Carter are you insane they just go along with it they're like hell yes sir I I think gron Carter is a [ __ ] Vanity Fair parties have really been lackluster in the last couple of years I know you're right sir I hate gron Carter New York Fashion Week is falling off brother yeah I'm a I'm a I'm a Alabama Republican lifelong and let me tell you wouldn't Donald Trump came to my town where there's no active sewage system and he started talking about that [ __ ] Graden part Graden Carter that pansy who sucks at throwing Vanity Fair parties that really spoke to me okay I hate by Coastal Elite lip tards for that reason and that reason alone here's a clip of you double down on why you think Trump uh is zesty never happened before we've had gay presidents we've had by presidents we've never had a president that is also technically Ace and aromantic those are three massive reasons why I will be voting for Donald I can't even get myself to say it someone's going to CLI out and be like oh he said it please stop calling him a no Trump is a trump has never had sex for sexual gratification like I I I know that in my heart okay and also just because someone is a doesn't mean they're a good person okay automatically what the are you talking about Lincoln was bisexual yes Donald Trump absolutely is Ace okay absolutely he has never he has never had sex with a woman for actual sexual desire it is only to enforce it's only to enforce power and it's it's like it's like a thing like he likes pretty things and he likes having pretty things around him okay he likes having pretty objects around him and that's why he only like he only sees women as like objects of desire and that they're aesthetically like nice to look at and that's why I'm kind of shocked about the Laura lumer situation okay like women are for him status symbols you have good status other men respect you more if you have sexy women around around you okay like it the only reason why he cares yeah he likes pretty women around him because he likes the way men react to him having women around him y bro is not a you have brain damage he 100% has never felt longing for a woman Beyond just like having them around you know you got to reproduce every now and then obviously uh consensually and also non-consensually as we know is this a h bit or genuine belief of yours no it it started off as a hassabi bit but then it became a genuine belief of mine I do think that Donald Trump is Ace like he will be outwardly sexual or like he he will very rarely I guess like the the the way he's talked about his own daughter I think kind of goes back to like narcissism because that's a piece of him like he is very proud of her because she's beautiful and he created a beautiful thing and I think it's because he's like he's so narcissist IC that like he's like look I made this thing that's hot I want to myself like that type of situation cuz surprisingly enough he has never been outwardly horny in that exact same way about any other woman as far as I know I have never heard Donald Trump be outwardly horny in the same way that he has like talked about Ivanka at all ever okay what about grabbing by the [ __ ] grabbing by the [ __ ] literally bro he raped 75 women dog rape has nothing to do with sexual gratification what's wrong with you guys this is like one of the this is like basic [ __ ] this literally is about rape is not about like oh I was really horny and that's why it happened it it is straight up about enforcing your will on someone it is about power the Harvey Weinstein doesn't even have a dick okay I think he has like Gang Green on his [ __ ] or some [ __ ] do you not remember how the did he rape so many women rape is directly about power that's what you're that's what you're getting like sexual gratification uh from not the um not the actual act itself yeah rape is not about sex at all rape is rape is not about like um like in most circumstances in most circumstances like uh sexual assault and and rapes directly happen as a consequence of like wanting to enforce your power over another person and deriving some satisfaction from that Weinstein's dick was the color and shape of a rotten egg according to victims and attorneys Court testimony yeah why does he hate Don Jr shouldn't he be horny when talking about him as well what no he Don Jr is disgusting at least Ivanka is like hot Ivanka is a liberal Elite until the you know Trump presidential run and even after that she was still in those circles Ivanka is everything he wanted to be his whole life someone who is like broadly accepted by liberal Elites Donald Trump's anger and resentment in New York towards the Bic Coastal Elites that you know perfectly played into this narrative in 2016 especially directly came directly came from his his desire to be welcomed by these uh by this crow that found him to be crass and rude and silly they never actually welcomed him assant can't conceive rape or sexual assault wait what anyway let's get back to Laura lomer now that we uh yeah Don Jr is everything he hates about himself just like directly in his face the ugly annoying nervousness like a nervous energy Eric too he hates them he hates them both some of former president Trump's allies exactly right George now we are hearing from some Republicans who are voicing concerns that Donald Trump is growing inre increasingly close to this far-right activist I'm Dante mentioned you in a video uh yo TC weird and I'm Dante vouching for him and like he don't care like let's stick within that all that outside stuff is like that's like Hanan that's like Hanan stuff and I don't do that I don't I don't do that man I don't want to get into that's when the stream just get boring and then like people actually arguing and actually get mad bro I don't know how he he bro he h be on stream every day like this just like this man okay why we like why are we supporting Tom Cruz when the world is actually no the world is actually like you guys need to understand what you guys don't understand is it's like yo damn you you really just be sitting there I can't do that bro second [ __ ] say something stupid like yo shut your [ __ ] ass up [ __ ] he's right and I should probably do it less he he's right and I probably should do it less okay that was a f that 101 that was a 101 perfect demonstration of what I do like the the only thing you get added to that is if I like get up to piss or serve a three minute abric at the top of the hour when there's a 3-minute abric at the top of the hour I also tell you that if you no long want to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe for $6 even though it's September it's actually 30% off or for free with a twitch Prime by connecting your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account you get one free one free Prime subscription a month use it on your favorite broadcas or hopefully that's me here is the thre minute ad break now you can also get gifted a sub if you're lucky boom Ultra Instinct I locked in I locked in Adrian is online thank you for the 10 gift Subs Hassan look at my chat message he got your ass bro I did you said he got your ass bro I got it quantum monk thank you for the five gifted gum gum thank you for the five gifted um yeah we're going to do the Trump presser in California in a second let's finish this Laura lomer Laur ler as you know is someone who has espoused conspiracy theor she has used racist rhetoric in describing kamla Harris and now some of former president Trump's closest allies in the par tor trogus they give the are urging him to distance himself from her George Mary Bruce thanks very much I I would give I would give uh Trump a smooch if he wanted I would probably it'd be hard not to um all right let's get to it Donald Trump is he piping Laura lomer this is a question that is looming on everyone's Minds let's take a look rep colleagues or your allies who are concerned about your close relationship with Laura lummer well I don't know uh what they would say I Laura's been a supporter of mine just like a lot of people are supporters and she's been a supporter of mine she speaks very uh positively of the campaign I'm not sure why you asked that question but Laura is a supporter uh I don't control Laura Laura has to say what she wants she's a damn the way he's talking about Laura fondly Laura I don't control her she's a fiery woman I can't control her even if I wanted to believe me folks she's so fiery she's so fiery Lara she's a real she a real Fierce woman kind of like aita aita my love laara he she's a free spirit well I not she's a free spirit she's a free spirit she's fiery she's passionate woman I mean look I can't tell Laura what to do Laura is a supporter have a lot of supporters uh but I so I don't know what exactly you're referring to that's okay yeah please I just don't know Laura is a supporter I don't know she is she is a strong person she's got strong opinions and I don't know what she said but that's not up to me she's a supporter please traving with you this goes against your Narrative of being Aid no dude he's still Ace okay he's still Ace I I'll stand by that but also briefly briefly for the sake of uh you know having a funny moment um I don't know what he sees in Laura lomer not to come across like Marjorie Taylor green who is like very obviously jealous because Trump has like a slot for at least one ugly woman that doesn't fit the standard of the women that he surrounds himself with and like it's clear to me that Marjorie wanted to be that like freakish demon looking woman by his side and Trump completely sidestepped her and went to Laura instead I don't know what he sees in her I don't know but they're fighting and it's really funny that they're fighting on your plane a lot of people do it's a very big plan come on Laura is an ugly dude bro Laura lomer is not ugly because there's a different category okay that's it like that's the only reason cuz like saying that she's ugly would not fit the term she is in the Marjorie Taylor green category okay which is like a different thing it's just like a it's not like it doesn't read as human you're like oh I've seen this before this is a hard to look at type of situation and I think like I think this is just something that you see normally in like I don't know like horr movies or something like she's scary scary would be the term to describe her physical appearance she made racist remarks about your opponent she also espoused conspiracy theories Chatters you don't need to be that quick okay there's one two three four Chatters that had immediate links ready to go in the chat ain't nobody wants to see Laura lumer that much man come on now I am personally trying to I'm personally trying to avoid seeing Laura lommer while talking about her and you're like no let me prove let me prove that she's ugly like we know man why do you got that [ __ ] bookmarked is about 911 do you disavow those remarks well to see what the remarks are I you're telling me for the first time we hear about we're here discussing the destruct that's so dumb media is so dumb stop talking stop talking about Laura lummer 911 remarks she's done so much worse [ __ ] okay I don't know why they're like oh she said it was an inside job like one a [ __ ] ton of Americans also believe it and two it's it's the exact type of sentiment that is like vague enough that you can actually show conclusive evidence okay like there's enough there's enough like lack of cooperation amongst intelligence agencies and the fact that like the hijackers were trained on us soil the fact that Usama bin was personally uh a also trained by the American state department at the time when he was a revolution or sorry an counterrevolutionary fighter uh against the the USSR like please okay stop being a truther I'm not I'm not saying like George W bush did 911 personally okay that's not what I'm saying at all but the idea but the idea that like um uh what do you call it like that that is one of her worst statements when it's like there are def defensible aspects of that sentiment that you can point to real historical evidence is silly okay I'm not like a jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams kind of guy okay that's not what I'm saying at all do you understand I think it's personally stupid to to hyperfocus on that when there's like a million other things that are way worse that she has done in the past week okay it's like pointing it's literally like [ __ ] on Adolf Hitler by bringing up that he was as cheeks at painting okay like I feel like that's not the worst thing he did okay I don't know don't call call me crazy I feel like his art is bad objectively but like that's probably not the worst thing that he did you know I feel like there's a list out there of significantly worse things that he did you know yeah it's like saying OJ Simson was a bad Tipper of San Francisco and California by a person that's 911 truthism bad at painting yeah in when we're talking about Laura lomer the Adolf Hitler comparison is not you know is not a ridiculous comparison to make obviously in terms of like um Hitler's magnitude of evil yes but it's in the same direction we are talking about a person who has called herself a white nationalist what the oh my God isn't she Jewish though yes it doesn't matter so is stepen Miller and he's a Nazi too it's running for president so I don't even know what you're talking about I do know that uh she may have said something based on what you're telling me but I don't know what she said yeah they should the media should ask about this your eyes look so good you're like beautiful thank you like an Aryan degenerate goddess thank you I love it thank you thank you you're Aran too I know but I'm Jewish it's okay the Nazis hate me it's fine the all right people want to put me in a gas chamber cuz they're obsessed with the Jew I don't I think they're just meing on you but it's okay they're just jealous because I have big T asazi IQ [Laughter] yeah oh all right all right all all right [Music] [Music]

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