Brian Taff's Full Interview With VP Kamala Harris | Hasanabi React

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:41:31 Category: Entertainment

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of reality okay it's elusive it's no longer a reality we need more houses so we can fix the goddamn housing market so that rent prices come down the rent is too damn High earlier today gave an interview to a a a Singler a singular a single sit down interview to local a local Philadelphia uh Action News okay how is a poliy she literally outlined policies oh my God liop phonics dial it back please okay okay okay wonderful good awesome B vice president pleasure to meet you thanks for your time today our audience appreciate your time as of course as you know we're sitting here in a state and arguably in front of an audience that 54 days from now could decide the outcome of this presidential election you hear it more than I do people want to know more about you and about your specific plans at the debate the other night you talked about creating an opportunity economy I wonder if we can drill down on that a little bit when we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that well I'll start with this um I grew up a middle class kid my mother raised my sister and me she worked very hard um she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager I grew up in a community of hardworking people you know construction workers and nurses and teachers and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience you know if but a lot of people will relate to this you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn you know and and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity and that we as Americans have a beautiful character you know we have Ambitions and aspirations these reads is like to maybe not as bad as like Hillary Clinton in general but like too much too much space too much filler this is harder than a goddamn this is harder than a goddamn toway filler episode because they caught up to the original manga type you know what I mean anyway you have an economy of words you have a finite amount of time if you are seemingly running out the clock people are going to get annoyed and dreams but not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and Ambitions so when I talk about building an opportunity economy it is very much with the mind of investing in the Ambitions and aspirations and the and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunity for people for example to start a small business my mother you know worked long hours and our neighbor helped raise us we used to call her I still call her our second mother she was a small business owner I love our small business owners I learned who they are from my childhood and she was I will once again ask the question who do you think what do you think is the larger number of Voters in totality people who own small businesses people want to start small businesses or people who work for small businesses or just work in general before you say oh this is for Philadelphia that same principle holds in Philadelphia as well okay Pennsyvania is not like you know outside of the bounds of reality where there's just magically more small business owners and small business owners uh and and people who want to start small businesses than actual people who currently have issues with the economy okay not everyone can be a small business owner why don't they get that it's just it's just silly wouldn't this be better if she framed a supporting small business will create jobs and help employees make more money not necessarily true but wasn't that sound better no what she should do is say we want to expand social safety nets in this country to help American workers who have for far too long been sold out by both parties okay this will also obviously improved the standing of small businesses and the American industrial Force as a power player in the global economy because as my vice presidential candidate Tim Waltz coach Waltz expertly showed in the beautiful state of Minnesota when you pass with slim margins a bill that offers Paid Family Leave small business also get to compete with big businesses that have generated a lot more revenue and can offer these amenities at ease this way small businesses no longer have to worry about certain health care costs or certain costs of operating the business in terms of their workers because we will take care of that this is how you Institute Market reform and make the americ American economy more competitive overall that way you present a pro workingclass message that literally expands to the broadest demographics and on top of that you present your argument in a way that also helps small businesses but she's not doing that because her policy prescriptions are not actually focused on the broadest demographic of Americans Americans who are wage laborers okay 1099 employees or W2 employees doesn't matter playing an imagination land no what I'm describing isn't some communist idea either comrade Perry this is like super simple like 19 let's say 1960s Democratic party messaging okay this is just New Deal Democrat messaging okay if you are actually a new deal Democrat then this is what you would say this is super basic but we have by way of thir way politics and Reaganomics and neoliberalism as a whole okay completely gutted that aspect I didn't make a bold declaration to just like undermine uh the the entire capitalist uh hegemonic status I am simply saying you should expand on social safety nets you shouldn't be afraid to push for social safety nets and expansion of social safety nets and while you're doing that you can present it as an argument that is also beneficial for small businesses because it is beneficial for small businesses the problem with you're thinking that our small businesses owners are simply our swing voters and working-class people are already voting Democratic no you just made that up you made that up you made that up in your mind you're saying small business voters are owners are swing voters and what you're trying to say as swing voters is you're trying to say that they're right-wing okay they're right-wing but with a proclivity to vote uh for the liberal okay what does that mean what does a swing voter mean in the way that you're trying to use it I also said that messaging around small businesses by pushing for policies that help everyone and then saying this also helps small businesses still arrives at the same point that is pro small business interesting that that favorite centrus poster blueprint blueprint I think not blueprint found that three worst messages from the Harris on the night were one how great the border security bill was two the tax deduction for small businesses and three the vow to not ban fracking I rest my case I rest my case here is the empirical evidence to show exactly what I'm telling you when I tell you when it's happening in the moment it's a prediction this is no longer a prediction this is just a fact okay I love our small businesses my plan is to get $50,000 in tax deduction to start up small businesses knowing they are part of the backbone of the American economy 39% polling I will not ban fracking 31% the United States Congress including some of the most conservative members of the United States came up with a border security bill which I supported 42% let's look at some other ones we need a president who actually brings up vows in a perspective that is about lifting people up and not people beating uh not beating people down great message great message it's not policy but it actually shows the clear-cut differences between Donald Trump and herself I do believe that the vast majority of us know we have so much more in common than what separates us and we don't want this kind of approach that is constantly trying to divide us especially by race we see in each other a friend a neighbor we won't we don't want a leader who's constantly trying to have Americans point fingers at each other great message things that I've also said about like on your neighbors that's what Donald Trump wants Donald Trump wants you to be afraid of your neighbors when talking about migrants I've talked with women around our country of course the you know abortion one was incredibly solid as well now let's get to actual polic since I've been Vice President we have capped the cost of prescription medication for seniors at $2,000 a year and when I am President we will do that for all people Health Care should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it and the plan has to be to strengthen the Affordable Care Act not get rid of it 58% interesting so when I yell from the rooftops about how you should at least talk about expanding Medicare to like you know Medicare eligibility to like 55 years old to capture an entire group of high propensity voters with a policy measure that isn't even bold at all turns out not necessarily a bad thing I will be president I will protect our fundamental rights and including our freedoms for a right to for a woman to make decisions about her own body anyway I really think like you said they're scared of Republicans man not like Obama doing it and lost it so why are Dems more scared to be Progressive pres when is clearly on paper popular it's not that they're scared of Republicans it's that they're scared of their donors that's it it's not because the public demanded Joe Biden drop out it was the donors that demanded Joe Biden drop out and Nancy Pelosi responded to the donor pressure not necessarily the public pressure I just talked to my mom and frame waltz's free School meals is saving people money cuz middle-income families don't have to spend money on their children's lunches during the school year yep anyway where's the lethal fighting force you said it's decently popular oh is this the one I believe in what we can do together is that is about sustaining America standing in the world and ensuring we have the respect so that we rightly deserve including respecting our military and ensuring we have the most lethal fighting force in the world GH gross how much you want to bet if she I mean look there's no counterfactual here but if she probably took that out of that uh equation the lethal part of it she probably would get a stronger point on this message too I didn't even hear the lethal fighting force part though in her conversation that night 51% means it's not popular I mean it's pretty popular you have to also look at like what's the most popular here though I think I will not divide us but I will bring us together and like Donald Trump is actually doing the unnecessary divisive rhetoric is not necessarily a bad thing okay especially if you're going to talk about it expertly in terms of immigration but you also need to call in call that out a little bit more anyway interesting most effective the classic bring us together by bipartisan pum not surprising also not too surprising that fracking is last that's directed almost entirely at PA the only swing state that has a lot of it and most people aren't starting a small business majority of PA W uh voters want it phased out or banned and that's been consistent for about four years yeah energy and immigration are tough issues for Democrat says blueprint the centrus pollster responding the most persuasive proactive messages typically come from Democrat strengths EG Healthcare and abortion however taking more moderate STS on these issues and concrete policy change can dramatically reduce the surface of attacks from Republicans yeah it doesn't matter because obviously it doesn't play that well it doesn't play that well at all yeah they've been calling KLA Harris uh a a communist dude they've been calling her communist Harris comrade Harris it doesn't change anything you saying I'm not a communist I hate Communists is not going to change that Dynamic these people think you're a pedophile vampire okay it's it's ridiculous it's completely ridiculous it's so dumb Pete Budaj I can't believe I'm saying this said it best in 2019 they're going to call you a communist anyway just point to things that actually help people that's what he said that was Pete B miss their messaging himself okay he was right they're going to call you a communist anyway just who cares yeah that was Peak Buddha judge a a community leader she hired locally she mentored our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities not to mention really I think the back backbone of America's economy can you please not reference sexual abuse wait what what did I say my opportunity economy plan includes giving startups a $50,000 tax deduction reminder the question to her was bringing down prices making life more affordable what are the specific things you have in mind for that yeah I gave you guys what I would answer in this situation if I was KLA Harris I tied it back to Tim Walts I tied it back to policies that have worked and messaged it in a way oh it's because I said uh pedophile vampires that's what it is I mean that's what the Republicans do say what the what do you want me to do to start their small business it used to be $5,000 nobody can start a small business with $5,000 but investing in people's in like she's still talking about small business I'm GNA Brian me dude holy holy it's Brian me time what the what the what the what the ain't nobody cares about that man that's so dumb I can't believe that's your most prominent economic policy godamn godamn godamn it just seems out of place like look small business are great and all but our rent is expensive we can't even afford that how are we going to start a business L thank you exactly even lib drive not megap phonics who is now officially the biggest liberal in the chat liop phonics is actually is out living lib Drive okay this man has been consistently following me since 2019 and every election cycle since 2019 he's coming in here and just saying the most liberal you've ever heard and even he's like yeah this doesn't make any sense meanwhile liba phonics is like bro what theck are we talking about she's talking about policy 50k for small businesses like that's not 50k for startups is not a good policy man it sucks ass you consistently misrepresent me but it's okay I'll Stick Around damn dude okay now I feel bad he's already getting yelled at by Republicans we have to protect we have to protect megap phonics okay we have to protect him he's getting attacked by the right he got featured on Tim pool apparent that's so funny they put him on timcast bro oh no inovative ideas and giving them the ability to go for it um opportunity econ economy means look we don't have enough housing in America we have a housing Supply shortage and what that means in particular for so many younger Americans the American dream is elusive it's just actually not attainable so part of my plan is to work with the private she should have cut all of this and literally started with the American dream especially for Young Americans is no longer a reality okay it's elusive it's no longer a reality we need more houses so we can fix the goddamn housing market so that rent prices come down the rent is too damn High we don't have a housing Supply shortage why is she lying in high density urban areas we do have a housing supply problem of course across the board when you look at the entirety of the United States of America we do not okay she's talking about places where people actually live now of course there are still places in even uh in high density urban areas where there's like still a bunch of empty apartments that is also true okay but that number dramatically decreases that number dramatically decreases when you look at available housing units in a place like Los Angeles versus how many homeless people are there in comparison to Wyoming which is not a real State any younger Americans the American dream is elusive it's just actually not attainable so part of my plan is to work with the private to give them yeah I don't want to live in but Idaho sorry chatter well that's kind of funny you say that because like even in places like but Idaho or also known as Springfield Ohio when people do move in they get real ass mad about it they're like oh what the you mean hold on now hold on now I didn't mean black people I don't mean like that they must be eating the dogs or something I'm a tax credit to be able to partner with us as the government to build and my goal is 3 million new homes by the end of my first term in addition to help people I also I hate this I hate this I want I want her to I want her to be like listen we're making a job jobs program we're making a jobs program we got to build some goddamn houses okay I'm going to put these to work good highp paying jobs so you can build some houses once and for all federal jobs program okay I'm opening up the money faucet and I'm giving money I'm giving you money okay you want to build a house I'm going give you money okay I'm going to give you the money to make the house not 50,000 to buy the house I'm doing a federal jobs program we're building housing units 3 million of them you're writing KLA fanfic bro she never going to say this I know she's not I'm just telling you how sick it would be if she did people who just want to get their foot in the door literally and so giving firsttime home buyers a $25,000 down payment assistance to be able to just get in the door and then they will do the work that they need to do to save and to pay that mortgage and to build wealth for themselves and their family these are some examples of what I mean when I talk about an opportunity economy and a lot of it has to do with just the community I was raised in and the people that I you know I admired who work hard you know and deserve to have you know their dreams fulfilled cuz they're prepared to work for it she has still yet to talk about the $6 she's going to give every American taxpayer so they can avoid the top ofth hour ad break which is in my opinion kind of I thought the hassabi voter block was a very important constituency of 28,000 voters in the state of Pennsylvania specifically in Erie Township or Erie County okay and we are all undecided voters deciding whether or not we're going to vote for Comm Harris or the couch okay and there has been no movement on this front at all here's the three minut ey break now you talk at the debate and at previous appearances about turning the page on the past and in fact here today in Johnstown you're talking about a new way forward I think some people have a question given maybe your current role as Vice President of the United States how different you are from Joe Biden and so I wonder if there are one or two spots policy areas or approaches where you would say I'm a different person well I'm obviously not Joe Biden and um you know I I offer a new generation of leadership and so for example thinking about developing and and creating an opportunity economy where it's about investing in areas that really need a lot of work and maybe focusing on again the aspirations and the dreams but also just recognizing that at this moment in time some of the stuff we could take for granted years ago we can't take for granted anymore um for example another um plan that I have that is a new approach is to expand the child tax credit to $6,000 for young families for the first year of their child's life because that is obviously a very critical stage of development of a child and a lot of young parents need the help to buy a car seat or this is um this is actually a really really great graph that uh a chatter brought forward that actually kind of corresponds to the point I'm making in terms of like housing availability like vacant units versus homelessness um so if you look at like the top 20 cities where you have the highest ratio of vacant homes to people experiencing homelessness number one is Detroit number two is Syracuse New York number three is St Louis okay number four is Lakeland Florida now when you look at this when you look at this ratio of available units to homelessness okay you immediately recognize you immediately recognize one thing okay why is it ordered like that I don't know with the exception of Chicago illin okay a lot of these places are places where like industry is left there's still there used to be life there there used to be a city there there used to actively be people living there okay but it's no longer like a very uh densely populated area and there's still a [ __ ] ton of homelessness there even though there is a lot uh a lot of vacant properties but when you recognize when you recognize like like places like Los Angeles California don't have that same level of readily available housing in comparison to the number of homeless people that is one because there's a [ __ ] ton of homeless people and two not as much readily available vacant housing so this is why I always say this is why I always say this is a two-parter there's certain aspects that people immediately cast aside as like nimbyism or whatever that is true there are vacant properties there are far more vacant properties in this country than there are homeless people okay but in terms of like in terms of looking at high density urban areas okay there needs to be more readily available housing units that's where a lot of the homelessness happens and a big part of the reason why there's a lot of homelessness there is a direct consequence of not having higher density housing available okay that's it ultimately though this problem completely stems from treating every single homeowner treating their house is not a uh is not a place for shelter but instead a place for shelter and also an investment vehicle okay your house is your uh asset that you can leverage against your house is what you P you your house what you borrow money against okay your house is your nest egg your house is your retirement your house is the only way that you can generate generational wealth in this country okay do you get it that is part of the reason why big business have been able to completely capture this Marketplace overtake it and use many of the policies that have been implemented for years and years in an effort to make it easier to purchase a home and and keep that home into a system that is fundamentally broken that's why the idea for a lot of people is that like your value is never supposed to go down it's all it's always supposed to go up no one actually treats it like a investment you get to you get to have your cake and eat eat it too in the United States of America you get to have your cake and eat it too your house is your place of shelter but it's also your your uh capacity to generate generational wealth so all of a sudden it's not just shelter but it's also an investment vehicle okay what what do you mean I purchased this house if the price goes down you my bag that is the problem this is why I always say we have to decommodify housing we have to decouple the idea that housing is a is a means of of generating income passive income okay that's it because if we were to Simply treat it as a as a mechanism for investment you'd go sucks the suck dog what do you mean like okay your value went down what what what are we talking about here yeah you made you made a purchase you treated it like an investment and then your investment didn't pan out like that's the name of the game why the are you gambling but of course you could never say that and win an election which is which is why I advocate for authoritarian measures that aren't necessarily authoritarian on principle but would be treated as authoritarian by Americans for example if a law passes where you actually do move uh towards decommodifying housing you don't have to do Town Halls on it if a law passes on a ballot measure for example for either rent control or uh I don't know building new additional housing units or building a homeless shelter okay and then you don't have to have Town Halls just do it just do it eminent domain baby it's yours seize it take it it's yours build on it get to work what are we doing what is this the Democracy part already happened why the would you have to go back after the Democracy part already took place and then have to deal with some of the most schizophrenic hitlerite suburbanites that don't want homless people in the neighborhood like shut the up sorry everybody else in the neighborhood voted for us suck my you can call that authoritarian but I call that actually doing democracy okay those Homeless was on their sidewalk anyways regardless lamu no dude I want those homeless to in a bathroom in a permanent housing unit nobody wants to on a sidewalk man you know what I mean ain't nobody wants to on a sidewalk they want to in a bathroom Okay like even even here's the thing even animals feral animals understand the necessity for shelter okay it's like it's not even like a like a obviously human need it is an obviously animal need you know what are we doing a crib or clothes for their kids and so coach is about new ideas new policies that are directed at the current moment and also to be very honest with you my focus is very much in what we need to do over the next 10 20 years to catch up to the 2st century around again capacity but also challenges and Public Safety are two major issues uh right at the Forefront of voter's Minds in Philadelphia as well where is a significant issue when we talk about the conversation turns to gun safety as well and I think you actually probably caught a lot of people off guard maybe a bit by surprise in the debate the other night when you mentioned that you were a gun owner I know you said it in 2019 as well want to talk about your values on this issue when it comes to gun ownership where okay that was two for two man that was as cheeks in terms of responding like her answers were ass this is not going to be good this is not going to read well Chatters stop hallucinating a random like undecided person okay if you're watching Hassan on the weekend yourself chatter do we need to do a do a welfare check on you are you okay dog you're watching Hassan on the weekend are you okay Chatter's Like This Is My Cry for Help do you draw the line in America onun ownership and gun use well like you said Brian I am a gun owner and Tim Walls my running mate is also a gun owner we're not taking anybody's guns away I support the Second Amendment and I support reasonable gun safety laws part of my approach to this is I was a career prosecutor for most of my career I have personally prosecuted homicide cases I have personally looked at autopsies I have personally seen what assault weapons do to the human body they started posted there who are you watching this weekend tweet they usually do guess this shout out to a person that you were listening to the Tweet oh God I hate it I hate it when Dick serto mentions my name because it he just like brings the crazies in here so aggressively and so I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban they're literally tools of War they were literally designed to a lot of human beings quickly I say we need Universal background checks the majority of NRA members support that why cuz it's just reasonable you just might want to know before someone can buy a Lethal Weapon if they've been found by a court to be a danger to themselves or other this is like probably the strongest she is on on all three of the questions so far again not enough RZ but she's right she just might want to know to final questions if I might on the appeal of the man you were running against as you drove here today you likely saw a lot of trump signs he has an historic appeal in this country and as you are someone running against him and trying to understand that I wonder how you distill it what do you understand his appeal to be and how do you speak to his voters or maybe people who just share his values but are open to something else I based on experience and uh and a lived experience no in my heart I know in my soul I know that the vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us and I also believe that I am accurate in knowing that most Americans yeah um question for Chatters in here that always are like no you don't understand she's actually popping off on this or no you don't understand she's actually popping off on that is she popping off on this for you not for not for some like undecided mythical voter that you hallucinated that is going to be really responsive to the things that she's saying but instead like does this does any of that should appeal to you or anyone that you know want a leader who brings us together as Americans and not someone who professes to be a leader who is trying to have us Point our F honestly is she seems Calon normal and like she might try and do stuff still not swung to vote for her yet though because of gasa I love that I I put my Frank luns cap on for a second okay I love when I hear from Chatters who are like listen I like the vibes okay but also I don't like the she's facilitating it so I'm probably not going to vote for her but I like the Vibes overall fingers H each other I think people are exhausted with that approach to be honest I don't think the mythical voters are on the hansi stream no of course not because they don't exist chatter that's what I'm saying remember what I told you every American voter okay and non-voter as well has like five immediate priorities and you can look at that list uh as a hierarchy of of need right every American has this every human has this right immediate priorities and if you want to capture the broadest segment of society you got to look at what their priorities are not by people who are responding to polls necessarily or like what issue do you think the Democrats should be covering but like like analyze the analyze what is happening in terms of like people's material conditions rent and cost of living is a massive priority for the broadest subsect of the American population okay if you honestly look at that recognize it prioritize it put forward clear-cut policy prescriptions prescriptions to this issue okay you will be able to capture the attention of a lot of people you have to also obviously make them believe that you care about this okay but that's it like politics is as simple or as difficult as you uh make it I think people want a leader who has common sense and tries to find Common Ground I'm supported by over 200 Republicans who worked for both presidents Bush John McCain Mitt Romney I'm supported by the former vice president Cheney congress former Congress member Liz chany and I think people are more will now um in light of the the ha and division that we see coming out of Donald Trump to say hey let's let's put country first and I think that just makes us stronger and more healthy as a country to say look we will we can all debate our differences around you know various policies but let's stop with the division like enough of that let's bring everybody together and finally as you introduced yourself to America in a new way they've heard much of your story at the Democratic National Convention in in that debate earlier this week if there's one thing that you would about who kamla Harris is that you don't think they know yet what would that be George W bush famously beat okay famously beat both Al well he didn't beat Al Gore but you know he stole the election from Al Gore and beat John krey in 2 and in 2004 okay George W Bush's vice president was Cheney the one state that George W bush didn't beat Al Gore or didn't beat John car in this despite the fact that he actually won the election was the state of you might have guessed where I'm going with this Pennsyvania okay not Transylvania Pennsylvania okay pa pa you are talking to philadelphians and pennsylvanians okay that's who you're talking to with this that's who you are talking to with this conversation what why are you bringing up an unfavorable person who doesn't even have a constituency in the Republican party but never won Pennsylvania anyway even when he was the vice president there is no good reason to invoke the name of Richard Cheney when you are trying to win Pennsylvania look to the issues that Pennsylvanian voters care about and try to win them over stop running to the bottom stop Running Scared stop imagining some weird like neoliberal Centrist Pennsylvanian out there who's like well I really want a reasonable person who's going to bring back the wars of the past that I despised and never really voted for and I did vote for Donald Trump after I never really voted for George W bush and also Donald Trump literally ran against George W bush and made Hillary Clinton look like George W bush but actually now I'm going to change my mind and vote for the person who George W Bush's vice president the demon himself endorsed who is this for who who you might as well talk about Victor orbon at least I don't know who the he is and he sounds like a like a villain from a comic book who why are they so stupid why why are they so stupid it's like like like you want to win right you want to win right like you don't want to lose you want to win you want to win with like the narratives possible you want to win with the policy possible you want to win by pushing neoliberal uh policies fine but you still don't have to mention Cheney endorsing you that's not like that's not a thing that's not a thing that voters care about how how far is your head stuck up your own [ __ ] to think that like normal Americans are like oh my God Cheney Cheney is endorsing her well by God I never voted for him and I voted for the guy who positioned himself against Cheney but now I'm going to actually swing in the other direction most people at this point either don't know who the Cheney is or they do not remember him fondly the broadest majorities of the American population have recognized the Iraq War as an abject failure okay that's the starting point people either think is an AB failure or their son got their blown off for Cheney okay that's how they remember Cheney as the guy as as the guy responsible for why they only have a earn full of their son's ashes that's what they know Cheney has the guy responsible for that they don't know Cheney as like some Elder Statesman that's like really Reaching Across the aisle like that's wrong with you the last poll I saw had Cheney at a 133% improval rating on yugov yeah Adolf Hitler endorsed me okay sick I don't know I've mean probably it's not very different from anybody watching right now I love my family um one of my favorite things that I lately have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner I love to cook I Chatters are like bro the donor class loves Ching no they don't but even if they did then say that behind closed doors at a $500,000 a plate dinner when you're doing a fundraiser not at ABC 6 Action News exclusive interview for Philadelphian voters oh my God oh my God it's so stupid it's so dumb I have incredible friends my best friend from kindergarten is still my best friend I think that um I mean I have a career that really and I said it the other day you know as a I don't think men CH matters when you have 11 minutes and 19 seconds to make your case in an exclusive interview to a local news station specifically in the heartland of the state that you are trying to win that you are most likely going to lose and then lose the election to Donald Trump on you probably should be using your time wisely stop making excuses for Democratic Party operatives Stop you are not paid by the DNC and if you are paid by the DNC you should listen to what the I'm saying and then get that message across to the goddamn presidential candidate instead of chirping in here and trying to defend the advice you've given her if you actually are a staffer for the comma Harris campaign holy the career prosecutor I never asked a victim of were they a Republican or a Democrat the only thing I ever asked them is are you okay and I think that's the approach that most Americans want regardless of who they voted for in the last election um in terms of turning the page and charting the way forward I imagine you're looking forward to cooking Sunday dinner again I am looking forward I'd love I yes I am looking forward to cooking with the whole family gets involved the kids each have their role yeah well it's a beautiful family and we thank you for your time pleasure meeting you thank you she's not endorsing Cheney is just the way to say that the establishment Republicans are deflecting for her they hope it moves the needle it doesn't because it's not Cheney's Republican party Cheney in his last moments in office had a 133% approval rating it wasn't even Cheney's party when Cheney wasn't office so it doesn't matter that's my argument no one looks at this and goes oh wow establishment Republicans are swinging for her I guess I should too y'all are crazy I promise you kamla Harris does not need you to defend her in this chat okay they don't

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Tim Pool Faces Serious Legal Trouble | HasanAbi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Of this country hey yo what yeah yo this is so awesome this is awesome oh my god i want to ask the pro ukrainian uh uh who constantly were like hassan is the number one enemy of ukraine he's the number one defender of russia how many of these mother spent all this time talking about me and rarely ever... Read more

bert kreischer what`s going on @riteaid???? | hasanAbi react to bert kreischer thumbnail
bert kreischer what`s going on @riteaid???? | hasanAbi react to bert kreischer

Category: Entertainment

You know directly on stream looking at [ __ ] on twitter but you know if anything you made the point that lockdown had no effect on school shootings when you said some still happened during covid anyway i know every single one of assan haters will pump that tweet now since he got mad at it i know but... Read more

Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast | hasanAbi react to Lex Fridman thumbnail
Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast | hasanAbi react to Lex Fridman

Category: Entertainment

Into it more extensively yeah the police chief is taken over by a migrant but you know we left we left 13 dead soldiers think of it 13 dead soldiers many soldiers horrifically hurt with arms and legs and everything else gone um we left hostages behind we left american behind we left military equipment... Read more

Israel is Protesting Against Netanyahu | Hasanabi Reacts thumbnail
Israel is Protesting Against Netanyahu | Hasanabi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Bro they're literally writing scathing letters about like the minutia of benjamin netanyahu's like hold out positions in israel society it's actually shocking it's gotten to a point where it does genuinely feel like a change might occur i'm saying and also obviously i'm going to be covering the israeli... Read more

Inside the Ohio Town with "Cat-Eating" Haitians | Hasanabi & Felix Biederman React to Tyler Oliviera thumbnail
Inside the Ohio Town with "Cat-Eating" Haitians | Hasanabi & Felix Biederman React to Tyler Oliviera

Category: Entertainment

You know the thing that also doesn't make sense if the haitians are eating all the groceries and getting $3,000 a month from the government why the would they steal your cats dog why would they steal your cats to eat like what what what's going on there i'm saying it okay so let's do let's do haitian... Read more

Trump is FRIGHTENED by a 3rd Debate | Hasanabi Reacts thumbnail
Trump is FRIGHTENED by a 3rd Debate | Hasanabi Reacts

Category: Entertainment

It's crazy to me that the idea that that the abc debate was actually not neutral and they were very pro comm haris is like kind of stupid cu it's like yeah one side was just regularly lying i'm saying it all right but let's get to it donald trump says he is a coward okay donald trump says he's a little... Read more

Trump ate all the baits #hasanabi #hasanpiker #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate thumbnail
Trump ate all the baits #hasanabi #hasanpiker #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate

Category: Entertainment

Trump is definitely not going to do another debate he got fing clobbered dude he got dookie on and just like joe biden actually he kind of did it to himself like kla harris did a really good job baiting donald trump but donald trump did not have to eat the bait he could have like presented himself as... Read more

Not everyone inherited $400M #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate thumbnail
Not everyone inherited $400M #trump #harris #kamalaharris #debate

Category: Entertainment

To the importance of home ownership knowing not everybody got handed $400 million on a silver platter and then filed bankruptcy six times is a value that i bring to my work to say we are going to work with the private sector and home builders to increase three million homes increased by three million... Read more