Harris Leads By 3 Points In Labor Day Polls | Hasanabi Reacts

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 00:30:28 Category: Entertainment

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Comm expected to unveil second key Economic Policy plank for New Hampshire speech Wednesday focus on small bid and startups likely mix including tax credit grants technical assistance why does that suck at because that right there is precisely precisely what the Democrats always do that is old school Democratic party nonsense I I'm just going to skip the Israel stuff and Ukraine stuff we'll get back to that later let's get started on Harrison Biden campaigning and pated to court union workers Donald Trump didn't really do a labor day uh spot but he's back now he's going to do a spot today let's start off with campaign Mania that is right ladies and Gentlemen let's get started it's just nine weeks to go the battle for the White House is now a dramatically changed race Harris versus Trump with the current President Joe Biden campaigning for the first time alongside his VP who now tops the Democratic ticket she has a backbone like a ramrod she has the moral compass of a saint this woman knows what she's doing Harris in Pennsylvania using the Labor Day holiday to emphasize her commitment to union workers when union wages go up everybody's wages go up when Union workplaces are safer all workplaces are safer when unions are strong America is strong noticeably off the tra dude if you can't recognize the difference between KLA Harris's bej on unions versus KLA Harris on any other issue I don't know what to tell you if you can't recognize the difference between KLA Harrison unions versus the Hillary Clinton Labor Day speech that we watched you are probably so oblivious you don't realize this September and at the top of the hour there's a 3 minute ab break and that if you subscribe for $6 or for free I don't know what the subtember benefits are I still haven't figured that out you will be able to avoid set ads okay like I was genuinely surprised at how Dynamic she was when talking about unions it it does strike me as one of those like weird areas of interest for her surprisingly this is definitely a this is definitely a Biden era change for the Democratic party where they actively communicate two unions say labor unions don't just talk about like workers don't just talk about the middle class I think it's good it's a good change um we'll see if this change also means that they will uh you know do things that make it easier to organize but I think more casual people don't notice the difference in see mostly glossed over by who's doing the speaking still it's a welcome change of attitude and a welcome change of of pace in general did he watch the Le interview I just started it hasn't even been an hour yet I ran the first 3 minute outbreak just now not disputing Biden admin especially nlrb wasn't good for unions but didn't unionization percentage fall under Biden yes the issue of course is that these are historic Trends the existing unions also happen to get like pretty solid contracts under Biden though like historic contracts under Biden but yes the unionization uh percentag is is at an all-time low rail this Labor Day Mr Trump but attacking Harris on his social media platform writing all Americans are suffering during this holiday weekend also over the weekend the former president sparking new controversy by insisting he had every right to interfere with a 2020 election while repeating his false claim that criminal election interference cases against him are politically motivated whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it you get indicted and your poll numbers go up the next major moment in this race the presidential debate now just one week away multiple sources familiar with Harris's preparations tell NBC News she's held a series of work sessions this sucks ass by the way Comm expected to unveil second key Economic Policy plank for New Hampshire speech Wednesday focus on small bid and startups likely mix including tax credit grants technical assistance why does that suck at because that right there is precisely precisely what the Democrats always do that is old school Democratic party nonsense okay here we go here we go okay nobody ain't nobody out there is ever going to get excited for tax credits for small business and startups it is boring as it literally sucks it sucks it's means tested Garbo I hate it I think it's bad policy I think it's bad politics okay straight up straight up the issue however is that it appeals to the absolute worst most annoying out there so we'll be hearing a lot of people uh a lot we'll be hearing a lot from people the exact worst type of people in society redditors and the like who love this type of even if they don't have a small business but they get really annoying and Technical about how like great this actually is I think it sucks it is poison it is the exact opposite of like broad sweeping changes in the legislative agend in the legislative agenda for example you know what helps small businesses the way that Tim Walls talks about this is phenomenal Paid Family Leave why does that help small businesses because now small businesses don't have to compete against Walmart or other massive uh ginormous corporations that can offer paid family leave okay that's how you help small businesses push for push for broad sweeping legislative changes for all Americans and then angle it from the perspective of small businesses don't try to directly Target startups and small businesses it is unnecessarily divisive and it is also boring La at Walmart offering uh no it's not sure Walmart doesn't offer it I I know but you know what I mean like there are large chains that are more competitive uh that can offer better that can sometimes offer um better amenities to their workers in comparison into a small business okay yeah yeah this was really funny this is a classic old school kamla Harris one this is like a this is a banger we made fun of this a lot in 2019 yesterday I announced that his president I'll establish a student loan debt forgiveness program for pel Grant recipients Who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities ah as opposed to just doing student loan debt forgiveness what the why why can't you just say student loan de forgiveness like this was in 2019 when she was running in the primary terrible instincts in general what a laughable notion I want to thank everyone for your feedback and clarify some confusion we have an opportunity Gap in our country and one thing we need to do is support black entrepreneurs I have a plan to do that on multiple fronts it's also unnecessarily identity politics focused as well which is annoying because like dude like this is not this is not helping black people this is helping like like eight black people okay and you have unnecessarily tied like student loan debt relief to helping out like eight black people that might leave a h uh like uh might leave a uh college and then go back to a community that is underserved and start a podcast some like it sucks yeah so student loan relief for pelant recipients is just one component of our plan to reduce the opportunity G for black entrepreneurs along with 12 billion in direct capital we can Ensure black entrepreneurs have a real shot at starting small businesses Ben Norton Bernie Sanders we should forgive all student debt and make public universities free by taxing Wall Street neoliberal cop KLA Harris we should offer to forgive only up to two 20,000 a student debt if someone opens up a business and runs it for three years like what an incredibly bad idea anyway this was like an old one this was a this was a like a old terrible means tested like classic old school Democratic party bad idea okay Matt brunick is also saying what I've been kind of uh pointing to for a while now which is you know tax credits everything is a tax credit respect to TPC for uh the tax policy Center for spending most of this piece on the administrative problems of this proposal we need way more of that in the discourse in general all these problems are solvable if you stop implementing this [ __ ] as tax credits the uh weirdly that's never on the table it's not weird it's because Americans are geared towards tax cuts Americans and the Democrats are terrified of of presenting anything as like spending money on Americans and only can only can angle any sort of political movement in the direction of less taxes that's it okay that's it and it's very frustrating it's so frustrating I mean I've talked about this as well it's just like everything's a tax cut everything's a tax cut everything's a tax credit you really don't have to talk about how to best mitigate all the problems caused by having the IRS run a welfare program you really can just decide not to have any of those problems if by uh by designing it as a normal Social Security Administration program I mean don't get me wrong whom Among Us does not like the intellectual challenge of how to do things in ways that don't make sense I'd love to see a paper on how the mind health safety administration could run child allowance but when it comes to doing actual policy yeah it doesn't make sense okay it does make sense if you think about it uh from the framework of like I am terrified of ever running a campaign that is going to just straight up give people money because I'm worried they're going to say I'm a communist and I'm worried that they're going to say you know how do we pay for it how do we pay for it how do we pay for it over and over again and I don't want to uh I I don't want to ever personally deal with that uh messaging problem so everything's a tax cut everything's a tax cut everything's a tax cut anyway there's more um advises of weade including parts of the Care economy such as paid leave in child care patients and tax plans EG billionaire tax hike in the upcoming push this week but I'm not sure whether they'll make it in oh so they're not admitting they're not putting in the good I was surprised to learn that 62 million us workers are employed by a firm with fewer than 500 employees oh my Lord this is the good part this is the good the care economy focusing on the care economy paid leave child care plans tax plans in including billionaire tax hike that's the good so they're like they're literally coming out with the cookie cutter means tested neoliberal and and not coming out with the actual good doing this [ __ ] also makes doing taxes without some stupid [ __ ] like Turbo Tax or a CPA impossible which makes something like a single tax bill being sent to the Americans by the IRS even harder to implement oh my God oh my Lord dude I don't even know if I mean thems are so afraid of being called communist good lord they're going to be called communist regardless just do things that are good for people and communicate how they are good for people and how Republicans are lying you can do that already okay you can you're doing that already you're doing that already you are forced to do that in every other aspect like Biden is calling her comrade Harris okay Trump literally is calling KLA Harris comrade Harris okay did I say Biden sorry Trump is calling KLA Harris comrade Harris Trump says that under the Biden Administration America skipped the step with socialism and went the straight communism these are laughable Concepts just laugh at it and be like these dumb asses want us to not give you nice things okay for far too long nice things have only been afforded by the federal government in the form of taxpayer funded subsidies to corporations and the billionaire class we want you to get a crumb of that there's a lot of you out there there's a lot more of you than there are of them but we want to and it's going to be somewhat costly but we want you to get something in return for all the taxes that you're paying for okay they call that communism it's utterly ridiculous because they don't want you to have nice things just say that because it's the truth okay force them into a corner of engaging in you know deficit hawkish behavior that Donald Trump doesn't like doing he does not do it because he is a populist he knows he doesn't want to do that he knows that that's poison for his base okay it would divide his perspective it would literally divide his base if he was engaging in deficit Hawking it would literally cut across his own base of support there are a ton of people who still think Donald Trump has their best interest in mind because he communicates that way kind of funny just 2% of Democrats say Biden made the wrong decision by dropping out per suffk poll 18% of Republicans say he did yeah is there an inherent reason why they won't engage in the truth I understand Dems are terrible but the current strategy seems like the same old garbage because the same old garbage seems promising now because it it's got a new it's got a new polish on it okay that's it it's no longer Joe Biden who was like a carcass presenting the same old garbage it's now Kam La haris presenting the same old garbage and she is at the very least like younger and more Dynamic seemingly so they think that this will allow them to win a marginal Victory there is no there is no interest in like making bold proclamations running a campaign of open change even if you're not going to follow through on it there's still obviously there's still obviously a great benefit to running on it yeah feeding hungry kids isn't radical it's human decency there you go dude there you go okay it's almost as if a lot of those liberals who are DieHard loyalists of the democratic party will literally defend these policies on principle but also they'll reflexively defend these policies because it's the Democratic party running with them let's play moderate game until we have the House and Senate then Ram through as many Progressive policies no that's not how this works you're you're failing to understand what I am saying okay you're failing to understand what I'm saying first of all they're not going to ram through Progressive policies that's not going to happen okay and also not only is that not going to happen running with Progressive running with a progressive agenda is not unpopular this is a lie that has been told by the Democratic party to their base okay abs absolutely zero people are like oh man I really would appreciate a tax credit if like I worked in an underserved Community for 3 years as a as a small business owner uh as a pel grant recipient that is unnecessarily complex you're adding that is the Elizabeth Warren to the Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders comes out and he's like everyone needs Health Care y'all are ridiculous everyone deserves Healthcare we got to make this free it would literally cost less to the government it would cost less to the average American okay at the end of the day right that's it boom universality it's simple it works it's great Elizabeth Warren's like well you know here's how we're going to actually do this we're going to means test this proposal we're going to make the military more green yada Yad y it's not simple it's complicated it's nerdy it's unnecessary okay Warren made rub Goldberg ass policy exactly there's no reason to do any of those things especially when whether you are off off ing whether you are offering like some tax credits to to key constituencies that uh you have identified uh are going to uh help you win like maybe a marginal Victory you are losing out on the message regardless and they're going to call you a socialist or a communist anyway you know f it put them on like fight for once Democrats fight for once in your goddamn lives put the Republicans on defense you already did that and that's why you had so much juice and so much momentum and now you're cutting all of that juice and momentum by running the most like boring ass neoliberal Hillary Clinton ass campaign oh I keep telling you guys this is not effective okay it's not but nobody wants to listen to me everyone's like whoa shut up look at the polls they're super they're golden polls look great polls are great there's 62 days remaining there's still no policies there's still no policy proposal page there's the first debate coming up in like 10 days and they have cut away at like a lot of the early messaging that worked that gave them a massive boost people in the Democratic Party from progressives all the way to moderates want the Democrats to fight they want the Democrats to win okay but if you run scared and you refuse to fight against the Republican party and then you also capitulate to their framing on key issues like immigration you're going to barely win or maybe even lose how are you still harping about zero policies when they've started when they stated like half a dozen oh my god dude they don't have a policy page they don't have policy papers that you need to give to door knockers and canvases what the are you talking about okay you need a a you need policies on on on paper okay that's how you engage in door knocking that's what you give to your canvassers this is just bad campaigning in general please stop don't worry bro they're definitely running the campaign of the century what is this yet Biden knows better than anyone that scoop Jackson's belligerant foreign policy including the commitment to giving Israel a virtual blank check of America support has been losing ground in the Democratic party for decades according to Benjamin nyaho in 2021 Biden emphasized to him in a private conversation that domestic pressures were making it difficult to uh for Biden to be as pro Israel as he wanted Biden reportedly said BB I got to tell you I'm coming under a lot of pressure back here this is not scoop Jackson's Democratic party that's awesome scoop Jackson died in 19 1983 okay he died in 1983 he was born in 1912 okay 1912 this ain't this ain't scoop Jackson's Democratic party Jack you're telling me someone was named scoop yes brother because he was born in 1912 they don't even name like that anymore that's how old he is he's so old he died in 1983 do you understand what I'm saying was born in the turn of the century they don't even name people like that how many you know named scoop bro it's from a different era back when they had Soda Jerks okay that's not a concept any longer okay unless you're a Mormon in Utah I know it's a nickname they don't name they don't yes dude I know his name is Henry M Jackson my point is they don't name scoop anymore like they don't say they they don't just go Jack all right we're going to name you Scope that's right that's like not a thing that's not a thing oh actually just Henry dude shut up I know his name is Henry Jackson oh my God you guys are so annoying I'm saying they do not name like they don't give nicknames like scoop and call people scoop Jackson any longer oh my God you guys are so lame dude a disappointing all around all right let's continue between campaign stops and unlike Mr Trump who shared the stage with President Biden earlier this summer it'll be Harris's first debate in nearly four years and no public events are scheduled today for either Harris or Trump but this week does notably Mark the beginning of voting season believe it or not with a first absentee general election ballots getting mailed out in the key Battleground state of North Carolina this Friday Savannah always good to remember voting is about to begin Peter thank you hey thanks let's bring in our national political correspondent Steve Kaki break it down let's start with the state of the race from a national perspective as we head into this final stretch yeah here we go Savannah so this is the average of all of the polls that are out there nationally right now and you see kamla Harris the vice president with a three-point lead over Donald Trump two ways to look at this if you're a Democrat obviously you're happy you're ahead and it's an improvement from when Joe Biden was the candidate he trailed Donald Trump all year but if you're a republican you could take Silas in this this is not unfamiliar territory for Donald Trump Labor Day 2020 he trailed Joe Biden by nine he almost came back to win that Race 2016 he trailed Hillary Clinton by five on Labor Day he did come back to win so Harris has actually a tighter National margin but as we know these elections are determined state by state and these Battleground States so let's look at a state of race there yeah let's go yeah numbers look worse when you look at the states when you look at state by state numbers look the best numbers look the best when you look at like the national average you still need a plus five okay for the Democrats to win over the Republican party because there are more Democrats there are more registered Democrats in this country than there are registered Republicans there are more reg there are more democratic voters in this country than there are Republican party voters ultimately you still given the way that the Electoral College works you still need around a plus five okay and as you can tell right here 2016 polls were a little different obviously uh there was a lot of overcorrecting that needed to take place for polling in 2016 Hillary Clinton's plus five didn't actually end up uh helping her secure the victory let's go through now seven Battleground states can memorize this list at home we're going to talk about them a lot between now and November but the key here is that six of these seven states all went for Joe Biden in 2020 North Carolina the only went for Trump and you see right now the polling is tight in just about all of them Trump ahead narrowly in Georgia North Carolina small Harris leads except take a look here like in Wisconsin Harris on average leading by six this is important to note the polling was off in States like Wisconsin in 2020 and 2016 it underestimated Trump support whether it does that again this time around a major question that made a huge difference of course in the in the result there so let's do my favorite map the 270 love to see how this can play out when you start switching how the Battlegrounds go yeah mine too so we've got those seven states you just mentioned in Gray here the Battleground States look two perspectives here if you're Harris your most direct path is this it's they call them the Great Lake States Wisconsin if you could win that Michigan and Pennsylvania all went for Biden 4 years ago hold those and you see it right there Harris is at exactly 270 but here's the complication for her what if she slips up in one of these Pennsylvania she didn't pick that State's Governor as a running mate some people wonder about that if she were to lose Pennsylvania it is the largest of these Battleground States it's over if she doesn't if she doesn't win Pennsylvania it's over okay like the reason why it's over is because if you lose Pennsylvania the likelihood that you will win Georgia is incredibly low like there's no pathway in my opinion where you lose Pennsylvania but then you win Georgia and if you lose Pennsylvania you most likely lost Georgia as well and in win case it's over he's campaigning Pennsylvania right yes you can see her number comes down she would then need to win at least two from this sun belt here and meanwhile if Trump were to get Pennsylvania it opens up the simplest path for him get Pennsylvania hold North Carolina which he won in 2020 and then just win back Georgia which he narrowly lost and he'd be at exactly 270 all right and Steve you're not wearing khakis you're wearing great pants are you going in a new fashion direction that we need to be that's crazy that they know about the Khaki karaki dude you think they're hassabi Watchers like do you think there's like producers in the room that know I mean I guess we're not the only that love the Steve Steve karaki khaki yeah I'm always very conscious of my fashion decisions here you know me you know me all we're on the journey with you're not the only one to bring it up yeah a lot of Libs love his khaki karakis too thank you very much the karaki khakis Czech B appeals are probably there all right we got a new we got a new uh Harris ad focused Harris walls 2024 not everything revolves around you law okay first of all I said this community okay oh my God I can't even make a goddamn joke I can't even make a goddamn joke without 48 month subscribers like literally shoving it down my gullet today what is happening is it because I didn't pick your personal favorite car in the morning when we were talking about it your viewers genuinely hate you bro yeah like literally what the man yo are you okay dude are you all right are you all right is it is that what happened that I didn't I didn't like the car I didn't like the car that you wanted to suggest you didn't even suggest the car is that a confession bro we're just joking I dude dude I already get enough listen man I already get enough hatred outside in the real world well not in the real world but like online outside of this goddamn Community I don't have to log in and get it eat from my 26 month supporters you know what I'm saying dude calm down stop being mean literally Russia hates you I know I got the I got the goddamn government of of Russia making fun of me saying I'm gay any protein bars you recommend eh Quest bro that's why we're here on my end I have a hard time coping because you called my car pick ass yes I don't like the Bronco Raptor I do like Broncos though but if I were to get a Bronco i' probably get a Resto mod like a the there's like Eevee Resto mods that are pretty sick the problem is they are uh one incredibly expensive two incredibly unreliable but the old ones are so sick all right let's look at this new comma ha no costs are too high but while corporations are gouging families Trump is focused on giving them tax Cuts but kamla Harris is focused on you building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency she'll make groceries more affordable by cracking down on price gouging and she'll cut housing costs by taking on corporate speculators middle class families build America we need a leader who has their back I'm kamla Harris and I approve this message a troubling incident this one out um yeah the US Marines uh we'll we'll talk about that but what is is this the Russians are not the only ones using your ads what using your likeness and ads it seems okay dude so looking at the poll stuff do you think she did she's going to win you made it sound like it's a little dire um right now if the election is tomorrow she has a decent Pathway to Victory um it's just wait what the hold on one second I had to I had to do something stop reading the orange comments you fatty my have we heard anything else about the US needing to have the most lethal Army I hope she pushes that more is really important bro I would be lering up you about to cash out oh tell me why Snopes bothered covering this because everyone is just in clown World dude that's what it is whatever happened to that discourse that the war chest wasn't going to comma oh yeah remember that another thing that they were wrong about liberals always Running Scared and always being wrong incredibly consistent um yeah I uh what I'm trying to say is this okay right now the polls do show KLA Harris up and I do still think that KLA Harris has a Pathway to Victory the issue however is the issue however is that there is no reason for I found out on Tik Tok that Shane Gillis knows who you are sadly it's not good um that's not surprising he's like homies with the Sam hide in them I don't think he likes me that much I don't care I'm I'm still you know I give him props for being funny he was on that PA with the one neonazi with the glasses yeah exactly do you think the uncommitted movement will cost Kam of Michigan um well I don't know we'll see all right um Chad did he beat the tiger yesterday I did I did beat the Tiger's ass what was I talking about God damn it in terms of in terms of KLA Harris's uh path with a victory okay there is a likelihood that she will still win the problem however is the problem however is it's not supposed to be this close it should not be this close especially because Donald Trump is ass he's running an ass campaign people already have their people have already made up their minds on Donald Trump okay and not only are have people made up their minds on Donald Trump he's very clearly panicking and trying to literally secure non-voters once again like inactive people that are eligible to vote that have not voted either ever before or have not voted for a republican before okay that's why he has the RFK pick that's why he's going on podcast that's why he's trying to go out for younger male voters okay people that normally don't vote this kind of movement will not be reflected in the polls okay so he's trying to pull another 2016 upset basically now do I think he's capable of doing that do I think there are enough people out there that will go you know I hadn't made up my mind about Donald Trump but I really do think he's an outsider independent voice who's uh you know going to destroy the Deep state or whatever the no I don't think so I think there are far more normal people out there who are just like yeah Donald Trump is chaotic I don't really like him I don't want to think about politics it's lame but the issue is the issue is kamla Harris needs to communicate for those people kamla Harris needs to win those people over

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