Inside the Ohio Town with "Cat-Eating" Haitians | Hasanabi & Felix Biederman React to Tyler Oliviera

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:17:33 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: haitians ohio
you know the thing that also doesn't make sense if the Haitians are eating all the groceries and getting $3,000 a month from the government why the would they steal your cats dog why would they steal your cats to eat like what what what's going on there I'm saying it okay so let's do let's do Haitian eating pets from uh the reincarnated uh Adolf Hitler did Tyler um there are a lot of like face tattoo guys in this video as the protagonists yeah you sorry saying there was ha driving around like like why would you start with that guy as like and then and then AI art of a black dude with a bunch of cats that's something I've noticed about really bad um YouTube channels lately they no one has taken to AI like shitty YouTube channels dude I I don't know what it is like I think there's something in the minds of conservatives that like AI art really appeals to cuz I never see AI art like conservative [ __ ] online you I you know what I hate about it is like there used to be a charm to watching like 62y olds trying to use photosop and like up really bad like one of my favorite things to do used to be like to go on Free Republic and look at like in 2011 like a Korean War veteran trying to photoshop Obama eating a dog but it's like it's alled up the gradients are all wrong one of Obama's hands is white one of it's like Latino uh it's just the aspect ratio is all up but there was like a real charm and like a homemade aspect to it that I loved but now it's all this like antiseptic horrible soulless AI [ __ ] I know and it's taking the fun out it sucks um but they but it I mean I guess it's still funny because they believe it also yes I heard Kendrick Lamar dropped another Drake diss track we're not going to do that right now uh we are however going to run the three-minute outbreak uh at the top of the hour for the record my white hipop podcast the Massachusetts Institute for tricknology will be analyzing the Drake Kendrick beef in special 9-hour episode tomorrow is minut and boring anyway okay uh here's the three AB right now let's get back to the real issues that pertain to American society the real Kendrick Lamar Tyler Ola yeah the neighborhoods collecting cats skinning them and eating them my opinion they're worse much worthless say they're getting thousands of dollars in government assistance even the cash assistance cards they're calling them the magic money cards because they never run out uh man are nothing but a headache all they're doing is raising our rent and our taxes and and like you found some of the best individuals in Ohio I don't know like I don't want to do the classic like this is just Ohio memes but like like this this feels like when Associated Press would like take photos of people in Ukraine like soldiers in Ukraine and every single one of them had swastikas like there I'm sure there's a normal guy at the parking lot like yeah well like I I in this town I'm sure there are a ton of normal people but the normal people won't like go on there and say like oh a Haitian immigrant actually took my house they won't say like insane [ __ ] they won't like just say a racial slur within 30 seconds of talking to Tyler olera so they don't make it into the video Yeah and um you just like he's the first guy who gets like an actual segment in in the video cuz we're just in the intro is like a guy who just [ __ ] straight up calls yells a slur at his neighbor and it's like that's the most sympathetic guy you could find in no not his neighbor the Amazon delivery driver my God he just like randomly sees a black Amazon delivery driver and just starts yelling sand you know at the at the dude Vehicles everybody wants to make this into a race issue it's not a race issue it's culture it's account and oh she's the woke racist they found the woke one the wokest woman in Ohio it's just a it's just a culture issue their culture is eating their culture is eating cats she is such an interesting she's like if you made Laura dur in Ohio in you know I um yeah little since June they took me off I'm a vet they took me off of the disability you're a veteran and you're competing with some of the resources they're getting who just came in here yeah I need some solutions I'm losing my mind this is Springfield Ohio what was once a small town in Ohio home to roughly 60,000 workingclass Americans until 20,000 plus Haitian immigrants flooded into town with rumors of them eating the neighbors cats and local geese what did you do why' you kill the cat did you eat that cat this is not even like oh my God oh my God oh my God I hate this piece [ __ ] so much this is a random black lady in Canton Ohio okay what the we are literally doing European style racism now like we didn't pick up on any of the things on accident we didn't we didn't pick up on Healthcare not even a crumb of like a welfare state or anything like that just Euro fascist anti-immigrant racism no bullet train even between LA and Los Vegas yeah but we get the soccer the soccer hooligan racism party yeah oh Jesus Christ don't have a parliamentary system this sucks oh my God you eat it youill it they're eating the like that's crazy like he just straight up is like there are just like random black people that you just put together to be like these are all Haitian migrants that are doing all of these things I don't know how like this is demanding a PGM they want to do the same [ __ ] like the the anti-muslim pgms that took place in the UK they want that in America luckily our fascists are too fat and and too self-involved and and too Swept Away by uh football season starting to do anything like that we don't have the organizational capabilities of edl even thank God all their fantasies of pgms are like the Hell's Angels doing it yeah dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets and causing car accidents left and right and driving locals out of their homes by paying above Market rental prices with welfare subsidized by the American taxpayer are these Haitians eating cats how did they travel 2,000 plus miles from Haiti all the way to Ohio and do the why does YouTube allow this 18 hours 1.5 million views like YouTube is just straight up like how is this I mean this is like Stefan malier [ __ ] you remember like gamer gay era when like you had out and about like prominent white nationalists with like millions of views being like yeah actually like the average IQ of the black person is no nowhere near as high as like the average IQ of the white person and that's why we should do Mass we should do the Holocaust yeah like olivea is so fascinating to me though because it's like he happened upon this like General uh general purview not by any like gen genuine belief but just because like he wants to be Mr Beast and this is like the most responsive audience he can find like a truly cynical person but like just what a strange route to Mr Beast them yeah well I mean he did he did go from Mr bit to like just the most pure unadulterated white supremacist documentaries under the guys of like making a documentary The locals in their new Haitian neighbors get long I pulled up to Springfield myself to see if this was real or overblown fake news a lot of this is alleged because I truly don't know what's going on and neither does Twitter Twitter is relying off of a few images and a few Reddit threads and there are rumors that Haitians are taking neighbors cats and eating them um are you from Haiti by chance does everyone get along here in Springfield yes good good they're worthless much you worthless s when did the Haitian Neighbors come and move here he cut out the full interview that he posted on Twitter where he's like literally laughing alongside this guy yeah okay he was like this so funny like you're piece of [ __ ] I'm going to say probably 5 months ago okay I spoke to a few of them in French they're everywhere they're up there don't wait with me you sorry F I tell him like it is man I don't like him I don't like him and I I want I want him to know I don't like pack up and move back toyville where the you're from why did you come here to Springfield okay okay um do you plan on living here for much longer yeah yeah I heard there were rumors of Haitians eating the neighbors cats and a Canadian goose is that true or completely false okay this whole thing about like that was not even a [ __ ] asan in the first place it reminds me it makes me feel like Ralph seera talking to soprano oh horse you eat beef and pork by the truckload yeah people who eat the most disgusting like Factory farmed abused animals on earth oh my God an innocent Goose what the are you talking about it's also it's also like conservatives that are saying this it's like don't you guys go duck hunting like what the like I I don't understand like so if it was a white dude wearing like a tactical hunting vest you'd be like oh this is real America but the moment is like some Rando black dude you're like oh then you know uh this is weird and up yeah yeah I don't know it's like stupid to even like entertain this right because just they're using like these instances of people who like are not even ha like these isolated incidents to to paint a broad picture but like when it comes down to it what is the difference between yeah a goose eating a goose or a cow or a chicken or anything yeah exct all these people we've lost a whole bunch of cats uh there was a van load of van pulled over that had over 100 cats in it with the Haans they said they was eating them dude what the is where does he find these meth heads dude I mean Ohio I guess there's just is he is he putting like copper wiring under a box and trapping them I'll let you go when you say you saw a guy taking cats actually yeah not fake news not fake news so a fan was collecting cats and eating them I watched that happen yeah watched them get pulled over with the cats and admit to the police that they was eating them you're not joshing with me no I'm almost 50 years old buddy I don't no you don't mess around no Twitter is saying the Haitians are that seems like a reliable order yeah so you he would he heard everything they said to the cops presumably yeah he was in the van he was in the van he was also being kidnapped for being white yeah he was they cook the cats and eat them and use whites like basil leaves they don't actually eat them they're just for flavoring yeah they they make you dip your hand in there for a little bit yeah just to just to swap out the The Taste a little bit this take new format CI is in journalism where the guy uh tells you he saw Bigfoot and you're like okay you're not joshu with me right no that's literally that's literally what's going on yeah like there are a like think about the dumbest person you know okay like think about some of the fun things that he says that you and your group of friends sometimes will be like ha that's really funny did you hear what Dave said you know that guy is talking to a YouTuber and 1.5 million people are like that's right it corresponds to what I believe I love his credential it's like are you lying to me I'm 50 years old okay yeah okay yeah yeah there are no 50-year-olds who just tell outrageous lies for no reason yeah he's too mat cats and can't drive is that true true or no no no okay I believe it like I've heard rumors about them taking the geese and killing them and eating them so I try to stay clear away cuz they I've even heard about them eating the eggs over there so I'm like okay that's kind of disturbing they not there he is this is your guy right here uh yes so far so good I haven't had no issues but they kind of know us and are they chill they're right I guess I don't pay no mind to them you know and they're every [ __ ] they take our Apartments the landlords make the people move out so they can rent to the Haitians to get more money you know it's [ __ ] you know you go to the grocery store there's no grocery cuz you know they give him $3,000 aing month plus food stamps I'm an American just like you and he come from Haitian Ville wherever the they're from and they get everything they get their they get medical care paid and everything you know it's it's bull they getting the money the government they said it's an program for them to uh for like migrants like Asylum Seekers yeah okay I mean they're like roaches man yeah I get along with them as long as they don't go pulling their crazy machetes when they're out mowing their grass with it have they brought out machetes oh yeah they that's how they trim their yard they actually yeah surprising me they let them all in but I think I love his followup questions actually well there you have it why okay if like rting reporting if just some like guy who spends all day staring at one side of the sidewalk and then the sun goes down and he's like time to look at the other side of the sidewalk that's his job if if that guy you can go okay it's happening because the sidewalk guy said it's happening and I said is it really happening and he said yep then like when you ask like a Haitian guy are you eating cats and he goes no don't those cancel each other out there's the same like rigor of reporting on both of them like wouldn't those two things just like each other out completely the best you know the best uh counter argument to an anecdote is just like another dumb guy who just says no that's not happening yeah I mean this is like the the broader anger that I have for the likes of New York Times and [ __ ] uh completely dropping the ball uh deliberately as they are designed to do so when talking about issues that pertain to American foreign policy is that like there's also uh more people making the valid argument that they're being like they're doing misinformation and that there is like less uh trust in these mainstream institutions when like you know these guys are somehow even lowering the bar further than than you know the New York Times does and this is going to be all that we have in terms of like reliable reporting or trusted verifiable reporting at the end of the day in a couple years that [ __ ] pisses me off we have David M yeah luckily yeah luckily we have David M the newsman from movies think that if they're going to come in they should be legal and not illegal and I don't see why they're giving them all this money and everything like that when our people are the ones suffering for all that's for them coming in I'm getting ready to be homeless they're getting ready to sell my house because of the Haan do you think a Haitian will move in yeah they're coming Wednesday to look at it actually yeah and when they buy this house we'll both be out here on the streets we ain't got nowhere to go we want fix the income are Haitians paying rent are they paying their bills are they being paid to live here they're being paid to live here I don't see why they'd have to pay rent if they're being paid to be be here who's paying them the government and that's that's our biggest issue too is they're taking our the thing I think is uh interesting I've seen a lot of Tyler Olivera videos I saw the video he did about like the Lee County I think it was uh sheriff in Florida like the really you know tough on crime Sheriff that has like a 250 million doll budget and like from time to time he will like do a followup in the laziest possible way in the way that like an actual documentarian would have to do like for the Lee County video uh the sheriff says we were you know the third most dangerous uh or sixth most dangerous place in America and now we're the third safest city we're the third safest County and Oliva goes I tried to look it up but I couldn't figure it out which could mean anything I take it to mean that he like Googled safest could mean anything I take it to mean that he like Googled safest County in America and gave up after like 10 seconds but for like cases like this where it's like a guy is saying oh they're giving them $3,000 a month even like you know a James O'Keefe guy would try to find like a public private program or like one instance of that maybe half happening or something something Concrete where you could kind of pin it to something and go okay there's um there's at least enough here where you can reasonably lie about this in a way that like a very slanted documentary does ol Vera just like never really does that except when he goes I tried to look this up and I couldn't figure it out so who knows honestly I think that he is a more dangerous operative than James o'keef though because what he lacks in like at least trying to present it as like verifiable evidence he makes up for by like his content brain yeah like there's a reason why he's talking to the most racist crackheads you've ever seen because that [ __ ] also like it plays well in Tik toks you know what I mean people there's like a shock value to it so he knows he knows what the he's doing in that regard so I think he has probably he's probably more damaging than like an operative such as James O'Keefe who was very impactful I mean he took down Acorn right like yeah I would say yeah I would say like on on the net he is more damaging because like at the end of the day like in know' Kee makes videos for people who are already like voting a certain way thinking a certain way yeah this guy goes for a much br Market this is you know this is the type of thing that could make like a the dumbest high schooler you could think of like run over a guy who he thinks is an immigrant like that is sort of the end goal of the stuff well the end goal for Ola of course is just you know cck clicks and money but the result of it is that it's like sign it reaches like the most susceptible and dumbest people and like you know causes them to freak out and go into a grocery store with a gun H's over and they're running the Americans out of our own countries it's fils out this this country has gone to Hell 12 mother that live there and there's another seven or eight Liv right here in this corner house he's just like a streamer talking about things yes you're right you're right no we're worse we're worse because we're not doing real on the ground reporting like Tyler is doing I'm actually in this video I say some pretty bad things that door yeah and four of them just moved in here they ain't in there you think you'll sell the house to a Haitian family one day hell no I wouldn't give him to sweat off my balls if he's dying of thirst I'm I'm for real man I I am sick of you know racist how many more different ways can I tell you how racist I am put a haian in every house I'll be the only white person here uh Twitter is saying that Haitians are kidnapping the neighbors cats and eating them is is that true or false I I got to ask the hard questions here you know the thing that also doesn't make sense obviously a lot of [ __ ] doesn't make sense but the thing that also doesn't especially make sense is like if the Haitians are eating all the groceries and getting $3,000 a month from the government why the would they steal your cats dog why would they steal your cats to eat like what what what's going on there like even in like The Logical conundrum that they've built for themselves like it still doesn't make sense and it's just I guess like they just have what they specifically love cats is that what it is like they're they're balling I se they're Balling on welfare I have seen uh the the line against like um guys who are more like into the movement into the European style uh right-wing movement than Al Vera say that it's like a it's like a santoria oh like woodoo type [ __ ] okay yeah yeah yeah ritualistic sacrifice oh my God okay no no no no why is everyone coming here okay why did you leave [Music] Haiti barbecue Civil [Music] War okay okay so just family and friends told him to come here to Springfield could you ask him that yeah he's friend I see okay see I don't need cat okay she clarified I don't need cat see how that trash SC is right there right there yep okay every Haan house you go around it's honestly filled to the brim there's trash at leaks out onto the corner everywhere but we're expected to live clean environment and then on top of that with the rise of immigrant [ __ ] you're trash can is filled to the brim what the is right there right there ain't no way dude dog this is oh my God bro that's literally that yo there is no better demonstration of like people just being like obviously racist than the fact that she's just like that trash can right there the when Haitians f it to the brim it's bad but but mine is fed to the brim as well but that's good cuz it's white trash yeah it's all it's all like it's all these people who like also the trash can isn't even like that bad even if it's hers or the haian like this is like normal okay what the do you mean yeah it's just like all these people like just saying that they're doing the things they're doing oh I bet they go to abandoned houses and take out the copper wiring yeah yeah they got scary face tattoos I don't know what's going on with that and it's like the dude is tatted up oh I wonder what they're doing oh I bet they're taking a seven up can and crinkling it and smoking an oxycotton they found on the ground on it okay every Haan house you go around it's honestly filled to the brim there's trash that leaks out onto the corner everywhere but we're expected to live clean environment and then on top of that with the rise of immigrants and they get Assisted Living freely it makes it harder for people like me or somebody else who doesn't get Assisted Living to to find affordable housing are they driving the housing costs up around here yeah like nobody yeah like what are we talking okay um honestly in my opinion it'll be surprise if I don't get kicked out so they can boost up the rate on this place how was that the fault of the random Haitian dude bro you have a landlord who is going to evict you but your landlord is white and the Haitians are black so you're like you know whose fault this is the black people not the landlord like that's the third time in this video we've heard be like Haitians are coming in and they're driving up the property process and it's like dude what are you saying like it's your landlord that's making rent more expensive did you one of them one of them has such like a peasant mindset that he goes well the landlords can't even make money unless they charge the Haitians $3,000 which we can't pay it's like what who told you that a landlord yeah like they'll probably fix it I see get it where it's looking better and boost the rate up on it they pay 1,200 a month how much money does the government give you per [Music] month okayi in okay did anyone tell you to come here to Springfield Ohio see did a friend tell you to come move here for a job how did you learn about Springfield you okay this dude could have read one article dude like the PBS documentary that was done on Springfield Ohio about how the town needed labor there was a surplus or I mean uh there was a there was a shortage of Labor in the town all the new jobs that were readily available and like a couple Haitian people moved in and then you know word spread that there was jobs there so a bunch of Haitian people were like oh thank God and that's how you build an enclave usually in this situation like people are trying to be protected from the dumb racist Hicks that want to kill them so they're like oh there's safety and and job security here yeah no that is that is generally how like immigration patterns work and like was that the same article where they're like yeah they're like great employees is they like show up on time yeah they're not yeah I mean this is the this is smoking oxies in the car they also apparently like attend church they like they're like very religious paans are incredibly religious it's like one of the most like Christian populations yeah in the hemisphere yeah Frank Lun posted this from the PBS documentary and stepen Miller the fact that our corporations want cheap plant foreign labor doesn't mean the rest of us don't get to have a country Frank this is a nation Nations owe their loyalty and allegiance to their own citizens to their own towns and communities dude you are a republican okay what the are you saying like you are the reason why so many of these places are in a state of disrepair like your Administration has only continued Along on that agenda you just don't like black people that's it how many unvetted illegals from Haiti are you hosting in your Mansion would you still support the mass flying program if they were flying into your community you could volunteer to take them right now it's just he's just racist that's it like that that's all it is yeah I mean and it's like they're acknowled like they're openly acknowledging that like the cat thing and all this other [ __ ] is like totally made up and then it's like okay then what's the point of this other than just like purely hating them for being immigrants and for being black that's it there is none yeah yeah and and those speak like four languages too that's the other part where they're like oh these are some dumb uneducated lazy cat eater eaters and it's like dude you are literally inbred you are so inbred you look like the human version of one of those little teacup poodles that we saw earlier and you're over here talking about how how lesser than these people are they're speaking like they're speaking four goddamn languages they're working hard they just want to survive and you're over here lazy and angry as like shut the up it's it like all of them are saying that like oh they're making the amount goes up every time they're making uh $2,000 a month from W $3,000 $4,000 they're paying $4,000 to rent all subsidized from the government which what is there any public assistance program in America much less in Ohio like that no you actually talk to the guy it's like well first it was 500 then it's 300 which is how most food stamp programs in America work they yeah there wasn't even like Direct Cash if it was probably like food stamps was talking about but no that never gets addressed yeah very frustrating uh and these guys that have no Solutions like that that objectively are using this as an opportunity to make white people who have over by uh neoliberalism focus on like Haitian immigrants their neighbors instead of like the actual people stealing their money the thing is though like okay hypothetically like if Trump was president now and there's the story going on in Reverse there are like mass deportations and like they are broadly incredibly unpopular as like a lot of things are like just like we talked about pull one way and practice they pull a different way Oliver would make like a similarly shitty video but from the other direction oh like a badly reported badly Source thing where it's like here's what's going on here with the deportations it's just like I don't know it's like you know you know people like this exist but it is disheartening to see someone who like just believes nothing has no reason to exist on this planet except like metrics no like pride and any type of workmanship in any craft in any artistic value in it just pure metrics number goes up how much is it to rent an apartment here in Springfield how much do you pay for rent it is anyone eating cats out here no okay F in okay do you know many other Haitians here yes yeah yeah H big Community yes okay and why are so many by the way if you recall if you recall Republicans did this [ __ ] with Hazleton okay in Pennsylvania a town that was in a state of disrepair okay almost permanently bankrupt no businesses left industry left and then Latin American migrants came in okay straight up and they boosted the goddamn economy they brought businesses there they brought life back into the town and ironically enough Tucker Carlson famously Tucker Carlson was cutting articles exactly like this going and talking to people going and talking to people in this former Ghost Town being like yeah there's more work here but the culture of Hazelton has changed dramatically and I hate it and it's like dog what the are you saying some of these people would literally die in their bum town with like 11 people before they allow the town to thrive because there's because the people people that are causing the town to thrive again are brown dude that [ __ ] pisses me off so much National Geographic wrote this long comprehensive okay long and comprehensive Revival story of Hazelton racist looked at that racist looked at that and we're like they're getting 15ks as well as EBT and housing and they're out here raping and killing our children but yeah totally dude I don't know how to describe this to you okay I don't know how to explain this to you but you're just you might be one of the dumbest people on the planet okay you have imagined the amount of money that they're getting you have imagined the amenities that they're getting these are all [ __ ] and now and then on top of that you have imagined the crimes that they're supposedly committing everything you said is wrong like literally everything you said is wrong it's psychotic dude oh said they get 15 grand pa coming here to Springfield in particular coming in here to do Mass rapes and kill children okay um thank you also if you want to support our boots on the ground independent journalism that is not bought and paid for by corporate interests along with un have how long have you lived here this how much money does the government give you per month no no ah is it true that the Haitians are eating I put him on screen cuz I thought he would respond after this psychotic [ __ ] but he just I guess died the neighbor cats oh no okay uh do they not collect the some influencers early on here on Twitch were saying send them back even they're working hard because we have veterans on the street law yeah those influencers would also spit on those goddamn veterans on the street anyway CU yeah they they complain about every homeless person they see they want them killed they want them deported too even if Americans yeah I hate these P I hate these pieces of [ __ ] dude the trash to sh okay why did you leave Haiti no see ah okay mer all right byebye we got a cat right there unaffected he's chilling not eating it's ridiculous they can't even take care of the American citizens before they're bringing in waves and waves of immigrants and then look at it there's so many people veterans uh mostly white people that are homeless living on the streets has nothing to eat but these people have brand new houses brand new cars I'm having a hell of a time finding a job because they want the Haitian they're getting thousands of dollars in government assistance I worked retail before I lost my job back in April when I do transactions I can see what comes across on certain cards I'm not trying to be nosy I don't want to know what you get but when a Haitian comes through and spends this is the nosiest on the planet they just said I'm not trying to be nosy holy [ __ ] everyone who says that is involved in now we know why she lost their job by the way dumbass what are you you were snooping through financial transactions at your job like yeah I'm of course going to lose a goddamn job $500 in food stamps and still has five grand on their food assistance card 5 grand five grand would you like to know what the Haitians are calling the food assistance card even the cash if you're like a cashier oh she was a cashier well I don't know what she was like what was her job it sounds like she was like a cashier or something but like how the like how would you know that I hate these people so much assistance cards they're calling them the magic money cards because they never run out I'm homeless I'm jobless I'm sleeping on Friends couches because I can't get government assistance because I come from the wrong country apparently y all get along out here or what we don't socialize with them that much I mean they walk up and down the street they do their little thing that's it you know we how long you live lived out here in Springfield oh I've lived in Springfield all my life I'll be 60 in 2 weeks when did all the Haitians come in about 5 years ago maybe and when they pack they hit the this neighborhood hard why outrage your Sprint they went through they painted them cleaned them up a little bit rent them to them and they pay the rent I heard on Twitter that cats are getting kidnapped is that that true yes my mom actually my mom actually seen a post on Facebook there was Haitians in a white van driving around the neighborhoods that's an AI image bro your mom saw an AI image you guys are so stupid holy [ __ ] I saw a post on Facebook oh my God riveting reporting cat for what skinning them and eating them Snider Park our actual Park if a Haitian is caught walking the grounds down there they can get arrested because they're going down there and they're killing the Canadian geese so they can take them home and eat them I wouldn't be surprised because we used to have a lot of cats around here and especially down here at the end of the street that lady had probably 50 of them now she's lucky to have five and uh the geese down at the park they're declining so I don't know if they're eating them too I guess supposed to be their natural habitat or something or whatever yeah do you think this could come to another American town near you this come everywhere man yeah it's the future of America I hate to say it but probably so the Mexicans take it up for the blacks and the blacks taking up for the Mexicans is OD interesting and my country is going to out and I can't wait till Trump gets back in there 90% of the auto accidents are Haitian involved okay and I've almost gotten hit by several of them 90% of auto accidents are Haitian involved this woman was the former chair of the Bureau of Statistics for Ohio I don't my mother saw it on Facebook 90% of auto accidents are Haitian involved everybody knows this walking no this is literally like when I see this [ __ ] I do actually advocate for re-education camps like I just like I I I don't know I I I think like we need to put these people on a Works program you know what I mean immediately I don't know start picking up trash on the side of the highway or some [ __ ] you know you you need you need adequate payment you need a good job okay you need good protections you need housing you need forcible education program okay you got to go back to school it's no what if you did Like A Clockwork Orange thing but it was like you're showing them like lib culture you're showing them like no I don't want him to kill themselves no no no he doesn't kill himself in Clockwork Orange No but but like if they saw that that uh what's that lady who was like my husband said she loved kamla's debate speech last she's going to get two [ __ ] tonight like that's the liick lady Sarah Cooper the Sarah Cooper thank you no no no I like imagine blasting the K not that I mean like higher end liberal culture the Clockwork or setup where it's like the they have to watch every Noah bombok movie then they have to watch Real Time with Bill Maher which I think is a reward for everyone I I would kill myself if I was forced to watch Real Time with Bill I would kill myself I would love that but yeah they would they would develop so much resentment for liberalism like so much more resentment than they currently carry for liberalism and it would be warranted um I don't know I think this could work well like you you put them on like uh what are the hypnosis drugs they should just be forced to watch [ __ ] Hypno Bill well Bill Mah [ __ ] Hypno yeah you're feeling very fertile now the only person that's going to get his f is the taxpayer under Republicans cuz I walk a lot and they're going the wrong way down oneway streets like and they think they own the streets and when they got chased out he hit the curb when they got chased out she heard one of them say it and it was actually in English look at them just blasted off what the [ __ ] theyve they've knocked down my my grandmother's like what what what happened what the dude did a u-turn and he like went over the curb like what how is this no one did that in this town before the Haitians all none of these people ever went on the curb look at them just blasted off chased out she heard one of them say and it was actually in English dve just blasted off what the f oh my God he's going 21 miles an hour WEAU we caught a black man driving illegal on my my grandmother's fence that brick wall back here they've drove into it they' hit cars around here I mean they cannot drive whoever's giv them driver's license I have theirs taken on but look every time some a country moves into another country talk about we're taking over that sh leads the war 100% like when you have the old black dudes yeah 100% yeah yeah that guy's going to do the war like I can't I can't wait that is what war is I can't wait for you to do the war sir but look every time some a country moves into another country talk about we're taking over that leads to war yeah 100% dude that guy that guy that gu going to do the war that guy is a professor at the local College like luckily these people are so they're such losers and so goddamn incompetent they could even hate crime appropriately I just I love how he's like literally just like describing what a war is that leads to war when you take when you take a uh several thousand main battle tanks in your Air Force and uh several divisions worth of soldiers and you go to someone else's country and you start shooting at their army that leads to war okay he must be against West Banks there come on guys these people have no idea what the Palestine is like when you have yeah East Palestine Ohio that's the only Palestine they know old black dudes siding with the old white redneck and they're talking about joining teams that's when you know everything is going to to go downhill and it's going to go downhill quick real we all know about about the uh about the neo-nazis just a couple weeks ago being down down and I ain't saying it's right and I ain't saying it's wrong but look let's think about it I'm 36 years old and in 36 years that's the first time I've ever seen the neo-nazis rally in our in our city mom was telling me she was coming home the other night he's literally like yeah I saw black people and now I kind of agree with the neo-nazis like that's it that's all he said here he's like I'm 36 years old okay and you know why these neo-nazis are here because black people are here and I kind of agree with them that's I get that the woke racist immigration leads to neo-nazis so we have to prevent Hillary Clinton yeah yeah welcome back Hillary Clinton yeah yeah that was the Hillary he was Hillary's 2008 campaign manager that guy he's falling on hard remember when uh Hillary said that about Europe she was like hey you guys have to like capitulate to the far right on their anti-immigrant sentiment because otherwise like you know the Nazis are going to take over and then they did anyway they did capitulate and then the Nazis did take over so yeah it's weird yeah I was a li until I saw a black man this really is Hillary 08 VES this is yeah I and see a of clan members clan members there's full on war going down right now that's what it's coming to and it's all going to be against the same even say thatc would try to get footage of that instead of wait there's a race wh happening no let me ask 20 other people if they've seen posts about it on Facebook all right video's over yeah it's awesome m much Haitian Springfield oh my God he showed the tire like the curb rash on the tire [ __ ] the tires on my Porsche look way worse than that shut the up this is not exclusive to Haitians bro that's like so far the only thing that he's shown is like tires on the curb out of everything claimed in this video that's the only thing he's been able to show a guy did a u-turn in a driveway and the parking job is like kind of shitty here okay the much haian Springfield this guy does not trust him at all and to be fair he should not he's 100% right V for like how is this even remotely appropriate or is it because they're Haitian is that what it is that like people don't read this as like the most racist thing that's ever happened other videos he this is like his interview style like I saw his Memphis video today I don't know why I was I think I was just like I was having like an annoying morning and I like wanted to get into an even worse mood but in the Memphis video he just like runs up and down this highway and whenever he sees like a black woman he's like hey hey are you a prostitute how much yeah insane this is like walking up to random black people and being like Oh do you like fried chicken and and and watermelon right like this is that like he's just doing that to like a bunch of random Haitian people like how is this how is this in any way shape or form any different than that like if someone was doing that you'd be like this is crazy like this man is insanely racist what the this is like Steven Crowder [ __ ] you know what I mean it's like [ __ ] like lower quality than Crowder somehow like how how how is this like oh does this guy get any hate or people praising him no they think he's like speaking truth to power dude okay it it just doesn't I don't understand local out here and hear thoughts about the Haitians that have moved in yeah no I don't I don't know I might I I lived here for 24 years I lived in La for 38 years got it um it is causing probably some problems uh I personally noticed it cuz it took me months on in to find an apartment to live in sure the available housing supplies gone down and the prices have gone up or what uh I'm not 100% sure about the prices going up I mean I hear rumors that there's landlords ripping off some of the Haitian people you know like trying to put multiple families in a house and charging them too much money I don't know if that's true it's just stuff I've heard but yeah it has affected the the market because you know like I said I couldn't even get anybody to call me back for months couldn't tell you I haven't had any problems with anybody I can tell you that again no cat eating on YouTube how you doing sir's your pavon I own pavon oh you own this yeah you'd be a great person to talk to though yeah for sure we've heard a lot of of the Haitians that have moved here recently come here often what's going on here in Springfield uh they're just like an influx of the population and the Haitian community I mean they're protected status here so they're just like I mean obviously have filled up the town with it and they protected status I think he means they're on TPS like that that's what he's trying to say I think right like what do you mean they're a protected status here they're not like a like a like a dying get any status effects in Springfield yeah they won't get death blighted no white people are getting death blighted and their game's in instantly ending and they're losing all their runes well to be fair to be fair all the Haitian people that we've seen so far in this video look very normal and all the white people we've seen so far in the video look very every status effect like with the exception with that with the exception of that one last guy who's like definitely a liberal you can just like kind of tell from the way that they carry themselves every white person was like Yay there's a race war happening and I'm signing up you don't have any boluses by the way I got Scarlet rot I was hanging out on the lake of rot recently yeah it's crazy where we're at right now pretty much you own this laundromat yeah so my dad owns this laundromat I own the sneaker store next to it so I run both things right now so are your customers primarily Haitian what's the split uh before I would say last like 2 three years I mean primarily whoever was in town but yeah there's a huge influx in yeah the Haitian Community that's like primarily our like customers are like a h Tik Tok investment so this guy's like a sigma invest wi is it wa why I didn't even know it was like that I mean there are a bunch of like you know every so often on like investor Tik Tok like something like launder mats gets popular as like a a good font of uh passive income I think his dad owns it so he just he looks like a uh success win business guy to me he I mean maybe he's divide in our town thing is like I just hope that whatever you guys do cover something good comes out of it right like in the next five to six years hopefully there's some sort of unity between everybody hopefully there's some sort of change that's the biggest thing like I feel like you guys should cover just some sort of like way to bring people together this is the guy you want to talk how you doing man we're filming a YouTube video we're trying to see what's going on here this a guy you running from a oh yeah I Tred to find you I know I know that oh my God that's the racist [ __ ] who went on the town hall and was like hey yo the the Haitians are uh stealing the geese and the pets like that's the guy of course get him in person of course local business owner immediately is like oh you should get this guy on like immediately they this guy is the median voter I I something good comes out of it I hope there's Unity anyway would you like to talk to the most racist guy I know yeah know who you are so out of pure luck I met up with Anthony Harris the guy who went viral for giving this speech at Springfield's Town Hall these Haitians are running into trash cans they're running into buildings they flipping cars in the middle of the street they're in the park grabbing up Ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and and eating them like and who's been going live on Facebook documenting the constant car crashes from the new Haitian drivers we headed to the BMV to see how the Haitians are getting driers licenses there's something really funny about like midwesterners complaining that other people are driving poorly then like it's like dude it's illegal to drive sober in your state what the are you talking about how would you even not it like every trash can in this town gets hit by a car three times a day yeah it's just like it's so funny to just be like oh listen the it's the Haitians that must be it yeah you know with this guy specifically you know that like he he like drunk drove through a fence or something was like oh but but I told my wife I sto drinking God you're not going to believe this yeah it must be the Haitians that's what it is they're giving the Haitian battle tanks yeah is in cars so quickly after moving here despite speaking zero English question for y'all what are your thoughts on the Haitians can't drive they can't drive this guy right here dude yo yo Bono he got a cat right beside you stop oh oh you're embarrassed you're embarrassed by that Association bro stop do you said that [ __ ] not me you take that back I didn't do sh I take that back bro come on the the the craziest part about this is like bro you're black like the same exact sentiment will be applied to you and probably has that and you're just oblivious to it most of the people that they've like tinned like supposed like Haitian like cat stealing things on are just random black people in other parts of Ohio so you know it's just it's very very dumb like you're you're not part of the team big dog you're just not you know you are never going to be part of the team yeah they will literally just assume he's Haitian they be like this one this one learned English quite good like he assimilated yeah he assimilated so he can steal our cats better it's crazy if y'all ever seen the Americans that's what he is for Haiti yeah fifth column style Invasion happening now like we're like we be playing bro there's nothing wrong with some jokes let's go see what's up how y'all doing question for you do you know how the Haitians are getting driver's license can they transfer their license from Haiti or no they can not trans do they have to undergo the same test um I'm not allowed to answer the personal questions outside of the office well okay you know what they have to do I do not I really don't know I know but I know they getting them quick they're getting them quick right all right we can ask what she you are not allowed to take pictures in here sir sir in the uh oh go son sorry are they able to transfer their licenses from Haiti to here oh he's doing project veros yeah no this is oh he's doing project veras finally undercover Jal that's the only question I can answer I can't answer anything else do you know how the Haitians are getting their driver's license so fast uh I do not okay all right that's all I got for you I wish you are they driving pretty good out here or what no no the world's greatest reporter like I'm losing my mind at this like he can't find a single person to answer this question he does not he refuses to do any research on the matter and he's just randomly asking people like so do you think Haitian dry well and they're like no and he's like there you have it yep I guess Point proven you know yeah that's I love how like every video he makes you could cut out like 70% of it if you like if you did like a a go gole search or something he's like no that that's valuable content of me flagging down people outside the Dollar General that that Google search could be replacing no thank you I think one thing to take note of is like how absolutely dog [ __ ] living conditions are in Springfield Ohio if you want to understand where this like resentment is coming from from all these like random people like I'm not going to sit here and say that like they're nice people at all okay but they don't deserve it and this is what happens when your town sucks no yeah I don't think like no one deserves to like live this shittily yeah in the wealthiest Nation on Earth mind you like imagine that like no matter like even if you are like standing around and being like they hit every trash can you don't deserve to live in Springfield Ohio that kind of conditions yeah it sucks it sucks yeah neither do the Haitians really like they don't no one does they should not have to live there honestly but you know they F their car why is that do you think you just don't know how to drive in general like this guy's on his way to get his like third license after his like eighth DUI and you're asking him on the way over this guy has such a nervous disposition yeah if I was a cop I would arrest him for murder at just sight unseen I Like You Killed Someone okay but like that's why he has to drink because he has anxiety from killing his wife yeah and it and it cool it calms him down oh no what if this guy's a millionaire and sues me we're saying allegedly yeah in a in a Japanese style manga I'm writing he a Char I see him driving over there like try like trying to learn how to drive but I don't know think they have to drive at all okay I don't think they should have license no lights when they be driving around and nothing you think it poses a threat to Public Safety yeah it does uh man is there nothing but a headache all they're doing is raising our rent and our taxes and and Wrecking vehicles and there's just been nothing but a hassle since they've been here it's been horrible how would you rank their driving from 1 1 to 10 uh a negative 10 they're horrible do you have to take a driving test here [Music] we what why are why is nobody acknowledging that these are immigrants trying to assimilate to a new environment the answer is they're race rist okay it's a very simple answer Brock can you put some of the stuff that's perishable in the fridge in that bag thank you okay okay all right graas oh with more confusion gained than answers explaining how these Haitians are passing their driver's test I headed down to the Springfield like do we know if any of those car gages are like caused by Haitians and even if they are like why the do you think that like Haitians have like some different Gene in them that like causes them to do more car crashes than usual is it's just so weird dude it it's it he's just using stock footage and AI [ __ ] to be like that's right it's happening you know it's happening and you don't want to acknowledge it and uh just like the top of the hour ad break it happens so frequently yeah the extent of his reporting is like someone makes a claim and he like Flags down three people in the general vicinity and he's like is this happening and they're like yeah I've heard about post on Facebook the most fourth hand [ __ ] yeah Benny Johnson Benny Johnson is such a C team player that he posted this and was like here's proof yeah well you know he's just trying to make people forget that he got paid big bucks from Vladimir Putin if I was Tyler Oliva I would steer clear of won Mr Benjamin Johnson and if if he asked you to go on a cruise he does have a type yeah yeah he's going to he's going to car he's going to dog him out okay he's get the match laap special he's going to leave him discarded like a used napkin oh my God yeah he's going to get slutted out by match laap Benny all my guys welfare center where Haitians are apparently clogging the lines for locals exhausting the town's resources and overwhelming the employees question where you guys from 80 80 80 okay uh how many Haitians do you think will come out here in line today that's what we're trying to dude you see a [ __ ] ton of people waiting at the like welfare line and your first interaction your first immediate reaction to that is like let me put a camera on them and bother them it's like you are such a scumbag I don't know how to describe how big of a scumbag you are 80% of the people that come out here would be Hast okay how long you been here in Springfield I've been here for seven years now what takes so long yeah is cuz they've got only two lines that they serve people in in there sometimes three and on all three of those they got interpreters for each one right when it'll go a lot faster if you had one line for for people that like couldn't you know speak English that well and then have another line for people that can go through the line faster cuz a lot of times they have paperwork with them and stuff they won't have it in order we tried the split line for a while um it ended up being less efficient for everybody um is this about as long as it gets these days uh this is a normal Monday yeah we've had worse but FR Fran English no standing in line 30 minutes they might only been serve four or five people got it how many people you think will come here this Monday this Monday I'm telling you out of this money I figure at least they might see five honey what do you think the split is between new Hai that have come in here and and um Springfield and ogs if you will um I don't know too much about all uh observationally what have you seen 9 to one easy like I'm just here cuz I'm just trying to get a uh get them to clear a medical car are the systems stressed right now in Springfield can they hand the amount of people coming in no they really can't I've been trying to get a medic just a simple Medicaid card since June they took me off I'm a vet they took me off of the disability and made me start paying for my own disability and I don't know why they took me off but so I had to give them proof of income and disabilities and this video is a perfect demonstration of like every single issue that every single American citizen is experienced is either directly the fault of the government government for refusing to fund these programs and mismanaging them or directly the fault of a landlord okay it like it is wild you look at like this video is a perfect demonstration of the thing I talk about all the time with like austerity and E comes economic instability with economic volatility economic instability and wealth inequality comes a environment that is so ripe for right-wing radicalization okay so ripe and the further we move away from addressing the root cause of these problems the more that this Society is going to get more Euro fascist okay good stuff the stuff I gave them all that they still ain't did it so you're a veteran and you're competing with some of the resources they're getting who just came in here yeah this America you dig what I'm saying but I'm saying that the the the things that the Hoops they make us jump through can have you turn on each other in a sense or say negative things I don't have anything that's negative to say or bad to say about anybody Haitian you know what I mean do you think the town's taking care of uh their local residents that were here first and foremost oh no hell no thanks for your service appreciate it good luck and lime like and the thing is there's people there's people on Twitter and Instagram that don't think it's real don't think none of this we we just saw it in real time you proved zero of the claims yeah it you okay so he got boot of Medicaid which is a thing that happens like unfortunately in every state I kind of think it's like a standard practice at this point because you see this in private insurance as well where they will either deny someone's claim or just boot somebody off a medical public assistance program because they know for that for the most part poor people uh do like that they they will just be like too overwhelmed to like contest it most of the time and that's like that is how austerity deals oh the other then the the uh purposeful like shitty services that they offer too because like they make it as difficult as possible to even attain these programs from the jump they did that during Co in like red stat was nasty as [ __ ] they did it in Ohio and and Florida yeah they want as few people on these programs as possible and like yeah they're purposely managed in a shitty way uh just like yeah no private insurance uh there's a similar thing where they will like they will deny people's claims that they know they're supposed to cover just uh off the Assumption the usually correct assumption that like someone who's in like Dire Straits financially just literally not have the time or the energy or the will remaining to contest these things and like the best thing that you can the best thing that like any government who is deliberately like mismanaging all these things and keeping people as far away from benefits that they're entitled to uh the best thing for them is to turn around and go well see it's because of the immigrants it's the Haitians or whatever it is this time like none of that shit's real that you're saying there's no way they brought 20,000 people uh English no no no English okay that's crazy if you're local trying to get your Medicaid your welfare benefits Etc you're waiting two hours now crazy c yeah I wonder if any of these guys including this [ __ ] is actually advocating for more fun to any of these programs so that there is like more uh people hired to be able to process faster for example now let's just kill the Haitians and then be done with the problem except the problem will not go away the problem literally existed before the Haitians got there yeah nobody thinks about it like that though this is just yeah such a uniquely American austerity death spiral it's not it's not I don't think it's uniquely American I think this is exactly what's going on in Europe too well no no I mean like the the the aspect of it where specifically social services are incredibly horribly managed and deliberately so and horribly funded and they like don't hire anyone that is the aspect that's like uniquely American yeah like there are bad Social Services everywhere but like as far as countries at this level of wealth not like America no you're right about that uh the the state of disrepair for for social services in this country is like deliberate it is getting worse in Europe as well but like it is certainly certainly always been genuinely underfunded I think in America deliberately yeah crazy as [ __ ] we're 6 minutes away from This Woman's house this woman has stated that people are throwing mattresses on her joint she is not expecting usably worse every day but like there are still like there's still like vestiges of the system that works there even though of course it is getting shittier and deliberately torn apart and privatized and you know probably a few years from now it will be very close to this level but just generally across the board America is probably the worst with these things as far as countries this level of wealth at the moment yeah I am just going to show up and knock on her door and see what happens hi there I saw your um speech at the city council and I was wondering if I could interview well I've seen a video of a guy getting a Canadian goose a Haitian dude and I have rumors of Haitians taking cats tell me what's going on here I'm cat lady as you can tell you have a lot of cats I have a lot of cats the goose story I believe originated in Columbus I have not seen it here and just for context you are surrounded this entire Community mostly Haitians now yeah I believe we're looking at probably about 50% is what I'm saying but um like the the funny thing about this and I talk about this quite a bit like on Twitter there is this like anonymity to an account so they there is like a air of legitimacy like you can't tell that the person is like a weirdo right right on Twitter you can't really tell especially when there's like a whole bunch of like blue check mark accounts that you also can't tell if they're crazy or not but like in this video you can literally smell the crazy off of this person this is an insane person like you can tell that this is not a like this is not a person who's who's got everything going on over here right like and yet people are so people are so personally invested in this narrative being true that they just like Overlook that fact for some weird reason like you would never hang out with this person you would never want to be around this person you would never take this person seriously if they told you some [ __ ] if they came up to you on the street but on a YouTube video you're like yeah no she's she's telling the truth for sure this is the type of person where they're like oh my God Lady Gaga has been spying on me in my bathroom for for three years yeah this this the type of person that d me I'm I'm I'm worried my town is going to pot everybody wants to make this into a race issue it's not a race issue it's culture it's accountability and it's respect and that's the things that I'm not seeing and the women in this country fought long and hard for the rights that they have been afforded and these men in this culture treat their women very badly and I watch it firsthand she's woke yeah she's she's the W grazes she's the liberal grer she's studying under Andrea dorin Andrea dworin grer yeah that's her yeah and I'm telling you all all penetrative sex is rape yeah it's yeah he's like this the fifth the fifth Reich feminism all me all men are essentially pedophiles but especially them yeah come on give me a break start acting like you got some sense you're driving of the vehicles is a main sticking point hatian men came down with probably a queen-sized mattress and threw it in the front yard it didn't go very well I tried to explain I tried to be nice didn't go very well so you explained in English yes I had to drop the f bomb and told him take it and go so they went down the street and ended up at that house right there got it so it's they've thrown trash in the yard as they walk by but is there anything in that this is just a crazy woman come on have you ever met a crazy person in your life I mean he has he features them heavily on his YouTube videos when when he can't use them to like you know issue anti-immigrant invective he's like doing a video gawking at them and going look at these people shouldn't the cops kill them I have seen virtually zero like good takes in this video from any of the oh with the exception of that one guy who was sitting behind his car that guy that guy I I agree with you that he's very lib coded he he definitely he definitely voted for the governor hates JD Vans like voted for voted for uh dwine but then also voted for uh Tim Ryan yeah yeah like that's a Tim Ryan Mike Devine voter and he is the veteran was kind of normal too like but beyond that the yeah the old uh black guy the veteran was like kind of normal too but like everyone else everyone else has just been like insane I feel like I I I also feel yeah the the black guy veteran was he was both normal and it seemed like there was a lot that was like cut out yeah and if like ol Vera cut things out it probably went directly against like the The Narrative of this video like it was a very weirdly edited interview yeah and it's it's perfect the Haitian dudes they've been interviewing have been the least crazy no yeah for sure but like that doesn't matter because the people that look the people that seek out this type of content already have made up their minds on the Haitian people they're just looking for additional evidence uh to to point to so they can be like see I watched a YouTube video and I saw them Haitians them crazy haian they're driving like crazy they're stealing gee yeah right so like um they they they don't care that the Haitian dudes in the video are very normal like objectively significantly more normal than the the Ohan people that they're talking to like the the uh American citizens that they're talking to also like this is a town of like what like 30 40 50,000 people I really like get this sense that like again I don't think most people in the town are like this but when you when you like go around and you're like hey I run a YouTube channel where I um gawk at insane people or just um do the worst interviews ever and don't follow up on anything um you get like a certain type of person who wants to be in that video they may not know like exactly who he is but it's the same effect as like if you've ever like followed your local news station on Facebook you the type of person that comments under like a news story where it's like you know Hub Cap stolen we should kill them the type of people that like go to town halls there's a certain type of person literally he found her from the town hall it's a certain type of person yeah with the disrespect I've never been so disrespected in my life and my ex-husband has never disrespected me like this they not Prosecuting for property Crim it's just it's a big mess and we need some help I want my city back Ohio's got woke folks yeah they're not Prosecuting Haitians for doing crimes in Ohio what where can we go to prosecute people for crimes at this rate you know what I mean if they're not daing in Ohio then give up I'm sorry you lost it's [ __ ] Anarchy like you lost we're looking at like a like a plus 13 minimum State that's going red every time like yeah yeah just I don't know where you move at that point Alabama I think Mississippi I want my people happy and this is my town why do they keep cutting away to like Nissan ultima's driving normally that's like such a weird part of this uh this video want to take it back do you think that here are trying to assimilate to the culture in the town you grew up in no I I don't I don't see it if it is more power to him but there's a language barrier I get it okay but when they are paroled here on the I94 they get 8 months of English lessons the first eight months okay if they're not taking advantage of that then why should we the taxpayer have to turn around and have our services overwhelmed they're saying 20,000 and I am saying between 35 and 40 with the birth rates and the things that I see going on so I don't know who's to blame I don't know who's door to start kicking in Mike dwine if you see this Mike dwine get a hold of me I really would like to have a word with you and I promise I won't yell at somebody get a hold of me I don't this is just a lonely old lady man like you know what I what I've always want like in my perfect world like if I am if I get to be the American Gaddafi or Napoleon if I'm installed by like a group of officers in the military who support me I'd have a lot of changes for this country and like it's stuff you could expect like I would nationalize Healthcare and electric all the all these things Second Amendment extends to fighter jets obviously but one of my lesser known policies that I really think would help this country a lot is I would have a government department and it would be in every state it would be in every zip code massive bureaucracy people paid good money uh WP a new deal type program a government Department of complaints where people are pay put in salaried positions to answer complaints from our most insane and baffled and lonely citizens people who just want to complain to somebody maybe about something that didn't happen maybe about something that will happen dude maybe about something totally imagined see that that's your video I investigated an act of serial killer in Austin oh yeah this one's great oh I think the government uh Department of complaints is it would make things so much better and it really wouldn't cost that much but that would be that would be one of my Chang you can't televise it because this chatter makes a good point that's called uh town halls or like uh City Council meetings and you can't televise it because if you televise it there's enough cranks out there that they'll get together and like start pointing to the City Council meetings to be like see it's real Bigfoot is real no no no that's the point is that you know how like when you call your bank or something they're like this Call's recorded every recording is destroyed no one will hear these yeah it's like dude what you're describing for the employees would be worse than like the Facebook moderation team responsible for CES Sam it's pretty bad they would kill themselves at an alarming rate that is the part of the policy I'm working out I'm thinking that maybe it could be like a punishment for prisoners or something I don't know I don't really no we have a lot of time before I'm put into power we can figure this one out but um you know even if it does Drive these people insane well they can call the department too when they're crazy so everyone wins it's insane [Music] I [Music]

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Into it more extensively yeah the police chief is taken over by a migrant but you know we left we left 13 dead soldiers think of it 13 dead soldiers many soldiers horrifically hurt with arms and legs and everything else gone um we left hostages behind we left american behind we left military equipment... Read more

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bert kreischer what`s going on @riteaid???? | hasanAbi react to bert kreischer

Category: Entertainment

You know directly on stream looking at [ __ ] on twitter but you know if anything you made the point that lockdown had no effect on school shootings when you said some still happened during covid anyway i know every single one of assan haters will pump that tweet now since he got mad at it i know but... Read more

Steve Kornacki breaks down new Labor Day polls showing Harris ahead 3 points| hasanAbi react  TODAY thumbnail
Steve Kornacki breaks down new Labor Day polls showing Harris ahead 3 points| hasanAbi react TODAY

Category: Entertainment

Oh disappointing all around all right let's continue between campaign stops and her official duties unlike mr trump who shared the stage with president biden earlier this summer it'll be harris's first debate in nearly four years and no public events are scheduled today for either harris or trump but... Read more

Harris Leads By 3 Points In Labor Day Polls | Hasanabi Reacts thumbnail
Harris Leads By 3 Points In Labor Day Polls | Hasanabi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Comm expected to unveil second key economic policy plank for new hampshire speech wednesday focus on small bid and startups likely mix including tax credit grants technical assistance why does that suck at because that right there is precisely precisely what the democrats always do that is old school... Read more

Kamala Harris CNN interview: Israel And The Border | Hasanabi Reacts thumbnail
Kamala Harris CNN interview: Israel And The Border | Hasanabi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Like literally i will melt migrants myself personally i'll kill guatemalan myself okay you don't understand how rer i am okay i love i love the wall build the wall so dumb what a over corrective nonsense okay okay um another issue big one is immigration as vice president you were tasked with addressing... Read more

Tim Pool Faces Serious Legal Trouble | HasanAbi Reacts thumbnail
Tim Pool Faces Serious Legal Trouble | HasanAbi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Of this country hey yo what yeah yo this is so awesome this is awesome oh my god i want to ask the pro ukrainian uh uh who constantly were like hassan is the number one enemy of ukraine he's the number one defender of russia how many of these mother spent all this time talking about me and rarely ever... Read more

Brian Taff's Full Interview With VP Kamala Harris | Hasanabi React thumbnail
Brian Taff's Full Interview With VP Kamala Harris | Hasanabi React

Category: Entertainment

Of reality okay it's elusive it's no longer a reality we need more houses so we can fix the goddamn housing market so that rent prices come down the rent is too damn high earlier today gave an interview to a a a singler a singular a single sit down interview to local a local philadelphia uh action news... Read more

Jon Stewart On First Harris & Trump's Debate | Hasanabi React thumbnail
Jon Stewart On First Harris & Trump's Debate | Hasanabi React

Category: Entertainment

[applause] yeah you ask them a question they just turn the tide and answer whatever they want to answer and now that we're returning to that was so crazy cuz it's like bro that's your strongest like that is the strongest issue that you have beyond from the most trusted journalists at comedy center and... Read more

Not everyone inherited $400M #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate thumbnail
Not everyone inherited $400M #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate

Category: Entertainment

To the importance of home ownership knowing not everybody got handed $400 million on a silver platter and then filed bankruptcy six times is a value that i bring to my work to say we are going to work with the private sector and home builders to increase three million homes increased by three million... Read more

Trump ate all the baits #hasanabi #hasanpiker #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate thumbnail
Trump ate all the baits #hasanabi #hasanpiker #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate

Category: Entertainment

Trump is definitely not going to do another debate he got fing clobbered dude he got dookie on and just like joe biden actually he kind of did it to himself like kla harris did a really good job baiting donald trump but donald trump did not have to eat the bait he could have like presented himself as... Read more