Israel is Protesting Against Netanyahu | Hasanabi Reacts

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 01:14:43 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: netanyahu
bro they're literally writing scathing letters about like the minutia of Benjamin netanyahu's like hold out positions in Israel Society it's actually shocking it's gotten to a point where it does genuinely feel like a change might occur I'm saying and also obviously I'm going to be covering the Israeli hostage situation because six host hostages were found six of the hostage bodies were found and they're dead and it's a tricky situation because I haven't even looked into it that much but I suspect that I suspect that people are going to say like Israel is is obviously uh on fire over it but there's massive protests happening in Tel Aviv where they're like dude what the are you doing get the ceasefire done you piece of [ __ ] um tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated tonight in Tel Aviv protesting the Nyah government steps that delay the Gaza hostage deal so yeah one of the hostage has video blaming BB and the Israeli occupying Force yeah like [ __ ] is completely out of control Israeli workers will go on a major strike tomorrow we're going to be talking about that it's like if if the politicians don't do the job the people will you know what I mean one of the hostage that was found was the son of that hostage family that talked to the DNC yeah I know yeah it's crazy that like obviously Israelis like Israeli Society by and large is blaming uh Ben Benjamin nyaho it seems or at least like the people that are protesting are blaming Benjamin nyaho for refusing to come to terms okay and BB is like spiraling out of control he might do some crazy [ __ ] as a last ditch effort so it's definitely a situation that we're going to be keeping a close eye on we'll start off with that today um we'll talk about the KLA Harris response that is uh suspected you have to remember something okay hostages that are no longer coerced and under duress have said similar things in terms of like how the have you not done a hostage deal or we were more afraid of the Israeli bombings than we were of like our captors in general so that is something that like has consistantly been a through line for all of the hostages that have been released okay that are like alive and in Israel so I just need you to understand that um in terms of like obviously looking at hostage testimony when they're literally in captivity of course it's going to be duress of course there is going to be a level of coercion going on but you need to understand like if this went if this cut entirely against like what hostages that have been freed are saying that would be a different circumstance but hostages that have been freed have said the exact same [ __ ] and they have no reason to defend the people who held them captive at goddamn gunpoint okay like and also the families of the hostages have been treated as straight up in Israel have been treated as an afterthought or a nuisance like people who are spoiling Benjamin netanyahu's ultimate goal of continuing this genocide like and people who themselves in Israel who want to continue the genocide you know because there are plenty of people who do want to continue the genocide are still like dog do the deal first what the is wrong with you okay yeah so obviously we'll be talking about this uh quite a bit in the upcoming days uh considering that it's it's it's seemingly coming to like a final like the the the final moment that I don't know it just it feels as though it feels as though this is a great escalation of tensions in general every time there's like new information about any of the hostages that have been killed obviously it's like the final straw it seems but we'll see you know they call him terrorist and Noba unironically like what the is going on do you think the Israeli opposition was contacted by the US to spark this end no dude first of all Israeli in the US is like this okay America would not up the bag for Israel because they could have a much easier chance of like making sure that uh the situation is resolved in an amicable fashion by pushing for a ceasefire you know what I mean like they already have that and they're not even using that America is literally aligned with Benjamin n America's own guy in the cabinet quit America's own guy in the cabinet literally quit they tried to like push and pull in some ways and they genuinely failed to do so by like by by having their guy Benny Gans leave the cabinet unceremoniously so they're they're doing all the worst [ __ ] letting Israel um letting Israel do whatever the it wants letting the Israeli War cabinet and the Israeli government do whatever the it wants is the perhaps the worst possible thing you can do okay so that's the situation us officials once again give cover to nyaho Meanwhile in Israel everyone is blaming nyaho I know once again the United States of America's uh uh response to the situation is in clear contrast of the Israeli Public's response to the situation if you recall I said this early October remember we post the posters of the kidnapped the hostages for a very different propaganda purpose here in the United States of America as opposed to in Israel it is the ludiks that were taking down the hostage posters in Israel because the hostage families were like our our people are there our family members are there our cherished loved ones are in Gaza stop bombing get ceasefire which the Israeli government was obviously for the past 11 months allergic to right in America however the hostage posters were used as an offensive propaganda to be like yeah no this is why we have to this is why is has to keep bombing Gaza ironically killing the family members so of course that attitude has still remained that attitude has still remained uh in in Israel in terms of like hostage families and the way that they have been treated by the government the way that they have made their demands known to the government versus Western media completely outflanking and dick riding the most ridiculous uh ludik party line here in the western world it is crazy this does not mean that those hostage family protesters are actually super woke and anti-zionist by any measure I'm not saying that at all many of them probably still want the continuation of death and destruction in Gaza but they also understand that those bombs are falling on their family members they also understand that Benjamin netanyahu's reluctance to come to an agreement with a ceasefire proposal and a hostage negotiation is probably killing their family members so you have to remember that okay you have to remember that when we analyze the situation the attitude in Israel is very different than the attitude in the United States of America due to the closeness that many people feel in terms of like their loved ones being uh still stuck in Gaza okay Israeli military says it recovered the bodies of six hostages from an underground tunnel in Gaza on Saturday the IDF has identified all six bodies which include Israeli American HS goldber Poland uh the Israeli defense so HS goldber Poland is um the the Israeli American whose family members spoke at the DNC okay his family members his mom and dad are the people that spoke at the DNC if you remember so this obviously this obviously is is uh more personal for a lot of other people Minister said the hostages were killed just before troops could reach them according to the initial assessment at our disposal they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists a short while before we reached them they were abducted alive on the morning of October 7th by the Hamas Terror organization Hamas is blaming Israel for the deaths a Hamas spokesman said the hostages were killed by Israel's bombing whoa whoa It's not crazy that Hamas is saying like the bombs obviously killed them what the are you guys talking about but it's crazy that they're showing the Hamas statement in Western media that is wild whoa this is new chat this is in the past 11 months of ongoing genocide this is one of the first times where I have heard Western mainstream media openly State this is hamas's position and it is at odds with Israel that is crazy I got Goosebumps dude that is crazy I've never actually seen uh uh any kind of autonomy or sovereignty or any kind of like uh individual attitude from from the side of terrorist barbarians uh which is the way that they are depicted usually that is a wild change of pace by the Hamas Terror organization we got to keep pushing it's the only way we will see any change and you are part of this two men I know is blaming Israel for the deaths a Hamas spokesman said the hostages were killed by Israel's bombing of Gaza without giving specifics now a group representing the families of Israeli hostages is calling for prime minister Netanyahu to address the nation and quote take responsibility for abandoning the hostages Netanyahu released a tape statement this morning blaming Hamas for the murders of the hostages and accused them of not wanting a ceasefire deal CNN's Nick Robertson joining us now live from Jerusalem with more uh Nick you're also learning some information about these hostages that some of them were actually slated for release before their bodies were found yeah H Gober Poland uh and Aden yoseli and uh as in Israeli I've had zero hope but this general strike is the genuine end of this genocide the strike is total and inevitable what's interesting about the general strike is that there's a couple different things so Israel um and I'm sure the the Israelis in the chat know this already but Israel's economy is in the [ __ ] right it is uh screaming bloody murder that's number one number two Israeli interior security is at an all-time low is a direct consequence of the offensive campaign that they're not only conducting in Gaza but the offensive campaign that they're conducting in the West Bank so they don't even have enough in my opinion and I don't know I don't know how they will be able to deal with this but they don't have enough like they have adequate coverage if there is a massive massive general strike that occurs in Israel so like they won't even be able to bust out the the apcs and [ __ ] that they've used in the Supreme Court uh protest that happened in the Supreme Court protest that happened a couple years prior so like it's gotten to a point where it does genuinely feel like a change might occur like it does genuinely feel like a change might happen yeah money is dried up Israeli startups are folding one after another you know there there is the Israeli economy was downgraded again uh a couple like a month ago and not only that but also you got one port that is completely bankrupt you're like you have the Embargo from turkey that has like actually shut off some consumer goods to Israel like these are genuine changes that are happening in Israeli society that otherwise has been uh used to these Comforts that you get from being the vassel state the unsinkable aircraft carrier of the United States of America like it is it is a by definition a part of the Imperial core right like the way that people have designed their lives the way that people are accustomed to certain things will create a genuine point of pressure right and I think that pressure is going to keep mounting and we will see did you see this going on almost the whole year uh yes I did I I looking at once the bear hug happened I was like this is going to continue for as long as uh as long as Benjamin nyaho wishes it if anything I'm shocked that uh there's this much protest happening against the Netanyahu government right now it's been an entire it's been an entire year of this Bloodshed it's been an entire year of this death and destruction and um in that time frame Benjamin ny's popularity went from deeply unpopular to actually uh solidly popular once again so that's something that you need to pay attention to I'm an Israel chatter but don't know where the send the vids and protests and [ __ ] all so high Israel chatter here I don't know where to post protest Vis today or tomorrow people are gearing up here really hard in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem so it's going to be huge also High yeah I have alongside many others like Elon Pape who is obviously much smarter than myself made that same sentiment before that like the contradictions are becoming far too glaring um contradictions are becoming are becoming far too glaring for uh this this uh Zionist regime to continue its aparte to continue its genocide and that it will inevitably be the end it might take many many years it might take decades it might take weeks but uh Israel's own actions its own Vendetta its own Bloodshed that it has caused has not only made it into internationally a pariah state but it is there is a cost to this there's a cost that you incur when you engage on this uh sort of endeavor okay and the smaller you are as a nation the more Reliant you are to outside help as a nation the shorter time frame you have to continue Waging War like this okay that's why I've said like something legitimately shifted in both these societal attitudes in Israel after October 7 but something but I think it it basically kickstarted the the inevitable downfall of of Zionism and uh more importantly of course the the apartheid that Israel will now uh try to redirect back to to try and defend itself it was already a Paras day before the genocide the difference is that Americans are starting to see that way too no that's a huge difference though like the Western world as a whole recognizing Israel for what it is is entirely different because when Western popul ation start recognizing Israel as a pariah State because the globe had already seen what Israel was doing because they had experienced what Israel is doing in different ways throughout their own historical development but I'm talking about the Western core the core countries the NATO Nations the Nations within uh the European Union like the the West European uh Western European nations like once their population started recognizing this okay and this is been um this has been happening since uh 2021 I would say but especially uh in the last 10 months once they started recognizing what the was going on that creates another pressure point internally in their domestic affairs for a lot of these countries if the broad majorities of your public recognize that this is completely indecent this is untenable and yet you are still portraying a completely false narrative inside of your bubble that puts you at odds with popular mobilization on the ground and that is a a genuine issue because this isn't Saudi Arabia this isn't Jordan right you can't apply that level of restriction upon your population and you notice that in even in the Abraham Accords Nations what their response has been post October 7 is still very managed why is it very managed despite the fact that they still want weapons contracts from America and they still want to do trade with Israel because even they recognize despite the fact that they obviously have a [ __ ] ton more restriction uh restrictive attitudes at their disposal that their public is absolutely at odds with the the way that they want to continue their foreign policy you know this may sound dumb but I realized Israel was when I saw World War Z for the first time that seems insane you know this counts as a big deal if the US media is covering it and sharing Hamas statements as you said that's the barometer for big deal it catches Us Media cycle exactly the for all of the the the talk that always occurs around nothing ever happens things are always happening it's just that nothing ever happens is a very Western chauvinist attitude right this is something that I have talked about quite a bit there is this meme for those of you who don't know online of nothing ever happens okay the end of History U uh I think it was Francis fukiyama who originally said like it's over it's done postc Cold War end of History history will never uh you know the the the trajectory of Our Lives is never going to dramatically change now of course obviously things are happening all the [ __ ] time it's just that in the west nothing ever happens means nothing happens to me okay nothing ever happens to me things are not disrupted in my life right that's what that means that's what the nothing ever happens crowd is actually saying and this or at least this CNN referring to Hamas statements being at odds with the Israeli government is a change in trajectory it's a change in the way that American Media is covering this issue that's something happening that's something happening that even the nothing ever happens crowd recognizes okay so this is a big deal okay this is a big deal Zionist will be hard to overcome in Germany we're not talking about Germany Germany is in an entirely different uh world of its own I don't even want to get into Germany um I I'm disgusted with uh everything that I've seen I saw an anti-Semitism report from Germany on Tik Tock where the Tik tocker went through like each individual things each individual incidents that were considered anti-semitic and it was it was so disgusting dude it was so disgusting there's like people attacking a synagogue which is a real anti-semitic crime right alongside listed alongside with the same level of severity as someone getting together at a gathering and saying the international Court of Justice's own position like reiterating the position that Israel is currently occupying Palestinian territory and it must immediately stop its occupation that was considered an anti-semitic incident mentioned alongside like attacking a synagogue so you're putting neo-nazis and in often instances protests led by German Jews in the same category you are out of your goddamn mind okay you're out of your mind I don't want to talk about Germany I don't want to even think about Germany Germany I'm done with it okay I'm done with Germany ridiculous yeah Germany can't even on accident be on the right side of History it's ridiculous Kamal Gat were all slated to be released in the first phase under sort of humanitarian grounds the first phasee of release hush had become a sort of a a symbol an international symbol if you will for for the hostages not just because of the brutal pictures that everyone saw when he was when he was captured uh he had lost his left arm uh and the narrative that we learned after his capture that he that had happened as he was trying to sort of defend and fend off H grenades and gunshots from Hamas but then Hamas cynic and brutally used him in a propaganda uh hostage video in April this year where you could clearly see he had lost his left arm everyone in this country and I think around the world could really see what was happening to what was happening to the hostages and how they were being used but these three um were expected to be in the first phase of relief release uh there are huge political recriminations not just from the family of the hostages not just even from opposition uh politicians here but also even the defense minister calling on the prime minister to revisit the cabinet vote last week that many people believed shut down the possibility of getting a hostage deal through the Prime Minister has given a statement and he's defended his position and is blaming Hamas for what's happening in recent days as Israel has been holding intensive negotiations with a mediator in a supreme effort to reach a deal Hamas is continuing to steadfastly refuse all proposals even worse at the exact same time it murdered six of our hostages whoever murders hostages does not want a deal for our part we will not relent the government of Israel is committed and I am personally committed to continue striving towards a deal that will return all of our hostages and ensure our security and our he's not wrong he's not wrong people who murder hostages don't want to do a deal people who murder the hostage negotiator don't want a deal it's just that both of those things are happening uh and Israel is doing them so you know something to consider when he says oh people that murder hostages or people that murder the hostage negotiator for example they probably are not invested in a deal are they you can't continue this charade okay especially when people literally are like dude dude there's a hostage deal you're supposed to get it done you're supposed to get it done you're supposed to get the hostage deal done and and uh their family members are on the other side you know like you guys are saying shooting Aid workers shooting uh uh you know uh random uh Palestinian children like people that don't give a about that okay Israeli Society members who don't give a [ __ ] about that still care about their family members okay you need to understand that you need to understand that people who literally think like oh it's not a genocide it's an offensive campaign that we have to do whatever are still like dude get the deal done get the ceasefire done you piece of [ __ ] my family members are there my friends are there okay do you understand do you get it like this is very very important to recognize okay very important to recognize because the the real does Hamas want a deal of course Hamas wants a deal come on dude how many how many months have we covered this of course they want a deal and the deal has been basically on the table for 10 months here it like listen to Israeli hostage negotiators we later found out that Hamas had offered on October 9 or 10 the release of all civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the strip but the government rejected the offer okay the Israeli government spokesman says war will continue even if all hostages are released this war has to end with the end of Hamas Alon Levy told to BBC okay do you understand yeah there's there's also there's also internal documents that came out uh from dropsite news which we will cover in a second we'll get to that Hamas had already accepted the US deal by the way Hamas says it accepts Biden ceasefire deal without new Israeli conditions that was a couple days ago Hamas there is a deal on the table America presented it months ago the United Nations voted for the deal okay everyone wants that deal the problem is Israel does not want the deal and it's not even Israelis the only people that don't recognize what is going on are people who unfortunately live in the United States of America and are deluded by our media and Anthony blinkin and the administration regularly lying okay that's why for months I've been saying over and over again there's a deal on the table Israel is the only one that's spoiling this deal all the way up until like Israel literally killed the principal negotiator which even then which even then people looked at and and thought oh well he's a Hamas guy so who gives a [ __ ] you are not above propaganda okay you are you are still incredibly susceptible to propaganda it is understandably not something that you pay attention to you don't have this expectation that mainstream media is going to have a set of biased narratives that they go with that completely go against the reality on the ground okay you don't have that expectation so you rely on mainstream media it is understandable to rely on mainstream media I still rely on mainstream media very much so but you have to understand that when it comes to American foreign policy especially in the way that American foreign policy uh analyzes Israel or currently sees Israel as an incredibly valuable Ally that no matter how hard they go they will still defend okay I I don't blame you for for you know reading a CNN article or two and then having a a very different reality like having a a false understanding of what's going on because there is a [ __ ] ton of misinformation out there that is presented as like genuine truths even though it doesn't [ __ ] make any sense whatsoever okay you don't have this expectation that the State Department officials are going to come out and be like no it's AAS ruining the deal I I promise you right um and then have that be the exact opposite of reality why the would you ever expect that these are people in positions of power and there's an expectation that they're going to be truthful they're not they're just simply not and Israel is doing everything it can in its power to Israel is doing everything it can in its power to basically show you that that's not the reality that they are the spoilers listen to Benjamin nahoo he regularly says yeah no deal no deal no deal we're not pulling the troops out of the Philadelphia Corridor No Deal we're going to add new conditions onto the pre-existing hostage negotiation in an effort to keep the hostage negotiation out there dangle it like a carrot um and and continue pummeling Gaza as they have and America plays along with it okay look at this reality from The Times of Israel hostage families say hostages would still be alive if it weren't for the sabator the excuses and the spin on CNN blinkin says Israel has agreed to us proposal to close remaining gaps on ceasefire deal and calls on Hamas to do the same I don't think you understand like like Israeli news is is outflanking American news on this issue in perpetuity okay these are not Outlets that are anti Zionist The Times of Israel is not an anti-zionist institution even hararat which does have anti-zionist writers every now and then but you know has a variety of different perspectives wet Channel 12 KH there are with the exception of like the BB dick rider uh channels many of these Outlets are writing truthfully about the situation about the frustrations that Israeli Society has okay American Media does not have to do that because they are far removed from the reality on the ground so they can work to manufacture consent at the behest of the American State Department this is a good take as well Israeli media doesn't need to do this dance because Israeli Society is fine with the colonial situation in general that too for sure what is the most powerful antios Source in Israel 972 magazine and local call are two phenomenal investigative reporter Outlets that have uncovered so many of the stories that you hear months later from like Western news sources like the guardian okay plus 972 magazine and local call are two phenomenal institutions of Journalism inside of Israel they do incredible work local call okay they're great they're great um anyway even how is more critical in Israel than most Wern Outlets yes har is seen as like a leftist you know liberal newspaper even though they do still have very much like zionists at pay on their payroll who like write insane articles every now and then also not journalist but Bellum yes betum is isra Human Rights group they're phenomenal as well but what is this don't you think Hamas has also made a lot of allegations and is not doing any good to Palestinians regardless of them saying they want to ceasefire and pro Palestine by the way what do you mean Hamas has made a lot of allegations and it's not doing good to Palestinians what are we talking about here what I'm Pro Palestine by the way I'm confused as to what you're trying to say I I genuinely don't understand it haritz also has Gideon Livy who is a sigma male yeah Gideon is great oh AP Palestinians and anti zist is really like BM I really hate you for accurate Palestine news yeah that's another one Hamas is a resistance group against the Israeli apartheid I don't know what you're trying to say though like what allegations has Hamas made so let's take a look at how this Satan spawn right here is uh reacting existence but but I think I should also just give you a sense of some of the Heartbreak that the families are feeling the the cousin of uh Carl Gat who was visiting her family in the nearby to the Nova Music Festival kibot B she was 40 years old she was an occupational therapist Hamas is a fascist group oops I didn't mean to ban you but I mean what you said is ridiculous regardless Hamas is not a fascist group brother what the are you talking about he said Hamas is a fascist group who killed all the lefties in Palestine you're just wrong literally wrong you know who has you know who has been respons responsible for more Palestinian leftists being butchered slaughtered tortured F okay the Palestinian Authority Hamas on the other hand is a resistance group that is the leading resistance group that has collaborated with all of the rest of the Palestinian resistance groups which include pflp and dflp so you're absolutely wrong about that okay and some of their demands are literally releasing highlevel Palestinian hostages currently under Israeli detention that will literally actually write them out of civil governance okay the people that they want to release from dflp pflp and even F at times are actually more popular leaders that are directly at odds with their political Ambitions and will absolutely obviously I'm talking about Marwan bargi uh which Marwan bargi is is If released which is one of the highest priority targets that Hamas demands the release of okay marvan barudi will most likely completely write out uh Hamas from from ever having civil governance if he is released and they still want to release them they are there are aspects of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas that are islamist fundamentalist this much is true but ultimately islamism is not the reason why they are resisting they are resisting and it's not anti-Semitism either they're resisting because there is an apartheid they're the only game in town okay they're the only developed enough group that has the means the necessary resources and the momentum to actually fight back against Israel's brutal cruel regime okay I'm scared guys wait I think Hamas is different than any other Jihadi groups in my opinion Hamas is not a Jihadi group what are you talking about Jihadi group what do you mean Jihad if you like Americans think like salafist like Isis uh is is Jihad it's not Jihad just means struggle resistance or not resistance but like it means struggle it could be going to the gym is Jihad if that's what you're you're not using the correct interpretation but if I were to uh if I were to to uh lean into your interpretation of the term Jihad which is just a N9 post 911 buzzword okay Jihad is not a bad thing um but in American Media it is represented as like what Isis is doing which is not Jihad okay Hamas is not uh even remotely close to Isis or any of those other salafist groups as a matter of fact they're at odds with a lot of those salafist groups I'm not American Jihad is an Arabic word for Islamic I'm not American Jihad is an Arabic word for Islamic conquer ship say I'm not American I'm just a racist he's like I'm not American I'm just a Euro fascist you know what I mean no let me tell you yeah Jihad means struggle or effort exactly no but hey going to the gym is Jihad L everyone knows what Jihad is stop equivocating it literally happening right now I'm saying even your false islamophobic understanding of jihad where you're using that as a substitute word for like doing terrorism or whatever uh in like Isis style uh activities okay which is incorrect I'm one correcting the common misconception that people have and then two leaning into the common misconception that people have I'm Muslim Arab LW okay sure bud I'm Muslim Arab I'm Muslim Arab we are trying to conquer Europe by doing Jihad I'm Muslim Arab and I'm here to I'm here to to do Jihad by raping white women in Sweden that's my Jihad that's what we mean when we say Jihad Islamic conquer ship we want to implement the caliphate in Berlin like like I don't speak Arabic okay but that's what like that's what it means in Arabic okay okay I don't know why the like dude I need you guys to understand something okay narratives and perception often times is significantly more popular and more important than the actual reality this is why in the Western World I can have a conversation with someone who says I'm prop Palestine I'm an Arab Muslim and Jihad means Islamic conquer ship and there are a [ __ ] ton of people who literally believe that when it's simply not the truth okay and it's crazy to me it is crazy to me that like I can't even address a common misconception that people have without people being like no you're wrong actually it just means like blowing up uh places okay the word in and of itself means something entirely different than the way it's presented in the western world but even if you were to operate on that understanding what Hamas is doing is not that okay but it's crazy to Me overall that uh it's crazy to me overall that like people will unironically run with this narrative yeah I mean the Wikipedia The the Wikipedia itself you could just like Google is an Arabic word which literally means exerting striving or struggling especially with a praiseworthy aim in an Islamic context it can refer to almost any effort to make personal or social life conform with God's guidance such as internal struggle against evil in oneself efforts to build a good Muslim Community umah and struggle to defend Islam in in non-muslim societies the term is often associated with offensive Warfare and violence that's why like I said going to the gym could be Jihad but that sounds silly when like everyone is primed to think oh it means saying Allah abbar which also means God is great but from an American standpoint from a western standpoint it means scary guy about to go boom boom because you're racist I don't know how else describe it to you like you are just a racist person and I am over here trying to explain you a concept that is not true but you don't give a anyway which is crazy it's crazy it's crazy that like this is a point of contention even in a community such as this one okay anyway but that's not even what I'm talking about for the record because I understand where that chatter was coming from when when he was using Jihad as a substitute word for like salafist Terror okay and Hamas is not not only are they ideologically at odds with salafis okay okay oh my god dude we got we got uh what's her face um another a Hershey another uh what was it was it a hershy ali uh Ayan hershy Ali type in in the chat in an Islamic approach has many rules such as taking women hostages if you read the Quran it always refers to war thanks man or woman yeah no definitely you're right oh why am I having this conversation uh with this Psychopathic demon dude thank you chatter for coming in here and being like listen I am a I'm a Muslim Arab uh and Jihad means doing Terror on white uh white children and also capturing white women specifically in war okay not a no it's a good combo to have a lot of people just learn for the first time what Jihad really means no because a lot more people who already have this priming to to believe the false notion will just go along with it and be like this guy unjustifiably got banned in the chat because he's saying the truth as an Arab Muslim you don't understand you don't understand white boys like I do okay there are plenty of people for as many people who are open-minded and go and are going hm I didn't know this now I'm learning about it there is a [ __ ] ton more people who were like no that guy was speaking the truth and Assam banned him unjustifiably okay trust me this is like when people don't understand the term martyr I know in Iran we have a Ministry of agricultural Jihad does this guy think they're terrorist Farmers yes they're Terror farming Terror farming like you will never be able to explain it like there's named Jihad bro what do you do do you think that guy is named Jihad do you the term Jihad is mentioned in 41 instances in the Quran most occurrences are linguistically related to the ex exercise of effort ju uh and the deployment of energy on 10 occasions in relation to the path of God on 13 occasions or in the context of combat yeah they're doing Terror farming anyway let's get back to this yeah there's dudes named like Jihad I I I said suspect that when Americans hear that a dude is named Jihad they mean like oh they they think like oh this is a terrorist who is going to do Terror and that's why he's named Doing terrorism to white people she saw her mother uh be killed in front of her eyes by Hamas before she was abducted and her cousin wrote this letter and I just read some of it because it's it's so poignant and and and captivates the sense and the mood and the loss here he says sorry caml sorry we didn't stop it when it was possible sorry we let them kill you I wish you saw and heard and I wish you even saw with your own eyes and I that I'm sorry you saw with your own eyes the murder of your mother I wish you discovered that your father and your brother and your sister-in-law and your niece survived I wish you saw how your friends fought to bring you alive I I wish you hadn't heard the Prime Minister say that the Philadelphia Corridor the sticking point in the negotiations is more important than your life and the lives of the other hostages I Can Only Imagine bro they're literally writing scathing letters about like the the minutia of Benjamin netanyahu's like hold out positions in in Israeli Society it's actually shocking that they named the Philadelphia Corridor as a point of contention in this letter because that is directly what Benjamin Netanyahu is using as a reason as to why he does not want to do this hostage negotiation and ceas proposal which is crazy that it's on CNN now I am actually shocked of course it should have never gotten to this but I'm actually legitimately confused as to what my eyes are seeing what my ears are hearing from CNN this is not a thing that I ever would have thought uh would happen on CNN and not only that okay I love how you hate Israel so much that you don't even mention Hamas I love the hypocrisy what hypocrisy what is the hypocrisy I am mentioning Hamas I've talked about Hamas quite extensively on this broadcast for the the past 11 months how the would I avoid talking about Hamas when talking about the situation in Gaza you are just making up a position in your mind and also ascribing hypocrisy to this position that you made up in your mind I have not stopped talking about Hamas I was just talking about Hamas that chatter said a Verbatim post on Twitter I read earlier this is either a child or someone too stupid to engage with yeah BB is defending his true homeand Pennsylvania now here's the thing I love how you hate Israel yeah I mean that's not I will always I will always have hatred in my heart for uh any government that does this level of unimaginable Bloodshed to uh majority civilian children women elderly just completely uncons of course yeah I'm Israeli the whole reason this is happening is because n yah won't engage a deal because he's power greedy he's he is 100% what's next to you hey Ria yes I want to know what that chatter was saying uh earlier like he's like you don't even talk about Hamas which is ridiculous of course I talk about Hamas Hamas would cease to exist if Israel did not maintain an apartheid regime okay so you hate the Turks for what they did to the Armenians great question um if you can find a moment where I have ever ever denied the Armenian Genocide I told you I'll give you I'll give you 10 grand okay and not like a thing that's clipped out of context where I'm in the process of talking about the Armenian Genocide where you make it seem like I'm denying it okay this is such a funny take from a bunch of dumb asses who literally come in Norwegian socialists by the way Norwegian socialist I doubt that you're an actual Norwegian socialist one of the one of the countries that's like actually pretty critical you're your own investment fund is currently in the process of divesting from Israel and you're over here being like Oh so you hate the Turks for what they did to the Armenians what a silly take you are a racist piece of [ __ ] I know that's good oh suck my dick oh you know that's good that's like Trump being like Oh I'm glad that I called in the question Barack Obama's birth certificate so now we all know that he actually was born in America you [ __ ] we know exactly what you're doing you see a Turkish man you think oh he must deny the Armenian Genocide and you racistly use that [ __ ] you think I don't hear this every day of the week hypocrisy baiting [ __ ] who immedi immediately ascribe these ridiculous positions because oh he's Turkish as in Israeli most Israelis are against keeping the Philadelphia Corridor we all know he's using it the stay in power if there would be a ceasefire there would be elections he will no longer be the PM I don't even know because I feel like I mean this last uh this last like Mass protest Mass mobilization aside and we are going to cover the Israeli demonstrations we are in the process of it hold on chatter it like his popularity is increased it was in the [ __ ] post October 7 many Israelis were like bro you this up you were the security candidate you did not give us security at all it's the least secure we've ever felt you know um and and since then his popularity has only gone up as he continued this thing what is the Philadelphia Corridor the Philadelphia Corridor is the southernmost point of uh the Gaza border crossing that is uh Rafa that is like the the the corridor between Rafa in the Gaza Strip the southernmost Corridor uh and Egypt and Benjamin n who overtook it when he invaded violated violated Joseph Robinette Brandon's uh uh red line by invading Rafa and he even invaded uh parts of Egyptian land as well Egyptian territory as well okay and took over the entire Southern border of the Gaza Strip in Egypt but yeah I will cover the the Israeli demonstrations um I'm shocked that according to polling BB was down bad pre October 7 and probably would have lost the election due to the Supreme Court reforms after 107 his popularity went down even further and has since recovered yeah so the reason why the netsim corridor and the Philadelphia Corridor is a point of contention is because Benjamin Netanyahu is like we're going to do a ceasefire okay a three-phase ceasefire negotiation that the United States of America presented as the Israeli proposal months ago at this point that the United Nations voted on that Hamas has agreed to okay mult multiple times at this point that is identical to the Hamas proposal that was presented all the way back in February mind you okay Benjamin nyaho has added additional conditions to that which is a permanent occupation of the Philadelphia Corridor and the narim corridor which cuts across Gaza and also uh controls the southern uh Point as well okay this is a new point of contention that Benjamin nahu added on as a poison pill to the existing ceasefire proposal that the American leadership has consistently lied and said Israel is actually on board with okay in Israel obviously Israelis are aware that Benjamin nyaho has added this extra uh position in an effort to poison the actual ceasefire deal because of course you cannot have a ceasefire and permanent s of hostilities without actually removing troops okay so the people who are closest to the matter are obviously more privy to the information and more uh aware of what the is actually going on as opposed to people in the western world that are duded by mainstream media into thinking that the situation is very different and it's actually Hamas that's playing the role of the spoiler here okay here Israel's plans to stay in Gaza following are some revealing quotes from a column by netanyahu's mouthpiece Amit Seagal the prime minister is not telling the truth the truth is this as far as Netanyahu is concerned Israel plans to stay in Gaza for the Next Generation we are now returning to another old experiment conducted between 1967 and 2005 military bases between Gaza and Rafa this is exactly the presence Netanyahu means when he talks about Israeli military control and civilian control of other parties that's why a two-lane freeway is currently being paved on the Philadelphia axis and that's why entire divisions are located where RAF yam narim Eli S Nissan and dugat Israeli dismantled Gaza settlements once were this does not mean that there will be no deal it can be carried out as a pause a temporary withdrawal but the negotiations only emphasize how much Israel opposes a total withdrawal from the strip okay there Remains the question of ruling over 2 million Palestinians another possibility is that there will be less than 2 million a Crossing to Rua will open and allow immigration from Gaza by sea or by air several sources indicate a great desire to leave rest assured Goos katif will not return it is more likely that a more sympathetic American Administration would perhaps tacitly agree to the establishment of nahal outpost on the Northern perimeter near ashalon ministers are pressuring Netanyahu to order a total evacuation of Gaza City from its last 100 to 200,000 inhabitants the security justification is the removal of the threat to the netsim corridor the real justification is the shock and despair that this will sow it's funny it seems the media here in Israel is more anti-israel than the media over there in America no the media in Israel has to to a certain degree accurately cover what the is going on okay Israelis are closer to the situation they are not as oblivious As Americans are this does not mean that these Outlets are anti-zionist by any means there's two different reasons one because the the Israeli society's attitude towards the IDF and towards like you know death and destruction in Gaza is I hate to uh you know there are Israeli chats in here I'm sure they will agree with me a little bit different than the Western world's attitudes they're closer to the problem they're closer to feeling some type of way okay and and for that reason they are already primed with total death and destruction not the entirety of society but plenty like broad majorities of uh the the Jewish citizens of Israel especially okay which comprise obviously the overwhelming two-thirds majority of Israeli Society are fully primed and invested there I say in the death and destruction of Palestinians or at the very least can turn a blind eye to that death and destruction um Israeli media also rarely ever covers the atrocities that are ongoing in Gaza or a specific reason continuing the manufacturing of consent in Israel for Benjamin netanyahu's quote unquote War his offensive Siege having said that however there is obviously a closeness to the situation in terms of like having Israeli citizens that are still being held captive in Gaza and therefore they can't go they can't go in the same same propaganda direction that like Americans can American Media can do that because there isn't that same level of closeness this is something that I brought up pretty early on this is something that I Pro brought up pretty early on when we talked about the hostage posters and the role that it plays in Israel versus the exact opposite role that it plays in America hostage posters were placed in the United States of America all around big cities with the effort to continue to say like look this is why we're blowing up Gaza this is why they deserve it whereas in Israel hostage posters were being ripped up by ludiks bibs they were seen as like a hurdle a nuisance a spoiler to Benjamin netanyahu's like Bountiful claims to Gaza and whatever he wanted to do for Americans This is in the background and Israel is the foremost issue exactly if Israeli media accurately represents the situation what is the Western media's motivation for not accurately reporting old habits die hard uh America uh the American State Department interest as it stands it is being Guided by rabid Ultra zionists okay like at the top level at the highest level you got blinkin and you got Biden those and you have Kirby those guys are some of the most ideological Ultra Zionist zealots you have ever encountered okay straight up like I would say Biden being the most rabid okay Biden is one of the most rabid Ultra zionists you have ever encountered in American politics okay what is this remember me June 11th 2024 I don't think so what did you get banned or something and you came up with a new article I mean a new account for that reason Western media which uh obviously if they covered this uh situation accurately would develop unimaginable anti-israel sentiments in in the Western World think about the anti-israel sentiment that exists in the western world right now in spite of the broad media coverage defending Israel okay think about that now imagine if the media was accurately reporting the story a lot of you already come here and hear what is actually happening and develop this attitude there would be a lot more people who have that exact same attitude that you have this would put America at odds with the state department okay this would put this would create even broader popular sentiment in the United States of America in terms of a a push a real push for a ceasefire and maybe even the dissolution of the apartheid obviously the media has two different roles one to act accurately portray them to accurately portray the truth but also maintain a like a shred of legitimacy so they can you know next time they cover something important and they have to lie to you you have to believe them the other responsibility they have is to obviously tow the line and play a role in defending America's strategic interest in the globe that is the issue here that's why sometimes they will actually uh seep in accurate coverage of what's going on like when Claris award snuck into God with the qari uh with the Qatari healthcare workers to uh to offer some of the only insights that we've seen in Western media at the time from inside of Gaza field Hospital okay I don't know if you know this but Israel essentially going borked tomorrow do the mass protest the hostage families are called to not open any schools and close a lot of public facilities if only someone could protest and close the Segway at the top ofth hour AB break Jesus Christ this is I thought you aren't you literally an Israel bro that's up that's like time without an Ovo coming in here to hit me with the top-of the hour AB break jaate that's crazy if you are a known Israeli chatter in here you can't be using that you can't be using that that additional additional influence for evil like this that's crazy that's crazy he also actually correctly talked about this thing that is going on God damn me holy [ __ ] okay well I got got at the top of the hour there's a three minute ad break I got cooked if you no longer want to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe which you can for $6 or for free with a twitch Prime okay you can also get gifted a sub if you're lucky yeah gagged you I fear yeah don't fear I did get gagged okay I did here's three and ey break now debated with factual information is wild yeah from like directly on the ground factual information in real time we'll talk about the strike in uh the national strike that has been called in Israel in a second let's continue how much rage that must have filled you with these are such poignant words and and of course these are words that we're going to hear from so many family members who are absolutely devastated with the loss and the sense that not just the first free but all of these six could have been released through negotiations through a ceasefire deal so heart-wrenching um zir Nick Robertson thank you very much the families of the killed hostages are speaking out this morning after hearing the news of their loved ones the family of H Goldberg Poland said in a statement with broken hearts The Goldberg Poland family is devastated to an son and brother hirs the family thanks you all for your love and support and ask for privacy at this time Elliot godkin joins us now uh Elliot we uh most of us remember seeing uh his parents there at the DNC just a couple of weeks ago yeah it is that the goldber family is the DN the family that spoke at the DNC telling him if you are watching they're American Israelis okay and their son is also an American citizen as well as an Israeli citizen if you are listening survive and now this news what else can you tell us about these hostages Victor how could how could the American government be so stupid how could the comma campaign be so unimaginably stupid dude like you think this [ __ ] wasn't going to happen are you delusional are you dumb like are you that dumb really I'm an idiot I've said it for months at this point it's like leaving this up as an untied as an untied unresolved situation and that unresolved situation is literally genocide but even if you don't give a [ __ ] about brown people being killed like you think that there aren't going to be more humanitarian Aid workers that get killed for example white ones too as a matter of fact like it's going to happen it is inevitable you think this [ __ ] is not going to move the needle again just because it's brat summer for like three weeks you think that it was going to be brat summer and then brat Autumn you think Vibes would be able to enjoy would be able to carry the Democratic party across the Finish Line without this becoming a major issue again I don't understand it yeah new ABC poll came out today who would handle Israel Hamas better 33% say Harris 40% say Trump what did I tell you the more Harris comes out and ties herself to Biden the more the American population will broadly associator with the unpopular policies of Brandon and will literally will keep falsely thinking that Donald Trump is going to be better on this issue and it's not an issue that you want to be the top priority okay you're already getting you're already getting destroyed on immigration this is why those poll results are slanted in the opposite direction okay she had an opportunity and momentum to cut against the Biden campaign on this front it's not that long ago where a similar situation took place within the Democratic party with LBJ it is so frustrating it is so frustrating I've been screaming from the goddamn rooftops about this for months at this point even before Biden cut uh even before Biden dropped out and certainly after Biden dropped out why do you think she's doing it because she's a blank slate and also uh a a fearful politician she is leading by fear okay she's running a fearful campaign she's Running Scared just like Democrats usually do yes um you know know very poignant that his parents uh were so vocal um and visible in their advocacy for the release not just of their son hirsh but also for all of the hostages as you say they spoke at the Democratic National Convention and indeed joined uh or got the audience all to in UN in unison uh chance you know bring them home bring them home which has become a refrain for the families of hostages who were kidnapped in the Hamas Le terrorist attacks of October the 7th the parents had met with President Joe Biden as well and of course uh you know if anyone can remember those uh searing images from October the 7th one of the ones that sticks in the mind most was that of HH uh with half of his left arm blown off being herded onto the back of a truck and being taken into Gaza now we have a firsthand account from one of his friends from that day saying that they had taken refuge in a small bomb shelter as they were trying to flee from the onslaught and that as the the militants were throwing hand grenades into this bomb shelter that hir was throwing them out and it was in the course of throwing those grenades out of the bomb shelter to protect himself and of course the others who were in there uh that he suffered that injury and that stump was visible again when he was used in that propaganda video back in April that Nick was just referring so Israel bom the we don't know I don't know I don't know if uh they executed the hostages when isra is went in to retrieve them or if they uh died under the rubble from Israeli bombs the higher likelihood is still obviously dying to Israeli air strikes considering that uh Israeli air strikes have have been responsible for the overwhelming majority of the deaths but this time it might be different it might have been it might have been that uh that they they knew that an extraction uh they knew that an extraction was slated to happen and they killed them and I think that's what the reporting is suggesting as well um that uh Hamas shot them when uh they knew that there they had no other alternative has Israel ever released a cause of death for hostages in a trustworthy format no I don't uh I don't I not necessarily because they but they do still have a responsibility to um portray the truth like there is obviously a level of propaganda that they want to do but usually these are Israeli civilians or Israeli solders soers and their family members like will demand to know what the truth is so um they don't broadly publicize it they don't broadly publicize exactly how some of the hostages die but like family members will literally come out and be like they died under Rock of fire now I don't know like I said I don't know if this is one of those instances Daniel hagari said Daniel hagari said they died a short time before they got there if I recall correctly major respect for holding off on complete confirmation solidify my trust in you yet again yeah despite what the naysayers in my vicinity say um yeah it's it's not except for the three of those that they accidentally shot well they didn't accidentally shoot them they shot them Point Blank they did shoot uh Israeli the Israeli soldiers did shoot three hostages Point Blank that were escaping but um this article came out immediately after the announcement must make it a 100 times more devastating it was right there no but command do you want them to release the autopsy I don't know I don't know if they like actually give the I I suspect that they probably tell the family the truth in terms of like how they were actually died um uh like whether the Israeli uh government was responsible with the air strikes and whatnot ultimately though I think the um the Israeli Society still broadly considers the these last six sausages even if Hamas killed them to still be a a um responsibility of Israel considering that there has been an active hostage uh there has been there has been you clearly don't know what point blank means no they did the Israeli soldiers did Point Blank shoot the hostages what are you talking about three of them like they had clear aim what the it doesn't get more point blank than that what do you mean one of the three ran into a f one was holding a white flag he ran into another house they they chased him into the house and shot him point blank means directly next to yeah they yes up close dude yes these aren't the six hostages that we're talking about I'm talking about three like from a while back three hostages managed to to escape three hostages managed to escape they were calling for help in Hebrew one of them had a white flag anyway the then why did the idea of shoot them what do you mean brother first of all this question is ridiculous because it's it's something that happened okay that's number one it's literally something that happened and you're like well why would have have happened this way as in like oh did it not happen no it did okay whether you like to admit it or not it literally happened so that's number one make no mistake close range would be more accurate than Point Blank but it doesn't matter okay close range not like directly put a gun to his head and and popped him I'm just asking to know brother relax I'm Palestinian myself okay why if you're Palestinian you know the answer better than anybody else because they thought they were Palestinian civilians that's why they killed them okay and you don't have to actually uh you know do a little bit of Google searching to figure that out because they did say that early on where they thought that they were Palestinians and that's why they shot them have your audience is palestin or Arab yeah here Alon shamz yamim and Sam tala a deceased military dog's GoPro camera was discovered to have recorded their voices several days earlier the dog was involved in a military exchange between Israel Hamas according to IDF official the three male hostages emerged shirtless out of a building towards IDF soldiers tens of meters away one carrying a white flag an Israeli sniper then open fire on them killing shamr and tala and wounding ha after being shot ha ran into a nearby building a Shad for help the Battalion Commander then ordered the troops to hold their fire while ha was being persuaded to exit the building but when he did so 15 minutes later a a soldier acting against the Battalion Commander's order shot and killed him they changed this narrative eight times this was the final narrative that they actually arrived at as far as I remember it was a lot closer than a sniper tens of meters away Israeli troops were Prime for an ambush not the possibility of hostages walking around Behind Enemy Lines in Gaza City yeah preliminary IDF report hostages killed by soldiers W White Flag one yelled for helping Hebrew what the is this thumbnail dude yeah they shot them because they thought they were Palestinian okay Palestinian civilians because they shoot Palestinian civilians all the time okay I can't believe that this is a question that we have this far into to the to the ongoing gen gen side that people still are like I don't really understand it why are the genocide doing things that kind of seem like it's a genocide as in a Kill Zone anyway um where the were we we're going to talk about all this [ __ ] in a second there's like leaks from the cabinet too too as well uh Beyond HS Goldberg poin of course he was a us and Israeli citizen all those red-headed Palestinians are running around yes brother there are redheaded Palestinians this is not like Palestinians don't look the way that you think they do they also look almost identical to Israelis there's a [ __ ] ton of Arab Jews in Israel and there are Palestinian Christians in Gaza like yes there are people there is no this this is something I've talked about quite a bit from the start okay if you put Palestinians and Israeli in a lineup okay no yamakas no IDF Garb nothing you will never be able to tell who's Palestinian and who's Israeli okay like you can't there are dudes that are literally Arab they're Arab but they're Jewish so therefore they're Israeli citizens it's quite similar to the dynamic between Greeks and Turks or Armenians and Turks you can't tell from a lineup you just can't okay you can't yeah unless they're from Asia or the US okay there're yes I love you as a Palestinian but I disagree with that statement bro I guess maybe be true for the uninitiated non-arabs brother there are what are you talking about like what do you dude dude you're ridiculous okay you are ridiculous if you think that there is any sort of like significant distinction without like anyone talking without anything like that on lineup if you think that there is any sort of distinction between a a uh a Jewish person of Arab descent okay that came from like Yemen or came from um came from Iraq okay or any number of these different places in the region that is just Jewish but of all from this entire area okay if you think there's any sort of like trait that you can associate to to being Jewish ra or rather distinction is determined via penis inspection no because Muslims also get circumcised so no you can't even I know you're trying to make a joke but even that joke is not correct remember when some f some Ultra Zionist rabid freak early on was talking about how we're going to circumcise the Palestinians and I was like bro what are you talking about they're Muslim of course they're like with the exception of the the the Christian Palestinians like they're circumcised there are a lot of white Arabs and Palestinians exactly born in Oakland California moved to Israel when he was just 7 years old you have edin Yushi a 24-year-old bartender who not live stream but was on the phone during her hours long ordeal trying to flee to hide from the milit why would AAS killed the hostages right before the Ida found them I know it's not confirmed that they did it I'm just trying to understand their potential reasoning would it be to add more pressure yes these hostages some of them were directly named in the ceasefire in the first round of the hostage transfers okay so from their perspective they're like Israel is not holding to this deal and they're trying to forcibly extract the hostages so if if uh they they understand that they understand that this is if they're losing their leverage in this circumstance yes for their for their perspective those hostages being killed in the last moment whether by Israeli gunfire or by Palestinian gunfire it it causes what is currently happening in Israel from their perspective and it demonstrably has been regard I don't know who is responsible for it like I said I'm waiting for confirmation of course but um but it is in their interest if we're looking at this in a logical manner it is in their interest to say like you don't get the hostages unless you do a deal it's the same I mean it's it's it's quite simple when you think about it um it's you've seen it in movies you know why does the guy why does the why does the hostage taker in a bank robbery kill hostages it is to apply pressure to the the hostage negotiators of course in movies usually the police don't shoot through the hostages and then blow up the entire city block and then blow up the rest of the city as a matter of fact with no need for like actually extracting any of the hostages that's what Israel is doing so it's not like you know it's not like the movies at all unless you're talking about like a World War II Style movie since as they Rampage through the Nova Festival uh killing raping and kidnapping as they went uh she uh spoke with her sister yet her sister's on the phone and her last words to her sister Shanny was Shany they caught me uh there was carel gut 40 years old the only one of the six bodies who were recovered that were recovered on Saturday who was not at the Nova Music Festival she was visiting her parents at kibot B just on the outskirts of the Gaza Strip her mother was killed that day her father survived um and indeed hostages who were released during the one and only hostage ceasefire deal back in November said that she was like a guardian angel uh to them and she was teaching them meditation and yoga uh then you also have almog suusi 7 years old he was with his girlfriend of 5 years she was shot and mortally wounded he stayed with her to try and help but then wound up being kidnapped himself and taken into the Gaza Strip Alexander lobanov a 32-year-old Russian Israeli citizen he was a bar manager at the in NOA Music Festival uh he was said to have fled with helped others to flee to the nearby beeri Forest to seek Refuge but they were caught um and he was taken captive as well his wife gave birth to their second child a boy uh five months ago a boy that he will never meet and that will never meet its father and then finally there's orri denino 25 years old uh who is said to have driven a number of people from the Nova Music Festival to Safety in his car and then instead of staying in the safety that he had found he turned back around and went back into uh where the militants were into the gunfire to try to rescue more people and then wound up being kidnapped himself as well so those are the six also worth noting that according to the IDF there are still more than 100 hostages uh who are still being held captive in the Gaza Strip about a third of whom are believed to be dead Victor amra La gin thank you joining me now to discuss this is former Pentagon adviser for the Middle East Jasmine elgamal um Jasmine I I first want to get your reaction to what we've been learning through Nick Robertson's reporting that three of the six hostages who uh whose bodies have been found in these tunnels under Rafa that they were slated to be released in this first phase of a potential deal uh now they try to make it seem okay because they took hostages anyway LOL how pathetic of them what do you mean and that IDF saying that they were brutally murdered by Hamas just a short while before they were reached by the IDF that's right good morning am and thanks for having me and i' I'd like to start first by just expressing my heartfelt condolences to the families of these hostages whose bodies have been recovered it's it's just the latest in a series of really heartbreaking news that's come out of Gaza and Israel aan do you know who the hyeran historian Benny Morris is yeah more like a hysterical uh Benny Morris yes he is uh he is every single day that uh that Israel continues its genocide he becomes more and more unhinged I recently watched him talk to Mei Hassan in front of a crowd that literally Lo lost their minds when he said I don't know what the term famine means okay he is completely he is deeply deeply unserious and his former work was obviously very important in uh in in uncovering certain aspects of Israeli history but his current attitude towards his own former work and his current attitudes towards like just being a like open unabashed unashamed anti-arab racist people piece of [ __ ] uh is is pretty crazy he was so unhinged that he literally said he was so unhinged that he said that the person responsible for I think it was like the UN Human Rights Commission the person leading the UN Human Rights Commission was a Syrian and therefore you can't trust an Arab you can't trust a Syrian with that responsibility like it's crazy like he literally said that as like an own [Music] [Music]

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