Kamala Harris CNN interview: Israel And The Border | Hasanabi Reacts

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:50:44 Category: Entertainment

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like literally I will melt migrants myself personally I'll kill Guatemalan myself okay you don't understand how rer I am okay I love I love the wall build the wall so dumb what a over corrective nonsense okay okay um another issue big one is immigration as vice president you were tasked with addressing the root causes of migration uh in southern countries and northern part of Central America the northern part of of of of Central America that deals with that affects the southern border of the US during the Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings why did the Biden Harris Administration wait three and a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh the root causes work that I did as vice president that I was asked to do by the president has actually resulted in a number of benefits including historic Investments by American businesses in that region um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this that Joe Biden and I and our Administration worked with members of the United States Congress on an immigration uh issue that is very significant to the American people and our security which is the Border she's like build the wall build the wall build the wall build the wall immigrants are rapists you're right Dana Republicans are right we all know it Guatemalans are entering our communities specifically with one goal in mind stealing our jobs stealing our groceries stealing the homes and also doing rape okay everybody knows this we've already completely seated ground to the Republicans on this insane rhetoric build the wall I'm a big Advocate we got to build the wall okay they took our jobs brother they are even taking our criminal jobs yeah by the way of course uh a big part of the reason why there uh was a ton of more migrants coming over the border is the Trump Administration making the economy Scream by their own words uh this is what they did to Venezuela while on the other hand also offering TPS to Venezuelan migrants that's why so many people uh are coming from these places that are unimaginably sanctioned in hell and and uh you know great stuff overall but hey let's not get into that that's a totally separate issue let's get back to what she and through bipartisan work including some of the most conservative members of the United States con why is that a flex you are a Democrat you are running on a platform of change you are a Democrat please please why are you saying this okay why are you oh my God there is it the irony here is that there is no compromise in this situation there is no compromise in the situation because it's just a pure right-wing bill it literally has millions of dollars millions of dollars allocated to building a stupid border wall that's not going to do anything okay and it's ironic because not only is it not going to do anything but they also actively campaigned against it for like eight years not even just four they actively campaigned against it during the Trump Administration and they kept talking against it even after the Trump Administration was over what the what are you doing Congress a bill was crafted which we supported which I support and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would have it contributed to securing our border and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward the bill a border security bill that would have put 1500 more agents on the border and let me tell you something the border patrol endorsed the we definitely need that we need, 1500 more agents On the Border dude that's what we need that's where the investment needs to be going to by the way notice how not a single American ever ask how are we going to pay for this when we're talking about beefing up our border security okay a completely wholly unnecessary silly idiotic notion okay born out of right-wing hysteria and white supremacy white nativist anti-immigrant sentiment is completely ridiculous it is made up this is a country that relies on migration okay this is a country that has been a dominant force on this planet due to migration we have not run into the same problems okay we have not run into the same problems that other developed Nations have run into as a direct consequence of our more tolerant tolerant approach to migration it is crazy Bill and I'm sure and I'm large part because they knew they were working around the clock and 1,500 more agents would help them that bill I feel like this bill is boring unpopular so why do they talk about it so much no it is not boring or unpopular the problem is that because they've completely seated ground and have never counter message against the Republican party on this issue it is not an unpopular bill at all that's the worst problem the worst problem is when the Democrats completely stopped talking about migration and were Running Scared for the first uh for the first half of the Biden Administration and then literally looked at Focus tests uh and focus groups and realized oh my God Americans are bloodthirsty to kill migrants they literally were like oh we're going to kill the migrants too classic classic and you don't have to look further than the past eight years to see the dramatic shift in attitudes in the minds of Americans in terms of how they view migration in general four years under the Trump Administration the media actively shat on Donald Trump and his policies the media liberal media actively shat on Donald Trump the Democrats actively shat on Donald Trump and his policies on immigration okay genuinely they just never stopped and it was it was understandable it was understandable that they never stopped you want to know why they never stopped because it was ridiculous that's the whole point about creating fantasms and scapegoating immigrants or other groups from the top down uh inflicted economic problems is if not immigrants it'll be something else anyways it's how to maintain the status quo of democracy functions through fear and rhetoric yes it's true hold on I know that there's a naysayer in here somewhere who routinely chps at me from a liberal point of view and I want to hear it they're scared of a challenge politicians can change public perception she hasn't one mentioned Mass deportations here as far as I know yes that's the other side okay the other side of this equation is like if you want to talk about it you should at the very least talk about how terrifying Donald Trump's insanely policies are but they're scared because they see the same Pew Center research uh that we see where it says 60% of Americans want Mass deportation so they're too terrified to even make Americans understand what Mass deportation looks like they're too scared they're scared that they're going to talk about the deportations and and promote Donald Trump this way okay because they're [ __ ] they're it's the same principle behind the the the fact that they did not protect abortion rights for years and years and years and they took it for [ __ ] granted and until the very last moment where the Republican agenda actually kicked in and took away women's reproduction the rights did they start campaigning on it and as a matter of fact and once again people forget this Joe Biden and the administration didn't even want to run on abortion at all okay that's how stupid they are sometimes they were forced into running on abortion because the groundwell approach like the actual Grassroots mobilization that uh that came in after women's rights were restricted was too large to avoid too large to ignore Republicans didn't take away women's Reproductive Rights they put it into the hands of the states yeah totally dude that's why every state is like what the are you doing we actually want to vote uh we want to vote to enshrine abortion as a protected medical procedure in the in our state constitutions and then Republicans are actively working against that to try to take that off the ballots or sometimes like in the case of Kentucky even if they do vote overwhelmingly to protect abortion they end up going and saying that we're still going to criminalize anyway shut the up shut your ass up even in goddamn Missouri 54% of missourians currently are are in favor of protecting abortion rights in Missouri do you mean oh it's they they made it states rights yeah like states rights to own slaves right good one ridiculous there's not a single goddamn state in this nation where people are like no actually we should criminalize abortion it doesn't exist it's not a real thing okay that's why it was considered a super president by the three Trump Supreme Court appoin that literally lied to the American public lied to the Senate lied to every single person and said of course we're not going to overturn roie Wade it's a super presedent everybody loves it 75% of Americans consistently say of course they should keep roie Wade is the law of the land making sure that there is a lower limit to what kind of restrictions states can Implement ridiculous Democrats run scared they don't ever they don't ever actually protect their civil liberties and then Republicans take that away because they fight tooth and nail because they do ideologically uh have Investments to their projects even if they are going to incur political uh even if they're going to incur the Wrath of the American public they still do it because they don't care they want to control they want to literally do this they want to do this because they are zealots okay and it's crazy Democrats then turn around and go oh see this is a great gift for us to be able to run on now it blows my goddamn mind and we're doing that on immigration if Donald Trump ends up winning and he starts trying to do concentration camps of the god damn border Americans are going to be screaming bloody murder once again just like they did when Donald Trump was president and he was doing child separation as a deterrence policy okay how quickly you forgot but it will be far too late at that point it will be far too late at that point okay because it will have happened already and then the Democrats will sit there and fundraise off of that death and destruction this is what we do every single time dude it's what we do every single election cycle it's the same song and dance over and over again would have allowed us to increase seizures of fentanyl ask any community in America that has been devastated by fentanyl what passing that bill would have done to address their concern and a pain that they so what audience do you think K thinks she's reging by doing what Trump's doing with abortion but with the wall and other Republicans and genuine question I think it's idiotic she's not going to win a single anti-migrant voter all she's doing is priming her base the base of the democratic party into having anti-migrant sentiment that's it you do not win a single voter on this issue okay all you are doing is actually in the long term one bouldering fascism okay and making it more permissible to have this kind of insanely right-wing slant on immigration even if it is at odds with American Economic Policy even if it is at odds with like obviously any kind of like humanitarian opinion you might have about migrants that are coming over the Border but beyond that all you're doing is priming your base to be right-wing on immigration that's all you've done that's all you've done they experience so you would push that legislation again I just want to ask not only push it I will make sure that it comes to my desk and I would sign it just one other question about uh like literally I will melt migrants myself personally I'll kill a gual and myself okay you don't understand how rer I am okay I love I love love the wall build the wall so dumb what a over corrective nonsense the best way to possibly talk about this if you're if you're locked in on this trajectory okay is obviously four years ago you should have perceived this being an obvious problem because this is a parachute for the Republicans they use it every two years okay oh there's another Caravan coming over suspicious suspicious how there's another Caravan coming over every two years dude all of a sudden it's the only thing you need to talk about oh my God she is literally the child of immigrants okay what the it's so frustrating October Caravan yeah oh yeah oh yeah right now immigration is like definitely much much lower um so it's not even top of mine but it will be there are even Z there there are zero even Centrist policies in that bill it's just 100% Trump's bill that's what people don't understand this is the most anti-migrant Bill since the Chinese Exclusion Act it's also probably unconstitutional because he denies Asylum claims without due process which is against the US treaty obligations that have even been ratified by the US Senate oh yeah it's crazy it is crazy to me like I cannot imagine how the Democrats thought that this was a solid thing to do and how they're still running on it but let's say you're still running on it okay let's say you just can't do anything okay let's say you can't do anything about it it's too you're too locked in never talk about it okay never talk about it when she approaches You On the Border issue okay never talk about like oh I put this bill and Trump killed it blah blah blah he's cynically using migration just talk about how you are a child of migrants America is a nation of immigrants Donald Trump's parents are are are immigrants okay everyone's a goddamn immigrant here what the are we talking about like it's ridiculous it's completely ridiculous these people are playing a formative role in the American economy okay I'm not going to play this stupid ass game Donald Trump wants to do mass mass deportations they have people waving Mass deportation flags at the Republican National Convention do you understand how insane that is not a single person has asked the question how do we do that not a single person has asked the question how how do we pay for it not a single person is even thinking about the economic impact that it will have even if you're not thinking about the humanity of it all because Mass deportation means drag Nets Mass deportation means going in with militarized units okay bortac going in door Todo and nabbing as many migrants as possible and many as many people that they suspect of being migrants as possible it means checkpoints okay it means a two-tier leg legisl uh two-tier legal system court process and you obviously can't Mass Deport 12 million to 15 million Americans okay people living on us soil without obviously speeding up this process that means you're going to put 200 people that you suspect of being Mexican in one courtroom and have the judge go all right you guys are all guilty you're all found guilty of being undocumented and then you're going to ship them off the concentration camps that's precisely what this looks like there is no other way of doing this other than hitlerian Israel style okay that's it that's what they want to do but the problem is no one is talking about this no one on the Democratic party side is even broaching the subject it blows my mind which I support and Donald Trump God word their concern community in America that has been devastated by fentanyl what passing that bill would have done to address their concern the the other part oh my God the fendal part it's like dude are you stupid are you like what happened did the cop Gene kick in like what's going on here AAP assigned cop of birth like is your brain okay you're saying fenel like we're goingon to like you're not even describing how fenel is apprehended at the border okay it has nothing to do with undocumented immigration at all okay that is a lie it is American citizens that are traff fentel trafficking fentel into this country American citizens 90% of all drugs apprehended at the border come in through regular points of entry and 84% to 90% of all of those people who are apprehended are American citizens they are the people trafficking the drugs what are you talking about it's not Guatemalan migrants that are crossing the border with fenel in their pockets dude Jesus Christ I got a piece and a pain that they've experienced so you would push that legislation again I just want to not only push it I will make sure that it comes to my desk and I would sign it just one other question about uh something that you said in 2019 when you first ran there was a debate you raised your hand when asked whether or not uh the Border should be decriminalized do you still believe that I believe there should be consequence we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally and there should be consequence and let's be clear in this race I'm the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who trafficking guns drugs and human beings I'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws and I would enforce our laws as president going I recognize the problem generally speaking how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you've explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I have worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border that value has not changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal organizations violations of American laws regarding the passage illegal P it's crazy how far right we've moved on communicating on this issue okay like I I cannot begin to explain how terrifying a prospect this is okay we are literally conflating migrants with transnational gangs we are conflating migrants with criminals okay drug traffickers kidnappers it's because there isn't a left-wing electoral threat so they feel free to become Republican light yeah it is nutty dude it is nutty how far right we've been become uh on this issue as a nation it is nutty how far the Democratic party has how far right the Democratic party has become on this issue and it is especially frustrating because it is completely born out of Republican panic and steady messaging on the issue it is not a real thing I feel like I'm losing my mind I will never sway away from this point I don't care it is ridiculous and a party that demonstrates their capability of shifting on this issue in a matter of four years while they're in power will concede and capitulate the right-wing framing on every issue okay that means trans people that means black people that means police brutality which they've already done okay it is crazy it's crazy oh what's your overall opinion on immigrants crossing the border illegally genuine question they would never do that if the process of coming in Legally was easier and it should be easier the process of documentation and processing should be made easier that's the only answer to this okay they are not of one mind they are not a monolithic Force they are not crossing the border to do harm to Americans they are looking for the same exact things that you're looking for okay a roof over their heads a better future for themselves and their children okay yes as gabin once said piracy is a service problem okay as the Great Hero gabin once famously said piracy is a service problem okay illegal immigration is simply a matter of processing that's it remember when you and I were arguing for Bernie in 2020 and liberals were like the public option is more realistic trust us now they won't even talk about Healthcare at all as it is more unaffordable than ever EX exactly because they never wanted to fight for it anyway as I as we correctly called out as this stands currently immigrant labor or undocumented migrant labor is used as a depressive force on the existing the existing documented labor force in this country the solution to that is not to like do hitlerian style concentration camps and mass deportation of people suspected of being an undocumented migrant and all of the undocumented migrants the solution to that is to process them document them and allow them to participate in the labor force with the same exact rights that the document the US Labor Force has and allow them to unionize as well that's it that's how you do it passage of guns drugs and human beings across our border my values have not changed so that is the reality of it and four years of being vice president I'll tell you one of the the the aspects to your point is traveling the country extensively I mean I'm here in Georgia I think somebody told me 17 times since I've been vice president in Georgia alone I believe it is important to build consensus and it is important to to to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems on that note you had a lot of Republican speakers at the convention will you appoint a republican to your cabinet yes I would anyone in I would no one no one in particular in mine I got a we got 68 like people's people heard this and were like oh dude you're silly like it plays well to the moderate blah blah blah and it's like no no room for capitulating okay the Republicans actively polarize the country against the Democrats and then the Democrats run the Republicans okay I don't understand why they do this you are running against a republican you are a Democrat shut the up why why are you why are you saying this it doesn't make any sense dude like people are like oh it'll be a position oh it's it's great it plays well to the moderates or whatever it's like dude what are you talking about you're a goddamn Democrat stop making excuses for The Psychotic Republican party what the wrong with you that so no bipartisanship what are you talking about dude live in the real world there is no bipartisanship it's just bipartisanship is a code word for Republican agenda being passed by democrats she literally just brought up a bipartisan bill that has nothing in it for Democrats nothing it was written by some of the most conservative republicans in Congress okay what is that where's the bipartisanship bipartisanship does not mean you are pushing a right-wing Bill written by Republicans that will enact a republican agenda but you're a Democrat pushing it so all of a sudden it's automatically bipartisan what are you talking about and it doesn't make sense that you're smiling and thinking fondly about the the idea of like a Republican in your cabinet okay because every other moment when you're running up against the Republican party you're openly communicating that these guys are demons that they took away your abortion rights that they literally are doing project 2025 so that doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense at all you're like these guys are all trying to create this incredibly complex uh system that will destroy the Regulatory Agencies they want to do project 2025 they want to do checkpoints for abortion in States so they could catch people doing Interstate travel uh to to go get an abortion and then you're like but some of them are very nice and I would like them to be a part of my cabinet like what are you saying this question is also never really presented to the Republicans by the way they asked they asked Joe Biden this question uh they asked Hillary Clinton this question they asked Obama this question they all did it they all also to a certain degree will uh either keep the Republicans that were appointed or put Republicans in the cabinet but it's like the Republicans never do that where's the Goddamn Democrat in the Republican leadership where's the Goddamn Democrats in the Republican cabinets as a matter of fact they literally are so far right sometimes they call the Republicans in their existing cabinet Democrats or rhinos remember Jim Comey RF okay come on guys come on we're having a serious conversation okay we're having a serious conversation please be for real okay oh RFK sure Jesus christ8 days to go with this election so I'm not putting the car before the horse but I I think it's really important I I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion I think she's just trying to stop the vital and bring people together which I hope is something that can happen but she's not doing it the right way no no there is no stopping the vitory all and bring people together this an argument dog you know who else tried to do that Joseph Robin and Brandon and they said he was either brain broken which he was and an old daughtering old fool or when he was able to get the drug cocktail correct and actually had like a solid speech they would say he's scary and is calling the rest of the country animals and fascists which they are FDR brought the country together by beating the Republicans into the dirt exactly EX exactly also diversity of opinion is insane for a democratic Presidential nominee to say diversity of opinion is is crazy to me okay I'm old enough to remember the gamergate era online diversity of opinion is a right-wing op okay it is a way to sneak in Nazis into the conversation that's why you only heard people say what about the diversity of opinion from straight up and I'm not like I'm not saying like oh Republicans are all fascists they're all na like like actual white supremacist Nazis who call themselves openly white supremacist Nazis say what about the diversity of opinion okay the diversity of opinion never includes any kind of actual socialists or any kind of actual lefting uh leftist uh uh attitudes okay it is only it only goes far right the same principle behind Free Speech okay they love saying Free Speech only when it's Nazis and I think it's important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views different experiences and I think um it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my cabinet who was a republican I want to ask you about your opponent Donald Trump um I was a little bit surprised people might be surprised to hear that you have never inter acted with him met him face to face that's going to change soon but what I want to ask you about is what he said last month he suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes questioning a Corp Park when is she going to start talking about Israel man your identity yeah any same old tired Playbook next question please oh by the way Banger that was a banger okay props where props is due okay Kam haris does not step on these landmines at all straight up straight up she doesn't play that game I really respect that that is actually one of the things that she has actually deviated away from the Hillary Clinton style of campaigning that I do appreciate I think like the the Joseph Robin at Brandon method kind of forced the the Democratic party's hand into like dropping the identity like no more I'm with her no more ceilings nonsense no more like oh he's attacking me I said this before they should never do that they should never talk about that unless it is directly about tangible policies okay the way that people uh are harmed by these kinds of attitudes being demonstrated by Republicans because it leads to Awful right-wing uh uh policy solutions that end up harming half the country okay it's great she didn't play that at all okay well hos actually said something good about that wait first of all I recognize that she stood on business in terms of like her defense of the previous administration's accomplishments like the IRA um that is that was good I think she did a good job with that and this is another thing that she's doing a good job at I am not like anti-la Harris unconditionally because I hate her I am critical of KLA Harris because I demand more from people that I might end up voting for okay not to say that that I am mind you I am not saying that at all anyway let's continue that's it that's it okay um let's talk about some foreign policy uh issues that would be yeah that was good that was a great answer I don't play that that whatever because guess what dude and I I've thought about this a lot it's because she's not a white woman okay or also a narcissistic white woman that's where KLA Harris that's where kamla Harris's lived experience comes into play okay as a black woman in the United States of America she knows she can't be like Oh I'm going to be the first black woman to be in power and and and think that that is going to be a successful narrative whereas Hillary Clinton as a narcissistic conservative white woman literally thought she could be running on this like I'm with her I'm putting the team on my back vote for me just because I'm a woman you can't do that okay people need to First believe that you are going to do good things for them and then they'll be excited for you they're not just going to be excited for you because you're a woman okay just like exactly I was about to say this Obama didn't run on being a black man either okay that's the difference that's the difference the reason why she's not doing the identity politics game and the way that Hillary Clinton did is because she's a black woman okay and she knows as a black woman that you can't do that and like have people go oh hell yeah I'm so stoked she's already a black woman she's wearing it on her face everybody knows her identity you don't have to constantly recycle it okay she knows that's it I like Hillary Hillary has nothing to do with this Hillary has everything to do with this what are you talking about she's not black lamu she's Indian yeah you're right dude yeah you you can't be black and Indian like you can't be born to a to a black father and Indian mother that's just not allowed I'm also anti- misation also it's a really good answer because it completely deflates a trump attack Point what are they going to do press the issue it's the same issue that makes them look super unpopular it literally just leaves a strain on our campaign exactly that was actually one of the highest marks uh I I give KL Harris in terms of like dealing with that and I I do give him props for never even broaching the subject matter okay on your plate if you become commander-in-chief uh President Biden has tried unsuccess F uh to end the between Israel and Hamas in Gaza he's been doing it for months and months along with you would you do anything differently for example would you withhold some us shipments to Israel that's what a lot of people on the Progressive left want you to do is it a lot of people on the Progressive left because last time I checked all polling shows that it's not just people on the Progressive left it is literally the entirety of the democratic party's base of support okay 80% of Democrats want to push for a ceas buyer and do so by denying transfers okay the very same the there is a majority of moderates who want the same thing okay the idea that this is a progressive left issue from Dana fash is ridiculous is ridiculous framing okay ridiculous framing let's hear what she has to say here we might not like it no I already know I listened to this last night live I hated it it was awful yeah let me be very clear I am unequivocal and and unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself and that's not going to change but let's take a step back October 7 1200 people many young people who were attending a music festival oh women were horribly raped as I said then I say today Israel had a right has a right to defend itself we would she should have said Israel had a right to defend itself not the way that it is right now that would have been a banger that would have actually cut away from Biden in a very meaningful way if she said Israel had a right to defend itself on October 7 which it completely gave up on by you know unleashing new layers of Hell upon Palestinian children again door knocking okay I'm out there I'm out there baby and there's still plenty of that I disagree with her on anyway let's continue and how it does so matters far too many innocent Palestinians have been and we've got to get a what as an anti-zionist Israeli born Jew I don't think your take on Comm Israel views as fairis since it ignores that over 60% of Israeli Chatters still love to see the top of the Y break that's really up that's up that is why are Chatters giving alley oops to other Chatters y'all are coordinating okay I don't like it I don't like it at all I don't like the coordination I don't like that you guys are organizing how about you organize for a better future not organized to serve ads at the top of the hour how about that that's crazy that's crazy doing teamwork in here that's at the top of the hour there's a three minute ad break if you no longer want to see those ads all you need to do is subscribe which you could do for $5 or sorry $6 or for free with a twitch prime or you can get gifted a sub if you're lucky use a 3-minute ad break now do you support policies like promoting sex changes for children what what the are you talking about dog what are you talking about where on the planet do you think this is happening okay there is not a single per there's not a single place on the planet where there is sex changes happening for children okay you might be thinking of like medical procedures such as after uh after talking Consulting with medical professionals I saw on Twitter LW I'm going to I'm Brian me thank God thank God that the people making decisions usually aren't people who go I saw something on Twitter and I believed it do you think K handled that question well given the pressure of Apex no and suck my dick APAC okay APAC can suck me from the back and the front no KLA Harris is doing a horrible job with this this is like one of her weakest angles in my opinion what the is apack bro what do we what do we do with a foreign a foreign Lobby is supposed to be holding us at gunpoint like holding our politics hostage get the out of here no a deal done we we were in Doha MH we have to get a deal done this war must end and we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out I've met with the families of the American hostages let's get the hostages out let's get the ceasefire done but no change in policy in terms of arms and and so forth no we have to get a deal done D now of course Dana is not going to uh press the issue further because she got what she wanted okay she got what she wanted ironic however because this is this is the worst possible way to answer this question okay time is running out in terms of forcing Israel to to come to terms with the ceasefire deal that has been in place for months at this point time is also running out in terms of kamla Harris separating herself from this losing issue okay Joe Biden has been objectively unpopular on this Donald Trump was beating Joe Biden by double digits on the issue of Israel okay he benefits quite a bit from not having to be the president presiding over the situation okay and that is precisely the reason why people make up their own uh opinions people project their own opinions onto what Donald Trump will do in terms of Israel okay this does not mean that people are like excited at the prospect of like increasing the pressure valve of increasing the pressure of on the Palestinian population there are plenty of Republicans who do want that but by and large there are plenty of people who literally look to what Biden is doing and see that it is unconscionable and think maybe Trump will be different they are daring to dream okay they're wrong but that's not how people operate okay they don't this is not how they make this political calculation seeing all of that and seeing the polling that shows that people do want this to end consistently for the past six seven months at this point kamla Harris has to break away from the Biden Administration okay she has to now I know this is not top of mind for a lot of Americans okay it's not certainly a lot of Americans care more about the economy than they do about Israel Palestine okay but there are plenty of people who do care about it okay and every time she goes on the record in public whether it be a campaign stop or whether it be this interview every single time she comes out and runs towards Joseph Robin at Brandon and his failure to deal with this she ends up losing more support on this issue while simultaneously reminding everybody that it's still ongoing and that she's riding with Biden on it n oh okay why even ask this after DNC speech does she think Kam Kamala all of a sudden Kam all of a sudden going to shift a strong strong a soldier they're asking this because this is a very valid ask okay new morning consult Bloomberg News pole Wisconsin plus N9 Pennsylvania Harris up uh by three points neeva Harris Up by 4 50% Georgia Harris up by three Michigan Harris 49 to Trump's 47% up by two okay this is a good ass poll by the way this is the first time she's been pressed on the arms embargo directly I think exactly exactly all of this with the exception of Wisconsin is in a margin of error within a margin of error okay all the while Israeli military launches a fatal air strike on humanitarian Aid convoying all the while there is consistent polling that show unimaginable L okay especially because in the simplest terms if there was any issue that Biden was polling this unfavorably on okay and she tied herself to Biden when she has a unique opportunity herself from Biden that's why she is now the presidential candidate and not Joseph Robin at Brandon and she didn't take that opportunity you'd be screaming bloody but on Israel it's like everyone is too is too scared everyone's like oh well the Dems probably know something we don't okay the Dems probably know something that we don't okay and this is important to understand okay this is kamla Harris saying she will disregard us in international law by sending to a government committing human rights violations okay far too many innocent Palestinians have been but that she would not change policy and withholding even some to Israel this was my take on it I said KLA Harris is not going to separate herself from Biden and straight up refus an arms embargo on Israel to get them to agree to Biden ceasefire proposal it's something that large SWAT swats of Americans want okay writing this from North Hassam KLA Harris is a war criminal who's complicit in this okay so this is a journal in I saw the funniest thing I have seen so far Liberals are even scolding Palestinians who are surviving through the being carried out by the current Administration for not being critical enough of trump interesting noticing ham has not talked about Trump many of us predicted that liberals would continue to use Trump as a as their performative moral limus test for years after his first inauguration such that a decade later we're still hearing do you really want Trump to win after seeing the current admin carry out a holocaust liberals either still don't understand or are pretending that our problem does not lie with the candidate but with the entire us electoral system and the permanent power structures overseeing it we don't give up who the next better candidate is we've seen and heard it all before I know it was in my replies I know this man who is literally in North as a journalist currently documenting to the best of his ability the ongoing of his people says K is a war criminal whose complicity and the response is oh well I guess you want Trump to win sweetie like how like this is just the worst this is no longer poor taste this is just like you're an animal I know he was in my replies I know for all the libs doing lesser evil arguments just know that your continued capitulation will result in the thems eventually adopting the anti-g gromer anti-lgbt rhetoric in a few short years to appeal to the moderate voter mark my words of exactly immigration was one of the most important subjects in the 2020 election and the Democrats did a full 180 off of that that what makes you think trans people who represent an even smaller percentage of the voter eligible population will not be on The Chopping Block it's just simply a talking point okay the pro ceas firing voter block is bigger than RFK Jr spoiler blade spoiler base oh oh my God it's like when that lib tweeted to that mass shooting victim in 2022 to register to vote yeah exactly it's so crazy even more importantly isan how does America's foreign policy with Israel affect you personally as an American living in the United States your day-to-day most Americans are not Palestinians or Israelis FYI what a great question let me tell you okay one on principle I am anti okay so if a country is doing it I want to stop it okay and if we are giving the country doing the I find that ridiculous and uncashable but beyond that if you were to um I don't know have a soulless bloodless attitude in this situation I also don't like that we're spending an ungodly amount of money on Israel's as an American taxpayer who pays a lot more tax than you do Michael datson I find it ridiculous that we are spending all of this tax revenue on so that Israel can melt babies okay what a ridiculous situation without our unconditional loyalty and support to Israel they would not be able to melt babies it's that simple so it's your way or the highway that's not how this works okay well then I'm not voting you know what I mean then don't chirp if I'm that powerful individually if I'm that powerful uh on my own then listen to my words okay you can't also on the one hand be like shut the up M you're worthless and then also complain that like I have to do the right thing and immediately endorse kamla Harris it doesn't work that way yeah I'm selfish dude I'm selfish about dead babies you know I think it's ridiculous also wanted to let you know Co at convention CAU Co at convention bunch of friends testing positive way too late to my case super duper Malo take care of yourself yeah I'm good on that front lives don't understand that trans people are already on the chopping block under the Biden admin of their interpretations of Title Nine specifically allow Republicans to get away with discrimination in sports in schools and they've already changed the language on gender affirming care to minors yeah I saw that as well hi Haitian chatter the Biden admin went rightwing on the border the minute Biden got uh into Biden 2021 or 2022 is deported Haitian immigrants uh more Haitian immigrants than Trump has under his presidency Biden has been rightwing on the border for years now and Dems are following suit I know I talked about this in 2021 uh a chatter found out that it took me 3 months to start complaining about Biden's uh Biden's border policies three months into the Biden Administration I was ripping him on the border there's video evidence of this I specifically talk about how if the Democrats capitulate the right-wing framing on the issue of the Border this is going to be a major problem the media is going to tackle the Border issue from a right-wing slant and people are going to become more reactionary On the Border Biden must not capitulate if he does we are going to go more far right on the issue of dealing with migrants it is going to be devastating 3 years later we are we are there we are now there yeah um new Trump flip on abortion yeah we're going to talk about that hold on let me finish this part up okay uh Texas Senate candidate Colin Al says there's no more practical military goal that Israel can achieve in Al also said the US should consider withholding some Aid to Israel if it can pressure Israel to finalize a deal which by the way is in line with Israel's own uh military officials as well Daniel hagari himself said there is no military solution meanwhile Israeli strikes Aid Convoy organized by us humanitarian group 5 they uh Ana uh a a humanitarian uh Convoy organized by us-based humanitarian Aid group okay anira and five they shot at the world food program yesterday they another humanitarian Aid group today okay the hosb is already out they're saying the five dead that took over the Convoy No One Believes this anymore okay absolutely No One Believes this anymore No One Believes it Dana we have to get a deal done when you look at the significance of this to the families to the people who are living in that region a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war but will unlock so much of what must happen next I remain committed I just want to point out once again okay I want to point out once again that kamla Harris is trailing behind Donald Trump on Israel Palestine okay KLA Harris is I believe Five Points behind Donald Trump she's closer to Donald Trump on Israel Palestine than Joe Biden was Joe Biden was trailing by double digits Americans when pulled think that Joe Biden was 10 to 20 points worse than Donald Trump on dealing with Israel Palestine okay if that does not tell you that Americans are frustrated with the current Administration and that kamla has to break away from it I don't know what to tell you okay why is kamla Harris closer to Donald Trump on her uh uh on on public opinion on Israel Palestine like who would be better because she's not Biden but every single time she comes up uh and and goes on the main stage and makes it a matter of public record that she is riding with Biden on this she is going to get less popular on this issue since I've been on October 8 to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and in equal measure the pal Palestinians have security and self-determination and and dignity governor

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